Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 09, 1869, Image 3

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. I- as
Atsi V s W V
O ......
' Tr-Ttr cor' f h Ai)vriJ fr sale by
,,dYl?AL CHCKCH-Corner
Atlantic and
rwt-rvlce every oilier Su.'Kiar Mora-
every Sunday evening p
... . . r T n n
I- JViLtar evens nr ol each week, at 7 o clock
it their iiail in " xireytmeyer x; r., o-
w A. A. ft. SemahaVa:r LrreNo.4, A.
TfTarfriort P.w.. a their liaii lathe
orer' rk-k . on M a n H rert.
Arrival ea Deyartm-e ef tVe flails
'toctbaro Extern arrives at W c-rtrt
Crthern Intern arrives H p.m departs
"if arrive at i r. n : "-rrts at 7 a. ia.
' MaTarVeV il rTndav. W-dn-aye and
Jura's! dIru 1 uesv.Tbursoy and
L!nrTves Fridays P- dePrU
mm 7 IV. m.. to T'i p. m.
it, P.M.
su J. 4crt.ri.TU
.Tfte, May Od, ISSS.Train, will lv. Fhlp.
. iu. - - .':7 p. m.
fe" f ll2 IX p. m. tli tv m.
1 JZ.omt.Ibo.BrowBTllJ.tor
tBor Hec Goods t Johmon'
Bj gklrt.FuU .toct-latest tjle-t
f E. Johnson A Co.'. - y - .
swan & Biicra.
.r the bt Groceries; Dry Goods. HaU
crt, Q to W.T. Den's.
n.C.LtthM jost received new supply
rnU.ons, GUs and Paper.
. C. hare Jnst rcelred
tock of Boots and Shoes.
Xeluii EAtrels, Lard Barrels, and Louls
tU1 Cement, at tUlamT. Den's.
Plow. Corn Shelters and Road Scrapers,
- J.aDKUSiK'8.
J. C. CIws and family from Northern
low. have arrived In this city, and will soon
commence bouse keeping. . ,.
"WtMNebrak Lands to purchase.
Send partlcuUrs to the -European Emigra
tion Agency," Omaha. P.O. Lock Box 582.
KIf Bmhl, Feck Measures, and five,
Ub snd t wen ty gallon kegs at
A.,,. Ormmr Plants will be sold or cri-
fpl by IL a Lett at very low figures If ap
plied for soon.
JC rieces of Home-made Janes, FJannels,
Lladei a.Dofcklns,Casslmeres,at -
HaaaS and dried Beef at
" w . CMMr hp-Lewis Achcnbach
baa opened up a Copper Shop corner of Levee
and College streets. '. .
va'tt flows to buy U the Rock Island,
-:'t . i ' W. T. DEN'S. .
fresn 0r Go. Just received In
abundance at F. E. Johnson & 0o.'e and will
be sold as low as the lowest
Tan Car Loads of Cooking and Heating
Stoves on their way to
JaatKsell is crowding his new house
on Grand Trunk Avenue right along. Weare
Informed that it is right In the Avenue; why
Uthlsthus? . "
James Eatwlitl has for several days
pst been selling In our city some very fine
Apples grown on his place Just below South
ftcsmlm Steel Corn Knives at
' W.T. DEN'S,
Cl. Psrats, President of the Society, Is
having the Fair Grounds cleaned np and put
Is shape for the Fair. If our people will but
- -m. (IS
Uke one-tenth the Interest ce aoes uui wux
U the best county fair In the west.
CkarUs Ilelmer. has Just received a very
Cae stock of Boots, Shoes and Leather.-The
teat place to get "shod all round" cheap and
good la at No. 15, Main street, '
five Car L.a4a of Boot aad Shoes to ar
rive at
J. V. D. Patch, has just received a large
stock of Clocks, Jewelry, Elgin, United States
and Kriu vatrhM. A cood r ull Jeweieu
Lever Watch for $12,00 Silver Case.
11 '
Kins Hast mt the Alhstmhrn," 'affable.
pleasant and a first class hand at mixing his
splendid liquors U still at his post, where you
wiU also find the bet Billiard Table to play
s fame on that ean be found anywhere.
Largs Apple As we go press an Apple
b Uid on oar table grown -on the farm of W.
. Horn, near reru. It weighs 17X ounces
and. la 15 Inches In cireumereno .It was of
the Twenty-ounce Plpin variety.
Oelwjabms discovery of America was a
"big thlDg" at the time, and resulted In great
good, but to this people It was Insignlflcent
la comparison to the discovery the people
save made that the. best and cheapest Dry
Goods can be bough t at Teare & Co's. - - '
Jenrnal of Commerce. A very neatly
rotten ap Journal of the above title Is oa our
table, hailing from OmiJua. It Is a fair lnui
eaUon of tbe progress of Omaha, and should
be well sustained bv its bukiness men.
The eldest son of Parson TMvlsof this city
Is employed on the local department of the
Omaha Herald, 'commencing this week. For
some time past h has been attending the
school at Brwnell ' Hall, Nebraska City,
here he dkplsyed much talent and ability
s scholar and a writer.
Tnanicne Trimmer's Checkered 8to-
la the best place to have your horse left
If roa wish to train him for the Fair; and all 1
e that come to the Fair should keep your
ock at this stable, as you will tavelbera
well cared ror,'at: the most reasonable rates.
Th young men of Brownvllle are special
ly Invited to the Episcopal Church on Sunday
vfcning next to listen to a sermon from tlie
text "Where withal shall a young man
deans his ways T"
Geo. R. Davis, Rector.
