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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1869)
. j . . - . - AGRICULTURAL. W&gQtfZ i they ever diJ A -' V X TcwLora all tmmu&icaikia en AgriCitUnre oui(l be addressed. JL X 1 k-i Last xreck we m'ade a flying trip to Et. Louis. Kansas City, Leavenwortn a: overtiic council ..oouii, icific and Uio uri Valley Kail roads. As is our custom observed the condition of the crops. Alor- the Council . Blulls und KL road, from Council Bluffs to Phelps station, we never saw better rnfc!,- The t f and fs excellent, te - LnU well advanced, ' cud tbe ground clean. All other crops look fine. Frcm: Kiclps clown, nio&t of the fields have been, or are now, under water, and as a consequence destroyed cr greatly injured. h Along the Hannibal and St. Joseph road to Macon, and from there to within twenty-five miles of St. Charles airtl. ? r; Lkc J lc:'!y. The corn la la'. - of t :A cc lor, and over run with' weeds and grass. Many fields of wheat are so thin and poor as to be not worth cutting. For twenty T five miles alone the valley, to. St.i Charles, the acreage and stand of wheat and rye was the finest we have seen anywher5. Corn was also fine. Along the Pacific road, from St. Louis out, the crops generally looked well. Corn, in a good many instances, Was email and weedy, on account of the wet Bcascn." - - - Along the Missouri Valley road, op to EL Joseph, the crops are nearly all drowned out. The oat crop, where not oversown, looks well everywhere. In our own county and State, as far as we have seen and heard, the corn prospects are number one. Small grain Is seriously Injured by the con tinued wet weather, and accidents and disease incident. TTcbrasKa Fairs. . The Nebraska State Fair will be Held tX Nebraska City, Tuesday, " Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, September Stb, 20th and SOth, and Oct.. M.t 1CC3. ..Competition open to ell States in the world."" . ' THE liEXAHA COUXTY AGRICUL tubal and Mechanical Associa tion, holds its Fourth Annual Fair at Brcwnvilie, Tuesday, Wednesday, n.I Thursday. September 21st, 22d, ccr d 2C1, 18C9.. Competition open to Ell counties. We will publish the times of hold ing other Fairs as we are advbed. Only One Dollar. 'ColmanV Rural World" will be rent from July 1st, 1SC0, to January 1st, 1S70, six month, for one dollar. Those vl.o desire Id tive this Agricul tural Journal a trial, can now have an opportunity &t the risk of only one dollar. If every one thus trying it, don't find it worth many dollars, we shall be mistaken. .This Journal is published every, week, and contains ,18 quarto pages. Address Colman's Rural World, St. Louis Mo. Degeneration cf Varieties. The following article was' read by . Mr. A. S. Fuller, at the Fruit-Grov: . crs'.Club, In' Chicago, May 20. He trJd : - A . 'There are -many persons who be lieve that, In obedience to an Immu table law of nature, species ana varie ties of plants degenerate, or, to use a modem phrase, run out. . We shall therefore beg your indulgence for a few moments, while we attempt to ehow where and how this theory originated. It certainly did not have its origin with popologists, for this science is of a much later date; but away back in early times, of which we know so little, there doubtless lived many human beings who never saw the sun shine without predicting rain . .,'. v- f rrsd if their fruit trees " i mduecJ a peck cf fruit, it was the weather or me innereni wcaKuess the variety that prevented them from yielding a bushel. In fact, there was notnlng maae mai waa eiaiuj nfeiit, or as it should be, or would have been if they had leen consulted before its . creation. We can scarcely glance over a page of cither sacred or profane history without meeting the names of gome one or more of these ancient croakers. For several thousand years the cry of degeneracy and running out was confined almost entirely to the human race. But when agricul .r,n n in resume