.L. r. " T i ' . i k T?.c?e will bo a literary er.tertj faCTt given rj the rhliotaaiheca Bo- defy of the H isle formal .School on Thursday and Frilay evening &U week. We bare fn the printed pro-rramiae, and from It tre Infernal a j.leajAnt crtnlng'a enjoyment Kiay arttldjrated by thoae who are fortunate as to atterul the earne; tr. Canninzbam. of Richrdon county, brother of the Senator, called trnoa us thi vetlc. lie 1 nlonna there fci three time the amount of Md beloff turned over thla eaon t! .at there has been for any previous year, and that Lmmlgralion to that county has been large, lie says that the of Heial canra of the late vote for Rail road Improvement shows but f ix ma jority , ur i&aiog bondj for tlui pur poae. : Jodjre Adams, of Qulney, when her lat week, recognized Judge A. Tf. Morgan, of Srownvllle, as an old Ciiuia frien d. He ftxt rnet Judge " II organ la Date county, California. InitcQ Jlorran was' then one of the Awvi8li J nf Vices of the Court of Quarter Sessions for Cute county, and was In a pet itica to render Judge Ad ams valo&lle assistance. Judc Ad ua found himself enable to recipro cate the kindness of Jnde Morgan. Their meeting last week was the first since ISSO; smd tor a few hours they lived ever cala much of their life lath gC "CS of California. The Her. llr. Lowe, of Eusbville, EL. and the Her. Mr. Bingham, of Nebrs&k. City, addressed our citizens en but Monday evening in the Presby terian Church, upon the subject of Temperance. They insisted that a prohibitory law was the only remedy for the cry Id evils of intemperance, end to accomplish this the people miit be educated up to that standard. Their remarks were timely and well received. The meeting adjourned to meet In 1L H Church on next Monday nlht, where a Futile Temperance Society will be organixod. An address mzj Ciea be expected from Dr. Crane and David CampbeiL V'e hope our citi zens will give them a hear! Dg. ' Some years ago the State of Missouri aided the bclldlrg of the Hannibal & Ei. Joe IisHrcad by loaning the com tzzj CJ,CD0,CC3 ; tlthoc-h the com par zry are xurt corapcled to pay this for ten years, yet they now propose to pty the tars?, provided the Ct&ie will loan it to ev Railroad Companies which are coustractirg roads in the State. For this purpose a committee vtre appointed to devise- a jn cpon which the State would loan this money to other companies for the pur poses indicated. This committee have held a session at the capital, and submitted a plan which we print elsewhere. The Qulney and Brownvllle road will doubtless receive a portion of this taoney. The Omaha Republican la urging tne Governor to call an extra session of the Legislature In September next. We object; especially as to time. First, because there are a good many vacancies which can be filled In October;- and second, because if the Legislature is to meet In extra session. It should be after the October election, if the Constitutional Convention carries, provision may be made for the Convention at an early day. We object generally, as we are not yet convinced of the necessity for each an expenditure of time and Doner. We know that there is much that ought to be done ; but, from the temper of the Legislature as expressed Io?t winter, we are not sure that what iodesLrbio be done could be ar ranged more satisfactory than wenow have It. We shall be wiser after the October election than before A good thorough canvass in thfct State for County Owcers, will teach ut7st the people desire the strictest ecctwray co&aUi&nt with a rigid administration of the laws. l0 reckless waste or un necessary appropriation of the funds of the State or Counfy, will be tolera ted by the people ; and politicians who are Inclined to run oAcial business on too high a pressure, have either to put oh the break or etand aside. IWe say then, if a regular session is determined on, let It be at the regular time in January. A cumber cf teachers from distant pcrlisrs cf tLe county were la atten 6czH at the t-iers Institute on last Saturday , and were much dissatisfied to Had thai the teachers in Brownvllle took so little Interest In the meeting, rrot Uoore being the only one pres ent In the forenoon. They were sadly disappointed In the interest manifes ted by them la educational advance ment. They expected a good time very interfile time, and one can ter sine their amazement when they f;':nd to few present, and scarcely Ben but themselves. Now, teachers of ErownvUle and cf the county, do ycra dak they wdcome bacjj: again to aitnd jour meetings?- They will naicrs2!y-conclude If tlse fatare ees slntis are so poorly attended as this, it will to useless for them to go. It win take heavy work to overcome the bad effcet created on their minds atthi last meeting ; and unless there is more Interest taken by the leading teachers cf the county in these institutes, It will Te useless to continue the meet ings longer. We have had a talk with tL Superintendent since the institute ruJ.ournetl, and we think his idea as tk ta uianiusr of conducting a teach er's Institute are correct, and quite an improvement to our mind upon the fystem heretofore practiced in this ecKnty. An Awe urge that hereafter L,3 be present prom ptisan. 