I -4- .U.i f tk Am Mamh. at ply BoH forv. t-ri;P nrriU'Jl Tomer Atlantic ana ljihhI Ktrwi. t'i-kteverj-olborMuinUiy Morn- . It DAVIS, Itertor. -1 ! t n. O. F.-rownviHe Ionir No. S, I. O. O. F. ....,, ,n TiKvlnvevenincot eiteh wk,l Tiielook Tnu. tli-ir,itl In tlie Brej-tirwyer Urkk, on T : . ,77 . . T ., v . w. nowtA. sy. I I : ' I 1 ? f. &i X. 3L-XrituUa Valley Ux5re Xiv 4, A. ZJ, nmh.m MP diK'k ..m.. at tbelr Hall in tlie wi-tiiM'ver liriok. n Main Mwt. 1 Til t-.ii'1'K UnKliT are Invited. UXL " Ja.M. Hack fb, Secy. jC? IrrtvaY am! Dcpnrrt af tac """Iall. kKHillK-rn Rtcrnnrrives at 12 ni.; detarta at ,;N,''rtterii nd Kastern arrives aHp.m.; depart "lioMalt mi a p. f 4K at 7 a. m. Ivru Mull arrivw. at IU m.: depart at 2 p. ni. UMitrtre Mail arrives Monday. Wetliiesdiitu anrt r v at p. Ui 'lru Tueala-, Thursday and uinrila nt 7 a. m ' ' ,;riiit'Jlall arrive Fridays at p. m.; departs i. JTnfflre H-im from 7 ft. to 7', p. m. Snn J; trMHa , m if W-A. n UAH. K, V. M. - tf TMr7r. Jr al B. It. IU : : OnandafieT MayS. 1 Train will leave ItHJ. NaiHu lvHo: . . ...- ' kmx xorth. ewvivo aor-tit. BVall tralwa t f rttfft SaiMUy. . - ' iWlvriceiH Monrtjiy.- ..;- ' . . . uy eiit saturdwy. rXPAIV MATTERS. - x& T J, jL Coliapp, Editor. jj,n- Odd, Fellow Pice ting. Th Mni" n(1 'M,, 'llowR ' tli,s vlcinl ViuesUd U mec; lu joint c onvcntiou ilti3lainc IUkmim is lirvwuvill?, tn fcat urdy eveninK. J"n0 20111 lllst- nt 8 Ollock. to make tifsPI'r vh-bU'Jg the trenl ot Wing tleVorlr Stone 6f their NewItulUMnB. malla Valley Lo!c No.-J. A. V. A A. M. Oko. WCJiHJitoTiint, N. (1., Ilrownvi'.lo Ixxlge No, 5, 1. O. of O. F. Tbpuillc Scliools of Nemaha county will nil In, crU'bratiryr UeNaUonnl Ajinlver- wryii baUffdayJnlypJ.t 1! all's irove, tni7 Tree It.- Arrangenwots Hare lcen mi tr a' taoRet dinner, nnl Vnch Vrter Ulnnreul andrxwNe Jis will Ixi'npproprl t e Uie ociaa jh. All are-Invited to i.r slfSpHts. -I ItxT Teach eks. ; e llata-ai II rUU s. , , OtMf4 Cft Atswau fc Dro. s liaf jy ATMjhu Uauer halt Just received a jpnssM'irttitejit. iari-f of pfeTvliig Trult-4 wan & - i ' - ' - ' ' ' " TImMm Oil of all kind ut tc-reery & JskAfU'S a i '. .- .- t, . , . i nr .-- - DrWs? rt;A.,anTS(wodiIai!S nsh.-.nt gwao A Iiraa. rriitt Wlri In Abundance at .SlK-llecber-j jer ISro's. rV. 1..I I . .. w.' ! ; -'Xlis P.O.Htwi IVpot myn come down. 5 with your price. ...... . . r i- ri All TalBa of ruderwear an liable to the rrlrate mellcnl aid. read I r. WTilt tier's f4rertlHenrni s Wlnta, Oils anil Glass at St. Joe I' at Mrfriry Nick ell's. wonhL.;ii.ty ' ...... .r tTfc t)Hti(fit tric---irs .f , j c- - rautly keptbi iuk jAmitikrX ' -i .i Ilbeirt kel price paid f.r rhPat,-utts, fitrn,'Acly liedord & Handle, Wall Paper, Window Shades nnd School Botks verj low, at MdVcvry & Nit;! !!'?. Ire Cream and Soda. The most dellht Tow -erer -tasf el, at RosclPs ttnek Horn linker: we knbw, because we've tried It. k,t , Call attbe P.O. Xcvr Depot tor Hir lluoka, Iioncnl or papers. li- lheBJTte R.xlnctkvn. M'e are under 11 lutlons toCaptal n iVdoen f the Jujy numer of Arthur's Home Mag- Sew House. llob't Shurts Is h.irlnz a nai rwl4enee ererted m Middle Rm-wrr--fl Ie. Tlie location is a lx-antlful one. l r A freak lot of genuine Cltaintier of Com tyTre, HrllLlaut, Jewell and Royal Comfort tJiJ JsJ yeowU-CAl 4it Swan & Bro.'s. f ' n 0 t.1 ' 0 y ast itooMsnco-We notice that work tnon areercfln Wt D. Blackburn's new res wear at the West end of College street. It tuakna a gnttdt ItppcaTiWcc.' Patf H hn ifo larg904ocJc f JeweJry ev er rrifml- ce IiOUPe tn n rrty the size of "r. He gets new goods almost daily. Go WfclfceeWm. , ' - a. in , i i . . . n " . Wtcsleton lsttlllrithe corner 1 nnd M Jnrt rtvclved a full stock of Saddles, etc., d, as heretofore, Is ready to wait upon his numerous customers with as good work and t as low prices as can bcliad anywhere. LoaU A Oentictaaa's Shawl a few miles ""est of Brfwnvllle, on the TeeiimKeh road. Tbe aiistrl has iU owner's name marked oti It. Any one returning It to this office will be hberalijr rewarded. ' .., ... , . . "d's Ladj's Dook-Tliis magazine for Jalykoa oar Ubte.' It Is (he prldo of r American women, a household Jewel, the dressmaker's gnldq apd J he ltty'a compan ion. Clar.Ikre, .-r bad, leu Trim raers Feed and'Ttoai'rlmB Wnt.loutsldP ;"tut litttfle It is traIt;htforwartl dealing with loth man and e Io and try-jTC that have bcasteses to i --vr - 'ffi wsa'jgst to. Hank A Artnitaae's wlth- ort fndlng almost all kinds of country pro- 1jt w h ieh t hey pay the farmer t be h lgh "rket price, and sell at the lowest pos sible price to make a living profit. ;4.t UiU ikr.a-MU-etandari and Elht Literature- Ladle's and Gent's Majga- laes News, Illustrated and Literary papers -Stationery, etc, for the million, always fresh and cheap at the P. O. News Depo&r " -4 - - -Co.no rwrm Attention I " f. C Deuae-r Is exclusive agent for Ncnialia bounty for Cook's Evaporator and the Victo ry Cane Mills. All those wanting the above tll please leave their orders as soon as pos sible. - - . . 57-3t NtraaUe Homo Industry All kinds K Marbls work can be had at Neldhardt'a TlvUAlilils l?