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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1869)
CO CO -Extr cop'ps of the A vrTisii fcr sale by - - . . . 1 V T) W MtAM RELIGIOUS NOTICES. kmimI streets, fcervk every Uer buuuay Aira- lu. k! every Sunday mB.n Rector, . ,. . r. LODGE DIRECTORY. a a v. Kmnrnit Txlpe So. 6. 1. 0. 0. F. meets on TnesOar evening of each week, at 7 o'clock 112 uietHuu in tbe Breytmeyer Brick, n list n ttrert. ,..,, . . , All viuiUnf BrotbeJs are Invited, . iiwx W. DoBSsrr. 8ecy. A. F. 4; A. WL'-Ne'mKhYlleyIxlreNo.4,A. 1 -tJT -wi. tt ihi IkI and ad fsamrdavs In tich month, at o'clock p. in., at their liall to the Bn-nmi-ver Brtck, on Miun Wrwt. Ail vfWun, Vk.cKEK. 8ecr Arrival aaa Der'artafe ftfeg Stall. Southern and Eastern arrive at 12 m.; departs at .Northera and Eastern arrives at 4 p. m.; departs Bu!oMan arrives at 0 p. m.t .fcparts at 7 a. m. vi.n c rr4vM at I " m. dnniLrt at Z D. Til- - 'iliri Mull arrives M outlays. Wln(di- and Y,dvats p departs Tu!d.v, Thursdays and m- .Int'Mail arrives Fridays at 4 p: m.; departs t.mpiu1v t 8 s. m. Post Office Hours from 7a. m., to , P. u-.- iw.m 10 to 10'. a. m. M.A.l'OLOCl : m. Fun ic vm. . Time Table Su Je. CB.R.R. On and after May 23d, 1809. Trains will leave rbelps titslion follow , OOIX WORTH. PMaemrerLeave-. 1 1:24 a.m. 'KKerrrLesve.- t 12 a. m. Mall train dally except Sunday, timily except Monday. .riiV exwrt Saturday. OOI NO BOfTK. 27 p, in. p. m a. ra. .h Rncers' Omnibus leaves Brownvllle for ih? VZm. and 12 rm daily. LOCAL MATTERS. J. L. Coltapp, Editor. THURSDAY MORKiyq, JULY 22, 1BC9. Seamless Brother's. -Vlat Saek.s- At Swan & MeCrssry A. Klckell have a choice Rtock 'of Cigars, SmofclDg and Chewing Tobaccoes. llte a number of our citizens are now at 'Omaha In attendance on the District Court t Omaha. ' ' ' ' ' " : 5. T. alU 100 Barrells of N. Y.I5alt,' Just received by F. E. Johnson A Co., ndfor sale kw for ean. taesaker and Jackson Wagons at St. Joe prices, at J. R, Bell's Lumber Yard, pat: of Water and 1st Streets. " -r Ualtclmg-er is still at No. IVvith as full and choice a stock: of Groceriea, Queensware, Glassware, etc as ean be found; and sells low for cash. - Yew Frvrnt We notice workmen busy In putting op the new front over A. Roblson's Boot 4 Shoe store, and John Smlth'a Barber Shop, It will Improve theappearanoe of that row considerably. - - . May will expand himself all over the "building he is now in, as soon as the Temple Is done, when he will show -such, a $tock"of goods as were never before opened In this county. He will spread himself. . A. D. Harsh is up and alive to the wants the trade In his line. Hardly a day pauses but he receives something new. Interesting, and beautiful. Ills notice In another column will give you some idea of what be is doing. Charles llelmer is never at a loss to please the public in the way of good Boots and JShoes. He has a full stock of ready-made, as well as the bext material and ability to get up 'any style that may be wanted. Give him a call. AVm. Allta has bought out Yaany's Res taurant hi old standwhere he will hold forth to ihe public in his usual accommodat ing style. He is a 2?o. 1 Baker a pleasant man to deal with and we are pleased to see liliii go Into buHlnea again. Iletrae Market. Our pt recta were, on Monday, the scene of quite a lively horse market, where about 2 Ponlea from the Osage country were exposed for aale. Prices Ranged from 25 to 1123. . They looked ns though kping and attention would make very fair animals of some of them. A ICer Improvement Ulatriev Thaddeus Trimmer, of the Checkered Front Feed Sta- . tile, has filled In the side-Walk Just above bis ftUible-, so tea to make a good pavement: Ills head ! lit the right spot; at least 5"dU would thlrtk So, to see the care he bestows on horses - left irt his fcharge. He is a white man tb deal Wlthi - r - - I, in t mafsa is m rv V. - brfcBt Apples; Mr. Lovflftre, last Moo Hay; brought to town a load of Very choice looking ffrem apple. Her orth&rd is bear ing an abundant crop this seasriil; in part, like most all the trt we have echt hers are almost breaklr! down with fruit. This county wineeartf supply fcieifWlth apples this season, -' '..... j Rev. T. ih ticlamft, Jr4 of Council Bluffs, Iowa, will preach, Ood willlrlr, lh the Pres byterian Church on next Friday and ftatur- dry avenlngs, and on next Rittibatti morning and even In 2," j illy 25th: The SHcrament of the Ijord'i1 Sn r per will be" adrrilriietcred In the morning. The public art reepectmlly Invi ted to attend. . ' 'I ."! PersatMU Ford Roper, proprietor of the Flouring Mill at Beatrice; was in town last Monday. C W. Snyder, of the firrd of Srlyder Bros. . 4 Co Map publishers, Ciilcagof-111... was in for a DlrectorT Man. whicH we hope our citl- tens will patronize extensively; . . .. , Trackers rt. mahaCasmty. There will be a public orairitrfation held In . 'the High School buildlr ;of rfbHvIlle, on the first Saturday in tLe irtouUi cf August, for the purpose of exat 'nlng all persons who have not valid certificate; atid design teaching in the public schools of the tounty the ensulrz year.' Fxar.i ration i'i eom- 'mence at 8 o'clock, A. M. II v : t-e ii eciasary to be prompt on time. ... Aeeldeaitr Last Tneslay morning, while Iave Campbell was hauling dirt to fill up Dr. JlcPherKop's loU, his borse w hich Is blind instead of turning a t the comer, walked into the cut on Second Street, where the culvert las been" washed out. falling a distance of Aout twelve ft, the rart and dirt faiUng partly on top of fclm.'.The cart came rrot "a lUi one ha broken C The horse is all Tipht. Mr. Campbell, at the ttme, was doing all In his power to turn r.liq the ripht way. , --: i Lieemsefi Teams fortiftO'.lnx In tTie City a-rean nninlttigated humbug. ; Tliehyst-c'nx iia ..rotuvl .very aodieuly, Jf it ever, was ond. The public are-now at the raereyof . the crjTire the drivers, l'-;r.ise bat a very few licenses are out, and they know that the pubtle Ishetr rtcaV anybnw, and accom "option is ewlt'ts;-;Tl: y, have. the publle "where iha hair is bort,and abord pubild Jl tnt the aboW'ori of tlie aystem. t? Cither "rtsiw fhe'iieclc' w'lthirf the reach of all or - boll(i the' fa79cply.altoEetlicr.