Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 08, 1869, Image 3

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irFxtr copies of the Advkbtibkb for sale by
li JiiAUfcU, .l City Book blort.
ETIwcnPAL ClirKCJI-Comer Atlantic and
cxmhI olm-U. hervioen every OUier buuOuy Morn-
ad every Suuday evening
I O. O. F. Brownvllle Lodre Kg. 8, 1. O. O. F.
meet on TufHdHvevpniiitf ot encb week, at 7 o clock
II' 'm.. nt their l'lall in Uie Breytmeyer Brick, on
, Vain StrwU , .
All viaiuug Brother are Invited.
CiMO. W. Porsky, Secy.
A. F. &: A. M. Nemaha Valley Lodjre Na 4, A.
fc A. M., meets on tiie 1st ami ad tS:uur1ays in
rtu-ti month, at o'clock p.m., at their Hall in the
jjrevtmever Brick, on Main Street.
Ail tsi"iiti2 Brothers are invited.
. J ah. M. Hacker, Secy.
Arrival Had Departure of Ike Mail
Southern and Eastern arrives at 12 "m.; departs at
l"oTtliern and Lartern arrives at 4 p. m.; departs
'jtulo'Mall arrives at S p. ra.: dcrtfirta at 7 a. m. .
ivrn Si ail arrives nl 12 m.; departs at 2 p. m.
llent rice Ma! 1 arrives Monday, Wednesdays and
Fri'laial s p.m.: depart Tuesdays, Thursdays and
hut!iritv at 7 a. m.
- ,riit'Mil smves Fridays at 4 p. nu; departs
Thtirrtav" at a. uu
i(lst uiti'-e Hour from 7 a. m., to 7' p. m. Snn
(jgfrm Hitolii'ia. m. W. A. It) LOCK. P.M.
Tiwe Taiile NL. Joe. mid C It. It. It.
- On and after M ay 23d, 1SJS, Trains a UlTeave Phelps
5JtMMI UM fcillOWb: .
Psjtsenirer-.I'eave.- a. m. .
Iientur Iave. t'2 a. m.
jr-u:t)t leave. fc-M p. m.
Vail train isiiy except Sunday.
imi!r riiH'nl Monday.
i27 p. m.
jinm p. m.
11:25 a. ru.
Liuly e.Kvot Maturduy.
-Jcih Kotrers' Omnibus leaves BrownvWe for
Ujr J tetxit Mi a. iu. sua i- i"-, y.
J. I Colhapp, Editor.
I -5"
Folding Red Lonugea Just received at
JlfKall 4 Co'S.
Llt" Goods of all kinds, Coat, Vests,
rants, Khlrta, ele, just received at Ma. con's
mid for Mle low down for rash.
f has. Ilclmtr lias bought out Mr. Snokc's
Interest fn the Hoot and Shoe .Store at Xo. 15
Jliiln street. Mr. Ilelmer Is, as always, doing
a good business for his customers. Call aud
w him.
TUilioad Men. Uncle Eilly Hall and
Win. Yarney desevc the alcove tide, as they
were tlie fi-!t men to pay In tneK- first lu
sulliocnt Jo the capital stock of Uie B. IX
K. & 1. Riiiroad Company.
Rrpi eliensllil. The practice Indulged In
by oue, at least, of our eHSx-as last .Saturday
that of firing ball cartridges upward from
jMoL The Marshal should have taken
that gentlemen, under his especial protec
tion. Crnrlty to Animals consisis in leaving
yoiT hot we t:el out in the sun until you do
yonr trading orenjoyacool drlnk; the sin Js
fnueli while you can getjoiir home or
bmtuM stabksl so cheap at Thadueus Trim
mer's L'liocLe'ed Feed Stable.
Pern Item. Indsley A-Watson are erect
lug a new Saw Mill In Pern. The building
and niaruiiiei'y will be among 1 lie best In t e
Ftrse. It bo a good w.b ia.S'allr.iprove
nient and a i.'eat benefit to ihe town and
country Miivonndlng. Ve lea:u from Mr.
Eiine!;--, (.1 1 he 1 Vru ,Keiy.
Stale Groceries. One hears many coin
plainisof (jroct'i 'es bc'.ng Male from being
kept on hand ho long. To avoid gel t ing any
Uiiugof that kind, go to Hank & Armitage;
for they arc constantly In receipt of fresh sup
plies. .
II. II. Bryant Invites the public, Jn our
columns Jo-dny, to yivehlm a ti l;1 1 ns a ln in
ter. We hoje those having wo k oT this kind
will give him a call, as we kuow he Is capu
Llfof and will give n:ilsfaet ion. He usesoniy
inajei in!, and puts it on with a masicV
aSJd. At Xo. ft) he can le found.
.' The Foarlh passed olfve-y pleasant'y In
( llils ciiy last Kaiurday. bi-verai fire crackers
, werefixj; Reveial Ix-crs were dunk and sev
j eral men wo.-e d-unk pair'o,le. Flags were
I di.played; the Cannon was fired by thesquad
I audacoup'eofstuail boys had a knockdown.
Ve-jly, t lie jood old days arc coming over us
Kew.paorial Change. A. X. Itnley
has so! J tin; Holt Comity Sen tt to a gentie
m:in frcm Ciiiengo. The &.-n.'iin:f, under Mr.
Euley .s iniinngeinent, has been an abie p;ter,
rcflifling credit upon the county In which it
j waspublished. May his successor do as well,
i ami j.ulilic palronasoand coufldeneo muKt
j siirdy be his.
! Coelln Ero., from I.ans.'ny, Iowa, have
luj;lit out Dr. llolladay's Drug Store, on
j Main Mreet luthls c.'ty. TheCoe'lnEro.'s are
GermstiB, one is a Doctor, the other a thor-
otili Druggist. This wi'i le qult a good
thing for our German cU'.zens, io very fre
i uuently lalxir under g-it diflieulty in ma
i k'tig tia-iiisclves understood iu matters of vl
i uilBiporiancein cases of sickness. We know
! thry wi'I hall ihc adveat of ihe Coelin E'o."s
i among us wiJijoy.
Crops are doing well ns a general thing.
The w. :tili, r required to lielpcorn grow Just
How Votdd lia.ile.i rust in wheat, and the
Sclondy uzy weather is Just the tiling, so
fanners sny, to ripen wheat without much
i rust, of which It is in Imminent danger If
loive much more lA'n or a very hot 6uu.
4 1 rw 1 1 is Uoiug remarkably well, aud a boun-
Wul j a Id is expected. Corn promises a very
are yield, as does also wheat, if noihlng
unfavorable within a couple of weeks.