&&r lhan It ean be had elsewliere. None but the best ma ""iml used.! j" -.j -t i Tantnlenow being built by the A. Ti A. W. and I. O. of O. F. of this ctty win y. tat hi tlie most substantial buildings In oi4er Nebraska, Its foundation Is being j1' P and m&sfjve, audits superstrnctnro credit to Its noble builders. f ftmons" those-that teileve the legal vT'.'W this city have gained by the lo yVrc of Frcuh &. Rogers Attorneys and Ti,Ul,r at Iaw. They are young men, Ue- i . kj".its. Aiiey mny oc lounn '"H lM..I...4. VI r . . ' ural n obj west side of Court House tum,Vr. "omeopathlst, tia Jarf re- eaW iMl'U'i tuaT aadprroanenUylo- L thle city. lMidf.v "CHtBniiiciaieof tnevc- The ' morougu lu bis profession. In. n. -""'I'ainic system Is "S tround ln . .nathlc system r "" '"l the rir tn l w eaa reco.aw t, , ?' ow fHy Rhle demonstrating Tlt) PIaoulc Celebration at Omaha to day will be largely attended from this place, about thirty members of the Lodge In this city will be present, beside tlie Metropolitan Band of this city will be there. It will be one of pip nTairs oft5c kltfd th'jj State has ever witnessed. We lfttfcf edlior tf the DenwarU week before last in the delightful position of the boy that had discovered a "mare's nest," and crylng-rar," charging that we favored some patrons, stating that his published rates were the same as ours, white he had piiblUhetl none! Dr., when you have Incubated that nest full let us know Uie product!,; " John IIciMleraon Is certainly one of tlie most obliging and accommodating clerks among tlie many In our cjty. "Wehavcdealt with him for lo! these many years, and have LadoccaMon o often to notice his style, that we cannot refrain from paying, In liim tlie people have a sincere friend and a true man to deal with. :-.: . '1 Bridges on Honey Creek AVaslied Out. We learn from I'nele Jewe Uains that about all the Bridges on Iloney; Creek were washed out last Saturday night. Our merchants arc derply Interested In : this trade; and should see that they are restored at as early a day as possible. The one at the mouth of lite Creek Is Jn this Precinct, and our Supervisor should "see to Its repair immediately, " ' . Xnrixx the storm last Saturday-night the light ning si ruck the residence of ' W; W. Hackney in this city, tearlDg up a few shin gles, splintering several rafters and knocking off some brif k off of tbe chlmbney. No one hurt It was a narrow escape, however. B. B. Thompson, whoivas carrying around milk at the time, and was within, twenty feet of tlie house at tbe time It struck, was so affected by the lighlnlng that he had to return home without going the round. We are pleased to note the satisfaction with which our Merchants have received our first effort at getting up a Card Directory of tlie business of this elty.. It Is not exactly all we could have desired it, yet shows fair along side of those of larger poiuts. They arc being scattered far and war, and cannot fall of be 1 lug a grrsit.beneflt in advartislng the, town. "'e solicit their eontlnue'l aid In circulating tnem. i-iz jt ..a tj-.i: t J. s. Cnnrch hai Vne to" f hf Klrksvllle Railroad Omve.ition, andT. C. Hacker to tlie Mamk -Ct:.-bar .ITfltJTr.h both of which come pfl to-day. This leaws ye hcal entirely, alone to support the vast responsl- manage to spare llmCXO receipt toour friends for small Kuma. due the firm, but ourtime Is too tUaltd,to attend to nny matfr where mwwey j to 1 pUd out We're awJTol busy, that way. The Hunt of most any wild animal oecn slmiM great delight to the human family, and a better exhibition of tMs we nevor aw than that of about fifty smnll school children after a weawl on Colli?e street last Wednesday. All Inwsing the j-b and alwut one half run lngCterthewazl while theother was all ex citemeift tiget out of its way. This running toaml fro laftod alKHit half an liour lftre tjbe wearel juainied to the prowess of young America and a big dog, h- last The Clrens which exhibited here Thursday was certainly as lame an affair. as our citizens ever had the honor of being bored, with. The Pavilion, the dresses, the jokes, the horVes. tL Vi-jEors and"nc.tln"g wer2 as old and worn out as It could possibly be and hajpj together. They went from here to fool the pue-tle ti Ttumchf Btrica,:Tawnee City a tid. other inland jm Jnts. " n " " " ' " j v - i . . i - ' . - - i There will be a celebration of the M. FJ3.1 S. on the 3d of July, at some pleasant gryve not tTrthrrttvj-ri one.mtje from llrownvllle. It Is to be one of those pleasant Basket Cele brations which are so greatly enjoyed by all. Tlie Civil Bend and North Star Sabbath Schools arc to participate. There Is a general invitation . There will beone speaker of the day, and others are expected to speak. Ar ran pem en ts will noon be completed; grore s-!(-. i T" I prepared, and everything neees 1 'y to ! , i pU-iisant and happy time. - i ' '- ! -(i i . - ii l.l..f'wsmith and Vi,;:;. . ': p; in f . t ; ...r., and cm turn out as g-Kl a wa'hi f.jt- lew ia- want anted, than any-r.if tern wngon can te had for. He has in charge of the Blaeksmlt !i department Robert Woods, one of the best workmen in Iron in this country. He Is a s)lendll meejianieja every department of Uis trade.'iiiid Mrllc'nier's No.,1 wagons ikve gainel adJiMonal good reputation since Mr. Woods does the Ironing. With such a thororh mechanic and gentleman to assist him, Mr. ITeimer must surely prosper. Vtu r 4- Tho I ujvftcr Tim of ouf Illi School t.'tvr. nex l ri-iuy. A cloving exaaiinafion of the Primary departmetits will be held on Tliarwlay afternoon ; and of the intermediate. Grammar and High School, Friday. Tlie frl-nds of the tabool ami Its patrons' are al ways welcome, and shmild make It a point to Tlstt and see for themselves the manner of the teachers and Judge of the progress f Uve scholars, as slrowh by the closing day. Snch a recognition of their labors is due our teach ers who, we Know, have laliored faithfully to advance and Instruct their charge. The Storm last Saturday night was cer tainly the heaviest in the fall of rain of any we have had here -for many ye.trs. Vater fell In torrent for hours, do! ng a great deal of damnge. In thiscfty Atlnntlc street bet ween 3d and 4th wo s washed through; the sluice mndo to carry fftheater it the foot of At-lamie- strertwas woshel out nnd a great gulch washed In the levee. Culverts loosened by previous rains weu waslird fV'; ffam the country wo lenrn that t!ie Hannaford Culvert alout four miles west of this etty.was wtchcl out. It was a rain long to b Sf m bered, and which will be, for it wlll 4roson siaerable to rvpair Its damages. 