Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 16, 1869, Image 2

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jr. s. ciiuncn, iiviitor
0c:d Pare: cf City and County.
T- Ur 1 ' P.'s'Si. rerson aAl res i n g t . is office u pon
7-v b,,sinwi conncid with the or: ice, or upon
r'Ui.Iic biukipww reiHirtnr lmmeuiaU) a-t;oo, shouhi,
i secure attention In the absence of Mr. Church,
4.recl to Advertiser, brownvuie, Nehraika,
Senatorial Convention.
Notice Is berehy given to the. lepal voters of Tfe
rnaha, HirhHrdw'iii B.nd Johnson Counties. Cist a
k-eualorial Convention will be held ia Brownvuie,
ft i o'clock v. m'.. for the tmirnose of nominating a
renator fT the Third enaioriAt Itatricl, In place of
1mah Kjiavi, r-,ini.
. T li- r'p'-esenUitiou is fixed a follows : Nemaha
County b to have Ave delegates, Kiubardnon live,
i r onlfT of the following mmters of the Slat
jab. vis r. citrr.m,
Nemaha cnuty.
v Johnson County.
r. e.Ct:nmn.ham.
luchardfioa County.
' Kcpalillcan Conrentlon.
A Iele-e Pepnbllcan Convention of tbe Repib-P-i?
ptmv of Nt-maha Cnuntv, will be held at the
Court iioue in lrownvUle. at 1 o'clock P. 1L o
nt. to i)mt!ii such ofnr-r a are to be el-eted
I t ( ht-if-r foiiowire, I" elect deleest to the Hen
twal litrtrt Corn ntinn. and to trmiHct such otb
r hnKiu4 kh u;iv for tLe pd of tt e r;rtv.
Krerv fifteen r';ttibilcan votes for JohnTafie last
cVviber t r enuued to oue delegate in tills conveu'
tiOO, M tuV-VV S I
T"n ii 8'inaiin Cify 4
C,.- lux it 4 lAsp'OWalU
Jj: '-;' , , , $ -t. Ieroin,
1 'Tinvi.iU !u !-l'Vrd.
j-'Hi' ; , , 1 iLtrnton
irioa..-.- 2i
1 OUkl .
Tbe Precinct Conventions will be held SerUrrbr
iv ii t I o'riix k r. k.. at tbtual places tl vif!-i(t
la . ti precirci.eie!T'tiniaiou6la, which will b
a ' M'ire In t-.'ierioaa.
iae ty oraerof tK Central Committee.
. J"0. Jj. CAliijOijC'liairman.
' -Hon. John A. Bell of Tenessce died
iLh week. Senator Fessenden of
llalne died since our last issue.
The Rev. R. Burge will accept car
thanks for a quantity of very fine cab
bage, beets and squashes from his farm
la Jsenaaha City.
- ViTe print this week the Registery
list of three precincts. Next week we
ruust have the ballance, rs it will be
the last issue before the 23th of this
caonth. : .
The westher Is fhaping finely for
the 2iemaha County Fair to be held
ia Erownville next week, conurten
cin Ecptember Hist and endicg on
The vote on issuing County Bonds
to the Niihna and the Q. II. & P. R.
F. ia Atchison County, Mo Ikis been
postponed ca account of defective reg
istration. .
llr. II. W. Cook of Hillsdale in
forms us that there is much sickness
prevailing among the inhabitants be
low St. Dercin. The people are leav
ing the River bottom for the prairie on
the bluflV to avoid the miasma pre-
vailing oa the bottom lands.
"We acknowledge the receipt of com
plimentary tickets to the Reception
and Banquet at Lincoln, Nebraska,
oa the occasion of laying the corner
stone of the State University and Ag
ricultural College, to be held Sept. 23,
ni vrit-ckt ILaiiBiiir wuutT-feir
will thea be in full blast, we should
most certainly present ourself and
lady at the capital on tbnt occasion.
, The District Court for Nemaha
county ia ia tcssioa, Ilia Honor Chief
Justice Ilasoa presiding, O. B. llew
ett Prosecuting, W. II. Hoover Clerk
ing and Davi J3on Piasters Sheriff. Be
sides the bar of Nemaha county, we
notice present Hon. Wm. McLennan,
J. N. Shambaugh of Nebraska City,
Gen. J. W. Denver of Ohio, Eli Gil
bert of Kansas and G. P. Uhl of Falls
- m m
- The Hon. J. Q. Delwiler, the great
Temperance Lecturer of Iowa, will
deliver, a temperance lecture in the
Presbyterian Church to-night (Thurs
day) at half past seven o'clock. We
heard him upon this subject about ten
years ago ia Northern Iowa, and our
recollection i3 that it was the grandest
cfTort we ever heard upon the subject
cf temperance. The lecture will be
free to all, and & crowded house is ex
f George Francis Train has struck an
original idea. He has visited Brig
hm Young at his tabernacle la Utah,
and upon mature reflectioa he declares
that 44Mormonlsm will live, for it is
the headquarters of Spiritualism." It
IiEj beea a ttanding objection to spir
itualism that it tends towards free
loveism and a loose idea of the mar-ri.-
--e relation, but it remains for Train
to discover that poligamy is an essen
tial feature ia both systems of their
common faith. Read hl3 letter to the
Omaha Ilcrnld in another column.
he Precinct Caucuses are to bo held
Is county ca next Saturday fthis
at two o'clock, at the usual cla-
C-3 cf holding
9 T i
b b 2 In
i .v-.--.-u ..o v . i. t r. t: 'a
-Ii 3 irrportsaceof every r.:uU:;-iit3
f 23 to it that the best mea tl;ey have
selected &3 delegates to the County
.Ccnventioa. A nomiaatioa fairly
Liada of our best mea for cfdee is
ulvalcrit to aa electioa. So every
;n.ia can sge how important it is
ths.t we have good delegates sent up.
1 Cerctcr Tijtoa Las btea at work
;t:rco the adjournment cf Con-re ia
Jmprpvins' his pre-cmptioa farm.
Xotne ycar3 ago he pre-empted one
hundred and sixty acres cf land near
'Tkzs'b Erldge, ca the west side of the
Xittle Nemaha, which he afterwards
entered. He hzz had ninety acres
;l up this summer, and the pcits
..0 trrmrg upon the rround with
.f hkh to enclose the whole frm with
a wire fence. We tuppca that he
wiu c-alm by another year the cmi
ccat distinction cf Lcinj one of the
-prosre&fe'ive farmers of Nemaha coun
ly. ' lie hr.5 also been Imr roving his
Block cf lets in Brownville by cultiva
tion in setting out shrubbery ; in lay-
'Insr cut
(rra?s plats and other
-meats cccesyary for
ence. The rock ia bo-
'federal c
for the foundation of his
the found.