I Supervisors. Oar county Ls much In
D,d of energetic Suporvteors; more so now
tliun ever since the organization of the coun
J". Ttieree'nt rains have made our roads in
.many plact impassible, nd few districts
, We any Supervisors at fill; for the office is
aboro, and does not pay even to pay the f 1,10
-quired la Maiaps to qualify. One man the
other day, finding it cost that sum, refused to
.'iuaJhy. Cannot the Commissioners do
-otnetljingin this matter? It Is a necessity.
' '
German Plc-Mc on the Fourtli. The
'"Tuians of onr city- had a very pleasant
lo-Xic on the Fourth Id South DrownYille.
!e gathering was large and good natured.
- wwi? to cat and drink was on the ground,
!l0i tithing whaicver occurred to disturb the
ariuoiiy til the occasion. Many of our
"""''an citizens were present, and all ox
'M themselves as Laving been very
HeaxjiHily enu itained, and pleased to see
T3Titilni j,ass 0fr w barmonlous and
Gqmfre Goosmau drove throunh tills city
Thursday' morning abfjut 300 head of as
""c jviunar eattic as can be collected any
v "c, to his f;vrm just this side of Long-s
uge, in this county, whcie ho has opened
wrce farm. The Squire recently sold his
J in Atchison County, Mo., for a good
Ar'"" tMxvuut of tue "U'Uing ot the C. B.
.t,0, K. lt and is now coming over to
tj 'x nefit of Nemaha County Ilallroads.
77 "'i over for railroads. Ho will add
Jiyxo to the taxable property of this
ntJ" . which ls by reason of our railroad
Tfc .
w ' watkre-Ve have a genuine
u.u,.rlu.m; onetbat pu7-zlestho wcalher
-nfLr llM3 oldtit inhabitant. Ever since
nlM jUr(layaomIng excepting Tuesday
ift Vcln,,.v has been enveloped In a fog,
tn'lrCOr loss ,n denK:f" Gt times be
1 ',jwtlhk'k Umtouc wal1 distinguish
V.ave I VJ tiio river. Several theories
'iult.i Tn ,u3vailf,ed to account for this unu
'f,tr '1l',"""1, uon' One, that it Is Indicative
vim ' i?1!' or rtt't JQake weather. It
'-rn J? UiHt " ure 100 ''ar ,r0,n Pla
!ve ""'iuakcii usually manifest them
I ... ' thu affected bv their nrwurset-R
iUi..I6flIu lljink 11 58 a Bj f English
ivfcd ouSt over by some English Hoiks
,,. ... 11 M-M-V-B l:tw l ...
Wlor bur"1. 4 hy thc decayS of vegetable
ParMi , UiC Iat0 ritlnfl-vhich Lave
'"'ic'fU h i.ui la the raeinory of the most
tt-Tr. i, """ ine leei or tiie wenther
i n ri . . ...
''! W-.a?.t.'?tiimcr'antl ih la the
'-B IS t'l ... -
A Fatal Accident occurred In this city
Last Sunday, forcibly illustrating the Immi
nent danger to life of handling fire arms, un
less with the utmost caution nnd prudence.
J. D. Calhoun, of the Democrat, of this city.
and Frank E. Parish, a nephew of Dr. Graff
of Omaha, a clerk in Dr. HoIJaday's Drug
Store, went out shooting Wrda last Snnday
morning. Each had a revolver loaded when
they started, and commenced shooting when
they had reached South Brownvllle. Parish
discharged all the barrels of his revolver first,
and sat down to reload. Calhoun had still
one barrel loaded, and had cocked his pistol
to fire at a bird, which flew, and he let down
the Itfvncl of his revolver in his left hand
wilt out Idling down Cie hammer, -while
looking for another shoL. While holding the
pistol in this manner It went o5", the ball
striking Parish, while sitting, Juet below the
navel, inflicting a i rightful wound, from
which Parish expired. He lived long enough
to Rtate that he did not blame Calhoun for the
acc idenL FiieiiffiFlasters summoned a Jn -y
and held an inqnest on tlte body Monday,
when the facts above staled were elicited, and
.thejr.ry rendered a verdict aewrdhiily. He
wf.s buried in the Cemetery Monday after
Declaration of Independence. We, the
women of Southern Nebraska, In Convent Ion,
assembled, hold this! rnth,
that oil women are created free (io choose
what they wani) and equal, if not men's su
perir. (In buying ihe best ar.'c'.e for Ihe least
money.) That ail women are endowed with
certain lnallenab ei lgats, amoijgwi.'ch are
life, JIbe.y and afull 6uItof McFaitA Co.'s
choice Furniture, 'The lailer is also truly
necessary for the mp..'jitarnance of the fJ:-sL
for I-fe Is w'ihoe.t someih.'ng
to live with, and the t'tly liousew'e may
handle ihem with wl.hl.ieu. most li'be'-ty.ns
their ware is strong, durable and well made.
Everj' housewife Is eu. iiledto a full suit, and
it ?s nnunnwrrrantab!eenc;oachnientupon
her b'lerty to deprive her of it. It will pre
serve her health, sooth her tempe econo
mize her time and strengih, and extend her
leisure, and Jn so doing will eievato the stan
dard of intelligence, reflnementaud morai.Uy
ofthe coming genera! loo.
Machine Week-Great Sale. This can
properly be called Machine Week consider
ing the number of Harvesting Machines sold.
We have asce. tallied from Agents the follow
ing sales:
V. A. Tisdel A Co., several kinds, ...C1
Shellenlerger Dim, Ciiaaip. & P. Many, 80
Tcare & Co., Wood s, 19
Ell Wilcox, McCormlck, ifl
This, considering that a considerable num
of Machines have been sold heretofore,
makes a good showing of the prosperity .of
the farme -s of tin's and adjoining county. A
good crop of Wheat and small grajn seems as
sured. ! ,,
A live Agent, If any. If there is an
Agent for the Wood Reapers and Mowers at
Xebraskn C! t y, he m ust be a live one. Robt.
Teai e, of this ci iy, having sold several of these
machines, desl ed to order from ' Nebraska
c.ty, and looked over the Frrss. JVeivs and
Chro. 'cie to find who was ihe Agent, but
found no advertisement, and not knowing
the name of any Agent there-although he is
sine inere is one he was forced to order
from some oi her point. Here is enough lost
io jay for auve. vising throngn the season in
all t hree of I iie papers. The Agent ls surely
an economical man f
We know thank us for the information that
A. May, of thc Price Regulator, has returned
after having selected a choice stock of Dry
Goods for this market, which are on the
way. He has given such unimpeachable evi
dence of good taste in the mailer of selecting
goods tuat we feci assured that th'e ladies of
this city and vicinity will ball with unfeign
ed joy the arrival of this new stock. From a
glance at his bill we know that he will have
many articles new and novel to this secilon
among a choice slock of standard goods.
