Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 03, 1869, Image 4
i t : r : . ' r ' " : T TV. T"TTT"i.? A I TT5 YTfir? I To whom all Ccuruuunicaitous en AgricuHtjre houM be dJrst ' Vcttvrn frcra Old Acrlculiural and Horticultural Friends. Aiuoii tin accumulation of letters . we have been trying to got through with for Fevtrkl weeks past, we find favors from old friend and eorreppon dentebefore the war J. E. Johnson and M. W. PaiLLirs. . "Jot" Joilssox, when wo came to . this country in w as then one of the editors aiidpuLUs'hers of the Cbwn- cUJDluJs Bugle; afterward .of a nciv paper at Crescent City, Iowa. Then again he took up a line of march west ward, along what is now tho Union Pacific Railroad, publishing a little paper here and there along the route, . ntil we Iofct fcight of him for years - past. Now he turns up as the editor and publisher of the Bio Virgen Times, St. George, Utah. Mr. Johnson has - always been and is yet, both a teacher and praclicioncr In Agriculture, Hor ticulture, and the like. He sends us a v lot of scctU from his homo in Utah, and writes a long letter of date March 28th, the perusal of which makes us feel more in love with the soil, climate, &nd general fruit growing characteris tics of Utah. 'The following are a few extracts: - : "I cm publishing a little weekly. Bio Virgen Time, at this place. I enclose a few Feeds of our native flow ers, and cUo of the Sand or "Wall" Cherry I consider pynonimous. Our trees and shrubs are in bloom. Thi3 location Is 3-0 miles outh of Salt Lake City, and Is war mer than middle Texas. . We have but little enow. Ice or frost any time. Vol , canic rocks and red sand btone, and the finest exotic grapes flourish here tharmingly. We have many new, i rare and luscious fruits in npple, pear, . plum, aprieot, peach and cherry ;, also currants and grapes. I came here on account of fruit, three years ago, and , . grubbed out my ground, planted my ' trees and vines, and am as far ad vanced as I would have been there in ten years. 'Tis a lovely climate, and the bast fruit country I ever saw. Should you come through, you should by all means make a detour this way, oryoulope one-half the beauty and ; magnificence of fruit. ' Are you a member of Am. Pom. ' Society 2 I have tho honor to be Vice - President for Utah, and would like to attend the convention in Philadelphia next September. You should be there and come back with mo if I go .down. P Do you want Cactus, Yuccas, and the like? If I had a list of your trees and plants, I might sec sometnlng l wanted. But if you have any choice ' lillies, gladiolus, or other flowering bulbs, or root of Tor. Phlox, Snow ball or Hoheysuckle, a few cuttings of the. Walter, Tehama and r,umelau Grapes, they may be valuable for our friends north, and I am catering to their necessities somewhat. - Dr. .Phillips Is an old and ardent " Southern cultivator. Before the war ho wa3 located In Edwards, Miss., ; ..where we enjoyed an intimate corres pondence with him, and reciprocal fa vors passed between us for many yenrs. The last letter we received from him 7 was just after the war commenced, In which he aid; "I do not approve of this war ; have advised against It as long as possible. We are into It, how- ever, and I go with my people, let the results bo what they may." Now the Doctor, we find editing an agricultural paper, and located at Stonewall, Chat- awa Station, Miss. He writes us of date March 22, and while it ''smacks' somewhat of "Dixie's Land," we take .the liberty .of making some extracts vcrbalum. Speaking of the war, he Bays: ' . . , ' "Why, Othello's occupation gone! ,': I used to drive a few score of darkies, ana net Dales or cottonmv the hun dred. Now, plague take Sherman and Grant, I haven't got an X or a V. But I am as saucy at 03 as most young folks used to be. Tho young folks now-a-daj-s are too lazy to be saucy. . I am on the Railroad, Vo miles above Jew uneans, and deter mined if I do die poor, I , will not die . a coward.' I will be found at my post, and with a knife, budding, grafting, pruning : or a spade, or a rake, or hoe. or some tool of iron, and with my face "to the foe. Gen. Sherman burned up .. an. Agricultural implement factory forme, worth $40,OjO; 20,000 worth f seasoned timber, and more than that of plows, wagons. &c, in differ ent conditions of forwardness. My plantation was gutted ; gin house and 2o0 bales of cotton, went off in smoke. But, bless you, I spit ou my hands, and tooK a jresn