Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 04, 1869, Image 2

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1 i . ,.,..r. -s
j. s. church, riitor
"TTho Supreme Court if tlic United
K(kte?,'0Mnrch 1st; decide j the Xiuwel,
Jtfrjor fc Co., Floyd acceptance
' lias.ratiScd the Constitu
tional amendment by a vote pfl42 to
SO.'tThC Iiflslnturfcof Nevada made it
a Fpc'ctr.I' order for' last Monday.
. A .rivat dipatcliffromVashington
"r-iatt that when Gov.Brovrulow passed
through CharlottvHIe, Va,, he waa in
sulted and his life threatened by the
students of (ion. LccVcoIIege.
From : the Tecuniscli Gazette we
learn that two Yi-ius of stone coal have
Xeen recently discovered near, that
place, which beats any coal bed in
thlckties and quality of coal, yet dis
covered i a Nebraska. :
'hd Record informs us that F. Ro
per has transferal one-half of his mill
interests at Beatrice to 'Messra. Wcth
crald & Bon, late of Richmond, Indi
ana, for the consideration of $7000.
'Jhvy 1 contemplate improving largely
the doming season.
- TheHon. Ieios A. Tisdel, of Salem,
fn town this week, lie reports
lively ,timp M Ilichanlson county.
Fstrmersare preparing forspnng work
lie takes home with him one of the
rnany.'ecd." Drills, from the Tisdel
Agricultural establishment of tliw city,
. . 1 1 ,:
The-Constitutional,' Convention. In
Texas lifts finished their constitution,
and have adopted a ft6lutiorf reconi
in ending a xfivLsion tf the State, which
p'enerVd .Ca'iy-says is :the wish of
nine-jtcnths of the loyal element, and
Wlieves Iff conumated, - will bring
tviw ntirT r,ionrrJf" '
r . " .:. - t
; Th e t i hie for hoi di n g cp ntml .sloncr 'a
Court has been diauged from the first
Monday to the first Tuesday of each
regular session The object sought
by tlx?, change was to avoid the
jjeoessity of traveling on the Sabbath
to reach the county Beat in time for a
session on Monday.
. .1 M I 1
.From the Accord, (Beatrice) we
learn, that the people on the Blue
are contemplating the building of a
bridge across that river, for which pur
pose1 the State donates them. one sec
tion of the State Internal 'Improve
ment Lands. . We only wish the do
nation made In other parts of the State
for similar, purposes were to bo put to
as good purpose as' will' the. section
that builds the bridge over the Blue at
Beatrice. " -" ' ,;
t Tine Omaha Daily Republican's long
promised new1 dress no Vn factum
factotum, and, itV 'pleasing, to. "one's
sense of the fitness of things to see the
new type, new rules, new headingand
new rarer. It has been one of our
best exchanges in the State, and In its
improved form will be more than wel
corned. It alwaj's reaches us on the
same day it is issued. Those In want
of a good Daily will do well to scud for
.the Republican.
. The Nebraska City Daily Pre has
added another column, and contains
now the Associated Press dispatches,
making it a first-class Daily. These
evidences of prosperity are very cheer
ing to all who expect to make a home
In Nebraska. The prosperity in one
department of labor depends upon the
vigor and energy with which all the
balance are pushed. And there is no
surer index of the growfh and thrift
of a city than is presented1 by its daily
and weekly papers.
If the recent treaties made with the
Indians are "faithfully and strictly
complied with, the following reserva
tions will be devoted to railroad pur
poses in Kansas and Nebraska :
Sac and Fox in Knnsiw
- " Nelm4ca
Otoos In Knnsa. .IV 17
ftebraKka . ..... 124,.Vtf
low-as lu Knnsim.... 7,koo
. Nebraska- 8,700
Making, in Nebraska. 143,.r01 acres of
very valuable lands. We -have not
seen the treat', and arc uninformed
as to 'Its jtpriri", except that the lands
go, for railroad purposes upon 'certain
condition's.' , ' ' ; 7 - ' "
.Tip Legislature pf Illinois is railed
upon to appropriate $3o0,ft00 to Keep up
the Penitentiary at Joliette, and par
tics stand ready to pay this and $4,000
more for the rent of the Prisoner's la
bor, if they can bo transfered to Alton,
which would Ik) a saving to the State
of . S-f ,fXK) a year, if the Penitentiary
was located more favorably for work.
