Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 26, 1869, Image 3

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s-Extiwplotof the ArvtSTisM for sale by
X. V. " J
' niiif prrrtifTT-rvrner Atlantic and
ndVtrieta. bervlee every other bunday Morn
SS k DAVIS, Hector.
.1' a r twhi Txlc Ko. S. I. O. O. F.
Lu in Tue!aveveiilnfrot each week, at 7 oclock
at their iall la the lireytmeyer Brick, on
. - unv W. Doitsrr, Secy.
t A: A. JI. IremahaValley Liodg No. 4, A.
. IM -f)ien on tbe lt and 3d Haiurdaya- to
LfroonUi Mfrootock p.m.. at tielr ilall in tbe
irrrtroP'nPr Urice. on Main oirwi.
rtoiw r'jcilA, Secy.
Arrival aaJ Depart are of the Malla. .
aoatliern and Eastern arrlTes at 12 in-; depart at
K?ort;?rn and Eastern arrives at 4 p depart
RuVwail arrive at 8 p. m.; departa at 7 a. m.
vrn M alt arrive at 12 m4 departs at 2 p. m.
ce Mail arrive. Monday, Wrtnaysand r.m.; deiHirUl,ueduy,TiunKlaraud
rNaVave. Friday, at 4 p. depart.
oZZ Hou from l 7VP. , n
from lOtoloS a. m. w.
Table frt. Jae. C B. R. R.
Oo and after May 23d, 18S9, Train. will leave Phelps
station as follows: . -
. aoisn kobtkT ootwo south.
11:1 a. m.
t12 a. m.
1 p. m.
2 p. nk
J? p. m. '
11:25 a. tn. '
Mat! train, dally except Sunday.
Ii'y except Wottfiay.
Rosen' Omnibus leavea ErownvUle for
J&pVaf xn. and 12 m daily.
J, L.,C1PXS Editor.
Thursday aioRxiya. august . im
Oath paid for Grain, at Den's. N
Bar Tour riows and Stovea of W. T. Den.
The weather for tho past few day has
been oppressively hot. . - -
Farmttmr, and Boot and Shoes, Dry
Goods and Groceries, at Den's. ""
The man that borrowed Den's valise had
better bring It back, so Den says. , ;
Jmvwnlle paalti-lJirge stock, Just In at
Xarta'i where the Post OCloe was.
"Xtys Washing machines and the Novel
ty Wringer ,at V J.p. DETJgER'S.
' Schawl BoaV.-Jtretthe krnd In nse at the
KTgh Xcliool, low tor eaaa, at Mark, where
the Poet Office was.
Alarf-e'.up'ry oif those celebrated Chicago
Custom Made Bxts arid Shoes, just received
at W, W. Hackney's." - " - " ' -
B. II Bryai is decorating his lianwor
Paint Shop on Main i treet. His work Is glT
Jag Immense satisfaction.
Clack I"k flayed 0t-Another large
Invoice Of the tjUendid
Violet Ink Just re-
elved at Marsh's. '
Ay man i wbp buys, a bottle of Marsh's
"Violet Ink can retarn It if It -don't suit, and
get his money baete. J
BJp WstrHtla$ made their appear
ance In our city last Monday. None Save
mf peared In our office as yet. . 1 '
,L Rebt.ea has Just had an open front put
Into his shop on Main street. lie la enter
prising, and keeps good workmen;
v 4 .. . r . r
'Farmers Orlders-The handiest thing
In this line we ever .saw. Is at Tlsdel's. Go
and aeo It, for it hi good and cheap, and Just
what you want. . . '
Uitc-An Odd Fellow's PI n, made- of a
Oold Dollar, with the Initials A. W.'L.? en
frayed In the links. A liberal reward will be
paid tor Its recovery at this office.
It. C. Lett Is having the foundation laid
for one of the finest residencealn the city.
He will make his good Judgement and taste
show to good advantage on this building.
AVna. Hartshorn, in the absence of I. 8.
Iletseil, is ready and prepared to wait DO the
jmbllc to choice Clothing, Ac, at the fairest
rates that fan be had in the city: :IIa Is
jfleasont to deal with, and fair. j
Graldlng. C M. Buckles Is grading Shel
lenDerger Bra's lots, cornerof Jlaln and Sec
ond. We hope soon to chronicle the erection
of a splendid building thereon, for these
Brothers do nothing by halves.
XrmrAd'tdO the proposals for Army
9appUea In to-day's paper. They, call, for
bidsea nxt everything, and much of which
this eoonty has as bundauee. .Bead Jthem,
Je men of means, and then bid.
F. E. Jobnira St, Co. keep up a splendid
stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, sell them
seasonable, besides being vryv pleasant men
to eeal.-wlth, especially their very, gentle-
Bianlv clerk !IaxvTMoGee."Glve-them a
Ball. ' '
' Hg Jampt-R. fi Jlanaaford't dog made
a rather remarkable leap last Saturday, Jump
lag from the third story window of the new
bending o( HsaiwafoixTt to the grottnd, with
out Irjury to his constitution, or being
Ismed, so far as we learned. -
We ake no brat;., yet the commenda
tion of cntr numerous customer, upon the
st-le of oY Job Work since the receipt of our
ew material and preas, warrants us. in guar
raeteeing satisfaction in this line. Call, if
yoa wltk job lb which you can take pride.
R. Hannafortt's building is about up
and finished all but the roof and wood work
taclde. It makr a good appearance now,
but nothing to what it will when filled with
the large stock of Furniture which it will
contain as soon as finished. We would like
to notice theuttlng np fa few more Just
soch on Main street. . ,
the advertisement of the Great West
m Fire Extinguisher in to-day's paper,
this u one of the greatest inventions of the
are. In a city, like ours, where there Is no
are engine, there should be one in every
house on Main street, charged and ready for
nss at an y time, wh lie In the country it Is the
Gfcly protection that can be totlvealcntly
had. They will save their cost in insurance
In a short time. Ilauk A Armltage, Agents.
