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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1869)
vrin..i'inf ,he ApvertisXB for sale by ja W wok LODGE DIRECTORY. ... v . j . r t r r v 1.0. p. . - i. -..i- " .'lfL- n"?L' LTr illl ill the Brrytuieyer Brick, ou nu. Uko. W. Dokkkv, Secy. r.-Nc.mfih-Valley I1eNo.4,- ' . ... Kalim !iv in n. in., attlieir nun in uie t...cyer on U iiin Stref't. Ah visiif'S liruthersure Invited. Jas. M. IIackkr, Secy. Arrival and Drpnrlure of llie Mail. ,.r- and Eastern urrlves at 12 ni4 departs at tJ JV rn and Eastern arrives nt 4 p. m.; depart " . m. T-mt'Msil . ,..1hV arrives Fridays at departs ' .' .1-.VH Ht H a. HI. . .,' Hours from a m.. to 7'i' i. m. Fun W .A. roLOLK.r. M. .. Tabic St. Joe. und C B. It. Jt. a ..fv,.r Mv23d. 1. Trains will leave Phelps email" - - Staiiu" ioia" OtVO XORTII. tMivo sorTH. Ipave. il:iiK.ra. -l-7 p. m. 7?i p. Ill, IV.'ii a, in, ix-ave... 74:1 iv- III. VM p. nu , ;nlil .JCuve .Mall tntfus daily except Sunday .t s:iturday. , .'. r-frs' Oinnilius lnves Hrowiivillc for iviiKNSKU TIME TABLE ri Vallcr '" "u .110. its. 4 H It 1 NIGHT KXP. 1IAYF.XP. 11:.:; a in "::ii a nt 5:) a in X::i a 111 liniwnville- Iii-Bve Arrive ....Arrive ii p ui ': p ni Unto p in M. JisT" Xikrli-ni. p in p ni V:im p m In: in p In i-:Arrive...-. Kr.1n.iuld,larnye. r.t:i a m Kt. Ili' LOCAT, MATTERS. J. L. Coltapp, Editor. TUT-1IS1UY MOUyiNG. JUNE 10, 1S09. Ttet Patterni at the Batar. Ll from ?3 to 55, at Hetzel'g. Lat,.t.tyl of Corsets and Hoop Skirts t Jiarlim All kind of I'uderwcar suitable to the iimu nt 1 let el 's. If ynwntclOTpgo"ls go and see the'.T. lcn. Wherler A 1Von' silent tevtl Sewing Mn-liiiK-t the Itawtr. Dmt Kraprrs and Mowers in the United State lor Mile at W. T. iK-n's. rrr.h Grocerlea Just received, and more coming, ut W. F. WilsonX Large Invoice of Hats, all kinds. Just re eclved at A. May A W. RegulaUff. Anew tockof the best Boots aid Shoes the Eastern market atrords, at llelmcr d noke'. . Mr.W. F. "IVlUon has just reccivctl n choice supply of Dry Goods, Fancy lrcs Trimming, etc. All first class goods. Ann Ion at Berry's old stand, on Main st., fnraffwdeysoiily. A choice lot of good.- will lie sold at tlunmiiy low prices. Drtip In. The delegates to the Klrksvllle Convcn tiop are mi'iosted to meet at the Abvektiseu offlee.ou next Saturday, at 10 A. M., to de cide r.pon n programme of action. Choice Liquor for Sale. I haveon hand a very choiee lot of Liquors and Wines which I will soil cheap for cash. AVendkll Grant. Wool! Wool J t AVool!:! We will pay th highest eastern market price iu cash foi u!l grailes of wool. A. May &. Co., llegulator, Patch has the largest stock of Jewelry ev er carried by one house in a city the size ol ours. He eets new Kds almost daily. Go andw-e him. The New Feed Store and Boarding Sta ble is now in full operation. Mr. Trimmei lias feed of all kinds, and a gxd cool place to stable stoek. He is No. 1. baud with a horse, aud will do the fair thing. Directory. The Nemaha Land District and BrownvilleCard Din-dory is now rcadj for delivery. Those interested will pleasi call and get them, and also distribute to oth er Mints as fust as possible. By count a nt recolpt of Groceries tin public are assured that they are fresh, is Swan & Bro.'s motto, and on this they act, so that all may rely upon gotnl fresh articles ii bought of them. ThCeoplc appreciate It too j Great Excitement 011 Railroad questions : which w ill gain the day, but nothing to com 1 pare with the rush of customers at the Flo- 1 nivr House of W. T. Den for bargains In Dry I (Kinds, Groceries, Stoves, Plows," Furniture. (4c Ac Strawberry Festival. The Ladies ol ? tlie.M. E. Church of this place will give a i Straw lKrry Festival, in McPherson's Hall, ! next Tuesday evening, June 15th. Proceeds for benefit of the church. All are most re- i sptrtfully invited. i j Lai Friday night a legordemanlst, by IlieiiAineof Nasby, gave an exhibition in j (his city, but with such poor success that he ft ou Saturday. He gave an exhibition at JVrnou Monday night. He was certainly j Uif most sbivplsh looking showman we ever X --- I DIar.h has now a)Kut the Ijest News De l jKitwi-st of the Mississippi river; a good ! 