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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1869)
US S3 A. . w- "V w w w W w w w -w -w - -w "ww -w w J. S. CHUUCXT, rdltar. Til L 11$ DAY, SEPTEMRER i. an c r?"'"i r. '.-- r r, Nemafca County UepnMIcan Ticket. FnrT! -i i a. rn.W. F'-:'VTI ' VAN I': T.NVEU. f-r..n:r .-. I.e. M-ITuX. f'-r ". Tr irr S. P. TITTI.K. t v. ,-. V. i AT; A It . -: ForCor uulr s. XT. yir.X. !JoImcn Conntj Repnbllcan Ticket. li. IT.YANT. Wt'I.F- :!. .A'M.Mi'NLAP. Tor s-s-winurArr.' Yl n. Zrd Ia.tncUA?r tRFW O "Ok. ForCorwLr , V W. OliA V. There 13 to te a trotting match in Nebraska City cn the 1th of CXiober, for a purse of $K3. Three fast bonees will compete for the purse. . ' The Republicans of Jefferson and Cage Counties, hold a joint conven tion at Beatrice on the4lh of Octotr, to nominate a Representative in place of the Hon. Nathan Blakely resigned. ilany friend from Richardson and John?n Counties called cjon us this we-ek. Among the number was the Hon. E. E. Cunningham, of Rich-ariL-c-n, and W. II. Dancy, Alex. Riv ens and C. Woodley, cf Johnson. We made the acqnaintanee last week of . A- Fulton, the nominee for Sen . ator for the Third District. He has the tppearance of a gentleman and a sc holar of ref.ned tates and unexcep tionable hibits. He is ia the practice of law at Falls City. The A rri cultural Department have information from which they deduce the fact that the corn crop in the . Utited States this year is short one hundred and fifty million bushels. 1 this be tree corn must rule higher before another harvest. Robert Tea re showed us a large Feedling p?ar last Monday morning. measTirirr eleven inche around. 11 i? cow cn exhibition at the State Fair. It is the largest specimen pear we ever savr. years old. It grew cn a tree but three The friends of A. P. Cogswell, pre sented his came fr Senator ai oar last Convention, without any expec tation cn his part that any thing cf the tin as thought of. This much is due to him to mention, as he made no effort to secure the rumination. The corner stone of the M. E. Church at Blue Spring will be laid with the accu-doBied ceremonies October Tth, at 11 a. M. The Pre-iding El ler, T. 15. Ixmcn, officiating, assisted ly Revs. W. A. Preston, G. A. Alexan der tnd G. W. EI wood. All are cor dially invited to attend by the pastor, H. P. Jdann. The London people have sent in a very reasonable request, which should by all means be conceded in them, thy want John W. Wait elected a Justice of the Peace, ar.d James Rob inson as Constable Two very good farmers. The wants of the neighbor hood requires thai these officers be located at London, and we venture that there will not be the least oposi tion to their wishes in this respect. J&hn Bennett shipped from Brown ville to SL Loui3 sixty bogs which weighed 13,003, tnd Fold for 10 cents per pound gross in SL Louis, or which is the same thing as nine cents in Brownville total, $LC2r). This is the correct policy for selling corn, and every farmer should investigate the matter, and when they do po we be ' lleve they will feed more c&tJe and hog,' and sell less corn In the ear, And make more money. The first frost of the season occurred cn lat Sunday night. It was light Ju-t sufficient to nip the blade with out effecting the stalk. It could do no harm in this latitude, as corn was " Inside harm's way. Grass has been checked. Frrmers will have to finish haying soon. The weal her has thus far been wet and unfavorable. Much hay has been cut and spoiled before it could be secured. Farm work in this department has been rendered late for this reason. We have Just received the Omaha J2jsifcican Annual Poster for 1ST0. The I2ciruWiran is issued daily, tri weekly and weekly. It is now the very best daily exchange we receive, . au 1 we are pleased to I earn that sever al cop ies are now taken In this city. "Tt arrives here the same day printed, clout 3 o'cWk. Our patrons who de- sire a daily paper, should by all means fend for the Daily I2jnJilifyin: There may be other dalie published in Oma ". ba, if so we are cot "exchangeablj" 4 advised of the names or proprietors. The Democratic County Ticket for Nemaha County was sent in for pub lication ju?t after the matter for this issue was all on the hook. It will ap pear in our next not, however, until after the Republicans who have been placed thereon, without their knowl edge or cor.-sent, shall have time to protest against thi' ue of their names. c We cannot be ru.