A. i, MARHH.it City TShZn for Rale by 8 AX. UleU Cow wa Snow. i:n last Thur, ntedatthjV6m. - nonpu to whiten the ground, fe! More JtlUVCn.lomt Thompson, rrown1!l raU anted by 15. ft A full Stock of Saddle.", Harness rn dies. Collars Vh. ' larness. Brl tick - " 4 V1,vui' u,r raxli hut no c i'HUDLETOS. In accordance with the act definins thejo TUfieilou .of Pwbau Judge., p-Ul clle J hew lu paper," judKe Morau will vllclal business aa may properly come before " given b' 11,0 ladies of tho ;V orUiC H'efltof Its pastor Tier. I). 1L May, last Tuesdar m-,m - U-illinnt -uTalr, and wc arc jJensed'to learn' mucuuur ne ladles or our city are ever ready in noble acts of this kind, and the worth - n!tC or the community is note . ! Ty ancei uou't make ahusinesa of throw- uk m any .extra with Harness, nor with -uui. A man pricing a Saddle should un tWnUiMlih.t UdWntcHabrldW. .aHiR 3e ud cruppcrfor thoaaic money Itlakcn lu lue ""idle single-fanners of Nemaha. J. W. MlDDLETOX, Xrw Job Priming Offlce, we learn Is oon to l opened iu our city by the Fair- "ruiuw roinern.- This Is an indication of me progress and prosperity of our city for wu.u ave awmea preposterous, yet now w.vrc is a lair prospect of Its paying. They xe both men of enerpy aud ability as nrlnt- m, and win make it win If lfs In thep ins.)' .i o x aciory project is now in u fair ra Yor solution. Messrs. Kord, Yount Nace are here, and are in earnest. They have the capital and energy to make this a paying bu4iie8; and with the fact that this la .No. I sheep raising country, demonstrated by twelve year's experience, it cannot help oemg a tng nun Tor all Interested. There is nothing that will either immediately or even tually pay r well. Inapgnrad, Coneert To-XIgliU The Western' Minstrels will surpass themselves to-night, as they have made great progress lnc their last entertainment. Besides an entire new programme of songs and dances, n couplv 'of original eomodie will bo pro duced having lcal. applieaUou, and which rannot full to bring down the house. Ixvers of fun cannot imUce a bet ter investment than to go to the Concert. W e notice telegraph poles lelng erected vi7See)!i3.trc.3.od from our geAUcmanly operator lenrn that a line Is to be constructed from thU ofoee to the station at Phelps City. We also understand that the Hue on this bide of the river will 1h taken down between Omaha and Kt.'' Joseph tmd llrownville and JCftliroika City . will be the only points at TFhlch offices will be kept up, as they arc the ohly ones Jh.U. have paJd the company so far. -tJ- Coltonwood City had a narrow escape last Hund-jyatjcrnoon. Mo?ne Julschievous litlla darkeys-.-toiee ihr fnft-or git warm. touched off J udge Morgan's now Factory on the alley et ween Main and Water and Levee and FIrKt streets. Rev. (i. R. Davis and Plake, rldijlg by at the.tlme, saw them in the t eland ucocotlcd lu extinguishing the flames tc any damaire was done With tltj-oug Aouth w ind blow ing at tiictime, had It got a fair start, one-fourth of our town must have Ihcm mid In ashes We hope the darkeys got vanned. ' T'tla' Plow at rion. r f. Oia r t t BPECiAiOTlCn: oiiwr.Vtovef;tore, Seect, fresh, at City Drug Store.1 300 Tons of Ice for bcufter'afctore. laser'. r sale by EIrlsman & Co! urrawng FIowl ftt J. C. Dec I 1 I r.lriJon eer Ti n ? tore Ktn.1.1 ' ' ' ed,by KniaiT.vr;!iKO,n, Bold aP? warrant- """J r f i"'J "l 3 DHiBiI (J.IiLi - , Mli'- 1 decline or rhfirc-eof life; aft "'""reni; livxiw ettine In cbi V i Bucha leaves It sti niulant, with a peculiar tendency to t5ie Orirsu.. 4-. ' 'hum la emnls!ft! r T the Cr'.vs-y Or- Kentucky Bln Grass Store. at Lett's Drug risdel A Co. . Hearst's Star C Ti-.- for law. Rhenmherr Bros" Agent rs, Improved s. A I'ln. . . . m,!i T . "rlmpnl f iJidv'F. Misses' and Children', nne shoes, cheap for cash, atDenX nrtsre's Cant., c.ji. nerior t. i ,17, ""T" "HrmntM sn- store "larKet, at tbe City Dm Kas EnclUh, Al at-Kl Don'Jln Rtoat I'ortpr nl Wr. i-n . ... ioni chine in our advertising columns. B K Reed men BUCIIU. From Mmtitnnff fi CH'! sti raorKnTi jcs. Their odnr Is fitronK, diffiislve. and sompwhnt nro-nnc, their U bHiWisa, and ajial- iUKDK'AL I'UOPKRTIPS ako Uses. L rmarr -s . fi , ( j ,t wvel , k rwe Vxkim Mi of the . i tld r MorW 1 lrrn!ion of the Bladrterarid Crelha, Uisws es of the Pmtr.ate (jland, and -tennon or InoonU lience of i ri . f -nri a )op- rton? r" tfte parts con cernwi m I.