5 i V -. ' ft ThcCpmitiltaloiniraCourt wnsln session last Monday with a full Board to hear and act upon railroad matters. We cannot forego this opportunity pt -commendtng thelf rv Jn-!L2! SlS - t desired ,to be left out on tbe vote. The law they quoted In support of tbelr demand was carefuiiy examined, and our best lawyer de cided It against them. We understand that the delegation to present theso'remonstran ces were fully satisfied lx-fore they left' We are pjeased at this, and anticipate an over whelming majority forlie- Bonds. Iet all work! ' ! ; ; If e-nr and Valnable JonrnalsA-We are this week In receipt of two new Journals de voted to the Industrial progress, of the coun try ; rAeJlaHnortMrerowd linildar, published by Western A Co.", 37 Puk 'RoNew York; and the Inventor and Munnfaetvrcr Jovrpali by C. A. Scott & Co., Cinolnnatt Ohio The former Is the largest publication of the"klnd la the United States, and from this number we Judge will be ab!y:"vndled. It Is a month ly at $1,50 rx-r annum. The latter Is also monthly ot 5VU3 per annum. Both of these publications merit the patronage of Manufac turers and Mechanics everywhere, and their few- price brings them wtthln the reach of alt No Mechanic can tike such a paper as the Manufacturer and Builder and read It for one year without being benefited an hundred fold more than Its cost - Personal. Last Tue6dayvOur sanctum icos visited by IL A. Rood, late editor of the .DodV County CUiicn,' published at Beaver Dam, Wis. He Is on a, visit to relatives In this section, and came wltbrscvoral others to look np a lotrrtlon, which we hope he will find to suit hi. He reports many coming this way from Wisconsin. Judge Reavls and Cfch MayTf.Falls City, called on us yasterdoy. They tpeaicln glow ing terms ofHhe prospects of Rlchardron county. The Judge's appointment 1 a good one, and will reflect credit on the appointing power. -"Dr. rresson, of the Tccunuteh Gazette, called on us yesterday, looking hale and prosperous. Ho was boundor the Omaha Celebration. IN i Be It nnderstood, that I will not be uq'- dersold. So down with prices at once. "Let us have IViwr." Yery Respectfully, t , s A; MARSH. ' v ' - - Champion Tio, a Improved. Reaper and JEkorrer, and fclngle Mowef. with Hand- Raking attachment, Dropping attachment or Self-Raking. This Machine can trully be said to be a complete combination ; the mow ing qualities are not Impaired by any of the reaping atuiciimenis, and Che reaping cn&U ties are not Injured n adapting the machine to cutting grass. This Is the nl- machine ever produced for cutting grain and grass, which Is equal to any: eingls machine for either purpose, Tlie change to Reaping or Mowing Is quickly made, and In either ca pacity tlie Champion No. 2 Is equal In every cspect, either as a Reaper or Mower, to any single machine. ' ' We rcspoctfully refer to the following per sons who have this machine and have used it during the past season: Joseph Suitor, Vohney 8. Whlttmore, Beat rice. John Creaaon, Jacob Adams, Wm. O. Coons, Wm. F. Tarls, Wra. Ilall, Teter Ingalls, Geo. Wheeler, Jullns B. Johnson, W. F. Russell, Wyman Kent, James Titus, Andrew J. Har visore, Vm. II. Titus, Brownvllle. Wm. Frazler, W. II. Yauleuvan, A. B Dur fee, Missouri. . .w John James, Aspinwall. .. Peter Berlet, John "Thomas, Glen Rock. John Detriek, Arayro. . - , ' " Wanlgell Vonconda, Pawnee City. i J. JL Stanford, Purcell, Long Branch. Blschof & Zlmmercr, Nebraska City. W. D. Searles, Rulo. . J. IIaxrU, J. II4 Harris, Balctn. . ; .t r Vl! Calvin Davis, L. S. Davis, Humboldt. . . , SHELLENBERGKR BRO'ft. . " The above sales, thirty-one Machines, were all made last year and sneak volumes tor the energy of this firm and the valueof theCham-l plon, and tliey feet asstired thai-all that Is necessary to assure the roost skeptical that this Is the best machine made Is to see It in operation or take the testimony of those who have used them. Ktlbeurn, Jenkins 4t CoMannfiie- turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Pine Lumler, .Lath, Shingle, Pickets, ,Sahi iBlindfs Poors, :BattcnfV'.etc. Office and Lumlier Yard, corner 4th and'Main 8treefs. Ii ran-ii Yard i4 Phr-lpn City, Missouri.' We manufacture our own material In the' Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where we. have In operation one of the largest manufacturles of everything made In Pine in the world.and oMaihlrtg our Lumber 'direct from the tree, as we do, we can sell at lower rates than my Lumber Yard In .tlju Wrt, which pays one wholesale and one or two retail profits. We shall always keep on hand a full supply ol ery Uiing in oar Ua ao thai thnaa Ifr waat may always rely upon getting what they de sire. We simply ask all toeiantnaar stock and prices before purchaslngelsewhere, as we' can-ensurc satisfaction In both. - - Having now thoro !f ughly fitted np my (Tele and sample roo I ms, at No. 41 Main street, I Invito the II public of SOUTH ERN NEBRASKA and NORTHERN MIS SOURI to give me a call, as I shall always keep on hnnd In Wholesale Qiaxttes WINES, BRANDIES AiLfdVURot too. i; I very best and H purest qua! Its-, 4 tf oi ail uranus i ,i oreignj ami jw u I mesfle. : I shall tl 'also have on fiand' I daring the season, Chicago Ale, Beer, Ao. Tlie public may rely bpon my stock being pure, as physicians of this city recommend it for Medical uses. II Full stock of Bitters, in cases or single hot U tie. I am also agent for the besrsiffard. I Thl made; Wjc II. YALLEAU. Having Pnrehaaed Mills In tbe Pineries; of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet Dry Pine Lumber on band. It 1ms compelled us to procure larger gropnlsorout Lumber Yard; therefore we have rented the lots on tba corner -ot First and. Water streets, where w Shall pnt one of the largest stock of Lumber, Doors, Blinds, Sawh, etc., west of the Missis sippi, and every body knows, or shall know. that the Saginaw Lumiur is r&r superior la am m rxt Vv r T .ti m f tn ' suij vu a amiMivi) Call and see us before purchasing else wliere. - . .. v rr';"-j-NTir 1 (One block from River.) - v ' BELL A SMALL, 13-tf Red Store. 