Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 17, 1869, Image 3

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    1 1
J jus, at CUy lxa More.
-..nriKH. nTTTiClT OirfHT Atlantic and
Ine. mm . rA vis. r..
1 1 f Lt . Dini
t i
V A. P.-nrwm-nvIll Lodpe n. 5, 1. O. O. F.
each wk.ul "o'clock
UieJirfj! merer lirick, on
''I U vrt'S r-roHitJH are in IfM.
Jr. A-
-e Na. 4, A.
;i;rd;iy In
; on tne 1st ami ;i
.'' m rnViK'li n.m.. at their liail iu the
"CO . Ii,k,.i.- .n Nf ..tin Mrwl
litB-iiW linrtber are inviifO.
tc arrival Departirrw 4f U.e T'si:. . ? T
pnatiiera mk! Eastern arrive ut Z ni.; depart at
"iilxr and li-trn"aTrives t( p. m.; departs
4r i ut 7 ft. m.
Cm .r,iv. t I- m.: deiari at 5 n. in.
JTLTtk Nail arrive Mondays.. Wednesday and
-.rlr.'. p.m tlfiMMa'luKjMj-1TliiiraviuU
!rVii7 Friday, at
. .1 h a Ml.
4 p. m4 departs
T""" , il.Hin. from T a. m., to 7- p. n. Sun-
d.,; from WWW.fc". W.A.IuUa. W, 1 M
Tle Table ft Je. a-ftd C R. R. H
ttA kftrr My 51. Tnuns will kT fbeira
l:ti IK ni.,,. ; ll- M. LU
i j-oob Rror.- Oi"n Jf Knwrtr-LJ
pn:n ftro. "'
. Bvr, t Xa. 9, bM ft ompW tiek f sll
k!nd of nrna r mlf, ft cash.:
Krftkft J1-Tnffh ywlnrpj Artlfl-
rUl eTn''inflVn atTearet Co.".
It it uplondU ftrtJcl.
- jn f ,8 . f
V,mitil( i. V-Oppltlon In the
Hfr of bailiM." IWk, rpr. MftgaxiiM.
.Si&Uoooir, Ax. ftt QiSViMt OCce.
' sunJiAy tun 1IS!if buer' liv
Wr?Jon? Or, nhftll we 1H tt p r
rxl d4r,'ndevTba!y eelehnittlou:t hlra
elf t- fctArt lh UCU oucUk!j-. : . ,
, . ! i
rTM Ulf in JUniirnTl!ir;hft
uM tnlr1r,Trd.
Jmw er twrly ftll, their lutHds flL ' v-
rI tr foe tnilMlnpi a! polngeptm Mfttn
rtiwt, iin J mnltors jenorullj look thrtry and
'noourglng. " '
. . ( ... . . . .
IU f. Beryeir ha Junt decirfttM the frwit
of hU BftiouM. IluW U enterprtlns' b4
wfext li dot know ftboet feU present trast
U not wurtb knowing. -. Even those op
pnted to miIoods cannot help hat commotid
.he rrly and deeent' manner In which
V. AJbtr.hra U conducted. ". '.' . t
, ft-ai4cwls Kta fclTA.way
rnikwthK ond!tla beautlnal
! amUy PwJng JUacJOne, that will $nt all
IdU of I'lain Sew J as. U1 he Riven to any
.luli of 8even Subacrlhmto ,ArnoIJ' Tan-
f MatJna.7 JYle onJy tl,00 yenr. 8am-
m copies ftftrxccharce. Ageol wauled
-niftle and femala. Larg weR' paid.' Afi-
rtai IL H. Aroid A Ov. Kivcrelde. S. J., x ,
" ' i'i'-''
Ckaaira In XXtel Mae-aL-0).
.Hirfcertr !iu 4td wai LU t&terect 1n the
ynold'a Uhum to X. X. Oruea. lattiy of
uhvy. lit; We undT;a4 tfeat Mr. Orven
aaU band aX tlM Wm and "Vuowi
itw to keen liofcL", A a clllton, we are
ftsM at hU location amonx u; a a hotel
C llthlia'iiauiar8allsi.i
at thU popular hoiute vlU loaf none of Its
Elevatark We arc plcaccd to noXethat
n-ftty some of our heavy grain doalers are
rparlng tolako advautuge of tfce very io
orahle sltuatloa for building elevator on
ar MutTn, at the very edge of which the St.
oula and 2kebraidu. Truuk Il&llroad i will
j rely run. Tli-pbtna iaooatenanlattott will
i re a very dtop handling tf grain of all
Ituhmuid IU shlpiaeaU tw Uwlk wlUtM a
latter very elly jMwontpllatMd Tkla, to
if farmer, will Ije a (treat aaving, for In time
o will Mirelj- imeei v tbe main beocCIa there
Tun, while 16 will ptaee tlM rraln from thl
"inJnTafffrrt rnarkotatf!jurrtlit will
fy ciniMtltlon wlthgraln. ahlpped ty the
nucnt metltod. Thla much for pro-pectlve
Jlroadj! v t .t, t . ;( ; . . ' - t '
The Brt4e Fatef hy Mm. Emma D. E
I. Soiithwortli, a aeqal "The CKangrtl
ridri I In ptvM and will he puhllalied In a
r-w dayt by T. It. IVtraon 41 HroOer, Thlla
Mpkla ;' It wlil command a very large a&le
It Ik fully otjual U "The Changod Bride,'
I'atr ItwT anl-JTow he Won lHnr, which
fwe'tirfrved to lc three of the bcfJt novel
vrr pttUlalied, aui which are having unprc
dented cas, for Mrs. &oothwrU4 fa, bp.
ond all doubt, the first female novelest of
he day. It will be hmwd rn a large duodeci
mo volume of over five hundred pngea. In
;nUorinlyle wltfe.miO-Oiiang-xi Ikides
ralr rlfty,M anvTIIow Ite' Woo Kcr," and
ld at the low price of tLTi In doth, or tljO
ijpapt roveY.
"Wa have hcctre nokea( .many advanta
i emlHMllod tn this hive, and would here
Id, that It combine aeveral foatures not
ond In other movable-coiuh .btrea,.-! Flrat,
Hi no cotiRtructcd as to be weather-proof,
a en when standing cxpoolt torrru; aec
iid, the hive la upright la form, so as to e
ure natural YmJL for the brood-comb; third,
'.e ebuik frame 'can le realty taken out
f lthout crushing the adjacent eomborklll
' K Lka bees; TiMirthly, the hire U ender om
te control of the operator, both as to ven
:iatioa anddefenee against robbers. Hacy
Uer points we might name, but these, to--ther
with the lowprlced at which the hive
n be constructed, are." very "much tn favor of
!e "American llee-Hlve, & D. Karri, Ay-
J. L, Colhapp, Agent, lirownvllle.
StrawVrrte-tst EaJurday c-T e;In
"ally was eonslderably startled by the en--anj
of Theo. IIKl, of the Cna of Kin t Do,
lng!cg the announorraent t2uUUdye
-red oar preaence Iraraedlately at their tore,
hlch summons we olwyed trsstA?:t?j, aad
ere there (u.hrod Lclb the pre snce of .ilra.
veleas, and bushel or so of Nebraska
trawbenies baacious enough tn their las
ouilovcllncas to eau&e the. i&!!va to run In
j mouth of a statue. Urs. LoveleM ln
'rmed us that ahe had act apart about half a
"ck for our use and beucCt, for which she
&a the best wishes of the entire oCce, We
"Mured one, and wmhdtt tnche In d!-'-Jneter.
