Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 20, 1869, Image 2

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    it C Oil U i.OlX, 2Lit(31
TnrrDAY 2-ror.Nixo. may 20. isgd.
' The f;rst through train from the Pa
cific crrived ia Omaha on last Satur
day. ,
The Railroad frcra Rock Island to
Council BIuHj ras completed last
vcek. . .
. Col. Illnman Rhodes is announced
as the editor of the literary depart
ment of the Tecumseh Gazelle. The
Colonel la a live, energetic man, and
will, no doubt, furnish spicy reading
ia his department of the paper.
-. At a meeting of the Directors of the
St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad
Company, held oa tbe 13th, the con
tract for grading:, track-laying and
cross- ties from the fifteen mile point,
two miles rest of Troy, to Hiawatha,
by the Xliland route, was awarded to
Jlcapp & Co.
"Watson, on the St. Joe & C, B. R.
Til, Is a mile or so east of Sonora. It
Is a new place, with new, fine, houses,
where but eight months ago was noth
ing "but a cornfield. It Is now a town
Fccond to none la Atchison county,
aside from Rockport and Phelps City.
Until last week we did not know that
each a town was even thought of,
much. less of the size we found It. It
is eurrounded by a very fertile coun
try, and must be a good point for a
lively railroad town.
,' Indiana has ratified the 15th amend
ment to the constitution of the United
States. The Democracy tried to pre
vent this by resigning, but failed to ac
complish their purpose. The vote In
cr.ate stood 27 yaes and 1 nay ; 11
Senators not voting. Ia the House
there was 51 yae3 and nays none;
Democrats refusing to vote. On the
day the vote was to be taken, the De
ocratlo members sent to the Govenor,
their resignations, and before these
were accepted, the doors were locked,
end the Seargant-at-Arms brought in
the . absent members, and kept them
Ihcra until the joint resolution, ratify
ing; the amendment, had passed both
X7. D. Scott, of Rulo, gave us a call
this week. He Is largely interested in
the alTairs of the Trunk Railroad Com
pany, ne is very sanguine as to the
tiltimate success of this enterprise,
meetings are being held, and work
being done in the several precincts of
Richardson county, to secure a favor
able result upon the proposition sub
mitted to the people for county aid.
-. llr. Scott thinks when the people of
Richardson county fully understand
that the aid asked for will be honestly
appropriated to the building of the
road, then the electors will vote for
the issuing of the bonds. Mr. Seott Is
an active and energetic man. We no
tice that he is fencing his lands near
Ixmg's Bridge, ia this county, consis
ting erf nearly two thousand acres, and
intends putting la about two hun
dred acres ia corn the present season.
ice rawnee inuune mrorms cs
that there is quite a demand ia that
county to know what laws were passed
last winter, and that to satisfy this de
sire, they have sent to the capital for
copies of certain acts, for which they
tendered the requisite $10 per copy
for each act. The editor intimates
rather strongly that these copies are
withheld by the State officers at Lin-
cola until a pledge is given not to pub
lish them, as publication would tend
to lessen the fees, which they hope to
obtain from individuals between this
End next fall, ; the time the laws are
expected to be officially published
The laws passed are oa file ia Sir.
Kennards oince. iur. ikeanara is a
corteous gentleman, and the demand
made upon him for copies of the laws
is great ; and we would not, for a mo
ment, doubt that any one can get a
certified copy cf any law by sending
him the amount be will have to pay
feme one for copying it The Secreta
Tj is net to blame that the laws are
Hot sooner published and distributed.
Jjct a large portion of the blame rest
upon the Legislature, where it belongs.
We wish officers generally were as
prompt to respond to the demands of
their constituents as we have good
reason to know is the custom of the
Honorable Secretary.
Geo. Francis Train delivered his
lecture la Omaha, oa last Thursday
evening, which he had delivered 107
times ia as many diTerent places since
Li3 liberation from the English Bas
il I c It was our good fortune to be
present. The hall wa3 filled with
those who were in Omaha attending
tba United SLales District Court, and
ethers. Ila -poke for nearly three
hours, . Eettirg forth his available
points as a candidate for the Presiden
cy in 1S72. He was a temperance man
and would get the temperance vote ;
he was for protection to home industry
as against free trade, and so would se
cure that Interest; being the Fenian's
candidate, there was one million votes;
he wa3 for the 15th constitution
amendment, and he could command
the ncrro and Chinccse vote : the wo
men would vote for him, because he
had long been the champion of wo
man's rights ; he had the U. P. R. R. to
hack him already, and was going to
c ecure the Southern vote. As no other
man could command so much strength
la a political contest, so no other man
stood any chance na rrralnst him. He
ave us a history of his finaucermg,
which sounded well, and in which
silver and gold figured sparingly. So
lo;;g as the publio could be deceived,
and made to believe a man had an
abundance cf the precious metals in
his psfe, any amount cf ban king could
be done upon their confidence. Train
U a good actor, and he has a sufficient
knowlcdga of the technical terms and
jharscs used"cn ch?,rso,MIa business
circles and political cer.tres, to Impress
aavcrr.3 vrlili the idea
II at ha is t.:.Icxtcd, l.tA well read up in
tliQ current topics cf the day; arid
from his point of view, tL!3 reputation
anfewcrg all the purposes of genuine
culture and ability.
Railroad Jlcellssr.
Hillsdale, Hay 16, 1SC3.
Pursuant to a brief notice, the citi
zens met to take lata -con: I deration'
the propriety of aiding the St. Louis
and Nebraska Trunk Railroad Com
pany, in the construction cf their
road through Nemah s county.
C. Slagle, Esq., wa3 called to the
Chair, and M. W. Cook appointed
The meeting wa3 addressed by Col.
Furnas and Dr. Holiday, of Brown
ville, and the history of the company,
with its prescntdoings and Intentions,
clearly stated, as well as the advanta
gers of the road. ' .
The following resolutions were then
unanimously adopted :
1st. That we consider the speedy
construction of the St. Louis and Ne
braska Trunk Railroad essential to
the future prosperity and progress of
this section of Nebraska, and especial
ly of Nemaha county. ;
d. That the County Commissioners
be instructed to call a special election
for the pnrpose of submitting to the
legal voters, a proposition to donate
the sum of $100,000 in County Bonds,
to said Railroad Company.
3d. That the said donation be made
in installments as the work on said
road progresses ia Nemaha county. .
A committee of three, Messrs. Grif
fin, Shook and Cock, were appointed
to confer with like committies in oth
er places, and with the County Com
missioners, in reference to the calling
of an election, etc, etc; and said
committee were instructed to act in
the matter as they thought m5st propt
er and efficient. . , ; . .
After a vote cf thanks to CcL Fur
nas and Dr. Holiday, for their instruc
tive remarks, the meeting adjourned.
C. SLAGLE, Ch'n.
M. W. Cook, Sec
On Last Saturday evening there
was a Railroad meeting held at Hills
dale, in the interests of the Trunk
Road. A good degree of interest was
manifested, and after some discussion
the meeting voted to favor a direct do
nation of $100,000, oa the part of the
county of Nemaha, to the company,
upon the completion of the road
through the county.
On last Monday evening a meeting
was held at Nemaha City, which was
well tended by the good citizens of Ne
maha precinct. All were anxious that
the road should be built, and all were
duly impressed with the importance
of such a road. At the conclusion a
resolution was unanimously adopted,
favoring the donation by Nemaha
county of $150,000, to the company on
the completion cf the road through
the county.
: Delegates were also chosen at these
meetings to meet in Brownville on
next Saturday, (this week) to take in
to consideratioa the subject of asking
the County Commissioners to submit
the question of a donation of a certain
amount to the Trunk Road, to a vote
at a special election, to be called for
this purpose. It is expected and de
sired, that all parts of the county may
be represented. If the question i3 to
be submitted, it is proper that it should
be done ia a manner as unobjectionable
as possible. That this may be accom
plished, let there be a full repressnta-
tion from the county at large. . The
time is short, but if the proper effort
is made, the notice of the meeting
can be circulated so that all may hear
of the meeting. 1 -
JXallLlnetoBrorrnTille. '
Under the above heading, the Paw
nee Tribune shows the necessity of a
mail route and tri-weekly service be
tween Pawnee City and Brownville
Many travelers after, reaching this
point, with intention to go to
Pawnee county, finding that there is
no public conveyance, turn their
course in another direction. In this
way that county looses much more
than her citizens imagine. Population
and capital are turned in another di
rection. Important mail matter is
often weeks in going to and returning,
when but a day or so should be suf
ficient. Such a State of facts are
barely sufierable, and demand the at
tention of such of our public men who,
by their position and influence, have
the power to furnish the relief deman
demanded by the interests of this
portion ofthe State. We suggest that
the route commence at Brownville;
thence through by Geo. Crow's, Hen
ry S tin email's and Moses Milks, in
Nemaha county, at each of which
points Post Offices should be establish
ed; then by way of Table Rock, Paw
nee City, to some point oa the
Atchisoa and Denver Railroad. '
TVe find in the Nemaha Valley 7bur-
naJaa'abstract of assessment ia Rich
ardson County for the year 1&G0 :
A rra of Land listed.
