agricultural: TL VT. rnrau, Ell tor. tUAn Communication Intended (Sir this Dcpart- menPKboold be addremed to the Kditor. II a it It Pays. To Illustrate that fruit growing pays eren In Nebraska, we mention one or tfwo Ins fences- that have come under etir ohsrTatior the present pecson A gentremon of cct acquit! n tan cc near this place has a small strawberry patch, not over thirty feet square, from which he Informs us. his wife Bold over fifty dollars worth of berries besides what was used In the family. Another gentleman jn an adjoining count has an apple tree which last year yielded him twelve bushels of apples, this year fifteen bushels. The The tree is ten years old. At two dol lars per bushel the tree has yielded $A. The original investment 25 cents From a Siberian Crab apple tree growing in our own garden, our little boy has sold this season, twenty-four dollars worth of fruit, besides what was put up for use in the family. The tree is twelve years old, and has pro duced nearly as good a crop for four or five years past. An Early Richmond cherry tree, eight years old, produced twelve dollarg in fruit this aeason. A Dwarf Pear ten years old yielded this season nine dollars. Of course these are extraordinary yields. We men tioii them to show what can be done. Agricultural Advertising. "We have an abidiug faith in fruit growing in Nebraska, and our great clject in consenting to inanacrc the Agrieujtural Department of the A vekttskk is to aid and encourage tree planting. One way to accomplish this, Is to let the people know when, how, and at what prices, good and re liable stock can be had. To this end we are making agricultural advertise . menU a feature in our operations. It is our intention, and we wish it dis tinctly understood by both advertiser and reader, to admit no advertise-', merits except from know reliable nurseries, and for whose stock and re liability we can fully vouch to our farmers and others wishing supplies iiotn parties may therefore govern themselves accordingly. As we have often heretofore -said,- we think it much the safest and best plan to pur chase direct from reliable nurseries. Let Tliem Come. We are pleased to learn that a large delegation from north of the Platte will be in attendance at our County Fair. We feel sure in saying that the people of this county will sustain the reputation of Nemaha in exhibiting its agricultural and mechanical pro ductlons. Let all prepare and be on hand. T California Cm pes. 'Senator Tipton and Lis wife have just returned from a pleasure trip over the Unioo and Central Pimfie Rail roads to-California. To Jlrs. Tiptoe we are uzwtr nec;;,l pbnrr.ticn for a sample of these fin a delicious grapes for which California 4a so celebrated. The specimens are of the Kowood Muscat variety. It is a superb grape ; bunches very large and well should ered; berry large, of bright amber color, with suirary muscat flavor. Of course we cannot raise such grapes in Nebraska out doors. They can be crown, however", under glass. We have a few of the vines of this and other varieties of this class of grapes growing, and intend providing them withasuitablehouse. While of course we yield the palm to California, that on account of its climate it can grow out door these large bunches and ber ries, and of superior quality, tre will not yield a "jot or tittle" to Califor nia, or any ther locality, as to the quality of some, at least, of our Ne braska grown grapes. Take for in stance-tlte DelavareandDiana, plant ed in the proper soil, properly cared for. and properly matured, and we wiTT place the fruit in comparison with any other grape, grown in any coun try, soil, climate, or under and other sun. - KcLrssIia TaJrs. .The JZtlranlta Slate Fair will. be held at Netraska City, Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and -Friday, Sep tember 2. :h, 2th and 30th, and Oct. lot, 1SC0'. Competition open to ali States In the world.' ' . The Nemaha County Agncultvtrat and Mechanical Association, holds its Fourth Annual Fair at BrownvLile, Tuesday, Wendesday and ThursLiyr September 21st, 22d, and 23d, ES69. Competition open to all counties. The Richarthon County Agricultural Fair will be held in Salem, Neb., on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of Septesiber. The Johnson County Agnimttrnml and Mechanical Association 6LX its First Annual Fair at Tecunaeh, on the 6th, 7th and Sits October. The Agricultural Society of Pawnee County hftre decided to hold a Fair on the 6th and 7th of October next, at the Court House and Butler's Corrall, in Pawnee City. We will publish the times of hold ing other Fairs as we are advised. "the never; We