'win, well filled, and give his undivided at jj teiiUontoiUebuslm'ss. Give him a call! He ; hiw nearly everything, and wliat he may not liave he can order for you at publisher's prl- I AH the members of the M. E. Church ot I Brown ville, over 21 yean of age, will meet on I Thursday evening, 14th iusU, at 8 o'clock, to 1 vote on the proposition to admit Lay Dcle- Ration Into the General Conference, Female j as well as males have a right to vote, j By order of the Com. i iv, 1L May, Pastor. Plre Extinguishers are coming greatly la favor even In large eastern cities where they have public facilities Xor extinguishing flit; aud seem almost an lndlspeuslble arti cle in business houses In small towns which &sve no fire engine. Hank A Armitage have the agency for t ho sale of Extinguishers lu tulscitj-, aud we would urge merchants and others to call aud see It, They ffer and no doubt will make a public trial of it. It has h'n trid in nearly all onr large cities and pronounced a success. Go and see It. Improvement. B. F. Lushbaugh is ! thriwUig bis new building, corner of Main j and second streets, in sight la a most rapid ! n4iiuliKintuil manner. It will be an orna- ient to the e4fy. J. L. Carson has lud erected. In front of his rddenee, on Main street, one of Fraker's Jwtent Round Picket fences, and It makes a splendid ornamental fence, liesldes having the must substantial wooden fence we liave Ver se n. It came through Kllbourn, Jcn ki,' 4 Co., of this city, who assure us that It l at l.jjust 20 per cent, cheaper than any other Jacket fence, K F. Wilson, to accommodate his lncrcas lll8 custom has shelved up the east side of his "ore room, on Main street. It looks like Imity which he deserves. Tlt Oak Leaf. Nothing isa tictter proof ''fthe excellence of an article than the fre '1'ienoy of imitations of it. These counter j'ilU are the universal tributa which worth 'sneKs pnya to merit. The sterling worth h"'l Jxipularlty of the Cliarter Oak Stoves are ""eMetlby the standaid. These stoves arc hstautiy imitated because they are known Jhu bert in use; 'e advise the public 'are of these imitations. The genuine ve baYC Rn leaf on tlie vide doors, and j re uiped with the name of "Giles F. Fll-2lKJ-Loo,-n When buying one of them, - raure, look for these proofs of Its genuinc . wd rejoct all that do not have them. Vlile. 'i;er i;nS. are nirents in I'.rnu-n. hyi'il.,-1.,,1 , . ... . . Mam-r . ""'L-uie aim reuai uy txctlslor uuri,uriug Co.. bt. Louis. ' V;;..ti rrives nt R n. r,i.: departs nt , a. I1"1" i. !. ii nrrivi-H nt i: ni.: deimrts at 2 p. in. 1 Mail arrives Monday, Wednesdays and - h"J!rn . ' ... . ,i,.,,,,rixTuervs. Thursdays and p. Ill litu.i,cimut.iu i.isi, Diktuiuay irom Geo. Adams ana Geo. S. King, of Quln- cy, ril., who were canvassing for the Q,uincy & Missouri River Railroad. Wc were pleased w rc iuc cunoiiM nun iui uini uhj view cu our county ana town, anu gnumcu at their favorable comments thereon. They are men of energy and will most thoroughly do the work they are on. J. 8. Ietel has returned, and brings with him a splendid stock of all kinds of Summer Goods. He's a trump to any town, and does us good to see him around 1 Testimonial to Dr. J. Bl&lce. Ilnving been shown the following testimonial to Dr. John Blake, recently located In this city, we hasten to lay it before our readers, endorsing, from our own knowledge b' him, every word of the resolution: Trov, Miami Co., Ohio, ) May Mh, ISO!). J Dr. John Blake Dear Frieiul: Just re turned from the meeting of the Old Mad Riv er Society. Had a Rood time, and the largest meeting 1 ever attended. The following res olution with regard to yourself, was unani mously passed, ol which I enclose you a copy. it will appear In the next J'cyutcr, Yours truly. B. F. ROSSON. J7e it Resolved, By the Mad River Dental As sociation, that Dr. John Blake, an honorable Member-of the Society, who lately moved from among ns, and locnted in the City of Urownvllle, f.cbniko, lias our best wishes for his future prosperity, and that we dohear- iijy commend him to the citizens wne.-e ne is now located, as every way worthy of their conndence. Oxford. Ohio. Mav 18. W). B. F. ROSSO N", Pres. ukorge r . l'Atx, Sec y. Having now thoroughly fitted up my sale and sample rooms, at No. 41 Main street, I In vlte the public of SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and NORTHERN MISSOURI to glvo mc a Iff call, as I J In Who II BRAN! call, as I shall al 11 ways keep on hand holesale o,u I i antitics, WINES, DIES and II LIQUORS, of the 1 very liest and purest quality, and of all brands Forcigh and Domestic. I shall also have on hand, during the season. Chicago le, Beer, &c The public may rely opon my stock being pnre, as physicians of this city recommend It for Medical uses. Full stock of Bitters, Incases or single bottle. I am also agent for the best Billiard Tables made. WM. II. VALLEAU. .VOTO.V.' DRY GOODS, QUKKNSWARE, FRISH GROCERIES, lest of CHEWING TOBACCO and choice CIQARS, at Marion's, footof Main street. "Live tHere a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said I love my own, my native land," And will by Marsh's News House stand? Same place where any liooks In the land can and will lye purchased ni puuiisner s prices, and the very best of stationers