Datly Flattsmewih IleraliWel.'
received No. 1. Vol, 8, of this i-sper. It is ev
idently a continuation of a former series. It
neatly gotten up five column pr.per, end is
Wlrely worthy of tbe support of the citizens
f Plattsmouih. "May its sbad-Jow never
fow Umt," and Its exit-tnee never be sus
Peoded. - , . '.
J-otleeKoUce is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing between Mrs.
K. Bear and' Mrs. Louisa M. Moore is this
Jr dissolved . by mutual. consent. Mrs.
withdrawing from the firm, . Mrs.
jr assumes all debts contracted by the
J&nt k-1 au Crtn most be paid to
rs. Bear, to whom all moneys due the firm
a.5 """ kear ooatlaues the business
"DHore partnership.
Ax.r.ia Bear,
Louisa M. IIocre.
mile, JCeb spt. 5 ..i . . . .
. Just Recclvod, our f.rt I t cf !'; '.' OooJa
handsoraest rrlnt ever l r i ,v.t t j M.U city
an elegant line of Dress GckhIs, ct
ma rs trice lira vla tor.
Dtmrri(le Cjjltal Oar quiet city was
la.t Wednesilay morning immensely disgust
ed by seeing one of oar leading citizens of
sever! years ago rising up and down our
streets wlih a colored courtlzan, drunk of
conrse. It seemed "he'd rather ovn that
buggy with 'WallppBS to r5de, than a coach
and four, cr even more, with a lady by his
slda for the lady would sit fernlnst him on
cushixi made with taste, while Wallapns 'd
be by his side with his arm around her waist;
as he fode cp and down the street, not caring
whom he'd meet, his gizzard beat light, be
was awful tight, as he rode up and down our
streeUH As a Derry-Washingtonian he had
kept his pledge no well that many friends had
hoped he would hold out, Naturally lntelll'
gent and generous ltcannot fall to pain many
to ee him take this his last plunge from time
to eternity In the maddening bowl. Look at
him, ye who are on the brink, and flee while
ye may.
Latctt frm Bear. The very latest from
Bear Is that he Is cot caught, nor is there the
slightest clue as to his whereabouts. All the
parties who started In pursuit have returned
without finding anything. It appears the
man seen at At pin wall was not Bear, as Mar
shal M?Cabe traced this man down Into Kan
sas and found him not the marThe was after.
Last Monday a rumor was brought into town
that Bear had been captured on Niger Creek,
in Fawnee county. Mr. McCabe has returned
from there and reports that there was nothing
of it, tn fact, Bear's absconding was almost
unknown there.
A. W. Morgan, of Brownvllle, No. 3 Main
Street, has just opened a new and complete
stock of Cloths, Casimers, Ves tings, and all
kinds of Piece Goods, and Is prepared to make
Gent's Clothing to order in the most fashion
able style. He also keeps a full line of Ready
Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Fur
nishing Goods. 47-3m
Tat Katlee. J. W. Newman will receive
City Taxes during the absence cf Collector
Hacker. Offlce with French & Rogers, Court
House building.
Large Stne-Our attention was the oth
er day called to the stones furnished by Lo
ranee A Varney, for water tables and window
sills and caps, for the Masonic and Odd Fel
low Hall In this city. They are No, 1 stone
for the purpose, and look, very well after they
are dressed. They also furnished a very good
stone for the corner stone. They can get out
stone of any size and shape, and do It reason
able, too.
A large and select Stock of Boots and
Shoes Just received at Robison's. All styles,
and cheap for cash. Remember the Railroad
Boot and Shoe Depot is the place to get bar
Sewing Machines. Get the best and
save money. The Singer hewing Machine is.
without doubt, the best in the market. Call
at No. 54 Main street, and examine this un
rivalled machine. Instructions given at your
residence, or at the sales-room. No trouble to
exhibit the machine.
The. Hill A, Co. have workmen cow
employed putting a third story on their store
In the Block. They will have the finest fin
ished building In the city when it Is done.
Canton Clipper Flows!
Attempt to Creak JaiL The prlsonrs
now in tbe County Jail in this place, were
last Saturday caught In the act of making
preparations to escape. In the day time they
have usually been let out of the cell, and al
lowed to stretch their limbs In the open
space around it. They had In some way be
come possessed of an old knife of which they
bad made a saw, and sawed off the staple on
the outside of the door through which the
chain and pad lock were fastened. The
discovery was Just made In time, as they
would surely have made the attempt that
Frost. The air Sunday night was very
frosty so much so that frost was plainly seen
In places Monday morning. We hope It will
hold off a short time, as several crops would
suffer under a heavy frost Just now.
Grape Vlncs-Concords, tl.53 per dozen.
JtO. per hundred, and all other varieties in
proportion. SaiUaction Is gutvrranteed as
to quality and genuineness of vines. .
f-47-6ra J. W. Midductox.
Ccld ITcalJicr Is Coming t
J. 8. neUel has as fine an assortment of
Underclothes as ean be found anywhere, and
we would most sincerely advise all our
friends, and even those who are not, to' call
Wm, Hartshorn at No. 70, McPherson Block,
and look over his splendid assortment, as he
sells them very low for cash.
. Office of May's REGrtATOE,V ,
Ukowsville, Sept. 8, 1S.
On Wednesday, September 13th, the Regu
lator will bo closed, owing to a Jewish Holll
dav. fthe day of atonement,) No business
transacted on that day. r
IXnby Cray's Strategy, by Mrs. Ann S.
Stephens, Is the title of an entire new novel
from, the pen of this talented American
authoress, now In rress, and to be published
tn a few days by T. B. reterscm t Brothers,
Pbilade'phia. The novels. of. Mrs. Stephens
are productive of both pleasure and excite
ment. They are, moreover, always success
ful, for the reason, that while this gifted an
thor Is a conscientious follower of nature,
she has also that fine artistic sense which
teaches that nature, when shown within the
lines of art must be measurable heightened.
colored and tnlanred. This Is the real secret
of successful writing a secret appreciated
br such masters of Action as Dickens and
Thackery. There is no previous work of Mrs.
