K ! r :"i v.. !--:'j:tq:: . h ! CHUECH, COLHAPP & CO., ' rnbliidiers and Proprlctora. 0(Bfe-N. IcrhenoB Block, ap Stair. ADVERTISING KATE.". n.,,inre. linP r 1' first insertion-kV-i) n'jwiueiit insertion..... r,! !; v" 1"es or lc! Xrh thliuoriul I:u Htr notices, tuch head 5 1 a cXnn.K, moiuteiViiiT mouths W J r. iinin. on ear J foi.iuiii.Kixr.KM.tiis..; tnrce months.....-; 3U W ', 1 1 ri--ygiBga 21 I s ATTORNEYS. J. W. NEWMAN, ATTOltNKV AT LAW, nffiw with Juii,'e Morgan ia the Court 1 imive, Bro.iii'iir: ' vW KBKNfff. V, TiBOTIKHS. ICkY KUENCTT T?Of!FKS, ,TTntt'EYS A- ( OrXSKLOKS AT Lltt. . JIT 1" ,,.',. jn Court lltue JUiildiUK. ..-mi p'v-d l;.'eiit nitcntion to any l-i;al business ' 7.l,til t. ll.f.r care. I 3in inu"- - t i Tir.T.ox. . mrr Counfcelor at Law, n General Land Afernt, ' TTiim-wh. Johnson County, Xebrnka. t v Tirvvm.Tis N iiiirnrr nd Contiselor at Law, '.T imM ft .t HKOADY. i.friat Law Solicit r In Chancery, " 1 v,icc ui District Court Kooiru wm. Mclennan, , '..fr and Counselor at Lw, A " tlritska City, Nebraska. ' ! at 'Law and Land Agents, t 11 1 1 " W FTT ' itlrnry a"d Couswlor at Law, ottlre-N . . 70 Mcl'li-rsii Llock, up stairs. , ' s. m. itim, ittoraer Law and Land Agent. Ofl'-e in t)vrt House, first door, west side. Attorney and Connwlo'r at Law, T 1.' Pl'l'l'TVS nyi: )i I'M rii iu;y, iTTOltM'.VS AT LAW, in City, rnwnrf tki.. U V. K. (iKKiC.S, IttArnry at Law fc Heal Ltate Agent, l-;itri-'-. Hivif County. N braskii. PHYSICIANS. K COWLF-S M. 1 HowtopatliJc Physician, Surgeon and obkletrlclan. ' i tralii:ite 'f Clevi-lMiid CUei;. Office t Hmi Mniii Ktrwl. hrst l(M1r.'iul ol JtHrt'le oi ks "H-Tul'Mll. nlioiitivtii to ULseaw of omen and innlriii. V. II. KIMI'.V.m.TN. M.T WITiriAN AXDSUKJEO.N to mb. EVK AM iiAU 1XFIU3IAUY. nrFH i:nvrr l-t tJllio. orf - 1I-icj a.m. to 6 r.u. U. - TJiriUMAN, niYIt'IAX AM) Si 13F.(), nm-,, si Main Sint'l.oii d.xjr west or Jon- terV-tm J'"ce llou lrom tU n ,",. )ln 4 p. Til. H. I- MATHEWS, PHYSICIAN AM) HIKOEON. oilue No.l Main Street. A. S. IIOLLADAY. M. !-, rh'rklrlaii, Snrgeon and Obstetrician, O.'lioe-Hollmluy i Co s Drug Store. MiMc'f i Jnieil in JJrownrUle in llifi. Jlox on h'liiU complete urtt of Avipululmy, 7V)him.7 find (H,Ktru k'tl IiiMrumtut. p. s..Sjn-1-i'U iUU ntiun (livi titn LMstctrtc ami Iht duruct of Womt n and ChiUlrrn. r y STF.W AHT. M. r.. PHYSICIAN AM) SlUUKON, ((ri.w-Nu. 2 1 Main St rti t. " Offlff Hours--; l9A. M., il 1 to J and 6a tt) ' 7'., m LAND AGENTS. u. v. nunns, &alEktate Agent and Justice of Peace, -om.v in t !ourl 1 lotiKe. ttt door, w ewt side. I1AHUET & LETr, m .Accnt--aud WarrantBrolters at !.i(n s:tntrt. - . i ... .w,;,,, Turn for on-rctuimi. T.oat i5.-iii- fr, H.jfc(ri7 LW'. LotnA tmim.a -ii uid iou;""ot fd, ;or ufc o TC(imuniibl: trims u tm(ivr:i Real K-tnte and Ta Paying Agnt. u;li f hi liirM ourl uooiii. n-.r .. ,ttt, .ilii m In tlir naif, or Jii'al Nriif Lmiil Jixh tvt. ' ' .JONAS H VIC Kit. IAXI AND TAX PAVIAti AGENT. Will iiXUnd to t!ir liinu tU vf Taxc for Atii i(lrnt l,nttrl 1 ht-wrx in Vetaiu .XniiUy. ' ( jT ret 'Ui l nre S;.'.-r,. MOSKS II. SYDENHAM, NOT" AKY PI I5L1C LAND AGENT, '( t' 'irm :, Xt liruxkil. Will locate laiiiis ioniilcniliiittlers, and 've any itif.itii)tt!'n rei-uinNl f)tioerniiiK tliu laii'ts il S ii;t!i-V'sJcr.i Nebraska. TJ-i i MERCHANDISE. WM. T. DEN, ' H',W f. .; ;,' '. j.-'ilfrin Gtacrr.i ! ;t Ur, and Commission and Kuramitlii;; Merchant, Nt. iiG Main St left. 0rn J'initri f, J 'ion s, Xluve. Furniture, iC r., Auf.v on l.'twt. Jli'jiirnt nuir). rt jtricr puid Jur liuU; 1'rtir, I 'm aiid OMitfry l'ruduce. F. K. .IOIIXSON & CO. Oralera In (ieneral DIerchandlae, T. Ti .McrtliTMin i l.iK'K, IMiiin t-. HOTELS. REYNOLDS IIOCS. xathax x. ;kki;x, IMlOriUKTOU, Wt su-omuuKlntiuas iu tbe cily. ISew Uoiuie. iv lurin-lHHl. la the liearl of buniutra part ol ilV t ;i-..rv .( al.la ,, Vlli,nL. 4i!'nl thy PHELPS IIOCSE. V. M. HTKVK.NS, raoi aiETOR. Oinxwn- the la-it. l'licii City. Missouri. giHMi aot'uiiiiiKHluiionit und good bUibliiijf are reJ an cn b had ia Uie WoU. l-lyj AMERICAN HOUSE. L. I). UOHISOX. l'xoprletor. Front su, between Main and Water. g'od tied und Uca-y iituble in connection 'i"l t),r HollKC. DRUG STORES. ; , Z .? V " ' HOLLADAY W - 'I Whole de and JiHad Jtrtder rH Medit lues. Paints, Oils, etc., No. 11 Main Stm-t. ' MeC:itEEHY NICKEL, JI'W-.tne KrltuL JkuUrt in -;, Uoukt, Vallpier , Stationery .No. :.lai:i .-;reer. BOOTS AID SHOES. CIIAKT.I-S H ELMER HOOT AND SHOE MAIwEIl, No. 15 Main Street. Hu on hml a fujteriur ttocK of Loot and Vwitotn Work done with tu-alncts and ixiUU. A. FvUIIINSON, . BOOT AND SHOE 3IAlEIt, No, 4 8 Main Street. Tint on tiAiitd a tptod axaorttnent of GenTt, Iuitf't, .Viii" a(i Cli ildren't Boot n nd Knot:. Cualuiu Work dune u ilh neiUrwss and disjHdch. ; d.inf on thort itit:re. HARDWARE, : " SlIF.LLKNBKltUE.lt RKO'S., aaufatnreis Ai lealrrs In Tlnwar. No. 7 4 Main S, Mcl'licrson's Hloek. Htmxt, llarilivare, (HrjM-nier' Tool. Jilack ntilii J'ui nhiny, frc, constantly on hnnd. ' JOHN C. DEISElt. . Dealer In St ovea. Tinware, Pumps, i . No. 99 Main Street. SADDI -RY. JfUIX W. MIDDLFTON. "ARXESS, 1H11DLES, COLLARS, Etc. ' No. til MiUii Street. ft vicriHj Jlmxkt.pt on haiuL Cb$H Jaid or . ' ' J. II. HA ITER, ' " Wik"''i"w mJ I hitler in .' "A.RNERS. 