Nebraska may profit by these facts if
she vill. A Penitentiary, although
Sri the present state of society, a neces
sary,, institution, may also be a very
burdensome one, unless economy be
considered In Its location. The buil-dlris-itself
would cost Immensely more
sixty miles from the quarry than one
within onoor two miles thereof.
The prospective growth of this coun
ty In population," wealth and business,
never was so promising as now. The
farming community and the towns on
the river Peru, Brownville, Nemaha
City;1 Aspln wall; Hillsdale and St. De-
rain, all are catching the spirit, and
'are strcatching,.out In nil directions,
crowding 'the hills back,- building
dwelling, churches, school houses
arid 'other conveniences of civilization.
TL. fanners are contemplating the
cultivation of a few more broad acres.
They have 'for some' time' past had
tlitfr eye -on a certain strip of land just
outside the field, revolving in their
mind jnst the labor and the material
it would take to fence it In with the
rest,' The laborer is taking advantage
of the spirit of competition among
farmers to secure the best hands for
the . summer. The mechanics are
viewing the pleasing prosjeet ahead
of plenty of work, and pay. The mer
chant is contemplating the idea of put
ting up a few more shelves, or to so
economize room -as to make space for
a few mote goods, and the newspapers
are enlarging to meet the growing
wants of commerce. We opine from
all tlio bustle and stir In every
department of labor none tally com-prcl.-od
the Increasing wants of the
imms'iate future.
EXallce and c.
The Commonwealth, printed at Lin
coln, In This State, although, in some
manner under the control of our most
excellent Govcr: . :r,'h r.r: jily. pub
lished by one cf the Governor's pro
teges, in company vi:h a very worthy
printer Carder. 'We find in its issue
of the 20th of February j 6vcrtro c 1
umns, very respectfully devoted' in
criticising the correspondence of the
Advertiser. Such slashing editorial
serv ice should not go long unrewar
ded, still it is hopeful that no heavy ap
propriations of State funds will be nec
essary to liquidate their demands.
Doubtless no averment on our part
would convince the sage and wise
genious who presides over the columns
of that paper, that we arc neither ac
tuated by "'pithy spite" nor "rancor
ous yellow-eyed malice" in writing for
the Advertiser. .
The Commonwealth Adjutant Gci
eral'i of the opinion that the question
of extravagance depends upon the
fact as to whether the State Treasury
or (what ought to have been in there)
the "State Capitol Building Funds"
is the funds drawn upon,' and because
'we don't see it," flippantly talks of
malice and. spite; reminding one of
the spoilt child, who, if you are not
continually .petting, praising and
humoring itsevcry whim, the offender
is charged with spite, malice or jeal
ousy; We are confident that no rea
sonable, Independent thinking man
looks upon the correspondence of the
Advertiser in the light which so wor-
rys our editorial friend of the Com
The Legislature had a large amount
of businnss to transact and but a short
time 'in 'which to do the same, and
much ofits wo'rk had to be done with
out due consideration ; it might have
been malice that induced us to so ex
press ourselves, but the discovery Is
due "to the , editor of the Common
wealth. , i ; i .
-.We are now informed- that Mr.
Chamber's bill ' for ' selecting State
Lands has not been allowed. The com
mittee to whom thebills of these Com
missionere were refered, and who re-'
ported a resolution strongly censuring
the. payment of such extravagant
charges were . otherwise informed.
Most certainly it "would have been too
much trouble for the Advertiser man
to say that it (the bill of $3,900 .for
furniture, chandeliers, sundries, &c.,)
was paid out of the proceeds of the
sale of Lincoln lots, and did not cost
the people a dollar," for such was not
the fact; such "presistant misstate
ments" do not seem : to trouble the
Commonwealth man, however. What
Is said about a Senator and two rail
roads,. Is to us, without observable
point. -Wo await further elucidation
from the editor's very agreeable pen bo
forc venturing In such "muddy wa
ters." We' accept the gentleman's
arithmetical solution and should con
sider him a prodigy in this science did
lie not mention the fact that he came
to his knowledge on a casual visit to
the House when the subject was un
der discussion. So he is shorn of his
glory in his pompous display of fig
In the opinion of the CommonwcaUJt,
our oposition to extravagant expen
diture of the public funds "indicates
a narrowness of intellect, and a lit
tleness of soul that surprises us in a
western man." We suppose it can't
now lo helped, for oppose we are
bound to do. We feel easier on learn
ing that our unconscious "pithy spite"
has injured no one, and that our "per
sistent misstatements" do not mislead.
