1 I ITT--'- ' ,.if the A dt ebtiskb fcr side by LODGE DIRECTOIIY. '' A. O F. Brnwnviile Ivxiee Kx . L O. O. F. I. 'tJ, tuJ1iv evening of eitcii wik.l 7 o'clock ID'm! t tl,eir ia " Bre-tiii y Brick, n fnfeunK Brother sreYnvlieL i Tf ,"rmi,H Vkl'rr Ixvl-e N. 4, A. r. A niffW ell te ls-t una .vj fcu- ar ;vj in 'b,tf6''ci'rfV p in., tu tiieir iiit til the .. .'. KmtiiO ire If tnvM.'X AU J as. !C Hack er, Secy. . - , Arrival And Departure of tl.e Mails. - .ujeni Rnd Eastern arrives t 1? ta depart at U (jjern and Eastern arrives at 4 p. m.I departs ""mkII arrive at a. ni.: depurt at 8 a. m. p"ru Mail arrive at 12 m.; derf. at t p. TO iZrrVv MimI arrives Mondays, erinenduys and rriZ- a -.: departs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Jrent'Mall arrives Fridays at 4 p. m.; departs rhnp1nv at c a. m. "' ivrt 'sHce Hours from 7 a. m to p. m. un CxV from lu to w-t a. ro. A. D. llAlwsli, P. SL, Hi. Jf. and C IU II. II .Time Table. T11AIXH GOINtt KORTXL " ACCOM torATiox. . Kt juth ,..: a. m. Amritr.rowuvi!l Arrive at Council illuflii r.x m ks. Ijnret St. Jowph.. . f V. r, , 1 i ' ' P C p. Itt. . &j p. m. ..-on a. m. 1 1:23 p. m. Arrive ai Council Ulnt&i..... .kiw p. m. TP.AI2CS GOING SOUTH. ' ACCOM MOD ATIOX. fVMinfv! V'tlTfe irrivK ai I, row n v i i ie. .1 1:23 a. m. Arrives ai tL Jwh P- ta KXPKEK. lAve- Oolitic '! BluT Arrive at lire" nvillf. 1 m VM At KL. J fl,h.....-. ..llWa. m &37 p.m. ji.tH) p. m. ?-Jacob R)(;f'rs:Oiir'i!bi leaves IlrowuviUefor . tiK Depot ai a. ui. - - CODENED TIME TABLE VJa. 5ns,rl Valley sisii 'rth M. R.Il. ooiyo kast NIGHT tXP. PAY pruwnviile- jlrlem- Woberly lyeae. ll:ra a m 2:15 p ta h: i p m llrOUp m a-Ti a m tsuam fxu a m :: a m fcp m 4-i p m .W p m l'Vlop m .Arrive ..A rrtve Arriv. Arriv aron. . .tioirl ImArrtve Mt -"' - ArHva LOCAL MATTERS. J. Jj. Colbarp, Editor. rnriuSDAY morning, may 2a, isca. 7 Harness Oil at MM&eton's. Hsisf arian and Millet seed at City Drag Store. ' . Ladles, buy your latest styles of Hats at ; Den's. - Rolling Cmtter and Gage Wheels, at Den's Store, Breaking Plws, Cultivator and Shovel Ilows, at Den's, . Thm lsbrattd Rtodebaker Wajon can bad of Small A PetL IV. F. "Wllsoa has the choicest Groceries it C city. Try them and be convinced. If yer harness brakes Bauer can mend them tip top, Good stock of Whips oomln g J Dra will receive a car load of the latest styles of Dry Goods, that will defy competi tion, Street Sprinkling is going on on Main street, I I). Robison has the contract, and Is doing, so far, a good Joh. " Small V Bell keep the fullest assortment of Qaeensware and Glassware that can be found west of the Missouri river. ' - Improvement. Mrs. Shadley Is having a aaat story and half -dwelling roc tod on Water between Levee and 1st streets. Whs would not have the best Groceries in the market? You can get them as cheap at Small 4 Bell's as a poor article elsewhere, The finest assortment of Dress Goods and Cambrics, Choice TrlnU, fcc., that ever was brought to Brown vllle, is to be found at Den's ' Grant is deaervlnjr of great credit for kecp rnR mt hand such a choice lot of clothing, and selling them so low for cash. Go and see them, Lannon - Hint on, Blacksmiths, on Levee have now a patent Shrlnker, Shears and Punch, and Tire Setter in operation. Farmers call and sec t hem ! Last or Stolen. One two year dark bay Stud Colt, wita long tall, star in forehead, and small cut on left hind leg- Owned by Theodore McClusky, Brownvllle. no32-2t ' 3.W, fc J. C. Gibson are stUt on hand nong the most reliable jBlacksmiths in our eity, and are always to be found at their . shop on 1st bet ween Main and Atlantic H. C. Lett keeps the largest and most complete stookiof Window Glass, Lead, Oils. Wall-Paper and Stationery, south of the Platte. As for prices, caUand be wttonished ! t3S,00,OPO Is tbe capital of th Mutual Life Insurance Companyof New York, Jar vis 8. Chsxch Is their&gent at Brownvllle. It is the safest company In the wotld to Insure ts if - the Trunk Railroad will be built; this i s fact, and the Ladies of Brownvllle all say tliat Mrs. Bear has the finest variety of Bon nets, Huts and Millinery Goods for sale, ever brought to this city. Judge Morgan Is making preparations to i . taovt his Plow Factory building on to Main i street. He will fill up the pavement in front his lot, which will greatly Improve that portion of the street. ' ' fash and Door, in immense quantities' W.J reai vartcry at Bell & Small's Yard cor berofM aoi Water. You can not fall to fl nd ttere just what you want, and at prices that r lower than the lowest for cash I . Ueea OrUnan We publish to-day 'he ordinance recently pessed by the City Council, licensing the eale of intoxicating liquors. It U a good ordinance, well got up, U covm the ground admirably. Tke Ditt h on Water street, below Levee, . by last year's Council, needs filling up. I nuisance to property owners in that vlcinity. Or else make it perform the work It w designed for, and cover it as It should Oft. " nervous? .A re .you debilitated? Aferott costive? IlaTc vouUeadflche? Have ton no appetite? -Have you blues? For all and many more, take Hardy's Stomach "ter! They are safe, sure, and speedy. To had ofH. CLttt, Druggist, No.'6S,Mc Fherson. Block. , i Crat, Cabinet la perhaps the strongest ver brought together; It consists of splendid