Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 15, 1869, Image 1

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    $ ;
- ii. i i H i. , '
Fabllsaers -Da Proprietary
cgee-' ? slcrfceraa-'a Cltli, Stairs.
ry j fouare. (? 11 n or lew.) first lnmsrUotl-.
gutwPQUPiit insertion -
tt-MBM i rn of o ve Uues or tow
h mrtdiUonal line ..
1 Oo
. I tn
- n
Utray rotiies. ach h-ad
. ..:k nitimn. yef.f. .-.v.. .
jc.ta column. Hi months, i4; threa moui-s W fe
outattcoHi"n, one ye-r CO
Vounb column, nix tnonUut.t-1 ; Uiree month I '
alf eiumn. one yur. . f
111 column, nix monta, fju; targe room Irs ,, .. 1 W
7?.Klunin. one year ..... '
mt o,iinia, nix month, thrw monilrt 90 tt)
Stncntl IJushtrss
Attaracy and Counselor at lW
OrFKK No. f, Keywohla Hotel.
Attorneys at Law and Lnd Agentr,
trtfioe In Court House, with ITobate Judga.
" thton & hewltt,
Attm- and Conlri at Law,
Office No. tQ Mcrhcraon'a l;lock. up stalra,
Att'ysat Law &. Solicitor! in Cnanerr
Cilueein iMsvrici vurv ivuuiu.
4 turn . v at Law and Lind AtBt,
Cfflee In Court Houw, first door, vwt nldft,
Attorney and ConBwlor at Liw,
.Senraalta City, N)ra.--Wa.
AUrar VneIor al Ur,,
; 'Jwumwli, Joha-mti l-o-
Pawnee City, Pawnee 15a,, Neb.
Attorney at Liw A- Kal Kstate Agent,
Beatric.?, Gape County, Nebraska.
Real Estate Apfnt and Juil Ice of Pea,
OJfioe in Court Houtte, first door, west side.
Areata. Land Warrant Brokers.
Ko. 1 Min Street.
Will attend to paying Taxes for yon-resident,
jyrwnal attention given to making Location:
Lands, improved and unimproved, or sale on
reosonaltle farm.
Real Kstata Tax Paying Ag-emt.
OSloe in District Court Room.
Will ffi pmmpt attention to the tale of Real
Estate and ftoytnent of Taxes throughout tie
jsiemaha Land District.
Will attend to t liiment of Tare or J on
Resident Isind Ownert in Xemaha County.
f (Jurrerjon tti-uce cucifni.
xAcra IT RVnTTVirAM.
Fort Kmrnry, Sebraxka.
Will locate lamia for intending settlers, and
five any Information required concerning
the lands of South-Western Nebraska. 12-4
IImeopUlc PU lelai and Snrgton,
Will be in i'.ruwpville on or ubout the tjthol atay.
Or,K k-No. I 'Jieynoldrt' House."
Officii Ilm na 7 a.m. to 6 r.M.
. H. ('. T1IVRMAX,
' OnWv-No. M Mulu Htrwt, one tloor wcsl ori)ea
fwr n Tlu Nbop. OiUce hours from 7 to 11 a. m. and
llo 4 p. m. 13-1 1-y
OlUcu No. 1 Main Street.
FhT-lclan, Snrejeon and Obstetrician,
Office Holladay i Os Drug Store.
Graduated in lsil ; Located in JirownviUe in
lfijd. Jla on hand eom)U'tecU of Amputating,
Trephining and Obstetrical Instrument.
. N.fjjttial attention given to Obstetric and
the disease of H owe and ChiUlren.
. C F. STEWART, M. T.,
Opu-eSo. 511 Main Street.
Oftct Hours 7 to 9 A. M., and I to 2 and 6,' to
Whlei)e and lietati J dealer in
General merchandise, and Commission
and Forwarding Merchant,
No. 6 Main Street.
0m Planter, I'lnwt, Stoic. Furniture, dc
cw,i on hand. Jliglust tnarL ct price paid for
hides, J'rlts, Fur and Vountry J Tod nee.
Teenier in Foreirm and Itotnuttic
- ' No. 83 Main Street.
j. i M(;ee a xxi.
Dealers In General Merchandise,
? No. 7 a MrPherhon'n Block, Main St.
Thni mle and ltrtail Ik-aler in
Drugs, SXedlclnes, Paints, Oils, etc.,
No. 41 Main Street,
,TTii,.vte nod lirtaU Dcalrrt in
Drags, Books, "Wallpaper . Stationery
No. 3 Main Street.
No. 15 Main Street,
: Ha on hand a superior stock of Boots and
Short. Custom Work done u-Uh neatness and
No. 5 8 Main Street.
Ma on hand a good assortment of Oenft,
La-he' , Misses' and Children's Hoots and Shoes.
Cvstw Work done with neatness and dispatch.
Kepairing done on short notice.
Kaaafaetarers V Dealers In Tinware.
Ko. 1 Main SU, Mcpherson's Block.
SUhvi Hardware, Carpenter's Tools, lllack
tmxlk i Furnishings, fre constantly on hand.
j Dealer In Staves, Tinware, Pumps, sVe.
: No. 7 9 Main Street.
No. 6 Main Street.
TThijt and Ijashe of every description, and
iyutcrtng Hair, kept on hand. Oash paid or
Mtnutneturer and Jtealer in
XIRXEbs, Bridles, collars, Ete.
, Nn. 60' Main Street.
Xending done to oroUir. ivUisfaetun guaranteed.
No. 25 Main Street:.
The butt Wiiu-s and I.iquoM constantly on hand.
. No. 4, Whil ney's Block. 12-36
, No. 47 Main Street.
The bent Wines and Liquors kept on hand,
Urst Street, bet. Main and Water.
wihs to Inform the Ladies of Brownvtlle and
tetany, Uiat Blie lias a tint clam Millinery IShop,
uert work, will be done w ith prea care and neat
and after the latest eastern ft v lea. Bleaching;
J--Kt Btyli of Ladies and Children's Hata and Boo
5w.P"nstD,,y hand. Also laUt Mtlenm of La-
urn i.Koa, uoaKs, ana ctuiaren s ciouuur
cut on hort noUoe.