the form of a science, it also received the theory of defeneration into its system. j it Is very pl&la to ever- f?rr.t of history, that there always are a few inert, ia every jrencratiou that talte Jw.n hPtnef-lvfs the srarb of prophets, and one portion always predict that there was a good time coming, and the ethers predict exr ctly: t!:evcerti;.ry. The pood times of one class always xi;te .1 when they were young ; men ' were her.' then, trees were always fruitful, children never ciea, ana oia men arid women were sprightly as cvs and girl. When .horticulture began to nc:;-.:r3 i::e lunut. aiuua-, ' U it to te wonder? d at that their the c -v of (' r-:.ner;cy wr.3 ingrafted into some branch cr stemf Inasmuch as it existed in every form of literature known to clvillz-d rations? . Wc : jr.c-tvC.; w.-i there roiIy fimilics, cr varieties of plants, ncr ' hish culture will not bring on ' . 1iseoe as well as no culture at all. ' ' fnrmi nromration may cau.e degen- eration, but a healthy variety will remain healthy unc.r the Fame riant. The Sequoia gigantca rebbly existed in California for " a hundred thoussi yonrscr more, and msny generations of these monarcbs cf the Sierras have passed away, and t till a forest of them remain cont-in- itig epeeimen- ...y t:.ree three thousand years old. lMirseryr cien are now pro-.T.gatlug plants from tUe ancient etock, i.nd as yet we have I. card no com plain t about disease or runnir rr V,e tuJ Ox J w.rk;Icjcf - -'s, j-j. rlcs, rlurns and other fruits that have been under cu!;iv:4.ioa end-rrcparrated in the usual r inner for three hundred years, and they are etill as healthy as tver. liven to small and dchente a plant as the J.i'u-ltxs tho .r. r.i n;:n t f runnir-r out if once healthy, 'iae Lk ' h:)own t- have been are t-t ill In exi-ltnee, nd '.-.I in lucny garuns. Va f -.r.'crly tfueccc-.'-rd in a culture "or from change in itnce cf cestroymg t or c, e e . cr. Gi .:n ia Irtt! re : ' lac t:iv r.s ' "1 cldv ty, : . v cultiv v..te : r-it tC it; P' furrn ir :.-t cc Allinst f yed, and V, t m 'ti r v hiie ,:.t the le c rue cf the r.r "0 in the .-ittocrc;!: . . r (' ' here it f-till It is a very have run out , .Icr'-Hcmting : hun I red . of 1 ion f. I exl - fore --I u, ;. sof uit3 that have bocn 111 - cent-ries. : If we culti :st the t-)'t v,-ith crcps, -a, and thereby remove from cur orchards, and to f" , oct over car - I tl. 1 mixture, we : t the fruit to ' i have been 'es e groves that afiorded i,.vb !,r-n destroyed, same timo we plant thousands of fruit treci- uiav lrAMa mr,A thpTT multiply in a proportionate ratio. U e hold tnut -if rJa in friTifs that have once succeeded, loss of crops for want of moisture, or from a superabundance cf it In fact, a failure of either feed time or harvevt are in ninety-nine times In a hundred the legitimate re sults of man's own delinquencies and neglect. There may be failures in particular locaJites ; varieties may cost more than usey are wouu tu uv them, there fv;re it is good policy to lay them aside; but to say that any vari ety that was once healthy has degen erated, and will not again produce hpn it was llrst or- Jgiuated, if placed under tha same conditions, cannot be proved either from history or irom practical cAi. ence. OLD CASTLE IIU'nSERIES CrAX.VA, ONTARIO CO., N. Y. Invite tiie attention of . Tr.stcrn Knrscrynica, Dealers caa PSwicrs to tbelr and reliable m rtme it of Choice Nursery Stock AT WHOLESALE, Including s f We have ' vri'h ma.iv u l-.ttM'--?. . : rr lii.-. v, j,n u ?'ti..frVii.V i. 