Stephens so fall of her peculiar power and
cenlus none so absorbing in conception and
development as "Ruby Gray's Strategy." It
is fully equal to her "Fashion and Famine.
The price Is only 81.75, bound in Cloth.
rt LsmlxrJ. R, T,ell Is constantly
additions to his superb stock of
Pine Lumber, which comprises everything
that can be wanted In that line, la of the best
duality, and sold as low as the lowest. Also,
ell kinds of
Doort, -
. . Door and ,
. Lai. etc
"lTv',st stock in the rsurket.
' : ' GC Lr lU'AVAD.
I'.sicks' rrilllant Cot k Stove took the Gold
Medal above the Carter Oak and other com
netin 2 Stoves, st the New Orleans and St,
Joiiis Fairs, in ISO). For sale at the Plone
Stove Store, by.
'. 4-Sm . v : J. C, DEUSER.
The Cennty Fair Is near at hand, so go
to H, IL Bryant's Banner Taint Shop and get
vour Bur2ies. Carriages and Wagons painted
tp In best of style. He can do it, A No. L
Carriage for Sals. I have a good Family
Carriage, nearly new ; a t wo horse bujsy, and
set of harness, for sale. -
i oils of all kinds at McCreery
A -r:
2? iJJ3 ST 8 T 6 CZZ r
And Everybody Knows tltathe
iiells licit cr Goods, at
IS" 3-3 STOCK!
Ko. 27 Ilala St,. EroTvnTllIe
The Leavenworth. Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, will meet
with the Mt. Pleasant Congregation at the
Mt. Zlon Church, two miles west from Brown
vllle, on Thursday at seven o'clock P. MM be
fore the fourth Sabbath In September. I will
be at Brownvllle with a conveyance for those
who may come by way of Railroad. -
J. G. SKEEN, Clerk.
Leavenworth papers please copy.
The District Sabbath School Convention of
the M. EL Church will be held In this city on
the 13th of October. Those desiring to at
tend will please make it known by mail or
otherwise, to E. E. Eb right, in order that ar
rangements for their reception and accom
modation while here can be made. Every
thing will be done to make the stay of visi
tors pleasant.
Papers of Southern Nebraska please copy.
Ltves there a man with soul so dead, ,
Who uever to himself hath said'
I love my own, my native land,
And will t y Man h's News House stand T,
Same place where any books In tbe land
can and will be purchased at publisher's
prices, and the very best of stationery at low
er prices than ever struck this npper country.
Xl'ade into Marth't, it isn't deep.
Kllhnrn Jenkins A Co Manufac
turers and ' Wholesale and Retail dealers In
all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri.
We manufacture our own material In the
Pineries of.Oshkosh, Wis., where we have
In operation one of the largest manufacturies
of everything made in Pine In the world, and
obtaining onr Lumber direct from the tree,
as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any
Lumier Yard In the West which pays one
wholesale and one or two retail profits. We
shall always keep on hand a full supply ot
everything In our line, so that those in want
may always rely upon getting what they de
sire. We simply ask all to examine our stock
and prices before r urchasingelsewhere, as we
can ensure satisfaction in both.
For Sale. Bargain It Good residence;
two lots; in a, good neighborhood and good
location. Terms to suit purchaser. Enquire
of Rev. W. S. Blackburn, by mail, at Well's
Mills, Richardson County, Nebraska, or at
this office. 43-tf
Canton Clipper JPloie !
..... r TAKE NOTICE! .
All persons Indebted to Mrs. Bear fe Moore
must call and settle at once. All bills not paid
within fifteen days will be left with an attor
ney for collection. J
JUrownvtile, Sept, 1st. . ,
A Chance to Make Money.-Ilauk A
Armltage are lsylng lu their fall stock of
Groceries of the choicest we ever saw, and
their stock will be very large because of the
great demand on them heretofore. You will
make money by buying there.
For Nail, " -'
' For Locks,
For Butts, '
For Latches,
i . '. For Screws, etc.,' ',
Early Hose Potatoes I have a few
bushels Early Rose Potatoes of my own rait
ing, for sale. Price L25 per peck. .
4S-3t Brownvllle, Nebraska,
4 - BrCGY FOU SALE. . .
I have a nearly new Buggy for sale, h:s
been run but a short time, and has undergone
all necessary repairs' to make It good as ncr.
Terms very reasonable. May be seen at my
Paint Shop over Teare A Co.' S torse. No. (id.
tf ; - Gko. B. Bebklt.,
Go to Shellen berger Brother's and see th sir
Dott's Ukiveksai. Washer. '! Unrivaled in
tbe world. It will pay 'every family to have
one. ; . ' ! : i
Good Bnlldlng Stone We are now pre
pared to furciish good building stone. In any
quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon
omenta or Tomb Stones, Water Tables, etc,
furnlshed'oa short notice' and reasonable
terms Lobakcs A Vakket.
f ' r f i 1 i i i ii r ' f
Cuildars Attention-! am now prepared
to do all kinds of Plastering In this city or
vicinity. Orders left at the American House
will be prompt ly attended to. Prices reason
able! Work trst class !f -i j
no34-3m A. E. Beil.
In Eastern markets, yet A. May, of the
Price Regulator, Is still paying the old prices.
35,000,oeo is the capital of the Mu tual
Life Insurance Companyof New York. Jar-
vis S. Church Is their agent at Brownvllle. It
Is the safest company In the wot Id to insure
tf !
Corn, Wheat and Oats.
Ralney A Lewis have removed their offlce
to Robt. Teare A Cc's Store, where they will
pay tbe highest cash price tor Grain and oth
er Produce... : i. 4n -.-t-tv ;::-;!