We took It home, and the baby wm
teen mtnntea, by the clock, eating It. We
obtlf Itcould be beat. Sbe has undoubt--!y
the largest fruit farm tn Nebraska; and
t many kind ifavfianbraeea of the printer,
'rove that her heart, as well as her bead, la
Khtly located.
3iTf ror "prtKvIrig f.-uU tU Strait A
Tk CHbBltte I appointed to - Circulate
PrtlUon to our County CommlMlonera to
mblne the vote on the North and South and
at and West llollroad Interests obtained
name lu three days ! Can there be any
in the. pilodg of reasonable wea that
vo4iircacrTf - We Judge DoU'Thepeo-
of Nemaha County farmers especially
e tired of btilng fi-oze In durlrg &lx monlha
Jt oc the year, during which time they are
tne tnulrr merry of the speculator; and
-r"g Ut post. winter even thU has In a
aure bf withdrawn, for grala boyers
"n thU side of the river have been forced
'4,P'J cf gtUcg gnUn over the. river-
' la uiiutoa &a.ty, UfK, and
ve 11 Quivered at rallroiwl dDC-f lap that
un'y, while a surplus baa lain hexe awalt
I the opening of navigation. Merchant,
' ,iAV Had V pay 1 t&jc tf twenty cecta a
ndred to bring freight from rhta City
" o of narration. Three j-ears
"" ua tax on the rrodueors and consum
tJ 1.1.. - t T
. wviHrn, wni cot more than the
aaa.juatlouanowai-krd f.r.
3 7 -- re-? i
ai,d rie. t . a:
Haklng attachmer.?, T'rc; ; Ins r .
or 8e!f-nklns. This 2.1 r.!n.; cni
toU?sc : .-rl-.tec: .. ;
Ing qu&I'.tlea are not li;ij",'.:re4 hy ;
reaping attachments r;r. 1 1'; r .,
:.i eh nee
tru'ly La
r y of t
' l q
i:e are not injurol In a :,,-'. In z th t.mch!
fr I'rtxiuccj. j jt caivirg gn .ri 1 1;
which eq ; i i! fir ,a
either j . ,"v , T!v . v ?: r 1
Mowlnjr lquk:y n;:. !, p.:;1 in
ie for
: or
r r ca-
pacl;-. .
of j- t,:
Kir, " -
Cham: rrn !'o. 3 is r ;t:i,l In every
r cs a IV:i.-'rcr IIod-'.t, t nnj
: ne.
i .ljli,.vi.... (. Ii., a . I
s. tfuT!y refer to the foili Ini per
Vp rrp c
wjns win 1.
e t;,:. Machine h.r.-l uc-l
It daring. the jwst asason ;
Jom !; .SuItor.Vohny S. Wl.:ttmcres r nt-
rlce. .
John Creanon, J.v.-ob Adams, Wm.'J. Coons,
Wnt. KTarte, WmIIiill, IVter Injridl, Geo.
Wheeler, Julius It. Johnson, W. V. Itusaell,
yniAn ent, Jninrs Titus, Andrew J. Ilnr
vljtore, Wrn. II. TltT.tte, Erownvlllo.
m. Frazlcr, W. II. Vnuleuvan, A. 13 Dur-
fee, Missouri. "
John Jam-s, Apinwell. )
reter I U , Jchn Thomas, Gl-n Rock.
John Det rick, Air.fjo.
Wan Ig-ell yoncoiuhx. Pawnee City.
J. I' Wnnfird, Turei'll, Long H ranch. ,
U.Hcbof & JUramerer, Nelmiska tl ty
W. I). Hervrl, Uv.l x ,
J. Ilnrrlf. J. IT. Ilnrrlft, S..!-m." w
Calvin lavl Davli, 'llunibot dt ?
Iesaieate4 C.
-At Swan & Ilro.'s
MeCreerj- .i T. U little-We have lately
had part let. : r occnMlon to ask t he aid of many
of mr rnercl ntn In a matter wlilch.althotigh
of a general Interest, was particularly as
algned to us,; i font; 1 nohe mororealy to
resiMnd, nnd vvi ;k f r the general welfare,
than the firm trve Earned. And therreirurt
counted heav'' v lii faTcr of rrtrc 5 and en
terprise, and . '.r.pc.i t'.cm aa aroong our
most progtww cltlxcn. This Is also Indi
cated by the! t busInoKS, w hicli. In a few years,
ho grown to't !gaallcrr',?orlon8 render their
able, enerpeUc, and fafr management. Next
to them. In a woe k which "Some may have
f.-arod would -1V their custom, atood F. E.
Johnson & Co.x who are certainly deserving
of the coiifJjcnoe f this comrounity nen
who will battle, fot the right "though the
ITeavens fun." Iday we ever have such aid
when In a good cause, and may such ever
-Bauer hs Jrt rrreired a
fine assortment.
KtVr 1 t-y Xsii.f.'.TZ'-'X Tery S3'1 acci
dent !..- rpcrved aboct two is lies m . uthwefit
of thl city daring the storm yeU rd,.y morn
ing. Ely, a son of Alexander Starry, was on
a mare whose colt was following, when"iU
three were truck and killed by lightning.
A Mrs. Munce saw them when struck, and
her husband and Mr. Starry Immediately ra
to the scene of the accident, but found all
pot recovery. The boy was about thirteen
years of rare." Tben!y marks left bu him to
Ltdlrata where'lie was struck was on the Wt
side of the t cd, hact of and above the ear.
where thr halt wa scorched 'and the scalp
considerably torn This la a terrible blowlo
Mr. Starry and family, who have the sym
pathy of all la their sadden bereavement.
The Great Clrews
Will arrive to-day, and the Ladle shooM
ali-retnember thai Mrs. Clair keep the lar
gest and best assortment of illl'lnery Goods
In the city.
,TTe kare received froia MJ. J "W. Pear-
mala, of - Davenport, Iowa, a copy of the
Iavenport Daily Gatrtte, which copies the
report of the meeting held In this city week
before last relative to the Atlantic and Brown
vUle brjnchT lit It I.A P, and says
It Is a railroad project In which iMvevport
will be deeply Interested, and In ltsanccess be
very greatly benefitted. This propose the
opening to our city a direct railroad connec
tion with Southern Nebraska, and the rich
and soon to be populous region tributary
thereto. " . v , k -
We arc pleased to Utile that negotiations
are progressing very favorably now, and our
pra-pects i w-ttls dlrecrtrm arc bright.
New Cds constantly rolling Into F. E.
Johuson dc Col's,
The Ift4lla of the M. E. Chttrch held a
SlrawTerry Festival ht Tuesday evening.
which was one of the most pleasant affairs of
the kind ever beld m this city. Everything
west smoothly as a anarrlAge bell more es
pecially the Strawberries, which were deli-
clous. It netted ahout JIM, and did great
credit to Che good taste of its lady manager.
rFV'w-iEjjol.&ho. V Cxt c ecetv.
leg fresh Grooerteatif every btiaV
I , .
TSVA.PtIekc t Seal have gone Into the
News and Book Business, and with their
known nccommodutlng disposition will en
douWedly do a good business Whent you go
the post office, you can get most any periodi
cal, book or paper you desire. Remember, at
the Pot Oflloe.
i i X X v
Traakt and Valla At Iletzer.