'v Ueu.'i '"1 true w nitiae, m:d COOI 1 , --.V, vf,r,t r ,.a rV.M r,, n. who ca come well f fcck of Knitnery Coo. e r(,rj,,r::, 1i i, WfidP ft"'5 H'ri' !, i-t'i i cuuvu v - - - ' : r1 " ' i,' ' ' V V i' TO TIIH VrOKKINO CLAfh- . . y p L. ior; 3 A C O., ; l,iiKrniisnun, lit m...j.nilAn! Mill DwS OrnBrarntnl Tree, and E3ir--EMJuots ri 1 Vffixt I Small Fruit -r.rar-Ti-All varieties; IIomc, Gren Ilonso aadPeddlus .,M-kw T!T.F.rT xnrsr.RY.STOCii, either for their ovrn planting or to sell again, are re- tl to eive u a call or wrlta Or particulars, enelaslng stanir for catalogues as iwivv , . s.f r-. ni!i nf Pralts-three retJ stnrors. Descriptive Catalogue of Ornameiitals-tliree reJ n tarn i. Wholesale Tride List one red stamp. Slulclilnsr Truit Trees. iVfl iHeT-ft in mnlchlnsr as much as i,flt!ari n rend cultivation, for it is nart : but there is a time lr to I he derived in the greatest degre from yih x.ifrTir lnt. air and moisture. LruLi. s0--i t na scpnt!.J to the rrowth of roots below ground as they are to that of leaf and twig above uuur memujea is rut upon the ground early In the : spring, tiie uireci acuta vi intsc th is retarded until hent has approached from a tide con- nettion, ana tnen it is couunuca linfi n ths reason, resulting ia an mt-ntrirf nnrine ronduion or me plant. We have found our best results to come from stirring the soil ire itifiw unf il thf summer heat, then apply our mulch, removing itr.gain lu fntr.hfr nnri rfain armlvimr as soon oa thn frrnnnil 5a well frozen. Bv this course we give ourroots, In the spring the benellts cf the elements they need to make perfect growth : we fceep the powerful rsvs of midsummer sun , 9 A I away, and tnus give mem a lougt-r rimptftfnllv nature wood and root: we give them ia autumn the addition of the atmosphere to enable them to gradually hard an the root andtranch, and fit it for extreme cold of winter; intpr. after havincr frozen them to sleep, we cover them so they may not be awakened from week to . . .a x t , . All week, but continue ineir nap unui such time as, by their natural order, they should again pursue their ap- A4dreiw, t. c. uiAXWTjii &i nr.os, Geneva, Ontario, Co., N. Y. t ! a d " ,t spa H ta E" n u fn p: pi 8 i o ; ' .;sg-3 68 j.- I. a : : . goSls.- : 02 .- -twat'T.ri, proMire frr his "bettr-r-LTe muyVi in our line, of which every A n.rUi;leitf. . GUArniAiiTi:i:D - to be Ko. 1, and up la the best cf style, and that eveh"- hirouiro ladit may b-re find Just what he i In the way of Hata.Trimium, Patterns, etc. Jv ery one Lyrestre a;telU to oUneT Oi ve w .cnll. EIHS. J. Ii BEAR. 27-tf 7t - I t cm now rift i.ri'i to f JfT Willi co-t:5i;t ei:.? at r. .- t.- .i,ior,ftti'i!i't,cr r :.- ' sines" new, l.-i.t r- i.rt.i.ui;,.. .-i.-. , vt eveninir, is fi '.ct e-.rne-i by ' ' - sex and the bov tin. c'.f. earn r--; y -a men. mnn. . , , .,,,. everv i,,.r--vvl-..!.t:- ...:.---!. -1 i; r;s u : i-ttae t !- f--rt.i--1-.-, the'i:w -urjii-i.-loCcr: 'X " -r: t w.-'-lVaf.- .1 wv.i thbii..-.r,.-s,I w:,i x ';! tt :; fr tae trt.-.iule of writing .rue. .i .... rections,c,sesit ir.:. ;P" , r T. Wets. - . Aum-i-uA.- . - ::,.'f 1 I i.l fur .T Cr: -c::.v .3 1:3 T '-:"' At At i ' T5, CHARLES GEADi:, . ; ; . Dealer la 11 Kinds of Btoclr. Horses BoTislit, f rlJ, or rj:cl.r,r Stock Boarded I. j tte Dcnj or Wick IY ST -VBLE-S are stcked wi'ii ) i Kones ar,J tiirtwrfttm Nemaha Land Iifctrict can be aecuaiaiO- ciated. The Peru Cz Brovntvillo Co r. T.eavpsniv Stables every rnom'nsf at 10 o ctoov A. Hf- I'nenaers or pack; sreH s;i e,y conveyeu. or ders left wilh the Pw,tnjater wiU be jrom'-y a. teurtwl to. 1-.ii-y l rove- i u.-' i v:r 'i ,u i 1. 3. ." 4. 1.:.' 5. iu. i 1 rxic otitcii " - f 435 . 'rapine 1 I It. 'C 71 tC- r" .,';tri tbe t j - 1 . ri: i-.r rv. !, m-i i i. f.i t ite-A-i! r tt ev '.t c pi'::. : e ') ' c. e i 1 . of i. . Jhc-ty and i:."-'- . . . - .1 a .4 Oil Ii thr; f;-:a ?'C-m3 by haaj tr r::!:cat!on without "i t ft.: . ; Vff " " Vus !i cr.toii, i.,.e or luX-.'-i, iroui i-ts to tiie tines i i.uc: '!. Tu:h3, , FLORENCE - LOCK STITCH IlEVEPw-inLE FEUD I Tf novo Felhi.riri.r.ralda A3 a Twallj' HiM:liIae It baa to superior. Special ait jntlun i called to our new improved 1.03. ii & J-.. s-c t arx. Thev h'ftv txta tH-'.f:'.'rtft! on every criptwD of .(a sr .; i.e -r ors, ruaa..i3 oy Steam Powef ftt the rx f I i in r-T - - - w r h : ! i tha c-uls. :;o f.