Lli he intends to build early
". Tie Lai alo cleared and
I-Ic-eli fjr an crchard south
Block '
and opened
3 cf wr.ons
tivlt v knows
ftrcct f.-r theia---;
'ccnthetv.-o. Hi a;
S v-htthtr
r the
in tcrving liim-
i ; u 1 t sr v ,
. The Democracy cf Nam aha County,
by its owner or spokesman, we scarce
ly know which, generously cfTcr the
entire vote of the party to whensoever
may bolt the action cf t he Republican
Convention. This mny not b-3 very
complimentary to the individual Dem
ocrat, yet it is In keeping with the
past action of the party. This ofler to
wholesale the vote cf every man who
claims to be a Democrat, may be very
convenient for Calhoun, Jameson and
Plasters, because they run the ma
chine ; but it must certainly be hu mil
itating to many ethers we could men
tion, who will have to walk up and
deliver the ballot which confirms the
sale. Still we ought not to find fault,
if they don't. We pity the men and
dejdore the system which demands
such Fyhcrvency from its followers.
One reason why Jameson left the old
anti-slavery standard, was because
such men would think and act for
themselves, and eared little for lead
ers, butfollowed them when rightand
deposed them when obstinately wrong.
It remains to be seen whether this
bargain can be fully consummated or
not. The Democracy of Brownville
sold out their county friends two year3
ego, and perhaps cvm repeat the same
game this year. We shall see what
we shall see.
Dr. Hcl'aday hf s retired from the
Democrat. The Doctor ha3 worked
incessantly, and has built up a very
respectable paper. We are glad to
hail it as a success. His effort and his
paper has awakened a new interest in
newspaper literature. It has reached
many families who never before took
a newspaper, and who will hereafter
hardly da without their paper. We
have been oa very intimate terms
with the Doctor since we took up our
home in Brownville, and believe him
to be a genial, warm-hearted gentle
man, and are sorry to part with him
in the line of our bujinessC May the
good feeling continue! J- D. Calhoun
succeeds to the entire control, and al
though a stranger but recently among
us, he has thus far secured the good
will of all who have made his ac
quaintance. We extend to him our
ricrht hand, and wish him success.
: , , v
learn from several differentfS
e learn irom several c
sources that the Normal School of
Peru is opening up the nev year with
greater prospects than ever before.
There are now nearly one hundred
students in the Normal department,
all anxious to make teachers of them
selves, and afterward men cf business
and ladies of varied accomplish
ments. The State has dealt quite gen
erously with this school, on the
ground that Peru contained none of
those places of vice, Immorality, or
rum holes, to make parents anxious
lest their children when not under
parental care, should be enticed away
from the path of rectitude, which we
all desire to see our children follow.
It is gratifying to the good citizens cf
the State to learn that the public funds
PB4d where they yield good
fruit of an hundred fold more value to
itar citizens and to the State than the
outlay. The building is finished, the
grounds are fenced, . and the school
Itself is just immerging from a state
of dependence and anxious care, to do
manful duty a3 one of the settled in
stitutions of this growing State. Its
success only calls the louder for one,
two, or three other Normal (Schools,
in different parts . of the State, as pre
paratory departments to the University
now building. Our school system is
yet in its infancy, and needs to be
planted on a scale commensurate with
the future wants of the State. - We
have the accumulated experience of
older States to aid us, and let us profit
by their wisdom and avoid their
errors. The interests of the State de
mands wise, educated,experieneedand
sound rulers to lead her on to prosper
ity; and let her schools, Common,
Normal and Universities, train up and
send them forth at the expense of the
public treasurv.
rri, 1 -r l .if 1
The School,
uon. quesuoa is j
nowreceiving a good deal of atten
tion xlt is charged by the Xews and
Herald that the list of text books was
made for a consideration received by
Gov. Butler and Secretary Kennard.
That they demand $2000 of the pub
lishers and only selected the books of
those who would come down with the
sum required. So long as there is no
other evidence of these alleged facts,
than that the charges are published
in the Xews and 2Ierald the public
will be slow to believe what they
print upon the subject. The disposi
tioa upon the part of these journals to
charge corruption ia cilice upon their
opponents has becoms chronic, and
their readera would be disappointed If
ihcy did r.c I c : '1 r and wechlv dcf-ime
v. t -z d cfl
. ::iccr. '
- r f
1 rv F
A '-J.V
they ct3 r, .l tjba believed and ars
not credited v.Lcn they Co tell the
truth, if purehance they ever do. "We
do not claim perfectioa for cither of
the above oflciils. Yet, the calamity
would be iaimeasurcably great if
either cf their de-Tamers thculd suc
ceed them iu t ril:e, taking their form
er reputation r a a ground of measure
ment, and ve would not for one mo
ment be lie v a that either of the editors
referred to would be guilty cf such
consumate felly as that they charge
upon the Governor and Secretary.
The ImprclaL ility cf the truth cf theae
charges cgainst our ofUceri ia its own
rc fut;
The lien. Nathan E'akely and the
Rev. B F. McNcalcf Beatrice were in
town week. They inform us that
the two Blues have beca. hi-hcr of
3 than e ver before, flooding the bot-
'in e
water was over the lint
ors cf many houses ia Frecport, oa
the Little Blue.
KcNeal is the
County Superintendent forGrj-a coun
ty. We learn from him that thcra is
quite a disposition ia thst county to
employ a be-ttv-r cla.--s of teachers, and
that tho town cf Bcatric-3 ii leading
elf well in tliLs dircjtlcn, and he
thinks that the influeneo cf the town
will raiiatg thr re ;
latlrg tho bettor
ihtLv? count
c u-
counties ia establishing
upon a broader and hi;:
her ' - 7.0
Fcrtb Advertiser,
Last wee's you called the attention
cf ycur readers to the published ll:t
of Tfxt Books, selected by the fitr.te
up:rintcnd:nt, for use throughout
the State.
We bt-Iieve that Mr. Beals acts from
no imworiy motive. Y.Te give no cre
dence to reports jof money paid by
publishers and received by Mr. Beals.