'ItltlULKM, COLLARS, Kte. u No. H, Main Stre'U Mn'limi, l,,kf tn onlrr. tMtfurtion ouarecnteed. -SALOONS. v ' CH ARLIE Bit IFCKL, CEEU HALL AND LUNCH nOOM, . No. 55 Main Street. .JOSEPH HI DP A RD & CO SALOON, . No. 47 Main Street, inwt W.n-; and Lujuora kept e.n hand. . . 1 C. UEKliKR, T H.IUMEUi U1LL1AICD SALOON, bwi Wins uad Ciou(! wmstanUy on liaiul Vl' , Wl.it neyV liiivtc. 3 J. L. ROY, "AREEll AND HAIR DRESSEK. No. 5i Main Street, rli!,,'" l'lHd uit of llath. Jioomt. Al0 - .-J "f A- of I ; i-iu U-rtmn' m Xotimi. BLACKSillTIIS. J. W. J. C. GIF-SON, fcW, . BLCX.SMITHS, P on r, bctwwn Main and Atlantic . avne ' order, and satUf action guar STATIONERY. 'ION EE A. I). MARSH, LiK AND XKWS DEALER Vila Uovh Store, So. ay uuusirec-u ESTABLISHED .1856. ttnl business Frbs. CONTECTIONERIES. CITY BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, N ACE HANSEN, Pkoi'KIEtoiw. No. ;u Main Ktn-pt, opiiosite Cit v 1 nic Store. Pics, CnkeH, Kn-sli Bn-ad, Conlcctionery, LigUt ana . ncy (.roccrn-s, constancy on nana. GEORGE YAT'NEY, Bakery and Confectionery, No. :t7 Main street. Offers to the public at reduced rates aeliolce tito k of Groceries, Provisions, Confectioner les, etc., etc. WILLIAM ROSS ELL. Bakery, Confectionery and Toy Store. No. 40 Main Street. -eh Iiread, CUkct, Uyslert, Fruit, etc., onhand J. I. PEUSER, Dealer in Confectioneries, Toys, etc. No. 44 Main Street. NOTARIES. JAS. C. McNAUCIITON, Notary Public and Conveyancer. ' Okfick in Carson's. Dank, Drownville, Neb. E. K. ERRHJHT, Notary Public and Conveyancer, And atrcnt for the Equitable and American Tontine Life Insurance Companies. 5-tf FAIKRROTlIEIt & IIACKEU, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Office in County Clerk's Office, . O. W. FAIR HK IT HI-, tt, JAM I-J M. HATKEK, X'lturv l'nlilic. County Clerk. GRAIN DEALERS. ?!- fl liTit'T . TtT?l"l DEALERS IN GRAIN, PRODUCE, &c. ApiiwsJl, cbrajtka. The hiirheist market price paid for anythlnz the Farmer can raise. We will buy aud sell everything known to the market. WORTHING A WILCOX, Storage, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, A n, I Denier in all kiiuU of Grain, for which tlwy pay the. Iliyhcsl '. JJ irket Price in IXish. TAILORING. CTIRTS. IIAUBOLPT, MERCHANT TAILOR, JVo. C;4 Main Street, Have on hand a M.iendid sto k of Goods, and will make them up in the latent styles, on short tmticennd reasonable terms. BOUNTY CLAIM AGENTS. ED. D. SMITH. V. S. WAR CLAIM AGENT, WiuJUiHjton City, D. C viMii m..,,.i i. ti, ni'OkM-.ut ion of claims be fore the Icpartinentin jerson, for Additional it,ntv i:, L- I'uv mid I'ensions. and all claims ju-cruiiig nairibt the Government du- rimrihA 1.itn vnr. 4t-tf " 19 - SMITH. P. TUTTLE, S. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR t i,H.... li 1 lift ru t I Villi t ILoolll. u. Xotary llibiic and United Statct War Claim A rnl. Will attend to tlte proeeution of claims tore, the Dewtrtiucnt. for Additional Hounty, liirL- J'nu and Penxion. Also the collection of tSemi-Annual Ihtr on pmxion. JEWELRY. J. V. D. PATCH, Manuiaeturer an4 Dealer in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,tc, etc. No. 3 Main Street. S lver and 8ilver Plated Ware, und aUvnrie- t of $pectn -le eon.itantl.uon nana, lupau wo donein theneatest sriyie. at nwi nonce, v ' moderate. TI irA: irarranl',d. n ts nm APvTIiTIC. A. STAFFORD, PHOTOGRAPHIC AR.TIST, No. 47 Main Street, up stairs. Prrxon wishiiio Picture executed in the latest stulf4f the A rt, will call at my Art (iall'-rji. :u3ic. Mils. .1. M. GRAHAM, TEACHER OP MUSIC.. Rooms, M.jin, let -fth ft ;"th St. Lestont etf en on Ihp Piano. Organ, Melodton, Guitar and Vocalization. Having had tujht years experience a teacher of Music in Aete York is confident af giving satisjacnon. JUSTICES. A. W. MOIKI AN. Probate Judge aud .?uttlce of the Peace OiVice in Court II. .use HiiiliUnir. AUCTIONEERS. i'.MSS A HECHES. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. Will ali'mil to the Mile of Real and Pcrxonal Prupcrt! in ihc Xcin'ihu Laiul JJLilrict. Terms rraxoiin!'!. . I5RIDGE BUILDING. C. W. WHEELER. BRIDGE BUILDER, Sole agent lor R. W. Smith's Patent Truss iridic. The strongest and best wooden rlde now lu use. DR. J. 13 LAKE, DENTIST, ouiq rfpeciruny nniiotincethat lie hits located in Brownville and is iw irt'pnred to perrorni.in the best manner. ALL oper ations iiertuinliifj to the science of Ien ti.trv. Okkick Over City Drug Store, trout room. Ifit PHILLIPS c BARIJES' - GREAT WESTERN Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Corner Main and Levee Kt BROWN YILLE. TTAVIXG purchased this Stable of j Coirs well, I nm prepared id inriiisu the liest TK VMS, Kl'lililKSniKl I'AKKIAtil' m LV-T.!..1 v,:v at LOWEST CASK KATES. lar attention paid to Jjwdin or .boardinjr Rorses. l4yl PHILLIPS A BARXKS. lin., m