hold ; manned a bran - new gale, and hope after a little to be xit atraln. My grand sires were born . in Dixie's land, and I. have the revo lutionary fires in me am not to be conquered by fire and lead. Old Mas , ter can only do that when he piles a few feet of dirt on mo. "The days when you and I corres - ponded and exchanged favors, were r glorious days, and we will never see thcrn more ! never I never! The hos- pitality and open heart and hand of the Southern gentleman, is a thing of tne past. w w , ' "I am now one of the oldest work ers in America. Not in etc. B. P. Johnston, Scc'y of New York Ag'l Society, is 70. C Downing, Elliott, Wilder and others are almost my ago. But they have not been from the ap prenticeship of John S. Skinner since li)ZL I think there is not a man alive who has been so continuous a devotee ttneo Nov. S, 1SC2 my first article for thinner's paper. - 'I know you" have much that would . be Interesting, of value here, and it will give me a delight to meet you all of half-way In kindness. I assure you . L havo received many kind, warni- hearted letters from old friends ; nnd , ', God helping me, I will attend some of the gatherings where the old folks are. I received this day a warm ices- sr.rre trom uoi. iiaeroi uoston. uop- inz I would meet with the In ends in for a tithe of JSentcmber next. Oh! st crop, to I could X at the United leal Association next . . "Wo will hear of each other by let. tcr.- By-tho Pressr will do for the head ; but the heartwhy, if I am G3, it is no reason' my heart is old. It Is nil fcluIIY My body is pretty well used up worn out; the old machine has been roughly used too much used. But the heart U as fresh as a girl's. -"I am grafting every night. I put down my pen irst night, cr rather at 12:C3 this morning, and up again, this morning before the sun. Such is mv life. ' I t is hard, if it is fair. I sowed in the whhiwind. I blame no man. I was old enough, and had property enough, to have saved at leasts 100,000. - Since tho Union Paciila Railroad is .completed, California and Utah are making arrangements to furnish our Eastern cities New Ycxk Pliiladtl plda and Bostou wifh frultv ef all kinds. What a change a few years ban bniuht about. Stock sind Fruit about Xcbra ka City. j Last week wo made a flying visit to Nebraska City. By invitation of Judge Mason, in company with others, we visited his form, where we had cur attention particularly directed to Ids ,,Glencoe"wlts. There were some one year old, and others this spring colts. The opinions .of all who have seen them are unanimous in pronouncing them superior in . their, class, vve make no pretentions as a judge of horse flesh, but acknowledge that the "Glcncoe" colts completely come up to ourideasof excellence. The Judge, of course, feels flattered with his ef forts to improve the stock of horses In this State, and is anxious that people should have an opportunity to see the Gloneoo stock. To this end he has authorized us to say that he desires all who have CJIencoe colts to have them at the State Fair this falh Ho has a fine pasturage Just across the. road from tho Fair Grounds, and will pro vide for marcs and colt3 free of ex pense to the owners. This is liberal on the part of the Judge, and is, too, rather a new idea ; one, Jiowever, we think, cannot fail to produce good re sults. i Let others follow this example. If there are owners of other good horses in this State, who are endeavoring io improve our stock, let them Invite owners of colts to bring them to the State Fair. Beat Mason if you can. No man will take a beat in this way more kindly than Judge Mason. While at the City, we also enjoyed a visit to the gardens and nursery of Mr. Joel Draper. We did not find Mr. D. at home; but Mr. Raymond was there, and kindly showed 'tis throuc-h the grounds. In connection with the nursery business Mr. Draper commenced early to plant fruit trees for bearing purposes, and ' is now reaping the reward of his early labor, lie will have a very fair crop of ap ples; and pear, trees are really over loaded with fruit. The grasshoppers have cut his garden some, but alto gether it looks well, and there Is reason to be proud of all under charge of Mr. Draper and Raymond. . . "UxcleBex. Wthyte," of Nemaha City, has one of, the best gardens th'is vcitr. we have ever seen.' lie has fine soil, planted early, of pure Landreth seed, and has given unremitting at tention. No one knows more about the garden, both vetetables and flow