-ten!"7 rj no v.';:o cf t..r;r V' rtr"-? cf Thafcmr.hhrcsiti Uauty asd:r nc-s after vahl::? nnd lronin?. lcidc'c1:5 ailkindicf work '-, , by ether -;r.vh - Machine?, thr c-air. c cscc U.o mc; t benutlth:! I perm,ir.eut . Halwori 1,3 n-y i c ( DAYTO OHIO.. I-"'.,.,-' '-AN OLD rSTASUSHMEITT WITH A. XEW FEATURE ,t , Evry Person ran Procure Trees and PlaiiM At JTlioIesale Prices, . by ordering through our Club Department. ' For prices and other information, address i X. F. IIEIJSJCS, Dayton, Ohio. DHACII THEE3 Craw ford 8. 1 lale, i L and others, five feet 0 per P Icbi i -i-i- r if is V.' ' ! mx t i c i ( Pear Cherry Trees, 1 yr., lt ciosa. A p'-ie Trees In variety, 1 yr., S feet. Aiso, a fs 11 B.wrtnent of Nnraerjr stock, or oii Sjxx-inien (Orchard contains over J.C0) bearing trees oty;? 'e t r. 3. Shi r 3 r"! ' ii a a AWARDED TUB PrwJnrlr. ' mor ft a 3 J"!Me the wort ff ry n- er Hiiiiuia JCachine now ui ase: tne':va i npifOrm an 1 lw-ft.i,-:l : tr-"' aw ".n"ie hi nn.i. wn, fiu-iiJy u . ci.H).!, ii.,,1 a-.-t be t.M to s-etout of or5-r. risn i ji.i stnl are comparatively For Tauor a orl.eB.:aer or it wenaiiu iu iur. i are notOPe-: !!. CU nu'r'-i n-irerl.r toa"v e'Uer macbiae uut Una ei er bec-u o.trva to iie i -..u ' St. Joseph, Zlo.' I General A;jcnt.i N. V. States an 3 Territories. tZ-T. ' II! :rr; ai all tLefain .and exhibition of the Vrdlcd State ai Enrcpe, have t :ea a varde-I tV-Grov?r i Tv ker Sewing 3I.'.'-:h!ne, anl tin work done iy I them, wherever eihiU t !n cotar;:ti.-,n - X'.it) Vi" .......-i. it.A, S. t,,txf sh 2..t?!t mt i:morf was ew?r3:oi tia" representative cf the Grovor it te&ftTzTe'xg Machines, at Uie ilspo;oa Vnli PaiU, I that at: -.Uc? their great raJ-eif orify over ail other fwicg M .ichinea. r Mc HIGHEST, ;PHSICU , WHERE VEK EXHIBITED. t Vta-'l-l -: Erowrjvir.e. fly l.::-'.vsvii.le. l r ; T II K ajr AOERICAn SHUTTLE iBBWING . .'sxAciiircK. June mm a wtrBit'lit needle, makes the LocW Hutch (alike on both side), has a self adjusting ten- ftl sa r fr? f M? t fiem. Diunt cora, uraiu, wum, ' - ' ' " ' ' - i e a , . . " a tin i Q , li A. tk I m Aftn irrukta i 0 riff TRICE LIST. Per Ppt Ter Ter Per T.irh. Hot 2. W. 75. Vn Jt nn rear o:i- fio .. M no 212 ?0 rnu-hMt 10 108 IS t3 U IXLAKGE QUAXTJTJM at JUtia ajnju -fik on illc. linen. hum : :i 1 1 ; . t . . v i . v. v . - wottit'ii or cotton goods, wlta suk, linen r cotton bwj i tureao. ; hi Enrrltartno Tests for THac. 111112,1110X111 OI1U I 1 1tt ? SeyingMachine ' t L r -.l.rt X' Y . 'iAth. l.Sia. thB tll(ll(0 "f'U ..htor t u-niyiv sa Ima 101 P I' K 1 III ' ILl I . I V. ' ' , - the Waiter, somewhat irozen, 10 a-i ouueva o i nr I' " o". THE OIIU Capable of Sevrin? In JIr t2n Ulrecttoit, , . . Fasicningr all Its own Seams, TTrJOtr STOPPING TIIK MACHINE . . Oil TUliJI-iy ,iyjxxx. It CSKS and WATKS TIIPKAD than any other, ana wuiiOTiinirii- - ... ijoWing the euds of the threiid. Warranted to SeT7.Heavy cr lino GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL. O V E K 5 0,0 O O . MACniNER SOLD SINCE 1SC1. ' ' a3-Send for r.eiorts and arculars. . . 4 4 t i GEEItAL f ' n n n d i 11 n ivi n a bUII U iJ Vie have on hand a large a ID WM:E.PI.VST, General Agcui, Lliriri:! . i O k-ii4 other vs-neues. v.rt .r,i.vnin thpKnnprinMinaent. uierE. na one ' .... . - ' . . . ,, .... k.t. ..,'11 .nr. k1 who nrtaoted the test the Vlay lfire,) I the Machine, In caw o1 accident It makes precise y YJarranted for Five Years ... . 1 Otir at?enta wUl be sopplied with duplicate parw pi 613 NORTH FOURTH STn ., f!T. LOUIS. 210. ... . J. W. HESDEIISON, KrowMllle, Web. j 13-15-y .., ArPLE Wokms. We cull the fol lowing facts concerning these intolerable pests, from the Amcrlcrn Eniomologixt : It has long been known that by placing an old cloth.oronytbingof that nature. In thecrotch VI LB J ) i - . 1 , . 1. v .1 f . . . . ...... covert l nto building theircocoons underneath it and thus le detroTcd wholesale. Dr. TrlmKI.'. nothn.1 ntnniinU In lilA A.l')'.' ' 111' III.