Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 22, 1869, Image 2

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    4T mt t
J. 5. CU (J i.Cllt TT I tor
mrnsDAY jroTixnco. iscx
" The United States Senate xrill ad
Journ Its extra session tliis week.
The XcbrasLian reports thai Lewis
AHew'jcr shipped 10,000 pieces of
jxrk from Arag'O last reck.
The Pawnee Tribune notices the
commencement of work, by Judge
"Wheeler, on the bridge on the JJ
Nemaha river near Table Rock.
Trof. O. S. Fowler, of Boston, for
merly of New York city, ia now lec
turing' in Nebraska City upon the
subject of Phrenology and Hygene.
The next session of the R. "NY.
Grand Lodge of the L O. of G. T
commences on the 23th day of May
1M,"0, at Oswego, in the State of New
The Chronicle informs us that a far
mer in Otoe county, by the name
of Charier Cowles has invented an
improved broad cast seeder, which I
' highly fpoken of by those who have
seen it work.
Received of Messrs. Dick & Fitzger
ald, publishers in New York City, a
. very xic&tly printed pamphlet entitled
'The Book of Tableaux and Shadow
Pantomimes," by Mi?s Sarah Ann
Fro?t. ThLj volume will be highly
prized by all who ct up tableau en
tertainments-. -,
TVe learn from the Pre that the
Residence of W. R. Craig, of Nebras
ka City, and nearly all the furniture
was destroyed by fire on the 14th Inst.
The fire originated from a defective
Cue in a back "kitchen. The building
and furniture was valued at $3,000;
insured for $4,500.
Hon. Ishara Reavia, float Senator
for Richardson and Nemaha counties
In the la.ct legislature, has been ap
pointed District Judge in Arizona.
Mr. "ReaviB is an able lawyer and a
sound legislator, and we doubt not
will sit upon the bench with dignity
ana depenf-e justice with an Impartial
The Beatrice Uncord informs us that
D. C Jenkins and Mr. Frazier laid
out and bridged an air line road from
Frceport, on the Little Blue, to Beat
rice. That Judge Towle is laying the
foundation for a new Post Oilice buil
ding in Beatrice, and that mails now
arrive In that place daily from Brown
ville and Nebraska City.
W learn that W. F. Chanfn. flt
Senator from Cass and Saunders, has
been appointed Receiver of public
monies at Lincoln, and that C. IL
OereKof the Commonwealth, has been
appointed Register at Lincoln ; and
that E. R. Valentine was appointed
Register of the Land OClce at West
Point, Nebreska.
N. Howard of the Record (Beatrice),
gave us a call last week on his return
from Mississippi. Mr. Howard brings
ylth him the material for the further
improvement of the Record; and as
rxxm as his press arrives from St. Lou
Is, we may look for as good a paper, in
mechanical appearance, as is issued
from any interior county in the State.
The Rev. Mr. McNeill of Beatrice
passed through this city en route home
from the Decatur Presbytery. Mr.
McNeill has been appointed Superin
tendent of Public Instruction for Gage
county; and wo are mistaken if any
county in the State wilj be better
nerved than will be the county of
Gage in the department of public
Gen. R. R- Livingston, the present
efficient Secretary of the State Repub
publican Central Committee, has been
Elates of Nebraska and Iowa. This Is
the first position filled by President
Gra nt in the State, and we are pleased
to know that he has secured a man
noted for his unswerving devotion to
Lis country, and his unflinching zeal
tud energy for the success of Republi
can principles.
" The Rcv.'W. A. Preswon, of Pawnee
City, gave us a call last Friday, He
t peaks very encouragingly of the pros
pects of Pawnee County, The build
ing of the Court House is being push
ed along. Foundation i3 laid and a
a large amount of the stone cut for the
first story. He represents the Stone
Coal vein to be about fourteen inches
thick. It Is worked back about seven
ty feet. He takes home with him the
Rev. Mr. Luccock, of the M. E. Church
who holds a debate this week In Paw
nee City with the Rev. Mr. Dungan
cf the Christian Church. Mr. Prsson
has strong faith that the Nemaha Val
ley railroad will bo speedily built.
Our readers will recclect that when
the Legislature cf Indiana determined
to consider the Fifteenth Amendment
to the Constitution ' cf the United
States, tho Democratic portion of that
body resigned, leaving the LtgLIa
lur3 without a rparum, far t-e trans
ection cf business. The Governor
called special elections to 11 the va
cancies thu3 occurring, which resulted
in the re-election of the resigning
members. An extra session was called,
but the resigning Democrats would
riot appear and qualify, unless the Re
publican members would agree to
postpone the consideration of said
amendment until after a certain men
tioned day in the session. In order to
transact certain important business
the day arrives, and this amendment
is taken up for consideration, wc pre
sume the. Democracy will again re
sign, as a method they have of defeat
ing the will of the people. Resigning
Is only another dodge. Heretofore
tho crack of the slave-driver's whip,
threats of withdrawing from the
Union, ordinances of secession, and
rctual rebellion and civil war, ha.
lw-cn the ir role When rct; ftil,
uhat will thf-y resort to next? We
have only to wait and seo. The will
cf the people muit be defeated though
the Heavens falL
Co sxmzril cat e X
We are happy to say a word relative
to Dt Forest Porter's Lecture at Lon
don, pursuant to previous nctlce.