ors, than" "Uncle Ben." The grass- hoppers have not troubled him, and he is having a fine turn out. He will furnish the . people of Brownville what they may want In his line, j Gray?s School and Field Cooli Hook ol Iiolatiy. t Tho Publishers, Ivison, Thinney, Blakeman, & Co., 47nd 4D Green St, New York, have furnished us with a copy cf thl3 excellent and valuable book. It Is a most popular and com prehenslve school Botany, adopted to beginners and advanced classes. . It is adopted for use as a hand-book to as sist In analyzing plants and flowers in field study of Botany, either by class es or individuals. The book is inteh ded to furnish Botanical classes and beginners with an easy introduction to the plants of this country. ' Begin ning with first principles, it progresses by easy stages, until the student is en abled to master the Intricacies of the science. It is a Grammar and Die tionary of Botany, and comprises the common herbs, shrubs and trees of tho country."' This, work supplies. a great dislderatum to the Botanist and Botanical Teacher, there beings no similar class-book published in this country. SSG pages ; price $2. . - ' i . Ca&Imicrc Goats ! The California Farmer in speaking of the Cashmere Goat In ' that State, says: These animals are rapidly increas ing in our totav. w e are constantly receiving letters from parties who are largely interested in them, and whose hocks are now from to 700 in num oer, ana in some cases exceed one thousand. We desire to learn from all raisers of these animals their present number ana their grade, together with the quantity of fleece they may, have on hand and the character of the fleece, as we have imported letters of inquiry from abroad touching this matter, which may lead to the early demand and manufacture of this staple here, so that if our raisers will but give us tho needed returns, we may matcrcal ly aid them hi their enterpriser ; From information already received, we learn of the flock of N . Gilmore, Esq., of Eldorado, which now con sists of 500 Goats J, J, J, and 15-16. Mr Gilmore having2S full blood Bucks in his fiock, and steadily advancing to tho high mark. i . Messrs. Upson & Wilson, of Royal ton, have a flock of about 700 Goats and now with full blood breeders tliey will soon have a large and splen did flock 200,000 EVERGREENS, lJK UKi AMIDST, Protection and A- Wind r.rmlvK. for Homes nn t!ir lVn(rl and Stock ia tiiclenittut sesuun. T j Balsam, Spruce and Norway rine, 8 to 10 lnclir V It'll Milk l.h Ml -" " ynf ArorVit Hemlock & While riiie.e to lit iitlis hi(.'b 6 per 100 Arocricun 1 Jin-H, ti to 10 Inches high 5 ?r lt Am'Tiotui lyfirt U, 2 Ut 3 ft-rt... iff) ikt ln Assorted, VMhotis ktinls.... 8 pvx 1W Euroiuiu Larch, 6 to 10 inchca ..,8 to 12 per itju n C AUC I3IPOUTIKG OUR EUROPEAN LARCH DIRECT FROM EUROPE, i Our Small Trnlta r from itr-u. rim. rtmt IrmA In the tireen Hiy poultry. We hurt ima frum that aniind( biimui the ht wfth oa. W-mHlceninelT xt cvnt. prcw, anU lav cH.Mi sliai. Will h scunl make i. IXtij UJjJiXi a teclall-. . i XO JOXTI2A CJTAHQE FOR . VOXIXG. : f ? On-fiinrth cat.h to aocomnan r the orrfpr : tha Imlutnoe C IX li. - . - ....... RrfFKBESVEs. TreHilt?Tit orCashlrr of eftlierM lite hnnfcs it t ti is Pitr: or. t A. Ti-sdel r Charles hmlth. NiiU-iu, Jiitfbra-K'a. AflUTOW (JJiUWAV it MI'.hh.K. f"IC"-4m - yre'iort, Illinois. FRUIT AXD OR!7A:iEXTAI- Grap Tines, etc, for Spring of 1SC9. TTXioIcsale and Retail. : We ofW for Pr ?;nir fl.intc a shck of FtiiH and Ornam"tj4 Tritat, limjie Vinw, Ac. which for ex tent, varivt r, viur ami Lwauiy of growiu-haa never KuU ptirtnr.ars rlTpn tn the f )llowimr Catalopties J'ist KsumI. (MTil pn' on receipt of cert a eh, fur .. l, i n,-. 4 fre. .. 1, Jx-pi;,uve Cat hhvrie of ,!('. No. 2. OrriampiifiU 1 rv.-s. vo, J, Urea IUhiw l'uinia, Xo. 4, Wholesale JUteU ELLV. ANf;i:it iV n KRT, Sit Hope yurrles, . U-6w Rothc-- ti r, S. T. T. C. MAXWELL & I3ItO OLD CASTLE HURSERIES GENEVA, ONTARIO CO N. Y. Inrlte the ftttcnUon of S. i TTcatcrn IVurscryraca, Dealers and Planters, to their eiUmsive and rellaHe sssortment of ; Choice Nursery Stoelc , AT WHOliESkLE, including Frnii Tree fiiandard and XwarC ,4 T Oi-Ktajamlal TrrcM a M1 ShrHbs-DwcIJaoua and Jivergrt i Haiall Frults-CrarrvlBeB AU varieties; I Hok&k, Creca House tmd Ucddlas rianta, Bulb a, &c. - rarth-swfc.i,!nefi:r.ECTNfUSEIlYiTOCK, either for their ow n planting or to sell ajfain, are re c,ucstKl to give ua a call or write for particular, enclosing