Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 26, 1869, Image 4
AGRICULTURAL. IV V.T. r : -... r. liter. J11TA11 O -.rut-aent Mionl'. he ai TIic Mate Tair, The united piers of Nebr.'iy City, and the estcrpri.-ing pe cf that I lace, Kcm to tpprcciaie the fact that Bpon their efforts, to a very great ex tent, depends the success cf the com ing Elate Tair. They are leaving nothing undone to make it the grand est Agricultural and Mechanical dem enctratica ever convened in the vc.t. Our own people throughout the State Are fully aroused. Not only in onr Elate, but in those adjoining, and even those still more distant The season has, In most respects been propitious. .Let Nebraska show off in her bright est colors. People from a distance can rest assured that every accommoda tion, both for "man and beast," will be provided. Nebraska City is deter mined that none shall go away dissat isfied. One suggestion-we make to the local managers. You must have all the ladies of your place and vicinity interested. To this end, give them a separate building a Floral Hall. In this let your Fruits and Flowers be exhibited. We will vouch for a grand exhibition in this respect, if you will .give the ladies a chance to aid you. Tcnialia County Fair. The officers and Board of Directors tre most earnestly requested to meet at the Hall on the Fair Ground, on Y'cdneday, September 1, to determine what additional improvements will be made this season, and then at once proceed to to make them. Let there l e a full attendance. All persons in terested in the welfare of the Society and success of the coming Fair, are invited to be present and assist. It. W. Furnas, Prest. Geo. Crow, V. Prest. , -. II. O. Mintck, Sec. . : , J.Q. Smith. Treas. ' J. li. CoidiAi r, C. Sec. F. A. TlSDEL, Board of ers.- II. V. Black, J. R. Larkin, S.W. Kennedy J State ralr rast Horses. Learning that there is a misundcr 8 tending, and consequent dissatisfac tion as to the action of the State Board cf Agriculture, as to premiums for speed, I desire to say that while the Board were unanimous in declining to cfTcr premiums on fast horses, or in Cthcr words on speed, it was equally . unanimous In agreeing to afford every possible accommodation to honorable horsemen who desire to exhibit, and test hordes as to speed. I therefore announce that all such will be wel- comeand that all desired accommo dations and conveniences will be af forded, to their entire satisfaction. The track will be free when not in use by the Society subject to its rules and the control of it3 officers. Stalls will be provided on the grounds for all stock. Judge Mason, whose farm 13 adjoining the Fair Grounds, and Hor ace Monroe, Livery-man, in the city, .two horsemen. , will render v t-articular assistance and accommoda tions to those bringing stock from a distance. R'W. FURNAS, . - Prest. St. Brd. Ag. P. S I make the same announce - 'niCr as above, so far as applicable, to ag Nemaha County Fair. The track m being enlarged, and no pains will : be spared to satisfy all: R. W. F. -v- ' r Removal.; . Messrs. IT. A. King & Co., publish ers of Bee-Keeper's Journal and Agri- cuitural Repository, have just removed ifrora Cleveland and Nevada, Ohio, to , New York City. They report the tale of over 15,000 copies of their work, "Hints to Bee Keepers," 19,000 copies of "The Bee Keepers' Text Book," - and have just revised and 'issued the ' ninth edition, ' making the twenty ..f?cond thousand of this - their largest . work. They propose to publish it in German this winter, and translate and publish in English several German wcrks on Beekeeping. TheBeeKeep- tr's Journal lias xdready acquired - large circulation, and 13 a valuable periodical, containing much in every number that is useful and interesting, ' with appropriate illustrations in Bee Keeping and Agriculture. VVe advise our