Builders Atteatleau I am now prepared
to da all kioda of Plastering la this city or
vl !nlty. Orders left at the American IXouae
will be promptly attended to. I 'rices reason
able! Work first class!! .. . ,
no-ll-Sm A, SI ReLU
Fence Wire In abundance at Shellenber
gcr Bro's.
DryG a .--Tlic hdeat etyk may always
be found at F. 11 Johnson &. Co.', as they are
receiving them dally from the Eat, and are.
selling them so low down lor cash that any
body can afford to dress up!
. . n a
All I And eft Uuderwear suitable to the
scasou at ll tzer.
C33.000,"" I the capital of t.!j jr -tual
LA'-a Insurance Companyof New York. Jar
vis 8. Church H their agent at Erownvllle. It
is the safest company la the wosld to Insure
in. . ' . - tf . .
lUaem Swtta from 3 to $13, at Iletzera,
Tla T'iw F 1 Store and Psardlng Stv
blolspoTc-in fill ojT.'ion, Mr. Trlin'nrr
hosVocd of all kinds, and a good cool place to
stable atock. lie ia No, 1. hand with a horse,
and will do the fair thing. ;
Xletsel has a splendid lot of Straw and
ranr-ina Hats.
Ct. Harlem has a od stoclt' of staple
Drj' Good, Hoop h ailrts, ;Comets and Trim
m ' " ; also Quefisware, Fresh Groceries,
au. liie oesb irana:t vgnr.. ara see
hi'-- - S X
r m T T
L-.d Oil, Lubrlcftl.. n QA, Sewfr.j Machine
Oil, end all other klnJ i of Machine OIL con
stantly on hand at II. C. LETT3.
X r SaleA . verj" d Arab's dwelling
ho, with two lots, fenced ana In God
tlvatlon. wlthastaMe on the premise, on
Meltistreet. I'n-xrJre of Jo'in C Dimser.
I Vm lawi 'i 2 ?w Harness n, nd P! r.s
S.Kp is alreAily one of the institutions of our
city. Why? Because be dots Rrat cls work
at reasonable rate. Give him a call!
n 4i, Iliiatcn, Blaekniiths, footof
M a street, pan set t' res, shoe hwscs, iron
T-"liB, ia tho bet style,"ejth their liii
piovfd machinery. I V
P "cTa lias tle larc; Kt-x k of J.tTelry-cv-c;
-rrled by one house la -ily the tlza oi
our. He geU new goods tlmost tl iily.("
crd see him. '"' . '
Call at the Poster oefor EooksV Tapers,
M?; i. lines, &.L, and if ?iey are not on hand,
wl'J be sent for, cheap as tc eheaposu'
A ireasi lot of genuine Chamber of Cora
r rce, Brllliaat, Jewell 5ud yal Comfort
C .-a, Juet reoc Ived at E san A Bra's.
FtrSwia tad Ice Cream, thafceo?
har', and RotcH.. at the Buck Horn I
r it up in tNs best style,
Choice Ll on Tot SaTr I haveor. !
a trry choice lot of Liquors and Wines wk' j
I will sell chetip for cash.
, (
PtlTte medical aid,
read Dr. Whlttier's I
la tho : f
- c "f-'i tri the SlKt ultimo, reaa-
evrnir;;-, i v tle? irt ifranwof theo jta for
in tt? ; -ica of the presiding cmcer, Mr.
.L. t . i., X at-mucd l.'io chair.
ie c : :'ee todrrft aeonstlfntlA-i
the f..l j, rcpoji f - j Jl
cossrnrnos. it.
AFTici.x 1. This Anwn intlon h&ll be known as
ART. 2. ihe .t,j.Hi, of liiut SrietT nhftll be the
r-i.r mi rfwi of I lie to prf"fnj tt:e young
A nr. a. t it .,i.'m of thU K.-it-nhnTl be a
j rvHii.fur.. . 1'rvKHlent, tstVrvtnry.l rHiMiirer. end
f-nifiri?oi iare Ut uianni e tiie bxinj aU.urs
A kt, 4. 'i t', dutita of the rr.1 oncer hll be
thirp nmiiftUy perfarniwl bynucl (l!.cer ia siaiilar
akt. Any pernon nny beenme mwiVrof
Uii K-ii-ty iy Kitrmriij; this 0n?t!iutlmi, lix l Hl.n
inn HiM.iwini; tb:." nereur pietice ray
lifinor tiint 1 whi ikiI ue a a beverage irttnxiciUiw;
li.nion I any klixl and ihut I Wiil Uicmtiteiian
tlit-ir uw by .t her.
Aft. a Tli ii Society mnv enact any 1aw for IU
covtrmiien!, not iii-oifiltcnt witb t!; OniHtitiitlon,
m mil n-,in:ir niuii, ny ft iwo-tninu vtu.
ieii-Ifd at Bny rirn!ar ii;wiiiiif of the Society by s
-Aur. ,. j ni" lnNliulioii mav t nitfrrI ir
invriuirus M.iooi a.u i,w jafmijcr present una voU
lwrNctfuIIy suhmlitto. - ; ,
J.W. Br.At k-nrnx.) i; Cuam-;
A.s. Holladav, Cora.
On motion of Mr. Church, the Constitution
was unanimously ndoptcd.'
Kcr, Mr, Lowe adt'resed iheBocIety In a few
appropriate and well-directed rcmarlta.
i.ev. iingiuiri men roiiowva with a
very earnest, forcible and effective apcoch.,
The Secretary was Instructed topresent the
Consist ut Ion; to the persons present for the
signatures of those who desired to become
members of the Society; but at tlte sugges
tion of Mr. Chnrch the matter was deferred to
tLe next meeting of the-iclety.
iUerfMrlcty tlnin aijoomed to racet at the
M. 11. Clmrch on Monday evening, 21st Inst.
A corJlal invitation to participate In the
occaj-ion la extended to the pubilo. ... ;
. r, ZLFt BOYD, Ch'n.
S. D. Calhoujt, Sor " - ' '
Highest market prloc paid for wheat, onts,
corn, Ac, by Bedfoni llandlcy. ' ' "
Having now thoro "? "dghljtted np ray
sale -and sample roo 1 l ins, at No. 41 Main
street, I invite the it public .ot SOUTH
SOURI to give me a call,' as I shall always
keep on hand In Whrlkkalr Qcaxtittks
yi very best and H purest quality, A
Li mettle. I !.&I1 .i also Lav? on Laid I
during the scasoci, Chicago Ale, Beer; Ae.
The public may rely opon ray stock being
pure, as physicians of this city recommend
it for Medical nsen. tl Full stock of Bitten,
in cases or single .bot y tie, I am also agent
fr the Lest Billiard
I Tables made.
wFer Sale, A Cottage and two of the most
desirable residence Lots fa the cltyl (Inquire
atthlsofnce. : 1 t
1 r--
Flre Cxt Is swlalaers are coming gTeatly
In favor even In large eastern cities where
they liave public facilities for extinguishing
fires; and seem almost an indispenaible arti
cle in business house In small towns which
have no fire engine. Hauk &. Armltnge have
the agency for the Kile ofExtlngulshprsr in
tais city, and we would urge merchants and
others to call and see It. They offer and no
doubt will make a pnblle trial of It, It ha
been tj;ied Ir benrly aileeir Isrgl C'fl and
pronounced a suceesa. GQandsoe4!.
n.ope of all sizes. Tuba, Tail, Clura; io.f
en at Swan A Bro.'.
- r - ,.i ;
Great It la at UP. iJ
" XewGoodt! Ac Goods ll
Summer Good!