Qlng, No, 1 Boots and Shoes, all kinds of Z1". Shoemakers findings. Groceries, ' and Caps, Grant s Cabinet is opposed to the tariff of high prices, and they sell for money than any house in the wtht. Am noke has gone into partnership with G i. Helmer, in the Boot and Shoe business tSo. 15, Main st. Mr. Snoke Is a practical nd flue workman, brings experience and "T'It&l, and will do much to strengthen the They have now on hand a splendid a Htnent of Custom Made work, and also can neat and durable Boots lUcaa be had .H-here. , t . v Cemeterw i "being put in eood order Y t ua v j -a4, " y sva ca jT4 n 1 trim up the Hedge and clear up the r-tatds generally. We fir?pleased to notice Vf cnercy of the Bosu d, at. ; e it tvIH bo Mlo,1ded by our citizens who own lots, &e end that our "t;;j' tsTTZV dead", may 77 wear an aspect of respect la Ub -se fcdc r. r gou beXjre." SeelocnJJn another ci f ' b4 lentlKfel Ben. T. :." rs tJntCit,r,Ufi,'Tuedy fcUut nopn.,He h.. 1 t? tU,ftft dnd was br:: -t:g k ti to thebaaement stable, when f ot thTL? 6 wa p'p11 -1 TP fcbout t. strikl: . g h Is w,,buMcr e&lnstaoraeproje'.: - lou. r ' H w" onacious a;: i J ; 'd the TvT""a Physician s fi1t.'r'1 tured. But he U ncx ftDj- frirt H aausfactlon of his n ur ZZ' May f tlie J'kcs of it. nev ulna u s v : ' Ottr Clty has been the some of itfo-je cf novel enterprises during U.c p.i two first, a picture lottery optaed up list Friday week ago, and according to the prorrtetor's story, didn't clear a fortune. In conversa tion with hlrn he Informed cs that th people of this place were all a "set of fools," as, for instance, "when a person makes a draw of a $10 picture," (very Infrequent, by tl.e way,) said he, "the crowd stand .; ar.J don't Invest a bit more lively." 8a Id he, in all other towns this would make a pranirush, but here It don't snake a bit of difference. We were pleased to note the Jack of gulablll ty on the part of Brownvlllians, and hope It may be a chronic characteristic. And last Thursday the far-famed Veloci pede made its first appearance in this city, In charge of a nice young man. an expert in the use of theanlmile, who opened up a school in McPherson's Hall, where you can ride, or attempt to ride Itthe Velocipede for the moderate sum of 23 cents for 15 minutes. Quite a number of our young men of pluck and muscle have become very expert VelocI xicU-striant f Awkwardness has no place in the affections of the Velocipede. So much for having brapsrarts and cow ards at the head of the Government. Had Chandler, the brnesrart and drunkard, Sum ner the bracart and coward, and Grant, the blockhead und blunderer, been at their homes In the obscurity they deserve, our people would have teen spared this preat hnntnea- tlon and disgrace, ISrownvuie Jjtrtnocrai, May 1st. "' In reply to our defense of Judge Morgan against the false assertions of the Democrat, it says: " We have no desire to engage in a personal warefare with our co-temporary through the iwnwrni. or anv other DaDer. We have do objection to the "discussion of topics unconnected wun personaitues. jv is plain thai this Is an Impossibility, therefore, till we can recelvcthe common courtesies due us, decline entering the ring. What are the "common eourtetiet" due the author of the first paragraph above quoted? Is he. not too contemptible" for tilent con tempt? The man that can pen as viciously personal a paragraph as the above, should never howl about "common courtesies," un less his position is one that he cannot defend, as was the case last week. He started out on "hog brains," and now throws np the sponge. Ttrownville, as sv "Wholesaling Point, possesses no superior, south of the Platte riv er, in Nebraska, and deducting expenses and time of going even with the Increased facil ities for travel and she can do better by the country merchant in this region, than St. Joe. No set of merchants on the 'Missouri river, stand so high In eastern markets, as those of our city. Buying always for cash, their purchases are of course at a good mar gin below time customers; and this Spring they have laid in Immense stocks of goods of all kinds. Thus they can and do offer In ducements to jobbers from the west that can not be surpassed anywhere; and each day gives new evidence that western men are finding it out, and profiting thereby. In Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Furniture, Drugs and Lumber, we yield the pam to no point above St, Louis, as a verifying of prices by persons desiring- to purchase in lota rwill prove. ; ' ' - '"" " .:" f" Uiil'ieSllLILLULl!!ilTI!i(30iL At nOLTZINGER'S. The Lady's Friend for June. The steel plate for this number Is the beautiful, saintly face of Isabella, one of Sbakspeare's charac ters. The colored fashion plate gives' a rich and tasteful bridal dress, and others of the latest style; and a number of well executed wood cuts Illustrate the most picturesque va rieties of the present mode. For music, we find appropriately for June, "Roses Fair as Jenny's Cheek," The literary .department furnishes choice entertainment in the way of light reading. The ladies will find among the Illustrations two patterns of bathing dresses. Published by Deacon &. Fetereon, 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, at $2,50 a year, which also includes a large steel engrav ing. The