It is painful to the Commonwealth
man to think that as we "belonged to
the section of the party that triumph
ed in the late Senatorial contest," we
could not be generous enough to be at
least quiet under the immense appro
priation of the "State Capitol Funds"
and of the general funds.
We have some Jjttle reputation for
generosity when our own honor, repu
tation and money are concerned, Mr.
Editor, winch you will doubtless con
ceed on reading this article; were it
not so,' we might feel inclined to be as
abusive as j-ou were insolent.
The District Court for Nemaha coun
ty will be in regular session in. this
city, on' 'next Monday morning, and
will prolwibly continue .through the
week. It is composed of thu follow
ing gentlemen, to wit: . V ''
O. P. Mason, District Judge..
O. B. Ilewett, District Attorney.
Davidson Plasters, HherifT.
Jnmos Kennedy
Thou D Hollam '
Amot Horner
Johmvtitan Farnfiom
Levi C'olllus
Tlios HItIus
Conrad F Ilnrrns
John Dt'Tiiiy
Augnst IU;lmers
Charles Oaedo
F.niPT Losh
William II Starr
J II Drain
tetit R VnnJevater
Frank Iledfern
Frank It Crow
JoiMvliKpler .
Jacob T iMvls
Milton SltHry .
John OStkeen.
Jacob B .rnhara
WUUain Jones
Milton Long
I B Ooriel
Wymiui Kent
John Uarkor
Stetson li 8 wan
J It Fisher , -HJFiftfior
Ievi Johnson
Thomam M Self
Thoinax Harmon
Tl A Hawley
W M Lambert
Geo Toll
We learn from the Journal at Falls
City, that Isham Reavis has been ad
mitted to practice in the United States
District Court, r.
That the Post Office at Falls City
was broken open and the money draw
er relieved of its contents on the 17th
"it, :.. . ;; , '. '
That nine men with nineteen horses
recently arrived from Illinois.
That TJ. S. Deputy Marshall Allison
of Falls City, was badly assulted by
Mr. Scott of Aspinwall, whom the
Marshall attempted to arrest on war
rant for a violation of the U. S. Reve
nue law.
That the people of the Nemaha Val
ley are wide awake, and are bound to
build the Nemaha Valley Railroad as
fast as men and mono' can do it.
Dr.'s Bruce Arnold and Joshua Mil
ler, two of Dr. W. Arnold's Medical
Students of last year, have just re
turned from Ann Arbor, Michigan,
where they have been in attendance
at the lectures in the Medical Depart
ment of the State University. They
propose to practice the coming sum
mer under the direction of Y . Arnold,
M. D., of Brownville Medical College,
and then return to finish theirstudies
next fall and winter at Ann Arbor.
Cunninshsim IJurdell Jcf-
Thcr? has been going the rounds of
the papers for the last ten days what
purport -d to be. a confession ct tjnars
Jeffords in relation -to tne uur.mng-
1-am-Burdell -murder. Mr.Jc Cords
imprhdned for the murder of
Waltf n and Mathews and died whie
in -prison. Before his death he was
said to havemade a" long confession
that he alcme with the consent of Mrfc.
Cunningham, murdered Dr. Burdell
and gave the circumstances with a
good deal of minuteness. . ; ;
In the weekly Tribune of the 23d
we find 'a communication over the
signature of . Robert D. Holmes the
scniorcounsel in the case of the State
vs. Jeffords, who says that Jeffords
scarcely knew Mrs. Cunningham at
the time of the murder and was but a
mere child at that time and believes'
him innocent of the murder of Wal
ton and Mathews for which ho was
convicted and sentenced, and Mr.
Holmes refers to A. Onkey Hall and
James T.Brady now deceased as being
of counsel in the same case, and as en
taining the same opinion-above ex
pressed as to the guilt of Jefford. The
public are treated j'early to a confes
sion in this mysterious affair , and as
often some one effectually contradicts
the same.