LtnenHuitsIl i '!'(
Scotch Suits!!!
Cnsslmere .Su It ! ! ! !
Best material It ! 1 1 Beet made ! Jlllt Most
fashlonnble goods!!!!!!! Cheapest goods in
the market!!!!!!!! AtHetxel's!!!!!!!!!
"Lirea tliere a man s it!i sml so dewl,
Who hcrer to himself hath said " "
I love my own, my native land,"
"And will by Marsh's News House stand ?
Same place where any books in the land
can and win bo purchased nt publisher's
prices, and the very best of stationery at low
er prices than ever strnck this upper country,
irade into ilarnh't, it torn't leej.
$1300 Dollars .nd Kxpeutea I See ad
vertisement of AmerlcnnShuttle Sewing Ma,
chine In our advertising columns,
HI shelves must be cleared, for the Summer
Stock Is Much as was never equaled in this
county, both for the extent and quality of
goods. .
rnyect almost without an exception
can be cured. Near-sighted persons and all
needing gla&scs. should consult Dr. Kimber
Un, 88 Main street,
Good CeUldlavr 8 teate-We are now pre
pared to furnish good building stone, la any
quantity., Alao, Mop .Stone, JUasea fcrT.ron
ameuu ot Tomb-Stones, U'ahr Tahloa, e'Cn
furnished on short notice and reasonable
Looakcb A Vabxev.
1 1 f.
Duck Ceats and Teats well made and
cool at I let 7.el'
Hats at HeUela,
IlaviBgPvireliaaed XXUlsln the PIneri
of Rjiglnaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet
Xry line Lumber on hand. It ha compelled
ua to procure larger grounds for our Lumber
Yard; therefore are have rented the lots on the
corner of First and Water streeta, where we
sh&U put one of Eie largest stocSa of Lumber,
Doors, Blinds Sash, ete wet of the Missis
sippi, a. J every liody knows, er t halfknow,
tliatfie SagT:iaw Lirrabcr Is Rup'rloj to
any other Lumber.
Crdl and see us before purcltaatBg else
Whtfe. -
(One block from River.)
12 if - " RedStonv
gpr!2 Goda at netwd'. f
Ye bit thlH day-resolved to quit the
credit ytera, ".riiose Indebted to us will
please come forward and settle up. We woald
be pleased to sell JVU goods for rash ; y o
doing we cun d j bctti-r for j-ou and ourselves.
Hoping to see you, we remain
Yours truly,
tt ( - SMALI.A BELL.
iaowjmtir, ! lay "ta, '6.
JhM X jrafya ConWned Machln U
strongs, durable and rt liable; cuts a slde
swath, is light draft for two horse, and Inever
clo-sja. Adjusts l:ailf to uneven earttce,;, fa
Snstattly be raised over obstructions und
lias no Ufcequid weight on the horses necks.
'"-- 74 McPherson.s Bloc.. "t.
TIe afiPttMi of our renders is calt'l to
the adrettlseme-itof Coe'a Dyspepsia Ct.rsln
another part of Ma paper. This truly valu
able medicine it recommended by all who
tfnelt. ron It' certiaeate. i; .
. .. r
Cu rrana Ihiidetfa, from JI10 to fSOO; Ma
son d: ir: ril!aXtT5 to m -
James R. Dtk, Brownvil'ei.
T1 ! V.'ot 1 1 1 Wl J t f We will pay
the h!gli.t eastern market price In cash for
all grades of wo-3l. -
. A-i Mat A Co., Regulator.
Ltanen Urawera-If you want a good
article, can be hid of J. S. HetseL No. 75, Mo
I'herr fl-xk. . -
FJ .
I .: r 1 1 a zi". m y t nd 2Ionday Vere the coldest
Vi.-s c.'therrwtos, tnd Wedacsday Ycry
j-jr'fi Groceries ara unsarpessed,
! " (- n vr: low for tash. r "
lUtit?,. tX U iScPherson Block, t o
haad a full line of Gauze Shirts, ,. w
Idllbonrn, Jenkins Ce Manufac
turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in
all l-.lnd.-j ft PSn Lumber, Lath, Shingle,
Flckct. Fash, BllndA, Doors, Battens, etc
Oniceond Luml)cr Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City.Mlssoarl.
We mariuf.Ktore our ovrn material in the
rineries of Oshkofch, Wis- where we have
In ojemt J n one of the larre?t mannfactnries
of e rry thin;? made In Pine In the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree.
as we do, w e can sell at lower rn t es than an y
Lumber Yard in the v est w hlch pays one
wholesale and one or two retail profits. We '
shall idwrys keep on hand a full supply of
cxery thin la our line, so that thooe la want
may always rely upon getting what they de
sire. We simply ask all toexamlne our stock
and prices before purch&slngelsewhere.aswe
can ensure satisfaction in both.
J - t
o m
c. a?
a X
ft S
P g
& 9
Alpaca Ceata, at Iletzel'. r
r -r 5 f - rv-j -
',T"1- Jin? t-i piirdinse millinery, will
Tnd U to their 'benefit to call on Mrs. T. F.
H'i!toTi;Ni..I3 . Iain street,-, who ha Just re
ceived the( best selected stock of Millinery
Goods ever brought to Brownville, and Is
competant to do any thing in tliat line, as she
is sj"o!3 and experienced hand In the busi
ness, learned liertrade In New York, and is
prepared to sen her good as cheap as can be
bought in anyctfy. She would also Inform
them that she la prepared to do u resit making
In any style they wish. --4 -V
Also-ngcnfTor the greats Empire Sewing
- t .
f J ' S r t
' nKriitni.irs
rAUUXA eradicates Kruutive and Ulcerative li-
enwes of the Thrnn. A'oe. A'Vf. Eirrlid. Scalp nnd
Mrin, which no dietiirureH the appearance, 1"
l.U tDe evil etivcta ot mercury una removmir an
teintji. the remnants of DISEASK, hereditary or
othentbte, and is taken by AltLTS andCUIL-
lKl-i witlt periect safety.
vivo thle-roonfuls of the extract of Sarsaoaril-
la. dled tu a pint of water, is equal to the .Lisbon
Diet Drum. aiKl one bouie is ei;ial to amnion or
ttyruu ot Farsauarllla, er the decoction as usual
ly made.
-An latereMflnsr letter i publl--hed In theMedleo-
Clulrunrical Kevlew, on the subject of the KMtvwri of I
riusantriila In cennin effectioiis, by JV-njair'tn Tra-
ww, . ii. b.,- 4t ixi. tpeiucin oi tnece oiewes,
aMMt disenses aristnir from the eea of mercury, be
Mates "tdat au remedy la etjuat to the Extract of
darxapvrina; li pwwer ta extrsonssn&ry, more so)
than any otoer dm; I ana ftcqunieced with. . It la, i
in Ue strident, sen), a toulc wUU tUU lnvaluatle !
attribute. tlat it b apidicable to state ot the y !
leu) so nunken. and vet so irritaMe as renders other
aulistHiM-eof t-e toVcl nnitvailnbleor Ininrions.