at low- J r prices than ever struck this urper country. Waiie info JurxA', it im't deep. fWEA T J!ED VCTIOX IX miCES ! ! ! .yijy. TliU 1'RIVK REGULATOR, IS CLOSING OUT HIS SPRING STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES, 7Y MAKE i:OOM iyR .SUMMER UOOIfS NOW ON THE WAY I UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS A RE SO ir OFFERED I His shelves must be cleared, for the Summer Stock ls such aa was never equaled In this county, both for the extent and qualify ol goods. DELAYS ARE DAXQEROVS. Trunk and Valises At Iletxel's. Great Ruth at HetxePs 1 JVcic GotnTs ! Vcu Goods ! ! Summer Goods ! Linen Suits!! Scotch Suit 6!!! Cassimere Sulf s ! ! ! ! Best material!!!!! Best made!!!!!! Most fashionable goods!!!!!!' Cheapest, goods In the market !!!!!! ! ! At Iletzol's !!!!!!!!! Remember the Strawberry Festival next Tuesday eveuing. For Sale.-A very desirable dwelling house with two lots, fenced and In good cul tivation, with a stable on the premises, on Main street. Enquire of John C. Deuser. Champion No. 2 Improved Reaper and Mower, and Single Mower, with Hand- Raking attachment, Dropping attachment or Self-Raking. This Machine can trully be said to be a complete combination ; the mow ing qualities are not impaired by any of the reaping attachments, and the reaping quali- es arc not injured in adapting the machine to cutting grass. This Is the only machine ever produced for cutting grain aud grass, which ls equal to any single machine for either purpose. The change to Reaping 01 Mowing is quickly made, and In either ca pacity the Champion No. 2 ls equal In every espect, either as a Reaicr or Mower, to any slngle machine. SllKliLLAUUtUiSK 1SUU . Good Building Stone. We are now pre pared to furnish goxl building stone, In any quantlty. Also, Step Stones, Bjisos for Mon uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tubles, etc,. furnished ou short notice and reasonable terms Lokance & Vakney. Teachers of Nemaha Co., remember the Teacher's Association next Saturday, June 12th. All are earnestly requested to bo pres ent. All interested In education are most respect ly invited. A. W. Nickell, Co. Surt. $35,000,000 Is the capital of the Mutual Life Insurance Companyof New York. Jar vis S. Church ls their agent at Browuville. It Is the safest company in the woild to insure lu. tf Launon & Ululon, Blacksmiths, footof Main street, can set tires, shoe horses, iron wagons, &c. In the best style, with their Im proved machinery. Llnnen Drawers- If you want a good article, can be had of J. S. Hetzcl, No. 72, Mc Pherson Block. Iloltxlugcr's Groceries arc unsurpassed, and he sells them very low for cosh. Ilctxel, at 72, McPhcrson Block, has on hand a full line of Gauze Shirts. Fence "Wire In abundance at Shcllenbcr ger Bro's. Iletxel has Panama Hats. a splendid lot of Straw and Buggy Whips. Bauer has Just received a fine assortment. For Soda and Ice Cream, the season ls at hand, and Rossell, at the Buck Horn Bakery, gets it up in tho best style. Is the Weather Warm 1 of course Ills, and the only way to counteract Its sudorific effect is to go to the Alhambra and get a gln cocktall, brandy-smash, ice-cold lemonade, beer or ale. It's sure, and the liquor pure. Wentcl Grant is ever ready to serve the public; and to this end has now on hand a splendid lot of Summer Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ac, of all styles, which he will accommodate you with at the lowest rates for cash. Builders Attention- 1 am now prepared to do all kinds of Plastering lu this city or vicinity. Orders left at the American House will 1)C promptly attended to. Trices reason able ! Work first class ! i no31-Sm A, E. Bklu We have Just received several hundred ilolhirs worth of New Stylo Type, wl Ich greatly increase our facilities for turning out firsts-class work. In Tlaln or Fancy Work we defy competition from any source. Make a noto of this friends, and call around when you want anything In our line.' New Harness Shop-B. F. Soudcr has now in operation his new Harness shop, one door cast of the Express office, where he ls prepared to do all kinds of work in his line In jlp-ton style, at reasonable rates. His stock ls No. 1, and we know him to be an ex cellent workman. Give him a cull. ivuDonrn, JtnkiHi fc. Co. Manufac turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Tine Lumber Lath . m,tnTi-t Pickets, Hash, Blinds, Doors. BattenR etc. - 1 um ana i-omw Yard, corner 4th and Main streets. Branch Yard at Phei rit-c- -lB1!nri Wn mnnnfnMnr. "lUlCTlJU III Vile 1 ineries 01 ushkosh. AYLs. whera we have In operation one of thelarcrcst manufactories of -every tiling made in Pine In the world.and ontaining our Lumber direct from the tree, as we do, we can eeli at