Still Later!!!
If you wish to save 25 per you will
buy all yorr Ij-Xe Newspaper, at A. 'D.
Marsh's Xews Depou -Re.nember the,"
where the P. O. was.
For mind, ps you are often t dd,
Mars'.i cansYiever be undersold.
Cho. us-.Ix t us hive "Tcace."
As i rut h crushed to ea th will i Ise or bust,
He sells cheap for cash but "nary trust."
Chores Lcl us have con I in. ied ,'7Vac"
Homeopathy. Leaning towards th-ssys-tem
ns wedo, we arep'eased to note adeeided
su cess in the first case of 1 he k Ind treated by
Dr. Cowles, Homeopaib'c Physician of this
city. It was in obstetrics, Tuesday nlr,lit,
and friend Price, of tlieup-towu Blacksmith
Shop is the happy father of tw'ns, a boy and
girl, both prcity as babies can be and doing
well. Mr. Price believes in the Homeopat hie
system of medicine, also, and we are pleased
to see his faith rewarded and the Doctor's
reputation so firmly established.
Tho rainey weather having almost "dried
up" the bi'ck yards, R. S. Ilanaarord finds it
lnixsibie toll nihil up bis new building as
soon as he expected, and tosupp-'y l-ie de
mand has ordered and, wi!l receive in a few
days, a Bfamiuoin Stock of I'm nil e,
which he w Hi offer at Ills oid ioom. No. 72,
MtTiictson Block, l'p Siali-s, aud M ill sell
on his usual fair and liberal terms. w
Personal. CoL R. W. Furnas has gone to
St. Louis on business conuected with the
Trunk Ra'I road.
CoL Thompson, of the firm of Thompson
Ero.. and W. M. Stevens, of the Phelps House,
in Fhe'ps City, Mo.rcalledupon usth's week.
Tney represent business as being lively at the
Judgo Wlieeler has returned to Ch'll'cothe,
Mo., his Bridge headquarters.
Wm. L. Half, correspoiulen t ofthe N. Y.
Herald and Evening Telegram, called on us
this morning. He ls hereon Important busi
ness connected with our railroad interests.
Sociable and pleasant, we hope he will call
ofien while in town.
Ila j, the Clothing Prince of the Trice Reg
ulator, is luxuriating in the idea of the logre
stock of Fashionable Clothing which ho will
receive and open in a few days for the bene
fit of gentlemen of the male gender in
this section. Max's maxim is "Fair Play to
all and Merchant's Rights." Call on him !
Geo. W, Hansen has bought out Wm. Al
len's Interest Iu thc Bakery and Con.ect!on
ery, corner of Main and First fctreels. Mr.
Alien has, by industry and accommodation,
built up a resjieciable paying business,
and Mr. Hansen lacks in neither xf these
qualities. We wish him success.
UrJegel House, This house, kept by
Charles Erlegel, in the Whilney B'ock, is fast
gaining, under his management, the reputa
tion of a first-class house. He sets a ;;ood
table, has everything neat anddldy, and al
together makes both trave'ersand boarders
The public stood wl.h baled brea'.h
Euwrapied la speech'ess wooder.
Wit n one accord they spake the wo d
. The chet'pcal place bj Uivitffcr
To buy a'l k'nda o! Literary matter is at the
P. O. News DjhU
Episcopal Visitation.
Bishop Clarkson will visit ChrisiS Church
In this city and St. Johns Church in Nemaha
City, on Sunday, July IS.h. The Apostolic
Rite of Confirmation will be administered.
noSS-2t I '
Patent Tnlmble Skeins. Fran nell
mcr, Wa.on Maker of tills city, has now a
Shop Right to use Thos. Flavey's Patent
Thimble Skein for Wagons end Carriages,
which is in many respects superior to any
in use. Call and see it, fa rme -s.
Tall Oats. Henry Shaffer, Brlckmaker
of this city, left at our o33ee tuls week a few
stalks of Oats six feet and two inches In
Light, witli heads la proportion. Beat this,
anybody, If you can.
. Corn, IVUc at and Oats.
Rainey & Lewis have removed their
to Robt. Tea! e & Co.'a Store, where they will
pay the tighf t cash price for Grain and oth
er Produce.
Stationery at P. 0. News Depot.
...... ":iu ZXJ'Z
I The present season has demonstrated
X to all thewlsdomof making some provis
ion to guard against damage to buildings and
danger to life r.y Lightning. All over the
country we hear of buildings being struck.
in many cases one or more of the Inmates
have been killed, and most of the buildings
struck have been seriously damasred and
rendered almost worthless. In the wisdom
of the Almighty an agent has been furnished
by whicja this danger can be averted so
completely, too, (is to render the thunderbolts
of Jove as harmless as the balmy eephyrthat
whispers In the trees in the quiet vesper hour,
or lingers for a moment to kiss the downy
check of "sweet sixteen." This anildote to
instant death and .destruction is the Patent
Fluted Lightning Rods, silver lipped, for
which McLaughlin & Valleau are now pre
pared to take orders and put up on the short
est notice. These rods are supercedelng all
others in the east to such an extent that many-
are having the old fashioned kind taken
down and replaced with Fool's Tatent Flut
ed Rods. Call and see it at McFall fe Co's.
Peoria 3I11U Crocks at F. E. Johnson &
Co's. They are the best in use.
Fly JVeta. Full stock Just received at
Bauer's. Prepare for fly time.
The Latest News
Can always be foetid on the P. O. News
Time tries all things rejects those that are
useless, and holds fast to that which ls good.
Inventions and patented improvements mul
tiply every j'car, and ask our attention and
our support ; but as time passes, three-fourths
of them, after trial, are found to be of no sub
stantial value, and are thrown aside. But
there ls an invention which has stood the
severe trials and tests of seventeen -years,
and which has risen In popular estimation
and favor with each new trial. We allude to
the Charter Oak Stove. It was patented In
18-52, half a generation ago, and has been im
proved by new arrangements several times
since. Instead of having "played out" and
been consigned to the lumber room of worth
less humbugs, it has gained such a popularity
that the demand for them can scarcely be
supplied by the Excelsior Manufacturing
Company of St. Louis, by which they are
Agents, Brownvllle, Neb.
' Sold wholesale and retail by Excelsior Man
ufacturlng Co., St. Louis.