, Tbe Leavenworth Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Chnrch, wlfl meet
ith the MU Tleasaut Congregation at the
IU Zlon Church, two miles west from Brown
Hie, on Thursday at seven o'clock P. IL, be
fore the fourth Sabbath in September. I will
at Brownville with a conveyance for those
ho may come by way of Railroad.
. J. G. SKEEN, Clerk.
' JLaaven worth papers please copy.
- A Good Investment. A. L. Easley A
Co, of the Peru nurseries, are selling bearing
Crape Vines at f 1 each. This, of itself, is as
fair an offer as we ever beard of, yet any per
oa baying one dozen they add as a premium
eopy of the JTebreuka Advertiser for one
Jear gratis. Now is the time to get your
Pspe vines cheap, and have the fruit next
year, a full stock of everything in the
mall or large fruit line constantly on hand,
d acclimated. Also ornamental shrub
wy of all kinds. '
"Tklnk think what you do when you run
1 dbt ; you give to another power over your
liberty, if you cannot pay at the time, you
ul be ashamed to see" your creditor;
Mil . " "
tll bain fear when you speak to him; you
lil make poor, pitiful, sneaking excuses,
and by degrees come to lose your veracity,
nd sink Into bafie, downright lying ; for the
eond vice is lying, the first is running in
debt, as Poor Richard says ; and again, to the
purpose. Lying rides upon Debt's
whereas a freebora Englishman ought
ot to be ashamed nor afraid to sec or speak
"any man living. But poverty often de
a man of all spirit and virtue. It is
.T for Q empty bag to stand oprlght."
i o arold these evils trade with
66 M&ln street,
ErownvUle, Neb.
For the Advertiser.
There are some facts "Relative to Misde
meanors," dc' within the city of Brewnvllle,
which some of the good citizens of aald city
seem not to know of.
All the ordinances hare been published In
the Advertiser three consecutive weeks, and
the people have had an oportunlty to know
their provisions ; but, as some manifest utter
ignorance in regard to the one named above,
I will quote a section or two for the benefit
of everybody who live In Brownville, and
who come to Brownville.
"Sec. L, Any person who shall appear In
any street, alley, or common, or other public
place within the city of brownville, in a State
or intozicrtfion, snail, on conviction inereor,
be lined In any sum not exceeding JX3 and
hEC 2. Any person whoshall oflVr to fight
or ovarrel with any terson or persons, shall
on conviction, Ac, be fined In any sum not
exceeding $25 and costs."
"Sec 6. Any person who shall disturb the
peace and quiet of the city of Brownville, or
any of Vie inhabitant thereof, by raaklnx any
loud or unturual noise, or shall threaten to in
jure the person or property of another, shall
on conviction thereof, be fined any sum not
exceeding jjo ana costs."
I hope all who are Inclined to have a small
rumput oocasionall, wUl take notice, and re
member that If they are arrested for any of
these things, the Mayor will deal out to them
unflinching justice, as he understands It.
A. V. Nlckell, of the firm of McCreery &.
Nickel 1, left for Chicago last Tuesday. lie
will bring on a full wholesale stock of drugs,
medicines, paints, oils, Ac,
Den's gone East. Me says his stock shall
be second to none in the city. lie's a man of
his word, so look put.
Quite a number of our cttlxens will be in
attendance on the U. 8. District Court in
Omaha next week.
Geo. W. Crist, of the upper Lumber Yard In
this city, returned during the week from a
trip to Kllbourn, Jenkins fc Co. ,s pinery, at
Oskosh, Wis., where he has been making the
necessary arrangements to have a large lot of
Pine .Lumber, shipped to this point, which
will be on now shortly. ' .,
Capt. Presson, of the Tecumseh Gazette,
was in our city last saturaay. oia reports
matters encouraging at Tecumseh.
The following persons. Judge Hewett, Col.
Majors, A. W. NickelL Prof. McKensIe, Prof,
Martin, Prof. Moore. J. C. Cowles, J. S. Church 1
Mrs. Moore and Miss Davison, left this city
last Tuesday, to attend the State Teachers'
Association in Omaha.' 1 ' .
F. G. Ferris, Chief Engineer of the party
Just through surveying the Atlantic and
Brownville Branch of the C.,R.tAP.R.R,
called at our office lastThursday. He reports
matters' very encouraging to the road along
the route. The grade is a water grade all the
way, and the people along the route are alive
to their work. The distance is seventy-one
miles, and may be 'shortened some.' If the
vote carries in Atchison county, there is no
doubt of the 'completion of the road, at all
the subsidies necessary In Iowa.seem already
well assured.
The District Sabbath School Convention of
the JL H Church will be held in this cUy on
the liih of September. Those desiring to at
tend will please make It known by mall or
otherwise, to E. E. Ebrlght, In order that ar
rangements for their reception and accom
modation while here can be made. Every
thing will be done to make the stay of visi
tors pleasant, " . ' . ...
- Papers of Southern Nebraska please copy.
"Llvee there a man with soul so dead,' '
Who never to himself hath said .
I love my own, my native land," , - -
And will by Marsh's News House stand?
( Same place where any books in the land
can and will be purchased at publisher's
prices, and the very best of stationery at low
er prices than ever struck this upper country.
Wade into Marsh's, it isn't derp.
Br. JT. S Lowe, of Rnshvllle, 111., has
accepted the Pastorate of the Baptist Church
tn this city, and will, be with the church on
the Saturday before the 2d Sunday in Sep
tember. Mr. Lewe comes recommended as
an able, enef getle and good man, and will
doubtless do good service lh this portion of
the "Lord's Vineyard."
. Blackberries John Creason brought to
our office last Saturday, a handfull of Law
ton Blackberries, raised on his place west of
this city, each of which measured of an
inch in diametor." They were splendid. He
lives on what was ischool land, in the ap
pralsmentof W hich Oils fruit was considered
as worth nothing I
- Hodge, the swindlerwho passed through
Carson's bank last week to the tune of $400,
has been caught at Lexington; Mo, in the act
of "playing the same game. This was caused
by Carson 'shavlng printed and circulated to
Banks along the river a notice of the affair
here, j- Printer's ink topped his career.
