I r f , i t si ' C777, TTl : 6 tiniUsral: fpurimcnf. n. w. fuKUas, editor, to wUrns ui . Communications on Agriculture aaould' be addressed. " Alt ACT ' T tichirpe the Orswih of Thnb.r and rmlt Tretii Section 1. 7? if enacted by the leg Ulciiurc cf the Stale of XibraeLa, That .there shall be exempt from taxation, of the real property of each tax-paj er who shall, -w ithin the State of Nebras ka, plant and suitably cultivate one or more acres of forest trees for timber, tbeum of one hundred dollar, an nually, for flive years, for each acre so , planted and cultivated: Provided, that the tree on eaid land shall not exceed twelve1 feet apart, and Khali be kept in a healthy and growing condi- . tion. . Sec. 2. That there shall be exempt . from taxation of the real property of each tax-payer who shall, within the ftate, plant and suitably cultivate one or more acresof fruit trees, the sum of fifty dollars annual jy, lor m e yean?, for each acre so planted and cultiva ted : Provided, The trees on K&id b"d ehall not exceed thirty-three feet apart, and shall be kept in a healthy condition' . Sec. 3. Persons claiming the benefit of such exemption shall at the time of making the annual assessment, upon hjwing to the satisfaction of the as sessor of the precinct in which he re sides, that he has complied with the provisions of sections lor 2 of this act, be entitled to have deducted from the valuation cf his real property, by said assessor, the amount as herein before 'provided; and it is hereby made the I duty of .said assessor to make return to the board of county commissioners of his county, the name of each person . ckuming exemption, the quantity of lands planted to timber or fruit trees, and the amount deducted from the valuation of his property. ec. i. If any person claiming ex emption under the provisions of this act, shall feel himself aggrieved by the decision of the assessor in the rejection of his claim, then the said owner or applicant may apply to the Board of Commissioners of his county, at their meeting in April, to have the same Corrected In the same manner as In other erroneous assessments. Sec 5. That persons without real estate and living on homesteads under the act of Congress, shall be allowed for each acre of timlw?r, under this act, fifty dollars exempt from taxation, an nually, for five years. Sec. G. This act to take effect and le in force from and after its passage. The peach is known by the best cul tivators as requiring great care in cul tivation. Few things that grow out of -earth will pay bo well for the care be Vtowed. And, without care, the each is a failure. This, we may say, ac counts to a great extent, for the dis couragements which attend to the cul ture of this most delicious of fruits. It is tender, and therefore requires care; it- nuist have it, or it will fail. Jot only the amount of the crop, but equally the quality, will fail without care. Let no one attempt peach cul : tare; unless he Intends to bestow the .necessary, time upon it. The grass 'must not' only be kept out, but the ground must be mellow, and mellow throughout, but especially at the top. . Fruit growers In the East grow corn and other crops, which require the stirring of the ground until the orch ard bears. Then the trees are culti vated as one would corn. The ground Is kept well stirred; no grass nor weeds are permitted. This, aside from the effect of the climate, is the prin cipal thine . Coulix't Fool Him. 1 knew a nice old farmer who never had a paper In his house till he was fifty years of age. Ills father left him two hundred acres of choice land which he worked as well as he knew how, and made a comfortable living. One spring the postmaster told him that if he would subscribe for an agriultural paper, read it carefully, and work according to in structions, that he would warrant him to clear a thousand dollars that year. On these conditions he paid for the paper, read it, worked 'faithfully, and at the. end of the year he figured up carciuiiy ana louna mat ne nau ciearca "S'OM. He sued the rascally iostmaster for the other forty, but by some dodge of the law the villain cheated him out of it. Ever since then the old gent has been down on postmasters and newspapers. Rural Xcw Yorker. ... A correspondent of the American Institute Farmer's Club gives the fol lowing explanation of the iuuncs of Timothy and "Kurd's" grass : He says it was called foxtail in England, and was brought from England to Rhode Island by Timothy Hurd. The Qua kers called it Timothp grass, and oth ers Hurd's grass. YOU WANT MARTHA ! Every JL trrnpe grower wants It M the best, xnot valuable and reliable WHITE WINE & TABLE GRAPE yet Introduced to the American people. In every way Hi perfectly hardy, healthy, produrtivesnd vig orous in growth ft the Concord, from which it is a eediiiK. It l. however, far more refined and deli cnle In flavor, and ripens ten (Lay earlier. It is eweet, rich, and sprightly, and entirely devoid of the coarseness and aridity that is found in the (Vm cofd ; and deserving of a higher place amone white grape than the Concord hold among black one. Also. Weehawken, Kalem, Delaware, Iona, Concord. Hartford Proline, Ires" kmIIhuj, Crevelinij, liiana, and fifty oi her varieties eftbe most valuable native Orap; also Blackberries, Raspberries, Currants, .iitraw berries, Gooseberries, Illieubarb, etc, etc N"iid Mjunpa for Illustrated iJescripuve Cata logue of OraiH and Smll pniils to GiXt. W. CAMPBELL 3-6W Delaware. Ohio. Plant Choice Fruits. MOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER. ll I will Bend fine HALEM GRAPES by mall for Jl each. Roc-era i, is, 19. at .Vic wi ll. Kit , tntinny and Wilson 'a Early Blackberries at fl per rtiren, by mail. Clark Raspberry, fiso por tlox. Philadelphia do, (Z.H per dozen, all by mall. 1 will deliver the following at Express ottiee, pro) erlr packed, at the following prioes: tvmcord JraH"s tt and rlti per hundred, lx-laware, I mum, t ravel ing and Ive's t-edlinc, l.s per hundred balem 4rnpes at ?75, and Wo jer hundred. Roper 4, 1", and IV at f JO per hundred. Fine Hoses at fiM per dozen. Marshal Keil Rose (by mat 1 ) TV ench. Address JOlfN CllAHI.TO.v. -ty ltocbeter, X. Y. Early Field Corn, Tbe Corn for Ihc Million. I INTRODUCE to the Corn Growers of Americana new variety of Field Com, frown aome three