t'.ir v nr Horses. I. ornu ir r-im-K. rurm-ir .a . i-i id. T ' W - t P X's O o a O 02 "2 IS- Q r-t CO c a t Clocks, Watches, Jewelry No. 59 Ilain Street, Brown. ville. JOSEPH SHUTZ, J Has Just op.'ued and wf.I eontantly VyS keep on liand a larire and well assorted fcWistocli of genuine articles ia his line. Repairing of Clocks, Walcb.es, and Jew elry done on short notice. - - - ALL WORK WAJIRAXTED, COOICCOBURf.CO. Ad.eriisinj Agents, Chicago, Art authorized to receive J doer titemcHts far Viis paper, at ovr lowest rates, and art Agent fir all Xewspar pert in Vie U. S. and Tcmtnries. S ifr 1 DVERTISE n M. Aostpb Abbcxiismtirts. ST. JOSEPH, MO. I3IP.OiRT.E,R WHOLESALE AND REAIL DEALER LN Iron, Steel, and HeaAy ' HARDWARE!:! WAG ON,Carriae,and Plow Works, Agricultural Implements, Sprin,H,Ax els. Axes, Shovels. Swuin, Files, Rasps, Chains, Carriage snt Tire Bolt-". Nuts and Washers, Nails, Home and Mule Shoes. Sawn, Castings and Hollow Ware. Sugar Kettles, Andirons, Skillets arid Lids, stew 1018, Bake Ovens, 'rult Kettles and Sad Irons. BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS: Anvils, Stocks and Dies, Bellows, Sledge and Hard Hammers, Vices, Pincers, Hasps, .Farriers' Knives, Tire Iron, fcc. ; OUTFITTING GOODS: Ox Yokes. Axle Grease. Ox Chains, Wasron Jack, Ox Shoe Nails, shov els, Picks, etc Hubs, spokes and Bunt-siuff. Agricultural Implements : CELEBRATED MOLINE PLOWS, Eagle Mowers, McCormlck's Keiper and Mowers, Kallers Horse Corn l'lanteni. sulky Corn Cultivators. Hand Corn Shelters, Hay Hakes, etc, et. AWKNT roB FAIRBANKS' SCALES. Buying my goods direct from manufacturers I ofl'cr verv cnat inducements to WHOLESALE BUYERS. J. A. FIXER. T. R. REYNOLDS. SOUTHERN HOTEL. PIXER & um(XOtAS,Proprictor8 Eight street, two blocks from R. 11. Depot, ST. JOSEPH, MO. 451y W. JI. WYETH & C0M Wholesale Dealer In HARDWARE & CUTLERY No. 6 South Third, bet. Felix t Edmondsts,, ST. JOSEPH. MO. HARNESS, Skirting, and all kinds of Saddles, Lenlher, Bridles, Hardware, Ac, constantly on liand. Agents for Ditson's Circu lar Saws and Marvin's Safes. WOOLWORTII & COLT, Book Binders, And Dealers In BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER HANGINGS, AND PRINTERS' STOCK. No. 12, 2d St., St. Joseph. Mo. CA SIT PAID FOR BAG S! J. PFEIFFERS' 3XA.K-15LIi2 . WORKS! Corner Sixth and Kt. Charles Streets, , , ST. J.0SEPII, Ma , Dealer in Lime, Hair and rLrVSTER, WHITE HAND, FIRE BRICK, Ac., Ac,., Ac. Ac. 11 -451 y ' JACOB' MAROHN,' " " ' 1 ' ' KERCHAHT TAILOR, , 1 h' it;,- :. .: V v. J. K. FRETZ, . j. S i AND SIGN PAINTER. over helper's wagon shop, ... . Drowmlllc, Nebraska. OFFERS his services to the public, wltb the confident lirlltf that his work will m?et tbe antirobation of his mtroiis. LAXNOX & IIEXTON, BLACKSMITHS, Foot of Main St.', BROWNVILLE, NKUIIASKA. WOULD inform the public that they . are prepared to do all kinds of Custom Work. For Shoeing Horses and Ironing of Bug gies, tlsey have the latest improved machinery. TERMS CASH. ive them a call when you want prompt and durable yvork done. r . ' ' FRANZ -HELB2ER, ' agon PlackskithShcp ONE DOOR WEST OF COURT nOUSE. WAGON MAKING, Repairing, VV Plows, nni all work done In the beat manner and on short notice. Satisfaction guaran anteod. tiive him a cail. -ly- H. H. BRYANT, E, E J PAINTER, Gra in cr S Paper Hanger , No. 60 MAIN STREET, !Bre wxtville, . Nebraska, ' f BUf i JOHN L. CARSON, BRO WXVILLE NEBRASKA Exchange Bought and Sold on all the prin cipal cities. Also dealer la Gold and Silver Coin, Gold Dust and . GOVERNMENT BONDS.- Deposit received, payable at sight. Inter est paid on time deposits by special agree ment. Taxes paid for non-residents. All kinds of U. S. Bonds wanted ' ; ) il 0 LOUI3 WALDT EER"T ' ' T II H P I OX KIR, f Is ft:lly prepared to'do all kiuds fk ( i 5 - houseV -f Ornamental PaintinI Gnlldtn?, Glaxlng, Paperhaiiglng, Ac. CRABLKS C. IW1KSSY. OKOSBK W. DOBSKY. Atl y at Ijiw. C. G. & G. W. DORSEY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND , ....-. ( , Dealers in Land Warrants. liny and Sell Heal Estate and Land Warrants. Select & Locate GoTennnent Lands. VTTEND TO CONTESTED CASES- IN THE U. S. LutVND OFFICE, AND A large- qnaBtity of First Class Lands for sale In Nemaha, Richardson, Tawuee, John son and Cage Counties, Nebraska, to which the attention of pun-hasers 14 epecially inyl tod. " " '- Office BB0W1TVLLLE, NEB. Branch OCce-BEATRICE, NEB, 13-0-tf . , - . 1.1 W I . , m . . I e c-i i. w Q 5- r.l - S- (3 ! v.r, a, rr e hs h 1 CA BRAG AY ,m u:mii 1 ?.tr ..-.