lower rates Minn any umocr lard in the V est which pays one wholesaleand one or two retail profits, "We snail always keep on hand a ful)irpply of 1 . . - rverythine in our line, so that those in want may always rely upon getting what they de sire. .We simply ask all to examine our stock and prices before purchasingclsewhcre, as we can ensure satisfaction inbotlu n a? C 09 22 o 5. ' 2 - p 2 ! S o-JL o w r1 ft -1 ft cr s p 1 n Q r. 1 tB "p . a o 2 - -, 5 2n n P S a Z So ' K r. Z g McFalI& Co. are supplying ourieitlzens with as fine Furniture as. can be had any where. o had the pleasure yesterday of seeing a set of chairs ordered of them by Ell Wilcox, of this gity, and for hcatjty and finish they cannot be excelled, .McFalJ & Co. can furnish our citizens' in. their line with any thing that miiy' lilesfrcff Ad whatever you" rmay' purchase df Jack' youan bet on wing a No. 1 article, as he is a tip-top work man, and takes pride in the business. They have, also. Just received a pew lot of bed steads, which can be relied npon as being V alnut thronghout-r4n fact n,rham. piece of furniture never went but 'of ffiat house, and never will while it ls run by it present man ager, A. J. McFulL Wishing to milliner' goods, will find It to their benefit te cull. on Mrs. T. F. Sealon, No. 19 Main street, who has Just re ceived the best selected stock of Millinery Goods ever brought to Brownvllle, and Is competanttodo anything in that line, as she Is an old and experienced hand in the busi ness, learned her trade in New lork, and is prepared to sell her goods as cheap as can be bought in any city. She would also inform them that she is prepared to do dress leaking in any stylo they wish. . .Ilso agent for tho great.' Empire Sewing Machine, Ilats atHetzels. . IlavlngPurcuascd Mills In the Pineries of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet Dry line Lumber on hand, it has compelled us to procure larger grounds for pur Lumber Yard;, therefore we have rented the lots on the corner of First and Water streets, where we shall put one of the largest stocks of Lumber, Doors, Blinds, Sash, etc, west of tle Missis sippi, and every body knows, or sliall know, that the Saginaw Lumtier is far superior to any other Lumber. Call and see us before, purchasing else-; where. '? (One block from River.) BELL & SMALL. 12-tf ' .-Roil Store. s 1 1 ' - , Spring Goods at Hetzol's. We have this day resolved to quit the credit system. Those Indebted -us will please come forward and settle up. We would be pleased to pell you goods for '.cash ; by so doing we can do better for you and ourselves. Hoping to see you, we remain "'" - Yours truly,-'. - ; SMALL BELL. BnowxviLLK, May 2"th,&?. ... 33-2t John P. Manny's Combined Machine is stronue. durable and reliable: cuts a wide swath, ls light draft for two horses, and never clogs. Adjusts Itself to. uneven surfaces, can Instantly be raised over obstructions, and has no unequal weight n tLc horses' necks. SilELLEXBJiRtrKTT BltO'S, 71 McTlfefwnj. Block. The attention of our readers Is called to the advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure in another pari oi mis paper, -mis tmiy valu ..... ....- . able medicine is recommended by all who use It. read the certificates. , Organs. Burdett's, from S110 to $000; Ma son & Hamlin's, $75 to S0O0. . . Jam is R. Dye, Brownvllle. Alpaca Coals, at HetzePs. Dnck Coats and Vests well made and cool at Hctzol's. Sore Eyes, almost without an exception can be cured. Jteaivslghted pfrsons and all nc-ding glasses, should Consult Dr. Klmler lin, 88 Main street. r . -' $1200 Dollars and Expenses F-See ad vertisement of American ShnCtleSewing fti, chine In our advertising columns, For gale. A Cottage and two of the most desirable residence Lots in the cltjV Enquire at this office. - - ' - - Higliest market price paid for wheat, oats, corn, Ac, by Bedford & Handley. " Private medical -aid, road Dr. Whlttier's advertisement. DR. WHITTIER, A REGULAR GRADUATE OF A MEDICINE, as diploma at Office will show, has been longer engaged in the treatment Of VKNKItFAJ., SK.Xt'AI. Ulld PR1VATK DISEAS ES tlian nnv other physician in St. lAtun. Hvphilis, t Jonorrlia-, Oleet, Strictnre, Orcliittis, Hernia, nud ltupttire ; all urinary Diseases and svpUilltic or Mercurial Atllictions of Throat, skin or Bones, are treated with unparallelled success. spennatorrliea. Sexual Debbility and Impo teney, as the result of self abuse in youth, sexu al excess in miiturer years, or otbeT causes, and which produee some of the fol lowing effects, as Nocturnal EmKsiens, blotches, debility, d'm.i ness, dimness of .sight, confusion of ideas, evil forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss of memory and sexual pewer, and rendering marriage