4. net the bjJi rolling In th righi direction. ThcraU talent enough amoRtaal era t Bake tlfse sessions interetti???, xA oaly to therawlves, but t ths community ; and we, aa their patrucsy ' mand tliat it be forthcoming. The proposed Railroad from Qulney to Nebraska Is commanding the at tention of the people of Missouri cad Nebraska more eamortly than any other similar er' rr l trltLIa cr memory. Southern Iowa, Kixburg tA Ne braiska aty areas dett mined ll i lb y tihall I served in t!.c coiutn: : Lion cf this mad, a are Brownville, Phe'inj City, Ilockport, Marysville and Alla ny. We have the advantage of being on the direct line. We have the fur ther ad vantage that more centers of population and influence are interested in the direct line than in the can ed line by Hamburg and Nebraska City. But all these advantages will avail us but little as against untiring energy and capital, unless we ourselves are active and prompt In meeting the de mand which the construction cfr-ch roads make upon every community. There are but very few railroads, if any, at the present day, built without assistance from the , settlement through which they ptcs. And It Is perfectly right an J prcper thai this aid should be demarjiei arvd received, for they bring along with them In creasing value to every local Interest, and it is only a portion of this increase that we are ever aked to pay back to the Railroad enterj rue, which created this wealth, and which tut for this, construction would never have exis ted. RrownviUe mtt be represented In the Kiaksville convention by men authorized to subscribe a euSIcaent amount to the capital stock to com mand an Influence In the company. This stock must not only be subscribed, but five per cent, of the same must be paid in cash. , If the interests cn the direct line do not take the stock necessary to grade. bridge and tie the road, then those In terested In the curved line will. The money to do this must be raised ; not ought to be raised, but must, The people of Brownvllle- will do well to con&ide that thb road will be built somewhere, and that too without de lay. The broad fertile belt of country fitreatchiog from Qulney, IIL, to Ft. Kearney, needs and most have a rail road. The commercial and growing wants of Qulney demand that a road be pushed tbroc-h this rich belt of country as direct as may be. The C. a & Q. R. TL ; the T. W. & O. W., and the great central routes to Baltimore, Washington and Philadel phla are pressing the construction of this shorter line; and such powerful Interests must and will bun J this road somewhere. They will adopt the route which will reach Ft. Kearney the quickest and cheapest without re gard toother Interests. It is the great overland travel and commerce they want to reach, and cot so much the local tra&e. Now the great question with us !, have we the men and money necessa ry to keep this road on the direct line, or for want thereof, mu?t it be forced out by the men and money Interested In the curve to the north. Depend upon it, the men and the money are ready actively at work. And the question the important question with us is, L it our men and our mon ey, or is it not? These are questions for the men of Brownvllle to deter mine, and they have but a short time In which to accomplish this in. In one short week the die will be cast and the road will be oun or it won't. Which? The St Loufc, Chllacothe and Oma ha road Is contemplating making Brownvllle the western terminus, and then run over the Trunk to Omaha. It is now nearly finished to Chllacothe, and already contracted to the south line of Gentry. It remains for Gen try, Nodaway and Atchison Counties to send it to the river. When this, and the road down theNIshnebotana, and the Qulney and Taciflc road are completed to the river, as they un doubtedly will be, this will insure the building of a bridge across the Mis souri river at Brownvllle. There Is a future opening up before us more magnificent and grand in Its outlines, than the most imaginative of our cit izens lave a yet had any conception of. Il enly requires united action and unresisting work on our part. We hope the citizens of our city and county can riseo meet the emergency thus presented try the grand enter prises now within their reach. We have now the opportunlfy ia make XtrZnaba County one of the mtt pop ulous aud the wealthiest county la the State. We can bring the markets of the world to our very door. Will we o It? Gentlemen of Nemaha, what saxyou, res or no 7 Witn you we responsibility' rests, and we are glad to know It is In your hands. . We are confident that you wUh but to know your duty. The branch of the C. R. I. A, P. R. R., from Atlantic to Brownvllle, will, without a doubt, be contracted for In a very alwrt time. All that the com pany asks is encouragement equal to the right of way. If Ue Rock Island Company takes hold cf this line we f hall have an eastern connection in less than six months, for thla compa ny does not fool much. When they make a contract they fnlftll it to the lettter. The B. & JI. Coranany now oCTers, in consideration f the sum of ?25,(XX, to run the rood mentioned in the contract above, to this place. We don't take m-ech stock in their prom ises, but it row! be flattering to the Sidney people to have the company so coolly otfer to throw aside the contract already made with them. We hope our citizens will treat this rood ex actly A3 it deserves, and that is to let it severely alone. If the Rock Island company ssk any help, we will be in favor of assisting them. The Brown vllle people are also in earnest in re pasd to tin road, and willing to do their utmost to assist it. Frctncnt Tribune, A Fenian Refused Catholic Ca rtas Louisville. June IL Tl remains of Lt. P. J. Terrill, an otlicer In the Fenian organization were jfu?d tie burial rites of the Roman Catholics, because the Ecniaa Bretaerhood ap Kared