Town ljt !. ...
24,71 $
Property lnvwu-d la Merchandise.
fToperty invested In Manufactures
Iroperty Invested ia blocks, fcc .
Moneys and iTiHiits.
Taxabie Household furniture.
I 1 nra
o.i! ie..
Mult- and , , ,
All other property not enumerated
ToUt valuation..
The next annual sessioa of the
Grand Lodge, I. O. G. T., of Nebras
ka, will be held in Plattsmouth, com
mencing on Wednesday, the 17th day
of June, 1SC0. Officers and Represen
tatives, on their arrival at Platts
mouth, will report immediately to the
committee at the Lodzo Ilonm, in the
Court House, who will provide them
with homes during their stay.
Lodges are earnestly requested to
forward immediately the names of
their Representatives elect to the com
mittee of arrangements.
By order of committee.
Committee, T. W. Shryoek. Chair
man, "V. D. Ferree, J. W. Barnes,
Mrs. M. J. Humphrey, Miss Laura
Davis. Plaitmioulh Herald.
W. J. AblK)tt, late Post Master at
Lincoln, Nebraska, was convicted in
the U. SJ Circuit Court for Nebraska,
of abstracting money from letters,
mailed and addressed to ether parties,
nis attorney filed a motion for a new
New Youk, May 16, The Bueno3
Ayres of March Ftandrred cf March
S0;h, that U, S. MinL'terMcMa
hon had arrived at AcencJaa, but is
very reticent in regard to hii trip into
the interior.
Tlic nctfcodlst Cliirrcli EorlXi
St. Louis, May 17.
.The communication?" which wero
exchanged bctwe?n Xl.a colle.79 cf
Bishops of the Methodist Uiiurcn
South, which met in thi3 city some
days since, fnd liisnops Janes anq
Simpsoi. a deputation representing
the Bocri of Bishops ofthe Methodist
Church lately in session at Meaiville,
Penn., are published. Ihe communi
cations relate to a general and full re
union cf the church, separated by the
final act ia lS4h
The reply of the Southern Bishops
does not entertain the question of the
reunion of the two bodies under one
jurisdiction as previous to the separa
tion in lbii. it asserts that the frater
nal relations must first be restored be
fore, if at all, such a proposition can
be entertained These fraternal rela
tions cannot be restored except upon
an overture made'by the Northern
General Conference upon the basis of
the plan of separation of 1844, imply
ing an abandonment by the General
Conference North, ofthe wholeground
assumed in their Geaeral Conference
at Pittsburg, in 184S, which assumed
that the separation was a schism and
secession upon the part ofthe South
era Church, and implying also that
the aggressions, a3 charged by the
Southern Churches should cease.
The Southern Bishops - deny the
statement that slavery was the cause,
and assert that it was only the occa
sion of the separation in 1844; that it
simply was the subject which occa
sioned the assertion by the Northern
members of the general Conference of
1844, cr authority to legislate upon sec
ular questions, and concerning the
civil institutions of the eountry. .
. Oalajia, April 24th, 1SC9.
George 1L Jlllis and J. S. McOormlck : -'
Gei.tljemen Yours of yesterday's
date 13 received. La it you ask my
opinion in answer to the following
quesUon: "If two oarties own and oc
cupy premises which adjoins, on the
side of a hill, and filth accumulated on
the upper lot is carried upon the lower
one by rains or other means, has the
owner of the lower lot any remedy
against the other ?
Blackstonesays (book 3, page 218 and
217) "If any man builds a house so
close that bis roof overhangs my roof
and throws the water offhis roof upon
mine, this is a nuisance for which an
action will lie ; also, if a person keeps
his hogs and other noisome animal3
so near the house of another that the
stench of them incommode him and
makes the air unwholesome, this is an
injurious nuisance, as it tends to de-
Erive him of the use and benefit of his
Lord Mansfield. said (Bun-ell 373)
"that it i3 notnecessary that the smell
should be unwholesome : it is enough
if it renders the enjoyment of life and
uncomfortable," Chas. I. Parker, of
Massachusetts, says (bhaw & Cum
misky 7, Pick 77)"Conducting water
from the eaves of a house to another
man's ground i3 a nuisance, (private,
for which the owner of the land has
an action.") Itate vs Purse (vol. 4 Mc
Cord) it was held that a house may be
a nuisance from being kept in a filthy
condition. In AVhalen vs Keith (35
No 87) it was held that a defendent
who put up a smoke-pipe on his owa
premises ia such a manner that the
smoke escaped therefrom to the an
noyance of his neighbor, wa3 liable to
an action for damages. In the Colum
bus Gas Co. vs Freeland (12 Ohio St.
392) it wa3 held that anv annoyance
or inconvenience which interfered
with such comfort as persons occupy
ing premises not subjected thereto en
joyed, would be abated as a nuisance.
A great many, cases might be cited
to the same etfect. ' Kent (Vol 2, page
40-5) sums the matter in these words:
'Unwholesome trade, slaughter hous
es, operation offensive to the senses, &c
may be interdicted by law, in the
midst of dense masses of population,
on the general and rational principle
that every person ought to use his
property as not to injure his neigh-
' I answer your inquiry in the affirm
ative. 1 '
Yours truly,
J. M, Woolworth.
. Fruit liaising.
ColR. W. Furnas, of Brownville
who spent a portion ofthe past winter
in Washington looking after the Nor
thern Superintendency, but finally
surrendered to the Quakers, writes to
a friend at Nebraska City as follows :
"XotwithRtandinR the Quaker conflict I
have planted this spring 2.500 peach trees, 1.
(W dwarf apples, pear, plum, cherries apprl
coU and nectarines; 5,000 gropes, 0,000 black
berries and raspberries. 3.000 eooseberies and
currants, 2(500 strawberries, b,0W apple crafts
in varlet v, l,wo larcn, ixw noi eiaer, ana now
erlng shrubs 'till you canTrest.' "
If all the applicants for Indian ap
pointments who were "endorsed" by
the Quakers have done as well, there
will be an Immense addition to the
crop of this country. Omaha liepub
lican.. . .
.The Western World is a new month
ly, published under the auspicies of
the Y. M. C. Association, at Omaha,
with the Rev, James Morris for editor.
We are well pleased w&h the selection
of reading matter In the first two
numbers. It contains nothing secta
rian and nothing political, in a parti-,
saa sense. It should have an exten
sive circulation ia the State. The
Presbyterian, United Presbyterian,
Congregational, M. E. Church, Bap
tist, Lutheran aad Christiaa Churches
have each two'di rectors ia the Associ
ation. Single copy, one year, 50cts.,
100 copies, one year, 30 cts. each.
Maj. Loree, of Falls City, was in
town thi3 week. The Major is the
right-hand man in engineering the
Nemaha Valley Railroad enterprise.
He speaks as one having authority,
and is confident that the road will be
speedily constructed. The people of
Richardson county are anxious that
the road should be built, and ad mit its
great importance ; and he thinks a
Urge majority are willing to aid its
construction, while a few will wait
rather than incur any liability.
No. 2 of the Beatrice Clarion is on our
table. " It has a bright clear face, and
contains choice reading matter.' . We
congratulate the people of Gage coun
ty, that they have so good a newspa
per ia which to advertise their resour
ces and improvements. -1 ' . .' J '
While in Omaha last week we had
the pleasure of meeting the Hon.
John Tafie. He has ; Just returned
from Washington, and looks hail and
hearty,' and bids fair to spend some
time yet in his country's service.
The President has decided to appoint
Hon. Ben. Wade one of the Govern
ment Directors of the Union Pacific
Railroad, vice Gen. J. D. Webster, of
Chicago resigned. : '
The Hon. E. H. Barnard declines
the office of Receiver of the U. S.Land
effice at West Point. . .... , .
; Col. J. E. Philpott,of Lincoln, has
been appointed Deputy U. S: District
Hie Frc23enti Jlorcnieiits.