r bv Jowph P. Blod, two mUea north of Henry, MnrshaM Oounfv, Illinois, marked to hlra from the Palrnt Ofiie "liirly Kleld Corn." The habita of this new variety are as fol lows: First, it matures at leaM two wekj earlier titan our ordinary varketiea. There will aa maar ' btaika prow in a hill, consennentlv It will prodneW at least SS per cent more to the arfe. This fn.U In-c-rww jht acre yearly In the Crop, will Inn-MAMe tbe real wealth of our nation to the amount of Mil lions annually. , This variety Is brirht yellow, irenernlly 1 rowed, tbe cob usually covered closelv M. hot h ands with 1 kernels; the eun break verr nidily from Ui ft-ra ; tit husk ia ytvrr hubt and Lfcv, makiuit It verr y on the hands In hueklng. Sir. liiood na-s that , he can husk at leant 2" pr -ent. more bushels per day than of the old varieties, Mr. Blood lart fail bunked, shelled and aold soma 6u0 bushels of this variety alonir v1ih his old rrop of tvrru The rruln merchants a-re unable todlHiiuinitnh the nea- from theold. Hlsoid varieties, owint: to the nnCavorable U, was not fit to shell or aellat alL This variety can be planted with safety from the 1st to the Hth of June. In one hundred dy from planting It will be completely out of the way of the early frosts that we soiuet 1 me have In this latitude from the UKh tothetSithof S'l-U-mbtT. This variety Is aa earlv as our little eu'ht rowed York Mate or Yankw rlint Ctrn. TheBX.x-K la raLher short, hut very thick round, with peiMTsIlya very larre ear. Wr. Blo-yd s-s he dire not tvll the plain tnith abont this new varietv of Corn tir fear that his statement will beset down as a "rich story," or us a hntftms. 1 have boinrht Mr. Blood s entire lot of rH;i of this new and valuah'.e variety of Corn, and am pre pared to oiler It to the CnJiX iliO WKHS f A MKR Jf'A at the following rates: ler bushel .V, t-f: ODe-)ialf bushel, fi.it; one-fourth bushel, fcioi. J!y mail, pootu'e puid, 4 t f 1.11. Kingle ki Sucta. 'oei tra clianre fur xix or tutcka, (x-nt by express or freiirht as the purchaser may direct, the niouey in all caea to accompany the or der. Address ALEX. II. GASTOX, Henry, MartKatl Cbsrtty HI. X. B. Persons wlnhlnir fiTA RK A rrLK SC7T)XS. must H'tid in their orders lmmelintel v. lis mv stock Is simottt exh.ant-d. The EAULY f 'JKLlt yi'.V viii le fur tl.e Kricultnral lnlerest of our hat urn T'at the Hltirlc A, i'1 I" lor the hortwultural int-r---u i lie best that t lu re ia, the puroliuMT of eitiier tu; Is Wie lack j may. Z-i -M 3 O O , O O O- mm 1) HUH B.miuii J i O OiO o o . Evergreens only $10 to $20 perlOO GRAPEVINE .'.'". Cuxkis oxi.y 8$ v'KR Hundred; The Concord is tkS Ureal Clraf for the Ja lion, and ire jruf the Price at only W to $. 1,JU0 "PEVERY AVISTERN FARMER Bhould have 1,000 Evergrwns, and 100 OrapC Vines, anl these he can hare KBEE, Improve aiid fteautiff yotir FBrnii and homes. 1,000 100 1,000 100 EVERGREENS GRAPE VINES EVERGREENS GRAPE VINES FREE! FREE I i free! FREE J I FREE! FREE I FREE I FREE 9 Who ould be witLoot them, when they can W had so cheap ? Now b the tiina for Qo-ahenri Farm ers to supply their neighbors at low rates, and them selves Eli EE. " ' i Improve and beautify your Farms, yotif Homes, and your neighborhood. Eastern Tree dealers trur el through your State, and charge you as much for one Dozcf Vhses as we cliarge you for 1m Yinea. Xow, what is the use of paying such enormous prices, when yon can get a bettor article at the west for one-quarter the prece ? Til IS K OF THESE Tiny OS. 100,000 Grape Vinos. 3 0 0.000 Evergreens i Add to the r&lue of roar Land, and to the comfort and plea-sure of your Fatally and . 7 r i - T - Home! Home! 'Home! Tree! Fre! Tr1 People will appreciate the reduction flwro the e.v travazant prices usually charged for Evergreens and Grapa Vines ! L.IVE MKX will learn all particulars, ly- sandlnfr or VJBCVLAB and PB1CB LTS. j E VER GREENS CHEIIP! CIIEAPJ CIIE.VP! ! We are prepared to furn Ixh the people of the North Wet with Native Evergreens at exceedingly low pricf. by the thousand so cheap that all can afford tr-hase. They Increase In value rapidly, and ai ornamental trews, are surpassed by none. We cab show yon trees near iuc city 01 Uhixm, rK w varieties, plantol Ave or six years ago, that arenotr at from JS.1 to g3 eaclu ! I-arties who attended the sale of real estate at Egandale, In Chicago, last season, can fully appreci ate the value and beauty of these trees when proa- ly cared for. Every owner of real estate should have from Ifm to 10,000 of them. They are needed all over the Northwest for Hedges, Windbreaks and Ornament. GRAPE VINES! CHEPr! CHEAP I CHEAP ! : j Our Vines are grown on the open prairie, conse quently are hardy, acclimated, and adapted to Wes tern Soil and Climate. At the above price we warrant Good Stock, de livered in good condition at the Express oftice la Chicago, Free of Chargw for boxing, packing ani drayage. j Hend Mump for Circular giving full particulars. ! Addrena D. F. HOLMAN 6 CO., 115 Sladlson rt., Kmih 1, Chicaco. 53-19 A BEAUTIFUL SEWING MACHINE FREE!.' A NOVEL IDEA! t We Help Thotc Who HelpU$ Ladles, attention t t . Ministers, attention i V. 8ewlng Societies, attention t t3. Ch n rch Societies, attention! ' tiOood Templars, attention! aB. Odd Fellows and Masons, attention ! ' ' t Grand Army of the Republic, attention t A 1 1 Good Men and Women, attention! A $GO Grorcr & Baker Seirin? Jlaclilne Free! We want two or three Ladles or Gentlemen In every town or village In the Htate, to help m carry forward a very laudable undvrtaktnc. We want every Cliurch No1y to give thir Minister's wife a hemitlftii M'achiue,- and at the name time beri?lit themselves. t)ne sood hvr man or womati In a Pitt con jrreeatioa can do the business in one day. We want all Sociw ti to present some worthy sister with a Hewinr Machine. ' You ail tnowof aome kind-heaned, hard wotkinir. good Chrhttian woman in your neighbor hood, who Is tolhnir with her needie, tiring to sui port herself and liiileones. The most of xi know a minh'UT's wife In oircnmmun!(r, 1 has a famllr it care for, and who. b tner unable to hire her w,rfe done. Is wearlnp out her life In monotonous labor, trying to keep uther and children In paamtble cun dititm. pw, do yon want to send a perpetual sunbeam riht into the homeof tlienefamLimT Jjovou want to set that roomer's heart in a flutter of jov? Ix you wai-.t to he I -.