Early in the evenisg the gray-haired
sire and the juvenile Lads and bia
ses were seen appmaLungthe place cf
Instruction, until the house was com
fortably filled. V'e rejoice to say that
one of the prominent traits in the
character of the speaker la, punctual!
ty and scrupulous exactness.
In due time our sneaker bciran to
pour forth the irres is table truth in
thundering tones of eloouence. His
lecture was concise, perspicuous and
easily to be understood ; not made up
of hard word.', incomprehensible. As
a manifest appreciation of the lecture,
a deep sense of gratitude toward the
speaker, p. vote of thanks was tendered
and our hearty wish for his welfare,
is that he may be as successful in ev
cry effort as in tliis. "We would add.
welcome, welcome be the words of
truth that were uttered by Torter to
the aspiring youth. Youtil.
Col, Thos. J. Majors, of Peru in this
county, has been appointed Assessor
of Internal Revenue for the State of
Nebraska. This is the second Govern
ment appointment made . in this
biate. I his is a most excellent ap
pointment. The Colonel, with many
others in this county, entered the ser
vice in hi company C, 1st Ne
braska Infantry, and wa3 at the com
meneement elected First Lieutenant,
in which capacity he served until by
bravery on the field, he won his pro
motion first as Captain, then Major,
and at last Brevet Lieutenant Colonel,
closing his service in July, 1SG6 some
mouths after the war had ended, ne
had been at home but a few weeks,
until he was nominated by the Re
publican Convention as Senator for
Nemaha county, to which position he
was re-nominated and elected two
years later, thu3 serving acceptably
his county In one of the most impor
tant positions in the State for three
years, and alwavs acted in behalf of
the people, and opposed to jobbers
and corruptlonists. We are truly glad
to know that loyalty and devotion to
correct principles and the public good
has its reward at the hands of the
present Government officials.
The loyal people of Belmont county,
Tennessee, have resolved that they
condemn the appointment and confir
mation of the Rebel General Long-
street to a fat office in New Orleans.
We think there are many others of
the same opinion. We are not of the
number that belL&ve that the Gov
ernment is very genercms when it pro
motes men of that stamp, while so
many better men are still to be Lad.
By so doing, we in aflect say to all
men, "you need not fear to be disloyal
and rebellious, and use every means
at your command to break up the
Government ; If you succeed the
world will embalm you la history, and
if you fail, the Government you seek to
overthrow will be quick to forgive
and honor you." We protest with the
people of Tennessee against this over
anxiety, for such practical proof of
our willingness to forgive and forget.
Let such go to the foot and come up
after truer men have been served, is
the policy we approve.
Farmers in from tho country this
week look quite encouraged over the
prospects for good crops. The Spring
Wheat and Oats look well and the
weather is very favorable to its growth.
Preparations are being made to plant
Corn more extensively this Sprint:
than ever before. Large numbers of
Corn Planters are being sold- by our
Agricultural Implement dealers for
this purpose. Farmers from Johnson,
Gage, Pawnee and Richardson coun
ties are supplying themselves with
lumber, building material and farm-
ng outfits every day. Give the farm-
era or these counties good crops the
coming season and fair prices for the
surplus and Southern Nebraska will
not long thereafter have the appear
ance of a frontier country.
Washington, April 15.
Senator Chandlicr, who was present
when Senator Ross had the interview
with the President, of which a New
York paper n-ade such a sensation.
says that the conversation on both
sides were in very low tones and with
no apparent excitement, that when it
closed Ross took leave in a most courte
ous manner, to which the President
responded as courtcoush It is un
derstood that the President declined
o do what the Senator desired, but
bevond the earnest nrewentation of a
case on one side and a refusal on the
other, and all couched in proper lan
guage there is no foundation for the
story in circulation. -
Col. John A. Campbell, lately nom
nated for Governorof Wyoming took
the oath cf office yesterdav. before
Associate Justiae Swain, and left im
mediately for that Territory.
There is now being prepared in the
third auditor's office of the Treasury
Department, a list of 132 clerks whose
services will be dispersed with. The
list includes all democrats, members
of the Johnson duprrtruental club,
and the Conservative Army and Navy
CxncAno, April 17.
The Chicago Presbv tors'. Old School,
just adjourned after a two dsys' ses
sion at Morris, 111., adopted a resolu
tion in favor of re-union, either upon
the terms proposed by the Auditory
of the New School Presbytery, name
ly, the omission of the explanatory
first article of basis, and
the omission from the basis of the 10th
nriiHo nr uron the basis of the
Mmmnn standard of both churches,
WvJn-r rdl the arrangements in the
hnnrtaortno vicncrai Assemuiy ituu
- . i i
in romr.lete the re-unlnon witr.out
further reference to the Presbyteries.
The delegates to the General Assem-
bl v were instructed to act In accordance
with tho spint of this rtsojuuon.
1 t mm
Nov Oulkanb, April 17.
At a meeting of the Chamber of
commerce a special committee report
ed in favor of organizing a grain
association with a capital of ?2,00o,(00
The directors and oiheere will be elec
ted as soon as ij0,000 shall have been
subscribed, $10,000 of which was sub
scribed to-niirht. A committee was
appointed to call on the banks and in
surance companies and ascertain if
they would co-operate bv advancing
on warehouse receipts. Two bank
presidents present signified theirread
mess to aid the movement. The meet
ing rejourned to Wednesday night
l our hundred cterks are to be "re
trenched" out of tho Washington de
partments thii month.
Special Ctorra!tpoc4enee of tbe Advertiser.