- .'?tT "-,:; Hon tot ut Council to" divert, abd the soon it is sofvM iff th 6'ei-ftlve the betler. They cannot plead lack cT ti'laT; for the crty treasury wlli ihrw a rcCldefrt tarce uvles penditure m' fhts we"y ttt liYtsirtrate the rsteni thoroiVrliTy". 0'ir' tlrtdg til eat thunder, whre two or three li't'in Iafr tld have saVeil' hnhVfo.S of rj.'r..u-g f rdi are posk.-' and' allo'cJ to t If -roe aelve; flghu Occur,- a'ud ct fines ae "ii.vv. pi,,),,- a!lfj t,', fat,; Tr-Vf olT at Hn-une; abano'ot'.e'arrVAe.i et; It.ay be' ktj the ottbih&uon:of Miirshal and Street bn'MTM"l-Wttgre' the trouble ernei In ;' aax when sn arrrirt ehbuld be ma-I'a be" fi too voy M Jrf f cbrhmlsfclober. aod vfca versa.- treeta .: toforetheroelvea, and our fitlaehs1 Js " somebody that will do his duty " rions, or the expenditure ' - - f ft As the Reason for Mowers Is at hand, for the benefit of farmers, we will attempt a short description of the Improved Cltamjrion No. 8. , This Machine Is the best made, most con venlent, durable and efficient Mowing Ma chine in the world ; has two driving wheels and a Joint cutter-bar. The tor-go e la flexibly attached to the machine, thus preventing any weight upon the horses' necks; and can be made rigged to carry the entire frame up on the main wheels while moving from one Geld to another. The frame always runs lev el, though one wheel may be running In a furrow and the other over a ridge at the same lime. The machine can be easily thrown In and out of gear while in motion. The cutter bar is loccted in the rear of the driving wheels, which enables the operator to cee any obstructions In time to stop the horses before the knives strike it, and which also admits of shortening the space between the horses and the front end of the Machine, bringing the horses back nearer their work, while the angle of the guards may be changed to suit all kinds Of grass. The points of the Guards may be thrown up so as to pass over stones and other obstructions without ma king any preemptible difference in the night of the cut. By the use of leavers conveniently arraigned lor that purpose the cutter-bar may be easily raised to pass over obstructions. or either end of the catter-bar may be raised to pass oyer an obstruction without affecting the otber. ' The celebrated revolving track' clearer used upon this machine, as now im proved, is nnquestionably superior to any other track clearer ever produced, and the only track clearer that will clear, a perfect track In heavy and entangled grass. To be seen and sold at SitfXLEirBERQEH BROS ' , 74 McPherson Block. Tear A, to .t are public benefactors In their line. Theirs is a fight in behalf of the kpeople. K6 bouse in our city has shown a greater disposition Or accomplished more to ward off the baleful effect of hard times from this community than this, by bringing their Goods within the reach bf all and by keeping good articles, Their atock ctmp rises, every thing In the line of Dry Goods and Groceries, and there you will find as much attention, accommodation and fair dealing as was ever found under bhe rodfln the west.' Call in. and, our word for it, you will find them and their goods all that trte have claimed above and more. XTew Barber ghep John Sniith-every body knows Mr. Smith has opened up a New Barber Shop one door west bf the Meat Mar ket, where he is ready to wait upon the pub lic with a clean shave, neat cut or sharapoon in the most obliging and scientific manner. ' ' 1 3- : Hew Mllllaery FirnL Mrs: Bear has as sociated, with her in the Millinery business, Mrs. Moore, wbA la an experienced cand at the business. With this increase In the firm they wfll make a corresponding increase to their stock and business, and will, during the coming week, receive a large and choice stock of goods in their line, which is selected with. the same Judgment and gdd taste which has characterized this establisament heretofore. They are now fully prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing, enibrblrdering, stitching. Stamping, eta, on the shortest ncn- tlce and reasonable, rates. Give them a call. Ladles! . A VERY VALUABLE BOOK. Laws of Business for all States of the Union; with forms and directions for all transact ions, by Theophllus Parson, LL. D., Prof, of .law in Harvard University. JONES, JUNKIJ & CO., Publishers, Chicago, ills. "Laws of Business" is a book that has the all-important merit of emanating from one of the highest and most reliable of law au- authoritles. ' It is remarkable for Its com prehensiveness, its thoroughness, and the very great clearness with which all the vast variety of topics it embraces are .discussed and tbe entirely lucid and intelligible man ner In which they are exhibited to even or dinary understandings. . , , W e believe we are fully justified in pro nouncing this a masterly work of its kind quite unlike and far superior to anything in the shape of a business law book for general use that has hitherto been seen. It places within tbe reach and within the clear appre hension of every intelligent business man or woman especially of every young man or woman a complete statement of all the rules, forms, and principles of the laws of business. ' K , ; ; It is a work of wonderful comprehensive ness, of a style remarkable for perspicuity, and of authority undoubted. - r StsidetMiker and Jackson Wagons at St. Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber Yard, cor. of 1st and Water streets. DRY PII2E LUMuER! I have now in my yard near 1,000,000 feet of the choicest DRY FINE LUMBER, of every style and description, size and thick ness. Also Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Dry rine Shingles, Lath and Pickets. In fact, anything In the building line, which I warrant A No. 1 In every respect, and on which I do not propose to be undersold, for cash, by any man west of the Missouri river, I invite all who need anything in my line to give me a call, knowing that I can outfit them with good material, at the fairest rates. J. R. BELL, . . Cor. fcater 4 First Streets. ' ' Brown ville, Neb. " ' ItOTICBIM Parent or Teachers, who wish to present their children, or those under their charge, with choice Books for Merit, will find a grand stock to select frbtri vfc'ry soon, for Marsh has them coming. Nothing was ever given to a friend of more value than a choice Book. Marsh has hera coming. Parents: Teachers and f4&nla, rKuu'utit'np'Tlial dime, quarter, or dollar, for Marsh has them coming. Marsh furnishes Books, Magazines and Papers,' t Publisher's prices.' PLACE tr.Vr the. W Of. ice xu; Satna piae where you will save Zo per cefit, by buying. Got the best of Stationery, too. gtidtaker and Jackson .tagbns at SU Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Ltfinber Tard,' cor: of Vi'& and 1st street ( ' ?f I sat on my throne in the vsMrtesi of t. Iwse. An 1 1 rule o'er tuy orb like a qaeen III her Ar. 1 my childf -i are s tz'' v 111 ' IsUvii sab- Ai!X my lantl iti roajestlc, my Jingtinge di vine. fjr I LTantas I roll through t!ie itifirilfc sTty; Arid the Angels of Wisdom above me reply foi the choicest Of Furniture yoa must patrorfi7,e McFall Co., who e!l very low for cash; and keep the largest and fullest supply Irf the VCt . y , . . r r - - ..'..,.- GltrfAT DEtLIXE its wool In East' .-rn markets, yet A. May, of the Price Regu In tor; is HfO. pay! the old prices. . WagiW V.'e" took; occasion this week to examine one of F-' Helmer's New Wagons Just flaished, and m'ust as per fact ft waij- f we fuleve'cao be'rusde any wbera Iti ironing is heavier than U usual in eastern TTfl'rons, t is a m'Mei of Itsrhtness, strength a'n'J beauty . lie sells about as low as-eastern' Wcgotf cii bottit,-and gives one year warr z !; . Tkl,Mt Day.' We have received a copy of a j ' per undt r the above flf fe, emana ting from Nebraska College, July 7th, and edited by S.' P." Day's, son' of the Rector of Christ's Che : c h' Tn CzAs city, and W. R. Rbbb,1 It is a sprigl. t'y sheet, well filled with approJ prlate matter for the pffrtlr'j eceffe at the closingday cf a' term' at Collrr. It reflects credit upon tl.e alillty of H e ..U)'rs j E. C EbrlgUt has' rVnted the east room la Lushbaur h's r vr for fhe purpose of open ing a Queer ware Ktore. wa learn he will hare a splendid e: ock on Iri'a few days. Mr. Ebrlght is a man' v.'hom' weTtate .leasure In recommending to the favorable attention of the public, as" straightforward feid tellable In rvry respect.' Satceas to him. . j ; - , ----- - JfXJTrCE'.' Ali those havinxai'counts agtnrt the Re puVtlcan Club of ErownvlUe, Nttraska, are ht'ret-y nbtlfled that they must be handed in td t ftttdltcd do ot blio'r'e Atrjtfct rslr . Cy order of the Club.' ' , 0-lt j. l. CoLHAPr, Sac . Kew AdvertlsemeMta. Lannon &. Illnton, Blacksmiths, invite the xjuoiic 10 cau on tnem in our columns to-oay. They are first class workmen and have all the modern facilities tor doing the best of work. See sale of State Lota and TAndx. Proposals for erecting two new buildings are also advertised for. Wm. R. RandoL of Peru, offers through oar colum ns Cottonwood Shi ogles.- Ills facilities are such as to warrant good shingles cheap. See notice of Nebraska College. The InstI tution is one of the best in tbe wesU Energetic. Tbe pleasant sound of the Corn Shelter has been beard In- our sanctum during most of the past week from the large warehouse owned by our "energetic grain dealers, Ralney fc Lewis. They are true friends of the farmer. MI 1(1 0M 9. Having now thoro I'f ughly fitted np my sale and sample roo 5 I mi, at No. V Main street, I Invite the 1 1 public of SOUTH ERN NEBRASXA and NORTHERN MIS SOURI to give me a call, as I shall always keep on hand in Whklksauc Quantities WINES, BRANDIES asd LIQUORS, of the, very best and fg purest quality, A of all brands j Foreign and Do mestic, I shall II also have on hand during the season, Chicago Ale, Beer, Ac. The public may rely opon my stock being pure, as physicians of this city recommend It for Medical uses. If Full stock of Bitters, in cases or single bot U tie. I am also agent for the best Billiard I Tables made. - ' Wm. H. VALLEAU, Good Building S t oneWe are now pre pared to furnish good building stone, in any quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tables, etc. furnished on short notice and reasonable terms Lorawcb A Varxey. ' GEEATREDUCTIOXISTEICZStlt JIJ1 TBP I'M ICE Ki; OVIMTOBy IS CLOSING OUT HIS SPRING STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES, TO MAKE BOOM FOR SUMMER GOODS - NOW OH THE WAY I UNPRECEDENTED BARGAIN'S ARE SO W OFFERED t His shelves must be cleared, for theSumroer Stock is such as was never equaled In this county, both for the extent and quality of goods. . DELAYS ARE DAXQEROUX . Frwlt Jars At Swan A Bro's. Builders Attesttlaa I am now prepared to do all kinds of Plastering in this city or vicinity. Orders left at the American House will be promptly attended to." Prices reason. able! Work first class!! fno34-8m A. E. Bell, , I Patremlze IIeme Idtry All kinds of Marble work can be bad at Neidhardt's Marble Works In this city, cheaper than it can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma terial used. . IT all Paper. Window Shades and School Books very low, at McCreery & Nlckeil's. Highest market price paid for wheat, oats. corn, &c, by Bedford 4 Handley. Private medical aid, read Dr. Whlttler's advertisement. Dragi, Paints, Oils and Glass at St. Joe prices, at McCreery A Nlckeil's. . i illbbvruf Jenkins A Co. Manufac turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Pine- Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc. Office add Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Malri streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri. We manufacture our own material In the Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where we have in operation one of the largest manufactories of everything hiade in Pine in the world, and obtaining oar Lumber direct from the tree, . as we do, we din sell at lower rates than any Lumber Yard In the West which pays one wholesale ana one or two retail profits. We shall always keep on hand a full supply of everything in our line, so that those In want may always rely upon getting wnai iney ae- slre. We si m ply ak all to examine our stock and prices tefore purchasing eue"where, as we can ensure satisfaction inbotlu Jo'hxiso'tt 4k Ca. Sell a heap , ' Of splendid .Goods Low and Cheap ; Their rates fire fair. Their Goods are nice, So'jnststepln And feast your eyes.' In both - Dry Goods and Groceries they keep a very full stock always oh hand.' No. 70, McIheron Block. 7 Nails, Glass, Locks, Bolts, an 3 Screws, at Cost, at the Red Store. " ; couldx'T wXit: "The ralney weather having aliii'ost "dfled up" the brick yards, R. 8. Hahhafdrd fin'ds it impossible to finish up his new buildiug as soon as he expected, and to supply the de-" mand has ordered and; wfll receive in it few days, sv DXamraotn Stock' of Purnltnre, which he will offer at Ills old room. No. 72,' McPherson Block, Tp Stairs,' a'hd wfll sell on his usual fair and liberal terms. Nails, Glass, Locks, .Bolts, and Screws, at cost, at the . Red Store. Nails, Glass, Locks'' -Bolts; and Screws, at cost, at the - lted Store. w Corn, Wheat and Oats.' Ralney A Lewis have removed thefr office to Robt, Teare A Ca'aStorc, where they win pay the highest cash price lor Grain and oth er Produce. Peoria Milk Crocks at F. E. Johnson x Co's. They are the best In use. Fly Kets-Full stock Jnst received at Bauer'a Prepare for fly time. Tne Latest Hews ' - - - Cth always be found on. the P. O. News counter; - t , , Voihing Bed Lomnges Just received at McFall A Co's"; gauiurr Goods, and Hats at your owm prices, at V. T. Den's. atVT.T. .eady.Ii In Ready ?! ado Clothtus; you will save 25 per cent, by going to Marbon s. Stndebaker and Jackson 'agons at Joe prices, at J. R. Bell's Lumber .Yard, cor. of 1st and Water streets.! . - Wanted.' Twenty dozen gooI, .large spring Chickens,' by July. JiU. at Teare A Ooa. , At The Basar can si 111 be found-not with standing their rapid sales a few moYA Wbee ler A Wilson Sv, ing Machines. S50 Barrels of Salt, . . 100 Barrels of Cement- 0 0 of the best Cook 8toves, s .--.;:'; i aX W. T. Den's. Mrs. Bear-beslAjB her large stock of Mil linery Goods alw&ys pn hand, has how the Agency for O rover A Baker's Sewing Ma chines, with sever U rn band. Crwelfjr to Aninsal's ce'. '""tXS In Iravlng your bcrse t'v.lott In the ?k; -I'.r'.-tl! jou do yov-t tradtr.R or enjoy s cool' drLUi f tl-.t Sin is mrth greater m t lie you ean'gC-t'your hrse or hcres Jitabled so chenp nt Thalsl'eu3. Trim m. fs Checkered fiout Feed Stable.'; ! ' i'l'T'S LADIES OUR CITTWTLL We iiow thank cs for the information that A. May.'c-f the Prioe regulator, has returned after nvlng selected choice stock of Dry Goods for" tr:s market, which are on the way. He 'ha-f given such unlmpeachablevl dence of good taJti'ta the matter of selecting goods that we feel assured that the ladies of this city ft3 xl&mtf wni hall wlt.1 unfeign ed Joy the arrival of this Heir stock.' From a glance at his bill we know tfcHt he will have many articles new and rso'vcT ,td ttlB auction arfjoiig a choice stock of stanSiard' good. F; fz; Jsbmob St Co'wanl us to ir'f to farmers generally, not to be a'nxlouk abosf conAng to town', but to finish batvesllng without d'clriy; BflCr i-hicli thty cafi find a eplendld stock of New Goods at No. 72 MC rhersen Block. Don't forget f . . PAETilEESHLP PLAYED OUT, COME AND SEE Mti: U II. SoTJaJXX Is running the RED STORE again, and offers to the public 3,000,00 worth of mdJS"mtU1t COST, as he is determined to close out that branch of trade. "'' ' - Also, GROCERIES as cheap as they cap be bought west of the Mississippi river. W. H. SMALL. Bed Stmrn St O ' f - . 5 9 r 3 i t I r - 2 7 z " s Jf Flowr From Spring and Winter Wheat, an A No. 1 article, at F. E. Johnson A Co's. 935,000,000 is the capital of the Mutual Life Insurance Com panyof New York. Jar vis S. Church is their agent at Brownvllle. I is the safest'eompahy la the woild to Insure in. , - ' tf $1200 Dollsri and Expenses !-45eo ad vertisement of American ShuttleSewlng Ma, chine in our advertising columns, i Sore Eyes, almost without an exception can be cured. Near-sighted persons and all needing glasses, should consult Dr. Klmber- lin, 88 Main street. t ; . -( B. F. gender's New Harness and Saddle Shop is already one of the Institutions of out city. Why? Because he does first class work at reasonable rates. Give blm a call ! ! , -t . Lannon &v Illnton, Blacksmiths, foot of Main street, can set tires, shoe horses, iron wagons, Ac., In the best style,, with their lin proved machinery. Wool I The highest market price paid for Wool at F.J3. Johnson A Co.'s. I ; , . j For Sale A Cottage and two of the most desirable residence Lots in the city. Enquire at this office, . - Organs Burdett's, from $140 to $000; Ma son A Hamlin's, ST5 to $000. Jakes R. Dye, Brownvllle. Holtslngejr'a Groceries are unsurpassed, and he sella them very low for cash. j Machine Oils of all kind: at McCreery A Nlckeil's. Fence Wire In abundance at Shellenber- ger Bro's. , ! Nails, Glass, Locks, Bolts, and Screws, at cost, at the Red Store. The oV. I Ledger t Is now received at the P, O. News Depot ns quick as Lightning Express Trains can bring It. It Is always ready by Thursday morning, and sometimes on Wednesday. ... Nails, Glass, Locks, .Bolts, and Screws, at cost, at the Red "Store. For the latest papers, ; For the best Periodicals, ,', j . For Stationery and ' t ! For anything in the News or Book line go to the P. O. News Depot. Victory Cane Mills, Cook's Evaporators, Cast Iron Kettles, and Heavy Sheet Iron for Millers' Boilers, at the . ; ..". 