Democrat and Its assistant corres pondent Is still harping on the Advertiser ahd grasshoppers. Last week's issue contains three articles on the hopper. The Dr. thinks our first and only mention of them has "in jured us abroad." Doubtless correct, as one issue of the Advertiser goes farther than three of the Democrat. The Dr. says he "poured a tea kettle of boiling water" on some hoppers and It did not hurt them. This would indi cate that they could not be killed. This state ment is most damaging to the country, and Is, we thlnk.false, or at least very exaggerated. Dry up Dr. or your limited circulation will grow beautifully less ! CEMETERY KOTICE. Those who have purchased Lots in Walnut Grove Cemetery, and not received Deeds or paid for them, are hereby notified that Desds have all been made out, and are ready for de livery. The Board have ordered that lots se lected and not paid for, will be sold to first ap plicant. The Board have further ordered that the grounds be cleared up and put In good order. Lot holders are requested to clean up their lots. If not done In a reasonable time it will be done by the Board at the expense of the lot "holder. Wm. II. Hoovkb, Treas. KOK-EXPLOSIVE 'UNIVERSAL, OIL! At HOLTZINGER'S. We have been repeatedly called upon to test and speak of the virtues of Bitters, often but poor whlakyj with a - few bitter herbs ad ded to take off the tot-gut taste, and nearly as often found more to condemn than to re commend ; yet we must say a good word for Hardy's for it Is pleasant to take, good for the stomach, and Just what Is needed to invigor ate and regulate debilitated constitutions. As a tonic, It Is Invaluable ; and, If taken ac cording to directions, will save many a doctor bill. It can bo had of II. a Lett, Druggist, at No. 68, McPherson Block. Godey's Lady's BookAmong the great number of publications, for ladles, there is none that Is 60 thoroughly American as this magazine, and not one that fdrnishes so much aid and Instruction in so many departments of domestic economy. Its literature is al ways of a high order, and has the merit of usefulness, as it rarely happens that even one of its tales is without some valuable lesson for head or heart. The fashion-plates, and directions for cutting and making garments, are invaluable to thoee who must do their own sewing. . - Last Tuesday was a bufy day among business mcu and residents on Main street, for according to the ordinance for clearing up before their door to the centre of the street, and depositing the dirt In convenient heaps in the centre of the street to be removed by the carts. This Is a good move If persisted in, and will make our streets a great deal more sightly, as well us prevent much of the filth from blowing into the stores upon goods. For Pine LumWr yon cannot do better than go to Bell & Small's, their yard is full, tbey have all kinds and are determined not to be undersold by anything west of the Mis souri: The FalrUrother Brothers have now their Job OSlce and Book Bindery in this crty in full tlaot, and are turning out good work. We wlh them success. Glorious Opportunity. Not wishing to move our Furniture to our new rooms, we will sell our stock on hand chertpfar cash! HANNAFORD 4 HUGHS. Xf yon want any of that Chicago Beer "Bt Silly's, you had better go down right "away, as he only has a few kegs left. , ' Co ta Billy Valieau's for Chicago Boer, the bet ever brought to this market. ; ' - 5 lly' Cn? n Cora riantcra, a few left at Shfllcnbcrg'-r 3:ro's.- o Kent. A nice cottage vvllh six rooms, Apr'7 t- V.". T. Den. ' - ; Tmn! i i . .. Valises In great variety at May's I"U-gt.Iator. ' i-reet FotaJo Plants, in abundance, at V.- kU's, .-" ' ' ' f House for rent nt sale. Cull on J. W. riackburn. Pence Wire in abundance at Shcllcitber St-rllroV " t. ' . ' Personals. J. S. TTTrrsEL has gone east. W. D. Scott called c ns last Tuesday. He'll soon farm It on a acre scale, In this county. Itoif . Natiia Vla kklt, of Beatrice, called cn us last week, on his way home from Lear enwortli. C. W. Wheeler is In the city, I I. R, Fkost, Agent for the Facile It. R. and Merchants Insurance Company, of St- Joseph, was In our city last Tuesday. He la business till ever, rnd Is n eblA f""t . ...... Isueal Nack aiul LunUy arrived' froai Ohio last Tuesday morning, all well and In good spirits.) jlr- i ac9 Vci hiow give his business Lis undivided' attention, and will cater to the wants of the public in the best of style at Allen's old stand. Emigration by Boat to this city and coun ty is equal to any season we know of. Over forty persons got off of boats at this place last week after our paper was out, nearly half to remain In this city. This week quite a number have landed here, mostly for the In terior, Wliile 'cov'erel wagorts cress at this point to the number bf -at lcu&t tan each. day. Our Land Agents and Hotels are busy, and both and all our citizens are trying to do a clever part by all strangers. Sale. A. P. Cogswell has sold his Great Western Livery Stable and outfit to H. M. Gillespie, of Nemaha City, who will carry on the business at the sameplace. r Mi Gillespie is a man of such eriergy and means that' he will make himself felt as a good and progres sive citizen, and an hphbrtqth.e community In which he lives. CHOICE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, for sale low, by F. E. JOHNSON A CO. Several Rows occured In our city last Tuesday evening, resulting In several black eyes. The spring UghUare Just coming on. Good LiquoirX6( ' .ittffcally concocted in the latest style at th e AlLmbra. Also, Soda Pop, Lemonad and all the invigorating drinks of the season. If yon enjoy a good game of Billiards, on a good Table, In a place where you will be treated like a gentleman, go to the Alhambra. Ellbonra, Jenkins & Co- Manufac turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc. Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri. We manufacture our own material in the Pineries of Gahkosh, Wls. where we' have tn operation' one of the largest manufacturles of everything made in Tine In the world, and obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree, as we dot we can sell at lower rates than any Lumber Yard in the West which pays one wholesale and one or two retail profits. We shall always keep on hand a full supply of everything in our line, so that those in want may always rely upon getting what they de sire. We simply ask all to examine our stock and prices before pu rchasl n g elsewhere, as we can ensure satisfaction in both. 4 B a is 2 2. - e1 5 &? 2. 9 o & 3! I 3 63 - 2 5 cr f ,- "1 r ft. 3 at I 3 s a o m O 3 (t 5" (9 . H B i C. !? i 9 3 f- Boots and Shoes At Hetzel's. , LADIES I "Wishing to purchase millinery goods, will find It to their benefit to call on Mrs. T. F. Scaton, No. 19 Main street, who has Just re ceived the best selected stock of Millinery Goods ever brought to Brownvllle, and is competent to do anything in that line, as she is an old and experienced hand in the busi ness, learned her trade in New York, and is prepared to sell her goods as cheap as can be bought In any city. She would also inform them that she is prepared to do dress making in any style they wish. ; Also agent for the great Empire Sewing Machine, i Hats at Hetzel's. Having Purchased Mills In the Pineries of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet Dry Pine Lumber on hand,, it has compelled us to procure larger grounds' for pur Lumber Yard; therefore we have rented the loU on the corner of .First-and Water streetswhere we shall put one of the Largest stocks of Lumber, Doors, JJTlnda, Ssisli, -cto- wofif'of -the Missis sippi, and every body knows1, or shall know, that the Saginaw . Lumber is far superior to any other Lumber. Call and see us before purchasing else where, , - (One block from River.) BELL & SMALL, 12-tf Red Store. Spring Goods at Hetzel's. Champion So, 8 Improved Reaper and Slower, and Single Mower, with Hand Raking attachment. Dropping attachment or Self-Raklng. This Machine can trnlly be said to be a complete combination ; the mow ing qualities are not impaired, by any of the reaping attachments, and. tUo Reaping quali ties are not Injured In adapting the machine to cutting grass. This is the only machine ever produced for cutting grain and grass, which is equal to any 6ingle machine for either purpose. The change to Reaping or Mowing is quickly made, and in either ca pacity the Champion No. 2 is equal in every espect, either as a Reaper or Mower, to any1, single machine. v 8HELLENBEROER BRO'S. Trunks and Valises At Ietzel'S. Good Building Stone. We axe now pre pared to furnish good building stone, in any quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon uments or Tomb Stones,' Water Tables, etc, furnished on short notice and reasonable terms Lorakce & Vajknkt. , The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure in another part of this paper. This truly valu able medicine is recommended by all who use it, read the certificates. ; Geo. Marion sells Dry Goods at reduced prices, tie also has on hand fresh Groceries, Queensware, and the be?t brands of 8moklng and Chewing Tobacco's and Cigars. Give him a calL Sore Eyes, almost without an exception can be cured. Near-sighted persons and all needing glasses, should consult Dr. Klmber lln, S3 Main street. flXOO Dollars and Expenses t See ad vertisement of American Shuttle Sewing Ma chine in our advertising columns, ' The latest novelties in the dry goods line retelved" daljy; at. Mai's -Pri HeJrilator, 27 Main street. . i For Sale. A Cottage and two of the most desirable residence Lots In the city. Enquire at this office. . Organs Burdett's, from $140 to $000; Ma son A Hamlin's, 75 to $600. James R. Dtk, Brownvllle. j Ton can get Chicago Beer at the Senate; the best Beer in the United States. 30 Pe re'li cf i 'tloe'ioV'saler'tluqalre ofStar, atM&y Regulator. v f ' ' " ; Highest market price paid for wheat, oats, corn, &c, by Bedford & Handley. j Private medical aid, read Dr. Whlttler's advertisement. sa 1 ' Parasols in great variety at May's Regu lator. Gent's Furnishing Goods At HetzU'a Xiu t, lZ.le aui tXhicut at Red Store.-- rs'" ccrTrcic rr.ocEE'Diras.' " ' Cory cii. Chambeks, May 1L1SC3., rrcscii' Mayor ' Fairbrother; Aldermen S wa n. Gran t, Robison and Tisdel ; absent, Mr, Mathews. . Tho Mayor presented his bond, which was adopted. Tin follOTvlng resolution was adopted : ' jyo!ved. That the Clerk draw an order on the ivoad Fund for $;K)in favor of the Marshal, to enable him to settle with the hands that have been at work bit Atlantic street, and that the Marshal return the items of expense In curred on said street to ths Council at their next meeting.