Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 12, 1869, Image 3

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    ! 3
CS - -
-"tTpof the AtvxTiBK foraale by
' rvevry other 8unday Morn-
I l Jr-rJdnvfTfninf crt wk-jj wtrt,it 7 o'clock ftu in toe lireytm-ryt Brick, a
jltfSa pon-.r. Secy.
j a A. M. NwnabYaIryT,o1No.4.A,
- - . meets rw w " j - ...
M-JtluYai o'clock p.m.; U. their 1111 in the
.'"rnuiiUnc ilrotiiers J Invited.
I Au tiuii . Jam. iL Hackm, Secy,
Arrival Dertr f tae Mail.
soBtbern and Efttra arrlvr at 12 m.; depart at
;jj3rtber ioJ Eaatern arrives at 4 p. nu; departs
.into Mall arrives at I p. departs at 7 a. m.
I. U Al Bill - .., - -
J" " w-.l .iraa 1U i.iulnVH Vk'l nu1 KV and
'J?a8 p.m depanaTuewia'rs, Thursday and
Thwf " f Ta. m.. to 7.' p. m. Snn-
f jfrJm w to 10'ja.m. V . A. I-OIXmjK. P. M.
- - T.hl! St. J. a ad C B. It IU
Os.od-rier May Train will leave Phelps
oor NORTH.
pljv.- 1:44 p.m.
.H unlay.
Uht'I, Monday.
oiwrt aocrii.
.. :r7 p. m
ti p. m.
ll.Zj a. m.
' lmnJh Knrer' Omnibus ltvm Brownville for
5fJnuandUndUjr. -
J. L. Colhapp, Editor.
fralt CSe3f-Sealtng ttt Shellenber
Brother. t tfc 1. O. New IVpot for all the la-
tlwpera.Masarinea, Ac.
.fa w H never be foolod" 11 jrou go to P.
aperi lT your papers. , . ; .
jl.rha l the plaoc to buy Bendy Made
Cndloio Made Ootblng, and save 25 per
mt ' ' ' '
rU VTkeat FIr from the KerchlTal
yLl'M, M tal by D. IU McLaufcbJln at McF all
ACV. '
t4tWker'and Jack-on Wagons at St.
joe prtoes, at J. R, BcU"s Lumber Yard, cor.
of lrt tnA Water streets.
'WsaU Every roan and woman in Ne
icahs county to visit Ebrlghfs Queensware
Houm, Xo. 61 Main street. -
If V I to the P. 0. News Depot for your
jMipurj you will bo mire to get the exy latM
Bfw that can be had. Try them and aee.
U Ioiii papers nest day after printed.
Th street Sprinkler has been atopped;
mon, too irxpvnslve a luxury. Tlie dust
ten times more intolerable now after a
little freedom from it.
rrw mcB can w gently and pleasantly
manipulate the head orchln, and take ofTthe
urplus hair In so neat a style, as John Smith,
st liU ibop one- door west of the city Meat
XftrkeU .
.Martkhaiigotlixedup. Jf you don't be
llv i, jo and see. Sew front, new coun
ti clean throucli, and his goods displayed to
IrvmfudkHit advaatage. He Is a real nlcr
n&n, It March.
Ta f mag Baat R. E DeRusay was at
oarLrvee lt Friday, procuring lumber for
repairs. She Is a uplended piece of machine
ry, and Is Uo'.ug an immense good in tinprov
inf river navlgaUon. .
.1 EMail Private Hep was had atMc-
TWt'i old Ifflll last Friday night, pawing
j ir?sry fJfcaaauOyv TiVlyse(!enetftBftnd
autlennsle for the occasion, and "ail went
perry as a marriage bell." - -
tm yets wiKh pleaant evening's amuse
ment, or a drink, straight or mixed? I The
plM-e to get either is at the Alhnmbra,
There R C. Derger is always at home to lite
friends and the public generally.
.Tfca Slttxtk Brothers are running their
Hut lia In Uilllale, to the full extent of its
)wr; cutting out immense plies of Lnmber
daily. They have a large bssortmeut of Lum
ber on band, and can accommodate parties
or CU orders at sight. - Any one wishing
Lnmber will do well to give them a calL
. ' 1-U ;
targlrryIut Friday night the office ol
J. H BellLeTnber Merchant, corner First and
College streets, was entered by somebody, and
nus 16 taken from the desk drawer. .For-
j tuaatoly the day's sale some K500 were not
I kait tii drawer, as had sometimes hap-
' pttfli, over night,- nd the experience is
therefure cheaply obtained. There are quite
somber of persons around our town Just
sow "without any visible means or support.
Its Craam Last Friday, by invitation
H (that means all hands and the devil.)
Is decent upon the Ice Cream Saloon ot
mn. Kace A Hansen, and stowed away
veral Ulnhes of excellent Ice Cream. On
W wsy back to the office we dropped Into
.frm male after Mrs. Rossell's inimitable
j le-senaing a few cakes after it, and wash
ng the whole down wUh soda-water. The
Toond trip" was a pleasant one, and we can
B(X fill! laMMinni.tii1 h nm to our Till
torooi friends during these hot days, for it
"T pleasant. .
TaaaksAraln- Mrs. Loveless lastThurs-
y placed os under renewed obligations for
y f.nelotof. Apples, Tomatoes, Cabbage,
Cucumber that weighed three pounds,
ft cabbage was the largest we have seen this
oii, being three feet W inch in clrcura-
noe,and very solid and compact. Theto-
were ripe and large. The specimens
evera! different varieties of apples were
and lacked little of being ripe. She
Guided us one twig to show how they bung
the tree, which was four inches long and
iJnad eleven large fine apples. The Love-
lam, w believe, can vis with any In the
8tet for thorough cultivation and fine fruit.
Tka Ecllp, as a sclenttAe or astronomi
1 AemonstraUon. in this section, wai a fail
'i.becao.e of the cloudy weather. Friday
nt noon clouds settled over this region,
"14 continued to obscure the sun uatilSst-
Hly nlcht rtilrh v tar1!i'ht and dear.
only noticeable effect of the eclipse was
four till quarter past four, by our time,
5 as for a few minutes too dark In
Office to an tn a4, trra hut not BO dark
Jt wtat plain print could be read. We have
"ru several of our townsmen say their
ens went to roost; If so. It must have
r" erysbort one. One very noticeable
trs ot the weather, which we attribute to
, cllPse, was the cold, rlday at one
'Sock, we felt a very chly norihwest wind;
" fporn that time until Satordsy nhjht it
o'd, while op to noon of Friday it was
t7n4l aa4 ratkerA-W heard of
W1' ln rr1 VJe th otbcr dT, which
r1! U the southern portion of this
. "'ynot long since. .It aruears that pool
"TlAdnik . ... . .