40-2t', Pionef.r Stove Store.; Lett keeps a full supply of " " DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, etc., --I and sells low for cash.- THE MARKETS. ! CLOTHING MARKET. ,., . i Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by MAY'S DRY GOODS & CLOTHIXa REGULATOR 1 j -The Market this week shows a Z ' ' , DECLINE!::; :-; i "Piisiness Goats from tSlOj iusine iSniw, fH. j t'Hsimere, from Wfi.f'i. ' -J ' Vets from 74 eta. to ft 23. Oversliirt, from 75 cm. to (3. Undershirts, from 75 cts. to fi: DRY GOODS MARKET. ! Coirected weekly ftr the Advertiser hv - : MAY'S DRY GOODS Ji CXQTHING REGULATOR ,t" ..i.' - ' iVtton ItiRin(. ffln. r A All Wool Delaine, 37c, BiUmoral Skirts, l 75.2 Sa I BttOWSVILLE GROCERY AND PRO- VIC MARKET. FLOUR Winter f sack .; ?prin'2..l 'IT 0 . 4 00 i..55reo ....9txa9. ....18 18 ....12il4 15 18 .... 1 50 1 20 40 .... 2531 .. 30 . 20 2 25 1 75 200 ::: S 185 20 ....20(0.25. ' 1 75 j is ...V. 15 .... . t CORN f, bushel, ...'...-..-..i,-.. j..,. MKAIr f bushel ... BACON Hams Jb . Shoulders fi lb " - Sides ttA .'.. .. LARD Canned V lb ..'........, 8YUUP Golden Kal...... ' J. bugar House gal.......... COTFEE slitva lb. " . JMo lb.- CHEESE New York Factory lb TEA Imperial tt juacityiD Young Hyson V &...;...... CANDLES H tar y lb " r Tallow lb ATPLKS-DrioU lb PEACHES Dried lb POTATO r?T- bushel COAL OIL ft gallon E(is-. iioz.., ..... BUTT fit ft HON Hir-? l ONION fl bushel 8 ALT pot barrel . LUIBEIl Cottonwood per 100 " Walnut Pine SHINGLES Cottonwood per 1000 Pipe LATH Cottonwood per 1000 Pine .....'.'....................-......i.. WOO TV-Dry Hard, per cord. ..... HIDES Dry per lh...;i " Green ov;;..... ,.L.. WHEAT Kali per bushel 'a.l. J . " Spring...".....'..!. i... ... 4 &) 00 tr .. 5 .00 .. A 00 50 1 00 50a3 00 0t 7 50 .2 ...S ..2 7 m 7 60 6 00 ... 18 .... '6 .... 1 fe) fsmi oo WtKlIi HT m 20a0 OEOBCK W. noRSET Att'y at Law. c. C. & c; w. ronrEY, j REAL' ESTATEnfGENTS D ealcrs in Land T7crrants, Cut and , Sell Real v Estate and Land Warrants. ( j Ed cc 6 Iccht 2 G :7:fniiient Lands; ATTEND TC CONTESTED CASES IN THE V. S. LAND Ol' MCE, AND ' ! 2Alar::d r-.:.i-:i of First Clis Lands for sale In N emaii a, IUch a'ro'a', Fa oh a -j son fril Gage Countl.;,- Sebra ia, to which the 'attention of purchasers' Is specially invi ted." - ' 1 fcccrr.0T7IT71IXE,HEB. j Eranca. CI2c---i:i:ATIlICC, ITEIJ. lS-6-tf - - - till wn rv3 ' " SCO AdltS ?2X&"tt r ; ONE HALF TIMBER, bal ance under fence. Good builfilnri On ws. fartS; f Missouri river. ' Price Ti,i. ' One ihita down, balance in two years. Two miles south of Brownvllle. - -JL44 ress tie subscriber at Brownvllle. ; ' i7-Kj JONATHAN CO UN. fcT w ar . jm A HIjamIst3XarricslIie dantrh - ter or an Kx-r.lcaiber -of tiie Kebraslta Legislature. From the Nebraska City News, July 10. - ' : On Wednesday niht.last, a Mr. Meyers, a citizen of Holt county -Missouri, once a member of the, Nebraska Legislature from Richardson county, arrived in the city, in quest of n vil lian named Harris, who had nllured his "daughter' from' her home and married ic-r leaving at Osborne Mo lys first wife and an only child The particulars we learn from Mr. Meyers. About'three or four months since he employed Harris as a clerk in" his store in H61t county, reposing in him the utmost confidence ;. by his suavity of manner and accomplishments he endeared himself t the young lady, and proposed matrimony to her; her father consented, she consented and they were made one three or four days since. ; Three hours'. after the ceiemo ny had been preformed, Mr. Meyers received the sad intelligence that his daughter was married to!a bigamist and libertine, that he had left a young wife and child ia Osborne Missouri. About the same time his new son-in-law received information that officers from Osborne were after him. He hastily packed his clothes, and with his second wife started for Nebraska ; on the road here his wife was inform ed that he had a wife living. She had him arrested by some means; best known to the officer who arrested him, he managed -to escape told her a plaue'ablelieor two and came on to Nebraska. City. r , The morning after his arrival he departed for Omaha ; "in an hour or two-after, the father was searching the hotels1 and boarding houses for his daughter and the vil lian ; tut the "birds had flown." ; He took the next train in the evening, for New Chicago, and will probably cap-j ture them at that place. ' 1 ' '" r - . , . j Go'fo the polls next Saturday, and vote for the Bonds, if , yoa wish your county to prosper , with neighboring counties to grow in wealth and pop- uiation. The Chinese Labor? Convcu-tlon.'-,' ; .' ; I! Memphis, July 14. At the Chinese labor Convention to-day, reports were made' favoring Joint Stock Ernigra tion Societies with officers in the principal , cities; ' and another one promising a welcome and protection to all emigrants from China and else where. '.'"! -' A Chinaman, living in Louisiana, addressed the Convention, and stated that pvetOQO Chinese were ppwt la boring In the West Indies.- - Agricul turists can be easily procured through proper agents from the interior of China. In Cuba they are paid $4 per month, farm hands are paid $18 to $20 a year in China. Only one Chinaman In ten is a lover of strong drink, com paratively few: am opium eaters, of fifty now living in Donaldson ville, La., piny one is a. whisky lover; they are easily managed, being patient, indus trious, docile, tracticable and obedient. The products of China are iii many ways similar to those of the Southern States, Carid L Chinese j agriculturists would easily become successful work ers of Southern land, i Mr. Koopmanschap had arrived and addressed theConvention. He said the Chinese in California are Paid 90c. to $1 in gold per day, as laborers. loey can be induced to-come irom San Francisco, here at about $20 per month, but they can he obtained much cheaper in China under a five 3'ears contract : they could be had for $10 to $12 per month. . " . ; .; en:.