Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 01, 1869, Image 3

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' rTWPA Ti.-'rrleO fTPTT Ponday evenlag:
' ,;.rirTc every other Kurirtny.-
.'t. thmnrh the wwwm of lnt as fMIowrs:
jfvenlne Pray- on NVeduexlajT and IrYid;sj M 4
illrii '"Holy k," r the l?wt wse of Lent,
Mnniiiic prayer at. o'clock A. even in1 frayer
On "OwdVndsr.' full morning service and
"The public Invited to'nttpnd.
TUtfum m-x). R. DAVIS, Rector,
.y-FTtracopl' of the Aivfrtiskk fbrsale by
i l. m City Jioftk. rtrre. ; . t
k '
. . J. X. Colhapp, Editor.
The KrpuMUams hold n city caucus to
morrow evening. In the Court Rohm, com
jiK'ncir.g at 7o"clock. A general attendance
of Republicans is expected.
For Fresh, Garden Seeds go to J. K. Teft.
Brother" n.
-Pure Cider Vinegar, at Swan fc
Private medical aid, read Dr. Whlttlcr's
Flowr Full and Spring Wheat Flonr, at
Swan fc Rrother's.
More MtlU Customers "Wanted by
Thompson, Rrownvllle Dairyman.
B. R,
' Boston and Chicago Custom Made Shoes
Just received by F. E. Johnson C Co.
Another lot of Golden Laundry received
at Swan A Urotber'a,
j)r, Kirolwrlln I lrftho city, prepared to
treat all diseases of tlie Eye and Ear,
Acoroplrt assortment of dried and can
rned fruits, nt Swan fc Lrother's.
For Sale or Rent A House. Enquire of
V. S. Black burn.
Go to Swan A, Brother's for anything
"you want In the way of Groceries,
High"! market price paid for wheat, oats,
'corn, Ac, by IWford & Hundley.
. A fn assortment of all kinds of Hows,
jlarrowK, fctc, for Kale at F. A. Tis.l. l s.
For SIc A Cottage and tw o of the most
"desirable resMnec Ixts In the city. Enquire
at this ollioe.
The ElecHt for city officers takes place
on next Monday. Good and efficient oiicn are
'much uonliil. -
Ts latt novelties In the dry goods line
'received daily at May's Price Regulator, 27'
Main street.
All the New fffi most desirable styles of
Hats cairbe seen aS F. E. Johnson A Co's
"fresh from Boston.TT.C MIIub of the Universe."
A fall assortment of Improvel Yoke Shirts
well madeof ix-st'mftlerial afit guaranteed
at Hetzal's.
Soda Fount. Nacr-Jfc Allen havealready
a Sla I'outij In position, which Is doing a
lively business.
J. S. Mlr-ttk has iTtr the past week re
'eulved a splendid stock ot Goods at his store
In AspinvralL.
Jtoots and Shoe. McGibbons, No. 19
Main street. Is Just receiving his new ami c.l
jrant spring stork. Call nd ace for your
sctvt If you wish bargains
That Flonr which vespvkc of Inst week
"was not "from the Glen Rwu Mills, but from
Tiawley & Zanders Mills near Howard I. O.,
in lAfayetto Precinct. The longer wo use it
She Ijctter we like It. It canufct le leat in thi
"Go to W.F. Wilson, if yon want gorxl
barvalns. as he Is going to close tut his ttoek
'w giKXi lj U'c Ktii rt' of Ayi lU Anyonf
'owing anything will please call af. J settle.
',Vandlver"Two-IIorseCornPlnYller the
Kreatent Improvement .of the age, vnd the
est ntvl mt Corn Planter In use
bi 5-e by F. A. Tls.h Jr., A Co.
BeHlng Pearlies. I have a large quan
tity of Killing Peach Trees, 1 ye;tr old,
which! trill sell nt 10 cents each, or 580 per
t)inisaiiJ. Also, all varieties of Graj-s, in
any quantity. II. W. FntXAP.
" 2oo Pieces of Prints!