Philadelphia. , Pa.,
April 17th, 1SC0.
ZSr. Editor: I suppose you have
a!mot;t forgotten the promise I made
you previous to my departure from
Brownville, which, I think, was In
October, 1SS to write you a few lines
and let you know how I was progress
After leaving Brownville, I stopped
in Chicago for some time, and not be
ing satisfied with staying there, I con
eluded to return to the "dearest spo
on earth" home ; and I don't think
I will ever leave it again not to seel
a home elsewhere.
We have been enjoying splendid
weather here for the past two weeks
ana the ladies, and In Tact every one
who can, seem to take advantage of it
and Chestnut, Arch and Eighth streets
are so crowded that you make very
little progress in working your way
through the ocean of .silks and "fix
Ins" the fair creatures are wont to
beautify their lovely persons with
when they go out for a promenade.
Business no doubt has suffered
temporary stagnation from politics for
the past several months; but you
know the old saving, "after a storm
there is always a calm." Some bus!
ness men are complaining very bitter
ly, while others say they never did
more business in one season than they
are doing now.
Our city has just been freed from the
excitement Incident upon the hanging
of Jerry Eaton for the murder of Tim
Hecnan a brother of John Heenan
the pugilist and the suicide of Geo,
S. Twitchell, who was found dead in
his cell on the morning of the eighth
of April, the day appointed for his ex
ecution. Both he and Eaton were to
be hung together. About a week be
fore he teas to be hung he made a con
fession, saying bis wife committed the
murder, while he only helped to throw
her out of the windov into the yard,
and he dared her to deny it ; he pub
licly defied her to deny tho truthful
ness of his confession. Eaton was
man to the last ; he stepped upon the
scaffold with a firm step, and while
they were drawing the cap over his
eyes, he said "Sb help me God I did
not do it " His body hung for about
twenty minutes, when it was cut down
and given into the hands of his
friends, who had it rapidly driven to
Eclectic Medical College in Ninth st.,
and powerful galvanic batteries were
used to resuscitate him. They tried it
for an hour or so; at one time he
opened his eyes, moved hi3 mouth and
raised his right arm over his head ;
but it was all of no avail he had gone
to his long- home, and no earthly
power could bring him back.
On the 14th of April, six days after
Twitchell was found dead, his wife
Camilla publishes confessions which
she says he wrote, and which he wan
ted her to give to Mr. Bunghurst,
Twitchell's spiritual adviser, and then
Immediately leave the city, change
her name, and live in seclusion ; by
her doing this, she says, her husband
told her whould give him his pardon
She is not believed, a3 she is a very fast
woman and always has been, and at
one time was suspected of poisining
her sister-in-law, who opposed the
marriage between her and Twitchell.
Chestnut street, around the State
House, Custom nouse, Post Office and
other political "Boozing-Kens," pre
sents and has presented ever since
the nominations for tbe different offi
ces were sent to tho Senate by the
President a. lively bouquet of nose
colored and gin-bloated politicians,
waiting to snatch up the crumbs that
fall from the table. Everybody you
talk to, tells you confidentially ihot he
is going In the Custom House ; anoth
er tells you he's just got the promise
of the Representative of his District
to put him in the Mint, but by way of
desert he whispers In your ear, "mum's
the word." There are about 14,000
applications for positions in the Cus
tom House in this city. Well may
the lucky ones exclaim. "Bress de
Lamb!". I believe there are about
800 to bo selected from this reportoire
of officious office-seekers. I suppose
the remaining 13,200 will have to go
work for a living. It's hard; but then
you know they say, "There's a good
time coming." It's a wonder that
these men, in a fit of desperation,
don't start for Cuba, They got a fair
show there.
On the 2Gth of April the Anniversa
ry of Odd Fellowship In the United
States will take place in this city;
and-from what I hear and see, it will
be one of the grandest sights witnessed
here for some time. Lodges from all
parts of the United States will be rep
resented, and it is estimated that there
will be 50,000 in the procession.. The
ceremonies of the' day begin at the
Academy of Music, and last from 9 to
11 o'clock a, m. The parade moves at
11 o'clock a. m., precisely ; and the
whole affair terminates with a grand
ball at the Mammoth Rink, at 21 of
Race, a building capaple of allowing
500 persons to dance at one time. No
expense has been spared by the com
mittee of arrangements. Music has
been engaged from all over the State,
and oi Maryland, New York and New
Jerst y ; all the hotels have been en
gaged for members, likewise all the
places they could rent for the purpose
of accommodating the visitors ; so you
see if the weather proves agreeable,
they will have a grand time.
Yours truly,
Lewis E. Meoinxev.
The terrible CAlamity which yester
day destroyed the Village of Hancock,
Michigan, is but another lesson against
the system of inviting conflagrations
by building wooden towns. That mode
of building cannot be other than crim
inal that permits sixty-five acere of
dwelling and business houses to be
burned oil" like a dry prarie.
The time between the termini of the
Union and Central Tacfie Railroad is
now reduced to 24 hours. Wella, Fargo
& Co.'a stages now make the route Yia
the north end of Salt Lake.
The entire school funds apportioned
In Missouri amounts to$SM,S27,63 ; fif-
pever cents ana eignt mills to the
scholar St. Louis gets 52,874.23 cf it.
The ' Taciflc coast has ugain been
visited witU severe ehocks of aa earth
quake. .