-.., ....... . . . . ....... . - - - same ttilug, nn.l hns ln found to be prati cally very U-neticiaL Is to fisten two or tiiree pple tree, and every f-w days from the mid dle of Juiv t the mid. lie rf September, to allp the Lay I n 1 tip and dt . ..roy the cocoons that have inr, 1 tirae to tine been formed on tiie bnrk nndorneatii ii. All authors are agreed as to the prn' -fur. I Importance of pick- Inst efi they fall, cither by has power, or when rVinr a (nnnnvDnJant. n nil tin nrftft 1 1p I IV man power. The practice! utility of allowing a gang of hofri the ranae of the Rpple orchard tis'roughont the summer is undoubted. When we consider inai every iemaie mom inai liaivirfl uuv t v v v.,i. . . -. . i . ...... brood of apple worms, will probably deposit an epg in some two or three hundred nearly miitinp.1 finnloa. thcrebv renderinsr them . . r- a. lntu nnudliKIa flirt I t 11 1 rrt irra i f destroying the wormy wind-falla in the fore pars 01 me Reason ai iui evtuv-utwiura at once apparent. Lime on Peach Bai- lev, of El Paso, III., writes to the "Western Eural" that the npplicnt ion of lime to pencil trees is n Bucccssful method of treatment: "1 saw recently an article on umeremi? inju .tna tr i.iaW ti-r.i-.H T U'ill Virro ctnf A fan Y 1 i ' 1 J W ' ' Ii 1 . I. . V V - 1. a ..a ....,. ...... .... - mm. nerime.nt tripd bv mvself on trees last pprlnn. In our parden there were six trees. They ad Utlw.lllt'U tji.l i "AC t Ci. tJ 11 Mlfc TtTlr HV.t , tat on some the leaves did not utart. I thorrlit lhere was pomethinz wrontr: on ex- ?-.!.. at ion the borer was there. 1 'fimmed V. pnper; t xk n!r-fctcii.ed lime and pnt it p ; r round tiua btcin; then pnt back the dirt. Tiie trees iooked welL Those where I didn't put lime died." (the parti"S who conducted the test the day frre, the Machine, !n eae oi nonioni. "'"-hiS; w f .SiK-1 JiohpI vi of the merits of toe 'Walter" the same stitch made by t he Hiwr, V, heeler & W il- bvn ennai trial, tested 17 ounces of lona from the n.n, Jiowe and Florence Machines. ".mu,te"""": wn2 12? tiiat were ud the lur efore, and the ItvA, like the bet of high priefd ""iHh.t ?nl? . . -.hJ It i.iih.v!t iKftitn. it a. I low priced f huttle machine in the market that Hart 17 uunoen OI ln w WRre nn" I mt - TI. llaui'"ul. J t.H th. thir L-iiM I khntt.i Munhlna at a verv low price, on account of indcei-trlls being acid, the ielaware Voni.1 have 1 iM simplicity, and consetiuent low , . . M. l ,. DEALERS IN Ashes for Fruit Trees. We have known quite a number or instances inneeu, .-,... 1 1 . , ; t . -i. ih.t u orchards apparently dying out have been brought bock again to frmtfMnefs by a lib- rrM lint? vi n wu"w ifi .i, o low ih 1 1 hi r .11 civi . .. Pet ash is the most important element in the SUCCCKSIUl grOWlH OI nil HIIIUO OI liuilrutr. 4 n ai t Iam .it. . . T .1 a !fih nnf 1 riti rr arm iu uiu (:riiuriiiuii c. ...u", .... inii ,,-. that he had known a man make and preserve ii 11 Ten a ru 01 nrP'f tretu ma iihiiimiiii huu pr-'t-iuf live condition, r-rk-inally rjaed on v -vr -.-ir bv K'-rinkiins each year ' . - ..... . I n t lie ( rr.!.rn f rt-nfj nf t.hl extent of 1U 1 ranches, half a bushel of ashes. e consider inis a very irnpottani, litui, ... : - m mm - i Old Trees. There is an Interest In old trees which seem to le a never failing to;ic of dKf UM.ion. The oldeet tree or the biggest tree in ony cmt-ntry is sure to have a renn isitinn linrdiv en ii ul iiti hv n.nv other local eufiosity. Old pVople, lo love to taik ol ihiiii.rninl'lii. Innim txn i tlif.iprliilrirfTi r .111 ' V? .III. .'..Ill i i ' t " . . - - - - - the:n repent with pleasure the queer old sto ... i .ij . t i . . .. . . riin ana i!eis fioout it:e uiu iter nuicn mi . H.'o M-liHn iv..rv rmn f'lo rrnwa nlit (inil dmps away forgotten, ilero is a practical a; . ,,:i,hU Jrt the young ana or tne prpseni ir-r t . lnnf trxtrm f,T fill fnttirlf.T. T'h.V . '. til I ' . .111, l .r y - ' 1 ... II I. .1 . ' . . ... . AM.W....!. -- .' m.r fn'l f jv.?n (he rnnkit nf Hfn lit env time. but the trees tl-y planted bnr their names on ior years wila many a precious memory, If mukliins is tru ployed at the time of r.lrtr tins' troe, thev wiil never need watering. Uniform temperature and a con stant surrly oi moistrre are the prime e!e- I . . 