Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 10, 1869, Image 2
J. S. CHURCH, Editor. THURSDAY MORNJMl, JUNE 10, 1.!!). There will be a public sale of Gov ; crnment land at Beatrice, commen cing July 8. The Iron Foundry at Nebraska City has suspended operation, and the property has been sold to satisfy mort gage liens. Hon. J. E. Larnasters, collector of Internal Revenue, gave us a call this " week. He was in thfs city attending to hi3 official-business. ThVriattsmouth Ferryboat passed i!p on Tuesday of thi3 week. It is said to be a very Etaunch boat, and Veil fitted for the purpose intended. The telegrams inform us that O. II. Irish, of Nebraska City, has been ap pointed a Consul to Dresden. We shall be pleased to hear that this is true. The Colonel is a man of marked ability ; of unquestionable morals ; a firm friend and supporter of our State enterprises, and will reflect honor up on himself and the State In his official duties at the commercial port of Dres-. tlen. Jol. Majors has removed the office tf Assessor -of Internal Revenue to Brownville. He will hereafter be found over the Postoffice, on Main street, where all who have business in Lis line will find him or his clerk, ready to transact the same to the satis faction of all concerned. S. P. Tuttle, Assessor for this division, also holds his office in the same building. Wills Majors, with his gentelmanly man ners und bearing, 13 with the Colonel, tind altogether, they are heartily wel comed by the business men of Brown ville. . We learn from A. W. Frank, of Ohio precinct, near Elmore, that Itich&rdson county had voted 41 ma jority in favor ?t giving aid to the Trunk and Nemaha Y!lky Railroads. Since the above was in type we have seen dispatches from parties in Ne braska City, to Col, II' W. Furnas, of this place, which indicate that the above Information is substantially cor rect. Col. Faraas has gone to Itulo to attend a meeting of the Trunk It. It. Co., and it is expected that arrange ments will be there made to enter up m the workof building the road im tnedlately. In traveling from Brownville to "Lincoln, one is never out of eight of the three-horse-abrest breaking teams. Every hill, valley and hillside i9 dot ted with them. The roads are being ploughed across, and the traveler Is vexed that new roads are forming, winding to the north or west long dis tances out of the way, only to be again lnterefered with by the "coming man" with his plough and team. All this reminded us that provision was made for a State road from Long's Bridge, In Nemaha county, up the Little Ne maha to Linoolu. This should be surveyed and established soon, so that when a road is once made it will be permanent. Who are the Commis sioners? and when will they com men ce ? . We accompanied Judge Adams and Col. King, of Quincy, to Rockjort, Mo., on their Railroad mission. The jeople at and near Phelps City, are All alive to the Importance of immedi Ate and direct railroad connection with Quincy. tGeorge Harmon, one of the ablest and oldest farmers in Atchison coun tyt informed us that it would be easier to carry' a vote for $-300,000 to the rail road now, than it was a hundred thousand a year ago. Since that time, the St. Joe & C. B. Road has been built through the county, and has de monstrated practically the correct ness of the figures made during the campaign, which secured a favor able vote one year ago in that county. A meeting was held iu Rockport on Monday evening of this week. Dr. Dunn was called to the Chair. The meeting was addressed by the gentle men from Quincy, and we are satis- lied that those present look upon the enterprise iu a favorable light Reso lutions were passed to thi effect, and the meeting adjourned until Saturday of this week, to further consider the .matter. - Brownville is now offered an Eas tern Railroad connection by men ear nest in their efforts and untiring in their zeal to build a road from Quincy, In Illinois, to some point near Ft Kearney, in Nebraska. The business men of Quincy see that such a road is an absolute necessity to supply her growing wants, and vtmtbe built, not fuxxiG time hence, but now. It is well for Kruwnvillo and the intermediate point between it and Quincy, that they h&re an ally of so large a xnonicd Influence, &nd one so deeply impressed with the absolute necessity that such road shouLd be built as they have in ibe-municipality of Quincy. Jf the energy, character and public spirit of the business men of Quincy are to be measured by what we see in Judge Adams and Col. King, then an? we assured that the road will be speedily constructed. However much the wants of the settlements this side of the Mississippi River may demand Railroad outlets. Still tfrr road could not be built immediately. We have hoped much from the M. & M. R. A. L. R. R-i but from the very fact of its circuitoun route, and its heavy grades, it deprives itself of that assistance east of the river which any road West must bare to secure success. So we grasp at once hold of the stralghter line which secures the influence we most ricd aad must have to build the road. Now wo rvally hope the people of Nemaha cauuty will not be backward. The Trunk rad U offered its and a road East and West is offered us. Let there be no dividing counsel. We are ' as confident as we live that the dcfp&t of the one is the defeat of the other, both must go along together. Nema ha county can ?.t lea?t tender $100,000 to each hud be tha richer for it when loth are finished, These are splen did opportunities and lot us avrii our fcelves of all the benefits they tender il.