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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1869)
- ' , ' To whom all CtBiimuulC-Ucms on AcTiculturs shcwM lea!.l,-e"ed. ... ' YTImt J? rilc shall I XIantT Fro", man's llural World, - . T;is is a very important qiv-t tion; it interest the pocket as .Tcli irs the jm! If, hy planting certain xie tic( I can have an orchard bringing me in a ? nucj little Income ut rive or t-ix vears from f ettinjr out: while, by i;bntinjr another list of - varieties, I have to learn to labor and to -wait fif teen or twenty years for tb same re fuIU the choice-becomes deeply im portant to mo. That there arc varie ties that commence bearing the sec ond or third year from- planting, is Trell known; and, ti'iaC fhcre are also ' varieties that appear t have no earth ly idea of what they were set out for th at see mj to live to tantalize their owner; growing viprorouUy ; extend ing their lone: branches eo as to tuuch each other, like the Bellellower, or nhooting up heavenwards like the Northern fcpv, tearing nothlivg but leaves is a foxed ; fact, weir enough known to be appreciated. But, what trees fchall I plant? I don't want to - plant for posterity as the Irish orator taid, "posterity has done nothing for rue:" why, then, should I plant for jio&terity? I want to plant so that should a kind Providence spare my life fix, ten, or twenty years, I can reasonably expect to eat the fruit and enjoy the proceeds of it. Having been through the school or experience, 1 will give some of the lessons I have learned. One I have learned is this : not to set out every variety that is recommended in the fruit books, and thus have a mixed lot of trees per haps fifty, sixty, or a hundred varie ties, in an orchard, not half us profit able as n few of pood .bearing, hardy, popular apples. ; Four, or at the most, ix varieties of winter; three or four summer, and the same of fall are enough for a -market orchard. Another lesson : If your ground Is rvot ready for your trees when you get them, heel thera In by all means, if it is only for a dav or two. Don't put ihcra in the cellar; itmavrain so as to put off planting a wee"k or more, and the roots of trees should not be exposed any longer to the light or air than is necessary. - Another lesson Thave learned not from my own experience (I was not fool enough for that), but from the ex perience of others, is: Never to pur chase trees of a tree pedler, but go to a good reliable nursery the nearer home the better. Now for early bearing varieties: First in the list of summer apples, is the Carolina lied June; the Early If nrvest is complained of by some, but Ptill I h.nve no fauit to find with it. For cooking; Ceswick Codling will al ways come to time; llawthornden , is also an early bearer among fall apples. Ifaiden's Blush docs well, l'ortcr prows slow, but still commences bear ing tolerably early. Ilawley is not much known in the West ; but, judg ing from one tree we have, it is a no ble apple; commences bearing early : fs first-rate for cooking, and not bail to take without. Jersey Sweeting is a very early, abundant bearer, but the tree is tender. The Itambo is a num ber one apple every wav ; in fact, 'I . think of any other variety of its season, that pleases ine as wen as this : there is money in it. Along to wards the winter apples Fameusc or Snow does well. AN cstfield Seek No Further does its dutv: I wish I could gay as much of the Yellow Belleflow es; but its short-comings are well known : however I have seen it break ing down with fruiton the river blull. The Wagner goes to work nearly as - soon as planted. Herefordshire Pear- man comes In aoout right. Peek's Pleasant does pa&yibly well I really wish I could say the same of Pryor's Red, for I like the apple ; but the fact is, that one Wine Sap will bear more apples for me than thirty Pryor's lied: what the latter will do for posterity I can't tell. The Komanite, where it is appreciated and free from dry rot, is a desirable variety it does its duty no bly. English Russet does well. Among sweet apples : Talman's Sweet and Ladies Sweeting, are about medi um for carl hi ess in bearing. The Ja net grows so slowly that it takes a number of jeara for it to get large enough to Jo much, though it pays well ; but, the Wine Sap will "do to tie to;" I find there is more money in it than any other apple of its season- I an acquainted with. Little Ito aranite does its best to please ; but, the Northern Spy, deliver me from thirty trees, set out fifteen years ago, nave, altogether, actually for the last six years given from t peck to a bushel per vear; however, there is hope even for Elliott, In his Western Fruit Book, says- "it cannot be considered a profitable variety until the trees have acquired" at least twenty years of t;ge." However, to sum it all up : Early ap ples lied June, Early Harvest, Kes wick Codling (for cooking.) Fall ap plesHawthorne; ' Maiden's ; Brush, itambo, Famuese. Winter apples Wagner, Peck's Pleasant, Wine Sap and Janet. For sweet Talman's Sweet and Ladies Sweeting. Rustic. Turkeys Ycrsus Grasshoppers. The utility of a" flock of turkeys, in destroying grasshoppers and other in sects, is not appreciated by the farmers of the West. The grasshopper ques tion is becoming a serious one even in Missouri ; these destructive insects are increasing by the millions every year; and the skill of mortal man has thus far failed to find a remedy to prevent their ravages. If they continue to in crease for a few more years, in Rails and Marion counties, as rapidly as they have done for the past few years, we may anticipate very serious conse quences to our agricultural interests. As no remedy for the evil, has yet been suggested, I v. uuld propose to' the farmers that they try the plan of raiding large flocks cf turkeys, and turning thcrndoose ia the fields infes ted by the grasshoppers; A flock; of erne hundred turkeys would" destroy during the summer and autumn, many millions of insects; Ifthegrass hoppcrs