-.IF 1. BR0WNVIL1E, NEBRASIvA, I MEDFORD & IIOTf AUD, &nCE!ITECTS &DUILDEHS '. t ' : " . Are prepared to furnish DESIGNS & SPECIFICATIONS for all kinds of 3UILDIITGS, ' PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, y . f the latestand most approved styles. ALSO TAKE CONTRACTS! All kind of Job Work done to order I 43-Shop, corner Main and Second streets, SROWNVILLE, KEB. 43-y HaUK & ARJiHTAGE Wholesale and Retail- : . GR0C Ell! JVo. 21, llain Street, BROWNVILLE, 3SEB., Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Staple and Fancy v Glassware & Queensware OI VM US JS CALL t Country Produce Always Wanted! Ilffl L11LLIIIEE1Y SIP. Having Just opened, at No. 54 Main street. Brown . . viiie, jS'ebratka, A SPLENDID Stock of Millinery Goods, we would call public at tention to the fact that every good HUS3AHD may. at reasonable prices, procure for his "better half' all she may.wish in our line, of which every article is - GTT ARIfc ANTEED TO be. No. 1, and made up in the best of style, and that EVERY YOUNG LADY may here find just wlmt she wishes In the way-cf Hats, Xruamiaijs, Putteriis, etc Every oue ... 1. . WHO TRADES WITH . us may rvnt asrored that we will spare no pains to tive entire uMtitl'aetHin. as we are in daily receipt.of the latest novtlues in our line. Give us a caU. . , . MRS. ALLIE BEAR. 27-tf Slicllenberger Bros. " IIcl3ierson's Block, ' Dealers la Hardware Stoves, Tinware, JIardwarc, Stoves, Tinware, Hardware, Stovos, Tinware, - 50 000 Miles Fence Wire. 59009 Miles Fence Wire. .50000 Miles Fence Wire Pittxbwg Iron and Kails, Pittaburg Iron and Kails, Pittsburg Iron and Kails, Mechanic's Tools, , Mechanic1 loots, Mecluxnio1 $ Toolx Charter Oak Stoves, y Charter Oak Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Resides a full assortment of everything kept in aiir.st class 1 Hardware and Stove STORE! Which will be sold as low as the lowest FOR CASH ! To all who favor us with a call. SLEPHAII.T" Dealer In all kinds of stoc k. Horses bought, sold and exchanged. Stock boarded by the davorweek. The Propritor has recently erected an entire new, large and commodeous Stable, near the old Brownvilie House. -His stock is all fresh and vehicles new. The public can be accom modated at all hours, DAY OR NIGHT. A stock corral 1, with an abundant supply of pure water, attached to tbe stable. 4-ly VPs GREAT FIRE EXTINGUISHER u .HaukdrAnnitage AGENTS, Broirnvllle, Nb. : i- ALWAYS READY. NEVER FAILS. Easily carried weighs 75 Iks. filled. Eight gallons in the Engine charged with Carbonic Acid Gas, equal toi:t:, hh'.ls. ot Common Water! Charged in :( seconds! Can be recharged In 1 minute! Throws till feet ! Puts out burning Kero seiie, liensol , Tar, tc. EVERY FARMER BHOULD HAVE ONE. EVERY BUILDER SHOULD HAVE ONE. 45-tf . - A VES ITS COSr LV TXSIKAXCE. JLL, ABOAKD I uuutiinc 5 3' j"tr The Brownvilie Transfer! Line, ' Under tbe management ot t JACOB ROGERS, Is now Banning KegTilar Omnibusses from Brownvilie to the Railroad Terminus of the Council Bluffs and St. Joseph Railroad, At North Star, Mo., Tw Mllei from BrownTllle and North Star Ferry Landing. Good Omnibusses. Close Con&taonr Cliarces Moderate" 30-tf PHOV ? : A, '.Xa xVA , A Y . : .: : . . S i; i-O V'- (1 Hi YfiTWiV HIT ( K . II ill I II I I I ! 4 S . lit 1 If I ! Tir, 1 I 7 w a y v u ai vva v yj y utw THURSDAY, SEPTEIBER 30, 18G9. Tlie County Convention. The County Republican Convention met in the Court Room in BroWnVille on Saturday, September 25th, 18G9. Hon. C. F. Haywood, of Lafayette precinct, was elected Chairman, and Geo. G. Start of Aspinwall, Secretary. JarvisS. Church, W. Starr, John Ashley, S. P. Majors, Asa Day, David Tourtelott, Geo. R. Shook, Geo. Van Deventer, A. T. D. Hughes, Mr. Wmdshiffle and Herman Utecht were appointed a committee upon creden tials. They reported the following persona present as delegates : Peru Precinct Thou. M. Green, S. P. Majors, G. A. Brown, Mathew Burns, Joshua Tait, John McNoun, J. F. Neal and Er Phillips. Glen ""JSocfc H. Thomas, Emery Ncaf , J." Ashley and H. Redfern. Lafayette C. F. Haywood, W. H. Stair, Jesse Graham, D. C. Sanders, B. F. Rue. - Brownvilie John L. Carson, Jarvis 8. Church, John Creason, Geo. Crow, W. H.' McCreery, S. W. McGrew, L. D. Robison, Alex. McKinney, R. C. Berger, A. G. Gates, J. W. Blackburn, S. H. Clayton, H. L. Mathews, J. N. Reynolds, Theo. Hill, S. M. Rich, B. Arnold, De F. Porter, W. Grant. Douglas Asa Day, Robert Skillins. Washington Herman Uteckt, Sam uel Helman. Nemaha City John Blacklaw, Ben. Y. Whyte, Thomas Kimsey, David Tourtelott. AsjrinwallJ. B. Fisher, Ezra, Rog ers, G. R. Shook, Geo. G. Start. St. Deroin L. Rice, John M. Chap man, G. W. Van Deventer. Bedford A. T. D. Hughes, J. W. Hanua. Benton "Win. Windsham mer Joi n -UirKS. On motion, report wa3 adopted. ..On motion J. S. Churqh and S. P. Majors were appointed tellers. . On motion the nomination must be made by ballot, aud resulted as fol lows : For Sheriff ,-. W. G. Glasgow.......4S votes . .. .; .V. II. hiiuaH....- , 9 " ' For County Clerk . -1st ballot 2d ballot 1 ' Jas.'M. tlacker J..25 .'....."'I J. C. McNaughtou.rt ..2!) : A. L. HicU..... .......00 , For Cpunty Treasurer . H. P. Tuttle.-.. 25..; : 29 D. II art 20 ..2i - AV. II. Larkln.... 12 - 00 For Probate Judge- A. Mr. "Morgan. R. V. Hughes . .,.31 For Commissioner, 3d District Jolmalhan Hiiigius 3S Richard HwHey.i .....17 For County Superintendent ' "'Henry lloberts...... 20 H. W. McGrew ; 15 JVW. Blackburn 10 "For County Surveyor M. W. Cook 32 E. W. Mills 10 J. Gilbert...- . 