Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 13, 1869, Image 3

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    t rT.xivcor oT Pi Aifl isiioia for sale by
xfjl iiAimu, at Ctiy muw.
lodgi; DiniZCTOaYJ
V o n. p. Brownvllle No. - - F-
lltaon Ttiesda'-eveiilnpot each 7 cioc.a
"""ST at their IiU in the lireytinej f r irick, on
Ali rUitUngnretliCisBrf invl'ed. -Au
t;to vv Dossier, Secy.
a T Nemah Valley Xvlr No. 4,
4 11 uie-t on ti.e HI ami : ' Saturdays
' M'li.k p. I.... ttut liaU int
fl..-tmererli -.. on M:.,r fire-!.
XU c1" jA8- M iiXC KrR, Secy. .
Arrival aud Dcpnitwr?' f I le SraIJw
Hrwthem and Eastern arrives at 12 in.; tfpriarts at
Northern tmI rjfitern arrives at 4 p. m.; departa
fkntron sr-rlves at A a. m.: depart at 8 a. m.
IL iwrrvea at v: m.: dfimi at l p. in.
.Jrice Mail arrives Mondays. Wednesdays and
yrataysat lia. m.: diMirt Tuelay8,Tliuria.valjl
rMaV arrives Fridays at 4 p. m.- depart
Th'"?' " from 7 a. m.'. to ?v n.' m.' Sn-
iTfrom W io 10-. a. m. A. I. MA RU, P. M-
Su Je. C. B. li. It. Time Table. ,
IMiv St Joseph.'...:
Arrivenat Brownvllle .. ....
10 a. m.
."( V WSj
Arrivet Brwnviiw - " i-
Arrives at Council liiuflrs... P-m-
KXPftEHS. ....
, Kt Jnserih.. ...frnOa. m.
. i..m at Rrownville
Arrives at Council iiluC..
kuu p. iu.
rrv.T-x Council Blurt's. s 'ri a. m.
Arrives at ltrewnville..
Arrivfc at bu i gwin..-
lfre tVinncH r-ir-V ,.
Arrtv M J rim'ii e..
...i:4 p. m.
.Jm a. nx.
i t p. m.
Arrives at fc- Juat'pu
.frUU p. BJU
t..k t no.rm' f mn Ihni leu res Brownvtlle for
the Li' jI at 0 a. iu. and Uin..Cdy. .
TU. !kUrt Valley and North SI. K.Ra.
uciTso yjisT v
-.'.. sioirr rxr. mvkp.
1U.VS am
2-r p m
S :al p m
Hum p m
Zam a m
:-) a m
Jtno p m
4 p in
Hi) p m
J-Kio p m
jTuJph Arrive"""
Hsr!pm.- A rrj e -jKrtny
Arri vfliw.
I A m v e .....
w. lx.!i' -Arrtvt
. . r-f - - f
IVb-lte Sont, ft choice article at Swan A
Ero'i. ' ' .-
Farmers, buy yonr Corn Cultivators at
Den's. - ' : ; - V V '
Fence Wtre In abundance at Shellenber
tet Bro'a .t -
The best Coffee and Tea can be found at
f?wan & Bro's.
lions for rent or sale. Call on J. V.
Look t for bargains ; Den's gone east
for New Goods.
Class Fruit. Jars of the. most approved
styles at Swan & Bro's. '..,.'.' J
Trnnks ad Valtsoa in great variety at
May's Regulator.
Selby's Union Corn Tlanters, few left at
Slu'llenberser Bro's.
TIlent-Aiilce cottage vlth 6lx rooms.
Arply to W. T. Den. ' '
Co t Billy Valletta's for Chicago Beer, the
best ever brought to this market.
To can get Chicago. Beer at the Senate;
the beat Beer In the United States.
. X. largo now Stock of Dry Goods Just re
eelre4 aud oCt'rcd cheap by Teare & Co.
Fall and Spring Wheat Flour In 100,
SO and 25 lb., sacks, at P wan & Bro's. .
Syrup, fcorgbum and Sugerhouse Molasses
by the quart, gallon or keg, at Den s.
Itelt singer's new stock of Groceries and
4.uwentsM are arc splendid and cheap.
Pont Tall to call on Ilauk &. Armitago If
yon wbh cholee (iroceries, or rrovlsions.
Jnstreeelred by Rohert Teare A CoM a
Urg Btock fit Boots and shoes, and at prices
to suit every one.
P. VC. II. 8. Pride of the ."West IIoop
Struts, tlie bft In line, and something entire
S sew, at Tere & Co's.
- - - . . ii - . ,
Ilank & Arraltage keep the choicest Su
gars, Coffees, Tea, and canned Fruits in the
city. Give them a call.
Mrs. Bear has in her new stock pretty
ejiildren's lists for 50 els., and all other kinds
cliesp in jirorKrtin.
V. F. Wilson will, at tlie P G 8tore, open
anew anl splendid stock of Groceries. Don't
fall to call and purchase.
Asia, A slight rain shower fell In this vi
cinity last Sunday night, and a still heavier
rsla Monday. It was needed. - -,-..""
If yon want any tf that Chicago Beer at
Billy's, you had better go do urn right awa,
he only has a few keg left. " '
Inprorement. We noticed during the
pftst week grading going on on the ridge In
JllcUls Brownvllle, aud learn that Mr.Shnrtz
h mtUng preparations to erect a Tesidence
w T started east for anew Stock of
Ooods lAst Tuesday, and hfiS avowed his In
tention of bringing back as fine a stock as
u ever opened in this market; He's osual
ly m good as his word. ' - -
GJorions Qpportnrt Itj-i-y0 wlfhlng to
nove our Furniture to oar new rooms, we
U sul Our stock on hsbd thcap for cash!
' itannaford nuGiia.
Tlptoti is Juit how busy clearing off
nl planting in fruit and" shrubbery his bbick
tn Middle Brown villa He will erect thereon
splendid residence the present season. . i
The CKy ig havlDg the ridge of dirt cm the
"est side of bo, etween AtlanUc and Main
moved. This will much Improve the
rpewance and convenience of that street. ,
Sse tko Advertisement of Graver & Ea
sewing rnnhincs In today's paper.