Merrim a cJ$t Allen's an d
DunncU's at 12 cents at the
Boots and Shoes! ew Stock! Jnst
received, at S. s. McGl!bon's, alieXv and
splendiU stirk of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Bal
morals and Slippers, for Men, Boys, Ladles,
Xlssos and Children ; all for 25 per cent, lower
than any other house can sell them.
Go tq No. 19 Mills street, and tee for your
selves. Fire The residence of John fiuick in rse
tnahaClty was destroyed by fire "Ccdnesday
flertioin of lst a eok. The house was a to
tal loss, and but few household articles saved
The Tire originated from a leaky flue. The
ioas wT.l be in the neighborhood of $2,000, and
will bear heavily upon Mr. Shuck. They have
' rjRthy of all who know them.
' Vivo a la Regulator!
27 Cases Dry Goods will
h optn cd on next Sa tu rday
morning at May's Regula
tor, Yo. 27 Main Street.
- The Canton Clipper Plow is one of the
most perfect Hows now made anywhere.
Thest ' tempered to admit of the keenest
ana hftrdeitM y a new and improved
prooem that ensures their scouring in the
nost dlfflcult soil. No attempt at immita
tlon or competition has yet been able to pro
dues anything equal to the genuine standard
Canton Clipper Plow, for sale by the
Hoiv arfe j ou, 36 icr cent t
$15,000 Worth of Ready
Made Clothing will be open
ed' on Saturday next, and
offered to the. Uh olesajc an d
Retail trade at 10 per cent
above cost at Mais Regu
lator! New Goods 1
Fresh Good 1
Cheap Goods t
Cheaper Goods 1
Cheapest Goods J
Home-made Goods!
Eastern Goods!
Western Goods I
, Fine Goods !
And all Kinds of Goods !
llbourn, Jenkins & Co Manufae
"wers and Wholesale and Retail dealers In
kinds ot Pine Lumber, Lath, Shlnglos,
"et. Krwh. Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc.
"Jfficeand Lumlx-r Yard, corner 4th and Main
"f. BrtnchYard at Phelps City, Missouri.
VtlSP wa , - .-. 1 H V.a.
"me pf Oslikosh, WIjl, wJiere we liave
operation one of thelargest manufacture
" obter'thln8 rnAdi ln Phie ln the world, and
wning our Lumber direct from the tree,
'e.dQ we can sell at lower rates than any
Yard In the West wMch Y.nv nn.
noiesale and
shiLii . lwo reuui profits. We
ia T lrnc- 80 those in want
t. v1" DPn Bating what they de
and prwJlyR-Sk xmiae our stock
- . - -v . ...
The High School Literary Association, con
sisting "di sifeW of the scholar 'df the High
School in Brownvllle, held an entertainment
oncost Monday evening, which was well at
tended. The character of the exercises was
of a high, moral and intellectual tone. There
was none of that maudlin icntirnentallsm of
former exercises of this kind. The pr.blic are
rrrach gratified irltli this irhprovbriient. The
interest in thd entertainment would have
iwen milch Increased by a more general en
gagement of the whole- school. The great
faujf of all school exercises arises from the
fct that half the audience can hear vbry lit
tle of what is said. .'
The Musical Department; iinder the man
agement pf Mrs. Gm1iamt did itself and teach
er great credit beautifully rending some dif
ficult plects of rruisifc, fcV instance' tMCorra-
Hne' by the Misses Arnold, t osteranu bmlth,
and "When Grandmama is Gone," by Roxle
Blackburn nnd Flora Foster.
The declamations were all gtM find well
delivered. The participants in dialogues were
too numerous to nieullon, and all did well.
Yet a fo deserve particular ficftice. "Escap
ing the Draft" Watson Blackburn as Mar
shal, D. D. ilulr as Surgeon, and Arthur Fur
nas as Ueatcfiantf tvitTi about a dozen raw
recruits attempting to evade the draft, trai a
good performance. "Behind the Scene" Mr;
Earthly Bliss, Arthur Furnas, alil Mrs."
llirthly Bliss, Alice Wait, ilr. Bfp'Hh (visit
or), D. D. Mulr, nnd rjultc a family of chil
dren, showing the outside and Inside of family-life,
was well done, and brought down the
house, "The Lost" Children-" a play "with
five acts, with the following cart for tlieprin
cijwil parts: ilr. Manly, L. M. May, Mrs.