The p rod u ction3 cf th e Islan d c f ?uba
in 1862 amounted ia valuatoC J pOO,
000. I)urin'thes2jrtevear the exports
were $37,400,0)0, and the Impcrtr$43,
400,000, The suar production llone
axoan tea -to I oot, i . X .
The cs?e of Frank EI air, Jr., ajainst
the St. Louis Election Commissbners
regardi n. 5 the Missouri test oath,
which it wns expected would lecide
to-day by theSupreme Court, wa post
poned until October next.
The Pennsylvania Legislaturj has
ratified the constitutional amendnent,
making the eleventh State incUding
Missouri to do so.
Gold haa been fluctuating between 13!UI daring
tbe past week.
Tbe money market .remain close, though the ten
dency is toward greater ease, owLcg to lam pressing
demands upon the banks.
Tbe price of Government Bonds were a (bade off.
not withstanding the advance of la London.
Whiat. Quoted at
Coax. Quoted at iWJc
Groceries The market rules active at quite
steadr prlew. Pnar are somewhat shaded. Cadie
are from i to 2 cents lower.
Dbt Goons. Market active. Prices on heavy
brown ghweting hav been reduced, lfic fa the ex
trame fljrare for standard. Fine brown and bleach
ed are without change. Tbe raw material continues
firm at 23',G,S?i.
Tbe VnilM SVtft nonoiit. In Its last weekly re
view of the market, speaking of the limited Jobbing
trade that Tew York eity now aeenrca frra the
Wort, JusSyacknowledpea thatr-The fact is, Chica
go stands between ns and tbe West, and is beginning
to xnonopoUx a goodly portion of our domestic
trade, as wtbAV kcg since done with thegreat city
of notioaa, until its trane is now Uule better than
that of a great inland town left to sop ply th adja
cent towns and villages within Its irasbeania
Tbe iaet of the matter is, the West, and the South,'
too, are beginning to wake up to th Importance of
establishing manufactures In their midst, and they
are no longer as dependent on New England, or Old
England either, for their rough and ready wares as
they were bat a few yean ago. Woolen Coods are
being made In Indiana and Virginia to-lay. and
even on Uie far-off slopes of the Pacific, tkat equal
in elegance any goods made in Xew England or 2ew
York, and therefore tbe sooner our em manu
facturers begin to realize the force of these troths.
the better for themselves."
2Trw York, April li.
The money market was much easier to-day than
was geueraliy expected. ICearfy aU the loans were
at seven per cent, currency, without commission.
The banks are receiving money from the Interior,
and the pressure is considered over.
Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by
Business Coats from ili.
Business Suits, jtn.
Overcoats, j
Ca.Kim?r Punts" f::
Cassinet Pants. 50.
Vests from h cm. to f I .
Overshirts, - .-
Ovembirts, second bt. 2. .
Overshirts, from 75 cts. to f I 25.
Undershirts, from SO cts. to 2.
Irawtw, from 50 cts. to $i
Buckskin Gioves, bt. fl 23.
itKt'f Jtn Glov!, 0 ,
bbeepdkin Mitts, SO eta.
Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by
Calico, ilea 12c
Heavy Yard wide Muslins, ISc.
Mwdin, second, 12cftltL
Bleached Muslins, yard wide, lOog.30.
Cotton Delaine, Six
Ail Wool Delaine, 40&
Hhawls, C-1J5, f.
Plaid Flannels, 45c,
Plaid Flannels, Xi-jfle.
Balmoral bkirts, 1 Ml
FLO UK Winter f sack.
Sprine ,
COWS-? busheL.
MEAIy V bushel
BACON Ham lb
Shoulders fi B
Sides V fi
LARD Canned B lb
SYItLT Golden eal..
sncar House v gal.. .
Rio V lb t.
CHEESE New York Factory $ lb-
Country a lb ...
TEA IrnperlHl f fc . .
" :iacK fri..
" Yonaz Hyson Ib......
CANDLES Stnr? lb
TalKw st m ..
ATTLES Dried ? Tt
PEACH Irled lb.
POTATOES f bushel..
COAL OIL ? gallon
EGGS f doz
BCTTEIl ? ft)
ONION bushel
SALT per barrel
LUMBEIl Cottonwood per 100
Ji 00
r.k . : 5X)
Walnut . ,.M... 5 00
Pine 3 60 7 00
SHINGLES Cottonwood per 10O0 2 6tV3 00
l'ine wis, .to
LATH Cottonwood per 1WX 7 00
Pine i
WOOD Dry Hard per eord 6 T
HIDES Dry per lb 1
" Green...
WHEAT Kail per bushel 1
Spring ...
WOOTr-rr lh.. T.
Attorney and Counselor txt Jjtx-vr,
Tecomseh, Johnson County, yehraska.