are plenty, the turkeys will actually require no other food, until the beginning of cold weather when they should be fed with grain a few weeks and then taken, to maiket. Dressed turkeys, during the winter Riot.ths, are ur.ually worth three cr fsur cents per lb. more than pork ; and the cost of raising them is. really in significant, when grasshoppers arc abundant' Let the farmers of Mis souri try this plan on- a large scale ; c-tl tcre is evsry rctsoa- to1 belicv that the experiment will be success-, f A and prolitabhv-Ex. Is population pressing on the mean .of subsistence in these United States too, as well as in Europe? The Agri cultural Department re;orts a failing elfin the farm stock of tho country lii isr.S, compared with 1S37. The read ers cf the Country " (JavUtman have been shown that the total amount of corn and wheat sold for export, was considerable less for the years lb7 find IS "S than for the two years prior to the war; and the fact is reported . from Ciu innati that tho hog crop of the ' whcl--' country far these .sonsof IS ;-GJ, i3 a little more than two hundred thousand and odd over that of tight years ago. What wonder, thenar. t the high price of food, when one cou- frm fiftv to seventy-five rer cent in hahitable area and population, the quantity of bread and mct raided for -ale, has fallen oil". " .' U ? . :". fcire; and Ilarl-cl lU5z : 'WnnAT. listen, uj.lijl t. the stock" In New York U nu-ily la large ss last reported ; hv.t all accounts agree that stocks of wheat and flour at the Atlantic ports, including -Albany, are light. Trafton's Reporter, Idarch 27, says the lew grades e? flour are in limited supply. Also th it very few mills at 11. e West are doit, rr'inore than custom work, as farmers i to sell at present prices ; "hence it is very ev ident that our-ttocks of grades will soon become scarce indeed, the assortment is now. comparatively poor." Also, as relates to wncar. farmers i?i the interior generally re fu?tosdl at rresent'prices, which, with a material redaction of toUj (the Tribune says there is less thr.iij 700,000 bushels of spring wheat.) has! imparted a better tone to the market, and induced some speculative fueling ; and that the low prices cannot fail to attract the attention of Intelligent dealers, as it is very evident that at the present rate of wfcges farmers can not produce wheat to advantage ; so it is erident a much less area will be sown to spring wheat than lasfcyear other crops taking its place. . ., : . ' s ' Besides those given alxve, which arc important as showing that this matter is understood In the - cities, there are many reasons why spring wheat may not be as largely sown as heretofore. Other crops, and- espec ially barle, pay 1 tetter; while farmers rind that less wheat, and & greater. va riety of other crops, are better fur the farm and more profitable for the far mer.. Many make the chang2 because the land has been over-croj ped to wheat, and others see that it is better to do so while the land Is in good con dition. These facts show how little farmers should be influenced by the cry of ov er production (referred to by S. B. L., of Wis. p. 34.) Can any . farmer or dealer tell when, in his time, there has been more wheat than$be world could use for bread? We have watched this question for many yeare. and run no risk in saying that, with the present means of transportation, an over-production of wheat Is very improbable, if not Impossible. In formerages with no railroads nor canals and very little commerce, while the mass of the peo ple were poor and much less generally used wheat, something of the kind might take place. But now all this is changed. The demand for wheat crowds closely on the supply, and England sends ships to every part of the world where a cargo can De ob tained; while consumption, in pro portion to population, has been stead ily increasing, with the increase in intelligence and wealth of the people, and this increase has been much lar ger during the last decade than ever before. In view of facta like these, The Mark Lane Express, March 15, says: "With nearly five or six months before us, and a short crop of every thing but wheat, there must yet be an enormous consumption before harvest to which present stocks and prospec tive shipments seem unequal, and a re-action may set in." Yet this jour nal is strongly disposed to magnify the stocks in foreign shipping ports, saying, only a little below the above, that there were then 1,000,000 barrels of flour in New York. Still, in full view of a large crop in England, and a good one here, the Express has nev er, so far as I. have seen, said, that there would be any surplus . at ' next harvest; but both editors and corres pondents have repeatedly stated that stocks or wneat and hour must be used up very close before the next crop can be made available. And this is expected, too, with ' a seasonable harvest while a late wet harvest must make a large extra demand, with high prices. . . Now in view of these" facts, why need farmers be in a hurry to sell wheat? Why, now that prices , are low, should all sell out close, as has been the case with wool? All can now sec that there was no need of sel ling wool so low; and this must soon er or later be the case with wheat al so. Then why crowd the market? Ex. ....... Tlie best Timber for the Weather. Eds. Rural "World: There Is abundant evidence to prove the fol lowing facts, to-wit: Next to large cedar (Red,) the yellow locust (com monly called Iilack locust) of our lawns is the best timber for rails or posts not saplings, but . trees large enough to tplit. Next, without a doubt, comes I)Urr-oak". This i3 by far the best of all the oaks. I have seen Burr-oak rails that were known to be fifty years old. They Tvere cov ered with lichens, and would break easily: but carefillly handled, were good for several j ears more. They are in Central Ohio, on Darby Plains, The best (first) cuts of 'White Oak, with mulberry, come next, with Red elm and walnut following closely af ter Vineyard posts orstakes of Bimvoak should be worth twice the price of the latter mimed trees. Ex. Tlie "Walter Grape. TRICE LIST. Tef rvr - IVr Per IVr ElW'tl. IK5. Ii. an. ? !