In the St. Joseph Union f we find a
resume of the report of the Warden of
the Missouri Perictentiary from it we
learn that "there are manyahundred
criminal in hli dungeon t4-day who
withaknowledgeof common branches
studied in our schools would , have
made an. ornament to society.; The
importanceof educational advantages
is magnified by the fact that fifty nine
per cent of the convicts - are between
the ages of sixteen and twenty; five
years of age who hate been drawn in
to crime for the first time perhaps,
simpl' because their, ignorance only
fitted them for the lower walks of life.'f
This accords with the opinion we have
Often expressed in these columns, that
the State has one of two duties to per
form either provide a system of thor
pugh education forheryouthora more
extensive system of correction for her
middle aged. We must either learn
to live or live to learn. A well educa
ted jroung man or woman can find
employment at remunerati ve wages in
any community. , It is only the igno-
rant or vicious that are compelled to
resort to other and forbidden "ways
and means," for that bread which sus
tains ' animal life. , Tax , we must.-
There are men who work- to reduce
the school tax and take the chances
that the State tax for Fenetentlary will
not be thus increased, The wiser way
would be to increase the school and re
duce the State tax. 1 Out of 73.5 persons
420 are less than 2-3 years old. Of this
number but three were printers,. 491
can merely read and write, 131 can
read not writeand 113 can neither read
or write. 533 are single men , 340 were
intemperate, and much other valuable
statistical matter is given, from which
the statesmen can determine what to
encourage and what to restrain in the
future revision of the laws.
" The Teachers' Association of this
county will meet in London on next
Friday evening and continue over
Saturday. There should be a general
attendance of all teachers and persons
interested in the cause of educational
We received a call last Monday mor
ning from the editor of the Nemaha
Valley Journal, Mr. W. D. Black
burn. He reports the Journal as
flourishing. It could hardly do other
wise, situated as it is, in one of the
best and most populous counties in the
Dr. Bowen was unansmously ex
pelled from the First Baptist Church,
Nebraska City, for closing the doors
of the church against the congrega
tion and Sabbath school a few Sun
days since. The Dr. has promised us
a defense of his action for this issue,
but fails to come to time.
General Grant is now our President.
F ISTOF LETTERS, Remaining in
XJ the Post OfSec, March ilh, li-KK
AncttCa .. - Jainw Fanny
Ames Sarah -i JdostenCII
ArgjibriKht Jajne , Johnson Win
ButtlerKuth i Johnson Richard
Harnett JokcIj C Johnnon J L-
Hrauct MolUe Knox Martin . ,
Hoyest sydno Kenrna Martha S
Hruok Su 2 Kelley A I)
BarnnerltF Kerns Melissa
BillincH James M Lewis John
Harlow Mary S IJbly Marjret
(junpbell A m LwyAtarr
Clark II ( 2 Lavine'Jno
CaliinSMN Martin 1H
Caniib-U Catharino Mary. Millie
Campbell James McCoy M Iv
DeHiiNellieS Martin PM
Dixon Alien . Madder James 2
Dumis William ' Melick Etta
DanntsWm . Malier John W
Davis Sylvia X - Marlev William
Damon II (1 Miller William .-."...
Kx-khartCF , Olav Joseph II . -Everett
K OIcsbv D Cox
Ellis Thomas J Parker' Matilda
Kmmons Mitry F : lUxnn Mm A V,
Eartinun J L ltowley Charles 3
Frlsby Absolom Ititchey' John W"
Flamming Sarah E Summers Gus 11 2 '
Finley Sarah K Stewart J ;
ioetz Peter Sanders Doctor .
Oares JaeoJ SioJthLJ j 4'
;alley TJiomos Sbortz Charles
Ilauley David Smith Win L
Ileilimrton James Smith Jane
HordWmJ SinlUiWmJ
Harding J . ' St allraan William
Haywood Susan ' Snyder Jno
Hoiuleu Andrew J" Schoneweii Carl
Iluthon Fanny . Snvder V T
HeekmanJohn TateAlonzo
HoltouCK Thatcher N L'
Irvin WebbOW
James Mra Wilson Martin
Ward S L F
Persons calling for any of the aboveletters
wlU pleaite say "a-Ivertlbed."
' A. D. MTARSli, T. M.
Be as oil's Celebrated
the necessary machinery for polishing,
I wish to announce to the pwple of Xemiha and
srljoinin counties, that I am now manufacturing
the celebrated
thns whlclt firr? iicrrws a better plow made for
this noil. Tbe following tesUmoniaht wereuaoUo
ltca, aud ypeuk for thenuielves :
T iIIS JS TO ry.nTIFV, Thnt we have uswvl Hea
Celebrated lonble Diamond Corn
i'iow, and tiud Uiat it wi 1 1 scour I n si t k i nds of noil.