-v. It will be seen by reference to one of the tables in the present Issue, that the Railroads running through coun ties in the State, are ascwed for taxa tion at the rate of $17,000 per mile Now we will suppose that the Trunk Road was completed through Nemaha county, the estimated length of which is thirty-three miles, and the east anc: west road, the length of which is esti mated at twenty-five miles. We wil then have 5S miles of road at $17,000 per mile, making in all $980,000, which if taxed, as it will be, as other property is taxed, will yield to the county, rev enue for all purposes the sum of $29, 5S0. If we give to both roads what is now contemplated, the sum of $250, 000. drawing eight per cent. Interest the county will be required to pay an nually, to meet the interest, to tli bond holders, the sum of $20,000'. Tha is, the roads themselves would pay $9,810 more into the Couuty Treasury annually than the county would be re quired to pay out, which said las sum, if applied annualy in liquidation of the bonds, the county would, in twenty years, pay off the principa and interest of the bonds by the ordi nary taxes received upon the property of the road. So that the project of giving $2-30,000 to two roads amounts to noihing more than to agree not to tax the two roads for twenty years. We believe tliis to be perfectly true that the county could give these two roads $2oO,(X)0 now, and pay the same in twenty years, without its even in creasing the tax of a single residen by a single mile. These facts are plain, and you have but to refer to the assessments o Douglas, Sarpy, Buffalo, Colfax, ic to be convinced. No man would oppose these appropriations if he believed the above facts, because every object in ducing oposition would be removed, and men at this enlightened age are not agoing to be controled by envy, or prejudice as against the public good. Rockport is still progressing. W noticed in our recent visit there, many new houses; among the more note worthy is the M. E. Church, which is nearly , finished, and the German Lu thern Church which is well under way. The contract ha3 been recently let for building, in Rockport, a Union School building for the necomniDda tionof the advanced scholars in the township. The cost of this building, when finished, is estimated at $10,000. The Rockport House, by D. Snyder, i3 one of the best kept houses in the west. Guosts who stop there are well eared for at a reasonable charge, and leave the house with a happy remem brance of Rockport. A well conduct ed hotel docs more to favorably im press the traveler with the village and surrounding country where he tempo rarily stops, than most people imag ine. Although trade Is somewhat dull at this season of the year, yet we found Messrs. Hunter & Hurst, Messrs. Buckham, Shelters & Co., Messrs Dcuser Bros, and Messrs L. &. J. Saunders doing a good business. Mr. McCreery has full swing in the Journal office, as Mr. Dopf has full outside business. Mr. McCreery was busy setting up tho delinquent tax list. We found Durfee & McKillop busy in their Land Office, but not so much so but that they could find time to de vote to Railroad matters. Ve attended the great sale of lots in the City of Lincoln on last Thursday and Friday. There were presentabout three hundred persons to invest in lands and town property. These per sons represented capital at their im mediate disposal estimated at about $1,000,000. The sales commenced brisk and continued active and upward for the two days named, in which time $78,000 worth of lots were disposed of. i ne range being iroru two to seven hundred dollars per lot, some business lots selling by private parties at $1000 each. The vast crowd of men and bo-s, horses and carriages, followed the auctioneer from lot to lot as the sale progressed, and the bidding was very spirited, and as the Reverend Professor Miller, of Cass County, would cry "I'll see the amount five better," or, "I'll go rive better," those present reconed the Elder held a good hand. The monies arising from these srdes are to be used to build the University building and the Insane Asylum at Lincoln, for which provision was made last winter. The Improvements in and around Lincoln made since last winter are not extensive. A few buildings have been commenced, and those on which work wassuspended by the cold weath er last fall and winter are now com pleted. At tho invitation of the Auditor and Secretary quite a number were provid ed with livery teams and drove to the Salt Works of Messrs. Tichenor fc Griffin, a distance of near two miles from the town. The basin has the ap pearance at a distance of being cover ed with water but on a nearer approach it is found to be nothing but black mud for the breadth and length of over a section of land. At nine o'clock at night the brine flows over this mud to the depth of from two to ten inches, and during the day it settles away out of sight. The proprietors of the Salt Works by A system of ditches and dams. succeed in confining several acres or brine iiurmg tne uay time above the ground in a prepared basin, which, being not over three or four inches deep, is subject to evaporation by the sun. When first run into this prepared basin the brine contains only about thirty per cent, of suit, by night the evaporation has been so strong that S;il t is deposited at the bottom. The brine being then more than twice as strong as at lirst is pumped up into a large tank and from thence to the large boilers where, by a few hours it is manufactured" into the finest Salt weaver saw. The want of railroad tran.snortatioa alone prevents the Lin coln fcsilt Works from supplying the entire wes.t with Salt. The B. & M. B. railr-icA l.y agstraetit, will be in Lincoln by the fall of 1S70 ready for tho lnwness, smd the M. & P. railroad are tertuiu (they think) to reavh th;re by July 1S70. We hope they may. Lincoln has a future before her which looms up grand and magnificent. The Capitol, and other State build ings, the Salt works, her rich fut rounding country, and above all her prospective railroads are bound to build up, in the near future, a thriv ing city. Judge Adams and Col. King, o Quincy, visited our city on lastSatur dav as a committee appointed by the business men of that city, charged with the important duties of discuss- 4. ing with our people the feasibility o organizing a company to build a road from Qui ncv to some point on the Missouri river in a direct line with Ft. Kearney, A meeting was called and was addressed in a very earnes manner bv both the eentlemen. the minutes of whicL we print elsewhere. The meeting was Iarcre and enthusi astic, and responded