- cw , sion. r,.f rcni' uy has also bmi recommeiKit-d in Dy.siepsift. Oiroiac ltheumatism. Cutaneous Aflw-t ions, and rropsv. nmnuii tiTRAt-r lsix kit la used bV tP. d from So to i. or in ftcr Ctonaneineut or . . I -' " v J v limn -r, uic IMIiai L ciiu is nnpqualtHl by any other remedv, ac in Cliloro sm, or Itetenuon, IiTPKUlarity, Painfulness or Snn presaion or Oistr.marv Kvacuations. Ulcerated or bciiirroiu KtatvoUhe Uterus, Leiioorrliea, Whit . or ibk IiLAm.r.B,J i nxm Gravel, N.P DRoi-sual hwELMNus. ThLs medicine in crease the power or Digestion, and excites the Ab sorbents IntolieillttlV lU'lu.n Hvn-.iK i-careoJiadeHih:iijiis,ttnil'ail UnotiXurul Ijjlure- ... n- rii-ea. as well as Pain and Inflamation. liKi.MBoi.n Kxrtact llvcuv has cured every cite of IHabetes. in which il bs been riven. Irrj tuXion of the Neck, of the JJiadder, and Inilamma uon or tie Kidneysand liiadUer. latent ion of Urine IJiseases of tilt Prostate (iland. Stone iu the Bladder i aieuius, Gravel, Iirick-Iust.Iepjit, and Mucus or Milky Dischanjes, and for enfeebled and delicate conKtitutions, .l both sexes, attended with the fol lowins symptoans : IndisoKition U Kxertion. Ioss or i ower, Iak or Metnorv. Dillicultv or Breathing, ,eak-Nfres.Tremhlin(t,IIorrorofrisease, Wake fiilneMS, iJiinr.esBof VLslon. Pain In the Back, Hot Handn, Flushing of the Bodv, Dryness of the . Skin, fc-ntption on the Face. Pallid Countenance, Univer sal I-assitude of the MusculnrSvstem, c. Hiti.MBoi.D M Kx tract Bcc HU U Diuretic and iiiooapunfj lng. and cures nil Diseases arising; from habits or djwpution. excess and Imprudence In life. aiTections lor which it Is uwd, wich as Cnnorrluea, leetsof Ion? standing, and Syphilitic AfTections in these dise txes, used in connection with Hvj.m not.n's 1Usk Wash. nj11 by ail Dniif crisis and dealers everywhere. Be- j wareofeotinterreits. Ask for Helmbo!(f s. Take no I S .. 1 J'ee i.i per bottle, or 6 bottles for lelivered to any aldress. liescribesj iuptoins In all coniniunkttions, . , AdjIreH. T. HTtr.MBOTt, JiroadVar: N.Y. irauifcAHK (JEXU1XK unl- done ud in I3,Qf EiBEEiiS I pOR.OUNAMKNT, Protection and! a -jna jtrenics, for Homes on the Itaine, and Uk k In ioclenit-nt seasons. Bit!-s.m tptae and Norway Pine, 8 to 10 Inches hijih c 10 per 1000 Arbjr. Vitae, llemlock, t White, Pine, ft . . rioln hiolies L!k'!.T..iiJ...A.:..' t per moo American Larch, 6 to hi iccUes high per 1'WO Aniericku La'.eU, 2 to 3 A "t., 30 per h ASHoneil. various kinds 8 per umi Europon Laa-eh, C to lu incliea to 12 per 1CO0 lVE,ARC mPORTLC OCR EUEOPEAII LAECH DIRECT FR032 EUROPE. Onr Small Fruits are from drv;rUan,elTy fTnrf, In thfedrcen Bay country. We find trees from that section do much the bnst with ns. We make ninety per cent. prow, and are good shape. Will be secured by one of the firm, rersonallv. when taken up. We xuake EViMiJJUmCSii a specialty. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR BOXING. f2" One-fonrth cash to accomoany the order: the bailance C O. D. ItKFF r.REN-cyX President or Cashier of either of J me banks lu this city; or, F. A. Tisdel or Charles Smith, tSalexn, Nebra.sks. Addrexg ,.. . OKDWAY fc PARKER. febi4ni Freeport, IUinota. IIcPHERSOII'S BLOCK. HMD & liUGEIES Have receiYffl tho Earnest and Rest Assortment ' '' lu.Z.'. '' .' " ' ' ' ' ' " " t' ' l c s i o 'z rL ' ' ' '. - . .. " i -,'",, . r T'rT I : . ;. . , ,. ' . C ' " f ' , . - .. . . , '. . v. : : : geneilvl . dealers ix Mimm 1; PriifisiMs ... ' -W tate on hand a large .p ' j and well assorted stock of ' .STAPLE AITDi. SCO? rt ' 7 To vrhicli T70 arc rnakin wo are selling at Prices as .tne UissisoippL In the Quality . of our Goods' ' FLOUIl OF THE MOST HIGHEST UAltlLET Q o nltn t Ilalnr'i Trcmlitm T!'in ' lTV',?ve, rapier. With fao-simtie oi mChetn. I T)rin WVi, ;i"Vr iT-erninm , Grain nnd katl Vvnhoustauiaigaad . . . . , . X!. ' . Vi.