. J. L. ROY,
No. 55 Main Street,
ia a splendid nit of Hath Room.
wc ttp, of (jfntifman's Sotxons.
Also a
. WM. McNEAL. -
oinuff Ul,Ao " lDd" f Hair Dressing for
kT- .J.?4"1 Ladle. 01f elothea ronov-uxl h,u
Uion nouct hW: wMl'" "4 ironing done on
7 ould respectftilly
-a announce that he has
located in Brownville
' and in now preared
;v , v wiTiorm.ln thebest
'S . . V manner, ALL oper-
' -S. atKjns ertainlnK to
scienue of Den
tnirvn Hairy.
' y Drue More, irout room, let
t . . 1
.rtc-cf . cTr.'rrwTf lrrrrlpfnr3l
Best accommodations in thectty, lo pains ;mred
tunaira iMtscomlor ,b!e. Areutq tor J' -y
gpsi tor aU points wau
OEOno 1 do P H Elff Y, PMomma.
Has been thorouKhlv fiUel and furnished, and now
nff.-ra tirxt-clas accommodations to the traveling
public. Board by the day or w eek
iMrmriiv HOUSE.
I D. ROBISON. Proprietor
Front St., Detween aiai u uu "
4 good Feed and Livery tHabU in connection
with the House.
ALLEN & NACE. Pbopriktok.
Ha 31 Main street, opptwlte Hty Drug Stor.
Pie- CaK, Fr.h Bread. Con Sect toi.ery. Light
. "j , .w.-.- n.nviaiillr on nana.
auu x wx j j i 7
nrnnfiF. YATTNEY.
Tjakrrv a"l Cof'-eTtonerj-,
" No. ;J7 Kftlft si i .-.,
OfTers to the public at reduced rate a choice
stock of Groceries, Provisions, -ConfecUonar-les,
etc., etc.
Bakery, Confectionery and Toy Store.
No. 40 Main Street.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Oysters, Fruit, etc., on hand
Dealer In Confectioneries, Toys, ete.
No. 4 Main St reet.
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Office in Carson's Bank, urownviue, reu.
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
And aetit for the Equitable and American
Tontine Life Insurance Companies. 5-tf
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Office in CuttEtf CJ.erk'8 Office.
Notary Public county .ier.
(iK(J. ti.MAlU a urn,
Aspinu ail, jeoraKa.
n,i om,prn rnise. W e will buy and. sell
everything known to the market.
Storage, Forwarding and Commission
A'tiS kiniljt at drain, for which
they pay the Highest Market Pnce in Oash.
JVo. 6 a Main Street,
lid stock of Goods.
and will make them up in the latt styles,
on short notice and reasonable terms.
Xtlacksmltblng and Horse Shoeing,
Shop No. SO Main Street,
inn do Klacksmithing of all kinds. Makes
tt,-- fthtinn. Ironino of Wagon and Sleujhs,
and Machine Work a Speciality.
J. W. & J. C. GIBSON,
Shop on First, between Main and Atlantic.
All tcork done to order, and satisfaction guar
rantecd. "WAGON MAKERS.
' - FRANZ ELMER, ' :
Wagou Maker and Repairer.
Shop-West of Court House.
I'imrs Oitliivatars. Ac. re-
paired on short niice, at low rates, and war
ranted to give satisfaction. v r
Washington VJy, D. C
Win attend. to the prosecution of claims be
fore tbe Department in person, for Additional
Bountv, Back Pay ami Pensions, and all
claims' accr nine against the- Government du
ring the late wai
Office in Dibtrict Court Room.
Xolary Public and United States War Claim
Agent. Will attend to the prosecution of claims
brfortthe Department, for Additional Bounty,
Back Fay aiul Pensions. Also Vie collection of
Semi-Annual Dues on Pensions.
Rooms, Main, bet 4th & 5th Sts.
Lessons liven on th Piano. Organ, Melodton.
Guitar and Vocalization. Having had eight year
experience a teacher of Music New York is
confident af giving satisfaciion.
O. P. BERKLEY, ' - -House,
Carriage and Sign Painter.
No. 66 Main St., upstairs.
i 1,1 inn fUninna,nd Paner I I ail V-
ina done on short notice, favorable terms, ana
A. D. MARSH, i . OCt.,
Bookseller and News Dealer.
Citu Book Store,
No. 50 Main Street, I'osiolflce Building.
No. 47 Main Street, up stairs.
t . .... jt.ytur,' tTjnntrd in the latest
styU of the Art, wiU call at ?y Art Gallery.
Probate Judge and Justice of the Peace
OiDoe in court nouwe uu'iu'ub-
Sole agent for R. W. Smith's Patent Truss
Bridge The strongest and best wooden
bridge now in use, .
Brownville City Meat Market.
No. OO'.MaiH Street.
rnrr nu Ai h iafisxt mark et irice for good Beef
Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs. .
TTTTTI S, 4 a tht mrwlm t 1?Snl nnti Vrtfinl
M U4 I C rtlA l tst. VtV V'f ' ' w v.-
Prnnertu in the JS'emaha Land District. ' Terms
reasonable. '
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, etc., etc.
No. 33 Main Street,
fXI-nrr find Silver- Plated ll'are. and eU Varie
ties of Spectacles constantly on hand. Repairing
done in the neatet style, at short notice. Charges
Manuf-cturcn of
Italian and American Marble
Tomb St , Table Tor, Mantles, dee.
Main Street, between 6th aod 7th,
TTvlnir located nermanentlv in this city, we shall
keep on band such a stock as will supply all the
demands of -
Southern Nebraska and IVorlli-
West missourl. ,
Orxiaiiiciital Painting:,
Gulldlng, Glaxlng, Paperhangtng, Ve.
No. 15 Main Street,
(One door east of Hank A HolUlnger'a
Queenswareand Grocery store,)
The Brownville Transfer Line,
Under the managemeut of
Is dow Banning Kegalsr Omntbotses from
Brou rnville to the Railroad Terminus
of the Council Blnffi snd St. Joeeph Railroad,
At irorth Star, Ho.,
Two KUes from Brownville snd Korta fitsr Ferry
. ,.. . . . Landing. , ,
Good Omnibusses. Close Coaikeetionr
O-tf Cliarges Moderate.