J. II. CKASOTf, Manufactor,
One Door West of Court House,
raach4-Cm Brownville, Neb.
Flxlnsr tlie Jnrldlctin of Tr
Jndjr? tn Civil Caici fr . j.roviMngT
for i llejfular ' two of l:ro
bate J ourt for th Trt 1 of nth.Cat.
Section V Be it; naitcd by the
t "yictn hire cf the Sic ; o Nrrka,
' Tat pobat ?: Judge? ,i their respec
tive c-;ntit i, shall irer concurrent
j u r i s d I ( t i o n w i th J u -1 i ces o f t h e Pea ce,
end in addition -tht rto, in amounts
not Xd exceed tin. ? hundr:-d dollars,
pi-'flnsire of, costs ftnd- thir cotie. of
fcivil procedure, aim the cod'3 relative
to the Courts oi justices or tne Jfeace,
so far as the same maybpplieible,
are hereby mad"? a part of this aetJ
Provided'howcvcf, That Probate Judg
es shall lot hae Jurisdict on in any
matter wherein the title or bounderics
of any land may be In dispute, or have
power to order or -decree tlie sale or
partition of real estate." ',
Sec. 2. It shall be the 'duty of the
Probate Judge of each county of this
State to hold a regular term of Probate
Court at his office at. the. county seat
of his county, on the second Monday
of each and every calendar inoiith for
the trial of all such civil cases as may
be brought before said court;,,; ..Om
. Sec. 3. In each civil case commenced
before any Probate ourt, it shall be
the duty of the Judge to issue a sum
mons returnable on the firstdayoMhc
next regular term of said court for the
trial of civil cases', if there, be ten days
Intervening from th6 'Issuance' of such
summons and the first day of such
terrn.and if not then to be 'made re
turnable on the first day of next reg
ular term thereafter; which summons
shall be directed to" the sheriff or any
constable of the county, and the said
sheriff; or consttdde-shall serve the
same o n th e .dej uden tr as i n o ther ci vil
cases, at least two das before. the.
turn day thereof, and make due return
thereof "on the morhingbf tlie day on
which tlie same is made retuhiable. '
Sec. 4. If the ; defendant, or defend
ants fail to answer and appear on the
first day of the term' of the said court,
at which tlie summonses returnable,1
and make defence to the. claims of
plaintiff or plaintiff tlie,Tsaidt court
shall enter ,up judgment by, default
against defendeiit or tldfendent In
nccordence with the -provisions of the
said code of civil procedure relative to
J ustices of the t Peace, ; so J&r , as. , -the
same may be , .applicable. ,xndrt not
inconsistent with the props'io)i3 of
this act-: Proindcd-That said Pr6bate
Judge shall be fillowod.'the ame fees
as a Justice of the l'oace ,for like ser
vices. . . , . t: (.,, . . .
Sec. 5.' Either 'party may appeal
from the judgment of the court"' or
prosecute a petition in ierror:to the
District Court, in the same manner .a$
is prescribed in 'the' law regul.aUng.apr
peals and petitions lh, error In .t lie coy e
of civil proceediir."' ThG airibifnt of
the bond in : such cases". Isjialfbft.'-in
double the amouut of the jndgmenl
and cost, and shall be approved, by. the
Probate Judge. Twenty days sh'aH be
and i hereby allowed in which' 'to
take such appeal. : ir u"b
Sec. 6.. All acts and parts qfacts in
consistent with tis.actarejheretiy re
pealed. : . ' ' ' '" '
Sec. 7. This act to take 'effect and
be in force from and-after its passage.
. ( Approved Feb.; 1, IviGSJ, -
I K -. ; . " " "-:-' :"- -
X the lest of Work men, and . Mavhlncr ,to
mnnnAwfiiro nil kinds of. f 1 " -' 1
i !T
..i t , i . . ; : Harrows, etc.,
, j,,.. . 'and to repa!r all ljlndi of i ; ; .
; 1 A C PI I N K II Y
ways ready to accommodate the public.
One Door Wt,-st of Court Ilouxer,
mach4-6m Brownville, Keb.
SS Sc fiO Main Street, Brownville. Keh.
Tloslwe-i thoroughly fitted and furnished, and now
ofTors lirst-cliixs accommodations to the trivulins
public. B;)rd by tlie lny or week.