improper, are iiermuiiently cured. The Doctor's oppii-tiuiitiei. in lHu(titl and private practice are unsurpassed iu St. Louis or anv other city, liack tiles of St. Juis papers prove -J;t he lias been locaW here longer than anv other so advertising. The establishment, library, laboratory and appointments, are un rivalled in the west, unsurpassed anywhere. Age, wiih experience, can bo relied Umhi, and the dortor can refer to many physicians tlinmgli out tli'i country. In past success and present IKttilion he stands wit liout a competitor. The Writinf a Physician ukne rep utalion is rnion-wiie should be worth rcadimr. PocTon WiiiTTrrn publishes a Mrdiral Prtiniih U t relating to venereal diseases and the disas trous and varied cunsmjnciice of wjlf-abuse that will lx sent toiiv- addiess iui sealed enveloje for two stamps, iluny physicians jntroduce pa tients to Uie doctor iifter reading his medical pamphlet. Cuuimuuicatioiis conlidentiuL A Jrieiidlv talk will eoct ym nolliinir. oniceceii tral. vet retirfsl No. liI7 SU Charles street, St. Louis, Jto. llourt 9 a.m: to CE ni Sundays 12 to:p,ni, . - - --y Shellenbcrger Bros. ' -No. 74V ;;' BlcPIscrson's- Ittock, Sole Agents 1? In Southern Nebraska, Atchison and Holt Cptmtyi iIo..jor the . REAPER AND MOWER. THE BEST III TKE VOELD!! ALSO . 1. 1. PAIlTOll Plipper . Prjjyjg i I THE BEST PLO WXQ W MADE.' :r .V--.- SPECIAL NOTICES. IIELIBOLWS I PAIUI-LA COXCEXTRATKD PUIJ KXTRCT SABSA AlilLLA enidieates Eruptive and Ulcerative Visr essof the I'tinxis, A'uKf , J-fytt, J-.'yt lid, Hcalp and MiH, whieli o disfltiri-s t lie apiiiranee, fL Jui I"ti the evil ei'fwts of mercury und reinovinsf all taintH. the remnants of lnSiCASiK, hertiiiary or en liy ADUlTH and Clillr othfrwls. and is take UllKX with erlect sait-ty. Two tat le-spomruia 01 me exiraci 01 carsannri to a pint of water, is equal to the I.UIm r!l- la, aildt-d Ilict Drink, nifil 011A bottle is eu' the JSyrup of .Sarsiiparilla, or Uie decoctioo as usual- 1 v niiirl. as interesting letter la puniisiieu in iucmwiicu- Sarmmarii la in certain ellections. by Benjamin Tra- V"!?K lc f 'sieakinir hUw. ni u ii.-e-iuNt- m I'm iik no 111 iiic r.n v - v-r suites '-that no remedy is eciunl to the Extract of arsapvrma; us power is extraordinary, more so than any other dni I am acquainted with. It Ls, In tlitt strictest sense, a tonic with this invaluable attribute, that it Is applicable to a state ot the sys tem so sunken, and yet so irritable as renders other sulistanee of the tftiiicnlass unavailable or injurious. 1 1 K L HOI., D'S CU'CENTK ATED EXTRACT SAItSAPAlilhhA. Established upwards of JS years. Prepared by II. T. HELMBOLT), mcyjne 5;t lirnidway, Y, Wnr.l nf WUdinn for vounff men. on the Billing I'asNion in Voutii and Early Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Erring and unfortunate. !Sent in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge. Address, HOWAKl ASSOCIATION, Box Y. Philadelphia, l'a. 3Iaulioodi How Lost, How Restored. fsfTyl Just published, a new edition of Dr. f ..-lj fulverweli'H Celebrated Essay ontbe 1 jlart radical cure (without medicine) of !Ij-..T-..-r Spennatorrlaea, or Seminal Weak ness. Invo-untarv Seminal Losses. Impoteney, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Im- neifinienta to Mnrrinsre. etc. : also. Consunmtion. Ep- ileiwy.iind Kits, induced bv self indulgence or sexu al extravflgance. fit)- I'riee in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents The celebrated author, in this admirable essay. clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, mat ine inarming consiliences or sen abuse mav be nwiicnllv cured without tli dancer- mis use of Internal medicine or the application of the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once sim ple, cerLain and ellectuul, by mentis of which every MUlferer. no matter what hLs condition may be. maj eure himself cheaply, privately and radically. rnts lecture siiouia be id the lianas o: e'ery youth and every man in the land. Sent under M-ai. to any address, in plain envelope lostimid, on the receipt of six cents, or two isiMtiige stamps. Also. Jr. (.