- -f ?, On motion, the Marshal was directed to put in a box culvert acrosg tho levee,'; for the pas sage of the water from the tunnel on Atlan tic street, and that the same be constructed in the most economical manner, and that the Marshal report the expense of the same to the Council at their next meeting. The following was introduced: "Be U ordained 6y the Ctf.v Cwmcil of the City of Broumvdle, That eectlon two oi an orui nance entitled 'An Ordinance for licensing and regulating omnibusses, hacks, carriages, &x,' be amended as follows : That the word 'five' which occurs in said section before the word 'dollars,' be stricken out, aud the word ten' he inserted. -Adopted. On motion the City Clerk was directed to draw an order on Road fund for $10, and ex pend the same for kn oil-can, oil, and paper, forthe nse of City Council. -rThe following resolution was adopted; Resolved, That the City Clerk have notice given in the Nebraska Advertiser, .that the Clfy, Council will set on Monday, evening next as a Board of Equalization for the city of Brownvllle, on the assessment for taxes of the year 1S&, and that he cause -notices to be posted in the city, and that the Clerk produce the assessment list, and be present in person. Adjourned," ' ., ' . t -i jc. McNapghtox, Clerk. "Lives there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said I love my own, my hatlve land," And will by Marsh's News House stand? Same place where any books in the land can and will be purchased at publisher's prices, and the very best of stationery at low er prices than ever struck this upper country, TFods into Marsh's, it isn't deep. - Great are the benefits that flow ; From trading with McFall & Co. All that may come we can assure Great Is their stock of Furniture; . All good and true, well made, and fair, , From Wardrobe down to Kitchen Chair. No glued-up, patched-up, mongrel truck, ! That will cause you to d ri your luck - For sudden breakage. - - rrour money; too, will last much longer, ' j Your Furniture will be much stronger; ; Joy will crown your married life j With pretty babies and happy wlf& j Your credit will be above par, : -. . And nothing can your prospects mar. Ail these, and still more blessings flow,, From trading with McFall & Co.. .... r l STATE SALE OF , LOTS AND LANDS . .AT THE -r CAPITAL OF NEBRASKA! THE UNDERSIGNED COilMIS A SIONERS, Appointed by an act of the Legislature or the state or jsebraska, entitled "An Act to provide for the sale of the Unsold Lota and Blocks on the town site of Lincoln, and for the Loca tion and Krection of a State University, and Agrl culuiml College, and state Lunatic Asylum, ap- nrniiiiil 1". J ,Q " will c t Is IN CO I II, The CAPITAL of the State of Nebraska, ' On the Third of June, A.D. 1869 Commencing at 10 ocloclc A.M. Offer at public sale the Unsold lots and blocks in the town or Lincoln. taia property consists or the oua numbered blocks, the even numbers having been sold heretofiTre by the State and now lareely occu pied oy buildings, ine verms ot sale win Lie i.usn, and for not less than the appraised value. Said ap praisment to be made by the Commissioners. - 40,000 ACRES OF STATE LANDS ! We will nt tfc e same time and upon the same terms offer at PubLic Auction nearly 40.0UO acres of line Agricultural Lands belonging to the btate, lying from one to ten miles from lJucoln. - . We would add tliRt Linojli has now a population of twelve hundred inhabitants, and is rapidly stow ins; into both political and commercial importance. The Capitol Buiidin Is now completed, and the ses sion of the Lefrisliaure Just, closed was held In it, The action of said Legislature so far as it related to future interests of this place was as favorable as the most ardent of its friends could ask, A general railroad law was passed under which some five or six railroad companies centering hers proposed to avail themselves of State aid and pusli their roads to completion at an early day, while at least three confidently expect to be here Within one year from this date. This would seem to Justify us in saving that Lin coln.at nodistaniday, will be the "Indianapolis" of Nebraska, and the greatest Kailroad center west of Chicago. This, taken in connection with the fact that alt the public buildtntrs are located here, and Uiat within one and a half miles from town there Is, perhaps, the richest saline springs in the world, nowln course of development, Kive assurance that it will be no ordi nary chance for investment. Those who invested at former State sales have been uble to realize from oneto fivehundred MrcpnL advance Witness our hands this 2-fd dy of February. ISO. Governor. THOS. P. KKSNAKD, - Secy, of State. JOHN HII.I.KSPTT5. Commissioners. 