, A. F A A. 21. and Otof O. '.r-The Jhird
Installment on the stock In the Masonic and
Odd Fellows, building will be due on the 1st
day of September, 1S$9.
- By order of the building committee.
" A ' . James M, Uackeb, Sec.
Reynolds Henso-See card of this House
in another column. Mr. Green is bringing
to bear all the experience acquired by a nam
ber of years at th is business, to make this the
best House in the city, and is succeeding well.
It is a first class house, -convenient in every
lfebraska as It Is-Full description of
Nebraska by an old citizen, Gus. F. Harvey
"AJax" well worth Its weight in gold to
send to those wishing to know more about
Nebraska. For sale at Marsh's News Depot.
Bucks' Brilliant Cook Stove took the Gold
Medal above the Charter Oak and other com
peting Stoves, at the New Orleans and St.
Louis Fairs, In 1SC9. For .sale at the Pioneer
Stove Store, by.
44-Sm , J. C. DEUSER,
Cnarles Helmer has the fullest assort
ment of Boots, and Men's Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Shoes, In the city, which he Is
selling very low for csah. -
Carriage for Sale, I have a good Family
Carriage, nearly new ; a two horse buggy, and
set of harness, for sale.
$1300 Dollars and Expense. I See ad
vertisement of American ShuttleSewIng Ma,
ohlne in our advertising columns,
Organs. Burdett's, from $140 to ftiOO; Ma
son A Hamlin's, $75 to 8000.
James R. Dye, Brownville.
Stndebaker and Jackson Wo pons at St.
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of 1st and Water streets.
For Sale. A Cottage and two of the most
desirable residence Lots In the city. Enquire
at this office.
Eye, Ear and Catarrah, successfully treat
ed, by Dr. Klmbcrlln. Office over the Post
Carpenter's Tool, and Blacksmith's Fur
nishings at Shellenberger Bros.
Highest market price paid for wheat, oats,
corn, Ac., by Bedford A Handley.
Drags, Paints, Oils and Glass at St. Joe
prices, at McCreery A Nlckell's.
Four Car leads of 8 loves on the road for
Shellenberger Bro's.
Ten Ten Blacksmith's Iron of all sizes at
Shellenberger Bro's.
300 kegs Horse Shoes and Nails at Shel
lenberger Bro's.
Private medical aid, rend Dr. Whlttier's
Folding Bed Lonxiges
McFall A Co's.
Just received at
Fruit Cans Self-Sealing at Shellenber
ger Brother's.
Machine Oils of all kinds at McCreery A
Grand Closing Out.
To Hake Eccn for New Goods I
112317 GOODS!
- tt t a m r T"
ITo. 2T Main St., BroirnVllIc.'
Canton Clipper Ploicsl
Kllbourn, Jenkins 4b Co. Manufac
turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in
all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath? Shingles,
Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri
We manufacture our own material in the
Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where we have
in operation one of the largest manufactures
of everything made in Pine In the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree,
as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any
Lumber Yard in the West -which pays one
wholesale and ope or two retail profits. We
shall always keep on hand a full supply of
everything in our line, so that those In want
may always rely upon getting what they de
sire. We simply ask all to examine our stock
and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we
can ensure satisfaction In both, , '
Canton Clipper Ploicsl
; : ' r- C A
Having now thoro I?! nghlyfltted up my
sale and sample roo ! mi, at No. 41 Main
street, I invite the 1 1 public of SOUTH
SOURI to give me a call, "as IEholl always
keep on hand in Whelesalk Quantities
very ., best and II purest, quality, A
of all brands II Forelgh and Do
mestic. I shall II also have en hand
during the season, Chicago Ale, Beer, Ac.
The publle may rely opon -my stock being
pare, asjphyslcians of this city recommend
it for Medical uses. II Full stock of Bitters,
in cases or single bot y tie. I am also agent
for the best Billiard I Tables made. '
Canton, Clipper,, JPlows ! ,
I have how in my yard near 1,000,000
feet of the choicest DRY PINE LUMBER, of
every style and description, size and thick
ness. Also Poors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,'
etc. Dry Pine Shingles, Lath and Pickets.
In fact, anything in the building line, which
I warrant A l$o. 1 in every respect, and oni
which I do not propose to be undersold, for
cash, by any man west of the Missouri river.
I invite all who need anything In my line to
give me a call, knowing that I can outfit them
with good material, at the fairest rates.
J. R..BELL, ,
, . , - . . Cor. Water A First Streets, , ,
Brownville, Neb.
T y T Lumber delivered within theeity
I have a nearly new Buggy for sale, has
been run but a short time, and has undergone
all necessary repairs to make it good as new.
Terms very reasonable. May be seen at my,
Paint Shop over Teare A Co.s S torse, Nowift
tf Geo. B. Berjclt.
LAD I X5 3 !
Go to Shellenberger Brother's and see their
Dott'8 Universal Washes. Unrivaled In
the world. It will pay every family to have
one. - .""
For Sale. One of the best stocks of Gro
ceries and Stands In Brownvllle,-with a large
and increasing business. Cause of salet de
sires to change business. For further partic
ulars enquire at this office,' r- r- '
Good Building Stone. We are now pre
pared to furnish good building stone. In any
quantity. Also, Step Stones,: Bases for Mon
uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tables, etc,
furnished on short notice and reasonable
terms Lobance A Vaestey."
Builder. Attentlon-Iam now prepared
to do all kinds of Plastering in. this city or
vicinity. Orders left at the American House
will be promptly attended to; Prices reason
able! Work first class !1 -; v-
A. E. Beix.;
Do yon wish a pleasant evening's amuse
ment, -or- a drink, straight or mixed T The
place . to. get "either Is at the Alhambra,
where R. C Berser is always at home to h
friends and the public generally.
In Eastern markets, yet A. May. of the
Price Regulator, is still paying the old prloes.
$35,000,000 Is the capital of the Mutual
Life Insurance Companyof New York. Jar
vis S. Church is their agent at Brownville. It
is the safest company in the woild to insure
in. tf
' Corn, Wheat and Oats. I
Ralney - A Lewis have removed their office
to Robt. Teare A Cd.'s Store, where they will
pay the highest cash price lor Grain and oth
er Produce. - -
B. F. Bonder's New Harness and Saddle
Shop is already one of the institutions of our
city. Why ? Because he does first class work
at reasonable rates. Give him a call!