-ul venvell's "Marriage Uuide," price 2d cents. Address the publlsl w, ClIAS. J. V. Kl.I.N'K S COV, 13--y 127 Bowery, ew York, P. O. "rfW. A Clenr. Smooth Skin and Beautiful Complexion follows the use of Helmbold's Concentrated Extract Sarsaparllla, It removes black spots, pimples, and all eruptions of theskin. In the Sprina- Months, the system naturally undergoes achange. and Helrubold's highly concen trated Extract ef tiarsaparllla is an assistant of the greatest vauie, :: '. Yonnsr Ladien. Bewnr f Of the injurious ef fects of Face Powders und Washes. All such rem- dies close" op the pores of the skin, and lira short time destroy the complexlnin - If von wouW have a fresh, healthv and youthful nnneamnce. ase llelm- 001a s ijctract sarsap-.iruia. Not n few of the worst dlserders that nlllict raan- kindarlse from corruption of the blood. Helmbold's i-xtract Mirsainiruia is a remedy ot me utmost value. Ilcimhold'fi Extrnet Snrsnpai-illa cleanses nnu renovates tne i-ikhxi, instills tne vigor 01 neaiin Into the system, and purges out the humors that maKe oisease. Onnntitr r. Onnlltv. nelmbold's Extract Sar- saparillu. The dose is small. Those who desire a large quantity and large doses of medicine ct. Those who desire brilliancy of Complexion must nuril v and enrich the blood, which Helmbotd's Con centrated extract 01 sarsaparuia mvariiiDiy aoes. Ask tor iiiimixM t. Tane no no Qtner. llelmliold's Concentrated Extract SarsaparUla, Is Die rjrritt Kiimn PHritirr. HAUK &, ARMITAGE, Wholesale & Retail CR0CEBS.- 24 Main street, J. Berry's old stand. Keep constantly on hnnd, in large quanti ties, the choicest staple and fancy Groceries and Provisions and are determined to BLESS THIS COMMUNITY by selling lower than has been known since the Balmy pays of 1850 GIVE THEM A CALL. COUNTRY PRODUCE ALWAYS WANTED. ' CHOICE N. O. SUGAR. ft a 0 ft iy Having just opened, at No. 51 Main street. Brown- vine, enras tea, A SPLENDID Stock of Jfillinery Goods, we would call public at tention to tne laci tnat every goou HUSBAND mav. at reasonable prices, procure for bis "better- hiilf,"' all she may wish in our line, of which every article ls GUARRANTEED TO be No. 1, and matte up in the best of style, and that j i EVERY YOUNG LADY may here find just what she wishes in the way ol j i tats. Trimmings, I'atterns, etc .every one WHO TRADES WITH us may rest assured that we will spare no pains to give entire we are tn oaiiy receipt ol tne latest noveuies in our nne. uive us a can. MRS. J. It. BEAR. 27-tr NEW STEAM FERRY The Brown ville Ferry Company have now running between BROWNVILLE, NEB., AND North. Star and Phelps City, Mo., the new aiul commodious steam t erry MARY J. ARNOLD! TILS BOAT is entirely new, with JL power and capacity to cross everything Hint mav rnniR. in nnv weather. For crossing Cattle Into or out of this Land Pis- I trict. this is the best noint. This boat is esiieciallr tit ted unto ensure safety in crossing. stock, and large cattle per.s are already erected at th St. Joe.Al . It. Depot at Theips City. We can insure the traveling public that nil in our power shall be done to make this tne mosv rename crvTwuig uii uht;ul oun river. BRONVILLE FERRY CO. 13--Vtf "ELEPHANT" Livery Feed and Sale. Stable ! Ben. Rogers, Proprietor. Nos. S and 81 Main Street EROWNNILLE, NEBRASKA. Dealer inallkindsof stoclc Horses lonht. sold and exchanged. Stock boarded by the day or week. The Propi itor has recently erected an entire new. lartre and commode ms Stable, near the old Brownvllle House. His stock is all fresh and vehicles new. The public can be accom modated at all hours, Y OK IVIOIIT. A stock corrall. with an abundant supply of pure water, attached to the stable. 1-ly Xtvl l 18,G9,,,SEKlNa 1869. THEO. HILLck CO. Invite the attention of thecltl-ensof Brown vllle and surroumiln. community to their Pi-UUM-BIOCK 01 HI Ai'-t &V t AM'I m. if II m-A 4. LADIES' SERGE, LACE, . ',1 . Congress & Button Shoes, Spring and Summer Hats, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AX GROCERIES, III Fffl GOODS 1 Choice Spring: Prints, Ten Thousand Yards. Brown & Brchdlluslins, Twelve Thousand Yards. r ? .i. r, ... .. i iJincnster, uinseow, lxingHamS, scotchs, and Seaside, Three Thousand Yard. I 3,500 Yards 1AHC718, Jaconets, I'crcafs, Organ- dies amLQrencdints. Piques and IXarsailes, Onc Thousand Yards. Dress Goods, Two Thousand Yards. ! 4,ooo Yards Swiss Muslin, Plaid, Striped and Checked Jaconets, Aan- sook, I ictarta lAiwns, Book Mulls, Birds Eye Linen, Cor ded Dundy, Irish Linens, I3'000 Yards, Striped Shirting Check Shirt ing, Ticking, all grade. 3,5ooo Yards. Coltonadcs, Denim, Tweeds, Kentucky, Maryland awl Mts ' eouri Jeans, and Fine Cassi- meres. ! Table Linens, Bleached, Unbleached and Col ored, Crash, White and Brown, 40 pieces. Towels, Linen and Turkish, 20 Doz. Hoop Skirts, Drop, Open Front and Bustle, au sizes. 40 Dozen. Parasols and Fans, All Styles. Twenty-Jive Doz. Cloth and Silk Cloaks, Latest Spring Styles. 10 Doz. Bed Spreads, White and Coloredi Linen and UOtton. 12 Dozen Seamless Bags, No. article. 