in church la regalia. The dy was taken from the church am) folUwed to the cemctry by a large concourse of Ecniaus. The action of the Priest has caused profound sensation. I "a S ii" jiB rr.a. ix f The Prjrirmt, Prcf. O. R. Moore, called tl e A taoc&z'J&a t on! r. The nlm:', of the'; revlous session were rt-zii r: J spproT: L The f ,ITir?g rep. ;i was nr. 1 and adopted ; v . . .' ' V Tiie fffwsmliUr apfHtii? hi tle feud meet ing of 11 Amoriati'ia Vt exMtaXs Text V0jk3, M mfitntnTii r1 foe use In tbe ftii'X'U lhriMMt Ovantr, bmre bltnVxl to tJiVlr dutj, umI dov enhrrnM ttwdr It in doe V aUl ber that tbe booki mtrmi taen44 hvt Utn tU-d to the v&yvA tvm XrjXvoof tLe ciaLaAt tee, and upon eoiiuIiA tloa ve find tht the best teachers in the eoontjr, having given the buck the iatne pMtfJnl U folly agree with roar cra mi'As. X'e r&xm rcunvi the JfIlotr1cj book, rli . Talker SJi Watuna KatkwuJ Hauler and Pprllm. " . kontellhB 0f"rphT. ' , . , Claxlc'a Gram mar. Uarkr'a VMlhemmXiem. Peek CanoC'f Katoral FtSVMKLf. J. XnOenom'm U. 8. IlUVjry. rjATthooraew'a Dravlsc Hat&t. . rajaoci, Iiaataii A 6mer Cj-t Book, There teing but four teachers pres ent, a few rtrzzx'kB were indulged In as to the lack cf Intern! oa the part of teachers la rzciUrs pertaining to their profefi." n, end typed illy some severe tentic: rr: ts expre-r',d .on- ac count of tlie cl rr? cf t.,e teachers (except the principle, be being pres ent,) of the . High School of Brown vllle : after which the Association adjourned to LSO p. m. At 130 p. m. the Association was called to order. There being but few present a diacuaJon was indulged in as to the general duties of teachers, parents, and County Superintendent. Teachers began to drop la one by one, and by the middle of the afternoon quite a respectable audience was pres ent. Remarks upon the subject under discsesiea were made by Messrs. Hew ett, Blackburn, Black, Cbsreh, Britt, and the County Superintendent, after which the folio winz resolutions were introduced sad adopted 'Whkscaji Owtj Teaeben Izwt Rate are ackiMnriedred br the benC edoeaton of the pretest dar, tsbeooeof the moat larportant aids la ItmjTvriBt Cm trachea c em pvlZle aehoola: axxl Wxrmjtt, The Intemrtaef octr educational rateia detnaada that teaebera avail them- etrei of atl the most approved mean of de ttti profewlonal lafonaatlon ; and Wbckuls, Am tearfcera, ve reerntze the tBflaeoee of County Hupertatt w4t wU, a ad thetr dot j to take tbe lead fa aS CmmrXj la UtateK, and other eflbrt to derate the &t&n dard of achoJarahly amoog profeaalooal teacherajand Vsraxaa, It ia rlht and proper that tbe relative dstles of teacher, parent, and aehools ahoold be aaore cloeely deOned and under stood ; therefore be ft Rnotced, Flrit, That the County Superin tendent ahonld not only be raOelently Inter eeted to attend the County InatJtate bimaelj; btxt that be sboold lailst cpoa the rrul&r attendanre of every Urhrr la the eoanty. an a very lmportasteonslderatton In issuing certificates to teach in oar public achooix. Second. That the relation of teachers, porenta and school ofneera are anch that a aneceMfol management of aehools requires a concert of action and purpose among them. Third. That wLOe the teacher should be ready to recetTe council and ad rice from par ent and school officers, and should adrine vith and ermolt them on an tbe aairs and Interests of the school, yet he should not be dictated to in re pert to those matters which are eepecialiy and necessarily ander bis con trol. Fourth. That while tbe teacher shokl not be restricted or debarred from the exercise of the ordinary privileges of the citizen, he should not Indulge in any pursuit, or zeal ously advocate any tenet or creed which in any way can interfere with bis duties and usefulness as a teacher. Fifth. Tliat eo-operaiion and sjood under standing on the part of teacher and parents is of prime importance; that parents should superentend and assist their children In their studies, and the teacher In his declpUne. On motion the three principal offi cers were authorized to call the next meeting of the Association at such time and place as they may think proper. On motion A. W. Xickell, 8. W. McGrew and Isaac Black, were ap pointed a committee to arrange for a County Convention of the friends of education. On motion, the Association ad journed. GEO. B. MOORE, Pres. Hexrt Roberts, Secy. A Democratic QnarrcL It is reported that E. B. Taylor has pone to 1,1 n coin, what particular kind of deviltry is up now ? Perhaps the Colonel is looking . up several or more thousand dollars of missing vouchers on Lincoln business. Who knows 7Oinaha Herald. What do you know about Mmlsslnff vouchers on Lincoln business?" Do you know an j thing ? Or do you pre- j tena, as usual, to know something which Is without foundation ? If there are "missiae vouchers." why don't yon state sfnethinrr definite? You can't, that's ulL JUncotn State- man. , . - The above Is frflCT tle res? of Ous Harvey, one of David Botkr's hire- incs, JUKI we respond: to tire-ororesaia hireling's Do you know afrytWHgr' with the following: Wa knnw that you are a nt ana con venient vehicle for radical denials of known facts, A.J ana awo mat you are a flret class beggar ior jemocraitc money b. during election campaign ing. YourdutyatLIncolnistododirty worK lor corruption ism, sum w uw stabs at the DetnocraUc party re. J at the behests of your owner, David But ler. As to the "something definite" we state our confident belief that there are thousand of dollars in "missing Touchers" on "the Lincoln