to the gentlemen in a very cordial spirit. Committees have been appointed which are now earnestly at work to advance the ob jects and aims which these gentlemen said were necessary to put the ball in motion. We hope that great good may be the result. A good east ana west road through our county has been a scheme for which we have work pd hard and late and are willins ana anxious to work more earnestly than ever, convinced as we are that it is so immensely for the publie good. And in this grond project we trust that we will have the cooperation and undivi ded assistance of every earnest man in our county. Railroad Sleeting. Brownville, Neb., June 4, 1869, It having been published during the dav that Messrs. Geo. Adams and Geo. S. King, of Quincy, were in the city to confer with our citizens up on the subject of practical co-operation in constructing the Quincy and Ne braska Railroad. Earlv in the evening our citizens commenced assembling in the. Court Room, and contiuued pouring in un til all seats were filled, and spaces else where jammed with standing men. Meeting called to order by Judge A. W. Morgan, on whose motion Hon. E. W. Thomas was chosen Chairman. Mr. Thomas not being present, on motion of Dr. MePherson, Hon. J. S. Church was called to the Chair, and on motion of Col. S. M. Rich, J. H. Broady was elected Secretary. Col. Adams, of Quincy, was intro duced by the Chairman, and proceed ed in a business like manner to illus trate their mission here the inestim able value of the proposed railway, and the general result of determined efforts which Brownville'and vicinity may realize. The speaker's zeal, and the repeated hints of applause from his audience, created a reciprocal injection of enthu siasm from the one to the other, cul minating in a glorious narrative of Quincy's proud experience in rail roads, and a grand picture of the future of tho country and the river cities along the line of the road, des tined to be part and parcel of the Air Line Railway across the continent; the direct highway from ocean to ocean. Col. King, then being introduced by the Chairman, began .with a mo tive zeal that formed affinity in every mind, to explain just what they; wautcd and expected from Brownville and vicinity. Said it was not a Ne braska City road. No city in Nebras ka could as yet "claim it. Read the proceedings already had in Quincy. Showed by the names connected with the movement, that Quincy is invin cibly on the move that her brainsand her wealth are enlisted in the cause; and through continuous applause, pledged to the work the energies and the capital of Quincy, whose hands are extended to clasp Brownville, the vounc river city on the direct route from Quincy to the junction of the Pacific Road and Rocky Mountains. Dr. MePherson being called, even surpassed himself in the animation with which he urged the necessity of vigorous prosecution of the work. Col. R. W. Furnas being called, very deliberately, but with full ani mation, sanctioned the movement and favored the appointment of dele gates to Kirksville. Sen. T. W. Tipton being called, briefly addressed the meeting in full sympathy with the enterprise, and closed by moving that when this meeting shall adjourn, it adjourn to meet in the Court Room next Monday, June 7th. at 2 o'clock P. M., which motion was carried. Pursuant to motion carried, Chair man appointed as committee on reso lutions to be reported at next session of the meeting, MessrsI J. L. Colhapp, II. C. Lett, J. W. Blackburn and T. W. Bedford. Pursuant to motion carried, Chair man appointed as committee to select thirteen delegates to the Kirksville Convention and to report same at next seesslon of this meeting, Messrs. S M. Rich, A. P. Cogswell and Jonas Crane. Taken all in all, the meeting for in terest, enthusiasm and determination to work outstripped all other similar efforts ever had in Brownville. On motion meeting adjourned, all ablaze for the Quincy and Nebraska Rail Road from Quincy to Brownville. J. S. CHURCH, Ch'n. J. H. Broady, Sec. Pursuant to adjournment, meeting convened with the Court house full to overflowing, and presently the Quincy and Brownville road had its King. It being announced that the chairman was at work along the line over the river, Judge A. W.Morgan was call ed to the chair, J. II. Broady, Secre- ary. Committee on resolutions, through J. L. Colhapp, chairman, reported the following: Wkeiieas, It has been made mani fest to us tluit the citizens of Quincy, ., and intermediate counties in Missouri, are making an effort to or ganize a company for the construction of a railroad from Quincy west to some point on tne Missouri; and Whereas. It is flls contcmrdatiMl to continue said line from the west bank of the Missouri river to a con nection with the Union Pacific Rail Road at or near Ft. Kearney ; and Whereas, Brownville is on an ex act air line from Quincy, 111. to Ft. Kearney, Neb., and Whereas, A delegation consisting of Geo. Adams and Geo.. S. King, of Quincy, has been sent out to lay the facts tfore those counties end towns interested, and to enlist their co-operation in the enterprise, and Whereas, A railroad convention has been called, of those interested, to meet at Kirksville,-Mo., then form a company and set the project in prac tical operation ; and : Whereas, we deeply feel tne im mense benefits which r will result to Nemaha county by being upon a rail road, which, when completed, will be the great continental central railway of the United States : therefore Resolved. That we. as citizens of Brownville and Nemaha county, do pledge to the above named enterprise our heartiest support, Dotn in our in dividual and corporate capacities, or any other enterprise assuring us of an eastern connection with some point on the Mississippi river, and Resolved, That a delegation be ap pointed by this meeting to meet - with the Convention at Kirksville. Mo., on the 24th, to there assist in the organi zation of a company, and do such oth er acts as may, in their judgment, seem best for the interest of this people. Resolved, That the commissioners of Nemaha county be requested to sub mit a