Hailroads! Uallroadsl Rail-
Glen Rock, Neb.,
March 30, 1869.
Editor of Brownville Advertiser.
Dear Sir: When a man's diges
tive organs are out of order he is apt
to look on things In a gloomy light.
Cheer up, lighter days are coming for
-fcf t A 1L.L A l I i
etuaua county umu me picture you
draw iu your last issue of the Advertiser.-
It is an admitted fact that
railroads area public benefit; bo is the
man wno raises two blades of grass in
place of one, but whoever thinks of
giving him anything? Our greatest
men nave always fought their own
battles, and so can railroad companies.
Capital is always on the look ont for
good investment, and capital being
stronger than labor is able to take care
of iiself. Then why should labcr be
taxed sor hfavilr to " enrich capital ?
$550,(100 was too much of a tax for the
people of Nemaha county to be given
to a private corporate body, and this
is the only reason that Glen Rock op
posed thfi tax. We, as a people, are
in favor of all internal improvement
in our county. Brownville is selfish ;
in my opinion she wants the Nebras
ka Trunk to run there, she wants a
road from there to Fort Kearney to
intersect the Union Pacific R. . R.
Brownville to-day is well situated so
far as itself is concerned. It has com
munication with the outside world
via Missouri river, andby railroad just
across, she cannot complain. Now
give us a road through Nemaha coun
ty, north and south, say continue tne
Trunk from Nemaha City up the
Nemaha Valley by Glen Rock, thence
up Rock Creek to Neb. City, then you
have a Trunk Railroad which can be
fed from both sides, and if take a strip
of six miles on each side of the Road,
you then have the best farming por
tion of the county, and with respect
to hauling the producers would have
the benefit. If it is to run to Brown
ville, thence up the river, what better
aie we ? The distance Is no less ! So
much for the Trunk railroad as an-
ilied to Nemaha Co. Now I would
ike to say a few words for Brown
ville. If Brownville wishes a road
west let her strike out either to Glen
Rock and up the little Nemaha to the
Buck Post Olfice. (Nursery Hill.
Otoe Co.,) intersect Midland Pacific
there, or run due west from Brown
ville to Tecuniseh, thence up big
Nemaha to Lincoln.
If .his is done, then Nemaha county
has a bright future and will not sink
below her sphere : but will, as she al
ways has, be the first county in the
Truly yours,
Rock Creek.
Message from the President.
The following message was received
from the President by Congress at four
o'clock this afternoon :
To the Senate and the House of
Representatives : While I am aware
that the time in which Congress pro
poses now lo remain in session is very
brief, and that it L its desire, as far as
consistent with the public interest, to
avoid entering upon the general busi
ness of legislation, there is one subject
that concerns so deephT the welfare of
the country, that I deem it my duty
to bring it before you.
1 have no doubt that you will con
cur with me in the opinion that it is
desirable to restore the btates which
were engaged in rebellion to their re
lations to the government and the
country at as early a period as the peo
ple of those btates shall be found wil
ing to' become peaceful and orderly
communities, aud to adopt and main
tain such constitutions and laws as
will effectually secure the civil' and
political rights of all persons within
their borders ..
The authority of the United States.
which has beer.vindicated and estabr
lished by the military power, must
undoubtedly be asserted for the abso
lute protection of all Its citizens In the
full enjoyment of freedom and securi
ty, which Is the object of a republican
government, but whenever thepeople
of a rebellious State are ready to enter
in good faith 'upon, the accomplish
ment of this object in entire conformi
ty with the constitutional authority of
Congress, it is certainly desirable that
all causes of irritatloo should be re-,
moved as promptly as possible, that a
more perfect union may be established
and the country be restored to peace
and prosperity. ' '- '
The convention of the people of Vir
ginia which met in Richmond, Der
cember3, 1SG7, framed a constitution
for that state, which was adopted by
the convention on the 17th of April;
1SG8, and I desire respectfully to - call
the attention of Congress to the pro-
Eriety of providing by law for the
olding of an election in that State at
the same time during the months of
May and June next, under direction of
the military' commander of the, dis
trict, at which the question of the
adoption of that constitution shall be
submitted to the citizens of the State,
and if this .should seem desirable, I
would recommend that aseparate vote
be taken upon such parts as may be
thought expedient, and that at the
same time and under the same author
ity, there shall be an election for the
officers provided under such constitu
tion, and tht thP constitution or ouch
parts thereof as shall have been adop
ted by the people be submitted to Con
gress on the first Monday of December
next for its consideration, so that if
the same i3 then approved, the neces
sary steps will have been taken for the
toration of Virginia to the proper re
lations to the Union.
I am led to make this recommenda
tion from the confident hope and be
lief that the people of fhat State are
now ready to co-operate with the na
tional government in bringing it into
such relations to the Union as it ought
as soon as possible, to establish and
maintain, and to give to all its people
those equal rights nnder the law which
are asserted in the Declaration of In
dependence In the worda of one of our
most illustrious sons.
I desire also to ask the consideration
of Congress to the question whether
there is not just ground for believing
that the constitution framed by a con
vention of the people of Mississippi
for that State and once rejected, might
not be again submitted to the people
of that State in like manner ana with
the probability of the same result?
The Bait Lake Itcportcr does not
like to have Brigham Young take the
American eagle for his emblem. It
says: ,4We never could understand
why Brigham Young should take the
eagle for his emblem. That roval bird
is a strict monogamist; he has one
mate and is noted for his faithfulness
to her, defending her even with his
life. Now, if Brigham had chosen
the rooster we could see the point at
once. We venture to suggest the
change even now. An eagle perched
over a Mormon harem ! Bah ! It is a
sacrilege ; an insult to the bird."
1 Our Predecessors. , ' .
"'Who were our predecessors 6n the
American continent? "The Indians,
of course. ' But wrho were their prede
cessors ? is a question which remains
unsettled. : We ask the dumb mounds",
and bones, and arrow-heads which the
lost races have left behind them; but
they return no answer. We search
the scarp of locks and cliffs, and the
surfaces of slabs and-tablets dug up
from the earth for Inscriptions and
records left by the departed peoples ;
but no inscriptions and records found;
the mute earth guards jealously the
solemn secret of the dead, and refuses
to tell their history and their fate.