--d every dav that thai musical m.-ltie ninsT if sin-nd at onre forClrctilar pir itiu full particulars, nnihen propose the Krrtjt Kt thehrst mettinir of your Uocietv, or go towrkat oi-e on your ow n account. This Is no cheat, cioh rwnnyor binning arranemeht., bat is btma fitir aad honr-bri8Ht." arid w -i confer a favor on ml con cerned. Lai,.-s can al :!nd to it InsomecavbeihT than (tcfiUeiot'O. isend stamp at once for particu lars. Audrey D. F. nOLMAN & fX).,- 2H0 Jl Madron fiu. Room 1, Chicago, EE1! rer IVr Ffr Per Pet Each. I. 3S. m. zs K4, !Co.-o!iertf4 3 fia lis $2 No. Z co , . 4j as i, j No. I da 9 M 1W 331 i"t Two yeArs bSst.iT:.. 17 1(9 ZJP 9JJ sue zt Ljlegx q tjLsiittts Af jttca BEtVttif Saccharine Testa for Xtlne. At the ?Tal!rhal Wcchaflri tOil fftr ttlne, at namiooDdfport, N. Y-,Oct.2!ah, IVW, the Cbfiicoa sUiod in saot harine matter 91 iTalrr VIma 101 Ixlmetirt 101 This test was made with 17 ounces of tite Walter, somewhat frozen, to H ounces of each of the other vartetiea. . xt inornlmt theHaperintendent, Clerk, and one of the inns-tor oruie I'leaaaiit valley wine Unt (the iirtiY who conduct eo ttie ta the day bePirs to satlffT thctise'lves Of tbti merits of the Walter" by an equal trial, tested 17 ounce of lona from the aame lot tluU were used the day before, and the smi-barometer stood at 91 the Walter beating It a. i Had 17 ooikv of the l'l aware and Catawba beeit prused equally hartl with' tb Walter, tbir skins and centre Heine ac"idj thH l1awr w or 11 have stood lower au3 the Catan'Ch proportioHably below uie iwiuware. ah otuer vanettes rangea muca lower than those enumerated above. I There had been constant rains and damp wfatber nine 8ortTBere-.tB-.rurrjr-rew ircnapn ors irrualug tit lInioTilsxrrJurfl 1ou! in' lK-s, where there bad been bat tittle rain duruie'the sea sondry Roll and weather being necessary for the periect sweetening oi grapes. A committed of the Amerifan Instltote Farmer's Club, In a retport of Kept. 22, istx, printed In the ?ew York w-mi- vreeKiy Triouneor tsept. xtii,aner leaKlnt; m tne Qiuiities oi oe hcwst, say: -v conclude the flalfr 1il bff.a valuaijle grape In the grnpe r-g1onsf tbe nprT MsisMjpl.on the shore of Lake Erie, in westrtn ew ork. on the slate soils of western Pennsylvania, and w berever else native pmjx-s are succuKfully grof m" Lrttet from Charle Woollcy, one of the (Mat vine- VrBTABD I'OUfT, Ulster Co., N. . , . . . Xayia.iata. Vruri. Frrrii t tbtiHlH. Vxa Piiw: Yours nf te 18ti I am in receipt of, in which von ask it I have anyobjecUons to sending vou. for publication, tbe racts I am acquainiea wtut. In n.iuti..n to the character of tbe Waiter Orave. 1 have never indorsed the character or usefulness of vines, or other articies oi any uow-npuon.ana wouiq not at tor present stage cf life were it not for two reasons which seem suflicicnt. First, I know the Waiter Isroi will meet the prejudices widespread th rouehoo. 1 1 he cot. ut ry . caused by the wort h 1 ensneM in moat localities of many of iu predecesHors. reo ond, boca-ixe I can say from personal observation that the Walter Is the best variety I have had an knowledge of. and I think l nave cultivated neari.y all that have been recommended, discarding them all and falline back upon the Concord and Hartford Prolific as vinrvsrd varieties. I am interested In knowing that the fruit of the Waitrr grows larger eacn year as ine vine arrows oioer, wing lasi. j ea full v one-third lanrer than it w-as two years aso. 1 -crpws well : sets fruit well. I have seen It ripe sev4 eral times before Hurt ford. Huff I have never seen any mLdew on i: rruit or on its large ana tnicK, out ttflsware shaoed foliatre. The flavor of the frnit I think rttrsrior to any other variety. Yrm say In vour clrcii ar It Is a seedllne or the rmlaware and Yh.ina; 1 think thecbarar-irr of each of these varie ties Is quite aisunjmnunriie rt ine i aT, jjanicn larlv that of the lMawsre, I alsd thihtt it woold make a winf of hlph character. 1 hare visited it annually since It flfst bore, sis yeafs airo. three timei In Cteter Co., !f. in a low valley, where the Isa bella seldom ripens, and earn time it was fully ripe in Autrust. I have seen it earn or me tnreepast s aons in l"ooL-hUeensie. rlpenlnr at tbe same time. excepting last year, when the constant rains pre- venu-a atl vanoues irom maronng at in fir nsuai time, but it perfected Its fruit by tbe middle of Mep tember. Tbe raisins of the lust mentioned crop I have seen and eaten, wliidi were good.- From -its succedine in tbe low vsller and tenaoions clay n Modena. and also in the dry slater position In PouKhkeepsie. 1 think it will be well adapted to the varied sections of our country. You may make whatever use of these-oplnlon ym deem proper, yours truly,. . , CilAULEJt WOjOLEY, 1 FEHRIS & CAYWOOD, 21-y Poughkeepsle, N. Y. , riLLiAGc kurscrii:s. ' - - moirrsTOwxi new jeksey. 1'eacb Trees and Small Frails A SPECIALITY. 100,000! Agriculturbd and Wilson Strawberry, at I per lflooi per lO.uoa. . 10.0UO Wilson's Early Utack berry, at $3 per 100; 7.'i ner 1.11. Peaca Trees IM size, 1U KM; pne per IJXX) ; 2nd size; p per iuu, si per ijiu - i VUsons Early blackberry, Root OitUngs, fl per id 5 per I.ojo: ner lO.nui. Kittatlnny, "i cts. per 100; fl per 1,U; f per 10,000. ALSO A LARGE AHSOBTMENT OF Raspberry, Dlackberr y,SlxaiT- uerry and oilier I'lanU, ! AT LOW BATES, ' ' " ' . '' i j Having made the Turnery bnsIneOT the sole occu pation of my Ine, and procured my Stock only from reliable aourceas. those who mar favor me with their orders may dejx-nd on getting what they ordef true to narfeedtuitjnlii-?a every respt. Trees and plants "packed V Carry In good order any aisiance, ana aenvrrea to icaiiroau Depot rree of charge, aftex which they are at purchaser's risk, i t'hh, or aatlsfuctory Teft-rvrices must accompany oruers. tsend yonr orders early, and tbey shall be prompt ly attended to. For I1 'nee 1.11 ana nai rticnlars. Address l6-3m ClUa BLACK, Ilightstown, N. J. L?ARIiY ROSE POTATO. American Li and Foreign Hprinir Wheats, Otitea. Rait. ley.Oirn, Cloverseeds, Grass Heeds, Tlogs, Fowls. Hest Fodder Cutter Bend for the "Experimental rnnii journal, oniy cents. Aflaress l"-10t GEO. A. 1JF.ITZ, Chambersbnrg, Pa. EDGAR SANDERS, F L OEI S T. ESTABLISHED IN 1S. Begs leave to