business.'' By this is meant, and in this we dis tinctly and boldly charge, that. Sot thousands and thousands of dollars of the public monies alleged to hare been disbursed by hhn forpubHc uses, Da vid Ilutler could not and aid not, last winter, rror can he produce now, a single voucher. r. Terhaps this is not definite enougn ror uus Harvey; we are quite certain that it will prove sufficiently "definite" for bis owner. KJ WmoAa Jlsrrttit. fA.T Prove where and when we ever denied a fact. IB. 1 The Democrats had no monev during the last campaign : at least we know of prominent Democratic candi dates who didn't pay any bill for ser vices rendered. CI The Democratic party, accord ing to your Idea, couldn't be stabbed. It hasn't body enough to stab. D. That's your charge. Trot cut your proof. E.J Pretty tolerably definite. A. F. IlABVEYr Three hundred and fifty breaking plows, says- the Tribune, have been sold in the town, of Fremont thb season V rmLlC DE3T. Ieb kK&r.ff Coin Int hmzn J st. ft lawfol znozaey. 1 nltr r.i cae U-rAk- )Ti bk)i latere has eea3 Im tA tirSrr interest. Total is terest doe. Total d tzA latr ' (Vvin eertL&saie. Ca rr-rvry on hand A mt ef deU less esb m Jiwul. tlrhtl2JUZ l-ereame ei-e Mrti1M. l"SU VbJJU The ffcrjroin'- fa 4 correct statement of the Fl4ie Debt as appear from the books and treasurer's returns In the Department on tlie 2t of June, 1SG9. Trxra lb Qmim HrpoMM. Indian FlIit IT car Jnnctlon, X cb rat ko, Foet Keaexky, 2EBJLAXA, June 1Z, 1&C3. The murderous red-kins are getting bolder and more mischievous. It is pillage and jdundernow, with occa sional murders, and it will not be long before we have wholesale massacres of Innocent, peaceful settlers, unless something, is done timely to check them in their bloody career. Yesterday the Indians again came upon the settlers at Junetionvtlle, drove cIT several horses and rifled the contents, of Mr. "Wall's bouse. Mr. Wall happened to be here at the Fort. His brother-in-law, Mr. Fleming Mal- oney, was In charge cf his houe at Sanction ville, when the Indians earn e. He was out at work in the field, plowing, about Ave o'clock ia the morning, when the Indians came up on him. The first be knew of their presence was a voily of shots fired at him. None of them touched him. He immediately ran 'to the house, where Mrs. Wail and her child was. Mrs. Wall had seen the Indian, and she ran out with the Spencer rifle for her brother. He got to the house, and kept the Indians at bay with his rifle while he hastily packed up a few things in his wagon, and took his cow and went out to the house of Mr. Masterson, where be could get more help. After he had got clear of the house, the Indians took possession. He then came with John Tearoe and Kathaa Marther, and, under the cov er ef a psod ditch which ran along the roadside close up to Wall's bouse, they attacked the Indians and drove tbetn frwn thv house, and were final ly driven off again theraselves, leav ing the Indians-1 take all they wan ted. There was about twenty Indians enraged in the affair. They are tbe same party as came and robbe4 Messrs. Mafterson and Gregg fcoase a few days ago, while they were abeent. The leader of the band rode a calico pony. The Indians are well mounted on American hor ses aad ladiao ponies, and their hor ses are quite plump and fat. The people cannot continue with their work, being so continually an noyed with these depredations, Tbe people at Junetionville are ax lrave as any people could be under the cir drcu instances. Mr. Martin, an old settler here, with his sons, have beaten the In dians off time after time. He ha several arrow wound in his body, and two of his children liave wound also. Ono of his children was left for dead at one time with several arrows sticking in his body. All Mr. Martin has is what Is on his farm there, and he does not feel inclined to give it up. But it Is very annoying to be o troubled with these savage pests. Most of the settlers here have been in the army, and their bravery alone is what has saveu their lives thus far. The people feel gratified to see the announcement that (en. Auger U about to send wme cavalry to M-out through the exposed settlements!!. It is to be hoped the troops may be un der efficient and energetic oITicvrs, who will thrash thee marauders to their hiding places and kill orcapture them, iney should not be handled with gloves. The fact that troops are coming will give more assurance of safety to the people in the Platte, Big iJlue, litue Jilueand Hig&tndy set tlements, and save them from entire abandonment. Yours truly, Moses 11. Sydenham. Tfuo Killed Cock Robin I "Woman's Suffrage was defeated In tne .Massachusetts Senate vesterday bv : to 9." Why. the Train defeat in Kansas, two years ago, was only 18 to y, ana ner last legislature defeated Woman SufTrajre by onlv three votes. and that, too, remember, with the jtevwurton orcatunn u poison over almost every school district of the State. And Minnesota defeated Wo man Suffrage this year by only one rote. The Wisconsin Assembly car ried It almost unanimously, while the Senate postponed it Indefinitely to save the republican party, from shouldering so heavy a responsibility. "Massachusetts leads the nation"!! 23 to 9!!! Why, three years ago the United States Senate cave Ionian SufTrnp-e 9 votes two years airo the British Parliament 73 the New York Senate. 