V. A. rolwk li Agent in this city, and
ow on hand a lew spleadil machines. '-
War of the gloriovis Trice Rpjrulator,
turne-I from his Hnstern trip, where he
boen Lnying in his second spring stock,
the ladles and pents of this vicinity may
'ook out for a grand owning. He wUl have
'plmdld stock of goods. i
Clno Valley Record is tio more, it
nsvlng un considerably enlarfiod and the
n changed to Betttri- Clarion. J. M.
""Phoad 4 Co.,ar now proprietors, the firFt
tiHa Wing editor. It makes now a very
t nd readlble appearance.
T e Grand Trunk Railroad will be Of
"Woe&se benefit to thi county, yet the time
Kyef F. IX Johnson A Co. oflr n-.rir
Ue low prices at which they are selling off
uirjce stock of choice Dry Goods and
Crow?ries. Give them a call I
' Armliace have now on hand a
; j" " ck of Groceries. Theirs is ie-
I-,eJr choice selection, comprising evcry-
& . lathe GrocT and ITovlKlon line, and
uck 18 IHTnally selected and Is sold
t r p for ah ; bosl Jo they are i l asnftt, up
; f 's 11 apreeabie men to deal with. . -
' naec,, 1ekuvlgrtceive.Hhearroint
' Uu, M"" his city, has been
tuiu e'k 1',kln6 out a locution fr tlie office.
1 tAi UU fwtlln5 lias been manifested In
Kakii;,; lfvft Mon1aj. Tnerc
' VLVeY thrW t'1u' wUtca -re available,
i T.'pJ,1 emGntrai:y located seems to
' fctT ,"f Bot 10 comblne convenience and
i UainS. brtck buI151g on the corner
' tirt'r'trceU. We believe he Is
1 t( ure f , d a d"'--cted motive
blk y 10 tUe ma" lo charge and
Thc rrwttntalB X.bcred," Lrft wwTc's
Democrat niakcs a Lalf column local of a very
small affair simply to fault with Justice
A. VT. Morgan. .The casein puntTM this:
Lost Tttcs lay crenir.g IL C. Vif n v.Ji
necessary papers and obtained a o rit to ro-ple-y
a horse that one Wui. Dan had obtain
ed of a friend of Wilson's udt ' i'f e pretense.
Wilson iiavlug loaned I'.e ho. - o la a boy to
ride to NebraslM City, the boy moling Dun
tipon a I. ; ry 1. r rse ; Dnurcr! --tl-T? Urn
selfaaowi ;::gai..rml - :ovrt',r t'.'-JX b. viht
the horse of the boy, givir-i bi:S n prcir.l.eto
pay writ!.' In pencil, cr 1 t.:kir.g the saddle
off of the iicery liors-5'and giving it to the
boy to ride to'Ncl nbia City, struck effdovn
the river. Vilnon in pursuit overtook hla
here; had the. writ istttd; got posy-zloh of
his horso; and the parties corriprorr.'iilng the
maTtfer by each pajihontf-half the costs, pnd
authorising the Justice to make entry accor
dingly. These are the facts in the case. Wil
son stated that he did not wish to be forced to
to lose the time that would be necessary in
the prosecution, and Dun was satisfied to es
cape! the Justice could of course do nothing
else than enter the matter as tlie parties had
agreed upon, especially as Don liad some
show of defence. The Dr. makes this an oc
casion for an assultupon the Justice, intima
ting that force was tised to obtain the horse, !
and that Justice was not done; and seems to
"hang a heavy Bp" over the grievances of i
Dun,-who came ns near stealing the horse
to avoid the law as possible. The Dr. had
better stick to therciutk and the proceeds
of unclaimed lots and let law alone. v
Testimonial. We c py the following tee"
tlmoolaJ toour esfoenifcdfellow-citlaen CW.
Wheeler, from theVorti X'Unouricn, publish
ed at Gallatin, Mo and heartily endorse the
Co. ClES Of fice, Daviess Co., Mo.,1
Gallatin, May 6th, l. f
We take groat p leasure in recommending
C. W. Whe lT as ngood'and reliable Con
tractor and Bridge i'.uilder, - He b; ilt for us
Smith's Patent Tr:is Bridge, S'i span,
lat winter. It gives entire satisLu-.tlon. Be
lieving that tbis 1s the best wooden bridge
now, in use we have contracted with ..Mr.
Wheeler to build two lage bridges for us over
Grand River, on this pian. We recommend
the suloption of thin lonsr needed lrr:pro'e
ment in wooden bridires f'y all who tieslre a
cheap, neat and subsi uiffnl stniftnre.
. ... , I: fcJXUIl EEAli, ..' ....
'ii TYes! re Just ice U. Court.
G. M. Ki:ENE, County JuJ'e, 4
.Wit. L Bobtatii, County Clerk. . .
All who know Mr. Wheeler, or the Smith
Bridge, will endorse the above.
Sweet Potato Flitnts, In abent, r.t
G. SI. Henderson has returned from his
trip east for New titoods, and has now opened
ed ns fine a stock as we ever saw In this mar
ket. It has caused Intense delight among the
ladles, and affords even masculine human
nature a throb or two of genuine satisfaction
to.know that his first class goods are sold at'Iow flguriS. Ho'has undoubtedly the
finest' assortment' of ladles and children
dress goo-ls anJ notions feow in this market,
comprising the -very latest novelties of the
eastern fashions. All styles of Dress Goods
known to the eastern market can there be
seen, nis stock of Millinery Goods is very
full and rts good ns It is beautiful. Toadies, go
and see for yourself ; you cannot fail to be
satisfled.-and they are going off rapidly.
Great are the Ijcnefits that flow
From trading with McFall Co.
All that rnay come" we can assure
Great is their stock of Furniture;
All good and true, well made, and fair,
From Wardrobe down to Kitchen Chair.
No glued-up, patched-up, mongrel truck,
. That will cause yon to d n your luck
For sudden breakage.
Your money, too, will last much longer.
Your Furniture will be much stronger;
Joy will crown your married life
With pretty babies and happy wife.
Your credit will be auove par,
And nothing can your prospects mar.
All these, and still more blessings flow,
From trading with McFall & Co.