Yasitixgton, Mav 17. The Presi
dent's movements this summer have
not been settled except that he will be
a: -nt from the Capital for nearly
two months. In June he will attend
examination of the cadets at West
Point, and from there he will proba
bly go to Boston to remain . two or
three days, to witness the peace jubi
lee. He has determined to spend
some time ia the West, after his re
turn, but where he does not exactly
xnow although he says if time will
permit he may go to the Pacific coast.
- New Yoek, May 12. The TibnnrJs
London special says: Initial steps
have been taken for an alliance, offen
sive and defensive, between England,
and France and Spain, against the
United States. The rejection of the Al
abama treaty ; the alleged filibuster
ing -tendencies of Genaral Grant's
administration and the reported con
nivance at expeditions from the
United States against Cuba being made
the pretext, for a necessity for such al
liance. The Tribune's Atlanta Ga. dispatch
says : Hon. Jas. Atkins, Republican
Senator from the 19th district, was as
sassin ated in Warren county jesterday,
He was repeatedly warned lot to en
ter the county though it was Jus birth
place and home, but paying no atten
tion to them, he started forhirnea few
days ago. On arriving at During sta
tion, a few miles from his reddence,
his carriage met him, and in It he pro
ceeded homewards. Wheij within
two miles of hi3 house a msa issued
from the woods close by andaccosted
Mr. Atkins, who recognhid him.
The salutation wa3 instantly returned
and accompanied by the drawing and
presenting of the assassin's pistol,
the fellow took aim and pierced the
Senator's heart with the ball, killing
him instantly. Mr. Atkins was. a
staunch Republican had many
years been a Baptist minister, and
borne an irreproachable private char
acter. Political animosity alone could
have prompted his assassination. He
was one of the delegates from Georgia
who visited President Grant some
weeks ago to urge a fully reconstruc
tion for his State. He is the second
Republican member of the Legislature
and the second of that body who was
murdered since the adjournment of
Congress. He, like Dr. Ayer, has
perished by the way side, as was re
commended by a so-called Republican
paper of this city.
New York, May 17. White Mon
day was celebrated by the German
citizens enthusiastically, the feature
of the day being the grand concert of
the North Eastern Sangerpund.
Union Park, in which $00 voices and
over thirty societies participated, and
which was attended by nearly 20,000
people, and also gymnastic sporta at
Jones' Wood3
Mr. Annabelle, one of the fersons
taken off the schooner Lizzie Majors
by a Spanish vessel of war and im
prisoned at Havan and subsequently
released at the intercession ofthe Brit
ish Consul, has made a sworn state
ment before U. S. Commissioner
Shields, in which he claims damages
for imprisonment and that our govern
ment should take action in the matter
Several Deputy U. S. Marshals, who
attempted to take possession of an illic
it still in Little street Brooklyn, to-day
were assaulted and two severely beat
en by a crowd of sevea hundred resi
dents of the vicinity.
Coai. Mr. Tyson of Cass county re
ports the discovery of a four, foot or
over vein of . coal. The discovery is
made 10 miles above the WeepingWa
ter Falls, and 31 miles from Nebraska
City. The quality is excellent and an
endless supply. A Mr. Mansfield Oa
born is the owner and Mr. Walker
is the discoverer. The mine was dis
covered at a depth of seventy feet.
Mr. Walker is making arrangments
to claim the premium offered by the
State, which will amount to about
three thousand dollars. This is good
news for South Nebraska, and can be
relied upon as exactly correct. Morn
ing Chronicle.
Thie Mail says we are informed that
the stock-holders ofthe Tribune deter
mined at their meeting last evening
to abolish the office of managing edit
or, and that Mr. Hazzard will be in
charge of the office during the day,
and Mr. Whitlaw Reed, at night.
Mr. Young thus loses his position, but
is not removed from it. Letters which
left San Francisco on the evening of
6th. were distributed at the Post office
before 9 o'clock this A. M.
Chicago, May 17 Reports from
Iowa say that the wheat crop never
looked so well as now. The extent of
the growing crop is very large, vary
ing from 25 to 100 per cent broader
than last season, and many farmers
will even harvest ten acres where
they did one last year. Corn plant
ing has also been very general.
Washington, May 15. .
The Commission of Daniel E. Sic
kles,.as Minister to Spain, which was
prepared at the State Department on
Saturday, was signed by President
Grant to-day.
sew adveutisejie:
4.33 27rrfrjrvJVVi0 -rh,
- Points of Excellence.
Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch.
' Perfection and Simplicity of Ma
chinery. Using both threads directly from
the spools. ; -
No fastening of seams by hand aad
ao waste of thread. . .
Wide range of application without
change of adjustment.
The seam retains its beauty and firm
ness after washing and ironing.
Besides doing all kinds of work done
by other Sewing Machines, these Ma
chines execute the most beautiful and
permanent Embroidery and ornamen
tal work.
ar The Highest Premiums at all the fairs
and exhibitions of the United States and
Earopd, have been awarded the G rover & Ba
ker Sewing Machines, and the work done by
them, wherever exhibited, in competition.
The very highest prize, Th CVm mf
th Zrion T Uonr f -was conferred on the
representative of the Grover & Eaker Sewing
Machines, at the Exposition Universe lie,
Paris, 1S37, thca attesting their great superi
ority over all other Sewing Uachines.
T7. A, POLOCK, AscnV
April 23th. at the residence of J. n. ?r7m,
Nemaha City, Herbert T. Minlrk to ilisa
Sarah E. H. ilattor, by Rev.It.Uur,
At the resident " f L.IT. Ees, Richard
son county, :a, i.ay i,;h, ty L. K.
Barnes, Esq.,; . li. Lftrki.i, of A?;lnwall,
to Mlsa Sadie E. I uute, of llicLardsca county.
Nebraska. . -
So Miss Sadie I ; the Lark who wl'd xn-'ce
Willie Foote the t ills ! r ?af r. Tr:e!r pros
perity Is Just coirjiier : " cr I we congratu
late the happy couple upon the sensible view
they have taken of the object and aims of life.
mmmmmmmmmmmrvi uim-n "nt hii mmii 1 1
t . ; f CHICAGO jtaukiJts; y " 'i
The money market Is easy. Tankers are
supplying customers freely at 10 per cent, per
aannmj on calL ' ";. f'? r '
' Qoiz. Fluctuates bet ween 1 3G133.' ' ! x
Wheat. -Quoted at 1 111 13. Operator
have no-con fl deuce pat the prices will con
tinue, and are dealing cautiously.' .
" Ook5. Market quiet. No. 1, In store, sales
cash at 63. New, firm at
Butter. Weak at 155 25, . ' , ' .
Eggs. Quoted at ISSlt' . "
LCXBEB. Market active and prices advan
cing - ' " .
TJbt Goods. Market active at unchanged
prices. The raw material Ls firm at 2S for
Mldllng Uplands.
GKOCxaixs-Sogars and Coffees ere firm.
Should gold' rule high long, prices will ad
vance. Other goods without quotable change.
Baowirvn.ti! GitocEnr asd rao
FLOUR Winter sack.,
" Sprins ..
57 50
4 00
16. 18
CORN f bushel, .
MEAL- bushel ..
Shoulders lb-
LARD Canned V lb...
SYRUP Golden "9 eal
1 50
1 20
" Suar Uouse gaL...
COFFEE Java s a...
" Kio S -
CHEESE New York Factory lb..
" Country id..
TEA Imperial V-
" Black l?.n
" Yonng Hyson W fi.
... 20
2 '
. 25
" Tallow n.
APPLES Dried f lb
VE ACHES Dried f B
POTATOES? bushel
1 00
COAL OIL gallon
EGS "ft aox.
ONION H bushel..
1 25
SALT per barrel.
4 00
LUMBER Cottonwood per 100
. 2 00
2 25
5 00
" ValnuL.
" Pine 3 50
5 00
7 00
SHINGLES Cottonwood per 1000 2 50a3 00
1'lne o oo
LATH Cottonwood per 1000
7 00
WOOD Dry Hard per cord
HLDE&'-Dry per &...-... ;
" Green
WHEAT Fall per bushel...
7 50
6 DO
xoai oo
" spring :
WOOL per lb
Corrected weekly for tbe Advertiser by - -
Business Coats from ftli
Business Suiw, fs. -
Overcoats, ti g,20i
Camtmere Pants, f? 55 o.
Cassinet Pants, ?j.J Jt
Vests from cts. to 23.
Overshirw, bet.i. - .
Overshirts, second best. (2.