1SAJ tiSAPAltl. L. A- KtftablLs&tiO, UPWaadS U.18
yeurs.' I'renturedby
laayjne - 6U4 Brradway, N. Y
"rtrl ef Wisdera for yonntr men, on the
Rulin; i'ns-ion In Votith nrd jrly Manhood, with
t Kl.l' lor the Krriiij.' and anbrtunate. Sent
tnenled letter enve'.ofes, free of ChKrjre. Addrexs,
ItOWAKt) ASSOCIATION, Box!'. ITjIladeiphla,
i"a, - i ' ' l
Maakeed I Hew !( Ilaw Heetcred.
ii.' tul-rwell'atV!ebrated K-w.iy on the
Zl;' y radical cttre (without medic ;e) ofl
ja, . e.perw.aiorroa, or r-cminni j.eax-
Tmnoteney. 3f etst
invonukry rmtnai
tstaland Physicat
incapactry, im-1
Iet(imiitH to MarriHKe, etc ; also. Consumption, :p
Uttitxy.arHl Kits, tnductd hy self Indulgence or sexu
al exiravncance. v , , , ,
tri-e In a settled env!cre. onH S cn.
'IhecelebreiM aetbor, hv ti aduiimtae es.-iy.
rriy iemoi4irtta from a thirty years successful
practice, that tbe alnrmlntr coinoiuemeH of aeii- I rtprmanptit I,,mlimidfrv i
auuse may be MMilcally cured without tlie danger- I PrmaneUl ilOIJDroiUery DUJ
wm use of Internal medicine or the application ofltalWOfk. -. ' I
the knife: point ins out ft mode or cure at once aim
pl. certain and effectual, by menus of which .every
sunerer, no matter want nts conaitton tuay ne, may
cwre hiniHelf cheaHy, prlvsteiy and radically.
t i This lecture Mionld be in the hands of every
yonin ami every man in tne lano,
ieiit umler seal, to any a!JrrH, In plain envelope
pOKlpnid, n the reeeijA of six centrs or two jwietaKe
Mamp.-- Alxo. lr. tvilverwetl s ".Marrtaga uuiac,
price Si cents. Addrens thjs publishers,
(.'hah. j.i Kline Co.,
13-tO-y 127 Bowery, Kew York, P. 0. 4.VWL .
A C1enr Smooth 8kln and Beautiful Complexion
follows the use of llelniboM'9Joncenlntted Extract
MHraaparllla. It removes bliick spots, pimpled, and
11 eruptions or tneskin.
Ia the Sprinc Months, the system naturally
undergoes a change, and IJelra bold shljyhly concen
trated Kxtract of tiarsajiarUla is an assistant of the
greatest value.
Venn a- Ladies. Beware ! Of the Injnriousef.
fects of I'ace Powders and Washes. All such rem
dies close un the pores of the skin, and in a short
tlmedestrov the complexion. If yon would have
fresh, healthy and youthful appearance, use Helm
hold's Kxtract Karsapurilla.
Not a fer of the worst dlserders that afflict mnn- from corruption of tlie blood, llelmbold's
r.xtraci JNUsenariiia M ft remeoy or tne utmost
Il-lntbolfP Extract SnrtMiparilia cleanses
and renovate, tlie blood. Instills tne vigor or liealtn
Into the vstem, and purses out the humors that
make disease. '
)antitItTV. tinaltry. ITelrn Hold's KxtrsctBar
saiarilia. The tiose hi mmall. Those who desire a
larxe nnantltj and large doses of medidne err.
Those who desire brilliancy of Complexion mnst
pnrify and enrich the blood, which llelmbold's Con
cern rawa i-.xirnct or sarsapaniia invariamy uoes.
ask ior strimooM K. luxe no no otner.
llelmbold's Concentrated Extract Sarsaparilla,
is ine ffreai jxooa unriier..
She1 lenb crc r Urcs.
HXcPlacrson's Block,
Sole Agents
In Southern Nebraska, Atchison and XZolt
uountyi xao. ror the -
ti:ich3Ti:i Tiv;c:.iDi!
A Ii S O
ffc affc P""
; . rVU
Is rebdled at a price within tlie reach of aiL This
Machine nses a straipht needle, niskes the Lock
Mitch (alike on both sides), has a self adjusting ten
sion, and can do every variety of sewing, it will
hem, fell, bind, cord, braJd, seam, ouilt, tuck, rnflle
and gather; will work equally well on silk, linen.
woolen or cotton gooos, wiui siik, ituea or cotlea I
threno, - ' , ,
... . TIIE
YJsjmiitcd fc? Hvc Years
Our agents will be supplied with duplicate parts of
the Machine, in case of aecitlorit. It makes precis!y
the seme stitch nntde by the Mnper, Wheeler a
wm. lf"re and Florence Slaf-liine. Tt ba.Ti he under
lei, liije the liest of hii;lir ;"iHlmacliines,and is the
only row priced sl utUe nuu-itine in the market that
has t lis ft-ed. We are enabled to sail a first elans
Miu'tie !a'-lilne t a ver hnw price, naaccoantof
Its simplicity, and consequent low cat of manufac
turing, in comparison with complicated machines.
We wish toarranjre with Asnts, male or female,
to represent the American Shuttle Sewing Mitrhine
in each state, Omnty "d Town in the I'nited States
nnd Ontario., K.tra Indticementa to Kxperienced
Agents. 'or full particulars, aa to salary or Com
mission, address.
G. V. 17. AndrcTTS,
i General Asent, . .
Detrclt. Iliclu
N. ft. For the benefit of onr a rents we have ar
ransed with parties who have ioo suitable -r
Sew n Mai-liirie A gents to se!L We will st nd vtoek
of samples kI Aill particulars on receintof one red
stamp. Address U. V. N. Andrews, Oenersl Aent,
I)etroit, Mich.
13 Z-ly
Tfill attend fo th trtle nf i:al and Itrmmat
Properti in the A'cutaha Laud District Tt-rrtu
f ... , ,
..... .. . .. T
council, rnoci:i:iJi..c::
Preseat-Mayor Fftlrbrother; AM r : i
Bwan, S'Athews, Grant and E ' ifon.
On motion, tom City C.Tert jfm tr t-
Uin from the Secretary of Ft at 3, a c? r.
tie "act incorporaUns ctl cf tlie v c
and draw an order for the aw nt. t t
L3S tv wa cr ca2 fund.
Oarsi.'.--3 the Clerk was t rvc s l n '
- . ' -
l -re,-
9 a-i f
dercrnt'..ji;3r,irundLif..7::f ef r : :
for t;.3it work tot pay lag I .. . .-; t . .Li
Int:c end Second streets. :
toihh P. Tottla.,i.ed pefn-ilsLii w remov?
eartJj t?a the alley back of lota 3, 4, S, tod ( Ih I ?
S,Ero-!mvRle,'- rra tl.r -'. B!i
the allej. Ttcferred to cemmittee t.reeta and
Alleys,. ; ' ., 4 i 4 i .'
Tlie rnatter of repalrins I'ortrtb Ftr at t- Cnt
vert, was reffcrred to conui;i:t j en i .nd
Alleys. '
Mr. Grant, from the H)mm to wfiom w'ai re
ferred tb saaOar of openir ; the Alley in Elock 17,
reported In favor of open1 ; Wa d s.:iey. aotwl.S-
standlnf the a&m was rm: :?d by act of thQ "Legis
lature; and moved that the Harsha! be dire-tea to
open the same.
Lout. Aye-Grmai. Nayes TlwleL Cciaon.
Swan snd MAthews, -
The attention of the Couucii was caried to th; .-ct
that the road on the Levee In being oUttrncted by
dirt thrown thereon by A. P. 0csw!L. Tt rfttr
was referred to committee on Streets and Alley.
Wm. IL Hoover, Clerk of Pbtrfrt (tirt present
ed bill of oneta in ease of Wm. F. Wil on vs.CirTf
Brownville, amounting to 771 Awi.,i ." Land
Clerk Instructed to draw an ordt-r or crde-n j Ctn
eral Tahd in settlement cf same.
