i iu,i... .mi 1,. ,11 1. n iinimi'n-"" r t . i AGRICULTURAL. To whom aTl Conwewlcattoiis on Atriculture should tc addressed. Kcmslia I'atrs. The Nebraska State Faik will be held at Nebraska Cltj, Tuesday, TTcdresdsv. TfccrscSrr and Friday, There is always a tendency on the rart of the farmers, after the severe I harvest labors, to have a season of rest, not with any tystera cr recTeauou. but ft sort of "lying frouira loose." ! The f ' htcst exesso will serve to sad- a v a hflfr nr...! riia to town., ana . T. C. IIASVELL & EUC OLD CASTLE KDRSERIES GENEYA, OXTAItIO CO., N. Y lUie the Athenians of . . . . old, "to tell and hear seme new jtnin. Tf a virv tmcjind desirable that there ,v.nuT k tn-nfi relaxation sifter the severe labors cf the harvest field : but this y c-r the season is so peculiar va harvest. ji rn n n i hnr'pv are vet to be securea. VttW " . tiocj,v f.!1 U. tcre 13 any aroouu r o.iifjT'nf'-'n npceasarv' to make a If It nari vet be made. To ti rvv, a rmnal Fair at do this, a man must ruinu ws pan, ui tiu-", - - . ,Vq ntmrt and Trovidence Will re; icmber JEtSy 2th and SOth, and everJ Ilcrve ha3 had to best: Oct. 1st.. Competition open to secure the bountiful wheat t Oats and barley are yet to be s.11 States ia the world Trrvr TTrMATtA COUNTY ACKTCCX TTBAI. AND MECHANICAL r.rawnville. Tuesday, weanesaay, end Thursday, September 21st, 2?d, and 23d, 18C3. Comtitiea pea to all counties. The Richardson CbuntyAgrleultur &1 Fair will be held in Salem, Neb., on the loth, 16th aad 17th of Septem- We will publish the times of heM fng other Fairs as we are advised. OTerworked Hones. How few peopl'3 fcnow how to work alhsrcawLa IS. cart do; what It vugM to do. The farmer who, when fAi!n time comes at noon, these hot re- jfh ImwPTpr. are the laws of na fnre in clvine her rewards to the diligent, that no sooner is one crop secured, than she demands that prep eration snouia oe umuc iu We have made it our aim and study i- a Ht.t.lA in advance with our nnnnr.il it. vou d souna very KT&V insrlv on our ears to hear our readers say: iiaa we hhuwu m week sooner, it wouldhave been a great savinp to ns, or, we mipht have ar ranged our worK very aiuerens. In common with every diligent farmer who drives his work, instead of allowing hifwork to drive him, we have been most successful when we . . i . v.n, ,-, ti.vA KtRT-tod our nlows the earliest days, leaves ,oe "dom it slbh Tmoment after the harvest of horse is being fed, or who seldom, if allgTaIn wasofr. We have known ever, applies the comb and, brush, many to plow, even with the shock er when be drives to town, or else- gtill standing, when perhaps a shower I had retarded the stacking, but when. wnere, pu vu mu. he 8oiT was in a good condition for and spur," don't know how to take care as ia a u e j iOrr, and ought not to own a The tion of the sun upon the soil rood one. A farm horse should never is very similar to that or uie irosc, nt f a. walk ! He should be disintegrates tne parxicies K Invite tb attetlen of YT est era Karscryraca, , Dealers and riant era, to their extensive and reliable assortment of Choice Nursery Stock AT ' WHOLESALE, Including Watt Tree Standard and Dwarft Ontamrral Treenail SlirabDecWooua and Evergree Small FrIt-GrarevTnea AU varJeUes; Rvaea, Gree IIM Beddlae Plaata, Balba, ace Parties wfetainsgELECTNTOSraiYSTOCK, either for Uielr own planting or to sell again, are re quested to give ua a caU or write for particulars, enclosing stamps for catalogues as roow : Descriptive Catalogue of Fruits three red stamps. Descriptive Catalogue of Ornamentals three red stamps. Wholesale Trade IJst one red sump. We have a tergestoclc of the f 'owin? articles. hiiwr,. WrrsMd true to cane, ana OOOi Avl rfr Cherrts. ?eacle nam trav t-rr,L.Iacs t-.errit-. liverreeu tirwoi""tal 'i'ree. iill Hswers Jtiweruts&;kr!iis,&e ; We want a rood reliable man, who can come well , recommendwJ, to act as awnt lorua, in every w" v la KeOr&slta, Kansas, auasown aia ww, Ccrnxnlssion or Salary E. I EB CO.. ll-4n-tf iiOomlngton, HE'7 !!!'',r"7 s III! t-JiLLliLul aT f I SIP. n u H o a c Address, T. C MAXWEIi & BROS, Geneva, Ontario, Co N. Y. O Pi O n o O O o o C3 ri o t o rn M m a o la O to c a s o a S a a. S alga Oca k d2 CO 2- a 1 ft OB P o . 