B. F. Bonder's New Harness and Saddle
Shop is already one of the instit utions of our
city. Why ? Because he does first class work
at reasonable rates. Give him a call !
Patronise lia'me Indnatry. All kinds
of Marble work can be had at Neidhardt's
Marble Works In this city, cheaper than it
can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma
terial us-id. ' i ..
91!10O Dollars and Expenses! Se$ ad
vertisement of AmerlcanShGtUeSewlng Ma,
chine In our advertising columns; ;
Quecnavrare, Glassware, Groceries, ete
In fall stock and constantly arriving, and
sold low at N. M. HolUinger's.
Stndehakcr and Jackson Wagons i t St.
Joe prices, st J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard,, cor,
of 1st and Water streets. "
i Hair, Llsae, Cement and riaiter of Paris
consuntly on hand at N. M. KoUtlnpcr's.
' Haven's Pioneer Cane Mills
days at Shellenberger Bro's.
In a few
Do t y's Washing machines an I the N ovel-
ty Wringer, at - t J. C DEUSER'S.
Tin, Sheetlroaa UaJ. Jax aimed -W8J at
Shellcnborg'W Bro's. f
! 3Iain3 now thoro ? vghly fitted np my
sale and sample roo ! rrw, at No. 41 Main
street, I Invite the 1 1 public of SOUTH
ERN NHr.ASrLi and: NOirrHERN-:. Mis
souri to give me a call, as I shall always
keep on fr?.1 In Wholesale QxTAirrmia
WINES, EILNDira axd LI Q.U0RS, of the,
f very b-t and f 1 pnrest quality, x n
Lof" ail brands i Fore.'h and Do- I
mestlc. I shall il also have on hand U
during the senson, Chicago Ale, Beer, "ax.
The public may rely opon ray stock being
pure, as physicians of this city recommend
It for Medical uses. Full stock cf Bitters,
in cases or single bot 11 tie. I am also agent
for the best Billiard I Tables made. - I
. . . -
I have now In my yard near 1,000,000
feet of the choicest DRY PINE LUMBER, of
every style and description, size and thick
ness. Also Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
etc, Dry Pine Shingles, Lath and Pickets.
In fact, anything In the building line, which
I warrant A No. 1 In every respect, and on
which I do not propose to be undersold, for
cash, by any man west of the Missouri river.
I Invite all who need anything in my line to
give me a call, knowing that I can outfit them
with good material, at the fairest rates.
Cor. Water A First Streets,
. , r - " Brown TilleNeb.
np Lumber delivered within the city
Laanaa 4b Ilinton, Blacksmiths, foot of
Main street, can set tires, shoe horses, Iron
wagons, &&, In the best style, with their im
proved machinery. 4 ' ' . '
Stndebnker and Jackson Wagons at St.
Joe prices, at J, R, Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of Water and 1st streets.
V. T. SaltlOO Barrells of N. Y. Salt,
just received by F. E. Johnson A Co., and for
sale low for cash.
Studebnker and Jackson Wagons at St.
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of 1st and Water streets.. : '; , -:
BliUers, buy your Rubber and Leather
Belting of Shellenberger Bro's. A full stock
always on hand. . - ;
' Black Ink Played Out. Another large
Invoice of the splendid Violet Ink just re
ceived at Marsh's.
Floar, and a full stock of goods, at
Grant's, and he will not be undersold by any
. Eye, Ear and Catarrah,. scccessfiilly treat
ed, by Dr. Klmberlin. Offi'ie over the Tost
Offlce, " ..
Wall Paper, Window Shades and School
Books very low, at McCreery & Nlckell's. '
Carpenter's Tools and Blacksmith's Fur
nishings at Shellenberger Bro's.
Highest market price paid for wheat, oats,
corn, tc, by Bedford A Handley.
Drags, Paints, Oils and Glass at St. Joe
prices, at McCreery A Nlckell's."" : . r r ' ..
Four Car loads of Stoves on tbe road for
Shellenlerger Bro's. J )
. Ten Ton Blacksmith's Iron of all sizes at
Shellenberger Bro's.
300 kegs HorseShoes and Nails at Shel
lenberger Bro'a.
- ,
Private medical aid, read Dr. Wlilttler's
Folding Bed Lounges just received at
McFall & Co's.
Canton Clipper Flotcs !
Organs. Burdetrs, from $110 to tCOO ;' Ma
son fc Hamlin's, 575 to SGOu, .
- -. Jakes R, Dyk, Brownvllle.
400 kegs of Nails Just received at Shellen
berger Pro's.
Frmlt Cans Self-Sealing at Shellenber
ger Brother's.
Denim Overalls At Hctzel's." '
Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by .
Tbe Market this week shows a
Bumlness Coats from 3(g la ' 1
Business Suits, A
t'ssimere, from S:x3JS.
Vests from 75 eta. to $1 IV
OverMhirts, from 75 cti, to fX .
Undershirts, from 75 eta, to $2. i
' x ' Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by
Calico, inertiHc
Muslin, 12',0iil7.
.Bleached, t(lr(j;3r. ,
Cotton leluine, 25. . . , . . .
All Wool Ielaine, 37e.
Balmoral Skirts, fl 75J2 50t !
Proposals for lege tables.
' Orncv rVacA8iNo ass Depot C. ,
Omaha, Kkbu. August 18, 1869. '
SEALED Proposals, In duplicate, will
be received by the undersigned until 12
o'clock, M.. on BHtnrday, the 18th day of Septem
ber. 1869, for furnishing the following vetetables, vis
1 10 ,ono pounds of Potatoes;
17,0i pounds of Onions ;
17,M0 pounds of Turnips."