inform his friends generally, that he is belter prepared than ever to furnish all kinds ol plants, either to make the Gardens gay in summet. VI Vl"inr'il """Til, nil IUC UREENlltiUsE, WINDOWS or BOOUETS In winter. Devoting ten- larre Greetihnuses to this itoainess alone, ha (is-la warrantad ho stattag ke has i ui-imt itimi miA a rsi ui irn 1 ura in Riisp VEkllENAS, GERANIUMS, DAHLIA, 'llEfIOTROl,ES, FCfHIAS, HARDY PLANTS, GLADIOLUS. tlrown especially for shipping, be has a splendid stock. His tvelve years extierienco In the west gives unrivalled opportunities to know what our western ieopie want, ana how to send it them. A t CATALOGUE, Descriptive with prices, in t-iH annually, about the first of February, whidi will be sent to all mv patrons of lss as soon as issued, and to all others, ou nppiicauou. Auutvw , EDGAH SANDERS, ) it-3m KS. Wlark ttreft, Chicago, III. I RIVERSIDE NURSERY Davenport, Iowa. If you w ant a good article of Nursery Stocky sucu as - ,. , Grape Tines, Cnrranti, Goosberrlea, Ilaspuerrles, Blacknerrles, Strawberries, Cherry Trees, Peach Trees, Krerfrreens, and Dlseldnons Trees, .' ' ' 11 Send your orders to -.i. . . ' J. W. PEARMAN, ' ' DavenDort. Iowa. or R. VT. FURNAS. Brownvillc. CMAlofrtte fre. ' J 13-9-y OAULAD XIIISEUY. RT. Ti1TTTfY . TO 1, 0.000 Box Elder Socdllne. from o lnchca to 1 loot in helcht- C3 ner M. W.nnu Sucar Maples...- 4 Co per M jsi.iiu .-viuimt uiacK t.wp tiApoerry.. u m ier .w luoXX) Asparugus Roots.... ...... 3 SO per M Grape Vines of all the leading varieties. lo-m KUeard.-t tlle P. O..HU LouUCo., ' DEACII TREES. Crawford'-. Hftle X and others. 5 feet..:!........M..tl0 per IflO Kame varloties, stocky trees. .... .f I to 1 per It) rear nna Cherry Trees, I yr 1st class is per iu z i yr., extra. per kj A pple Trees, 1 yr., selected, 3 fL A M A MM a per im ... per j .1A0 per M per M 6 to 7 ft Apple Grafts, mostly winter varieties.. Clinton Grapes, I years, well rooted... 4 per ion oncorn lira pes, z years, exlra. .10 per ion Delaware Uraiies, I years, extra.. .jo per J Itooitttle Jlasberry, tips.. io per m - 8 per ifln 6 per bti . I per lou f nuaueipnia Kittinnv Rlackherrv. well rooted. VUsxn Biackberry, well rooUl. Also Hvercren Rotes, A ! and renetal assortment of Sacserr F-tock. Inclnd ine Plums. twlden Invarf l'eacn, Uulnces, Grapes in varietv. Currants, Gooseberries, Strawberries, ALL A T LO W KATES. Hamplcssent at wholesale prica. deiid for price list. list. no rr & cooper, 1 T7VERGREEN & FOREST TREE AJ SEEDLINGS, for the Prairleaof Nebrash ka. We are offering White Piyw, Jlrmbock, Arijar Vttar.ttuotw MraoU snut RirrJ 8tvUtntr. In lota OI-VX- 009 or more, as. !1,3 Mr ThwaawJ. - We have the tanrest siocm or r.verrreens ami rorest lew ia the west- Head stncnp lor circular. Pamph lets containing full, practical and scientific Instroo tions fur propogaUnr. handltar, planting and man aeetneat of Forest Trees and Evergreens, mailed for and jbverrreens, main PLNNEY W'KAI) 6t cents. 21 -M rnnrgeon Bay, Wis. t GREGORY'S SEED CATALOG UK I havw over--lxty nerea In Hed on mr Khree Seed Farms, in Marblehead. Mass., where I have raised over one hundred varieties the past wion , U prrfrttlv Mlotrtl. ' I Import roiiny choice st-d from the be European growers. As the or iginal Introducer ef the Hubbard. rVjtiwh, Siarble head Mammoth Cabbage, and many new and rare vegetables, I Invite the patronsge of the public. twit warranted to be a rrprtacntnt. OntnlooHea ffrntittoalL JAKES J. H. GREOORY. fehUMim 'Hi,,- . a i Marblehead, Mass. ' CEEDS, ROOT GRAFTS. Osage O Orange Seed. prlm, new. 1S per basheL Apple Keeds, Peach ills, frosen. Boot Grafts, Ap ple, packed, lii,om, Osaj.-e Uedge plants, 1st cL, l,iw, l0O, t'X treach Hale s Jrly and other bert sorts. Stocks Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, Quince. Ac Kosea. Evererrerns. Grapes. Downmc (Gooseberry, Charles e)own1g ytfaWbrrry, Black- wr, K&spoemes, fireen HOose Bedding Ptanta, la)i;las. Lilies, Ae. Send inc. for three Vital oguea. . K. F1IOKX1X, Sloominirton Xnrsptir. PEACH TREES. Crawfords, Hale, ! and otfient, five feet...i:u;4l0 per Kw Pear and Cherry Tre, 1 yr. iciaas 15 Apnie iTees in variety, i yr. Sft Apple orarts, at low rsxes. -,, Also, a mu assortment or isarsery docs, cf on Offr. ifi sent at wholesale price. "Specimen Orchard contains over 1.000 heannir tree or Avtrte l"nrr ami Chemt. Swid ior Price Lfct. nnrvth nrvjr ' ftbii-flm Tl'itti, Knox Ctounty, ill. Dreef'S Garden Seeds! ALWAYS RELIABLE. iittXQ AS iiiipMisiiNiBD. Fr'osh and G iiiiine 17AR1IERS, GARDENERS, Khd All A others In want of Heeda, will Arid it t their avar!taja" tefaend their orders diteel to the tterurowerx The SiilaWinz1 are a IP Cf the leadlna varieties Beet, P!flon Extfa TAfijfrzrsxzraiuiM-.auji, W ox. 1 K Firl Elood TQrriln--ia; 10 13 1 2S " Hal Long i flood .:;::ui. 10 3D SO w fa Oabonfc, iju-iy iorg.. 3.l Early Winningrstadt- SOt OS Wakeneld- !t fhtlada. Flat Dutrli.:r " " , . Larr jTuri;headi--..;A (s) i V a no 1 M 1 .r4 Ti ' ' CrumfcFivi Smvov Oirrot, Long bark Oransrei. " Karl v Scarlet Horn.. IS' 20 25 30 1 W 2 v Cuemnber, Early White epine;. " LBgGreert..a...iu.. 1 Se :m Gnuytouxr, Fjtrly Pnrfc.uuiit tAT'.y irj-run. Celery, Preer s White, Solid , .r r. :!' . . Tomefs Incomparable invaifur Lettuec, Eaf?y Ct3rled..i;i.Ji:i.iinjussiu-s " Vj.rlyfN.hiifra 4 M . tv 354 4 00 4 110 1 U0 1 00 1 00 S00 600 . Zi' 10' 10 10 41 9r as ' is IS IS 2 30 SO SO 50 10 10 Koyal Cabbage. Mrttmt, A ettea citron jenny una.. " Moont Hwt Water Ontnri, liifpe P.ei Wetlerfield.-.i.-.u;;;:.-: " Yellow t&ttmburg..:;is..i!itii,:uiiuas " YelloW Danvenf...-.:.-.-i!.-n:-:;; White or (ilverrkin-...::::.-:;:;..ntf " imported -er, abov tMcfiS.- Parmiji, Lrce Sng-.ir... . ,, Rcviith, Iong Scarlet Hhort Top , , fz "v. . Html and White 'l urnip t " Early Olive Khnpg , 00 S 00 "1 00 J 23 IK 1 'i 3 00 1 50 4 00 4 00 4W finimpi, or oysier nam.. Hmoth. Early ItiLsh Tomato. Extra !'rly .:. e Favoritg.ai;.;n,i . Tiller' Turnip, Early Whit Flat lam-h " Purple Top, flat " Caster's Imperial, Furi'leTop, Kuta -.,.,.,., 57 73 10 1 00 aj- All the ahttre mailed at oorfct prices By thj Poup,rAfT acxauonaij to Pfpay ptwc. Beans, Early Tlwaff Wax... i till SO -Monawit. " " ValtritLae'. 