23-12 ' btate Auditor. DR. WHITTIEIl, A "REGULAR GRADUATE OF iX MEDICINE, as diploma at Office will show, has been longer engaged in the treatment of Visireal. Sexual and Private Diseas es than any other physician In St. Louis. Syphilis, Gonorrhai, Gleet, Stricture, Orchlttty. Hernia, and Kupture; all urinary Diseases and Svphllitic o Mercurial Atllictions of Throat, Skin er Bones, are treated with unparallelied success. Spermatorrhea, sexual Debblllty and Imp- lency, as ine renuu or sett AO use in youtn, sexu al excess In mat ure r years, or other caues, and which produce some of the following etl'ects, as Nocturnal Emissions, blotches, debility, dizzi ness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss of memory and sexual pewer, and rendering marriage improper, are permanently cured. The Doctor's opportunities in hospital and private practice are unsurpassed In St. Louis or any other city. Back tiles of St. Louis papers prove that he hns been located here longer than any other so advertising. The establishment, library, laboratory and appointments, are un rivalled In the west, unsurpassed anywhere. Age, with experience, can be relied upon, and the doctor can refer to many physicians th rough out the country. In pa.st success and present position be stands without a competitors Te YVri?in-s of a Pfay ! wk-ert iMion is i,niw-ii,tr nullum be worth read ins: Doctor Whitti-ek publishes a Medical Pamph let relating to venereal diseases and the disas trous and varied consequence of self-abuse that will be sent to any address in a sealed envelope for two stamps. Many physicians introduce pa tients to the doctor Oer reading his medical pamphlet. - Communications confidential. A friendly talk will cost you nothing, office cen tral, yet retired No. 617 St. Charles street, St. Louis, Mo. Hours 8a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays 12 to p.m. aj-jr Having Just opened, at No. 54 TVCaln street, Brown vllle, Nebraska, Stork of Millinery Jonds, we would call public at tention to the fact that every good KU3BAIID mav.at reasonable prlees, proenre.for his "brtter half." all she may WaJi in our liaeof which every article is- - gtjaMiteeb" to be No. t, and made np in the best of style, and that EvjirjY .rcinra xadit may'bcreflrtd J''st Vfial she wishes in the tray of Hais,Trimruiiigs, Faitcrns, etc Everyone , TTTIO . TH AD A TII, : hs may rest assured thatwewiir spare no nalnstcrl iae mufti iu u uui u w uirua scbIL - jihs. jr. ii. beau. COE'S cough uas.sa:2. coe's corcn n.ir.sAri. A SURE REMEDY FOR Colds Cou!i. Crocp, laCucn za, Tl'liooplng'.Congli, AND WILL RELIEVE COIISITIIPTIVi: COUGH. For years It baa been a hotwhold med!c!i! and mothers, anxious for the safety of tiieir children, and all who suffer from any disease of the throat, chest and lunps, cannot aflord to be without it. In addition to the ordinary four ounce so long In the market, we now furnish our mammoth family size bottles, which will, in common with the other size, be found at all Drug Stores. v: For'Croup, wm. The Balsam will be found invaluable, and may al ways be relied upon ha the most extreme cases. T7ii0opinsr Couch. " The testimony of all who have wed it for this ter rible disease during the last ten years, is, that it In variably relieves and cures it. "Sorb Throat. .... Keep your tbroat wet with the Balsam taking little aud often and you will very soou iimi relief. Hard Colds and Coughs Yield at ones to a steady use of this great remedy. It will succeed in giving relief where all other rem otes havs failed. .'.. Soreness of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Bo not delay procuring and Immediately" taking Coe's Cough lialxam, when troubled with any of the above named ditliculties. They are all premonitorv (yniptoms-of Consumption, and If not arrested, will sooner or later sweep you awav into the valley of shadows from which none can ever ret ore. , In Consumption, . . Many a care-worn sufferer has found relief and to day rejoices that her life has been made easy aud prolonged by the use of Coe's Cough Balsam. Among the Many Testimonials In ear Possession, we h st only room- -t for the following! '- New Haven, Conn, Oct 17, ISSo. Messrs. C O. CXaktc A Co.: Okstlme!,-I feel it a duty and pleasure to give you the benefit of my experience in the use of Coe's Cough Balsam. x From taking a heavy cold, I was taken down with the congestion of the lungit, and conUnued to fail, under the best carenutil'I was given up by the most competent medical authority, to die. There seemed nothing but strangulation ana death before me. I was told that further medical at tendance and medicine was useless, and I was re signed to death, when a friend, who had been greatly benefitted by using the Balsom, brought me a bottle. This was after I had done with the doctor and medi cine, and I continued to Improve, until my cough stopped, and my lungs healed, and got well. I used ten bottlea. I remain, gents, with great respect. . Your ob't serv't, .. JOuJS' WLLL3, - . . - , .-. 2UU Washington SU, New Haven, Ct, In Short, The people know the article; and it needs no com ment from us. It is for sale by every Lruggist and Dealers in Medicines in the United States. THE C G. CLAIlli. CO Sole Proprietors, New Haven, Ct. READ! READ!! READ!!! THE ATTENTION OF THE PURLIC IS CALLED TO THE , .WORLD'S GREAT REMEDY COE'S DYSPEPSIA CUaE. T,ti nrenarntlon la nronounced bv DvsDeptics as the onlv known remedy that will sureiy cure thai aggravating and fatal malady. For years It swept on its fearful tide, carrying before it to an untimely grave, its minions ot suuerers. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure ha come to the Rescue. . Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sourness or Acidity of Stomach, Jtising of Food, FitiUutertzff, Lassitude, Wea- fihess,finaUy terminal ting in Death. -1 Are as suWty itfured by this potent remedy, as the patient takes it. Although but five years before the people, what is the verdict of the masses T Hear what Lester Sexton, of Milwaukee, says : From Lester Sexton, of Milwaukee. . J- 2frLWAVKSc,Jan.S4,136S. Messrs. Ct O. Clark dt Co.: . Both myself and wife have used Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, and it has proved perfectly satisfactory as a remedy. I have no hesitation in saying that we have received great bene tit from its use. Very respectfully, (Signed) LESTER SEXTON. A Great Blessing. From Rev. L. F. Ward, Avon, Lorain Co., O. Messrs. Strong d Armstrong, Druggists, Cleveland: ; Gfxtzjcmiem It gives me great pleasure to state that my wife has derived great benefit from the use of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. She has been for a number of years greatly troubled with Dyspepsiu, accompa nied with violent paroxysms of constipation, which so prostrated ber that she was all the while, for months, unable to do anything. She took, at your instance, Coes Dvpepia Cure, and baa derived tiBMT BKNEFlT FKDM IT, and is now compar atively well. She regards this medicine as a great blessing. Truly yours, . Jaa.lb,lSG8. .laF.WABDi Clergymen The Itev. Isaac Aikk-t, of AKechany, tpstlfles that it has cured him, after ail other remedies had foiled. ' Druggists. Any druggist in the country Qt tell yon. If yon take the trouble to enquire, that every one that buys a bottle cf Cue's Dy-speiwiA Cure from them, soeks in the most unquaiiued pratae of its great medicinal virtues. .. .. J r Cae's DjKpcjsIa Cnrc . ' Will also be P-nnd InvaluaMe in aTl camw of Diarrhea Dyintery, Colic, SiimnnrCmn plaints, Cririni?,aud In fact every disordered condition of i'jestmoli.. sold by Druggiftt in citv or country every wiiure. at t1 per bouie, or by application to , . - : j. SHE C O. CLAIlli CO., 13-tl-od Bole rropriclora, New Haven, Ct, 1 i Till rr i a i I 111 lii-Kt St., OpoavivIIIo, IVcIiraHkn. mm -a. - O 8 ' !-.:..-.- t I. i- - ' A l'ERFECT SEEF-RAKER! r .?....,.-.-. V C A ? . v . 1 .H h3 1 o M i 1 1 H X1 I- -. AKD A PERFECT ' ; ALL COMBINED PRICE ri'"'."..., ' " J. I. CASE snnnnasst ri - m Greatly ImproYcd. WHITEWATER AND BAIN. WAGONS. r " j -ji r 't . fr ...- THE BEST 1TAGOAS MADE ! WE . SELL ALL THE MARSH HARVESTER, DODGE & STEPIIE.SO JOIIXSO, HIRRY, JOII. H. MASSY, SAMPLES 'ON HAND OP Come and see ns, and we guarantee to suit you in GOODS and PRICES ! We buy our ma chinery by the car load, thus saving freight. A full supply of all kiucU of Farm Machinery in their season. ' T. A. Tisdel; Jr., & Co., . FIRST &T. f BET. MAIX & A TLA X TIC, BUO Wy VILLI!. , . .. ' ST. JOSEPH, BIO. 1 IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Ira Steel ai w Mkm, Wagon, Carriage and Plow Woodworks. ' -AGR ICTJTTJIlVL I3I3?H.il3Xi:iVTS, Springs, Axes, Axels, Shovels, Spades, Files, Rasp, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts, Nutts and Washers, Nails, Horse Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Saws, etc. Castings and Hollow-Ayjire, Sugar Kettles And irons, Skillets and Lids, Stew pots, Bake ovens. Fruit kettle and Sad Irons. BLACKSMITH'S TOOES, Anvils, Hand Hammers, Vices, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyre Iron, c. OUTFITING GOODS. Ox Yokes Axle Grease, Ox chains. Watron Jacks. Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Picks, Gold stuff. 1,000 celebrated 3Xolino Plows. . " gle Mowers, Tinvented?y Kallers Horse Corn Planters, Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Shellers Hay Rakes, etc, etc. Falrbank'g Standard Scales. ' Buying my goods direet from Inducements to Wholesale Buyers at James A. Jackson & Co., W H O L E S A LE ' STAPLE AIIO FANCY GRQCEfES AND Commission 31ercliantH, No. lOT North 2nd St., ST. LOUIS, MO. : Consignments of Country Produce solitited. From our experience in this branch of busi4 ness, and by giving it our personal attentkn, we feel confident, we can make it .to the in terest of patties, to give us their . shipments. 4-wy Union Yvoji&ty sad IlacMne Shop. BtHiisideJ.Cro-tlier h Ecgers; ..PROPRIETORS. Cor. 8th and Messanle Sts., St, Joseph, Mo. Steam Engiriss MaieSfi Repaired ; IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, IliU 7orIi3 of aU Hinds. Iran Fronts made tr order on short no tlc and satisfactory to all parties. - ALso p.Erent for Gardiner & Rooertson's Im proved Patent Governor. 4 S-ly H f n 4 r t y . t y r y v i r a i fr i i -. 3 TO TnE WO RKIKG CLASS. J. I am now prepunl to furnish all elasses with eon-tMnt employment at their twmes, the wwiw oi mr i;me, or iiT ine Tpare moments. lio si news new, lisht and profitable. Fifty cents t . per eveninif. is- ea!y earned by penoni'bf either sex, and um bovs and'irls cam'm.i.rlv hh rrm-u ss mert. tireat ir snuceiTrei.ts are itVre-l t 'hose who wi I devote their whole timeto the hu;n-is: nrt it ut every person who sees this notice w a vwi 1 ntethetr aadrssand lest the h-ii-je forllx-iiwivuis. I niak'! Uie following anparnlle.iert o:r.'rt Tonil haret.t well satistie.1 wita tba hwunesa, I ill sen 1 l xr pay for the trottble of writu m. yxi vfiri rv.Un, r)i rections, &c, sent free, sac'r.ie writ rv mail for Id rts. - - . Addivti k. - A 1 i . K.V ' - - AnzMsJA. fe. TOB WORKreatlV and Plainly