-i.Ie a party to thus woutonly darLuage any man's charac ter, and mere especially these of our friends. If any Reiiubliean craves the stigma and damaging notoriety to le mxived by consorting with Dem ocrats, the chance is freely offered, at ct-.onp rates. Thev orlr want the paying positions, while tmsc without P--t b-oluinr Republicans can take if they M ill. lKfeiit, dishonor and di? rraee are sure to follow in the foot !cps of those, if any there be, who "y give M ay to the empty honors cf ''u'.udlc positions. We throw to the Lreere the strong est county ticket this week, ever set afloat in Nemaha County. There i? not msn on the ticket. There i not a man on the ticket t-ut that exists to j -erf-inn the 3 .ues o nally. the ofi'.c-e, wlit n elec-te-J, person There was a fu'l KI:s.?a present st the 0'-:str Convention from eaih precinct, of the l-e?t men in the coun ty. All were desirous of '.Iin es;h pocrition with the Lest men, and to that enJ worked manfully, earnestly, unaersunoinzi The convention passed off with out a murniur of uu-f-imes-s or a particle cf illfeelin?. Each cant! Ma.: aae forward a3 his name "was anno'jnceti, j-3:-?ei himself to aMie the action of the convention, whether he Le the nomi nee or rx-L For many of the ofSces there could be but little choice Utween several cf of the caciidates. In fact, there were none before the convention Lut that could fill the petition they sought for nith credit to themselves and profit to the people. Now that the nominees are l-cfcfre us, it remains for each individual Re publican to support then and to work earnestly for their election. They represent the Republican element of the party. The patronage which they will control when elected wi" go to those who are working in the same cane. Now, if Republican principles and their policy are correct, let us see them carried oat in the election of the? candidates1. No one wishes to perpetuate a wrorg idea, which they purely will do if one of these candi dates should be defeated. Iit was right to put down the rebel lion, to suppress insurrection, to per petuate this Government then it surely inut be rizht to support tboe men for c See who believe in exacting the letter of the law in this direction. Let every Republican do his duty, and then Nemaha county will still retain the enviable tltie she so proud ly wears, of being the banner Re publican county of the State ; but let her waver at this election. Let us lose but one of our present nominees at. the polL at thia coming election, and we lose the preslajre now accor ded to us. We need the backing that a straight and full Republican "vote will give us. The leading men of the county are frequently placed in positions in soci ety, and in the State where a strong majority will give them weight which in many instances is largely beneficial to the interests of our county. For the priie yoa have in your public men ; for the deep interest yoa Live In the triumph of Republicans ; for the future good of Nemaha county; for your individual interests, we plead that yoa work earnestly for the suc cess of the whole ticket from this time till sunset of Tuesday, October 12th. We present our readers this week with the Johnscf County Republican Ticket. We are personally acquainted with most of the nominees, and be lieve them to be gentlemen, well ca pable of executing in a satisfactory 'manner the trusts about to be imposed in their keeping for the years IST0-71. As long as Republicans nominate good and honest men for office from &mong the peopIe, just so long may tkey expect to be continued in power. This Johnson County has done. Men of temperate habits, prudent judg ment, of honest purpose, are safe in any position in life. So thinks John son County, and so think we alL The Republicans of Gage County have nominated the following county ticket: For County Commissioner, S. M. Hazen ; for Probate Judge, C. A. Pease; for Sheriff, Daniel Free man: lor Coroner. B. P. Chandler: for Treasurer, II. P. Neb; for County Clerk, D. E. Marsh; for Surveyor, Alfred Gale ; for Assessor, S- E. Tib- bets! for County Superintendent, L. P. Filley. At the sale of State lots and lands at Lincoln on Thursday and Friday last, two hundred and twenty lots were told for an aggregate of $33,o30. Up to Friday evening $-3,07) were real ized from the sale of lands. District 8. S. Convention. Programme of the District Sunday School Convention, to be held at the M. E. Church, Brownville, Nebraska, commencing u ednesday evening Oc tober 12th, 1SG3. WEDXESEAY EVXXTXG SESSION. 