1 .. . . 1 i, - f,,l.. inn Illflll.K Ul MlCtTM ill HUIfc VUUUir, ilUltiiiun enable n to nccotriplinh tiiis. Mulching acts l-i r. a ft I o ! ?, In -it I i-ni-lE ft. nrpvpntji trt fl great degr'V the crackir i: of fruit, and can sea .1 .-. .1 . .. .... i. I .. 1- . n nvn... Ut. m.,.'t t n -I and defaced to become e'ean and covered with a rich bloom. Clic'lcnlbcrcr Urea . ' Ta. hfV' - Sola A rents la Southern NebrftVv. Atcbion andllolt County, IL.0,9 ior tt& . i . - .l i. a (111I..I1. rtrr.nnrt.if. mi hi V HelflW Kuyjii nmri imvx m. v..i..-.. t . - the Delaware. All the other varieties ranged much lower than none unuuirrmru w There hail been constant rairia nu uoip cmn i . , . 1 1 ... i r-.m ra urtm "Mil : 1. nine tecuon wnere me ttu s7 V"r7 i or? rrewint: at Hutnmonds)ort aui alonff the lanes. .. . .1 i iuu.n Kit lit tla ram 1iii-inir thA nefi- Bon lry St 11 and weather hemg necessary for the A committee of tha American Institute Formers Cluh, in a reeport of Hert. ii, 1jh .printed i in the ew York tmt-Weekly ri rihuneor.-SepU 2Ut, after eneBkinrof tleoualilies nf tha H'aWr,8ay: "W ....1,,.,.. fi.o K7IXF will tx m, vnluable btho In the crape rw'it'ns of the ni!r Miwiss ppi.on the shores of Lake Erie, in western Kew "i ork, on the slate sniis of MUr!i rennyvivnnin, biiu nutretxi uaavt grajies are utxMiuujr smu. Letter from Charts WonUri, one o the oldctt rie- Vixxyard Point, Vlster Co., I?. Yn Mav 19. Ii. i Dkak Hib: YOliraoi toe ijn i nra in rcv.Trii uj. In which yo ak it I Iiave any objections to sending von for publication, me racvs i urn nt-iitiniincv. ' in relation to the character of the ll'aWr tfmpe. I have never lnaortea me cnarncn-r or iisciuun . i . ! Ar ilmnintintt M rwi WrMllli vines, or n.nninraoi ui . . -. . ...-...1 r .tntra nf lito -prn it not lor two IK'. 1. V HI. II- . Ii. i-- - ...... . reaMnns which wftn sutiicient. t irsi, i miow wit- lltiWer limp will meet vne prejiiiiicen "i""ncau throutrh'tut the country, caused by the worthlessness . i ..... i ; it . t mi. r.r tto nnwlpriuuinnL S( 4- in ni'WM. ltnalitir5 w ......... i - - fmd.becwe I can say from personal observation that the hh.'t w me uwt wu i. knowledge of. and I think I have cultivate nearly nil that have been recommended, discarding them nil and ta.Utn; batk r.pon the Concord and Hartford 1 rount-- ii" ' i- m. ..... . . .. OT,$t if i.a aM irniwi titrirpr Knowing vum tii ' -. ' . ..... .. ....... r - - - - - oHoh yer as the vine prows older, being last year fully one-third larger than it was two years apo. It srrowaweit, ffinitiiinieu. ciitxuiiiKi- .: v.. 1 J .r-A nnit V h.v. never fteen erai unira iwi"c . n, - - - - - - . : any mildew on Its fruit or on Its ltirpe and thick, but Delaware Bliapea loi.age. lueiixwm '" think anperior to any other vaHety. 1 ou say In ti Hi r 1. 1 1 ii 'n . . i" "i ' ' - i- - - -- Diana: I lliink thecharacter of each of these varie ties is nil te diRunsmtsbb! tn tie WaUrr, partien- . . . i .l . . i mt 11. i. Ij- (t .-nil 11 inriv tii. . i ii - : . , . make a wine or hlcti cnaracter. x nnvu vneu n 1. .t t ; wit .ivvuNami t liree t ifne In Ulster N. Y., In a tow vahey, where the Isa bella seldom ripens, ana ncu n;nci.w .. gf.ns in Ponphkeepsie, riiwning at the same time, excertiiisr last year, when the ronstsnU rayis rre- lit ..,iioa frvitn mnttirini? at their nsiuu nm hut nerivted its fruit by the middle of 8ep- temlier. Tiie raMns of the lust mentioned crop I i ...n nriH outun n tiifh wera eood. rmra Its 9 i i . i.