Owje Scrd Pr! me, new, $15 per bushel.
Ot'ifr Ilnntx First rlasi, LOOMS, llA0ti.
Jirxif raf Apple, parked, 10,mo ui.
.Sredlinrn Maple, I ,M iZ or fX Everirreen., te.
Graitrs Sorts 1,U"0 !irst class Com-ord-t. :tv.
Dahlixs, (Jrecnhouse Beddintc l'lants. Ac. -Send
P.) cents for three Spring lUitaloguei, .
Ground open. Send your order. to
F. K. 1'HfKXIX.
21 -It 'Blooiriington Nursery, 111.
Just from Texas. For sale by
No. 14 North Second St., -
2Ut 8T. ixrrs, MO.
A D. BROOKE will sell the North
xV East or th.-; South East quarter of Sec
tion 10, Town S, llanje 11. two miles and a half north
east from Tecumseh, on Sirlnf C"revk, at$.1 per
acre. For further particulars apply ut the Adivrtitrr
UUlce. - 2l-tf
. Proposals for Railroad Ties. ...
Offjck op thr Mini.AN'n Papific Railway Co.
Nkbrakka City, Nku.. February 22, 1
PROPOSALS will be received at this
-- Qiuce, up to warcii ut n, vmj, ior
50,000 Railroad Cross Ties,
To be 8 feet Ion? and 6 by 7 indies If hewed, 6 by
8 inches tr sawed. 1 '
All tie to be barked, and to he of sound Whlta.
Pit, Pin or Burr Oak, Black Walnut or other hard
wok1 timber, in the opinion ot the Engineer or Su
perintendent ot the company.. - ....
Said ties to be delivered on track at depot jrroundi
near the levee in Nebraska City, aud to be cross-piled
for inspection. : : . ... , '
Proposals will state price per fie and time or deliv-
ery. . 21-t , ; i JL, XUJX a., rycremry.
Osago Hedge Plants,
i. Nebraska. 250,000 Plants yet unsold,
for sale ut :.."( per tliousand, at the Nursery, two
miles west of JxMidim, enuUia cooniy, rseorasKa.
jt-3w-)d J. P. MILLER.
Mannacturer.i of
. t
Italian, and American Ilarble
' Tomb Ptoaea, Table Tops, Mantles, &c. :
"Slain Street, between 6th and 7th,
S R O TP A" VlL k "KXBR A k KA .
Having located permanent;y In thin city, we shall
keep on hand such a stock as will supply all tbe
demands of
Southern Nebraska aud Xorfli
Tf est Missouri.
1 , Notice Is hereby given that the firm of
J. I. MctJee t Co., composed of J. I Mctiee and
Homer Johnson, has been this dav dissolved by
mutual consent. These indebted to iis will confer a
favor by calling and selling their accounts, as our
books must be squared Immediately. We hereby
tender to our friend and the public our sincere
thanks past favors, nnd repectftilly request a
continuance of the same to the new firm.
J LMrtiEK,
Brownville, Feb. lGth. lSKt.
Having assumed control of the goods and busi
ness of the firm of J. L. McGee t Co., we request
the old friends of tbe house and the public gener
ally, to give ns a call, guaranteeing to keep np in
every respect tlie fame of that firm for fair dealing
and choice goods.
l"-3t F. E. JOHNSON & CO.
The Browville Transfer Line,
Under the management f - . .-
Is dow Running Regular Oranibnsse from '
BronrciTiUe to tlie Railroad Terminua
ot the Council BiuflTi and St. Joseph Railroad,
At Ilortli Star, I Jo., '
Two Stiles from Brownville and North Star Ferry
Good OmniTiusses. Close ConiLcttoar
30-tf CliarEcss Moderate.
Executed, at the Advertiser Job Rooms.
: i.
: ilaring secured the services of llr. O.B.
WATEIIS, flrst-flasa Clrll Engineer and
Surveyor, nra really at all times to survey
Town Lots In this city, adjoining towns, or In
any county In this Land District. Any one
wishing town lots or lands surveyed correct
ly, at REA&OXABLE RA TES, will fine It to
their advantage to -call npon Mr. Waters, at
the ' .. . . ' ' '. -.
Great Western R eal Estate Age n cy
nainey,&X,Tls, Store Room.
Iloiise and two lots on Main street. Ave rooms
plastered, good well and stable. "Will be
offered for the small sum of 31,300 cash.