Those who iiave purchased Lots In Walnut
Grove Cemetery, and not received Deeds or
paid for them, are hereby notified that Desds
have all been made out, and are ready for de
livery. The Board have ordered that lots se
lected and not paid for, will be sold to first ap
plicant. The Board have further ordered that
the grounds be cleared up and put In good
order. Lot holders are requested to clean up
their lots. If not done In a reasonable time
it will be done by the Board at the expense of
the lot holder. . Wr. II. Hoover, Trcaa.
: : -r 1- !. ,
A sharp correspondent notices In last
week's Democrat that our Agricultural Edi
tor mentioned grasshoppers, and critlslzes
the dnerfiser Sot giving publicity to the fact,
and promised a continuance of the corres
pondence.' It seems to ns that - ; ,-. , .
"Truth crushed to earth will rise again,"
in spite of the Democrat or "any other man."
Nothing about the article exhibits the au
thor's good Judgment, except that he pub
lished in a Journal noted alike for its lack of
candor and limited circulation.
To Whom it may Concern. For the
benefit of those who have not valid certifi
cates, and wlwi, wlsojto engaga in teacldng
this summer, I will appoint Saturday the 13th
day of May, from 10 o'clock a. m. to 2
oclock p. m at the High School BuJkUng in
Brownvllle, in which to examine such per
sons. A. W. NICKKLJv.
Sup't of Common Schools.
Svran w Z'rothcr have the oldest estab
lished Grocery and Provision bouse la this
city, and no business could be better estab
lished in public esteem than theirs. They
consider their duty lies In furnishing thepub-
llc a good art icle and at as low rates as possi
ble.'- They keep a thorough assortment of all
goods in their line. Our word for it you can
find thero" what yon want and will be satis
fled with both articles and prices.
President Grant is overrun by office seek
ers in Washington. Wcntel Grant, . Jn
Crownvlllo, has such a stock of Leather,
oots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, &., that the people
who know their own true Intereslsr.'WllI cer
tainly make a grand' rush for hl-storc We
can guarrantee sat!?:" , ; ion there. :
Having rempved our retail department
froid the lied Store to thenew Rtxl Store, two
doors west, we thank our customers for past
patronage, and aU t!. ia to come and fete us
'at the new Red Store luiiney & Lewis' old
stand. ' ' "
: Just Received llelmer & Oi, hayp just
received a fine lot of Boots and Shoes, custom-made,
wlllch they can aud will soli at
prices within tire reach of alL Call and see
t hem at No. 15 Main street.. ' -
SoporiAtc ! Invigorating t Pleasant I
Those malt and vinous beverages sold at the
Alhambra. Berger knows J up t how to mix
'em, too, you bet I
Mackerel, Codfish, und a general assort
ment of Ash, can be found at - s
1 1200 Dollars and Expenses I See ad
vertisement rf American ShnttloSewing Ma
chine in our advertising columns, .7 '
Small Ai Bell will nsetho dd Id Stre
fir Lime, Cement, Hair, Salt, Nails, Wagons,
Flows and Wooden Ware.
Tor just as nice Clothing as ever was made,
go to Jacob Marhon's.
Gent's Fnrulshlnjg tinnl At jt tzel's.
Trnnks and Valises At TTctrl's.
Fj ring Goods at Hetzel's. 5
Furnas has the Concord Grape, two year
old layers, at JllrerlOO. Will bear next year.
. "
lilrd Cac s, all styles, low in price, at l-lc
Fr'.I A Co s.
Lime, Hair and Cement at Red Store.
i i f
1 : J' i If
"Lives there a msn with soul so dead.
Who p ever to h i -xi t If b-h aid
I love my mtive h.nd,"
; And vrill Ly iiarsh's Nt w llouae' f land?
-i w J yj m
!" ! t-i
5 y ij - -9' Q
; Same place, where any books in the land
can and will be pr.rchased at publisher's
prices, and tho very lestof stationery at low
er prices thari eve r f truck this upper country;
Wade into Karth't, ii Lm't urrp.
6 f ) r 5 A 6 $ A A A
W WW i- M M - U M ii
ICIlb-onrn, Jenkins - &. Cov Manufac
turers and Wholesalo and Retail dealers In
all kinds of I1n5 Lumber, Lath, Shingles',
Pickets, Sash, Blinds. Doors, Battens, etc.
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri.
We manufacture oar own material In. the
Pineries of Oshkonh, Wis., where we have
in operation one of the largest manufacturics
of everything made in Pine in the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree.
as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any
Lumlxr Yard in the West which pays one
wholesale and one or two retail profit's. . We
shall always keep onhajd..a all supply oj
everything in our line, so that those in want
may always rely upon getting what they de
sire. We simply ask all toexamine our Btock
and prices before purchasing' ulsewhefe, as we
can ensure satisfaction lnbotli.
bearding the Lion in his Den Yester
day Dr. Hardy shipped a largo Invoice to
Louisville, Ky tho horn! of Dr. John EullJ,
the "Oedrojl JCittC;!-!',' 01111, sjypj,i4.U'n4o
manufactusers. A case of Hardy's Bitters
was shipped down that way a few days agd,
people tried them, found that they went ex
actly to the right spot, and the result was an
Immediate order for a large quantity. So
they go I The moment the people taste them
they will be satlsP.el with' nothing else.',,' Drt determined to "carry the war into
Africa," and If determined to win. -Gazette.
Sold by :H. C. Lett, Druggist, No. C8, Mc
pherson Block, Brownvllle.
Fifty Cents Experts in Eight Years
I have used a Grover & Baker Sewing Mar
chine in my family r. hiht years.- It
always given entire satisfaction, and baa cost
but .fifty cents daring 'that line for repairs.
In my or Inion It eanr.nt be re o.mier ! 1 too
highly, either ' positively 'or In comparison
with any other sewing machine. I am so well
pleased with it, that 1 do not hesitate to en
dorse the highest encomiums that may be
pronounced upon it as a machine for family
Wife of Rev. Wm. Rink, of the Philadelphia
Conference, Bridgevlll, Conn.
" . n ladies r ft -.;
Wishing to" purchase millinery .goods, will
find it to their benefit tcall-on Mrs. T. F.