But It Is not improbable Hiat other
prrties have endeavored to sell the
school interests of the State, to differ
ent publishing. houses. Be this as it
mav. we leave those Derscna to the
' . M
tender mercy of the publishers.
Next year the people will elect
State Superintendent to serve for four
vrcirs. At our eominsr election the
people will elect County Superinten
dents to serve two years. We learn
that Mr. Beals, in making up his list,
h.t nmsn!t(!(l neither Teachers nor
County Superintendents. This is not
right. Our Teachers are the proper
nersons to select textbooks. We no
of no better way to settle the book
question than this, let each Board of
Directors consult with their several
TonliPra Ip: thft Teachers, if thought
best, consult with County Superinten
dents; and thea introduce the books
which they consider best adapted to
their wants.' These books can be tested
durinz the cominrr school year After
the election of the State Superinten
dent, who is to servo four years,
recommendation can be made that
will meet the wants and wishes of our
schools, teachers and parents through
out the State.
We doubt if State uniformity can be
secured In any way. The law imposes
no penalty for refusing to obey the
dictations of the State Superintend
ent. MWe say to directors, get the best
books you can. Do not look for cheap
ness, but for decided merit. Consult
your teachers ; and. since they have
the work to do, give them books that
they can best work with. A good
teacher will not make a failure with
any took. But there is a great differ
ence In books. We do not believe
that any one man, however learsed he
may be. can properly select books for
schocls he has never seea, and whose
teachers he has never consulted.
We understand that new booka were
put into your city schools during the
last school year.'. We 'are informed
that those books were well received,
and that children, parents, and teach
era alike are nleased with them. ; Yw e
feel free to say that it is due to Prof,
Moore to let his work stand,, and if not
complete, to complete it. This course
we have reason to think will save
money and prevent trouble.
We work for no publishing house.
We have no selfish end to secure. We
do not want our people to be compelled
to purchase new books wha they
don't want them. Let all school dis
tricts choose the. books best adapted to
the wants of their schools. We mean
no disrespect to Mr. lieal3. We re
gard his action as uncalled for at this
time; therefore we say to all eon
cerned, do the best you can for your
schools, and all will be well.
F. II.- D.. ncXT, of Hillsdale, has
left in this office a large ear of yellow
dent corn, containing eighteen rows
of solid corn, running four teen inches
from the butt to the top. This is only
a fair" sample of the large cornfields
which are to be found all through
Nebraska, The acreage planted this
year is large, and the yield i3 believed
to be much larger than ever before.
The number of bushels of corn which
Nemaha, Johnson, Gage, Pawnee and
Richardson Counties will have for
transportation, is , now estimated at
over 2,000,000. Most of it is now be
yond the harm of frost, and there is
none that wants more than two
weeks of fair weather. How much of
yiis immense yield is Brownville pre
pared to handle? She caa handle as
much of it as she will, but preparation
J Is necessary. By activity early com-
rfnpr oe( nnil a wnprnim rtolicv to-
" " I t? x
wards the producer, the grain grown
this summer will find Brown villa its
best market. Our merchants should
-a. .a . . . . .If
see to n tnat sucn a wise policy is
adopted as will attract a large bulk of
the grain to this depot for shipment.
The present storrage, though ample
for all past requirements, will not be
gin to be sufficient for the wants of the
coming year. . ' . . '
Rev. Mr. Barge of Nem aha City in
forms us that Judge Ritter of St. De
roin is east after a fresh stcck of goods,
and that our Inimitable friend Geo.
Vandeventer i3 to stand behind the
counter to wait upon customers.
Judge Ritter has been out. of business
just about as long as one of his active
teirxcrateierit c .axtxrd jvst time-to
nr.hsaTlelt io'd.l3'oll ioaie and re
tetra. A few days -at home has
aw.ilttrned the old desire for activity
and trade, and so off he goes and St,
Deroin may lock for a heavy stock of
goe-ds oa his return from the eastern
manufacturers. . .
Tli a Fremont Tribune has enlarged
to . the size of the Advertiser. The
Triune is a live and out-spokea pa
per. It la one in which we find the
facts as they transpire, iregardles3 of
wtcra they hit. We are not surprised
to witness this evidence c fits prosper
ity. The town cf Fremont is a live
-a 1 thrifty place, r.nd no paper less
enterprising than the would
begin to meet Its wants. Our wish 13,
that the place may prosper ia propor
tion as they contribute to the prorper
ity of the TrlLune. "
There will be, Providence permlt
tir a C.anpmoetlrg held for the Ne-br.i-tha
City Station In. Overton's
rove, 4 r..;!?s Pouth from Nebrrska
City, on the Half road to Peru, and
one-half milj from th3 four mile
scliool hous, commencing Tuesday
eveum?, Sf ptrmper 21ft, and contin
urc ovt r the ensure? fxibbath. It Is
ct j t . J that many will att end from
the London, Peru, and other appoint
r:i:nts. Friend from all. "parts are In
vited to come to tent on the ground.
The grove is excellent, affording am
ple shrde. and all arrangements will
be mo Ia for the comfort and coaven
ie:iC3 of tent holders-
T. B. LEsrox, P. E.
G. S. Alkxa.ndfji, Patr.
Items from the Pawn e 3 Tribune
4th inst: 1
RAtn op Real Estate.
Shurtz, recentl v fromOhio, has bought
Mr. Haine's farm ; -price, 2,(X;0. Very
cher p. we think. Th9 whole farm
i3 under cultivation.
A Bia Stoky, But True. Mr. J.
B. Judd, informs us that he raised i a
his garden this season on a bed nine
feet long and four feet wide, one bush
el and three pecks of onions, from seed
distributed from the Patent OJ3ce.
This ii at the rate of 2.117J bushels per
acre. ; . 1..
From the Souttern Xc&raslian cf
the ICth inst: . "
E. Ee Cunningham, our Siate Sena
tor, has been appointed Deputy U. S.
Marshal. Mr. Cunningham will make
a good and efficient officer. ...
The fact that A. Schoenheit has been
selected as one of the orators on the
occasion of the celebration of Alexan
der V. Humboldt's birth-day, is evi
dence that his German friends have
not forgotten him, and that they still
appreciate those qualities for which he
is so distinguished with his German
as well a3 his American friends.
Col. S. M. Rich, the well known
Attorney of Brownville, and Geo. W.
Fairbrother, Mayor of Brownville,
paid Arago a visit this week. They
were well pleased with Arago. They
predict great future success for our
growing city.