stamps for catalogues as follows ; i i DcscrlrUve Catalogue of Fruits three red stamps. Descriptive Catalogue of Ornamentals three red ntamps. J Wholeeo! e Trade List one red stamp. i i Address, ? T. C. MAXWEIX & BROS, ; Geneva, Ontario, Co.. 2f. Y, UT BIVEBSIDE NURSERY Davenport,' lovra. y If you want a good article of Nursery Stock, sucu ua Grape Vines. Currants, Goosberrles, uaijiorrriti, uiunnvrrit., StrawtM-rrlea, Cherry Trees, PeacU Trees, Everfrreens, and - Dlscldnoua Trees, Bend youi orders to J. W. rE-VRMAN, Davenport. Iowa. or TL W. FURNAS, BrownvUlo. Catalotjuo rreo. la-v-y PEOPiLirS IIURSERIZS. We have a larg stock of the followlna: articles, with manv others, which weoifcr VWlY lrMrtoc!li bnvin WarmtitPd true to name, and GOOD J..N KVEIiY RliUPFXrC. ' - 1 V ' ; Applea. Tears, Cierrtre, r4fRcha. Flams, onmce, iwraneH, jt npncrric, i 8traWi"rriea,15lackherrics. UvercreenS Ornamental Tree, hmba, ' , Flowers, r lower ln throbs, ivr. We want a rood reliable man, who can come well rwimniended, to act as agent for u, in every county In 'ebraaka, KauHas,thouri and Iowa, to sell on Commission or Salary. It. L. E.OBB CO.. ; ll-4m-tf iUoomington, I1U Tho Walter Grape. f PlilCE LIST. Per Dot. 43 54 103 Per 25. f 88 110 2 Per 50. fl'28 170 212 413 Per 75. (ISA 810 620 Per Each. 5 10 No. I one ye No. 2 no No. 1 do rear- SM fcoo Two years best. rv LAEGE Q CAXTJTTKS A T MVCJI KED UCED Saccharine Tests for Tf Inc. At the National Saccharine Test for Wine, at immmonasivort. . i:.,lk. win. ifJS. t he Uutmrbn stood hi saccharine matter 91 K'tUn- V.Inna 101 JieUtrrrtre Vtt. This test was made Willi 17 ounces of the Walter, somewhat frozen, to 24 ounces of each of me oiuer varieties. Next morning the Superintendent, Clerk, and one or tne iirectors oi me neasant valley Wine Co. (tne parties wno conuuetea the test the uay before' to satisfy theniselvcs of tlie ments of the "'Wal!er-: by an equal triul, tted 17 onnces of lona from the same lot that were used -the day befure, and the saccnaromeltr stooa at me Walter bcatlni; it S. Had 17 ounces of the Ie!aware and CiOawtm been pressed eqnally hard with tlie Waller, their skins and centres being acid, tlie Delaware would have stood lower and the Cutawba proportionably below tne l M-iaware. au tne omer varieties ranged much lower than those enumerated above. There bad been constant rains and damp weather nthe section where the Waller grew its competit ors growing at 1 animondsport and along the lakes, where there had been but little rain during the sea son dry soil and weather being necessary for the pvnevi nwirwaiiim oi A committee of tlie American Institute Fanner's Club, in a reeport of Sept. ! Ishs, printed fn tlie New York Semi-Weekly Trihuneof Sept, 2.Mh, after ).4kiiitf ut me qualities oj vne an fx, pays . we voneiiidethe Waller will be-a volti tt-le grape-in tlie (tmse-rugiotiyof tlie api'CPitLs; o;4,un the shores offtake Krie, in woslern New 'iork, on the slate soils of western Pennsylvania, and wherever else native grapes are successiuuy grown. " j Letter from Outvies Wonltry, one. o tine oUtcxt rine- .Vijtkyabu Poixt, Ulster Co., N. Y. Alay iy, urn. Mrrxrt. Ferris A Cnmcofid. Dr.AK Sirs : Yours of the ISth I am In receipt ef. in which you ask If I have any objections to sending you, lorpuoucaiion, me iacin i am acquainted witn in relation to the character of the WaiUr itnine.' 1 have never indorsed the chanu-ter oru.sefulucss of vines, or otherarticles or any description, and would not at my present stage of life were It not for two reasons which seem pwflicieut. First, I know the Wnller Grrtpe. will meet the prejudices widespread throiiKliout the couutr.v, caused by UiewortblesMtie.-is liwuost locanties ot many ot Its predecessors. Sec ond, because I can say from personal observation that the mpl'f R llie nest varietv 1 Iiave had anv knowleilte cf. ajid I think I have cultivated nearly all that have been recommended, discarding them all nnd. falling back uion tbe Cuncord and Jiurtfurd 1'rolLiam vineyurd varieties r-ahi'-iat mwsted In knowing tliat the fruit of the Waller grows larger eaciiyeuras tne -iue grows older, bsing last year f'.iUy one-third HTper than It wastwayeirs aiw It (trows well ; fetH l'rnit-welh I have tm-n it nie sev eral times Deiore itaniora, ann i nave never se any mildew on its fruit or on Its large and thick, but jn-iiiwure kuhjkii loiiage. ine navor oi tne iruil l think superior to any other variety. You say in your circular It is a