2 - For Coroner S. W. McGrew was unanimously nominated. ForSeiiator, vice J. T. Majors, re signed Geo, Van Deventer.. A; P.Cogswell ..30 8 For Representative, vice Geo. Crow, resigned , II. L. Mathews.20 21. 17 31 8. W. Kennedy...l3 17 24 17 v J. W. Brush li. 6. 00. 00 Each candidate came forward at the request of the convention, and pledged themselves to support and work for the election of the nominees of the convention, let them be who they may. - . j 1 On motion the following persons were appointed, a County Central Committee for the year 18CD-70: r Jarvis S. ChtircB. Henrv Roberts:.-.. George Ashley Johnathan Hlggius- Asa lay.. Herman Utecht Brownvilie. Teru. Clen Rock. .Lafayette. Douglas. Washington. John liar net non n Shoot...." "..". Aiinwall. .Nemaha City. - ( Geo. Van Deventer- . . . St. Deroin. Christopher Tucker.. Bedrord. . Moses Milks Benton. On 'motion the convention adjourned sine die. C. F. HAYWOOD, Ch'n. Geo. G. Start, Sec'y. Tbird District Senatorial Con vention. The Third Senatorial District Con vention met at Brownvilie in the af ternoon of Saturday tbe 25th Inst. 8. P. Majors of Peru was elected President, and Jarvis 8. Church of Brownvilie, Secretary. On motion, De F. Porter of Kema lia.'A. Bivens of Johnson, and J. D. Gillman of Richardson, were appoint ed a committee upon credentials. ' They reported delegates present as follows : Johnson County Alexander Bivens, and "V. H. Dancy. Bichardson Daniel Reavis, S. C. Barlow, C. L. Mathers. J. D. Gillman and E. E. Cunningham. Nemaha De F. Porter, Jarvis S. Church, S. P. Majors, Geo. Van Do venter and S. ,M. Rich. . . . On motion, the report was adopted. . S. A Fulton and W. D. Blackburn from Richardson, aud D. A. Titcomb from Johnson, were announced as candidates.' ' :- -; " A.Btvcns" of Johnson, and De F. Porter of "Nemaha, were appointed tellers, whereupon the following bal lots were had : , B A LLOTH- V 1st 2.1 3d 4th oth! W.D.BIackburn... 1 1 II 1 1 S. A. Fulton 6 6 6 6 6 D. A. Titcomb-.-". 5 5 6 1 5 4 0 7 5 "W. D. Blackburn was withdrawn on the fifth ballot. S. A. Fulton was duly nominated on the sixth . ballot, to fill the unex pired term of Isham Reavis, in the Third Senatorial District for the State. On motion the convention adjourned sine die. 8. P. MAJORS, Ch'n, Jarvis S. Church, Sec'y. Great preparations are being made St. Louis, for the National Capital Convention, to be held ou October 20. Written for the Nebraska Advertiser. Spiritual Convention. The Spiritualists of Nebraska hold a Convention at Nebraska City, Sept. 15th, 1S0S, for the purj)oseof forming a Spiritual State Association. Much interest was manifested by those present for the spread of tbe Harmonial Philosophy and the prac tical chri.tianity of its teachings, which suffering humanity so much needs. Letters were read from many who could not be present, promising their cordial co-operation and support in the decisions of the Convention. The following are the names of per sons elected officers of the Spiritualists Convention: President : Isaac C Young, Lincoln, V President: David H Ellis, London, Secretary: Jennette Harding, " Treasurer: D A CI ine, Nebrask a Ci ty . ' Executive Committee: Isaac C Young, C C Cook, M Rich, Lincoln ; G M Henderson, Brownvilie; EJ Davis, Nursery Hill. It is hoped this movement will do much toward removing infidelity, scepticism and materialism, which is shrouding so many minds in darkness and gloom. Jennette Hardinq. State Normal School. Peru, Neb., Sep. 25th, 1SG9. Friend Church : Permit me through your columns to tender the thanks of the faculty of the Normal School to the publishers of Worcester's Diction aries for the valuable present of a copy of the large quarto ; also for three doz. copies of Hilliard'8 Fifth Readers, for the uso of the Normal class, and a number of Worcester's Comprehen sive Lexicons, at half price to teach ers. The Normal School received, at the commencment of the present term, a very liberal donation from the firm of A. S. Barnes & Co., iu the shape of school books. That firm has mani fested a spirit of liberality toward us truly praiseworthy. They have given not less than $200 worth of school books to our institution. Wo think if other publishing houses maifested the same spirit our Normal School will have advantages here, valuable indeed. We hope to receive copies of all the book3 recommended by our State Su- pcrintendant,for,if those books are go ing into general use in the State, our students should form their acquaint ance lere. Our school is moving forward very pleasantly with constant accessions to our numbers. There are about 50 pupils pursuing the regular graduating course. A few more gentlemen can be Sup plied with rooms in the building ; the lady's hall is filled. J. M. McKenzie. The School Book question. Mr. Editor. I have been a care ful reader of what has been written on this subject, and will, with your con sent add a few words. First , The State proposes a system of Education. Of this system the State University, the Normal School, and every district school