-1r- "rirnan 's Improve- machm IL Tj IIELMBOLD -A it, for aale by F. A. Tisdel t Co. . , ,1-'iy Lecture to Yonn Mftu WT "i iu,t P'led in a sealed envelope, . a ; L J'riee six cents. A Lecutre on the na br ' i ture, treatment, and radirnl cure of Jnt nerrlred. at V.'. T. Den's, n fresh snprdr of Ileavv Clf and Kin, alntrie and double sole Hoots 'n dT n s.-v ,!- ig enough for any Iwlr. ;' ' ''i t t ' i 1 1 " u , m. II. Hoover. t?p1 Potiito . t . ranee Agent. Is prepared to maker, t Yl na- r'Ti! umi,Uon' Eler per, netrrto.tlleverrnceoJ Kl i"? 'M1''?J tate. OfTir rrw,rt t?. t.. .i," I l,.v!r rV..xvVi 1 r V t. a v jui vv xj I am aw prepared to make contracts for nd do all kinds .of ttn Mason M'orlT' on aiiort. notice and rnflsnnnhi m . nj Tor tne snmmer snme as nsnal . :"-ft- . TIM JIcLAUC Hperraatorrh-P or Seminal Weakness, lty, ana Irnpednnenw to Marriaze reneralLv Ker- , T.-...II ' w , niu r us ; menial froni Helf-abue. T - T T . - . ... I Th. .. . t M . I . . ' . ' ,it m.u renownea ft(iui;r, id This aflrmrabie i-ec-ire, eieriy proves Yrom "his own Mperience that GO FAncnr. gro cshies nstant additions, and whicli low as any IIo uso T7est of WE DEFT COMPETITION. ArrHOVED BRANDS. PHICi: PAID FOp s PR033UCS DEALERS "IN V4 siaj JV- O ! i: m : pzALi:r. in vOED LVa s ALLABOAED s . it y lOili ,6-:- TS'o. -liJ, ZUuin. Street, r - o c 5e7 ' C? Is Advpr- giilin:: Hank A. Armi(trti v tiirl . n1- plac to Ret your groceries, fruit, dried and canned and -wooden w are Their roods nr new. laid In with cash. nn,i nwn ti.o terms can bo had of thera low. Call and see them. Good rtaildlne g toneWo pared to furnish iroo.1 lmildlne stone. In any quantity. Also. Step Stone-w liasea for Mon uments or Tom h Stone U'ltor Tnhliu t furnished on alort notice nnd reasonable terms 1ORAKCK A Vhikky The Trunk Railroad is a fired fact ' vet no moore ao than that McFall &. Co. keep on hand tlie largest and most varied assortment of fnnr.tr.ro and upholstry in the Nemalia Ijuid District, and they 4l At prices within! mi- f-iMui oi . it la alt sucli as tliey can warrant eood and atMind in verv rrann't. Metalie tiisoa. (Ufskets and Wooln r.Tin. always on hand. All work in the Furniture line done on short notice nnd reasonahlo terms. . , ture. theawfut Cofise-nrences of Self-abuseniurhoeffiytti- uy rroovM without medicine, and without dan Fro4 suric'.-'Sl operntions," bougies, liiHtrument-t, rlnRH. oteortisls. pointiittroiit amodeofrnrentonrn ertnn and effectual . by 'which every sufferer, no I timtuer whsl his condition mnybe.msy cure himself I '""l"'! iTi-ateiy, ana raaicnuy. THIS LECTCKK WILt 1'KOVK A JiOOS TO THOUBAXM AXiJ TUOC- nA in, Kent under seat, to anr address, in plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or Ivto postse Bmmps. aik. Jtr. culverwelrs "Mnrriasre GuiUe." price as cents. Address the publishers. . ' . Chas.j.C. KuxsACo,, : 13--y YZi Cowep-, yew York, I. 0. 45S8. Bride and Bridegroom. Kssas fof yount? men on the interesting relations of ajriwepmoin to tiriae in the Institution of ALarrinre. " iv ,nv iituLi luiumui ifiicuy, nna true aupH 'r,,k v) iu nenien ifniT envelopes, nox r., i-nuaaeiphla, Fenn. ever Drought to the city of .oni8tnig of c- Sofas, FoIdirigXbiinges, S I fiRGGERIE; , . . .......... ... . Y A N K 1i-'E :X 0'Tl:0iN!S 7 i a 3 o 71 o o w o d si - e V p. i ) t ) ! - j r I r : i V4 a." li r i-t Biio WisrviitjiE: " jsriiB '.: mi f Cfd cfc 0 u Ti Goppwipo" 1 mvf!' 'idd'D I: 177. lis, -IMPORTER AnMvIIOLESXLE AND RETAIL DEALER IN li4ly Secretaries and 'Book Cases, HOSIERY AND WHITE GOODS., , - And every oilier kind of Goods kept ina Western Store; which "we will A Xfw Manafaetory. J. II. Beason, lUacksniith, one door west of the Court House, has opened n manufactory of the . DouMe Diamond Corn Tlow. This plow is Jrl-tily conurtendM hy all who have used it is easily handled, of easy draft, and will acoar lit -ln Rinds t soil. Mr. Beason has Also ma'le extensive preparations for manu laeturing nil kinds of wagons, buggies, har rows, etc and keeps an experienced horse hoer always on hand. Don't fail to ylvc him a call if you rieed a good Plow, or work of any iiud In his line. Ilavlnc secured tlio Rfrvt nf yfr f Tt Waters, a first class civil engineer and sur veyor. I am readv at all tiinu to kiirvov iu.n lota in this city, "ndjoinlriK towns, or In any county in tills land district. Any one wish- injj town lota or lanl surveyed correctly, nt reHMtiisiiierKien, M iii io wen tn call upon Mr. Waters, at the Great Western Ileal Kstate Agency, over Itiney A Iewis" store room. . . - C i. U l'ltKRSON,- . ' . ' i Ileal ltate AgenU - - f .i ..; Ilavlne Purchased Plllla In the Pineries of ai:innw, M ichlitan.