readers to accept the liberal offer of the publishers, to send a sample copy free to every applicant. Address II. A. King Co., 37 Tark Row, New ' York. Kchraslia Talrs. The Kclratka Slate Fair will be held at Nebraska City, Tuesday, Wed- ne?.!:!y Thursday and Fri day, Sep- tciubcr 2Mb, 2: ih and C 1st, ISC J. Competition th, and Oct, open to all States in the w orld. The 2?anaha County Agricultural and Mechanical Association, holds Its Fourth Annual Fair at Brownville, Tuesday, Wendesdaj' and Thursday, - September Ut, 2d, and 23d, 1SZ0. Competition open to ell counties. The IZizhardson County Agricultural Fair w ill be held in Salem, Neb., on the 15th, ICth, and 17th of September. The Johnson . County Agricultural and Mechanical Association hold its First .Annual Fair at Tecumseh, on the Clh, 7th and Sth of October.' - I We will publish the times" cf hold ing other Fairs as we are advised. .Tcmalia County Tair. We are glad to sea a dl-position on tbe part cf the farmers and mechanics f this county to make the corning ia:r exceed anything we have yet had. Let the good work go on ! Let every farmer, mechanic and artisan be fully represented. "We are particu larly anxious to see euch a di-phny cf xru:i3 as we Hi she. know this county can Hontl Hall. ers cf the ccniir Fair .this co ty have determined tohave a r::l ehp.rimeu:, fr the cyjfcial .tcf theludks. Whshavcheard a m.iiLcr ci ladies cxrre.-s the: f h -l --anxious lor an eppor . - u- 13 I .I' kf ft. 1- '..-.r-l 1;v ' - --- 1 huve it. ay. They Ilorc Atjout r.'cbraslia Fruit.- In making up a report for the Amer ican Pomological Society, we have obtained much vaTUe information in way of, which we will from time to time publish. This week we present a letter from J. T. Allen, of Douglas County, together with one from Dr. Love of the same county to hi in. They are both valua ble, and cannot fail to proye interesting. Omaha, July 1SCD. Hon. B. W. Furnas: Drar Sir I have made a personal examination of a number of the gardens and orchards in this vicinity, and find the following fruits bearing and doing well. The enclosed letter from Dr. Lowe, I think, may be of use to you, and contains some timely suggestions, par ticularly on forest tree planting. I have found in all the orchards the trees growing very rapidly. Many quite large, but without sign of fruit. Perhaps we will have to plant our orchards on the poorest land we can find, or resort to root pruning. I think the latter. APPLES IN BEARING. Yellow Belleflower, Fameuse, Red Astrachan, Rhode Island Greening, Northern Spy, Tallman Sweet, Bald win (the new wood of the latter a lit tle tender), and anumber of other va rieties of winter fruit. CHERRIES. English Morello has been most gen erally planted and borne an excellent crop. Early Richmond and Late Kentish have proved themselves No. one. PEARS. Pears, mostly dwarf, have been very extensively planted, and in many places are bearing very heavy crops of fine fruit. No doubt but any variety will do well in this soil. Eartlett, Bufiuni Seckel, "White Doyenne, Duchess, Angomleue and Vicar of Wakefield, are doing well leaded to the ground. But few Plum trees have been plant ed, but in several gardens there are good crops on young trees. Ilave found a few Peach trees in bearing, but do not know varieties. CRAES. Yellow and Red Siberian, nyslop and Transcendant, in every instance, are almost breaking down with fruit. GRAPES. Grapes have received much atten tion, and large quantities planted. The following I find in bearing and doing well: Concord, Hartford, Isa bella, Rebecca, Diana, Clinton (very fine), Delaware (No. 1), Catawba (good crop), Andirondac, Creveling. STRAWBERRIES. " "Wilson's Albany, Agriculturist; Russell's Prolific and Jucunda, have1 borne excellent crops. RASPBERRIES. Philadelphia, Catawissa, Doolittle, Miami Black Cap, Clarke and