measured a Pear growing in the crarden of Robert Teabe in this place, which measured ten and three quarter inches in circumference. That will do, and beats the Morton Pear "just" beats it. A gentleman writing us from Ceres- co, Mien., says : "l am mucii pieasea with the business thrift of your new country, as evinced by a perusal of your live paper, the Advertiser. We are told that Capt. Cabjjon has m t a a tine rruit prospect on nis larm, es pecially peaches. We intend to go out and take a look, and report in detail. Agricultural implements have been forwarded from Michigan for exhibi tion at both the State and Nemaha County Agricultural Fairs. - THE CROPS IN JULY. Our attention is frequently called to omissions in the premium list, both for the Nemaha County and State Fairs. , It is impossible to make a per fect list; some articles will necessarily be overlookedeven some important ones. It is the intention to provide for every worthy article on exhibi tion, whether provided for In the pre mium lists or not. To this end a 'Discretionary Committee" is ap pointed whose special duty it is to look after such matters. Fixe Pears. Mr. Geo. W. liratton of this place has presented us with a specimen of Seedling Pear which we "pronounce number one in all re spects. Its size eight inches in cir cumference Is good ; flesh rich, yel low and melting, . skin thin, flavor very fine and core email. It ripens ' about the first of September. The tree he procured of II. O. Miuick, Esq., the present Secretary of the Nemaha Couuty Agricultural Society, seven years ago. This la its first fruit. The tree was heavily laden with its choice r fruit. " We suggest a name, the Brat- . ( Fear. . . Mr. Bratton has some other very fine pears. He has a small tree five years old of the rariety Duchess de Angeulcnre variety, which this year produced forty-six pears measuring from 7 to 10 Inches in circumference. Dr. Tiiurmax, who now occupies the grounds planted twelve years ago by G. W. Bratton, has the finest fchow of Pears this season we have seen anywhere. , He has White Doy enne, and Louise Bonne de Jersey trees yielding eight and ten bushels of fine lucious fruit. Robert Teare has a small tree in his garden of the Belle Lucretive vari ety not larger than the wrist, and not over four feet high, which had twenty two nice well formed pears on it this . year. v TROTTING AXD PACING AT THE County Fair. A special purse is . being made up to offer premiums for trotting and pacing horses at the com lug County Fair. .The following has been agreed upon. .For Beat Trotter, four ye. old and over.. f2" 00 nmlfftnnf riwii 2 00 racer, lour years old and vr (O under four ) ir ,,, , 2i o Judges will be appointed on the grounds. A detailed programme wil le announced on the first day ef the Fair. The Pawnee Tribune says prospective yield of corn was better than this year, while potatoes are so abundant mat it win not pay hogs to root them out of the ground. With retard to the yield of wheat In this county it is much larger than most people anticipated. But few fields go lesj than 20 bushels and some yield over 2-5. But there M ere a few fields 'scabbed' so bad as not to be worth cutting. The surplus wheat in thi county M ill pobarbly be over 10,- 000 bushels." The Nebraska city News says "the corn crop of Cass and Otoe counties ooks remarkably fine. Plenty of warm weather and a late fall is all that is required to secure the heaviest crop ever produced in Nebraska." Speaking of big apples the Nebraska City Frcss says: "We saw speci mens from Mr. Harmon's and Mr. Masters' orchard, each of which measured one good round foot in cir- cumf?rence and were plump,- eoundj and finely flavored." Aiie buiiie par uuua . wmuu Prnnsvivftnlfl. .eix nprwnt inf tpasp in growers agree that cutting off the tops Nebraska and West Virginia, 30 per of the onions at this time of rear cent in Kansas; 7 per cent in Texas 10 per cent in Florida, ana ft some what decreased acreage in Arkansas, Louisiana and Deleware. In the Reports received at th Department of agncaitnre - Correspondence of the Newark Advertiser. Washington, Aug. 2. From the August reports on growing crops at the Department of Agriculture, it appears thatNewJersejPennsylvan!a and Deleware, in the east;, West Virginia, Kansas and Nebraska, in the West, and Arkanses, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida and Texas, In the South, are the only States that claim an average crop as compared mn tne same date last year, with a slightly Increased acreage in New Jersey and - Lavtos, Dobbin & Cjx, whofesale dc&Isrs ia Osage Oracg- seed acd plants, State Centre, Iovrait! will be seen