Stndebaker and Jackson Wagons at St.
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of 1st and Water streets.
Tin, Shcetlron and Japanned Ware at
Shellenberger Bro's. ,
Patronise Home Industry All kinds
of Marble work can be had at Neldhardts
Marble Works In this city, cheaper than it
can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma
terial used.
Heltalnger is still at No. 17, withasfuU
and choice a stock of Groceries, Queensware,
Glassware, eUx, as can be found ; and sells
low for cash.
Lannon Av Utnton, Blacksmiths, foot of
Main street, can set tires, shoe horses, Iron
wagons, Ac-, in the best style, with their im
proved machinery.
Stndebaker nnd Jackson Wagons at St.
Joe prices, at J. R, Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of Water and 1st streets.
Stndebaker and Jackson Wagons at St.
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of Water and let streets.
N. Y. Salt. 100 Barrens' of N. Y. Salt,
Just received by F. 11 Johnson A Co and for
sale low for cash. . .
Millers, buy your Rubber and Leather
Belting of SheUenberger Brq's. A fuU stock
always on hand.
2 SO acres of Prairie Land for sale at tl
v, r-, . r
per acre, uaquiro ox j. v . ansa orui- mc-
Pherson. ' -
Flour, and a full stock of goods, at
Grant's, and he will not be undersold by any
6 0 acres of Prairie and Timber Land at $ 13
per acre. Enquire of J. w. iiiss.
WaU Paper. Window Shades and School
j Books very low, at McCreery A Nlckell's.
. " "Coukcii. Chambers, August 9, 1869.
Present : Mayor Fairbrother, Aldermen
Grant, Tlsdel and Roblson. Absent-Swan,
and Mathews. - . , .
The following was adopted. ,
Resolved, That the Street Commissioner be
authorized to let contracts to repair the dam-
ape done to Second and College streets, and to
ot her streets in the city, Dy trie late neavy
rains, agreeing to pay for said work in city
orders .on the General Fund of the city, at
their face. The manner In which said repairs
are to be made to be determined by the City
Engineer and the Street Committee, and the
work to be done under the control ana super
vision of the Marshal; the specifications of
sold work to be reduced to writing, ana maae
a part of the contract between the person
performing said repairs and the City of
HV M. Atkinson requested the CouncU to
Issue a duplicate of the lease of the City to
Atkinson A Co., of a certain portion of the
Levee, the original lease having been lost.
The following resolution in relation thereto
was adopted : " ' "
Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to
make a copy of the lease to II. M. Atkinson
for that portion of the Levee heretofore leased
to said Atkinson, on thesame condition here
tofore authorized by the order of the City
Council, the record of said lease being on
page 80 of the record.
The following resolution was adopted :
Resolved, That the City Attorney be in
structed to prosecute all persons who are oc
cupying, the Levee without having leases for
thesame; and to prosecute actions against
all persons who are Indebted to tbe city on
leases gramea irom tne city.
Monday, August 10, 1SC9.
Present Mayor - Fairbrother; .Aldermen
Grant, Tlsdel, Swan, Mathews, and Robinson.
' The following was introduced : -
Resolved, That the City Attorney beauthor-
Izod to enter into a written contract with
CaptT. W. Bedford for repairing the Levee
at the foot of Atlantic Street, in accordance
witn the specincations hereunto attached:
and when said contract is approved by the
Mayor the same to be binding on the Cltw -
First. Compensation to be five hundred
dollars two hundred dollars in cash or its
equivalent, and three hundred dollars In City
Street improvement lionds. . t
Second. To repair the Levee at the foot of,
Atlantic street in such a manner as to carry
the water passing through the tunnel into
the River, without injuring said Levee; the
same to be kept in eood condition, and pas
sable for teams at all times ; anil at the end of
two years to dc ten in goou conaitton; except
so far as thesame may be injured by the flow
of water through the tunnel. Haiti Bedford
to execute a bond to the City of Brownville
In the sum of one thousand dollars to keep
said Levee in good order for the period of two
years. ..--.-....-. . . - - .
Bedford to immediately put a bridge over
t!i damaged portion oi said Levee above re
ferred to, and within a reasonable time have
all of said damage repaired, and keep the
same in good repair lor the period of two
rears. - ' - - - - -
Ayes Tlsdel, Swan, Mathews and Robin
son, 4. Noes Grant, 1. , .
So the resolution' was adopted.
; The following was Introduced r 2 . "
Whereas. McGee A Co. are Indebted to the
City of Brownville for a certain Ferry Fran
chise or charter; and
Whebeas, lie proposes to pay the sum of
ssw on saia jnaeoteuness; ana
Whereas. Tne City Council has let a con
tract to repair the Levee at the foot of Atlan
tic street; therefore ... ,
Resnlved. That If said McGee present to the
City Treasurer-tiie receipt of said-Bedford for
$1300, as received on. said contract, then .said
receipt is to be received by ald Treasurer as
though said money had been paid in cash.
The following communication was re
To the Hon. Mayor and Common Council of the
uuffQf jsrownvuie:
Gentlemen The undersigned respectfully
asks of your Honorable body the privilege of
erecting a shea for the use or nis lumber yara
on the Levee, north of the saw mill In the
City of Brownville. I desire the occupancy
of the ground on which to build said shed for
the term or three years, for which 1 will pay
a reasonable price.
On motion, the ' matter was referred to a
special committee, consisting of Messrs.
Matthews and TisdeL-wIth instructions to
report at tbe next meeting.
Adjourned to Tuesday August 17, 1869, at 10
o'clock A. M.
Tuesday, 10 A. M. August 17.