Franco- nia, have proved worthy of cultivation from this year's results. BLACKBERRIES. Early Wilson and Kittatinny, both give satisfaction. Think the Missouri Mammoth will prove good. Lawton too tender. Red Dutch, White Grape and Cher ry currants cannoi ce excelled any where in quantity or quality. Gooseberries, both Houghton and Prolific varieties, have ripened large croxs without any sign of mildew. I am In hopes some parties will com mence the cultivation of the Cranber ry in the Platte Valley, and am confi dent it will do well. Farmers everywhere have been planting timber for wind breaks) sufficient to protect their orchards; and within five years Northern Ne braska will raise at least all the small fruits she can use; and the Platte Val ley along the U. P. R. R. be lined with orchards. Youra truly, J.T.ALLEN. Omaha, July 23,' 1SG3. James Allen, Ftq: Deab Sir In compliance with your request I tend you this brief approxi mate statement in relation to my ob servations and efforts in fruit growing in Nebraska. I commenced planting fruit trees on the block of eight lots where I live, in 1S57, and on my farm adjacent to town In ISoS, and have now about two thousand trees growing; and many of them are apparently old enough and large enough to yield an abund ance of fruit, and yet they have borne but little, But in our rich, penetrable soil, with nothing beneath to obstruct the growth of tho roots, they are etill in vigorous and healthy progress, and are therefore not yet ready to bear a full crop. In Foil only a few inches deep, resting on etone, gravel, stiff clay, or hard-pan, apple trees must bear and die much sooner than in our soil, measuring many feet In depth of rich, yellow mould, without anything at the bottom to stop the growth of the roots. I have fine healthy trees of large growth, and ten years old, apparently too much alsorbcd in extending their roots to produce any considerable number of apples. . For years I have been longing to taste the fruit of the many varieties of trees I have grown so succcssfulh, but as yet have been gratified only to a limited extent. But I have faith in the philosophy herein advanced, and confidently believe that when the cpple trees of Nebraska complete the growth cf their roots, we will have plenty of fruit for the mil lion, and a3 superior in size t3 the trees that bear it. Earlier bearing might, perhap", be forced by root pruning; but it is rca Fonable to suppose that this unnatural and violent treatment would have a damaging cJTt-ct in the long run. The gr; he:j pruned a, a cf my trees so ciitensively that it lost its perpendicu larity and leaned very much, but the following :ason bore apples, while ethers of the same age and kind did m i i - ... y ax.ii tuCotfc J root pruning r& an experiment to be tried by tiiOiC Lo are to j icapatieut to wait the natural and better development cf thcif ;;P'C- trees. ' My varieties comprise the Red June, Sweet June, Rambo, Roman Stem, White Winter rearniain, Yellow Bclhflower," White Eclkflower, Kirk tri::0'8 White, , Wine fp, ; Fariuao, Baldwin, Rawles Jennet, and riany others. . - - - My dwarf pear trees are now bend ing under a full crop of fruit, and I have to support them with props. The Bartlet, Buffurn and Vicar of Wake field are very satisfactory. I have 1S00 grape vines growing rapidly, and all that have been i 'anted two years or over are now loaded with 'grapes ; and I am confident Nebraska can easily lake the premium on Delaware, Catawba, Concord and Clinton, over all parts of our broad country, except, perhaps, California and Utah. My varieties comprise the Delaware, Ca tawba, Concord, Clinton, Isabella, Rebecca, Union Village, Creveling, Iona, Israella, Adirondack and Diana. I have planted black walnuts, with the hull on, for several falls, in fur rows, covering them about the usual depth for corn, and