proposition to the voters of said county to donate $2-50,000 to aid in the constructien of railroads in and through said Nemaha county: $132, 000 for a road running through said county, north and south, and $118,000 for a railroad running west of the Mis souri river through said Nemana county. Resolved. That we urge upon the Convention which is to meet at Kirks ville, Mo., to consider at their meet ing the organization of a company for the immediate construction of a through railroad from Quincy, HI., to a junction with the Union Pacific Railroad, or a continuation with the road already formed in this county. J. L. Colhapp. T. W. Bedford. J. W. Blackburn. H. C. Lett. On motion report received andeom mlttee discharged. Motion to adopt discussed by Messrs. Bedford, Rich, Colhapp, MePherson, Tipton, Holladay, Blackburn Steven son, Lett, Porter, Crane and Cogswell, while intense enthusiasm prevailed. On general call for question, Chair man arose and announced that the vote would then be taken and that all favor of the resolution would express the same by saying "yea f when the whole room resounded with yea, yea, yea, m a whirlwind of excitement, while the din of shouts, stamping and clapping of hands shook the Court House from pillar to . dome. When order was restored, the Chairman an nounced that all opposed to the reso lutions would express the same by saying yea, followed by a curious still ness that seemed to have launched all into the fombs, or even in shades be yond them. At length silence was broken by the Chairman's announce ment that the resolutions were unani mously adopted, and a railroad hur rah succeeded by quickening smiles, leaving of seats, mingling of congratu lations all in one conglomerated con fusion beyond the control of the pre siding officer. The grayest headed, were aroused with the prospect of yet livinu here at the intersection of the "Nebraska Trunk" with the shortest railway from ocean to ocean. Committee to appoint delegates to he Kirksville' Convention, through 8. M. Rich, chairman, reported as follows : John S. MePherson, F. A. TisdeJ, A. S. HoI!ada Dr. J. W. Blackburn, T. W. Tipton H. C. Lett, J. L. Car son, t. W. Jieutorti, A. W . Moriran, Jarvis S.'Church, Wm. II. Hoover, R. W. Furnas, A. J. Bitter, J. R. Lar- kin, John Barnes, Andy Tynan, Cap tain R. V. Black, John Crow, Robert Dillon, John C Deuser, Henry Stem man, H. O. Minick. ' All of which is most respectfully Through the kindness of the Hon. John Gillespie, Auditor of State, and his gentlemanly clerk, we. were permitted to compile the following table from the reports of the various County Clerks In the State, of the assessment rolls of their several counties, made for the year 1SC9, - Last year the total valuation of the Real and Personal property of the State was $33,000,000. This year it will exceed $-,OCO,000. Acres I.aiiL Val. jxt Acre Total Va!ue. Vtiue Town IjtL. Val u.; IVriiif ity Total Amount. submitted. S. 31. Rich. Jonas Crane. . A. P. Cogswell. On motion report -received and adopted, ami A. P. Cogswell and S M. Rich added to the list of delegates Pursuant to motion, carried, Chair man appointed, as committee to ,pre- sent these proceedings to the people of every portion of the County -and se cure their ratification, 3Iessrs. J.- L Colhapp, T. W. Bedford, A. P. Cogs well. J. Hacker. Ai S. Holladay- J. W. Blackburn and Theo. Hill. On motion each delegate to Kirks ville was instructed to procure a sub stitute in case he was "prevented from attendance; and in case the full num ber was not present at Kirksville, those present were instructed to cast the full vote for all. On motion the meeting adjourned, and each one went home lelieving himself to be a happier and a better man. A. W. MORGAN, Ch'n. J. H. Broady, Sec. Home Industry. Some of the business men of this State arc in the habit of ordering their printing by large quantities in the Fast and small quantities at .home, and then seem, astonished "because the?' have to pay more proportionate ly for the $ina(C orders at home than they do for the large ones East. 1 housands of dollars per year sent East for printing that might just as well le executed here. We have just as good printers in Omaha as can be found East and can do work just as cheap provided the work is riven to us in &s larrc orders. For instance: one of our merchants or Bankers will require say $-5X) worth of printing jer year he visits the East twice a year and between each visit he notes down the number of cards, letter heads, bill heads, tc, &c, he will need during each cominsr six months, bcinrj vcr careful to send no trork to the ojjiec ofhuoirn city that ne can ao icunout. Upon his arrival in some Eastern city he gives a large and for the very reason that the order was a large one and the order at home was very fmall he is ahlvj to show a little difference in favor of the eastern .work in price and nothing c.c Had he taken a' of lm work In larac quantities to any cHice in this city he could have had it at iust as low tiriees and the money would return to him in the way of trade. Republican,- U. S. ArroiNTEENTS. A disnateh to Hon. John Taffe from Washington. recoived yesterday, announces to appointment of Mr. J. T. Hoile. of Richardson county, as U. S. Marshal, vice C. E. Yost removed. .Mr. Hoile is a member of the present State Leg islature. The despatch also announ. ces that Mr John B. Furay, of this ci ty has been appointed as Mail Sn intendent of Omaha. Omalia Republican. Butler County Burt Butralo Cedar ' Cumming Cass Colfax Dixon . Dakota Douglass Dodge Gage Hall Johnson Jefferson Leau qui Court Lancaster Madison Nemaha Otoe Platte Pawnee Richardson Sarpy Seward Saunders Stanton Saline Washington York Hamilton Adams ; 2si,r,:5 i 179,5oa i 89,201 I 27,077 119.S92 ! 21.8,541 ! 96,674 ! 4o,32S i 79,555 170,593 114,132 250,425 123,404 154,038 40,562 7,834 GS.GG5 5..S34 220,120 294,202 95,725 175,371 275,047 125,523 23,047 108,550 58,828 53,010 135.4S3 577 .70,923 340 $2,S3 3,2G 2,50 4,05 2,42 4,73 3,01 2,44 2.64 12,13 7,51 2,39 2,54 3,43 1,S7 4,S7 7,40 2,73 6,62 7,50 3,67 3,47 5,16 7,23 2,63 4,33 3,98 2,64 7,43 2,5(5 2,-50 - 2.50 815,959 595,943 223,154 109,843 409,964 1,035.251 . 