DISSOLUTION is un-; ,uuc
is herebv elven that the firm of larger
Roberts, heretofore asonsieo mi
the Allium bra haloon, b oen u"-n"drawin
h mutual consent, Aaron Roberts wituarawing
tlTerXmT ThosV indebted to the late hrm are re
quested tosetHo with K. U Berger tjkROER,
Tn'a.lk1 mTfriends forPst favor, r . J.U by
tHrt attention to Diiwntw, - -
o flt thwigaou .7.v r - - -v v:
of Ihewima
L--"-J "
i -
Having Just openM, at Xo. M itala street, Brown
viile, iuDraaka,
Rtock of jrt'Ilnery Ooofls wo would pall public at
teatioa to Ux fact that every good
mnT.ut NAflonable pHotw, prormro for M "better
haif,'' all aha may wUb lu our Uao, of whicb every
article is
GUAiuiAinrnr.T to
oe 30.1, and made np la the bost of style, and that
irraiilT "YOJJ11G TLAIVS'
.may ftore find Jast what she wishes In the tray of
Ilats, Truniiiiup. PatLoJ as, etc i. very one -
us may rwt awired that we will rpr no pains to
pire entirt satis fitrUoa. we are In daily reoip4of
Uie latest nove.ues ia oar Hue. Oiv as a cail.
t ? ? P k ? P ? P
A I am now prepared to furnish all cla!e
lth constant einploympnt at their homes, tb
whole of the time, or for the pre noniema. Bit
sinewa new. lirlit and proiisahle. Fifty (vdU to f5
per evening, in easily iirned by persons of either
ex. antl the boy anrt e'tria earn nfiv as rrnch nn
m-n. tirwU lndnreir-nt ar olToreJ tbooa wto will
devdtetnj.r whole tune to tli l:iias: and, that
evAry jrsn who tlim not ice tu ay fnd me their
aWivss and tent the biwin for thoiWveH, (make
the following linnarallelled otTer: ToaU bo ace not
well MuUatM wi:l the buKiuena, I will end to py
rir the trouble of writing me. Full prtcuiars, di
rections, dx., eut fxve. m)l nail for
Wets. AdOrtsi iiCi AI.LEX,
Zr'iai AOifUJta, Jle.
A (rent fr th A. SI. V. Liprtu Cs4
XV. V. TleTTpU C.
No. 5 Main btreeC
i -
The Brownville Ferry Company
have now running between
North Star and Phelps City, Ho.,
the new and commodious Steam Ferry
TTTT3 "ROAT is entirely new. with
X power and caracity to cross everything
tfcnt may come, in any weather.
For crossing Cattle into or out of this Ind IMs-ti-iv
th. hi me best no int. This boat is especially
fitted un to ea-iure safety in crosain? stock, aud lars-e
cattle pens are aireauy rnruie nt iuc o. . v .
Kepot at Phelps City. We caa insure the traveling
kojUc that all in oar power shall be dons to make
HAUK & AlftilTACEj
Wholesale' & Retail
24 Main street, J. Berry's oldstnO
Keep constantly on band. In larre qa&ixii
lies, the cutiiceit siapl auU faiicy
Groceries and Provisions
and are determined to
BIXSS TUTS coiiiiuNmr
' bjrseUias lower than has been
known since the
Balmy Days of 1850
THE SUBSCRIBER will be at or
near Floyd F. Hawkins, oxith-wt quar
ter nectlon fifteen, township four, range fourteen, in
Vrnnh iiMintr. Nebnftka. In the laat wet in
April. and will offer the same for sale to any
person waning o purcaaw.
Plattsmouth, Dlarcb 3, 13G8.
TOHN LAVIGXE will sell hU Im
f I nmvpd fnrm one mile north of Wm. B.
Phillips's, in this coanty, eontnlnin 40 acre f
Timber ana ivo aeres impro-ri
-iLh rnrvl Hulldiiii.'s. Orchard. HeGi:e Fences. an
Living Water, st i-C racre. Time given on two
thirds the pnrrhase money. Will sell bis farmin?
Implements, 8 borate, au bead of cattle, S horn, fowls
and crop on the grounrts at same uine. or itinuer
particulars enquire of i odire A. W. Morcan, Brown-
VulO, Or W ute proprietor on ibc pnauaio. m-o
Shelleriberger Bros
Ifo. 74,
McPlierson's Block,
Dealers la
Hardware, .Stoves, Tinware,
Hardware. StovcA. Tin ware.
Hardware. Stoves, Tinware,
50,000 Mies Fence Wire,
50,000 irdci Fc,iCC Wir
Pilixhurh Iron aud Nails.
THftuhiim fi-nn and Xailn.
PitUlurg Iron and Nails,
Mechanic Tools,
Mechanic's Tools,
Mechanic' Tools
Charter Oak Store,
Ciartcr Van Moves,
Charier Oak Stoves,
Besides aifull assortment of everything kept
1U lildb i-iaro
mm Aim stove
Which will be sold as low as the lowest
To all who favor res with a call.
JL the best of Workmen and .Machinery, to
manufacture all kinds of
. Harrows, etc
- and to repair all kinds of
ways ready to accommodate the puulio.
One Door West of Coort Iloase,
mach4-6m - Brownville, Xeb.
Peru Xivery Stable.
' -1 : Dealer In
A.11 Tincl or Stoclc.
Horses Sought, Soil, or Exchanged.
Stock Boarded by the Day or Week:
MY STABLES are stocked with pood n.orj and
bnsfriea. Persona wishing oonveyanoe to any por
tion of the Keiaaba JUuui Duixiot can be acocxuiiio
diued. The
Pern z Brownville Coacla
Iieave my Stable every morning at 10 o'clock A.
M. Pa.en3en or packages aafeir convered. Or
der left with the rotilm asters will be promptly at-
2 2
u g
I 5
-J. H. SHOOK & EROS.r :
JIartnfartnrers and TvaltTsinNatlveLnmner
of all kinds, lengths, brtaJtlii and thickness.
II 1 ir s r JL E 9
They own and rnn r.&rJ the best Saw Mill
in the BUtc. and wia umliU
with a f.Ill of Lumber cJ bent quality, oa
short notice, at the Low.t Market I'rioe.