about eight out of every ten have come up the succeed ing spring and summer, and grow from six to twelve inches high during the first season. They should be planted from six to eight feet apart each way. I now have about 2,500 tree3, r.nd many of them are begin ning to bear. ' . . The white walnut or butternut tree, I believe is not a native of Nebraska, but I procured four bushels cf the nuts atDes Moine3, and planted them as 1 dia tne blacK walnuts, ana me result is highly satisfactory. Borne of them failed to germinate, - and the ground squirrels destroyed some, but have enough left to bring my suc cessors several thousand dollars when the trees become Ir.rge enough to make gas a, tnors ana xarnuure. i'lniin it without paint, so as to show the nat ural color and grain of the wood, and It i& as handsome as mahogany, cherry oi blaci walnut, and it is a3 soft and and eaiily worked as white pine ; and an extract of the bark is as good for medicinal purposes a3 jalap, scammo ny or gamboge. That teribls and destructive little saw mill, the borer, is foraging so rav enously on the black locust and cotton wood S3 to discourage the further planting of those kinds of trees, and enhance the value of the black and white walnuts, as worm will not bore nor will animals bark them. - . . Yours truly, - E. LOWE. SEW ADVETISE2Ii:XTS. 1 ! K I C 1 . 4 G0,000 PEACH TUBES FOR SALE CHEAP! ' ; of wtlcU 8,000 are the SAIiWAT PliACXI. Also Appfr Pear, Plnm & Cherry Trees, with Inre stock of itlackbrry. Raspberry and Btraw- SEND IX)B PRICKS. J, Uadison Pnllcn," HIGHTSTOW2T, N. J. 44-Snv TltHJE PLANTERS, JjOOK IIZZZE! Tbe undersigned Lave the largett stock of EVERGREENS AUD FO R EST TREES tn the markrf, and are sclHnir them at a much lesa price idilii u ia possible to obtain them eluewhere. WeshlppllaKtFprlrtKO f f f O Ck Ttw of Ml eises, trom.Vi U ,U U J Nurserymen can buy of tu more seMHnjr tre of pwr qi ainy, icr me same monev, than nrwbpm else la America. Several varieties, la lots of 100,000 or more soiu lor C1,00 per THOUSAIID. We on?r American Tew, the most mre and not valuable Dwarf Kverjfreen In the world. FiirKerid 10 ct. for larre drecriptive Cntalopw, with several pltes and full description of all vnrl- etic offend ; or send EUrnp for advertising price 11SLS. AOOrM PINNEV & WEAl), &-3m Sturgeon iay. Wis. , To TZVicaZ Gravers. O ar D e s cripti ve Price Lis t o f Cloice . SEED WHEATS Is ism el, and xrlll Ta Hailed rRTU to anj oae desiring;, on receipt of al drcss W e oITer a selection. of very Superior varieties, and a very prime article of ymre, clean seed. ED. J. EVANS & CO., IfCESEEYJlEif XXD BEEDSMEir, 43-t York,Penn T. C. IIAXV7ELL Ci HHOM OLD CASTLE NURSERIES . GENEVA, ONTARIO CO., N. T. Invite the attention of ITcstern Xtsrserymcn, Dealers and Planters, to their extensive and reliable assortment of Choice Nursery Stock AT 'wholesale, lncjnding ' Frclt Yrrrn Standard and IsrC OrnxraewtR! Trrmud Slirtfc Deciduous and Evergrve i 6 mall Frnitd Crarevincs AU varieties; Ilescs, Greea House sndBeddlnc Plants, Bulbs, gee. Panlew!shineSi;LECTNrRSrirT8T0CK, e'tier ft r their own planting or to se'J, are re-que-Jtc-d to give us a call or v rite for particulars, encijMEg stamps f. r caUilcgue as follows: Icr:p- ive Cutalogne of Fruits three red stair pa. Beitorix' Sve Ci-talogue of Orn unen'ls tlree red SUJEpS. Ytolos.ile Trade LLst one red stamp. Address, Geneva, Ontario, Co., . Y. 11-r TOTi WORK, Neatly and Plainly iJlTx ?cr t el, at the Adver ; ! pt Job 1 U mm s. pLOTHING! CLOTimrn ! ! Chep J t UETZKL':J FURNISHC; G COODS, " ( V TIIICE LIST. Per 1)07. l 54 IDS Per 2.S. 110 Per 50. 170 212 4Jo Per 75. flfW Per Each. No. one year.... 3 Is'o. 2 do . 