Overshirts, from 75 eta. ioilZX
Undershirts, from Vt cts. to fL
Drawers, fnim & cts. to $i
' Buckskia Gioves, best, $1 2S.
Bbeepnicia Gloves. 50 cU.
Sheepskin Mitts, 50 cU.
Corrected weekly for tbe Advertiser by l
Hewvy Yard wido MusUns, 13c
Musliu, econd, I2ci;iti,
Bleached Muslins, yard wide, 10c30.
t'-ntton lH?Iaine, 2c.
AU Wool Delaine, 40c
Hhawis, 6T-i;w, f.
Plaid Flannels, rc. . . 1 T.
Plaid Flannels, toT5flC - - - - '
Balmoral bkiru, $1 50.
PARILLA eradicates Eruptive and Ulcerative Dis
eat9 of the Thront Nose, Eut, EyeiUU, ficn'p and
Stein, which w dinnjTuree the appearance, PUBO
lSli the evil trtTecw of merrnrv and- remoTirw all
tainU, the -vtanants of DISEASE, hereditary or
otherwise, and is taken by A-ULJLTS ana tuur
PKO wuii piTfect safety.
Two table-spoonfuls of the extract of Sarsaparil
Ia. added to a iint of water, la eoual to th ELsbon
Diet Drink, and one bottle is equal to a gallon of
the Hy nip of bamapariiia, or the uecocuon a3 usual
ly made.
An interesting letter is published is the Medico-
Chirurwcftl Review, on the sutectof tbe Extract of
barsapunlla in certain enactions, by lienjaniin ira-
and diseases arisinjr from the excess of niTcurv. be
states "that no remedy is erual to the Extract of
barKapvrilia; its power is extraordinary, more so
than any other arucr x am acquainted wun. ii is,
in the strictest senne a tonic with this invaluable
attribute, that it is applicable to a state of the sys
tem so sunken, and yet so irritable as renders other
surntance or the tonicciass unavwiaoie or injurious.
SARSA PAR ILLA. Established upwards of li
years, ireparea oy,
mayjne 5SH Brcadway, Y,
Maabood iHow Lostf How Restored.
-. MWTr Just publlstied, a new edition of Dr.
Ai' it'll Iverwell's Celebrated Essay on the
J radical cure (without medicine) of
w . j SSpermatorrhaa, or Seminal Veak-
ness. Invo-untary tiemlnal Dosses,
ImuotencT. Mental and Physical Incapacity. Im
pediments to Marriage, etc ; also, CnsumpUon, t p-
tiepey, ana its, mauoea oy seu maiiieiice or sexu
al extravacance. . -
t if Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. '
Ihe celebrated author, in this admirable essay.
cieariy aemonstrates from a thirty years' successful
practice, that the alarminir consequences of self-
AhllA mav h nulCAiI V ftlrtH u-it hunt -f Vi a daniror.
ous use of internal medicin or toe application of
me Knner poinuns out a modeot cureat once sim
ple, certain and eil'ectual. by means of which every
sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be, may
cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.
tf This lecture should be in the hands of every
youth and every man in the land.
Sent under seal, to any address. In rlain envelope
postpaid, on the receipt of six cents, or two poetage
stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "-Marriage Guide,"
price 25 cents. Address the publbhers,
, .' ' C'HAS.J.CiKlJNftCO.,
13-40-y 127 Bowery, New Yorlc, P. 0. 4580.
A Clear, Smooth Skin and Beautiful Complexion
follows the use of llelmbold's Concentrated tj tract
SarsaparUIa. It removes black spots, pimples, and
u eiujjiiuuj oi me sjun. v ,
m m '
In the 8prlna- Montn. the system naturally
undergoes achance, and Helmbold shiKhlv concen
trated Extract of barsap&rUla is an as&islant of the
greatest value.
Teanc Ladles Beware ! Of the Injurious ef
fects of Face I'owders and Washes. , AH such reni
dies close up the pores of the skin, and In a short
time destroy the complexion. If vou would have a
fresh, healthy and youthful appearance, use llelm
boid a Ex y act SarsaparUIa.
Not a few of the worst db-erders that afflict man
kind arise from corruption ofthe blood. Heimbold's
Extract Sarsaparilla is a ' remedy of izv ntiaost
IlelmboliVn rrxtmct Pnrtipari11a cleanses
and renovates the blood, lntiUs tiie vigor of health
Into the sytoem, and purges out the aomors that
make disease.
QannUtyw- Qwi'lry. Hrm hold's Extract Sap
aapanlia. The c je is sn-.KiL Tfcfjse bo desire a
large qnantity and large doues of medicine err.
Those who desire hrniianey of Complexion must
puruy and enrich the biood, which Hclni hold's Con
centrated Extract of Karsaparilla invariably does.
Ask for JIUmdoUfM. Take no no other.
nelmboU's Concentrated Extract Sarsaparilla,
IS the great Mood iirifier.
Agents Wanted $10 a Day.
Two Continent. America and Europe, and
America wit h the United 8tatea yor
tion n an immense scale.
Colored ia 4000 Counties.
THESE great Msps,' hovr jest- eors
pletccl, bi x 62 Inches lan;e, ebow every
place of importance, all Railroads to date, and the
latest aliertoious in. the various European States.
These Maw are needed in every School and family
In the land they occupy the space of one Map, and
by means of the Reverter, either side can be thrown
front, and anv part trousfct level to the eye. Coun
ty R.ehLs ami Wts discount given to eood Airents.
Apply jor Circulars, Term!, and send money for
and see Sample Maps first, if not sold talten back
on demand. J. T. LIX1YD,
3u-t - i ' V . , 3 Cortiandt btreet, 5T. Y.
Livery, Feed and Sals Stable !
Ben. Ho Guns, PnopmzroR.
No. 82 and 84 Main Street
Dealer in all kinds of stock. Horses bought,
eol inndexcaangod. Btock boarded by the
da y or week.
Tbe rropritor has recently erected an entire
new, large and eommodeous Stable, near the
old Brownville Honse. His stock is all fresh
and vehicles new. The public can be accom
modated at all hours,
A stock corrall, with an abundant eapply
of pare water, attached to the stable. 4-ly
niitisra ke;;6!
Halncj liCiTls Stcre Icora.
X House on Main Etreet, 2 lots.
2Honse8 on lUchards streets; two lots each.
1 House on Nebraska st 3 or 5 lota.
- House and lot oa corner of Sixth and Slain
street; $300. . : , ;
House and 5 lost near Depot Grounds of
Nebraska irunK i.nroan. ro. i si-au.e:
good cellar; tine garden; $J:t) worth of freit
trees and slimbs on the place for 1,000. Will
take a upan of .No. 1 horses or mules in the
trade, at market price.
A Ka i Brick Hoase, 7 Rooms, 2. lots, near part or tne uity, on ater &treet
' Price $2,0ul. Terms easy.
House and two lots on Main street, five rooms
- plastered, pood well and stable. "Will be
- oxtefea lor me im&u sura oi i,-ju casa.
House and one lot for sale. House is well
plastered and near business part of town.
Price!,!. , . -
House and four lots Frl end M situation ar-
- den fenced fine view of Elver and Town.
, Price SOO. . .
House and two lots on Water street, one
Block from Main street, iorUfi. A Dar
iran aha couimr.
TM of Sec. 32. T. . R. 14. S20 acres. S2.400.
$l,txw down, balance in L, 2 and 3 years atd per
cent, ISO. I prairie; good water and some
318 Acres No. 1 Oak Timber Land within
VA miles of Aspinwall, at JvJO per acre.
130 Acres of Bottom Land within lmlleof
Peru, on the line of the Trunk R. R. Hih
and dry, 2I bottom. S120 per acre. .
80 Acres 6pen prairie near London, $12,50
per acre.
..80 Acres neat St. FrederlcS at S per acre.
Nw Sec. 1, T.6, H H, 10 acres. Good
water, splendid lana. n-icesi.uw
f.Nw4Secl2. T. &. R. 11 160 Acres. Best
stream of water In the county. 6 miles of
town. i,w. -
600 Acres of No. 1 Land. Good stock farm.
Running Water and some Timber on the
place. On tbe direct ropd to Tecumseh, Ke-
atrice, ana tne nine Kivers, ana uirecxiy
west of Brownville 12 miles. All in one
body. Town 5, Range 13. At ?7,-j per acre
600 Acres adjoining theabove. Choice Land:
Water and Timber ; 11 coilea of Brownville
west, at $10 per acre.
160 Acres splendid second bottom land:
nine miles of the city, and Vt of the Nema
ha river, ror f i,iuu.