I aoimais naa oeen cisappeanng
- uiooiana mum irom wapin-
t!uU Tvnth ni his male parent
tearn the names were strongly
wT5 80 roung man of thenelghbor
'"eoncin . . .
4 t Janncrst!P with the young pocher
pv." Wl me secret, and did so. They
1 . lurav lwtv 1 -r v A
Wn P4. crs ready with
PfjrKLl Iethers to match, and while
! 'l. . ere in the coon the old hand at
Tw! WM rturd and the other es
1 Klttted twLPtttrrd OBe M beautifully
j ttovT1 coated, after which the party
! 1m rarest, who, smelling a
ttvT By 01 lbe Part, nor would
t "T giv- .. vm USJMIUrB, UV WVUIU
Antl-UaiIrC-Vra hear-1 of an erjrj.
mentrecenUy adtancelby an astl-railrod
man that Is so new and novel that we caanot
refrain from giving It for the beneSt of the
antles generally. A.hadbeenargtUng&tcon
slderable length for railroads, and B. against,
when B. broke out:
"Look her; now, yoa see. If I had a fat
hog Just as fat as It could be and I was
to grease htm all over with butter and lard,
and smear ft all oer him, all over.yoa know,
woa! 3 that Log be any fatter ?"
A-Of course not. '
B. Then what In hell good does the railroad
do the farmer? -
A we learn, agreed to give an answer to
the last question In one week tn writing. We
hope oar anti-friends won't make too much
capital out of this, as we only give It because
of Its novelty, as the same Idea might, per
haps, never strike any one felse, and so be
lost. ' v - . -
ICilbnrm, Jenkins a Co Manufac
turers, and Wholesale and Retail dealers in
all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Fhlnglas,
Pickets, Rash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc.
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri.
We .manufacture our own material, in the
Pineries of Oshkoeh, VU, where we have
in operation one of the largest manufacturies
of everything made In Pine In the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree,
as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any
Lumber Yard in the Went which pays one'
wholesale and one ox. two retail profits. We
shall always keep on hand a full supply ot
everything in our line, so that those in want
may always rely npon getting what they de
sire. We simply ask all to examine our stock
and prices before purchaslngelxewhere, as we
can ensure sat isfaction in both.
ITaTlng now thoro ?I nghly fitted op my
sale and sample roo 1 ms, at No. 41 Main
street, I invite the If public of SOUTH
SOURI to give me a call, as I shall always
keep on hand in Whelesaus Qcatities
rt very best and ff purest quality,
r. & ft
Do- I
and U
ft of all brands II Foreign and Do
V mestlc." I shall si also have on hand
during the season, Chicago Ale, Beer, &c
The public may rely opon my stock being
pure, M physicians of this city recommend
it for Medical uses. II Full stock of Bitters,
in cases or single hot u tie. I am also agent
for the best Billiard I Tables made.
" Wm. IL VALLEAU & CO. '
still at No. 27, dealing out to his
customers Ladles especially the
very choicest "Dry Goods that the Eastern
market affords, nis immense assortment
comprises everything that a Lady or Gentle
man could desire and his prices bring his
goods within the reach of all. He is the most
liberal and straight-forward man to deal with
you could find, and his clerks, Herrs Gron-
stlen and Star, are clever,' accommodating,
and gentlemanly. -
nis shelves must be cleared, for the Summer
Stock Is such as was never equaled in this
county, both for the extent and quality of
c r- y
i r o s
- . r K- w-
As von as alonir onr streets yon will see
manv urettv ladles With a pleasant satisfied
smile upon their countenances. Do you know
the reason ? Well, yre know, for we have
found out this smile of satisfaction is me
direct result of having Just bought of that el
egant new stock of Dry Goods and Lady's
Notion, Just opened at Henderson s. uo, 11
you wish to enjoy the satisfaction of having
got your full money's worth.
. -4
Interestlne ta Bntldera-J. R. Bell, of
the lower Lumber Yard, Is Introducing a new
feature into the Lumber business, vrmcn we
have no doubt will meet the approbation of
builders. That is, all lumber bought of him
Is delivered, free of charge, to any point in
the city. This is a degree of enterprite which
fs worthy of public favor, and must result in
extensive patronage to this yard.
Cruelty ta Animals consists ln leaving
your horse tied out in the sun until you do
vour trading or enjoy a cool drink ; the sin is
much greater while you can get your horse or
horses stabled so cheap at Thaddeus inm
mer's Checkered front Feed Stable,
fin to Shellenbenrer Bather's and see their
rwirv'a i:nivr.sal W asher. i;nrlvaieu in
the world. It will pay every family to have
Gaod Bnlldlns Stone We are now pre
pared to furnish good building stone, ln any
quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases lor aion
uments or Tomb Stones, a lor Tables, etc
furnished on abort notice and reasonable
terms Lorakce & Vabketv
Dmtlaers Attention I am now prepared
to do all kinds of Plasterlnj in this city or
vicinity. Orders left at the American House
will be promptly attended to. Prices reason
able 1 Work first class ! J
(no34-3mJ A. E. Belu
Patronise Ham Indnstry All kinds
of Marble work can be had at Neldhardt's
Marble Works In this city, cheape than'U
can bo had elsewhere. None but the best ma
terial used.
Ilnltalnrer issUllat No. 17. with as full
and choice a stock of Groceries, Queensware,
Glassware, etc as can be found; and sells
low for cash. -
Fr Plain or Fancy Harness go to Bauer's.
The Red gtre wllL if the farmers permit.
keep constantly on hand everything ln .the
vegetable line. '
308 kegs Horse Shoes and Kails at Shel
lenberger Bro'a. -
gtadbekr and Jackson Wagons at St.
Jo prices, at J. B, Bell's Lumber Yara, cor,
of Water and 1st streets.
Stndttmkc? and Jackson Wagons t St,
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell LtfsKV.r Yard, cor
of Water and 1st streets.
3T. Y. alt 100 Barrel fcf N.- tv f'slt,
Just received by F. E. Johnsoa &. Co, and for
sale low for cash.