The Vesretables to be fully matured and perfectly
sound : to be put np in new (runny tackt wellsuedanu
corners tied, and to be delivered at the U, 8. Com
mlfwnry storehouse. In this city, between the 25th of
September and tt.f? 10th of October, )m. -
Proposals wiil na received subject te tbe usual
conditions heretofore published.
iilaak for proposals can be obtained at this office.
5-3t - - Bvt. Brig. Gen. ACS.
Having Just opened, st No. M Tila street, Brown-
ville, braska,
Stck of MTIJinery Goods, we Wrmld call public a
tenuon to the fact that every rood
mar, at reasonable prices, procure for bis "better
hair,' all she ntay wish In our line, of which every
article la . - . -
: GUAIlIlAirTZip TO j
be No. 1, and made up In the best of style, and that
svEnr- txttx:g lady
tnur hro fin4 just what sb wteb In theray of
' . - . ... .
ns may rest assured that we will scare no nalns to
rt ve en ti re au imfaetion. as weare in daily receipt .of
un wuw DVTWim in wr uns, uive, us a call.
27-tf t '
Nvholesale and Retail
W . sJ.W tmit
--.".r"". i
BROTvra'iixLEf,' rii:rs;,
Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of
Staple audi Fancy " '
Glassware & Queensvarc
Ccnntrj Produce Always Wanted!
.The late Dry Gootl firm of El-iely,
iieynolJa & Cot, f Beatrice, Lr.3 ex
pired by limitation. Mr. Blkr-'y re
tires and Beyiiolda & Towsend cerv
tsnties. . , '. " ' . ;
The corner etone of the Agricultur.-l
College and State University will to
laid with appropriate ceremQinea ca
the 23d, tf September. The Llasonic
Fraternity are invited to assist, -j AVe
glean from the Lincoln Journal.' ,
JThe fine stone residence of Gov.
Sutler, Secretary Kennard and Audit-
or Gillespie are rapidly progressing.
They will represent the best style of
Oriental Architecture, and will com
pare favorably with any In the West.
Lincoln Intelligencer.
We find the following In the Te
cumseh Gazette of the 2d ln3t.:
The most terrific thunder that it has
evef been our lot to hear, was experi
enced in this place on Friday last. A
stack of wheat belonging to J. Clod
felter, was 6truck by lightning and
burned to the ground. It was with
much labor that other adjacent stacks
were saved. ;
We are Informed by W. E. Dunlap,
of Vesta, that improvements are still
going od in that town. Mr. Berry has
his new store house about completed,
and will soon have in a fine stock of
goods. - .The new bridge, across Yan
kee Creek at that place Is now finished.
All the bridges in Vesta precinct,
where public highways crosses streams
are now in good repair. Good for
Vesta.'-;:. .. ' ;. : r .
. The Count of Chlste is about to
challenge Gen. Prim.
Ex-Governor Worth, of North Car
olina, died on Sunday last.
' The present postage stamps will soon
be discarded, and new ones issued.
"It is stated that 19,913 acres of land
were sold at Denver during August.
The Government journals of France
express discontent atPrinceNapol eon's
speech. - ' '
The physician to the Emperor of
France reports his patient rapidly re
covering. ' .
Five thousand Chinese laborers are
to be delivered In New York in three
months.,- ; , . . ; .
" Saveral large beer establishments In
New York have been seized within a
few days. ... -
Robert Darge, dry goods merchant
of Cincinnati, committed suicide on
the 5th inst.
Senator Fessenden is reported im
proving, and hopes are entertained of
his recovery. ; .. . . r
Platte county, Nebraska, has voted
$80,000 to the Columbus and Sioux
City Railroad. .. .
A revenue officer named Brooks was
shot and killed by a ruffian in Phila
delphia yesterday.
The Nemaha Valley Railroad will
be completed to to Pawnee City in
eighteen months. - , - . ;
The comirrg St. Louis Fair promises
to be superior to any preceeding exhi
bition held there.
A Madrid journal thinks the chan
ces of the Duke of Genoa the best for
the Spanish throne. .
Wm. Pipkin committed suicide in
St. Louis on the 4th inst., because of
the profligacy of his wife.
Two hundred miners are confined
in a mine in rennsyivania, wnicn is
choked up by forty feet of burning
cum : - s
Gen. Banks is talked of for the mis
sion to China. Geo. Wilkes is also
mentioned in connection with the
office. , '..' ;
It is said the Prcslo-nt is about to
abandon the radical element in his
Cabinet on the , issues raised by Vir
ginia politics.
The. newspapers of Virginia are
wonderfully elated over the fact that
the tcst-eath is not to be exacted from
the Legislature elect. , . :
Frank Ward, a son-in-law of W. B.
Astor, is reported to have jumped
overboard from a steamer at Panama
and drowned himself.
During a gale in New York bay re
cently a yacht was capsized with sir
six young men, who clung to the yacht
for an hour and were rescued by a
passing boat. .. . ' . -
Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas, de
nies having written the letter attribu
ted to him, in which he pledged his
support to President Johnson in case
certain appointments were made.
Gov. McCIurg has appointed dele
gates to the National Capital Conven
tention to be held at St. Louis, Octo
ber 0, and to the Southern Commer
cial Convention at Louisville, October
12. - "
A fire at Gold sboro, N. C, on Satur
day, destroyed property ot the value of
$13o,000. Two newspaper establish
ments, the Wayne Ilouse, Masonic
Hall and ten warehouses were des
troyed. ' '
It is reported that Hon. James W.
Grimes, of Iowa, now in Europe, has
written a letter -resigning his seat in
the TJ. S. Senate, and that the state of
his health will not permit him to re
turn to this-country until next year.