2 C s - - a 8 I c -3 ' EAVin Just opened, 8t 8tre Er0wn" r,T. viile, ebraska, . , - V.1Sra nr. Btock of Millinery Goods, we wouiacau Puu tentontouiewcuviit;vj 5"- v HtJOBAIID for his "better- may.atreasonaDie pr, v' --- whlcn every half, all she may wish in our line, 01 ' article Ss GTJAIUIA1TTSBD TO be Kokand made up In the best of style, and that mar hre find Jnst what she wbhes In the way of js,TrSSSrPtte".etc- Everyone XTELQ TIIADE3 a .MnTed that we will ppare no pains to rfveentsaSioTft. we are ln dally Se latest novelties In our line. Give us a call. ' JIRS. BE JJt & MOOItK. ... Ho. 74, Sola -lOCli, , j w - " InSonthera Nebraska, Atc Ison amd licit Cotnty, JIo. for iha . , -tf ua regularly cleaned off, as the farmer washes his face ; he should have plen ty of time to eat, and in all respects, made as comfortable as possible. Such treatment secures more service, and compensates more than any other. friA American Stock Journal. In t peaking of this subject, says : "Notable amongst the ways in which horses are overtaxed, is their being urged beyond the pace for which their breeding or condition fits them. Many a good horse mat mignt it and nre- pares it for a good seed bed. Next.all y the noxious seeus v m Kcim.u. OSl. 1 which, if not destroyed by the frost, Kaffir another cron of 6eeds can ma ture, may be plowed under, and are almost equal to a ccat of manure or clover. We think one reason why nf the counties in our own and nefhlorinff State are able to furnish aiiftpesslve wheat crops, is found in this fact, that the land, generally, has two fall plowlngs one immediately after harvest, and the other a week or bo before seeding. It does certainly v.dr th lnd to turn under, nrst a good stubble, and next a coat of green j last for years If driven at six or seven . Jf cjover Bee(j were not so ex csed up by a few Journeys performed Vf.t th& rate often or twelve miles an honr. v Proverbially, it is "the pace tiit kills." Farm horses, although their work is seldom very violent or rrer?t eft "3 tuf!er In busy times from I Ins kept too long in the harness. 1 heir times of eating and of rest being tUus unduly curtailed, derangements cf the digestive organs, lassitude, and and loss cf condition are entailed. A . regular recurring day of rest ia reouis fta for hard worked men; and so thoroughly is this now recognized, . ttX In all well conducted coaching, ear, and other such establishments, ne day of rest per week is allowed to each horse. Many young green hor es are overworked, not so much from the actual severity of the labor re quired of them, as from their being immature, fat, or unprepared for any work. Hundreds of horses just out of the breeder's, fanner's, or dealer's hands, possibly plump, well made up, bat without the condition which pro perly' regulated exercise alone can give, are put, 41 th little preparation, to severe, and even to fast work. They Hag at the lightest labor. If urged on, they, are, to use an expressive coach phrase, inocked out of time," and and they Lrely contribute to fill the veterinary , case-book with strained . and injured limbs, t catarrhs sore . tStf-oats, congest-- cf the luxtS, gas , - trio fever, farcy and glandeis - . The American PomologiaIi Soci ety meets in Philadelphia, commen ' cing September 15th and continuing three days. The coming meeting promises, to be one of the most aus pi clous In point of numbers, intelli gence and importance ever held. Among the prominent subjects which will come before the Society, will be that of the further revision of the cat alogue of Fruits. The several States . are requested to compile and forward ZLsta. We will forward a list for this .Ktate, and will be obliged for any in formation others may furnish us. We desire not only the varities of differ ent fruits which have proved hardv and well adapted to our soil and cli mate, but such as have been tested and failed. Those who communicate, . m please do so as early as possible. A friend wants to know "what is a Ground Almond 7" The ' Botanic name of the plant is Qperus Esculen tut; known as 'Ch ufa," "Earth-nut," "Ground Almond," and "Sedge