House and one lot for sale. House Is "well
plastered and near business part of town".
' Price $500. - - ; 1 " V
i . . :
,-'r. . -. ' . . . . -
Itouse aniour lota splendid situation gar
den feneecf-flBe'irlev of Elver and Town.
Price 5300. ' ' ' "
nouse and two lots on "Water street, one
Clock from Mala street, for l,&.3i A bar
gain. -
m!Ji. !. j '. ... " ':l-- "'
' ao M bksirAbe
North Fast quarter of South East quarter of
Section 4, Town 4, Ran go 14.
South East quarter of South East quarter of
Section 4, Town 4, Range 14.
North West quarter of South East quarter of
Section 4, Town 4, Range 14.
120 Acres, nine miles from Brownville, and
west of Nemaha City, on tho line of the
Brownville and Ft. Kearney Railroad, at a
bargain. $o00 down, the rest on one, two
and three years time.
120 Acres No. 1 Prairie Land, good water, at
$5 per acre.
40 Acres In Section 9, Township 4, Range 13.
40 Acres In Section 27, Township 4, Range 14
North-East quarter Section 5, Township 6,
Range 14, 150 acres; 85 acres broke, good one
and a half story house 14x29, kitchen 12x14,
good well at the door, stock water on the
place, 20 acres of Timber, for 11,000.
100 Acres In Town , Range 14.
610 Acres nearSalem, at a bargain. )
160 Acres In Section ll. Town 3, Range 14.
160 Acres In Section a5, Town S, Range 15.
40 Acres In Section 28; Town 3, Range 15.
f V . i . '
East half of Sonth West qtaarter of Section
2,Tow S; Rangejj;; j. I . . ; ; ; -. .
' ' ? I v ' ,
South EasUjuarter of Sooth Wesf quarter of
Section 17, Town 1, Range 11. ,
North West quarter Section 6, Town 2, Range
11 i" . ' - j
North West of North West quarter Section
an, Towax, Range 1L
160 Acres with some Tlm1er and a Coal Mine
openea on the place, splendid Prairie, No. 1
v -
johnsoii couimr. '
80 Acres No. 1 Prairie.
X) Acres in Town 6, Range 12.
160 Acres with union.n.i c .
- -r.4uoViuij yji wawjr, run- I
u.7Jrt te place; No.iHouse,
liXS); 30 Sorts brosre lat aTYT fn. li nvi I
A C A'll 2
- -r , ' -
Many iferehant tcho have, to the eoUl Winter
Oayti ampte time to look over Vvir stocks rfnd deir
book, and balance to their oum mind how much thry
are actually wortt.w'B, 6 dovbeome to tlie eonclu
tion that thty ymt to make more, and hm e more
the "KZKpYVW at the elote of 1SC9. To ttrlve for
wealth U eminently proper, and he U the vbUst who
can do U, to the most honorable manner, vriih the Uatt
expenditure, eompliealion, vexing trouble, and watt
ing care. To do butintn profitably and pteatanUy, c
Merchant ha to observe three ruie. - ,
Ut. To buy the
At the EIGHT TIME!!!
id. meet 'hi obUeatientjpunccuaay, "paying
prompt" plead for the UUcrrM of that Merchant with
the eloquence of a IXrn iel Webiter.
-1 ' ' :
3d. Jb cul d'jvm Aiftrp', as "a dollar saved b
a dollar tarned,' and it enable one to tell to much
! A i ,
We speak in praise of those rules, for we have tried
them, and find them, to befhevnly mean to a tuccexxful
mercantile career.
JSEJiOLDl We are not occupying a grand op-town
UrlclCi with Shelve full of Winter Stock, but are com
fortable boused at, ... s .
27 Iloin Street,
Between Levee and First,
Our two floor are heavily laden xrilh mott detirable
good, consisting of
Dress Gotdi,
Hosiery aud Gloves.
"White Goods,
Shirt Fronts,
, Collars db Suspenders
Trimmings, Buttons,
Zephyr Wool and)
ln all Colors,
i .Woolen Yarns, J
Corsets and Skirts,
Coat's and Clark's Threads,
American Best Spool Cottons,
of which we have all numbers and colors,
; ' - gewlng and Embroidery Silks.
Wallets' rurses,
Rufflings & Tape Trimmings,
SUr, Crochet & Skirt Braids,
Alpaca Braids, and a full line of
Silk, Milan and Alabama Braids.
