Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 29, 1869, Image 3

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    . .. -r.rnn for sale by
TrrpriT-ofr tiamie
.very Sunday eww& DAVIS Bettor.
- t.. tca. S. I. O. O. F.
I-fVar; '1 1U ot ech weefc. 7. o ciock
.Tr?:nT.ui" :Wefc it 7 o'clock
0.?iilll in theBreyuuei
Sln Street. ... j ritL
Ail visum .- w DotwKY.aecy,
A- A II -Xenial!aVallerIdXo.4,A.
f A m lat and d Saturdays In
""" . T . T7.i Hail in tlie
Arrival ui Deartare of the Mall. .
' tBem u Eastern arrive, at 12 ir-; departs at
d Eastern arrives at . departs
oru . , . , ,
-nMBU arrives at p. "HT."! I -
Ii, Mail UT1TW u ra.;
7e Mail arrive Monday., W
PUlO M"" "J - ... ,,' . iorrti at D. Ul.
I" Mondavi. Wednesuaysanq
r-1""" f wmrt Tnendav. Thursday, and
.wcr at P- nr
WarrTve. Friday, at
4 p. m.; deiiarta
Tumc Hour, from 7 a m.. to m
. m. fun
iyf, from 1
11- 11 vi" "
. T.1.1 Kt. Jae. and C. B. It. It.
On ! after May 2Sd, Train. wM leave rheJps
.UAllUtl a tO.IW"
EJTVt --Leave - 1; a. m. train, daily except Sunday
V. ..kiiI Saturday.
, J:'" p. trf
jr P- nl
. 11:23 a. m..
tiirnh Rotter.' Onmibu leaves BrownvlUe for
J&3t. Vafm--Hi 12 m.. daily. . !
J. I. CoElapp, Editor. ,
piB , t' - " 7"
rrliTrlp Seed at Geo. Marlon'a.
Vra" Ca 8o!f-SeallTig-t sLtiUoiber
TSmthor'i. T
r. . - .
6 t Polck' for yonr Stationery. Lltr
,Uire, or Utters. ' ;
I -ae Weather during the last week Las
I n ary and excellent for harvesting. .
5 .' I the place to buy Ready Made
or Cuetom Made Ootfalng, wul aaye 25 ir
. ent. "
; Tke Pip. Ker.DptUttlwoj-8oppfled
vUH tb la iwwa, aqJ at an fw rates As It
k be hSTorde. . ' ; -1 I ; '
; pra, J,Tt!e.f yMlri onr city last -efS
irtth ripe apple and ripo ioraatoea. Bha 1
urely the most enterprising lady 1ft Utl
hand di.trlcL .- ... . Vr""j
1 ' t - -
"iiare.of ever' deaerlptlon.Tlnware.IIard
Vare. Fence. Wire, end everything In hlr
lia Qtat you ca.u poslUy want, AlS"eu;n-.
befger Brother's, Merheraon Block. .
-.' learn; 1. about to fix up and put
"on a new front, o as to keep his lulldlngnr
"S;tifsVtock. and Tha two Tip to the Hyel'
railroad times In which we live. Ills laud
lord is full of enterprine.
' The tTallroad Electloulast SiUurday,
paased off very pleasantly in this city. A
few beca.iiie Von derf u 1 ly cxli 1 lera ted, so m nrh
so that Marshal Mctbe had to Jug a eoople.
It was a brisk day In thin city; and we, a
wen as all birr citizens, are satisfied with the
resu.t. . . . .' . .
tfe'w VtuVwsn StoreR E. Ebrlght
nas just ojerMnils new Queens ware Store In
the west id 'of the lAinhbangh -XVow. He
win soon be lb running order, when he will
fchow the public, as handome n stock a ha.
Vrrr been opened fh thin section. II is a
..un with whom all rnay dal on th3 .;aare,
and we wish him success. , ....
ThV k'.'k Brothers are 1"
aw Jkfni Va IllllsUufr; tothefuilexttiitoi iu
Tpwer; cuiilhg onitlYAmenpe piles of Lumber
Tally. They have a Itirfce. assort men t of Lu m
Iwr on bnnd, and can accommodate parties
ir - f " Any t.-:, v '
Lc r .,., c 1 ; 1 1 i a
- :
1 1 :ea it':. ; . t J. K. t
obtiJued a Tl'-ktt Ag'TJ' 4;k' Q. 1 i
Joe, and H. t-W.loe. Rail roods; He can now
famish you tickets for any point on thee
roads, or through tlcVcts to any point eat
that you may 'desire to o tn. - This will l a
great accomlnodatlon to those going cast from
this point ; and Mr. Bear deserves the thanks
of the public Yor his enterprise In this mat
ter. , . ... :
If there are those in Is "vicinity who
bare heretofore entertained, sny doubts as to
rrowlng Apples in Nebraska especially in
the bluffs along the rUer, wo Invite tbem to
, take a lck at the premises or 0r. Thurman, 1
CDuset and Jacob Marohti, lnllrownvllle,
and Hiram Alderniar, Mr, HJarry and 3. Q.
1 gmlth, below town. These are unmistak
able evidences. Suchrult bearing we have
eot seen excled apywhere. r 'i .
Leslie's Lady's Mgia for Augttst, is
toceiTed, and is a perffct gem foi the ladies.
It k Incomparably the best magatfne for the
fcrolly, coutaintag as it does the f tl liehion
tews. Illustrated by superb cuts.-ljlth colored
and plain, together with a vot amount of
5 readlnr matter for the General reader. Sir, If
! ywlfe wants a Lady's Magazine In which
I roa can alwars find rwdinK matter of inter-
ft teyournelf, send tor Frank Leslie's Lady's
; Lady's Magazine, and take no other.
s aea Xtog ers, KsT" Is burtdin j. large
hndeofniovdious stable dow n on Jlond'ey
AddiUonl'called Fju,tBrownviIlc,dimcnsloBs
X'.iC with 11 feet posts, to accommodate the
. Torses reiulre.l In his Transfer, fcxprew,
1 UU and Oraaibus btiKlness between Browa
Vni'e and the depot. - Mr. IvOi-irs has shown
bore elterprise the pa"t y1" ln hU P11-11
lag business, than almost any other man In
' JSfowhvitle. We are f 'ad to witness Uusev
ideaceortii prosperity. ' . -
r 1 1 1 1
Qkite a ttoW was oecai;.. II. t Tuesday
laornin'g ly tbe thooting of a hog in front of
tbe store df Weatcl Grant. The hog nau at
tho tirr. ' ' ti. hh tthck on a Shoulder of
tneat whloli was Vxiod for sale on Ibeside
wa!k;wbe.n, thinklhg that patlenoe was no
Jogger a frtuc;drant shot bntdidhoijniiii.