Manlyi Bc!l Vangordan, Jamie, (vey small
loy) Arthur Hubbard; Lilly, (little girl,) Lilly
Crane; Bridget, Bridget Gtts Jack thq Sail
or, Willie M. Tipton, etc, was Very frtU P
formed considering the adaptability Of the
stage to such performance, and the inexperi
ence of the players ; yet the Interest was well
sustained throughput the play. Charade:
"AntlVote"-Ncnic Fulttm- Zora Mathews;
Mrs. Fussy, Lizzie Dennis; Mr. Charles, the
hvpochondrlac. Arthur Wait, ctc was well
done, Miss Ne llie, performing lief p'Srt to per
Altogether Frof; Moore may justly feel
proud of his pupils, and the satisfaction given
toall who attended the exhibition; The ex
hibltion waS given for a noble object that of
procuring a Library for the Association and
Its character was such as io inspire only en
nobling moral sentiments.
Fnrst a ml Bradley's Sulkey Hay Rake
The only really practical and successful
rake Is acknowledged to have no equal, and
can truly be called the King of all Jlaces. It
numbers Its friends nearly by ten thousand,
and not one of them dissatisfied, nor one rake
ever returned. It is more simple In its con
stitution, has no superfluities, and not liable
to get out of order. It is very. easily opera
toil, as a boy twelve years of age' tail work it
with perfect ease. Ou rough ground it far
excels all others, lecause it is constructed in
such a manner that the whole weight of the
bead with twenty teeth rests on anyone, and the teeth, !y having a double coll
alove. ar6 much stronger and more elastlo
than others; and in consecrucnce of this It
will rr.keor bunch up where no other rake
can, and Is strong enough to fake cornstalks
off the field, Hr which puf poie many of these
rakes have been sold; and they give entire
satisfaction. Sold by F. AJ Tisdel, Jr Oo.
Having Purchased Mills in the Pinejles
of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet
Dry Pine Lumber on hand, it has compelled
me to procure larger grounds for my Lumber
Yard. Therefore I h siye rented the lots on the
corner of First and Whfer streets'; Where I
shall put one of the largest storkof Lumber,
Doors, Blinds, Hash, etc; -esf of the Missis
sippi, and every body kfiors," pr 6hall know,
that the Saginaw iAimber Is far superior to
any other Luniler.
Call nnd see me before purchasing else
where. (One block from River.)
New Goods !
Fine Goods!
Fresh Goods!
Cheap Goods!
Cheaper Goods!
Cheapest Goods!
Eastern Goods!
Western Goods!
Home-made Goods!
And. nil Kinds of Goods!
JlIcDill's Patent Corn Stalk Cutter
hasleen greatly Improved since its first in
troduction, and having overcome all obsta
cles and difficulties. It is pronounced to be
the most etTectlve Stalk Cutter In the market,
strlkinga much heavier blow than any other
machine made. .For sale by F. A. Tlsdcl S
Tle Blolt Feed Mill, so favorably
knovm throughout the country, is without
doubt, the best feed mill of Its kind extant.
It works by a sweep, dispensing with any
other io"i-er, nnd considering its rapidity in
grlnrtlnjr, makes it tlio cheapest and most
profitable Mill to buy. For sulo by F. A. Tis
del, Jr. iCx
Cole's Patent Stalk Cutter, which has
taken the premium at all fairs where exhib
ited, is the 'most complete machine of the
kind now in "use. Manufactured by Parlln $
OrenJoff, Cairtu, I1L For sale by
Speliesbekgeb Rros
McPherson Block, llrowuvllle. Neb.
Good Building; Jtonc, We are now pre
paied to furnish good building stone, in any
'limntitv; Also, Strp "Clones, Bases for Mon
uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tables, etc,,
furnished on short notice and reasonable
terms Louaxck & Vakney.