should con stitute a part. Sedoud, "In order to carry out any system it is necessary that tho text books used should conform to the sys tem. Third, To produce the uniformity which is hero implied, there must be some authority to define the text books used, and to designate the system. ' By our School law it has been made the duty, not of Boards of Edu cation, County Sup'ts, Teachers, Par ents or Pupils to define these Books, but of the State Superintendent. The real question of issue is, shall we recognize the authorities of law or not? If we reject the recomendation of the State Sup't we have no other authority, and any pupil may take any book he pleases, and School Director or Teacher is powerless to forbid its use. The rejection of the list, it seems to me, establishes a bad precedent. The plea for its rejection is that Mr. Deals is an appointee. He Is the only real authority. An elected officer could be invested with no higher power in this respect than he, and the teacher who pleads for the violation of the law, is not the person to whom ought to be entrusted the Education of the children of the commonwealth. A. E, Republican County Coaven tion. -The Republican county Convention met in the Court House in Falls City, on last Tuesday. Mr M Van Deven ter was elected chairman, and C F Walther, Secretary. After the re ception credentials, the Convention proceeded to the nomination of candi dates for county ofiicors, with the fol lowing result: Clerk James Cameron, of Falls City; Treasurer, P B Miller, of Arr.go; Sheriff, Jas Slocum, of Barada pre cinct; Probate Judge, W D Sear Is of Kulo; Commissioner, W C Kern, of Grant Precinct; Surveyor, T V Wilson of Falls City, School Superintendent, W W Abbey, of Salem, Coroner R W Nelson, of Salem; Representative, in place of Mr Hoile, L W Patteson of Itulo; Delegates to Senatorial Conven tion, in Nemaha and Johnson counties at Brownvilie, D Reavis, C L Mather, S C Barlow, J D Gillman, and E E Cunningham. On motion adjourned. A telegram from London, Canada, says at ther reception of Prince Arthur here yesterday an American flag which hung in the decorations, was nulled down and torn to nieces. At nrne o'clock much excitement prevail ed. - "! I l VOL. 13. NO. 50. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. The King of Portugal is the favorite candidate for the Spanish throne. S. J. Gooduough, is out with a rani denying allegations charging hiia with fraudulent transactions in the purchase of stores in the Methodist Book Concern, and desiros the public to await hi3 proof of their falsity. President Grant ha., according to a Washington special, directed Secreta ry Fish to telegraph to Minister Sick les to immediate! v withdraw all prop ositions calculated to secure peace in Cuba, and thus end the whole matter. The New York Situ insists that Sickles has acted throughout iu compliance with the instructions from the State Department. The Democrats of New York in State Convention have just made their annual declaration of principals; It is the same old song, and di tiers in no material point from the platform of former years. It is asserted in Paris that Franco has sent a note to Prussia and Baden, declaring that she will regard the an nexation of the Grand Duchess of Ba den by Prussia as a casus belli. Peri Hycanite has left Ids convent and gone to the house of his parents, near Paris, where he will await tho the decision of the Council. A Havana letter to New York says that many of the Cubans anticipate an immediate war between Spain and United States. In Havana it is dan gerous for an American to walk along the streets alone. Most of the Amer icans are arranging their affairs so as to leave the island without delay in case of necessity. The Good Templars In convention at Rochester, New York, demand re strictive and prohibitory legislation. They favor a temperance political par ty, as soon as the movement ii prac ticable. . ' At the Buckeye races at Cincinnat ti, on Thursday. Hamburg made a milo in 1,45 the best time ever made by a two-year-old in America. Politicians are at Washington en deavoring to secure the removal of Col. Marr, Supervisor of Internal Rev enue for the Missouri Department, They have made serious charges against him, but failed to substantiate them. It is not probable that ha will be removed. The administration at Washington denounces the action of the Cubans now collected together in New York. These Cubans, it is asserted, have cre ated sensational repoiti and reported false victories, to compel tho govern ment to recognize the independence of Cuba. It is suggested that these patriots go to Cuba and participate in the struggle. The operations in gold on Wall street on Thursday were tho largest, in the aggregate, ever known. Great excitement prevailed ail day. Tho panic is attributed to Vanderbilt. The house of Vanterventor & Co., New York City, ha3 suspended. The junior partner absconded with over $lUu,J0O m sectnties Four murders and three suicides are reported to have occurred in New