& .1 v. i T I. in., n. it i it n in i. ,. . n i n.inir It lil Ka well Kd.'inted t the fijtiuitiVtn j"ic, x ."in. " 1 . varied sections of our country. ou may make whatever iwe. oi wiwe I''":Vi7 i V v , lournniiy, v r .. . j. i. . . t-h f?T? nAYVVOOD. l ouglikeep.sie, X. 1 . IWI MUIlim:i. , mm tuiirrr-ii...... ..i - ---- - luring, in compariaow with complicated macblnea. AGENTS te male nr female. to represent the American Shuttle Kewins? Machine I . t . . i.l rrn thoT"ritei SMteS and Ontario. ;xtra Inducemenls to i.xieriejiced miion,adM. G. V. 17. Andrews, General Agent, 2i -y III YE RSIDE NURSERY Davenport, loira If you want a good article of Nursery Stoci, Gram Vines, Currants, Goosberrlea, liaspwrrirni iiitiim;iii Strawberries. Clierry Trees, Pf , lsctduous Trees, Send yot-t orders to & , v TlnvpnrKirt. IoWft. " or TL V. FUIINAS, lirownviiie. i;r.tKrue iree. c-clUvcto I ten v be feu.: - Icv. t y; rat f -7'y lr c;-lc, which ..Z rro'.rcr, tirTLrs to t! J -c it .-Ul t.t i C 1 1 iht Tv i.T8 cf it iltat x ALSO Agricultural Implements!! UTirst St., Urownvlllo, Nclrnslta In" tli3 Quality cf ctit Goods . FLOLT. OP THE MOST HIGHTST IIAIUIIIT 12-10 (2 o DE.XEZ3 IN Up 1 5 mm mm and well assorted slock of ' " zaiicy GnocEnin Y1Z DEFY COHPITITIOl Arrr.ovED brands. pzlici: paid ror. to ... Detreit. Illci. I r-H fi V sx knnnfl f af Af f WP hllV AT i iv. t.; M-hA havA r. wwi Miiltfihift for eewina Jlacli'ne Apents to selL e will send stock . s i . i . i i . . An iu.iv. I-., ii? rafl or samples nu iuu purm-mum ..u ic ip.... .... ..-. stamp. Address Ci. V. S. Andrews, General Aent, uetroii. Alien. , ; . - 0 r- - CD hi H tsi. r t. i . i. "I i. . 5 J I C"1 fi. i - O 5' M M M R hb 14 a , IS o l -3 3 B o O 6 v.. o M r A ftltrCCT SEIiF-RAUDU! 'h7- " 2&s-5 t t ? '''X.X.i..,. . Ar;D A FEIIFECT EIOTFEu" h AI.L COMBINED IN ONE. . o ft rt e ? M 10 to p w ' s ft ft .as . o o P n o P H S. O LI B'O O W 02 CI tr e 03 II -ft V T CD ' .5h "' '.. . .) v ) PEACH TBEi:3.Cravi'fcnraf Hale X undo s.ersSt -...i .. V.)? v? ' i I'i.S'' .'V ? K rr WM.I 4 , , IH 1 TO't- I Tt.. il i -i .It per ICt A ryla T: v -si, 1 yr., 1 2lecva, . . f-er.!'" . ' ii i pi 4 s t..v i l-'i t r M .1 " i '- o j er ii f. , l . ' ' S M nt-HUO. - I'er ' C , 3 -.. ! i per j. . . m, e.kir -.i per ii-i in- i wuuy. i.,i-. LTI ,f:. hiladel v-ia - tTi !;J v..t.rn i iMii-herrv. wei! nvited 6 per I ' iiiH)U l.lwk berry ."well rooted P' li0 Ales Tlvprrrsea Xlotes e,-, r4.iHml n'wrimwl nf Xu-s-rv Stoolc, iaelnrt iiiir 1 am is. bitten lwsrf lew-.h.Wuiiirw,irapesl'l VHrirtv, OirrsPtK, Ooosebernes, Stra wherries, A LL iT J OY J! AT-. HmiHtssuiii"w,,cl'"vc. ' -Vd fur rrioe Ibu ' Wataga, Knox tonnir. r T j in K1EW SEEDLING rOTATO ES. i-i-,.., vtn.ia of treat cxct-:lencp. net totef nnd inanvotbercataUn' w: areerprrei and fuliv ciscntatu in my petr ' " ' lv'2'.m .iiiiru .eg o' i i PH5CE i . j J. I. CASE & CO.'S . TSal J t t'li '1 4 - r t X.iaJ il i J. II. SHOOK & BEOS., It Vofko T.nmlrPr ..i.imuirtiuiria uini i -.. i - - of all kinds, lengths, nrcaauis ana iaica.uea, i 4 . t. ; ,.. AT Inn-l awl r- Sn-w DRY GO DEALERS IN s " ' ODS t G-RO.OE RIES Y AN KEE NOTIONS, HOSIEBY AIID Y7HITE GOODS. And every other kind of Goods kept, la a "Western Ptore, which we wiil I i '- 1 J J 1 Wbeneyer yon are in Town Call and See Us! Corner JIaIn and Secont" Streets, I. f i UU, rErsiiApJicA- HMHiAFORD c HUGHES : Have received the " Largest and 'Ccst Assortment ' 1 V H IsL L S DAL E Greatly 7Tiiipro"-etl. .. TJecIitee1 Priccn. or.FT): ?. KOOT CRAFTS. 0r ts Arp'e Si, ts P"h Vits. frown. Kootttra.t. Ap- J . :-, . 't -. i eecn Hs e s i: trly and oil er ' V. h"' s A !, l'far, 1 iitm, Clierrj", V.ii: h h i.verreenri, Grapea, Downi"? Oooi .w-i vi-, ( 'uariea downins- gtrai berry, llia-berr.--Hi ' t ' -Wrr. Green I-ioineViddaisc I'inU IahU.u., Lx .--ft, bead 10c. fr tr r- t loguea. . K. Tliut NIX; ' " " " E'oorr-t! iton J urse-, r't:" ino .,Lean i Ii -is. A , , . i v . ..... I a' 41 I - w. i. mi,.m i -i.j lj . xADE! "POOTS AND i:oi:S.ncptInthe U Market, at liiCI'ZEL'S. p.MlDS, IMLLIIEADS, CIRCU VJ LAICS, atti.oAdverUMT JvU OXS.ce. GK E 3 0 F. V 'S SEED CATALOGUE. I have over sixty acir in Reed on my t h ro 5 Farirti, in Marblend, M"!., wher- f t'.sva tai-t r.v-i-rcne Jwnlns-t ri.t,i tli rust am--;n. o.,- r-rrfrr; , t ''Vil. 1 import many : Uuice siHKin fnini ihe hfst 1 i'lrp'an prowe-a. A tbe or iTiital iiiirl)f'r pf the iiuMiard rViUash, Wartte-i.4-.d M-iwnoili '-)l "sire-and many new and rant y '- '-t.