4 !No. 1 do 6 248 " ff-M) 310 0 CiO 81)0 Two years bet 10 Xy LA.BQS Q VANTITIKS A T XUCII RED VCEJO Saccliarine Tests for TFlne. At tbe T7ationnl Saccharine Test for Wine, at Kammondxport, N. Y.. Oct. 3hUi. WW, the CWa stood In snccbanne matter 91 Walter 9J Zona 101 IWmrarc li)X Thw tent was made with 17 ounces or he Walter, somewnat frozen, to '&i ounces of eacnof Use other varieties. - . Kext DKirnlni? the Superintendent, Clerk, and one Of the I-'irectors of tna Plp:aai;t Valley Wine Co. (the parties who conducted the test the day before.) to witisfy themselves of the merits of the "Walter" by an equttl trial, letted 17 ounces of lona from the eazne lot tht w ere u.ed the day before, and the aaccharoineter stood at 91 the Walter beating It 8. Had 17 ounces of the Delaware and Catawba been pressed equally hard with the WaUer, their skins and contres beins acid, the lHjlaware would have fUjm lower and the ctawDa pmpomonabiy Deiow the I;-iaware. All the other varieties ranged much lower than thoe enumerated above. There hnd been constant rains and dump weather n the Miction where me li'diT grew its competit ors crow in? at lianimonasiiort&na aion? tne lakes. whtre there had been but i.itle mm uunuz the sea soncry suil and weather being necessary fur the perfect sweetening of grapes. A CCiuEDUUx oi laeaiusruTifl liiMlluieianiicrj Club, in a recnort of yept, 'L lrni printed In the 'ew York Send-Weekly Tribuneof Sept. 2th, after speaklni?of the qualities of the Walitr, say: "We conclude the Wilier will be a valuable grape In the grape resrtons of the npper Mlssissippl.on the sljores of Lake lrie, In wesieru 2ew ork, on the slate soils of western Pennsylvania, and wherever ebe native grapes are succej:iLUy grown. - Letter from Cfmrlei WuoUni, one, cf Vie oldest Vine- varausi in uvs maic Visit abd Poixt, Ulster Co., N. May 19. DMS. I 2frrr. Frrri & Otytcvod. Dkah 8ib8 : Yours of the isth I am in receipt or. In which you ask 11 I have any objections to sending ?'OU, for publication, the facts I am acquainted with, n relation to the character of the Walter Grape. 1 have never Indorsed the character or usefulness of vines, or otherarticles of any description, and would not at my present stage oi use were it not tor two reasons which seem sufficient. First, I know the Walter Orajxt will meet the prejudices widrread throughout the country, caused by the worthlessness ia most localities of many of its predecessors. Sec ond, because I can say from personal observation that tne Walter is the best variety I have had any kiiowledee or, ana l minx, i nave cultivated neany all that have been recommended, dicardin? them all and foiling back upon the Concord and Hartford Proline aa vinevara varieties, l am interestea in knowing that the fruit of the Waiter grows larger ench vear es the vine grows older, being last year fuliy one-third lurser than it wan two j-ears ago. It erows wen : ceut iruit x. nave ewn it run; sev erai times before Hartford, and I have neverseen tnv miiuew on its fruit or on Its lare-e and thick, bat Delaware ahaied foliage. The flavor of the fruit I think superior to any other variety. You say In vniir circular It Is a needling of the Delaware and 1 iiana; I think the character of each of these varie ties is nulte distimruiMhable In the H alter, particu lar! v that of the lelaware. I alsd think ft would make a wine of high character. 1 have visited it annuallv since it flrnt bore, six years ago, three times in Ulster Co., X. Y., in a low valley, where the Isa bella seldom ripens, and each time it waa fully ripe in Anguet. I have seen it each oi the three past sea sons m l'onghkeepsic, ripening at the same time, excepting Inst year, when the constant rains pre vented ail varieties irom maturing hc ineir usual time, but it perfected its fruit by the middle of tsep tember. The raisins of the hist mentioned crop I have seen and eaten, which were good. From Its sueceding in the low valley nnd tenacious clay ol Moflena, aim aio in tne ury siatey position