-RtecTans,:the Democratic nominee for governor of Ohio, receiv ed a vote ofthanks from the repu bl i ca n ljegisiature or tnat Maw in the winter of 1862-3, for his gallantry in the war against the rebels, and in a letter acknowledging the compliment he spoke of the peace men of that time as traitors bf the deepest dye, and said that he was amazed that any one could think of peace on any terms except those "which should result from the honorable warfare in which the country was engaged. Now the same men whom he then stigmatized as traitors have nominated him as their leader in: the State canvass. They must have very short memories or a very .forgiving disposition, other wise they would not hck tne nand that smote them. . And what must be said of the General if he accepts the leadership of the men whem he then so strongly denounced? Constancy, however is not a Democratic jewel, and if he has determined to make his bed with the democracy, we suppose on one need be surprised, and com ment wriilbentirely out of order. jtfitic'atikeci Wisconsin- 1 j m , - ! Two thirds of tiie thirty-five hun-. dred newspapers in the United States are Republican In politics. Republi cans are the reading 'jSortion of our population, and it is they who give life and Vigor to all the educational and intellectual undertakings of the day. If as the proverb says, "knowl edge is' power," - Republicans may claim to have tne most powenui party the country has ever seen. They hnvo annlv their -knowledge." and to bring U to bear oti rolitfcs and government, and' the'.country will enjoy a long career oi prosperity unuer their auspicious- rule. uuouquc Times. I'-- j m i m ' J Galveston. July Iff. Advice from San Antonio state . that Guardeloufte river is higher than ever before. The entire valley i& overflown. Nine tenths of the crops of Ganzales coun ty are detfoyed. Carnal river rose to' to the third story of a cotton factory at New liraunple. and destroyed all the inaterfal and - machinery. livery flowering mill," and woolen factory, and the bridges on the Camel river were swiept away. No lives lost. ; ' London, July la. Meetings ofth6 people in support of commons in the Irish church biI continue to be held in various parts of the Kingdom. i John Bright h.o been Unanimously elected a m'eftjber of the Athenaeum Outt---,.-?:: A ;'.-, ;h Ji .!. ! The reform League contemplates an indignatioii demonstration against the House of Lords. " At Lurganin, Ireland on the 12th, an Xringe crowd .was 1 pelted with stones They -retaliated, Jby .utterly destroying seventeen' house occupied by ' Catholics. The woodwork, of buildings and funiitureas then car ried into the street and burned,, j Or der was restored at last advices. ' J ' At Newly', Oran ire Hall was attack ed by Catholics. The occupants fired on th$ assailants, who were dtlven offf leaving three badly woundedT : SXn ."FrXncisco. July; 14. A new Express Company has been organized here to do business to all parts of the. world ; capital, $1,000,000. It is reported that the Central Pa cific. Railroad Company has decided to form an express business, and has appointed, the new, Vrnpairy as its agents i -y it ;. '. " PARIS, July 13: ;A1I.: the minute ts have resigned. Th'e resignation of M. Rbuher and Larallet have been aceep ted by. the Emperor. .. Other members 6t ..the .Cabinet remaiuV., The new Ministry wiH be a' national one in the eml.!'' vn- r-i ' ; i . !.; ; f . j :-The'Radicals are'-indignant at the pr6rogaition of the Legislatif body; " f ' " - ' ' ' - t . ... Railroad election next Saturday.! SPECIAL NOTICES. TIIE KIDNEYS. TThe XIdnevs are two in number, situated st tbe upper part f the loin. s'jrrouivM by fat, and cousiMtiiiK of three parts, via.: the Auteri rior, the Interior, and tbe j(tcrior. The antei ior absorba. Interior core!Jts of tissue or veins, which iterve as a UeiOHit for the urine and convey it to the exterior.. The extwior w s conduc tor also-, terniinatiaK in asiuKie tube, and culled the Ureter. Tbe ureters are connected with the blad der. ..... . ..... ....... The bladder1 Is conn posed of various cover! opt or tfewueS, dtvtiSwl into parts, vix.: the Upper, the lAWfT, the Nervoun. and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability to rUia. This freiuent ly occurs in children. To cure these affections, we must bring Into action tbe miMcit- which are ernrased in tiiir vurious functliauk If they are netecied, Grikvi or L'ropsy mr ensue. , . The reader must also be made aware, that how ever slight may is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported lYoru these sources. Goat, or Khenmntism. l'uin occurring in the loins ia ladlcutivs of the aitnve ikseitsen Thev oc cur in persons' disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. - . The Gravel. The jrravel ensues from neglect or iiupmper treatment of the kidneys. These or gans being weak, the water is not expelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this depoBit tbe btone is formed, and pravel eiusues, Dropsey is a collection of water in some pnrts of tbe body, and bears dilferent numos, according to the parts affected, vix : when -generally diffu.