Millars, boy your Rubber and Leather
Belting of EhelienbergerEro'e. a full stock
always on band.
ago acres of Prairie Land for c?e at $7
per acre. Enquire of J. W. Bliss or C E. Mc
pherson. " - c-rt
Flomr, and a full stock of goods, at
Grant's, and he will not be undersold by any
man. . '
, PI onr From Spring and Winter TThcat,
. .
an A No. 1 article, at F. E. Johnson & co s.
80 aerr s of Prairie and Timber Land at f 12
per acre. Enquire of J. W. Bliss. 42-rt
Wall Paper, Window Shades and :hool
Books very low, at IScCrtery A Nickcll's. .
Fruit Jars At Swan Bro's,' . 1 -
. c . O
tit tuff
? c - -
' -. Written for the Advertiser. :
Messrs. Editors: Why is It that in the
complimentary notices of our Band which
have1 lately appeared In our two papers, the
names and merits of the different members'
are not touched upon ? This is a great over
sightsurely they deserve some recognition.
I heard one of them say the other day that
"Smith", was gettlngall the honor, while the
rest" who "aided him" ain't complimented
"worth a cent" That's bad. It might occa
sion a "rumpus," and cause a "break up in a
row," If persisted lnl ' Lest such a cklamity
should occur, let's taken peep into their Band
Room, and see who Smith's "alders and abet
ors" are. ' ' " j
At his left we find Jac Berkley his "right
bower" whose duty it is to "lead" when
SmM'.rs "face is tired.'. Right 'well he per
forms Lis duty; and, although bent with
"age" (? (why is this thus, Jacob?) as a
"tootist" Is without an equal, v.,. ,
Next we have H. M.Hart. Being the eldest
member of the Band, he boIJs the office of
President, and presides over Its deliberations,'
with dignity and "so forth." On all public
occasion, (such dinners and banquets,) he
is the orator responds to'.'toasta and things."
His wise counsel restrains the more youthful
and Impetuous members. He exercises a
general snperlntendenoeovei the conduct and
affairs of the Band except when he meets "a
man from Troy, Jack ;" after which the boys
are expected to taks enre of themselves. : His
favorite air Is No. 14 4 teautiful waltz, whose
easy, gliding movement, he says, makes him
'wlsh he was a boy aairu"He is still elifffc
bU, however, and is an. enthusiastic admirer
of the fair sex.
Next come Shelleulwrger. Every one1
knows "Billy," the handsomest man in the
"outfit," end the favor! 15 r the, Band. Very
sweetly the notes from, his Cornet float oulj
upon the air, in harir.c n y Much fj Aonly can
make, ne is now 1en.t, and rumor has it
that he has been "captured by one of Ohio's
fair ladles. If so, Iho Brown vllle girls needn't
cast any more admiring glances at him, as
some of them have been known to do. '.
On the other slde'of the table sits McNaugh
ton a member of the JtlandMor over four
years. Plays his Eb Alto the satisfaction of
j-iniin, ana usea taoe -some" on vocai music.
Shakespeare and "serenades," but seems to
have given these op latterly, -especially "ser
enaaes," ays it netner brings "Jolis " nor
pays traveling expenses for a family." His
favorite Is No. 36, "air from Trovatore," and
he Insists on having it on every occasion. I
Fifthly we-have -Mc Fall he of furniture
fame a true son of Erin, who regard "The
Wearing of the Green" .si something to bo
proud of. Jolly and good natured, he has a
firm friend in every member of tKe Band
Jack's store room is- headquarters, and the
boys use his rocking chairs, lounges and camp
stools at will. He is the Secretary of the Band,
and parties wishing to engage music for the
next Fourt h of July, will please address him.
Next we behold Hacker; and the man who
cant appreciate "Dora's" tenor has "no mu
sic ln his soul." - He has been connected with
the Band for a number of years ; and. In the
language of the oratox of "Spiritual Cutoff')
(Brownville Precinct) "gives perfect satisfac
tion. He is connected with the Advertiser',
but is a perfect gentlenian,notwithstandins.
He delights to poke fun ftt the boys, and (tie
Individual on whom he gets "a good thing'!
is to be pitied, (now ara you, IlarpUt.) , j
Then we have Necley, who has "Mowed Ms
horn since 1SG0, and isn't through yet ! George
is the wheel-horse the "old reliable" of the
Institution,' and will In all probability draw
his last breath on the Intricate "runs" of No,
34, which is always performed at his. request.
Eighthly, we have Bryant, the heavy man of
the "troupe." Six feet seven Inches in height h
and carries 230 lbs. avoirdupois in his stock.
Ings. Ills blasts on the Tuba would wake
"six sleepers, if not "seven." He lias per
formed on his present Instru ment for 36 years,
and formerly belonged to the. Band which
accompanied the "Dead Sea Expedition," lid
performing the remarkable feat of sustaining
a "lead part" on his Tuba, with an accompal
nlmeht of a Fife and" 1700 Bass Drums. (Em
inent musicians have calculated this to be
equal to a pair of Peace Jubilees.) He enjoys
good health, and occupies a suite of rooms at
tfco "Rejrooias II on SC. . .
Next comes Team Shurts, who taps the.
"Snare" .Drum the muscled man of the Band,
who can "thrash three boys at one time, and.
not put in a full days works ven then ! Tonj
Is a brick, plays well, and although but lately
admitted to membership, will be quite indisi
pensable ere long. He is the successor 01
"Gentleman George" (Morehcad), a realhl
young man, who. kept himself oiled an
greased to such an extent that he'sllpped ou
of town one day without paying his landlord
or washwoman. Sich is life." ' -
Lastly, but not leastly, is Henderson. John!
is Bass Druramist and Cymbalist. , His alder
manic proportlonrhave won forhim thesob-j
riquet of "Fatty." His dimensions are not
to be wondered at when we consider the
amount of Beef and "whatever-Is-good-foM
me" he manages to stow away. (This last
dish has not yet been Introduced ln Brown-
vllle, and can be found only at the Metropolis
tan Hotel in Omaha.) He plays his regular
part," and if his "cash "account ; don't bal-j
ance," It is because Morehcad once belonged
to the Band. Jock is also a fine vocalist, and,
performs admirably upon therliarpr Has
been a member of the Band for several years,
and may be considered a "fixtnre" during
his residence in Brownville," j
Of Smith, the leader, it is hardly necessary,
to speak. A perfect master of music in all
its branches, on excellent performer, and a
careful and most untiring Instructor, we hope
his stay amongst as will be prolonged and
pleasant. . r
Taken altogether, the Metropolitan Silver
Cornet Band is composed of "genial, courte
ous fellars," and many a pleasant hour has
been whiled away ln their Band Room by .
