Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 05, 1869, Image 3

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a Kwiw nf theAivMTi8iB for sale by
SffiSrW Sunday evening
. n F.-Brownville Lodf.T No. 5, 1. O. O. T.
L ' Tdi.veventiirol ech week. at 7 o'clock
Cit K ilLl iB Brej-tmer Brick, ou
fi-ff feSSk Brother 'pov, secy.
. v A.- A. r.-NmabaValleyLodgeNo.-I.A.
.: f M iVhVw on the 1st and :d Saturdays in
Ltmotf o'clock p-m., at their llall ui the
inm"r Brick, on Main Mreet.
vii'tn Brothers are Invited.
A" isiim J ah. JH. Hacker, Secy.
' Arrival Depart re f the Mall.
Southern and Eastern arrives at 1J m.; depart at
rtbern and Eastern arrives at 4 p. m.; departs
"Mall arrive at 8 p. m. departs at 7 a. m.
Sl Mail ai-rive at 12 m.; deiuri at 2 p. m.
Ek Mai" arrive. Monday. Wednesdays and
yJJSSIat pVm.J deparu Tuesday, Thursdays and
Mail'irKW Friday, at 4 p. m.; depart
T1'uir.a.cV Hours from 7 a.
o. m. Sun-
J.ys from 10 to lu'. a. m.
Time Table St. Je. ad C. B. It. R.
. - T...---1.1 iwn Train. will leave Phelps
Or and ain-r ot j -, - . -
u..iiin a follows
'J p. in.
JT) p. nv.
ll: a. ru.
.Vail train dally except Sunday.
lTlv except Monday.
n y except Saturday.
.,Loh Bora' Omnibus leaves Brownville for
.. jClSfft h a? m. and 12 m., daily.
J. I Colhapp, Editor.
THrnsPAY moknino.
rre.h Tnrnlp Seed at Geo. Mwrlon's.
Frmlt Cans-Self-Seallng-tit Shellenber
cr Brother'. -
C t Poloe V for your Statlopcry.IJtcr--atare,
or Letters.
. c th r. O. News Depot for all the la-
tmt pajcre,MasnirieR, Ac. . .
Y will never be fooled" If you go to I.
0. New lrpot for your paper.
Karhon'a Is Die place to buy Ready Made
- rw.,n !adu Clotlilne. and save 25 per
n v mwv-.... -
Fall Wheat Flonr, from the Korohlval
Milk, for sale by Du IL McLaughlin at McFall
Stadbaker and JnckRon Wagons at Sf.
Joe prlc-, at J. K. Dell'a Lumber Yard, cor.
of lxt and WaU-r street.
Waited Every man and woman In Ne
muha etmnty to vUlt Ebrlght'a Quecnswaro
lloase, N. 61 Main street.
Ct. R. XV. Furnat returned from KL
Tiul. vesterdar. lie bring encouraging
word with regard to our Railroad prospects.
If y ( to the P. O. Newt Depot fr your
paper yoo will be sure to get the very latest
now that can bo had. Try tucm ana see,
t. IMiks pnper next day aftejr printed.
H. Small went east for Fresh Gro
ceries lat week, and has J list returned. Our
people will soon see him open a choice lot of
Groceries In addition to his already large
' We lrarn from Atchison County that the
survey for the Nl6hnehotna Valley road has
ocsan ; yet doubt It. We hope 'tis true; but
be that as It may, Brownville will aid this
road to the utmost of her ability.
Sew Store at St. Dcrol. A. I Kerr A
O). have opened up a new store at St. Deroln,
In this county, and will keep a full stock of
General Merchandise. We are pleased to
MAethe growth of this young town, as It is
tllL'rxJ Mtx!S town of Importance in this
county. ' - -v
Malay Thank are due Mra. It. W
nas for a twu-ket of d-15dou rnrs,
wMeh Je favored us on Inst Monday,
were BartletU, of flavor unsurpassed.
wlth They
sympathy for the ror printer is so sultan
tla!. that all hope the trees may lear double
It I p Tmatc arc a (r-eaut at moet nriy
tliuc; but the one weighing l'i ft at mir
ollice lat Tucsiay by Mrs. liovebv-e, wa
extra delicious. Her delicate wotaanly -re-ceptious
loads her frequently lo-symryithize
with lli "poor printer." .We h.-eto see Ler
Swan &. lira-.', n tne-Vnatat. liave few
eoualH, nnd we are pU-attea to no that their
enterprise is winning for them a rKt -cess.
They go u)on the principle that a good
article is the best ro-BUenditlon a grocer
can have; in tbiia4 tbdr aecommolatlon
in the secret of tb extensive prtroag they
have obtained
Among ilk taaay yomig men in our city
worthy of oniiveHdalAi Inr pwritity con
diict and gentlemanly action upon all occa
sions, none tand fairer than our young
friend, Claiborn Shurtz, II III A Co.'s aceom-TOxIftMijg1crk.-
Success In business is as
sured' c-Kta the foundation lie 1 laying for a
Omf Cltiitn wait iwttently for tin? rec
tt?n of something at laFt croKso.'ble for man,
If not for beasta, over the cut on Slid street
between Main and Atlantic- If our treasury
fc so depleted that this cannot be done, let
ofrieone take up a Subscription among those
hrectly Interested and those feeling a little
Tlde in our city j we fl a dollar's worth of
the lntter, so, come along.
Maary Hart, Journeyman Tinner at Shel
lenlierger's, showed us ycslerdny a new fsn
fc'ed steamer, for siea'hilng food of any kind.
never saw anything so well adapted to
u use for which it Is designed. He Is one of
the best workmen In Tin, Copper or Brass
we ever saw; and plays a tlrvt chut hand in
the Band ; "when Hmith Is there with patient
arc, aided by the ret."
- laurtstfnff to Balldcrc-.T. R.'Bcll, rf
the lower Lumber Introducing a new
Wure Into the Lumber business, which we
nave no doubt will meet the approbation at
DaUdera. That Is, all lumber bought of him
t delivered, free of charge, to any point In
the city. This b a degree or enterprise which
. U worthy of public favor, and must result in
extensive patronage to this yafd.
" akc last wecfty "Imve wo a hog
1T" under tbe impression that there was
one upon bur ordinance books. 'We are ln
. formed by good authority that no such ordi
nance exists, but tliai all' old oydlAatfeeS were
repealed by our new" charter which was pass
ed last winter; so we have no city hog law.