-with one Millkm Fertt Dry rnie Lumner on hand. It has coninonfd me to procure larger (rounds for my Luniler Yard. Therefore i have rented the lots on the orner of Urst and Water tit recta, wiiere I shall put one of the largest stockn of Lumber, Ioors. I'.lmds. Sash. etc.. west of the. Missis. sippi, nnd every hody knows, or nhall know. that the Saginaw Lumber Is far superior to any otner uunixr. ,,-....... t'all and see me before nurchasinc else- wnere.- - - : ' , , ; ' i ; i (One block from Klvcr. BELL, LOWELL & 8MA LT 12-tf , - IledHtore. - 1 - ! . . ' ,' ; - '.' v . i IVew and Fnsblonablc stock of CLOTHING, (NO SIIODDYX Js now offered to the Public at , Ofiice Pesks. Wash Stands, in l..:r 0 iiaiawiiwaii r .' f.f I. .1 K J. S. HETZEL'S , ,,.. . ... ir.j. mmon'm in Tovn Call, and ySfe;U . - Corner Main and Second Streets, T - I 1 McIlierson!s IIock, iiiiowisrviiJL.ii:, Nebraska; ' r . . . .."Wflson, Carriage and I'low Woodworks. AGI iXC tJIXUl i.VI 13 ir Ilrs H , Bpri nffs, -Axes,' Axels,.- Shovels," Fpades, ''Files, Ra?ps, Chain, Cnrric rind Tuq JJolts, Nutts nnd Washers, SaU, Hoifc Xail, Horse and" Mu!o ibawsetc. CKtiiisj aiul Ilollow-wnro, Huirnr Kettles Andirons-' VRilTcts and Lidji, Sfewiwts. Ii;ike ovens. Fniit kcttle nnd Sad Iron IIl,ACSiS3IITII,S-TOJJ,S, Anvils, Stocks and Dies, Hollows, Sledge nnd' liaud Hammers, Vices; Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyre Iron, dc. wUUTFITINO i Ox Shoe nail , stuff. 1,000 celebrated 3Xoliuo Plows. LiNU UOODH.-Ox okos, Axle Grea?e, Ox chains. Wa-on Jacks, ils, Shovels and Fieks, Gold Fans, etc. Hubs, Spokes and Bent- lvaionrfiorsouorn Planters, Sulky Corn Cultivators, ILuul Corn Shcller. Hay Jiakes, etc., etc, Ifairjiank's Standard Scales. Liiyfna;ny gtxsls direct frpni inauufucturer I offer gTt. (Ur. Lvycrsal Constable' 8: Iron and Slcrl Warehouse ' i!U ' ' '.i..-. - Ct i T 1 T . .. i(y .rrtftibnickt$to W'lotcshfr- Jl -,') to tt'i' 11 i -1 7.1X ' o ) Tlie Lady'a Frleud. The March num ler of thU Queen of the Monthlies," opens wlth'AT.n'atecd enravlmr called "In the Firelight" where fireside dreams are taking visible but etherlal shape. This Is followed by the usual handsome colored steel fashion plate, and by an amusing engraving of "Half 4tn Hour too Early" (at the party.) This mag nrine is Pablishe l by Diacon fr Peterson, 319 Walnut street. Philadelphia, at 52.50 a year rfwhielt also includes h large steel engraving)" vv w in fnrnish "Tbe Lady's Friend" and the Adveutiskk for S3..V). TIe lmpfrtatlou of rags from theMedlter Tancan. hides from Brazil, and other com modi lea fmi the tropica. Is known to bring vx trn.i of disease, chieflr levera. which are wometimea very afflicting and fatal. Ayer'a .Ague Cure athnulatea the liver to excrete these rermsfrom the system as effectually. ilr4M 1 Ue-Jnlai mat ie poison of our Agiw dls- tricta. Consenuently It nffards Invaluable protection to atevedocr nnd others whose ecupatlons expose them fo these dangerous infection; and -we hope to render them a "valuable service in giving them this informa- Itlon. X. Y. Lki"UeK la this aze of perfection in Hewing Ma rohlne, It Is hard to tell which to commend a Kunerlor to others. Yet the Empire Shuttle Leather Manufacturing Machlnejust received rf--rh. TIelmer. Boot nnd Shoe Maker, C2 Main street, works with such perfection that ' i-nnnni i-frfi!n ft mention of it. It Is as near nerferttion In simplicity of construction . vir-Mni. wn be made: and it work Is rr an -rrrrect and ljenuttrul-no long or abort stitch w i..,t nil even and rctliliri nnd the machine r. iw, xi nrL-ftd bv any one. with ordinary Judge'uXuiarUbout an honV JnsUucUm Feraonai. "Last Thursday and Friday Vfteivl-K Ocltat ion arrived in our -city Timecanoe City. Muual County, Oblo, mnrMn?Rnme ofthe stannchest citizens f hir ,T!v rtir. which la ccmtrlfetmx! to late Kcmalia