seedlinir of the Delaware and Diana; I think the chnracter of each of these varie ties is unite diMtuiRuisbable In the Wnltrr, particu larly that of the Delaware. I alsd think it would make a wine of bich character. I have visited it annually since it first bore, six years ago, three times In Ulster Co.. N. Y in a low vallev. where the Inn- bell a neldom ripens, and each time it was fully ripe in ABRusi, i nave seen n pacn oi ine inree past sea sons in PouKhkeepsie. rlneiiinc at the same time. excepting lastf year, when the constant rains pre vented all varieties from maturing at their usual time, but it perfected Its rruit by tlie middle of Sep tember, i ne raisins oi me lasi mentioned cro have seen and eaten, which were cood. Froriklts sticeeding in the -low valley, and tenacious clay of Mouena. ain mso in tne ory, siaiey position in PonchkeepHierI tl ink U will b well adapted to the varied soclious of our country. You may make whatever uae of these opinions von deem proper. Yours truly, CllAKI-KS WTKjLE' KY. rERKIS & CAYWOOD, , I'oughke'psie, N. Y. 21-y DEACH TREE8. Crawford's,. Hale A and others, 5 foet,. - ?10 per 100 Same varieties, stocky trees..........l to 7 per li) Pear and Cherry Trees, 1 yr., 1st class..MlS iH;r lm " - 2 A 8 yr., extra. 35 per 1) Anple Trees, 1 yr., selected, X ft..... per 1) - .....w per 3t " M - 5 to 7 ft 130 ier M Apple Grafts, mostly winter varieties 6 per M Clinton Grapes, 2 years, well rooted. 4 ier t0 Concord HrHpes, 2 years, extra......10 per liK) lelayare(irHpes, 2years, extra...a) ier li" Ioolittle Ihtsberry, tli8... 10 per M Philadelphia.....-. 8 per 1 Kittinny mnckberry, well mntl n,.,.,, 6 per 1m) WUsou Blackberry; well rooted.... 8 per VX) Also IlTercreen Hoses, nd n reneral assortment of Nnrserv Stock, lnclud- uia Plums, iiolden Dwarf Peach. Uiilnces.iranes in varietv, OirntntsWxiselxTries, f AT hh W RA TEST Samples sent , isirawueiTies, at wholesale price, SsenU for price list. 1IOFF COOPER. ' 23-m Wataga, Knox Connty, 111. "MEW SEEDLING POTATOES. li Three new kinds, of sreat excelleneo not tobe found In anyotherratalocue; are enuravetl and fully described in my new seed catalnsiie, sent l!bU.T-fini Marblchead Mass, Plant Choice Fruits. TOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER. A! I will send fine SALEM GRAPES bv mail for SI each. Iloccrs 4, 13, in, at sac each. Kli tatiuuy and Wilson's 1-jiiHt Blackberries at ft ir dor.on. by mail. (1:irk It'usolxjrrv. i0 per do7L Philadeipiiiado, 8it'ier fiown. all by mail. I will deliver the following at lix oress ollice. nron- erly packed, at the following prices: Concord Urais-s anu ?iw per uunureo. i'duware, uiana, tTevei ng and Ive's Seedlins. 15 per hundred. Salem (irains at .., fiO and ij per hundred, lingers 4, 1 and lat FJJ er hundred. Fine Howes at f Ux) per aozen. Aiarsnal ellipse int mai l) 7-tc eacn Address JOHN t'HAHLTON, Kochtster, N. 23-1 y GREGORY'S SEED CATALOG UK I have over slxtv aerea In Seed on my ShreeSeed Farms, lu Slarblebend. Mass., where I have raised over one hundred varieties the past season, all jierferUu ieviated. I Import many choice seeds from the beat Ktirojwsan growers. As the or iginal Introducer or tlie iiurjruira rjnron, juumie Le&d MsmiriTith Oabls'fti asd rnasr cew and rare vereublea, I lnvlle tlie piiiit)ua:e of the public, titri vytmtn&ed tn be. a refrt-rsertmt, ttrruoffurs frrfittaalL jAiLts J.n.iiKwwitr, I'ebrAm Marblehead.Masa. Grapo Vines. pONCORD, Norton's Virginia, Hart J ford Prolific. Delaware, nnd nil other lead- varieties, grown and for unle by iLiiio iniviir.ij, .v VfT N. 2nd street, St. Iuis,.M'i. Send ffr price list. 2;am NURSERIES OF Tf. F, UCIILES, T . DAYTOXOni0.f. 4, i , .A t ? it i AX OLD ESTABLISHMENT WITH A -NEW FEAT CUE. I Every Person can Procure Trees and riant At TFhoIesale Prices, v c -ordering thronsh our Club Department. For prices fcnd ot2ier Information, addresa-. .- - ' Daytoo, OliloJ i i i s f go:.::.:erc.i'al iiurs'eries. I. A Plattman z Spragxio, Xioi)rictorja. , . .,.- ; I,O0O,GOO r'atlvc Grape Vines Tev sal', tf V,q tt leff!ne kin', (rnarsrteed t i-j if :u' t-.M i l tL can be i'juii'l in ma United teK, cf oii and two year oid. Samples sent by X er i j itr x.vj 1,00,000 Concord, 1-year, No. 1 ",0i 50,1'W tVrtieord,2-yea r, No. 1, strong..... 7,o0 6n,iO 7"U0 V"1 fiO.llO . 70,'l0 , Xi.ur lluJiJ i'V" i iivnioru i roji.'ic, i-jvar,.u(iA. o,' 2jxj 1 lartford Prolific, 2-year, No. U.lO.uO Ki,ii0 IK-laware, 1-year, No. 1J0,iw 20.ii"i0 Diana, 1-year, No. l.. ... 