4We hare licforc spokentifSntiny ndvftnta '. rs emoilled In this hive, and would here i.M, t'int it combines several features not t n.nd In oti cr rGT'al.le-eomb htves. First, It is so construct-!! a to Kj WL:":?r.-roof, even when standing cxposxl to str.rms; sec-" ond, the hive Is upright Inform, ww to se cure natural heat for the brood-comb; third, the comb frames can bo readily taken out without crushing the adjacent comb or kill ing the I)ees; fourthly, the hive la under com plete control of the operator, both as to ven tilation and defence against robbers. Many tlier points we might name, but these, to gether with the low prices at which the hive can lie constructed, are very much In favor of the "American Bee-Hive," & D. jfarris. Ag ricultural Ed. Obio Janwer. . . J. L. ColbappvAgeftt, Brownvllle. Past. ",Tls the song, the si gh, of 'he weary, 'Hard times, hardtlsaessoind again no more. For Its long yon have lingered around my cabin door, . iii ' Oh ! hard times come again no more." ' 2 Present. " 'V' Our spirits have been cliastened by the trials which are passed ; Hard times, hard times comeagnln no more Our purses have btn lightened, but we found a way at last, To keep hard times from our door, . x , , Tis tlie shout t;he cry f the'ranscrtBed, , y Hard times, hard times can "worry us no more ; We bars fbund tlieiilm of Gilead ;" all can be well fed and dressed By trading at Teare -Co.'s itore. Grelj keUoctlon In Lltarary Matter It ! t ' ' The following are the prices nt which Mig- azihes and Tapers will bo "sold at. the Poet Office News Depot : Harper's Magnr-lne, 35 cents. Harper's Weekly, 10 cents. Harper's Bazar, 10 cents. - nearth Home. 10 cettta. Leslie's Illustrated, 10 cents. New York Ledger, 7 cents ? New York Weekly, 7 cents. v J Saturday Night, 7 cents. St. Louis Democrat. S cents. : St Iouis Republican, ."i cents. And all other Magazines and Papers In proportion. Item ember, at the PoM office BnlldJna; S iAiVDIES! K Whhlng to purehaee millinery goods will Hnd It to their Iwneflt tocalj pn Mrs. T. F. Scoton, No 19 Main strevtr-vho has Jost re ceived, theTiest selected stock of Millinery Goods eVer brought o BrownvlUe, arid Is coi0pxantlodo anything In that line, as she Is an old and experienced hand In the busi ness, learned her trade In New York, and Is jife-pared to sell her goods as cheap as can be bought In any city. ' She would also Inform them that she Is prepared to do dress making In any style they wish. Also agent for the great Empire Sewing Machine. """ . Few -cities con show a better dressed out fit of ladles than Brownvllle.; especially is this the cose In regard to fashionable r head gear, such as Botftlets, Hats, etc Thl-f cVn only be ascribed to the full and fashionable stock of Millinery Goods kept by Mrs. J. S. Bear, -which all ladles should patronize.' Call. Training 1 We notice that many of onr citizens are training horses for the coming Fair, And from what we have seen, the exh bitlon In this toe will be good. We hope they will also fer! an Interest in trotting out surllcient lumbe and labor-to fenc th ground. Let's make fast time on this, also.'' , ' - i. Grand Trnalc Avenue-When Is this Avenue to be opened? In the" great railroad excitement of the past few weeks, small mat ters of great Importance like this seem for gotten. Trade from all sections should be ac commodated anl encouraged In coming to this city.- The Honey creek trade Is a matter of no si.oail importance. - : i Good Bnildlng Stone. We are no pie pared to furnish good building stone, 1 any quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon neorTomb Stones, Water Tablet, etc furnfshed on short notice and reasonable term LokjcCe Takev. . Great Bmk at Hetxel'st JVcw Good ! JVVw Goodt i I Bummer Goods! Linen Suits!! -Scotch Suits!!! Casslmere Suits!!!! Best material!!!!! Best made!!!!!! Most fashionable goods!!!!!!! Cheapest goods In the market!!!!!!!! Atlletwl's!!!!!!!!! The Fact That PAIJTTS, Oils and Glass ' : II. C.' LETT'S DRUG STORE, Is as plain to the minds of the people as anjr.Bajril door sign. " ' f, REA r ED IVTIOX IX PSICKS ! ! ! tub rmcs RF,aviMTtm; IS CLOSING OUT HIS SPRING 8TOCK AT REDCCKD' PRICES, , TO IAKE ROOM F0& SUMXEM GOODS NOW OS THE WAT I . UNPRECEDENTED UARGAINS " are xo tt orrrnr.D t Ills shelves most be clcarectTor the Summer Stock is sneh as was never equaled In this county, both for the extent and quality of DELAYS ARE PJXaEROlS. Cn and nfttr this date I will give no oreuit Persons Indebted to me will please call and. settle up, or tlie.lr accounts will lie left for collection. V N. M. HoT.TZIJfGEK. June lot h lnCO. "If eat Outfit Neatly Painted. We no ticed to-day the Buggy outfit of Geo. Dorsey, Esq., of this city, and must say it is neat and servicable; and that the Painting and Stri ping thereof,' doiie by J. K.Fretr.,of this city, cannot be excelled. Mr. Frets Is a master with the brush. Spring Goods at HeUeTs. John P, Manny's Combined Machine Is vtivgJdnrabla hnd reliable; cuts a wide swath, is light draft for two horses, and never clogv. Adjusts Itself to uneven surfaces, can Instantly bo ralsed.-over obstructions, and lias no unequal weight on the horses' necks; Siieeeenrergkr Bho's, 71 McPherson.s Block. Bargains In Land may be found in our advertising columns to-day. jr. , t : : Dwllders Attention. I am now prepared to do njl kinds of Plastering In this city or vicinity.' Orders left at the American House will lie promptly attended to. Prices rcason- aUe ! Work first class ! 