Grover & Dakrr S. M. Co GEXTirESiEN:
I have been usinj G rover & Baker's Sewing
Machine for something over ten years. My
long and constant experience enables me to
speak understand! ngly of Its excellencies. I
have done with ease and dlspatchevery kind
of sewing required in a large family. It
meets fully every demand In the needle. I
commend it with perfect confidence, and
therefore with great pleasure, to all my
Wife of Rev. Tliomas C. Murphy, 1102 Chris
tian St., Philadelphia,
Wm. A. Polock, at the Post Office, is agent
for this machine. ,
Champion No. 59 Improved Reaper
and Slower, and Single Mower, with Hand
Raking attachment. Dropping attachment
or Self-Raklng. This Machine can trully be
said tobeacompletccorablnatlon; the mo-wing
qualities are not impaired by any of the
reaping attachments, and the reaping quali
ties arc not injured In adapting the machine
to cutting grass. This is tho only machine
ever produced for cutting grain and grass,
which is equal to any single machine for
either purpose. The change to Reaping or
Mowing, is quickly made, and in either ca
pacity the Champion No. 2 is equal In every
respect, either as a Reaper or Mower, to any
single machine. .
We respectfully refer to the following per
sons who have this machine and have used
it during the past season :
Joseph Suitor, Vohney S. Whit tmore, Beat
rice. John Creason, Jacob Adams, Wm. Q. Coons,
Wm. F. Paris, Wm. Hall, Peter Ingalls, Geo.
Wheeler, Julius B. Johnson, W. F. Russell,
Wyman Kent, James Titus, Andrew J. Har
vlsore, Wm. H. Titus, Brownvllle.
Wm. Frazler, W. II. Vauleuvan, A. B Dur
fee, Missouri.
John James, Afpinwall.
Peter T.erlet, John Thomas, Glen Rock.
John Detrick, Arago.
Wanlgell Voneonda, Pawnee City.
J. It. Stanford, Pureell, Branch.
BIschof & Ziiiimcrer, Nebraska City.
W. D. Searles.-Eulo.
J. Harris, J. II. Harris, Salem.
Calvin Davis, L. S. Davis, Humboldt.
Tho al.ove sales, thirty-one Machines, were
all made year and speak volumes for the
energy of this firm and the value of the Cham
pion, and they feel assured that all that Is
necessary to assure the most skeptical that
this is the best machine made is to see it in
operation or take the testimony of those wh-j
have used them.
Johnson ft- Co.
Sell a heap
Of uplendld Goods
Low and Cheap ;
Their rates ore fair,. -.
, Their Goods are nice,
' Sojuststepln
And feast your eyes.
In both Dry Goods and Groceries
keep a very full stock "always on hand.
70, McPherson Block.
Kilbourn, Jenkins & Co. Manufac
turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers In
all kinds of Tine Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc.
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Thelps City, Missouri.
We manufacture our own material In the
Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where we have
in operation one of the largest manufactures
of everything made InTIne in the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree,
as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any
Lumber Yard In the West which pays one
wholesale and one or two retail profits. We
shall always keep on hand a full supply ol
everything in our line, so that those in want
may always rely upon getting what they de
sire. Wesimplyxkskalltoexamineourstock
and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we
can ensure satisfaction In both.
Having Purchased Mills lu the Pineries
of Saginaw, Michigan, v'lii one Million Feet
Dry Pine Lumber on bacd, it has compelled
us to procure larger grounds for our Lumber
Yard; therefore we have rented the lots on the
corner of First and Water streets, where we
shall put one of the largest stocks of Lumber,
Doors, Blinds, Sasli, etc west of the Mlssis
s!ppl,'and every body knows, or shall know,
that the Saginaw Lumber is far superior to
any other Lumber.
Call and see us before- purchasing else
where. -
(One block from River.)
12-tf " Red Store,
Cane Growers Attention 1
J. C. Deuscr is exclusive agent for Nemaha
county for Cook's Evaporator and the Victo
ry Cane Mills. All those wanting tho above
will please leave their orders as soon as pos
sible. , S7-3t
Patronise Horn Industry. All iinds
of Marble work can be had at Neidhardts
Marble Works In this city, .cheaper than it
can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma
terial used.
Ice Cream and Soda The most delight
ful you ever tasted, at Roscll's Buck Horn
Bakery ; we know, liecanso we've tried It.
"Wall Paper, Window Shades and School
Books very low, at MeCreery &. Nickell's.
Highest market price paid for wheat, oats,
corn, Ac, by Bedford & Handley.
All kinds of Uu lerwcar
season at Hetzcl's.
suitable to the
Private medical aid, read Dr. WhltUer's
Drags, Taints, Oila nd Glass at St, Joe
prices, at MeCreery & Nickell's.
. Hats at Ilettei'a.
: navingjiow thoro Ff ughly fitted cp 'iny
sale, and sample roo J ms, at No. 41 Main
street, I Invite the IJ public of SOUTH
SOURI to give me a call, as I shall always
keep on hand In WnEi.ESAK Quantities
f fl very best and f? purest quality,
of all brands M Foreign, and Do
mestic. I shall if also have on band
during the season, Chicago Ale, Beer'&o.
The publks may rely opon my stock being
pure, as physicians of this city recommend
it for Medical uses. 1 1 Full stock of Bitters,
in cases or single bot y tie. I am also agent
for the best Billiard I Tables mode.
M Tis the song, the sigh of the weary.
Hard times, hard times come again no more,
For its long you have lingered around my
cabin door,
Oh ! hard times come again no more."
Our spirits have been chastened by the trials
which are passed ;
Hard times, hard times come again no more;
Our purses have been lightened, but we found
a way at last.
To keep hard times from our door,
'Tis the shout the cry of the ransomed.
Hard times, hard times can worry us no
more; .
Wo have found "the balm of Gilead ;" all can
be well fed and dressed
By trading at Teare fe Co.'s Store.
Wishing to purchase millinery goods, will
find it to their benefit to call on Mrs. T. F.
Scaton, No. 19 Main street, who has Just re
ceived the best selected stock of Millinery
Goods ever brought to Brownvllle, and is
competant to do anything in that line, as she
is an old and experienced hand in the busi
ness, learned her trade in New York, and is
prepared to sell her goods as cheap as can be
bought In any city. She would also Inform
them that she ls prepared to do dress making
in any style they wish.
Also agent for the great. Empire Sewing
Good Building Stone. Wearcnow pre
pared to furnish good building stone, in any
quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon
uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tables, etc,,
furnished on 6hort notice, and reasonable
terms , Loranck & Vauxey.
Be it understood, that I will not be un
dersold. So down with prices at once. "Let
us have Feace."
Very Respectfully,
A. D. Marsh.
Great Rush at HetzePs !
J"ew Good ! Hew Goods 1 1
Summer Goods!
Linen Suits! I
Scotch Suits!!!
Cassimere Suits!!!!
Best material!!!!! Best made!!!!!! Most
fashionablo goods !!!!!!! Cheapest goods in
the market!! !!!!!! Atlletzel's!! !!!!!!!