1st, Singing by the Choir. 2d, Reading the Scripture and Prayer. Srd, Singing by the Choir. 4th, Address of Welcome, by Rev. D. H. May. 5th, Election of officers. 6th, Singing by the Choir. Tth, Discussion. Question Are Pic Nics profitable to Sabbath Schools? Leaders in debate, Rev. Geo. S. Alex ander; Negative, Rev. D. Hart. Tire BS DAY 5I0F.XIXO SESSION. 1st, Opening Exercises. . 2d, Reading of the minutes Re port of S. S. Delegates. Sd, Eay. Model S. S. Superin tendent; Rev. Britt, London. 4th, Bible class; Model illustrations; J. M. McKeuzie. Sih, Singing by the Choir. Cth, Discussion; Topic; How shall we besi secure the conversion of S. S. children? Leaders; Rev. M. Prichard, Dr. Blackburn. Tth, Singing by the Choir. AFTEBXOOX SKFIOX, CHILirSEXS Mfktixg. 1st, Opening exercises. 2nd, Singing by the Children. 3rd. Model infant class, conducted by E. E. Ebright, 4th, Essay on Infant class teach ing; by Rev. W. A. Presson. 5th, Singing by the children. Cth, Blr.kbor.rd exerciser. Tth, Discussion, by J. W. Black burn; Question Is the Normal S. School course aipted to the W-st? Leader?; Rev." A. J Swartz, Ru le Dai ly. fcth; Question Drawer; Rev. Gep. Alexander. - Gtb KTEXXXO SESSIOX. Sermon ky Iter. T. B. Lemmon. Each Sunday School is intitled to two delegates. All ministers in the District are members of the convention. Ex-ofH- cx r? are cordially invited to attend, j All De legates and Ministers propo sing to attend will p lease ad udres; , i. E. El right, who wiii make provision for their entertainment. that each Sabbath Sehool will not fil to send delegates with repcjrt embracir.g the following Hems: Number of Seiioiars. OfScers & Tethers. V du in e-s in Lit rarv. " Cnverions post vear D. Hart. J. McKexzte. Ac-L Com. GREAT FLOOD Olt THE LIITLE BLUE. r?I2IE.SE D E.VT R I" CTI O ?I OF riiOPCIITT. Four FIariag Mill Swept Awty Hoet, Cattle aid Sneep irwd Wheat aid Hay Mack Carried oX. The LUScLtue published at Jenkins' Mills, Jeiferson County, has j us been received, containing the particulars of the great flood that visited the Blue river countrv three weeks pgo, mere rumors of which only have reached us up to this time. We transfer the Liii'e Etui account in part to our columns. "Friday evening; Sept. SJ, this vi cinity was visited by the heaviest rain of the season.- The rain coinmeaced filling about T pi. ixtf, and came down in torrents all night, deluging the earth with water. It rainc-d more or less all day Satur day, but the river did not rise but lit tle. Sunday morning, the water com menced raising, about 0 a. m. W. R. Sr., and S. F. Jenkins, came down the river, and repxrted the bottom covered with water, and that it was corning down in rolls. We hatl to wait but a few moments to see it com ing down in a body about four feet high, and sweeping everything before it. Every man on the ground pdung ei into the water to save the lumber and iegs about the Mill, but it was all cf no avail almct everything was carried away, and the water stood fif teen feet higher than it was ever before known. Wheat i Lacks were swept past like lightning. Haystacks were torn and scattered ovtr the waters. Houses that were supposed tote high and dry werecovered with water; out buildings were carried away with their conten ts men, women and chilerea barely made their escape. Cattle, hojrs, sheep and poultry were drowned. In fact, everything either drowned or carried away. Crops on nearly all the tributaries of the Little Blue were destroyed. Rose creek was swept clean of everything. Watt's Flouring Mill ou that creek was carried off, and is a tc tal loss.- We have not learned its estimated value, bat its loss to that section is great. The town of Free port on the oppo site side of the river from this place. was coverea witn water to the depth cf eight and ten feet. The wagons, buggies, harness, haystacks, and in fact everything might be seen wend ing their way St. Louis-ward. Mr. Jas. Frazier's loss cannot be less than i'lr while many other citizens were heavy lost rs. We have not been able to ascertain the amount. We cannot give the loss of all, as it is impossible for us to get about to see. We will orJ v give a few of the heavi est. D. C. Jenkins lost his entire crop; estimated at least $lt). His loss at the mill in damage done to the dam, levee and machinery, is at the least calculation, ). The water was so high that it covered Front street from end to end, but did net get into 2ny of the houses in front of the kiln. It washed the street out eight feet deep. This was