... Always on Lanl for sale
TTiey also sell at their store in Ilills-
rlale all staplo Iry Gootls and Grories, aad
8u"hartic! 8 as are la gMnend use.
llcmcmbcr tc L'-usiiji.3, tuo iaen, and the
place. -I , . .... l-Jy
' ) i
m Mm
Itainey & I.cvrls' Store Hogcx.
A "o. 1 Brick non, 7 Rooatw. 3 lot, near
business part of the City, oa Water Street.
Price S2.0U). Terra easy.
noose and two lot on 5 Lain street, five rooma
plastered, good well arnl stable. Will be
oHored for the small com of HkH cash.
House and one lot for nala. Honae ts well
plastered and near bosiiiess part of town.
Ilouse and four lots splendid altts at fo car
den fenced fine view of lUver and Town.
Price ,500.
ITonse and two lota on Water street, one
Block from Main street, lor si.waj. a Dr
gala. 0 XJESITtAXSLTi:
UETiAHA comrnr.
600 Acres of Xo. 1 Land. Ooo4 stock farm.
Running Water and some Timber on the
- place. On the direct road toTecumseh. Be
atrice, and the Blue Kivers. and directly
west of Brownville 12 miles. All in one
body. Town 5, Ban ge IX At $7 5 per acre
600 Acres ad "loining the above. Choice Lend;
Water and Timber ; 11 miles of Brownville
west, at f 10 per acre.
160 Acres splendid sreond bottom .land;
nine miles uf the city, and 1 of theSema
ha river, for $1,100.
175 Aerea near Long's Bridge, nine miles
irora town, tor fiww.
160 Acres, eight and a half miles of tba eUy,
for 1'JW. :
388 Acres of Laid
QAA 6Aw f&rx&A tiTwlr rlMvnt!on ? 90
splendid Stoci Fbnn ; at $15 per acre. Terms
: v .
Korth Eaat qaarter of Sooth East quarter of
Section , io wn 4, uange il
South East quarter of South East quarter of
Section 4, Town , uange iu
North West quarter of East quartr of
ton nina fWvt. rownville. and
west of Aemana city, oa me uue vi u
Brownville and Ft. Kearney Railroad, at a
bargain. iZDO down, the rest on one, two
-. ' .lo
and tnree years unw.
120 Acres No. 1 Praiile LarWt, good water, at
per c
40 Acres In Section , Township 4, Range 13.
40 Acres in Section 27, Township 4, Range li.
Nofth-East quarter Section 5, Township A,
Range 14. I jO acres; Nacres broke, goon one
and a half story house I4x, kitchen 12x14,
good well at the door, stock water on tbe
place, 20 acres of Timber, for 4,iw.
253 Acre-knth- West Quarter Section 12,
town ,, nano i, ana ixi o anu in (Sec
tion 13, Town 3, IIauz h mil west of
Asplnwall. Splendid prairies. $5,30 per
100 Acres Town 8. Rangs IL
010 Acres near Salem, at a bargain.
190 Acres in Section 11, Town 3, Range If.
160 Acres In Section 35, Town 2, Range
40 Acres in Section 20, Town 3, Range 1.5.
Sooth half Section 25, Town 1. Rane 10, east;
33) acres of umber, best stoclc farm
In Pawnee county, splendid stream of wa
ter running through the phwe, forms all
around, f 6" per acre, o miles of Pawnee City.
East half of South West quarter cf Section
20. Town 2. Ranue 11.
South East quarter of South West quarter of
RecuQcrT, i own i, iiange ii.
North West quarter Section 6, Town 2, Range
North West jf of North West quarter Section
23, Town 2, Range 11.
180 Acres with some Timber and a Coal Mine
opened on the place, splendid Prairie, No. 1
1,600 Acres of No. 1 choice Frairie Land.
witn llede Row broken around each sec
tion within eneiaileof the surveyed route
of the Nemaha Valley R. R eighteen miles
south of Lincoln, within one mile of a good
mill and the twa of Latrohe, and twelve
miles N. W. of Tecumseh, at fc3i0 per acre
320 Arrea. A piece of land what is land. In
the Illinois settlement tight miles east of
Tecumneh, 20 miles of Brownville. at 5-5 per
acre. To be oUered only for 30 davs, after
that will want more. In one of the best
neighborhoods in the County. Zand cheap
as dirt. "SrJended water" on Spring
6i0 Aerea In Town 6, Range 10 splendid No.
. 1 Land; runnln? waiter cn trie place; rour
miles north wwt of Tecrjmsen ; spiencua
farms around tb.e place; at the low sum of
S3.0U per acre. ;
400 Atcs out of &Jctlon S5 Towa 5, Ranga 13;
at So per acre.
SO Acres No. 1 Prairie,
600 Acre In Town 6, Rango 12.
130 Acres with splendid Spring of wt?r ran-
plrj water tarousa tnepvtt'e: j.o. 1 Han.
llii; 30 acres bruie last eprkg, fur Jl.tOQ,
0 91 E
mussl3 W8 mmm
18G9. SPPJ1TG. 1869.
Invite the a: :enil :: i cf the d-wcfErtrwn-vil'.rt
an-1 finrroo" " ? r-.niTnnnJ'T t.ielr
Congress & Button Shoos,
Spbino and Enuim Hats,
CL-oico Gprin Prints,
Ten Thousand Yards.