And yet, we are not content. The
silence oi me oracie omy juiiauica w
desire to extort a response and learn
the secret. Therefore do we continue
the inexorable questioning, in tli
hope that our importunity will t last
compel thoeurrenuer or me mystery.
And we are not entirely unsuccess
ful. We have already leared that Co
lumbus did not first discover Ameri
ca, and that Northmen and Vikings
traversed the eastern Atlantic coast
as far a3 New Jersey, and had settle
ments in Massachusetts, centuries be
fore the Spaniards landed in Florida,
the caveliers at Jamestown, and the
Pilgrims at Plymouth. This is little,
indeed; but a book -has recently ap
peared, which goes far beyond, and
aud asserts and attempts to prove that
the Chinese, the Japenese, and even
the Irish preceded us on this conti
nent, and lived, flourished, ages ago,
where we are living and flourishing
now. This is, indeed, a bold theory
too bold to be accepted ; for that the
Chinese and Japanese should have
been civilized peoples, thousands of
years before the earliest historic dates,
and fctill remain coherent and organi
zed nationalities, does notaccord with
the experience of actual history. rl he
Assyrians, the Egyptians, the - Greeks
and the Romans have passed from the
earth since history began. Why and
how should Inferior peoples, like tne
Chinese and Japanese, flourish centu
ries before them, and survive centu
ries rfter them? As to the Irish, it is
known that they possessed centers of
learning and seats of science long be
fore their present Saxon masters had
ceased to be coarse barbarians ; but we
are hardly prepared to admit that they
were native born Americans before
Over Trading: In Chicago.
The Chicago Tribune says :
The financial feature which, per
haps, comes the nearest to making
distress with any, in this commercial
comunity, is the indebtedness of the
Union Pacific Railroad Company to
merchants in this city, which indebt
edness the company have not been
able to pay. The company have, all
along, been purchasing of our mer
chants large supplies of lumber, iron,
hardware, groceries, paints, oils, &c.
&&, to be used in connection with the
construction of the road and its sta
tion buildings. At the settlements
about two months ago, the company
was unable to pay the money for these
as it had been previously doing, and
gave 6ixty and ninety day New York
acceptances instead, and has been un
able to pay any cash here since that
time on subsequent purchases. The
debt to Chicago merchants has thus
continued to accumulate, until it is
now believed that not less than a mil
lion and a half of doliars of purchases
made for "cash" have been thu3 de
ferred from sixty to ninety days.
Some estimate the aggregate much
higher, though after considerable in
quiry, we are inclined to think this to
be near the correct amount, come
have thought that a large proportion
of this had been re-discounted "with
out recourse" in New York, but there
is good reason to think this has not
been the case, and tnat merchants are
deprived of the nse of a- very large
proportion of tne wnole amount. The
amounts held thus by single firms
here against the company are said to
be, In some cases, equal to more than
half, and in a few cases to nearly, the
wnole or tne casn capital or the credi
tors. . -
Washington April 7.
The House Commttee on Foreign
Affairs at their mectiiug thi3 A. M.
authorized Gen. Banks to report a
resolution ' commanding the appoint
ment of a commission by the Presiden t
to make inquiries into the financial
condition of thelsland of San Domingo
tne product oi tne island, and the
feeling of the inhabitants with a view'
of getting information in regard to the
desirability of assuming the proposed
protectorate of that Island.
The last proposition for the solution
of the Indian problem is the appoint
ment of a peace commissioner by the
President composed of Quakers civil
ized Indians and French Catholic
missionaries. It is agreed that the In
dians would repose the utmost confi
dence in the prommisses of such a
commission, and that a lasting peace
could be readily attained through
their negotiations. President Grant
has the matter under consideration.
He Is visited frequently by parties in
terested on the subject.
A private despatch from Augusta.
Ga., states that Alex. H. Stephens,
Yloo Proeidcnt uf tne late rebel gov
ernment, has suffered a relapse, and
his life is now despaired of.
i -" - -
Chicago April 6.
The common council of this city last
night passed a resolution looking to a
grond commemoration of the opening
of the Pacific Railroad. A committie,
consisting of Mayor and five mem
bers of the council, was appointed
who were authorized to invite at such
time as the managers of the Central,
the Union Pacific and Northwestern
roads shall appoint as Guests of Chica
go, the Governors and their staffs of the
States of California, Oregon and Neva
daandofthe Teritories of Washington ,
Idaho Montana.Decota, and Wyoming
and the members of the Legislature of
the several States and Territories above
named and Judges of their several
courts, the Mayor and council of the
cities of San Francisco, Sacramento,
and of such other cities as they may
select in California, of the city of Port
land, in Oregon, of Virginia city, in
Nevada, of Denver in Colorado, and
the Mayor and council and leading
citizens of such other cities in the
States and Territories above named as
said committee of this council and cit
zens shall deem best and most appro
priate ; also the President and Vice
President of the United States, and
Cabinet, members of both Houses of
Congress, Judges of Supreme Court, a
number of tbe leading officers of the
army the Governor of Illinois and the
Governor of the several States and
such othar distinguished gentlemen
as they should deem best. The hos
pitalities of the city to be tendered to
all the guests enumerated. .
There is no change in the river ;
water, at a-good stage.
Yrliom. do Great Elen Marry.
; Charles B. Stevens, in the March
number of the Phrenological Journal,
onswers the question as follows :
Women, of course. But they show
the same diversity of taste that is seen
in the lower ranks, and on the whole
make worse mistakes. They, how
ever, generally show the same sense
in choosing wives that they show in
managing other people's affairs,
whether it be good or bad.
John Howairf, the great philanthro
pist, married his nurse- She was al
together beneath him in social life
and intellectual capacity, and besides
this, was fifty-two years old while he
was but twenty-five. He would not
take "No" for an answer, and they
were married and lived hannilv to
gether until her death, which occurr
ed two years arterward. . , f ;
:-Pcter th Great tf-Russia, married
a peasant girl. She made an excel
lent wife and a sagacious Empress.
- Humboldt married a poor girl be
cause he loved her. Of course they
were happy.