the onlj- place it done any damage. The levee on the south side cf the river Is gone, and a channel cut threu:?h from above the dam that will cost $y) or $iyy) to repair. The school house on the bottom above town, standing, as we supposed five feet above high water mask, was half covered with water. The LitUe Blue office was complete ly surrounded by -water, and we came to the conclusion that if the water rose much higher, we would have to dis pense with this number of our paper, but no damage was done to the ofiice. The losses of property within three miles of this place is estimated at $75, OOOand the loss in this vicinity is light, compared with some others. This flood has been to this new country a great damage. Plenty of everything has been raised, more than would be consumed but it has been swept away, and the faunaer to-day looks on empty fields and graneries. " We feel satisfied that we do not over-estimate the losses on the Little Blue and its tributaries, when we put it at $1,CX),0X). As near as we can ascertain from our own figures and those made by others, there was eleven and three quarter inches of water fell during last Friday 'night. It seemed to us that the heavens opened and poured one ceasless stream of water down upon the earth for nearly sixteen hours. Streams that were never known to have more than a foot of water in them, had ten to fifteen feet, an i wa ter could almost be seen standing on the hill-sides. Since the above was put in type, we ere informed that Weisel's Mill and daC at Meridian, in this county are both g"one. We have not yet learned the damage A gentleman in from Water ville tells us th it the Railroad Bridge across the Blue at Irvin, was reported washed awa;r. The bridge is said to be sixty feet above high water mark. There is no property loft, we are in formed, on Roe creek. This creek was thickly settled, and had !he best grain on it of any stream in Southern Nebraska, or Northern Kansas. NtKjx. No news from above yeL No travel up or down the river. We learn to-day from farmers who have 1-een to work among the stacks of wheat not washed away, that it is all spoiled, owing to the water working upward through them. Mr. John Mitchem, just la from above, reports Mark's Flouring Mill, on Rrse creek, gone. This takes the last Flouring Mill out of the country, making four mills gone. Parties just in from Rose creek say that a number of spans of horses were drowned Saturday night, and that the water stood by actual measurement S3 feet deep. Rose creek is a small stream and it wasiever before, since its settlement by white men, known, iu the biggest storms, to have risen more than ten feet. The Cabinet at Washington have determined to throw the iniiuenceand patronage of the administration in fa vor of Davis, the Radical candidate for Governor of Texas. They will ear nestly oppose Dent in Mississippi. A terriMe accident occurred at Ni agara Falls on Friday, a carriage with four ladies was precipitated down an euilaukment over fifty feet high. One of the ladies was killed, and another fatally injured. The party was from. Providence R. I. The alxscondingMontreal bank book keeper has been arrested at Buffalo. TELEGRAPHIC SUIHIABT. We have alarming reports from Spain. Popular disaffection and dis loyalty toward the present government exist everywhere. On the2jth insL an order having been issued to -disarm certain volunteer troops &t Barcelona, the latter resist ed; an engagement with the regulars ensued, resulting in the defeat of the former. The insurgents had 24 killed a large number wounded, and 70 ta ken prisoners, A broker named Culver, at St. Ca tharines, has absconded with funds of the amount of 23,1X) belonging to other people. Advices from St- Thomas are to the ISth. Three shock5 of an earthquake were felt on the 13th. Stores were closed and business suspended. There were no lives lost as far as known. General alarm prevailed. Advices from St, Domingo, to the fth, are to eifect that Balz had defeat ed the rebels who were besieging Azua. - Dr. C. F. Hall the arctic explorer has returned. II brings several rel ics of Sir John Franklin and party, and saw natives who were the last to look upon Lieutenant Crozier and his ir.en. He found the skeletons of many cf the party who had died from cold and starvation. A destructive fire occured yester day at Alleghany City, opposite Pitts burg. 1 he Hope Cotton MiiiS, were totally destroyed, entailing a loss of one hundred and fifty thousand dol lars, and throwing S0O men out cf work. Insurance one hundred fifteen thousand dollars, in Eastern com pa rues. The " Abend JZcifur.j" the leading German paper of Chicago, was seized on replevin writ at the instance of a candidate of the ring party. TheZei t:r,rj advocated the success of the peo ples ticket- The suspension will prob ably be temporary. Minnesota has been visited by a deluce of rain within the last month. The Ioss of wheat alone is estimated at 5.