9 the New York and Mich igan State Constitutional Conventions, inrh the Missouri LeirisJature 43, and the Kansas Legislature a splendid majority. ' WAsniKOTox, June 11. The storv Drevailimr here rcirardine Uov. ueary 01 Pennsylvania, it is saiu has this extent and no more. If he b nominated for Governor, lie will of course run, but If he Is not, as the in dications now appear to be against - " . "i . r.i . him, he is to have a place in the cabi net from Pennsylvania, in place of Mr. Borie, who, it Is said, is desirous of retiring on account of ill health. Letters from Mississippi received hero, stutc that the conservative re publibans in the State are entering upon a campaign on the universal amnesty platform, and are urging the President to name August as the tinre- for a rote on the Cotrstitutlon. Reports made to the committee here show that the Sons of Temperance now have I, SC3 divisions In operation, with 9.,673 ntcrttxrr, m7d 40,781 lady visitors. The receipts ef the order last year were $lS6,2tw, and it has $2J,393 dollars in cash on goosf iaYentment. Nearly 25,000 members were expelled during the year. The Frecdmen Saving Bank had in its various branches on the first of June, deposits amounting to about one million two hundred thousand dollars belonging to colored people. Cordova, June II. A great meeting of Republicans was held to-day for the purpose of protes ting against the return to monarchy. Deputies were present from every southern province, and speeches of a revolutionary character were made during the proceedings. The Spanish flag was entwined in that of the Uni ted States, and the assemblage shout ed for America and for Gen. Grant. About 5X prrsorw were present. The military and i hil guards Interfered, creating a panic. Many women and children were trampled down and several lives were lost. The crowd then barricaded the streets and there is danger of a serious aaTray. Our enterprising feltow citiien J. R. Weston, Etv, U setting out one thouand ywing trees of various dfs criptie. lie comprehends the true wants of the country, and hU a Sorts to- meet them are commendable and should b iuiitatediHarcc Ctarkm, Proceeding of lac Railroad Committee. Jetfeesos Cmr. June 10. The la bor, of the Railroad CommUiee cf Z who have beet? in session tine? yester day a. i.. wcrs brought to a close this evening by the adoption of a report presented by a committee of one from each Cocgrer !or.t! district, the mate rial points of '. hicli are - follows: Part exprr race shosld tesch cs caution, and t avoid aW.misappliear tion of funds, to nxike. certain the ac complishment of the objects aimed at. Assistance rendered to the people in building their road Iould b govern ed by the-following rule?, lt- Aid should be grafted not. to exceed 3J0 per mile, to Le jaid on ly as sections of 10 mile are comple ted, and the iron laid on- them-, 2d. The communities aided shall be required to complete the road with in five years in order to ecture such ataftce. ZAt All road aidedfchs.Il be requir ed to pay Into tbe treasury of the State" a reasonable percentage of their grog? earnings until tbe amount gran ted shall le reimbursed. 4th. Legislation ehoufJ carefully guard the Interests fif ine people in the roads aided, so that they' can nev er be operated in the interests of any monopoly, but at all times be opera ted so tliat freight and passengers may go with equal facility and economy over such roads and lines connecting with them by any route desired, and at the same time protecting effectual ly the legitimite interests of the exis ting trunk lines. JZctolrcd, That a sub-committee of five be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of thU meet ing, who shall correspond with air tlie companies desiring to present their claims for assistance, and shall reduce such claims to practical form, and shall be directed to examine into the Constitution ana laws, and prepare tbe legal details of a bill bearing the names of the roads and amounts of money involved, until the meeting of the legislature, and shall lay such blJ before tbi3 Committee at an adjourn ed meeting, on the first Wednesday 01 January next. The chair appointed the following as suen committee : lessrs. j. 1. iv. Hay ward, R. A. Campbell, J. H Hammond, C. C. Simmons and J. IL Terry. CoL Hay ward moved the following, wnicn was anopiea : Ecuolxal-TXiaX the several proieetet railroad in this State be requested to lurnisn tne committee or live a com plete and full statement as to the I oca tion, length, condition, Ac, of their several railroads, so that a full and re liable statement can be laid before the Legislature to meet at JeSrson City next winter. The convention then adjournod to the first Wednesday of January next. Ftota tkc Beatrice CUrVx, Tbe Frontier to be Protected - From Capt. Alexander.who has just returned from Lincoln and Omaha at which places he met Gov. Iutler and ueov Au?ur. we learn that five com panics of troops will leave Fort Me- i'nerson, (about one hundred mile? W est of Fort Kearney,) Immedlatelv and move eastward toward the Little Blue River, scouring the country be tween it ana tne ICepubiican in search of thetving, munlenng savages that have lately been raiding through that country, with orders to "shoot where ever they see a head." Capt. Alexan der is also commissioned by Gov. Butler to raie a company of militia, for tne defence of the frontier line, Arms and ammunition have both been furnished him the improved Sepen cer nne ana .knneias. ine epeneer nnes ne toox out witn him last Tues day, the En Gel J.