tl ; EiccutetLat ticAdyertiscr Job Rooms. T 1 J - 1 1 mn nmnnTa imuiumDiiioii a o H :i ... k ,4 . O P '2 d a 2 a ' '' : r., 2 & P. eh O - -3 O 3IOWE R. IN ONE. : , j & CO.'S r T1 Reduced Prices. FOLLOWING MACHINES : CIJUGA CHIEF, IILCIk LIE, ALL MACHINES WE SELL. Stocks and Dies, Bell ellows. Sledare and Pans, etc. Hubs, Spokes and Bent- J M'Cormick's manufacturers I offer great CoiUtallc's Iron and Steel Warehouse I St. Joseph, Mo. UNDERHILL & EATON, Commission Xlercliants, So. 2 City Buildings, ' St. Louis, 31 REFFERENCES: Second National Bank Jst. Louis, Mo. Allen, Copp & Nlstiet, St. LouU.Mo. Branch State Hr.nk of Iowa Debnque Johnston A Dacmi, bankers Ft. Madison, la. Isaa; Scarrit ('o., lton. III. P.lairA Atwood, Alton. III. W. II. DOCOLAS PINGER &, IDOXTGrlVfeJ, Wholesale Dealers In QUEEfiSVARE, GLASSWARE, dtc tc No. 7, Fourth street, ST. JOSEPH. MO. 4oly J. A, USER. T. R. KETjrrJLDS. SOUTILEITu HOTEL. PIXE R&. REYAO lA$yProprietors Eight street, two blocks from R. R; Depot, . ST. JOSEPH, MO. " 4olv W. M. WYETH & CO., Wholesale Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY Harness, Skirling and all kind, cf ' saddPAtheb&h-hdvare, SADDLES, lilt IDLES, de. 8AgenUMaT Circular Saws and Xo.-, oonth Third, bet. Felix A Edmond m ' ST. JOSEPH ,MQ. 4oly J. Pfeiffcps' 11 fi I M 1 If Ul 111 CORKER eihandST. CHARLES Sts. ST. JOSEPH, MO. . Also Dealer ia pLILIE, HAIRCELIEUT, PLASTER, WHITE SAND. FIRE BRICK, d.i, JtcM Ac. ll-tily i i v.. ' At the ?t of Hie. ri.fjr. L' Lz.ii I " U the ; ;.i e to buy - " , . ' rllBillTUBEJISID UFHOLSTEfiV Ke-p constantly on hnI a ctniiilc?- ayrt Uietlt i,l Softs, Bsadtlfads, Y'ardrof'i, ; EureausK Jfji in -r t'. "tri, it jj i st a nm, ... - . iUit Rat if, . Jitc4; - Pirlsr, , ; Tall- . M ' Center What Ao, - Kitthen and Parlor . . Chairs, ."Ifjrfts Lounge. -; . ' ;r ;t. Sen res, W ) 6 winy Hit then . . Lrl. Suits. oS-cs Plat , , . Chiirt. Stands. . ' Contfarttt Mattresses, Tcte-ttttt , Bed Springs, Chi'.drtr.'t Cai'ani Uijt, Oilt and Rjvood . Sheets.. VUlovt, PlUtva .. r . Si'-is, He., etc SHOTT" CASES & OFFICE tTOSS IIADS TO OIlDZrL! . And anything aiul everythlncr reinIreltose up plain or fancy houeHe t in? All of their war Is either manufactured ot pntupuuIer their special supertntenilenee which enables them to sell soutui articles ai smaller prices than E.vs'.ri nuvniil'actunxi gooes. - : Oiir Hearso Is at the i service cf the public at any time It may be needed, and is gotten up Inas ilaestyls as any farther east. Hetalic Burial Case . of all sizes constantly on hand, , V.t EnHterii Prieeflt . We ar'edoin? btnines on - STRICTLY CASH PIUNCrPLTj t AT A .. Small Profit; and by attention to business andthe wsinUs4 the community, expect tn the fut-uras in th lxt to receive the patronase of tiu pu"t.ia generally. ' IIcrALl. i CO. ' HALL'S : VEGETABLE SICILIAII J3A1R H 1 mm Is the only perfected nn4 scientificaliy prcpsroU preparation cf iu laal ever olTcTCtl to tfic public and has no competitor in merit. By it3 uso GILY nAIi: U e'ooa restored to its oriaal CM HAIR TO :. f ITS OBIGHAL youthfal color and. bril liancy, which ii so much admired by all. "Persoru whose hair is thin or faille z COLOR,- 'out will,'by the nse of our 'BOTES Renower,soon see it3 good TTri elK-'Cts, as, by its tonic ana n (:1LTT. stimulating properties tho GROW'lfl' hair elands will be incited and tLe'bair ctot taick land strong cain. Incases IS A Af 7? 7,7 rr11 wit trLLiliJilJ ja new growth unless tha DRES3Et(jJfollicIc3 ars destroyed. It TRY ONE BOTTLE AND is cooling, and a!3ay3 aJ itchicGc and irritation' of the scalp. It does not staia the skia as- do dyes, bat makes the scalp wliite and clean. As a DRESSING " it is the best and racst DP economical preparation ia THE THIN the world, as it3 efToci3 last so much longer. Send fnr Mir Trr-nttqA nn tha LOCKS l.hair, fi-es to all, by mail. Sold dj ill Drjjjisls and Eealarf in Uiilclna, cook. cobunn u co- , Geal Agents for Uorth'TTestera State?, 87 IZHLZCHS CZ1Z1Z 0, HL. Sold by' ' McCREERY & AICIiEEE, CITY DRUG STORR. - ll-JO-y-evh Brownvllle. ers For restoring Gray Hair lo its tialliral Vitality and Ccbr. 3 v EESTORES A dressing which 13 at once agrccalilc, . healtliy, and cfTccfjal for prepcrrirg tho 3 hair. Faded cr gray hair is soon restored to its original color ? trith the tfosi and frailness of. youth. Thin hair U thick ) ened," falling hair checked, ncd Lal3 neaa often, though not alway3, c"etl by it3 use. Nothing 'caaf'reste hair where the follicles are Ctroyed, 3 or the" gland3 atrophied vd decayed,, But such a3 remain ca"x be saved for U3efu!aes3 by tLi' apdicolioa Iaolcad of fouling the hair -wiila a pasty sedi ment, it wu fceejiit cliaa sad viroroas. 113 occasional uso wul prefect t!;& ca:r froaa turning, gray or filliag ciT,' and s ccn3equeUy prevor:t balJuesi, . Freo from, tLosd doleterioua substaaccs trhich nvike some pxeparatioa3 d.E?ercii3 and iajurioua to the hair, tho Vigor caa only benefit but not Lam it. If wasted j merely for a . HAIR DRESSING? nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither cil nor dye, it does not sod whits cambric, aad yet lals long oa the hair, giving it a rith tftbsy lustre and a grateful perfume. - ?repzred by Dr. J. C. Aycr L. Co., Fkactical and Analytical Cui:;:iT5, LOWKU, MASS,. - . rmcj-i $i.ca. sold by CITV DHUO STORK,