advertise M'ith us- to-day. This fnn have one huadrett and ten acre La plants. This season, and locality I n prodocedsueha "growth as will en atia- tLsm to warrant their plants Thebest of references given when de sized. W. F. Keikes, that old, reliable and well established Nurseryman o Dayton, Ohio, continues his advert! sing patronage with us. We speak for him a share of patronage in return Stickney & Baumbach, Waupun Wisconsin, advertises with us this week. See their advertisement. Ciias. Patterson, Kingsville, Mo. offers to furnish our people with Osage Hedcre plants by the million. He says : "We are anxious to secure trade in your section, for it rill be just to our hands when the Q., M. & P. R. R. is completed." We call attention to the advertise ment of E. F. Babcock, St. Clair Nurseries, Summerfield, 111. We take pleasure in recommending Mr. Bab cock's stock to our. patrons. It is an old and well established Nursery, and its proprietor will spare no pains to give entire satisfaction in all respects. W. P. Wills & Son, Bloomington, 111., offers our Nebraska fruit growers a rare stock of everything in the Nur sery line. We can vouch. for the reli ability of this firm, and that represen tations will be made good. E. Moody & Son, Niagara Nurser ies, Lockport, New York, offers young stock at rates which cannot fail to give satisfaction. The house is reliable and the stock good. Hargis & Somsiek, Star Nurseries, Quincy. 111., offer a fine assortment of General Nursery Stock, including Osage Hedge plants. Read their ad vertisement in this issue. Springfield Nurseries. This well established Nursery, by Spald ing & Co., ia before our patrons for a share of patronage. They rely entirely on the quality of their stock for ' re commendation. ' " James Vick, Rochester, New York, calls attention to his Illustrated Cata logue of Bulb for fall trade, 1S69. Who does not know Vick? Send for his catalogue and then order from his stock. causes the bulb to rot, ana we saw a fine load rejected solely on this ground. Our onion groM'ers are M'arned against cutting off the tops. If allowed to remain they dry up M'ith the onion and may then be removed. In the columns of to-day's issue will be found the advertisements of XV W Xfjvv A- rV rwf r.Hmon Til the great osage orange growers. The following notice of this establishment is from the Frarie Farmer the editor of which speaks from personal knowl edge. , the great osage plantation. Not long since we had the pleasure cent, better yield than last year, and of a visit to the extensive nursery of witn increased acreage as notea: ana great corn producing State of Illinois, the average estimate of condition in about sixty counties falls fully SO per cent, below last season at the same date : Indiana, the second State in production, puts the figures nearly as low; Mlcnieran. Wisconsin and Minnesota rate 20 to SO per cent, below last year ; Ohio, 20 per cent, below ; Iowa, 20 per cent.; Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee, 10 per cent. New Eng land ranges from 10 to 15 per cent, below; New York, 20 to 25 per cent; Maryland, Virginia. Norta Carolina. Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee 10 per cent; and South Carolina SO per cent, below. Texas promises 30 per W. II Mann & Co. Seeing is believ- ng, and having seen we cannot but eiieve that these gentlemen have one of the finest and largest establishments of the kind to be found anywhere in the country. lor tM-enty-three j-ears Mr. Mann, or tne "Captain" as he is more familiarly called by his neighbors,has been actively engaged m the tree cul ture, and lus whole soul seems to be n the M'ork. He was among the first to introduce the osage orange plant upon the prairie as the thing for live enccs. . - This establishment is noMr devoting ts time, energies and capabilities mainly to the culture of the osage plant and apple tree, and they have already over five hundred acres closely planted to these two articles. They assure us that they will have for sale this season two million apple trees and fifty million osage plants all of their own growth. Their reputation as honorable reha Ie gentlemen is Mell established through the West, and we unhesitat- ngly commend them to everybody who may Mish to deal in trees or plants.. A nurseryman and fruit grower in New York, writing us says: "I was pleased to receive and read a copy of your truly excellent and enterprising paper, and to know that one of its lead ing features is to encourage agricultu ral developement, and especially tree planting. I am glad to have this me dium through which o communicate M-ith the new country opening up west