Present Mayor -Fairbrother; Aldermen
iisuei, swan, urant, itooinson ana Matnews:
The committee to whom Was referred the
petition of John R. Bell, in relation to leas
ing a portion of the Levee for a lumber yardj
submitted the following report, which wa
adopted: . 1 '
Tour committee, to whom was referred
Mr. Bell's petition for a lease of a portion of
the Levee, would respectfully report that
in their Judgment It will not be to the Inter
est of the city to lease any portion of the
Levee for such purpose; and would further
recommend that the Levee- be cleared of all
logs and rubbish, and use the same for a boat
F. A. TLSDEL, Jr., Pnm
w ' H. L. MATHEWS, ( com'
The following resolution was adopted :
Resolved, .That Mr. Robinson be authorized
to repair the culvert on Main street, and also
tne Dridnea on Main ana Levee, ana College
and First streets, and put them In a safe com
dltlon, and present his itemized bill to the
Council, the same to be paid In orders on the
i4oaa t umv-
i ....
On motion tho Clerk was directed to draw
an order on General Fund In favor of City
Attornew for $125, as part of his allowance for
years service.-
Adjourned Ull Monday 23d Inst.
" J. C. McAUQHTON, Clerk.
The Shoolt Brothers are running their
Saw Mill in Hillsdale, to the full extent of its
power; cutting out Immense piles of Lumber
dally. They have a large assortment of Lum
ber on hand, and can accommodate parties
or fill orders at sight. Any one wishing
Lumber will do well to give them a call.
41-4t i
40 O kegs of Nails Just received at Shellen
berger Bro's. - r ', .. r.
Dtnlm Overalla At Hetzel's.
, v Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by
r-The Market this week shows a '; "
Business Coats from f3ia v "
Business Suits, f.- - -
Casi mere, from -'Vest
from "Sets, to ft 35.
Overshirts, from 75 cts. to X
Undershirts, from 75 cts. to fZ.
Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by .
Calico, 10c(?11o,
Muslin, 12Scfr 17.
Bleached, lOoii'JO.
Cotton Delaine, 22c.
All Wool Delatne, 37c.
Balmoral Skirts, fl 75 2 5a
FLOUR Winter 9 sack...
15 00
.. 4 00
.. 1 50
WHEAT Fall per bushel
t spring
CORN H bushel, .
MKAh-9 oushel
BACON Hams fl fi
: 20
Shoulders fl In...
bides V n
LARD Canned fi...
... 20
1 50
1 20
SYRUP Golden V tral
44 Sugar House V gal....
Kio n
CHEESE New York Factory S
. fntintrirn I.
1 75
3 CO
; 15
TEA Imperial H &
luacit v
' Younir Hj-son E)..
CANDLES Starfi ft
" . Tallow lb
ATPLES Dried ?( lb
ti 2.5
Geen. r er bush
PEACHES Ih-iwd V. ft
IOT ATI) ES bushel
COAL OIL 11 gallon
i:or,-v doz . -
,.L 6570
BUTTFI i y U . ,
HONEY-?! ft
4 00
ONION-?, bushel
SALT jH-r barrel
,-,TTT -...
2 25
5 00
5 t0
2 10
alnut - ,
Pine .
SHINGLES -Cottonwood per 1000 2 ff(SZ 00
Pin. 4 i,, r.
LATH Cottonwood per lOuO.
7 00
5 75
6 00
WOOD Dry Hard per cord..
lilDtiS 1 ry per m
.. 18
.. "
WOOL per lb...
J L.RS.atthe Advertiser Job OfSce. , ..
. - THE-KIDNEYS. - - ,
The Kidneys are two in number,
attusted at the Tipper part of the loin, surrounded by
fat, arid consisting of three parts, viz.: the Anteri
rior, the Interior, and the Kxterior.
The anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tlssnes
or veins, wbich gerve as a deiiosit for the urine and
convey It to the exterior. Tbe exterior is a conduc
tor also, terminating in a single tube, and called the
Ureter. Tho ureters are connected with the blad
der. Tbe bladder Is composed of various coverings or
ttsHiies, dividl Into parts, vix.: the I'pper, the
lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper
expels, the lower retain. Many huve u dmiru to
uruiate without the ability to retain. This frequent
ly occurs in children.
To cure these affections, we must brin? into action
the muscles, which are encased in their various
functions. If they are neglected, Gravel or liropsy
mar ensue.
The reader must also be made aware, that how
ever slight may be the attack, it Is sure to afreet the
bodily healttt and mental powers, as our flesh and
bloou are supported from these sources.
Gent, or Rheumatism. Pain oceurrin? in the
loins is indicative of the above diseases. They oc
cur In persona disposed to acid stomach and chalky
The Gravel. The gravel ensues from neglect
or improper treatment of the kidneys. These or
gans being weak, the water is not expelled from the
bladder, but allowed to remain ; it beconif s feverish,
and sediment forms. It is from this deposit the
stone is formed, and gravel ensues,
lropey is a collection of water in some parts of
the body, and bears different names, according to
the parts affected, viz.: when generally diffused
over the body. It Is called Anasarca; when of abdo
men, Ascitea; when of the chest, 11 vdrorhorax.
Treatment. Hclrubold's highly couceutrated
compound .Extract Buchu is decidenly one of the
best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys,
gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism, and gouty
affections. Under this head we have arranged ly
suria, or difficulty and pain in passing water, scanty
secretion, or small and frequent discharges of wa
ter; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria,
or bloody urine; Ooutaud Kheumatisin of" the kid
neys, without any chause in quantity, but increase
of color, or dark water. It was alwavshighly recom
mended by the late Dr. Physiek, in'these affections.
. Thia medicine increases the power of digestion,
and excites the absorbents Into healthv etercUe, by
which the water', or calcareous, delations, aud
all unnatural enlargements, as well aft pain and in
carnation, are reduced, and it is taken by men,
women, and children. Directions, for Use and diet
accompany. :
-! ia. Pa Feb. 23. 1SC7.
H. T.Helmboij. lni!ft:ist:
D:a it m a I bave been a sufferer for upwards of
twenty -rs, uunne wiucn time 1 nave usea van-
otw roi-i' mal pruiiaraiiona. and been under the
treat uit u.vf tue nioNt eminent physicians, expert'
encing but littie relief.