The he's Li iongiiig to lion V,-.ers. I.e. went
vert J vpu with the fivowwi intehtof m hip-
I'.t.'j tl.r 'fhooVf-K rt did hot.' Cfaht was
irrtiiid tud ft vied fyr sl.ootiug In tlie street.
thd tiefed to bey the botr, but could not
eoraS Id tciir's." Tbclaxr nsa!ni?t f ring arms
ea theeirt ei liili beeu enfrci-d. Have we a
fcogtawf ' ' '"7 '
B. L. Easier Isouf authorized a cent for
receiving utcrIpUo&s' and advertising for
thlspaper. He will for the. nct few monins,
travel through th! Irftnd IMKtrlet selling
?vj Tr,., Yinf-K.ete-and'wJjcr'iFfcSclent
Un can be' raised. iU give ir-jrlions in
tf.r..i.LK!n. As" to bis-nur.ry bdslneas
vereay beresey be has a a youi.' k?.A flour
lcvi. nn.,.r.- i reru. in this county. -His
4-k Is of the bcst nnd RccIJmatod f and per
fconstvlna of Lin will t thclrslocif? much
Jrehr tlian of any Eastxr peddle-!. ,Ue is
.(if.-.'nn lk we moft ever saw: and
todv3,:anls 'jLU fiiode of tettctilns to th'e best
MtTr MPffA. : Ke iii a man of Integrity upon
J "i'l ... i ia ay rtf Qfcty rely.
i : '
J:' JJo.i?j.Jn Long and rbll
iAf.A. it arf-itfUSl HlB'i uarrei
f i
C.rfijvi) tig, Thil cast
3' liCf r liiuw-baok .V villain
t 'T i-rt PisU MtXit for hbm
V id&i'tiC v'hlc'h T1".1.V.TJ to .e the
fctyotjWlth Mr, McOalo, and Ki&frdoiui
Kott to th"4 city, eV-' Tn"is"w'as before dinner.
tflafler. !fhlL tcjt. that is -wounded
. Jlcor hadnot bef n saUflenir-t hat Icg must
take it back, v hicli t)hg did not d.c-so Phil
' LC?yed .p 4nt psVoin." ihe?e I-jb
gaUi fcll iitja ovef tbe head ere f f copld be
r-edetr. rewards flight Log left fowfi&i
Ajrer If a wiser man, tile Pha raved;
3 late. Tliere was' no mitigating circura
fn?p ft j'Juplnate the scene.
05H IIUXmED THOUPAip smori.
The array of Charter Oak" Cooking bloats
now In active set-rice la t!e kliclu ns of the
Soutli and Wert 1; oyer one ht-rdred thousand
strong, and doloj the work of thrice that
nnmher of stvf s of a no! her kind.. -And th Is
force la constantly Ineruiing t y ii,e accesiion
of frenh reinforceraeuts forwarded dally from
the Excelsior llanuiacturlng Coinratiy's ex
tensive Joiincry la t. JxjuIs. - Those str'-s
are Toecomlng' sucli 'universal favorites,
are making theLr way into so many house
holds, that it looks as though thoy were des
tined to cover the face of the land as the lo
custs of Egypt. Unlike the locusts, however,
they are blessings, instead of p'ngnes.and we
wish speed to the consummation."
SIIELLEXBEKGnn EltQ-S. Agents, '
" ' Erownvi.Ie, rCeU.
Sold wholesale, and retail by Excelsior
Manufacturing Co., St. Lonia.
lfw Art Firm. Mr. Stafford, Photo
graphic Artist of this city, has Juit associated
with himself in his busisens Mr. Mount, an
artist of groat merit, w ho has palnol consid
erable fame in the lebt galleries Eust atid
South. By this addition to thjjf.-m, end a
great addition to their apparatus end mate
rial, they are enabled to execute iciures in
every style known to the art froi, kn Am
hrotype to the finest Oil Painting. This will
be quite an accommodation to oar citizens
by giving them the whole rangeof the Art to
ole:t frn, of which we hope all -vtllarall
themselves." The weather is good, the Artists
are Xo, I, and their prices ore so reasonable
that all will find It within their mrans to get
a likeness of themselves or friend. Remem
ber the-place .No. 43 Ifaln Street, np stairs.
praise patent medicines, and that we advert
vert ise only t he very Lot of tb c m. Tut do wj
the remarkable recovery f Mrs. Hfce,
CanaktoUi, Lroia her UitrtIuz tuid. alnirt
ntlpIcKs sc rofulous distimp, wbi:li Is Irnown
throughout tho community, and unquesi
tionably the efToct of Ayer's SarsaparUla,
leads us to publish, without reserve, the re.
markable efficacy of fhla . laedlclna. We do
this in the interest of Wio afEicte'l. Any
remedy which ean-Vo t-liectuKKy raise on
from the dead " shou Id le u n l vern ' T r V f wn
trdW6 "wiuli it laav be Dili VrrfHli t V Itrt.
cessft'l as it Jw been ir tb trf Ym, Rica
Dd' mrmai ' rw .L. ; ' i
Messrs. GroTer . Baker 1 I have Ion r
thought that, in Justice to the excellence nf
otir Wcwlng Machine, it was my duty to in
form you that, tkx teaks since, I purchased
one frm your agent in this eittr. and that 1
have had it in constant use since that time:
-and, during the entire period, the expense,
aside from a few needles, has been ten cests
to keep 71 lirfect Tepr.fJ pfye (ve above
as evide'oceof tle superiority of yiou maclilne
over otter; because I tiave tasocl those made
ty other pattieabo. w ith little satisfaction.
-3L iu. Y ilson, i ashlngton, D. C. i
Mrs. J. K. BEAR, Agent, '
; ' : " . MJJain st. BrownvlUe,!
1 W..H Ehellenberger has one eat for new
vxxJly Goods, serhe of his friends say.
Be that as it may, we will back his Judgment
In the selection 1 Yet, hardware Is what he in
after; we know; SU3dHe"mi brinj a wbolciiale
stocks - C v, , .
Hon. II. M. Atkinson, lie'.stercf the; Land
Offfe at Beatrice, arrived in this city last
Monday evening. He gives a glowing des
cription of the crops in Johnson and Gage
counties, and also of substantial improve
Chas. G. Dorsey, we are pleased to see, is
again In the city. j
Parents or Teachers, who wish to present
their children, or those under their charge.
with... choice. Book .for,riiarik1 will And a
fraud-fctock tt aeiect Irtnv'cr.i' soo, for.
Marsh has them coming. Nothing was ever
given to a friend of more value than a choioe
Book. Marsh has them coming. Parents,
Ttacaers and friends, must huiit t.p V"hat
dime, quarter, or UHar, for Marsh hni them
r ' ' 1 'ar'. ' ' ' ' n c ?
: ' .
I I..
b iy:
t V
G .in. ; . . 'i i.t,. t" ii
CJoods " ..hia l ;e touch of all and by keeping
goxd articles. ' llieir stock comprises every
thing in the line of Dry Goods and Groceries,
trrdlbereypawlU And a? T.ncfi, attention,
accommodation and fair d. .u:t.,? as was ever
found under one roof in the wi-st. Call in,
and, our word for it, yon w .11 find them and
their goods, all that we h;- ' e cldmedabove
and more. . ... , 1 -
Demorest's Yois Amerle ew Brightest
and bot of all the Juvenile magazines. Doe
stick said he liked the Episcopal Church, be
cause the minister let the people "talk back.'
Mr. pemorest understands this; he lets bis
little" readers do thtVf own talking, ort at any
rale," "talk back," and they seem to like It,
and are at any rate devoted to lounflr America.