Catarrh of the nose being in frequent com
plication with Aural and Conjunctival Ca
tarrh, Dr. Kimberlin has procured an appa
ratus for its successful treatment by a new
method. City references Can bo given.
tVm, II. VlooVer, Real Estate and Insu
rance Agent, Is prepared to nrak"c out all pa
pers necessary to the conveyance of Real Es
tate, Oflice Court Room, Browttvllle,
J. V. D. Patch Is dally receiving his spring
stock of Clocks, Watches, Silver Ware, etc
Call in at No. 52, Main street,.and feft-'t your
Millinery Goods. New sprlrip stock, la
teat styles. Just received, at Mrs: Teft's Milli
nery shop, 33 Main street: Call, ladies, and
see them.
I -t111; from and after April 1st, occupy
No. 15 Main street, between Levee and First,
where I Invite my friends to see me.
For the latest styles of Clothing, wait for
May's new stockvwhlch will be opened at the
Regulator within ten days.
KnhB A, Halnr's Premium Grain and
Seed Drill, with W. H. Nauman's Improve
ment, for sale by F. A. Tisdel X Co.'
Organs. Burden's, from $140 to $G00; Ma
son A Hamlin's, $75Jo $G:M. . .
James R.' Dye, Brown vllle!
$1200 Dollars and Expenses X See ad-
vertlsement of American ShuttleSewlng Ma
chine ln our advertising columns,
Roe ford Broadcast Seeders and Culti
vators with Grass Seed Attachment for sale
by F. A. Tisdel i Co.
Pekin BrealdngPrours 200T.& H.Smlth
& Co's make; for 41e by 'J. XX Deuser.
Horrlcon Broadcast Seeders, for saleby
F. A Tisdel t Co".
"Want a good Spring Business Suit? Go to
Ladles Look at those nice Hati and No
tions at Hendersons.
II. C. Lett, Land Agent, Brown vlllS.
Head Serapera At Tisdel's.
Gang Plows At Tisdel's.
First t.isv .Hardware . House is a
great blessing to a y community iu which, it
raay be located. It La positive tndicaLon of
fTVnent,ate? u-ogresa.&nd a gcarantee
to tLe emiraut 'or ) , sdeat that whatever -be
may need can be had. Bach Is the bouse of
Shellenbcrget Ero'sVln tMsclty; 'Their tock
is Immense ; yet net beyond the demands of
trade, as is shavn ty.thOr sales; vhich will
average with nuinyci the leadiag houses in
larger cities. They have Just filled np their
stock for the spring trade; and as only one
item they; With, as inhcli assistance as they
cottli pToeore; wtreall last Tuesday weigh.
lrig and stowing away Fence Wire Just re-
liatA on 4 m man an sifwlr
and full assortment. Their store room is
crowded with Nails, Blacksmith's Furnish
Ings. Stoves, Tinware, etc.. etc.. and their
counters ahd shelves with all' kinds of Cut
lery from the smallest ladles pen knife to the
largest Carpenters r tool. Locks, Hinges,
Latches, Screws; Mill Furnishings and every
thing one can think of in the Hardware De
partment. And after you look through their
large store room you have only seen half, for
their cel!;if ; as large as their store, fs also full;
They also sell several- of the best farm labor
saving Implements in use, such as" the Union
Cctn Planter, the John P. Manny Reaper, the
Car: ton Clipper How,Stalk Cutters.ctc, j which
it w ill pay every" farmer needing anything of
the kind to call nn examine. They are young-
men of enterprise, have conducted theif busi-t
ness Upon careful, systematic principles to
sell at as small living profit profit as possible,
and deserve, as they have heretofore received.
the patronage of the public.
A First Class Drug Store We have Just
paid a visit td the Frst Class Drug Store of
II. C. Lett, 68 JlcPherson Block. . There Is a
stock it docs Cne's soil godd to look upon ;
anything you niay desire Is there- A full
stock of Cosmetics and Toilet articles first at
tracts one's attention on entering, then a
general survey reveals stacks of choice Wall
paper from 10 to 5cts a bolt, (and it is No. 1,)
shelves and counter full of all kinds of Sta
tipnery; (at lower prices than we ever dream
ed possible.) shelves full of all kinds of Drugs
and Chemicals, all, (at least the Doctors say,)
of the best quality ; Patent Mediciries, (guar
rantied to cure any .disease,) Lamps afld Fix
tures; the finest in tne market. Bitters for
anything I cigars", tovaccd, arid show cards
over a'.! so neatly gotten up that ten years
ago people would have made a day's Jdurney
just to have seen them : this is what the first
Lgla nee e veals. On a thorough examination
will be found a full stock of paints, oils, glass,
pure liquors, etc., ln fact all that goes to make
np the outfit of a first class Drug Store. And
over all this the presiding geniua is IL C.