(,. No. on var. 4 1 fa $s fr fi-! f-m No.: flU . 4 . M )70 3D Nu.1 li . S M 110 2i SID Two your Lest Id I k to izi iu 8.4) IX LA EGE Q UAXTTTIK1 A T 2TUC1C RKI WE" K A TKS. Saccharine Testg for ITIne. At the Nittional Saccharine Test for Wine, at IlammonrtsjMirt. . V., Cw-u 'isth. 1MH, the CWan-txi utood In snrchariiie matter 1 M'aVrr W lona 101 7jvrr Hi. This test wiw mmi? with 17 ounces of Uie Waller, somewlmt frozen, to 24 ounces of ettch of the otlier vnrietie.H. Next nioruiuK the Pupenntendciit, Cleric, nd one of U:e lirwtow of the 1' Valiev Winn t). tiie parties w'.io roiiducti.-d tbe t-st the 'day lioi'ore ) Ut oHiisly theniwlves of the merits of the Walu;r;' hy nit ejun! trial, tested 17 ounces of lona from th iame hd that weri uswl the !v before, and the wtcrlinromeUTMood at Ul the Walter U-atini,' its. Ilnd 17 mmiw of the Ielawre and CbtHWhit been prved equally hrl with the Wititcr, tlieirKlclna mid centres beinc arid, the Iel;iware wuld have trttxxi Inwer and the aula pnportionably telov itie lioi.tware. Ail the var.tUea ranged much litwer ti-fin ttiose eiinmer.ttcd ). There had heen constant rn'ns and damp wearier n the seouon vher ine It cK.'.r irrew its com-tit-or tr ins( at H;imnionrtpiirt aurt alone the 1.1. en, w Here there hiid I'cen but lttw min Oiiring the eiu dry Mil aiit w-Kther beiti nectaflsary lur the p;Ttfl ewpcttiiiii jriHjw. A committee of tlie A ui ri an Institute Farmer' Club, In a reeort of r-yt. "Ji lv;s, printed in the New York S.'mi-Weekly iYihuneof Stpt. irHh, a'ipr Bleakitinof theonalitips of the Waller, aar: "We coiK-lude the V.'irrrr wUl be a valuable (tmVve In the t ru)e re-ioiss of the upper 5inal.tiipj,oi the s!ior of Lake line. In western New York, c!"i ntwwuf!) lV'nnylvauia, and wbeWver eLs tuvtgratHajsut'Ct.vfully grown." Lrttcrfrom Chnrir irv'.v.A m of the otdeM rlmt ntntMx ft I if st. '.V. ' ViNXVAKU 1'UINT, I .TrCo N. Y., iluy 13, 1;. .;, -) . Jrrrt rf- f"nwvt j ah mrk: Yiurs of t e lt! I an in rece!; t of, in M"ti ye u u-s'k it 1 )iave KnM).fectiotw to aeini.hft yoti. t(r tnililHtition, the fucta 1 atii acquainted wnu. In relaticu to the fbaricter of the W'iMrr (fiaiie. 1 have Lever iudor-ed tlie character r uefu!rii of vines, or otlier art idea of artvle.criptuu,tuid wPd not at my prnsvnt Mave of hte were it i'tfirto rasuiui which -'."Ui s r.ciciit. f irst, I knur t V.itrr &nnr' v.i.1 ri-'.-t the rre'miicea wide 1 l' t :ie cuvntl ry. cau'i by t iie w on li i--- in i;iv' iiCikii:''-i of cany of its prviec--ors. find, bivscts- I can sav frnn jerHWa! iJnfrre'' '1 that the MV.i.'cr t. tbe'bet var.ctv I hav bad ai f K-inwift'ceo:. and 1 think I have cultivated i.eany t:l thul lmvleii rc'-onnnendcd. t"em nil ant4, fulling tin. k i-jjoii t he Cti'Hord and I l;r: ! 1 rroliticaa vuieTard v:irietw-s. I mil inleres .si. i kmwii:,' that the (nht of the WiM'-r prows .arv-r ciu li tie vii.e frrown older, beinir Uistyt- 'r f all voue-tblrd lann-r t!ian it wai to yearn ai-rs. 1 1 :nw wed: aelM iru't v-lL I hitve Ket-n it ripe hm--eral tiiM5 tx'ii te liurti'urd. and I have never .- n hov niiU'iew .u i(K fruit ir on it lunre and thick, but iKdawaro t-huped luiiuse. The flavor of the fruit X ihiLk uiTior to any .tl:er variety. You fy its vour cir-ul:r it Is a aMldnx of tho Dlawai-t- ' i Viiiina; I ttiink thechuracter of each of thee vn if tin 1h q-iiie iitinsf.r.liahle in the MViUrr, partict hirty tlovt of th l" iaare. I aJi-d think ftwm:!i! milk a wine r.'f hi:- i ciianictcr. I have vis; -i ;.t annua!'. stuce il ! rsi bore, six yirn sjjo, three i . , in l isi. i Ci., N. Y., i i n h.w viUk t. w here t bell: M-i.rta r!puis. A etieh time il w;ia fulu- r . in Au: n-i. I buv .a'cn i each of the three pi.-i w n.iis i'i l'i" r:,-v'iiinf; at tlie aame i.n.o, e.c: ..ii li.t -ir, whi'it the ciiisuint mi'jS rr,a- vwiii J a'.l v: ' frui i miitc.rlnit at their c 4 fine, but I' jt..- l-'il i ! "'ut hy the iriiduie cf ten-.iM-r. 1 i.e ri: n (' the last Bi.-n:iuned crcp i i uve n i Men, w Were t-'h1. l r';n ! i s u in t:. l.w valley und t nei;oiic' y i ;' T x n.d ii i In 'he Cry M:- y yiisi: i ; . k- - . i 1 l it Will bV-w-i ; aduit-d 1-., vi.ri-.-. x ....ns ' f our efuntry. Yoti xnay n:.- iuu-ver n-e (' li.f.-si i , ''-us ym 1(H-m pr - . A'ours l.-y, CUAJ-XUI WOOi... V. T7CCD. Utci:e, N. Y. o o o 'TIT 1 1 i HUU Evergreens cnlySlO to $20 per 100 ORAPE VINES- CONCOjVdS ONLY &3 PEK lIUSDIiEI). The Omrord in the Great Grape far the ZTil lion, and re put the Price at only i w to $00 l.ooa. pEvrny. 'wxstiirnt farmer -4 BbwU -liitve 1,000 Evergreens, w$ 10) Grape Vine, and tbeM he cua hve F&& Improve and BcauUfy your Farm and homes. 1 , 000 EVERGREENS FREE I GrApE VTNj FREE! i .oooa" i-'. :r cr EVERGREENS FREE! 100 ORAPE VINES FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! Who would be withont them, when they can be had so cheap ? Now is the time for po-ahoad Farm en to supply their neighbors at low rates, and them selves I'X. Improve an beant'..y yonrFriM, your Homes, andyoarnelgtborhiKxl. liseraTreeealers trav el through yei Btte," and ctrfce you as much for etvs pexza' Vint, as we charge yoa for loo Viae. Sow, what is the use of paying such enormous prices, when you can get a better article at the west for one-quarter the prece ? TIIIXK OF THESE TIIIXQS. 100,000 G r a p e Vinos. 