Brown Cz, BrcndlXnslins,
Twelve Thousand Yards.
Lancaster, Glaocow.
jjringnn.ITlS, bcotcha, and Seaside,
Three Thousand Yards.
3,500 "Sard3
Launis, Jaconets, Pcrcals, Organ
dies and Grcncdincs.
Piqnca end Ilarsailca,
One Thousand Yards.
Drcsa Goods, ?S?,J
Two Thousand Yards.
4,ooo "Yards
SicUt Muslins, Plaid, Striped
and Checked Jaconets, Aan
sook, Victoria Ijawns, Book
Mulls, Birds Eye Linen, Cor
ded Dimity, Irish Linens,
3,ooo "Sards,
Striped Shirting, Check Shirt
ing, Ticking, all grades.
3,5ooo Yards
Cotlonades, Denims, Twcel,
, Kcntuely, Maryland and Mis
souri Jeans, and line Cassi
meres. Tablo Linens,
Bleached, Unbleached and Col
cred, White and Brown, 40 pieces.
Ll'Acn and Turkkh, 20 Doz.
Hoop CIdrts,
Drop, Open Front and Bustle,
. all sizes, id Dozen.
Parasols and Pans,
J U Stales. Doz.
Cloth and CUIx Cicala,
Latest Spring Styles, 10 Doz.
Bed Spreads,
Wh ite and Colored, Linen and
Cvllcn. 12 Dozen
Seamless Carrs,
Nq. 1 article. Z Dozen.
Fur and C traw Hats,
Jfcvr Styles. Forty Dozen.
Clioico Groceries,
Celebrated Iolino PIotts,
t:7 E.viar.ui'rrJT. iaSr-
A, of .' I'mon-l S'-ut, riinit. ' '
fat I irr l n t. - ' U r,r i
To is !. r it r.-.t-y f
ta. a I .. -' t
Jiarcti. A. i. i -.j.
In gaj i tv!rirt.!)it b txT
ril--;c",ir"yf r
AaAct to J-.-uii,..a il. -I
Siiii a ZtX, f . an a ana A ii
. n W.T .11.1 i i-r , : t . T r UI . M' . -
- - Mitil f
2Wi Stiy of Apr J. A-Ii. I' J.u tonr.jt JLt"'
I n ;..c of s. JO. i . i -X. n4 te K ..
lji.lrKi. 2S litm urae an-i j c awo.a ii'.
OfUisani; waea an-1 u ftx m ?
itowrau. if ny j ki Ua. why K trr.J
MiMi m,l b mnil. i -
anl tiir4 mertuut of ta eru.r of Mutl iw ...
wul he bei'i at lue liiu e t in r.;-!, ""-rf
r -a WiTN n a. xm
Clerk fcf the C 8. tistnet Cuurt t.-r mi Lirr,
i of Gurfv W. Larr.U-th, rrtmjt. t"
tLatPs litnrt Court Clerfe a KjLc, Uu 'VrJ
9UI, A IK wo.
To wtwim it may ennerrj. Take notW km.
that a pi'Ha has t-n. U w't. on tii xjj (JTt
Warih, A. i. !;, in ai l;:ra iUmn, o r
rey W. IjtmU-ih.of tea C!y. in ,. i
who h b?ii i-.Tvsjiire iu!y tr-Ltrit fcL,lM'
nixl-r Aitofu.-riM e?r .i Ari
A. D. at Ij u A. M at U:
nay or v..
liMh, !- ntttynt U. I'.rm Rrnmw f"
Hud Iv-rM- at, in said i-tm-T- ,
time and pic aeu?ifU for kmrin f yj Cf
if any roa have, why tije rra r of Ui p
sbouUi not be rrauUrl. Th sniid aud thi
tn of the trreiiitorsol saiU liiivptmUtx oT
Clerk of the r. a District Court for suu l 4T-
friren that Nancy Jne t o'nian has Uiu 4ViI
applicntion to the Fn emut fj-art of ."fnftA.r
a. w . WHfrnnn, uaAei. . otlf-e i
eorai k a, to D a i'T "i r. ii Adni;uS rat r. i w TV
letters of Admiutruou m t!t
S- A. W. M
Dated ArrH , ISOl
dectaix d. and that tM I'mrt Uxt Kxii'mi th5
day of July. at Us oJice or:i: 'p-.-
la Brownville, Jieituda coenrr. " m
o'cljelt. P. IX.
Dued April t,l-aL
A phle IZ. 'Whitney. 3oHa.s.xl. of. w
hereby Ftrn tat the Vnwr OKirt nt Sr.iZ
lVorty,"et.ra.-ta. lian oji4ntd th Conrt krm.
of itaul coun ty as Lu i-lace, aad U iulluwiucik tlT
times, t-w.t;
" May tb. 1 S,
A -( Wfb. 1
October iH b, lto;,
tone o'clock p. m.,'of rnch of iiahl iUt, jhr
brum, examrnin m1 aiiowin? of claliin )
thweof Sophie i- Waitney, Lite of aaid coujkt
Ail claim not presented to a;d Coort f
ance. hy Ute latent of mm! biua, tditCl bvfuvur
Apnl Oih,
A (1 ill i n l I r&Mw
A GoltfsberTT Privy. decens4. Sm'e a
brebr elven tht Uia i'rohaiw Conrt nt
Vnttnty, Nehra.tta. h aprviuted tbe Court Euoarf
saui utun as io piar, ana
Jlay 10th, liD,
at one o'cloci p. ru. as ihe time far th ka.-'Di
exjuniimiK ana aiiija .n- of cliumi arauwt
tat of Gokitberry Favy, tat of said enoaty,
crum iL
All claims BH nr!erifM tn Conrt for Ml' am.