(K,0 bushels, while two-thirds of the last crop is worthless. The Democratic nominees of Min nesota are as follows; Governor Geo. L. Otis; Lieutenant Governor J. A. Wiswell, Secretary of State T. G. Fladelaid; Auditor L. A. Evans; At torney General Seasrrove Smith: Treaurer Casper Babreyeh; Clerk of Supreme Court . L. BradwelL There is a good deal of excitement in Virginia over the Senatorial ques tion. , A special to the New York Her ald says Alexander Sharp, brother-in-law to the President 13 brought for ward by the conservatives; and even some talk cf electing Horace Greely. On the 23d inst., seventy . masked me'n rode into Lancaster. Gerard coun ty, Ky., took a colored man from jail and hung him. A defalcation of $25,000 has been dis covered in the Exchtmge Bank, Prov idence R. I. The cashier has been arrested. The Secretaiy cf the Treasury has ordered the sale of $2.),000 of gold per week until November 1. This in addition to the amount heretofore or dered on the account of the sinking fund. The Mississippi election will com mence December 1. The Governor of Arkansas has is sued an order' directing the funding of all indebtedness of the State. The steamship "Trade Wind" was lost on thc24tb. Wm. Whist, ha? been appointed Reg istrar of the land office atBoonville, Mo. Prince Arthur and the Governor General of Canada visited Buffalo yes terday. Ihey drove about the city and lunched with ex-President Fill more. The Indiana State Fair opened yes terday. The colored citizens of Chicago have appointed two of their ablest repre sentatives to attend the coming Con stitutional Convention and insist up-, on the immediate removal of the dis sabilities under which they,as a class, now labor. The concert in aid of the Heme for destitute Catholic children at the Bos ton CoIIieum yesterday was attended by over30,0;J persons. There was a cfiorous of 40Q voices, with SO brass and 20 reed pieces. During the quarter ending June, 177,00) emigrants arrived on our shores showing a remarkable increase. Near ly O-jJ of the new comers were fe males. Dr. Hays Arctic Expedition has ar rived in safety at New Foundlaod, en tirely successful in every object. They report a British whaler lost in the middle ice; the boat was crushed, but the crew saved. , Another line of the ocean telegraph is projected between Englan and No va Scotia. The Spanish Government has re solved to compel the bishop to take the oath of adherence to the new Con stitution. - The Israelites of San Francisco hare organized an association to aid per sons of their faith in Europe, to immi grate to this country. Gov. Hoffman of New York, takes stronjr ground azainst repudiating the public debt, and advocates a system of rigid economy an the public expense. Jay Cook &, Co., made one million dollars duriuir the late Wall street ex citement. The "Bulls" insisted that Secretary Boutwell promised to help him. English speculators also had a hand in the gold war. Mr. Gates, a book keeper of the Bank of Montreal, at Hamilton, ab sconded on Friday with "yJ.OOO ob tained on certified checks. Late advices from Cuba are of a discouraging nature to the revolution ary cause. - Two Cuban Generals, it is reported, have been assassinated, and serious trouble is anticipated with the American elementin the Cuban army. Gold 2331(5 135. Weather cold in St. Louis Over coats comfortable. Louis Volk, of Chicago, has been awarded the premium for his design for the monument to Gen. Mcpherson. The ccst of the monument will be $20,000, of which $15,000 has already been raised. The internal revenue recepits yes terday were $403,257, total for the month $10,813,225. Robert Bonner denies that he has consented to allow .Dexter to trot for the benefit of the Avondale suffera. Robert nale, formerly Superintend ent of the Chicago, Alton and St- LoU!s Railroad, has beeu 'appointed Chief Engineer and Superintendent of the Itlissouri Pacific At the municipal election ia Nash ville yesterday, the Conservatives car ried everything. The Red Stocking Base Ball Club is at work ia California , and wins ev ery