1 no3l-3mj A. F, BELt The attention of our readers Is calhxl to the a(i,v5Ftbtcmontof Coe's Dyspepsia Cure In another part of this paper. This truly valu able medicine Is recommended by all who nse it. read the certificates. . 935,000,000 Is the capital of the Mutual Life i Insurance Companyof New York. Jar vis 8. Church Is their agent at Brownvllle. It Is the safest company In the wot Id lo Insure In, ' ' tf Tan can; save twenty-five per cent, by buying your Books, Papers, Mugazlnes and Stationery nt the Post Ofllce News Depot Itope, of all slues, Tubs, Polls, Churns, Ac. 5c, at Swan & Bro.'s. ;9ia00 Dollars and Expenses! See ad- TerUwiment of AmerlcnnShuttle Sewing Ma, c'llnt. tn iv.r'advertls!hg columns. lor " can 1,'OTiirftl. neeJlci glasses, si Iln, 88 Muiii'street. . without n fTceptlon ' ht'-d persons nnd all x ul l confaic-trKlmber- '- M Duck Coats j cool at Hetzel's. ind Vests well made and Linen Snlts from $3 to $15, at Hetzel's. - Iletxel has a splendid lot of Straw and Panama Hats. . Xrd Oil, Lubricating Oil, Sewing Machine 0U, and all other kinds of Machine Oil, con stantly on hand at K , II. C. LETT'S. D. F. Sander's New Harness and Saddle Shop Is already one of the Institutions of our elty. Why ? Because lie does first class work -a reasonable rates. Gfve him a call t . llUannon Htnton, Blacksmiths, foot of M&ln street, can set tires, shoe horses. Iron wAgons, Acln the best style, with their Im proved machinery. (Alpaca Coats, at HetzeTs. -1 - ? - - COUNCIL PROCKEDINGS. CorxciE CnAMKEits, June 14, 1S09.', Present Mayor Fairbrother; Aldermen TUmU'I, Swan, Mathews, (;rant nml llotilsnn. ' Minutes of previous meeting reod and ap proved. The account of J. M. Christie, 82,60, for tax es paid erroneously, was disallowed. Tlie account of Iu Hoadley, for room rent. J71), was reported to committo oiV claims. The account of J. M. Graham for lumber, 8-1.S0, was allowed and ordered paid from General Fund. The account of O. W. & F. M.- Fatrbrothcr, 4I, for prtntingjna per bill on file,-allowed, grdcg to be drawn on General Fund.- Mr. Mathews presented a petition from cer tolntltlzens, praying that the name of Wa ter street be changed to that of College street. Petition .read, and prayer of petltlotr granted. ' - Also a petition requesting the passage of an ordinance to protect 'merchants from tran sient auctioneers, which was read, and City Attorney requested to. prepare on ordinance In relation thereto. - " Report of J. B. MK'ntio, Marshal, was re ceived and referred t6 committee on claims. On motion, the Clerk was directed to draw an order on Road Fond for 70, In favor of the Marshal, to pay laborers for work on streets. The following resolution was adopted: " Rrtolvrd, That the Mayor be and Is hereby authorized to procure a Mayor's Docket, for suits under City Ordinances; and that said book shall not exceed In cost the sum of twenty dollars." Also, the following: "TtrtfJvcft, That the committee on streets and alleys be authorized to let contracts, to repair the crossings on Fouth street, between Main and College formerly Water) street The following resolution was adopted : "Resolved, That the Mayor appoint a com mittee of two to lnvtstisate what amount has been heretofore f.pproprbited by the City Council to survrv the Brownvllle, Ft Kear ney and Pacillc Railroad, nnd what amount of the same has been expem"." On motion, Messrs. McFhcrsoa and Fantas were requested to prepare a report of the amioantCf Money expended by them, out of funds appropriated by the City, In going to Washington "City and returnlng'tijerefraro In railroad Interests, and present the same at next meeting. Mr. Furnas addressexl theCouncIlon behalf of the Qulncy nnd Nebraska Railroad, and asked for an appropriation: to assist the en terprise. " - - Mr. Swan introduced the following "Resolved, That when this Council adjourns, It adjourn to meet In thhrrlaceon ThnrVIsiv evening of this week, to deliberate on a prop osition for giving aid to a certain ranoad enterprise." An ordinance entitled an "ordinance regu lating th'e crying of goods at' auction, and the of auctioneers," was read, passed, and ordered to be published In the Nebraska Ad vertuer. Aji)urneik ' '"" , . J.tMcNAt"' ' ' : .V.C'-rk. n..' : . c m ff 3 i - 3 Xt a -J o t . a 3 ft. o S c - 3 . r s z c KS'S ? "5 -Sa s-S a c'2 S2t " 2 ' 2 a, O 5 s - - 2 2 $3 a i s For Sale-A Cottage and two of the mos desirable residence Ixits in the city.- Enquire at uus omee. ; Choice Liquor for Sale. I have on hand a very choice lot of Ll(iuors and Wines which I will sell cheap for ch. : WFxnrxt, Grajt. Organs-jJurdetfs, from H0 to 8(500; Ma son & Hamlin's, S73 to $m James R. Dye, Brownvllle. 11 1 f ? ' IVoolI Wool!! Wool I I We will par the highest eastern market price In cash for all gnules or wool. A. May & Co., Regulator. ijinncn uravrcrs. If you want a good orticle, can be had of J. S. Hetzel, No. 70, Mc- l'lierson uiock. . . , , Last Sunday and Monday were thecoldest days of the season, and Wednesday a very cold rain. ' Iloltxlnger's. Groceries -a-rt? unsurpassedj ana ne sens tnem very low for cash. urtzei, at 72, McPherson . Block, has on hand a full line of Gauze Shirts. " Trunks and Valises At Hetzel's. ' ' J SPECIAL NOTICES. , . HKLMIIOLirs " ' CONC'KXTRATED El.I-tn VYTPfVsinuJ n.lkllT A 1: . . . -.V i AmnitA ernuH-uies eruptive uil ClceraUve ajin e:ses of the 1 hrfu, A'-, ;Vr,- , ,srl,, l 1N( the evd effects ol inerourr (' rvmovii;- all ta nts, the remnaiiU or DRSKAK hemlititrv or ?!!L.'LS,, .H"a w ,''k,'", b' AUULTS miuClllL DltlOi Willi p..Tlectsa-4y- , . , . 