in PoughUw-psie, I tiilnk it wiil be well adapted to the varied sectionn of our country. You may make whatever use of these opinions von deem proper. Yours truly, C1IA Itf,KH WJKjLKY- millllS & CAYYOOD. v I'ougUkeeixsie, K. Y, 2i-y T3 O .2 i ci O T3 Ml a o o f-i QJ W 11 W 5 A a I a 1 s o so 1 a l A O u o i3 t a 91 to x i-3 c- a s I Si 3 S c3 . u . e ft r- w a H 5 u Q o a o .s d K o f on O 2 S S T32 p,- s-2 P3 o o .55 o 2 u u 72 PEOPLE S IIURSEIilES. We have a large stock of the following articles, with manv others, which we offer VtKY lowtocash buyers. Warranted true to name, and GOOD IN Jb. JiltY JL.ljsl r.UT. - . - Appleo Penra, Oberrlesw Pencfcea, Plains, I( HUH r., l r 'T r, n..iiTcliiTifi Strawlerriea,Ulack berries EverreM, Ornamental Trees, flirab) riowerB, 1 lowering s-urubs, fcc. We want a good reliable man. who can come well recommended, to act as agent for us, in every county in xsebraka, Kansas, jMisnoun ana lows, to sen on Commission or Salary. B. Jj. BOBB & CO., Bitomington, 111. ll-4m-tf Plant Clioico Fruits. TOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER. Vi I -will Bend fine SALEM GRAPES by mail for frl esoh. Borers 4, IS, 19. at 50c each. Kit tatinny and Wilson's H&rly Blackberries at (1 per do7n, by mail. Clark Kaspberry, fz.50 per ao Philadelphia do. (2. r) per dozen, all by mail. I will deliver the followingat J-t press orlice, prop- any packea.attneioiiowingprices: voncora urapea Mand?10per hundred. lelavare, Diana, Crevel ing and Ive's Seedlin?, 15 ier hundred. Salem Grapes at $75, f"0 and f.i per hundred. Kogers 4, 15, and 19attJ)iiir hundreL Fine Boses at $4.50 per dozen. Liarsiuu reu itoe (o-v main .jc men. Address JOHN CHAJ'XTON. n-y Kocli'ester, N. Y. DEACH TREES. Crawford's, Hale JL and others, 5 feet, ......I0 per 100 Same varieties, stocky trees .. $4 to 7 per loo Pear and Cherry Trees, 1 yr., lstclass..15 per l'O Ariple Trees, 1 yr., selected, 3 ft... ij rr., eitr..ij per v i per l " M " sto'V'fi! A pple Grafts, mostly winter varieties., Clintcn Grapes, I years, well rooied. ConMrd Grapes, 2 years, extra.... Delaware t ; rapes, 2 years, extra .... Ioo!i;tie ItHierry, tip....... 4'j per it 1.)0 per M 6 lr M , 4 per l Ki 10 per KO per 1"0 per M jfhiiarlelptria 8 Der 100 Kittinnv- JUjy'kberrj-. well routed . 8 per P)0 WUson Blackberry, well rooted ..... 8 per 100 Also Ilvergreen Hoses. and a gpneral assortment of Nurserv Stock, lnclud Ing l'lunas. Golden iwarf Pich.Ouinces. Grapes In variety. Currants. Gooseberries. Strawberries, ALL a.t i,nt ijLjj-si. samples sent at wbolesaiepnce. -toena ior price iisu HOFF A COOPER, JMm HE17 LlILLinEHY SHOP. Having just owned, at No. 5 Main street, Brown- viuti, eurasKa, A GPLEI7DIB 8tock of Jfilliiiery GimwIs, we would call public at- leiuiou iu liie tact uiai every juon , HUGBAIIB reasonable priis, procure for his "better half." nil she may wish iu our line, of which every arucic ts GTJA1 TO be JCo. 1, and made up In tho best of style, and that mny b"re find Jnst what sh ."hvs in th wy Of Xliit., '1 i immiiiis, I'utterns, etc . Every one ' 7IIO TXIADIS T7ITH may rwt assircd that we will cpnre no pains to Five entire KUiviicJon, as we are In daily receipt.of Uie lau.-st noveius in our line. Give us call. srns.BEAii & iiooiie. :7-tf - Clocks, Watches, Jewelry iro. ZD riala Street, tlroTTaville. JOSEPH SHUTZ, Has just cj.enel and will constantly kcp on hand a iare and M-eil orteal t. i. ,stoc.Ii of genyine aruclcs ia Li3 line. Hexairl2is of Clocks, 7atches, and Jew elry lioue on bhort notice. ALL WOZK WAMLUtTED Pi. , fA i vt..f ST. JOSEPH, MO. i :,i ? o r, t e r. . wnoLrsALi: and b::ail e"alzk in Iron, Cteel, and Heavy TT7AGO:T,Carri.ige,andriow.VVorks, V V As-ricnltural lui rl-n n ts, Sprln Ax els Axes, bhnve.s, f' SA- -. l'ile-i. '.;. ini. t h;uns, C'arrice and Tire Bom. JSuU and W il-lhi-s ans. Horse and Mn!e Moes. .iovs, ta.