Seaton, No". 19 Main a treet, who has Just re
ceived the best selected stock of Millinery
Goods ever brought to ErownvUle, and is
competant to do anything in that line, as she
Is an old and experienced hand In the busi
ness, learned her trade in New York, and is
prepared to sell her goodsns cheap as can be-
bought in any city. She would also Inform
them that she is prepared to do dress making
in any style they wish. ..?.. m
Also gent for the great Empire Sewing
Machine. -- .-.-..:' - v., W- o.
r n " r- .1
Having Purchased 21111s in the Pineries
of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet
Dry Pine Lumber on hand,' It has compelled
us to procure larger grounds for our Lumber
Yard; therefore we have rented the lots on the
corner of First and Water streets, where we
shall put one of the largest stocks of Lumber,
Doors, Blinds, Sash, etc, west of the Missis
sippi, and every body knows, or shtffl know,
that the Saginaw Lumber Is far superior to
any other Lumber.
Cull and see ns before purchasing else
where. (One block from River.) " ' "
12-tf Red Store
Champion No. 2 Improved Reaper
and Slower, and Single Mower, with Hand-
Raking attachment, Dropping attachment
or Self-Raking. This Machine can trolly be
said to be a complete combination ; the mow
ing qualities are not impaired by any of the
reaping attachments, and the reaping quali
ties are not injured in adapting the machine
to cutting grass. This is the-only machine
ever produced for cutting grain and grasM,
which Is equal to any single, machine for
eit her purpose. ' The change to Reaping or
Mowing is quickly made, and in either ca
pacity the Champion No. 2 is equal In every
espect, either as a Reaper or Mower, to any
single machine.
'As directed by the City Council the cor
ner of 1st and "Water streets has been pre
pared and a passage for Jthe water coming
down- the North hollow has been dug out to
lhe tunnel through theJiill at the foot of At
lantic street. This will be so protected ns to
oompell the water to run through and into
the river on the other side. This will be a
vast benefit to the property south of this
street between It and Water.
Our Garden has been visited by innu
merable black flies during the piast ten days,
which destroyed considerable truck left by
grasshoppers. We do not know the extent to
which they extend In the town and country,
but still deem it advisable for the Democrat t
correspondent to not ice our-notice vof them,
so that the news will m4 spread that such
pests arc bare. Give ns a couinucd letter.
Hardy's Stomach Bitters should be In
the hands of every parent who values -Uie
health of his family. There are none better
manufactured, to meet all the requirements
professed" by 1hei compounders, and none
certainly in this mark et that has given such
universal satisfaction. Clarinda Dcni.
Sold by H. C. Lett, Druggist, No. 63, Mc
pherson Block, Brownvllle.
I - 1 - : 1 ys ; .1 1
Personal C. W. Wheeler dropped into
our sanctum last Saturday looking hale,
hearty and prosperous. Ha Is doing a No. 1
business in Bridge building, and has the
right to build the best wood bridge known. .
We met our old townsman John Graff, of
of Tecumsch, In this city la-stvMonday. - He
rcpiJrts. things Very flourishing in Johnson
county. v -' -' 7- j
The.CJiAllengo to a trial of skill as clog
gtet, giveriln the? columns last week by
Geo. Harris, was afterwards changed to a
prize light, which failod by reason of Harris'
get ting too drunk to enter the ring. We hoped
for much fun from the clog dancing, and
hope a match will yet be made. '
Good Bnlldlng Stone. Wearenow pre
pared to furnish goeni building stone, in any
quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon
uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tables, etc
furnished on short notice and reasonable
terms . ,n ' Louakck & Vaksey. i
II. C Lett lias on hand a large stock of
Window Glass, Paints, Oils, etc, which be
will sell cheap fco the trade la wholesale Job
bing lots and at retail. Call before going
east, and it will save you that trouble, . j
Messrs. Gates & Bonseneld last Tuesday
commenced laying the brick on Hannaford
& Hughes' Block. This will be a great orna
ment to Main street; especlallyaftertheyget
into it their large stock of Furniture.
Bishop Clarkson will visit (D. V.) Christ
Church in this city on Friday evening, May
lith. Service to commence at 4 o'clock.
Public invited to attend.
G. R. DAVIS, Reetor '
Geo. JJarlon selii Dry Goods at reduced
prices, he also on hand fresh Groceries
Qucensware, an i the lest brands of Smoking
and Chewing Tobacco's and .Cigars. Give
him a'eoIL. , . - - - - -
5 Tlyes, td tiost without. on excrptlan,
can be cured. Near-sighted ;1 ersons and all
needing glasses, should consult Dr. Kimber
Xi. CS Main etree t.". -" . 4. ' s
CorjiciL Chambehs, April Z), i p. m.
Mayor -i ,Jr. - .i.orf rn.
2i.ti.c-A 5, Swui,iranV I.bison und TLCcI;
Clerk Id .-N ui-'hton. -. 5 -r
! The piai ter of V m. rV Vllson r.' City of
Brownvills', wns then takpn r?. 1
Mr. Wilson appeared and proposed to accept
from the city t2f7) In Street Imfircvfect
Bone's, (Cie eft y payi;-- co3 of the suit) in
settkmeiit of j adc;;.A iit against the city In
his favor, rendered by the District Court of
Nemihi County, on the 17th day of April,
. .. , ;
Pending which the Council took a recess
until 7 o'clock, p. m, , ' :' ', . I ; " ; .
On reassembling the following was oiTcred:
I X' Whereas, William F.Wilson has obt alned
a Judgment against the City of Brownvllle for
making certain street improvenipnts in said
city, amounting to $1,6-11 -7;"iar.d Whereas,
the said Wilson has made a proposition to
compromise said Judgment, and satisfy the
record, upon the said City Council complying
with certain conditions ; therefore be it
llesolved. By tlie City Council of the City of
Brownvllle, that for the purpose of settling
said Judgment, the Mayor of said city be au
thorized to issue to said Wilson Street Im
provement Bonds to the amount of (IV DO,
estimating them at ninety-five cents (tio) on
the dollar, (which is a discount of rive cents
on the dollar,) -and also to issue to the said
Wilson orders on the Bond fund of said city
for 5i"8 50, (at ninety-flyecentson thedollar.)
said orders to be endorsed upon the bok by
the Mayor, "receivable for bond tax for the
years IM and l-wisf at cents on the dollar,"
and the City Treasurer is hereby -directed and
authorized to receive the above orders so en
dorsed as aforesaid, when presented to him
for the pnyment of Bond. Tax frr the years
1SC7 ajid 1.S4I.S', at !)5 cents on the dollar, and re
ceipt the previous tax to tlie amount of the
orders so presented' and paid to him, at the
aforesaid discount. The above mentioned
bonds and orders to be issued when the said
Wilson shall satisfy of record the said Judg
ment for JSIiil -4i, rendered in the District
Oourtof this eonnty on the 17th day of April,
1SG9, the said city paying the costs that have
already accrued. upon tlie Jtamei tha bonds
and orders so .ordered, to be. issued to bar
even date. ViiUt. lm Swd Judg
ment. - -
Ayes Mathews, Roblnson.TIsdel and Swan
Kays-Grant ' ' ' '
So the motion prevailed.