175 Acres near Long's Eridge, nine miles
from town, for $L5u.
160 Acres, eight and a' half miles of the city,
for 900.
388 Acres, qf Land
. 200 acres fenced and under crltivation ; 90
acres Timber; two Houses on the Farm; a
splendid Stock Farm ; at J 15 per acre. Terms
North East quarter of South East quarter of
South East quarter of South East quarter of
toecuon i, Mown 4, liange ii.
North West quarter of S."" East quarter of
120 Acres, nine miles fron. rownville, and
west of Nerrmh City, on the line of the
Brownville and Ft. Kearney Railroad, at a
barcain. SaOO down, the rest on one, two
anu tnree years u me.
120 Acres No. 1 Prairie Land, good water, at
io per acre.
40 Acres in Section 9, Township I, Range ML
40 Acres In Section 27, Township 4, Range 14.
North-East quarter Section 5, Township 6,
Range 14. 1-j0 acres; So acres broke, good one
and a half 6tory house llxi', kitchen 12x14,
good well at the door, stock water on the
place, acres of Timber, for $4,000.
252 Acres South West Quarter Section 12,
Town 3, Range io, and Lots 5 and 0 in Sec-
nou i.. lowji a, tianno ia, 4; miles west or
AsplnwalL Splendid prairies, per
1 acre. -
160 Acres In Town 8, Range llT"-
W0 Acres near Salem, at a bargain. -160
Acres In Section 11, Town 8, Range 14.
100 Acres In Section 55, Town 3, Range 13.
40 Acres In Section 23, Town 3, Range 13.
South half Section 25. Town L Range 10, east;
320 acres, 80 acres of timber, ut itock farm
In Pawnee county, splendid stream of wa
ter running through the place, farms all
around, per acre, 8 miles of Pawnee City.
East half of South West quarter of Section
20. Town 2, Ranee 11.
soutn i ast quart of Honth w est quarter of
Section 17, Town 1, Range 11.
North West quarter Section 8, Town 2, Range
North West K of North West quarter Section
28, Town 2, Range 1L
160 Acres with some Timber and a Coal Mine
opened on the place, splendid Prairie, No. 1
1,600 Acres of No. 1 choice Prairie Land,
with Hedjre Row broken around each sec
tion; within one mile of the surveyed route
. of the Nemaha Valley R.R.; eHrhteen miles
south of Lincoln, within one mile of a good
mill and the town of Latrobe, and twelve
miles N. W. of Tecumseh, at &,50 per acre
320 Acres. -A piece of land what is land. In
ns5 Humus Kuiemeni eigtnt miles es.t of
Tecumseh, 20 miles of BrownvLle. at So per
acre. To be oC'ered only for 30 davs. aner
that will want more. In one e-f ihe beet
neighborhoods in the County. Land cheap
tw Urt. "Spiendo J. water" oa Spring
Creek. r
610 Acres in Town 6, Range 10; spIeTidid No.
1 Iiml runnina; watter on th place; four
.miles north west. of Tecumfeh; splendid
f irms around the place ; at the low eum of
. $3,G0 per acre.
400 Acres out of Section 33, Town 5, Range 10 ;
at in per acre.
80 Acres No. 1 Prairie. .
SCO Acres in Town 6, Range 12.
160 Acres with splendid Spring of water run-
n:ti!r waier inrouen tneplace: 2o. 1 House.
lUiO; 30 acres broke lat spring, lor Sl.tsoo,
cou:mr ironczs.
N0TIC7: U hereby piven that by vir
tue cf r ri ord : r jn-i.lo by the Board of
Co":"T Com r
,i, ar cf 7-. "ha County, Jeras-
ia. i-.n-a in j
e-.: .ti "A -!--
iirvoi .-
nuiii'i.' ( i V; tai of'1 State.
:t to i i ''' t- prrrvide for tbe
"yi I ;. 1t i2;e C'i'iimjl and d sp-
r d I r t.. ie ket-':ng of the runUS
dv- vtii.- i sr. - K-.t ie.tcf fcnl lana. Ap
pr.'ve.i 1 1 - "' !-': i,!-M. 11 ACSEii,
Co-:.:y t U-r L a.i.:y of .ernaha, wia
Oh the T r!'J-JO?ht e f J km rf ,
atlOo'cLxk-ia iv"i fir a. -.! c-ntlme unl n
o'clock. aon.ot" liiatci.iy.oii-r i .r Si:e at my oiiice.
In tne t' urt Kr"i in liruwnviile, in said county, in
the order advt-ri's, at pti.'ii iif:l;..n. rni tJ to
the honest bidder, but at not Itnn than the
prnUed value. nr. in a.r- fa for ;es ti;an Uie
mi'TidTi cf vtm I)l!r pr' .rrr, tn
additson to tiie t i rs-Wvalueon.i iinj.roveinenta
oa Uieiand, the i.uiowln an'.-fl p or par
cels of land. situated Li tne County ot .emaiia, nd
Btiue of Nrtiwts, known a "t:or"T'n .- hMl
laTHi," N'ioric to t--e w.'-J state cf X'-mpti, in
i.tnxf is of i!t'nti'n? torry Acres of 1'raine or
Terr Acres of Tin.ner for the use and benefit
of tli" "xii'Xl i c.'Kia" of wild bf ol'.NfSnk;
and t.fat su ii sa. i e will be continued from d;iy to
dar frin tiie li.urs of ton o'ciocfe in tbe forenoon
to "twelve o'clclt noon (Sundays excepted), until ail
such lands shall be crlVred, lo-Wit :
ii -
-,' ?!
. DjESCfiimO.
North east quarter of north ea.t or
isoutli ea.-,t :(iartT of north tjr.
North west quarter of north eiwt qr
Houth wet quarter tf north en.t tjr .
North eunt tjMiirter of south east qr
Nortn rust qr south east qr south
South ent ir eon'.h ea;t qr soutn east.
N half .N" W cr SKqrS K qr
South vrest qr south east qr south eat
xiutii east qr north wet qr south
South wet qr n.rth west qr south east
South wese qr 5jiith eust qr...
lt 1 in sou: h e:M qr nor'h west qr.
Lot 4 In south east qr north west qr
South Ixiif n w qr n w Ctr n w qr
North half nwqrnwornw qr, ., . ,
South luif w qr n w qr n w qr
Lot In swqrnw qr
North iiiiifn w qrswqrn w qr
Siuth half n w qr w qr n w qr
Koutii west qum-ter
12! ft.tW
12: m.Kt
12; liUW
12 Hi.'
4 12
4 12
4 12
4 1'2'mtO
5 12
Nortu east quurter
Kant half ea.-t tlf s eqr se qr
ent l.oif aa-st half g e qr s e qr.
5 12
S 12
tJi&t hilt n w qr a e qr s e qr
5 12
5 12
5 12!
5 12
5 12
5 12
5.1 w
5-1 W
est Lair s w qr se qr e qr..
North west q-iarter south qr
-a;t n air s eur 9 w qr S e qr..
West lialf s (qrwri r
Fjist half awqrswqrse qr
North west qr north west qr
North easi qr s w qr
Iri llaieirtw qr.
1-1." t
Loi.2 litawqri wqr
Lot In s w qr I w qr..
Lot 4 in s w qr w qr
Lots iaawqrs wqr
Lot61nswqrswqr 5 12i
S 12;
5 121
6 12
5 12i
S 12!
5 12i
5 12!
Lot 7 ins ears wqr..
IvOtKinseq rswqr.
N w qr s w qr
Ka.stialf S e qr
6 12
6 12' KO.cHI
e 12' 4l.i.W
!2 -SJ.i)
4 1-1 CU)
4 l-i- 3).C
4 I".'
4 1-1 Wu
4 Mi lO.'W
4 13( 2o.')
4 I I 40.i(0
4 n l'uo
4 11 I'tnW
4 n lai.oo
4 4O.O0
4 n t.uo
4 13 SO."
5 1-1 fil.oU
5 M WMJ0
6 U- 4CU(0
13, 22, jO
13 a vw
6 I t 4.I0
13 lHi'irt
e S3 ry.
6 1.; 1-
6 1.1 Ui.oO
4 14 fiKi.'O
4 14 wrnn
4 14 K"
4 14 320JTH
5 14
jiwqti qr.
west naif-
Kast half n e qr..
Kist half n w qr n e qr
swqr a e or.
Se qr
. 15 1
I eqr 9 e qr n wqr
Sfiuth hail s e qr n w qr-
East half west half w qr n w qr..
M w qr
i w cr u w or..