Shakspeare loved and wed a farm
er's daughter. She was faithful to
her vows, but we could hardly say the
same of the great bard himself. Like
most of the great poets, he showed
too little discrimlnaainn in bestowing
his affection on tbe other sex.
Byron married Miss Milbank to get
money to pay hia debts. It turned
out a bad shift,
- Robert Burns married a farm girl,
with whom he fell in love while they
worked together in the plow field.
He, to. wus irregular in his life, and
committed the most serious mistakes
in conducting his domestic affairs.
Milton married the daughter of a
country squire, but he lived with her
but a short time. - He was an austere,
exacting, literary recluse ; while she
was a rosy, romping country lass that
could not endure the restraint impos
ed upon her, and so they separated.
Subsequently, however, she returned,
and they lived tolerable happy.
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
were cousins, and about the only ex
ample in the long line of English
monarchs wherein the marital vows
were sacredly observed and sincere
affection existed.
Washington married a widow with
two children. It is enough to say of
ner tnat sne was wortny or him, and
they lived as married folks should, in
perfect harmony.
John Adams married the daughter
of a Presbyterian clergyman. Her
father objected on account of" John's
being a lawyer ; he had a bad opinion
of the morals cf the profession.
Thomas Jefferson married Mrs.
Martha Skelton, a childless widow,
but she brought him a large fortune in
real estate. After the ceremony she
mounted the horse behind him and
they rode home together. It was late
in the evening, and they found the
fire out. But the great statesman bus
tled around and rebuilt it, while she
seized the broom and soon put things
in order. It is needless to say that
thev were happy. Jefferson died a
KXr man on account of his extreme
iberality and hospitality.
Benjamin Franklin married the girl
who stood at her father's door and
laughed at him as he wandered
through the streets of Philadelphia
with rolls of bread under his arms and
his pockets filled with dirty clothes.
She had occasion to be eliappy when
she found herself the wife of such a
great and good man.
It is not generally known that An
drew Jackson married a lady whose
husband was still living. She was an
uneducated but amiable woman, and
most devotedly attached to the old
warrior and statesman.
John C. Calhoun married his cous
in, and theirchildren fortunately were
neither diseased nor idotic, but they
do not evince the talent of the great
"States' rights" advocate. .
Edward Lytton Bulwer, the Eng
lish statesman and noveli&t, married a
girl much his inferior In position and
got a shrew for a wife. She. is now
General Sam. Houston lived happi
ly with a squaw wife, while General
Ben. Butler was divorced from an ac
complished lady. Edwin Forrest, the
great tragedian, married a beautiful
actress, from whom he was divorced
General Fremont married the daugh
ter of Thos H. Benton against the hit
ter's wish, which obliged him to elope
with her on a stormy night. The
union proved a happy one In spite of
the squally beginning. Horace Gree
ly married a school mistress whose
beauty was questionable, but whose
sense and goodness satisfied one of the
greatest men of his time.
General Sherman married the
daughter of Thomas Ewing, of Ohio,
who was a member of General Tay
lor's Cabinet. This alone would have
been a good start in life for any young
roan. Jeff. Davis for his first wife,
won the hand of Zachary Taylor's
daughter; and General Grant married
a Miss Dent, of St. Louis. She ap
parently has more good sense than
show, and is, therefore, fit for a Presi
dent's wife.
- ' St. Louis, April 7.
The municipal election here yester-
rla-v reanita in the election of Nathan
Cole, Radical, Mayor by a majority of
2,900. The remainder of the Radical
ticket is elected by various but smal
ler majorities. The City Council will
have a small Democratic majority.
New York, April 7.
Judge Blatchford, of the United
States Court, decided yesterday that
all the proceedings in the State courts
in regard to the Union Pacific Rail
road since August 5th, 1868, are ille
gal null and void, but the decision will
be resisted on the ground that the
Judge, being a stockholder, and in
terested party, cannot sit in the case.
Washington", April 7.
Among the nominations sent to the
Senate to-day were R. R. Livingston,
Surveyor General of Nebraska and
The House Committee on Foreign
Affairs has agreed to report a resolu
tion requesting the President to open
negotiations with the government of
San Domingo for the annexation of
that republic to the United States. It
is understood the Administration is
favorable to this scheme.
Havana, April 6.
Congress will grant belligerent
rights to the Cuba insurgents, if they
experience no great reverse.
Madrid, April 6.
The government lias granted per
mission for the introduction into Spain
of Protestant books, printed in foreign
languages. .
Fears are entertained that the Car
lists wiS attempt another general ris
ing. Tae government is taking meas
ures to prevent it.
The refusal of King Ferdinand to
accept tie Spanish Crown is .confirmed.
15, 1869.
i "
The Boston Post calls Brigham
Young's harem "a eorosi3 an a strict
family basis."
Napoleon is the best horseman
among European Sovereigns.
George II. Pendleton is proposed for
Governor of Ohio. .
The French Prince Imperial was
fourteen years old March 16. "
Mrs. Senator Sprague is always In
the gallery when her husband speaks,
and watches him with great interest.
Brick Pomeroy's paper calls Ben.
Butler the greatest Republican states
man who has attained position in this
' The Misses Beck with are the belles
of New York society, the Misses Feu
ton In Washington, and Miss Scboin
berg in Philadelphia.
Bismark lately visited Paris incog.,
and his presence there was even un
known to the French police. Nobody
knows what the object of that secret
journey was.
'A. T. Stewart, Horace Greeley and
Wm. Orton.have been appointed a
committee to effect tbe exchange of
the present site for the new Postoffice
in New York for another site at the
upper end of City Hall park..
Recent accounts from Rome repre
sent the Pope to be in unusually good
health. He not only hopes to see the
Oecumenical Council brought to a
successfal termination, but to celebrate
the fiftieth universary of his elevation
to the Episcopate, which occurs in 1877.
He belongs to a very long-lived family.
A people's sympathies know no log
ic, and sometimes no laws. When
our war was going on, we demanded
that the good will of all outsiders
should be with us, and were ready to
have a mortal quarrel with any power
that wished well for the rebel arms.