3 0 0,000 - r - "Svergreons Add to the Tola of your Land, and to the comfort and pleasure of your Family and Homo ! Hozno ! - Home ! Free! Free! Free! People will appreciate tbe reduction from the ex travagant prices usually charged for Evergreens and Grapo Vines ! LIVE 1TEN will learn t particulars, by sending or CI&CUULR and PRICE LIST. E YE It GREEKS! CIIEIIP! CHEAP! CHEAP! We are prepared to furnish the people of ths North West with Native Evergreens at exceedingly low prices, by the thousand eo cheap that all canaQbrd to purchaae. They Increase In value rapidly, and as ornamental trees, are surpassed by none. We can show you trees near the City of Chicago, of the same varieties, planted five or six years ago, that are note at from S3 to $5 each. Parties who attended the sale of real estate at Egantlale, In Chicago, last season, can fully appreci ate the valod and bottuty of these trees when pro ly eared' foK Every owner of real estate should have from 1,000 to 10,000 of them. They are needed all over tbe Northwest for Hedges, Windbreaks and Ornament GRAPE VINES CUEPP! CHEAP ! CHEAP ! Our Vines nre gJOWl orrfhe open praMs, conse quently ore hardy, acclimated, and adapted to Wes tern Soil and Climate. At the above prices we warrant Good Stock, de livered In good condition at the Express oOlce in Chicago, Free of Charge tot boxing, packing and drayage. " .- , Send Slamp for Circular giving fall particulars. Address -d;f..hoiiiaf& co.r - 113 Madison Su, Room 1, Chicago. 3-lu A BEAUTIFUL SEWIKG IIAC5IBE' IT REE! A. NOV-L' IDE At We Help Thots Who Help U! IaAdies, attention I w, flnbrtr8, attention! , . Sewing SocieUea, attenUon 1 $3 Church Societies, attention 1 Good Tsmplar. attention! t3m Odd Follows and Masons. aUcattont B Grand Army of the BepuoUc, attention t V3. All Good Man and Women, attention! A $C0 Graver wI-i2crSiTlnsr laclilae Free! We want two or three ladies or Gentleie In evcty town or vlaire in the t-utte, to help na earry forrd a very laudable under-iking. We want evenr Church feocietr to rlve their Minister's wife a heautiful hwinst Machine, and at the soma tune benefit itiemwiv iine rood man or woman in a ttrr comrmrrvtion can do tbe-twiaens in on Uy. Wa want all bocie ti to prwei some- worthy sistr with a Sewia tK,-hlna. Youallknowof some kind-hearted, hard wnrkin-.euod fhriatian woman In o-r neinhbor- hurl. w ho is toil in ir with her nedle. trvinr to sup port herelf nd liuJe ones. The most of us k now a minister's wl ' in our rrmmrv:tT, w xi btw a fiimtly toca- ', fci- 1 i ':. V'i u- i? tr r'r -work dor .r "-' -'.ii e 1 - uw- " - 1 ibor. lryu ; u, co .ujr and thU-icA Li tnaiti con- d.t.oni. n.Ania want tn send a perretnal Sunbeam rZlit into the boineof theae famllie t Do yoa want to set that mother's hmrt la a hutter f JoyT Ito vim want to be bled ever- day thM tbat sn-tdJ machine ruiw! If so, send at no lor Circular giv ing full partwinlarm, and then propose the subject at thebrst raeelm r yonr bonety, or go to work at once on o o account. Tiii Is n cht, catch- iHnnv cr bunNii BrrantremeTit,bct Is boms tut and hunor-bn. i t." and wUl c:ifer 6vir on all coo- rfrnsl. T '1 : cn . to it In acme am hcii n1! -cu. ti-d saanp m cuce ir y ... i Iats. Ail ire- - I U 10 t Hi li-dl-tn fcu r.otan 1, C-Jenen, 3 O O ' m-mim m?amm mm i y i I IT II i ililu 10 0,000 Dreer's1 Garden Seeds I ALWAYS XIIXIAELE. jLEIXG AS JUlPZESnXjrD, , , . , "PARMEiV3, OAPT)EXEK3, and all X others In want of S?ls, will fliid It to their advantage to sen J their orders direct to the beedGroAver. - -i The following ere a few tt the leadktg rarietie : V on. a 8 Bert, Wmon'a Kxtr Rirly. 125 1 2S 1 a m 5 00 5 00 6 Ml 6 00 a oo 1 so 1 50 1 SO 2 4M 4 od 4 W 2 50 4 J0 4 00 I rxi I 00 1 00 5 00 00 C 00 00 1 oo 1 25 1 35 1 25 a oo l 50 4 ( ' 4 CO " Jiriy Ktooa J urniu Half Lonir rilooil 10 lo ;i 69 50 60 0 . 39 15 'lh M 1 f t ) - ai Outers, lArcre jirly Y'ork.. " iisrly W inninvtadt- W anetjefCL, PhiladA. Hat Lmtch " La rev l'rumhead- Drumhead Savoy Chrrot, V xiry puir'fi unrn. T- f I , i Jiriy White&piae- pt oreea.. CXsMlif.ower. 1,i;t faris. " KarK- Krfurl... Ctlsrv. rreer'a Whiw.bohd. " Turner's Incomparable Lw juamce. i--a.ry curtea. i-jiriy eiuioaife., 1 19 10 10 40 0 U) ia is . 15 15 15 25 20 , ;5t) -'hi) " 19' 10" J'.oyal C-'ibbage,- JJdont, Netted t.tron.- Jenny l.lnu.. " Mount Hweet Water Ontoti, Jinre Ked Wet!iertield yellow MraKDurg.. " Yellow I)anvers..... " White or !Silver8kin " Im jiorted tseed, i-, above prices. rmrmp, iir?e feutrar.. LiulitJi, Imi? ?i-ariet Short Top " Ked and White Turnip " Jirly Olive Shape. Snlmfy, or Oyster Plant .. ,., , SquaK, tMriy ISltstl., lvin9lo. KxtraJ-iarly " f-ook'si'avorite , TUden 4 eo 57 75 Turnip, Karl- White Flat nuc... " .Purple Top, flat fipr'n IniwriaL PnrnlaTfiii. ; v Jtata .i-'ga. 10 1 00 ' All the above mailed at ounce prices. Ey the pound, 10 eta. additional, to prepay postage. f bus. ,12 00 aqt h) 00 so 50 1 00 60 SO AO 1 00 . 60 SO .. 30 30 30 30 Brrm, Early Dwarf Wax. AionawK... in uo 10 00 " Valentine- Giant Wax. Idirsre Ums. H 00 14 mi 14 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 S 00 Pen, "Tireer's Kxtra Kafiy- xoin itiuiii. McLean's Little Gem.. C'hampion of England. KUk-ine.... Black Eye Marrowfat, Cbm. Adam s Extra 1-irly & (10 " I-iixe S weet or bucar. S 00 F.towell's Kvertrreen B 00 ' JO 15 CIS. additional Ibr each quart by mail Potato, Early Koe..T9 t fi.T peck ? bus. fli. rtn fi trt tl:e hnshel.) Early Goodrich, ILarriaou, and other Tarf- usi aur-ei pr f- For a full list of varietlesee Pren Garden OUaulnr tor l'.i9, which contains descriptive lita ol Vegetables and Flower Seeds, New Varieties Plants, Boses, Grape Vines, bmall Fruits, Books, Imple ments, c 4c Mailed to all who enclose a postage stamp. Addreo HE-fllY A. DREEH, AVrjcryiun and ked Grower, "1-0 714 Chestnut St., PbUadelphia. TITUSYILLII NUESEEY. MERCER COUNTY, ' IfLTV JERSEY. 20,000 PEACIITREES 8 tot feet hljrr, .lOOpevlooo 4 to feet higli. ZSt to 4 feet hUjli. oo per iuv 40 per 1UU0 All the leading varieties in mod assortment. Pack ed and delivered at Kalixoad station wUhout , F.XTRA CIIAROE. 20,000 Peach Trees In dormant bud. paper 1000 Packed. 