In Eastern markets, yet- A. -May, of the
Price Regulator, Is still paying th'eold prices.
i ; X - NOTICE.
All those having accounts against the Re
publican Club of Brownville, Nebraska, are
hereby notified that they must be handed In
to be audited on or before August 21st.
By order of the Club.
40-4 J. I Colhapp, Sec
$33,000,000 is the capital of the Mutual
Life Insurance Companyof New York. Jar
vis S. Church is their agent at Brownville. It
19 the safest company fn the woild to insure
in. - - 7tf
$1300 Dollar aad Expenses! See ad
vertisement of American Shuttle Sewing Ma,
chine in our advertising columns, '
Sere Eyes, almost without an exception
can be cured. Near-sighted persons and all
needing glasses, should consult Dr. Xlmber
lln, S3 Main street. j
B. F. Sender's New Harness and Saddle
Shop is already one of the Institutions of our
city. Why? Because he does first class work
at reasonable rates. Give him a call !
" Laaaaw b nintswa, Blacksmiths, foot of
Main street, can set tires, shoe horses, Iron
wagons, &cH la tins btt styks, with their im
proved machinery. . " - . . ... :
Fr gale A Cottsge and two of the most
desirable residence its in ice cuy. jcaiquire
st this office. .
Organs Burdolt's, from $110 toSl Ma
son 4 Hamlin's, $75 to (600. ,
Jaws R. Dte, Brownville.
inl! market price paid for wheat, oats,
corn, AcM by Bedford k. Handley.
-Drs, ralnts, Oih and Glass at St. Joe
prices, at McCreery A Nlckell's.
Far aBytKinB in the eating line go to W.
IL Small's, Rod Store.
Private medical ald,read Dr. Whlttler's
nvl rrf lturnpnt. i
. , SZ - r
Folding Bed LeoaS Just receive! at
flMblne Oils o( all kinds at jfctreery &
Nickca-. - J - - ;;.- '
.Seamless Wheat Satfcsv At Swan &
PrctherX . ; '
lOOtf Tonnds of Butter wanted at the ReoV
t'toce, .' - . j. : . : -
The fundamental principles adopted by
this society, viz: All cash" and immediate
returns to "Policy Holders" have been thor-J
onghly tested, and, in practice, found to work;
gteatly to the advantage and satisfaction oj
the "Assured ;" while, at the same time, glvj
ing to the Society foundation of financial
security and permanency. - r r j
None of the funds of this Society are inves
ted in any bnt securities of the most reHatla
character. No promUsory notes being re
ceived in payment of premiums; no portion
of the Society's assets is held in so precarious
a form of security; and the policies written
by the company are paid in full at maturity,
without any reduction on account of such
outstanding notes. -
It la proper that persons contemplating the
assurance of their lives, should be warned
against the fallacies of what is known, as the
"note system" of "Life Assurrance,'rand that
they be not misled by a casual view of the
subject Into the belief that the same advanta-1
ges are obtained in an institution conducted
opon the "credit system" Which can be de
rived from an assurance ln an all Cash Com
pany.. - ... T ;
This mistaken notion is, fortunately, be
coming more and more rare, and some of the
very Life Assurance Companies which have
boasted most of this system, are beginning
to reduce their business as nearly as possible
to the cash basis; and It is believed that the
time will come when no re pectlble corpora
tion will be willing to lend its Influence "to a
system'" which Is productive of so muchsevil.
It Is not necessary to" attempt to persuade
Intelligent men that an institution having
oil its funds in cash, under Its own control,
must be preferable to one which has to look
to unknown and Irresponsible parties, (the'
makers of premium notes,) for, a largo pro
portion of its nominal assets.
All the disbursements which the compa-i
nies are obliged to make, whether it be bw
death claims or expenses incident io bust-,
ness,' must necessarily be made in cash, while!
one-half of thelrpremiums are receivable In
promlsory notes. It is obvious that as this
course of business proceeds, the reliable por
tion of their assets is constantly being dimin
ished, while the questionable part, (the notes!
I. . . 1 I ....
ao uiiHiui iiuu uuu ttix'umuiuuni;. j
It is the testimony of the best informed lnt
surance experts, who ore not bound by" "per
sonal Interest to the note system ; that, "when
a man la induced to assure his life, undor the
plea that a considerable proportion of the
premiums will be lent to him for- the pur
pose, unless it be pretty clear that his flnani
clal position will ultimately admit of his dis
charging the obligation he incurs, and of re-
serving the policy for the benefit of his faml
ly ; the chances are, not only- that no good
will come out of the transaction, but that the
person solnduced to assure, will be positively
Injured.", -v..-"- -,;;
The following are important questions
which should be asked by every person about
to assure, and to which he should get satis
factory answers before placing his name tq
an application for a policy, no matter how
strongly urged to do so: . . . -.v '.
. When does tho company pay to tho policy
holder his first dividend of profits? j
; On the third, fourth, fifth or sixth an
nual settlement of the premiums, or Is It at
the end ot the first year, aa la the case with
the Equitable? , 4
What proportion of the profits of the com-
pany, over legal interests. Is put into the
pockets of the Stockholders before dividends
are paid to the policy holders?
Is there any stipulation ln the Company's
policy subjecting the policy-holder to unex
pec ted assessment's, as is the case In every
Note Company ; or, is the policy-holder guar
anteed against such assessments, as Is the
case In the Equitable?
'The Managers of Note Companies general
ly contend that no such assessments will be
made, but experience teaches that It is better
that the contract between the policy-holder
and the company should be so explicit that
such assessments cm not be made, as ln all
cases the notes, by their terms, admit of as
sessments, and must he so signed by the policy-holder,
who thus places himself altogeth.
r the company '
Vcw and Ckotca Fnrnltnr! R. S,
nannaford lias received, during the past
week, a new and superb stoclt of Furniture;
consisting of Bureaus, marble topped and
plain, Beodstcads, a full variety, marble top
ped Stands, Chairs, kitchen, office and parlor.
Tables, Breakfast and Extension, Safes,
Lounges, etc, ietc., etc. All of which are from
the best manufacturers in" the east and can
be recommcjlded as No.' 1 throughout. MrJ
Hannaford has made it a speciality to sell
only such furniture as he knows is good, and
would recommend Itself. Those desiring
good, substantial Furniture, that will weatj
well and look well, for a moderate sum, wilj
surely patronize ; t.