-u'd over the body, it is called Anasarea; when of abdo men. Ascites : when of the chest, Hydrorhorax. Treatment. Helmbold's hiirhly concentrated compound Kit nut ISuchu is decidenly one of the best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism, and gouty alTections. Under this head we have arranged ly suria, or difbculty and pain in passing water.scanty secretion, or small ana frequent discharges of wa ter; Strangury, or stopping of water; ifematuria, or bloody urine; Oout and Kheumntism of the kid neys, without any change iu qiiautity, hut incre-.use of color, or dark water. It was always high! v recom mended by the late Ir. Physick, iu these affections. This medicine Increases l he power of digestion, and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise, by which the watery, or calcareous, depoeitiuns, anil all unnatural enlargements, as wil as pain and iu tiamation, are reiluoed, and it ia takmi by men, women, and children. . Directiunn for use a"nd diot accompany. ... . . ' .i t i ' . PHtfcAbElPMIA, P., Feb. 23, 18G7. fi. T. TIelmboid, ln-ojrsnst ; Dkak Hik I have been auflVrer for upwards of tventy years, during- whieli time I bav vari ous niedicinal preparations, and been ander the treatment of the most eminent physicians, expert, encing butlittle relief. Having sueu your preparations extensively atl vertised, I consulted with my family phybician in regard to using your F.xtra-t Biichu. 1 did this became I had usexl all kinds of adver tised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite Injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remexiies hereaijer unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As yoa advertised that it was composed of bucliu, cubehs, and Juniper berries. It occurred to me and my phy sicians as an excellent combinuation, and with his advice, after an examination of the article, and consulting again wfth the druggist, I concluded to try It. 1 commenced its use about eigtit months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From Uie first bottle I was astonu-hed and gratified it the beneficial eilect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like wriUng you a full statement of my case at that time, but thouet t my improvement might only be temporary, and there fore concluded to defer and see if it would ef.'ect a perfect cure, knowing then it Would be -of greater value to you, and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that acure is effected after using the remedy for hve months- I have not ued any now for three months, and feel as well in all respects as ever I did. Your Bucliu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the sys tem, I do not mean to be without it whenever occa sion may require its use lo uch affections. m, Mccormick. Should any doubt M r. MeOormlck's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. WnuBigler, ex-Governor, Pennsylvania. Hon. Thos. ii. Florence, Philadelphia. ', Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Phiiadelpiila. Hon. I). R. Porter, ex-Jovernor. Pennsylvania. Hon. Kills Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. Ji. C. Urier, Judge, United states Court. Hon. O. W. Woodward. Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A Porter, City i-lolicitor, Philadelphia. ; , Hon. John Bigler, ex-tJovernor, California. ' lion. K. Banks, Auditor-General,Wasbington,D.C. And many others, if necessary. Sold by Druggists and dealers everywhere. Be ware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Prick J1.25 per bottle, or, bottles for ftt.50. Delivered to any address. Describe symp tom In aU communications. Address H. T. HKLMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 5tH Broadway, N. Y. ' . jtrsNone are genuine' aniens done np In steel-engraved wrapper, with foe-simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed t:-2mj IL T. HELMBOLD. AVorls of AVIsilom for youn men, on tb Ruling Passion in Youth and Karly Manhood, with SKLF HKLP for the Krring and unfortunate, nt in sealed letter envelopes, t ree of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. nianhesxli How Iettt, Hew Sestered. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Uulverwell's t'elebrated Kssav on the radical cure (without medicine) of Hpermatorrhcpa, or Heminal Weak ness, Invo-ontary Seminal Losses, impotency. Mental ana mvMicxi incapacity, ira pediments to Marriuge, etc ; also, Consumption, Kp- ueimy.ana r its, inaucea Dy seir mauigence or sexu al extravagance. g Price In a sealed envelope, onlv s cents. The celebrated author, In this admirable essay. cieariy oemonstrates rrom a thirty years- auccessrui practice, that tbe alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine or the application of ineamie: pointing out a mode or cure at once sim ple, certain and effectual, bv means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, prfvately and radically. Mi' This lecture should be In the bands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under neal, to any address. In plain envelope postpaid, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage price 23 cents. Address the publishers, Cham. J. C Kline ft Co., 13-10-y ' ' 127 Bowery, New York, P.O. 4586. DR. 7HITTIEIt, A REGULAR GRADUATE OF il. MEDICINE, as diploma at Office will show, has been longer engaged in the treatment of Venereal, sexcal hi id Privatk Diavas ks than any other ph-sician in St. Louis. Syphilis, Uonorrba;, Gieet, Stricture. Orchittls. Hernia, and Rupture ; all urinary Diseases and Svphilitic or Mercurial A mictions of Throat, Skin or Bones, are treated with unparallelled success. Spermatorrhea, sexual Debblllty and Impo tency, as the result of self abuse in youth, sexu al excess in matarer years, or other causes, and which produce some of the following effects, as Nocturnal JSmissiens, blotches, debility, dizzi ness, dimness of sight, confuiea of Ideas, evil forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss of memory and sexual pewer. and rendering znHrriage improper, are permanently cured. The Doctor's opiortunities in hospital ami private practice are unsurpassed in St. Louis or any other city. Back files of St. Louis pafien prove that be'haa been located here longer than any other so advertising. The establishment, library, laboratory and appointments, are un rivalled ia the west, unsurpassed anywhere. Age, with experience, can be relied Uon, ami the doctor can refer to many physicians through out the country. In past success snd present position he stands without a competitor. The Writlna-s of a Physician vrboe rep" utatioa ia I'ulou-wiile should be worth reading. Docro