Grass." It easily cultivated almost anywhere. We have grown it for years as a curiosity merely. In the . Bouth It Is a "noxious weed." The top looks like grass. It prodo-ees a ; great abundance of small tubers, Ee potatoes, and tastes like almonds. We know of nothing practical fa the plant. TTe have tried to believe in the doc trine, "spare the Birds," and have practiced it until "patience ceases to e a virtue." We know many of them destroy many insects injurious ty fruits, and that at "early morn" . they aswounce the rising sun with "jeyoua sorrg," and all that, yet when . tiiey itztroj tssisla ef Tiara and Del aware grapes irr a Tay, and at "one fell swope" take our last "Sugar Fear" and "Summer Queen" apple, we con fess to an exhs.?ilon of patience, and plead guilty to the charge of using powder and lead, especialy on Wood Tecks and Blue Jays. Iroflti cf.nc Ecc?Insr. A correspondent of the Western gural give his experience in Bee Heepinj, says "I eommneed in the spring of 1SG7, wills twelve Italian stocks, worth at tLat t'rrre- about X Last week I kf the increase of stock for $600; and daring the- two years I realized $400 in honey, wax, and queens sold. . Allowing 2 JO for cost of hives and time in attending them, (which will more than cover it) leaves $700or$350 profit each, year, and not a bad kitorest en Invested far two years." The Country Gentleman speaks of Isrs Early Rose Fotatoes measuring 4 ia5;es-la.Ungth and 2 kr breadth. We measured" one of our own growing . this season, which measured i inches in length and 7 inches in circumfer ence. TTe think, ours are very fine: Eixwasgeb & Barry, Rochester, I'ew York, have six hundred acres Irr Nursery. The-past season they put out 150,000 Standard Pear trees. The Ohio Stiie-Tal niets at Toledo September Uth t 17th. i I i 1 ( r V ; KCRSEIIIES OP XT, F. IIEIIIES. DAYTON, OHIO. AX OLD ESTABLISHMENT WJTII A NEW FEATURE. ' - ' at Every Per ran Praeare Tree us Flat At TTbolegal Prices, by ordering through our dub Department. ; For prices and other Information, address V. F. HEIKESt Dayton, Ohio. 15-Sm A and others, live feet -10 per 100 Pear and Cherry Trees, 1 yrn lrt class-. 15 " " Apple Trees in variety, 1 yr 3 fet.. A 1. i. (T.. .HawmIm Also, a full aurortment of Nursery stock, Of all ov. Sample sent at wholesale price. ; ' Specimen Orchard contains sver 1000 bearing trees of Appl lYnr and Cherrj. ; Send for Price list. JiOfT niorr.ii, f.l1-m - Wrttffpn. Krm Cwmnfv, 111. i - y-;' " TRICE LIST. Per Dos. f3 41 M " 108 Each. X i one roar 4 No. 1 do- S Two years best 10 jy LAKtlE Q VJLNTTTTRS A T MUCH BED UCED Saccharine Testa for Trine. Per 2V. i 88 110 Per t tl28 170 213 42i pensive, it wouldpay to sow. on me winter wheat in February or March. Hon t it trravr and possess the land from harvest until the last of August, tnhA in turn plowed under form an u re. Rut there is no season of rest this year, have already hinted at least not until after seeding and we must tv nn the crv ; "speed tne plow ; make no delay. "Plow deep while the sluggards sleep, and you will have corn to sell and to keep. Thpj-fl ia still so much of poor, very poor plowing, that we cannot allow this oDDortunity to pass, without re minding our readers that poor plow In" is very generally the reason for por. crops. ny, mam m . mis blessed land of ours, your title deed goes down to earth's centre ; you are the haDPV possesser of a new farm : Mine congratulate you I It is four or five inches beneath your soil, which you have all along thought (or acted) m if that were all covered by your title, dig down, turn it up and look at It expose it to summer's heat and winter frost and it will laugh witlr waving grain," and cause you to laugh tlso, with pleasure and perhaps also with shame, to think that you have so long neglected even to look at your possesions, Especially is l n -"'-.Lie to pow early where it I.Iaieaudd to sow grass m1 for meadow. Much oT the seed sown Is covered too, deep,' the land should be well plowed and allowed to fall together and thoroughly luse, then it should be well harrowed, and about the first of September the seed sown-aad oovji-xX with m very licht brush harrow. If it is