Having seen your preparations extensively ad-
vertised, I consulted with my family physician iu
regard to using your Extract Buciiu.
I did this because I had used all kinds of adver
tised remedies, and had found them worthless, and
some quite injurious; la fact, I despaired of ever
getting well, and determined to use no remedies
hereafter unless 1 knew of the ingredients. It was
this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you
advertised that it was comuosed of buchu. cubebs.
and Juniper berries, It occurred to me and mv phy
sicians as an excellent combiuaation, and with his
advice,- after an examination of the article, and
consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to
try ilk i commenced us use about eight months ago,
at which time 1 was confined to mv room. From
the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the
oenenciai euect, anu alter using it three weeks, was
able to walk out. -1 felt much like writing you a full
statement of my case at that time, but thought my
Improvement might only be temporary, and there
fore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a
perfect cure, Knowing then it would be of greater
value to you, and more satisfactory to me.
-1 am now able to report that a cure istffected after
using the remedy for hve months- -. -
I have not used any now fur three mouths, and
feel as well in all respects as ever i did.
Vour Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste
and odor, a nice tonic and Invigorator of the sys
tem, I do not mean to be without it whenever occa
sion tuny t equire ua use in ucn affections.
- - M. Mc t) H'MTCTC.
Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement, he
reiers to tue lonowinggentiemen :
lion. Wm. Bigler, ex-Oovernor. Pennsylvania.
Hon. Thos. B. Florence, Philadelphia."
Hon. J. C. Knox, Judne, Philadelphia.
' Hon. J.8. Blacki Judsje-, Philadelphia. ' .
Hon. I. R. Porter, ex-Governor. Pennsylvania.
Hon. Kllis Levis, Jude, Philadelphia.
Hon; R. V. Grier, Judge, United states Court.
Hon. G. W. Woodward, .fudge, Philadelphia.
Hon. V. A Porter, City Solicitor, Philadelphia
Hon. K. Banks, Aoditor-lenerai,Washington,D.C.
.- And many others. If necessary.
.' Hold by Urueetsts and dealers everywhere. Be
ware of counterfeits. - Ask for Helmbold's. Take
no other. - Pktck f 1.S5 per bottle, or, t bottles for
U.50. Delivered to any address. - Describe Bymp-
10ms in an communications. ; .
Address H. T. HKLMBOLD, Drug and Chemical
w arenouse, o jtiroaqway, jx.y. ..... ,
3"Nonesre genuine unless done up in steel-en-
graved wrapper, with fac-siuille of my Chemical
Varehouse, and signed
ards ef Vixdm for voune men. on the
Rulinir Passion in Yotuh and lrlv Manhood, with
8LF IlKLP for the Erring and unfortunate. . Kent
In sealed letter envelopes, tree of chance. Address
HOWARD ABaOCTATION, Box P. Philadelphia,
Pa. i -(.-
Ma a hoed r How Lost, How Restored. -
. . mel Just published, a new edition of Dr.
iCulverweli'a Celebrated Essay on the
. zTt radical cure (without medicine) of
w. .-i .- v fcpermatorrlMra. or bemuiaL eak-
. , . u i 7 n ..... . cu..i;nor T .v.o.
Impotency. Mental and Physical incia!lty. Im
pedimenta to Marrluire, etc ; aJo, Consumption, Ep
ilepsy, ana t us. lnauxa Dy seu uiauijjeuce or sexu
al extravagance. - , .
Kti Price In a sealed envelope, only o cents.
The Celebrated mhiIiiit in this hi! niirniilft esSiv.
C?arly demonstrates from a thirtv j ears' successful
practice, thnt the alarming consequences of self- may be radically cured without the daneer-
ous nwof Inteniat medicine or the-nrmllcatlon of
Itie kn pmmiTigoKt a nitxteof cure at ooce sim
ple, certain and efSectual, by nieitn t of which every
aufferer. no matter what his conditio may be. may
cure nuuseii ciieapiy, privately ana radically.
Mrr i bts lecture should be iu ttio nanus or every
youth and every man in the land. - .
Sent under eetd. to any address. In ulain envelope
postpaid, on thereceipt of sixcents.or two postage
siauips. AiKO. i)T. L-uiverweu s -MaiTiage uuiue, '
pnee io cents. Address tne puDuhers,
;- - Chas. J. C Klixk A Co.. '
I2-40-y ,i 127 Bowery, New York, P. 0. 43S8.
IX MEDICINE, ns diploma at Office will
show, has been longer engaged in the treatment
of Vknekkal, Bkxl al and Pbivatk Diseas
es than any other physician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, (Jonorrhaj, Gleet, Stricture, Orchittis,
Hernia, and Btipture ; all urinary Diseases and
Syphilitic or Mercurial AtUictions of Throat,
Skin or Bones, are treated with unparallelled
success. -. - -
Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debbillty and I m po
tency, as the result of self abuse in youth, ttexn
al excess In maturer years, or other causes, and
which produce some of the following effects, as
Nocturnal- Emiwiens, blotches, debility, dizzi
ness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil
foreboding, aversion to-society of females, loss
of memory and sexual pewer, and rendering
marriage improper, are permanently cured.
The Doctor's opportunities In hospital and
private practice are unsurpassed In St. Louis or
any other city. Back files of St. Louis papers
prove that he has been located here longer than
any other so advertising. The establishment,
library, laboratory and appointments, are un
rivalled in the west,- unsurpassed anywhere.
Age, with experience, can be relied upon, and
the doctor can refer to many physicians through
out the country. .In past success and present
position-be stands without a competitor. .......
The Writlns-s of a Physician whose rep
- atation ia -Union-wide should
. . - be worth reading. .- . M
Doctor Whittier publishes a Medlrol Pamph
let relating to venereal diseases and the disas
trous and varied consequence of self-abuse that
will be sent to any address In a sealed envelope
for two stamps. Many physicians introduce pa
tients to the doctor after reading his medical
Jiamplilet. Communications confidential. A
riendlv talk will cost von nothing. Oflice cen
tral, yet retired No. 617 St. Charles street, St.