But when there is a rebellion in some
other country, we take the liberty of
thinking, feeling, and acting as we
please. There is an insurrection in
Cuba, a struggle of the native Cubans
for independence against the hard,
inexorable, bloody Spanish spirit that
abhors liberty so thoroughly, that in
its ancient home it voluntarily votes
itself into the bondage of monarchy.
By all rules of logic, we ought to frown
on the Cubans and sympathize with
the Spanish authority but we do not
and cannot, do any sucn tning. mere
is an ultimate self-interest in the mat
ter. Behind the cordial friendship we
have always cherished for the native
Cubans, there is the notion that Cuba
ought to belong to us, and tne pleas
ing expectation that one day it will
belong to us. She is the belle of the
tropics immensely rich, transcend
ently beautiful, and as lovely and de
sirable as wealth and beauty can make
her. She reciprocates our passion
and nothing but the hard, jealous grip
of her Spanish lord prevents her from
gathering up ner gossamer sKirts, and
tripping across the Gulf to throw her
self into uncle cam's welcoming
And. sooner or later, this will be
the upshot of it all. The deep blue,
rich Cuban skies, the feathery palm
plumes that stand out against them,
the delicious languor of that gentle
climate, the yielding riches of that
unsurpassed soil, the myriad fruits
that grow there so bountifully tnat
they may be had for the plucking
these things cause our hearts to warm
toward Cuba with a passionate ardor
that grows with our growth, and
strengthens with our strenth. In
fact, Cuba is our sweetheart, and we
shall not be satisfied till wq have her
bananas, oranges, all !
Independent Journalism.
Mr. Curtis, in Harper's Weekly, sets
forth the duty and opportunity of in
dependent journalism as follows :
"But the more deeply an indepen
rlpnt tonrnal fivmrmthizes with the
principle and purpose of a party the
more strenuously win it censure its
follies and errors, the more bravely
will criticise its candidates and lead
ers, for the purpose of keeping the
a r
principle pure ana or maKing tne suc
cess of the party a real blessing. The
public will gradually learn that only
in such papers can they find true
statements of events, with comments nim nt the nublic welfare, and not
merely at a party success. In such
also, and only in 6uch, will public
men ue consiacreu impartially, ana
the nlain tendencv of an indenendent
press will thus be to elevate the na
tional lire and cnaracter, ana to Keep
a :t : v. : a... t.A.iln
puny spirit wiiuiu its uuc uuu-ua.
Rut onlv rh reallv able men enter the
profession of journalism is such de
pendence . possiwe. iiypocnucism,
cynicism, captionsness, persiflage are
not its characteristics, but Drofound
conviction, tact, knowledge, humor
and good temper, a my sucn journals
from Maine to California, prosperous.
sparkling, vigorous and rigorous,
would rattle tne ary nones oi party
hacks, and instai a most wholesome
terror iu charlauts of every kind."
Confirmation' or Gen. Long
street. ... .
The debate in the United States Sen
ate, on Saturday last, on the confirma
tion of Gen. Longstreet, Surveyor of
the Port of New Orleans, lasted three
hours, and seems to have been quite
spirited. The following is the vote by
which the motion for his confirmation
was finally carried :
Yeas Messrs. Bayard, Ca-sserly, Cole, Ed
munds, Fen ton. Fowler, Hamlin, Iloure, Kel
logR. McCreery, McDonald, Morrill, Nye,
Poineroy, Pool, Ramsey, Rice, Koa, Swyer,
Spencer, Stewart. Stockton, Thayer, Train
bulL Warner, Wiley, Williams 27.
Nays Messrs. Boreman, Cameron, Car pen -ter.Corbett,
Harlan, Harris, Howard, Rob
bertson, Tipton, Scott 10.
As the following, who were paired,
Abbott, Anthony, Grimes and Gilbert
were for confirmation, and Conkling,
Fessenden, Pratt and Sumner against.
Of the absent, Ferry, Morton, Sher
man, Sprague, Wilson and Yates were
for, and Brownlow, Cattell, Chandler,
Drake, Norton and Schurz were
"Can you tell me the road to Green
ville ?" asked a traveller of a boy whom
he met on the road. "Yes, sir," said
the boy. "Do you see our barn down
there?" "Yes," says he. "Go to
that. About three hundred yards be
yond the barn you will find a lane.
Take that lane and follow along about
a mile and a half. Then you will
come to a slipperyelni log you be
mighty keerful, stranger, about going
on that log and then you go on till
you get to the brow of the hill, and
there the roads prevaricate , and you
take the left-had road, and keep that
until you get into a big plum thicket ;
and when you get there, why then
then then " "What then?" "Then
stranger, I'll be durned if you ain't
! '
NO. 27.
sir States and Territories.
The following interesting statistics
of our Thirty-seven States and Ten
Territories are believed to bo absolute
ly correct :
States. Stat Capitals. Goveuxobs.
.Montsomery.WinisTn II. Smith
.Little lUck Powell Clayton
acraniiu..llenry H. llaiglit
..Hartford, NewHaveru. Jewell
,lKver.... ..tioveSaulbnry
.Tallahassee.- Harrison Hevd
.Atlanta. -JUifus B. liuUock
.Springfield John M. Palmer
.Indmapo-s. .. ..Cinrd Baker
nation .
Kentucky. Louisiana.
ih-8 Aloinea......-amuei Aterrui
. Tope k a Jsms M. Harvey
...Kranfefurd ..John M. Stevenson
JewJrlaiis..H. C Warmouth
..Ausrusta J. I Chamberlain
Michigan ,.,
M itis;npi...
Aunopolis. Odin Bowie
Boston William Claniu
.L Paul..... .William IU Marshall
Jefferson Cuy..J. W . M ilnrg
Kevnda .
New 1 i a m pshire.
W -I"
New York.
.Lincoln . imvm uuuer
.Carson Cily HeDry G. llUutdeU
.Concord. Walter Harriman
, T. li"ilnin
fc'orta Caro
Kaletifh-. William w. Jiotoea
Clumtus.Butlierford B. Hays
alem ueorge 1 Woods
IT r..l.n L I! rv
Rhode Island-..
.Newport, Prov....H. Paddle ford
(South Carolina., Oiinmbia..
... ,,. Kobert X. bcott
lennessea isnvuL.