50 1 n o Al 1 m so " Giant Wai:::::;;;. l'?'do US a oo io uo 10 eo s oo s oo Ijinre Limawk Pent, Dreer's Extra Early. " lominum McLean's Little Gem " Champion of England Kuirlne Sal SO M W ) " Black Eye Marrowfat Ot. Adam s Extra Early Large Hweet or Sugar, s oo 5 oo " Htowell's Evenrreen .... Iff IS cts. addiUonal for each quart by mall ixtuuocs, tjitiy Bose,... it pec: f--p ous. fi.; iw to me OMiitLi i M Early Goodrich, Harrison, and other vari eties at market price. "S" For a ftitt list of varieties Ttrmt Garden Calendar for liM. which contains descriptive lists of X . I . . 1 . . . . I .1 .. Kosea. orape Vines, fcio&u Fruits. Ilooks. Inipie ments, cc . i v Jtf Mailed to an who enclose a postage stamp. Address HENRY A. SHEER, 2ureryilian and Seed OrtnPer, ZS 714 Chestnut St. Fblladelphli OF THE IMPORTANCE OF Evergreen Wind Brakes On onr Western Prairies, every enterprising far mer is run v aware, l he lolioa luz irom the uaracn- ert Monthly Is to the point : MWa are Cn asVoalafaadat th great dlffarence between shelter and exposure. In our own neigh. borhood,aa we write. Salvia. Hplendes, Heliotroi-e, Geraniums, Ac, are In full bloom In gardens shel tered by trees oo the narthwest. while aota hundred yaxdn from the one In our mind s eye, the same flow ers are black, and bave bean for -aome weeks hack ! and in tbe middle of winter a place surrounded with evergreen huts will be more like a spring scene than one of winter." All who bave had experience also know how much greater the chances of success are with TBAXf PLAXTED XVRSERY GROWS EVEUQREEXX than with Forest Evergreens, commonly designated -Native." The latter usually lail : and must. In or der to grow at all, nave the cloeext attention ana all circumstances favorable: while those grown In a seed bed, and OXCE or TWICE TEAXSPLAXTE1K neea no more care man any of ner tree, i neoiu addage Every Man to hi Tmde" In no cane was ever more applicable than in GROW1SG EVER) a tt KK'M nntit thfv ar established. Our prices are so low that no Prairie Farmer an afford to get along with less than one hundred or more. They will. In S to years, make as etlectual a I wind brake as a stone wall, and add hundreds ol 1 dollars to the seiunsrvatue of any farm. t FRlCtTLIST. rzn looo Norway Spruce, to 12 Inches., ! oo no I- to ii oo do do IS to IX Austrian Pine, t to 12 Scotch do to 12 Whit do 10 to IS Am. Arborvitae ( to 12 DECIDUOUS TREES. European Ash. t to 4 it .12 per MO do Mountain Ash, to it) In. ..... s per 10ft do do do ltoSftflOperlUO 40per5flb do Linden, 1 to 2 ft... io wr 100 do Elm good timber tree, 2 years i stronir lOnerlOD uv.arl tvnoer free in um vnjrld. It being imprrUhabic, and attar) y as rapid a f; rower as iuo ooii jtiapie, eittni io 13 i I nches M per 100 tSl oer lOOtl Same, 12 to 18 Inches per KM 30 per loop TEHMS STRICTLY CA8II. As our low prices will not enable us to realize npoa TIME SALES. On order of over 110 and nnder f2S, hnlfthe exnrese charges will be prepayed. On orders of fiS and over all express or rrelsrht charges prepaid, to any.poLnt on rail road or river. ' Stock warranted in eood condition. Otir stock is very tine, and we think we cannot be undersold. I Jtemittnnces may be made by postal order, dnifl on Kcw org or Chicago, dv man : or v. a. ana isx tlon.il currency by express, preiaid. Currency If by j mail at senner s riatc inougo generally saie. BOOT ttRA PIN, TRAXSCEXDEXT AXD Circular containing many useful hints and a gen eral assortment Price List sent on receipt of stamp for poNtiu?. Propositions fof advertising from Western Agri cultural papers souctteo. Address 1IAUKX1SS A ANDREWS. 20-ttw Faribault. Minnesota; TITUSVILLE NUESERY. MERCER COUNTY, I I NEW JERSEY. . ! I'EA-Cil TREES 20.000 I, f i . - i - T 5 to feet hlgfa...,. .fioo per inoO fiotreet nin.f,9..4t,.iti..i.uwm ua?r '1 IA A Isfl Iiltflt .... mt laar IIIBI f - T All th lending vaf mttm hi good assormient rack- ed and delivered at Kailrood stutioti without EXTRA CHARGE. 20,000 reach Trees In dormant bud. fV) per 1000 Packed. 3,000 Dahlias. A fine collection, embracing 6how, Fancy and Pom pone varieties; 30 cents each ; $3 per dozen, sent by mail. postage paid ; $15 per hundred by express or freight. Small Norway Sprdcev. and Other ALSO GENERAL HURSEHT STOCK. Tw nncr TrT a mrt-r-o 1 pers; t2per3Vs. HARRISON POTATOES, . " -IfpeftaabyMatl. Landreth's Garden Seeds. BLACKWELZ. BROTHERS, ' TitutvWe, Mererr Ok, S. J. fob25-.Vn WEST AVENUE HUES ERIESi GRAPHS VINES. I Invite the attention nriwaim .. mv l.rr. iwk f niers IO GRAPE VINES, mostly two years old, having been root Trml .rut planted out last S or ins. TKeVT.rr? LTTH L Unre crowth. " ut7 I fiW great Inducements to those anting vinea. Likewise I hava on hand a . . . ..... tnrf L'iit.ti... -Bi-wimoi mini BLACKBERRY, DAViDSON'S TTIORXLESS;-s BOO- LITTLE BLACK CAP RASPBERRY &SSJ'rdB PEICS LIST. k. aiiiix,- feb2S-3m' Vlnelan, K, J.- ttnua. p Qt, i- in atl 10 00 . pes 100 in !,: do IS 4S do 8 25 do 8 Si do t 25 HOME ! NtJESEIlY. Apple, JPca, Pluim tlrrn Crert;ren 'i Vi .'., THREES, iA24'I,,I.Ttr : "A tAnOB VARIETY." Also. Grape TH"s, CurfaSts; tJHWWefHes, Kafip- txerriesaBdStrawrriiea.t'hoWlioses.creep- . , ars, Viaes, "Tulips, Ijilies, Peonies, . Dielytra, etc AT LOW HATES.' ' ' Orotinos 2d Blocr Sooth of Conrt House HAVANA IlJliINOIS. . ; - . ' ' SPRiNGr Olf isot. I desire to call the especial attenf ion of my former customers and the pu'JUc general If; to my stock and prices, especirilly to the uratiTt of the mock now offered, and I would solicit a continuance of your patroOHee arm ravers, vt oeserve wmui mj g j-PuckiDg and Shipping done in a ce.reful man ner. All gooos oelivereaat ine Jtpistuic,xuui roaI or Steamboat Landing free of coargJ.- flantspvMi ei wy maiii uruninra,niiii berries. Cutrants, Haiylrries, Gooseberries, Aspar agus, Vines and Climbers, Bedding Pliints, UuiDous KimiK. tiaraen: r tower ana i ree mttc win ue win by mall any distance, securely packed in gutta-per- xUia silk, damp moss, I send articles pacEeu in this way in periec satety io ine most uisuiui pans of the United States. x - . Mtflf articles sent wit by me are not as represen ted, send them back at my expense and your monej' shall be rerunaea. Some of the leading articles will be furnished at the following prices. ; Catalogues and Seed Circular furnished on appli cation. . . , ... Concord Grapes, l per adz.; ffi per hunurea. Ive's Seedling, HJO per doz.; io per hundred. Delaware, two years olit, 2Tc each. " flfnloft ner rtVrS- Buff Mnrtred." ' Mv list of Tillies include th best of the Japan va rieties, and out old native Mvontes at low rates. -r Summer Biilbs. r-l.tila. Uwn.J I.IIt Ttefee'iHffllrjrOVe- ments lit ine- vanexies oi mis spu-iiuiu iron l renders itone of the finest of all "Flora's" gifts. 