game. A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT HEAT STOVES JUST RECEIVED AT Sliollcnberger Bros., Jlr.In St. RO WX VILLE, XEB. tvHEKIFF. V &m MtVwhnl tA uimrao tSe rtm t XA- Sheriff at the etraai fig October eic-.on- COUXTY TKEAsrttirs. - Ts Vie Yaten f JTemaha Cbm'yz TbeCtoantj 025-- .re rojn it1 rmwur. Ikave K i r-d TTMiorte lrm s County Ttwhw, i. WMil! craiefuily rereive a r-Ve n in tr-,.r GEJ. W. BIdATTvX. SEW IDTEaTISEHESTS. OF BOOESI Parker and Tfats on a 7al lonal Readers. Parker and TTatson'a Natlenal Speller, 3ionteitn and 3IcXaIljs Geog raphies, Daries' Arithmetic, DaTles' Illgber 31atiieniatics, Clark's Grammars, 3IoutIetIi-a School 32aps, la 8 An ambers. Cheapest and Best ! Tbese books are fart going Into oar School. Teacbers regard item as . THE BEST PUBLISHED! Send for DescrlptlTe Catalogue and Circular. Address A. S. BAHI7E3 iz, CO., Ill State St., Chicago. GEO. B. MOORE, STATE AGENT, XJrowniriI3e, Neb. 3Wm ' ElfETIOil HE! XTOTICE is hereby given, that on x Tuestiar tne iaa oar or .rtoter. a. u. 13. at lb anal piare of v4,n-! th-wml Pre canct in NemaiatVinty,rtr-k. aSpwisl Yirts tk'tt riu be beid fcr tne election vt tbe i;..: Kiwi 05 OSE SENATOR, for the 2d Ditrlet, to nil Miner. O.VE SESATOU, for tUe 3d DUtrlet, tm fill Vaeaiicy. " 05E REPRESENTATIVE, for the CKatTf to till Vacancy. Which eJertkm win be oned at o'e!ork In the monuac. m1 mans o;x-n 01: til sociocx in Ue anernoon 0 ue em oay. 15t order of theGovfnor, SptsV-rli I'wa. JAMES M. HACKER, Proposal? for Grain. UKASQrAKTEXJI TlTTA ITM F.TT or THI PLATTfc, uuer QrtiTFmt.Ttt 9 orrin, OitkHA, iSrpiembe Ml, laflSk CEALED Bids, in duplicate, with O sruarunt nfnH hy tiro rTxnjtihIe rwr- ties, not btdderx, wrlJ be received at itia oroe. nn:u 19 o clock a. oa Koodar, October IIUl, IMO, for the delivery of TVatity tbooiaad 3.anm bwbfh mf Com, Tveotr tbooaad (33A buabois of Oats, at Omaha. JCebearka. IeiiTerT to cuinmence cpoo tre award or eon- tract, ana to mcoidummi r;:t)n i.'nrtr aays Uiere- fcji will be reeeiTed ftw any quantity not lr than tcree tfcnsri nurieJ ieparale bxls nu$t be msiie Tor the Corn and Oats. BiaTjk bid; raa be fa-wl at this c-rTice. Vu'.l eocxiitions of cc.Dtrstct Diadekooini oa ap- pivuion at lnr onxf. By order of Bv't iaj-Gen. AiiirL-r. WM. MYKP.. THE MARKETS. CLOTIIIXG MARKET. Corrected weekly for the A'Jverti-er by 3TATDBY GOOUSACXOTIIXNG RB IVIJITOK Tt 2CarI:et tM3 week ebo-xrs a DECLINE! Bn5ne CVt from Wt Bus: neK K-iil. K fas: it. ere. tfm Sfc5jjr. VM. fv-ni . rtv to 2 CS. Overvbirv. froru 7- cm. to ?S. Coderiin. Ox to 75 ctn. U. (Z. DRV GOODS MARKET. Correcled weekly for the Advertiser by MAY'S VR V GOOLS fc CtOTlI IG E;CXATOR CI5y. hgUz. Mnisn. l--zC3 17. Blea-h-1. l -.x2n. &vn Leiiu. 2c All Wool Ieljune. Cr. Balmoral Skirls, f 1 7j t i SO. SPECIAL NOTICES. Wari f Wi4ni tt.r ywnc men. on the Baling; Hnssuon io Vouin and. tarly Manhood, with SELF HELPfortbe Krrin and an.'crtunale. Sent in iMled leturr enveto-. frveof eiiarre. A4.1rws. HOWARi ASWX.1ATlU5t iiox P. PhUadti-iiia, Pa. DK, WHl'lTlXaU, 4 REGULAR GRADUATE OF 1 M EDICIXE, a diploma at OJEee wUl show, fax been Kncer nifpd ia the tmtmeat of Vkseual. SurAi and ParvATK lnKJLa than any 4her pisy.jrifia ?n NL Ixa. Sri'hilj, jr'irTlu'I I i'.frU J-srictTirf , CTChitti?. Kemia. aid F.'Jplure: xii urisrr and Fyphilit' or Merrrial AJYl!rt.'i f Thnat, bkin or iioa, are mated irrli irr.;araieiK-a pennatarrfaea. Sexnal rebti!:ty and Imp teocy. as tee f.'.l vt elf iha in ywuth. sein ai exs innfcfryrirvir tti-r !-. and whKk prtxtic r-tmf rf iitr- f,t: jnir.e f-.-cv. as octcrnal KmisNirtw. feiutrhe-v 6et:!Tiy. ditzi ima, diaiiieas of s-jrt t. d u 'ui' n of kW-jc-s evil ffirebodine. itwo u ocery of fenvi. Km of menajry and wxiwi pei er. arii reirienns mm rra r-roj-rf-. ar; rrraanenlly cured. The lXieirtr'8 oprx-nusiit.ies in hi)'ral and pnvaie practice are bhj r7as-d in 54. Loai r any other ei.-y. K.ick f.ifii cf .-l. Louis papers prove that he has irn lsj(-t Ler? i-ncr tbao any other an a4veriirs.i5. Tne etbiS.hmeEi, library, lainntory od appointicetjK. are cn nva.11 iit t?.e west. irj: ru) anyni-rtere. Are. wiih exoerienoe. cn be rujei 1 ioi tijv Stcu-r can r-ufer to nuir-X phrsK-Tams t rirruca out trie coooiry. - I a pal si.-'-.-v-ss a: J ptvsKtA position he stands wrtbinit acvrcpelir. , The Writ tax ef a Pyitiria wkow rev tatiaa fc t bioo-m Hr ahai4 a-e vrarth read Irs. IXxto WBTTr'.ni pablhes a Heditnl rrmj W reiatinz Ut Tewreal disea nd the tmo and varied oon.ajaeace of e'.f-icse that wUl be seat U aar addres in a cnaled envelope f. t two stamps, itany pbyssrians irtrciace Ur:iv v the dsjejr "r reading his medcnl paxcpiiiet. 