Toy . A imiin -....K M. Pi se
Vermoat.-.Montpelier. ..John B- Par
Virginia. ..Riehmond Henry H. Wells
West Vlrinnia.Vheeling.-WUlian K. sjtevensoa
Wisconsin ..Madwon Luciua 1'ain.Uiid
. ; TxBRrroBiES.'
Arizona .Tticson .. . A. P. K. Stafford
Twik..f. V.r.t , A J. KallC
Idaho ..-.Boise : pavkl W. Ballard
Montana .Virv;nia CityJas. W. Ashley
Colorado . TWiv-r A Cameron Hunt
New Mexico.-. .Santa F Bobert B. Mitchell
Utah , , ,,, , slr. Lake City Charte Ptirkce
Washington- 01ympta.Mai-hall . Moore
Wyoming.. ..Clif-venne..... -Frank Campbell
Tile Tools Great HI en Tforlc
It is not tools that make the work
men, but the trained skill and perse
verance of the man himself. Indeed
it is proverbial that the bad workman
never yet had a good tool. Some one
asked Opie by what wonderful pro
cess he mixed his colors. "I mix them
with my brains, sir," was his reply.
It is the same with every workman
who would excel. Ferguson made
marvellous things such as his wood
en clock, that . accurately measured
the houre by means of a common
pen-knife, a tool In everybody's hand,
but then everybody is not a I erguson.
A pan of water and two thermome
ters were the tools by which Dr. Black
discovered latent heat ; and a prism,
a lens, and sheet of pasteboard, ena
bled Newton to unfold the composi
tion of light and the origin of color.
An eminent foreign savant once called
upon Dr. Wollaston, and requested to
be shown over his laboratories. In
which science had been enriched by
so many Important discoveries, when
the doctor took him into a study, and,
pointing to an old tea-tray on the table,
containing a tew watcn-giasses, test
papers, a small balance, and a blow
pipe, said, "There is all the laborato
ry I have!" Stothard learnt the art
of combining colors by closely study
ing butterflies' wings ; he would often
say that no one knew what he owed
to these tiny insects. A burnt stick
and a barn-door served Wilkie in lieu
of pencil and canvass! Bewick first
practiced drawing on the cottage-walls
of his native village, wnicn ne covered
with his sketches in chalk ; and Ben
jamin West made his first brushes out
or the cat's tail. erguson laid Him
self down in the fields at night in a
blanket, and made a map of the heav
enly bodies, by means or a small
thread with small beads on it, stretch
ed between his eye and the stars.
Franklin first robbed the thunder
could of its lightning by means of a
Kite made witn two cross-sticKs and a
silk handkerchief. Watt made his
first model of the condensing steam
engine out of an old anatomist's syr
inge med to inject the arteries pre
vious to the dissection. Gifford worked
his first problem in mathematics,
when a cobbler's apprentice, upon
small scraps of leather, which he beat
smooth for the purpose, while Ritten
house, the astronomer, first calculated
eclipses on his plow-handle. Golden
Washington, March 8.
Gen. Butler, Speaker Blaine and oth
er Congressmen had a conference with
Presiident Grant this morning about
reconstruction. They told him they
could ptiss a bill giving him power to
hold elections when he chooses in
the three unreconstructed States, to
submit the constitutions in any man
ner, wnetner by sections or otherwise.
and suspend obnoxious State lawsnow
in force pending action on the consti
tutions. The .President expressed
himself satisfied that such legislation
would meet all requirements.
Mr. Butler af Mass., from Recon
struction committee, reported a bill
authorizing the submission of the con
stitutions of Mississippi, Virginia and
Texas to a vote of the people, and au
thorizing the election of btate officers
and members of Congress.
The bill authorizes the President, at
such times as he may deem best to sub
mit the Virginia constitution to reg
istered voters of that State for ratifica
tion or rejection, and submit to a sep
erate vote such provisions of that con
stitution as he maj' deem best, elec
tions "to be held and returns to be
made in the manner provided by the
election ordinances adopted by the
It authorizes the President to submit
I n the same way to the voters of Texas
the entire constitution framed for the
the State, or separate provisions of it
a a t
provided no election snail oe neiu in
Texas for any purpose until the Presi
dent so directs.
For Mississippi, if either of the con
stitutions shall be ratified the Legisla
ture elected snail assemoie on the
fourth Teusday after the official
promulgation of the ratification.
ir. raineouered a substitute for the
bill. It authorizes the President to
submit the Constitutions of Vlrgigla,
Texas, and Mississippi, respectively,
to registered voters of such States, and
to submit at the same time such con
stitutions with provisions stricken
therefrom as he may direct; the voters
shall at the same time vote for State
officers and members of Congress ; tha
ui?irict commanaers may cause the
list of registered voters to be revised
and appoint registers : no election to
be held in either of such States for
any purpose until the President shall
Every department of our Govern
ment beirins to show siirns of renewed
vitality, and the receipts of the nation
are much larger than thev were last
winter. It is stated that the customs
will probablv vield from S18.V000.00O
to $190,000,000, and internal revenue
irom iou,uou,ow 10160,000,000, for the
fiscal year. So that Secretary Bout
well is on the whole pleased with the
mo, oi me i reasury. Meanwhile our
five-twenties In London have touched
84 sterling, which is equivalent to 92
in Ameriean trcilcl .whilAPnnsnlps the
favorite English investment, are only
quoiea at yd, or but one per cent Dei
Froaao-r Special Correspondent. '
Chicago, April 10, UZ7, .
In proportion as thl3 city extctji3 lia
bouncancj and lnereaa in p-cpul-iion
our Polie and Fire Derart eat will
grow and expand. We have just teen
fvored with the annual reports of lis
Chief of these organlzAjor.3, and I
t ropes to ct7Trve7 scrca id a cf their
labors daring therr.t year, to your
readers. Our Fire Depsrt!3nt has
arrived at the state of eSIciency net
surpassed in any other city. Tha force
fiow consists of 17 men, furniihed"
with the Hint complete equipments
for extinguishing fires. The Dcpt,'
now has fourteen first class steam nre
engines, besides hose, clrt, hocks,;
ladders, canras carts, etc., etc There
areoTer 300 fire alarm telegraph boies,
which are invaluable in giving tha
alarms. During the past year there
have been 405 fires, involving a loss cf
over half a million dollars. The ex
penses of the Dept. for the past year,
were $302,793.