293,9!)!) 110,43iJ 2 J43,G35 ' 8-59,600 ! 599,750 ; 31S.70S 539,155 : 75,8-50 38,123 507,979 ; 16,003 i i - a o o a ! 2,208,014 351,784 610,032 1,420,298 906,752 67,602 470,317 234,258 140,333 1,007,141 . 1,480 177,3-58 -850 42,475 i 2.870 ; 6,093 j 1,485 I I 4,4V; 4,579 8.453 839 ; 750 : 51,542-: 5-,330 I 23,972 ! 1,000 1,454 j 197,0-54 j S-S-5,025 I 1,113,905 i 105,543 I 32,400 ! 141,761 ! 92,575 i 6,610 17,455 262 240,011 SC3,9CG 83$,7SS 903,639 1S3.G45 437,909 2,ir,,S3S 613,615 16-8.209 393,445 9,339,4SS 1,601,663 861,208 902,498 738,975 134,913 62,915 973,309 43,813 794,192 ''2,637,904 930,105 4,261,084 51,03 210,.';07 68-5,483 70,932 71,819 770,102 317,700 43,195 175,070 2,708,019 402,313 210,910. .332,400 172,843 ; 53.063 ' no I WJ 4 yUt'J j 24,810 j' 457,243 175,110 633,066 445,768 112,784 116,151 17,815 91,219 346,316 10,644 S17,632 2,19-5,125 1,445,095 197,005 603,913 252,073 231.S14 1,593,568 12,124 177,303 R50 COTJNTT NOTICZ3. TO 'THE HONORABLE BOARD X Or COUNTY ( Oil.MIi.SIONEJ-S of Ne- mahaC'ountv. ira-iva. Havin ' r vwl a i '.'ion rr'm many -!! of i 'oiiu'.y, : the Counts' t nmn dimity ...-- You" ai e r-.i f.-t i. si" win f-t tbf CM' y-'i Oil S;iinr'i-iV '? i'-i.l jt .-ie iif ! -I::-: i'-rir t vt-te-of ! ; ! '"Hf '! I.'vy a 'I :k.t Hini i-v:i- Sfrill'tilT. Of Vl:f !-U I ilvad tin- : d. set-m M-t i.-r the ; of the cn- ..: -r.-rs. tiri-l tbe inter--w of the .. ..i ;; h nt thpvshoul'l so ni-rH-t : ; rei'u-tf"l to mw! in n'ial v ( l.-rk u ufiice, in Krownviile, i" bvofJuw, fur ther;"--r :Vroprletyof siujm'.ttin ton ! -. ; 1 vi niitV, a roNi:i"n to C'"n;.t v j ...n!s toaM in the con- an-1 .Ni-i-ru-K trim uau i i. ' v. '.'.x 3",;'ir wiiliirn limy .')". if AC'rC J". t saul Uonnty. i:. County CVrk. SCHOOL LAXD SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by vir tn of :m order fn:ul-? by the r.nnl of ClMTOty iV.uwiU-o'iiwn5 f ?in:hs County. V-r-v--k.i. a:-:. I n j-. oiKi- -riatnte (H'mii-1 MiW, p;-;;''M ' V'l ct l-;--! i:tt net to -MfVii-- f.T tt.e I;---' irv of M-ijuol f.r the con t mi ami ! sio ::i..if. :ui I j"..r ti:e safe ki-e-.ii'? "f the fun.U lif-rivc' roijl the suN- mi J !e:is" ! l:i!il." -f- provpt ! !-Vhrn;rr !-".t li , lzK I. J A 51 IvS LHA, County C-Iei !i ot line County of iemuiui, will On li TictmlyF,i-ht Iiy of J' nextt at 10 o'c! x"k in t!i' fojruon. nni omtiuue until 1 o'cix.-:, ;io n. ( f :! ..: i! iy,o:!' r f.r sale a n-.y iu the (.Vurt iini:se:;i Kro.vnvule, in -a il comity, in theorii-'i' n -Ivi-:-:--: i. at public auction, anreil to the h'srh-vt bui-lcr. xx at not p t!mn the p-prni-etl Y!il::e, r'or. in any r.c, f,,r ie-s ttuvn the n.iniinuiii of Seven Dollar per Acre, m auction to thean"'il-el vaiaeot the nn;ro ements on the land, t:io tuiiowiiiir tlesori!el 1'it ces or par cels of lnl.Ut)!i!il in the County of Nemahii. urn! State of Xet.m-k, knows as "Coirs molt school IjuhK'' N'Iiiiii to the sail state of .Nebraska, in parcr Ls of not"a:n: l-'orty Acres of i'rairie or Ten Acr-s of Timlier jin-U. for the use ami benefit of the "School Funds" of said State of !niska ; and that such sale will be. continued from day to lay from til' hours of ten c oiociv in the forenoon to twelve- o'clock noon (iir.''.iys- excepted), until ail sucb Ian Is snail be uifered, to-w it .- CITY TOTlCZ ier f- i. .AN ORDINANCE 1'i isrt l,k"m-( Inner f. rene!i la Keep in Alier. nn 1 livtu SFfTio-f I. it (pr.i,,:., ... .. "". irir from the luvoi uf . -I ?1 "ll " cen i. keep I'.iUiar-f Uoorn lidT?, he r.-ir:l.-r t 1 r,t a' -.-, , Ly,"r. for h;re. a.l the nu- -r nmi -V', tok-. :i:o,ni..e. i:,efv I .-r. IT.ak o-.t f.T t: r. .tir.:.J f-t nj I: 2 S We give below the number and valuation of the stock assessed for taxation in the year 1869, in a few of the leading counties of the btate; also tne valua tion of the Rail Road improvements in those counties so fortunate as to iiav a Railroad running within their boundaries : o O - A : P i " i -5 O 3 ' X a ' 3 Iluffulo. Cass Coirax Douglas Mtill...... Nemaha.. Otoe......, Platte Surpy ... Kleliartlson.. 3,517 2,G6ti -TVirt 7,913 151,931 ! 233 13,9-30 2,900 4.203 4,2 159,5C0 3,.52 68,801 j 213 21,000 6 2,99a; 1,102 20-' 115 701 112.0(11 j 2"j lf,ra) ' 2,Tn 2, t94 ' l'JJ.'M) C.7U1 113,3-31 : J3 2.W6 2,7;) ; 2,710 ! ' f ' 517 !.T"I' lf7.S15! 21.715 1 .r,.!7--, 7. 1311 11.417 10,l-i7 t 672,li00 2S3.000 214 240,)0 41100 W,f!f)0 2ia,ao The Kilit-IIour L,aAT. The followimr is the proclamation of President Grant in reference tq the Eiht-Hour Law ami the oracial con struction put upon it, already refered to in our dispatches : By the President of the United States of America: - A PROCLAMATION. "Whereas, The act of Congress, ap proved June 25. 18GS, constituted on and after that day eight hours a day's work for all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by or on behalf the Government of the United States, and repealed all acts and parts of acts inconsistent therewith ; Now, therefore, I, U. b. Grant, President of the United States, no hereby direct that from and after this date no deduction shall be made in the wages paid by the Government by the day to such laborers, workmen and mechanics on account of sueh reduc tion of the hours of labor. In testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be fixed. Done at the city of Washington, the 19th day of May, In tne year or our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the indepen dence of the United Slates, the nlne-tv-third. (Signed) U. S. Grant. Bv the President: Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. Editorial Change. We have associated with us in the publicatioruof the Morning Chronicle, Messrs. b. 1). Porter, and J. A. Steven son, inese crentiemen are men of ong experience in the newspaper busi ness, ana bring witn tneni tne best recommendations as men of capacity, ana solid business reputation. They become part owners of the ofliee. uuder this arrangement, and cast their lot with us citizens of Nebraska City, and propose to lend their talents and energy in building un our citv.' county and State. Chronicle, A family by the name of Turnbull lave filled the position of clerk of Brunswick County, Virginia, for 133 years, uen. btoneman removed tne ast of them from orhce. THE MARKETS. BROWNVILLE GROCERY AND PRO DICK MARKET. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SrUXEY FRETTr. W. T. BOGEUS. FRKXCTT ATTORNEYS V 4 O! SELM1S AT LAW. Oflice In Court House iluildiiif. . Will give diligent attention to any legal business entrusted to their care. :t-V;im UXITED INTERNAL ST.VTES REVENUE FLOUR Winter?, sack " Spi itif? . .. CORN? bushel, MEAL ? bnlicl - ..., llAt;uN Hams lb " Shoulders j. lb " Hides ? tt LARD Canned lb . SYRUP lolden ? Ral " SniKir House V- gal COFFEE Java? Ib " ltioplti CHEESE New York Factory lb " Country ?. Ri TEA Imperial ? fc " black ?..... " Young Hyson ? lb CANDLES tar j ff. . " Tallow ? lb , APPLES Driol ? IT. PEACH E.-S l)riel ? lb POTATOES? bus!K-l COAL OIL? gallon Eti "iS ? doz H UTTER ? lt . HONEY f lb ONION V bushel SALT per barrel LUMBER Cot ton wood per im " (Mk " Walnat.......... .. Iine SIIINGLES Cottonwood jier 1000.. Pine LATH Cottonwood per lOuo lin . ai WOOD Dry Hard re cord!!!!! HIDES Dry per lb " Green WIIEVT Fall per bushel " Spring WOOL per fb ..... $7 50 .....1." Jbv is Lia.u i M . is 1 so .... 1 20 40 ;r.i 30 20 2 1 2 HO 1S-3J ... 1 ' &: 1 1 2;: 4.00 .2 00 2 2 5 00 5 00 7 00 :100 ...1 50 ,2 ,W J 00t:7 oO 7 00 7-W 6 00 13 l w Wl 00 2otj;io CLOTHING MARKET. Corrected weefcly for the Ad vert key by 3XAY"SDnY;XI)SACLOTlUNRKGULATOK F.a-:ne) Con! i from ;.ii Ove.-ecut.s, S -V i... ). t'axsir.iere l';.:its. .: '!)!: i. Cabinet iM'its.i. 3 -'li. Vest from T."i ct.s. to I 23. Ovcrsliirts, best..-"!. Overshirts, swon.l best. -fl. Oversliirts. f:"(.iii 7- cts. to I 23. Uinli-rshirts. from .) e:. to fi r.iwf rs, fro:n cf s. to -2. Buckskin (Jiove?, test, 25. 8iiwiskiu (iioves. 3ii ct.s. t;iie-i'skin Mitts, ets. DRY GOODS 3IAKKET. Correct'-d weekly for t!:e Advertiser by mayts rnvtioons aclctiiixcj keoul-vtok Calleo, lief l?c. Heavy Yard wide Mn!In.s, l,sc. Xuslin. seifiiid. VXi ll, Uleocliil Muslins, yard wide, Jilertr 20. Cotton I-iiiiiie, 2Jc All Wool J jtine, Shawls, iu-t i. ft. I'laid KlHiinels, 4-le. l'laid l-'laniH-ls, :i :-"Vnr. Balmoral skirts, ?1 n. TIIJO IX1JI All IF THE COTXFCTOR OF" KRNAL ItEVKNUK. I ;iik State of Xerraska, f :aska City, June 10, J OFFICE OF THE COTXFCTOR OF") 1XTK DkTEICT OF Tilt A NXUAL TxX LIST FOR ISC?. xL Notice Is hereby Riven that the nnnnal ILst of taxes a-wwod In nocordanee with the provis ions or the act of cmirrw, to provide internal itev enue to siirnortthe Government, to nay interest on thepnliltc VM, and for other purjx approved June tb. isw. and tli amendnieiiLs thereto, has been returned to me by the Assessor of tl-U listriet, and that said taxes are now due, and payment there of is hereby demanded; and that I will in person or by deputy, attend at Brownville Nemaha Co,. ON JUNE Olst, 18G9, for themiTPoseof receiving said ta.e. All TH-rsorcs whoshidl neglect to pay the amount of their taxe. hereby demandeI. on or before tho day last above named, will he obliged to )ay lu ad dition thereto a finuitfii Jtrr )trr crnlm auI a Tee Of twenty cents for service of a special demand and notice, tis;ether with for.r cents a mile travelius fees, actually and necessarily traveled to make the scr vice t nereor. Office bottrs from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. J. E. LAMASTF.R, :R-2w Collector. DISSOLUTION. "NTOTICE is hereby -riven that the 1 Co-partnership heretofore exlstin tween the undersigned, viz : A. C. Easlev and R. I. Kasley, under Die firm name of A. C. 1-jisley t Co., terminated by limitation of the orisinal article ot agreement on the first dav of June, and that P. Kasley luw purch;isol all the interest in tbe snil firm, and lien-hy nssn mea ail reliability lierclofere incurred oy sa;d urni. .V C. EASLEV, 2J. L. lVSLIiY. rera. Neb., June 1st, 15. f xv-: 1 LIST OF LETTERS "DEM A IX ING in the Post Office at Crown ville. Neb.. June IsK im which. if not called for in one month win beenltoth iieiMt ix-Meroiuee. Rolken Henry C liaver fulney Behetict D i Ban let t C M CtowrII Vjt CraVTner M C:irter Km ma Calsford Annie E Cooier'5rebT. lrew v t Kelch William Ftir-s Summer V Fields C B Fox Herman E Fleminc ltohert B GooseniiMi Mary K fJeters CI ins. orbnrt Kd Uiin ilurnet Uommn W J 5arris.n Hannah: Huff Joonr Koweil v Hurl Curtis Helier Henri Hieer Charlotte H.izec Willicm Jones Henry Jones John Lilly Marjraret Lyon (;orLre ,t Co KaHeru CHtharln Ji-hnson J L " Michaei'is (oistavna Merritt Harriet oote W N Morehend Go T Northern J K t.Vianis Mariah E OldtieldAdaliDe f j1 Persons eall:n will plase say "adVc rtlr-ed. renny Abraham Partridge Anmn riH-r I'.radford Quick Simon IticiKwin Ttuia Ris.lAn M It Rot R J ... K ittertliarley RicttJH Rowe Martha Roliinsttn 11 ICit (Jacif ' lbiberts Joseph W Margaret .-Stevens Ki.'ifiiey J ?w!t7.-rS Storm Malissa s-!in.';ter lleinricli Smith John s-.'i-lrs John Staler PC 2 Naii'V Proton Turner Cl-.arles, or John A Scott Fr in Mir.nia Wiiliatus l;nrtcn AVinsh.w J H White Miirioir 'I'-i'T Jlf-sCUlIi AVii::'.i:ch;trl Wade liei.jamin, Wearer George GERMAN LIST. Cliristoysherson ITenriet- te, (r a Anderson Fr?h.-1 M.:ehai.l Johusiin William fcjeawan C Frederick S for any of the above letters, W. A. POLOCK, P. SL A. V. "rnT7r: xx- Probate Jndfrsnd Justice ofthe Peace Ollictin Court House IjuUilipr. Were Sold in the Year 1868 IS BKCAl'SK RIVALLED HOT ONE HAS EVER FAILED TO BIVE Snt ire Satisfaction THE FEBFECT OPERATION- OF EVERY CHARTER OAS STOVE FULLY GUARANTEED, AND WHERKVEK KXOWX THE? STAND Ui FOR ECONOMY, FOR DURABILITY. And CO N V EN 1 EN C E. For simplicity of Management "And for Cleanliness in Cooking, TheyareHomelnslilulions Sfaii'tfactnred in tbe Wet. and alarted to the wanta of Western&SoutliemPeople Surely no jvw! honseheeper can afTord to be without one. roa PRICE LJST, Al'DRKSH Excelsior - Manufacturing CO, 612 & GI4 X. EIAIX STEET, ST. LOUIS, MO. SOLD BY SIIELXENTJEIlGEIt UP OS., r-fira BRO-NNILLE, NEB, GHiLf-SPIE'S GIZE.1T JrjnSTJOIZ.T .A , Livery, Feedj Sale and Exchange til IliA Corner Maia Levee St UKOWNYILLE. HAVING purchased this A. P. C .'iwell, I nrn rrepnn the lest TEAMS. LT'i. ;n n. CA S.i'.it'aern N-l-riVa, at l(V'iT SAsii li VTFS. Room r Fifty Hore. Corral forStocK. 