Adjourned to MondayMay 3d, 13C9.
.J. C. McNauditton, Clerk.
Vf ' ' -' ' ' Mowdat, May 8, 18C9.
Present Mayor -s Fairbrother, Aldermen
Robinsotj.Tladel, Swan and Grant absent
JIathcws. ;n-;tvivt
Council proceeded - to the consideration of
ordinances. ' f , ' "
Ordinance "Regulating Verilclps, &c," read
and passed, and Ordered to benblbshed in
the yebrcuka Ativertiser -
An Ordiriaace ."defining TJUUes raid Com
pensation of City Marshal," read, passed, and
ordered to be published in the $febraka Ad
vertUer. , . , . ,
An Ordinance "To Provide for the Cleaning
of the Streets and 'Alleys of 'the City of
Brownvllle, and defining1 the duties of the
City Marshal in relation theretci, and provid
ing penalties for the violation thereof," read,
passed, and ordered to be published in the
Nebraska' Advertiser., ' ' ' .1'.,.
; An Ordinance "Defining -the -duties and
compensation of tlie City Clerk," read, passed
and ordered published in the Jfebnuka Advcr
User, vv - - : v ;M .''"- v?""1. ' 'UUtAV
An Ordinance "Regulating OfSdal Bonds,"
read, passed and ordered to be published in
the Jfebranka 'Advertiser,' - , i;. : -,--
Adjourned to May i,l8GX ;"'"'" '
, 1 - !-r,,JC.McNArGnT02f, Clerk.
Tcesdat, May 4, ISGoJ '
rresenfr Mayor Fairbrother 'Aldermen
Mathews, Tlsdel, Grant and Robinson; ab
sentSwan, t X- "" '
- . - , - -
'The minutes' of previous meetings were
read and approved. . ; :i7 . : .' :u.
1. Account of E. E. Ebrlght Asscsbch,' fot
making city assessment of 17 dr.ys nt&J
per day, $5L ' Referred "to committee on
Account of G."W. Fairbrother, Mayor; fot
service as per bill oa file, $50. Allowed, and
warrant ordered tebedrawnon General fund
for amount---'"
Fetitlon of R. C Berger, et. aL, asking that
license be granted to sell malt, Bplrituous and
vinous liquors in the city -of Brownvllle, was
read, and license ordered; to be issued upon
his conforming to the provision of the ordi
nance relating thereto.
The following resolution was adopted :
Resolved, That a commltfee of one be ap
pointed to advise with the Marshal, and in
conjunction with the same, have the culvert
repaired on Atlantic street, and the channel
completed through the tunnel, so that the
water will pass through the same ; and have
the work done by con tract or otherwise, ns in
their judgment will be for tho interest of the
city; the cost of said work not to excel one
hundred dollars. .... .
Mr. Tlsdel was appointed to serve as such
Mr. Mathews offered the following:
Resolved, That a committee of two be ap
pointed toassertain theprobableeostof ojen
IngupMain street to. the western limits of
the city, and what assistance can be obtained
to aid in such work, and report at next meet
ing. : . ' -
Messrs. Mathews and Robinson were ap
pointed the committee.
Adjourned la May 10, 18C9. ; - -1 .
J. C. McNatjgiitox, Clerk.
It, C.Lett has now a full stock of Wall Pa
per and Stationery GofKj which he la selling
ery ldwt retail, and In- wholesale J6bbihg
lots at eastern prices.
Furnas sells Grape- Vines' at tZ per dozen
and S6 per 100. Strong, vigorous, well rooted
layers, from bearing wood, and grown in the
open air. ' .V ;! : '-JLi 'I
" ' k f ,
Ladles, Attention I You know that you ;
want a neat fitting, good, durable,' well made
Shoe,"fof yourself and child ; go to' Grant's;
The latest novelties In the dry goods line
received daily at May's Price Regulator, 27
Main street. ' ' -; -
1' : . '; ;
For Sale A Cottage and two of the most
desirable residence Lots in the city. Enquire
at this office. '' ' 'J - - J
Take Solid. Comfort by, getting you. A
pairbf those Cloth Boots, or Shoesor Gait
ers, at Grant s. ' - .r?5r-
Peoria Milk Crocks best ever oiler ed In this
market, at F. E. Johnson &X3a's,'T21 McPher-
Tson Block. '-' 1 '' -- - ru:.
The lye's Seedling Grape is the great
American Prize Wlue" Grape, Furnas has
them for side.
,: ) ; r" -t 1 :f ,
1 Organs Rurdett's, from tliO to $600;' Ma
son & Hamlin's, 575 to. $600., 1
. James R. Dye, Brownvllle.
.Gentlemen's Albert Shoes, Base-Ball
Shoes, -and. Polish. Gaitervor sal at Ilobl
sons, .y j
Everything in thollneof stApleand fan-i
cy,GrcceritJS, atSwarUfc Brother's. ., . v
30 PerCU of good Rock for salei Enquire
of Star, at May's Regulator.- ' r T
- 1 1 .. . . . .. 1 . .
Highest market price paid for wheat, oats)
corn, Ac, by Bedford A Handley.
Private' medical aid, read Dr. Whlttler's
advertisement. ; " - - - ( j
, 1 r - in 1- n 1 ' '
Parasols In great variety at May's TiegtH
K.BI. Holtxlnger has perfectly Dry Wood
for sale,
Boots and Shoes At Hetzel's.