SDce by that tine, snail be forever barrrd.
April th. ir-t.
ELIZ.4BKTTT PAVT. Admlnbtratrt.
A- TT. MOP.O AN, rriybiUe Judze. 4
CTRAY NOTICE. Taken c? by th
snbseriber. In Lafiyette rfe'net,ymh
County. e Bay Hnrtf Pinr, with tir ftt lis lbf
head, rlk'ht fro&l UMt ui t'--Jt tUOii foot M.
IZ y . W. JK
April Lta, ISiA.
CTRAY NOTICE. Takea up by th
O snbscTiber. on Ixnz Branch, ni the soa
went eorar of Nmaha tucwi, a tn ytf 4
Htrawhwvrr ftomm (arv i'!s f tw vT
on hr hw.V .'h- F A v y w I v
HIM of mm I
X PIONKKS. Arnonl bran ! tt
Ie7lutnre of th iif-f X'-vnvt. er.tit!e4 "A
At-t U provide for t:i f th" l'nld lt ft
Hlocka on the Urwn !tf I jtKin. and tor tti lsc
tioaand Krni)n of a Sai Vaiverstty. BmlAfri
cultural Colj'c". and t-tal lie Ayuita, f
pruvkxk iU. l-'j, Lu,' will at
Ii I IT C O I. IT ,
Tfce CAPITAL f tfce State rrka
Qd the Tbiidof Juoe. AJ).I86
Commencing at 10 o'clock A.M.
Offer at ptiblie ale V fiwold lots and .J-k i
town of IJiioilo. Said pnnerty p.ti-.w f
numbered bl-x i... tii9 even numixTt havlnc
ild heretofore hy tl- State and nw !;ir?;y
piei by otiil"!!. The term of naif will be t
and for not lew ihait the pproi-d Ttiii. alV
praitimeat to b mnUit by hw CoAuaintMann.
40,000 Acnrs or
We will at tbe Mime tlnvesnd iron el"
offer at Public Anrtion neurir ). m'rif
Ata'icuitural Lan1.4 beloncntr to Uie IT11-
from one to ten mUes from iaucodu
W'e wouid a!d that Ini-..iu now a P puJ' '
of tweive huiid.. ir,.j...ii.-iu. i-l.J w rex'y
In Into Vrth po: l icul nt5 eomriemal lmt""1
TUaCap.tol Buiiti.nij is nr.w con. j i-'ted. ao'l t
ioa Of lt jiure jit cs.ed w.m held !
The a-tiim of sa.d l.t: !nrure fur a tt r;it&'
futore tnteref of t " ; ' re w- favorable
moxt unlent of ft frtiuint ould an'i.
A (renerai railroad luvr w?.i iajsed BnIr
orne tlve or ix rompnu reiK-r'?
prop"?d to avail IhcrwIveH l riu m! mti H
their roada to conn lotion at innnv day.
leant thre cnfi'!t-ntly espect to im here witiitu
yenr trin ths date.
This w.'jl(l sH-m t.-. JusitlV os In ar!n it
coin, at n uiinnni day. wi.i le tha "ladtaaap"" 1
Nebraaka, aud tiie greatest iuuroad ceoier
Cbiouto. M
This, to lr n la enrrp!'!" with the fbet that
public biiiliiinoi are :. nti here. and tbat w:thm
and a haifniiiv Tmm town thre bt, p-rUp. J
riehest saline sprm-s in the wrid, now in '""if "
deveU-pinent. icive a.-urniM'e ti nt it wij be D0
nary cLarn-e fi,r lnve(rnTit. Tlie who nvj
at former tate aiei hare h-en ahie to reals if
one to live hundred percent, advnoee.
V'itnew our hnN thm Z'A i!:iyof i'ebrnary,
THO. p. x K.N XAUD, I cbtmaisdon
JQIiN til LI .I-,-VIZ.
3-12 M1A,. T.
and VhoIesa!o and Retail Dlria
Eeeps cons tan Uy on band a fUt stock of aU
ITativo and PorcicP- "W
AL80 a full stock of
All Of which he eTinlo the IrnM at 'l, A
enoush to suit ail. To uione iUiW ti-V5"
Saloon rixtnrcs
He extends a friTn:ini to riI ""L-i i
knii;i itiat 1ms UuiaJ t.'i" waiitof Ul':,,
la Um West aad caa
Gnarronty Intira Satisfctici!
4 fm --
Supplied wIU the chotct braods of
rrrsrE Lr t u at all uors0
out tlse luiil rUv-. nruvl Mn:h m T
and a ameft'!-i iuiy I-, k-t a lTf"caar., itti r '
ti Scat thereof. frm a.1 bw aixl tia w
of tlie aaid cxintr of prraha. ni ttiI if
Court hM ar"oirN-t ifjf lm&. l. iu ui , 1rt ,
-. at toeoi iceot'tiie Ju" oi".s.J cort, faZZ
riii. in whkI cuntr of ifmii, aa u. l. .
PROBATE NOTICE. Notice to i3
whom it may concern, that Antrew i
Bittr h.-v m!e avpijrmijm to the ProUwev nn rf
mali county. -im-ia. t make a i,ii ,7