8.(10 i i0 Ive's Seed'.. nsr, 1-year, No. i SO IJ.xiO loua, 1-year, Io. 1. i'',iW 8,f) Israella 1G.IK) GU,UU0 Isalella, Catawba and Clinton, 2 and S-veir. Btron g.. . 5.00 30j Also a larce lot of 2-yenr elds, of all the above kinds, together with a lame lot of Adirondac, Crevellng. Allen's Hybrid, i'oger's JfyhrifLs, Union Village, iiebecca, fcieia, Norton's Virginia, and othlrs. sort.issi Strawberry Plants strong, ofall the beet sorts. 911.1 ) JlHsi-oernes ana jtiacKuerncs. lo.iini tirrants and (Joosberrics. 3t),WX Fine 2-vear old Apple Trees, best- leading Kinds, at t!2 per l'J". fl'"0 per IfiVK in.nrio Dwarf l'"rs, l-ycar, rTi per luo. i r,ii S'and F'Mr, 1-j', at jr inn; r : I0.UU) Cherry Trees, 1-year old, at pef 1,000. ALSO PErn TREES. Vt,XTt TREES, APBI ' COTS AND UULNCE BUSHES. Together with a large stock of j , Apple Seedlings ; raw.PlumandCherryScedlings; Apple Seed and Pear Seeds prime; Crape Cuttings, with Apple (jrafta, furnished to order. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Parties ordering of as, can rely on having their orders filled promptly, aDd receiving lirst class stock In all respects, thoroughly packed so it will arrive In good order. We pledge ourselves to furnish as good stock for their asre as can be bought from any reliable estabUshmeu t In the United States. ; TEI13IS Cash with order, or one-third cash, and balance on delivery, or C 0. 1. Those ordering will please give place. County and State In full. Trade lint sent on application. ( Address, I. A. rLATTMAN A SPRAOUE. t 11-em Erie, Erie Co 1'cnn. C5 O o a c a XA O hi - to a "C c3 9 A 3 o a 2 o C3 H o w I 4 - o 22 a ea cur Vt o 3 o c3 o PI 61 O a 8 1 IB Cl la bl es K r 3 oil8! QEEDS, ROOT GRAFTS. Osage KJ Ornnse Reeil, prime, new, I5 per bushel. Apple seeds, reach I'ils: rrown. ttooi uraiw, a nle. iacked. IO.Oiio. ia Osaire Hedae nlants. 1st cl l,ono, ja; lo,uot, reach Hale's Early and other lest sorts. Slocks Apple, rear. Plum, Cherry, Quince, Ac Roses, Evergreens, Grapes, Downing Gooseberry, Charles downing Strawberry, Black berries, llaspberrie. Green Home Bedding Plant, Iabiiaa, iollea, Ac Seud l'lc. Tor '-otaiogues. f. k. rnoifix, iilootiniijfUjn jNur.ery, feh2S-fini . Mclean Co., Illinois. DEACH TREES. Crawfords. Hale X and others, five feet ..?10 per 100 rear and Cherry Trees, t yr., istciass. ia -Apple Trees iu variety, 1 yr., 3 rctt.- ,6 .. A nole Grafts, at low rates. - -- Also, a full assortment Of Nursery alt agr. tktmict sent at wholesale pi'K. fSpcimen Orchard contains over 3.000 bearing trees or- Apple ana vnmt. ; Send for Price EfoU JIOFF A COOPER, fvbll-m Wutnga, Knox Oirnmty, JU. Flowers, Seeds & Greea House Plants A LARGE STOCK of the Choices XX varieties of the alxrve always on band also Shrubs B:vergreens, Imported Flower Blubs, ror t all planting. Catalornee sent gratis to all applicants. , Address HENRY MICH EU ' 23-.1m 207 N. 2d street, St. Eoui I, Mow Shellenberger Bros Mcl'licrson'g Block, ..-( , . , Dealers In Hardware, Stoves, Timvnrc, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, KO.OnO Miles Fence lYlre 50 000 J 50,000 2 X. ' X. Pi Miles Fence Wire, Miles Fence Wire. PitkLurg Iron and Kails, Pittsburg Iron and XaiU, . Pittsburg Iron and Kailst , , Mechanic's Tools, Mechanic's Tool?, Mechanic? Tools, Charter Oak Stoves; "r '; c 'c Churtcr Oak Stoves, C liar ter Oak Stoves, . ' Besides a full assortment of everything kept In a first class , IARDVARE AIID 4T0IE ; . STORE ! "Which, will be sold an low as the lowest 'for CASH I To all ivho favor t with a call. Shellenfccr5e?:.13ro3e7. SlcPIicrson's Illock, Solo Agents In Bouthcrn Nebraska., Atchison and Holt County Mo. for tho ; REAPEH AIID XIOWER. THE BEST IH THE WORLD H LSO PAflTOII rSnrnr D f; f T - U ....... barren ,.rL0Vs, THE BEST PLO WNO W MADE! AMERICAN SHUTTLE Is retailed at a nrloe within the reach of alL Th!i Slitehine uses a irlcht uelle, makes, the Lock fSlitcb (alike on )oth sii!es), ha a self atljustln? lei- sion, and can oo every variety of Kewln. it will hem. fell, bind, cord, braid, seam, nuiit, luck, ruflie anurmr;A-iu wotk eqnnny wu on ailK, linen. wooi.i r aoiujn gootw, witn ruk, uneu or cotton THE AMERICAN. SHUTTLE SewiiigMacliiiie ...... IS , v . , . Warranted for Five Years Our aeenU will be implied with tnpl!enf Tarts nf me Aiacuino. lis cas oi a ciai'U. lin;aa!3m-clMHy the Mime iu.