Certainly this little magazine combtnes more
instruction of the very best kind, with
amusement, than any magazine we ever saw.
J1J!? per year, with a premium. Publication
olnce, f Broadway, New Yen ,
ICtuonit'i llagaalasa i&c x --r-t
This Is really the gem of the ladles' month
lies. Its patterns and fashions are always
fresh, full, aud original, and Its reading mat
ter varied, and full of practical interest. Its
new department, -be. Ladles' Club," has
struck a,vc!n,. end.. basioeome immensely
popular, while lis LMtntUaiions .are i&oxe nu
merous and better, than ever, $3.00 per year,
with a premium. Publication Office, 8SS
Broad way,ew Ycrk'i .
Ti.del 4e Co have on hand a full snpp
of FcnniPE ?!ills, Threphing Machines, and
the ceicbrutcJ r .r cut Dolge Mower. "Their
stock of Frrm "uchinery i f t ways full, and
tb" i c!l no -for wh ich t "r do not
kupA fall stm-k
'tns. Thr
I t'.tlr
i-i d des rvc
and exclusively
tlon to
the wn-its of the f :
r . 1 1 f the farir.!n
ccU'ntt. Li:1
tu r. t-cJ; ' moi it while
Cl.arlc. n f Pavtd McI-ti : '.Un. (four
city, was playiug near the ruins of the cul
vert fn Fwrth ftrct.rtwwa Mnia ard Col
lege bUwts, he f 1 pea.'ond iillluj; ovcx the
bank broke his cvllur bone. Medical assls
tance was immediately , called, when It was
fortunately found to be only a simple frac
ture. He Is doing Weil. " j
'Tb'eo. Hill"- Cei are still at No. T8, Mc
rherson Block, with a ttck f Dry Goods
rarely excelled in any city; Their style of
business is at once liberal. an 1 accommodat
ing, and their stock large and varied. Their
clerks CajL Hill and Clnte Bhertz are al
ways ready and pleasant men to deal with
and uprljiht to a fraction; y
GotoShellenberger Urothrr's add see their
Dott'S Uftvr.-"Ai.' 'Washer; Unrivaled In
the worlJ.' It v ill pay every family to have
Attend ( at I'nrglary. Last Thursday
night arl a'fempt w a made toentpr the store
of F. E. Jb'in"n Jk Co.', In this block", by the
front basei. t :.t uxr. r ortunately t,lie parry
or pttrlies w fre acit-a ci. witnout aceom
pllshln'g aiiy'
F. E." Jt.nou i, Co. are daily receiving
additions to their sto:k of choice Dry Goods
and Groceries Tliey are doing a thriving
business, and tLeir custom Is cr. i tbe Increase.
A Full Stock of Fresh Groceries, lnclad
Ing the best brands of Chewing and Smoking
Tutfto-p. Alo, a x-holce loj cfClrs, at
Marion's, at low prices,' -'''-
Drugs," Paints, Gils and Glass' at 6"t, Joe
prices, at McCreery A NlckeILs,"
. , ' : . '.
Private medioal aid, read DrWhlltler'a
dterf tsement. - - - -- -
Fruit JarsAt Swaa Bro s.
A Thl r- . . . .
The, fi rtai to come among; us.
- v wn we a late nuiaUer of the
waTaeiK m orJt Bro-rrville
Wi: or men that
)n;.1r,..:".II"e wool in their teeMi
ftf i hl- - b'','.uia turn a deaf ear 10 the lie
u El , , rui I'1 tallsls that come amor g
rpitaVJi ' 'rceiy we to run a well
This Is, we presume, a liJ for capitalists to
corae among os. Had anyone been hoaxed
by there m 1 , ire sliould not have vonnered
t . It, but thfn not bjing the case, t'. 3 insinu
';n? 1 ' "3g of.the above Is t.i oa'rage
'"- ' p t::l.i comrtny come hera for the
e of tscertnlDing the fcocibility of cs
t .' ::
in? a Wool pa Factory, we know they
nils.'.cd with t';e location, yet, we know
r. Ford had n b:ttcr thinz oiTcred him
on iiume, ana ne went back, after investing a
Ki . .
tm1 thousand doHLirs in land in Johnson
couuty, while Mr. l.'ace Is here In business.
ana ha, brought more capital with him than
tie a.uUior.o Uie alove ever xould. cail.Lis
own at one time. And if the author of the
above K 111 l vk aWl'him'Lf will LuZ that
Ohio capital and Ohio'energy has "done an
much for this torn and county as that from
any other State. Nothing can be gained by
ln?r1ttng;epltaUsi lwoas they do ret as
wo may-wish them to, yet the style of the
man Is plainly shown In the above. Ohioans
should aid him In tending the circulation of
his paperfln that Statewe presume, to keep
irora oeing uorcu uy ine--lies' '01 ineir irienas,
As tl)eea8on for Z' urersis at hand, for the
benefit T farmers, a will al!c i!lpt a shorf
descrlptf no !!: 7ir; wed Cli;i mpton No. 8. j
This 2; 'chSrj1? is t'i? I est mora, most con
venient, rat - rjad c "lilent Mawing Mai
chine in 1 e woiUj ha j two driving" wheels
and aJo! l cntt' f-tar. Tlietoi : Is flexibly
attached to tb rl' chine; th ; -eventing
any w r' :jl.t Hp- n ' L. s horses' 1 r 1. ' : ; a nd car
be made rigged carry tnei..ire frame up
on the main wheels while moving from one
field to another. The frame always runs lev
ek. though ne wheel may. be fun nln la a
farrow and the otherover a ridge at the same
time. The machine can, be easily thrown in
and out of penr while in motion. The cutter-
Lr Ji ivcici in the rear. oX.the tlriving-
wheel5, .wfclch nables ; the operator to see
any obstructions In time to stop the horses
before Xhm kntvrs utrikeit. am whloh also
admits of shortening the space between the
horses and the, front end of the Machine,
bringing theliors'iH bnck nearer their work,
while the angle of the guards may be changed
to suit all kinds of grass. The points of th
Guards may be thrown jup so as Jo pas pvef
stones and "other obstructions without ran
king any preceptlble difference in the bight
of the cut. By the use of leavers conveniently
arraigned for that purpose the cutter-bar
may beeasilyratsed to pass over obstructions,
or either end of the catter-bar may be raised
to pass oyer anobstmetlon, without affecting
theotberi. The elebrated revolving track- j
clearer nsed opon this machine, as now im
proved, is unquestionably superior to any
other1 Crack clearer ever produced, and the
only track clearer that will clear a perfect
track ia fcwry and entangled gross,-
To be seen and sold at
74 McPherson Block. I
3Iablne Oils' of all kinds at McOeery &
Lett keeps a full supply of
,r "" ' PAINTS,"' "
m--'. OI L3.
GLASS, etft.
andjscllslo wlbr ash. m CZ"1
Wheat Sackt At Swan
- .
r " '
ust received by F. VL Johnson &. Co and fo
sale low for cash." ' " ----' x
StndeTuaker "wad Jackson 'Wagons at St.
Joe prices, at J. It, Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of Water pnd 1st streets. p.