The new wheel for thcSCratriee
flouring mill arrived from Broy;uville
on Monda3' evening lasts - It-, i quite
weighty from what we can see and
learn of it. It has been four weeks on
the road, through the worst of weath
er: has broken down a number of
bridges and culverts, upset and broke
several wagons and snapped innu
merable chains. Mr. Carl Jbrnery,
who broucht it. has shown In thi
matter the qualities which succeed ev-
i t i rv r i sy t ' .
erywnere iu me. xjecurtue
The Banner Base Ball Club of St.
Derion will compete for the "bat and
ball," a premium offered at our Coun
ty Fair. This club Is splendidly uni
formed, and have played by invitation
with many other clubs In other places
where the honors have beea contested
manfully with marked success. So
we say to the Brownville club, look
out for competitors worthy of your
steel. '''
The Brown vill eoDcmocra reads the
A'etrs and Omaha Herald a much
needed lecture upon partlaan journal
ism. The Democrat must take care,
or the ireiva will read it out of the cat
alogue of Democratic journals. It Is
our opinion that the Democrat ia right
ia its position ; but thea we are doubt
ful, whea we consider that shamefu
abuse and wholesale libeling is their
only stock in trade.
cent cFJ clinson County.
TECUMSEir, JNEB-, Kept. 6, ISU'J.
Editor Advertiser: Your excellent
paper comes to us a weloonie visitor,
always ladened with "rare-ripe" fruit.
Schools and education hold a promi
nent place in your columns. Upon
these hang the morals aad religioa of
our beautiful State.
May your pen and those of. your
correspondents never get weary In so
good a work. " .
It is due the teachers and friends of
education in Johnson county to say
mat hign water ana tne loss or onage
kept us from representing this coun
ty in the late Teachers' Association
neia at Umana. We think we are
alive to the educational interests of
the county, and if it be possible to
reach the City, we will not fail to be
present at the next meeting.
It is "lamentable11 that so few teach
ers take ah interest in this work ; nev
ertheless we believe, considering our
age and financial ability, we are not
one whit behind the "chiefest" county
in the State. We shall push on and
hope to overcome the prevailing igno
rance and consequent prejudices in a
new country of mixed settlers, ,
v. Yours truly,
Ceo. Francis Train.
Bryan, Sept 2d, 18G9.
To the Pacific Excursions from Cincinnati
en route lor San t "ranclaoo.
Welcome to the sage brush prairies.
two thousand miles of mountain des
ert. Look well at Omaha and the
lands along the Platte. I came to re
main four days, and have been four
months on the survey. This is the
result: Alaska, lives; British Colum
bia, dead; V ashington Territory alive;
Oregon, sound: San Francisco, explo
ded; California, broke, Nevada,"play-
ea:" jaano and Montana, dyine: Pa-
cine buble, burst; Utah, flourishing;
Pacific States, a sucked orange San
Francisco the sucker.
No emigration should go West. All
Californians who can iret out are eo-
ing jast. ine I'acinc railway will
save the Republic for the benefit of
the people, but break the capitalist.
all "dead-head," excurs'-i f re cor
ralled by the bankers ol C..forniaj
hence see nothing, Mineral produc
tions this year only $20,OvJ,000, The
miners have turned west of the Mis
souri river. There are not one million
south. r
Rad, ponder and inwardly digest
this dispatch and your visit will result
in profit to the nation ; otherwise in
loss. -Nothing can save us from repu
diation but the issue of S.CoO.000.000
greenbacks and abolition cf specie
ayment forever. - You will find the
'acific States still a foreign country.
General Lee has not yet surrendered.
UEo. BANci3 Train. ,
Laramie, Sept. 2. Have seen a
wonderful man a marvelovs city and
wonderful people a man witb-gigan-tic
self-reliance, who practices what
he preaches with Napoleonic power
a city without a lawyer, doctor.
clergyman, drunkard gambler or
pauper where there is no Democratic
club or Union league, no Odd Fellows'
Loage, or I ree Masons' camp; no old
bachelors and no old maids; where
one hundred feet streets lined with
locust trees divide ten acre b!ocks,and
perennial streams Irrigate city orchard,
and me tropolitan public gardens
where there no jails or alms houses,
paupers or prisoners : a people who
outraged by usijust laws and bigoted
prejudices, nave made tne sage-brush
desert blo-som with fruit trees and
vegetables; who did not forget to be
loyal in Mexican and civil wars, who
have built the largest church in Amer
ica, but do not pay their preachers.
who give water instead of wine at the
sacrernent; who have manufactured
themselves one of the largest organs
in the wcrld; a people whose women
assist each other at child-birth, . who
know no th ir.g c f y - ecu! um ."i n fan a
or RestelL-m, and whose children do
not die cf s?rc full and svnhilis? and
do net Levck-l Ha each ether,, or afraid
to exprces an c pinion; whose word is
their bend; who allow strange minis
ters to preexh in their taberniele; who
have a Large population, yet are deni-
ed the right of a State whose loyahty
ha3 never beea tested, yet a
Government army to watch an i insult
them; a people who live ia tLur o
homes and love their fellow r.een,
well as God; who allow their women
to vote; who prove that the christian
world must either admit the truth of
this religion or thro-v overboard the
Patriarchal Lille; the only religion
ever established where the founuer
thereof had a father and mother.
Such i3 the Morman Chief, city and
people. Dynasties like Napoleon's
may. die. but the facts may live on.
Brigham adopts my advice, and orders
Clawson to build a Turkish Bath. If
he does he will live a quarter of a
century, otherwi-o he will die, and a
great ground-swell cf ambitious spir
rits will strike for the succession ; but
Mormanism will live, for it is the
head-quarters of spiritualism. So
please notify Gen. Grant to remove
the Gentile army." Tell, tho Union
Pacific and Central Pacific to pay the
two million dollars they owe the
Mormans; and make it known that
Utah must be admitted into the Union
at the next Congress, or this deponent
proposes to know the reason why.
Geo. Francis Tkain. '
I.O.O.F. G.IU.S..