R. S. n ak x aford, j
. " ) No. 72, up stairs,
, McPb erson Block. j
Hew Buildings Projected. Theo. IIHJ
& Co. have the plans drawn and contract let
for an upper, story on their store room oh
Main street. It will be the finest front In
Brownville I j ' j
Tim McLaughlin Is fixing to erect a build.
Ing east of the P. O.
Work has been commenced on Cogswell's
building, cox. of 1st and Atlantic.
Also, on Lewis & null's building on Main
bet 1st and 2d st's. ,j
H. C. Lett has commenced on his new rcsi-l
dence on Nebraska street He will build a
No. 1 building. !
Prof, D. C. Smith, we learn is about to
organize, or instruct, a Brass Bandat Tecum-
seh. Neb. This will be a very pleasant lnsti-1
tution to that city, and one which her citi
zens will take a pride in. They have shown
great Judgement ln getting Prof. Smith as ln-1
structor for a better musician, or one under.;
standing a better principle of teaching, we
have never seen; and we can vouch for the
new band's doing well, "when Smith Is there
with patient core, aided by the rest,"
-' " 1
New Flrns-We learn that Wm. Vallcau
has associated with himself ln the wholesale
Liquor, Tobacco and Cigar buslneis at No. 41, 1
John Worthing, brother to Evan Worthing
the only man we ever saw that knew Just
how to ran n saloon. Mr. Worthing brings
more capital to the business, and will there
fore extend and enlarge the same. .Under
the new firm we are satisfied the establish
ment will become one of the largest and most
permanent of our wholesale houses. Success
to them! ,
When Men comfort themselves with Phi
losophy, 'tis not because they have got two
or three sentences, but because they have di
gested those sentences, and made them their
own :. so upon the matter, PhUosophy is
nothing but Discretion; and the very e-,
aence of discretion is to save your means ; to
do. which, yoa should buy what you need ln
Dry Goods or Groceries of F. E. Johnson A
Co, whose stock Is seldom equaled and never,
surpassed, for being good, and true,
n. C. Lett, will in a few days receive, per :
Steamer Cornelia, another large invoice of
Dtttt, Glass, Leads, Oils, etc This will be
the ZSVLx large bill of goods he has ' received
this season. The Impression Is that ha Is
selling much and at reasonable prices. . Yu
will noMooT to your own interests if yon do
not call on him if yoa want anything in his
. For J ale One pf the hest stocks of Gro- I
ccri and Stands in BrownvCte, With a hrrge
and Increasing business. Cause of eale,' de-
shres to cliange business. Far Porther partic
ulars enquire at this office.
" ----- - - - - ,
Lonfis is pointing some very
clever signs for our citizens. That for Bear
his show window is good. Fy-the-wy, we
have bul very fenv m enterprising citizens
as J. Ks tenr.- -f f -.- . - ---. - .
Orelr.ii ii-'etldotlsrs reward for the arrest
and eonvlctloaf ot the part?; V parties who
paired cr'a-.-l dL'strcyeei irc-ije Plants cnthe
farrrt cf K, lv. i:utchic A Co.
- Th -rt-1"rrrPT cTI land Main streiyts.
was opcr ed last Friday ey a- grana nuica.
noISrooSTwill niake A goodmresstSrIh
the LUhlbin J ptibllC
- -K w r ::ilard Hall We learn that Vob
lean Co. havs rented and will ocouj:?. Hull
A Lewis, new bulldJngr23xlO, for -a Biniard
Hall. ThUrlll give them one of the beat
hall la thiaeity, and they know 'how ta
run it. ' ' i
, -xt . !
jr. C Denser, exclusive Agsst for Backs"1
ErUUant Cook Stove, which look, tiie GoU
Medal at the, Missouri and ; New Orleans
Fairs, abov the Charter Oak and other com-
Ilsuk fc'Amltsgeee' tT.e"a lvertlse-'
ment of this firm, the go and deal with, them
if yoa wislf tha .rery choicest Crocrrfes the
land affords at the most reascr "?r 'es.1 '
- : - ,--;
- ' Fr tn latest papers, - : : ' ' ?
- For the best PerlodicaLsp 1 'f""'T " ;
- ' For Stationary and " '
For anything la ff j ' ' " (
News or Book line go to the P. a 2iewa Depot.
vora, w neat and Oats.. 1
Rainey. A Lewis have removed their rffii
to RobtTeare4Co.s Store, whero they will
pay the highest cash price lor Grain and oth
er rroaucQ. '
Kaii Glass, Locks', 'Bolt's, "ari(J
Screws, al Cost, at the " Red Store.-
T rn( nn 1 , V. vaw. 1'.. . . .
x vu mi yntr in mo 01 spaof- j
And I rule-o'er my orb like a queen inhec
grace, .- - 1 - ' ' - - 1
And my clilldren'are sages with wisdo'n sub-l
lime, i
And my land is majestic, my language 6l
For I chant as I roll through the infinite sky
Ami tuengels of Wisdom above me reply i
f For the choicest of Furnltnra vnn must
patroIi'e McRILifefitk who setL very low.foa
Keep ine largest ana fullest supply
In the West " :. . , v ' ; ., 1
C,othlBS Root, Shoes, etc., at Grant's.
1 : r--- -. 1
. Tin, Shectlren and Japanned Waie at
Shellenberger Bro's.
..- - - " . . 1 11 1 .. .... .
400, kegs of Nails' Just received at Shellen
berger Bro's. -
Ten Ton Blacksmith's Iron of all sites a
Shelleuberger Bro's. , t ; . :
. . ... .BUGGY FOR SALE.' " V.-- i
I have a nearly new. Buggy, for sale has
been run but a short time, and has undergone
all necessary repairs to make it good as newi
Terms very reasonable. May be seen at my
Point Siiop over Tcare A Co.'s S torse. No. CfiJ
Ttl 1 - -Geo, B. Berkly.'
Leather, full stock of all kinds at Grant's
. Fnr Car loads of Stoves on the road for
Shelleuberger Bro's. :- ,
: Carpenter's Tools and Bhvcsmlth's Fur
nlshlngs at Shellenberger Bro's.! j.
" ' . .-y v 1 -' t 1 . -' 1 - - 1 . j i v. . .
I have now in ray yard near, 1,000,000;
feet of the clwlcest DRY PINE LUMBER, o(
every styla and description, size -and thick
ness. Also Doors, Sash, Blinds' Mouldings!
etc Dry Pine Shingles, Lath and Pickets!
in loot, anytuing in tlie building line, which;
I warrant A No. 1 In every respect, an dori
which I do hot propose to be undersold, for
cash, by any man west of the Missouri river
I invite all who need anything in my line to
give me a call, knowing that I can outfit thehi
with good material, nt the fairest rates.