- have leen thiprel irom umana, ana win ne sent out as ion as possible. The Adjutant Gener al of the state has been ordered to have subsistence furnished. These meas ures will stop effectual all depreda tions and we hope will punish these yelping yahoos for past ones. The Jubilee. Tlie first rehearsal in the Coliseum at Boston of the Peaee Jubilee has taken place. The Tele graph informs us that two thousand singers participated. hen tne per formers were about leaving the Hall, some one struck up "John Urown i body," iif which the vast ehorus join ed in one treniendious outburst of har mony. An admirer of Grant then shouted "Let us have ieaee," when, "So'sav'a'n Of us," was responded by five tliousand voices, to the tune of America. "We won't go home till momintr" "Auld LantrSyne," and cheers for Grant, Gil more, and the Ju bilee closed this impromptu and in spiring end to the rehearsal. John I. Redic, Esq., and Judge Wakely, of the Omaha Ifir, had a muscular trial of strength in the Dis trict Court, at tliat city, on Thursday, They were in the midst of a trial of their intellectual faculties, when the former used language that was not relished by the latter, when he went for his opponent, striking him a blow on the heatfcr The two then closed, and proceeded with an interesting scrimmage until the "consthabies make 'era sthon." . Judsre Lake fin ished up theatfair by fining each party $25. JVc. . AVAsmxaTox, June 12. Information has been received sta ting that expeditions numbering six hundred have safelv landed in Cuba and joined the revolution. Deserters from the Spanish army are increasing every day, and there are frequent collisions between the Spanish forces and volunteers, and the difficulties seem to be irreconcilable. The Cubans have organized their forces into two army corps, one under Gen Jordan. An enrrairement Is dailv expected. The Cubans are confident of victory. Gen. Jordan has 2.000 men In his corps. i a Chicago. June 11. Secretary Sew ard and party will leave this city to morrow forOmaha. Denver. Salt Lake. California, China, Japan, Ac He will be accompanied aa far as Salt Lake by somo Chicago friends. V tule In this Citv -Mr. Seward has been the recipient of many courtesies. The Iowa State Temperance Con vention, which assembled at Des Moines laet evenine. tnade no nomina tions for State officers, although called together partially for that purpose. - " MAXUUED. On Snndat even In sr. June ISth. br th rc. A. May. at U irsiVen?e of Oeu. Dwnshert r in this cHjt, Mr. Henry X. Sanders and Mis Keil Oar friend and fcI'.o--1yp has gone em igrated to the State of Matrimony. We wIru him Immense Joy. He la a gyl pr ssman. and will undoubtedly keep Ms bl.inkets an.l rollers In pood order. Tlie greatest eCbrt of hU llto Thus far has been to get a wife ; This accomplished, his next 6tep, may-be. Will be to get a handsome Site for a residence, tulhl thereon and hare lore In a cottage" "till ye cant rest,- May he always he able to rmll with impunity the "devil's tail and hlc "Olive Branches b nnmerous In the land of Nebraska. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE Is hereby given tliat the fVv-mrtnershlO heretofore esltina lie. ter U nmtemirned, vU: A. O. Kalev ami IV I. Kaaloy. nnricr lJe ftrw nantir A. C. hjl- (V txraHfaUea br UmiUUlon of Ihonrinnl arU-lra rJ agi-fnirnt on th fit .lay of June. ami Dial It rirj niw ptircnuwi ail ine itjrpn lit ue kxmi tirm. aiMt heriHtr .vcsiiniM all nr4 Uhi I i f x- Iiw4.l.p lucurml by Mud'lirtiu A. r. KASI.EV, PlTU. Nvb.. Juu 1st, 1SX.V l j THE MARKETS, emcees MAHiurr. Goub (Kt4at HA wAt-3frbrtfca. rtriij ss pjf-. rut. 3rfct4 Craa sad pr&oa fcSrwiein. tJ- inairr-cc. BcnTUfc If5pDi larrCj ia 4 ?eixsiA. JTw '- Krjt Xrr Cxtm.Trxia tosjr. rt. T-n tAT UXna a Arc it-4 a4 raun. fi W t T' ae-rt M le hii&r.aiA m heo SUiizpvrraCiLTvaxl- TLm iMprvrrta-m fa jxr.: tb rv.:t of eptvfc txat. T" V& bw?n- tow are Uirlafl 1 ls0"r tt tU br pTsa JC Cajra-Ba.--Ti cutX ia rrry iw. w- f Satyrs. wl.5ci hr &-ri4 !rC imcrvt 3k 1T.I.TS CHOCKTIT A3fD FXtO - - UCCS MAEKET. FXCm Winter? sack. CORK? lah4. M EA r p tah-i Uaiw & . - y c . 1 1 . 1 -V - I 21 ' 2" .SVliL'I' ti'A-len rsl- Jiarr IIip V ami ttFFTX-Java r - i:kf TEA Imperial H - F.Vaek Yanx Il.rnon f 2rr 1 ..y - - APPLE. Dried f t PKACH ES lriU y. f. nTATES T toast. CO AL OIL atUioai. yjii ;s fi dor , , , BI.TTEU V . 1 w K V - IS I tf, 4 t OSKiX- tuall. MALT p-r tajri LUMEEIl tVtouTrI pr W- Jtw Its ka. VaiuBt. 11m. JZ ',) rr ? HIGGLES MVjiwjw1 pT Ivju. Ilw L.VTII fXtoiiavoud ier - 2 .rfLS W . 7 ( 750 C6u WOOD lry Hard ptreord. HLD1-Iry i-er tureen. c ISO w.ai to WlfEAT Fall pr Ijuliel. Spring WOOL per B CLOTHIXG JIAHXCIZT. Corrected arertJy fcr tie A d rrrtivfr by MA YT DRY COOI4 CJrrniyo RBTirLATOB Bosiaeaa Cnmlm frxa fVtZ. Boaiaei tfctn, a nrmmXA. fx 34. Caapiawr raasa. $2 VV Om Panw.t;- a. Vwi fpxa 7h etK K fl 'Z. frrtrrttiinbtmUfX OreraJtiiru. mmtii h4, fZ. frverabirta. frma Ti rta. t ft Ti. l"alrrtiirt. (nm i rt. Vof llvti. tryn -m- -. ft tZ-Bwt-'i; i a Imt. fl ZX Hii plna 9W. Mru. JSHT COOrS 3XAHICET. Oarrected wkly tor tbe Adrertiy hy jut rar trno i a tixrrn ixu uzxi itlatob Calico. IW-fenc - Heavy 1 ard arHte MaaaaLaeeaAd. I n. yara ar Mr, All Vmtjt Ia-laise, tne Hunk C-U. a. Maid 1aaBeta,ie. FUid TaamH. l,Vy-. Balaaoral ftfcjna, (1 la 3TKW ADTERTISEJIESTSt A CADC rf H ir.l JhA .k1.! I1.? Jr-A. UU Uftl A-A UU a T PILODUCi: PAHII IK NEMAHA (X)l"TT. A7 Containing? ICO Acres. ' TTORTY Acre of rood Timber, bal- JL taneeln hlirfi Mate of erjnjTatKTfU' A?l dry IVrftmcn Iab4. Tw anuJI amriltrg bf; one t tbem iw-ar. StaJnc 44 1 Wad anrw. A rood yuonc taae Hortrr aa tanauad Uae r4acr. Addrewi the aaVrriber at Fbermaa, Xemaha R. A. STirWAKT. St. Louis and