'My stock comprises over thirty varieties, vary. Ind In nru-e fnm 10 et?L toll..') ner bulb. - Tl It., ne nrntiran IJIr. An auuronriate com- lanion io me aoove, oi an easy cmunuuu, cents eacn. Amarillls, ar Jacabean Llly.-Bare, -0 cents Tub llosf, A fine stock and cheap, 25 cents each. Herbaceous, &c, Ac. Olfiew Peonies. U...eftCh Si cts ... " so Ct i mson...,nii.iiiii.Mii. " - M I Ol I vhoCk.in.wti.t. .-.-ihiii H erhneeous ffplira-..u., ........! M (.hrysantheraumsu,"""' Vuca Fiiamentnsa.iiM,M.w Aijuilegia Gland ulosa.ii,Mi.i i Alba.i i. ' - ' . ' Cernla.--.,im - , ' j, , Aurri...uuiiuiiMM " -'" jlOS..-..n.miini,niut ' JWeet rVpnte1 Violeu. " 25 J5 SO M ZTt PnlvantUUs (Enelish). Lychness Ornndiiiota, Viiscaria, MttHlit$t M Scarlet iiiiiiiwiiiui4iM XIfientnt "..imium w. - - a - Alba.M.wis.iiinnomffc. Phlox (variety)..-.ii...niii " Itelphinium Formoaum.iijiM. . Feverfew Hardy Ilianthus (variety)-. " Vlnca, i)iue.i..i.........u.......... " . AJba ..iiiiiitiiiiiiiii.M.. -iMoantain lMile.. PaMistesS large iiN..f.,-w--..--- M 50 25 25 25 .2 10 Green-House &Beddln?PIants X"seIeclion of the most desirable, which space forbids to enumerate; also. Plants for Vases, Vrns, Ilaskets, Jtc..auch as Myrtle, Balm, Ivy Geranium, lew Plant, Saxlfraga barmentoaa. Moneywort, &C-, Also. IXanidng Baskets and Flower Pots, with or without plan w, always on naaa.j ; r i Address J. COCHRANE, TlnVana, Mason County, I1L JTa" Be particular to order early. " 14-&n a G cd X -o li o a o gi m JS a h e w ei m r S . ? A a 3 5 c 5 9 1 8 g w-at V k4 a z X i vT eo a, a e v. u a .s s . -SIS Si e at 2 a SciS go u m o 1 C5 l-J ea Zn u o a CL "5 a 41 o t1 awl 2? o n. hi o o X NORTH WESTERN NURSERIES. APPLE HEEDS. -i . BOOT GRAFTS. APPLE cross. GRAPE VISES, of alt the hardiest l itnlt. SCRSERY ATOCR' OF ALL DKSCRIPTIOXS. n-8t Addrr J. H. SHEltJIAX, Eoekford, IU. MM HIEEIIS ! T?OR ORNAMENT. Protection and A Wind Breaks, for Homes on th !ri biiu ohki iu lucieineui seasons. BaLsam, Spruce and Norway Pine, to 10 inches high. ia u, I,... Arbor Vitne, Hemlock A White Pine. toJO inohes high.. Sperlono American Larch. to 10 Inches hlih .... a nj,r inn Ameriin Larch, 2 to 3 f.H-t.... an i, r n,,i Assorted, various kinds n per im European Larch, to 10 inches to 12 per UK WE Attt IMPORTING OUR EUROPEAN LARCH DIRECT FROM EUROPE. Our Pmall Trulls are frnm f, -r. t-.i in thedreen Bnvcnutitrv w And r.im k... section do much the bent with lis. We make nintv r k-. Kiiuareooa snape. will nesecured I Z?.Z1SLl.? ?Jm! Pea"nally, when token up. We I uuc x, a specialty. XO EXTRA CHARGE FOR iROXIXO. It.Il.ni . r. " " "WVC J. tJ ItrFFFRrvflrn TriiAtmt rs.T,Ur tit altKor nf the banks in this city; or, F. A. Tisdei er Charles .iniin.aiem, Nebraska, Address OKl)WAY PARKER. febm Freeoort. Illinois. FRUIT AXO ORWA3IEXTAIi Grape) Vines, etc., for Spring of 1869. TFbolesale and.Retall. Waoffer thr RuMrnr nlanflna stock of Frnit and Ornamental Trees, lirnoe Vines. AC. which for ex tent, variety, vigor and beauty of growth has never oeen surpassed. Full mtrtifiilnra nron In tTe fnllowln? Catalogues Just issued, sent prepaid on receipt of locems each. ior .ns. i, z a .o. 4 tree. -o. i, iwTiiHiirv.r alogue of Fruits. No. 2. Ornsmenlal Trees. o. 3, Oreea House Plants. No. 4, V holesale List ELL WAXIER eV BAKRY) ft lit. Hope Nurseries, . 11 -Km Rochester. l . Grape Tines Tor Sale. A w thousand wrtatt'a Vlranaia rord Lmvrra, raised in My Vineyard, from ripe, bearing wood. , Kortea's rteWlin.- 45100 per 100X 4360 sr 1000. Coaeord Also, a few thousand two-year old Plants of these varietiea. 12,000 Gallons Norton, Concord and Catawba Wines. Til TO. EXGELMAJW, Sascoutah P. O., su Uair County, i mm Illinois. TOEW BEEDLfING POTATOES. Three new kinds, of reat excellence. not to be found in anv other catoloctie: areeneraved and fully described in mv ner seed catalogue, tent to OU, JL2LJL2i J. rt. liKWiUU I . fehiVm Marblehead Xasa. Grape Vines. I fiONCORD, Norton's Virginia, Hart J ford Proline, Delaware, and all other lead- vaneuea, grown ana ror snie ny K 1 ,M 11 11 h.Ls 30? N. 2nd street. St. Louis, sfo. tSond tor price Hyt. gum Flower Seeds ana Green Mouse .Plants. A LARGE STOCK of the Choicest XA. varieties of the above always on band: also Shrubs, Evergreens, Imported Flower Blubs, iaxajaaaea sent grans to an apnTfrant-. Address HORY MlOHtL. I 3m' 2d street. ?t. Louis, it a. ' 20 CENTS. Send to GEO. A. rERIilENTAL FAIOl JOURNAL. 17-rJt ! t - i V Fsre efrisls V're trB far Flatl n,l miLivailm;. f T lumi! V ! f ii as market garden i.l morkrirv ail Hmail Fru'ia. Written from 20 years experience, ahd gives-all the information of the larger and more costly works, so as to pot new beginners on equal footing with old fruit growers. We bave hundreds or twnrnMiiw-s or wntcn me following from p.ev: IL W . Lee;ht r is a sampie: " Vmr directions for crowinsr Strawberrtea ana Raspberries are the best I have ever seen." . Wholesale and retail Its t of our plants gent by mail free on application. PtuDY A HAXCT,' ' South Bend, Ind. 14-3m - . 0rapz vniz. COXVOBD OBAPK VISES. Tvo Teart Old. COXCOBJD GRAPE 1X'ES, Three Year Old. DELA WARE GRAPE VIXES, Tvo Year Old. DELkStARR tjHAPJ! VIXES, Three i'eett WL DlAXA GRAPE rixm Ttco Year bid. PIAXA GIIAPB riXf. three tear Otd. CEEVELIXG GRAPE 1XES, Tiro Year Otd. CREVELIXG GRAPE VIXE. Three tear ttd. OPORTO VtXES. Tvo Year Oid. OPORTO VISES, . Three Year Old. Two. ve-li1 aA Vines of the. Ibllowrinar kin.ls rrown out of tidors, from liearing vinea and very healthy( with stronn large root, and warranted to rnake Strong growth U properly planted : HABTFOrtn pnotinr, jMxA, tsttJELLA, JfOkTUERSfViVADlXE,. , , REBEtVA, FEItklXS, IABELtiA, f i 7 j ir a j . trr.'j black rox. ir'acvt AJTBEti. CLIXTOX: MAXY OP ROGERS' JIYB1 'MELDS, irr., &e., Jte. Those vines are on land which mast be cleared, and will be sold YERY CHEAP. For Quality of Vinea horetofor sent from this .Nursery, refer to vol. n. w rnrnaw All the leading Varieties of tfi-ea nnl plants 1 to be found m a w cu appointca juncry ai