York City, and suburbs during yes terday. Mr. Van Allcr, cashier of the Na tional Bank of Albany, has been ar rested on the charge of defrauding the government hy using cancelled reven ue stamps. He was bailed in the amount of $5,000. Gen. Canby that tho Freedman'8 Bureau bo re-established, during the coming winter, in Virginia, owing to the bad weather, and consequent poor crops, The poor people are quite des titute. It i3 authoratatively stated in New York that another expedition of three hundred men left Florida on the 14th, inst. for Cuba. The Department of Agriculture es timates that the corn crop will be short about 150,000,000 bushels. The yield of cotton is estimated at 2,750, C00 bales. Wheat yielded well, and fruit is everywhere abundant. Bonner has atrrecd to trot Dexter against Lady Thorne on Thursday next, for the benefit of the Avondale sufferers. It is believed that $100,000 will be realized. The Citizens' party of Chicago have nominated a full ticket for the City aud County officers. The Republi cans will put a full ticket in the field. Col. H. C. Moore, Superintendent Missouri Pacific Railroad has resign- t eu, anu V. ll. Garrison is apjioiuted acting superintendent. The Indians in Northern California are becoming very hostile; as yet their operations are directed against each other, but ths settlers stand in great fear. In Arizona continued depreda tions are reported. The Secretary of the Treasury has ordered the Assistant Treasurer at New York to sell 4,000,000 during to-day, and purchase bonds in return. , The Guardian of Sunday says a manuscript in Ird Byron's own hand-writing will soon bo published, which will settle the question raised by Mrs. Stowe. pcnr. Peru is a growing town situated on the Missouri river. This little town, comparatively un known as yet, is destined to become one of the finest on the Missouri river within the limits of Nebraska. There are many residences here surrounded with beautiful grounds, filled, in their season, with most every kind of choice fruit, llowers, evergreens and everything that the eye delights to rest upon. ' TlVre generous natnre ha-prpad ifer the scene ir purest of cryal ami brurhhwt of green Here lives the soil ma-icof sirtamk-t and auk. - Of. late several gentlemen having had their attention called to thee su perior advantages have msdrt ! ments with the view to greatly impiove me town and render itone of inn cnoicest am: most deirable Tdact for country residences. The cheaiv ness of rents, and the low prices at which loUi can b3 bought ujit soon briug the town into general notice Churches cf different denominations are already planted her-se-hools es tablished with the neeesi-arv hotels, mills, nurseries, stores, millmary shops and shingle-factories, while in the vicinity of thU fc.vu, ample grounds covered with orchard: and Vineyards. There is not a mechanic or a tfav la borer but that can secure for him-'elf a lot in this beautiful village. To the emigrant, our town offers rare induce ments. Orchard azzl Vineyard. m tm Aditiohal returns from Maine show a gain to the Democrats of three mem bcrsia the Senate and four in the house. v OUR CHICAGO LETTER. ' i 1 r. ' ' From our Special Correspondent. Chicago, September 20, 1SCC. The various tectioiu of the "C'ori mercial Farty" which recently vJIU-J California, are collecting for abi-jtinicr to-morrow. The Californians did not eerve out their fruit and wine and make such a grand time of it without having Iu their ri-ir-tL-i the return watch. We ex pect to see t !. m to-morrow, and do all in our power to render their visit a pleasant one. Commit tees of reception and management have been appointed, and will be on hand to do their duty. The visit cf our California friends will probably bo the event of tho week as the various conventions and associations have con cluded their sittings. The Episcopal ian Convention for the Diocese of Illi nois was in session nearly all last week. Tho number and highstandiug of the delegates, and the Interest they repre sented rendered the gathering a very important one. Considerable time was spent in bemoaning tho recent events that have happened ia the Church, and listening to the com plaints of Bishop Whitehouse, but 011 the whole the Convention was satis factory and dispatched cc.r,sider:-ij'o business. Our city and county elections aro promising to be almo.