Jet there Is a State StatiMe nfeaWst hogs run-
bing at large, which operates us well in this
ty as elsewhere.
Xadles, have you teen that fine assort nent
of Hamburg and Swiss Edgings afrtT fnsert
Dt. Infants Dresses, Ladies Silk Sashes and
Gae Jaconet Dress Pat ems Just received front
Kw York by Mr. Bear A Moore? This firrh
P" cJj lor goods, and sell only for cash.
dm tuanfrer of dealing enables thera to tell
lowest cash prices. A cordial invitation rs
lded to all lovers of choice goods to call
u see thl pb?ndld ttoc'- No trouble to
Ihw goods.
014 ttulstry gone, ibat good old soul, we
e'frsaaUseehlm more; he built himself a
tat boat in which he kt oar thorc He
sharpish man to trade with boys, and
-ohasthoNe; sometime he wore rings in his
ra, am-d eroerimes In h
is nose. He thought
0wnd the universe, and right content was
I OR fQlVn nnliM.r Arnnwa. .Muvl-
a twK;4ty spree. He lived in a dug out
tl?ar tl,e, moved on top of ground i yet,
. ' . Inen tkao he often in betterclothes are
fln,f kepl BanJ5 and Pltols,too,Ir his
ulv mrea: fcce was dirty, his hafr
flrirt 1 wapr never sweet. He ctrt a
U bT Monday' for Rt- Loai be did sail ;
bkM J I haV9 k"""1. UU shanty, and that
- -uu our lAiv.
s" ' "Written lor the Advertiser.
lie wat from the Sunny South. Uy be In
ment the mail portion of our hero.
She well it matters hot. Sweet she wax.
no matter where she came from. '
Both had seen better days; and In their
rudy cheeks for bo It known he was also
handsome one could see the blood of their
ancestors, for both had had 'em.
They met of course; such souls at theirs
could not long live assunder. Not in the gay
saloon, where music tweet in time with lov
ing hearts doth beat; nor on the promenade,
where the glowing eye doth speak the charms
of t wel turned ankle or a downy cheek. At
breakfast met they. Ilii heart Its beating
hushed when she passed the plate of mash.
He saw his destiny. Quick be did make away
with a great big hunk of steak.
Time passed, and dinner came.
He smiled upon her a heavenly smile. It
was returned. Ills heart with deep emotion
burned. He felt his power as a heart-breaker.
lie gazed again Into those limpid eyes, where.
like the waves in a clear stream, he could see
the enactions rise. He belched forth several
sighs. He went to work; but all the time
castles he built for the maid of the golden
locks; and In his pride of manhood he had
the barber give his moustache an extra wax.
SCENE 3rd.
Time shifts the scene again ; and now, with
rapid strides," adown the .path of love the
happy couple glides.
. But, loj this ever courting never wed, suits
not the girls. His . Intention she would
know; for long enough, she said, she'd been
a chambermaid. j, .....
The climax' Thickens. Sue sees the man
she'd spruced up to, weaken. Her heart mis
gives' her ; but the worst she'll know. . ,
Are his intentions good; and do they to the
fdtarlead? " ,
Drops of cold 6weat stand on hit brow;
that brow his ma had loved to smooth, as she
called him her darling boy. Scenes ol his
boyhood came up before him. He thinks of
his long line of noble fore-fathers, amongst
the noblest of the line of chivalry; and in his
heart swelled the pride which once ten north
ern mudsills defied. He gazed upon her now
a benevolent look; thought of his immense
destiny, and said, says he:
"Who I shall wed must be of high degree.
My ma so taught mo. An accomplished lady
her boy must have; and money, too. But in
this tedious round of mudsill life when tired
out with a hard day's work not knowing
whoncc my board money should come im
I must have somebody to amuse me; and I
had no more serious thoughts than that.'
rule with the task, lie rose to go.
She bade him scoot, and scoot he did ; and
published her next week as a red headed
chamber maid; and seemed to scorn her as of
lowly parents born, and looks lor some lady
of high degree to match his gallant chivalry.
Mayor's T6ekct. The following parties
have been, during the past week, arrested in
this city for the offenevs noted and fined; as
follows: , ,
R. M. Slagle, for reckless handling of fire
arms and disturbance of the peace; cala-
boosed and fined. Including costs, $23,40.
Jacob Witeman, for fighting; fine and cost
JcfTDryden, for fighting; fine and costs,
Samuel Bennct, for fighting; fine and costs
Jacob Gergen, for fighting ; fine and costs,
89,00. Appealed.
Chas. Brlegel, for fighting; fine and cost.
Chas. Anderson; for fighting; fine and cost
We are pleased to see the determination
manifested on the part of our city officers to
arrest and fine, If found guilty, all offenders
against our city ordinances.
Millar, buy your Rubber and Leather
Boiling of Shellenberger Bro's. A full stock
aim" ay s on hand.
Xlie Orlde Swindle. John E. Buehler,
saddler in John Mlddlcton's shop, receiving
a few weeks since a circular from Daily A
Co., New lork City, that they would send
him, C.O.D., two Oride Watches for ?J0, on
wnicii lie mignt realize considerable. Hecon-
eluded to and did order two. Last Monday
i-ir -Agem iiear lniormea nun tnat a
pa'kage had arrived for him, nnd John
plankM down his S-J0 and received the pack
age ; but, imagine bis astonishment on open
ing the same, to find that the box contained
nothing but paper. After considerable ex
cited splutwring round, he took counsel with
menu men, ana nod the money replevied. It
will, perhaps, cct him an X to get out of
trouble, and will teach him much.
Morai So long as we have good, responsi
ble jewelers in our city, a man almost de
serves to be humbugged who will bite at the
bate of C.O.D. watch swindlers.
Four Car loads of Stoves on the road for
Shellenberger Bro's.
Furniture ! New Furniture ! I
ju . nannaiora nas just received, per
steamer Kate Kinney, one of the largest and
fullest assortments of all kinds of Furniture
ever opened In this city- It Is elegant, and
from the lest factories In the east. Mr. Han
naford is a No. 1 cabinet maker himself, and
will sell nothing but what he can recommend.