Lett, orie of thci best.Pharmacutlsts that ever
strucli this pot tlo'n" of Nebraska, and a perfect
gentleman ln every sense of the word. Call
and see him and his stock, it will pay you,
and buy of him if you wish to save jnoney.
Fellow-Cltlxenst As the Eagle soars in
majestic pride, and views with satisfaction
the glorious career of freedom in America, we
would call your attention to a fact worthy of j
note to every American or other citizen in
this Land District, ln whose veins throbs the
pulse of patriotism, the love of self, or the
love of home comforts. It is a fact that will
cheer and make comfortable your homes;
give the smile of a new-born love to wife, and
"put money in your pu rse ;" yea, though there
be already many who have found this well.
spring of joy, there may yet be a few be
nighted and ln darkness, and for those we
cry aloud ; yea, we would "gather them un
der our wings likfe a hefi doth her chickens'
and would lead them down to the magnifi
cent stock W Furniture and 'Upholstery,
comprisTng" etefythfrig it? all styles, at
McFall S Co.'s", that they might pro
cure the best finished, most durable article in
the market and become rich by saving much
of their hard earned money In purchasing
cheap for cash. Their Spring stock is in, and
is magnificant. It will pay to call and look
at it. Drop In!
The L'nlon Corn Planter has become an i
established success, because it Is a correct
and reliable dropper, a llghi draft machine, a
more convenient ancLea&ier working planter.
one that will do Its hrotk bettir dhd more
perfectly than any other now In use, for proof I
of which we refer to ten thousand manufac
tured and sold within : the lastaAven yetr.
Such improvements have been added as have
been demonstrated to bo usefuL and which
will keep the Union Corn Planter, ln the fu
ture, as far in adrarice of all Its' competitors
as it has proved itself to be ln the past. In
all respects,. It is far superior to any other
planter manufactured.
For sale by Shellenberg-erBro's. McFherson
Block, Brownville.
A Genuine "Wholesale House I We are
pleased to note the fact that A. May A Co.," of
the Regulator, are making cxteflslve prepar
ations to open np a Wholesale and Jobbing
trade. For this. purpose thty are-fitting up
the room beneath their present store and will
within a few months occupy the whole build
ing. Their facilities are such that they can
sell here just ftslowns the goods can" be bought
in St. Joseph; with freight added to this place.
This will be a great advantage to the trade In
this section, find must result in drawing the
trade of the country west to this point May
Co. will do well all they undertake.
Harsh Says t "He would advise all to ad
vertise," far since he told the people' what he
had for sale and at what rate he was bound to
k11, lila snlcs .have footed np vry nicely ! ! !'
Marslf Says: "ne Is Stationary ln low prices
for selling Books and Stationery. Books at
publisher's prices at Marsh's; paper, -ditto.
"To kiJow bow to Fosses ft bland ftmllc is to
know how to sell an extra article cheap as the
cheapest." Quolaticn frcrn JlcrrsAapolie.
Shakespeare has played and is for sale at
The Lsnd Seeker, the lot seeker, the
house Ketker, the speculator, the renter, ln
fact if yovi seek anything' In the way of a
good investment, a livelihood of informa
tion ns to this Land District, ottr serious and
candid advicC M go, or write; to Chas, E. Mc
Pherson. Real Estate A gent of this city. His
circle of choice lands to sell, and information
in regard to tiit'lands district, is dally widen
ing, so that he can. gjye you the very best
chance for Intf'slmentn the rrwket. He Is
thoroughly reliable and straigh forward In
all his dealings.