Agents Wanted $1Q a Day, i
TWO 910 MAPS FOR $. ;
; LLOYD'S ;l
Two Continent, Amrrionand KoroJe. tuid
America with the I'nite4 Starra por--
-i ' - tins b an imiaei-te srslo. --r
' ' Colored In 4009 Counties. . ;
THESE pre at Maps?, now just roTn
- pleted, v4 x 62 inches larse, show ' every
p)aoe of importance, all Kai!rois to date, and Ut
iaU?t nUcmuoBS iu the various Kimn-an stafp
Thre Maps sire ned'i in every Seliool and family
in tlie land they oect'py the ppaceof one Man, an4
by means of the IJeverser, eithor Ride c;in he tiimwa
front, and any pai-t troti-rbt level to the rvc. Ce.
ty n1 lanrc discount given Vf co.xl AtrenLs.
" Apftiy jor Cimiiars, Turms and semi iiionpr for
and se tvimplc Mups first, if not sold taken back
ondimand. J. T. LbOYD, - j
. M . ' . ; i.: 9 Cprtlaiidt Ktferfj Jf. Y.
...n ccoXcd:un:i&co.?
Aifertisirg Agents, Chicago, j
- i'jfArr aidhftriaed to ttcrim A lrT
. tUrmcntt for On paper, et mrr kmnt
' raitt, av'iart Jij.tUi for all 'ewjy
prrt in de U. Scnd Ttrriloritx. ,
. 1
Invite V:
ville t
spica- -;
r : Ion c,f theeltize-n
. (. f ,VAi'Lll A. .)
Congress S Button Shoes,
j SPRING: AND S'trMMEit iiAT3j-;';-
I, 1;
. i J
i -jix a r
v.." II
: fvVil
' ... J
;i "
.. r. - ; . t
CHoico Spring Prints,
Ten Thousand Yards.
Brown &; Blcndlln3liii3,
Twelve Thousand Yards.
r:MMR f Lancaster, Glaseow,
Vx-mglinmS, Scotchs, and Seaside,
. j- J I Three Thousand 1 ards.
3,500 Yards'.
Laiaiis, Jaconets, Pcreah, Organ
dicaand Qrencdincs.
Piqnes and Ilarsailes,"
- ' .... One Thouaqnd... Tarts.
i f ' i ; ' .t k J.-LJL C
DrcSs Goods, SuSr' ?
-Vi J. Z.J.".
Two Thousand Yards. .Yards
Swiss Muslins, Plaid, Striped
r -ana Lheccea jaconets, vn-
'sook, Victoria Lawns; "Look
Mulls, Birds Eye Linen, Cor'
ded Dimity, Irish Linens,
3,ooo- Yards,-; a
i w i t- J t .1 -
r.i iStriptd Sliirtinfj, ChecJ: Shirt
ing, Ticking, all grades.
3.5ooo ; Yards. .
Cottonadcs, Denims, Tweeds,
Kentucky, Maryland and Mis-
souri Jeans, and Fiae ' assi'
v- meres. - .
i - .. - w.
Tablo Linens, 1
Bleached. UnhlcachcdandCol-
rf t '- n
CfrasTr .
V,- . t . xJ
f' . -rr.? White andJjrown, 40 pieces.
Linen cthd( Ttl ishDol -
Hoop SIrirtsT;r! .';r . T .
Droji, Open Front and Bustle,
all sizes. ' 40 Dozen. .
Parasols and Pans, : r ;
- Ail'Stylcs, Twenfy-five Doz.
ClbiiijaTidSmiCoali I
.Latest Spring Styles.. 10 Dozl
Bed Sjpreads, t . r j
White and Colored, Linenand
. . (XttortJ , 12 Dozen.
Seamless Iag3, !
Ko. 1 articled) Z Dozen.
. . . . , . , -. . j
Par and.Straj7,Hnt?, j
, - New Styles. .Forty Dozens.
Clioiee Groceries,
4,;iA' ; ; j" . - ' . , , , I
Celebrated Ilolin o PIotts, j
.-..'. r ." i
-; " - . v ... . ' . .-1
gricultural ;IiiipIemfehiHi!
JPlvst Sit. Orovv-iivillc, ' Nol)rnsIca.; .
..... V
" 7 J '! ' " '. '-f I
Xv"" - . r - .
""X CI h
iG h r' -'.
m n - - ---"3
t. J It. ' - 1 SL -, " . . ' 1 "
J. I. CASE & CO.'S
spl'a riH P
Greatly Improved.
; johv ii. MAitrvY. - - - -
i Ilt CIi ETC.
Come and see ns, and wc guarantee to suit yon In GOODS and TRICES ! Wo biiy ovrr fna
chinery by the car load4 thin saving freight. iA full supply of all kinds of Farm Machinery
in their season.
.iir;TjiE.T v.t
X SIGNERS. Appointfd by an .act of the
LegMature of the fetate ef Nebrnt , entitled "An
Act to provide for the sale of tlie tnld Iu and
Blocks on the town site of Lincoln, and for thf
tion and Erection of a State University, anl Apri
cultuml College, and State Lunatic Asyluul, ap
proved F eD. lo, laea," wui ai
L I IT C O Is IT ,
Tke CAPITAL f the State of Nebraska,
On the Third of June, A,D. 1889
4 J-a
Commencing at 10 o'clock A.M.
Offer at public sale the Unsold lots and blocks In tli
town or uncoin. oaia prpeny t-ouiin 01 me
nnreihered bloclts. the even nnmlxTS having be'
soli beretofore by the Ste.te and now lareely occu
pied by buildings. The terms or naie wm oe t a-ii;
and for riot lei thBfi the appraised value. Said ap-
praisment to be made by the Coiamtetiioners.
40,000 Acims or
We mill at tvfrae timeandipmheHime terms
ofl'er at' PM? Auction m.-arly '"ros of liim
Atfricultural Land heion','iii to tl.e fctatu, lyin
from one to ten milps from Lincoln.
We wonld add tii:it Lino-ln h; nor a poMil.ition
of twelve hiimlrcl inh;ititantf. and i:' runiuiy irnivv
ini? Into both political and con-rr;en'i:'I i;n;-.iri.iiii
TbeCapiUd Buiiiiin? is nowcotuiiii-ttil, uji 1 the sf
ioa of tie L--ri-U;iture Just closed va ln ld in it.