- -. i,. . I'r.,.;.. An...T. mciMi find I.itiH. v" are. uk nctuv, ...1.. ....... - -- - - Stew Tots, Bake Ovecs, i ruit Ketues aud bud Irons. Anvils. Stocks aid l!e, Bellow. Sledsre end Hand Hsrnmera, ices, l'L.ieers, iwu-ps, i itrrstrs Knives, Tire Iron, &c. OUTFITTiriG GOODS: yi i .u rraoo fir fliaini TV'dLfin Jfkl. Ox Hhoe JS"i!, bhovels, 1'ick.s, etc lluus, fcpokes and isem-siuii. Agricultural Implements : CELEBRATED MIDLINE PLOWS, Eagle Mowers, McOimilclt'l Keapers and Mower. Kallers lioree ("firn Planters. iSulkv Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Slieilers. llay K;tk en, etc, et. . AGENT SOB FAIRBANKS' SCALES. Buying my goods direct from manufacturers I offer vry Rretit iiiduci-menta to WHOLESALK BU YEIirf. J. A. riXEB. T. R. BETSOiaW. sournzicir xiothl. . PIS Eli & niySTSTO LD S, Proprietors Eight street, two blocks from tt. It. Depot, ST. JOSEPH, MO. 451y W. M. WYETII & CO., "WTiolesals Dealer in HARDWARE a CUTLERY Ko. 6 South Third, bet. Felix fc Edmond sts st. JorsErn. mo. HARNESS, Bklrtinjr, and all kinds " of Saddles. Leather. Bridles. Hardware, tc.. constantly on hand. Agents for Bitson's Circu lar Sows and iuarvlii 3 s. L--yj WOOL WORTH & COLT, Book Binders, And Dealers in BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER HANGINGS, AND I?I1IIS S ' STOCK. No. 12, 2d St., St. Joseph. Mo. CASK PAID FOB BAGS J. PFEIFFERS' Corner Sixth and St. Charles fctreeU, ST. JOSEPH, 110. - . Dealer in Lime, Hair and .CEMENT, PLASTER, "WHITE SAND, FIRE BRICK, Ac, Ac., Ac., Ac. .3 V w DQ b L1 1 a 83 b o L-3 5 o F: X7ctq Hold in Uiq "Lrcar 1CC3 IS BJCCAU8B i:qt c:;e has evsp, failed TO 6IVK THE TEEFECT OPERATION OF EVERY CHAnTSE OAII CTOVS IS FULLY GUARANTEED, THEY STAND 011LLE0 " ror. i:rvxo?.fY, l'OK lllT.Al'.ILITT, ' And W.SVtMXC'E. For nimp'ldry of Jransirpment And lor C'luaalinosM in Cooking, They arcllom 3l nstitutions ilannfucturfd in the Vt. nd adai ltd to the wants of W csternd Southern People Surely no ck! timwt k wper can 3brd ube wiiacut cue, rOK PRira LIf?T, ArOREAS Excelsbr LlanufcclurinT Co, G12 & gi 1 r;. :i ait; steut, ST. LOUIS, :io. P'lLD T1Y A. 35-6aj e;:ow'viixe, keb, LOUIS WALBTEEK. THE PIONEER, Is fully prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE.SIGn.CAIlTlIAGE, GfiiMlng, Glailn To jrhnnrtu t9 Lc BLANKS of all kind, const.intly on hand, at the Advertiser Job 0:Hce. CARDS, BILLHEADS, Cir.CU-LAIU-i, at tie Advertiser Job OiUce. -" .. ........ 'H 7 1 GENERAL npi nn We have on h:tud a large ST A:P'L"L'' A IT B To T?hich tt3 zzo rzzlzizz co V70 arc celling at Txicca zs In tL.8 Quality cf cur Goods FLOUR OF TIIE MOST HIGHEST I.IAHIIST 12-40 . I I dealers i:r pRYfiOODS YANK EE. "HOSIERY AIID WHITE GOODS. And every other kind of Good? kept In a Western Store, -vrlilch vre vtll -3 W&enever yon are in Corner Slain and Second Streets, JlcI'Ixersbn's IJIocIt, DEALERS IN A gricultural Implements!! ITirst St., Krownvillo, iNTclirnHlcn,. Cm 5 P3 O 5 o 1 2 A PEUFECT SEEF-RAKEX1! vA 1 a 30 "2 ATiD A IEIirECT 3IOTTEU, ALL COMBINED IN ONE. mice J. I. CASE & co:s 1 . Grctly Improved.' WHITEWATER AND BAIN WAGONS. - ft' , . '.. 4 X AX 1, s... Triii ijest WE SELL ALL TIIE ;iAH5ii xiartesteh, d?33ge ki STi:3ii:;r;ov, jon;so, .iLii:i;r, jour; n. "lAr.M, caikj i t :u::r, SAMPLES ON HAND OF ComeandRaus.andwftPi.irantptii;n!f . I A. Ticdcl, Jr., Cz Co., .TZttST ST., ,PZ7r. JAiJV d- .1 'TLA y TIC, J3BO WSVILLE. "A di:alj:is in 1 i 1 Hit ati-l veil tis.srtfil block of low r.3 any IZozzz "ztzzI cf T7E DEPY COIIPETniOlT. APPROVED BRANDS. pniac paid ron . GRQCSBBIBS NOTIONS, J X Town Call and Ses'Us! 3 r --- BIlO71TVIIiLE, I7E3RASIIA. o 1 t3 cj in "A 131 a m M O 1 i 0 C3 9 8 y r. w 2 XI 2! Q -8. O C2 r 1 o 53 o H O t2! 1 S1S3,00. 'V Hetliieoil Prices. r - tagois iaii:! FOLLOV7INO MACHINES: ALL MACIIi:;E3 WE SELL. mn in f;ivin 1 .. or.. C. C. G. V.. LC""' - ' 17'. T r r . n .i. , -J in:; lcii ileal I 3 ATTEND To CO.TTi:DCV?