-t inextricubio " combinations. The Democratic party appears to bo desirous of uniting with the strongest of the dissentimr factions of.the Republican party. Quito a num ber of prominent men refused to join iu tho Republican Convention, but when tho "People's Party" (as it wan called) assembled a number of second rate politicians composed the meeting. It is impossible to predict tho result, but lively times are expected. The exercises of our trotting park arc being somewLat varied from tho usual contests, and as a consequence more enjoyable, a great trotting mat inert came oil' on Saturday hist, in which the fast horses of the gentlemen In the city were exhibited tc admir ing crowds. Notwithstanding tho hot weather the business of the city is at its height. The great arrivals are immense" and all other departments of busines are nourishing. Hotel proprietors have noenclination to take permanent boar-' ders as the merchants and business men from all parts of the We;t keep the hotels crowded at day prices, a. socially interesting features cf the trade thi3 Fall is the presence of a largo, number of heavy dealers who former ly went to New York. This is a sign of progres, and one that promises well for the future. The south eide park bill finally received the sanction of the Supreme Court and declared to bo constitutional. Real estate has taken a bound within the past few days, ev enybody now appearing anxious to se cure a residence-lot. Tho bonds are issued and tho-commissioncrs proceed ing with tho work. The question of "corners" still agi tates our Board of Trade, it being up- ' pearcntly difficult, to. decide when there i-i a com jr on any article. Bar ly is the comodity List in dispute and after an Invttigation it was declared to be cornered. ... Notwithstanding the competition In business In this 'city, a thorough knowledge of what a man attempts soon manifests itself in success and popularity. There Is not a better ex ample of this truism than the jewelry House of Messrs. Muse, Rod.k ;i, Ham ilton, on the N. ii. cor. of -La'.co and Clark streets. Satisfactory dealing U the secret of the extensive patronage of this House. Being thoroughly post ed in every department of their halo, their stock is well Kelecttd and their manufacturing facilities are complete. The collection of gold and silver jew elry and diamonds hero exhibited ia well wo.t'iy a visit of i;i.-ection. Richness is written on every article aud beauty is equally prominent. TIktc i a fine collection of solid and plated silver ware and everything that would be looked for in such an estab lishment. Tho popularity and suc cess of Messrs. Mose, lloddon & Ham ilton, is beyond doubt. Tho Text Booli Question. Having recently conversed with Superintendent of public Instruction, and learned something of his general plan, allow me to say he impresses, ine as a good man for the place. IIo " ha3 a system well defined an-.h well chosen, and in selecting school books he has sought to meet tho necessities of that s.Vbtem. I think, however, ho his made some mistakes. His list maybe the very best that could bo made out but there is this otjc tion to it, that'it is almost entirely new and requires h larjo expenditure by tho parents of the State in substituting the new for the oM. Would It not have been well for Mr. Beals to have consulted more widely the friends cf education in the Stale ? - By calling together county Superintendents and leading teachers and friends of educa tion, and laying his plan before them, and ascertaining their vlewa and wishes, a lit might have been selected that would have secured universal ac ceptance. Even if the law docs give the Superintendent thejowerto de fine text book3 wouM not such a course have been wise? Would not such a consultation, even now, be a means of securing what will not oth erwise" be secured, uniformity as to' text books ? Mr. Beals docs not w ish to attempt impossibilities nor imprac ticabilities. He is an earnest friend of general education. He would rath er modify his special action than ivo-' up what he is conscious to be tho Let general plan. -Itinof great importance; that the Stato have one list o tt;xfc books. 'But in this country- Wo aro so jealous of one man's power no law can enable an individual to introduce such a Bit against matured judgemunt of many of the most carnost friends of common schools. It U a serious mat ter to retain uniformity at the lest,, and it can only be done by cnlLing tho hearty sympathy of all the Waging friends of such reform. W ciU tc satisfied that tho best list j-j aUmt to. be adopted or present ch.-m-rw will bo called for. Now if Mr. BcaU Jim mado out tlie K-st lLt I waU to know it au J I vant to jvAu hirri i n pie?ir.i; it upon, the 'acceptance of our people. I have prejudices ?.gaint sune of 'his. books and ia fvor ?mie he h-.n left offhls list,. I would net uttur a word to hiriur-rhira iua much needed re form Did I rtcfc believe a candid dis cussion would lead to a happy conclu--i elusion, I would be silent. I want to bo the hearty supporter of Mr. Beaii and his work. I sliall havo something more to say about the books put on and left offtke Supcriuteadeut's lut. os well rciTZi:. Neti-asl-ct City Fro A grand colored convention ws held at Dayton, Ohio, on Wednesday last. One orator announced that t he Democrats had accepted his demands, for equal education, equal employment and equal ballot for the colored man. GeOi Pealxdy visited the Veal-ody institute in Baltimore, on Wednesday laot, and made an addition;'.! donation to the trustees of $4,mVxin Tenn essee, and Virginia State bonds. m Within a few days e-AX'.Ott iu specie has been shipped fro -.a Liver pool to New York, 4