1'articu kir attention faid to Feeding or linardin Hore. rnred tofamish I CAl:P.LAf3lx in North cast iUHr:-rol" north e;ut qr -Ki South e."t c;uartT of north e:u-t ir. : North wet .j;iirUTOf nortii qr -M South west ijoarter of-north e;ist qr. M North east quarter of south east qr -Vi North euat qr sj.iirli eastraouth ea. South eir qr son h ea-t or south east-' W N half N V nr.s E qr S Eqr south we-t qr south ea-t qr soutit South east qr north went if mmtii eat 3! South westqr north wet(irsouth east south wese qr south east qr '' IOt 1 in souih e;stqr noreii wpm qr i: Lot 4 in south ur nonh went or txintn nan n w qr u w qr n w qr... North half n w qr n wqr n-w qr-.. South half s w qr n w qm w qr.. It 8 in s w qr n w qr North hair a w qr s w qr a w qr... South nan n w qr s w qr a w qr.. SOtlthwest qmtiter North east quarter ,. ,, East ha;f east half m eqr se qr. West half east half s e qr eqr, East half wnrse qr s e qr West half s w or se iir h e or....:. North west quarter south e;ut qr, j--asi natt s cur w ir s e u Vest hn!f s e qr 8 w cr s e qr.... i-jist hairs w qr s w urs e qr. North westqr north west ir. North e:it qr w qr Ixt 1 in a e qr s w ijr .- . Lot 2 in n w qr s wqr. Lot 3 ins w qr 8 wqr. Iot 4 in s w qr s w qr.. Lot 5 in 8 w qr w qr. JjOI t las w qr wqr. I.ot7i?n eqrswqr. IrOt 8 in s e q r a wqr. N w qr s w qr Ne qr jist half s e qr Awqrne qr west nan. Fist half n e qr East half u w qr n e qr. .swqrn eqr. tseqr. 4 VI 4il.() 4 1-" 40.IH) 4 J-" 4U.ii 4 l-J: i.iia 4 l-J; J.M1 4 1- I'tJO 4 vi im) 4 I"J 5.(111 4 1J' 10.H1 4 1: M.'W 4 1- 4 12- 4UI 4 12! 5J 4 12! 5.() ". 4 12: 5.t !ii 4 121 S.i Mi 4 12' 5.UI) 4 12 1 5.tH :u; 4 12: S.iai :! 4 12 5.ll 4 12 1UW 5 12 li.iw ::! 5 12 HUf) :w, 5 12 lu.ui 5 12: 5.i ) 5 12 s.i 5 12 ... . S I. J.i Hi a 12 .Vil ,. -i 5 12, ": 5. 12 4o.i '' 5 12. 4U ttil 5 12; :tK! 5 12, 15.H1 o 12; , 5 12' (S.2-5 i 5 12 H.IV ... '.iH'- '. '1 " llfii 'IK! -1 Mi -til Uu-r; ''-I-ers.Vs :;a i!:ifr to 1. . " f It .In d of.,,,.' " oruain. .ny icrs,n unci-r w".. n .,rtiietr pay info the Citv Tre;.-!-- Mc-i. .A"yi -rsin n,t hr ' l n ri n i.. ..... '-" . f.rth hi the nrei.-eedir- " T"1 n'" Tabje to ie j a;, e-i i I OTla'r r.i;hi.'( r'-fc.. '-' 1 ' - A . I OIIBT Pl-.l,),.- V.H-V. !;,,;! ,,'; MM rri':r vi ii,,r- f-r-v-.: r.,i ar,vcnj withesfso! 5.r..secr.tion. a b 1 that V.M ord:nanc. w tr.v" Inl?'' T K oro'ir vwt " f ii,A 4 w -... .......... .v.,.. - ii!i-noT :atp,, '1-iin.iii. rj..iniir HIT? 3 lirownviiie, Mar ,;i-t? ! u IN BAmnTJPCTY. CALF, OF HEAL KST.vfEZT O U hereby tciveii t!iaf I. s. Itankntptey of tne Et.e of s;jm: I virtue of the powers 1:1 me vii fJT iTr"8' enter of the l'srru.t i ,irt of the i r.j. " .... .v i ... 'iie matter, " " " ( . , til, vu 20(hdrof jaf(i?5, at 1 o clock p. n., at t u d.r of the cmrt isvijie. Neniahai'mm- the City of Brow otter and sell at and interest of the.sai4 nankroi. ' s,Jl'l: in at to The fHowin JescrtHt tini .1? in the said City of Krow.iviiie, i"w,t Lot Ten. and tiie unJi v;dt-4 half-f T,. Nine, in ItlocteThirtyl., : M uLV?4 anil I.ts N.neao IVa'4 to the r-, ? tt8-t - , .:-u. il'tk Tli.rt. , in Liock Eourteer. Sixty-Two, a-cor'!; lX)t.- .Mi!, J en, Kvn, ten. Fifteen and sUi Jimwn s Ailihtlon. n, in -N eqr s e qr n w qr, Sou t li ball s eqr nw qr. N w qr n wqr.. East half west half s w qr n w qr. N enr Ne qrs e qr N e qr n w qr V hulf s w qr All All i. N wqr s e qr . Itrt 1 . 2, 3, 4, t ti in n w qr Ixt lo in n e qr n w Swqrn wqr w qr. , V half n e qr , S e qr W half. All W half n e qr S e qr...; V ba!f.. Iot 1 in n eqr a w qr... Lot 2 in n e qr s w qr. seqrsw qr . S w qrs w r W bf S w qr.... S w qr s w qr N e qr s w qr , ,, , N w qr a w qr - , , S w qr w qr Ixit4of lot lof. Lot . of lot 1 of. 1-otCof lot 1 of. Lot 7 of lot 1 of. Ixit sins w qr n e qr .. Iot 9 in wqr n eqr.. Lot lo in s w i,r n e qr.. IOt 1 1 in s w qr n e qr Lot 12 In s w ;r n e qr Lot 11 in s w qr n e qr I-ot 3 of n e ijr N rnirsw nr H w qr s w qr . :k !'. . ii' .i.i, !(., 'It .-: ;:' !.-; ; !:;: !:; if.. it;, . 1: .,1: ..:; . i! .10 .:' .:!! . 'Ji , .:!W. . . 5 12 40.') 6 12 .) 6 f2 WUl k.! 6 12' 4l.'l 6 12 3-20 OI 4 H. 4 ft CU.KI 4 I t 40.m) 4 I I Vll.i') 4 11 1 '.') 4 13 Sl.'W 4 I t 4 .i 4 n 4 1-1 l'i.' 4 IS 4 I t 4l.iU 4 IS 4.iin 4 l i ian 5 li 5 1-1 iIi.ii 6 l.t- 40. iW 6 I t 22.10 6 11 2.".' 6 11 6 13 n sri.iw 6 rt 1-1 :cM.i)0 1 li tt'U 4 14 vl.mj 4 14 KO.i) 4 14 CM.') 5 14 '.) 5 14: 5.1)1) 5 141 5 14; l.i "I ... ...:x ....:; ...k; 6 15 ti 14 14 6 II 6 f 6 IV 5 IV 6 IT 6 15 15 15) fi 15) U 15, 6 15; 6 15 15: fi 15 fi 15 4".i ).'H 4".lT") 4).i) 5.1) 5.UU 5.i) 5.i) 5.IO 5.l) S.i O 5.H) 5. i HI f).l') 40.1) 4U.W) E-ich of tiiexaid lots to ho solrf im,.!. una lots nine and ten in block sniv-tv.,. be oid together. tHUl h'r4 Twin ops.tiE-r.ifjr Given under my hand, this m 'lnr,, , WILLIAM IL Uuovki :t-4t IXGAL NOTICZS. T7STATE of JAMES W.COLEJLAJ fr1 J"2-ce ls henT Plven that the p., ' ( onrt of Nemaha Cou:ity. Nehrkx h- a-.n.-.J Nancy JanC..e,nJM, Adauni-trutris of tw1 tnaha, deceased ; and firther. tUat the vu",l r.. has nrrwttnrel the r,,iin-M. ... .... . ' l"" lion and allowing claims a-'ain-t m -..h 1 !-!, and Jaoury I Uih, 1J, co.nJS at o cl.s a. in. 1 he sa..l eiaiiinmu.m tu h k,J in tbe olhce ofthe iTnate Jn.l-p. m r-nxj! All persons havin? claims amnst the are ruesteii to tile s;iioe in the offlee of 'th J Probai Jiideon or J.-xnuarv imh Kim oclock a. m., or they win be forever bmrrd.' Uated May 22nd. 1 m. A.w. Monr;,N:eJir'. ZSTXIAYS. E STRAY NOTICE. Taken up lj tli un !islu-ned, Hvin- in TjlayH'4 Iri.'