The' Grand Lodge: of the United"
States, of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows took their departure for
the Pacific coast. Five of the splendid
Pullman palaces conveyed them from
our city Not les3 than one hundred
of the Omaha brethren gathered at
the depot to see them safely olf. The
members of the Grand Lodge of Cali
fornia were busy as could be perfect
ing every necessary arrangement for
their felow .craftsmen. General
Superintendent Bennett of the palac
es was also at the depot perfecting
arrangements and ; accomplishing
wonders in the way of provision for.
the comfort, convenience' and pleas
ure of the party. In this connection
we wish to say that Mr. Bennett ia one
of the most ubiquitous, gentlamauly,
and tireless ofiieials, ever watching
for the interest of the company and
their guests, looking out for flaws of
the most trival nature and continually
performing little act of courtesy and
kindness that it has ever been our
good fortune to meet. . .
Of the Pullmans benefactors of the
great traveling public we cannot say
too much in their favor. Our praise
is meeted out, a3 a general thing, with
a charry hand, for we do not endorse
the idea cf complimenting and puff
ing, but to the Pullman Brothers we
ernestly say, nobly done. Five of
those elegant Eilver lined mansions on
wheels for tho representatives of one
of the nobelest order3 in the world.
Inside nothing but luxury and ease,
comfort and convenience, richness and
beauty of actual reality.
The "Young America,". "Ohio,"
"Promontory" and "Pennsylvania,"
"temples of beauty," every one, to
carry tne passengers from tne Ucci
dent to the Orient.
The dining room or commissary car
too, must not pass without especia
mention. Here we find convenience
reduced to scientific perfection.
I ine irain was wimoui uouut me
rll 1 A. i . !lL . !...!. A t
Xhandsomest if not the most brillian
which ever left the "new Chicago."
The generosity of the California
committee in furnishing such commo
dious and luxurious traveling accom
modations was spoken of by tht
Grand Lodge members in the highest
terms. Not one but appreciated and
remarked upon the sumptuousness
and liberality of entertainment with
wnica tney were meeting. Tne cars
were furnished with everything
which taste and desire eould Wish, for
or Interest suggest. "Amongst other
Items "we noticed on the list ten thou
sand pieces of linen for these five
coaches. This train with its hundred
and seventy-five excursionists .was
under the supervision and direct con
Jrolof conductor E. W. Tiers, ayoung
man of ability in fact one of the Pull
man Brothers employees in whom es
pecial trust and conndence has ever
been placed since his first connection
with the raad. Superintendent Ben
nett, by special request accompanied
the members. He will go through to
San Irancisco and return with the
excursion party of "Old Pioneersfrom
California," who propose taking the
same train on its return. Oinaha Jie-
At th residence of James II. Jones, the
bride's uncle, .in St. Deroin, September 5th,
by the Itev. R. Barge of Nemaha City, Win.
H. Woodring to MltssJoannah Ilutton, both of
St Deroin. .
X WlnelancI M. E. Chcrch, on September
l, ISC9,by the Rev. James Meachnm, Dr. J.
W. Blackburn of Brownville, Nebraska, to
Miss Belle McGrew of Sewickly Township,
Westmoreland Connty, Pa.
ann 0U2;cniz:iT5.
Announcements, $2,50.
DB. MeGREW'3 many friends at London would
be glad to see him no'mlnated by the Republican
Convention as County Superintendent of Commoii
We are authorized to announce the name of Da-
viimost fXASTKUs for re-election to the office of
Sheriff at the ensuing October elecUon.
Having been solocited to become a candidate be
fore the Republican Nominating Convention for the
office of Sheriff, I herewith giv my consent for the
use of my name. Should I have friends enough to
secure the nomination, I will accept, and will fill
the offlce to the best of ray ability.
- ' - . W. H. SHALL.
We are authorized to announce tbe name of W. O.
GiAsaow as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of
Nemaha County at the ensuing election ; subject to
the decision of the Republican Convention.
- .We ere .authorized to announce the name of Jo
was XlACxra us a candidate for the office of County
Treasurer of Nemaha County, at the ensuing elec
tion ; subject to the decision of the Republican Con
tlon. - ' '
We are authorized to announce the came of St P.
Tcttlk as a candidate for the office of County
Treasurer of STemaha County, at the ensuing elec
tion ; subject to the decision of the Republican Con-
tion. -
To the Voter $ of Kemaha County:
The County Offices are yours to gi ve away. I have
served you one term as County Treasurer, end I
would gratefully receive a re-election ia October.
We are authorized to announce the name of B. V.
HroHKS as a candidate for the office of Probate
Judge of Nemaha Couoty at the ensuing election;
subject to tbe decision of the Republican Conven
tion. . I
We are anther!zed totnnoonce the name of Judge
A. W. JfoBOAjr as a; late for the ofttce of Pro
bate Jut,;e of Nemaaa County at the ensuing elec
Uon ; subject to tbe decLiion of the r.epubl!caa Coo-
ill mi suHiim ' "vwwm wmfM.imutu
NOTICE i3 hereby given, that on
Tuesday te U.h iiv r,f (VtiiVr. A, Tv
V&. at th U.-US1 M nt Vi,' '.:. in th ovt-ral Ti-.
clncts ia 2eniHhAC'ui v. Xi-(;rnk, aStieuU i:u-o
tKr wiU be heii fur tu elcciioa of tha iuilowing
ONE SUNATOU, for the 2d District,
to ?il 1 Vfancy.
ONE SKNATOa, tor the 3d District,
torn vf ;"t.
one; itiei :ii: e a ative, for the
Connty, to fUI Vacancy.
Which elecfon will be craned at 8 o'clock la the
mfiminir. and ctmunne o; eu until o'clock ia Uie
afternoon of the jimc (Uv.
iiyorarof ine ivr .,r, ptr".ber1?, T'l
JAML.,i M. HACIiilil.
8-t' - - OrantvCiprV,
TIES. Endles3 in style and quanti
ty, at IUT7 IT.V
1,1st f ?Taaes rteTlstepeA I Per"
elnct, NeiikaV- Iflunty, Nebrae
tlieOctcsr i. lection, lsS3.
DAt V.'M
.?7 Cf-ir2!3
" C'h irles
tAl ---on
-. Jc-, J-:.ha
S I Ll:i"ken
Lrown t':.-ni J!
Crown O'orjJ A
BucC It II
Burns Iar.c
Burns MatheW
Burck lllrara
Carlisle A L
Carlis CUB
Crnmes J S
Crnrae N P -CromeJP
Chapman Jf Is ri
CliajMiian V V
CoaLmy J II
Conrad Nicholas
Combs M J
Clark Gorge
Chambers S A
Clemens John
Denmari WH
Den man Z II
Deninan Joseph
Den man II C .
rns Ji ivl i
l;iker WmO
lirl-J jr? Vm
Diss Vhomfis
C"erat ns Wm
C'afierty William
Comts W F
Clarft Knocb.