1 1 :
Cft a '
r C--1 :
. ., , t cert w'.. .it:s, B . I
lnSlnir In lm r.iil.lin nohnnlanf thA touiltv 1
the-enauimg year. Examinations to com
tneftee at fl o'clock, A. M. It will be necessary
to be" prompt on time. , A .
- A. W NlCKELL, CO. Supt.
iravingnowthoro !M uglily fitted up tny
sale and sample roo f ms, at No. 1 Main
street, I invite the If public of SOUTH-
SOURI lo give me a call, as I chall always
keepon band in Whelsalb Quantities
very V best i and II purest tiuallty, A f
of all brands 11 Foreign and Do-
mestic,; I shall II also haw on Laud I
during the season, Chicago Ale, Beer, &c
The public; may rely opon my stock being
pure, as piiysiclana of this city recommend
it for Medical uses. II Full stock of Bitters,
In cases or single bot jJ tie. I e n. olsoet
fjr the-Jeet Billiard I T!
'iV.-lt YALLEAU.
Oood Balldlns Stonf "Weare now pre
pared to furnish good bunding stone, tn any
quantity. Also, Step SlOBes,,Ba&fcS lor Mon -
umentsorTomb Stones, Water aaoies, etc
furnished on ehort notice and reasonable
terms LPRAycK & Vaeky". .
ills shelves must be cleared, for IheSunimer
Stock U such as was never equaled In this
cot '-, bo;!l for the extent and quality of
gOOlia. ' - - i.
INLAYS AXlt JAX&&fiOia. ,
Bntlder tteiitott-I r - -nor prepared
to do all it. .Is of Plotter! in lUls ctty or
vicinity. Ord crs left at the Aiacrlcan IK e
will be promp t attended to llcoa reason
able! Work:i :tclai: t V,"
no3i-3ra , "i, V ? t! ? " ' F1 Beli" "
Patronise I
of Marble work t
Marble Works ln
cau be had eUewJ
terlal Ufcl.
c lacTttsitx-y-AU kinilfl
l h:vl at ITi-i.?: atilt's
this ;ty, -citoni cr t:nm It
t e." None Lut tue best ma-
AVall Par r, Y.'indow Shades and School
Books very low, at McCreery & Nickell's.
Illffhest market rrlae paid for wheat, oaU,
corn, &e by Bedford . Handley.
Kllbonrn, JenVliiiPaS. Co-Mannrac-
tnrer"nd' Wholesale riu.l Re'ttt:! deflers In
all kinds oT Hnb LumbcfT lAth, Shingles,
oo and
i Yard f.' I"
J ! ' :r
rner 4th ai 1 l..".--n
: i " rl-d In ti
-., i i-e wg 1 . v?
iri tv world, and
Str- ' . r
Pi ; : s
In oLitl
of evcrytli
obtaining o
L,a;-ii.r ; -
tn tfr-' rot
rt fr tn the tree,
r rates tLan any
whk.J pays one
as we do, rc r
wbolesftle an d
shall fdwaruk
f.'or (to retaM promts.
t u band a ft '1
surply of
every 1 1, i
may alwi-
: In curl .te? fhf 1 1' -oia want
j-c!t urtu'i'feotiici Wat tUey de
sire. We simply a&k aii to examine mtr stocK
and prfces bofore purenaMBgeiwhWe.'as we
can ensure satisfaction iabolh. - &.Ca
: Sell aheap ':
- r .onpicntaj'ooods : :
..- r : .,.;.? . ;Lpr ojsiciieap;'
-f . Their rotes arc fair, ., M ,
' : " " ' T-r Goods are nice,"
-i (uajst step. ia,..,.. , ,
.a'4 feast yotir f. es.
In both .try Gods a'nJvGr. rles
keep a ery full sic? always on tand.
70, Mcrir&n Block, , . , . -. -
t have now in "my V near" 1.000, &i0
feet of the choicest DRY PINE LUMBER, of
every stylo and description, slza and thick-
ness. Also Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings.
etc Dry.nne Shingles, Lrth end Pickets.;
In fact, anything in the building line, which
I warrant A No. 1 In every re pecS, Tand on
which I do not propose to be undersold, for
cash, by any man west of the Missouri river.
I invite all who need anything In my line to
give me a call, knowing that lean outflttLcm
with good materiaL at the fairest rate. .
- CorrTTatcr & First Streets .
'i !.
o a. 7
$ 9
'e -a. -1 ,. -.
? if -. 1 J?
if- V jT
c .0 s & r
5 .
8 v
c 1 Jr .V
V S o
s 1 K
Cruelty to Animal, consists in leaving
your horse tied out iii the sun until you do
your trading orenJ"vrt cool drink; the sin Is
much greater whlleyon can get your horse or
horses stabled so the. atThaddeus Trl
mer's Checkered frui FeeC table.
T- f
We knowlhank u-j f-.? the in formation that
A. May, of the Price Feguln tor, has returned
after having selected t clK)iee stock of Dry
Goods for 'thls mai .vet ' v, hich are on th
way. ne bus given 6;;eh iva ; mpeachable evj
dence of good taste in the matter of selecting
roods that we feel toured tliat the ladles of
this city and vlcini iy will l U with unfelgd'
ed Joy the arrival of t ! Is new-stock. From ja
glance at his bill we know t!lat he will havje
many articles new a - 1 dCt"! to tills section
among a cf.sJce stock tf star dard goods.
The attention of our te ulers Is called to
the advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure In
another part of tb paper. , This truly valu
able medicine U xinnunded by all who
ase It. reaTthe certi-cate'-s.
Crn, V Tie at and Oats.
Ralney Lewis have removed their offl
to Robt. Teare fe Co,'s Stot, where they wilj
pay the honest caali 1 rlcefrt Grain and otk
er Produce.. j .. ; .;
Peoria PI ilk Crocks at F. E. Johnson
Co's. They are the beat in use.
Fir Neta Full stock Just received at
Bauer's. Prepare for fly time.
Tholatest News
Can always be found on tlie P. O. Nevts
counter. . - -
Studebaker and Jackson Wagons at St.
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cot."
of 1st and Water streets. j
Stndebaker and Jackson Wagons at rfti
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of Water and 1st streets.
I sat on my throne in the vastness of space,'
And I rule o'er my orb Ilka Vqueen "Inlier
grace. a r mm
And my children arvs&gearith Vladon sup-
i lime.
And my land Is majestic, my language di
vine, ; r 1
Forlcliantas I roll thrOTighthe'ljillnltaslcy,
And the Angels of Wisdom above me repljr:
For tho choicest of Furniturejyo'u'mtist
patron bre McFall & Co., who sell very low ftr
cash, and k'cep the largest and fullest supply
in the wast. ; '
nr.AT in wool
. ; r, u ir
J. I .. (.. ..nAi p.
&tuiib2Ler and Jackson "Wagons at t.
Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor.
of 1st and Yater streets. - w ;
- ;
Flour Fiom Spring and Winter Vheat,
an A No. 1 article, atf F. E. Johnson A CcPa.
-. U-J N
$33,000,000 Ja the capital of the Mtrtoal
Life Insurance Conipanyof New YorkTJir
vis 8. Church ls'their agent at JBrownvllle.i It
is the safest comj any In the woild to lnlre
In. . ' v ' ' ' - r!