!ff O Cr
h c
9 a 2" &
r. C L ? f " ?
3 Z' -ac
- -s .c
' cj
Ills shelves must be cleared, for the Summer
Stock Is such as was never equaled In this
county, both for the extent and quality of
Fruit Jars At Swan fc Bro's.
John P. Manny's Combined Machine is
stronge, durable and reliable; cuts a wide
swath, Is light draft for two horses, aud never
clogs. Adjusts itself to uneven surfaces, can
instantly be raised over obstructions, and
has no unequal weight on the horses' neclA.
Shklleniiehger Bro's,
74 McPh'crson.s Block.
Builders Attention. lam now prepared
to do all kinds of Plastering In this city or
vicinity. Orders left at the American House
will be promptly attended to. Prices reason
able ! Work first class ! !
uo31-3m A. E. Bell.
On and after this date I will give no
credit. Persons indebted to mo will please
call and settle up, or their accounts will be
left for collection.
N. M. Holtzixger.
June 15th 1863.
Spring Goods at Hetzel's.
The attention of our readers Is called to
the advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure in
another part of this paper. This truly valu
able medicine is recommended by all who
use it. read the certificates.
$35,000,000 is the capital of the Mutual
Life Insurance Companyof New York. Jar-
vis S. Church is their agent at Brownvllle. It
Is the safest company in the woild to insure
In. tf
Yon can save twenty-five per cent, by
buying your Books, Papers, Magazines and
Stationery at the Post Office News Depot.
$1300 Dollars and Expenses I See ad
vertisement of American Shuttle Sewing Ma,
chine in our advertising columns.
Sore Eyes, almost without an exception
can be cured. Near-sighted persons and all
needing glasses, should consult Dr. Klmber
lln, 83 Main street.
Duck Coata and Vest!
-well made and
cool at Hetzel's.
Linen Suits from S3 to $1.3, at Hetzel's.
Hetscl has a splendid lot of Straw and
Panama Hats.
B. F. Bonder's New Harness and Saddle
Shop ls already one of the Institutions of oar
city. Why? Because he does first class work
at reasonable rates. Give him a call!
Lannon & Ilinton, Blacksmiths, foot of
Main street, can set tires, shoe horses, irort
wagons, .c, In the best style, with their Im
proved machinery. f
Wool I The highest market price paid for
Wool at F. E, Johnsoa d; Co.'s. ' -
For Sale A Cotlage and two of the most
desirable residence Lots in the city. Enquire
at this office.
Organs Burdett's, from $140 to f 500; Ma
son & Hamlin's, 575 to-$000.
Jajces R, Dtk, Brownvllle.
Wool! Wool XI Wool!;! We will pay
the highest eastern market price in cash for
all grades of wool. -
A. May & Co., Regulator.
Llnnca Drawers If you want a good
article, can bo had of J. S. HetzeL No. 70, Mc
Pherson Block.
IIoltilngers Groceries are unsurpassed,
and he sells them very low for cash.
Iletxel, at 72, McPherson Block, has on
hand a full line of Gauze Shirts.
Trunks and Valises At Hetzel's.
Ulaehlne Oils of all kinds at MeCreery &
Fence Wire In abundance at Shellenbcr
gcr Bro's.
-, New Era for the New York Ledger
Marsh says he has Treelvcd the last Ledger
ever Issued on Wednesday, which beats anv
thing from New York: by two or three days.
Walk right cp and gat one of the fastest pa
pers ever published on the American con
tlnent. '
-' See. Dissolution of Small & EtU and Bell
& Small in another column.
r . OUt Oil It OIlll!
. 1L.C. Lett has all kinds of Oil for-Maehlnea.
Flour From Spring and Winter Wheat,
an A No. l article, at F. E. Johnson & Go's.
Alpaca Coats, atHetzel's.
The Kidneys are two in number.
Rituated a i iie opierjprj-t ofthe loin, surrounded by
iat a.-dcuiuistinsorthree rrtrti, viz.: the Anteri-
tii,moi iii.r),na tue interior.
Ttiea.U-j ior absorbs. Iniertor consists of tissnes
or ve:.v, serve s a de,)o -At lor Ue urine and
con-eylttotheeT.eri.r. 'Ine exter.oil", a conduc
tor au, iHni aa in as 115 ; e t Ie, and c Jled the
yrc.ri. ttit ureter are connected with the b ad
re bladder fci composed of various coverings or
t.smes, hi to p rt, vi-.: the lper, the
Low?, ,t..e ervous, a.i '. .he Mucous. The upir
expels, the lower ro.ains. i:r.ny have a desire to
ur.naiewiio-. t'heaoiliiy loie.aia. This trenueut
lyoccor: n chiidi-e.i. 1 .
1 o cure t.iese amotions, we must brin 4 into aclion
the muscles, which ea? ;.ed In their various
functions. I. Uty are neglected, Grave, or Uroiwy
may en.iue, . , 1 '
Tne re ..(term "n a be made aware, that how
ever Slight i.iay be the a'Uo, it 13 sure to ailect the i.cit.iu :m ir-.ent.i, rowers, ts our flesh and
h!(Vf:i1 il'U Bllf. taA i,
Goat, orlthcninatism. oecurr'n? in the 13 uoii:;trive o: ilia a;ove a:se.'ises. ihev oc
cur in persons dispoied to acid stomach and ch'alfcv
conci-ei oris.
The Gravel. The gravel ensues from neglect
Or minrooer of :lie ki.!nev Th'o n.
Ka. is being weak, .he water Is nt e-jielled from the
b:Uier, ou al.ov.ed to remain ; itbecoiues feverLsh,
and sediment forms. It ii from this deiwusit. the
Stone is formed, and sr-avei er.
uriipwr a coi.ej. on o. w;uer in some p.'rts or
u.c uuu., acitt w . tiius.-eni names, r.ecoiainj? to
the paris effected, viz.: when
o erhe body, i. is caiied Anasarca; when o;' abdo
men, Ascues ; when of the die it. If vdro. horax.