of the Missouri river and along Its valleys." On a Concord grape vine groM'lng in the garden of Mr. Teare of this place, the second year from planting, we counted, the other day, thirty-four large sized, perfectly formed and filled bunches of grapes, weighing abou seventeen pounds, which at twenty- five cents per pound would make the yield i 1,23. The vine cost IS ctnts, two years ago. A fair per cent. a the investment. ' i Work is progressing on the Fair Grounds, extd those wh wicli to con tribute labor can do so- at any time be fore the- Fair. There is much to be done, and one days work from half who are interested will . put the 'grounds ia tip-top order and' fence them in. Let aJi lend a helping hand. finrr Baker, uearthia place, raised a bountiful eurplv of verv larr? and The friends of the Brownville Base Ball Club have agreed to purchase a ten dollar Bat and Ball, and offer them as a premium for a game to be plaj-ed on the Nemaha County Fair grounds on one day during the coming F4air. It may be they will permit other clubs to compete for it. At all events there will be ball playing, and the bat and ball given in some shape. i, i in There Is a mule at Nebraska City measuring eighteen and a half hands high, and otherwise proportionately large. The owner says It can haul five thousand pounds from the steam boat levee to any part f the city. This is but Irr keeping with the size of other Nebraska products, especially the present season. We have received a copy of the Premium List of the N. E. Agrlcul tural Society for their Sixth Annual Exhibition, to be held at Portland, Maine, Sept. 7th, &th, Sth and 10th, 1SG3. ' Kansas and Arkansas 10 per cent, bet ter than last year. In a few of the larger States will the increase of acre age make up for the decrease in gen eral condition, while in several of the larger States the acreage has been re duced from the last year owing to the verv favorable spring, hence It seems hardly possible that a crop equalling that of last year can now foe made under the most favorable future, while the indications are that the yield of the season will fall considerably below that of 18GS. Drought has done mqeh damage in some sections, suc ceeding the excessive rains which had previously retarded the growth of the crop. Favorable Meather hence forth with late fall, may ao much, for the general yield, but a short corn crop seems inevitable. Tndi ana and Illinois produced about one-iourtn or the whole country last year, and now threaten to reduce their products thirty five per cent. Ohio, Iowa, .Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee, which raised one-third of promise a decreased yield of from ten to twenty per cent. The season which has been a. a m . a. A unpropitious ior mis great national crop has, however, proven favorable to most others, ana though the corn be cut short, there must be abundance in the land. - large potato crop. With quite a large increase in the area planted In potatoes this crop promises aiargeiy iuvxcwsvu j ciu the product of last year. New York and Pennsylvania, which produce nearly if not quite one third the entire cron of the country, report an increase of 3 to 5 per cent, in acreage, and about 15 per cent, better in conaiuon; xiu- nofs 10 per cent, better and 10 percent. more acreage, Indiana a sngnt increase In acrease. but ten percent, in advance In condition; Iowa ten per cent, in crease in acreajre, and as much better in condition ; New Jersy twelve per cent, larger in acreage, and condition fifteen per cent, above last year; Maine, Vermont, Michigan and Wis consin, are the only States that report decreased acreacre, and the crop. without unforeseen casualties must be large. ; . , Crl Apples Yellow Siberian mis year. One hundred such trees would be better for him than his farm. Isaac Black, cneef our Nemaha etsnnty farmers, planted ten pounds of Carry Rose Potatoes last spring. HI yiild was niaeteea busLtb, near ly tw o busLels to a pocsd of seed. . Mr. Starry will have his Buffalo Calves on our County Fair Grounds, They M ill be a curiosity to those who have not seen them. To Tilton & Co., Boston, Mass, we-are indebted for a small package c the Seeds of t!ie President Wilder Strawberry. We will give them care. Thanks to Jaxis I. Miller, Seey Kentucky Six.! Agricultural Society, for a complimentary to State Fair. From ffcbrasSuu Corre?pondeac Kaqsm Commonweilth. JtfTerson county. Neb., lies directly south of Washing ton and -ltepubiic counties, Jvansas. The county is perhaps better timbered than any other county in North-west ern Kansas or JNeDrasKa. me ntue Blue river traverses the entire length of the