$liZ0 Dollars an tl Expenses t See ad
vertisement of American ShuttleSewitS!?
chine In our advertising columns, "a """ f
. -i z.' S.. j
Sore 2yef almost witnoutan exception
can be cured." Near-sighted persons and fell
needing glasses, shoald consult Dr. Kimber
lln.SiiMaln street. LI11' I
It. F. Souder's New Harness and Saddle
Shop Is already one of the Instltntlorrs of otir
Vj-i TT"n Pfrrnse he doe first class work
at rea.
! ratios.
Give Tl tin a call
jSrtl ' .
i ons, i
1 ; i - :
i IHnton, Blacksmiths, foot of
t, enn Bet tires, shoe horses, iron
in the best style, with their im-
chinery.", -
... . .
-Tlie highest market price paid lor
'. 1 Johnson A Co.'s. !
X".- a. A Cottage and two of the most
desu.. residence Lots In tbe city. Enquire
at thU otlice.
Oi asvs-rJ'jrdetfs, from f 140 to $000; Ma
son & Hamlin's, $75 to $600. j
r : jAhrs Pw DTE. Brr-TtTla
UU &t papers, - J
For the best Periodicals,
For Stationery and j
For anything in the
News or Book line go to the P. O. News Depot.
Victory Cane Mills, Cook's Evaporators,
Cast Iron Kettles, and Heavy Sheet Iron for
Liters' Boilers, at the j
4)-i't . I'tOVFrt T" 5TOR3.'
" ." i
-"""- C:;;,'a;;!) rLlllILLT.'-.
The tiioney n -irket la moderately easy, and mon
c'v c..j.. ia frc tti the country quite freely". Money
is offered on and ta-day I a per at 10 per cent.
Ootd. Jnoted at ?1,3.V . :,.""''.
Wn eat. Opened quiet. Prices ruled a shade
liir cr, but w.lth aoeastern encouiwsement. A gen
exal feeling prevails that prices will soon be higber.
It Is believed that the recent heavy rains have dam
aged tbe crops in some localities, and much uncer
tainty, hangs over the crop In EngJand. Receipts
are Jinpreccdently large for this marketandsoin
thln.iadicate a heavy crop, as U shows an anxiety
to pvt with the old crop. . Wheat nowrlngs tl,
Ci;:.-r-'i''"5 f rmcr, ore ?ioned by the high tig-
uies ii t ae Uvtti'l market, and is now quoted at
- r !
rVct rules quiet but steady.
; r ;-,-.i'"i among the trade
j'i j r: i s or etHi'i a-ticies. j
. s ";ars liave advanced slightly bn
f 1 so !-rs cor..-. In ConfecUOntt-
lies, tae inie i :ra
i i -rices firiiu.,.
CI. Tili:.'0 JIAP.KETi
fTiit-cted 'eekly for the Advertiser by
The Markti this week Miowsa
p-iK?wf.- f fpni f3at9!
h is,nt-i S. .:s, f, ';
iwtm-re. rm f v.r , - -'
.. Ves's fr.T n 7-S cts. to II ZX . . ,
. . C'vtkshM: vtfsm W cts. totX , i ..
Un'Uershirte, from "i cts. to fi
' i Corrected weekly for tbe A dverjiser by
f.Il!,' J " "tlC.
Musiin. li 17- " -
'itleaeied, 1- J. -.
. emu :i Detau.d, iic, -.
All V(oireU0ne. .T7c.
. EAinxorttl fcUr ts, ?1 TjCI-jS'X
Tin: ivin.N kys. 1 ; '
Tiir IvIdkys are two iu number,
Kitoawxl at the nper part of the loin, "nrrounrted by
iai, anu t'liisunjoi mree arn. via.; the Anicri-
rior, Urn lnf
The ant'Tior I'.'i-'ivrb'. Ii.n-i-ior con'-t of tLsmies
or vein., wn-a srve a, a 'uosit for the urine and
convey it to r-t pvtfr'nr. Ti e extfrloris a eoniluc-toralo,lerri;n:-.tin!;
in as5ri-ie tube, a wl called tin
Ureter. The urate? are connected wr.u the blad
der. , . ...
The bladder Is composed of vaj-ious coverins:. or
tissues, divided into part. v:: the X; icr,' the
Lower, the trTOiis. ainl t!. Lincoln. Tli unt;er
exjel.t 09 lower Setnir.s. ilnny ba a desire to
urinate wit Uout ihe ability to return. Tliia freiueHt-
To care tltese affections, we must bring Into action
tbe mUHCles, which are entasji-d in their vnriuuit
runcuons. ir ihey ar negiited, tiravel or Jjropsy
mnv ensue.
' The reader must also be nia!e aware, thnt U'.w
ever sli.M may be th nttftck, it is sure to aflect Ui&
bodiiy bealtn ana menial powers. -tut our ileii and
blood are surportwl l'roui tiies? sources. . I
" iiantf or KbeaiiiatisiM-rain -urrincr i;i tha
Iou la niuicaiire oi Mie move tiiseases.- riiev oc
cur la persons disposed to acid suuunch and clialky
concretions. . ...-. -- -
- The JraveL Tlie- irravel from nle'i
or uuproiwr ireanneni onne mar.evs. These or
raiia beins weat, the water is not expelled Trom the
bladder, but allowed to remnin ; it bt-r ouie? It-Tt : il,
and sediment rius. it ia from tuis Ueposil the'' 1
lrepey is acolle:tion of water-In some irts of
me oou, anu man ainej-ent n-.imes, Hx-or'i'u te
the parts flffefted, vii.:wheti generally a nt'nsea
ver the is called Anasarea; when of abdo
men, Ascites : when of the client. Uj drorhoinx.
.. Treatment. tlelmbold's highly coneeutrated
coinpouud J0.THCt Kiurbu is tieeidunlv one of the
.best remedies for diseases of te Madder, kklnevs.
gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism, and Kimty
affections. Under this beitd we have arrange!
auria, or dirticLUy and piila in pasiri; water, fi-iinty
aecretion, orswall and frequent di-jtharees t wa
ter; Strangnry, or sloppint: of water; Hematuria,
or .bloody urine; (lout and Jlheumntism of tn kid
neys, without any chance in eumititv, but in. reuse
f color, or dark water, itwasalwavshiilv ret-oni-mended
by the late Dr.-lliysiok, ia'thesee.tle.tions.
This medicine increases the ixiwer nf ditr--'Tloii.
-ftnd excites the fcbxorbenis Into healthy serc:,c, by
w uicu me omcrjr, ur calcareous, tU'ixisitions, ana
all unnatural euUn?ements, as well as pain and iij
flumation, are rwlueed, and it U taken bv nieil,
Jiomen, and cuUdrta. Itfrectious for use tiad Uitrt
accompany. . j j 5
' w Philadklpmia, Pa., Feb. to, 1SG7. j
IK T; HTtt.rBot, Driifrist: - 1 - - , , - !