Louis, Mo. - Hours 11a.m. to 7- p.m. Sundays 12
to 2p.m. ,: , - . 22-y
The Brownville Ferry Company
have now running between
ITortli Star and Phelps City, Mo.,
, idc new ana coramoaious Meant J- erry
THIS BOAT fa entirely new, with
power and capacity to cross everything
that may come. In any weather.
For crossing Cattle into or out of thin Land Dis
trict, this is the best point This boat Is efpecinlly
fitted up to enxure safety in erossine stock, and large
cauls pens are already erected at tbe St. Joe. t". B.
uepot a rneira mr. we can insure me traveling
public that all in oar power shall Be done to make
his the most reliable crossing oa the iiissoorl river.
V 99
Tne Brownville Transfer Line,
rnder the manageuient of
Is now kenning Kegnlar Ommbosces from
Brownville to tlie Hailroail Terminus
of tht Conocll Bluff and St. Joseph Bailroad,
At irortli Star, IIo.,
Two XUe from Brownville asd rorth Sin Ferry
Lsmtin.;. .
Good Omnibnsses. Close Connectxonr
Charge. Ioderata 30-tf
Exchange Donsrht and Sold on all the prin
cipal cities. Also dealer in Gold and Silver
Coin, Gold Dust and .
GOVEinnisirr boites.
Deposits received, parable at sicht. Inter
est paid on time deposit by KjH'cial agree
meat. Taxes paid for non-rthideutf
All kinds of U. S. Eoads wanted. .
At the Sign I the
Big Bed Stead
Is the place to buy
Keep constantly on hand a complete assort
: .. . . i i roent of. . : - . .
y Sofas, Beadtteadt, Wardrobes, . ,
Bureaus, . r Rockinn Chains,
Sprina Beds, ' . . Wash i'onrfs.
What liots, Hat Racks,
Kitchen ' Kitchen
ana and
Chairs, z.
MarbJe . f--J
Tanned v- 2--
Klnm.U. f I--v;
Settees, '
Cribs, ,
lied Springs, Children's Cabs and Gios,
' Hilt and Rofettood Moulding,
Sheets, Pillows, Pillow
Slips, etc., etc ,
And anything and everything required to set
r .. , up plain or fancy housekeeping
All of their ware Is either manufactured or
put np under their special superintendence,
which euables thein to sell sound articles at
smaller, prices than Eastern manufactured
goods. ...
Oiii? Hearse
... . t . . . .
Is at the service of the pnbllc at any lime It
may be needed, and is gotten np in as fine style
as any larurer east.
Metalic- Bnrial Cases
-, ,. , ' of all sizes constantly oa hand,.
A. t " IE si s t'e r ri . 1 r,i o o a
-. i
r . We are doing baslness on -.
. : , - . . . ,' AT A i - , 4 . , ...
Small Profit
and by attention to business and the wantsoi
the commnnltyj expect in the future as in the
last to receive the patronage of the publle
generally. a , " IIcrALI. & CO.
Wholesale and Retail
I'o. 21, ain Street,
KTeep constantly on hand" a full assorlmenVoj
" Staple arid Fancy
Glassware & Queensware
GI m VS At CJLZ. !
CJonntfy Produce Always Wanted
- Foot of Main St., '
WOULD inform the public that they
are prepared ro do ail kinds of Custom
Work. For Shoeing Horses and Ironing of Bujr-
ies, they bave tho latest Improved machinery.
illlMS t."Arri. .ive mem a cau wnen you
prompt anil durable worR done.
You Carpenter, -Tanner
" ' and everybody else ithat want to buy
TI7M.; W. RANDOL, at- Peru,
Y V keen on hand a full supply of No.
Cottonwood Shingles, which he will soli cheap for
cash, or will trade for younir stock or train. All
Shingles Warranted. Don't forget the place.
r)-3m ' - Feru. Isebraska.
: O
Shellenberger Bros.
Ho. 74,
BIcPhersoa's Block,
Sole Agents
In Southern Nebraska, Atchison and Holt
County, l&o.t for the
. r" ys.
EEST 111712 YCriD! I
Caiitoii upper ;-Plov
y -
S3 1 . -3
0 . s
W" -TT
1869. SPRING. 18C9!
Invite the attention of thecIMzensof Brown
ville and surronndln!? community to their
splendid stock of STAPLE AND FANCY
BUY GO 030;
Congress & Button Shoes,
Sprixo and Summer Hats,
Ml Eresh Goods !
Choice Spring Prints,
Ten Thousand Yards,
Brown & BrchdXIuslins
.1 r
Twelve Thousand Yards,
y-t 'm, f Lnncnster, Glasrow, ' .
UlUSnaniS,! Scotchs, and Seaside,
: Three Thousand Yards
3,500 Yards
JkitvilS) Jaconets, Pcrcals, Organ
dies ana Urenedines.
Piques and XXaira.n
One Thousand Yards,
Dress Goods, 'lpurmme?.d
Two Thousand Yards,
4,ooo Yards
Swiss Muslins, Plaid, Striped
, , a T j .
.ana vieccea oacvncig,
nook, Victoria Lawns, Book
Mulls, Birds Eye Linen,. Cor
ded, Dimity, Irish Linens, "
3,ooo Yards,
Striped Shirting, Check Shirt
ing, Ticking, all grades.
3,5ooo Yards.
Collonades, . Denims, Tweeds,
Kentucky, Maryland and Mis
souri Jeans, and Fine Casst
Table Linens, j
. . .-' '
Bleached, Vribleachedahd Col
ored, , , "
While and Brown, 40 pieces.
Towels, . :
Linen and Turkish, 20 Doz.
Hoop Sldrts,
Dfop, Open Front and Bustle,
nil sizes. 40 Dozen.
Parasols and Pans,
All Styles. Twenty-fite Doz.
Cloth and Silk Cloalis,
Latest Spring Styles. 10 Doz.
Bed Spreads,
White and Color :cd Ltncnand
Cotton. 12 Dozen.
SeanHess IJarrs
aVo. 1 article. So i)otcn.
Pnr and Straw Hat3,
2&w Styles. Forty Dqz$7&
Choice Groceries
CelebratndCIoliiio Plows,
Hardwaro Cz Queensware.