'l'w"',14b.1"nn"1 f !e extrtu-t pf Ssrsaparil-i la, adll to a j.iut of water, is cqiuti lot he l.Ubon Diet liriuK. arm one bottle is o.nini . ,n,nnn ..r the.synip of Sawjiimrilhs or the decfxtion as usual ly made. i An iutercstiriK letter Is niihliiiel In tii Miwi- (."ainirpiod IJevlew, tm tfie -iiJij t of he Kxira-1 t,f .-NKsaimriiin in cernnnjeirwiioiiby IiijiitnlaTra vers. V. R. S.. it '. .ti,,.. ,!.-!. .,1 u... ai... and di.sejji arLsine froni the euiw of nterenrv. h state- Nlial no remedy Is euaal to the Kxtni nt Sarsap-srUla; Its power is txtraonlinary, more so thua any other drug lam auuuuinted with. It is, intlieslrictestsen.se. a tonic with t Hist lv.ol,u,1.. Otribiiie, that it is ijlic!tble to a state at te.y- ri MiuK.Trii, biiu ti so irrituoie as rentiers other substance or the UtiMCfIa.s unavaikiblvor iiiin m ms. HI.J.JIBtl 1, U'.N CU-N I 'Jfjs Tit A Xh.1) KX TllA tT SAUSAPAKltl-A j'.smniLsiieu upwards tl is 5W Brrulwuy, . Y. years, i'wimjvd by may j ne Words of Wisdom -for vounu' uian. on tiw Ruling f wssion in Yontii nnd Kriy Mu)iootl with tSKLK UK LP tor the Krrinu and nnloriunaie. iscnt in seHled letter enveloi-rfs. Ire- ol charge. Aildri1, HUWAKU AiNSUL'iAlION.. Boxl". PllihlOiiiitltt, l'a. . ... Manhood: llow Lost, How ( Restored. SlfsTSin ,ast "ii edition of St. rIJ?'" t'ulvr-je!l Ceifchjiit; witUe :Z2U. rudicul cure iwilli..ii mtnlit ine) of lcjn.Tivtr'U',, or, rft'uunai w rnx liet. l5lVurtUlrY SinvlnAl Tvu Impotency, Mentul and Phy&irid fiuapa-ltvt Ini pedimentK to Murriime, etc. ; iUso, Consumption, Kp Ileisv. and Fits. indiKXMl by strifiiululsenc-e or uiu. al extravtuince. , , , t l'rtee in a sealetl envelop?, oniv G cents. Tbe celebralel author, m thin utiniirnhlw wmr. clearly demonstrate from a thirtv vears' auecessn'il praotice, that the alarminif OHue)ueiiceii of aeU-abuseinayheriUllriillyi-nred without the danprer onsuseol internal ineitUino or-the HpplK-atiin of the knife: ixiiritme out a mfx!c of cure al once sim ple, certi'.m and efleenml, bv means of which even-' sufferer, no matter what his condition mav he, maj eure himself cheaply, privately mil nuliejillw - ' giT litis lecture shonltl x'1n the hand-i of even youth antl every man in the landj. , ' : eni unner neii, to any ;i'f(tress, l:i plain envelope, postiwid, on the receijd of fix cents, or two txixtairi stamps.. Also. i)r. "Hverwe!)'s "Marriage Uuide," price 2icents. Address tlie nnhli.Hiier, . t'is.J.f, KuxrAttx, 13-Vy 127 Bowery, New York, P. 0. 45HS.. A Clear. Smooth Skin and Beautiful OomnleTion follow tlie ueuf HelinbolttvCiiM-t'ntnUeti kztrnct, Hartapnrllla. It removes black apvts Uiiplet, and all eruption of tiierskin. In tli Sni-I iict If kufti4. the Rvvfpm nntnmtlv pndericoea a change, and Jlelmbold a highly conceri-J trated Kztrnct of ttunaparilla la an atsUtant of thq Rreatmt value. I Vmd( Tallea. Rewarn ! Of the Iniurions ef- fecu of Face Powders nd Washes. All huUi rm-t dies close up the pores of the skin, and In a .short nmeuestroy tne complexion, ir you would navea fresh, healthy and youthful appearance, use Helm bold'a K.T tract Sarsaparllla. - Nt n few of the worst d'tserders tla4rtllct man klud arise from corrupting, uf thehlutxl.'ildmboid'i J-.xtr.ict araianila va a remedy of the utino-l value, ; Hclmltold'a IXtrnct Snrsnonrllln cleanses ami renovate the Iriood, instills the vior of la-altlt into the sy.item, and piui-H out the :komool that make tlise:we. . '., . r-l l n ontlfv t. O n n I i t y. I rel in bo WsJCjrt re Hr miwrilla. The dose is maH. Those who desire S large qnantity anil lare nnsesof metitcine Tlioae who desire brilliancv of Complexion must purify and enrich the blood, which Helmbold'sfoni centratert Krtract of SarsannrilU iuvarhuily does. Ask for ItrlMinAa. Take mo no other. i HelmWH's Concentrated Kx tract SarKuparlllav Is (tf prftJ lUittxl Purifier. DR. WHITTIER, A REfJULAIl GRADUATE OF il MKIUCINK, as dipliit:i at Olllce will ahow, haslieen lonper euitKed in Mie treatment of Vknkkk.!., iskacai, nml Phivatk DlSKJj.--Jt tha!i any other ptiyieian in St. Tioui. . syntdlls. itonorrlne. iMeet.Mrictnre, (rChiltis, Hernia. ;iiid Kmlur; u'.l uriiiory Di as.--s au'l Svi.liiliuc or iercuriui A4ii.-":o of Throat, '- -j or Iivjnt?st are treated ui.u jK-ruifcfSl!'M. Sexual TH?hility r I Ii-;.- tenoy, asthe result oi ew J'"' - ; ill exewa in nutlurer year-. r ai"r L' which produce some of I lu'iirwir-J Nocturnal Kniissietis, tihrtches, tie. ms.M, dimness of sisht, confusion (if ., .', i 1 i I'orelKxlinifs, aversion to society of feni:Ues, 1 -'ma of memory and so.xuul H-wer, tuid n-n'lerinjf inarrlae improper, Hie permanently cured. - The l'ictor's oirortuuities in liospiial and private practice are unsurpassed hi St. Ioui or tny other city, liiick tiles of St. Jmis pauers pnivo that he )uw been hs-nted hern longer Uian any otlier so ndverti.slnis. The establishment, library, laboratory and appoiiitnrfnts, nreK) rivallen In- the west, unsuriHtssetl anywhere: Aice, wiih experience, can be- relied iipun, and the doctor can refer to many plij-siciansihroitL-n-out the country. In past- success and preserft position Uestands without a competitor. " Tfce Wrltlnas of n Physician wliote rCp - ntatlou is l"iiuM-vltk' nhould V be wertrreaUna-. - Dor-roK WHtTTlKR publishes a Jft itirnt Iim)h Irt relating lo venereal diseases and tlie disus troua ami Varied conseiencc of self-abuse Nmt will be retU m any address in a sesiTeil enveluiMt tir two stamps. Many physicians minsloce iju tients lo Ue doctor after readmir his ntetlicul pamphlet. ' CVMitmHnications conttdential. - A frlendlr talk wilt cost yoti ikiIWiik Ollice cen Iral, vet retired No. 17 St. Charles street, St. litsiii; M, Hours i.