An ordinance entitled "an orthnanee to e? vctli-
l cense money from persona licensed t keep l.UIard
tables and bowling alleys, a- : ,,r-. -. st? mm,"
read, passed, and ordered to he j i '. :'. h i U tie 2'e-
j fcmiAa Adrrrtiaer.
un motion, ine uty Attorney be-u i vrl.e ? a
tala aleaaaoni theC(K .-fy tvoyuiu: ,i'"e
mahaCoanty, for the use of the county j.i.l ftrclty
The following report was received :
"To Ok iron. Mayor and CUst CI it or the (Vl iif
j"-ri'iwc,. i t .....
VMtr eonrtelttee. auociated tn ernr-.d-.e iv
jrrouna loran .Avenue commencing on 'irst street
and mnninir north up tlie hollow to the limit of the
tStyof Brownville, bee; leave to report the saaitv as
leiii(r a practicable aud easy road, uad recommend
iuat tuts n me im; open-.t.
' " U.L MATUi:W8.;Com-7
. Eeport adopted, and the following resolntl&u la
relation thereto passed : ..... .r
Rrnh-rri. That tlie City EnetrMT be rl'reeted OUt
out the A venue from the corner of Third and Mi-
wnriM-eeM'otb weHtern liaaits of tketity. tnd
repen 4h practicability and pTott)e rst of the
same. And that he also comer with '. k. TiddVl.
H. line hewn, aud M. I, Swan, aud the property
holders. In determining the proper course aaid
jAvenue. .
Adjourned. . t; , .
? - ; ? ,
aaaavavaaasaanaiiiuwaui'M)1.! i.jbiiii iui "wri-- - .-
I I WuWIlt) 1... .Or.,,.
93 Br4mt .War FWat,
Beauty and Elasticity'of IBtitch.
'Perfection and ?8Imi Icily of t.
ehinprv. t " -
Usincr Iwth threads directlr from
the spools. a ; ,
No fastening of scams by hand and
no waste of thread. -- :
"Wide ranpre of application without
chanffe Cf adjustment. :
- " . .
i 0 f . j.,, . - -
i o"ww tvuMuo uvuvt nuu iuuw
ness after washiiiiT and ironin?. w -
Besides doing fill kinds of work done
hy other Bewin?r JtachifiegJ,these 21a
chines eiccuia ther most be&utifnl and
tal work.
n The Highest Premiums at nil the fairs
nmt exhibit Ions of the United States -end
Europe, have been awarded the 1 rover A Ba
ker Sewing Machines, and the work done by
them, wherever exhibited. In competition.
y The very highest prize, Th Crmu mf
Ih Ittflmm fMmmmrf was conferred on the
representative of the Grover A Baker Sewing
Machine, at . the - Exposition Universe!!-,
Paris, 1867, thus attesting their great super!
orlty over all other Sewing Machine.
V7. A. P0LGC1X, Accnt,
fa. MEDICINE, a diploma at Office will
show, has been longer engajred in the treatment
of VKHKnKAL, 8bxi;al and Privatk DlSKAS-
E than any other physician In Ht. Juis.
HrphUl-, Jonorrh. Uleet, Mrtctnre, Orchittia.
Hernia, and Ktiuture: all urinary JXsea-es and
HviiUllitic or Jtercurial A miction of Throat.
Skin or Bones, are treated with an parallelled
Hpermatorrbea, Sexual Dcbbinty and I m po
tency, aa the revolt of self abuse in youth, sexu
al excess In maturer years, or other carmen, and
which produce some of the following effects, as
Nocturnal Knilssiens, blotches, debility, diirl
nexa, dimness of sitcht. Confusion of ideas, evil
forebodings, aversion to society of females, hixs
of memory and sexual pewe't and rendering
marriage improper, are permanently cured.
The fjnctor'a K!)ortunitiejf in hospital and
private practice are Bnsurpassed in M. IuU or
any other city. Back tiles of t. Loul papera
prove that be haebeeh racatel bere longer than
any other so advertising. The establishment,
library, laboratory and appointments are un
rivalled in the west, uiwiirpassed anywhere.
Age, wijh experience, can be relied upon, and
the doctor can refer to many physicians through
out the count rv. In past success and present
position he stands without a competitor.
The. Writ lf at-Fkyalclasi wbts
. tati Is L'aioa-wie aieanJ'
''- werta reauttasw
DocToa WlitTTixa pobl'he a Jfrdicat PhwpA.
tft reiatlng to venereal C;i's and the rtisaa
tromi and varied cor'n"-s of aelf-abose that
will be sent to anv aiai hi a sealed envelop
for two dlanips. Many j.oy,n-i;in introduce pa
tients to the doctor aAer resainf hta medical
pamr. ipt. Comrnunion !oti YddenilaL A
frieuu;y talk will rout n a iax. Otlicecen
irai, yet rewrd No. tJ ii. la.a atreet, 1st.
Louis, Ke. Jdourt to 7 pu gandaya 12
to 2 pan. 23-y
wherever nrrasiTED.. ; . ;
Capable erf Sew I at Ira Ilaire ttaiai orate
r - - f . f I t r
other, and will commence a seam without
holding taeotts tif tie thread.
Warrsatcd to Zzir Ecavy cr Fho
O TEH y , o o a '
..... ; ' f i
MACiiiNErveoLD siNcii rJ-ii
' '
O'Send for Beporta al ClrcniaT". - '
TTri. E. 171. Ar."T, Ccnc rr.l A'ji
, ...i-..
6ia soliTii Tdvmit ST,
st. Louis, s:o.-
J. HENDERSON BroirvilJ Jfrfc.
z v.: 0
IGK 1033.
? -
f i a --i-t"-"- 1
- ..if.. u..,
' f f
r i if;
-s r
0 i
- . . r
i w J
k a, a 4
r - - -
and Vi'i;::ir.
carpets, oil crxnrra, asdci: ccn ; i r3,
a. emm
w W
cv B.tA a .. v
. . . Ten Thousand Yard
d. ) : S H 'dpwdve ThoQcndi. Yar
, f LancaateT, Glrwow. ;i
Scotchs, and Seaside,
TJirec Thousand Yards.
tiiri and urrnrdirke.
? "(
Ortc Thousand Yards
V )
, A
Two Thousand Yards.
4,coo ITcrds
Sicizs Muttln. Plaid, Striped
. .rt w
ano crCA.e jaconets, an
,. ' fttxik, Victoria Jjawns, Book
ti -a-
'i - I.IuVs, Birds Eye Unci, Cor
oca Vanity ; Jrw A it aew,
3,coo ITfiiTilJ.
Striped Shirting, Check
ingt Ticking, ait grades.
Cbttonades, Denims, Ttccctte,
Kentucky, Maryland and Jlis
swirl Jeans, and Fine Cassi
'meres.' '''-'
Bleached, Unbleached and Cot
jrAiV aTHtBrotcn, AO pieces.
',B,rtS-e.", -
"-"-'ZiHCfi and TurlUh, 20 Do.
v. l u, Iw I'- . i i i ...
. 'Ic, Opr5 cif end Bustle,
c? 41 Dozen.
. All Styles. , Ttecnfy-Jtre Doz
v , Latent Spring Styles, 10 Doz.
White and Colored, XVtfi crmf
t ttift YaHiLle, r f Dozen.
StyftAV Fbttif Dozen.