J.- Vsi
Capable of Scwlnsr In More than ea
Direction, ;
Fastening all lis orrn Scaras,
uthur, and v i!lcninititi- aentu wihuut
bulUing tbe vuUs uf the (urvutl.
Warranted to Sew Heavy or Pins
o v iz ij, r o , o o o ;
tgSnl for Reports ami Owular. t " '
W3I.cri.AXT, General Asrcat,
J. XV. IIENDERSOX, Brovrn vllle, Xeb.
5 - 'the
T-J retailed at a prloe 1thin the renoh of alL Thin
Machine nxt a atraitrlit ntOlts nmkn t) !.
Miiclj (alike on boCU sulest, hiw aM-lf tMlJa'.i.n t-.':i-sion,
atiU can do every variffy u( wiii. It w ll
hem. 6U, bintl. orJ, braW. 4!ii. quilt, t.iclc. ruiiiw
antl Kllir; will worfc eqtmliy wil mi li, 1k-u,
woolen or cotton g'nx!-, wi'.li ilk, linen or cviluu
S ewingMachine
VI arranted for Five Years
Our acrente will be supplied with doplioate part, of
the Mac-liine, In cw oi arch lent. It nnitp irwi!y
the same stitch nmiie by the Smusr, Vntcr t Wif
mn, Howe aiul Klorenre Ma-!ilinn. It has ilipunW
feeu, like the bt of hiih pn-Hl niachmwt, and tli
only row priced shuttle machine In th market that
has this rVfd. V'e are enantwt to nil a dmtclttst
Shuttle Mar-hine at a Tery low price, on wxwint of
iu simplicity, ami cotisfvient low cntof niHnudic
turing, in CaiiiparLsoii cotupllcatetl aim'timr.
A. G E N T S .
-' -
: We wish to arrange with Asrnts, male or fpmnlp,
to represent the American Shuttle Sewimj; If n hm
In etu h Mate, County ami Town In the VnUed ttHtei
anl Ontario. Extra inilicenietls tw 1 j;twim'v1
Aeetita. For full particulars, a to tC.ln.ry or Voaif
miMxiou, odclreMu.
G. V ir Andrews,
General Aent, '
Detroit, nici.
JC. B. Eor the benefit Of oitf -rf-ils we have ar.
ransetl with parties who bave d -! uitafj for
Sewing Machine Agents to n.11. We will wml nt le
of sampler and full particulnrs on rnceiptof one rwt
lmp. Adtlresa O. V. N. Amlrt-ws, tieneral Aeut,
DiAroit, Mica. . laa-iy
4iB5 Bremdiemff, .Ww VJr,
.' Points of xcellenc.
Beauty antl Elasticity of "feu tea.
Perfection and Simplicity oc r.
Using both threads directly froa.
the spoola. -
No fastening of gcuros by hand and
no waste of thread.
Wide rane of application without
change of adjustment. " . ,
The seahi retains its beauty and firm
ness after washing and ironing.
Besides doing all kind3 of work dono
by other Sewing Machine3, these Ma
chines execute the most beautiful and
permanent Embroidery and ornamen
tal work. -
JsTi- The Highest Premiums at all the feir
and exhibitions ofth Uaitcd States and
Europe, have beett awarded the G rover A Ba
ker Sewing Machines, and the work done by
them.whereverexhi'bited, In core petition.
. . . . j . .. .... .
J9r .Tlie very highest priio, Th Cwr
th T,egrto stf Eumory was conferred on th
repreiKyatAtlve of "the Grover A Baker Sewln?
Machines, at the Exposition Unlrersclla,
rarls, LS67, thns attesting their jrreat superl-
orltyover all other Sewing Machines. ,
lira. J. XI. ilSAII, Asent,
3-r . BfiOWYILLE.
Enipir'6 Shuttlo Iladdnc,
Patented Ft. ! 1, 1300, A Sept. 1, 1XGB.
. ' AT TUK
Great Fair of the American Institute
( In New York, Oct. 215,
And Highest Premium tor Cent .
Manufacturing Machine
At Paris Exposition, July, 1.-&7.
Jfo. 1 Family Machine.
- ...... ...... "uni i w..-.. m iiw yriat , nr
mftan(m, rmniwiwinK many rare arxl vluobie in
provementM, havlnif been examinefi by tne mixl
pnfonml experta, and pronounced to be slmpLiL.t
and perfection combined-
The following are the principal objections areedi
Siraintt itewin machines:
i. j-.ireiwive nint'ive to tne operator.
1 Liability to et out of oM.-r.
3. Kpene. trouble, and hwa of lira a rwrlnic
4 T rwrwt t mw uruu . : ..... . .
The Empire Sewing ifachine w Exempt
w ni mt-isw nai . w.j mi mr fl.
Pin rt4TSP Mwal a 1 curu An l..pW - . . ' S
With Vt Ln n lltWJ AP Mii k!m.a.i frtn rhaMpaawl
. , v.- a va a ,JmA.
t Ilesia, Pells, Bind3, Braids, Tucks,
Quilt3, Plaits and Gathers..
As Family Sewing Machine it Las no superior.
Special attentioo h called to our new Improved.
Kes, 3 & 3-iIaaivtacturtiis IlacMae
Ther have been IhoroucMv tete.l on evprr des
cription of (.loth and Leather Work, rumuiis by
Steni .Power tU the nUs at
l,2fX) StitcJtcspcr J ft nulc.
Pro)iirin mora than double the worlt of any oth
er shuttle Machine now in iwe ; t!:est:tcb is titht,
uniform and beautiful : they are nimpie in construc
tion, ensily uniii rstixxl. aiwl w: t to out;
W or4'r, run 1 ;-,-t:t :ap.J are c: rauv?ly :,
For Tailoring; or Leather Wurii wc claim that they
ar not only e'jual. but much "'inerior t aur ctber
machine thai lias ever been offered to the pu.c.
iroSaTringllachiiis Co., 17. Y,
t Joseph, Mcu
General Agents N, W. States and Territories,
J, S. Schencli, Agent,