!nct. one and a h;!f rrilos M-ih-eiil of Si Ktr Mill, on the 2":h i:iy i f May, Vt onenro t Bay Mare. n!rkei wirn a in the fiuV.m, white on the r--bt hind foot, mid m! w(ituii wt fore foot, a black mane, and tail; ai a Tmfiijf irtwn Muie Colt, sorue white on the n'v,'turt j make, no other mark. liW.iJ ANDREW L, Sn2.m TER2ZS OF SALE. For Prairie Lands, one tenth of the or'ce cash in hand : und for other hinds one half casn in hand nr c:ish dotvn for eitlier, at the option of the purchaser with a promisory note lor the remainder, to ma ture ten years after date, bcarinir interest payntile aniina.'iy in advaiice. at ten percent peraniinni. the first payment of interest heins computed tothe first lay ot Jauaarv' next alter tiie date of the note; and in c:i-e of noii-payij!t'i;t of mt"rest or principal, the land simil Ik si:rreii. it-red. with the improvement thereon, to the stnre: frori-lr,!. That when said note is Riven for the purchase of tim!er lan-is, it shall be further secrtred bv the endorsement of two free holders of the comity, to be approved by the County x rvr. TITXE. The purchaser pavins the full amount of th nur. cbaso money for tiie lauds iiiirciuvstsl at such sale. tilt-Trt'i.liri'f i,f v:i:it conntv Will iltiliv., n,! nud a dup!:-:ite receipt, containing a dem-ripllon of the land sold, uikJ i acknowledirenieTit of the pav nient of the purchase money, and on presentation of either of which to the ' Governor at an v time after tif- te-n days from date of such rei-eiot.s. he shall exe cute the purchaser n title t mid land, in fee simple rrom toe sunt .-tate. and the delivery f a di-el. on theRurrend-r to such tiovernorof the other receipt. And to purchasers. ourt!hiisinr nupriviit tiia Treasurer wi.l execute iu duplicate, (one of which shall he retained for the use of the State, after beinir by the purchaser) a contract of sale for the sismed laml purchase,!, conditioned that upon the pavmvfit ofthe unpaid r-urciiase moner, and the Interest thereon uo-ordinir to the conditions of such note. le purchaser shall be e;ititlei ti lunie!it nwinu of payment and purchase for such land; that no wa-'te shall be commirteil mxn the land therein des cribed, that no timber shad lie cut thpr,n tnt necessary lirewood ofthe nmmum r.r.,,,.i. 't..,.,t end for improvements thereon: and In case default shall be made in the oavment of the interest r princii'id. or any part thereof, or if anv such condi- nons nan ne nroKen. t!.at;tben the lands therein rtescrib.'d shall be surrendered by the i-urchaser. bis hefrsor asxiirns, with tiie improvements thereon, to the State, and Said COU tract shall b? void anil of no icct. Dated Brownville. N-b. ESTPwAY NOTICE. The unJer. ."Iiinetl ha taken tip, on his preniiM tJlen Ko-k,twostray Pmces.bof h niarf: onci with collar mark and bra:i.!e,l on left Md wa Mexican brand, and ubout eu.'it yer ii'.i T other a bay, c!aM ;vd round. braii,t.-l "J E. ' nn Wt hip, three year old. ( -"'t) F. A. Ii '-VLK4 OTRAY NOTICE. Taken uply L1j O tindorsrirn'sl. HvIp;; In I-navette IVifind four miles south wit of Sunders' M :!1 on the Lt: Nemaha Itiver. on tiie 22d!ny of Jl :iy. x;i.rr Mare, aN.ut elc'it years .;.l.'wiifi whit v"'ia fo-e ni:! a s, ;:i : -i lt!t. uo-e, so'ne l:nr. nuri' wxl a hump ' .1 li.' -Mai- J-tn. I.- t f.l-.l una, ii'i CTEAY NOTICE. Taken upontfci premises of tltesi.' scriler. llvlni at HJl dale, Nemaha County. Nebraska. M.;y 't!i, 1 ,w dun horse potiey. ab",r.t t yvr.r ouL "lloth Wi frt white, and branded "U'' ou i.-f: shoulder. NoutiKf marks or brands percept. bie. :U",' P VPTs sTTTN-. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR PiEIIEUIEB 3t-rt . lltb. li. JA.UKS St. HACKER, Cnnnlv Clerk. PRAirZ HELI1ER, I'jAGOfi&QLACKSMrrilJlU ONE DOOIl WEST OF COUHT HOUSE. WAGON MAKING, Repairinfr, Flow s, and all work done in the l t oi.nioi r uihi on inn notice. tat is Taction trimnn. uuieeo. oivcuimacaii. ilt-iv. Clocks, Vatches, Jewelry no, o nam street, Brownville. JOHEPII SHUTZ, f-x nasi jnsi opened nnl will oontnntlv 7y Keep on natui a larye and well assorted anw". oi genuine ariicies in til.s line. Repairing f Clocks, Watcben, and Jew elry done on Kliort notice. ALL WORK WAIiRAXTED. ;1 DENTIST, -v3 , 15 VTouM reectrullv antlotiecethat he hm lHi(!si in irownviile an is now prepansi ,. . ...r. ..... . , maiiBcr, A LI. oper - aliens m-riinim; to - - - tiie science of ieu , litr'. n k f. )rr city Pro? Store, iront room. lfit JACOB MAEOIIN, MSRCHAIIT TAJXOR -. W O O 5- i X g c - - S ?! 3 o" ; K h O 1-1 tI-X, ABOARD I " f:d-lyj If. 3l.tdLLt.sPlt! TOIJ WORK, Neatlv O Execntc.1. at the Ailverii- ami Plainly .-r Job IIdoths, rue EroTrnTilb Transfer Line, Cnder the maaafteweat of jacob noGEns, Is now Pruning Regular Otaaibusje Ironj Brownvilla to tho Railroail Terminus ot tne Council Biufr and St. Jasc?h KallroaJ, At irortli Star, IJo., Two froni Brownville :iU Nurth Stir Ferry LeEJiES. Good Omnibusses. Close Conncctionf Charges Jlctlcrate -lf T3 f -A Vw1 scientifically prepared preparation of its fcai and has no competitor in merit. By its utf GRAY HAIR is soca restored to its origwal youthful color nn-J tr vrbicb is so rncb. nrTTnnrt ULUlUIJjO GRAY iancy, HAIR TO ITS 03IQDUL -1'!mir;J hl f. TX rs hvno?ehairistljinortoi09 lULUa, (out will, by tbe ne of our FEOIIOIES Rcneweroon see its good rrj (efToct-s a?, by its tonic wd nT, -'stimsIadDg properties tha llfiO li i'fl! hair frl-nas will be incited and tho hair grow Utf and strong again. Incases otBaidncssit 'ill creata a ne-w rrowta unless tl ESEKEiJ. are destroyed, a THT ONE EOTTLE AND IS A s cooling, and aibrs w itching and irritation of tbescnlpl Itdocsnotsi the skin as do dye, 1$ makes the scalp wbJte t a rrvlX3 is the best and m economical preparation u tho world, as it3 e&CJ last so much longer. Seed for our Treatiie 03 LOCKS !,hair, free to all, by vs& Sold by all DmjjisU ai ttxn ia tifl coo::, cocunri & co- Genl Age-ta for ITorti-TTesten S..M )-v ' JIcCREEUY & ICKELU UP TEE THIS CITY DRUU STOP.r, jjrownvf 9 , s2 m O Ul - 3 r. -f'1 c - - 33 . rf!i en. T;i-' i:y Tr-st-i tl.p ami. K:t of a. l ! r-r-i-i ll:.r." t. ut e f-r 1 ri-u.-r vuii r"''ir;i t t::f Sa.-l.f (.'I I: uri...'r the ,.! nf sai-i t iiv. n , U-m -r !! --t of I rnv-.-.t. f'"' Viau one 'l"'ir' ll,JT i-f aks rv, ' oirvmii. ""f TM r.a::;-nl l.M,n. Vu, i:,.:iilr,l V'T1 W.wlii.r-iv,, I',n Av ? snraor;.) !irea-n : -i every i;- .Jrt be uh! l.y h,m. 1". r ,Vr cr e t V."? WT ceneml l-ntd f.f ,-M C';:v a.i'Vf.r ".rf u every Alley-btfd t hnt l o may (i ?:n K.Z "M O 7 - 2 t'-f . ! X . . . - ji tit Z 5 555'- a, -; -hill ul - -