On the night of the 3d inst. Wells,
Fargo & Co.'s coach, which left Hele
na, Montana, on the the 2Sth uit.,
was robbed at Maledo Summit, Utah,
of $30,000 In gold. Passengers were
not molested. A large fore ' has left
Corrinneln pursuit of the robbers.
Tio ErowiiviU e lerry Co rap any
-t r have ow running between
" A T
r, llJ.
ITcrtli Star 'aid Fndp'3 City,
me sew ana cemntptuoa bteam t erry . j
THIS BOAT, is entirely new, with
power and capacity to cross everything
tnst mnvTorne. in v weattier. - - - -r " '
i'orcnwinif Cnrtie'inro or ort of t';!s Land T)1h
trict. this is tut Ix-st piut. Tu.s t;; is eNsTmllr
fittl up te ensure sstvty in erlnr srnrlc.and lar'-'e
eatthe pen are airuly e-pt:ie.i ot l;;e fei. Joe. AC. K
Depot at Fbelps City. We can injure the traveling
public that all Itt our power sunil lie flons to make
this the most reliable crostngon the Mi-otonri river.
BLANKS of all kind, constantly on
hand, at tue Advertiser Job Offli-e.
LARS, at the Advertiser Job OlSce.
at- .. - . . : UETZELX
. ... r . THE KIDNHYS .
Tirs'KiDXEYS arettrd ia nurnber.
sitnated at th TrtS'-sr part of th saxroimt&d Ky
i.S.nuciwpuug pi inrw i, via.; iim auuf.K
rior, the lUttciwr. aud Uie I'.iui.or.
The antwrior aisort!B. Inirior oTis"!ts of tUmen
or vriiw. whicij twYt-Ma v- vtt U r the u;iu iit
convey it to the exterior. 1 Li x'riur f cur.h v
toalsy t"Tniiiitius ii asiuitf tuba, aiiU Uevi i ie
Uretr. The ureters are connected with tae luaJr
Tbe bladder Is composed of various coverinKS or
tUauts, iJiviileil into prts, vit: the Unuer, tae
Lower, the Kenom, and the iXacfnis.- T!i' upper
esprU, tlie-lower retaitia. Many have a ucsiro to
annate without the abiaty to retain. This frennent
ly occurs in children.
l o cure these a ffections, we most brin? into act!
the muscles, which ara eneaiiad iu their vaxiuua
functions. If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy
may ensue.
1 be reader mnt also be made aware, that how
ever slight may be the attack:, it is sure to a fleet tbe
bodily health and mentai powers, as our Hesh and
uiooa are supported from these sources.
Oent. er ltheamatUm. ln occurrire; in the
loins is Indicative of tli above disea.eii. Ther oc
cur in iur!Hus disposed to acid stomach and chalky
Tbe tirarek The enrel ensum from neelstrt
or improper treatment of the kidneys. These or-
ans weaK, tne water is not expelled from the
ladder, but allowed to remain ; It becomes feverih,
and sediment forms. It is from this derjotiit tha
stone is formed, and gravel ensues.
vropaey is a collection or water in some parts or.
the body, and bears ditferefit names, according to
the parts atlected, viz.:whe? Kenerally dittiMed
over tbe body, it is called Ana.area; when of abdo
men. Ascites ; when of the chest, H ydrorhorax.
Treatment.-lielmbold's bitrhly concentrated
compound K.xtract Buchu Is decitienly oise of the
nest remedies for disenses or the tMAOiier, Ktaneys,
gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism, and gouty
affections. Under this head we have arranged Dy-
suria, or difficulty and pain in passing water, scanty
secret ion, or small ana rrequeut aim-nares or wa
ter; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria,
or bloody uriue; Gout and .Rheumatism of the kid
neys, without any chnnge in quantity, but increase
of color, or dark water. 1 1 was always highly recom
mended by the late Dr. Physick, in these aiYections.
This medicine increases the power of digestion,
and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise, by
which the watery, or calcareous, Cepositlons, and
all unnatural enlargements, as weU as pain and ii
namation, are rwlueed, and it is taken by men.
women, and children. Directions for use and diet
PwrLADixr-iriA, Pa., Feb. 25, 1867.
H. T. Helmbolb. Druggist :
Dear Sib I have been a sufferer for upwards of
twenty years, during which time I have used vari
ous medicinal preparations, and been under the
treatment of the most eminent physicians, experi
encing but little relief.
Having seen your preparations extensively ad
vertised. I consulted with mv family physician in
regard to using your Extract Buchu.
I did this because I had used all kinds of adver
tised remedies, and bad found them worthless, and
some quite Injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever
getting well, and determined to nse no remedies
herealter unless I knew of the ingredients. . It was
this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you
advertised that it was composed of buchu, cuoebs,
and Juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phy
sicians as an excellent combinaaiion, and with his
advice, after an examination of tbe article, and
consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to
try it. I commenced its nse about eight months ago,
at which time I was confined to my mora. I'rom
the first bottle I was ar-tonished and gratified at the
beneficial eilect, and after uning it three weeks, was
able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full
statemeniofmycaseat that time, but thought my
improvement might only be temporary, and there
fore concluded to defer and see if it would e fleet a
perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater
value to you, and more satisfactory to me.
I am now able to report that a cure is etlected after
using the remedy for five months-
I have not used any now for three months, and
Ifeel as well in all respects as ever I did.
Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste
and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the sys
tem, I do not mean to be without it whenever occa
sion may require its use in such a flections.
Should any doubt Mr. McOormick'a statement, he
refers to the following gentlemen s
Hon. Wm.Bigler, ex-Governor, Pennsylvania.
. Hon. Thos. B. Florence, Philadelphia. ,
Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. J.8. Black, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. I). R. Porter, ex-Governor. Pennsylvania.