, .v !. . " j. R. BELL, '
. -Cor. Water A First Stroets,.-
' ' ! - "Brownville; Neb;
TT mTa Lumber delivered within trrexity
j sumus, ur CllAi:UtL '
f tndebaker and Jackson Wagons at St
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of 1st and Water streets. -
' Corrected weekly fbtbAfl verther by . '
The Market this week shows a
Business Coats from (3 10.
Business Butts, $8.
Caai mere, from o(S-f..
Vests from 75 ct. to t Si.' '
Overnhirta, from 75 ct. to fl
Undershu-ts, from 75 eta. Ui i
Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by . .
Calico, 10c MC -. !'-'."-: . r.,
Bleacln-d, loc(r'JO.
CVttoii Deliiine.Z.'c.
All Wool IMatiie, 37c - -
Balmoral Skirt, f 1 50.
THE Fourth Annual Temi of this
i. Institution will commence on Tim rsd n, yt
tStd Soptember next The Collew is a BOAKDIJfCl
SCHOOli for boys and younir men, under the direct
en re and supervision cf BLsllOP CLARKMt.
The HtudenU are fitted for College or Bu.Hiness. 1
Th -location to beautiful and very healthy ; the
buildinzs ample and comfortable ; and the course of
instruction thorough. Greut pains are taken for the
physical, mental, and religious culture ot the stu-j
dent. I
TERMS Sf2S0,00 a School Yearof 10 monthnj
with f jo.oo entrance fee for new Undent. The terrn
are payable halt yearly in advance.
For applicntlon and entrance, nrtdress
Becy. of the College,
-. Nebraska City, Xeb.
at , . ... HETZEL'S
lias received the !
Largest and I! est Ausortment
' ' everboughttothe cltyof
. , , --consisting of .
Secretaries -and Cases
n ?
O2eo Tioaka, Tsaa Stands ,
Norse Rockers, Tl n and Break fat Tables
Office, Parlor and liiiinj !xra CiJalrs, and
everything nsraally found In a -
v r-f-iy; ' ' '
e -
i . tu mt'f ' this yn.wr ff ' -t
' ' '' rjc.J. fi-. ' are J - 1 '"r u . - . ''
IU L. K i. Hi-j . - .Ti ij. i,
1 i '! ri ' I
I ; Hi ! ; j I H
JU W La k I I I W La
The" Ki'dxeys are two iir :Vi::
situated at tha fsrperpartof the Icia, surr
fat,andconHituigif three part., vi.: u
- - -
nor, tlie Anterior, and tai Extern r.
-'i'b anterior aborbt. Interior cvnH rf '''i
or veias, which serve a deposit i,r t.. t 1 kml
convey it 1j th exterior. Tha extt-ru-r a - i : o
tor oi-,0, truuuatin in asinglg tuhe, ..J cut.i i:m
Vreter. Th ureter are connect wiia lie fci.vl-lit-r.
1 e bladder H compoe(V bf various coverinfi or
tiiB'H tiiviJed iiito part.f, viu: the Vpper, tha
Iiwer, tba Nervous, and the Mucous. -Tt t pper
ejnei.,tte lower retainn. JIaiiv have a tleir to
uriuatawuhout thaabuitytu retain. Tbk freqaeat
ly oc.trs in cMldren. . 1
1a cii thtwtt Btl'utitlohs, we mu't bring Into action:
th m.usoU-s, bicb are eiifaeed tn their various
tuiiclioim. 4J tUey ar aeglictd. Gravel or lroiy
mnv etuite. - -
- The rrauier mast alo be made aware, that liow-f
ever si!ht iuy bfi th atutck, it U aure t ai.-:t the
bociilv heuitli nid ruenuti power, an our tttsh. aud
blja are su j rwrted from them- aourcea.
i Jwwtf or it heamet i.m. Pain occurring In the
I010K sa maicauve m the above tiijes. 'i hey oc
cur ia peruana dispoaed to acid HtooMtch aod chalky
'i he ii ravel. Tha gravel envies rrom nect
or iuiproier treatment of the kk'.nev. Thes.; or
rans bein, weak, the water ia not expelled from the
bladder.but allowed to remain; it bed nves feverbth.
and aedinient ibrtns. It t3 frum this deposit the
stone ia tbrmed, and frravel euuue .-....-
Uropwey is a coUeetiou of wuitr In some pert of
the bouy, and beam ditlerent names, reunJ ni ui
the parts allWIed, vi:when reneraliy dulused
over tiie body, it is calied'Anufiarej; wheiWof abdo
men. Ascites; when of the chest, Hydrorhora.x. j
TrratBient. lletmbold's highly concent ratea
compottad Kx tract Btx liu is dei'idenly one of the
best remedies for dLsenses of the blarttler, kidnersj
gravel, di optical swellin? rheumatism, and .)utyi
ailV-ctionn. L'ndertbis head we have arrange! Lyi
suria, or difficulty and pain in pushing water, acanty
secretion, or small and frequent discharges ot wa
ter; Strangury, or stopping of water; iiemftturi.-i,
or bloody urine; Gout and.KheutuaiiHm of the kid
neys, without any cnanee in quantity, but increase;
itf color.ordark water. It was ula'avs LltchlT ram
tnended by the late Jr. Physick, in'thes?atYts.tii)ns;
. This medicine increases the power of digmion,
and excites the ulworbents Into healthy exercise-, by
which the watery, or calcareous, deposition, and
ell annatural enlargements, as welt ns pain and in
tlamauon, are reduced, and it is-tuken,by men,
Women, and children. I)irections for use and diet
accompany;, 1 , . '
' - ' PHTiaDrLPMiA, PlFeb.K, l.T.
H. T. IlJ!T.Mot.u. LimeirisLi :
Dkak Sir--! have been a sufferer for upwards of
twenty ywr, orrtnr whK'h timet baveusei vari
ous medicinal preparations, and been under the
treatment ot tlie must euiinent physicians, experi
encing but little relief. . r. - ' .