intended to sow clover, that may be sown the last I of February or the first of March, next without harrowing. Sexes cf Animals at VTItl. Much inconvenience and loss Is felt by all breeders of cattle for dairy in having such a large proportion of male animals. These are not wanted for working cattle or for beef, and so are fattened as rapidly as possible and sold out of the way. " The consequence of this is, that the number of calves which the farmer has to select from to keen nn hia dairv stock ia rprfiimr! mi, V.n .na.h.trnkUl, f. i I Urlv that of the Delaware. . I alsd think T.10 Jinjucuuv i mke a wine of With character. induces mm to raise neirer calves that are defective in some points, or, at any rate, do not come up to the standard which he would like to preserve. 1 On the 17th of August ISS3, M. Thury submitted a memorial in refer ence to experiment in the matter indicated above, to the Academic de sciences de Parisr and the French Emperor ordered the renewing of the experiments on several large "farms modeles." These curious trials hav ing been made with equal success In Per n. RJ3 Per f0 8D0 THE AI.IEMCAII SHUTTLE SEWING SIA.CXXZ7nEi Is retailed at a price within the reach of alt, This Machine ones a straight needle, makes the lock hutch (alike on both sides), has a -' t adjusting ten- ilnn. v.nA r.n Am mar -varietv. of "wiiMf. It Will hem, fell, bind, cord, braid, seam, qui;t, tuick, ruflie and rather; will work equally well on siUc, linen. woolen or cotton gooas, wiut sua, unen r cwwa tnreao. - - THE iUERICAH SHUTTLE At tb National Raccharirte Test for Wine, at I CJJ .-rrr-i ! T r Y -Tk d tne uaunnta i fc-rp V V XXi. XYXCvvyXJ a a V mIona lot I w " & Hammondsport, N. Oct. 2sth, 186S, the Oat trwi in uurhiiino matter Si WaUrr taIma JMlaurtrr, 103. itiw vem was miusw wan n ounces oi the Wi! t, somewhat frosen, to 24 ounces of each of Next mornlnff inepinpennienaenj., i icti.. una of the Directors of the Pleasant Valley Wine Co. (the parties wlo conaucvea ne wna. iae uTimu. ..!,:( ih.mwliM r.f the merits of the "W alter by an equal trial, tested 17 ounces of lona from the same lot that were used the dy before, and the sarcharometer stood at S1 the Walter beating it& Had 17 ounces Of IDe iwiawmrc nu uivu, uttii prexsed equally hard with thj H alter, tneir skins and centres beW acid, the Delaware woiild have stood lower and tne uatawoa proporuonnoijr ucmw the Delaware. AU the other varieties rangea mucn lower than those enumeraiea aoov There had been constant rams ana aamp wwiit th. ucptimvhmtbe Waller rrew its competit ors (crowing at Hammonds port and along the lakes, where there had been but little rain during the sea sondry soil and weather being necessary for the perfect sweetening of grapes. A committee of the American Institute Farmer s Club, tn a reeport of Hept. 22, IMS, printed In the speaking of the qualitiwi of the W'after.say: "We C'n-luoe tne tvauer win oe a vainaoie frmvm m m i , rjffions or tne upper m issiw ' ppi , o i i j i snores i.i iicn x,rie, in a eaitrn unr on am soiis-of wwtm Pitnitr-ylv and whaaaver.ta ,i.i.tiv trraoes are successfully crown.- - i f -y- w - Zetler from Charles VooUnt, cms of Via ol 1-t vintr YixiTAKD Pourr, Ulster Co., N. YM1 Kay 19, 1SC6. I Mr. PrrrU Otyvrood. , - , . , !) Kim; Yimnoi tne into i am in rtwimui, In which yon ask 11 I have any objections to seudhjg sou, for publication, the facta I am acqiimntea witn. In relation to the character of the Walter Grape. I have never indorsed the character or usefulness oi vinea, or other articles of any description.and would not at idy prent atatre of llie were it m for two reasons "which seem sufficient. First, I know the Wniisw ami, will meet the prejudices widespread Throughout the couutry,cau! by the worthlessness In miiKt localities oi many oi ipreet.Tswn. ru ond, because I can sny from personal observation that the Walter is the best variety I have had any knowledge of, and I think I have cultivated nearly all that have been recommended, dlxcarding them Bll and falling back upon the Concord and Hartford Proline as vineyard varieties.' I am Interested in knowing that the fruit of the Walter grows larger each year as