Pacific T? A TT.T7AY UHZS VIA TOE H03TH MISSOURI RAILROAD Tbe short link roanertlnc tbe Great Pacific Hailicayx VITK SAINT LOUIS A2JD THE EAST. THE THROUGH TRA INSover this a rutvl mn In rioe connection wlthall the Western Railroad, landinr paen 'rr ia St. Imin la time to agLkerkog and imonadsatecoaoeruora with tbe . Eastern Lines Tor oxrrxxATi. ixniAXAPor.is. ctttcaoo. lAlISVII.l.f. ri.KlM.MI 1"1TTS Bl'KliH. BCFFAI. PHIIIDIU 1'LX.V. B-ILTINIOBK. New York, Bcstcu, TTaiMrgtcn, aad all Eastera rUlea. To BkenitalA tbe InereaM ef baMness rer Road.tiia auaaaetaejit nave deeiued U raa Threa THEOUGH Eipres3 Trains fM rfaar fnaencra tleir cbnit f lUm'tm to tbe F.S,J awi tjMf advaaiaca t iite ia( nine now aeiaT rnaai- by the Koa toauaat rewa Pa. 1 trnms Vo roreuiir'p tlekera. ee that tber read tk .UTI1 JU.'WUllli IIAIUIUAU. To be abWned at all Railroad Ticket OCees R. H. KXIOITT. Geoeral Hapertntesdent. A. W. XILLSPAt OH. Oeneral TidEet AgeaC i- x. Dtrr. Oeaeral Western Arent, Kt. JoaepH, Mo. J. 31 F.RETirTn DAVI1S. Ueaeral Advert i-dnc Aeewt, KrSXl ETATC3 INTERNAL RENUE i iJ 'bid w u OFFIfT rF T7TK rrtt,T.FTTon OF1 1YTKRXAL RKVKXVK. I ILran r ths iTT r Ear. Xruufs Citt, Jaae r, laav j ANNUAL TAX LIST FOR 1S63. XX. Notieets hereby tleen th-tt the annua 1W of Utwiwol ia accordance aririi tbe peori. iona of tbe art of ( Vnrre-a, to araa-falc Internal Rer- enoe 10 iryr me iwHimwii. t ray laser-, on ineaams? om, aixi mr atiarr fnranA, appro Jaaa aaa. I-, am tb amaaKtioaata theretn. been retarned to aae by tbe Aarxoc af UU IntrVX. and tbat aaal la tea are aoar du and ptrmmt here of t berebr W-aaSal ; aad tbat I as ill ia persun or oj uqiuiT, atieim a Hrotmrinr, CtJ a I lt4li4 ON JUNE Qlst, 1869, for the parBoaeof reeerrlnc aid Iiim. All person who shall oerlort l.t pt tbe timanl of tbmr lAxea. hereby r!rtiA .!.. on or befire the oav laai above mimel. arm t obiice.1 to par in a.. dilkw thereto a frmmir t fine )r mtrmm and alee 04 iwenty rents a eerviea of a Hecial im-hmfmI aixl njc. inceiaer wiia imir ohm a miie tcavriistc fire, actual It arxl neceaarily travrlel 10 iuaAe ihe am a inTW, titiiee hours froca 9 a. m. to I p. nv. . . . J.K lAMASTER. t35- tWlnr. J. H. SHOOK A RROS., Manofttrlnrera an.l rbaler1n Native all kinlt, length, hreailUM ami thirknem. AT HILLSDALE They own ami "urnneof tl ImsL Saar MllU in the State, ami will furnUh .m:cil.i.MC3 al lu iLDrns vlth a htll of ijnmJer r lal or.Alltr. on short notice, nl Uk Ivrtt Mr kei lriv. ' Zat!i and Piclzcta X f way t of! lAX fr aale. Tlior at lYch.n ill their store In nnia- Hle alfttr'e Drf fiootla ami OiMceriea, ami mtctt article, a re In reteral uwe. Remember the itMalncsa, tlie men. ami the place. l-ly Cry ii i i i Li w 1 r"" VTOTICT: is Lerl-T riven that by vir 1 to c! an &rUr rJ by te Frf A i An u- rr&i met u yrriZ y . . . . ' 4 i ... r- - -. V M J t tmt f 4 , k .r but ai Ir-mm iku tt! iki 1 nin itksc A Tavern !) lam pr krrr ;mw m mf wot 1 .rtT Aem v4 FTu-er of tht -x-j4 1 orl"" tA fttud iMAt" mf tta: mnA lHa nrk w mi'A (rm ssr u tXmy t r mf i-a "rk-jt ia ir wTjfn to n"-iT'ci"-V iSniiiiv rxtrUr4 ; unlU aU mcb ia,3 iiJul tr U-irit : rta ytrtrr f win It rmtt jr h r-x.'t ; jttriT of nr. n ea ,r a. ti ryt f,aan-r vf rir, n ea-t t.r rwwi wi ,.urt cf ixna -a"4 jr Nor' a ar:-r of m;a et - ir?-t nf ik!i ? rjr ton; 4 mil . j, r 1 t -r at4. N Ituvir X W jr K ;r S fc,qr Sm;h wet c;T " pa. qrwwna fla ajs jr an i.r snota -- rnua arf.T BMrca mtf iwr'Ji far If A I ia acciia eat5t r or.a mrfr r 3b. iora fea f nrxvit 3. North Hvqrawraw r as !aifl ba.fs w ?r a w a w ; 1 rr i- rz rr ?f.r?a half a w t,ra w,r ri', a tuLtfa w)trav ,r ra wK -riy rr Hca i tz wuum i IZ hKM i IZ tuj i tZ iM9 i tZ -J 3b ? "V ant aari vth aM ijm Mdi - m qr f - ,r r aaf hT w jr jr i-oX mrnif m ar ir ar r e r o"i arM ar aorta n( Nta oat rjr a f Lot 1 in i e ir v Lo tlmwri ,r LttSt ia i vi i Ix i la m- qr s w - Lot 7 in t e (,iw Iji iaeiirw -:r . . X riw jr s rz i TZ' t TZ I tZ 1V It "K i IZ ZJ it TZ - s 5 ' . as e jr 1: i.w at haif e jr eqr s It .' c rr a tz X3uu 4 II atM 4 IX 3MM 4 I ajoa 4 It Wrv IS- WMW U 4. LX- 4 13. tj 4 U Va ja 4 n mnjM 4 II 4M. 4 U - 4 J mjm I r 4U.a & rt vat.aa a u um Ka haif a e qr bait r r e T as aw K H. . aV, t qr 5 mr r "1' w aail e ar a ar r Aarraarir- jkt BiXe half iriw((. .Ntqritqi. eqr V aaiTa w r All at M Ali N w qr e qr UM I. T. s. . A in v r av r zzj 1 tl u Li Niitfifl ar qr m ar '- C IZ 11H. S 2 C 13 VV)ja a rs3wMi 4 14 n l 4 14 . 4 14 Ka.a 4 M zjm '- 14 j 5 !4 LM 14 N.W i4' 14 m.m la. 0k.m 1 LjuI 0 e T" H eqr Ar Wtailitu. enr WhaiC Ix I n e qr ar qr IjM Z ia a e qr w qr M ta f e qr a ar qr ar qr w W ai ar mr waqr ) at J C IV a u, a ii ar qr ar jr 4tL 4-a La . i.e . 1 i rf lot 1 Iu &rv 1 of S li ( a. 4. li li . ts l4 7lt I I t ia ar qr a e qr Iai t la ar ,r a J tm m r a r c 1- c i, C Ii a a li' Ixit II ia t ar qr a ,r Lies t: ia ar cr a e r at 11 la a ar r a r aja SViV , li 4i.a ii ue ar qr a ar - TEItJIS Or SALE. F'T Prafr Laa. 4w tnts tv'iW nV 4 ; an4 1-r irw kuMt. nr naST raa aa oa aara ft ea )tr. tu Utmmrnjtm mt rbeaai Bfra a jwastrrT arf f" u II inaiwa 1 aaaa tore l-a year tnwai i, beartac iai. 1. 