Our Police Department is equally
necessarv, but the report is ne of
those which usually sends a pang to
the heart of the philanthropist. Th
force now consists of a Superinten
dent. and Deputy, three Captain?,
twenty-one Serganta, and 275 Patrol- ,
men. It is recommended to add sis i
Sergeants and seventy-five Patrolmen.
The Supt. also desires a supply of!
muskets to be U3ed in case of any ex- ?
tremity. The expenses cf the Dept.
last year amounted Co ?C57,719. and
the arrests numbered 2,049. These '
persons were of all ajres and natlonal
itlef, . butjtl axensarkabla fact tht
thS Irish ncf.iber 11,S23, or over half I
the whole. The saperviilon and coa- '
trol of these two organizations ves
ted in three gentloruea, who form tha T
Board of Commissioners.
Your readers will be able to galiey 1
from the above some idea of tha ex- ;
1ense necessary to make a Largo city l
labitable. There are many auvanta- ?
ges and privileges, but like all such
things, they arc accompanied by their
price. i
The settlement of the park question
gave an impetus to real estato scarcely
expected. It was generally supposed '
that all who wished to purchase had f
done so, but I find the sales hut week i
reached one million and a quarter dol '
' On Saturday last the eommanity :
was somewhat startled at the an-
nouncement of another murder. A :
boiler maker having been discharged
by his employer, became enraged,
and made an attack upon him ; after
they were separated the proprietor of '
the shop shot his opponent dead. It
is becoming evident every day that 1
more stringent measures are neeessa- j
ry to lessen the number of murders '
constantly being committed. !
In hopes of making my weekly
communications, of substantial service
to your readers, I take the liberty vt j
Introducing the largest paper manu- !
facturers in the West, Messrs. Brad- .
ner, Smith & Co., at 133 South Water
street. Running several of the largest
mills in the West, their operations ara
necessarily very extensive, and deal
ers will find it the proper place to buy.
Their enormous business in print pa
pers shows conclusively the exrellenca
of the quality. The Winnebago mills,.
ownea Dy tnis nrm, manuueture the
celebrated brands of Winnebago wrap
ping, manllla and hardware papers.
These are so popular that the- ordera
constantly exceed the supply. There
is a decided advantage In dealing with
such a House as intermediates are thuj
avoided. Grocers, druggists, printers,
and all large consumers ana dealers
can here choose from an immenso
stock, and have orders filled without
the delay and disadvantage accompa- .
nying transactions with less responsi
ble firms. -
In laying the foundation for the fu- .
ture greatness of Chicago, the question
of transportation enters largely into
the calculation. It is now asserted by
a prominent railway man that with
double-track freight can be reduced to
a par with lake freights.
Washington, April 8.
The Conference committee met thlj
mornintr and bad a session for an hmir
Mr. Harlan clung to his treaty amend
ments witn some pertinacity, but was
finally obli'ired to recede, and th mm.
mittee agreed with Dawes in rejecting
all amendments based on the treatise
of the Peace Commission, and accept
ed his proposition putting two mil
lions in the hands of the President to
be used at his discretion in keeping'
Tr rpTwrf una fnnnnrrnI In VT
evening by both branches of Congress,
ana tnus tne great treaties are ignored
as of no binding effect. ,
It is stated that in discussing the
reconstruction question within a day
or two, the President has announced'
himself as favorintr universal amnei-.
ty with universal saflrage.
When the PrJneess AlexanilfTla. ran-'
sort of the Prince of Wales, araived at
w a w
iorsoer, aunng ner recent trip to
Denmark, the Kin? ami Oneen her
parents, awaited her at the landing.
I'll A Tvm I'lltT emmul tr. im.n rrmmw.
twenty years older since sher h3d left
Copenharen In lSfi.'J. and hr mc.thp-
shed tears as she saw her painfully
anu siowiy stepping asnore. Not a
word passed between her and her par
ents for several minutes after she Lad
embraced them, the Queen trying to
restrain her tear, and the Kln nM-
j .-m-m. aVAl-
out the bands of his daughter in hu
own, and gazing tenderly at her. Ho
men uueu ner into the carriage, han
ded the Queen into It. took 1U littla
grandson on his lap, and drove away
with him.
Indianapolis, April 8
Both parties held a caucus thu morn
ing. The Democrats claim that their ,
course at the last session has been in
dorsed bv the rronk and the ropTw
- - f - - - m w a V
ted members refuse to qualify unless
. 1 T. ,1 if . , . t .
tne liepuL-iicans oina uzemseives not
to bring forward the negro suffragg
nuesfion dlirlntr the me-tal ae-aeirtrr.
The Republicans refused to make any
t . .1 l . - . f af xa a.a
pieugra, out in iixaateu mas ine neces
sarv legislation woul.l ink th
dence in the order of business.
The election of State olUcers and -
members cf the Legislature, today,
passed off Very quietly. The Repub
lican ticket headed by Seth Paddleford
for Governot, is elected by about 3,000
'lhe Senate W ill probably comprise
27 Republicans and 6 Democrats.
House 61 Republicans and 11 Demo
crats, nn- i m
The Providence fR. I. Conferenoo
of the Methodist Episcopal church
nave resolved that "no candidate for
membership shall be deemed eligible
until he shall have unequivocally and
frankly affirmed his abstinence from
the use of tobacco, during so much of
the time of his trial for membership a-
shall succed the passage of this rule,
nor until he shall have pledged him
self in future to abstain from it n?e,
except it be for medical purposes."
Rev. W. J. Grout, pastor at Carbon
dale, 111., writes as follows : "I re
ceived a note from Gen. John A. Lo
gan, who is a resident of our town, in
which he requested his name to bo
enrolled as a probationer in the Meth
odist Episcopal Church at Carbon dale.
It was done. We shall build a new
church in tbe Spring. The wife of
Gen. Logan has long been an active
and faithful member."
Woman is composed of 13 bene,
409 muscles and id pins. Fearfully
and wonderfully made, and to be brin
dled with care to avoid scratch v..