The action of said LMrisUinre o far iw it rlatol tj
future interests of this phice was as favorable as tlie
moot ardent of its friends could ask:
A peneral railrond law .Was pflea tmderwhk'h
some h vp or six railroad eompn'eH center nz hers
prwKwed to avail themselves of Mute aid and pt!i
their roads to completion at nn Pirlr day, while at
lut three confidently expert to be here wltliin on
yer fro "n this dnte.
Tid woulii Re"m to jirUify ns in f:!''ln'? that
eo!:. ut rKi.H'anK..y, nili I 1 t '' f .-. .., o'f.s" of
'Wlisk, U)6 grJbAl lA.illMMiCJi.iut' we.-t cf
Ch io4?o.
Thi, taken fn connect !ni with th !':n-t t''?f r.Tl te
public bui!dint; are Incut. -d '.(en-, it rid tin! w:ti;:i o-i
and a hslf miles from town tl ere pi rh.n -. t.
rK-hest saline springs in Hip v,nr';l, now i-i f
development, pive assurunre Il ia it will bo im
Iiary Chance for invt-st?'-,ert. Tlioe who invi -!-.l
at furmpr Wate sahs have iwti iUile to realize i'ruu
one to five hnndred perecnt. ad anee.
llneionr nanns tins :ill:!vot 1 oIruarr,lM:. t
V.W in Hl TLtJi,
i wttrij i . . ...... T.
Se-v. ol M.iu.
-ji... JOJ'.N'fiJI.LVswK, j
i :-
I !.
v s -
trt ,
1 :.
'1 ' iJ
J: 1 !
to J
? i
: r '
v. J
. C
- 1
l 3
! ' Rcdncotl Prices.
1TAGOAS 31 At) El
r - i
V A. Tisdel,.'Jr,-,;ci.Co.,7
Dii, - tihth:
XL MEDICINE, as iliplom at Office will
show, has bn lonirer entcnirpd in the tr'tniPtit
Of VlUfKBKAL, htJtL'AL and Pal VATB LuKA8-
es than uny other phynician in t-f. l.on!s.
Syphilis, Conorrfiiu, Ult. Stricture. Orchlttta.
Hernia, and Hnptnre; all nrfnary Lisps and
yrbiutto or Mercurial Afllictioos of Throas,
kut or Bouen, are treated with nnparallelled
tpermsorrhea. Pexnal PbTiI'lty and Impo
tonry, nn the result of self h':r! in r-utx,(s j i
ill etctesH In nuttiir!r yfcir, or orLe'cHii.'Sj a1
v.'hich pny?nce some of tv.? fii:owi"r e:!ac's.
Noetiirnal Kmissjfns, Llotc.fs, dt-ij.'.:' V, C.'.'.i
ress, tVrr.n of sihS.confuii.on of ideas, evil
firelxf!inu'S, aversion t so ietv of fmalM, Ioks
of mniory and sexual pewef. end reod-.-ring
m?rr:acr lrnprper, are permavntly cirei.
The l)(xtjr' opportunities ii hospital and
prtvate prfietice a-e injoirpuskp'i in St. Liie's or
any other c:tv. f';.c' tiles of I.r,n, pn-cM
rrove thst he hin r-e-n UiciHr,' bcr? l.i-ir tj.a
a iy ot?iAr so P'!vri.iii,'. Tfc.g t.-'taf .4..'.urit.
library laboratory ai:1 r.ppointment., ar un
rivaJie'l Im the west, RiisurpMSNMl anywhere.
At", w;h expenenct.-, can bi: relied Di.on.tud
U.t dwtir caji refer to in any physa-ianH iur;3'a
out the country. Ia int : ar.d pratiit
position liestaiids without a comutof.
Te TVritInsf n PliT.!efn whi rrp'"
atatinn Is I"n):i-v..le sliwulj
be worth reaibnjr;
Doctor WntTTiEH puTrI!-hs a J?.-'cf ft plt.
fel relating to venereal Uise.s;s an i the lii.s
trous and varied ctmseriuejioa of self-abme tuat
will be sent to any address in a sealed envelope
fortwostsmps. Many pbysirlans intrrxince nn
tierxs Vy Vie doctor aier r-ad:nc hts ruxi'-at
Pfui!ir!'.et. Ot'imnnicatinpii confldentii-.L' A
friendly talk will matron nothhiir. O'lice cen
tral, yet retirwt Xo. 1T Charles, su-t, st.
I.uis, .Mo. to 7 p.m. isundays IS
to -1 p.m. . - 2y
. i - -
Kn h;g jin6 opened, at Xa S4 51aln street, Erowa-vilii-,
X' bntsku,
Sfocif of IJ'll'-Ty flnoiti, w wonld call public al
ter, tion to ;.';c tict tlTut every good
mny, at reasonaMe prices, prr"- py f,t, .ftfi T
hiiii',' all she may ilt Ui our ii c.oi luth ewry
be No. 1, and mae rp iu tv.c !f -t cf sty!?, and that
i-' -;-' i ri fmu. just what she i i. lies In the way of
;' m;iv r
t a
; prist tlifit m w ill spnre no r?fs t
'. r entire
i'lC i..t.-i.l'J
to. ns i. n a in iljiiy r ceipt.of
- J1K5, i J. K. 11KAIU
In New York, CVt. :, !C;
'. Andm-Vi i:, . ' f rT
j ,
- At rarla nspcsilioi. J-.:, r
) No. 1 Family ri4cIilnV
Th's rsnilnw in e
m's t.ii...,!), p .
-r-!.-!.--i a ne prr
,f n-.,kr.r r---' -i .
te"t ea'- t tr f
. 1 ; nuuuuv'.U to is
proiofli r tptrrn.
ner'tton eomcineif
Tin- iw!inm: r prt.T-7I oecUotK sr;
l. K.v.ive fa ,,-u w the e-rriktor.
Z. I.lab:;:tv to e-t out of r-r.
X. Kxpense, trouble, ami t 't tjie in repnts ".
4. Incapacity to iew every l'rr i:i i of i",
& l)isagrtable nob While ia' op. .'anon.