County. Among ...r, r n 11 re Col. It. P. JIntchlna, linn " - . . Capt. J." Vr: Ford and lady, Mr. Cecil and fam ' ily J. L. Yount, I. S. Nace and Thomas L "Wis wall. They all come with the Intention ...i in thia their home, excepting, per- . tTti.tr,e nnd he will oonhae nout;h Invested tolibtdown penaanently with ua. Wellke thestyleof men who come Miami County, ana can heartily my from frr Kiifn tn come unto us, " " iy-i of our conimuunj for of such is" a goodly ixrtion posed, . r.w trntber Of J in this section,called on -n past wcH-k. We learn that he has a large tntct of land In Johnson County, and uUl open up a mammoth farm there. Col Furnas, and Lieut. Atkinson, of this ritv and MaJ. Majors, of Peru, loft last Mon day'.nornlng for Washington, to lie present t the inauguration. If they make close 'mnections thoy will be In time. It lse- windows ou streets w E. Crow, rcll pensive i cca that single le " . .. nrn rr-nt ill!? ttas--d through by tne procu. - jas ' ... -.i n m as we could ' t . We cont lud.vl not U go, as m not air-.nl even a pane at those figure Johnson has rcturncu, ing a not TTomer choice stock of gools in n . .R- :-ut cast tasi a mammoth stociceaiiy Theo. IHU vrc tends bringing on perh.P. returne.1. With our railroad faelll Uea iMakea so short a time to go east and IpTnd WJM or WW. that we hardly 1 timo to ciironlcle the departureof our merch ants until they arc back again. ICIlbonrn, Jenkins A Co. Manufac turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers In all kinds of Pine Imlr, Lath, Shingb's, Pickets, Hash, Blinds, Doors, battens, etc. Omeeand Lumliori am. corner 4th and Main streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri. We manufacture our own material in tlie Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where we have in operation one of tlie largest manufacturies of everything made In Pine in the world, and obtaining our Lumlier direct from the tree, ns we do, we can sell at lower rates than r.ny iiitmncr ara in tne est wnicti pays one wholesale and one or two retail profits. We shall always keep on hand a full supply ot everything in our line, so that those in want mav always retr upon celling what thev le- sire. We simply ask all to examine our stock and prices lel'ore purchaslngelsewhere, aswe can ensure aatlsiaction in Dotiu CLOTIIIXG STORE, " Ko. .10 ' .Slala '." Street .': t ' who la a'"' . . ' - LIVE Ratber S harp Prset lee. We noticed sev eral weeks since that Crlt. Miller, alias Clay ton who lightened several of ihecitlr.ens of valuables last Fall was arrested and in jail in Clinton County, Mo. This information we derived from a letter to Sheriff Plasters from the Deputy Sheriff of. Clinton County. The letter. In addition toCt it's Photograph, stated that he was under arrest for an offence for which there was no doubt of his acquittal. Sheriff Plasters replied, acknowledging the receipt of the letter, and stating that be would lie downsoon as he could get a requisition. In reply to this the Sheriff of Clinton County denied ever having written such a letter, and Kt.itpd further that there was ho doubt of Miller's conviction there, nnd that the letter to our Sheriff was written by Miller himself, nnd mailed by a negro who has charge of eerrraijirtioucrs, amoi .wbdrh wat Mil ler. The letter was undoubtedly written with the hope of being brought back where he had a good hopeot escaping. "The Tooth DrnsSt of.-th Ho.M Seldom a day passes but one can learn aome- thinnew. We learned the other day of a rcry economical custom, practiced, we prri sume, In some portions of Illinois. A trav eler storDing at one of our hotels, after rcr- formlne his unoruinf. ajdntlon, accosted one i of the proprietors to know where "the tooth brush of the house" was kept. Proprietor No. 1, not exactly comprehending, brought him a shoe brush. No; this was not what he wanted. He wanted "the tooth brush of the l.onse " A clothes brush was next presented, but it would not answer; "the tooth brush of the house"' was what the gentleman warned, nrt he was not to be put off. Proprietor No. j 2 coming in at the time, on learning what the eentleman wanted, with tliegreaiestprompi- .,psa sunnlied his desire by hunting up one which he could" have recommeuded for the noble service It had done. The traveler, nign iv del I i;h tod. proceeded to the wash room, n,i ith soaD and water gave hi teeth a de lightful old scrub. Customs aiuw uu, different States. THEMAKKETS. CUOCEUT AXD PRODUCE MARKET. .. $7 50 .. 