He will hereafter keejJ his stock up full
whether In his present room up stairs over
F. E. Johnson A Co.'s or in his new build
ing, wnicn win soon ne reauy to occupy,'
Give him a call if you want a good article
Carpenter's Tools and Blacksmith's Fur
nishings at Shellenberger Bro's.
still at No. 27, dealing out to his
customers Ladies especially the
very choicest vry uoods that tbe Eastern
market affords. His Immense assortment
comprises everything that a Lady or Gentle
man could desire; and bis prices bring bis
goods within the reach of all. He is the most
liberal and straight-forward man to deal with
you could find, and his clerks, Ilerrs Gron-
stlen and Star, are clever, aocommodating.
and gentlemanly. "
Tin, Slteetlron and Japanned Ware at
Shellenberger Bro's.
As you pass along our streets you will see
many arc-tty ladles with a pleasant satisfied
smile upon their countenances. Do youknow
the reason? Well we know,. for we have
found out this sr.lle of satisfaction it the
direct result of having Just bought Of that el
egant new stock of Dry Oxxls and Lady's
Notions, Just opened at Henderson's. Go, If
you wish to enjoy tho satisfaction of having
got your f nl money's worth.-
40"0 kegs of Nails Just received at Shellen
berger Bro's.
F. A. Tl.del, Jr., is again alone in the
Agricultural Implement business. D.H. Hull
having wttidrawn with the intention.' e-f at- I
tending fo tfgritJrUufft on his extensive farm
near Salem, in Richardson county. Though
we hate to lows so good e citizen, yet we hope
our Iors win prove his financial gnin. Friend I
Tlsdcl will run the' business In his usual
complete style, ard farmers wi!F serve their
own lnttrctts by giving him a cef for an j--
thlng In bis line.
Ten Tort Blacksmith's Iron of all sizes at
Shellenberger Bro'e.-
I have a nearly new Buggy for sale, has
been run but asliort time, and has undergone
all necessary repairs to make It good as new.
Terms very reasonable May be seen at my
Paint Shop over Teare A Co.'s Storse; No. 45.
tf Geo.- B. Eerklt.
We have 6een the above Buggy and can
vouch for its being good afc new, besides Mr.
Berkley has done a Job of painting on it that
earmot be excelled.
J. S. Church it erecting a brick stable tn
hi lot fronting on the alley in block 13.
Teachers of Nemaha County.
There will be a public examination held In
the High School building of Brownville, ori
the Crtt Saturday In the month of August,
for the purpose of examining all persons
who have not valid certificates, and design
teaching in the public schools of the tounty
the ensuing year. Examinations to com
mence at 9 o'clock, A. M. It will be necessary
to be prompt on time. '
- . A. W. JTlCKEIXj Co. Supt. j
His shelves must be cleared, forthe Summer
Stock is such as was never equaled in this
county, both for the extent and quality of
goods. . ........
Tall Oats. Mr. Zook, from his field of
oats in the bottom below town, pulled a
handful of oat and left them at Teare A Co.'s
Store as a sample of what Nebraska can do
In this line. The straw would averge five foot
in bight, anyone head measured 21 inches;
(he average being about 22 Inches. , If any of
our cotcmporarles can beat this let's hear
from them. j
1 - f
R. C. Berger, of the Alhambrn, has re
turned from his trip to Tecumseh, where he
has- !eon for the past three weeks trying to
find good brick clay of which to make a few
hundred thousand brick, but without suc
cess. He experimented all around Tecumseh,
but found it not; yet feels sure that brick can
be made there if the clay Is thrown up and
allowed to freeze over winter. He is again
prepared to do the honors of the Alhambra In
bis usual pleasanUityle,
IV. XI. AahJy, editor and business man
ager of the Beatrice Clarion called on us yes.
tcrda. He Is on tne look for business.. Our
business men will find It much to their ad
vantage to reach out for the trade of Gage
county through the Clarion, and will receive
fair treatment at the hands of Its proprietors.
Tne Shook Brothers are running their
Saw Mill in Hillsdale, to the full extent of Its
power ; cutting out immense piles of Lumber
daily. They have a large assortment of Lum
ber on hand, and can accommodate parties
or fill orders at sight. .Any, one wishing
Lumber will do well to give them a call.
James Mcdford, having taken Into part
nership Mr. Howard, they are now prepared
to do all kinds of work. In the line of Carpen
tering; and will take contract, draw plans,
make specifications, etc. Better workmen
cannot be found, and the firm Is one the pub
lic can rely upon-
Cruclty t Animals consists In leaving
your horse tied out In tbe sun until .you do
your irading or enjoy a cool drink; the sin Is
much greater while you .can get your horse or
horses stabled so cheap at Thaddeus Trim--mer's
Checkered front Feed Stable.
L A. D I J2 S
Go to Shellenberger Brother's and see their
Dott's Usivkrsal Washer. Unrivaled In
the world. It will pay every family to have
Good Building: Stoue- We are now pre
pared to furnish good building stone, Ln any
quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon
uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tablet, etc
furnished on short notice and reasonable
terms Lokasce ViEstr. ,
Builders Attention. 1 am now prepared
to do all kinds of Plastering In thit city or
vicinity. Orders left at the American House
will be promptly attended to. Prices reason
able! Work first class I!
no34-Sm A. E. Bell.
New Saloon. W. IL Holbrook has opened
up his new saloon in Lushbaugh't Row, and
calls It the Gem. He has a cosy room well
fitted up, and will surely keep an orderly
house and the best of liquors. . .
Tno attention f our readers la called to
the advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure in
another part of this paper. This truly valu
able medicine Is recommended by all who
use It. read the certificates. "
A. P. Cogswell is having an office build
ing erected near the corner of 1st and Atlan
tic Cog. can't keep still, and his euergy finds
a pleasant vent In building uu our cltv.
Would we had more such.
The New Front which wo predicted that
A. D. Marsh would soon have, Is going up,
and will make a fine appearance. Marsh says
he "would'nt swap landlords with no man,'
and he has no occasion.
Patronize Home Industry. All kinds
of Marble work can be had at Neidhardt's
Marble Works in this city, cheaper than it
can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma
terial used.
Holtxtnger lastCTat No. 17, with as full
and choice a stock of Groceries, Queensware,
Glassware, etc,' as can bo found; and sells
I low for cash.
For Plain or Fancy Harness go to Bauer's.
The Red Store will, if tbe farmers permit.
keep constantly on hand everything in the
vegetable line.
Marshal McCabe shot a dog yesterday.
and has warned the citizens that they must
muzzle their dogs or he will have to shoot.
This is the last warning. If you've a dog that
you value muzzle him.
800 keg Horse Shoes and Nails at Shel
lenberger Bro'.