'Having seen your preparations jpxtensively" ad
vertised, I consulted with mv family physician In
regard to using your Extract Itik-liu.-.-I
did ibis because I had used all kinds of adver
tised remelies, and had found them worthless, and
some quite' injurious ; in fact, I despaired of ever
getting well, und determined to u.s no remodies
liereaiter ualess Iknew of the lusredients. It was
this that prompted me to use your remedy. At you
advertised that it was comoosed at b'jeuu. cubebs.
tuid Juniper becries, it occftrred to u4 aial my phyj
sicians as an excellent combinuution, and with bis
ftdvtce, aJtor an exinninarioit of the article, and
eoiixtiUiiig again witti the drugs Lst,"J concluded to
try u. 1 commenced Its ue about eight months ago,
at Which time I whs confined tr mv-. riMini. Fmin
the hrst bottle fVss astonished and gratified at tho
beneficial effect, and after usina; it three weeks, was
aD.e to waiic 0111. .1 rettrnnru like writmpyou a run
stateinentofmyca-seut that time, but thought my
Improvement mltrlit only be temnorarv. and there
fore concluded to defer and see U it -would efTect a
perfect cure, knowing then it wooid be of greater
value to rou. and more satislactorv to me - -
I am now able to report that a cure is effected after
using rue remetiy tor nve months' 1 ' .
I have not used any now for three months, and
feel aa well in all resrecta as ever I did.
Your Buchn being devwid of any unpleasant taste
ana oaor, a nice tonic anu lnvitrator or the sys
tem, I do not mean to be without it whenever occa
sion may require its use ia such nifectlons. -
Should any doubt Mr. JfcCormick's statement, he
refers to the following gentlemen :
Hon. WnuBigler, ex-thvernor, Pennsylvania. ;
Hon. Tbos. H. tlorence, Philailelphia. ' ;
Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge. Ibilalelphia.
Hon. J. H. Black. Judge, Philadelphia.
'''Hon. 1). R. Porter, ex-.ioveriior. Pennsylvania; j
Hon. Kllis Levis, JiKle, Pliibiilelphia.
Hon. ft. C. Orier, Jude, United siHtes Court. '
Hon. d. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon, W. A Porter, C'itv Solicitor, Philadelphia. ,
Hon. John Bigler, ex'-overnor, California. '
Hon. K Banks, Auditor-GenerHl,Vashiugton J).C.
And mfiny others. If necessary.. j
Sold by.')rui;gfcta and dealers everywhere. Be
ware 0 counterfeits. Ask for llelmbpld's. Take
no other. Pkice 1.25 per bottle, or, bottles for
fti.30. delivered to any addxtrss. Describe symp
toms in all commurflcatloiiH
Addresa H. T. HtLMBOLD, Drug and Chemical
Warehouse, A$M Broad wayt N. 1. , ... i
tNpne are Rotibine unless done up In steel-en-
trravea wrapper, wttn lac-shnile or my Chemical
Warehouse, and signed : (
(t amj - , .r II. T. HELM BOLD. )
IVords mt iVlsdom for young men. on th$
Ruling PHSxion la V 00 Hi and tarly Manhood, witti
HELP HKI.P for the Krrlntr and unfortunate. Kent
In sealed letter envelopes, free of charare. Addre?,
Slaahood 1 How Last, Ilw lleatf ei.
Jnat published, a new edition of Dr.
CnlverweU's Celebrated Kssav on the
radical cure (without medicine) of
t Mi.rTi - fpermaiorruofa, or nemtnai v eaK-
nesn. invo-untary Memlnui Ixisses,
Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im
pediments to Marriage, etc ; also. Consumption, Ep
ilepsy, and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexu-
ai exiravRgance.
f!ir Price in a seal-d envelope.'on'ly S cents.
iui.-i.7iruiaieu KCKtitrr, iu nils RUiiiirauiv vwv,
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful
practice, that the alarmine consetiuences of self-
abuse may be radical! v cured without the danger
ous use of internal medlcins or the application of
cneanire: pointing out a mode of cure ai once sim
ple, certain andetzectxal. b means of which every
suil.-r.-r. no mutter wlutl kw eoTMlitton may be, mwy
cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.
jf l itis lecture should be in the hands of every
youU) and every man in the land.
iSent under seal, to any address, in plain envelope
postpaid, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage
lumpa, Aiscur. culverwell s "Marriage uuiue,
price a cents. Address the publishers,
CHAS.J. C. KlinkACo., '
I3-IO-y 13 Bowery, New York, P. 0. 4ZS6. i
il MEDICINE, as diploma at Office will
show, has been longer engaged in tlie treatment
of Vknkbeal. HKXt'At and PbivatwDiska
k than any other physician in tt. Louis.
Syphilis, (ionorrine, CSleet, Strict nre, Orciiittis,
Hernia, aud Bnpture; all urinary iitsenjies and
Syphilitic or Mercurial Atllictions of Throat,
(skin or Bones, are treated with unparfelielled
Hpermatorrbea, Sexual Debhility and Impo
tency, as the result of self abe in youth, sexu
al excess in maturer years, or other causes, and
which produce some of the following effects, as
JJocturtial KmLssiens, blotches, debility, dizzi
ness, dimness of sight, confusion of Ideas, evil
forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss
of memory and sexual pewer, and rendering
mnrriace improper, are permanently cured.
The JJoctor s opjxirtunities in hospital and
private practice are unsurpassed In St. Ixiuls or
any other city. Buck files of St. Louis papers
prove that he has been located here longer than
any other so advertising. The establishment,
library. laboratory and appointments, are un
rivalled in the west, unsurpassed anywhere.
Age, with experience, can b relied upon, and
the doctor can refer to many physicians through
out the country. In past success and present
position he stands without a competitor.
The Wrltlncsof n Physician whoae rep
utation, in L'nian-wiiie aiisuld
.be worth readias.
PocTOlt Whittie publishes a JfcdlratTtimph
Ui relating to venereal diseases and the disas
trous and varied consequence of self-abuse that
will be sent to any address in a sealed envelope
for two stamps. Many physicians introduce pa
tients to the doctor after reading his medical
paiiipUJet. Communications confidential. - A
friendlv talk will cost vou nothing. Office cen
tral, yet retired No. 17 St. Charles street, St.
Louis, TMo.' Hours 9a.m. to Z p.m. Sundays 12
to 2 pan. 2J-y
! J
Tie Xrtrwn-rilla Ferry Company
have now running Ffetween -
' .' ".' .v AND '
ITcrtk Star "and FAelps City, lift.,
the new and commodious Steam Ferry
T.TATrST J. AIlirOliD! .
rTStfTC! TnSaT la anlinlv now xrtih
J. power aiKi capacity to cross everything
For crowi"? Cattle into or out of this Lnvl Ims
trict, this is best point Tins (Ht ,1s er''1 ' ly
fitted cploeiwnrf! safety incro-;1 -v sfick. and lare?
cattle pens are a!r:Kiy erected at tiie c-t Jtw, '. B.