Chare W m.
Vurr F M
Coultird J W
Coleni.m Iaao
Coru'v-d l.d
Carter Willis
Crumes Jiunes
(,'arey Peter
Chap nan J J
. CulOtrtson Samuel
Dust In John M
Denman N 8
Daily W'taM
Dlinorison Joseph
IklwardsTualUirJF'.asly U L
lidmlsten Shelby
Edwards Green
Ktunger Jacoo
X Green T M
GiiU!!IOW W(l
Giilet AH
Horn T ft
Hardin Aquilla
Hutchinson A T
Hutchinson Thos
Hudson Win M
Havemeyea J II
Knortvel Fred
Kuott B W
Lash Emm or
Lash Joseph W
MASON Nathan ,
.Majors F .
Marsh Eb D
Mears II M
Miller J II
Metealf T J -McNoun
McReynolcs David
McKenzleJM .
Mason Geo W
ilason ML.
EALJohnF '
Q'CONNOR Francis
PETOT Samuel
Pettit JM
Pronty F L
Peery JI S
Parr lot t w C
I 'rice John
Palstino John -
Richardson J w
Richardson A J
Richardson w J
Roberts Hlllnscsly
Roberts Henry
Reade Le-wrs
Robbing T J
Smith w if
Smith wR
Swan J w .
Swan L M
Swan II G
Swan w L
Swan G II
Storms J D
Storms G J
Standley lilchard
Standley J w
Snyder Jeremiah
rnOBLER Ignatz
I TomlinsonSS
Tate William
Tate Joshua
-yANCE Sliver
Colic p A A
Gaede Charles
Graror Reuben
Greij js Eno 21
Hart David
Haw .; ins Lyman
Hart SB
Hawley ITenry
Han uJ H
Huthir r Habln
Haydca D T
Knott J S
Kintmer James M.
Lindsay A J '
Loiig.t'eUow J M
McAdnrri'?, RT
Mills W M .
Min:clin C V
Martin J A
Mann Adam C "
McCoy w H -MetoiIfwU
Manin Joseph P
Mea-ler CO
McKinhey Jeremiah
Neal A J
ratterxon John
Poll ircl Samuel
Phi) lips Kr
Pax ton Thompson
Parriott Simeon
Price Sylvester
Richardson w II
Rains Jesse
Rar.dol D 8 '
Ray Harmon
Rot tson J B
IlaLis Isaac
Snyder John v "
Snyder Samuel
Snyder D H
Sco : t J H F
Shoopman Jacob
Swank Samuel
Sayer Robert
Shoopman J w
Shoopman J II
Shirley Gw
Schoouover Hiram
Tata Q w .
Tynan Andrew
Ti?non w B
Thompson wm
Vance James
"ITTILSON Benjamin Wrli
:ht Alexander
V Wilson N w
Warren w J
Wyne J C
Welsh John
Wilson Mathew
Wlnnahan Michael
WUliams F M
Waggoner Thomas
rARING Jacob
Welch A L
WKlianis J w
Wall w w
Wri?ht Joy
WKliama TP '
Whitfleid Bryant
All persons who names are not on the
above list, who claim to be voters fn Peru
rrecinctat the October election of XSn-3, will
find me at my otliee in Peru, on Monday and
Tuesday, the 4th and 5th of October, at
which time I will correct the list of Registra
tion, ana complete me same.
This 13th of September, 1SG0.
Registrar Peru Precinct.
'.'Proposals for Grain.
Omaha, Aib., September 10, 18ot.
ALKD Bids, in duplicate, with
gnarnntce signed by two responsible par
ties, not bidders, will he received at thi ortice. until
loo clock a. m , on Monday, October 11th, for
Twenty thousand (20.000) bushels of Corn,
Twenty thousand ($),tw) bushels of Oats,
at Omaha, Nebraska.
Delivery to commence upon the award of con
tract, and to be eomnlpted within thirtv rimr. ih.n.
after. '
Bids will be received for
than three thousand bushels.
Separate bids must be made for the Corn and Oats.
omiipt uius ran d naa at tnn otnee,
Full conditions of rontrm-t mutaknwn nn
nlll m " r
ny oraer of Bv't Maj-Gen. Aurrnr.
riai. , - W4T.MYER9.
- 1 Bv't Brigienl, C. Q. M.
r ft'
- mm
. a
inpriiTrpTP nrmnrno
' - Are prepared to furnls,h
fur all kinds of
of tie latest and most approved styles.
All kindt cf Job W,r dtctn io order t
3Shop, corner lluia and Second streets.
500Ac:c3. lEtiTe
10 Grc2n-LicTi33. and 5 rrr Stnrlr. Imm.u
and reliatli assortment ver" low for cash.
Ar.itt. 1.2 -d yfcr. Vari-n mAxnt 1 a.ti
loca..t.s, I ichi'onj; l--Iv N-T-.uera sorts, sucb as
Duchess .-lileriburs, liuup, 1 raaMcendent and oth
er Lmu .p .
F'-rrtt (-"Ci J, ',;,! Tro-. .;uri, -. ft-,,-.
Hrtrre Jvn'r, i. o vn rei is It .r,jv h.Js,.h
r Hoot Ura.Ls nut unto nr.
..r in huut f-!. r 1
Aio si;it,, r co'-irl r!a:es nfTmlfjinilTin..
ers. ."jaa cents fur Ciiili cie. Fewsr of boeus
r- -- k . r rnr..i I .
Hloomirirton, McLean Co. III.
X eni;fsa variety, at HLT.EL'S.