-li made by the sinaer, NS'heeler Wil son. Howe unci lorence Maobmea. It has tlienndor feed, like the best of hiu'h priced machinea.andistbe only tow priced whnttle niiithine lu the market that ba this fcet We are enabled to sail a tirwirla. Shuttle Machine at a very low prica. on account vt ilb siHiiTiicny, n'j con.Heq,ient low ct of nianuluo turing, in comparwon with complicate! macaiawj. We R-lsh to fcrranire.wifh Arentji to repr, nt tlie Anierienn Shuttle SfwitiK Miwhine In each MUite, Connty and Town In the United States and Ontario. K.ttra Inducements to Experienced A pen to. or full aa lanl9rriv fion.-nddres.. : r - -T G. V, II. Andrei7Sy General Agent, ' Detroit. Ulch. B. For the lnefit cf rancred Wt!t r rt!is who have t;,Hls wittaHe -for sewuij; to auiiiaa io wiL v will tend stock of aniple and fuil particnlam on receipt of one rei Mamp. Aihbrwts V. Anurev , Oenentl Aent, tvtroit,iiicli. Uily i - ) cms,: TO THE WORKING CLASS. I am now prepared to furnish all clashes with constant c-rapioyment at their homes, tne whole of the lime, or for tn spare inouienus. bu siness nw, light and prjtiubie. Euty ceiitfj' to ?o per evenine, Ls ea-siiv e:irned by persons of eiAr sex, and the birs and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great lminceinenls are offered those who wul devote their whole umeto tlie business; and, thai every perwn who s-s this notice-may send me their address and test the biwiness fortheuiMelves,Imake the foUowiugun parallelled oiler: 'loan wno are not well satisfied wuh the business, I wui sena f i to py for the trouble of writing me. l"uil particulars, rii-rectiona,-&&,sent free. Samples M-nt by mail for 10 CW, t 2-3m Augusta, Me. James A. Jackson Co., ' W IT OLE SALE STAPLE AND' FANCY GR0CE1JES ; - . . a nd V : i Commission 31crclitmts, - No. lOT'North 2nd St, ST. LOUIS, MO. t rr Trofl n op Rf 1 1 1 i tocl. From. our experience in this brnncli of busi ness, and by giving it our personal attention, we feel coufident we can make it to the In terest of parties to give us their shipments. wy Union TovjxAxj ani Ilaclilne Slop. Burnside. Crovrther & Kogers, PROPRIETOFwS. Cor. 8th and Bessanle Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Steam btgines Made & Repaired IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, Ilill "Works of all 'Einds. Iron. Front mado to order on 6hort no tice, and satisfactory to all Parties. . Also nL'ent for Gardener & Itobertsoti f Im proved I'atent Governor. 44-ly TOB WORK, Neatly and Flainly U Executed, at the Advertiser Job l too ma. 1 SX$i 3v ill 6 iivt i i "V" ( DEALEBS Agrioultiiral ITirst St., Drownvillc, rotfraslca. o HH P3 O CM 3 O o CQ A PERFECT SEEr-RAIkEU! IN o C a o o it at 0, a o XTSO A PERFECT MOWER. ALL COMBINED IN ONE. 4 PRICE 'WiP11.- . j.iii.w J. I. CASE & CO.'S mme Oroatly ImproTcd. WHITEWATER AND BAIK WAGONS. THE BUST ITAttOAS EIAZiK! WE SELL ALL THE iMAft&ASi IIAIIVJCSTKIC. DODGE & STEPr?tS'iV.-.inITnu I 8AMPLES, .ON HAND OF . . . lu . their Jcawn "tijuu. - F. A. Tisdol, Jr., &; Co., .... FIB ST ST., BET. MAIN fc U TLA X TIC, BBO WNVILLE. 23. -OOHST ST. JOSEPH, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE i I, a . .i Wagon, Carriage and A.OX& ICXJXUI1A3L. Phrinsrs. Axes. Axels. PlinvrTs: s ire liolts. Is utw and ashcrs. Nails. 1 Saws, etc. OatincTH and IIollov-vivxe, 8112-ar Kettles And- rona, bkillets and LicVs Stew pot?r Iluke ovtns, Finit kettles and Sad Iron -1.ACILSIITII'S TOOLS. Anvils, Stocks and Dies. Hallow. Klo?o-o Qn,i Hand Ilananaers, Vices, Tiiicers, Raps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyre Iron, &c OUTi'lrlNlr t,OOL3. UX Yokes. Axle tJreiiso. Ox chains. WnrnTi T.l-a Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Picks, fJold Pans, etc. Hubs, Spokes "and Krntl stulf. 1.000 celebrated 3Xoliiie PIowh. .. , . ' Eagle Blovrers, feiS.l M'Cormick's rna Kallers Horse Com Planters, Sulky Cora Cultivators, Hani Corn SLelVr xiay i;aKei5, etc., etc. a jiii yanii'a Ciiyinj; my gcxxls dlrt-ct from Inducements to Wholesale Uvjcraal ' . UNDERIIILL & EATON, t CoinraiEsion Ilcrcliaiita, No. 2 Cltr Buildings,-. ' -. St. Lui, Jl Berond Natlonrd Bank.. .....Pf. Txui, jro. Allen, Cop? A Nisbet,......... Branch i-mte Kank cf Iowa. Johnston & ilaoon. Hankers. Isaac Scan it si 'o.,... Blair sfe At wood,.. . , ..tot. Ixuia,iIo. ..IX'buqne. .l-'t.:.J iMon, IX ...Alton.IH. iton,IlL join? pisgkh vr.n. cocolas PINGEK As DOUGLAS, . Wholesalo Dealers In QUEEiiSVARE, GLAG3VAR . t : &o, A.c No. 7, Fourth street, - ST. JOSEPH. MO. ' 431y souTHnnir hothl. LIX E SI & RETS O LD S Proprietors Eight street, two blocks