The Empire Srwing Moh in is Excrrt
from all thesd O'tti-K
It h.-vs a strnlirht Needle, pi-rperi.rmlar Ar! 'i.
matei thelock or slif tiaStit'-iT. wi i w::i .:.
rip ter nvel. und is a..k3 on b ' i !-: p-t .. r-r
nert'ect wwliii r.rt everv diver i . of x.ui
a ith cotton, linen or siii threiui, f.oni trweta-.r
to U6 liuvst number.' . .
It Hetffc; rd'l, tfJrit, rVaMV, TuJ:l;, '
QuL1t3, I :nl- aaJ Gatliers.-
As a rathiYy' Sewlpg MacMc' It n superior.
Special attention is called to elf f w im j'iror eI '. i
i;os. 2 & 3-ITanaittirin2 "acMEe
Ther lisre Iivn Oirtronsr'il (-t'lsl on everr ' of Can i ji1 rsaer Av't-r. rouM.s't t y
'Steam fowtr a. '.iie nvte if . ,
, ' ' l,20i(3( &itc1iciprrtn.n-uc: . :j
iTod'H'ine mf.rc than dsMibie the m-ort of tn""
er Sbuitie Machine n.'.r in nse; tiieu.u lr i-,
uniform and beautttil ; they are "ni"ie '-!-tiou,
tiutiiy uniU'rMtooil, and u,,t le ;i;iom : i i o.t
of order, run l.tit and are onu-iinu: v.i v --s. ,
Fur Taiiorinu r IKiiier Vvons wecl.:u ' -f
are not only, but tmn'Si mrwer in
aittcume tuat tuai ever been Oi.- rM tu
T!nn:fi5 Is
dwells KiciiAr.rtsG::,' . i
. - , St. Joseph, 3.1
Goner:?! A cents N. W.-State- and Terrl.c.r??s.
vi;-5Msnt . ' . , ProwT-r'.:
tke ' " ;.- -( '
Is retailed" at s prfca wi'i-m tf p-'ach of s '. .1 v ' -
T;!Chiim unej a ir-t.Vit n-), r"t i 'I
silica Kka on both !, bs a -'f a.- .s.r ,
moil, and Call du erery vr: y ol ---.. it w i k
hem, f;-il. bind, cord, brai't, '".m, no. ', r. .
mu.l iTRtoer ; will worn e-i'i.i.;:y - u a.., i.i n,
woolen or cotton goo-is, wua sllit, cua or cot:ou
S e win z Vi acliine
Varraiifcd for Five YcrJ
One asrerffef will be'siifnlied with i,;i-iV !'. rf
tli JdiK'hine, in cis at' acei.(-nt.' U ;
th same stitch matte by t he "-wiir, - r
on. If owe snf I'lorenceiiai It ..
feed, like the beat of h:tr!i pri. .i uivfii r s.
only jow priced slmlild a;ach':e " th
hiw this" resr. W n?.- f t- -.1 a t
Shuttle f-whloeata very U-v ru, .'
Its sinrjilu-ity, and conse.eteTv 1 et of in
turinir. in ComparlKoa wita Cun:p.ii.jilt". ra-u.
V Gr 12
We wish' to arrftnc with A sent, tnn'i or fe i'-. '
to represent the American Khutue s m i.
In each Stale, County aud Town in ti e 1 ' ' " -lai
and tmuirio. Kxtr indoc-tucus to 1
A-tenta.- i or lull r'.K.-viiirs, ai to ur ciaf -
nii.vsionf, adsress.- '.'.'.
G V 2 f. An ctr ctt j,: . . :
. ' ' ' ' 'CSndriil A.c-if,- '
Betrtli. illci
Nl W.-r-w tTie' aene'nt 6'f 4i ; :nfi wA'5a-f
rnrel wilt, MTtiets w bar (-x-i sr- - f--
bewi MAchlne AtcnUtoselL Wewt'.l- J .;. . ;
of sauipleM and full partieulArs on rec , tr f end r- i
stamp. Andreas O. V. N. Andrews, Ot. " -l Ai nt,
Letroit, Michv 12 z-ty
SoT7inri line!
y Sj s-
Capable of Se trill I ri ?Iore than n
AJfn-- ..'-'... ,r.
Fastening all itt'diTri'ia.
.... t . . .
wiTiiobf STbrrrxa jt.icnrzz
It Csra,and WATT7 LT?3 TTTTAT tri lay
othtr, and will commence ai .., .,iuut
- . .. . . nvldicg LUeeaosof tu -ir-sai; j. .1
- ' .. - ' ( ;
; MAciiiNEi! zoiii cinCh r:i
' T ."
: jryScad fcl 'pofU CiTSS : " ' -
ml, rr. Piiirrr; cc;: trr.2 a -
. .ST. LOJ7I3, 210. ."
J. W. IlENDEEON, Drovr Avi:i,
r. ii: siiooir Er.c" ,
MartpfrirtnrffXBf-1 rea!T',"irIvT
of all kinds; lengths, breauiiiS an 1 ' .-- '
They rj'rn and rrtn oneof t; e fc-est i 11- J
In t.'ie SUie, and wUl furr.i.-- i
with. ft.t-lU of Lumber r-f beat r- "'
scors notice, at tae lowci ;ijr:i a r.
Lath, end IT! elicit '
Always on hand for aule
fThey also sell ehean at the'? r.h-T ii T '
Gj.;e all staple Dry ooodt at i urocer.a, t t
snch article as ar In e-itKcU bs.
liemember the bn&liw. U14V ra, .M
place. l-!y
- josEPir siitrrz,
TTiV? JnHt opened and w 11"r
rV. keep on tunad a Lan:" ard v 4 a-ond
t. voi c gVMd n rgCie i a, Lis L rv
nerir: cf Clock3,W.barvl lev
dry done otv&iort notice.
BLACKSr.aiT. .ilj! .
A tl rw stf Workmen ad M.wUsery. tt
matui t'.M-ture ail kja-l-i vt
and o repair all kl't-ls of
M AC HIN K 11 V .
ways rvdy to accommodate the puil c.
-&i Tisr actio a va u a yTi:::zrzj
' ' J. IT. BEiSON,
Oih- r.xr Wt-4 of roirt n f.
m.-H'Btui Ttr,.wvi'V. Nc!.
Hats at Uelzel's.
Tage Seed At City Drug Store.
- If