3,000 Cahlias. A fine collection, embracing Show, Fancy and Pompone varieties ; 30 cents each ; pi per dozen, sent by mail, postage paid ; f 15 per hundred by express or freight. Small Norway Spruce, and Other E VEEQItEENS, LOW. AXSO GE5EBAL XURSERT STOCK. EARLY ROSE POTATOES, 1 perB; f2 per 3 Ba. IIARRISOj? POTATOES, (1 per 4 B.s by Mail. Landreth's Garden Seeds. BLACKWELt. IlIiOTHERS, TUutvUU, M'rter Co., X. J. lebS-tai WEST Vl-IINTJE FUSSESIES. GRAPES VINES. I Invite the attention of Dealers and Planters to my targe stock of GRAPE VIITES, mostly two yean old, having been root pruned and umiiieu mi y, ui cprui(. luey nave maueavery large growth. I offer great Inducements to those wanting vines. Likewise I have on band a good stock of Wilson and Kill-tinny BLACKBERRY, t DAVIDSON'S THORNLESS. AND DOO LITTLE BLACK CAP RASPBERRY. 6EXD rOB PRICE LIST. A. & HALT-, Vineifd, St. 3, feb25-3m RIVERSIDE NUBSERY Davenport,. Iowa. If you want a good article of Nursery Stock, auch an Grape Vines, Currants, i Goosfeerrles, . - Raspberries, ISlstekberrles . Strawberries, Cberrjr Trees, Pea It ; Trees, Kverjrreens, and . i . Dlsciduous Trvts, Send yov.i orders to Davonport, Iova or R. W. FITINAS, BrownvUle. CatAlofroe freo. OAIIXAXD !SXrXlSl-XlT. .r : ' ST. LOVIS CO- mo. . -v 100.000 Eldfr Seedling, from G Inches Ut l l(4 n hHeht, iJJper M. - - t .-.. s r M w! L-4 WperM - M .ami li.aok Cap Iasvbt-rry 12 M per M lw. is). 'i'-$iu lxn iU per H Grapo Vines of all th lee.dS mr raHet les. - - RICU'Li KKKHY A CO..MO. 18-Sm BleardHV ilie P. O., St. Louis Co., PEACH TKEES. Crawford's, nale and others, 5 feet.....-....10 per 100 Same vt-Mic, stocky rfc... ..ft to 7 per 100 Pcsr ari ( herry Tws, 1 yr., Istcinwi 15 per 1H) - - . s ,t 3 yr., extra.-.35 per 1( Apple Trees, lyr selected, 3 ft 5 per J) m. - , .-i , sto7ft jvjper M Ar !Cnf.j. itsostiy winter varic! ii 8 per M Cli i limi wi, 2 yeara, well rooteil. - 4 ier 100 CVwicorvi t;rajx, 2 years, extra . per l'W T,ln- ui-ci:i-;-t 'i fTtl- M . VI per !' lKlittlft Kasoerry, 1n per M Pliilaurlphia..... i , in s pr W Kiitinny lllackberry, well rx)ted. per 100 Wilson lilac-berry, well rooted S per loO Also Rversrecn Roses, an 4 a creoera! assortment of 2f nrsery Stock, lncmd injt Plunm, Uoldea irwarf Peach, tiuincea. Orapes in variHv, OirrantM. G er rte, titrawberriea, A LL A T J.O IT XA 1 tvK;iiB sun tat whoitSMkie price. jend for price liw . -. . , JTOFF tXtOPEE, - WsUwra, Knox County, X1L. EVERGREEN "& FOREST TREE BHEDLINOS, for the Prairie of Nebras ka. W-e are oiTprtfiir While Ffnr, JtrmirX. Arbor Vila, tsgt Haiti EirrhScnliino, in lots of 50, 009 or inure, at l,5t per Thwoaand. We have tbe largest ttock: of Evenrreens ami Forest Treen to thowert. tsendtmpfir circular. Pamprt-letocoist-jniiis fell, praeti.-nt and scWiuiit instruo tions for pr"rxt;iia. handLnz. pluming d man a?ementof i'wrestlrea-i f vertrrens. nmiledfor iOcenta, . - . . PLNNKY 4 WKAJ. 21-t ' ' - A Sturgeon Bay, Wis. GREGORY'S SEED CATALOGUE. I tasve over sixty acres In Seed on my ShresSeed Farm, In MrW-liead, i's., where I have raided over one hundred vari the past aefon, o.v im-friv ("'t.'"!. I ir-v!-! ciany choice t- f i i e t-fx i - n r- , As t. oe UlllMi lam. J'' T Of iiuii m.'it S. ; .;;!, MlU Tteie- henrt Mamrr-n-ij Ci'c, and ninyntw anl rara ve Hbl-. 1 i.ivi: tae i ..ronat-e of tl-.e pui..;.!, tnrU t&trrtntitd t " rji'Tr't-f. c t't'ogiies pmru to ru. JAX) J, Jt. !';!. JOKY. fcb-em- ' - .... br head, X asa. TUe Cera f 3r tlie Zlinizi TNTRODlfcE to the Com Growers I of Atuerio.ta rc.v vfirity of Field Corn, own some three yean hy J.--rh I. -.i--'.. two fTT' miles north of llenrv. .Marsha -.1 "onn'r.- l. .''. marked to him fr-inf:i i.i(--i)t v:.-t "i-ir!y t !-i;. Corn." The hniiiM of iii-n is-'"' vur.ety nre um lowsr Fiwt. it n-arar-i tt lea-t two w-ek e;irl!-;r than onr orti:nsifv var:t-i.e-. 1 1: ere wi'l in many btaiks stow in a hill, dr:.-e!i:e".iy it v. i.I troauoe aHeastilpercent mors to ll acre. 1 l'-s jfrent in cren per acre yearly ia the Cir.-Wl;l ial7tte the real weA'.vh of our nation to ue uauuuuv ui ii--.-lions annually. - ' Thisvar!Htvisl--richt velloW. generally 11 rowe-J, the cob usna'llv covereit ciely at both emls with kernels: the ears break verv resli!y from the stem; the husk is verv lisrht and silky, mak-ir.? it very eswv on the hanU !n hnskinp.- Mr. BiiHi-i Siiys tbat hecftii husk at least i per cent, more biisn. ;g p-t davtlmn of the old varieties. Mr. J.I.khI lint lull hulsked, sbelietl and sold some i hiishcU of this variety alon with his old cn ; of Corn. 1 he prain merctiant.s were uname louirnieii.-n " theold. Hisold varieties, (winstw tne uniavoraaie Fal!,warietiittoliellorsellata;L .This variety cun oe pinuieu u.i nnin n; In one hundred days irom pUntin? it will be completely out of the way of the early frosts that we sometimes have in this latitude from ine loin totnesnnui c-pwruji-.. . irtas early as our little eishi. rowed Ti ork tetate or v.nVoo tfint Cnn. Tbe stock is rather short, hut very thick round, with generully a very lanre ear. Of this new and valuable variety of t ern, and am pre pared to oiler it to the CX)RS OHO WEiL-i of A MER ICA t the following rate: per burhtl (,k. ft ) j.oo . one-baif bushel, fX'v: one-fourth bushel, f-fH ay mail, poaUise puid, 4 lb oo. Single tti 30 cm. I o ex tra etiarsre for boxes or sacks. sHBt by express or freight as the purchaser may direct, the money In all caes to aocotnp-ny tne or der. Address . ASTON, . H-nry, Mttrthall 'Cbetnty IU. ft. B.-Pcrsons wfchini? STAR K APPLE SCIQXS, must send in tueir order lmm! my stock is almost exhousted. The EARLY El KLU CORN V 1U UC i"I HIC - What the Stark Aprts ts for the horticultural in tor- eats ine oesi inui uikts ia, vuv x.i . . one Is tlie lucky may. 23-t T3 - c, CJ t " (a cv to MO CJ r u, 2 u c - - ja - oo o ' - ex. S CJ Bill m 3 5 O H U o 1 o 90 ha c I '9 r u oi? J - a . o ' o m -8-S - s- ml 3 n u o o N 5 . . "3 e v . 3 C I I a o s 8 a ! -3 6 c 2 f. i &4 0 a a . t o 5 o OS 2 2113 VEHGREEIIS ! FR ORNAMENT, Protection and Wind Breaks, for Homes on the Prairie, and Stock In inclement seaeons. Balsam, Bp race and Korway Pine, to 10 Inches hKb - - 410 per louO Arbor Vltae, Hemlock Jk White Pine, 6 to 10 inches hhfh per 1000 American Larch, 6 to 10 inches high per MX) American Larch. 