1)eab Sir-I have been a snfTefer for upwards of
twenty years, during w hich time I have used vari
ous medicinal preparation. an71 ben under tlw
treatment rt the most eminent physicians, experl
enctn.!; but little relief. ., i
, Having seeu your preparatiens eirenslvely ad
Vertkteii, 1 consulted wiih mv family pbyxioiun 111
rexxrd to usinn your Extract Httchu. j
I did tnisbecmue I hud used all kinds of adver
tised remedies, nd had found them worthless, and
sorrr guite lnjoTioos; in feet, I despaired of ever
getitni? weu, aim ueterunnecl to use 110 remedies
hereaiter unles I knew of the ingredients. It was
thisthftt pr-mrted n!io u. -onr remertv. Asvmi
advertised that it was composed of buetiu, cubebs,
and juniper berries. It occurred to me and mv phy
sicians ad an excellent cumbuiaatHn, and with. Lis
advice, after an examination of the article, find
consulting ?fiin w ith the dniKsrtt, I concluded to
try It. I commtneed its use about eittht mouth airo,
at which time I was confined to my room. From
the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at tlie
beneficial effect, and after asimr it three weeks, was
able to walk out. I feltroucb. like writingyou a full
statement of my case at that time, butthoturhl aiy
Improvement nifeht only be temporary, and there
fore concluded to defer andsw if it ivouLit e!Ut a
jxsriect cure, knowing then it would be of greater
vuiue to you, mi uiore saiisiactory to uie. . j
. I am nOW ablt toreuortthat a cure Lsi fierted aflr
using the remedy for five uun;h.v . , . , s
I have not used -any jujsv f, r tlire months, aijd
feel as well in i.lf tespwts a3 e t r I did. 1
1 our Jluchu keiHi; devoi;! of a:iv uni)Ic:i.ant taste
and odor, a nicctoiiic ftnd iuvioraior of the avs
tem, I do pot wean to be without it whenever occa
sion may require its use la such affections. . i
. .-MrleC)OK?.rH"i.!
Should any doubt Mr. McConnick's slatenieiil. he
nrs to ine lonowiug gentlemen : ..
t ! ! .it. Wm. JJiiler, ex-Governor, Pennsy lvania,
ilou. Thts. B.FlorencvPhiladelj)hia,: - .'
Hon. J. C Knox. Judse.- Philadelnhiu.
"TlionvJ. IJitclc, JudKP,-ihi)aletrriHK
jtoikJA is. t'rrnT, ex-uovernor. i exnsvivaata.
Hon. Ml!s Levis.' JudircThilailctDhiit." " -
llont'M. i tirier.-doii:e, Unrtefl stte wirt.- j
- Hon. (J. WrAVoodward. Jurtup. I-brtadeiobia. f
"rHoa WA Portert City rylieitor; i'hiladelphla. i
Jton. onn jaiior, ex-tjoveruor, 1. aiiioruia. 1
j Hon. 1-liinit, Auiitor-tonerl,y 8aint;tori.D
aim FTiunVj-ettierM. ir rmsrv.
Sold bi'.Lirvii.'srist.Vaud tlestleis everywhere, llo I
warp tjr son . ui lor iieinooias. le
no oiher. iJBK'41. per ixUie. or. bottles tor
jO. DenvKrea to any address. liesiCTibe avmu-
10 ms in ail cummunKHHiHis.
Address JI. T. ilELMbuLD, Dnnr and Chemical
. k !V6nai'i tefiuine iml ss A ne na lit 'teel-eh-
graved "wrapper .'with "i'ac-simile of my i:iiukl
armiouse, auasigaeft--
Wnrita f AViliti for vounir men. on the
RuliBir ta-wion in.VoutU aud Fairly Manhood, with
JEfF JIKLtfort) Krrlnp-aftdortortnnate. Sent
In sealed letter envelopes, tree or cnanrc. a a.iress.
HOWAliD AiiSOCIATlUJif, Hoxi. nniaueipnia.
Pa. .:.' - t ' v
,3Ianboodi Ilovr Lost, How Restored. "
Tmia Just fubli.'-'hed, a new edition, or irr.
'i.lvHrwi'll'i lelebrated f-jsav oil the
ru. u al cure IwiUioiit niedicine of
efXg r-p
t-peruiatorrho'a, or Seminal Wenk
nss. Jnvtt-uutary Seminal Losses,
Impotencv, 5fcnta! and Physical Incapacity, Int-pedimt-nW
to M arriace. ; ab-, C(nsumption, Jp
llejwy, fnd Fits, induced by self indulgence or actu
al extra vaeairce. ...... j .
4tr" Price in. sealed envelope, only ft cents. 1 .
Thecelebratrtl author, in this admirable ewv?,
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' sueewfnl
practice, thi tlie alarming consequences of sclf
abnse n;ay be radically enred without th d ipter
ous use of'internal medicine or the application of
the knife: pointing out a modeel'curw at once sim
ple, certain and efT'crmal, by nwans of which every
-n.r,-on . ,j i,,'s co'i-;.' ' i r-Hy !:
j . l : . . '. i . A j. j x '
ii. MEDICINi., ..s Uiploma at Oiln-u vi.l
show, has been longer eiiffafred in the treatment
of Vf-vkukai.. Skxi-ai, and PiuvaTK UldKAS
ES thaii any other ihs;inm in m. Iouis.
Syphilis, lionorri :c, G leet. strict tire, trchittis,
Hef nla. and I'.uptuie; all urinary Diseases and
Syphilitic or Mercurial Alllictions of Throat.
Skin or Bones, are treated Willi, anparallelled
success. '
Spermatorrhea, Sexual DebUillty and Impo
tency, as Wie result of self abuse in youth, sexu
al excess In miiturer years, or other causes, and
which produce some of the following effects, 'as
Nocturnnt Emissienn, biotches, deb'.lity, dizzi
ness, diiiiHess of sttlit, confusion of ideas, evii
forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss
of memory and sexual pewer, and rendering
marriasmproier, are permanently cured.
The lioctor's opportunities In hospital and
private practice are unsurpassed ln sr. Louis or
any other city. Back riles of St. Louis paper
prove that he ha been located here longer than
any other so advertising. The establishment,
library, laboratory .and appointments, are un
rivalled ii the west, unsurpassed anywhere.
Age, whU experience, can be relied ujion, and
the doctor can refer to many physicians through
out the country.' in past success and present
positionjie stands without a competitor. -
The Wrltincn of Pbjuieian frhoe rep"
Vjatioa in Union-wide shoald
, . . - be vrortii retwiina.
Doctor VnirTr:n oblLsbes.a JIMtrat Vvmph
M relating to vev.-iv:d diseases and the disas
trous antl varied coniquesce-of self-abuse thut
will be sent to any address In a sealed envelope
for two utitmps. If any physicians introduce pa
tients tbe doctor after roading his medical
pamphlet. - Omimu'iicatiotis confidential. A
friendly talk will t you nothing. Otlice cen
tral, yet retired Xo. j.117 St. Charles street. t-t.
Louis, I4o Houm u a.m. to 7 'p.m. Sundays r . r ," ii-y
" .