1 -t y W-m..
10 fl
'L STCVir.
. Ai.'.a. t
l i. 4 .
3 -
J V.
C :: : " 7, Cr Crc It
aXj , 4 aw J.' iw j - j.
czzzuzzz'::zrz covcu.
. 4 . I - - .
I"t years ft has rvn a boiwhold melictri" and
trut: iera, anxhios foe i ' e si'fy of tiiir children,
nd a, I who ui,er iVo auv j 'uwusn -f tlie throat,
"I i;d iun. . & rd to be without tt. lu
t ti, w ,1 '? fttr ors o ji.n in the
; bow . . cr ntn"W" Ir.ii.eysize
,,.ii i!i iv --a ou won t.e other size.
' ; .-,i,d at ait lri!gstv.
The r iltn-n w 11 hi f in v-u:i).!e. nnd m.-y sl-
"."w ri t-i ukn.ti i:t me ansa exrreiue ca.-es.
. t --, . .
The t-stls!!34riV of a! who have nsed It for thl ter.
ribtedieeoM' diirinx t,i iwt ten years, fc, that it iu-
Triikjiy rtneyes ana cures iu
Keep yoir throat wet with the Balsam tnking
llttie aoti 'i aiHl yMi wiil verysoou lind reliej.
II.7.rt3 Cel.!? r.:iJ Cc;:Ijs
YleM t once to a sfeii'.y a-te of this prnt rme-lr.
It will sjHfNH-i in tiviiij relief w; ere .l cuuer rvin
dles have IW.-ed.
sat: rs.Biwj s
Sorcsts.i cf Hit: T:.irc r:t, C!:tst
t.U JU..1,JJ
Do nt d 'T procriT'"? avd i--!'-delr tp'- rnir
Coe'a !- - im. ii-b t '(..... -.f-i w. r.u a.-,y i tne
above"' t- i i ut. '1 in-y pre a.l pre.. - iory
aymrt ,,u)s ,t -..ism :n, and if not srrwl.M, whl
aoorx-r or lvier w-iij away .i;o u, vaiieV of
ahadovis .'IM whis ti u j can ever rture.
Ia C ::::::: :
Many a rare-worn sn "rer hs txmd relief and to
day rejoices that br 1 e has bmt msle easy and
prolonged by the use uf Cue a Cotigii l.n mi.
BMeva-ftbe ?7a y Tettlraanlals tn ctatr
Ioaaealn, vr bavcsatJjr rsat j
- . , rartJte feliewlaei
Mesrs. C. O. Cuiaa: ft Co '
Ur ir", I feel it s duty and rHwnj to rtvo
yon the henelll cf aay cxrxriHiica in ue nee of Coc's
tegh Balwm. Frui taking a besvr rold, I was
taken down with the erc:-nclon of tlie lungs, arnl
continued to tail, ender tiie best care until! waa
Mv nr r-y the iwit cxoetsiit m-iH-Hl an' iorlty,
Odie. 'I jere seemetl notnn ut -lrnm?i:i.-ii'iian"d
death before me. I wsa told that further meliinl at.
tndrM-e and misllcliie a-s useless, and I waa r-
i-nej to -ath.wben a friend, who lind been grely
Ix-m-Mited ry using te Ilais4im, branch t me a houi
1 his wss alter 1 bad none with the U'-t"T and rr-s!i-
cine, and I continued; to Improve, ontd tnycoug?!
atopei, and my luri? heal'iL "'! got well. I nwnl
ten 0"riit. I reniaiu, ems, w; n r-nt r-t,
vourob'twrv't, JoUx Vv M..s,
3ui Watbingtoa St., ew liavta.Ct.
The people know te art Me, and it needs ma eoov
ment from ns. It Is a sale by every lsrorn$tst and
I.raieri in Medicines ia tne l mien sttatea.
THE C ti. CL.IKK. C(X "
fciole rrornriiHora, New llavea, Ct.
i .
This reparation Is rronooneed bvlryspeotirsas
the only known remedy tant will surely cure that
mftvulinir and ftttal nturw'v. 'i ,r tmm il irHtt
on its foarlul feie, earryirvss tn-tre it loan nntimeiy
grave, Its rniUaiua oi snlierers.
id tlie Ilcscssc.
Indy'tUm, I3pjttia, Strk Headache, Stumest
WA tidily nf Stomach, IiU(ngiJ Foo4,
Jlatulenry, Lcuiitndt, ITm
riitettJInaUytermitta. tLff in Death.
Are aa sweety erl by IM p-?t rewerfy as the
paihfit takea IV. AlUuut-li but live yean berurc the
people, what ia Im v- 1 v( the RiasseK J Hear
what Irster tsextoa, of 1 Jwaakre, says :
From Lester Pciten, of 3rilatikm ','...'
31 iiwjtntjtr, iaw. 51, la.
.1rf. C (?. CTrrr f Cb..
Both enrveif and wi ' hare iisd Cs Phrsrvetwl
Cwre. aiei it baa proved j-rfectly sat is rct ory as a
r nn :y. i nave no iwsuik w in ay iwjj mui rr mv(
received great benefit from ifs use.
. iuj re?iir.ou- y . .
(signed) , , . . , - j.Vrrx SETTOX
J 1 ' ft . I A
From ttev, L. F. V'ard, Avon, Lorain Co., O.
AfVaar. Strong k A ruulro-j.
itrvjuit, wrrJiiTiti;
CrsTTtrVtr? It e'vs m9-ert fi3r!i tn state
that cy wi:e nvsl er-at b-nt fnim theae
of Oje ie 1-so-"-.j ( :.r. j-hefiaa t-en Hie a number
of Tf r fi.i ytroubled aiih l-si-il.v axirTi-
aied wi . viii'J-Pt psroiysf.sirf coo-t.'ijn. wij; n
at ora:e.l her l"a she a 1 i u..e, t-t
nwiiijia, a7Wi7ii vf nn a e yp. uv, ne look, at yoir
o-'s J 'tv i t'ir aud baa derived
HiuXT LVJiK'i l r ; . i'I I r.and is nowcotniar
IveivweiL fc ' r-x-tr-is tii.s Biriikine asagreat
Jan. '.aa, f L.F.WAED.
The Wovj' !; tjitrv. ef ; t'itifies
that ft fcta cured iim. aner alloih-r r u-dies hint
. "r. I -,
Any drnL-'t in the ronrt'trv will tell vtui. If vrtn
fake the tri le t enouirc, fiat every ooe that biir
bouie of l'x'iiJ,Tn..i4 Cure front them, sneaks
in the most praixe of ns gletii lueMnen
Will a!o he f -md in a;; ,-:w,.s .'TlMarrtf,
i .. eni-ry, :c, -nm Tier t on-r!.i..,,-;rrnf and
In iHi-t en erv ojm.1 d-r.t e..t : ,r,
ei i i .iiriris lii cr v f r r--.!ii
at l per, .,r t y af . ' t j
iry evtryahcre.
ii: c. ii. CL.tKii crt.
f olei'rorrivtyrs. New Haven, Ct.
At i:i; r : -n oi t:;p
t r '.
torn - ' V. f ' i.
Ivpciin!.jn'y o'j li iV.d a e-o-'j !ctj a.--
J.,.;.t of
5'.', LiC'J
Sarin Bed).