county. In a North-Easterly course. Its bottoms are covered with forests of timber. The stream affords the best water power, without a doubt in tne west. The mills erected at this place, by Mr. u. j. enuiDs, ana irom wuicu the town derived its name, are perhaps the largest in either Kanssa or Nebras ka. The building is about 50x70 feet and four stories high. The machine ry i3 being put in for four run of Thi3, fn my pinion, shows the right kind of energy for a western man The-enrps are good throughout the entire country. I know of fields of whmt fn Washington county that will yield as hihasforty-five bowels to the acre. There are ;soiaec9 la thi3 county that will yield the same. Com nererjocked better In any coon- cry. . Immigration for the fall It3 already commenced pouring in ; and I wish to say through the columns of your vsry valuable paper, knowing that it wlJ reach more re:ttlers tm through arry other Kansas p-iper, Vr.xt the best r for poor man to 1 c ite is in southern Nebraska cr norther Kansas. Oar soil is the very best quality, while ou.r naikets are good anc convenient. , , ' . . "Yours fraternally - - - 'Tip. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 500 Acres. 18th Year. 10 Green-houses. Fruit. Ornamental nd Xursrrr Stack. Immnut biiu reiiaoie nsKonmem very low lor caxli. ApuU-t.X, 2 nd t years. Varieties a da u ted to all localities, Including bardy Jfortiiern sort, such as Duchess OldenburK. liislop. Transcendent and oth er Appies. jYarhrt, JYart, Chrrriet, Plum, Quintet, Grnprs, Hrilfie llontM. RotfM. own roots, ilnnlv Ri:ihand L4Uie for 'alt nlantinar. Itoot Uraftii nut un to nr. der in best style. Also suixrior colored plates of Fruits and Flow ers. bena lu cents for Catalogue. ffenU. 47-81 Beware of boena Bloomington, McLean Co. 111. We offer at prices named below, llae plants of KM imn Black Kaplen, Cherry and White Grace urrmHS, z yww . , Kg gp Black Naples, Cherry and White Grape Currants, 1 rear wiwtPii , , u American and Houghton Gooseberries, 1 year, ecA Brlnckle'sOrangeand Franconia Rasp berries. ... 00 f do. Apple Stocks, 1 year, 1st class 10,000 for ) Apple Stocks, 2 years, 1st class, 10,000 Red Fruited Barberry, 2 years 8-12 inch (T0 00 COO 8000 00 5 00 70 00 6 00 8 00 2 00 18 00 at Kxpress All carefully packed and delivered Office. , Small plants of Currants, Gooseberry, Raspberry and Barberry, by MAIL PREPAID, at same price. - - October Is the very best time to plant Currants and Gooseberries. STICKNEY & BATJMBACH. Waupun, IVis., September, 1869. - 47-2m FOR THE FALL TRADE. We desire to call the attention of Nurserymen. Dealers and Planters to the following Stock, which will he sold low for cash : 200.HK) Apple Trees. 30,000 Peach Trees. .in) tst. Pear Trees. Dwarf Pear Trees. 20,000 Currant Bushes. . SJ.twiO Gooseberry Bushes. lOit.OOOG rape Vines. ' 5.0U0 Cherry Trees. , .o.ono HiiKhr Maples, Small, transplanted. IO.ihio Beech, small, transplanted. 20." Blackberries, moKtlyor the new varieties. 20,000 liaspberries. ali tike leading kinds. 6.wMtoO!nife Hedge Plants, COO White Jiircli, 4 to 7 feet. : And a laree stock of Kvenrreens. Boses. Shrubs. Ornamental Trees, Bulbs, Pu-nas, Phloxes, fcc. AfiSTNew Wholosale Price Lint now ready. Send stamps for our Descriptive Cntalogne of (H pnees. -. 47-4 m Star Nurseries, Quincy, IlL OSAGE XI EDGE PLANTS. , IIARQIS & SOMMEIt, ; , . , Of the Stab NcRSEBns, Qnlncy, Illinois, offer to the trade a larjre quantity of Osaife Plants, grown on rolling land and therefore very superior to those grown on flat land this wet summer. They will be sold very cheap for cash. Thone desiring plants by the 1000, 100.0)10 or l.'uu.iwo will do well to correspond wlthUiera. New Trade List now ready. -4m BED GE PLAIJTS 03 Bushels Ohge teed JlVri Ji IS 03, IwHlsMo.Frf-.'M rr ral t, ' Ftv, e nr Other Railroad fa;uon In Zot Jx 2,.atir Good I. w t 0d Atfir.SS 99T next Fall, or 3 next Sprfeg. aarPrinted directions famished. CIIAS. FA TTEIiS ON, VIM and I). C MACARTHY, of IPIata. have formed a partnership to carry on a general nursery business extensively. near Klrksvilie, with a branch at La Plata, under the style of Patterson, Dairies 6 Macarthy Wa hav an tmsortment of Fruits at LaPlata also 20 acre ATI'LK MJuDHXaS, and expect to plant - 00,000 Apple Grafts next season, with other things In proportion. ... - 4i-4m Springfield Mir series. Established In 1S5S. LARGE AKD FISE STOCK FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL cm t rr , J Imuaaal Tranccciidant Crabs. St. Clair Nurseries, . SUMMERFIELD, IIX. x j ' I hsre a lartre Stock of Transcendant, Iarge Red, Yellow and Cherry Crabs. Low Headed and well branched, 4 to feet, fJO per 100. 