0mmojijCiLKri5 oni".iiT,Tiai. A Irirni:v UaIS will cuMtoa it.shir. Oi' (ci traL ye"; rrtr-1 N. tl7 ttju-ies meet. s-t. Louis. it iiocra Stan. Ut p ni. : vg 12 XaZpjm. 22-y u -3 1 7 S5 5 fzTTf. L a H 3" 3 c 5 L q td ED w e ? 9 r In 3 BLANKS cf all kind, constantly on fcand, at the Advertiser Job Oilier. just o: AT J. S. HETZEL'S One Price Hew York CLOTHING No. 70 3Ialn Street, BROWNVILLE, NEB., One of the largest, best assorted and fi nest stocks of Men and Boy s GLOTHTTTG, FUBIIISnillO GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES, Trunks, Valises, fyc.Sfc. EVER OPEXED IN THE "WEST!! These goods irere selected by himself in New York, for this market, and are un doubtedly the most reliable goods of the kind ever offered in this or any other mar ket. Mr. Hetzel's ex perience in this busi ness over 15 years enables Mm to select his goods with more judgement, for good material and make, than the great major ity of dealers in Cloth- ins:. These goods have all been purchased for Cash, at a very low margin, and enables him to sell them very Low for Cash. Few persons once dealing with Hetzel but will always deal there, because his deal ings are fair and above board. He has 'but One Price. J.S,HETZEL'S OITE PHICS New York Clothing House NO. IO 32aln Street, nroicnville, mVcbrnska. IMS, CAPS, ic Great Ucxefactor. J V HOME VAHISHIG iU WARRANTED THE BEST - WASHER EXTANT! And the mrr Ifartiiae thxt wabe tiKtroarily a3 kirvt at &br.kvfrtrjeitciM3e(toUec4Ai-9et WILL- WASH FIVE HUNDRED COLLARS AND FIFTY SHIRTS IN ONE HOUR. A day's whin? reduced to ooe bocr. Ptate aed Ct'Mty EJrtts tut saltiid far Clrcuiar. Addrea Home 31aanfaclarln-r Co. P KlirVA, CUPTLES, Pre. JOS. B. "WILDE, XC T- 818 N. FoarU Slrtet and 31 Erotvlway, ST, LOUIS, MO. Snellenberser Cro's, AGENTS, 7-Sm BrownrfT!. ?Crakv Annual Statement or THE l!DT!IllFEii!Sil!!CE COMPANY ron 1S53 COXTAI"3 tex roLLOWtxa NOTICEABLE FEATURES jmrcs3xss or tut tzas.- Xamber of Pt "cis iannaed. Amoant iscaed lhereoa 17,334 S3ri 12,233 CASS EICZZP7S FOR TJTZ YEAS: Amocnt Of wisxi the Interest ca Lnve 1,701 7i AXOTTXT PAID rOS CLAZZCS B T ISA TIT Waa 81,U3,63 99 IXTTHZT ZECZl VXD Wia more than t.5'',, :i t" Tie CTa!n. CASS DITJLiXZKS TO tathelargaaoa. oC S 263r991 17 ThJa Is More than twie ma acarb a waa paid fcy any other Life Cctiipaay ia tie W-r'i, a appean by tba odrtal retcma. Tb a-3-antre erJoywI by tb poiicy -holders !s Lis CViiipafiy over tboae ia any other, cwu utA he UrUc-r txeispllad. 7 nr. szc rziTT ot eredto j.-:y-fco!JeT is fc.ta tberfcar- eier zj thinn frin lie a.-;t.Jt.t cf the Ccro pany's A -i-t. Thee irK-l jl;- I.-jTaeata oa Bood fc'i J yivrtKc-e cjon prcjierry wrrth in fery z-e than --wiiJe tie azuoact Vja.v J 1 . i.-i 33T iiorerr tr. vn 1 : -t .0X5.1 OS 7 i EealErti!.? ' fl 5107 OS Cih !f "j&ted Baslu and Tru:-: Qo'9 . rjr .rrv or n?z coypaxy IncU::i na I"rrr.ijU!n N-Jic5'. a the huj r eT kha Ct-rr;iiy is cooductad cj-ja an ezciiaTeiy eaai ASSETS, eS5,GC0,0CD cash: GZyjZJZAL AGESTS TOR THE WIST, ST. LOUIS, MO. JARVI5 a CHURCH, Local Agent, : : : BrownrVle. s-tf TILE nE.lSO.WZTSi VTere Sold in the Tear IS Z 8 NOT ONE HAS EVER FAILED to srvK Sntirs Ss.tisiiiction TES PEHl-ECT OFERATIOX OF EVXHT CHAETEH OAK STOVE FULLY GUARANTEED, its iunn Ksowjt THEY STAND UNRIVALLED for Fxrr. fi'k irH.-.r.:i.TTT. a&u ojsvi:t:"cs. YVr m-T!''-- r-f f .xtrsit ALU kii .o..,..iga m v 4 mo. TheyareKomelnsliiulions Xaaafartured In the Tf a4 aiap&d to Um ub of Western SoTitliernPeopIs Rarefy do ro"! t-: teepee ran afford WbearihutuBC rra rs.n n mi, ttczsv tXtGlibl UiCiiuMaUiilliiJ LOi Cli ill! N. 3X.1IN STECT, ST. LOUIS, MO. f- BY r.r.f--r:Li.r. xkix You Carpenter, Farmer, MERCHANT, ara! T-ryNijr el-? t'.: want t lay W. RANDOL. at rem. will ' kep on haul a fu:i supplx of JCo. t Crrtr!w1 wi-k--t t.e w: I e'a chrap K-c f'!. or w;.i tra-te Jr (ct.-k orrr:a. Alt rn IVr-i. yt. j pLOTHING! CLOTHING ! ! Cheap U at HET7.EL"S COWET. SUITS, for Men ami Rovs, ULTZEL KJ at - N V-v . , -1- .--. y V v.' rt ireN r, : s PSanrptc Kat Is:rvrt n- . i. '3-1- N-rfT. -T. A. Li. .14 y.'-rm- k..t ir irt( Mart it j-i.. -r-. .4 u r - - - . w 3 ai J-M t m a.--1 h" rrw-t -,Trw'-i- a1 tiir-J s rr, fJi f 'ar. vrr Li ,J . Wat i-zgal rencrs. trail. XOTICE. N0!-111.': h-fh7 &tti that ,t, Tlirva me i n'o.:- v x,rt SrTLm vr.rr. s jr.ase r;Q. w.rzA i--f Sf. (. Ar A.. I), lt .at ti.