the vine grows older, being last year fully one-third lareer than It was two years ago. It grows weU ; sew fruit welL I have seen it ripe sev eral times before Hartford, and I have never seen any mildew ea its fruit or on Its large and thick, but Delaware shaoed foliage. The flavor of the fruit I think superior to any other variety. You say . in rmir ctmiiar It is a seed ling of the Delaware and Diana; I think the character of each of these varie ties is quite distinguishable In the hWhr, partlco- i ininK rtwonia I have visited it annually since It first bore, six years ago, three times In Ulster Co., W. in a low valley, where the Isa bella seldom ripens, and each time it wan fullv rine in Ang-jst. I have seen it each of the three past sea sons in Pooghkeepsie, ripening at the same time, excepting last year, when the constant rains pre vented ail varieties from maturing at their nnual time, but it perfected its fruit by the middle of ttep- lemoer. xne raisins oi tne last mentioned crop l have seen and eaten, which were good. From its succeding In the low valley and tenacious clay of Modena. and also in the drv slatev position In Pouchkeepsie, I think it will be well adapted to the varied sections of our country. You may make whatever use of these opinions you deem proper. Yours tnilv, CHARLKS WfKiLKY. FERRIS & CAYWOOD 21-y foughkeepwie. J. Y. IS Warranted for Five Years :e parts of the Machine, in cane of accident. It makes precixely ler v ii- I - 1 V the case of other animals, as horses. sheep, goats, Ac It is also known that hen's eggs, the first laid give fe male, and the last laid give male products. The law is general till the end. of the laying season, when the number of female productions exceeds the male, under circumstances not yet sufficiently ascertained to be reported. It is on account or this new practic al law that people can explain why the stock raisers must give young hull. tr hi cows. The bull while young, is more prompt, and meets the female at tne negming i , instead of an old bull or exhausted or lazy by long service, which meets the cow only at the end of the heat. The first gives neiiem tne secona proauc es jrenerally males. The law forstocK raisers and farm- era isea roiiows: 11 you wisn to prduce females, give the male at the first signs of heat If you wish males, give him at the end of the heat. - TIae Ecarcs Tlxelr Uses. "From experiments that I have made, I find that on being dried, which should be done in the shade, and infused in a tea-pot, the leaves of the vine make an excellent substitute for tea. I have also found that, on being cut small, bruised and put into a vat or mashing-tub and boiling wa ter poured on them In the same way as done with malt, the prunnings of the vine produce liquor of a fine vinous quality, which, on being fermament ed, makes a very fine beverage, either strong or weak as you please ; and on being distilled, produces an excellent spirit of the brandy nature. In the course of ray experiments, I found that the fermamented liquor from the pruninjrs 'particularly the tendrils, when allowed to pass the vinous, and to run into the acetous fermentation makes uncommonly fine vinegar. Pern TJlTcry Clxtblc- CHARLES GEADE, ' Dealer irv ATI TITim! of estoelc. Ilorsea Eomr'-t, SolX, er ExclAagaU Stock Boarded by the Day or TTccU. MY STABt,ES are stoctetfwilh pood Horw and rtvscttw. pei-aon winhin? eonvevMnre to u,nr. ? l? Nemaha Land Dbtrict'cah be accommo- tion dated; The Peru CZr Urovnivillo Coacli leaves mv IMables every morning at lOo'dock A. M. PKsvrs or packaerea aafctv convey ed: Or ders left wiUi the rostiuaolers will be promptly at- RIVE BSIDE NURSERY - - navenport, Iowa. ' If you want a good article of Nursery Stock, Grspe Vines, Cnrrnt(, Ooosberrtes, Raspberries, niackberrlea. Straw Herrtes, Cherry Trees, Peaek Trrt Evergreens, and - Piscldnous Trees, Send your orders to J. "W. PEARMAN, Davenport, Iowa, or U. W. FUUNAS, Brownville. Cfttalopue free. ... x , W-9-y DEACH TREES. Crawford's. Hale A and others, S feet. $10 per 400 Pun variHle, stocky trees M U 7 per ino Pear and Cherry Trees, 1 yr., 1st cUms..IS per h " r " ' 2 yr-, extra. 