4 Z' ,7Hn ai 1.; 20 20 .. 1 .V) 1 2-5 40 ,.253.:n 2.) 20 2. VI . 1 75 2 0i) - -2o l. -l.Vo.16 . 3 00 '. J 2-V .7" 15 2.5 - 25 . 1 25 . 4 5! , 2 Z5 5 00 5 00 7 00 to the interest of the public; and having pur chased my CLOTIIIXO, (made under my own supervision) exclusively for cash, I oan sell as low, if not lower, than any CANE K0CKERS, .i2Carse Rockers, Di ning and Breakfast Tables Office, Tarlor and DJning Room Chairs, and everything usually found in a FURNITURE ., STORE ! 12-I-ly ' ' $25 . $25 THE. AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING . 5IACIIIIVE. Is retailed at a price within the reach of alL Tliis JMuclnne uses a stni'liht needle, nmkes tlie Lock Stitch (alike on both sides), has a self adhistinir tpn- I Mion, and can do every variety of sewing. It will liem, fell, bind, cord, braid, seam, quilt, tuck, rullie aim tratner ; will work equally well on silk, linen, wonIn or cottun goods, with silk, linen or cotton THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE St Joseph, Ho. F. A. TISBEL & GO'S E. jTaraea A. Jacison S Co. ' :W II O L K'S ALK' STAPLE AfID F'l ROGERS Slmitlo THE LARGEST DEPOT OF Commissi ion No. 107 North 2n.?; ....ST. LOUIS, MO. FARIW IN 1ST S3 IS LEFtL -i2L 3 L ( 'otislKiimcntsof (Vxtntrv I'roduresoIIt Itcl. I' rom our exiK-rlence in tins brar.ch f busi ness and by giving it our personal attention. we ieei comment we can innkeit to the in terest of parties to give us their shix;uetits. Union Foundry and LI:icMno Chop. U - Tlaa: liM ft 13 in the Town or County. I beg to call your attention to my LARGE A1XB WEIX Warranted for Five Years . t - - . - : : Our agents wilf be sunpiicd with duplicate parts of the Machine, in cave ot accident. ItmHkpirx;vtT- tliesanieRtitcli made by Die ssinjter, Wheeler A WIN jiuwetii!aiiorrnee.ateiiines. it lias the under feed, like the best of high priced machines, nnd is the mm.) ij..v pricca nmuie macmne in the market that nas tins lecxi. w e are enabled to ul! tirt ! i Nlmttle Macliitie at a very low price, on account of iTiijupiu-uy, hiki cnse(iief)i low CMtof nmnnfao- lu""Si " comparison wun compiicsteaniacuines. rA: G5-. JEi int T? sr. 1 e wish to arransre with Aerents. mntp nr rnm.i. to represent the American Shuttle Sewin? Machine' in ea-ii State. Couiitv aud Town in tl.pfnitort i!,i. and Ontario. Kxtra iiuhicemcnts to Experienced Agents. For full particulars, as to salary or Com- juuvmuu, uuurt?n. .... General Agent, Detroit, Mich. N. ft. Fbr the benefit of rfur atrents wp lirro nr. ranged with parties who have (loods suitable for Sewine Machine Airents to sell. We Will SAnH A rYr ' winiiJiew nua lull xiHrtiruiar on receiptor one rwl mitiiyi Anrc Kt. v. i REDUCED ' PHICES I ' Uetroit, Micii. Andrews, General Aent, SULKY AND WALKING CULTIVATORS! VICTORIOUS AT ;A f, L, FAIR S f ' , 3head of nil in the Field I Order Early' :' .Bumsido, CrowtLer & Hogers, . PKOPIUKTOPwS. Cor, gth r.nd Afossanie Kts., Bt. Joseph, M. I Engines Made & Repaired IR'OX AND BRASS CASTINGS, I&ill 'T7or2is of all Kinds. troii Froiits made to nnkr on short no- tioc. nnd sntist"iO;tory ton!l imrtics. . " Also n'reuti-r tistrdeuer itpkobrrbson'sl:n- froTd Patent Oovenmr. ' 4!-iy jonxriKGr.R Wi ir.i)oi-oi,A8 3?mOEH & DbTJGLAJ:, Wholesale Dealers In. QUEEHSVABE, 'GLASSVARE,' ulc, c. ami. , r ourtu ST. JOKKPHr-MO." W.Hiii -.li..tt.4A. 4ly .1 KtOTrrorc; W . Ar AWAAJkWA i selected stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS , S II O S , Gent's Furnishing Goods, as can be FLORENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSIBLE FEED IMPROVED CAYUGA CHIEF feitiZsS Hl FLOUR Winter? sack..... SpriiiR CORN "r lHUnel,. MKAIr-V nusnei it At "ON Hants f . rsiiouicin r " Sides j tjd Canned r In sYRUI' ''en r -cat-. .v --- Susar House gal COFFEE .lava t tt - io'f Tt - CHEIE New York Factory In Countrc t lb. '--v. TEA Imjerial V t - " JWACK r'" ' - " Young Hyson $ R -- CANDLES star f ltwitiw p - APPLES-IriHl r' Green "H bushel PE VCHES Dried r1 ra - - -nitAP CS 1 busliol '-' O'lAL OILr-r gallon ; E( ; ;s -,a uoz uirrrKR r1 H . ' TIilVKY r P iviii'-9 bushel - -IiT tht barrel . ..i.n-,'i '.f.tiu-ixxl rer 100.... I .1 . .M liH.1V iv i in k Walnut - .