2 Dozen. I Fur and Straw Hats, Keitf Sfytee. Forty Dozen. Choice Groceries, FULL STOCK. Celebrated JHolino Ploirs, 1,000.1 Hardware Iz, QnccnsTrare. FULL STOCK. few and Fasl-leaable stock of CLOTHING, (NO SnODDYJi ls now offered to the PbUIc at J. S. HETZELS CLOTHING STORE, TTo, 10 Halm Street, who is a LIVE t to the I ntemil of the public ; and having pur chased my CLOTHING, (made under my own supervision) exclusively tor casta, I etm sell as low, if not lower, than aay MAN in the Town or Coanty. I beg to rail your Mreauon vt my LARGE & WELL selected stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Gent's Furnishing Goods, as can be FOUND IN THE WEST. Here is a chance for the best bargains, as I ' have no dead stock on hand, all being enti rely new. The public are Invited to call and ex- 1 amine for themselves, I N BROWNVILLE. I wherfl evervthlrjj? in tho nnhin iiiun i - 0 S. HETZEL. 51-tf GROVEIt $ BAKER'S FIBST ritEMIt'M ' ELxVSTIC STITCH FAMILY SEVillQ MACHINES 403 Rrodtcmty J'tw IVritr. Points of Excellence Beauty ana Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Ma chinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide ranjre of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firm ness alter washing and ironing. Besides doing all kind3 of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Ma chines execute the most beautiful and lermaneiit Embroidery and ornamen tal work. The Highest Premiums at all the fairs and exhibitions of tho United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover A Ba ker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited, in competition. 5- The very highest prize, Th Crottof Lc-fo of Honor, was conferred on the representative of the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, at tho imposition Unlversellc, Paris, 1S67, thus attesting their great superi ority over all other Sewing Machines. T7. A. POLOCK, Agent, M y BROWNVILLE, NEB. Peru Livery Stable. CHARLES OEADE, I nailer in Vll TtiivitK of Stock. Horses Bonght, Sold, or Exchanged. tS lock Boarded by the Dai or Week. MY STABLES nre stocked with znoA TTnrsoft nml buggies. lVrsons wixliing ctniyeyiince to any por tion of the Neaiaha Land District' nan l unminin. dated. The Pern & Brown ville Coach Leave my Stables every morning nt 10 o'clock A. M. 1'hsn-iiltp4 or oaokai.'vs sniMv coiivivhI- t)r. dent left with the I'ostiiuusters will be promptly at tended to. n-ai-iv FL011ENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSIBLE FEED Sowing Machines AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE OINX.Y OIVE I Capable of Sewing in More than one direction, AXD Fastening all Its own Scams, WITHOUT KTOrPIXG THE MACI1IXI: Oil TUIiXIXG THE CLOTH. It USES and WASTES LESS THREAT) than any oilier, aiKi w in commence a seam wniiiiut holding Die ends of the thread. Warranted to Sew Heavy or Fine ; GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL. O V EIt O , O O O ' MACIIINER SOLD SINCE IKiil. JTTWend for Reports and Circulars. WM. E. PLANT, General Agent, 013 NORTH FOURTH ST., . .ST.' LOUIS, MO. J. AV. IIKNDKRSON, Browuvlllr, Nel. WESTERN DEPOT OF MUSIC! P. L. HUYETT & SON, No. 9 FonrthStreet, ST. JOSEPH, 3IO. MUSIC PUBLISHERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PIANOS IlilD OiUliS, Chickering h Son's Pianos Which were awarded the i . . . f!rnt flf tllft TVFIfrTON" fif HO'rTO'R UrUi)8 01 IRO JjJjUIUH Ul JJ.U11UD,, and FIRST GOLD MEDAL AT PAR 18 EXPOSITION, 167. ALSO WM. I-NARE & CO.. ilAEtET, DAVIS & CO. NEW YORK UNION CO, BURDETT llational, Uiiiatton& Cabinet I Mason & Hamlin's " Cabinet, Portable, aud Metropolitan Organs. All orders should bo addressed to JAIIES II. DYE, Agent, BroM-uville, Nol. y ' - 1 5-fim At Uie Sign ci t'ac Big Bed Stead is the to buy FURNITUREAND UPHOLSTEBY 3roT?XX Sc Co., Keep constantly on hnnd a complete assort ment of Sofuty fieadittadt, IVcrJrolei, Bureau, Rockir.rj Cttii'1, Sprint? Beds, Wash Standi, What Xots, Hat Ractt, Kitchen Kiicten and .- T" N and Parlor - -. Pr.-lor, TiXb'll'i, Center Chain, t: J MarbU ! . I Torptd ..Tablet, J Lounge Sprint 4. j touting Cr lit, QJlct Chair 4, Comfort, Stands, r Loitnget, . Setttti, m Kitchen -Sajes, Plain -.4 Stand. Maltret'fn Tt'e-ttteij Bed Sprinyt, ChU.trrr.'f Cnb und Oigt, our ana noiriooo'i .vo-wainy, Sheds, ruiows, Piiloto Slips, etc, etc SHOW CASES & OFFICE WORE MADS TO ORDER! And anything and everything rcqnireil to set up plain or fancy housekeeping All of their ware is either manufactured or put up under their special .superintendence, which enables them to soil sound articles at smaller prices than Eastern manufactured goixls. Our Hearso ha a Ao o Is at the service of the public at ny time it may lie needed, aud is gotten up iuas'finestyl. as any farther east Hetalic Burial Cases of all sizes constantly on hand. At Eastern PriccSi We are dolna; bnxincss on STRICTXY CASH PHIJCIPLES AT A Small Profit and by attention to bus! news and the wnntsof th community, exp-ct in tliefutnrasin tlio last to receive the patronage of the puhiio generally. McEALL & CO. Clt.lRLE O. BoRsky, Att'y at Law. okohok W. OOIISEY C. G. & O. W. DOHSEY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS AXD Dealers in Land "Warrants. Buy and Soli Ileal rNtafeand Land yt'arrant. Select & Locate Government Lands. ATTEND TO CONTESTED CASES IN THE U. S. LAND OFFICE, AND A large quantity of First ('Lis Lands for sale in Nemaha, Richardson, Puwneo, John son and Gage Counties, Nebraska, to which the attention of purchasers is specially Invi ted. 0ffice--BK0WirVTIXE, NEB. Branch Office BEATHICE. NEB. 13-6-tf JOIIX L. CARSO.V, BANKEE, EROWX VILLI: Si IJIJKA.SKA old on til I the prtn iu Gold atxl Silver Exchange Bar.'