1 airaNif ai.ar..'T ia at rinrr. at u-a pr cr-I jwt -. ttoe dar of Jbaary a-Ti a-rr uat 44 ibe mf; bmm ra e"e w e-af f f ere4 c pc-.J-iru. the laod aliail wjrreanlerl, m-iJi the i.n.rr.v-rm-at!i irrf-i.lo lt- f;r: 7w---Tl-fcJ m h aa fre 1 rrn tor t2e pwT-r or rinrta-r awa, it na)l ae ft-rx-r rnw4 Nr lb trBxtKi-wawit a twa ft Kier4f taecMuuy, to beafvrared ay taetsay Tbe rarebaAer 10 litg t ae fs'I amount of tbe rwjr- ! ebae aanai y f.tr tee laats rwrHtw-! at Mara ale. Itoe TiairT f jad eratirr ul d-liTer a r"np4. asvl a duplVate roH;t on:A;r.rr: a l--riTiBn of the larxj hWd. arwl aa aekrwlnlrrmenl 04 Uie raiT- frjent of tb iw?rrfc-e rnotwr. ami n rannixi mm nt eiiherof arhjch tn the JircT!rr at a?tTt:roafrfi f- tr-n day fnmi dale mf nsca r-r-rm. be thai ni ctate tbe parv-ba-r a title In ad land, in W airaple irwtn ibfM taie. arxl tbe (Witwt ef a l-t- oa tbe jrrrnrtM' to surb iMnvemnrof tbe other Tfp. Aim! ta nonax ra. aan I 1 n rwM iu k, 1 TreaMirer iU firrnif ia datxnee. toae of arha-a hail be retaioed fur Ue s u4 tbe sui. aAer beina- ngmea or irw nnrrtiaer.) a eoniraet of n! tnr tbe f tlie nwd pun-hae tn-nrr. aad tbe Inter" tferwm a-rr; In- tw tbe nnclium 4f anrb treTOrrTteTha:l !wrtii!l to dnn!io rwHM tf rinetit and pujrita-a. fur iarii Uml: that an aa4eltaU le ntcon.M :-l nun i1m Li ml lbMudr eriberl. tliat do timber ) lerM terfi. etoer Dreanaid ih tamaat ft nark taa,!. aad frT improTsnrnU Utetvaan; aad ia easv Wanl iaJl be tnatle ia tbe parotal or tbe inter or pnauraU. w any ratrt Ibemaf. r it anv anrb jali txri Miail be bnetu iliaim-a tin- UnSlhimi rteerihed kbail he mrrem Wed br ibe MrraMT. h oeirr aurna. ariUl the iirTniw tbereiai. to theMiate. aad aatd coatract attaU be vuJ aad of bo eflt. lltued BruTi-rn. -v.. Xr !!:. ro. it. HACKKTU 3-Tt (VMMT(Vft. vr-..4v 1 j WcrC Solflill HlOlTcr 1CC3 HOT C: I1A3 EVE?, FJ1Q TO CIV Entiro Gdtisihction - TIIE PE3LFUT OTERATIOX OF.EVERT' ' ' CHATITEXI O AH STO V2 FULLY GUARAIiTEED. , AXD WH11KTU k'VOVX ' t THEY STAND UHRIVALLED mn nmxnvr. .... Fun it R.mi.iTV. Aad IDSVlJiliifR , Fi iiplHty of Mtimi ui at TheyareHomelnstitulions X a a 1 aa. - WesteraaSouthernPeopIe . t'laetry ao pnail bow. teyr caa affiled to be w uboet uoe. Excelsicr HannfaclDrinrCO. ST. LOUIS, 310. a mr S Iir.T.T.TITJB x-R G TJl - 22IICSL. Uarlnc r4 opene.1. ai Xv il Vala atreet, Kroan- vuie, .iraR, of Milllfwy CmihK votOaU p.MWml- ar-ii 1 Fran aj aJa-T ia:- tjtaJt nrlT pJt"U HTJSBAIiD puiv.at reanmahle prioes aenr-iire tcx hi "hettee bair. aj ir utav a i.-h luiwrkii i.hk . arta4eat - GUAimAirrzsB to ' " a J s f if T3 s-5? be Xo. 1, aiMt suale iip la tlte best oatyla, aad tUat EVERY TOTJirG taw r;a7 be re 6rd J arh be ;n tbe Ya liAtvCrutiuinpKlaurus,(c; Kvtryene- T-" 'TTHO WITH flTt ",,r!oai'art'.rearei aUaile reWtpt of UielateMnorettuiour Uae. tilaa acalL (f -ins. J, K. BEAR. citt rroT - i jln si;ir of i it Tj, use j Mr jt--.-j t Xlfli I . . . . v A a.i 1 f mm - ! a , V'T 'diwJl 1 tm t ' y -v . . . - - :j u, a rv.' - - ' Fr " tJw. . r a hr-a; - IVI.iaaa T', mr f ,Cr- r,, irt. i-T, fc. - pM kM, ' v r thi fir. ,-7ri , fir! r-T aarr art a T ,1 l 7 aC lfeav.r . f 1 . , .. . Tci S4j(a, ' 1 Ty rt'fr UbU t aW H . J- C V'TirrtTT- y (-rt araf. aTwnaaaaaniiii ", ava . r 1 rA t S!al I-Viit L. (Ma, 14 arbnm a that , s.iT,r1M,,T-T ""tie. W, Joxi. : uauia a 1 z.Ztbi r-y itu ( -d J!T WHWli raX: i ara-a aad warr t nr aiai alii a: rfarr, tar,. arV u, CTaV ar ) at aaaaaa ur 1 tSwJT -n i&fxrni, t aaal iaawtM 'a- V. MrKt I QALE OF I1E. L ES?TATE.- r " itw'T riven lljat I. at Viiw tee NraMKRalmiMn ' oja Ck day 4r June, Hat. ax 1 a -v s ilUtA! is TJ a O-r it - --f 7T, aaal t!iarH' bit mf Lata Oa avl Tea, --v. T4. Tairwa, i. 1 a tirf ' !' W W afJ anM. . A 21. t June. A. B. , ii'-)Vrtt. .a-4I, pST ATT: of J AI3 wxdlemas. A- Not w 1c b--r yTTeai rHat th rrvSa!a aan mf 5exnaaa nhi. ra.a. aa aponBt Jaw 1 .m A.iaa-rra.-,r 1 of ta oxaia r. t wm, af aa. eaoat af .le "av tVe-ae-. ; f J fi.--. fat 1 aa.4 laaa a ararT3li a k'.r a ISie finan ' g IfciiC a1 kliaa-f r:a.ta ara.f. Laa u iaj 7-" 2: eaaWr ra aaa fWri iai , la. 4. Jeaa-r lik, 1.74S naunnrai at rm a. aa. ,wulrtm,akMn laWM ra tbe .-re rJ" raie Jo-:.- ia. iTUi. All prai haririariaHi outx i.auteutf are reqneatetl to t- avar .' 5 ml thr aW rT"te J m vrr J.nrtmc-. a. UCa. at t --"j rrf uTTrTt-Ciid. lavced MaySM. tm A W. 3ff E. J AX. rndavta jaa-x llUZ-ill!!!'.!!,,' ""''MaaMiaiaaLajr!! . ZSTTIATS. Ef?TRAY NOTICI1 Taken np It the WrrdeTalrnerl, llTln In- IjaUfKle Pr-)nrt.o4eaod a half i,i iwai lawt 0 anila MiU. fi tna rb Ut .4ar, ITW. oaw lw rar art l!aT 3ar. mvkixl wut a war ia the fare. aa wh,talaf rtM himl ' -- . - -r 1 tn r 1 I 1 a b-arS n-e ard IjuJ : aa a Tui.af Krcm-a Mo Cit. -e ahile on the aa.'bon la FTRAY XOTICE. Th HBtJer ltrTe.th.t tlters np. on tii trewb at 15.". t-a-aMTar p.nw-.bnth mm: ooearaaa ama r ir m-V arwl kraau4v. un ! Kip vik 51 ieaa haa4, ari atouot er.'it r-rar. avl. TV nfber a bay.aod au ronwi. braoiW-d "J B." a bp.taryearot. t3i r. A. I" 'WL1R. SRAY " NOTICE. Taken up W tbe ara-'za o!. Jivir In Lafi-efe I,t''b.1 ir.ii-tajti4rtr .s.a,j,n' M rh li-' Xemaba Rivr. on rtieMiTV Mar. a rl Mare, abiwil -l.t reap ol.'--.Tt a ! .pat tn ta taee iwl a "o ra f ie huw, mm aarrwx tnart aad abuBaotiha(iy. Kr J'fcJt K. flflJL May a. jaaa. it q. CTRAY NOT! CK. Taken upon the J r-eTTi-eaot t!, n;-ri?--r. living at H'.Z dale. .ti h Owrtr. rVnti. May t. !. aaa do hre poory, a.- - a tnn Rita tft ol wbil. aid hraf-;.-l - oa r,1 a.llrT. ?tafr marV or nd pmrjitU-ie. 1 5-i-pd I r A Rl STEVFJ TTCSTCH.T DEPOT OF MUSIC! .p..i.HXJV27rT i so:. sajo.sT2iiiiV 310. LIUSIC PUBLISHERS, ami IVtan IValert In Chickcrinn u Sen's Pbncs -a---. .j. VLklt arere a-an4 tbe Crcs3cf ' tha LEGlbir cf E0503, and FIRST GOLD IIEDAL AT PAIUS KXrrmO!e. 1--. AL4 THL airtni: t co. hill: DATIS & CO NEY? yobk union ca .1 1 : BTJTLDETT alianaLCoiiibinalb&Caliid OEGANS, 3iaorr & Ilaralln" Cabinet, Portable, IK? Metropolitan' OrgansT ' An orders slKwt'.j be axltreaeI tw JAITX3 IL Ax. ' t w-aa d mm, 5-6ra