' i
The Brownville I"erry Company
have now running between i
J3I10 TT1V V1XXJS,. ilVElJ.V
!-.'!' y - 'ASP ri v '
Noitli Star" and .Phelps City, Mb.,
f,; the aew and commodious stenm Ferry . I
THIS BOAT H eiitirebT new, with
X power and capacity to cross everything
that may civme In any weather. T '-" ' '
for crowing Cattle into or out of this Land IH
tricJ.Wiwisthwbest poi"U Tin lxt is expw'ial'y
fitted up to ensure safety in crossing stiick. and Urge
cattle pens are a! read v erected lit the St. Joe. At I H.
Depot atrbelpa City.", We can insure the traveling
imi ooe limta.iiii our tower tduut bei' t.i mawe
this the most reliable crossing on the Missouri nvcr.
, 4 ' -"" BUOWSVILLE'ffEttUY CO.
13-35-tf ' .'-' : "
a - f a nil
W w i-J k U a
L.I u
Ji ii
- i Contain!'!? 1GQ Acrcri.
FORTY Acres of goo! Timber, biil
vlltnecin high state of cultivation; - Ail
dry- Jioaoari Latul. .Twa small dwelling boas :
(yn"eW toem nw. Stf.blin? tor six ht-wd horses.. A
fronrt Ttmne ae Ht all around the place.
Vell located for stock raiding,
f - "'-,-;
' Addrejw the (tubscriber at Sherman,, yemaha
VOlH' ... T . . ! .
fc-- I I
s -, :
i - -
s.iiji or
11 2
Gapitol of Nebraska,;
It Ten O'clock, 1. ,77.
HE Undersigned Corunnssionor?,
appointed by An Act of tlio Toiilslatnre
of the btate of Nebraska, entitled An Act "To Pro.
vide for the sale of Unsold I,ots and r.locks. on the
i own hue or Lincoln, and ior tho JUtcatioa and
State t ulvc i sity, Agrricultural
College. and state Lunatic j
Approved Febrnnry- U.tb, will on that day,
offer for Sale at Auction,
In the Town Site or Lincoln, said I-ots netni? the odd
numbered liioek (the ni litiBibered ttaving pr-
Vioiisly been soldi of Uie'l'own, nndconiprlslir; the
most eligible lots in the pTuee. Tiiesald lots will be
appraised by the Commissioner and sold to the
nitjuest tuuuer over tee apprsuaiueut. ...
There .will, also be, offered for Sale at the same
time, about ' -i i . :
30,000 Acre's "of Slate Lands,
known as KnTTne Lards,' 'ntNTTThin an firvrof
leu Bti.csor tne t,ap;::vi, ;a: t ian nett;2 t .e most
valuable fanning lands ol the ytutd. " ,
Tbe object In oiTeri the n!;ove named State prop
erty at that time, is to enable the fi.."insioners kj
complete the state Univensi.'-, A; -i! ' vue?e
aud Lunatic Asyluru at I. : i ;n. Vh-i ...I xjiiid-
Mg liaving ii't'n bn t : .in tl.e rrm'ee.. . jf the pre
vuvs ue (-i i !s s'iie or .;ie t r i'r; v oilers
to the Farmers, ilecfiurties irid laborers. s i ! ance
fot a cheap home at thetnt . .-i!. situated .n the ricn-
ea Agricultural tl-tnct ot t le buite, and .it thu
rj " w' " r? - T '""
wVere Salt Is beins mannAu-tnre.i from the rfaee
1 the
r ads,
- Suit
. erior
j ruber
r' six.
objective point of some riw ti!:' rant 1...
reach i' : into t!i i!iten r. and tapti-nr t
Depo - a; place, A s joii make it ;.,e
town l r- t;. .-..lie.
Ti '':: ital wnslocatM at Lincoln In
i i aet of t!ie Le'isla' ure, ii'i i rmn.
teen ,
lT- inhabitant, w i h foo.1 ito!e!s..s;rs,
itfi s'!ii"!''. 'I be :Jiii.slature I eld its tlret
C'W t V .tioi slie ast wi- t-r. )
'i -'-ouri liiver It ; r , id isbelnj;
i rv t: ! to 1 jriftiin, r.ud will bycon
l e 'I . ' ne.vts.-tis-on. 'I his line will
"'tn"i!!nn u-itit'liionsfo. and will
i t. Kei 'n -v, nni'ttt v 2th and be-
The i -rapidly
i . f-.
tract be con i
erive direct c.i
be pushed ou;
cominar n bran
1 of the I
i li-itie It. R.
1 he Midland i . :'..- ;
of its line umii - iv.-.-t.
Lincoln, and w. 1 i accoi
uiul J)-is fii- thevvhole
in Aebntska City to
Mm? to the terms of its
i iiifru;inin order by
in U one or the links
contract, fully e ; ; 1 fi
the i:n or Mav i -xt. i'
by which the Pemisylvn;.. i i '; !-,! it. K. will reach
across the contient,cot j ' . - ,t will In a short
time Its connection witn : i icaC'ttv, and from
Lincoln west to the Union i a ;nic. Thus Lincoln
will be for a time the terminal point of two ureal
thorough fnres, mid everinirMy occupying a central
position upon two trans continental routes, shorter,
by from-ne to two hundred miles, than any other"
yet constructed. ' -.' a
Thsworfc upon the State University. Agricultnrnl
Coliesre and Lunatic Asylum, ia uoiv being rapidly
niiKtied forwnrtt ' . . - i .
- . itvernor,
' " Sec. of State.
T4G-1 v - j . Aaditor,
: . t .Wv.tvitr?,.!,. . ..
" yf '. f(" .-;v-.V
yWh -;.!! irtV "".
' VMiii: . ' r;
T m r e
- -d. a, , .J W ah ji -ia
' . - For simplicity of Jtanasement ".
; . . , . , t And for Cleauliness in i'ookiug,
Jtanufactured in the West, aad ..
". " . '"' ; . adapted to (Ue. wants gf .
Surely no goou housefeeepercaa aiiora ,
. t . tobe wiLimut gue. '.
rra mrcs list, assskss
Excelsior HanijfaclyiinT ' Co,;
iCia & G14 IV. JIAl.V STEET,
:i' ..- rST. lotJIS, MO- ;
' '" - goLn BY '
, 35-fim BKOAVNVILLE, jN'E3,
Vegetable Sicilian
1 the only perfbeted and
scientifically prepared
preparation . of it3 ' kind
ever offered to tlie public,
and lias no competitor
in merit 'By i:ir.us9
GRAY HAIR is . pqon
j A I H-
restored i to .its original
youthful color and bril
liancy, which is 60 - much "
admired by all. Personi
whose hair is thin or falling
out will, by the. use of oar
jnfjjJjReneweroon see its gooJ
'3 "
enect?, as, by us ionic ana
stimulating properties the
hair glands will be incited
and the' hair grb-A' thick
and strongagain. In cases
of Baldness it will create
iLiiJjilJ a new croTTth unless the
EEEESCS.cles are destroyed ; U
' 'Till '' ' is cooling, and a:Jays ail
iieuirg uuu lrxiutttoii oi
the scalp. It does notstairi
tho stin as do dyes, bati
makes the scalp white and
i.i - Ann nT'Vvmvn
iUlUiiun it is the best and most
economical preparation in
the world, as its eiTocts
'last so ranch longer. Send
for our Treatise on tho
LOCKS to all, by mail.