N e qr n w qr
w hairs wqr.
Kwqrie i
Lots l.2,J,4,5tinnw qr..
Lot W la n e qr n
8 w qr a w qf
s w qr
W btJf a e qr..
S e qr
W hhlf..
W half n e cr..
s e qr..
W half..
Lot J in n e qr w qr.
Lot 2 ia n e qr w qr
S e qr a w qr
8 w .. r s w 'r , , ,
W hi s w qr
Swqtiw qr
N e qr s w tr
N W qr S W qr , .
5 14'
S 14'
S 141
( 14'
6 15 40.00
6 15, 4O.00
15: 40.00
swqtiw qr..
Lot 4 of lot iot
Lots of lot 1 of.
fi 15
6 15
6 15i
6 15!
fi 15'
6 ":
5 15
6 15;
4 15;
5. (
5 i)
Lot finswqrne qr
Lot Sin 9 wqr n eqr...
Lot 10 In s w urn e qr
Lot 11 in a w qr n e qr.
, :iri'
Lot I'.' in s w qr n e q r
ijjI it in s wqr n qr-
iax ioi ne qr.
Kwqnw ir
8 w qr w qr
For Prairie Lands, one tenth of the prtc cash in
band : and for other lands one half cash in band or
cash down for either, at the option of the puxrhnser
with a promisorv note lor the remainder, to ma
ture ten years after d:U. bearing intf-rwt payable
annually In advance, at ten percent perannuoi. the
n rst payment of interest beins; ciniputPd tothertrM
day of January next alter the date of the note: and
in case of rion-iiaynint of interest or principal, the
land shali be Kurrenilerd, with the In-.provementu
thereon, to the fciate: Pruridr.. That when said note
Ls ui ven for the puri-liase of Uuihur lands, it shall be
further iwcured by the endorsement of two fre
hoiders of the comity, to be approved by the County
Tbe ptirvhiiwr rx-.yincr the full amonnt ofthe pur
rbe money for th lands purchH.l ac soon al.
the Treasurer of naid county will dWirer a receipt
and a duplicate receipt, containing a description of
the land sjid, and an acknowledgement of the pay
ment of the purchuse money, and on presentation of
either of which to tbe Governor at any time after rif
teea daya from dateofsui-h receipts, he shall exe
cute the purolnixer a title to said 1. 1 ml. in fee simple
from the said State, and the delivery of a deed, on
the surrender to such tkvceriiorof the other receipt.
And to purer users, purchasing on credit, the said
Treasurer will execute in duplicate, (one of which
shall be retained for the use of the Stat after bein?
siarnwd by the rwrelisser.) a contract or sale lr the
lnd pun litLsed. conditioned that upon tha payment
of the unpaid purchase money, and the Interest
thereon m-coruln? to the conditions of such note,
the purchaser shall be entitled to 'duplicate receipts
of payment and purchase for such land; that no
wasteshall be committed npn the land therein des
cribed, that ift timler shall be cut there)n, except
nces.xary firewood ofthe occupant of such laud,
and for improvements thereon ; and In case default
shall be made in the payment of the interest or
principal, or any part thereof, or if any such condi
tions shall be broken. tht;then the ianU therein
described surreiidered by the purchaser, hid
heirs or assigns, with the improvement thereon, to
the State, and said contract shall be void and of no
JUated BrownvUle, NVh.. Mav 11 th. TO.
- I'onntT (lerlr.
Defining the duty and compensation
utviiy t.iera. - -
1 1. Br it vnlninrd fcy the CSfy CbunfU of Ot n'v of
Hrvnvili, That it shall be the mtv of the Citv
(Herlc to saTely keep all of the books "and papers of
the city appertaining to hi ofliee, that he shall Ele
and properly endorse and keep the same under
their respective hads f..r easy reference: that he
shall not permit any othcial pHoerorhnolc to be t
ken from his oihrvxe? hv authority of law, but
that the same shall be f ft e for examination and In
spection at all reasonable tiroes; That he shall
make a true record of ail proeuiinr ofthe Cour
Cil and an Index thereto, anu shall attend all meet
ings of the Coupoil and present his reoord for ap
proval, and otherwise discharge his "uties a Cleric
ol said Cetincil. He shall couutersiirn all liienses,
perraits. Treasury ordrs, and ail other official pa-rs-rs
of tbe City Council dire-t:nr act to be done or
duties to be performed: and shall also pen books
ofaocounts in which all accounts in favor of or
against the city shall be entered to their resistive
awunts. and upon payment by the city shad take
receipt thcrefrr: and heshall nertorm snrh nth
duties as is provided by the 2ith section of the City
Charter and as shall be required from time to time
by the City Council; and for perfbroiinz such duties
ax Cleric, and all the duties pertainin thereto, ma
k'Pff ivit d!7:jliat tT lisrji unti )i , . . . . ..
sold ot.lce, be shad receive f2t0 a year Ln orders on
12. ThLs ordinanceshallbelalorceon and after
its legal publication.
J. C. McyACGHTox, Cleric. a'K
DeRniatb6 duties of tfce city 3Iarhai and
uacoiupeHMtuioa. r
1 L JS it ordninrd br the Ci 'w fhttmrit nf l fit
rwnl1, That the Marshal shall be the chief min
isterial oiheer of the city, he shall be a conservator
ot the peace within the city, ant shall arret with
out process all persons wlio, with in his view, com
mit anv crime cr misdemeanor, or violate anv r-r-dinance
of said city, and take them before the Ma v
cr and detain them in costodv until th. n., ;.r
such arrest has been investigated, not loneer how
ever, than a rwonahle time; spprs ail brerhes
of the pea,. wIujib his knowl.;.. au'l if necessary
cail to his aid the power ofthe cstv. pursue and com
mit to , ail a: 1 fe,ons, persons rmi;v of mls.ienien
ors, r.r violation of ortlinances of the city; b shall
execute and return all process dire-tefi to him bv
the Mayor or by order of the city Council, either ln
persou or by deputy' attend upon and preserve or
tier in the Mayor's court, prepare the Citv Council
room for tne holding of meeting by arrHiicin,
warminiraud lichtinic the same, and be present at
all meetings ofthe CouncU and he shall perform
swh otrier ri-jties as is provided bv the 2-'h wtmn
of the City Charter, and a shal be required fr-.ra
time to time by the City Council and ail of the i.
ties as prew nfied in the several ordinances passed,
by the said CouncU. The Marshal shall, in aiii-
t ion to his duties -w Marshal, a so dis-hare the du
ties that are usually informed by a Street Corarc
Kioner. 1 -. The Marshal shallre ivo for h' man L.. -
31arshal and street Coui:!::Moier th mfm-vv
c)mpensrttion offT-i, payable Umty oriex on "ti.e
general funL
The Marshal shall make a monthly report to
the Council of 111s rioinirs. setiln- fm-ih i ..VX..V . -
ofarrests under ciry ordrnatK, the amount of
money ii cas received. bji.J from what source, and
irthesari! b-loui? to thecity. pay ever the same to
tae City Treasurvat least p, ,;K:, , ,..nla
T r- r-s- tAir.Bn.JTKtli, Mayor,
In relation to Theatres, Shews,
rmance of any kind or dencnotiun. acv show-H of
m;irtfjf, wm liires, menajencs, caravans or col-ei-non
of animals, any periormanoe ,i'nv fe-.M t-.f
tumWins. rope or wire dancing, ba:anc1nt. slight of
nanu or mrn si WMemain. or ari v circua or na-
- - - .. . vi um-iM!,iii. nr roi'e.Sto.t-
tauon of any k ind wnatever, either real or tu''t;tios.
or any nmsi.-sU etncertor niusu-al :.. rn.anoe of
any kind whatever, or any other exhir :uvn or show
for which e.mTen.s.-,tion cr mnno .t,r.ri r.
mande-Lexcf-rt lectures on, huTtaric. be-
neo.eut or Library suhjects and i-.iirai!i for
the e.nci.l.-ition of the same, an.j s jc i ; jen of tua
hue srt.s. without l.-eise .,., rf-
ted.s-zned and sealed, ahail lor eat-h ot!'enTs, on
crinviCiion thereof beAr.rtt the Mavor, forfeit and
pay any sum not exceodinu" tiftv di nars.
t. Z. The Ma-orof lh,:; v Ls her.-hv aathoriaod to
frnr.t license for th exhi&' Jon of public allows, as
a.'-reid, of any menshvna, caravan or collection
of auima or circua, on the payment into the citv
treasury of the sum of cot less than ten, nor more
than hity dollars, for eat-li darn exhibition or per
formance. And for all other shows and exhibitions
aoove enumerated, for each days exr.ibition or per
formance, not ! man two nor morw than twenty
d.1 lars. to 00 haod and determined at the discreuua
Ol the .Msycjr.