85 per KM Apple Trees,' 1 jr., selected, X ft. per 1"8 - - . - . .-.) per m. ...., " to 7 ft 150 per M A rrle Crafts, mostly winter vartetiea-- per M Clinton Grapes, 3 years,. well rooted 4 per ioo Concord Grapes, z years, eitra -10 per ino DelawarefiU'ar'ea, Syeara, cx U-a.., ... JJ ) prr 100 iVHiiluie Kasberry, ip , , ' per M PhiladHp- '.a.u 8 per 10 Kminnv Kiackberry, well rooted per 100 Wilson Blackberry, well rooted S per 100 Als Itvergreea Hose, and a general assortment of Nursery Stock, Includ ing Plums, Golden Dwarf Peach, Quinces, Grapes in variety. Currants, Gooseberries, Strawberries, A LL ATLOWRATKS. Samples sent at wholesale price. Send for price list. JTOFT COOfEE, 23-6nV . Wataga, Knox County, III. NEW SEEDLING POTATOES. Three new kinds, of jrrent excellence, not to he found in any other catalogue are essnraved and fully described in my nev seed eatalrHrne, tmt trratittnalL JAJilS J. JI. GUtXiOKY, lehivem Marblehead Mass. SEEDS, ROOT GRAFT8. Osage Oranee Reed, prime, new, 115 per bnshel. Apple fceeds. Peach Plu. frosen. Root Grafts, Ap ple, packed, 10,010, am Osage Hedge plants. 1st cl., 1,000, (j; I0,n,rii. PeachalesEsrly and other best aorta. Ktnrlf Annie Per rtiim hmr Quince, Ac Roses, Evergreens, Grapoa, Downing tTOOsetM-rry, Charles downing Strawberry, Black berries, Baspberriea, Green RouseVBedding Plants, Dahlias, lAiitx, &c bend inc. forttVee OMaiocuea. F. K.PHOFNIX, Bloomington Nursery. feb7Vm ' McLean Co., Illinois. GREGORY'S SEED CATALOGUE. I hav over sixty acres In Seed on my Shree Seed Farms, in Marblehead, Mass., where I have raised over one hundred varieties the past season, oU prrfprHjt isolated. I import many choice seeds from the bent Knropean growers. As the or iginal introducer of the Hubbard Squash, Marble head Mammoth Cabbage, and many new and rare vegetables, I invite the patronage of the public S-vti vwronied 1 1 hs ft rrmrn'nl. fXitnlague Vrnli to all. J AXES J. II. G KKGOR V, feb26-m - Marblehead, Mass. Plant Choice Fruits NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER. ' I will send fine SALKM GKAPES by mall for fl eeh. Korers 4, i19, at 5oc each. Kit tatinny aud Wilson's K&rly Blackberries at tl per doien, by maU. Clark Kaspberrr, fiSO per doa. PhUadtlphia do. S) per doaen, all by mail. . I will duitver the following at Express office, prop erty packed, alt he ftrilowing prices: ConcortlGrapes Mandfl0jer hundred. Delaware, Diana, Gravel ing and Ive's Seedling. Si5 rer hundred. Salem Grapes at fTS, a and nt per hundred. Roirers 4. 15. and IS it rJDper hundred. Fine Roses at M-50 per down. Marshal Neil &oe (hv irsil) 7Sc earh. Addras "JOILS CHARtTOf. f-ly , fiocbester, X TV CO hi N H E-3 7 T 1 C-3 ?1 e P-4 C a a- 3 m r I .6 J. H. SHOOK & BROS., Rtnnfactnrers and Dealers In Native Lumber of all kinds, lengths, breadths and thickness, AT . . ! ' HILLSD ALE NZHZAHA COUNTY, KISItASlIA. Thev own and ran oneof the best Saw Mills in the State, and will furnish MECHANICS ATO HOLDERS with a bill of Loraber of best qnallty, on short notice, at the Lowest Market Price, XatZi and Pickets Always on hand for sale. They also sell ehesn at their store In Hills dale all staple Dry (roods and Groceries; and such articles as are In scenoral use. Remember the business, the men. and the place. - , - 1-ly Clocks, Watches, Jewelry ' IiO. 53 Il&in Street, XSrewmrille. JOSEPH SHUTZ, 8 lias Just opened and will constantly j lkeep on hand a lanre and well assorted t-.rf.stock of genuine articles ia his line. Repairlns of Clocks, Watches, and. Jew elry done on short notice. ALL WORK WARRANTED. m l Q v- IS r-i P. 5 M i 4 i L J u .1 It r ! e eN e VMM '- e ' e . , Patented Fe. H, & Ss h 'i : . AT I3B " ' - ' In I."; York, 25, 1:-., - 'AttJ Hlzhsst Tfeaiza for Eeat laaanfacturing LlacMnc At Faria Exposition, July, 1 . jjo. 1 Family riaclilns. Thi machine Is constrected or i a 7 PP'f iism. possessing mu.uj i y '" " , enw. having been examined by the rnmt d enperts. and pronounced to be suuphuty CE3T III TiiHWCriD!! Gr.ovrr, & EAurp.'s T1TC1I 35 Brwm4m9f .Vh lr ALSO ftllTOII LIFrER fLOVS! THE BEST FLO WNO W MADE FLORENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSIBLE FEED c ,1 t-4 e Onr agents will be supplied with