Hon. Kills Levis, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. K. O. Grler, Judge, United Mates Court.
Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. W. A Porter, City Solicitor, Philadelphia,
Hon. John Bigler, ex-Governor. California.
Hon. K. lianks, Aulitor-General,Wa8hington,D.C.
And many others. If necessary.
(Sold by Druggists and dealers everywhere. Be
ware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take
no other. Pbick f 1.35 per bottle, or, 6 bottles for
fS.50. Delivered to any address. Describe symp
toms in all communications.
Address H. T. HKLMBOI.D, Drug and Chemical
Warehouse, KM Broadway, N. Y.
None are genuine unless done np In steel-engraved
wrapper, with fac-simiie of my Chemical
Warehouse, and signed
38-2inJ H. T. HF.LMBOLD.
Word ef Wisdom for younir men, on the
Billing Passion in Youth and .Knrly Munhootl, with
SEI.K HKI.P for the Krring and unfortunate. Sent
in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address,
HOWARD At&OCIATIOX, Box P. Philadelphia,
DIanhoedi Hew Lost, How Restored.
Jnst pnbllshed. a new e1!tlon of Dr.
Cuiverwell's Celebrated tisay on the
radical cure (without niecjoine) of
operinatorrrwa, or beminal vs eak-
V. ...... T.. T .uwi
Imrtotericy, Mental and Physical Incrtjiueity. Imr
tidiinents to Marriage, etc. ; also. Consumption. Kp
llepsy, and Fits, Induced by self indulgence cr sexu-
ki .iravnganco. -
r. r Price in a senlod envelope, onlv 6 cents.
The celebrated author, in tins admirable essay,
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful
practice, that the alarming consequences of self-
ons us of internal medicine er the application of
tne k n lie t pointing out a mode or eure at once sim
ple, certain and etl'eetuai, by means of which every
sutferer, no matter what his condition may be, may
cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.
" This lecture should be in the hands of every
youth and every loan in the land.
Sent under seal, to anv address. In plain envelope
postpaid, on the receipt of six cents, t.r two postage
stumps, aiso. iir. CiUverweirs "Marriage Guiue,
price ec-uts. Aaoress tuepuhiixiiers,
Cm as. J. C K I.IN Kit Co.,
ia-sy . . 127 Bowery, New York, P.O. 5S6.
ii. MEDICINE as diploma at Offlce will
show, has been longer engaged in the treatment
of Vknerxal, Skxual and Privatk Dihkas
s than any other phvsieian in St. Louis.
Syphilis, fionorriiw, Gleet, Strictnrp, Orehlttls.
Hernia, and Iiupture; all urinary Diseases and
Svphilitic or Mercurial A mictions of I hroat.
skin or Bones, are treated with unparailelled
Spermatorrhea, Sexnal Debbility and I m po
tency, as the result of self abuse In youth, sexu
al excess in maturer years, or other cans, and
which produce some of the following effects, as
Nocturnal xOmissiens, blotches, dehility, dizzi
ness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil
forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss
of memory and sexual pewer, and rendering
marriage improper, are permanently cured.
The Doctor's opportunities in hospitul and
private practice a re unsurpassed in St. laouls or
any other city. - Back riles of St. Louis papers
prove that he has been located here longer than
any other so advertising. The establishment,
library, laboratory and appointments, are un
rivalled in the west, unsurpassed anywhere.
Age," with experience, can be relied upon, and
the doctor can refer to many physicians through
out the country. In past success and present
position he stands without a competitor.
The Writings of a FIiTslciaa whose rep-
station is Union-wide should
be werth readiuc.
Doctor WbYTTTm publishes a Mfdiral Pamph
let relating to venereal diseses and the disas
trous and varied consequence of eelf-abese that
wiil be sent to any address in a sealed en velope
for two stamps. Many physicians Introduce pa
tients to the doctor after reading his medical
pamphlet. Communications confidential. A
friendly talk will cost you nothing. Oliice cen
tral, yet retired No. 617 St. Charles street, St.
Louis, Mo. Hours 9a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays 12
to2p.n. Si-y
" " ' 'V f y " ' ": ". '
SoT7innr Ij.acliinc3
. - . .....
highest - pnnrnuii
the oivriTsr oj-e
Capable mt Sewln sp 1 31 ere than one
" ' ASO
Fastening all its ovrn fJcams,
other, and will commence a seam w.thout
- , holding the ends of the t a read.
Warranted to Se Heavy or Fins
O V E it h o , o o o
' & s"Send for Reports and CirrularsJ '
Yni.E.PLA:JT, General A-cat,
"Veia north ForitTu st ,
- . - .... i
: st. LOUIS. MO.
J. W. IIK5SItSOX, Brownvllle, Keb.
13-!y : "
-v ccQ:c,CGBun:iaco.
"" Aivs-tls'ng Agents, Chicago,
Z3 'Art a u'Ji-rrizi-l to r:crirt J-lrrr-
i tittnvnri fur Viit paver, at ntr luuxst
.: . ' rattx, art-tare At. vrv all ivwjya
1 prrstnEii U. Xand T-rritorvs.
At the Sln ot the
ed Stead
ts the pUee to buy
' rioFATJ, Tc Co.,
Ketp. consUntly on hand a eoraplete assort-
Sofot, Tjtdftttdt, Yrirobei,
Bwtout, Rottiny Chair t.
Surinn Beds.
WKt Sott,
Tartar f
Chain, f
. Hat Racks,
. XUchtn
" Prlor
. 4 Tablet.
H Center
M Tfcla,
' Lovngt
j Sprinqs.
I Syfinf
f Crio.
Standi, i .
Lonngtt, i
Bti Sprinas, Children's Cabs and Gigs,
... K r. 1. . . i . -. . .j i.