Through frleild Star,' of tho Regulator,
we learn that a new enterprise is about to be
established in our city, that is a manufactory
of a Tatcnt Soap, which is superceding all
others where It Is known.' We have been
shown several specimens which Is No. 1. The
establishment, will be loeatM here through
the Influence of Mr. 8tar, wh will also act
as General Agent for the sale 6'f the Soap in
Nebraska. ' ". '
Ilannaford 4t Hnghea bave received
their spring stock of Furniture, end have it
now in store in their sales room Just west of
this office., .It is a supurb assortment of goods
In their line, consisting of Bureaus," Bed
steads, Tables, Sofas, Wardrobes, Chairs, and
anything most you can desire. Call and see
it; it will pay.
Oar Ferry .See the advertisement of the
Brownvllle Ferry ln to-day's paper. This is
one of the best boats on the river, and is now
handled by tha most energetic company that
r . V 1 . Tltla la
now rne of the best crossings ln the State,!
ana invives me iayor 01 ue puuuc.
IP. & St. 4oe TL. II- although they
have ticket offices established in important
towns alofig the river, have so far neglected
to establish one In this city.. It would cer
tainly pay, especially will this be the case if
our enter prising Expreis Agent J. K. Bear
Is Ticket Agent.
The old Tegraph line on this side of the
river is now entirely abandoned between St.
Joe nnd Omaha, and our connection is with
the other side of life river by cross wires.
Pay Fpv Those indcMSd to tho late firm
of J. I McGee & Co. arerec.uetea to cau ana
settle immediately. This is no ntr of.April
Joke, for they are in earnest, and must have
the monej y
Kcvr Clothing I Full assortment! New
stvles! Fine as the finest! Cheap as tne
cheapest ! Good as the best ! Going off rap- j
idly at Hetzel's, 70 McPherson's Block. ;
ImproTtrntnt Fran 'Helmer, Wagon
Maker, Is clearing tho lot Just west of the
Court House, where he will erect a first class
brick Ulacksmith fchop this Spring.
Thto. IUU . Co. have the best of light to
shov goods fcy,- and are always pleased. to do
so. Don't fall to ask for anything you may
need. If not In sight, for tHey have it.- ';
Marebn 'is' constantly fa' receipt of t&l
latent patterns of Genfa Plec Goods and tit
most fashionable Ready Mad Clothing. "
Hauboltf z 4e Zcm have now a fali Brie of
Gent's Piece Goods, and will remove' iv6
doors west on the 15th. .
Sic Stock staple and choice Dress Goods,"
and fall stock of Threads, at Ilickney's..
Children's; Cabs and GIgjtfs, piano Stools
etcJust received at McFaU Cos.
"Want a good Hat?
AlTEtyles, kinds and
qualities, at Hetzel's.
StudcbftUer Wagons,' sold and warrant-
eu, oy email & xrcii.
ipress "Wsioii for sale atllauk& Arml-
Want Gent's Furnlshinjr Goods? -Go to
Seed Barley, for sale by Worthing & Wil
cox. . '
Good Wood for sale at Holtxinger'a.
Qulncy Plows, at Den's.
Girt Books at Marsh's.
Havlnz secured the services of Mr. Oj W.
BROWN, a first-class Civil Engineer and
Surveyor, am ready at all times to survey
Town Lots in thIsclty,adjoinlngtowns,orin
any county in this Land District. Any one
wishing town lots or lands surveyed correct
ly, at JtEASOSYABLE RATES, Will fine It to
their advantage to call upon Mr. Waters, at
GreatVesternReal EstateAgency
Ralney & Lewis' Store Room
Cottoxrerood Trees!
, ..FORSAKE At A- ;.,
33 0-1 2-T
A No. 1 Brick House, 7 Robfoo, 2 lots, near
business part or the City: on Tf ater Street.
Price $2,000. Terms easy;
House and two lots on Mairi Etfeet. five room
iJastered, good well and stable. Will be
opered for the small sum of $1,3U0 cash.
House and one lot for sale:
ouse is well
Pjastered and near business part of town.
stered ,
Ice f 500,
House and tdxiiiblSifliiiaid sttiatlon-gar-
ncn iencea nne view oi tuver ana xown.
jrnce evwv. - . -
House and two lots on Water street, one
Block from Main street, forgl.wO. A bar-1
386 Acres of Land
200 acres fenced Aid under crltivatlon ; 90
acres Timber; two Houses on the Farm; a I
splendid Stock Farm ; at 815 per acre. Terms
North East quarter of fcouth East quarter of
Section 4, xown 4, iuuige n.