1S0 per 1,0001 ': : No charges for packing. " ' 47-3m K. F. BABCOCK. St. Clair Nurseries, STJIIilEHriELD, - - - - IIX. EaTABi.raar.TO 1856. ' " - - I offer to plaitrs and dealers a lante and well grown stock ol" Fruit and Ornamental 1 rees. Hardy Native Grape Vinos, Krergreens. Rosea, Shrobs, c The stock oriVred for Bale the coming Fall, owing to a favorable season, has n.s.lo a tine growth and will, I think, give .r.t;siVciion to all. Th attention of Dealers in es)eciaiiv Invited to my onusiiaily line stock f Standard A'pples, con sixting of all ti.e leading Western and Southwestern sorts. Wholesale and Retail Catalognes nowont and fbr wmrded to ail applicants. K. F. BABCOCK. ' Branch OtlicKS. 13an l IS Monro Street, Memphis, Ten tu, and corner of Main and Osage Hts.. Seoalia, Mo. 47-Sm VIC LLU3THATED I ATALC OF Lilie Hyacinths, Tulip AND Clhcr Hardy Eulbs for Fall Flantlng Is now pnbtlsbed, and will be sent rasx to ail who apply. Address . JAMES VICK, 47-2n XUxAater, A'. Y, .IFOR SALE . ' A TKJS - - - ' - j S . , 2L00XIXGT0X, ILL. . ' 1 ? VVjU U v ono and two year old ilPPJLE TKEES, General Ilnrsery Stock, Indodln; avnt everything fbi4 la a first Class Karsery. Will contract to pat op , .. . . In thebest of order, the coming wluter. . , . . , . Addrttt, IT. P. WILLS & SQ2T, t7-9m Liooicington, IlL TOU WORK, Neatly and Plainly tl Kxecuted, at the Advertiser Job Rooms. TOB PRINTING, in one or more O colors, promptly done at the Advertiser Job OSce. Small Fruits In Great Variety, fDrC lf!T!f In. lar?e supply, of pop- Ulini im Vlis9 maroiaandcnoicenew varieties. rifr'PP'':" of all desirable kinds CVlUiiMtiteZi. and different sizes, fre quently transplanted ia Isursery. A coin piete assortment of nM'iyAj RIIUITB8, VINES, UOL'fiiE fc UEDDJNQ P1AN1S, BULBS, tc SWEET POTATO and other Vegetable Plants, In their season. OSAGE ORANGE 1 fASSOETED! XIUjUULj IMjAXM IB J ro. 1, by the 10 a,CC0 or "Illllon. irmsoDUugs, I CBIfTSI Youxo Stocks and Seedlings. All the above grown with erent care, and mtmwIkI MfPKtnM ti ttta H'ftnt. ff XI , . AtUlrrti. rpa VT.nrxa J- m 7-n SiwimiMtld. ILL OSAQE ORANGE SEED AND FLANTS AT WHOLESALE! We. propose to supply any quantity of OSAOE ORAXGB PLANTS' A XD SEED, . ' say the least, . j . s ? 4 AS GOOD AS THE MARKET , AFFORDS! SEEDS VAItH ANTED NEW. Both Seed and Tlants warranted to crfve aatlsfa-. tlon. as the price and aualitr. For particulars ad dress. , LAAPiOX, DOBBIN CO., 47-6r IState Centre. Iowa. APPLES and HEDGE PLANTS. i 3 ; v itr, r J tl t v., 1 10' 4, ---4. v -fo::- r And All Grafted cr Budded, " Cvtnr Tree WarranteA Tra . 3Tse. ( L 1.60a,00O4e, Cherry; Flftm, Siand- araand DvmrJ Feetr Trees, at VHZTIY LOW HATES. Farmers can grow this stock to Ownard Size at small expense. Kurseriymen can make from uOO te 50O per cent, to grow it two yea r. For a man starting in the Nursery business, thle is the oest Junu 01 btocg txe can ouy. x L i: PEIOES: Pear and Cherry Trees, V J PRICE LIST. 4 to 12 Cents. Apple. Trees, Tarn, i 4 Per fet lttf Per No. 3 mie No. 1 Two years best. ! IX LAEOE QCJTTmjV AT JtSTJI XZlPrZ M II') Per i:o 2! 2 Per 73. fl'OI 2 '4 3 3) Per f:ii) WU 8PTVF fn, J T r- rl. ir'1, r.Tt li l-i tBLnn..,..! V. . . ' '. 1 ' liHWO. bV mm! i I wU deliverr-.,..;:,, K''nTjnu t.: n.l i . K., , , - r, t.-. t -wnrct, I , T " 1. i iwtr. im ana i f .raw At ". n.ittn.t i.,,,.. and 19 at .y pr Vi;. i. Jl- " doxen. Marshal 'eaiioK Address r( 3-ly I-.... i- . . ( uf cua r.LT Hi rt 4 .X o toG Cents. Saccharine Tests far YTlnc. - We offer also a full assortment of all kinds of For all description of Stock and prices, enclose stamp. Established ) r J. I AO ABA SflTKSEBTES. , ) 7-3m Lofrport, X. Y. FZIUIT IJIIjJZ, 72 f 2 At the National Sacrharinw Test for Vine, at Kanimontlsnort, N. Y., Oct. 2Ml. the OiMvfca st.xni ia .sta-liariiie matter U'ulfrr f-.tI-mt I II DtUimmr, net. This test was titude with 17 ounces of the W'xlwr, sotoewhat frosen, to 21 ounces of each of tlie oilier varieties. Next morning tlie Superintendent. Clerk, r.nd one or the ixrectors or tne I'livtint vallev v. me tr. (tlie parlies who tnimluctefi the tt the ilay before.) tosiilUty themselves of tlie merit t;t' thu "Walter" by au eiiil trial, tested 17 ounces of lnna from the same lot that were used the ly before, and the sacchnromefer stood at 81 the alter heating its. Had 17 ownens or the iwawar ami ('atawtut been pressed eiuniiy hard with tlie Waiur. tiieir skins and centres bein acid, the lelawre wonld have hiomi lower anu :he Catawba prox.ruoiiably below the lielaware. All the other varieties ranged much lower than those enumerated alove. There had bee!