2 to 3 feet 30 per 1000 Assorted, various Einas.. o per w European Larch, 6 to 10 inches.. i to 12 per looo 1YE ARC I3XPOKTI.VG OUR EUROPEAII LARCH DIRECT FROM EUROPE. Onr Small Fruits are from dry, elmn, rtoy land. In the Green Bay country. We hnd tre-s from that section do much the best with us. We make ninety percent, ktow, and areswvi shape. Will beaecured by one of the fi mi, personally, lien taken up. We ma&e f- a s.tiiiu). 'NO' EXTRA CHARGE FOR BOXING. One-fourth cash tQ accompany the order; the bauance v. u. u. TtKFFF.RENTKf. President or Cashier Of either of the banks In this city: or, F. A. Tisdel er Charles bniith, Salein, Jiebraaka. Address OH D WAY PATtKFR. . feb-4m Freeport, Illinois. VOU WANT MARTHA ! Every JL jtrnpe grower wants it aa the Lest, most valuable and reliable WHITE WINE & TABLE GRAPE yet introduced to the America n people. In every way as periectly hardy, healthy, priKjticti ve ana vig orous in cruwth as the Conoord. from whioii it is a seedling. It is, liowever, far more rellned and deli cate in Havor, and ripens ten days earlier. It is sweet, rich, and sprightly, and eutirely devoid of the coarsene?ej and acidity that is found In tue con cord; and deserving of a hislier place amone white grape than the Uoncoru hoiox anionic oihck ones. Also, Weehawken, Salem, lielawure, lona. Concord, llartford Prolific, Ives' SSwtllin?, tYevelinir, Diana, and fifty other varieties of the moHt valuable nutive Grapes: also Blackberries, llaspherries. Currants, Strawberries, Gooseberries, Itheurmrb, etc.; etc. Send stamps for Illustrated Descriptive Cata logue or Grapes anu euian r nuts io r T GKO. W. CAMPBELL. Delaware, Ohio. FRUIT AXD ORA3IESTAE I?EL3BS, Grape Vines, etc, for Spring; of 1889. Wholesale and Kc(aII. We offer for Pprincrplnntlni; a stock of Frnltand OrnamenUU Trees, Grajie Vines, c, which Tor ex tent, variety, vitfor and beauty of gruwth has never been snrpaised. . ., , , "ull perticulrtrs Riven In the following Cat alojraes lust isMucd, sent prepaid on receipt of lu cents aach, for Nos. 1,2 -"o. 4 free. 'o. 1, DowTiptive Cat alosneof "ruit No, 2, Ornamental Trees. 'o, .1, Gruett Jiouae Plants, .'o. 4, W holesale L-O. ; ELXW'AXJEU & BARRY, -It. Hope Kurseries, 11-fim ' Eooliester, N. Y. PEOPLE S ITUXISEIIIES. We have a larse stock of the follow! ng articles, with many others, which weoffer VliHY low tocaxh buvera. Warranted true to name, and GOOD LN EVIuKY ItiiSPiXT. , . AppLp-r Penra, Cherries, Peitcljos, Plums, tuiuce, ;rnje, ItnMpberripi, Strn-H herries. lilackhcrricu. lOverereens, - Ornnniental Trce. Sbrnbs, Flowers, Fio-werius shrubs, Vc. We want a good reliable man, who can come well recommended, to acta; agent for us, In every county in Nebraska, Kaaurn, MiM-ouri and Iowa, to sell on Commissioi. or Salary. . - it. i. P.OBB t CO DleominKtoil, III. IMm-tf - CATALOGUES FREE! M. O'KEEPE, SOU z GO'S CATALOGUE of SEEDS, AXIS GUIDE TO THE FLOWER AXD VEGETABLE ,';,;.! gaud ex ron im. - fPuiiiislied In January.) Every lover of flowers wishing this new worK, free of charire, should ad dress immediately M. O KKEFE. HON A CO.. Kll wanger Hurry's Ilioct, 14icliester, N. Y. lV4m Flower See&3 and Green Iotiso Plants A LARGE STOCK of the Choicest XI. varieties of the above always on hand; also Shrubs, Evergreens, Imported Flower Blubs, for Fall planting. i'-aJnlncne sent gratis to all sppltcant. Address 1IE.NKY IdlCJIEf ' 29-tol ' 207 N. 2d street, St. Louis, Mo. NEW SEEDLrNG POTATOES. Three new kinds, of great excellence, not tobeficnd In any other cataloirue; areensrraved and fully described m my nev feel catalocnJe, tent profiJitnaiL JAH-ta J. If. GRKGOIiY, febiXm ' - - - - Msrblehead Ma.. - Grape Vines. CONCORD, Norton's Virginia, Hart ford Prolific, Tela ware, and all other lead varieties, grown aad for .i!e hy HENRY MTCTET, 207 2nd street, BU JLouLs, Ma : Send for price li. , - 23-3m ', .Plant Choico ZTniito. TOW IB THE TIME TO ORDER, il I will send fine SALEM ORAPES hy mail for S1 ech. Koeers t, W 1. st 5oe each. Kit tatinny and WiLon's Early lilac-berries at (I per dozen, bv mail, t'laric Puipberry, f-V) per doa. Philadeljihia do, 2 on per dozen, all by mail. . I will deliver the following at Express oilice, prop erly packed, at tbe following prices: Concord Grapes 5andjl0per hundred. Delaware, Diana, Crevel inr and Ive's iseedline, 15 per hundred. Salem Grapes a! 7-1, iSt and ! ) per hundred. Hokts 4, 15, and 19 at Mper huj'dreo. Fine Roses at 4.o0 per dozen. Xarshal 2eilKoe (bv m'l) TV eni h. Address JOILX CIIAKLTO.V, SMy Boc-bester, N. Y. QEEDS, ROOT GRAFTS. Osage O OrariKe ree-i, prime, new, f l. per bushel. Apple Seeds, Pench Ilts. fror.en. Boot (drafts, Ap ple, packed, 10,m), fo. Osajre liedi; plants. 1st cL, l.OiW, lOWtt. 25. PeachHale's Early and other bewt sorts. Stocks Apple, Pear, pium. Cherry, ti'.iince, tc , Itoses, Evenrreens, Graries, Dow a in? Gooseberry," Charles downing Siruwtierry, JUack berries, liaspberries. Green House lteldin l'lunts, Dahlias, Iea, itc fcecd l'-c tor thre (Vitaloguea. F. K. PHOKXIX, Bloom inetou Xurserv. . feb3m JlcJ.eanto., Illluols. PEACH TREES. Craw fords, Hale and others, fire feet $10 per POO Pea and Cherry Trees, 1 yr 1st class I " AppleTrees in variety, 1 yr, 9 feet. 5 Apple Grans, at low rates. Also, a fuii aiwortment of Xorsery stock, cf all ape. Bivapif sent at wholetw-e price. Sneeimen f )rchir-l c ntaius evse 10 boRricj of AjyyA I'rtin C-'Ui (Jh'-rrt. Benii for Price LibU . - Ji.fY evPEy. Mr. iitooQ savs t.e oure uui u uiur thirt new variety of Corn for fear that his statement ii ..... nnwn u a . i' -li litiirw.