South East quarter qf South East quarter of
Bection 4, Town 4, icange 14.
NorthWest quarie'r of South East quarter of I
section 4; xown 4, nange X4.
120 Acres, nine miles from Brownvllle, and
west of femaha City; on th line of the
Brownvllle and Ft. Kearney Railroad, at a
bargalh. 8500 down, the rest on one, two
ana iniee years ume.
120 Acres Kb". I fralflo
good water, at
8-5 per acre.
40 Acres in Section 0; Township 4; Rafige 11
40 Acres in Section 27, Township 4, Range 14.
:- . . . -
North-East quarter Section 5, Township 8,
Range 14. loO acres; 8o acres broke, good one
and a half story house 11x29, kltcjiefl 12x14,
good well at the door, stock water era the
place, zu acres oi xunner, lor 4,000.
252 Acres South West Quarter Section 11
Town 3. Range la. and Lots 5 and 6 in Sec
tion 13. Town 3, Range 15, 4U miles west of
Aspinwan, epienaia prairies. 950 per
......... .
160 Acres ln Town 3, Range it ...
.. - s- . s
640 Acres near 8al us, at a bargain.'
100 Acres in on if; Town S, Range 14.
160 Acres in Section 35, Towfr ?," Rat'g'fei 15.
40 Acres In Section 26, Town 3, Range 15.
East Jial(,of gonjh. West ViOartef 6f Section
20. Town 2. Range 11.
Sovth Eastjuartr of South West quarter of I
tecuon itt iown 1, lutnge i. . . :.
NortS Westqaartet Soctin tttirS Range
North West ?jT of North' West quarter Section
jo, 1 own z, liange 11.
100 Acres vfitn'som'e TIrn'bcx arhl a Coal Mine
opened o?t the place, splendid Prairie, No. 1
North Kiist Quarter vof Scetfrm 1. Town 5.
Range 10, east : and Northr -Eae of Booth
East Quarter of Section I2,- Town 5. Range
a naii irom 1 ecomaen. 0 per acr 9.
wu Acres in Town 6, Range 10; splendM No.
1 imu; running watier on tne place; four
miles north west of Tecumseh r imuidid
farms around, the place : at tha low snmnf
j,w per acre.
iCo Acres put of Section 35. Town 5. Kariea 10 :
n c -r . ' - '
SO Acres No.' 1 Prairie.' ...
. . .
800 Acres in Town 6 Rkfcge 12.
1 IG0 Acres with splendlcfFprih-iof waW; irnn.
nniK wtier uirouKU iiepi;ce:,io. I Jlonse.
iii-u; ou acres uroKC iusi spring, for S1.60U,
' it
fiiy and FttSSilonablO tiSlk Ot
BJi6bm)fiM how oSeted to iiTubllc at
who la a
to the Interest of the public ; and having pur
chased my CLOTTIING, (made underxny own I
supervision) xelusively for I can sell as
low, 1 not lower, than any
Irf the Towtf or County. I beg to call yoor
siieauon w my
sefected' stock of
" Ilvts, CAPS,
ucnto ruiiiidiiiiiu uuuu
i& the "CvestV
Here is" a' chance for the best bargains," as I
have no deadstock oh hand, all being sntlrsly
new. The publloare Invited1 to call and ex
amine for themselves,'
1 -r .-i
JicPlief Gs's Block,
' ..-. ' I
where everrthln in tha Oothlns line can be I
found. - " ...
ar-tf r
18 6 9.
ifarAt 3frXamtM irXa Kane, tn . eold Winter
iay; antpie luw to look over Ihrir tlott nt tAeir
book, and balance tn their oun mind how meA thru
are ttetuaUy wortA, vHU, no doubt, tome to the eonclu
ritm VuU they tuant to mate more, and have more of
the "N KKVVV L," 1 the elote of !. Tb strive for
veeOWi U eminently proper, and he it the aUext who
eon do it, in the moet honorable manner, rith the taut
expenditure, eomplieatifn, itextna troubtet, and teait-
na tare. To ao bunnert prouablH ana puatantly, a
Merchant Ad to obeerv three ruU,
i. 29 ovtftni
At the filGHT TIME ! ! !