Sheets, Pillovs, Pillovi
Slips, tie., tic
And anything and everything" required to set
up plain or fancy housekeeping
All of their ware is either manufactured or
put up under their special superintendence,
which enables them to sell sound articles at
smaller prices thau Easter a manufactured
Our Hearse
Is at the service of the public at any time it
may be needed, and is gotten up in as flnestyle
as any farther east.
Hetalic Bnrial Cases
of all sizes constantly oa hand.
At Eastern Prices
We are doing business on
Small" Px'oiit
and by attent ion to business and the wants ol
the community, expect in the future as tn tne
last to receive tne patronage oi tne puuiie
generally. McTALI & CO.
You Carpenter, Farmer,
and everybody else that want to buy
WM. V, RANDOL, at Peru, will
Vx nn hand a full STIPtllv (f No. 1
Cottonwood shlnel. which he will sell cheap for
rash, or will trad for vuung stock or craia. All
ShiJiglss Warranteil. Don't t'oret the place.
... , , iA ... i i . .
leru. Nebraska.
493 Brmatlicmy, J'w lrk.
Polxtta of Hxcellence.
Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch.
Perfection and Simplicity of Ma
chinery. Using both threads directly from
the spools.
No fastening of seams by hand and
no waste of thread.
Wide ran? of application without
change of adjustment.
The seam retains Its beauty and firm
ness after washing and ironing.
Besides doing all kind3 of work done
by other Sewing Machines, these Ma
chines execute the most beautiful and
permanent Embroidery and ornamen
tal work.
- The nighest Premiums at all the fairs
and exhibitions of the United States and
Europe, have been awarded the Grover A Ra
ker Sowing Machines, and the work done by
them,wherewrexhlhited, laeom petition.
X3r The very highest prize, Ths W r
A lf4n mf ISanry was conferred on the
representative of the Grover CakerSewlns
Machines, at the Exposition rnlvereelle,
Taris, thas ftltTOllns" their great superi
ority over all other Sewing Machines.
tJa Ha Acnt,
; ; .' EIiOW2T"TIXE, 2TEB."
We de ire to call the attention of X nrsrrmen.
IVnlers and HI v.en to toe fuilowtnz Stock, waich
will ie sold li..w r c:u-h : . a ppie Tres. - sn.r) rsci Trees, i '
fi.nt. I'enr Tre-. " ' l'i.ial Dwarf Pear Trees.
Vrrant '"'riiies.' Mcowprrr HnsUei
,,.....n,ri; 1 iiiw. a. 'ia; t iit-rry iie.
.) Suaar Map!. Small, transplanted,
lo.rno twf!i, iraaii, tranpUntl.
"J'.'no Uiaekh,Tnm, rai-.tlvof Hie nw varieties.
Baspberr'. all th lending ktadi.
5.i ftittjsMce iicu'.- r'.at'U. '
bA) W hileLnrh.x t.7 frt-t. "
And a lare Uk'k -f l-ivereens, Ttoss, Shrubs,
Ornamental Trem Itul', Ve nw. Phloxes. Ac. .
Kg-Sew Wl.olosale Price List now retidy. Send
stanirm for onr Descriptive (;.'t--,lo!i of -4 p
AUJreM ll.t Uiils ,t MiU
K'-hu . Star 'urseri, iuii-j-,llL
P-l . ." . . ." HsJ . $
s ..r'g x
& UP B r? n U a,
r: 1 n p m is 2
. ej ca $ ; 1
18G9. - SPRING. . 1SG9.
,1 5 - - - -
Invtte the attentton e thecft bsif Crown,
villa and snrronntiE comtiinnlty to theLr
apleadU stock, of MTAi'LE AN U ' ACY
THT "v? "I A N
Congress & Button She::,
Sprikq and Summer Hats,
Ml Fresh Goods !
Clioico Cprinc: Prints, '
Ten TliOwanil Yards,
I3roT7n Iz IZYcZi'llZ-zl
Ticelve Thousand Yard.
. . .. i
rt..1-M. f Lancaster, Glascow,
UlllSiinmS, bcotchs, and SeasiJo,
' Three Thousand Yard.
3,500 Yards
' Latent, Jaconets, Percals, Organ
dies and Orenedincs.
Piques and IIarsailc3,
. One Thousand Yards.
'. " ' i
Dress Good3,
Tiro Thousand Yards.
4,000 ITtiila
Su-Us Muslins, Plaid, Striped
and Checked Jaconets, JVan
sook, Victoria Lawns, Look
Mulls, Lirds Eye Linen, Cor
, ded Dimity, Iruh Linens,
3,ooo ITards,
' - ; -
Sirijtfd Sldrting, Check Shiri
inj, Ticking, all grades.
3,5oco "-Tardc.
Cottonades, Denims, Tweeds,
Kentucky, Maryland and Mis
souri Jeans, and Fine OissU
TaMo Linens
Llcaehcd, Unbleached and Col
ored, Crasli,
While and Drown, 40 pieces.
Linen and Turkish, 20 Doz.
Hoop Cldrt
Drop, Open Front andXaaile.
all sizes. 4 J Dozen.
Paracol3 end ITar.3,
AU Styles. Twenty-fa's Dos.
Latest Sirring Styles. 10Do.
Bed Spreads,
. White and Colored, Lincnarsd
Cotton. 12 Dozen.
C"? fS-wvY f I
krCU.aAbJ W "-a -Jf , ,
No. 1 article. 5 Dozen. 1
' ' - -
' ' : ' ' . ' ' ' '
mm iM i-mt A fcj k4 M ktf . '
'"- '.
New Styles. Forty Dozen, .
Clicico Groceries,
, ; ' ; . . FVLLSTOCJC.
Celebrated riolinc Ilorrs,