- M PlnP SIIINGLI-S Cottonwooa jer iuw.... ' m j'inp .......... w.r v- LATH (Vrttonwood per 1000 .v.-;.:. 7 i inv ........ AVOOD Irv liara pwww- Y HlDIii Dry mt Green ' . " WIIEAT-Fall per busliel. I M " ' Spring - SJ' -ri us VOOir-per i - SMt'25 FOUND -IN -THE WEST. - - ' Here Is a chance for the best bargains, aa I have no dead stock on hand, all being entirely new.. , Tlie public are invited tocaJl andx imlaai 0ntticnisalYs,ir 0 i t I iv ; 0M CHIEF r MarfilrlfiSj tr n J.rv iW V.b v.Ii .- PRICE - i CORNER 6th and ST. CHARLES Sts. ST. JOSEPH, MO. Also Dealer in LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, PLASTER, WHITE SAND, FIRE BRICK, - Ac, dc, Ac, Ac. ll-t"ly w. CO. $125.00." IN SIcPliersonsa Block, .2 00 BJiOTTNVILIi THE I ( PST I'LL HAVE, IF IT I XsTS A FARM I : Kariy itose i-ouii-o. rm, iv , Kowls. best . ... r...n Tiri p nrp lrn n ir' i); . . - " 't ' -- ..... .- A"iiv -------- , . rdriVrCult'r. Send for the "I-:xierimeiiUd Farm I,.,innil " oll'.V ?)CfiitH. A'l-irrxs wbero ererything In the Clothln j lihe can l4 found. '.VICfiilH. Aii-irro i GBj, A. DEITZ, Cliambersbtirg, Ta. 5I-U J. S. HETZEL. Sexying Elacliiiies AWAUDET TUB HIGH i X PREIfHTTM ' . . WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE ONLY ONE " c apable or Seuing In More than one direction, " And ' Fastening all its own Seams. without Mvrrixn the machixm It USF-S and WASTES LEJSS THREAD than any nthfir m ti u-i Ifommun... . .. . . . . 1 hciLai the euUa of the thread. Warranted to Sew Heavy or Fine GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL. O V E li 50,000 SIACIIINER SOLD SINCE 18G1. . ri'Scnd for Iterjorts and Circulars. I If 31. E. PLAXT, General Agent, 613 NORTH POtrrtTH ST.. : ' .'. .... ' ST. LOUIS, i.ro. J. W. HENDERSON, Brownrllle, Neb. JOHNSTON'S SELF-RAKE:! victi;5.ii,iisoi ijie oriu: ' Cuts Six Feet! I Challenge all Self-Eakes to a Trial, machine - against ' Machine ! STUDEBAKER ITI rjOAS'. BEST WAGON IX i'SE, TWO LIEN DO THE BINDING and HIDE ALL THE V7HILE J. Samples A'ow on Hand of all the 3Iachines wc Sell! 0X3L mcS. . S3,... lhL&i'i And see ir I canndt suit yon in goods and TRICES ! I huy my Machinery by the car load thus saving freight. A fu supply of all kinds of Farm Machinery in their season. 1 T. A. Tisdel & Co., Cor. 1st A Atlantic Sts., Brownville. 31. AVYETH & Wholesale Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, . 'Ilhrtfcss, Sfiirtinrj nnd all kinds of SAfoDLR.b LEATHER i HARDYARE, j PADDLE3i5UIJlLESf &c. tAgeiia'for Di4rrn'a Circtirir Saws and rl MAJBVii'a aAt'ES.: -C, Rputh Tliird, let. Felix & Edmond Sh. ? i ' .1 ; -.- . ...... . i . . . SllELLEliSEnOER 000'S v: I'To:.-:74, " SIcPZicrfions"EIock. Sole Agents' la Southern Nebraska, Atchison and Holt County, Ho., for tho IIu chine. . TaMitotl FcU 14, Uon, & Sept. I, RECEIVED THE FIRST PRIZE ' ' AT THE Great Fair of tho American Inslituto In Now York, Oct. 2'!, 17, And Highest Frcml'.im for Pest Manufacturing Machine At Taris Exposition, July, l?CT. Zo. 1 Family Machine. Tl'i.s ni.-M iiinp !s con.stnirtffj on a next prfnrfpla f nu'chnni-irti, isi-sin ni.uiy r;ir- ami VMinob.a lnr pnvfmt'tit . hiivins hceii .xum!fnH hv tli uit I roibnr.fl x,crts, and tnnuu!iivl to be sunplility UP'I prr 'wf io-i ' LijihintMl" 'Hie following ar tlie principal objcctiorui nrre4 niii nst sew: it nn-.clii.'icx : I. K :ri.s;ve r:t;;t:p tn t'-.o nrifrntor. I.inb.l :y to ci t nut nf or l- r. 3. Dxp.-n-if. tr ,u!)!i', ami Uh of time In rr,'''!nT. 4. 1 nrai-acity to ,--.v rj- ((t! jti.n of niatcrtaL 5. I'l-K'reoiilile nulso wbile in operation. The Empire Sririnfj 2fnrf,iiic in Exctnnt from a 'I those Objections. It Ii.n a str:i"srl'f Xrf!. rpppcntll'nilar Action, liiakr-; t:;p r.rk or b.;t: sntrh. winch will n.'-riiPT r'p nnr rivri, and It alike on h..(ii ! : priortmi pT.r.1 t'w,n on evi-ry d'-.cr ';i.ni of nintiTial. with coff..n, linen or uk tiireal. ft-oui ihe coirwa ti the timst cumber. It Hems, Felln. JMnU, rraIK Tucks. Ciuilt?, Plait.