ways on hand. rui uawui f ti ttjTt riitT, uuuirsa JS. WARE SYL VESTEtt, Lifune, Ac Ibr. fibll-Sm FRUIT TREES. Vesiera Trees for Veslern ORCHARDS. The lartrcst stock of otir? rear old Aml Treea wrest of the Mississippi' We cultivate tiiose varieties auiteu toour western climate. Our treea. thouch only 1 yrtir olUi are verv large and trond,(3! to iU fpet hich), tbe verj beat size for ahipptnz loni? distancea. and transplanted with more etise and safety than larger treea. PEARS, Two years old. Very fine. ALSO, VINES, FLAN'TR, Jcc, Ac. SESD POR CA TALOG VE. Address: STAtllv, BAltNEfTi 4CO, Iiouislann, Mo. febll-3m I CHERRY HILL NURSERIES. Established ia 1854. NURSUttVMEN, DKrVLER-S AND PLvVXTERS, will find at these Nurseries a complete collection ol TREES A1VD PLANTS. in every department. Standard Frnit Trees, Dwarf Trnit Trees, . Small Fruits, Grape Vines, Frnit Stocks, Ornamental Trees, Shrnbs, Vines, &c Evergreens, in great vnriety, Roses, a fine collection, Seedlings, for nurserymen. Rare Plants, recently lm- ported, Rhubarb & Asparagus. an Immense stock. NEW WHOLESALE CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED. I loo pes, Bro. tb Thomas, WKST CHESTER, Penn. febts-3m THE KITTATIrV. Tlio L.VRGEST and most Productive, ). SWEETEST and moat Delicious, HARDIEST, J and every way the best 4? Blackberry Knows t f The above is amply borne out by tbe testimonv of all who have given It a ir trial all over the AVXSa 81 0f recent Introilnction'thatcomee opto the recommendations of its friends. PLANTS OF THLS.ANtf Crtttzn KINDK Also the Best Strawberries & Raspberries, EARLY HOSE, and other Seed Potatoes, delivered at your nearest Post Office as ehettp as if you caueaai uie nursery in person, ana Warranted Genuine. PRICE LIST GRATIS. Address E WILLIAMS, Montctoir, AVtc Jrrtey. feblltm I2HIEH PLTT1X The only Hardy, Prod net Ive sad Satis. factory nam in the Northwest. This eitmriPlT haMv and valnahi Ptnn, km. a. fiance to Curculio, cold w inters and other unhealthy influences. Chief Points of Tnlac: It b perfectly hardv. It Is not liable to injure from late Spring frosts. li is m free from every disease. It fruits very early. It bears a crab everv veaA 7. The fruit keeua well and will (xnf trmnstinrtA. 8. The fruit is of excellent flavor. 8. The tallies prefrr it for nreservlnar. ia It is never injured bv th Curculio. 11. The frnit iWfls aSsit the last at ftentrmner. when there isno other pi nm to be bad. PBICESl Fine well wiwii trees, five tr- hlcb and nmnnli each fl ; per doc 10 ; per hundred, 70. JOEL HAItBXl, TjLTMJttOia WW 13.3m V"- THE BEST I'LL, HAVE, IF IT X COSTS A FARM!! Earl v Itoa Pnf.t American and Foreiim fiprlnif Wheats. Oata. Tlariov I Corn; Cloverseed, ira fteLs. IIors, Fowls, best I r oouer v.wtr. r-nu ior me riperimenta Farm Journal," only W cents. A'Hre!s t, tv9 .v&iiL,x.namoittiyunt.T, I GRAPE VINES! ORAPEVINES!! G 11 A P EV T K li) S ! ! 250,000 cf theCtcicsst 0ripaVi2S3 Also a large stock of Currant Plilllls ahd Clittins, GOOSEBERRIES, ROSES, R&sjjXjerriea, Blaclrbcrrlcs, lUifBtiarfc; Etc'. fOil SALE CHEAP. Send stamp for Culture, to Price lint and Kssays on Crape fit: II. SOIItODFU, L'loouiLaston, IU. l.Vtrd i:tsai:rt(i VIivEyard GRAPE VINES t:0U SALE: Plants of Best Quality ! ! PRICES MODERATE. All the" landing Varieties, such as CONCORr,t"I.IXTOX. DKT.AWARK. IIART 'OKl PIIULIKIC. lVt. -UliTO."S YIP.UITIA,c and mahy kw artd rare varieties. AUGHURICK, CYNTHtNA, DI ANA. HAMBURG, MILKS, MOTTLED. MARTHA. ROGER'S HYBRID, &c. ALSO, SHALL FRUITS, Strawberries, Itaspberrica, Blaekberrlea, of the best Market Varieties; AND SEED POTATOES, Early Goodrich, Harrison and Early Rosf. TV An the above of otir own rmsrins:: warranted genuine and of BEST WUALi'l V. Address isnxin p.rii a so?!. J Price list Gratis. uusnoerg, JHu. l-3m ONE TOUND WILL YIELD 3,000 POUNDS IN ONE SEASON, BY PLANTING THE GENUINE Early Hose Potato! BUY TOE GENUINE FROM GEO. A. DEITZ, (The Great Seed Wheat Fanner.) CHAMBEErfBCRO, PA. Pound Ear'y Rose sent by Mail, postpaid, for 1 9 Pounds Of Kflrlr Hose, hv Mall, oostouid. for 3 m 1 Peclc Pjirly Rose, delivered at t'hambersburg 6 no 1 Peck rly Hone, bv Mail, postpaid 7 On 4 Pounds of .irjri.se Oats, by Mail, postpaid. 4 Pounds New Brunswick Oats, bv Mail for Pounds Swedish (hits, sent by Mail for Pounds Norwarllatii sent by Mail fr . Pounds Spring Hurley, snt by Mail Hr Pounds 1 ellow Mammoth txrn, by Mail for. Pounds Yellow Gourd Reed trn, Pv Mall lor. Pounus best three varieties of Swet-t Cnrrii. Pounds China Tea Sirin Wheat hv Mail. for. 4 Pounds Black SeaSiirina Wheat by Mail, for. Pounds Canada Clubpruiir Wheat bv Mail.. rounus iieoerow sprin Whext hv AtMil. for 1 OU 1 (HI Pnnnfi, TtinllfnrullMiirln Whodt V . I ... 4 Poonds scotch i'ife Sprimr Wlieat by Mail for 1 on j-ounns .naininoin jMraruca spnn unl, lot 1 W Pounds Smooth-headed Sprtnir Wheat for. 1 on Pounds White Hominy Corn tor I tt Pounds of Harrison rotatti's, by Mail for 1 on Pounds Krly Goodrich Potatoes, by Mail for. 1 on Pounds White Peach Blow Potatoes, by Mail, 1 on Pounds of Blue Grass Setd for , 1 o Pounds of Italian Grass seed fbr:;.:i.-::;i1 1 on l'ounils of Orchard Grass seed foe...- i im Pounds of Henl Grass Seed foss. .- . I ( Pound of Alsike or SweedLsh Clover Seed for I o. 2 Pounds of Cow Grass or tall Clover Seed for 1 on potinnsor red t.loversel for. . ,,, , i n, rininn oi i-.ir'Ptian seven-neaueu w heat t no liest rodder cutter, ut hsm'HTJhiinr ,V ou inir or cnexter v nite iioif-i not akin, dcliv- erea at Cliambersour. ooxed m i no oi isranrna r-ootra r owis.cieu vered at Cham- Dersourr, rxnea 7 m -rl-i-rilnr ftr Uie EAFK1U.MKXTA I. hbm jdiiua). wniy siio per year. a-i'The mouev. iu all cases, tit imimmnv th nr. "Allonlers filled nromntlv hv CiVrt A T:TTV Proprietor of the tirent Seed Wlieat Kxperimeiilai Farm, C'hambersbnrir, Pa. armers ran relv tlmt all Seed. Stis-k and Fowls sent out oy Mr. Ge. A. Deitz, are true to name and pure 01 uie Kino. 17-lis TREE PjLA.Ti:RS. If you wish to plant this coming spring, send in your orders early, aud save TREK PEBLER'S MABiJIS. A line stock of two year old ArrLE, PEAK, TLUM AND CHERRY. ALso Shade Tree, Even:reens, Ornamental Shrutis. and a general Nursery Jtock COXSTATTLY OX HAND, AT THE FT108PECT HILL NURSERIKS, Geneseo, Illinois, J. cV E. KU'ILMON D, Proarletora. a Corresiwndence solicited. IMd Fifth Year. 200 Acres. GREAT WESTEBH NURSERIES. LYOXS, CLINTON CO., 10 WA. Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Grtvfic Viucn, sto., FOR SPRING 1869i e oner mr next si mrln plantlflr, a fiha ment of nurse rv stm assort- soil, and guaranteed to be fuilV "a. W sented. Tor full particulars rs send for our Catalogue, which la ' SfAtJ.UD FREE. Apple seeds, warranted fresh, fljo per bushel. Osage seeds, 15 M m h Fine Osage Plants, fl.oo per IflCO. Dr. J1IO. E. EIJIJIS iz. CO. THE SALEM. First Premium awardeu by tbe Lake Shore Graoe Growers Assoc la t lea tor -the Best Six clusters of Fruit, Quality to Rule." wiIIlfU1,J', Acrf th SALEM in vlnenrd. r? iL!Lfor i''ness, earlinesa, abundant promise in bearing frMrt..,n iw. ....JL amiosfnlH 'J1 ntmiif of fruit, the best and most profitable out-door urape in America. st2 Z S e orislnal ma iouows: 3-vear old. r-acn. perdox. Per inn. perimo.- I-year old. .-i,u 6,uo 400 auxr t,-- HARRIS. Salem on Erie. Brocton P. o., thautawjua Co., Y, ium We have a larre f.jrk of tv-vn wua mny otners, t ivrs. W" Afrlet: Pear; ievrtra. rreVr- fcitrmwtorrira. i I r -'Tr VTc want a' rood reMaila tna. ir -j van recommended, to act as sent fr c ' eTerV- 1 in Sebrasita, Kansas. Mouri and Iowa7wa.Tr Commission or Salary,'. 11-itn-t 'ejnunlpoa r OLD CASTLE IiURSERIEj G EN ETA, ONTARIO CO, X. T. ' Invite the attention of YFcstern 2Yurerymen, tJeaiers and rianteri, to their exteniiVe and reliable 1 ' assortment ot choice iidiIsehi m AT WHOLESALE, ' icc'InftLff Frnit Trees standard and Dwsri; ' Urnasnenrnl Trees n ad Shrabs T and Evenrree 1 'r'aaW mall Fraits-;rarev e-An.rVw tr . .... . jtbj Beisuj Plants, IJalb, Jtc. Pa rtleswishinR SELECT NFHXKHTTOci.' either for thlr Own planting or to sell iain,r quested to give r?s" it call bt write r pr 4. enclosing stamps fir catalogues as IbUows: Descriptive Catalogue of Frultst-tTirPe- ,m . Descriptive Cwtaloipie of Ornamnt s-tiifr w' stamps. Wholesale Trade List one red stamp. Address, T. C. MAXWELL BUos, Oenetra,OnUri,f,XT. run: commercial iiuasERieS ERIE, EKIE CO PE. Ia A.Flattman Spraj, I'roiirletorrt. 1,000,000 Aatlve Grape TlaM For sale, of the best lidlnir kinds rv... tnie to name-. 1 r-d as fan be found ia toe r 'twZ States, of one and two year old. Samplrnrwi, mail at luo rates. ' 1 rtiirt ftnA . - mm t fm Vi.UU Concord, 2-Tvnr, Kn. l.trrn ... ID.mi Hartford i rnlific. 1-vear. o. I , ' s a 2.UH1 IlarUord Proliflc. 2-vear. Nu. 1 io'.m '.O.'iO Iielaware, 1-year, o. 1'iana. l-vesr. o. I . . 3M0 Ive s Kcemtrs, l-vnr. 'ol 1 tat iu.'po ion, i-year, iot 1 .luo) 3.nin Israel la.. -lt.,IJW ,Uii0 i-ahella. Catawba and Clinton, I Also a larre lot "C r ear olds 7.ii .k. klmis, toeether with a lare lot f a.i,. " Crevelinc. Allen's Hybrid. Hirer's IlrbrHU. VaiJ VillaKe. Ilebecca. Haleni. Xoriu' t Tz others. iott.l") Strawberry Plants strong. ofaJl :hf best tora, Wi ui im Ou 1W ou W) OU ou OK On .si.i nssi.rwrrios snd KLicklHTrirs. Iu.im) ( 'urranis hikI iobrries. J0.1WO Fine 2-year old A pple Trees, brst UV- klii's, m tVZ per lf, flit) ,,, in.i Dwarf Tears, 1-vear. fJi per I-k ' " S.rtiu Stand fvr, 1-vear. at per ia. W.w Cherf y Trre, i-yar uJrj. at fji per I onx ALSO rF.AC7I TKf:. Pl.PV Tirvi VH A.N1 QVI'CE BIMIKh. TfVthiT with a lance stuck of Apple SeeIIIrtcs; f are. Phmii sml Cherrr .i:in Appie seed and Pi-ar SwK prwiir- rmn CutUngs, with . pple ; raits furotahed to "Ter. Satl-raction Guaranteed. Parties Orrifririir f h Il, ,... .u. orders filleil proinptly.sndreceH nneilrst rl.,t nan rpi,-!.-, ihorourhjy parkml x it .ilm in good ir'l.;r. We yU-W ourselves to fiirna m gtMHl strjeir Pr their. -life as inn be bn.Kht fhsa ar reliable Pstitfli.-'hmeiit iu the V niled stales. TER IS4 Hh wirh nrrW fit i inaJ rt I m4 isak balaiK-e on delivery, or C O. I. . ' TTnise orrferfnc will p give pl-e V,m:r tM I littv ill full, i nule Ikw m wiMHaifcu. 5tatr in llKmtJoil. Address I. A. PL.VTTMAX SPTlAfirt " :rle. Krie in .roB. CATALOGUES FREE ! M. O'KEEFSSOIT dsCO S CATALOGUE of SEEDS, AXI Gl' IDE TO THE FLOWER AND VEGETABLE ' GA RDES IX)Il l2i. niibllshel n J:innnrv Vvurv L. w ishiiiz this new wi.ri.- f-. ..rVi. .1 l dress iuimediutely M. O KKKKH aiii it Oi Kl- wanger . Hiirry's P.liwk, Rochester. N. V. Vrta XURSCRIES OF'lT.F.lIi:iKEif DAYTON, OHIO. A AT OLD Mr,l nLISIlMKXT WITH A livery Person caa Procare Trt-es aa Phi8 At Wholesale Price, by ordering thromrh or rioh rpsrtuivi(. For prices and other lnfurmoilon, aildress W. F. IIEIKES ' Iayton. t'b a H-firn Benton County irurscries' i:MlallIluMl in 18.KJ. Fruit Trees or all Hinds, AfcAPTKJJ TO OUrtTRYIXU IXiMATK. ALSO SMALL FRUITS, EVERG REEW, Cfaa sizes; IIARLY BHRURS, HEDGE PLANTS, ' n larae or small quantities; at LOWEST RATES. rhipmeas made at Cciar Rapids, Iwr. Address. Arprl-vs, , JOS. L. Bl'DD 4Y, CG lum 1869. 163 ! WM. II. LYMAN'S Ulustrated Floral AD CATAIXK3UE OF 8EEI AND JTLANT Is now nubllshe IO varieties ttf i spletidldlv Illustrated encravine and two N which will be, the celebrated it Mrs. POLLOCK'' Geranium) Cflktrm frnm natnM T i asm b nnn.t A.itf it , - - iu 11 will IT7 htuiki w 5 4a. arrnnirln the flower curries: fcsther with fuiiT rectHHis lor Howlnit rsd, Transplantinr. c- V" work win he sent fr-e io all mr iimmiwr). . all others. 00 recelr?l of Un ceiiui. whah "" thea-tualciU I sti bl-) imrtsiiiclnij to the Public my Tr 'ivC to, the WilAS 3IAM3IOTI1 CLrSTE ! Dr. I. Rice, says: "Kveryhody shild bv' This Tomato bt a cross rwHn a Prewh miii'" 1 variety and the Isirr1, rtainii' SIiMMthnsrt aiwt soluiiri. ri,. ink. wul clusters; each stem beafin from sts'to tei"jJJ uiKuwi on iv. it mi rwrfenlv with ana " round, about the inof a Baidin apple; e1"" rosy pir , and kns well : m.nd. luw but fr I anu Is no riouot one of tbe best earlT vsrVO 'have. It is unexcelled for ealinir raw. aiwl clous for cookinir: bins verv biiili rl:vr"l ! eariiness It exrei s the "h" eves Tomato." "i rFI its Tr iit evenly, slkiut tn riy- hfiVre tbe fc-" "3 -Vndut-u-ily the best market Tsriety of T'.' Thin Tariety was obtfltned from sevd in 1J L lS it rWn-d Ibt fruit TO DAYS before the " , Smooth Red. miCE IN SE.VLED PACXETP, tSt.t. For illustrated circular. etrtrtalnirf timcrl fJcommeudsrions. (tc-i" Importer of SM1, rhjibs, and ro" Iert.rt. , e"mrTilne descriptions of j wiih about rh irtyeleitsnl PHltfifttl r.;.,wt n.ljt. OU ! l3ra i