A" i.' i-A cm -..
ar. f -"
J'rnJf, ' ... :
ri ;
.'rtia ,
Ltd Ssirinci. f .h'.'irrn T
t'J- " '
0f J'i-1 Roioo4
. , i'.',.'i, Pim'Ou', :
snov7 c;:i3 a onic:
And nl.,vhU,c i rl cerythirT r--oi.'.'.
up plat a or uncy hoi. . lr; , :
All of tno!r Vv iro ii ei::..r'..fa.'-:
put up mvier ttivir suHriu
whh ti cn;,J tis tiie:?t t- 1, il -i;n.l nr'
smaller price titan I-'-ibtern nwrnu.
fO K i.S.
M c f
r- "7
s a i
Our II
ear so
is at the service of the pi .T'.e r fr It
may be rwetr?r!; rr1 r,tenup las f.,.ci:;
as arty fartliereast.
Uetallc Burial. Cases
Af a'A aixi eCasiaatlT oit tir-i-
AVe are do-In? business on ;
r-r?-r't S'-t-y r S. "r s "if
wAOAwui wj.l a a - a. , , aj
hI by attertvfj to i-jtre.a rn,i ?'-, r' r-f
the community, ex-eet la tin: ;.e r.i
last to recerr? thw rtitrotia of tie rn..:s
- ? vy. .--'
. 1-4 a'
.. .JUL -Tl'iJ
7-eSf- a riTf;?" " e "w
fjTll, thee,!, p;l t-.l
in rue r if.1 tif iix r.;j
GRAY. ia sees
restored to it3 cr:.-r!.-!il
youthful ecler and bril
liancy, which 13 fitf mci
admired by alh-fcr
whose hair i3 thia CTfIUr
out will, "by the usa cf
Fr? OTDTFS Renewer,sooa sec its
J71 IcfToctsr, as, by its ionic an J
nT7.'stiiriulatin2 properties the
BfiO W iH! hair glandi will bo incite J
to i and strong aaia. fa cacti
Baldness it will crzztS
LriibJJiil a new growth nalcra Co
E2EE3E3. follicles arc destroyed. Is
is cooling, and allay? iU
itching and irritatictj cf
the scalp. ItHoapctsiJx
the fikia S3 do dyer, fcrt
makc3 the scalp white and
MibLbil it i3 lh0 tc:t sn( i-a
u? prcparatic:i ia
the world, aa star erects
last t30 inqch longer. T:n 1
for onr Treatise tn tha
LOCKSU air, free to all, by malL
Sold by all Dnrss CeaJerj la Jrf;i:c!a J.
coo::, cocunn cd.
Cstf A-r:zt3 f:? lTcrth-,i7e:t;ra LI:!:
MB --sf fM fM '"
Sold by : ' "
city drug smrr. -
11-5-y-cvn i-rownvi::,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
To Jz:,i.S3H cf ths-Tc-t f-.l I-arr
' watls aa Cour,,.Cc'. 7, T.i-ocrL2
. and Ccjuxr-Uio.
Prtlrat'T sever tc.'or- t -" w' ? 1 ' ft,
f-cine, cas sny th;n wca s-t . 1 no.. -yrfy
tioaf C coa1.l-nce t-f rr..i" t n.. as tnia e (cereal
rer-redy for puimoaaryec.-Jsu T'.rn aloa"
series ofreirs, a.l aaiof f r-"st c tre rn-i1! ct
men it ha risen higher an.jj' ;:er ia ti-.-ir e -;iaa
ton, as it L:i3 toeome beuT kuuvn. 1 C:. nrt
e.).tr''ter aal power rsra i;m rnrxyv t r.riHma
cf thelunes an-1 14""", hive mJ u ir-o- a a a r
hable prutectcr t.'-d -"'. WI- v a ; w-l tt
S;.l:r forms cf ii -eas r-,d to voib ti-.i-ir-n, it ia
at ttie same time trie cio- 'cc.3l'.y t m earn
befrivea for iaci ?; r -nsurct -t. --n, a.i4 t- 3 tiaa-
feruus a2rti-jo of L J : s.; i i ;r. -u Atapre
Vi.-cvO S -.w-t S'J '.-a -.icks of C'ro. it a.V; t
be iepi r :t taad in erry fa.x r, aa 1 uiict aa a J
arrj aorcerimea ss'-.cct n '.' a'-! coo-ji a
rjO'M be rroTlded wr.i s...s ::; !; f;rt-.uv
Ai;hoi-r i et;.of C 'io is Cor-"" la
cr.ralio, acid great rvmttra f ca.- w'.ei t
ea-e scemel aetc-i-'l, awtve heca orr! .. n y e rel.
Sid tile patioat r:-r.d to sonod Sy tii
Cherry JeetortU. So compete i i fc iV-ry
over Lj iiorvier cf the Lm an! Twt-;-a4
the moat obsttts cf tlicrn y i i to a. n'hea itt
rr cfje could t- u timm, ys.U r Uua Cfcevr Jf
ivml Cey sul. - e are! ca7rar.
hlifrr ai wi6H n.ierf ts J JT
tec, f from iu
.Asxhmi li a.Tirt Tt2-?Z i, ajs frr T .ry
cured L7i-';, ; . . .
y;reu-Ai.';j ,u --mert r rr i cr t " -T wl
CJtrf jPi- ri a'na.-l js-t ir---t c
50.11 ' 7. are r vr'V"4 S3TW4 t;..:t w-?. ae
tct puiy ..j.'i . 4 Cert. -si.! Ci t!wa L , iK) r.oeej
tiaa asnri (4 l'--Z . ;..- 0 iltj
Ayer'o iigiao Cur a,
fr reTr end n. In.3r--ti rre--.
t..z--l Isvsr, iu5mi::t i e-r. Eoaj
Arue. Perto-ir?3J. cr i vt;
;.d tsdeM ad tiis aaV'-ns wla.a an
from Z2.&izri'sz5, C3tn.. c? Euaa
Aiifsnarna irr?n. ii i'v t Pur, sr. e nt
fd. Cona: i t cttr-.rA rer :,.-. r. : n, r..muUu
Zinc, nor any mtucraior pOicr.oiM Mibnasre
whatever, it ia noTin ir'ort-s ar.r d :.:". "Pe
Btitnbcr atd trrrcrtaneeef cures m . dia
trict?,sel-H-r'!'-' Iwr-rei accm-t, .n i we i-- ev
Nv-tt-rtjut n pir-.iiol in M -:ory of A rs ...-:ie.
0:r f r.;j is rnt'M hv t.;c a-hTinwic'-i-'r- wsr
recetve cf tl.e cures ei"ivc.t in a
C3-e, an 1 white ctir nvr; i s h.t 1 r hol'.y f ...e-L
Cnnciirnated person., e-.'er r;-!.",t in, er
rraveilmj tnmui'1 tousio inc !-" .',- i be pi
tected Mr taiikx the AU t-JS CI'JZK d...:r.
- Ffr I i-'-r fomplaint: an-iirir from tx-.- T
t-f tl-.e JA er, it is nn evei:.n re.iae-iy, ::;,c;
the W.t i.-ta acavity.
for L:.:! mis rusoricrs and Liver Cr-r - . It l
(3 Tr-r.;vr.t remedr, p-mlacin-r r-r,- t ' rs-
E.'irk i! .-!- dir"., whi-M jr n
lT"?.Vf-1 b nt. J. C. Av;
4-i-i' A.-.i'-'-iI ' L'Ti
, a-i i Sv.l
urc'.c i'u-3 wcri !.
. . . if . -j - - - -
jTZl-t - -
Sold by
.ill A -
CITY im:
JW .ii.'.;,