-s U.S. LAND CFFICT, a.'"'' A" largs quantity of Fl.-st C-s Ii 1 sala la Nemaha, Ilkharln, ra ra '? ?r 1 sou and GaSa, Nrka, f the attention of purchasers U s-ecvV'1 tod. Tis-n. 0Zc2--BE0T7YILL2j Lt-c-tr Shellenberger Ercs. Ho. 74, 'Icriicrsoa'iEioci i Dealers ia Hardware, fores, Tinware Hardware, Si-jvc-i, TimcorJ Hardware, Stoves, Tinware k n o " irv. . - M'l ; -:' '.I,-? v..' Fl'Ulury Iron a:id 'j Pi!t.burg Iron and Xaz,' Pittsburg Iron and XaiU 1 r 1 r . ' 1 ' 1. , J r. a1. Charier Oak Stoves, Liartcr van S'oves, Charier Oak Stoves, Eesidcs a full assortment of everT"-. v li.liJiJ.j.uiL ii.lU- MjI STORE! TFAcA tnV sot'd c low tt fcir FOR CASH! ..i Jb all who fa vcr us with a col HALL'S vugztabls giciliait "inn nr-inn aAtfiil!'i.ilt. mat. . - y prcparatica cf lU Lni ever cTcrcl to the f V and L-3 E3 ccpctlf ia merit. By its c:j GPIY HAIR b sea restored to its cr.zj.zl youthful color sad tr iiau cy, which is bo cb aduiired by alL Persca whose hair ia thin crLTj:; out will bv the use cf car j w FHQUOXES. Rensvrer,soon see its gocl rr efTecta, S3, by its tonic 5zl GSOifl!,hair dands wUl be bcitd iSD IS A and tho hair rrov tl'Jt and stroB ratlin. Ia of Baldness it wL7 creals ' fT!T rT! a r.eT7 cro'K'th usIssj tha I -'Pv x? 'follicles are destroyed. Ii CTJV i3 cooling, and aays ii itching and irritation cf the scalp. Itdocsnotstaia the sliin zs do dyes, M ilil ONE EOIilE AID makes the scalp whits aal v'cleaa. AsaDEESSKS Ii it Tcf ftn.l ir.i DP economical preparation ia the 70ild, a3 ita ecit last so ranch lonr. Sod rT. Mif Trr-fisa cn til SHIH LOCKS Lhair, free to all, by col Sell by all Eru;;i5U as J Dealers la SfiuIi'J coo::, conunn l co. G -:nl A-c-ta Ui Ucrth-lTests-i 17 i - - - Sold by T W --. ijp 7" T- V . riTY Tjr.ra rtoit7. Tor all Ul3 rerjp iw 7 J eLne i w nn;Trtt"T 3 . r.-j.r-d bf er-i7f "L . aay bcibre w 1 It alopteJ in e'errcouaCrri:lia,el 7.:;. Tti oi;'!T 1 -, Uil and a 1 i. - - hAja m W maa si, snw f...s enr Bum; ; not, tnovr uias it cjres &c:r aei-'u"" - ; and all know Ciat w-.t n -'.'jej oe 'v i tiiat is nerrr fj-U U.rou,-i an? ; JofI' iirsdi of cen--catc.3 of their r?-marlue e" , foilowic r comrUinU, but Bueii eurea ,P'9(A ery nc. .-nbomooi, and we nxt a- P"'1' Adautcd W a!l a -24 nnd con luans in Jr copujnin? no.iher caJ inicl or any c'r'j'rh they tany !kj Ukea .JJ ga.'c'y b?1 '"7. ijni ai?ar coat-u? prem? ..nm evsrC-e1 i no harm can an front ;..!. r n.J '' n7 "ZJm Intcraal vijcen to puri."y the 'oot anJ surT vait into hea ;.rr a-t:oa remove the o'isw-1. itoroacft, t-wo., liver, and . 'v. r-t. nucB (ler mcnta as ara t.;c first w-n ori..-.. ilinnte tl.rr;i'''n a -3 -"ven H .t"9 v l ji th bo.x, fir l.j fv-jvi.-. cvnip'oist-- rr i..:y .. for Iy-:-iA or lanrusr ad i,- of . th-'iai s.'iouid be uen. ralcru-!y to 8amu-Ju ach and restore Iu bea'-r t-na and i or itpp Crt'M !!. "i ani m , .j jic f Cniie and rii1Ia I'eren, Uy 7ue i ' tikt-n far each case, to cornet sx- on nr r.-nov'i tin ot""nicOfna wo'ca ejrj I ior JLyatery or x;rraflc doe U rnerny roquired. . p?? For i;hu-i.ttn. (i.CraTi. ' i..itk and JLoln. t.oy should ba conua t iea, as rt-qn to cr.a"rs tie i4esroa c 1 rhould bt .ei ia iirro sad irf-; i-,'nt ao . k , . J 1 ... ,r HrkACS ' As a 1 inner i t .'ia on.9 or two rr' 5 d -. r :.;'v-3 t." stomas. s An oc- lo3 i:r.o . .: -y n;on, rn?s vie and lnTtorates tiia gysrpr.s. ii-inco " , 1 nntazecu wftero no sor.ons ';rnirmr yt die w no r.'-'i wl.jnMvwo;!.'! 6 ": 1 cf t: c-e ,--' maxes !c( Jl- , uj ir t.K'u'ca-ans.P? an t rcaov-J e-xt fc va arra-ratu. ,ri DiJ. jr. C. irriJ CO., Tmeiie Z-G'TLT,. ZSJ.53., V.S.A. Sold br CITY DltL'O STOKK, , . ,, QOLLA11.V. All kindJ ilzS ... V . . '"Tsf .-;or.e H ATS AND CAfS.-A UMMEP. SUITS, for :-rcn an j TOB ntlNTINCf, in one j T,.V. . -- G2AI EAIE TO . ITS mm COLCH. rtic Pi Job