T i eatment. He "mbi'd's highly conceu. rated
compound Kxtract JJuchu Ls deci ienly one o.' the
besn-emediey; o.'the h'ntl Ter i-:itnn
f ravel, tropsici! bwellin ;s, lhemn.rtism, and (toiity
alTeirt.ons. Under uiis -head we have rrra;ised Dy
suria, or diffic-ilty and pa a in ptvt-ing water, scanty
sec eiiou, or small tntf ":eqt.ent dsohares of wa
ter ; .Stran- t.jy, or s.oppina; of water; Hematuria,
orb.ood 'unue; Gou.and Kiieuma t ,m of the kid
neys, v. ithou.. a.iy c.irnue la quauiK'V, but Increase
o color, or dark water, j t -.v.-.s a.vavs hi? i: ; ecom
nieadejbkiie Utte Dr. P!iyUc!c, i l'.l.ese jifTections.
and exc. fes the i.bvorberts into e:'.H'.:v e-.eit-ise, by Jie w:iia.y, or K.lcarooas, de 'o i ons, and
u mi -ata,..i e;i,ar ;einems, rs we-1 t. p ,n and in
ftamaiion. re -reduced, and Jt :s tahea bv men,
womej, and ch.ltii-en. Directious ior use and diet
accomncny. . '
Piirr.iTiii'i.ptxTi Pi "Poh nr. ickt
IT. T. HEW BOLD, D. UK- i t : ' -
Cf-tB SlRJ-I bee i asnfTerer V,p unu-.-ntU nf
twen v ve.a-sdu. mi wlih ii ee r iiv ii.i r.n.
ou t - r ed ct.--. prep r: ti . ::s. and been nuder lii
t ertlme.:tt- lie most eminetit Dhrsic .ins. etne-i.
dicing b . Ittiere ief.
llav is ;ee.; r r ire;-ara.ions extensive ad
vet.iMHl, I tonsu cd v.iai m family physician in
iy d 10 asi.. yor :.l: .ciuinchu.
JjtUd lhisIeWii'Q I hat. treu all kinds of adver
ts e.i remedifcs. an. 1 : ad found tiiem worthless; and
snne qy . e i. ju ion ; li f tct. I tie ;-. .di ed of ever
pel m- ;vd jl isd to use no remedies
nereailor oaiess I Knew of ingredients. It was
this:eat .vromntedme to use vonr i-pniiniv. A.vnn
advet ti-.ed bat it was composed of bochu. dlibeiM,
a :d J jnijie, bi ies. it occii ied to me and my pa-
s.cians as . n excellent combiiiaation. ud with his
ad. ice, .jter ?n examipation ofthe article, and
const I.'ns asw .iie d. u- .ist, Iconciuded to
try it. ..csniiiieDCrtlL. use aiouv ehht mouths sjo,
at v.-bic"; I -i'.s x.n-..ietl o mv roo n. From
the nrst I was "-.'.onlsred rdrr.titied at the
beneticiri eU'c-t, a 0 after u-.'r.v; it i.iree weeks, wis
ab'.e to !. k out. letinuci ) kewr tnstvou:; fall
sU'temen.o: piy ca eat thp.t .i:e, bucthot-'ht my
niipi-ove v.i in . iivo.i.y oo teni ovr.ry, anu ineie
foreconc'tKiad'io t'efer .' id see it' It wotdd e Sect a
perfect cure, knowi:? then it won d be of greater
va.:ue to yi.', i.v.d moie siit s c.ory to me.
I a '..i now ab.e torencvi tiir.t acui-e iseU'ectetl after
usin- Hie remexi .'or niimili ."
I have r.ol used anv iij.v f; rtli-ee month. and
feel a i ;vei; in alt re .iec'.s a i ever I did.
or.r BucLn beinx t'.evi id of" anv taste
andodo -, a ..ica loric and -:ii -i.-oiator o.'tiie s-b-
teui, 1 oo not me ;ii to b w tlio'.-t it whenever occa
sion may require i s nse ia such .re; ions. . '
-M, .McOJitUlUK.
Srould ajv donbt 5fr. McC'oim'cl; s statement, he
re.erj to the foliowuiK r '-nt enien :
Jion. v ni. tJ's: er, ex-v' j ernor, Fennsvlvania. '
Hon. Thos. IJ. Florence. Phili'de'pliia."
Hon. J. 0. ICimx. Jud e - hi!: d.- h:a.
Ho.;. J. S. Bi; , Jude. I'.ii- .tie ohia.
Hon. D. R.X-ortcr. ex-Oven'or. I'e. nsylvania,
Hon. Lli'-- Levi , J' do. Phi edeipr ia.
Ho It. C Oi-ier, Judve, Un'tcd state-. Court.
Hon. O. Vtr. Woodw.irtI, d e, P..: .e iiliia.
Hon. W. A Totter, Ci.v So'tc:..)!, Pl i: t.elphia.
Hon. JoliivB g e ex-t"ove -nor, C.t'.i ornia.
Hon. E. Bun V.s, A n'ii icr Gener Washi nton "D.C.
A id rnuny o her :. U nece.ssary. '
Hold by l3ifti '?ists Lind de -lei's evervwiieie. Be
ware of connte feit . Ask for Heiiubo d'i. Take
no o.:ev. Pkick ner bo tie. o; . 6 boules for
f&Mt Deilvereti to any adoresj. Describe syoip
loms in ad ommuiit.Mtiriis,
Add; H. T, n t. . m l.0 LD. Drnj and Chemical
Warehouse, iiH uroauway, m. .
rf"None centdne rntessdone rn In sleel-en-
craved wmpper, with tc-simile of my Chemical
ware uouse, anu dignea
ta -:mj ji. t. jiilmixjl.d,
Words of Wisdom for vountr men. on the
Kullntr I'assion in Youth ana i-jtriy Manhood, with
SELF HELP for the Errinir and unfortunate. Sent
in Feaied letter envelopes, free of charge. Address,
HOWARD AlsSOOIATION, Box P. Philadelphia,
3Iantaood How Lost, How Restored.
rf-t Just published, a new etlition of Dr.
tuiverweii a ceieoraiea ivssay on tie
nwlical cure (without medicine) of
SjierruatorrlKea, or Seminal Weak
ness. Invo-untary Semin.-d losses,
Impotencj', Jlental and Physical Incapacity, Im
pediments M Marriage, etc. ; also. Consumption, F.p
ilesy, and Fits, induced by seli'induigenee or sexu
al exirnvtiiraiice.
Kir Price in a sealed enveloDP. onlv 8 cents.
The celebrated author, in this admirable essay.
cieanjr aemonstrales rrom a thirty years successful
practice, mat tne atarrnms consequences or srti
abttse mav be radicallv cured without the danirer-
oas use ot interiiiU.iitedicir.e or the application of
ineanne: iminttryj out a mooe oi cure at once sim
ple, certain and efft ctuat. bv means of whicii everv
sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may
cure nimsett cneaniv, privately ana rauicauy.
ti 'S This lecture should be in the handj of every
youin ana every man in uie tana.