-' or us a humbug. t hv- hfmiH r T!lnod s eiitirw lot et bKfc-D 7. C. r n ------ OLD CASTLE IlimS EMES : c;r?c rnrA, c :tai:id co., t. . .. Ir7itecetten;Soaof r ; XVcs-crn r;urscrynnn, - to their etensive and relwble absort-ient of ' EN ST0E& AT WHOLESALE, incluStrg Frnlt Trees Standard and Dwarf; Ornamental Trees nd S -rubs Deciduous and Evergree i Hznall FrnltsCi rarer ncs AU varleUcs; Rosea, Green House and Bed-lag , Plants, Balbe, e. .. Parties wishing SELECT XTJ RSKK YSTOCIt, elCier for their own planting or to sell again, are re quested to give ns a call or write for particulars, enclosing stamps fbr catalogues as follows : Y " . ... Descriptive Catalogue of Fruits three red stamps. Descriptive Catalogue of Ornamentals three red stamps. m Wholesale Trade List one red stamp. . . . ' Address, T. C -IlXlYEXL c BE03; : Geneva, Ontario, Co., N. Y. n-y GRAPE VUIE3. COXCOXD ORAPE VISES. ' Tiro Year Old. . COXCORD GRAPE VIXE3, . , Three Year Old. ' PELA WARE GRAPE TIXES, Txc9 Year Old. ' ' " PELA WARE ORAPE VIXF, Three Year Old. ' PIAXA GRAPE WXES, . . . . , ., Two Year Old. . .... PIAXA GRAPE VLXXS, Three Year Old. ' - CREVELIXO GRAPE 11XES, ' " Ttro Year Old. CREVELIXO ORAPE VEXES, S Three Year Old. OPORTO VISES. - T im Year Old. OPORTO V1XES, TUrte Year Old. ' Two year old vines of the following; kinds grown'out of doors, from bearln ; vines and verr healthr. "with strong large roots, and warranted to moke strong growtii if properly planted : - - HARTFORD PROLIFIC TOXA. P?RAELLA, XORTIIERX itl'SVADIXE. REBECCA. PER KISS, ISABELLA, CATAWBA, IVES, RT.ACK IttX. DRACHT AMliER, CLIXTOX, MAXY OP ROGERS' HYBRIDS, C, Jrt. These vines are on land which, most be cleared, and wiil be sold . . , VEIiY CIIET-Vl?. For qoallty of Vines herelofom sent from this ursery, rtler to v . w . r urn- All the leaUn varieties of trees and plants to be found In a well appointed ursery ai wnvs on hand. For LUt of rery low prices, addreaa K WARE SYLVESTER, febli-Cm . . ; t , , Lyon, Xtu York. FRUIT TREES. Western Tress for Veslern ORCHAEDS. The largest stock of one year old Apple Trees west of the Mississippi. W cultivate those varieties 6uited toour western climate. Oar trees, though only 1 year old, "are very large and HtroiiejSlJto $ ftt hlh),the very best size for shipping lone distances, and transplanted with more ease and safety than larger trees. PEARS, T"'r?SiSr . ALSO, VINES, PLANTS, &C, Ac SEXP IX)R CA TA LOG VE. Address STARK, BARNETT, A CO, Louisiana, Mo. fcWl-am CHEESY HILL KUESESIES. 2-ta-lisW ia 1S34. NURSERYMEN", DEALERS AND PLANTERS, will find at these Nurseries a complete collection of TREES AIJD PLAIITS, In every department. Standard Fruit Trees, Dwarf Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Grape Vine., Fruit Stocks, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs. Vines, &c. Evergreens, in ?tctU variety, Hoses, Cne collection. Seedlings, for nursery mojtj Il&re Plants, ifoeutly lw . '. jmrttxl, "fUtubarb & Asparagus, lan Inu uM.tst-vH, i j V I1UJj-VO.VXjP4 CA1A I4Uvl V I Jl'MT ISSUER Iloepf s, 11 rw. T ?, Wl-HT CUPSTtiV vnn. febl8-3m zniL Go:!:.:nciAL iiuhserie n 111 IK, ERIE CO PENN. I. A. Plattman Gpranae, 2?iopxictoxs. 1 1,000,000 ISatiTC Crape Tlne .. t - - For sale, of the best leadinar kinds, jrcaranteed true to name, an irood as can be found in the Cniti staten, of one aud two year old. bainpies sent by mail at 100 rates. Perl Per l. l.non.nco Concord, 1-year, No. s.f) f fi. w SO.nuo Oonrord.3-yer,2o.l,stron(r. 7,ifl . 6.o 10 eM Hartford Prokiic, 1 -year. No. 1 j,U) Tu.iju 2.i)0 Harttord Proline, !-yenr. No. l.l.i) - So.iw lo) lelaware, 1-year, o. 1 to.W Ju.i 3).iw Uiaua, l-yeax. No. 1 . 8,J Tn.iw i Oifl Ive's fewi-ne, 1-year, No. 1 . S.iW lo.i o lona, 1-year, No. lo.n i,m X.ui0 Israelis : ltt,U laiiO 60.W.10 IsHbella. Cau wha and Clinton, 3 and 3--enr, ftnin? r 5,0H SO.OO Also a larire lot of 3-year olox, of ail the above kinds, toeettier with a larva iot of A1irontic, Crevelln, Allen's lij brid, Kotrer's IlybruJn, Union Viliace, IKebecca, b-iem, Norton's Virginia, and others. Suj.oo RrawherryPlnt stronz, of all tbabest sorts. ).i0 Raspberries and B!-cklbrrW. lO.niW Currants and ioorerrie. -j.uuo Yin J-vsar ol- Apple Trees, bert leading in', t ii per l.), ?; J pr IjM. lQ.ftTO Dwsrf Prara, 1-year, per l.t 5.WW Mand Penr, 1-year, at i jer POw K),w Cherry Trees, 1-year old, at fi per 1,000. ALSO ITAfTI TTVEES. TLVr TPFKS, APt . COTS ANt4UINC; 4iVsiii-i. Together with a Urge stock of Apple fsoedllnjrs; Pare, Plamani Cherry Seedlings; Aple teed and Pear S1m jirime: tintpw CutUngs, with Apr. !e GrAa,fur-ed to order. Satisfaction Guaranteed. parties orderinc ef us, can r-ly en bavin? their orot-rs tilled promptly, a'drec-ivinr ti p-tc!a-vxUK fc io all rwMcu, thfonlily pekd so it wwl amv in pood ordr. We pledge oarivea to furnUa as irood ukk fur their e a.- can te rrht troa any reliable eat-iiUotimtut Ln ths L'a.led s-it. TEH5I'-Cash- with oHpr.or one-third caoh, and baiiuice on tivry, nsCU, X)- Those orderly wUt please givs plaos, Coanty and. Ptats-ia full. Trade list sent e application. AdT9nS. " ' ' L A, rLATTiLVN FPTlAGCrX H -Cm Lrits Lxie C 4'uan. CHOICE I1UQS ' ' obap fv i :t : sh GRAPEZyIHES!! 250,000 dthzVi:': : :'t (!rnr sYinu ; - ALL VAr.IJ.TII. - ' " r . Also- h largo sx:k: of Cnrrartt VlT.tiU an ! CvAllzzi, ;.; G0O31U5ERRIES, HOSES, H-isplvcrric3, 1-Ir.c-icrrica, KLcubarb, Etc., . FOR SALE CHEAP. Semi stamp fbr rr ice list and Essays on Grape Cuiuire, w . li.oouiittgt'n, LU. 15-lm GRAPE VINE3 FOU SALE. Plants of Best Quality II . mlCES MODERATE. All ths Leading Varieties, such as CONOORD, CLINTON, T'FT.AWA'RK. TTABT i'OliD P-iuLIFIC. IVi, NOiiXON ei VIKIjINIA.&C .. and many srsw and r re varieties. V AUGHURICIv, (TYNTITINA, DI ANA. HAMBURG. MILES, MOTTLED, MARTHA, ROGER'S HYRKIJD, &C. sxiATx-.-gniing,' Strawberries, Eajplscrrlc, ClackberrLes, , of the best Iret Varieties; . AND SEED POTATOES, ' Early Goodrich, Harrison and . .Earl j Kosc; All tho above nf oar own owing; warranted leauineanaot liivsi utui i. ' .-' Address . - 18tDitSAeaSr') Wce-.tGratls. 17-im ." TREE PEASTEHS. If you wish to plant this coming spring, send In your orders early, and save THEE PEDLER'S JIAROIN. A fine stock: of two year old APPLE, PEAR, PLUM AND CHERRY. Also Shade Trees, Evergreens, Ornamental Shrub, and a general Nursery Stock CONSTANTLY ON HANI), AT TELE PROSPECT KILL NtTrtSEXIES, Oeneseo. Illinois, -- J. & E. RICIOIOND, rrasTietsrs. Jty Correspondence solliifted. - 4-4m Tilth. Year. 200 Acres, GREAT MM NUBSEBIES, LYOJXS, CUNTON CtX, JOJTA. Fruit z. Ornamental Trees, Grapo Vines, &o., FOR SPRING 18&0. We ofTVr for next snrln nlarttinr. a tla axsort- ment of nurnrv stock, ail ertrwn on nnra niH mni. mint fiuur-aicea u tie iuy a guoa as rrpre 'For full particular-. snd for oar Catalog-, whicb i MAILED FTtEE. Apple seeds, warranted frewh, f 13,00 per busbeL ' Osageseeds, " " li.CO - Fine Osage riants, f0,00 per l.Oua Dr. .TOO. E. IZU1IS & CO. 15G9. 