1. S.. Thia orlinnnoe sh.s'l tal-o pfSrt and be ln
forc from aud ai ,r its iu ami publication.
O. W. KA1 HJiilO 1 iLLIi, Mavor.
J. C. MOfAUGHiaar, Cicrlt. jj-uv
1. Be it or-fanf d by the tXv Qssnrit of the eily r,f
Ennmr-,::, That any person or i-ersona who sha.i
exh. N.tor prt!cii'.ite in exhihit:-. for train or
To Exact L'-rn 'Toney frtnw Per. -eea-ei
tt iin. I m,-tim i i, . "
t ilesuat t!..fe wer?. lai,,, M
Ilar are ia tne CSit af il
Tine. 4 i.
PvfTIOX 1. jl- it Or-! x-nM lh n
the t!'J Cf Brnmr-
1 htt
i":a;i li u . ' X
C:tV of Trownv . r M '. n-uf -Jfr '
M ivir of - d i'v us r n -'J? ir1' tin
6.TC.3. The tr.r.4 ::uK.:rr iZ'
in tijia ori-ivan.-e. ..a:i s: r t: aorsoirujL v'
n is. or ma.i L(j"hirs, or t anv ii:oxii-a; ; ri
whatever. wuiiu U5i,cr ruy n-J".
--- rjv.
' to oKa B .
,j sh..1 Citv..
sell inuxi-a?ifi ixjiK-rs w:;.
wi;h th Cleric, f saij C -v
ten fre -i' i :ers cf th- Citv. s :i-l and WtwtLT a J js:i.- of trie '(. or o!i:er lawTiia?
sefjutc fonn that the ar-,i;cnt f.,T t '"'T,
man of restect,iSie chr.-ter and stand riT
resident ol the crv. and pru-iin that licene
issued to hiu Th :- ' '. i nn , t (j
time, C w.i.i thw sid 4 ,;v t.ivr. I fc.n.'j
City of Brownviils, in th sum oftne rvJH1
IJoliArs.witb koixI and s;-' :-,. -is -Briiv w
proved by the iuar.ff srf sa.J Crty; rim.1 . .
itial d:;rmir tiie com
.mnin-e of Ins licT- IJZZ,
m keep a 1 sorter' y hfsjs; vriat hi
pani.'u i, wuh cxru-s. o r-, or anv oiur uhdwZT
or devise used in wihin k t.'LZmtai
thin "r
of Nebrsyka. or any of the Or-' na Vor
of said City cf Krownvii:. The t'itv o J"1-
threup. n. Di-iiid out i'..r Tr,,,'"2 shJ
tiaoate sw.ui'Z ti, n.-iiue ,, L,ie '"u.Vo
and ti dup.if-ate re-eits thcriif. nn. .f '.
to oe returned to tlm Cit lenc, who Il.i .
same on fi!e. and th otiier to h
r.r. . v
sue oralerthe s'.-l tf said Citv, a l.cena a. ,,''
the tenor and erT'ect of said fk--y,i. "eanit 4
tw. 4. sliall be issued fT . k,
penod than one year, nor for a less period th!
Ndii i.very app.vcivnt for a license w
toxH-atin? drink !n sail c-tv for tt-.
shail pay into Ofy Tr-,..rv tae sura of . -
the tat which is berehy levied a naif) h m kT''i
city, lor the use of tii a.M.i FuikI ol ihe
ondf-rsnd in -r!air w:'h the :enersl siw'
of II. e State of .'"-, r, in s h r. S
Eiwrided ; and the further tat of a-t.M mhJSi
ereby levied crs.rt a.i persons obtainipc
under this section, fr the ik of ssid otT Hmjr
ville. Any person deK,!-1:; t.i o?uin a' tie. -i
der thiasert.on lor tbe of oneyw sha.l u
into th Cry Tretv;ry .i,Mibl Ui afs,v n r--L
moriins, in qoaru.::-s it s l.,an iiMnum ., . .
unts, for the uses above snercri,.
dam- with tbe previous 01 !,. ..r..
. . ' 1 -1 . - rr ' 1. i , . ' 1 ,, vpci , -
forth tn the pnuin sertiorts.
wrtiT nr liiil rw;r -.. . 1 ,
recti v or Indirect! v. anv lm....!l '..Zrr
tpianTiifes If is man oneonart at tune. m;,mi ,T
Conviction tiere ( lei',;re i. J Mivor. fi.ri-n
y t'lNinut ie tlian nv d....rv iw bmmsiw
fi.y dollars, with cwa nf pros,;.,,.0
fcEC 7 And person who !..-;re to ibtaia a !!is.
for ft K mo nl h IjvmiI ntH.r 1. . -'
the tat for sai.i li.-ens shall be d.wtM th. .'.?--
amounts, for the use above specified.
gw. 8. Any person who has not obtr'norj 1 J.
eeriU)se, ma.t, spiritous and vinous ki. .
les qnantitfes thsn on o-isrt at a time, as proves!
for in sections 3. 5 ant 7 of this ordinance sit aL
bdesirfius cf ariiirnr the same in quanatin ( tm
quart and upwards, mavohuain a ix-ens toseU am.'
spintous and vinous liquors tn nuaii!iti oIm
quart at a time and upwards, but for do ies iiafl
U than one quart at a for ths penslU m
months, nnun rlir- the rwtirion and bond as jnn.
oVd f-r in section I of ord nmnee, am: pavmr t
theCify Treasury the sum cf fUJo fcr iu uoe -
Sohisil Fund of theOiunty, and the fhrtiirr sutTs"
fsTVl, th tat hereby -sed UT the us of -s.
City of iirownville. said lire;ise p h twml in tii
same manner as prorided in xt un 1 of thi, nm.
nance, and the orurlcat of the ( Wit and . .
ceria issued to show titat no k.-ens is hereby fivss
to retail intoxicatiaff drinks under this xtxiu Jimm
tjuantitieu than one quart at a time,
skc Sl Any per-.n to whom a license h W(
jrranted unor tbe provisions Of th j ordinanoc wi
jiermits any frame cf chance or eaxnbunr u;'n 04
preuia, or in robins in any way connected iii.
with, shall, anon coavH-tiou throf b.'ortb Sits,
or. forfeit and pay it sum not less than 11 t,!.,,
and not more wa t.;t v dollars.
ia It sbaU be the duty 0r the Marshal tors
that thin ordinance is strw-tly en forced, anil uxau
is to be La force on and after IU pasrose,
I hereby certify thst the aHove h a rrjmpy(
an ord; naiu-e passed by tu City CouncU of Bro
viile,ApfU J.
, K; . W. FA I R2P.0TXIE3, Xjyor.
J. CMcXaCghtoN. Clerk.
lor IicentiHZ and reanlatlac omalbi
bark, carriages. H rats and tkervekM-Ms
vsitkiu the city of lirowavillr.
I. 1. Be tt orrfninrrf by fut nty Ojtrnril of IU
of BrnrnrUlc. That anv pernon wihirt to ra in
omnibus, ha-kcarraice, any other vebxi
the transportation or conveyance of trsTf .rs r
pwwmrrs or ba'uars wuhin the eirv of brw.
vill. tor hire as c.-mmon carriers, h.l befie ca
tering into siHih Htn,t.'iM as a.'-'ts-said, proeurr s S
cense from the Mai or of said cif f,r a U-rra 'jf m
year, and every person w ho sha.l attempt to ni
use any omnSirs, ha. k. camase or other .-c!.i.c
aforesaid, for tne piiric w nf;iiin, without tro
tainini; such license shall forieit and pavtosfc-lcf'.
with nrs of'sit in the rroper atioir any nn as
e.i'eiiui five dollars f reach vioialion.
1 i. V. oenver anv person shall produce to u
Mayor of sHil c::y the city Trea.cirer s r -ip fsr
live doiiirrs. as paid in the street fund of th ctrr.
the Mayor shah iu a i.oejie to mcti pers. in-j
ariestod. imiiters.ned arjci numbered hy tiie a?
Clerk. Whx h hi-ei. o shall enrisie t.-. pervn
applying to run one b;, k , .n n curr: or
Licis for one year, atui f r e i. .1 .....i. ,. a-.
car mice or vehnie .a.vl uivuey aUaU M Uk
creasei in portion.