- , . '-:-?Ttt ar ite iK f 1 -T a. v;. y. k ,k w, Sa Wait. Ail urrirj ESTATE OF WL S. Kf rw TtTIPT" 5. v 1 A. 1 I A uww-il v er A irr . ccemt : awl tAal lie a rn J. " w-sy. x.--u. UL'M 1 B,.r., i. ' to t-M a-n a fKTnur " --- a ue al 1 , ,',.'1f4. Brwav. in a d r-rrj. . r. rf-"a a isT. aL.'I t-e it nmrr zatt-. Vnuj ITevt,; A. vi . X ?:-;at v- JrTICEsi OTirr Aiiirew J. Ei::er, ) Ianii W. JTacMn. ( Jo tm2 irf re II. 2. ,,; r rrrji. nn it t nh 1 f lmZ f- t Pa. -- iu mr J. C JOXE ADVrKTl-rG icrxrr OXAHA. yZ2?iA. ' PIUVATS Medical D is?) ens an; rntrance oa 13:a SirtttL OJIAHA, NEBR.VSKA. Permanent Tnsti xutioa Eatai!Le4 txci aaireCy fcc U. treats. ewrf PBIYATE DISEASES In a'? tierrerert Cc wm.-ti Tia yer ei7rTre ia rar of mr. rm-jtk1 I- . pTir-ijcjk. &ik lz fi ev r rr ; f. tfo: uii v ir.s.r fr-'Si ixxf r tr-a-4 ."af Tt ereai r-c; L :t t. fpr J rr-ai ii-r; to "iC c;.j3 k craJl-a. aaj a wu4. tail---! i'.r i.r-.; j-LiTy ? : -r:. Ir.r tie at c.ooe -prx iT'r ecrj hi-?' r t& rarjci Ixfl n- -rT:v. V..e ha.: r-lw ad tf.e :.--..-: :;ai ml a-ctal tari.: a-t "s 2r.-rc-Bry ci. w tv rnr-i latisuw.; tijvel. rt! t.y j S p r aa a t orr b ar a, Seailaal cxrei ty a wrr o4 rf't-il trrr-jru C&--Xjoo free, aadatj-ict.y OL-aii-a-. TO THE LADIES . The rncwnr:a tne That fc. -Seroeej his peil atterjT)', V, a.'l of Frm.iM wwi K rm( iw-r, Vvr the fr'rfraru f 3 ire-!. ran rta.r -.: ; nt at tbe r-r w Hnr.rr a eur to It. -t BrI Owiata. Nekrasca. eri;n the pee VU. ra a tria:a erxxlkunn 3oe.4 tce t- nvcm a rt i r" r pr-wsae" t,'wvT'jf. fcr a r-oimr to "Varrvr.i Ia t .t. v t ' h r-nu-a ! '"'! v w te jrrrt -f a r rj-. -'e hr fr-ra 7 a. m t . m Mnlsn sa J. II. SHOOK & RRO M.inrrA.'t"irer an I Ters:a X:ive Lc-xr of all fcirivls, WnziL, trci-.:.'. and A T HILLSDALE rmiAiiA coumr, zhsraska. They own mn or. t-v.e t. saw L1A In the .Lare, and wili Jam:-fi XECII.IXXCS AD nriLDERS with a M:i f.f LnmNi-r r.t snori nciC.iJ the Lu?: Mirtrt ir..t. Lath and PicL-ets Alwars on han 1 f v a. They aIo el! rhp at their rra J1! H."I !. jj gtple 1 ry t 1 Orw.,rr. a--:, 'ic a r.r in r-r.i cse. Rein-aitjr Ue txisujes te 10- a, an pjar. i-:y Pern Xivcry St"blc CHARLES GEAPE, Vll I Li ml m or Stock. Horses Boc-tt, Sail, mr trciAai. Stotk Eonrdtdby thr Lry or KefL XV PTAP.LFS are.vedwt:i gvtd H01 iar. l'-ru whi-,c fTBTenscf u o K tjno J t Netsaiia Laa- Iwancs caa i an."" lict. The Peru c!i Bro-KTiTilJe Ccaci pty Stable erei-r axw-r j-r at J 9'rVrt A M. I A-v.i cht p-irtjLr t na'" ' Vr lel il iSuujMn w" be W '- " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Tar Xhsesaea cf tha Ttroaj tad IazX &od x-- - i L- PrrtT uerer before ia tbe wV fc s tsek-re. Las as Tttoax woa a wvietr ai spea tbe coot ienee of aver a m er reTaedj for pu;r2-arr7'eTrr,:'l.i. TVi9J rsw-n has nsea birtwr ai barber ia Ux boa. as U Las Nrvcve U et i-wa- 13 cVirvtcr &i pew W car - earwei a-er o ibe hir asi iroai. tr iu :t LaI r-wrrtr na. t Om. W"V a.i? C:'. ier force of u.?ae aa j rwtf chr. at mat Esse lae wm eJocUial rvor'j f erua iZcclx vf u Uit&aI aid ! itr. 1 j Tia l4TA-Rt Mtdaea ailr cf frw; b kept on tiad r every Iicu!T, aJ ed j" i rjtiri'iit - s .'.-e fcr tar . inaptiM P" . i : . -. . v f - ke O eac tefcfceJ xlcl. tVTs ccr?-. '-T arnl paiett rrce4 to ounJ brt- rr Cherry J'mmrmi, S COffifiet M orer u- Lordr of U: L;." a4 Tiro ti BKtiuie of Jxa iJ u Vk.i inz eL-e eowi rej tsr 'Jje C1T Brl ttey e-wJ xr t .spr. Ai9r sMrf 2asii jAer iai J ? A'p u tlicrrs reeTel aaJ o'un -' eareaby iU Cherry ta snyLi xad frrq1 7aeI So retHTiT zrc 3; titibs tnowa TXX pu Lit yi ert.-iea of Ujeaa i-er- . Ayer's Ague Cure, Cri..I jPrr. JuannJict and X2.del ail I a .1 . - Al its nasM hrTT. !t k Cr. J . ra. Cos ti.a rr r ?-r Are-uc, j J. Z.-3T, or aar ow- ro.nenJ r potoo whaiercr. it' a owt in-nre aar pai BHraler an 1 KDTortsc of a rsre ta v. - rrv-t. are L:er;r hfrr1 Jfrart, TLi-jrJ i;Dt:t a r&nCIel n O hj-try c-f Apf Oar rrxle lb tj tie a. tart- reeciTe ef tie rii.-aJ rare eerte-t .' cs, a r-i where cJer reaie!- tJ S-l' ia. lisrri.m rroea, -Cier rr!-1 'ji ?re tfrtH tikirr ue rr TJSr . For rirer- rxiar. arTrr JjTjS of tie Liver, it aa exrewrt reattT . - tiie Lirer into rea::wT' acur rr. , n,! Tcr F"yts D.x- ier xjk! LreeTO T aa evrr-.tit rearir. pnUwce "v-j -, B5i1rshle etrr, wtfer ecr " PTriweJ tr PS. 4. C. ATX? A -- and AMlrtiril 0em5ts, LcweS, Mi"" all rocad th wwl i. rHIC, flJPO TEX JfOTTLX- Sc.: J ty T CITY DRUG :rORE. 13 TRLMvc.. ALI?, 7lx A v-.-let.r. ! AND H0KS-K t's VMX7S AN 1J M iric I. ut a Ird Bar tp-t ,r t.e Art ZT 'JZ 7 Art 1-1 J..-rr m .. ?"rV- a T . . , ' - w 'IB 1 aJ ! ! r. Ca 'Iay tnej i;t - ar t ii