Tb meet hi obUoatirmt
V, "psyin
prompt" pica tU or the intrret of that Merchant
the eloquence of a Daniel h (inter.
Id. Tbevt down M etptiu, dollar saved is
a dollar oarned," and it thublet one to trii to much
cheaper. '
We toeaJt tn vraite of thoit. rvlre, fbr M nave tried
them, and find them to be the only mean ( o ueceU
BEHOLD f We art not onipvOw7 a brand, vtp-town
Stick, vnlh shelve full of Wittier otoct, but are com-
Ifartabie houeed mt
21 XIain Ctrcot,
Setweea Levse and First,
Our ktoiorri ne'dxliii uien irtrt tHUk terabl
pood, tontUtute cr
Dress Goods, '...,"'
Hosiery ana Gloves,
White Goods,
Hdndkerehlefs, .
Shirt Fronts,
Collars 4t Suspenders
Trtrrlriiiy IlHttons,
Zephyr V ool and 1 .
-. fiaaiiuoiors,
Woolen Tarns, )
. Corsets and Skirts,
Coat's arid Clark's Threads,
American Best Knool Cottons.
of which we have all numbers and colors,
aewing ana .cjnDroiaery niiJts,
Wallets Pnrses;., -.- .
Bumlngs ft TapeTtlmmlngS,
fitar. Crochet A Skirt iir aids. -Alpaca
Braids, aad af.ull line of
Silk; Mllad aatl Alabama Braids.
1 tvLk bi
14 v v a vw P" isy farsass w.wisu sw jp ym smussw
eytothtna, Jfcetery, t'uaey Oomde and Notion Mtmn,
whit not oeen purenate for JjU9M, a the ry teM
advantage, and wttt me told at ry man advance to
(fcah and Prompt fnyfof CJustamara, irAoss patron
aox mneetfUy tniirit ;. at U Hour ehrrUhM aim to
make their trvmtaetion vrU w bUh pnuUaUe and
I pleasant.
Ai i CO.'S
W mr r . m . . a
PHco KocrUlatbf .
1 2To. 27 Main &rcet;
Hci'd'cen Lcwe ttftd First,
orothericise tciU receive prompt
. , , ...
atientinn: nnrl nr in iv inert nt e rtm
. . ,. :
price, as if personally selected.
ncmiiisoirs BLOCK,
Have received the
eUirzc&t ana Best Assortment
ever brought to the city of
consisting of
Sofas, Folding Lounges,
Secretaries and Book Cases
Office Desks. Wash Stands',
Narse Rockers. Dinlnattnd Break fast Tables
Office, Parlor and Dining itoonl Chairs, and
everything usually found in a
We hav e on hand a large
To "which we are making co
we are selling at Prices as
the LH3si23ippi.
In til. Quality of our Goods
m.B'T TBMMB fit
And every other kind of Goods kept In a Western Store, which we will
Wfienever yon are in
Corner Main and
X Ti)
McPherson's Rlock,
r b m n
iu1m t,a-j 1 i,x3 r ml
IVo. 43, 3Jniu Street,
1 . J 2
iWEmm obo'S
if o. ht
I5lcriicrson8 Elocli,
Sola Acsrnts
In Southern ITebrasTca. Atciisoa al Hoi!
County, ilo., for the
ANTG!1 b
' kU I f
Livery, Feed and Sale MS I
Ben. Rogehs, Pnoprarro;
Nos. &I and 84 Main Street
TJROAVILLE, netjraskv.
Dealerin all kind of stock. Trorvuhnoibt'
sold and exchanged. Btock boarded by tho
day or week. - , .
The Propritor has recently erected an entire
new. large and rommodwms Stable, near tin
old Erownvlile House. His stock la all freah.
and vehicles new. The public can be accom
modated at all hours,
A stock corral 1. with an abundant supply
of pure water, attached to the stable. -ly
and well assorted stock of
nstant additions, and whicit
row as any .Ilocse west cf
CS Elt-JlllV ail ' ''r i ,Sj
Town Caff and See Us!
Second Streets,
r- "-n
k-J tu