"nnoTfi a:t RTTfir:
-Tief; in the
111 EL'S.
J-i Maritet, t
pOLLARS. All kinds 8tk!
v is.ii i; . :
HATS AND CAPS. All Varieties
and SLviiSL at ' urTzi-'r.v
(111 - J
' L.J "
rn i
pi n
r-j ,1 S
.,r s
... L..iIiU
Capitol of -ITetrasIuij
Thufj3y,Ssptemb3f 23, 1039
THE Undersigned Commie.ionera,
aTpointel by An Act of the Legislature
of tbe State of Nerska. emir'u-d A n Act "To l'n
vlde for the sj!p of i, h.!.1 J."-t an4 I'.iocks, on the
Town Site of Lincoln, auU l e lue Locatiou and
Krect-on of a
State University, ATricaltural
CallcTcand State l.tiaatlc
Approval Vebruurr loth,
oiler for Sale at Auction,
will oa that day,
in the Town P!te of Lincoln, said Iits bein? the odd
numbered Block (tbe even Dumb-red having pre
vioissiy bwn soi l i of the Town, snJ cotrtpriHii.4 t r;e
most eligible Its in the pi.n-e. The said lots wul he
sppra s-i bv the ComiuiAsuxiPr and gOiJ to ti.e
bifc-heit bidilefover the erpraisiiifeiiU
There will also be oiTored tvt
time, about
ale at the same
: 0,0 GO Acres cf
known as S.'?ne f.and, s!Tnaed within n area of
ten in Us of lueCapiUtl, Jail lands being the moat
value jle farasin lands of tiie State.
The n'ert !n ofTerln? the above named State prop
erty St tiitit t me, is to eiintie the Commissioners to
complete i he .'e University, Asfienimral C'oileee
and Lunatic Asylum at Lincoln, i ;ie l"ajiUl liui.d
ins; b living b-'ii buHt from the proceeds of the pre
vious " !e of lots. This sale of ?'ate pr-perty oi.'ers
to thti i'arutrs. iieclianics and Laborers, a change
for a cheap hom Ht the C'ariital, situated in the rich
est Agricultural ti .strict of the biaie, aud at tbe
-w ri g -w w rft -sr f -w
wtir Salt is being manufactured from the surface
Lineoln. bicg the Capital of the State, and
oojecnve point or some five cir'erant itaiiroaus,
reao lnr out into the Interior, and Upplni the Halt
1M"i)'h;;s at this filace, will soon mae t liie interior
to a or the Mate.
The Cnriir! wns bwnted at Lincoln !n September
lSfiT, hy ar. art of the l-eeis!atnre, an.1 contains six
teen h;nlrl inhnoitant'. w.'h irisxl Lotels, sun-es.
Churches and SrhoM. The L'uislature held its firat
SesMijn in the New t i'i itol the pass winter.
The L'urliT'KV'rt A ?i ..inouri liiver Kailroad Is being
rapidly pus?i-t f. rward to Lincoln, and will by con-
tract oe eomtieti-a earty n;Atseas.i. This line win
rive direct eonnotniation wita t'li'ca -o, and will
be pi c lied oiit ti) i t. Kearney, nni: , rr; w .'h and be
coming a hr-mr'-, of the Union Pari tic R. K
The M'i.l.iod pacific Rail Kul bs a Wo the whole
flu line undnr contract from e-r3ika City to
Julncln, and will be according to term of Its
contifict, f i : i : y eqn;7pe-l and i.i r'innin or!r by
the 1 ith of Mny nejt. This line is oie of the links
by which the Pennsylvania Ontrn! it. II. wl.l raoh
across the continent, compl'nmir as it wi.l In a hort
time its connection w:tu erirtisa l "v, ami irom
Lincoln west to the Union Paciric. Tims Lincoln
wul oe for a time tlse terminal point of two rrt
thorH!i;'i:rs, and eventually otxTjj'ying acejitrwl
position upon two trans confiuentai rout-, shorter.
ry rrom one to two hundred mues, than any other
yei coiisirncieo.
The work noon the State University. A srriculfnral
Colli ee and Lunatic Asylum is now being: rapidly
pusncu lorwaru-
1 Governor,
TUOS. r, KENNAUD. ICommis-
sf. of fetate. f sioners.
40-10 Auditor, J
nzshasxa ciiy, n:
THE Fourth Annual Term of this
X Institution will commence on Thnrflar,
rtd September next. The Colleee is a BOA RDIN'd
1 SCHOOL for bovs and vonnsr men. under thedirwt
care and supervision cf HISHOP (1. It K.
1 he bludenta are fitted lor C'oli-ire or Business.
The location Is beautiful and verv hpalthv : the
buihiinirs ample and comfortable; and theconrse of
insr'iir tion WioroUKn. tireat pains are taken for the
phyKical. mentaL and reiiurious culture ol the atu
T K Jt M S--JS0.f1f a School Year of 10 months.
run iju.oieniranceseerornewatnaents. The terms
are payable halt yearly in advance.
or applio'!"n and entrne, tn' irm
. tiecv. of tiie ( oliea.
ve.ii Nebraska City, b.
'Annual Statement
TOR 1868
Number of Policies Issued..
lount issued thereon.
Amount to
313,129,331 OS
Of which the Interest on Invest
i,7oi,403 73
ments was
Was 81,113,CS9 09
Was more tbaa $30 9,000 in excess of the Claims. I
Amounted to the large sum of. 83,2 6-5,001 17
This Is more than twine as mach as was paid by
any other Life Company in the World, as appears
by the official returns. The advantages enjoyed by
the policy-holders in this Company over those in
any other, could not be better exemplified. .
Offered to policy-holders Is manifest from the eAar-
ncter no less than from the amount of the Com
pany's Assets. These Includa Investment on
Bond and Mortgage upon property worth in
every case not less than double the amount
loaned ; S31.43SJM7 43
Government Stocks 3.G33.iOS
Eeal Estate 9 51.S07 OS
CasJi deposited with Banks and
Trust Co'a.
1.SS3.6S3 63
inr.-.ineno Frem um TVotes. as iVwn.Oi.
is cuuuuciea upon ao eiciuslvcly caali
rf r rr
ii :
AVM ml, i JL ,J I
Local Agent, : : : LrovmviZe.
-s a fss
Ad iA t
a tlhtwltii,!!
J Brownville, Neb.
Easily carried weisrhs 75 s. f 1Ip.T. K!-ht trillions
In the Ermine chari;- 1 with Cartxinic Acid Oas,
en,"ai to 1 h n-'s. ol Common Water!
Charged 'ti ,i sv'onils! i n be recbarced in 1
minutp" Throws t l feet! Puts out buruui Kero
sene, Uenzole, Tar,
JJOTICi: h'h'
Ata-mv,. aifc, L'i"-.! i a r. 4
the Pro)ji? ( or of
W-OKT a . . 1 y vi. at ;
ana i; o.-.oe of tlj jj,
piace, lor car;r
A. W.
SaaK Wait, A i
rsf ath cf w::
' I r '" " 'a (
"rt of
-'I 171. 7S. f .-O l, f -il. if . 4
'fni : f-"d t-t ti -,,.! j
. A 1
A. D. 1
M lime, and
A c.:v.':.a n- :. ;. ...i V
Shi t court, on or tK , 1. r .. .
lj:o. shall be f.-r-ver hr.i My
Ined entt,3(H.r .'