- ctn"Uint raiiis and damp weather n the section where the H'eir irrew it com petit- I ors Krowinir at Hammondnort ami aloni; the lakes. wnere tiiere nun tieen out little rain Onrii.i; the nv 'son dry soil and weather being necessary for the periect -w'ieiiin' or crn(i. A committee of the At!iennn Institute Farmer's Club. ir a reenort of tept. 22, l.ti, printe,! in the New York Semi-Weekly Trlbuneof spt. 25th. after speaKttitr or tiie quauiies or tae waiur, say: "We conclude tlie h'o'rr w!!l be a valuable CTape In the grie tn;!.iis of the np(ier Mlwis.sippl.on the snores of I.ake Krie, in western New York, ou the slate soils of western Pennsylvania, ami wherever eise native grapes are successiully grown.1 Letter from Chart Woolley, tme nf the oldeM im- varaitu in lAe Slate. Vineyard Poist, Ulster Co., N. ilrntrt. F'rrU Ovwort I)kb Sikh: ours of tlie lsth I am In receipt of. in which you ask it I have an v objections to seiMliiig ?"OH, ior puOiirat'.on, ine tacts t am H'-nait!tsi with n relation to the character of the !! jVr Umpr. J have never indorsed the character or usefulness ot vines, or other articles of any description. and would not at my present stase of life were it riot for two reasons which seem sutJiclent. I irst, I know the Waiter Grfiitc will meet the preliidices widespread throushout the couutry, caused by the In most localities or many or its predecessors. Seo ond. lecn'ise I can say from rx'rsonal observation that the Walter is the best variety I have hod any KiiowieoKe or, anu i imnic i nave cultivated nearly il that have been recommended, discarding tiiem 11 and falling back upon the Concord and Hartford Frolihc as vineyard varieties. I am Interested in knowinir that the fruit of the Wolff r crows lartrer each year as the vine grows older, hem last year fullyoiie-third larger than it was two years tro. It crows well : sets Iruit well. I have seen it rioe sev eral times before Hartford, and I have never seen any mildew on its fruit or on it Inrye and thick, but iHiiawure enupea loiiasre. i he nnvor or the iruit 1 think autwrior to anv oilier varietv. You si v in rU rnnnrrilO ilfn OT I r"" circnlur It haswllm? of the Delaware and hUhK iKPN niill HIHI-I I l'inna; I think the character of each of these varie- LlLllUnLLilO Hill) rUlJLOl S.n,!!!!1?! ? 2'Le. 'Ji&S make a wine of hiith character. I have visited it annually since it first bore, six years ai.'o. three tunes in Ulster Co. N. In a low valley, where the Isa. bella seldom ripens, and each time it was fully rx in August. I have seen it each of the three past sea- I sons in Po!;hkeiie, riienins at the same time, except nig last year, when the constant rains pre vented all varieties from maturing at their usual time, but it perfected its fruit by the middle of Sep temtKT. The raisins of the lust mentioned crop I have seen and eaten, which were grnxt Frotu its succedina in the low valley and tenacious clay ol Moriena, ana also in me ory siatey poxuion in PiHiirhteepsie, I think it.will be well adapted to the varie.1 sections of our country. You may make T7eri2 Z old in th e Tear IZ " ja BTAc;a r.on: onc has ever niuz .TO srvE CTTa;;1 THU. O E0,CC0 PSACn TIT FOR SALE CHEAP! of which 8,000 are the SAL.Yr.IV PE.VCII. . Also Apple, Pear, Plum A Cherry Trees, with large stock of Ulackberry, Ilaspberry and Straw, berry plants. ' SEND FOB PRICES. v J, Madison Prill cn, HIG1ITSTOWN, N.J. TREE I?1L,AIS'TEI1S, The undersigned have the largest stock of T It E E S FULLY OTARATuZED, axt wmirm tyavrt THE! m mm roT rmwMT, FOit M'K. oIIJ-TT. ADd VUSViJSU2H.X. ' Tt frrrrclty of 5f intsmwt Aat tor Cleanliness in Uiokij, TheyareHomelnsliiuli::: 2anfaeturd In the U'est, m4 adapted m the wants f WesteraSoutheniPec:!i Surely bo jood housekeeper caa 2U4 U be wuh out one. TOB FBJCa LIST, ABCXIM Excelsior tkiifzclLtj.ti C12 & CI t S. J JAW STEET, ST. L0UI3, ilO. OLD BT BRinvXYILLK. JEl ShoUcn'bcrncr lire 3. -. ITo.74. Ilcriiersoa' Elock, Sob Agents la Southern Nebr&fa, Atchison iniSii County i 2Xo., Sot tie In the market, and are selling them at a much less price than it is possible to obtain them elsewhere. WeshlppledlustSpringf f ffc f ' f f Trees of all slies, fromji., l Ufa 4 Lr J .a e. . -i y ' Jfnrserrmen can buy of ns more seelllne trees f better quality, fcr the same moi ev, than anywberw else in America. Several varteUea. in lots of lou.OUO or more sold for . . $1,C0 per THOUSAND. We offer Amrrlrnii Tfw. the most rare and I most valuable U war!' ;verreen lit the world. jfg-Send 10 eta. ior larve dencriptive Catalogue, ith several plates and full descriptions of ail vari eties offered : or send stamp for advertising price lists. . Address riXXEY A WRAP, 