Sold by H DruSS is "and Dealers la Kddicine
coo::, cocunri a co.
Genl Ags-t3 for Hcrti-Vest-sra States
Sold by - ; -
...CITY DKUO fcTOItF,.'.
15-J)-y-cvr;- Lrownviile."
"ELE PII All T" '
J !
Dealer in nil kinds of strn-k. 1 Torsis bought,
stJd and xi-Uanjred. SUx.k bou riled by ."the
d.iy r weelt. ' . . .
Tlie rroprifor Iwis recently erote! an entfre
new. lit(:-and coruinmleotw stable, near the
dd llrovvii vti!e House. His stix-k is alt fria
nnd v. tik ics new. The piil'lic ctn be nccom
modtUed ut all hours, ' . j
-'. DAY Oil INIGrirXV
' ......
A stock corrallwith an abuml.tnt supply
of pure water, atuichctt to tlie FtuMe. . . . 4-iy
. ; lt i v.
rf) iV w -7 ' ?t
UJ f r e.r ' , s v. J
a rj - , - s-. . o
H"H" 1 . " '
, ' 1
7. rn
'JJ ft LJ .i r-
i : ?!
... gts ' rr i
t'i M
: TV ' -.;.!"-:-.
r-3 -1 .
-1 , i
' V . At tlie Signer the; :W
j - - 4 13 the place to buy ! , . 1 '
3Xci7viL.L & Co;';;
Keep constantly on hand a complete assort
- . i i v pient of j ;- . '
. . . Soffit, Bsadslcadt, Wardrobe,
Bureaut, . Rockinq i'hai'-t
' Sprinn hedt, - .... Wash Stands, -
What Not, ? U ' llatKacki,
Kitchen i rt , . Kitchen
and "IT" , and. .
Parlor ' 'fT7.r- ParUr,
Chairt, ' : JiFw Tabltt,
Marble : , 1! 1 Ceser
T.jrfV?wf ,. - - . r It:' v r 'j.
S funds,
' " .mi
Y v
Sprinrf, ,
- ' Swing
. Crti.
- - m
; Comirrfr, 1
-.TV--' ' , !
, . x r a " "i 1 ' ?
AndaWtiitnsaivlev : . , i reii to set f
up plain or fan. eying
All of fi heir wwre U tl 'ft rtannfactured ox
ju np under .thelr,,SiecifU suv t niirroifiue,
which enaines tneiu to u m.iuu ihir-.
smaller price than Eastera mana&ictured
goods.- . - : (. . i .
Otir .: .Heafe! i
f is av tie aentice of the public at any time It
may ne nwivi. wad is gottent'5 mas nrtcstyio
as any iariner etwst. - .',
Metalic Bnnal' Cases;
- i of oil sizes cous ' mt : on hand, .' '
At Eastern I'riooa
, . . ., We arc dolnsr badness orf . ; ! c
S in a 1 1 "a? i?p fi t -
and by attentitri to Ihikidcmh audihe wnntsol
the community, expect in the future ajitn the
last to receive the putronnge of the public
generally, -' ' HcrALIi & CO.
Shellenberger Bro.
" :lcriiersou's Ulocli,
Dealers Iii
JIardivarc, Moves, Tinware t
Hardware, Moves, 1 in ware,.
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, . . i'
" ' 50 000 Mies Fence. Wire,
5O!O0O-'7 Vnec Virc,
".' Z r 50,000 XVciFencxWire,
nttelni'rg Iron and Xa ?f,' , . f :
Fit(y'(rry Iron and Xaits, . ,! '
Fittjurd lroi and Xaite, '
; . Mechanic? a Twila,
Mevluini'S a Tool,
: ' : .'.MccJuinid 'a Tovla,
Charter Oak Mora"r ; " '
Charter Oak Move, ', '
Charter Oak Moves, ' . ,
-. . . j . .. - 't --";.. :
Ueid-"4 o full esortmert f everything kept
t . . ia a-lirsf cl.-s
iiinnninr inn crriMr
iiiSliUUiSilE fiiiU jIUU
Which vslllbc bold as low as t?,e, lowtJ
To all u ho favor uh iq'UU a call.
I I Advertiiinj Agent. Chicago.
J X&'Jrt nKk.rrUed In rtcrivt tr-
, f ) , tmmenU f-r Uiis pper, at mtr imrt
' - . ratfi,atfl arr. Jj-tt fur all Sitofpn-
' ' V y--r in Ci t". & ttrui Trntorus. - -
BLANKS of all kind, constantly on
hand, at the Advertiser dob OrMee.
.pr.vor.K,, :??atix.;J0Di .mini--
O L.xccalu, u, taeAavc.iioc. Jot- Ilooms."
- M f c r i V (i
I - I 5 I I C i '
!5.:SV:' Pi
e a
1SG9. Si. i l.G. iJ3'
t i i i i) j
1 "7
i. i .
- - - . -e
Tn?"t T ! a fp
Invite the attention of theel; 'Scf LV' vn
vJJle .ml Ft!rrr 'i -"" ' y t ttir
splendid stock vf iAi'Liu ANL iM.NCY
mis? W V
- . J
. . ' . - . -
Congress u-Dullcn SIic::,-
SPRika AVi ' Scirst Fi :i: ILv i - ;
' . . . ; . . . i 1 ... j. J J
-'.-:'.-. ,' T ''. ' ,
' . " : 1
- -Ill- rnrp. .
, u ' ri ti
' h ! . . . i
- .( '
1 I .". ! ' ' )
; r , .
' - t
:l i
Turhc Than
u"o' uiiiij. ( fcvtciuj, ad ."maai.-.-J,
liioltJ dl. w J
. . ., LaxvTi3t Jaconet, Tt rcaU, Or ; zn
. . ... '. dle$ dad GraxcdiiS
Piqucsrand Ilarsailca.
and Cho'-Zetl J
3,oob Tarltsv . V
- - f .... - - - r , -
" - &riped Shirtinrj, ChecX iSi.''r-
' ' ' Soltohadcs, Daiifiii,'' ' Tu:hti,
. J Kentucky, Ifaryterxlcr- "-.
; : ipvri Jean9t" ami Iritis ' Ccj1-
Tahlo IincnS,
; 1
, ., Flccichcd, CiiLlcachsd cuui Col
ored . ,
: ' . '. ".-
Whit: and JJroum,' 10 pieces.
Hdbp GiLirtc;',
. - ''
t ;. .Xropi Qpcn.Fr.qr.tijrznl fr'tfte,
I ' -' ' . alliz':s; i-)' Dozen,' . . .
Parasols an tTPans, . j
'" AU Style.' ' Ticen'y-fwe Zs. .
" '. . Latent Spriij Styles.-' ia Do:'
Bed Gprca&i,"'
irtsawr Clirrti, 'ZJnen'dmV
Cotton. 12 4' -.'. ' ... -
Sty ?5-i JctY Z) j rcn .'.
- j
i , - t t " !
.1 " t - -
CelcLratc JJalino PI0Y73, -
HardT7r.rof4!i flxxcc:i3T7aro, '