duplicate parts of the same stitch lmale hv the Hincrer. Wheeler son. iiowe ana r lorence Mao rimes, it nas tne nnuer feed, like the best of high priced machines, and is the only tow priced shuttle machine in the market that has this feed. M' are enabled to sail a first class Shuttle Machine at a very low price, on account of I its simplicity, ana consequent iowcost of manniso-I tunng, in comparison wiin complicated machines, AGENTS., We wish to arrange with Agents, male or female, to represent the American Shuttta Sewing Machine In each State, County aud Town In the United States and Ontario. Kxtra inducements to Kxperienoed Agents. For fall particulars, as to alary or Com mission, aaaress. . k G V. II. Andrews, General A V-- - :--v-DeiroiCXHc3. TV n-Vor the benefit Of out atrente we kft ai ranced with parties who have Goods suitable for Sewing Machine Agents to sell. We will send stock of samples and full particular on reeeiptof one red stamp. Address O. V. N. Andrews, Oeneral Aent, Detroit, Mich. J 18 8-iy AWARDED TnB rnechen I provfcmentfi proronn.l ere anl perfect on comoineu The following, are the prtncl pal objections nryed against sewing miirhins: 1. Kce-s! ve fet!?ue to lae uiiin. 2. IUbiUiy to get out of order. . Ijtnen.4., trouble, and Iom of ttree In repawns. 4. Incapacity to sew every description of Biatrial. 5. Diaagrble noise whue U operation. The Emv ire Sewing Ifach ine U Exempt from au mese ucjecuuius. It has a straight Needle. Terpen'Tlcnlat Aefon, make the Lock or sh "'.! Stitch, which wul ner.aer rip nor ravel and is ai. ice on both skIi-s; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, with cotton, ifnen or siik Uireau, from tee coarsest to the fluent number. i It Hetas, TeViS, Binds, Braids, Tucks, guilts, riaits ana uamera. As a Famllv Sewing Machine it has no superior. v Special atientioa is called to oar new Improved Eos. 2 iZ a-Tftn f.iiari s IlAcLiae They have been thoroughly texted ea every df criptkin of Cloth and Leather Work, running by Steam Power at the rate of 1,200 Slilchcaper ZTinutc. . Producing timn tVin rfnnble the work of any oth er Shuttle Machine now in nse; thestitch is tittht, onuorm and beaiititm ; they are simple in construc tion, easily ondewtood. and not be liab'e to get at of order, run liorSit and are comparatively noiseless. For Tailoring or Leather Work weclaiaa that they are not oclyequaL, but much superior to any other I macniue that has ever been oserea to tne puonc Enpiro SeT7ingIl2chir.i Co., IT Ys WELLS & F.ICKARESON, . ( . St. Joseph, Mo, , General Agents N. W. States and Territories. rl2-5l-18m Brownviae. i T&istt of Hsccelleaca, Beauty and Elasticity of fStitcJi Perfection and Simplicity of y chinery. Usins both lhread.j direct!j t. the epoola. a No fastenit; of seams by is-1 no waste of thread. 1 "Wide ransre of application wi-j change of adjustment. 1 The eam retains it3 beauty and t, nessafter washing and ironio. Besides doing ail kinds of work rt by other Sew in? Machines, the? v chines execute the most benUfa tj permanent Embroidery and crsoe tal work. 3- The Highest Fremlnras at aH tb jjs, and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the G rover 4 2, key Sewing Machines, and the work dow by them, wherever exhibited, in eompetlUoa. 3r The very highest prize, TV Crm lh ltr f was conferred on ft representative of the G rover a BakerSevtig Machines, at the Exposition fnivwsen, Paris, 1357, thus attesting their great tnpert. ority over all other Sewing Machines, ZLZr5tTs ay BBOTJVIUI, Jfii highest pniiiiroxi WHEREVER EXHC3rTED. ' tiie only orra Cartablo t Scwin In More tJiam Fastening all It orn Scaias, xFTTTTnrrT STOPPING THE UA CHINK I OR TURNING. THE CLOTH., It USES and WASTES LESS TITBEAD than any other, ano win commence iwam holding the ends of the thread. Warranted to Ssw' Heavy crlfca GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL. O .V-E B 50,000 . MACHINER SOLD SINCE 1861. n k3 ,ttrJ SmmJ Sua i 1 GENERAL Groceries We have on hand a large S TAP 1.22 A IT 13 a; j-Send for Reports and Circulars. To tvHcIi wo sirs co V7C era Esllint &t Fxisss &3 wm. r..Pi,4T5T. General Aecm.itv ?