New Building Projected. We learn
that Messrs. Lew it A Hull have made arrange
ments to have a large building erected on the
vacant lot twodoors east of Small's Red Store.
The but piece of homemade rag carpet we
have ever seen is now ffi Teare A Co.'t. It
will look well In any room, and will outlast
many imported kinds. .
Stndebaker and Jackson Wagons at St.
Joe prices, at J. R, Belt's Lumber lard, cor,
of Water and 1st ft-reets.
Studebakci' and Jackson Wagonaat St,
Joe Prices, at J. R Bell's Lumber aro, cor,
of Water and 1st st reet.
N. T. Salt. 100 Barrellt of N. Y. Salt
Just received by F. E. Johnson & Co., and for
sale low for cash. .
280 acres of Trairie Ian'd for rde at 87
per acre, tinquire oi J. vv. ib or r mc
Flour.' and a full stock 6f goods, at
Grant's, and he will not be undersold by any
Plonr From Spring and Winter Wheat;
an A No. 1 articleat F. E.' Johnson- A Co i
SO acre of Prairie and Timber Land at 112
per acre Enquire or J. w. uiiss.
IV all Paper, Window Shades and School
Books very low, at McCreery A Nickell'a.
in ghest marltJ yrlce paid for wheat, oats,
corn, Ac, by Bedford A Handley.
Drue. Paints. Oils and Glass et St.' Joe
prices, at McCreery A Nickel l's.
For arty thing in the eating line go to W
H. Small's, Red Store. -
Private medical aid, read Dr.'Whlttier'
Foldlrg Bed Lounges
just received at
McFall A Co's. ,
MCchlzfe OH of all kinds at McCreery
Nickeirs. , ' - '
Seamiest "Wheat Sack. At Swan
Brother's.- . , , .'..'.-.
1000 Pounds'of Butfer wanted at the Red
Store. ' ' . -
Leather, full stock of all kinds si Great's,
Clothing, Boots, Shoes, etc, Ut Grant's
Fruit Jar. At Swan A Iro's.
3I01TKUS. .
' At the Season for Mowers Is at hand, for the
benefit of farmers, we-wlll attempt a short
description of the Improved Champion No 3. j
This Machine it the best made, most con
venlent, durable and efficient Mowing Ma4
chine in the world ; has two driving wheel
and ft Joint cutter-bar. .Tbe tongue Is flexibly
attached to the machme,'thua preventing
any weightipon the horses' necks; and can
be made rigged to carry the entire frame up
on the main wheels while moving from one
field to another. The frame always runs lev
el, though one wheel may be running In a
furrow and the other over a lidge at the same
time.; The machine can be easily thrown In
and out of gear whjle lri motion. The cutter
bar Is loceted In the rear of the driving
wheels, which enables the operator to see
any obstructions in time to stop the horses
before the knives strike It, and which also
admits of shortening the space between the
horses and the front end of the Machine,
bringing the horses back nearer their work,
while the angle of the guards may be changed
to suit all kinds of grass. The points of the
Guards may be thrown up so as to pass over
stones and other obstructions without ma
king any preemptible difference in the hight
of the cut. By the use of leavers conveniently
arraigned for that purpose tho cutter-bar
may be easily raised to pass over obstructions,
or either end of the catter-bar may be raised
to pass over an obstruction without affecting
the other. - The celebrated revolving trackf
clearer used upon this machine, as now Im
proved, la unquestionably superior to an
other track clearer ever produced, and the
only track clearer, that will clear a perfect
track in heavy and entangled grass. i
To be seen and sold at
Shellexberger Bros.,
74 McPherson Block, i
B. If. Easley is our authorized agent for
receiving subscriptions, and advertising for
thit paper. lie will, for the next few months,
travel through this Land District selling
Fruit Trees, Vines, etc.," and where a sufficient
class can be raised wll! give instructions in
penmanship. At to his nursery business
we may here say be has a a young and flour
ishing nursery at Teru. in this county. Hit
stock Is of the best and acclimated ; and per
sons buying of him will get their stock much
fresher than of anv Eastern peddlers. He Is
as fine a penman as we most ever saw, and
understands the mode of teaching to the best
vntadaage. He is a man of integrity upon
whom all may with safety rely. J
Parents Or Teachers, who wish to present
heir children, or those under their charge,
with choice Books for Merit, will find a
grand stock to select front A-ery soon, for
Marsh has them coming. Nothing was ever
given to a friend of more value than a choice
Book. Marsh has thera coming. Parents,
Teachers and friends, must hunt up that
dime, quarter, or dollar, for Marsh has them
coming. Marsh furnishes Books, Magazines
and Papers, at Publisher's prices. PLACE
hzre the Post Qfflce tea. Same place where
ou will save 2-5i per cent, by buying. Got
the best of stationery, too.
Klllbourn, Jenkins & Co. Manufac
turcrs and Wholesale and Retail dealers in
all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc.
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri.
We manufacture our own material in the
rineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where we have
In operation one of the largest mannfacturies
of everything made in Pine in the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree,
as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any
Lumber Yard in the West .which pays one
wholesale and one or two retail profits. We
shall always keep on hand a frill lsu"Jply ol
everything in our line, so thai those in want
may always rely upon getting what they de
sire. We simply ask all to examine our stock
and prices before purchaslngelsewhere.aswe
can ensure satisfaction In both. , , . .
Having now thoro HI ughly fitted up my
sale and sample roo l I ms, at No. 41 Main
street. I Invite the II public of SOUTH
SOURI to give me a call, as I shall atyaj a
keep on hand in Wiiklesam: Quantities
ery best and 11 purest quality, A
of all brands if Foreign and Do
mestic.' I shall II also have on hand
during the season, Chicago Ale, Beer, &e.
The public may rely opon iu stock being
pure, as physicians of this city recommend
it for Medical uses. If Full stock of Bitters,
in cases or siniile bot B tie. I anValso agent
for the best Billiard I Tables made.
T 1 O
-s r C c
2? n p
c -c .
d - X
e m
. c
,J ' a rT cr V
$ ?s p 5 r
-a? ?
C o ji pS
m . rt
TT V -w
i. w
Corn, Wheat and Oat.
Ralney A Ix?wls have removed their office
to Robt, Teare A Co.'s Store, where they will
pay the highest cash price tor Grain and oth
er Produce -
- .
Nails: Glass", Locks, Bolts, and
Screws, at Co6t, at the Red Store.
I sat on my throne in the vastness of space.