... A. v'. : ; , .
WVMAX K F V r. A .':!'. ,,r
nD:i;isTiiATon's n i
THE undersized will 0-- ' i
pnf Ani ;,1" at the C-.!Sr t
VI 4...UIU UI'S.IIrtil
oil r riuv, tup 4;n ; . ,- ,,t ,
nu cni:,fl of giiid ii----. j. 1
i in nZ
I X i:i I'LL :i y. v r
Wheat and Oats in ti e 3tv
. J
omer artit-!i of 1,
muni-, nr .in !...- . 1 fcxi. ... .
l l-.ii. 71-9 t't.rrii.ij . ..; ... n ..
months, wr.h ar-prov.l ,r.if
' J I STILL'S XBT'f-r,
Andrew J.r.;.;(?r,-) "
Daniel W. Km'-n.)
To bet-e,t -H- re n. tl v.-, - -
roia, on t. ?
M. ABii'i..,!.
horse, 7 btxiic ace
. . " ' ?-pt
i's .vane:
9 .
"V t..,.. . - .
jti the
I I I..IVI.I 111 "I;
were d-x y a; ., . -j ",,v V
All porsiiR oi.i.x-. . . .. "1 .N-m.,.
tujome lauueili.,.-
I t-4t
Ji. V. Kt i.T
A. T !. ii; '.
st 11 xrrzu oa stclxj.
ii iroov:n or tur In
her rwovery. . j.
tM 1 ... j"
"rtua.ioM mi i
I Julis lav,
Colts. One an lron-;rsr -.t :.'??jwr'4
and white hind feet 5 tr.e ..i-Tsv
white on hind feet and w ,;. JV , , V,
iinerat reward la oiTnre.1 &, in,- . "
Medical Disjiensznj,
Comer Farnliam aud UU Strent.
Eatraace on 13th Street!,
APcrmaucut In.stltutioa
EsUblished ssclosively for ths treatment
In all their different stftrm. rimt wmmM
Hh VSician In fillrv.nrt-i.i Inimori... Wu i .
years experience in canes of v-nereal nicr 4
his practical know!iJ of vr httvt,i..i.
qoent on or nninz from hm!!v iroat -
erai com plaints, wul tm of n-t hniii.ji
caning upn bim for con;m':!.,n .ml h. - A
Inic to be a) nrnt r- k-pt mrv,j tr.,r u
' urrviil uniliT'ii! lr. h-ijH K...v.
jo mercury nsi. .-sew coses curml ,o in k-ol.
I reach bi'es. 11 : thre for t :i 1 m. a :i p.
Impotence, Spermatorrhea, (gsssuit.
V eakatsss,)
curel by a an-l rf-rnnl treatment
non tree, ana strictly confidential.
The Doctor would state that devote his prioflil
attention to ail classes of Frm-ur Zi.v.uif. Us
limit frmnlrr Rrnwilv for the ot-.stni.l;in of !S
menses, can be obtained bv rn!I:n at the orflr
aiiilrssin a letter to Iir. Voino, I.-ltfi"i-.
Omaha, Nebraska, em-lost n the prs.-e fi i. IaiI
in a certain condition sboijid riot ukeUi ml ci.
as it will sMrely prfx'IiM-p niiwarrTaijo. f-ni fiinh
cular to "Murritsl Lal.t-s Only," alu- fc mnU-T
valuable iniV.-rmation to ernrr mrrH ial. Al
correspondence treated conliilfniial ami pniiiiiij
nr-i!(imi io n the receipt of a ronflf!
Oflice hours from 7 a. ni. to X n. m. MiDla ff
S to In tli a'Tt-rnoon. Hf
J. II. SHOOK &.Er.os.,
Manufacturers and TVa'-ersln ytiv?lnrab
of all kinds, lengths, brea.ui aat tiiXi.
irriiAiiA cournY, rrxrJix
They own and run nneof the bests
In the State, and wUI famish
with a Mil of r,n m of ht :ti":r,
short notice, at the Lowest MarkrlPi'"
Latli and Picicti
Always on hand for saie.
Thev nlso sell chonry nt their store In Bt
la!e all st;ipli lry ( iood and Orocerl,a,
snch artlch-s n are In eneral use.
Keraerabcr the husiuts. the men. aM
place. MT
Pern Livery Stable
' Lealcrln
AH ICIntlM or Stock-
Iloriea Sou-ht, Cold, or IhcciASP4
Stock Boarded I -j the Day or B'
MY 8TA BT.ra arw flcfcArf with rA Eon f
bnitiffp. IVi-ioij w-shi" convvaore
tlon of t Nerr-aaA L&na 1 iotrict'eaa tw t&
".ii. me
-era Srovux-iUQ --ir.
I.eavs my Stables ev.-v mom''-? t '"fT jf.
St. I'afwn,T"rs or im-. x.-m na.'.-t T ooOew-
nil., iv. K. nri'T1'''
lennwi to.
Dealer 1 n all k i n. of tork. Horses l
sol 1 and ex.-fcar.-ed. fctociL hoantfi "i
d.iv or we-rv. . ...
i lie Prpriror has recently erect':" m". i.
r-w hr. - an) emrfjoc!--''-in X-tabi. r (
oid iirownvLitfll j u 1 1 : s st.x: i ''tjtjco
and vehicle new. i e pu.ic can c
modat-d at all hoars,
A stock oorra:!, with an aburilnl
of pure water, attarhcl to thestat
a TinARD
Tn-ier the mana,:eo!o
Is now nnu
KegiiUr Ounlba
j -Trl'
23 roTrii villa
t.5 tli iiAirow i-L
ol the Council E
a -s r-T.
J.i.t IUi -A -r - r
Two Miles from BrowuviH sn4
C.nnl Omnibus. Close Co
V rlrc.n .1 f
!. ... . .
: '. .,,,'7'
; AX. Prf)hat .. (
J7ROJI the farra of Danie! Vscr)
A one mile north of Lon'a Pr V B '
tn nit., one n-own V " t i
shoulder with the vf r "!' ''n,'h"n 1
liberal rev art will , .t-ersn 4 I
imal to the ah-.V::1J'J' ' J ''"
-C j w
1 I J 5
I til I V.- .
I c - Z, -
I I I - 3
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