-t-t! j. v, lMo-y 613 NORTH FOURTH 8Tn ST. LOUIS. MO. HEWDKRSON, BrownvUlt, Web. Agricultural SD3T-ig JIB- to -OO. " ; DEALERS IN . Implemenis!.! In ti.3 Qaality cf our Goods FLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST TiATunrr ITirst St., BrownTille, Nebraska. i DEALER3 IN Preiisis GO La GO and well assorted stock of rAIJCY CnCC7.TMI3 WE DEFY C0HPET1TIC3, APPROVED BRANDS. pmcs pah) ron TOB PRINTING, in on or more U colors, promptly done at the Advertiser JobOfiice. 'PTES-Enrlless in style anffcraantJ- ty.at lirTZEL'S. CO O o; o CO 1 a o 0 3 . o T3 c o QQ c es w 45 M m M M 09 u u I . .... A PERFECT SELF-RAKER! - AIS A FEHFECT BI OYFEu' ALL COMBINED IN ONE. O - o v Cl o H n ? 5X2! TJTIO. g o " 0 1 o o m m ; 3 O O eV o u rhALERS - IN ' " ' 0., pniCE a- tk-- -j Tab" " J J. I. CARE & CO.'S L ti y Grorstl- Improved. Ilcdnced Prices. WHITEWATER AND BAIN WAGONS. r )- " H THE BEST TV AGO AS IADE! WE SELL ALL THE FOLLOWING MACHINES: EIARSO 12 AR.VESTER. . DODRE &. STKPirr.finir. jonrsn11!?- niney, jozn u. riAisrsY, catlga chief, iiucxl eye. SAMPLES ON HAND OF ALL MACHINES WE SELL Corneand see tin. nnd tmarr!.n .nlfc In f.-k-vra n .f TrT-rc-a t TTT t.,.. fV?eJ7 oy the loadt that saving freight.. A full b :pp!y of all kinds e Farm Machinerr ux loeir season . . " - . . P. Ticdei, Jr., ci Co., FIEST ST. , BET. MAJX & A TLA 2 TIC, BEO WJfVILLE .YDs.teRoimis :. . ' -- ' . . ' 1 " ' i Y A N K EE NOTIONS, HOSIERY AND WHITE GOODS. And every other kind of Goods kept In Western Store, which we will s2ajHtLi fa s fv 7 Whenever yon are in Town Call and See Corner Main and Second Streets, 13. Block, 1. JTIcPncrsonfs BROWNVLLIE, TN'TOXlVHICA. ricPHimcoiro dlcch HAIHIAFORD d HUGHES Have received the Starrest and IT est Assortment J t W aH-ruM,a A 4 lit ever brought to the city of - -BROT7IV consisting of . Coins, PoI&iUS IOTlllSC3, Secretaries and Book Cases, One Se2. 7as2t Stazds, BEDSTEADS, CANE EOCICERS, Narse Roekera. Ti f 7vr Ort?T!yaflVf-ia4 T. Mm FimniTunE stobej vaunnj uy auuiuutawuu? v in the blood, yield cmckly to b. Zi CampiatMtt, torpidity. K 1 itu,m. of the if-, r''ij"4CZ)Oi i as tbey eiten do, from the nnkiiD If f7t storer for the strenjrta tnd VTLTjMr f Those who are Lmrmi-l ami I"'!?'t if dent, SlcrpUas, snd troubled wtfn "'TTb j preAensUmM r i'eert, er ,!,J symptomaUo of Vpo . wul,,?Trjwt'i relief and eonviacing evidence oi i power b?o trial. tt -a P JtE PASXD A CO-, J" TrmeHtmi nd AnmXytiemt CX SOLD ET ALL I15 Sold by f ncCREEIIY & ICIit CITY DKUO ST0J1E, . Brotvnvillc, Scbrc Ayer's Sarsaparill The rerjBtst:o fin eelirot mxv Isdemrtfrws maay of whica u naarvelloos. ia" eases of Sctnfu" 1 seemed satsra eorraptioB, asti; puri2d and ear J fcTofukos irvT di5ortfert,wtucaw fravated by tfc "T ajvsr i ijif they wwe fi'sfiHy aJktu:?, bare beea r ; cured ia such rreat mnrtbers is jlBOt fJtZ a tion of the eounfrT,t ""it ta pnta tcarct'J0 be informed of iu T.r. jes or Jm, Scrofuions poison is one of most St9SrtJ enemies of onr race. (Xtcn, this ans al tenant of tiie omuiixm owlerroioes U and invites tha;tac3tcf enfeV'imor fooia witbont exci r a rur icao of iut PresrWJ It seems to breed bxTec iioa throii ."IWf then, on some favorable ea!rsp' T Into one or ctDer e iu tulroai forma, tr-t surface or tmoor tee v it aid. la ti w'JTlf eles may be snaJenfy dne:te4 n V r-, heart, or toiaors formed ia Use rjzt its presence by eruptions on tlie im',rIlj " tion on some part of the borty. U?Df,r; - i sional age of a boule cf this iarMrV vlsable, eren when no act its syinpwi, 75 f appear. Persons a:jcted wir-i 'cr07 Lt ' -plaints frcneraiiy ad immediate r'jVlTff length, cure, by the im of tf Jt-,--l- ! Tetter, Salt Hheu-m, Smii Hemd, orv llye. bn Ear, and tber CT". visible forms of Servfttlm disa-. tL I more cowealed forms as DvveJ"a.'JJt' JIer1 lHeme, JtiU, EniirfV ??7mV i and the Tartans UUxrmu ai'ccLoas of " lar and nervons systenss. . jyix Syphilis or Venereal and MerrHriMJ ; are cured by it,thooR! a km time Ja snbduin? these obstinate la dies or "TB' "4 s But long eontinned ae of this rolwo ' the complaint. Xrrr cr Ulerrmiisms, and l emle IX?'JZY i xnonlr soon relieved and wimatev'r, f purifying' and lnvioratia? eirect, far tion s for each ease are found la car "2T9 , u