And I rule o'er my orb liko a queen in her
And my. children aro sagos with wisdon subr
And my land is majestic, my language di
For I chant as I roll through the Infinite sky;
And the Angels of Wisdom above me reply :
For the choicest of Furniture you must
patronize McFall A Co., who sell very low for
cash, and cep the largest and fullest supply
In the west.
In Eastern markets, yet A. May, of the
Price Regulator, is still paying the old prices'.
All those having accounts against the Re
publican Clut of Brownville, Nebraska, are
hereby notified thst they must be banded In ,
to be audited on 0 before August 31st,
By order of tbe Club.-
49-it J. L. COLHAPP, Sec
$33,000,000 Is the capital of the Mutual
LKe Insurance Cornpawyof New York. Jar
vis S. Church Is their agent at Brownville. It
Is the safest company In the woild to insure
in. tf
91300 Dollars and Expenses I See ad
vertisement of American Shuttle Sewing Ma,
cnine in our advertising columns.
Sere" Eyes, almost wlfholt an exception
can be cured. Near-6ighted persons and all
needing glasses, should cons tilt Dr. Kimber-
lin,S3 Main street. -
. B. F. Sonder's New Hamcn and Saddle
Shop Is already one of the institutions of our
city.- Why? Because he does first elas work
at reasoneble rsrres. Give him a' call!
L.annoit &, I! In ton, BlaekferriifhS, fooCof
Main street, can set tires, shoe horses. Iron
wagoiis, 5c. In the best style, xf Ith' their Im
proved match inery- -
For Sie A Cottage and two othe most
desirable residence Lots in the city. Enquire
at this office. - .
Ovgans. Eurdett's, from ?liO to $J0O; Ma
son t Hamlin's, $75 to fOOO. . . .
James R. Dte, Brownville,-
Victory Cane Mills, Cook's Evaporators,
Cast Iron Kettles,- nu l Heavy Sheet Iron for
Molasses Boilers, at (be
40-2t TiONEEB Stove Store.
CorsciL Chaxbers, June 17, 1809.
Present: Mayor Fairbrotber, Aldermen
Swan, Grant, Mathews and Robeson. Ab
sent Mr. Tisdel.- .
Luther lloadley't account. ST-T. for rent of
Council room, seven months, allowed out of
general fund. '.
ine iouowing resolution was aaopiea:
Whereas, at a public meeting of the citi
zens or Browvme. held for the purDose of
considering railroad maflers and enterprises
a committee was appointed to petition the
City Council to pass resolutions of good will
and pieago or the desires and lnteutwms or
the City towards the contemnlated rail road
from Qulncy to some point on the Missouri
river; ana - -
whereas, said commit tee has waited upon
this council in compliance with said instruc
tions, therefore be it
Jietotvea. I hat tne City Countll nereby au
thorise the delegates to the Kirksvllle Con
vention to pledge the City of Brownville to
tho Qulncy and Nebraska Railroad in the
sum of thousand dollars to be paid
when said railroad is constructed with the
terminus on the Missouri river opposite the
City of Urownville.
jiesoivea, mat the ueiegates to tne KirKs.
ville Convention be authorised to fill the
blank in the foregoing resolutions with any
sum not exceeding three hundred thousand
The following resoulutlon was adopted :
"lietoivecL That the Cltv Treasurer be in
structed to pay the monies how in his hands
collected for that purpose, on the judgment
in tne instrici t ourt or .Nemaha county, oo-
tained against the City of Brownville in fa
vor of James Berry and others; and that he
taxe a receipt iroin tne Clerk or the District
Court for tne amount paid on said judgment."
- - June 18. 1SC9.
Mr. Swan Introduced the followlnir:
"JieaotvetL That the City Council of the City
of Brownville appropriate the sum of three
hundred dollars in orders on the eeneral
fund for theuurooseof defrnvlnortheexDense
of delegates to the Railroad Convention to be
held anurkSYille, Mo., on the 2tth Inst."
- . Julv 1st. 1SG9. '
Report of R. W. Furnas, of expen-lltnres.
Ac, incurred in trip to Washington In rail
road Interests, was read. Dr. McPherson
made no written report, but stated that his
report was substantially the same at iir.
rurnas'. ,
Mr. Hwah Introduced the follmvin::
'JlesolvtiL That the account of expenses as
stated by R. W Furnns, amounting to three
nunureu and ninety dollars, be allowed: and
ne is nereoy requested to pay tne balance ol
tue amount appropriated one Hundred ana
ten doUars into the Road Fund of the City
curried. - - -
fin TYtttrty Tl rT. asr woe KvintKul
pay f nto the Road i und, the same amount as
air. r urnas. i
The resolution which was adopted at meet
ing on May 3!st, in relation to costs in case of
v nson vs. city or lirownville, was. on mo-
Clerk was directed to draw an order on Road
t und in favor of Mr. Wilson for his portion
of the costs in said suit; and also another
order to W. H. Hoover, Clerk Of Court, for his
portion of the costs.
Account or J. c. MCiSaughton. ror inree
mouths salary and blank book for tax list,
amounting to $53,50, allowed out of General
Account of E. ' Ebrlght. Assessor, for
making City Assessment for 18a, 17 days, at
$8.00 per day, $51.00, allowed out of General
i; una. v
Account of John B. McCabe. Marshal, for
threo months salary, at $7o per month, $213,
aiioweu out or uenerai t una.
Account of David Campbell, for work on
street and lumber for bridge, $9.00, allowed
out or rtoact una. ..
Clerk reported that certified copy of Char
ter had been received, and that fees of Secre
tary of State were $6. Report adopted, aud
warrant ordered to be drawn on Road k una
f r $0, In accordance therewith.
The following resolution was introduced :
"licsblced. That tho City Treasurer be in
structed to certify to the County Treasurer,
in the manner prescribed by the Charter, an
delinquent taxes due the city, and nave tne
property on wnicn such tax la due and delin
quent, sold at Treasurer's Tax Sale,' in the
manner prescribed by law."
Mr. Swan Introduced the following:
"Resolved. That Cant Bedford be requested
to prepare plans ami specifications for the
construction of a culvert across the Ixvee. at
the foot of Atlantic street, and present the
same to tne committeo on btrcets ana ai
leys." . a
Ordlnonre relative to Dogs read, passed, and
ordered to be posted at five public places in
lite city, i-
Adjourned. .
r July 15th, 18C9.