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays' tl !b .. . ft; 5 n If TRUNKS, V A LISJ, ? a , in endless variety, at HKT7j:ijH. G ENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. at llEl'ZIL'a pOLLARS. All kinds and styles. at IIrTTZELH. TTAT8 ANI CATn?. All Varieties II -jm! h'.yi, . - JIETZl.Is. NEW STEASI FERRY r". ; r. r ', 1- til v.- - Xhe Jlrowmville Terry Company " 'have now running between 13 ISO AVIS VI LLE, . rKII., i ' , i .. . ... .A ? ? North -Star and Phelps City, Mo., , , uic jiewunti ctuumtxuniis tieam l-crry IrlARY J. ARNOLD ! THIS'IiOAT is entirely new, with -i.: jHwer nnd capacity to croirt everytlilng tlial jieiy etune. in any weather. For CrNlini Cuttle intt or out of tltln IjumI Dis trict, tliis is tiie best point. Tliis boat i esixi-iallr titttnl upto ensure sniely inrroNsim;sto-k.niMl larw cattle pens are already erect cd pt the . Joe. A t". Ik j n1 ih. nn'irm utt, . Wo con tacMie travel inu public that all in nor power Khali he done U mukp this tlie-most n-liaUocroHsiniroii IheMiwuNirl riTer. nitOlVXTILI.E FKItHV m i3-rtf :, CTtiRI.ES O. DOKSEV. ' '. "; OKOROK W. POItsEf Att'yutLnw. C. G. & O. W. DORSEY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS Dealers in Iiund Warrants. Duy and Sell Real Instate and LaiHl Vfarrants. - Select"& LocateGoTemiaeiit 'Lands. ATT r:M) TO c nNTlTEn C.VSKS IN TIIK l.X7. S. LAND OI"YI(JE, trXlX - , A larsje j.uantify, of First- CITiss Lands for pale In Jfemaha.-'RIehardson, lawnee, Julin- fon aniL(i:rge CounUcs Nebrnjka, o Whieli; il- Gie attention of purchasers' Ls specially fiivl-l ted. r Z . f " - . ' i Office-BRDWOTILLE, HEBJ5 I Branch O flee BEATRICE, NEB. I."--tf - r :. -.- - ELEPHANT IValer In nil kinds of stock. Horses lKught; soldndxclaB'q,d) ttloek. UmrdetL by tint dn'v orSveck. ' j The Propritor has recently crect.1 an entlnj newj Iftre and comnKsleous .stable. near tti.j oht llrownvllle I Ions?. His sttck H all frewli and vehicle. new. The public can be tuxvm wotlated at all hoturs;. (,. DAY OR TSTIOIIT. i A atock-corral I-, with nnlmndant unpplt of pure water, utUw-Jiod (o the: stable. ' 1-1 jf pLOTHING! CLOTHING!! Cheap J at i i irrzi-;Ls SUMJEER SUIT'S, fur Men ami Jloys, nt . ' HETZEL'S. BOOTS AND SIIOIW. Uostin the Market, at IIETZKL'S. T ."Etitiis ancrTaeific RAILWAY UWJES - VIA THE ) i' -i '! , 3 SS0!i?.l RAILROAD t (I t .1 ' The short Vnkfonai'rtir the r. Great JPacific Jiailivaijs with SAIFT LOUIS AND TEE EAST. . ... .... .', . . .. . .' 1 1 ' j THE THROUGH TRAINS over this riwvt run In c!os r-onneetlon with nil th V"itTn "KallroaiH, lamlin passemrers in St. Iul itimw.t mak ciu! auil iimiMMltutevuiMiecUuiii CTXCIXNATT. . INDIANA TOMS. ffTrt'AO . WM'lSVll.LK. I.KVKI.AXD ITTT- Bl'IU'll. ItrFPAM, Pll t T.ADKIj- Kew Yortj Bcsn,-WastiiigtonJ To Uiat'rtie hri'Okt -C liiiiui fs-er fr.tl.iU-'rt.-ciu'lHi f J rim tlil-l ltxnif, t;ie tn.niftttetri Jfce.THROUGH Express Traina iMvini; pft-sen'rs tlieireboircof l'mt" to the l"i-t. htal tti jfdvHnti)-.'" of th t -n liin nur twine mude lyrt Ro;wIs leadiriir from sr. I.ouis. r' -t : - " - f Whcfi nnrehaiinirtlricet.e, that they read vhi NOT1I 3I1SSOI K1 'JtAlLKOAD. . '. i ftt Iw obtaial at aU Railroad Ticket nfliee, ' 5. n. KNKJIlf. t,J I. lit . ! . CuunriU hiijM-ruteti1nt. a. r. Mrr.Tr.x;n; neral Ticket A Rent. I - : T;. DVX.V, Cerril "VVe-Tii Aent, st. Jofjii, Mo. : MKP.F.IITTf DAAK (rinT!il Advert M n i; Agpnt, ' - ' ' St. IMiis, Mil. rp A f , OFFICK fF TIIK COr.T.Ff-Tolt OF ' TXTKHXAI. UKVKXl'K. PlSTRItT OK THM STATU t'K XK!:R.IKA, ' Xkaraska I'itv, June M lxi'X ANNUAL TAX LIST FOR ISO!). Notice l.- lien-ty glvH that t'M annual lixt of laHas-v.-l ir. tscwir'iK a ith tl, proviso ion ot the art of l'o:i.Trc, tts is-nviilc liifprnul rev enue to snpuort the (!(iviT'm: it. t" jty inten-st mi tho phHcl"')t, nnl fur rt;-r jerr npjirowt June Hh. nml ti' .i;-.vii 'iTt- th"n-i-. he'n retnrnM tomeliy t n- Aisyir: t!ii Istrlet, awl that milil taxes ar nmv 1-m-. ncl yrtient ihiTP ff w liiTPhy (lpnnnlrl; a:i(I :h;it i A i'.l in pr)ii oi liy ili'paty, attend at V ;i l ft It t fr . W . I'l II II l ON JUNE 31st, 1HG9, fVf the purrxof rpo-lviriir taxp. All prMn-, whoshallntv!er n T,:iy U nmonnt of tliHir taxes, lien-twr il';-minl-I.ii r t'flitn' lb day l:vt hIm vc ruiXur'f, wilt l 4il to iy in iul Uiiioii llien-lo a jr.nUfif i:r prr n tm r,V a t. of tenfy cptih ftr -r-irf ff a ree;:'1 ff'Tn:tfd aivt notkp, VnfhT wit?- rH-r miH a nuK' trir-elinij fe-, actually ami nerwiitMy traveled U makf hn sen-lei? tliennf. Oflite huiir frrun 9 a. m. t- -" p. n. J. K. LAJfASTKTi. Xi-Zw - i -ul let-tor. r -i ; JOHN 1j. CARSOX,' nnmrxriLtifJL'..xi:iiKjsR:A Kxelmnge Doniht rn I S11 on nU 1he rrin rlpul cities. Also iieslrr in On I1 and Silver Ciln, (iokl Iust and G Q V IIKIi I LEIxT BONDS. tsreeeivl, ptynMe nts!i.Tit " 'tntpr. iii-piits l)v .operial a-'re.- nenl. ..l;ixe p;uI for 'n.-m-reIl-ns. -.. ..... i -AH Jviuilx i, V. S. lipids wanteil IjOUIS waldteer. the pionekr.1 - Vh - a I fttf 7 . (vV i hi K pel 1 V-. '? ' - ! tM I K ' i W aJ. tfall HOUSE,SiGli,CARRiAGE!, Ornamental Painting, O'u'lldrn. (;inzln. Pnperliaiiqljitr, 1869. SFRIN& 1809, . THEO. HlLLu CO. Invito tlie attention of thecttlterwof tirown villo and aurronlin community tothcif spienuiu stocs or biAl LK A.N L) A?SCX IS . LADIES SERGE, XACE, : -. . . " Congress & Button Shoes, Spring and Summer Hats, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AD GROCERIES, ILL FlltSil GOODS ! i;ii 1. s;. l '2 :T f . i t r u .1 t "1! Choice Spring Prints, 7. , Ten Thousand Yards. . 1 TuyJcc Tkousarid Yard Ginslianis 1 Lancaster, Glaacow, WcotcrsK, ami svaswe. i Hiri-c Thbimand Yard. r ' I 3,500 Yards Lawns, Jaroncfi, Prrcah, drgan tlictand (Jixnrditu. ' . : .. . ; - ; Piques and Ilarcailcs,' ! Otic Thousand Yard. Dress Goods, iS? Tiro Thousand Yards. 4,ooo ifarcfs Swiss Muslin, Plaid, Striped . and Chrckcil Jaconets, A'f;t sook, Victoria Lawivt, Jiook Jfulfo, Jiirtl Kyc Linen, t'or . did Dimity, Irish Linens, &riji '.irtiT, CI fit ing, Titki"jiGl pttidtt. 