Sent under seal, to any address, in plain envelope
postpaid, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage
stamiis. Also. Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide,"
price 25 cents. Address Uie publishers,
CHAS.J.C. KmnkA Co.,
!2-fVv 127 Bowerv, New York, P. . 4V.
il MEDICINE, as diploma at Office will
show, lias been longer engaged in tlie treatment
of Venereal. Skxi'al and Pkivatk Diskas
Ks than any other physician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrha1, Gleet. Stricture, Orchlttis,
Hernia, and lUipturi; all urinary Diseases and
Syphilitic or Mercurial A mictions of Throat.
Skin or Bones, are treated with unparallelled
Spermatorrhea, Sexnal Debbiliry and I m po
tency, as the result o: set abuse in youth, sexu
al excess in maturer yeans, or other causes, and
which produce oi the following eltects, as
Nocturnal Emissrens, biotciie.?, debility, dizzi
ness, dimnotss o; .tiiht. confits on o' id ';ts,.evil
forebodings, aversion .o soc.ety of females, loss
of memorv and rvual pewer, and rendering
marriaKe fmproper,we permanently cured.
The Doctor's opportunities in hospital and
private practice ai unsurpassed in St. LouLs or
any other city. Back tiles of St. Louis papers
prove tnatne n&s Deen locatea .iere longer man I
anv other mi advertising. I he eHttthlLsiinieiit. I
library, laboratory and appointments, are un
rivalled in the west, unsurpassed anywhere.
Aire, w'.jh experience, can be relied upon, and
the doctor enn reier tom.tny physicians through
out the country. In past success and present
p jsition he stands without a competitor.
The Writinjrs of a l'tilcian v1ioerep
utatio.i is I ni .n-wifie should
be worth re!iii.
Dootou WuiTTtitTi pub3i ihes a Mtiiical rnmph
Ict relating tc. vt'(io.-eai d.seases and tlie disas
tronr and var ed consenuence of self-abuse that
will be ten. .A any' address in a sealed envelope
for two stamp.-. Many pny;ticians Introduce pa
tient to the doctor atter xoadinx bin nedical
pamphlet Communications confidential. A
friendly tf Ik wiL rostvrai notliinjc. Oflice cen
tral, yet retired No. 617 St. Charles street, St.
Louis, Mo. Hours 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays 12
to 2 p.m. 2i-y
Tie Brown ville : Ferry Company
have now running between
BROWISTILIiE, rsnaij.,
North Star &nd Phelps City, Mo.f
the new and Jommodlous Steam Ferry
THIS BOAT ia entirely r.evr, with
JL power Rnd cpaclty to c'ros everything
ivat may come in snv weatber.
'Fer crossing Catt! into or out of this Land Dis
trict, this is the best point. This bout is esfiei iyily
fitted up to ensure sit t-ry jji crossir.;;stk.aiid larjre
cattle pens are a!rc-.Jy erected at tiie S t. Joe.feC. li.
Depot at Phelps Citjt We can insure the traveller
finb.'c that all in oni power shall bedoae to make
his the aiost reliab! crossing on the Missouri river.
X endless varle-, at
Src, in
toes core xi hxjAxzu.
.'- 'i ' - - '
- coe's corcn I3ai.3a:.i.
' v v
- . ' i . I
Colds, Cor:-!i. Croup, rnSacn
a, IThoopla? ocs53
coiisitiiptivi: cough.
Fnr TMn It Tina Kaaii m. VnmaiiAM i '. a
j - - - - " . : tvy i JiiniJl 11 rj 1, 1 1 ti
mothers, anxions for the safety of their children
and all who suffer from any uiseaseof the throat,
chest and lunps, cannot afford to be without it. In
addition to tiie ordinary four ounce so iouj? in the
market, we now furnish our mammoth family size
bottles, which will, in common wita Uie other size,
be found at all Drug btorea.
For Croup,
The Balsam will be found Invaluable, and may al
ways be relied upon la the most extreme cases.
TFhooplnj Cough.
The testimony of all who have used it for this ter
rible d mease during the last ten years, la, that it in
variably relieves and cures it.
Sore Throat.
Keep yonr throat wet with the Balsam taking
little ana often and you wLl very soon find relief.
Hard Colds and Couglis
Yield at once to a steady use of this great remedy.
It will succeed in giving relief where all other rem-
dles have failed.
Soreness or the Throat, Chest
and ratings.
Do not delav procurinir and Immediately takinir
Coe's OoukIi ltaisam, wlien troubled with any ofthe
above named difficulties. They are all premonitory
symptoms of Consumption, and if not arrested, will
sooner or later sweep you away Snto the valley of
shadows from which none can ever reture.
In Consumption,
Many a care-worn sufferer lias found relief and to
day rejoices that her life has been made easy and
prolonged by the use of Coe's Cough Balsam.
Among the Many Testimonials in onr
Possession, we have only room
for tne following t
. New Haven, Conn, Oct. 17, 13GG.
Messrs. C. G. Cxark A Co.:
Gentlemen. I feel it a duty and pleasure to give
you the benefit of my experience in the use of Coe's
Couch Ralsum. From taking a heavy cold, I was
taken down with the congestion or Uie luns, ana
continued to fail, under the best care nntiiri was
given npjby the most competant medical authority,
to die. There seemed nothing but stranifulation and
death before me. I was told that further medical at
tendance and medicine was useless, and I was re
signed to death, when a friend, who had been greatly
beneiltted by nsinsr the Balsom, brought me a bottle.
This was after I had done with the doctor and medi
cine, and I continued to Improve, until my eoueh
stopped, and my lanfjs healed, and (rot well. I used
tea Domes, l reuiuin, genui, witn ki rvspc-i.
i our oo t serv i, juiim w x.l.lj&,
fl Washington St.', New Haven, Ct.
In Short,
The people know the article, and It needs no com
ment from ns. It Is for sale by every Druggist and
Dealers in .Medicines in tne u mtea btaies.
Sole Proprietors, New Haven, Ct.
Tt.I nrATMtrfttinn is TtwitiraiTiced hv T)vsnont?cs a
the only known remedy that will surely cure that
at;?ravatiiis and fatul malady. For years it swept
on its fearful tide, carrying before it to aa untimely
grave, ita millions of sniferers.
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure has come
to the Rescue.
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sourness
or A tidily (Stomach, Rising of Food,
Flatulency, Lassitude, Wea
rincsSyfinally termina
ting in Ikrilh.
Are as surely cured by this rotent remedy, as the
patient takes it. Although but live years before tlie
people, what is the verdict of tlie masses? Hear
what Lester Sexton, of Milwaukee, says :
From Lister Sexton, df Milwaukee.
if uwackes, Jan. 24, 138.
Messrs. C G. Clark & Cb"
Both mvseif and wife hare used Cos Dyspepsia
Cure, and it has proved perfectly satisfactory an a
remeuy. x nave ito nwiuinun in mtj nig ttiat we nave
received great benefit from its use.
very respecuuiiy,
A Great jRIesslng.