from R. II. Depot, ST. JOSErH, MO. 451y M. WYETII & CO., Wholesale Doaler la HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Harness, Skirting and all kinds of SADDLERS LEATHER & HARDWARE, SADDLES, BRIDLES, &c rAgents for Ditson's Circular Saws and MABVI.N'3 SAFES. No. 6, South Third, bet, Felix & Edmond Sts. ST. JOSEPH.MO. 451y J. Pfeiffers Marble W CORNER 6th and ST. CHARLES Sts. ST. JOSEPH, MO. " Also Dealer In LIME. HAIR. CEr.lEUT, PLASTEE, VI LITE SAND, FIT.E BRICK, Ac. Ac. Ac, Ac ll-451y 4 o 9 e P r 9 ? M M P s . o 03 P H P rt- O w 0 H O w Of fcr O ft CO - $1S5,00. isasss 1 1 Roducod l?ricos. FOLLOWING MACHINES: ALL MACHINES WE BELL. . a iuii Buiuy 01 au Kinos or f orm Machinery AND RETAIL DEALER IN Flow Woodworks. iSiX'MSiEr T.S, Horpp. -Tfrirtjo ri wi Standard Scales. IN Implenients!! m fi $ 'A p.-a 3 w . - t. ! . " . I llarflwre. II saw . . . . a maaafactarers I offer great Constable's Bon and Steel Warehouse St. Jc23ph, Ho, t Eiapiro' Hliuttlo Ilaciiinc pataatcd Feb. IS, l?c6, 4 Sept. I, ISC?, AT TH1 Cr st Fir cf II12 American Institute - laNet York, Oct. K. 13C7,' : 5 An i Il' Tremlum for Cost it.-: -L.iaciiin2 ' : At Tt.T'.3 Exposition, July, i:C7. ' 5Ch i T&txtAly ?Iachlne. TMs mpirvjii; i cnstrtPl on m nw prlnHpIc ol n linriiM-i, j-. i n niny ran? ana Viwnon.e mv inveiniw, ij.-ivin? Ii"'n exanuntnl by th rmt jrt)I'ui!nil er'iert.s. t ivl rromwncfd to l siaipiiUty I ui1 periW'tn.u cointjit"Hr lire toiiowtntj arwiiif iriitii'm vi j'.viiviia mru i atrt Ttxt mitrt. 1. JKxffv-i v latu'ue tite nperaior. 2. I.i;ihii:tv to ei t out of oni.-r. 8. Kr'is,. trouble, and los-t of time in rerai rinsr. 4. liicaptinty ti s-v evrv description r.fnuitcri. 5. noise while Id oiK-raiioa.- The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all these Objections. : It has a nrr!ht JT!. Piren"nlnr Art?ori, mk the Lock or.huttie stitch, wbirti will neither rin nor ravel, and Is ahke on both siJen ; pTf'orni4 poriVx-t sewiir on everv doriitioit of material, wit'i ctton, iinen or suit thread, from tne coarsent V t'ie finest number. It necis, Felk, Binds, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Plaits and Gathers. As a Family fcewlne machine It has no auperior. Special attention 13 called to our new Improved aios. 2 & 3 IlanTLfactaring Zlachises Tfcev nave been thomnsrtilv teted on every des cription of Cloth and Leatiicr "ork, running by team i"ower at tne rate or 1,200 Stitches per IFuiute Prodnrlnjr more than double the worlc ff any frV er BhutUe .Macltine nw in use; thestitch W ti;hf, uniform and beautiful : they are:mDlelncon!truc- "VVEIX3 A EICIIARESON, . . . , St. Joseph, Mo.' General Agents N. W. States and Territories. J. S. Sdicncll, Agent, Vl2-tt-!8m P.rownvlIIa. WOOLWORTH & COLT, BOOK BI2TDS1TS, And Dealers in Book, Stationery, 5 -Paper HANG IXGS, AND .prcirvTErss' stock, . No. 12, 2d St., St. Joseph. Mo. ; ;CASII PAID FOB BAGS- GENERAL roceries "We havo cm hand a largo T A P Ii E A IT To which X7Q arc makin? co I we are selling at Prices a? the LlLssissippL j In tt3 Qnality of:onr Goods FLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST MAIULET 12-40 I tion, easily understood, and not be liable to ?t out 1 II of order, run llxbt and are oomparnttvely noiwlfM. j" if l - -To Tailoring or leather Work weclaim that they I X are not only einal. but much auperior to an v other I (111 machine that naa ever been oilered to the pubUe. 1 illJs , . ,r - , yrrtiitrt VrtTn rlrthi. n TT rE..LEK3 IN DRY GOODS i Y A Is' KEE : NOTIONS, . HOSIERY AND WHITE GOODS. And every other kind of Goods kept In a Western .Store, which we w!3 piio)' .f A 1 7 WbGnever yon are in Town Call and Sea Us! Corner Slain and 1 BlcPIierson's Jllock, 15 11 OTVTSLILTI, IS1:I5IIAHICA. T7 A n t-.Il DEALEr. IN (D 3 0 - 1 -'ALLABOAF.D b ; t V f ! ron the i i '. I) : . . i . IS'o. 43, VJiiin Street ij , . n r ft. .r-" ' 2. ,1 4,- ..... , Auunts I t ; - - v-v-i . tv4 Largest and Ccst FUBITJTTJr.-? ever brocjht to the city cf ' WUi.1kiDJ OI is, Polilins Lost-., Secretaries . find" kX fa One Deslcs. iilJJbTEA CAKE ROCKER 1 v arm wrm - i n runt r? v Office, Tarlor and Inninx Room tU sm I everything nsoally found In a , i FURNITURE STOEH 12-4-lv U M ti mill 2J DE.VLEH3 nt roTisiei O anl well a.s.wrtel stock of FAI.CY GEOCZmiS nstant additions, ardtrbii 1ot7 as any Ilousa t?s WE DEFY COLIPETin:! Arrr.ovED upends. PRICE PAID 102 SWAN c BEO. 23 GR00BR1S Second Streets, no ii 1.1 o L- 1 J 1 o ! j. i J 4 i - i 1 4 13 R O "WIsTVILLE. iSTEB-