3,5 ooo Variria; mi ' CottonrnTr, Dcnini, ' . . m .... B r i... r ... jcHiwhff, jirirjianrt am mm sotrrt Jeans; Hnd fitit Vassi ' fttvtff; ' ' ' Tablo Linens, JJfem hed, Untilearhtd and OS. ored, . V t Crash, , White and Iroicn. Y) piece. Liricti drul furkith 23 Do. Hoop SMrts, Drop, Open Front and Jimtle, all ize. 4( Dozen. Parasols and Faili, AllSiyitri: Tirerrfjpftrc Doz. Cloth and Silk CloaLs, Latent Spring Sh'rs; r0 th'r. Bed Spreads'; White and O'Aored' Life fiand Cotton. U DHzen: Seamless Bags, t . tfo. i ttrtlele,; T Dozen. Fur oiifiajtraT7 Hats, Actr Kyle: Ftfrttf fittzen. Choice Grcc erica, PtLL StTOCK. Cclehrated Jlloliner Plows, i,ooo. EardxrarS Qnccil3T7are. FULL STOCK. lilcPHERSOIT'S BT.OCXJ, HANNAFORD HUGHES Have retvived T Largest antl II est Assortment 3 rrjs,i-jTTTrB3 ever l.rUtt f.v (Fe .Jy of ui;ovntili.i:, Jr. -J Secretaries and ' B&ck Csses, ' , -ORc Dc.lsl 'Wash Stn-d". "" 2$ 1Z 13 a t Lv I .s p : I . - , ; i .: t CANE - ROCKERS;' Xarsellocker. Ii:n:idraii! K::-,';frl T iit! Ollice, Turlor att l jit4.:ir u.i t ii .-ir.s, evi-tythl-. r.su:-:'.v r iu: 1 1'': ;i ' FUBNITUBE STORE ! I-'-l-lr t : ... -I 0 CQo:ccoBumi&co. NrrCi"rj Ajentt, Chicago, '' ' t'ArenHThirrizfit to rt rr tfr'r- " tiitmenil trr thit r. "t, at mtr U ? : tt,ii air Ayr ut if nreff X!tyL milVtHSiSE; HALL'S : i i:.:T ! .'. it tEGETABLS SlCILlAir HAIR Mmit& jPI UlilV JtilCtitiU UiU sciontiticaily fTrprrrc-l . preparation of lis ccr oSered to the publ'w?, and , has no compctttrr in merit. ' By itl ujp GRAYIIAIU u sooti restore! it oriWll yoafdfftF'fcoIor an! bril- RESTORES - GRAY' HAIR rr .'.ITS . BHGHMi! i;i.traiiel by ni!. lYriccs wbft?'hair is t!;:n or fill in COLOR, ' out will, 1'V tJiO u.-- f.f our FR0M0IE8 Ikr.ewory-oon ot iv 'po ITS jt'ccq r,? ;'y -s 'in p-.-.-- 'stimulating propertied Ilie uROrf IH! hair g!an3s will ho incite-! A rTTI and the Inir crov tliidc ISA andptrongngain. I:: coses s. J v v t of Baldness it will crcatp TT a TiCv crrovt!i unless tho Tirmri.Tn -r.i-.-i i . t - Yi. m ORE i- coounr, nrnl .allays' ail itching anl Irritation ..of the scalp. Itdocs notstaia 1 , r ,r tho slvin as'dj- tly('?, l-M'; makes sc.J "rrhits "tpTrpn clean. As aDRESSiy 4-1'.' it.if .'.hV.W.aaI raps Q .a? r iU4 1 1 U w 1 . . . LOCKS Lhair fret) to di, by iu Sold bf aUDrvlsis andp-'alers fa Hadicio. . C00!J , QOUnS' . COf J; Goal Agents foi Icrtii-T7dteni Statra, ,: 87 r"SiaB025STSErr. CHICAGILli' . .. - v ! !Si)lil hy : .,, ...nccnnxniT Si. :.iitj:u., lpjf;-y-evn ' l.r.w:ivi::c.j Ayer's Cherry.; Pectcn 1, . Tor Diseafics of tha T"iraai.and.tu";- " ' such &3 Cg'-sta, ColcL Whropin-, ' " ' Cough, Uronc'iitis, il3tLi4, ;' and CcjusnmptTon. , ' i" rronablT ncrcr terore fa w.fTe.MsJ-Tir "f fneik-ine, n&s arfhinf vnni .-to wrWy u l fir upon U caandeneo af mAcld.n i, a.i thu xc lent remedy for pulmonary con? ra. iruuh a.." J aeries of years, and araonji mot trie or wert it has risen h!frtw?r an-i h-trher irv tftt,irM.in toon, as it rsi Jjecorne bettr known. U,- uacrn clu raster ar.d jn-v-er to erne tm nin.iwaiau Of the lunjr r.n! thro.t, have niat' t irno.vn.'i?ar Lr.M p'oteetor axrktnht tliT '.VNj!.. mif j.tc I t kWit KnnM't:.eaiJcari'l to 7"i:i.r chiHruai it! at.iiio s.-.r rf' tiac :"ie &:ot c-I-.-t u. i r i'u -- tc ?vr.T f'.r Ian j -let'. u 41 ::. - :;.i D? t.: gerous fiircctiri)ef the t.'iro it un- !ji.rj A pro. vision against autlden jitu fcs of t r', j( unt-uH tc kept on haad 1.1 every tuai!y, a;il m-iecd all are omct':ae8 subjert to coUU :id toir', kA iKuJt Lo prOTidod wish Wm tmUlote fr thv. Ahhougfi settlcl Lontwnptiiji i Ciguxt in. curable, t.t.11 great e:i rubers ot ci!i v!u.-re ui di ci'c scein"t settled, have htcn tonO'! ''un-i. and Cie j'uLcnt rest'rjd to aiti;d f.OHiui kr the Cherry Petonl.. iui,tj U iu rtia.-U.-ry orcr tlifl ili.aoriJer8 of the Lm.iri aad 'll)-nt, tii.it the most cbrtinarc ft tlx: 1 yirMti t. ,!r.?i noth topf eUe could rciK:ii tl. r, .: .'. .r o Cherry Pee toral tiey suDanic and ili-yipvijar. : ' Singerg and Public Speaker ad great pro tccUoit from it. Aithm U alwrs re'ievn.1 and ofWwftoI" Cured i7 it. i liroJtchttit i? 7nr.crsr.r -ar- u by a4:.x tha Cherry Pcrtoral in .-rr."i! 1". w.i r.t Ko generally are irj vr-'.yfAn'.is ii V.i t w uoed not puUwh Uio ccrtUrtr.o.i if thcra hr, or da uioie than assure tie pubhc mat iu 'iu.L'j axe f-iJr laaiatained. Ayer's Ague Cure, Fc'r Pevcr and JLtrJ.Q,-lrrr :ti-rrt Zvor, Chi:! Terr, llcai'r..- 7;.?. Dan ; 1Aruo, "Periodical or Bflwaa Tvr, &a., ' and iadood nil tao ail3i.U'.-T. wcioa ens from. QiAri.iuis' rnareh, cr qsu&) poiscr.j. . ' , A" a i!3 r.im L-i'.::e?, . '. C-rf. ! ' ;e fail. CoiiU.niiir neither Arr;:.-,-.: .-, T. -ntuth. Zinc, nor ary other miner 1 .' -;y. ;- .-tnci whatever; it in n"wi ir-i-ir arty r:t vTha Mnbcr :u-l i:n;.or- ;:' a- nre.- ' x t..-uadw tvictj, arc Ut-.-nHv hcyr.-' - - uat. ;. r ; i. Ict witli it a pirrdi' T in th ::t r: : . .-.- n.Hiue. Oar vtA i4 rratii!o1 hv Li.- .vk:io'.vlCT.'inu 9 receive of tn radicsj its :ti iu w-:-uat caw, and whore o-!it re.-ni :...'. m f i-le-1. . Uiiarehirmtcd pcr- r.s. t-j-h.w - -,!:' m, or trSTelihrg thnui;h m::iH--- Ns'liie.-a-i I Le r tertcd hy takinc tbe- AUCV Cl'l-R d.ii . . For J.leer f'.-.; : . n-r.. -::i !--m drT:d:ty ftlie Liver, it i ' exr:ie-.t. remedy, sLiniuiajf tlie Liver into h .j.;t.-iy c:n--ry. Fcr n.iior.. Dieo..:.-r L.ver C-i-nuI.But-, it 1 an exr-":at r-r.i .-!:. :. -': ''' t-.-ir.-? r- "v re markablc mres, whe.v o-htr n-.;- ! -.-ir-l !.i"1. j?re;arei W Da. J. C. Aw oc ( ., i r;r:il ar.d Aa.".:;-tii:..l CViniit-s Luw U, M. wlva ail rouoil tae we;! 1. ". PRICE, $1.00 PTTI J'-'TTZP-. 'l Soldhv McrRKEXlY A, " i Vi tLt, , i-IVY J'NT. :-'::, c XjJ If if ' v - , -N-r. , ft f ) ZZT.vi i.-f '-il (Ml m; '-ntion n .,,7r