Mr. Tisdel Introduced the following :
"Ilt-solved. That the Marshal be ami he is
hereby directed to contract for the repairing
of the Levee at the foot of Atlantic street;
said contract to be binding on the city upon
Its ratification by the Mayor, ana tne laoor
performed under said contract to be paid for
in street improvement uonos."
On motion.- fhe Clerk was directed to issue
a Street Improvement Bond for the amount
of one- hundred dollars to David Campbell,
for work done on street.
On motion, the City Marshal was directed
to kecif the Levee cl ear of Iorh. and ot her ob
structions and impediments to the free use of
same. '
Mr. TlsdeVoffered the following:
"Jietvived. That the City Attorney bo in
structed to inquire luto tho matter of leases
of portions of the Levee, and ascertain who
has or who has not paid lor t he came, nnd
report at the next meeting of the Council."
On motion, the City Clerk Mas authorized
to draw orders on the General Fund In favor
of A. W. Morgan, A. P.Cogswell, F. A. Tisdel,
T. W. Tipton. J. S. Church. John McPherson.
and J. W Blackburn, lu- the sunt of M'
each, for services as delegates to the Kirks
vllle Convention, said amount l-lng their
proposition of $W0, heretofore allowed by this
(Council. "
Account of G. W. A F. M. Fairbrother, SIS
for Mayor's docket, as per bllL Allowed,
..... . July 22.1, 1S69-
t The followlne resolution was adopted :
"Resolved. That the following taxes tie lev-
led for the year 1SW, on all taxable property
within the Cltv of Brownville. to-wit:
For General purposes, a tax or nve uuiis on
the dollar.
For Rood purposes, a tax of three mills on
the dollar.
For Hie purpose of paying the Indebtedness
fnnd ten per -cent-of the principal Of the
Bonds issued under a special act of the Leg
islature of the Sta to of Nebraska, approve!
February 13th. 17. entitled "An Act supple
mentary to an act to incorporate the City of
JJrownviile. approved February izin, taw, a
lev of ten mills on the dollar.
On motion or Mr. latnews. tne resolution
passed at Ifitt meeting relative to contract for
renairlnz the lcvee. was reconsidered, and
! after some debate, the whole matter was laid
on the table.
Adlourned. '
I have now in my yard near 1,000,000
feet of tho choicest DItY TINE LUMBER, of
every style and description, size and thick
ness. Also Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
etc Dry Fine Shingles, Lath and Pickets.
In fact, anything In the building line, which
I warrant A No. I In every respect, and on
which 1 an not propose to be undersold, for
cash, by any man west of the Missouri river.
I invite all who need anything in my line to
give me acall.knowlngthatlcanoutfltthem
with good material, at the fairest rates.
Cor. Water A First Streets,
' Brownville, Neb.
Stndeltakcr and Jackson Wagons at St,
Joe prlccs,,at J. H, Boll's Lumber Yard, cor.
of 1st and Water streets.
. - - CLOTHING M Alt ICE T".
Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by
The Market' this week show's a
Business Coats from 3j. 10.
BuKiness Suits, $,
(Vislmere, from fVa$i.
Vests fWI 7. its. to J 1 25. .
Overshirts. fiom 75 cts. to fi-,
Undershirts, from 75 eta. to (2.
CorVdcled1 weekly fr the Advertiser by
Calico, ItVtfi He.
itleaclied. tiscSV . . .
t'-ntton Delaine, -.
All Wool Dljine,3rc. ,
Balmoral Skt!. 1 75p 3 5a
Corner Hfittt anil St. Charles Streets,
' BT. jCfcETn, MO."
Dealer in time, Hia? and
&c Ac; Ac.; Ac.
U at
kinds and styles,
IT ATS AND CAPS. All Varieties
11 and Styles, at HETZEL'S.
CUMMER SUITS, for Men and Boys,
- THE KIDNEY., . t
The Kidneys are two in number,
situated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded ly
mi, ana coiuKung oi i imf pun, viz.: me Anien-
rKr, the Interior, and Uie Ijtu-nor.
The anterior absorbs. - Interior consists of tissue
or veins, which nerve as a deposit tor the uriue nnd
convey it to the exterior. The nxterior is a conduc
tor also, terminaunK In axuile tube, uml cjiiieu Hie
Vretert The ureters are counecled with the blad
der. The bladder Is composed of various covering or
tiswic, divided htto -pitrts, vi. : -We I'piiw, the
-Lower, the Nervous, and the MdThtis. Th irtxr
expels, the lower retains. .Many have a iltsire to
urinate without the ability to rttitia. Thjs fivquenU
ly occurs in children.
locure these aut-ctions. we must brine into action
the muscles, which are eotnwd in their various
ftim-lKm.-.- if tuey are negtected, Uravei or Itropsy
may ensue. ' . ,
The reainr must also be made aware, that how
ever hli-.'lit inav tm the attack, it issure to utltn-t the
bodily health and mental powers, as our tlesh aad
blood are supported fn;n these sources.
Conr. orWh.itinnti.iii. i'liii iMTiirri'lir in the
loins in Indicative of the above diseases. They oc
cur In persons disposed to acid atomuch and chalky
The Gravel. The travel ensues from neidect
or Improper treatment of the kidneys. These or
gans being Weak, the water is not expelled iroin the
bladder, but allowed to remain; itl-oiiies,
and sediment forms. It if from tbis deport the
stone is formed, and gravel ensues.
llropev is a collection or w ater m some parts or
the body, and bear dint-rent names, acerdm(t to
the parts an-ctel. viz.: when Keuentllv nii!ii-ed
over the body, it is called Anasarcn; when of abdo
men. Ascites ; w hen ol' the chc.-.t, llydrorhorax.
Trca.tment. llelmbolU s lnulily xiicenlra:ea
compound K-vtract liuchu Ls decidenly one of the
Dest remeuin lor uiseuses oi tne oiaiiuer, Kiuneys,
gravel, drojisical swehiiijs, rbeuniatisni. and trout y
atl'ections. Vnderthis head we have arranged Dy
saria. or difliculty aud pain in passing water, s-j;niy
secretion, or small and frequent ilLschari;es of wa
ter; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria,
or bloody urine; Oout and Kheumatism of the kid
ney, without any clianjre in quantity, nut increase
of color, or dark water. It was always highly re-oiu-
mended by the late Dr. l'hvsick, m these aliectHiiis.