-t. That whenever any pervn shall dmir tsS
Come a common .-amor or iiravman or etprms
for tbe purpjse of carry ii-ir ur "transnortins fr-insl
or iimdHi.f iiry de-r.; i.-.n from pia.- to fnt.
within said c-ty, su.-h p. r-. n ivhv bv pavinj to 8
Treasurer of a;d city t r tiie u.-. f the 'sire ftud
th sun often doi l.irs for ea.h cart, waron. 4ny
vehicle to bo used in su.-h bo, ;:- obtain from Uw
Mayor of said city a li"eii -ie b.r the term of oucrrM.
And any person who sbnil ke ',, ni.nnta.n or v
a common carrier any dray. cart. ion, or (aftrr
vefci.-le, orsu.Ter the same to he uswi ;v ..-tihrs, 0
Intr th owners of siwii verier, within said citr,
for hii-e or jirofit, w.tli.wt ii r-t having ith:i:iii s
cense therefore, as tor in iu eiti n.
forfeit aud pay w sa'd citv, wi h cost ofprnsnsiihia,
anyum n-it ccee,.i;i4 fi", e uu. lars for caca anil
erv vi'.hif
( t. All tr .-tsrs of Poense rrav.-d sr-er J
ordinano shall be void,
1 -i. Kvery person. a.s toon as thev h!! oouit
pens as pnviied in lb wh-:e pr srrifli
Of this ordinance, sbai ! cais.' the nuiijrer of b li
cense to he liurly pjonusl in some ctitspmnritf
on i.LS omnibus, hai-. carrs ne. dray, csrt. ws
or other elude, iio-l so i'oni iritui the same. 11-
the penalty ofoneil.,;ar. who paid to the citr
e:wh day hit .sha.l u.-' ,icii velooi witlwut
numbred. to be c"liectt-i wita cets st siu
.- Ushall HtVfMT ofthvfarshsll U
complnnil acsinst all v rsns vk,'iiyJu,j any af V
provisions of this r.4 f, h -r
t 7. This ordinance sh.ii be M forr and t&kf sf
fsjt from and alter us ie-al pof i ontmn.
G. W. r V. KiiiurUiiPs Msv-
J. C. McXAVfiHlo -
Ta provide for the c5an'n f tW fns
and nilrrs l ib city nl Jlrawavih'. aW
detinios the dnties of th rity ,larMr4
relntion thereto. nd proviUioc ft "
for tb violntin lUcrt:C
11. J- v-,-r t, v r rtnxriT nfOte AJ 1
Broirm-iHe., That it sha.l liir duiv of tli cs"
occupant of any ral ti;e i-uatrd in tiJ o'T
Krownvi::e. on 1 tii" ii ;; v f,f t.wir ol sv rl
estate not octUi:l. in said citv toriean t"
cbn the stre-r.s f a 'rs t,rder:c; ia hik S yr
erty, and on T'ni4v of. l.tb -.k to rn.v t.. '-a
central line of said Ktrects od ai:rs, tif
place the same in a pi ie, a:! putr'd animal or tt
abie mat'er. ah, re.'i. t, omi, chips, mws
Mn, mHon ri n-W, m J to ks-n sue tre ai
a.iy Or- ar free 1 -ir s; i orm:v smrd.
li It s v., r"n.c c.ty Marshal, sft
thesfrw-ts havc'U 1 f, 1 "up providel I t J
the prcceelii; aevtion of thia or.r.:ianc, W M"
the clean iris's 0 ! 11 e ftirts have bn detn1
on Tuesdny in the center 01" said ntmi rettf"
and defsiisl jrrsiK-h streets i,d alievs m In
ldjinent of te Marshal w.JI 00 beEeti'tfd tirt
1 X Iftheoctipartt of anv real et-tt. In aid"f'
or the owner of any real ettu o. rs-upil.
permit the streets or aiieN-s t,plrn? on -J
estate to become d.rtvorVi.t.hy. or snail tail
ply wttlt th 1st section of ;-:! ordi.iance. by
to clean the sam? w.-en ni:-.i the Mrti-';
she or they shall, on envicrin tnWof. --rfei
pay to aid city any sum not luss loannvsaof "D1
than firtv doiiars.
14. It shail bets dtv of the Marshal to
the provuiions of this ordinance stt ictiy eclbr
th WLsiness part of the it v.
. 15. This ord. nam.- sha:; be la fores oa sad
Its due and legal pu' : cai ion.
4.. V. FA i liBT.OTIIXE. Mr'
r?T rsA:;:ir.upcTT.
TN BANKHUrTCV. I a the ciaJ
JL of Siiuint,,- Sveniitn. r.anknipt. I j
Mates Ii.-.trict U)r.rt clerk's Cilicw, ai 4)na 1
th Otb ? of May. A, 1. 1 a.
To whom it mav concern. Take nolir j
that a I-etit!oo ban beti. to wit. un U.e 1 j
March, A. D. wa, h d in said 1-i.strlct ',,a',J:
Snjmond Aoia . c f ; : n v 1 . ; e . c ,nn t r wf 'si j
In said bLstnct.who has been hereto. irS la-T T ?
oaiur-;; 1 it.liwrti".'' Actftl lOfieir" ,
-An Act t- K-tab.i.-ti a I ni; rm vsu-ai rj
mptcy throiojnout Uie LioUsl --'-ls.' spB,
March 2d. !-.;. an ! as sn-e-x'-i J j'v l-. "j
Cbarseand Cert".''.-a-t;iersif. f" fa all tis-le"
otii.-r c.i.iiis r.rvaoie uooer sa. l a-t, a.ut it
2 ta Piy of A.D. !AtW ucioftA ,
tne o:.:.-e 01 s. M. Hi.-.. f .on ofthe B-VJ
l'.ankri;.!cv 6 -r said 1 -tr.ciat llmsnvt. , .
I'l-tricl. is the time and nmcr a;;nl " ..J
of tiie.vame; wben arid wtier vou n-. ',; "j
Showcn'tse, i.'anv v.o h.iv. why U-. Hvr W
said Ft.-t ,,n should ti-.l b rrabt. T!; -s
and third rnee'-ns oi th crefl.tcs of said !
will le heid at the same t'm n.ii pace.
-3 VATS V K. .-M1-
Cieric of Uie U. S. DUtrict Court for sa u 1
iS'iiuruiir t.'ie 1 went 1 .1--- U3
t btd.fer f..rcHh in hatvt. at the rew-i
who Ui on" mil west of r-j s.
is to vrhrp uaha oOTb. " "i
one sorrel thru rear oiO Mil 'V"1?...
j,ha cii'itr. S'ste .4
no orec
ivMiMe markser braids. The .V ts
taken ui t v J
aud H r. j.ptaiotst at
SkoV..:,-T-n Vf i
4.1L-S P. t.
f- 4 T TT nr -r-;-T"T- TT CTfirTv.' .
louilay. t"io ITtii ! y of May. I jj.
for sale, to tbe htr,t h-.Vr. forc-ish m 7Z-,
the rosh'enr of ;j-:;n Uarian. "' ir
titinn-M 'st.if ii."M-!n N -niaf-.a t"Cin T - ,gi
'brska, tetwsn th :;..i;rs of 10 ';' K.r,
2 o c'ock P. 711.. one h:v 4 'oil 3 ver "Id fcJ
o.v ceiijair'
ru a nroiir?.
T.:: -'.;el tnie UeS EcJ ai.!',;
hrves. and foneituren, wha-h ruav b 7.,"T'i
against him by reason of Lis vtoiaiiua t.r .-"';-'''
...j . .. oi anv o! ;..
rus cuiiir'.i ; a:ii nr fce i(;ivii.ent f .11 "
granted, and whether t' same is forh(,i..,
. ' ' -- - - ; - - . ..j j
providelforinsetion three of this Ordir.anc
ravin Into the City Treasurv thssum.rfi "
for the use of the School Fa 11 1 of the countr
sum ofl'-'Mf..rthe use of tb ( itvof Brwnr-".
iia li be entitled to tiie. same: thesame to tm-mJ
In the same manner . provided for in -ecticn uvU
In this onTnarv-e. When the appiU-aUon a far
license under tms sect.on fur the i-rwl r.... - "
- 1 .r 1
1 . . ... -
CTRAY XOTirC Taken up
O fmr,sicrirsr, ,n I'-tvelf-e precinct, - tX,-r
Oo.miv. one tiv l,.i-se p.,nv. with s lJ"'''
head. t:i-'" fn.-nt f.R.t aa-1 rujht lund '' vf
Li vears ..! L -vjt
April liiii, i.