From Rev. L. F. Ward, Avon, Lorain Co., O.J
Messrs. Strong & A r matron g.
Druggets, Cleveland;
GF?tTLKirx It gives me treat pleasure to state
that my wife has derived grettt benefit from the use
of Coe a Dyspeiwia Cure. She has been for a nun.Ier
of years greatly troubled with Dyspepsia, accompa
nied with violent paroxysms of constipation, which
so prostrated her that she was all the while,- for
months, nnaine to oo anything, t-ne tooK, at your
Instiinr. s Tlvsnefmiit Oire. and hM derived
GREAT BEHEFlT FROM IT, and is now compar
atively well, she regards tiiia meoicine as a great
blessing. Truly yours,
Jan. La, usee i jt, v AiiJ.
The Rev. Isaac Antr.M. of Alleghany, testifies
that it has cured him, alter all other re ai edict had
Any drnsnrtst In the country will tell von. tf von
take the trouble to enquire, that every one that buvs
a bottle of Coe's DysjM'Iia Cure from them, speaks
in the mobBnquaiiaeupraisuf its great laeuicioal
Coe's Dyspeyala Cure
W 111 also be fimnd fnvalnaWeln all canes of Diarrriea
Dysentery, Colic, Hummer Complaints, Grtning, and
Ui tact every disordered contUlion of thesuiina. h.
Hord by Druggists In city or coamry everrwhiTe.
at f 1 per bottle, or by application to
12-H-od Sole Proprietors, Neiv Haven, Ct.
1869. ' SPRING, : im.
Invite the attention of tbecitl.r-riirrrfrsi-ville
aid surrorrH'"- wur"'-aity to their
eplecd-d BtocX cf h TAi-'LE AX D FAN CY
il j - if ji.!';! ! f
Congress & Button Shoes,
Sprino and Summer Hats,
Choico Spring: Printi, ,
Ten Thousand Yards.
BroTsm iz Brchdlluslins,
Twelve Thousand Yards.
.t , 1. . . r. (Lancaster, Glascow,
IjTlIlSnaTnS,! Sootchs, and Seaside,
Three Thousand Yards.
3,500 ITarda
Lawns, Jaconets, Pcrcalsj Organ
dies and Grencdines.
Piques and LXarsailcs, ,
One Thousand Yards-
i. i.
Dress Goods, (tt . ;
Tivo Thousand Yards.
4,ooo yards
Swiss Muslins, Plaid, Striped
and Cheeked Jaconets, JVan
sook, Mctoria Lawns, Look
Mulls, Birds ,ye iAncn, Cor
ded Isimity, Irish Linens,
3,ooo Yards,
Striped SJdrting, Check Whirl
ing, Ticking, all grades.
3,5ooo "Yards,
Cottonadcs, Denims, Ttfteds,
Kentucky, Maryland and Mis
souri Jeans r and Fine Cassi-mercs-
Table Tiinrrfo,
Bleached, Unbleached and Col
ored, Crash,
While and Brown, 40 pieces.
Linen and Turkish, 20 Doz.
Hoop SIdrt3,
Drop, Open Front and Bustle,
all sizes. 40 Dozen.
Parasols and Pons,
All Styles. Twenty-five Doz.
Cloth and Silk Cloalxs,
Latest Spring Styles. 10 Doz.
Bed Spreads,
WhUednd Colored, Linen and
Cotton, 12 Dozen.
Seamless Bajs,
No. 1 article. 25 Dozen.
Pur and Straw Hats,
2cto Styles. Forty Dozen.
Choico Groceries,
Cclclrratcdilloliiio PIotts,
1,0530. Cz Que ensnare.
... a-.:j
, Have received the
Inrrst and CcU Aorlncni
.1 i :
, ever fcrousht to the city of
consisting of
Sofas, Poldinc; Xicunco,
Secretaries and k: Case?,
OUco Desks. Vasl SiaaJs,
15 I Z i STEADS,
Narse Rockers, Dinlntrand Rreakfhst Tnl.len
OtTlce, Parlor ami Diniii!! Iloom Chairs, and
everything usually found In a
12-l-ly .
Advertising Aginls, Chicago.
tAre nu'.hi'rizeil to r?Wo A ivrr
timtnts for Ihu Txrprr, at tmr Unerst
prrs in Cie C S. ami T rnlnrvj.
("A1 MllUf-RT
I3 the only perfected and
scientifically prepared
preparation of its kind
ever offered to the public,
and ba'3 no competitor
in merit. By it3 U3Q
restored to its original
youthful color and bril
liancy, "which ii so much
admired by all. Persona
whose hair is thin or falling
out will, by the use of our
FEOIIOTES Renewcr,soon see it3 good
TTin effects, as, by it3 tonic and
JstimTllatiDo propertic3 tho
UaU W llirhair elands will be incited
and the hair grow thick
andstronra;rain. Inca3C3
of Baldness it will creato
a new growth unless tha
'follicles are destroyed. It
is cooling, and allays all
itching and irritation of
the scalp. It docs not stain
the skin as do dyes, bus
makes the scalp wldte and
UTnrvj wii.iijjuiu
inlUiliill ?f I, r,f, rincf anil mnt
economical preparation ia
the world, a3 its efToct3
last so much longer. Send
for our Treatise on tho
LOCKS! .hair, free to all, by maiL
Sold by all Drus;!stt and Dealers in Medicine.
coo!., coounrj & co.
Gsal Agents for Horth-Ve3tera State3,
L3-2C-y-cvn Lrownvilie. .
For rejJtoring Gray Hair lo
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing which
13 nt once agreeable,
healthy, and cCectnai
for preserving the
hair. Faded or gray
hair is soon restored
to ill original co7or
with the j7o$3 and
freshness of youth.
;1 ' Thiu Lair U thick
ened, falling hair checked, and bald
ness often, though rot always, cured
by its use. Nothing can restore tha
hair where the follicle3 are destroyed,
or the g!and3 atrophied nud decayed.
But such 03 remaia can be saved for
usefulness by this ppplicatica. Instead
of fouling tha hair with a pa?ty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean and rigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or falling off, and
consequently prevent . baldness. Free
from deleterious substances which
make some preparations dangerous and
injurious to the hair, - the Vigor cart
, : : ' I
. i
r ' t 1 -
!- X A
only benefit but, not harm it. It wanted
merely for' a .
nothing else can be found so desirable.
Containing neither, oil nor dye, it does
not soil white cambric, .and yet lasts
long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy
lastre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer II Co;,
Practical and Analytical Cnnn:3TS,
PRICE $1.C0.
Brownvi".--, J.'.''c-i.