-ui I l-,vtte t..e p;nir;a.-- of '.be rr ; . " vnrrtttUrd t fc r'7"' wf. n : yw j $o oft, J Aliiii J.-T.Gj- !.OdV. 1 ... . .ii li l.rl. . ii. Kd. J. . TTI7- NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDETl. I - i;i send f.rie KALF.M GKAlCCy by m:i for S 1 c-cli. r.orers 4, 1. 1ft, at each. Kit t a. r sea's j rr 1. -kl rr'" at rier '!''-. bv ri,-,iL v-.nx 1 ss;errv. iliVJ per dos. i i . .. i ir i i ii.n.yii i wiil ci-Mvei che f e!y rai-keLat the j. fawt ?i!jr tin-!- l;!tr -,il T...iii i..; Grtft at ), nit-.; - oper-'iitnreiu i."cT 4, and tit a t . i) pttr but- i' L Vine i:--es ai H.W per tl..t'-n. KfeiNulJ Neil i-v" nU' Aucrws E3-:y t jir 1.. .. n . : I 1. V tni- ! iint at Fxpr.s o:..( p. rtroTv i" -: rt"i - : t'ltncorc. i.tanes . , Ifisna, Vre el- r. t it tf.iii2nL Saw'a ii , i'x i a u t.TuX. KoctiCsier, N. Y, They oirn anl run oneof the best Saw 21111s irt the Mate, and wiii furnish ... . 4iijV4.-i.litJ Milt iH4iiHJ triih a I'M cf Lumber of het cjViility, on Short notice, at the Lowest Wsrket l'rlce. . ; m wx Always on hand for stUe. tiX '. - Thev ao se'l rhe?n at their sf ore in Hills dale all r.t.tle Dry ioois and Groceries, and sivli arlicli a r.s are in p-nerul tsise.- Xleineraber the business the men, and the plaee. - i 1-ly Ciocks, Welches, Jewelry I7oC3 Ilaia C Ircet, I-rotsrsYille. JOSEPH S1IUTZ, ' IT ITaa Jast opened and will constant Jy 'A Y.t-cp on hand a latnre and well assorted i ,h ioek of genuine articles ia his line. ' I "It- a!xir. f Cloeks, Yi'atches, and Jew elry cone on fr hort notice. .'.". r ". ; ALL Vror.I' WARRANTED.. JOB TRINTING, in one or taore J enlors, promptly done at the Advertiser Job Ohiee. IIES. Endless in style and qtianti - ty, at KI.TZEL'S. ::r; WHITEWATER : AND BAIN WAGONS." In" "' 't "' ' t n n Dr"l' ri ji"''! 1 W w b i U . i 1 : V Ci. J L - . W m ti j : xi ia x .t .a. x fi T:! ! a;: 3 ::E3T T7AGOS3 . 2.1 AD m WIZ SELL ALL"" THE FOLLOWING MACHINES: 1 B V fiT - Trr-"' rfiTr; .e- 'rr,.ifir!,Sf5S'. If)!'' Uiir, JOIir. Ii. ZlATiTiYm CAILKA CIIICP, IH'CJI i: - i"' J . i i A 444 1 I'TIPLra-nN HAND'OP ALL MACHINES VE SELL. Come and see tis, and wecrnarantee to stilt you I i GOODS a ad TIlICES! T.'e bny our ma chinery by the car loud, thus saving freight. A fail sufi'ly M' all kind of Fnrm ilachlnery In thcur season. r IT. A. Eicdol,-,Jr.,:ci Co., ; FIRST ST., BET. 21 A IN A ATLANTIC. BEO WNVILXE. - Co i, 1 ' , j J I l.i.l .. mx A .10 4. V ever broujht to the city of consitiDg of !4ft W A 4 4. ih.ii. . tXmX .j0 t-am Ii cv th! ""llxizi. ; C:.I:2rtio Pi r -:'.- t""", 5jm i tjn:Tra:T"T en 1 a 1 Srio'st v ti c- '"-in-. 1 l " 'f C K . . -t J ' 'ID f r r. i. r . 1 r i- i.. j - '. ;.-"ted i3r 8'i c.i.e 4, tDrJ l ,$ t.:.en V'Z I fn-i u,t ts..,'e I 1 1.- .t ii,: Joa-":"--n , - ... i ----- 1J . .',. . j.?! "i0. Ji c i r r" -1 - e ' t v,9 a . i,L ; n cures are f- - r ar tit . ' jytf t Cl! .. 1 C fi.. u.i. ''tr' r.hisifl s - i itt .e.- i V-TP'ire'Tj;: I .!m.'. .en. i t - r-t , fr -wi1 i t w i r t r i l-ry'T, r It t .1!'. I r IB f t r nvii' ri - ; .. t- if" 1 -in r-c- ' ' - -a v R3f, ' f Ai-nisl " j I (O IK--- - ? r, S" 1 I-...-T ..j. iT ti I t .: in" -i--t" ---'iie r! J c -1 V1, spa cake .'.rockers;' Y-w '-'rs. Di - !r-r and rwA'"tT1Mi 0iff, F.u.iTr, i l. n:ji Room Chairs, and everythics csuaily fouad la a FUBIilTUB i--i-iy -oi STOBE ! wi x ... -. . j, i 1 1 a : i I !- -rl t M t . 1 f. iVj'WJU - . IV!.. 4 4,0 '4 1.4 . -4 .--'' .:r- it - te. -rtlriyv tt r i r i r mOm ml m, mW i " . .... -.iv 4- p"i.yiv. , 14 " I r-irv it- ' - f" .ii-t-,! - f in- ' . l La ! t ! r to.--4?. t rt - s-.i r.r-e r. j". c.atz co., rr-' i ZQ-.rZLZ.2ZAS3.,V-S.' 1 Sold by ' w-rtU zicCTxT-nr : r.iv. - . CITY UTiUG STUSK, pi -'