4.T-3m Siureon tiny, w. Whatever use of these opinion yon deem proper. Vourstroiv, t ji.a iii-i-..". ii!.. 21-y loUKhkeepi, ZPu AI7D IIOYTIIL CEST ill THE WORLD!! ALSO I f MIWA lIFFER PlCV5! I THE BEST FLO IV NO W HASH DEALERS IN APPLE Orchards and hedges are nec essities. Each practical farmer In the country shonld devoteproper attention to them, and for himself and latest posterity secure their benefits. Having Extra Stock, and with twenty-three years experience, we take great pleas are la offering It at as cheap rates as. any. We have ' FIVE HTJ17BXIED . AC RES all employed raising the hedge and apple. AX EXTRA ENERGETIC AG EST VTAXTZD IX EACH TO WX AXJ COVXTY. Send Stamp for Premium Essays. We want to sell Two Million Trees and Fifty Sfllllon Plat U this season. KIT Splendid Shipping FacUitIes.- For particulars, address. . . XT. H. 1.1 MTU lz Co., 47-m-!- ' 4ULL3TAX, ILL. 1869. -1869. SPECIALTIES. '4 STANDARD PEACHES. GOLD. DF. PEACHES. CHEIIRIES, CURRANTS, Ai:D G00SEERRIE3. ri"nTrr?? 4tofeet,onerer,braoclied, per i-j, j.-vx i.vj, - Finn Crr21irrf73t itofupeTiono,owin? c-Ji yD J o . .. ' O'ini J'le osfiri mint of Tre.t, 1-Uinlt, A icnULnon, bioelc. nol- (irau. etr.. ttc. tt:nd tdamp for l'rice last; Ten cents for C&U.cgTses. A ildrex, -3ni h r. IiKTKKV. Dayton, O. propirrs rnmsiniixG. We have a lane stock of the f ' '''Tlnr articles, with mnv otaer-:, iiiclt weoil'er V towtocash bnyers. W ..- .-. : trje to name, and UOOI LX AptT'-s. I't.-tra. ( U ?iTle. XVnh"eN riniaa, : ' Q'U.ies, (i ies Ilnsf rrk', 1 'at Berries, l;.ack berries. l-vcrsreea, Ornaiurrdal Tree. Surah. . . . yievrers, 1 lowerinc shroh, &e -t : , e,33t a cood rr '.iat'.e man, who can come well revouimot led. to act as areiit f .r us. In every county in 'ebru:i, Kan.'M, Muourt and Iowa, to sell on .Cozamlsirn or Salary. r. t. U-iMii PoOBB A CO., ' To Wheat Growers. ' Our Descriptlre Price List of Choice SEED WHEATS' is issued, and will lie Mailed FUZZ to any one desiring, on receipt of ad dress. "We offer a selection of very Superior varieties, and a rery prime article of pure, clean seed. ED. J. KVAN8 & CO., KUKHERYXEX AND SEElW3tE?f, -6t York,Penn. Agricultural Implements!! First St.. Urownvillo, lSrolrnHlfn. C3 o u Q o e, 8 U r-i T. a a u a rt o (A rt P3c? a i U V s "3 rt CO V o o : 2 - 3. rt v, O Si -S3 HCi. z. a 02E. 9 u a . a s ' ,0 g 1 1 8 A 8 6 o n 02 ; O 1 o o 3 O u C o 5 w fl t ao 4) a a a o I La e a SO 3 o C CI o Ke - O Si a M o u f A:y j Ar.D A PEHFECT JlOTTEIl. ALL COMBINED IX ONE. n a C 3 S S m o Ul o M o P P ta o p o 2 5 Z r c M U s2 I of T. C ITATTTSLIi & HZIQ OLD CASTI.E liURSERIES ' GENEVA, ONTAHI3 VO K.Y. -"- . Invite the attention of TTestern IVurscrymcn, Dealers and Planters, to their extensive and reliable assortment of Choice Nursery Stock ' AT WHOLESALE, Including. Frnit TreesStandard and Dwari! Oraameata! Tree w& Sarahe Deddooos ana jtvergree i ' Smalt FrMlta GravevTaes All varieties; Zteees, Grrea Hse and Be4!Ias , FSaats, Ilafts, &e. rsrtieswIfhImrSrT.rr'T STTHt70lT STOCK. either for their own planting or to neil Kain, are re qnested to pive es a call or write for parUcuiars, vHUMui swui ior cnuuuguci as roiiuws Descriptive Catatotme of Frtlta three red sUmps. Descriptive CauUogna of Ornamental Ui re red tUTTip. Wholesale 1'rade List one red stamp. ETT-" FS yV J. I. CASE & co:s a r ri n Ji : ion !! Ad drew, ' " ' t. c zixxxmz. &i nao.x, Geneva, Ontario, Co, N. T. Apple Trees, 1 jt selected, ifl PEACH TKEEij. Crawford's, Hale and others. 5 feet 10 rr loo Pjri vnr!nla, stocky trees 44 to 7 per Itw Pear and Cherry Trees, t yr., 1st class. l- per J"i "" 2 i rr., tz tra. 33 per 1j per J' i per M per Jt per l per 1 -h per i w per P -10 per M s per 1M per 10 per luu " M M M s to - rt . A rple Grafts, mostly winter varietlej Oiuloa Grues, 2 yearsT well rooted Concord G ipes. yr eit.ra Ieia ware rn pes, 2 yea rs, Iooliule FisUirryf rnniuieipt 'a. Kittinnv tiackberry, well rooted. VUson blackberry, well rooted. ... Also Hverrrreeu Hoses. and a (rener! assortmens ef Xursery Stoct, inclnd inir Plunm. Golden Irwarf Iftch,iuino,;rapes in variety. Otrrants. Gooeberr,e. Strawberriea 1 r r. AT LOW RAllsL Ham pies sent at wholesale Drkt oeud Ijr pihc. Uai. irnrr rrnrrv "Wataja, Kaox Coujity.' 111. Greatly Improved. Reduced rrlcew. WHITEWATER AND BATN WAOM T . , J THE EEST VTAUGTiS n.lDEI WE SELL ALL THE FOLLOWING HACHLNES-" iimsT, jom n. iay. rm:r.i cini:r. crtu 8AlirLE3 ox TTATrn AT.T. ?.TACHINES WE "KlU .llft66 D- and ve iraaractee to suit you In OOOIXS and PRICKS f- . W by the load, tbuu mxws freight, A fall supply ci all KuOoi k " P. A. Tisclcl, Jr., cz W;LlS FIRST ST., BET. MAIN d A TLANIIC 2R0 KM'