This medicine increases the power or disjestion.
and excites the absorbents Into healthy exercise, by
which the watery, or calcareous, depositions, and
all unnatural enlargements, ti well kh pain and in
carnation, are reduced, and It Is taten by men,
women, and children. JJireciions fur use and lict
Pitit-APKi-PsiiA. Pa.. Feb. 2Z, lscr.
II. T. IlEf.vnoi.n. I)rmr-'Lst:
Dkar Sir I have beeti a sufferer for upwards or
twenty rears, durioir whicli time I have used van
ous medicinal preparat ions, aud been under the
treatment of the most emiticnt physicians, cxperi
ciK'in but little relief. .
Having seen your prcpnrations extensively ad
vertised, I consulted with mf family physician in
regard to using your f.xiruci i;iicnti.
1 did this became I bad used all Kindu or adver
tised remedies, and had found them worthless, and
some quite Injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever
getting-well, and determined to use no remedies
hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was
this that prompted me to use your remedy. As yon
advertised that it was composed of buchu, cubebs.
and Juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phy
sicians as nn excellent combinaation. and with his
advice, after an examination of tbe article, and
consulting again with the druggist,. I concluded to
try It. I commenced its use ubout eight mouths asjo,
at which time I was confined to niv room. From
the nrst Dottle l was astonisneu ami eraunea at tue
beneficial effect, and after usiitif it three weeks, was
ab;e to wais out, l leit mucn nice wriimeyou a nui
statement ol my case at that time, out thought ny
lmprovement might only be temiorary, ana tnero
fore eohcladed to defer and see if it would effect a
perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater
value to you, and more satisfactory to me.
i am now able toreKrttnat aeureiscneciea aner
using the remedy for live months- . . - .
I have not used any now for three months, and
reel as wen in an respects as ever l did.
Your ljiu liu lelu? devoid of any unpleasant taste
and odor, a nice tonic and Inviorator of the sys
tem, I do not mean to be without it whenever occa
sion may require its use in such affections.
Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement, he
re:ers to tne following gentlemen :
lion. vm. Higier, ex-CJovernor. Pennsylvania.
Hon. Thos. B. Florence, Philatelphiiu
HonJ. O. Knox, Judge, Philtulelpliia.
Hon. J.S. Black, Judge, I'hiladelphia.
Hon. I). K. Porter, ex-iovernor. i'ennsylvania.
Hon. Kills Levi", Judge, I'hiladelphia.
Hon. K. (Mirier, Judge, United States Court.
Hon. (i. W. WoMhvnrd, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. W. A Porter, City Wolicitor. Philadelphia.
ttii .Tnli u Hti-l.r pt.i ifv-mnr. t-Hlifvrriiii.
Hon. K. llanks, Audit6r-ieneriil,Va3hiiiKton,f).C
And manv others, if neci-ssarv.
8old by Druggists and dealers everywhere. Be
ware of counterfeits. Ask for Hel mould's. Take
no other. Prk-k-11.25 per bottle, or, 8 bottles tor
?.50. JJelivered to any address. Describe symp
toms In all communications. . . . .
Address H. T. HELM BOLD, Drug and Chemical
arehouse, iAH Broadway, r. i .
jfi-Xone are genuine unless done up in steelen-
m-aved wrapper, with lac-simue ot my luenucai
Warehoase. -and signed
l-2mj H. T. UE.JuilliVL.V.
Wnrrlt nf Wladnm for vount men. on the
Itulln? Pansion In Youth and Early ManhwxL with
SELF HELP for the Erring and unfortunate. Sent
in aenled letter envelopes, free or charse. --Address,
HOWAKIi ASSOCIATION, Box P. .Philadelphia,
Pa. . - -
Manhood i Hew Lost, Haw Restored.
r&Ymn Just published, a new edition of Dr.
,juivcrweii 3 . eieoraiea t-ssay on me
radical cure (without medicine) o:
Soermatorrho-a. or Seminal AV'eak-
Y. .u. frt,-i I. nT.1.1' ..1.1 iilul TfMVM
Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Imr
, .. . ... . T.1 . I I , Vr Ult. L. 1 . . - 1. ....... " '
fedimenis to Marringe, etc ; also, consumption, x.p
lcjwy.aHd Flu, induced by self indulgence or sexu
al extravagance. -
A Price in a sealed envelope, only 8 cents.
The celebrated aHthor. In this admirable essay,
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successt'id
practice, tnat tne alarming consequences or scir-
abuse may be radically cored without the danger
ous use ot Internal medicine or the application
the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once sim
pie. certain and effectual, bv means of which every
sufferer, no matter what las condition may be, ma,
cure himself cheaulv. privately nnd radically.
ite liiis lecture siiouid oe in tneuanas oi every
youth and every man in the land.
sent under Heal, to anv address, in piainenveiope
postpaid, on the receipt of six cents.or two postsge
stamps. . Also. Dr. Cuiverwetl's "Marriage Uuide,
price Z) cents.
,e i
Cjtas. J. C. KlinkiI Co., -'
Bowery, New York, P. O. -t-xSU.
11 MP;i)I('INE, ns diploma at Oilice will
show, has been longer engaged in the treatment
or VknkkkaIj, Skxtai, and Pkivatk Diskas
is than any other physician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, (ionorrhie. Gleet, St rict nre. Orchitt is,
Hernia, and Kupture; all urinary Diseases and
Syphilitic or Mercurial AHlictioun of Throat,
Skiiror Pbnes, nre treated with unparallelled
Kperinatorrhf a, Sexual Debbllity and Impo
ttney, as the result of self in youth, Herni
al e.cess In maturer years, or other causes, and
which produce some of the following effects, as
Nocturnal Emissiens, blotches, debility, dizzi
uess, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil
forclKxlings, aversion to society of females. Ions
of memory and sexual pewer, and rendering
marriage improper, are permanently cured.
The Doctor's opportunities in hospital and
private practice are uiisiirpufised In St. Lonis or
Mny other city. Back hies of St. Louis papers
prove that he has been located here longer than
any other so advertising. The establishment,
library, laboratory and apiMtintmeuts, are un
rivalled in the west,, unsurpassed anj-where.
Age, Willi experience, can be relied upon, and
the doctor can refer to many physicians through
out the country. In past success and present
position he stands without a competitor.
The Wrltinr of n Physician whose rep"
illation Is Union-wide should
. be worth readiuir.
Doctor Whittieb publishes a PrrmpK
Irt relating to venereal diseases and the
trous and varied consequence of self-abuse that
will be sent to any address in a sealed envelope
for two stamps. Many physicians Introduce pa
tients to the doctor after reading his medical
amphlet. Communications coirtidential. A
riendly talk will coet you nothing. ( dlce cen
tral, yet retired No. J17 St. Charles stre t, St.