.'lit cipal cities. Also (I Coin, Gold and :.!! i S alor GOVERi'ir-rEirT 30I5DS. Deposits received, payable at slight. Inter est paid on time deposits bv sorcuil agree ment. Taxes p:id !'ir lion-resident-. All ftiniH U i.'. S. Bonds wantei I. , J. II. SHOOK & IJK03., JIannfacturers and Dealers In Nat ivrT,nmrer of all kinds, longtiis, breiMltlLt and thickness. AT ' H ILLS 1 A I F. NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA. They own and run one of the best Saw Mills in the State, and will furnisli MECHANICS AND XiriEDEHS with a bill of Lumber of best ouality. on short notice, at the Lowest Market Price. Lath and Pickets Always o:i hnnd for sa!e. They also sell che.-m at their store in Hills dale nil staple Dry tiixnU and Grm-erles, ami soeli articles ns !i"ro In trr-ncral Use. Betneinlx.T tin; business, the men. nnd the ploee- 1-ly I)UIS WALDTEER. TUB PIONEER, Is fully prepared to do ail kinds of HOUSE, SIGN,CARRIAGE, Ornamental Painting:, Gntldlntr, Glazlntr, Papcrhaninc;, 4ie Ayer's Sarsaparilla, von rraimxo the blood. The reputation this ex cellent niC'iiciDe enjoy. Is derived rrotn its cure-", many of which are truly mtirvcllou.''. Inrcternto ca-es of Scroftiloua dis ease, where tiio system ecctned saturated with corruption, bare ls-ea ptiritied and cured by it. Scrofulous affcrtions anl tlisonIcr, winch were era traced by tha scrofu lous ion until they were painfully afilirtinir, have been radically cured in such frreat numbers in nlmost CTcry sec tion of the com, try, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison u one of tho mo?t deatrnrtirtv enemies of our race. Often, this un'ccn ao ' unfe't tenant of the organism undermines tlie co-.- iut;on. nj "vttcs the attack of enfeebling or VU without exciting a suspicion of iu pre"ewe. Azain it seems to breed infection thrcturhoui the body, and then, on some favorable occasj.n, rapidly develop into one or other of iu hid?ou3 forms, cither on tho 6nrtace or araonsr the vitals. In fhpmp- .it.r. clcs may be suddenly deposited in Uie lunesi or heart, or tumors fornicd in the liver, or it shows its. piesencw oy eruptions on Uie liin, or fml ulcer ations on some part cr tne boy. Ilcnce the oer.n sional use of a bottle of this Sarsttparilt U ad visable, even when do active ynpt'.;ns of diseaso appear, pcrwna aiUicted with Uie fo'Jo'vuig com J lainta generally find immeliate relief, and, at Jeuprth. cure, by tho use of this SAUIS.LFAHIL LAt Hi. Antkony't 1'ire, Ilot) trr Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt J?AMt, Scald Head, Jiiiictcerw $f Sore Ears, and other emr'aon ne visible forms of Scrofulous disease. A: ;o in the more concealed ftrnn, as Dv.pepifa, r-y. Heart Uints, lits, i't'iU'pH', X' iraji, and the various l lrcrout aiec'cus cf ti.o ucu lar andncrven Fystems. Syphilid or Vt nerval and JTrmtTlil Ieam are cured by it, thonprh a lone time is required for subduing these obstinate maladies Ly any mclicine. But lon?r continued use of this ni! iiie will curs the complaint. Lntrorrhtra- or U kites, L'terinn Ulcerations, r.r. l'ental IHtfnaea, are com monly soon relieved and ultimately cured bv it purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Direc tions for each cae are found in our Alinrnn.,cx sup plied grati3. Illifnt-ntatisvi and 'w, M-nt-a causeti py arcttmuiatioT of estnaeotn matter in the Uood. vicIJ ei-v.klv to it. ?.s Livrr Complaint, I'orrilif'f, iii"1!vnrr Intlam- ttial'ton of the Lirt-r, TiivtJrttnir,v,hrn arisinir. tiVy oiTen do, f;-om ti:o rni'klin? pvisons in llm ll.Ksl. Thh SAKSAI'AltlLLA is a creat re storer fir the srrrtrth-rnd vior of the ?v?teni. Thosiwho p.r.y Lftnauid r.nd Litl?s, 2e..pi dciit4 Strf-TL-!t, and trout'led with Xrrmua prvkenaiotin or I'tctrs, or any of thofTectiont symptomatic of II raki. wm ana minieiii.ito relief aivl convincin:t c?idcucc of lis rvttorativa power upon trial. P It EPA RED B r Or. J. C. ATE II dc CO.,I.oweII, TTa.., Practical and Analytical Chrmiata. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS LVEiiYWIIiiEZ. Sold by McCREEIlY & 'i.rZkEI.I,, CITY DK!'i :;:, jC 1