Whittieb publishes ttMedlrol Pamph Irt relating to venereal diseases and tlve disus trous and varied consequence of self-abuse that will be sent to any address in a sealed envelope for two stamp. Many physicians introduce pas tients to tbe doctor after reading his pamphlet. Communications confidential. A friendly talk will cost you nothing. Otlice cen tral, yet retired No. 617 St. t hnrlea street, Nt Louis, Mo. Hours 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays i to 2 p.m. y NEW STEAM FERRY V i i ' T -TV; t t The Brown villa Terry Company BRO WNTTLLE, TfH2l3 Kortli Star .and Fhelp3 City, Moi, the uc and commoilious Steam Ferry THIS BOAT Is entirely new, with power ani capacity to cross everytlilng that may come, in any weather. For crossing Cattle into or out of this Land Dis trict, this is the best point. This boat fces erh)ly fitted up to ensure safety In cmssing stork, and isrre cattle pens are already erected at tbe St. Joe. l B. Depot at Phelps tlty. We can future the traveling public that all In our power shall be don to nake this the most reliable crossing m theM issfcn fiver. BKOWNTIL": I f co: l5-tf A UAUl r? i best phoduc:: rAHn - , IN NEMAHA r 1 hi ' 'f Ccntalnins FORTY Acres of ku-'X ' irr.bcr bai lance in blsjh sta: f f Uation. All dry Bottom Ijtnd. T ' "' : n- r? hKtses one of them new. Stabli- S ' r . , 1 ' i !ire. " ' good young 'Osage He1 i-i the place. Well located for stock ra TEHrS-HAI.?' CS,(: . A XL TWO Ad.4ress the1 subf.-r0 County, Nebraska, i " "CE' IN one i :ri, Neniaba rl. A. STtWAKT. Wm) E L E P II A II T ' f - V S r i s i Dealer In all kinds of stock. Horses bought, sold and exchanged. Htock boanV-d by the day or week. Tito Propritor has recently erected an entire new, lare and commodeous Stable, near the old firownville House. His stock is all fresh and vehicles new. The public can be accom modated at all hours, DAY OH ISTOIIT. A stock corrall. with ait abundant supply of pure .water, attached to the stable. 4-ly s 4 o u a y a 1 rr q 6 0 jw 5 3 4. " OS .a At UicSlsn of the : : Big Bed Stead Is the place to bnjr ' j FURtiiTUREAND UPHOLSTERY sc' Co., Ket-p constantly on hand a complete assort ment of 1 . Sofas, Beadsteadt. Wardrobet, Bureau, Rockinq Chains, Spring Bed, What Solt, Kitihen and Wah Standi, Hat Racks, Kitchen and Parlor Parlor, Chain, r if Taolet, Marble Topped 1 inucr L Tablet, Stand, i( Loxnget, & Settee, W Kitchen it; Saje; Plain Stand. f Spring J Swing ''-?:' - y CrtM, Ojlee Chair, Comfort, Mattrette, Ttte-ttte, Bed Spring. Children' Cab and Gig, Hut and Kotewooa Moulding, Sheet i. Pillow, Pillow Slip, etc., etc show oases & ornop work LIADS TO ORDER! And anythiruT sfTvl everything required to set . up plain or fancy housekeeping AU of their wa fa either manufactured or put up under thfcff., special superintendence, which enables then to aell sound articles at smaller prices man LAsiern manuiaciurew goods. , , Our Hearse (3 is at the service of the public nt any time it may be needed, and is gotten up In ax fine style as any farther ease Metalic Bnrial Cases of all sizes constantly on hand, Vt Eastern Prinert "We are doing business ori ' ; STRICTLY CASH PIUNCIPLES ' giliall'profit and by attention to business and the wants ol the community, expect in the future asin the last to receive the patronage of the publie ecncraUj. . IIcFALL & CO. Shellenberger Bros McPlierson'a IJloclfi . ITarduxtfe, &torcst Tinware, : Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, ' . ' , Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, " ' 50,000 Mies' Fence Wire, v- 50,Of)f3 Mites Fence Wire. . 50,000 Miles Fence Wire, Pitlnhurg Iron and Xails, iW Pituhurg Iron and Nails; ' Pittsburg Iron and Nails, Mechanic Toot's, ', -. - MecUtyuVs. Took, Mecuiriic' Tools, Charter Oak Stoics,1 " . Charter Oak Stoves, ' Charter Odk Stoves; Besides a full assortment o everything' kept th a. tlrtclasis ; mm niiD .stove STOlflE! ; Whiih xi'dl be sold as low as tlte lotresi '...'.FOR CASH I .. To' all who favor t with a calli ,rV coo:c,coBUR;irico: i 4 ' i i , . XJirertisin Agents,' Chicago, I I 3-Artau!,trwji ie reonw Jdrrr I,, i tutfr Out paper, at imrlowttt ; rate, and are Aymti fr all Sewna I per imfie C S. and T-rrriUrrir. BLANKS of all fcifsd, confantlyon hand; at the Advertiser Job Office. - JOB WORK. Neatly and riainly ' Kwuted, at the Advertiser Job Koorns. it - IS N ' ; t'i all (r , h Id (-otter klL i 3 0 P--i h U - Kl : S i P - T lit i r, I86U- SPRING.- 18G9.- tim HlUa CO. Invite theatl'ip!on olieeUlaensof Brown vllle and surrcV'n'iiot eomTr.tnity to their splemlid tock of STAPLE AND 'ANCY ste Lmi w a w' 1 LAdYt L ACIV - ' Congress a Ballon-Shociy Sprino and Scmmf.b ITats, CARPETS, OIL -CfAViJFIS, A5D Gr.OCESIES. ai fMsii goods i Choico Spring Pxinta,' 9 TeH Thousand Yarlls. 1 : V -V- Twelve Thousand Yards.' ..... . i : . ; . - .......,... C ' V Larrwister, Olaaoow, '... slIAgliaTn3, bcotchs, and Heaaido, Three Thousand Yartts.'' " 3,500 Yards: - Lawills, jaconets, Pcrceds. Organ- " dies and Orenedinesj bne Thousand Yards.' DrGoods, Two Tho'ttsanci Yards.' -a-, a aM "'''',' d wiss Muslins, Plaid, Striped and Cheeked Jaeohefs, iVan'r sook, Victoria Lawns; , Ppo Mulls Birds Fye Linen, Cor ded JJimity, Irufi Lilian 3,aoo ITards, ' : Striped Shirting; Cheek Mail ing, Ticking, it'll grades '. 3, 5ooo Yards'.' . Cottonades, Denim? ftf'i'cds, Kentucky, Maryland arid. Mis-. soutk Jeans; ana Fine Ltusi itxeres'. . Tabid iincxia, PleachccT, t'htlcacheJ and Col ored; White arid Brown; 40 pieces. J '. ' -.Lincridhd TiirkisS.Z) JH; XIoop Cliirts,' '-.,..', profyf Open- Front ahl Buttle, ' all sizes. 4iJ)ozth. '- " i Parabola and Pans, v Styles;- Twcntg-fivc Dos. Cloth and Cilli CloaV ' ' . - . . . . . - 'Latest Sirring S?v&?.- I0'io Bed Spread 1 WhiUtrvff Cilire'dt-LfAendnd CottWK - l-yPoiiri.- ' . ':- jVo'S 1' article. &Zk2t7K j - Pur tizL'l OtraT? Hatij , 1 " JVrsr Style?. Forty Diccn, '' '-,- ":' . FULL &T0CK MMaW s A. W a fk ' FULL STOCK. Y