LouLs, Mo. Hours 'J a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays 1:1
to 2 p jn. , 12-y
Tho Bro-nrnville Terry Company
- frave nftw rarniig between-
I North Star and Phelps City, Mo.,
the new and commodious Steam Ferry
THI BOAT is entirely new, with
power and capacity to cross everything
that may come, in any weather.
For crossing Cattle into or out 01 tuts i.anu in
trif-t thin is the best p)iiit. This boat is especially
lined upto ensure safpry in crossing stock, and lanre
cattle pens are already ereted at the St. Joe. ft C. U.
Detot at meips my. wecau insure uin ciniij
pnblif that all in our power shall be done to make
I this the most reliable crossing on the Missouri river.
! M-2-Vff
1 a r" m
'-. Containing ICO Acres.
FORTY Acres of pood Timbtr,- bal
lanco In hi?l state of enlTlvation. All
dry EorWr.i LaliL Te sn-j.1 dwellint; hoiies;
one of them new. F'-fb!! fi-rsix bead horses. A
rnod youne Osape lied re i.U around the j lace."
Sv't'U located for stock wins. .
Address Uaf an Writer ai
Cwimy, Nebrxuka.
hernaan, Nemaha
Ijte-bt R
Jbk ii4 al&a u
St. Louis and Pacific
- The short link connecting the
Great Pacific IZailitays
' " WITH ,
' r .
x road run in close connection witn an tne
Western Itailroads. landing pasueners in XU Ixui
lu time to make close aud immediate connections
w itli the -
. Eastern Lines for .
LOri.SVlI.LF.. CLEVKI-AMJ ill la
New York,- Boston, Washington,
Mid all Eastern cities.
To facilitate the lncr-ase of business over
Road, the management have decided to run
Three THEOUGH Express Trains
Giving passengers their choice of Routes to the Fast,
and the advantage of the last tune now being made
by the itouds leading from SI. Louis.
When pnrchaslnsr tickets, sofl that they read via
To be obtained at all Ballroad Ticket Offices,
General Superintendent.
A. VT. M,
General Ticket Agent.
.1., M.'llfXN.
Ger.ralVcstern AsreriF.
St. Joseph, Mo
General Advertising Agent,
SL Louis, Mo.
- -avons 'o k :ipioii3
arn -tns ii.wnn
uaoq svi( umo idwo SJMls Cq
oi patqiujajap sjb pn
Amttj pn idms i.ifon3 an;j 'rati
-numib sajvi u pubh uo uuwisuoo dH
ptr)tpio i,iMa iiir e
'aovnwav vmw
nPIIE present Law requires all Tax to
X le inade off your Goods. and (.'battles, if
it cap be done by distress and sale, or otherwise, at
your, cost.. . Try and come forward on or before Sep
tember 1st, and save cm lector tees.
' GEO. W. B K ATTON, Treas.
- July 12th, tsen. iSKit
You Carpenter, Farmer,-
- and everybody els that want to buy
W. RANDOL, at Peru,
V V keen on hand a full supply of No. 1
Cottonwood Shinyles, which he will sell cheap fr r
cash, or will trade for young stock or gTaiiu All
Shingles Warranted. Ion't forget the place.
- r-KVSml Peru, Nebraska.
Foot of Main St.,
WOULD inform the public that they
nre prepared to do all kinds of Cnstoin,
Work. For Shoeing Horses and Ironing" of Bngv
gies, tr.ev have llie Litest Improved macninery.
TEHMsY'ASil. Give them a call when you want
prompt and durable work done. J -yi
. M
ai f
w 5
- 2
3 g
SheUcnberser Bros.
No. 74,
McPhcrson's Ilrock,
Sole Agents'
In Southern Net rak a," Atchison and Holt
Cotunty, LIo., for the
amtoji lifper Plov
Advertising Agents, Chicago,
JtiTArt auUnxriird to rrcWr .i lerr
tiemeutj or L'Ui p"Tr, at orr lovd
.rot, atuiure J-jnu f-v aU Ktvsrpj
prs iii r'le C. i und T rrinri--t.
18G9.- SPRING- 186!,
THEfjv HI Ltd CO.-
Invite the attention of thecltiitenaof Emwtv"
vllle and snrronildlne eommnlty to ttlr"
splendid stoek-of STAPLE AN t KANCT -
iADLES'' SI.GE,. tACl:;.
Congress L Bulfon Sfiass
.Sprixct' and Summer Hats,,
cap.pistr; oil ctx)Ti&; ANDGr.Dciirjr
Clioico Sprins .Prinfs;
. Tcrt Thousartit Yard
Brown & Bl'c2idlfiisi&
fwette fftoMaCtrtct fards
U-mgnamS Scotch, and Scasl J',-
Tiirtt thousand Yards.'
3,500 Varda
Xatt'iw, Jaconch, PcrcaU, Orgdrl
dksdftd Grenedbics.-
Piques and 12kr2nilc3,-
One Thousand Yard's
Dress Goods, '
Tico Thousand Yardis
4,006 Yards
StwisA Mvxltnty Plaid, Striptii
and Checked Jatolicisi Ain.
took, Mctoria Latent, Hook
Mid!, BinU Eye Linen, Cor-
ded Dimity, Iriah Lincnif
1 3,ooo Yards,
Strtprd Sh'irtinj, ChHk' tfdrO
iny, Ticking , tilt ytdd: if ;
3,5 006 Yards;
Cotlonades; . Dcriinii,. Twcctt$t
Kentucky, Maryland and M if
eouri Jeans, and Fine Cassi
Table JAncHsf
Bleached, inUeachsddnd Co(
oredf Crash;
While arid BrbU-n', iSpi'tcea.-
LiricH arid Turk isti, 20 fid
Hoop Skirts,-
Drop, Open Front and Ensile,
aUklzti; itfDdzen.
Paraidls aiid I'ans,
All Styles. Ticcnty-Jivc Dot.
Cloth and Silk Cloaks,
Latest Spring Styles 10 Dos,
White Ctfrl Coldred, IJncna)n
Ccitrti; K Dozen.-
JW. 1 article.- 25 Doztrc.-
Fur Anct S traw Hats,
2scro Styles: Forty Dozeru
Choifca Groceries
Csicliratcd-I-loliao PIotts,