-) and (Jiithore. As a Family Sewing Midline It has no superior. Special attention it called to or.r new laiprvved lios. 2 & C lilanufActririnj; Machine Tliev hax-e h.en tl oroMrrlilr tetot oa rrrrj Am cri; t;.n r l l-.ih and Leiitiivr W jrk, runnuir br Meara I'ir.ver at the nite of : . l,2t Stitcftci per 2 finite. rrndBrinirmr,TOt:.inrtiublt;' worlc of aa-otrv er Wiutli ilachine now In niw: the s: itch ti tlh, nniform and be.ttitifiil : tli-v ar- vinij'le In cintriio fioli, e ifdly 'understood. Kiid nt he i!hie U et out of onW, run lijjht tuid are nnij urnl.vrlv n.isiMw. i'or Tailorinif rr I-itla-r Worit v.erlaii'n tint titer are-not oulyetrimJ, but. nmli Miperior twsnv other muchiiw; tiuit lata evitr lx.-t.-ii olVvrtsi to the public. Eapi'ra -Sewing Machine Co., N.Y. ... U'-'TyEijxj. i;iciIAIir.SOy, . ' ' ' . St. Josrph, Mo. Genrr.il AjjonJi'T. W. States .'iij Territories. 1 .'7' ScZiqiiiqli, Agent, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I Ton rutiryixo trsxi: ijiood. AI7B I10T7ZH. THE BEST ill THE WORLD ! ! r A L S O P f UPPER p rz; 2;z,',st no wxo w made: The reputation thii ex rrllcirt ir.e'.s-;ne enjoy. Is (1titp1 fro in lU cures, mauy v( which arc tru y niarvcJouc Iurctcrit r.o.sej of Pcrorulona ili.; c.iic, where tk j srsteta fceciueii saturated witi curntwtton, tare hee ptiriJi-iJ r.r.. enred br it. ScrofuloiH nffiTtion-i and ilisonljrf.nhi' h wcreas- - 5- .- pravatcd ty liiu crof:i , Ions cont.-miination unij tliey ttctp pnirifully aCietintr, have been rwUcuily Ctircd in Mich prcut num'ici s in nimo-t every kc tion eriLe coinitry.tlirit tlie jmiLIIc scarcely accd to be vnfoniieil of its virtues or uses. !-rof:i!oii3 poison is one of tho mot iletre,rtir' enemies of our race. Oiteti, tlnn nneen nod wnfelt tenant of tin? uranism nm! rntine the ron tit u tion, cnihiiriteithe.ittarkorei fecLlinpror rataldifCAHea, without exciting.! sn?j icion of it- presence. A?ain. it ecniH to breed infection tl'.rrm-Iiotit the Nxlr.and then, on eme favoml.le ecru. ion, rapid)? tleretop into one? or other of its hideous forms, ritl'.er on U.u juifacc or nmonr the vitnls. In the latter, tuber cles. m:iy be sinMouiy !en0H;tvd ii the Iiniscs or I-eart, or tumors f'.nr.ed in t?:e lirer, or it snow it presence by frsi.i.n on tlio ctin.or foal ulcer ationa on fonic pirt of the Lodr. Hence the os.es :on.il use of .t hcU.'tj of this Xartapuri 'ln U ad visable, even when no r.ctivc symptom of lives pe:!r. I'eror,s allicted with the fo:!owinz eom t'lmiits peiteraliv tind iir.medi.vte relief, and, nt !eii:'!h. cure, hv the n of ti.U S AH. 1 1. -tit IT 1,A: 7. Anthfyiit's l'irr, Ilnum or j: ijl prta, Titt, r.Satt Jttriiut, Seal it Jlrrrrf, Jiirjtrvm, Sr. T!f. .sore Kir, and other en- hops or vi.sLMe forias cf tlica.se. A!o is thi more eoneealetr f-rr:-'-, cs );.,, my.-1f, lltnrt Itincane. Jiln, Epilrumj, jrr?i. and ti e various I Irrroti aCcctiou ol the museu I.ir nnd nt'rretM sy. tern. S,t Hi or It urrtfil and Xrmirial Di$rf a'-e rttred l-.v it, thot: rh a l.r?t:roe is required fur S!ilHl.nrrll'esc oh? t inule irtaf.-idles bv anr medicine. ;i:t l'jr eonhntieti we of this roedjeje will nrm the complaint. Lmmrrhtrn or Whitrt, I tcrinm I Itrt uticH, anil lHnnlr Ditmirx. are rom. morily foo.i relieved rrd i:It:.ii::te! r cured 1 it I'linlvp r a?;d i:iri-oi-ni;:- e-C'eet "Minute lirec l! -Ds Ut eich cf are found in our Al-.nanac, sup plied ?rnt:s. J:hmititiui rr.d i.out, when c.-ii'ed ly aeriimiiUtinns of extrancou m.-ttera m the Mood, yield r;ii!( tlv t if, as J ivrr C)ijrclittt. Tor; fi!ttf, i'nunrrtinti or lupnm wntivn or the Lirrr, ru,ffiui.tHrr, when arisirir as they often 1o, from the mull;ir p,itnn i:i ih blood. Tiii SARSAI'AItlLLA i a rret rr Morer fnr the?t;enr.h nnd v:?or of the ?Vftem 'fho-ewho a:-e I.m, ,i'- am! 1 iitra, rrmnZ tirnt, Slreptetx, rnd troubled with Arrraui A jnr.'uiifiioH or r, or am- of t!. . :Zct t.nni r;i..!'i..iiuuu j'i rni. urns. vt ;;: r.ml iniim-!: lTiiei cn.i convuicuij," evidence of rj rcitoi-a; Ioweruponti-:al. rr.EPAiiED r.r Or. C. AVi:ii & CO., IorI!, rTa, rvnrfieal ami Analytical (7'rwij'n, ' SOU) ZY ALL PUUGtiloTS EVEUVnE"' SoMhy ;., city ur.ua stjkk.