18G9. WM. II. LYMAN'S Illustrated Floral Guido AND CATAIHJUE OF SEEDS AND PLANTS, la now published, contaIn!ntr descrtptiens of over l.rtM vrltlw of Flower eeds and plants. It is l.lniiilutly llloxtraUKi with about thirty elegant wood fiiKi-vliiiraid two beautiful eolored plates, one ot wkifh wilt bo. the cit-Unl Ilrs. POEEOCII" Geranium; colored from nature. In It win be frond de-iltm for arranging the tiower irarden; toK-thtr with fail di rections tor tfowine hved. Transplanting. -x. This work will be sent free to all my CuMtomers. and to aU ochern, on receipt of tea cents, which im not feaii the actual cost. I am amo Introducing to the Public my new Toma to, the EY'IAIV 2IA3I210TII CLUSTER. Dr. t. Bice, says: "Everybody nhonld have It." Thw-Tonmto i a cronn bftwivn a French unknown variety ai-.d the Leir's I'errocted. ret-ininc the smoothness and solidity of the latter, growing in climtprn; eacli stem bearing from six to twelve to maroes on it. It is jwrfM-ilv amooth and nearly round, atwut Die Mize of a i;i.!svia appta; eoior of a roKT pink, anil keeps well ; solid, ba out few seeii, and is no doubt ore of the bt early vartetien we have. It la unexceliil for etulii? mw, and in deli cious for co. king; iittinir very high tlavocni. In earlinss It excel is the "Keyes Tooito." and rirwmi tin fmit evenly, aoout ten da-s before ths Early KL i"Lndoabt'dly the bent market variety of TosruUo in exiH!-nee."i Thia variety was obfafnetl from seed In 1S&I. In Ia it ripene- lu fruit TiN DAYS before ths Early Smooth lied. PrJCE IN SEALED PACKETS, 58 Sc. EACIL For niuntrsted cfrcnlar, eotalnlng deecrrptlon, recomxneixia ; ions, x., AcUxa W3I. IX. Y3ItN Importer of Seed, Bulbs, and Flants, Leverett, -Lass. srusEiiii3 oryr.r.iiEiiLES. DAYTON, OHIO, AX OLD ESTABLIsniCEXt WITH A XEW FEATUZS. Every Persss CBPrsrwTVea aad PlaBt ' At Tfholesale Prices . by sr4crts titne ovu; Clu Dep-rtBtea-. . - . ' For prices and; othar Information, address - u r. nEinE3 ' I-sirtoa,CJi t-6u - an! mtrroi-; f J and evirywj J j rUekberry 'TteaN-vsWar-.ryv-, f - ' u - '-""f oi a,i - 'V-i it ' e t-.,i S;t o- i ... . - - w of r- -at ii'irxSac-Li. ihLL Pl-lNTS OF THIS AND 07HT-1 K ALo t'ao East Strawberries i R-spcnf w- U. Vs sad other Seed Petateem, dellverexl at yonr nmwt Pout Otflcs as eWna you called at the nursery ui person.and War t an tctll fnul Sf, PRICE LIST GRATIS. Address E. WILLUxs, Zloniclntr, Xem Jtn febll-Om Benton County 2Tt2rzzzi: 3talliHUoa In Fruit Trees or all EIz ADAPTED TO OITE XP.YIXG CIJifAT-- -XSO SIALL, FRUITS, EVEKGEEir?, of all sizes ; ' ' HAP.DY snr.UT.S, HEDGE PL.INT3, ' ln large or small qnautlries, at LOT7ST3 BAIT.?, Hhlpments made at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Address, for prices, JOS. L. Bl'DD CO- " " i Shd-Ojur;, Benton Co. Isva VILXIACE SlT.SERin. niGHTSTOWN, NKW JETEY. Pencil Trees and Small rr-i A SPECIALITY. 100,000 Agriculturist and WiLstn sirawberry, it rl p-r I. ); "o iKr iu.iii ' 10,000 Wilson's Kiir;y lJlm-i: berry, at fJpertt; 7j per I.imi. Peach Trees lt ai ze, jia iio; -) per IJKO; M-ia x per l'i, ii) jH-r l,io WUson's Early Blackberry. itiHit ( 'iutlngs,flp;-i p-r I.imi; f h ier Kittatinny, 7-3 cw, per l; ft per t,w: pr AI-SO A ULJ'.tiE AfW)P.TMNT 0? R a s plj c r ry , El a c Ii. b er ry irz,7 berry, and other Plan!,, AT LOW E.VTI nsvin? made the Niimry bixinew ths ml rs pntion of my !:.', anl j.riciired niy Mock ony r'lib!e -otircoss, thiw who mar favor ir.e is thir onlers may de;ieoxl on getting whatUwy ofcai true to name, and first ij'ial.ty in every rep-t. Trees and planu jwu ke.1 to carry in suud ir4rr any ilistam-e. uvl (i-livreil to I-i.imiul Input fr-s-clin:e, alter which they are at purviner i p-t tilL, or satisfactory reltreuct must scctniyJ. order teiil yonr orders eerly, and they shall be prompw ly attended to. For I'ru.e I i-l and p-rticni-r, ; AUdrvss CiLV.. BA-K. 15-Trn 1 1 Ik i tto w n, 5. 1 AttneSIn ol the ' BIG BSD GT3ADI Is the place to buy I ii IXelT,VXT -5. Co., Keep constantly on bund a complete uorV . ment oi - Soft, BeadtteaJt. Wsriroirt, Burt ant, Roclint C', Sorimt Bed. Wuk SlenAs. What Sal. Hat 8U, XUcken. .,.- JtiJ-Wi Psrfor Ckair. . Tibin. Ctir St r - ZAff Ckein, Cth f--aort J Strut. Eitikm r &. Pii Sln. Bed Ssris-t. Children' Cab ed OUt end Roieteood Moulding, SAett, P-Ulew, Pulote Siipi, ttt., etc show oases l orncE von riADS TO OIIDI-Il! Atwl anytlilns aid everything reo,airedWH up plain or fncy hoti-. iecplns AH of tUelr ware Is either rrtnucturd put up under their special superlntendVaf. which enables them to sell sound arci snonllcr jirlee titan Eastern manu-Wt-f1 good-. . Our Plearse Is at the service of the pul.Uo at any t!aw' may be needed, anJ to gotten -pluas nst7 a as any Crther enst. Metalic Burial Cases f I J of all sizes constintly on hand. At EuKtcrn irlec We are dolti? bnines oa STIIICTI.Y CAII AT A .iriil fr ti t f on tr r-vr- t ' v. Ac t onil t fmH wsn'JTi !enf!on to br.sln." and the w0- unity, e.cp,x-t in the futnreasin tj :eive the patrou?e of the poa-s the commun lat toreceiv generally. ti ALL AliOAKD The EroTmYilb Tronsibr JT tie n juiaeniSBt - JACOB nOG-CT-S Crow-trill to the I-alro4Teriiuaf f ths CoubcII B!T sod St. Josepft iira- 4- TTw1. C4. T?fl Tws Miles frocu 8ro oi Us sad Norta St7 , l-iti-lng. CoocX Omni'htisses. Cl-ys Ca 'd CHAKLES NEIDIIAF-T 4 CO JlaE ui-cture-i of . . Italian and Aitj:tczditI MONUMENTS. Tomb tBeTiii!e. Topa, 2taal Jlla Street, bet '-vtu. Sth aed 7th. RSOWXVILLZ XZBR-l8Jltt TXavir ticated rriri-.jnt!y In ..'3 d-,, J oa h iud sucn a auc. as w , aemiUii of iv, oulhcrni."cbraslia an3 5ex1- .Test 311-MOurl. 0-tt . ALL W0P.K UJU' --- FUR TUBE A UPHOLSTE r'