Dffoni rnpii"mj. limit ure......,
public that all in Hirpwer shall be done to make
this the most reliable crossir;? thesuri river.
13-2i4f - . -
r s ' r r-: """ H " "' S
! A J f' A H .1 ! I
3T pugducu rAiin
1 5rr7) frj
t 1
1 1
.. ConJalninsr ICO Actci.
FORTS' Acres of good Timber, bal-l-snceln
hii?U ftate cf cti!tlvr,t!or. All
dry P. lUiim Ijtnd. Two snri'1 tfarei ;.rrr hoitref;
one of tbern Tiew. Ftablin?? fop six tifa. i Irorses. 'A
pmui yoking Osage He!:ri a 1 rsii:4 t.'i pii-ce.
Veil l"cated for stock raisins'. '
Trrrr-nALF catt; lt atck in ots
- . . s . .... ' L' - ' '"
- Address the mibrriber at Sherman, JCemiiha
t.Jo-t.tJ ft. A. STEWAKT.
. - . At I2i6 gisra ot Hie j
Biff Bed Stead
is the place to buy
.. : k:3rci?Axx. "sc .'Co.V ;.
Keep constantly on hnml complete assort-
. -. , meut of . ; - -
' Sofas, Btadtteadt, ll'crdrobet, '
. '. E?irfff, Rockimi f'Aif',
Spring BeJi, K Standi.'
What Sots, . ' . -Hat Racks,
kitchen . . ' EitcHtn
Parlor ' T
Chairs, it
Marble 'rr,., ' '-
. Topped ny'
t t ruairs.
' ' TsbUi,
' lAmngs
i Svriny
'"- Cribt,
- OJtee
Chairs. '
! Plain
Stands. -
lied Springs. Chxldrtr.'s Cab and Gig, '
- GiU and Roievood MonlJ.nij,
Siv. riilotrs, Pillow
" siivt. ete.. etc : . . ' -.
: iiade to onDUn!
And anything and evcrythln;; required to set
,. up pram or fancy liousekeepiug.
, A11 of tlseir ware i.s either manufactured or
put np under their siiecial superintendence,
which ennbloff them to soli sound articles at
smaller prices, tlutn Eastern mannfactnred
glXXtS,- . - . . ... . ... , t t .
. . . -
Is at the service of the pnlTic at any t tine it
may be needed, and is gotten up inasfinestyls
as any farther east. - ' 1
1 .... . , ' ' ' , I
Hetalic Burial Cases :
of all sizes constantly on hand,
At K itHtern Prices
We are doing business on
S mall I? 1,0 fit
and by attention to business and the wantsol
the commnnlty, expect ln the future asin tlia
last to receive the patronage of the pubiie
Wholesale and Retail '
. aTo.Sl, .llain Street,
Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy
Glassware & Queensvare
Country Produce Always "Wanted I
Foot 6f Main St., - 1 . .
WOULD lnforrh tiie putuic th'n't they
. are prepared to do ail kinds of Custom
Work. For (Shoeing Horses and Ironing of Hug
pies, they have the latest improveil machinery.
TKRM.-i CASH. Give them a call when yon want
prompt and durable worli done. .Jy
You' Carpenter, Farmer,
: ' nd everybody else that want to buy
- 1
WM. W. RANDOL, at Peru, will
keep on hand n full supply of No. 1
-.... A .kbk k. will 1 f. M n ff.m
cash, or will trada for young stock or grain. Alt
Shingles warrameu. in-n i loi-gei me piace.
40-Jhn - - - Peru, Nebraska.
Cli6flcril3crcr Droa.
iic. .ta,; .
ElcPherson's RlotU,
Sole Ageiits
la BotrtSerri Nebra.Vft, Atchison and Hoi!
"r, 1 " ; t Covmty LIo., for the
ri i ! ...'.. .
. . 1
T" , TT'T 5 TTTi 'A'-'T'T'
.r-rr m.t7t rT"! nu
... ,..T j - - -:AL SO-.-,-,
ft n r
Li- .
cMB: M,-
r-r-iM , j. - -.-Usra-'-s
- '.I
Ifttfta tha atintlon of theclTrpniof Brown-"
villw and surround in com Liiunity to tUelr
splendid atocfc of KIAPLK ANi FANCY
W w fc w
u : - : I
-1- . ...
Congress a BiiUdri Shoas,
f - . - '- . . T
All Frcsli Goods ! ;
Choice Sprins; Print3,
. . . - Tax Thousand Yards.
BroTTn iz BrchdMusliiiri.
) Twelve Thousand Yardsi
. I . ' Tnn rMiifai ilT r mtiss
GLHllriHlS, bcotch8,andWeaNl;'
Three Thbusand Yardai
3,500 Yards
Launu, Jatineil, Pftrca!, Or'zcSi
dlti atid OrcntdZiCt: :
Piflttcs and liars ail c:
:.4 -
" " One Thousand Yardii
Dress '
Two Thousand Yards
4,000 Yards
Siviss Muslins, Plaid, Slripcfl
. .. . . . and Checked Jaconets, 2san
' sodk, Victoria Lantis, .Pooh
Mulls, Birds Eye Linen, (Jot
. ; r ' ded Dimity, Irish Linens j
3,000 YttTfis,
Striped SIdrtinn, ChclTc At
; inf; Ticking, hit grades.
3,5ooo Yardi
Cottonctfles, Denims, TuceU,
Kentucky, Maryland tiiut Mis
souri Jeans; and Fine ' Octssi
meres. i . .-
.' ;.
Table linens,
Bleached, Vnoleachtd and Col
ored; Crasir,- ;
: r-' While and Brdicn, 40 pieces.
Hntriand TurhUh,20 Doz.
Hoop CMrts,
, Drop, Open Front ttttil Eustfc,
all sizes. 40 Dozen.
Parasols' and Ian3,
-All Styles. Twen!y-five Doz.
... , .-. .. -
Clotli and Silli Cloalis, -
, . Latest Spring Styles;, 10 Doz,
Bed Spreads',
' ' While and Colored, LinenancC
Cotton.- 12 Dozen. - .
ti ... . .
x'-2T6.- i article: 25 Dozen.
. 1 r
- .
'i.:'. I -. :':
; - ITcw' Styles, ' Forty Dozen. J
' ; ' . v ' FULL S T0C2C.
' t -.f - -
Hardvrarc & Queer 3Trr.rc,
, .