; ' v
jtrtrzL Lixs or '-"
IX TACT, everything that brlcmg to first clots
Clothing, JTotiery, Fancy Good and Motion JToute,
which ha been purchased for CASH, to the very bent
advantage, and will be told at a very tmaU advance to
Cash and Prompt Paying Customers, u-Aoae patron
age tee reiectfuUy tolicil ; a it Uour cherished aim to
make their transaction u-ith u both profitable and
A. HAT, & CO.'S
Prieo Regulatov.
Xo. 27 Main Street,
Between Levee and First,
Uor otherwise will receive prompt
attention, and are invoiced at the same
' "
iHc as personally selected.
: s. -l. mrrsrz.z. son, ,
; : ITo. E 1 ilii Eircet,
st. jospii, mo.-
WholfcsaleTncl Retail Dealers In
Chickering& Son's Pianos
'' ' : Which were aWRrded the
Cress of the LEGIOll of HONOB
; . . ' . ' -
; r ' . i .
Haiional. Combination & Cabinet
Mason & Hamlin's
. s. . . ....
Cabinet, Portable,
. - : and'.,.' . .... .... ,
Metropolitan Organs.
All orders shonM be aliresscd to
.JAMES R, DTTS,. Agent,
Urownville, IVcl
5-Cm - .
Pern Xi very Stable.
Dealer ia , ,
uSAl ICi ii 1 of Sto cics
Horses Bought, Soil, or Exclianod.
Stock Hoarded by the Day or Week.
31 V STABLES are stocked with good Horses and
bugKie. IVrsons wishinK conveyance to any por
tion of the Nenialia Laiitl, District can be accoiunio-
dateu. lne .
Pern iz BroTTHville Coach.
Leaves mv Ftables every momlnr at 10 o'clock A.
M. PaxsePKers or iai-kHffe? ia;ely conveyed. Or
ders If it wiili liie Postm asters will" be iroinptly at-
letmt-a 10. i-;ii-iv-
C ) fl Jw aa street, opposite
IOri Mcpherson's
la : 15 lock,
Erownville, Neb.
Dealer In
v. I Also Agent for
fe-fei siner Sewing
IrT"- I "C "j. j) yr l li MJimulu
Livery, Feed and Sale -Stable!
Ben. Rogers, Proprietor
Now. K2 otid Rl Main Street
Dealer In nil Ir in.l r,r i;t.'- Tr i.,.,-.f
SOld ami exeliailliiMl. Ktrx-lf ImnnUl K f!-.
(lav or -rek .
1 lie Propritor has recently ereted an entire
ii.!;i- nun (imimoflwus ?stat)ie, near the
old Urownvillft uaii o...k
nnd vehicles new. The public can be accoin-
9 fl 4 -3 .a a 1 ) L .
A MtOCk COrrnll -U'ith o n nhtiirtirit cnnnltr
T - --' . IU j v rmi,i;i
of pure water, attachni to the stable. 4-ly
i l- v ,ir lTiTp JUUMilJli
-rT- ""-v " Would respectnillv
annotinc-e that he has
- wv 'octi in wrownviiie
-, - and la now prepared
n...fnpn. .1...
S.V1-- manii'.T, ALL oper-
- 111,111 ujr m .Tfc
" - i'. ... ...j. ...
the- science of Den-
orKifT-over City Dmjr Store, front room. irtf
R. TEARE &l CO.,
Advertising Agents, Chicago, 1
tnfAre auOurristd to receive Arlrer
tisemmt for Lhit paper, at our lowest
rate, and are Ajutt for all Xtwrpa
per in the C. S. and Territories.
Si if"'
T ' If i S-
O l J y, M
j f I A i: I a
Si.- U pi
... . hn 4 ! f
M C IT :'ll I I' : "'I'
r v .'in'" s -3
LI..rAL i ILu. Juiian Mprcv
llorm-e Met.-a'.r. vs. t-.e la-uwn "' " of
cer in interest of fn!.uvl.i frr'f 1
Ci- a-.t. .tIji.v in u.v.e-7,r,"''f
nt;ce thnt tie i..t-:ii. f above h.'j. .'ihf
dsvori'Ttiiirv, a.i. iir h'w ;onnfa
Clerk's Oilk-e of tne Uistrict Court orolT i" fS
tv. 'cl'ra.Hk.'inityrii : the f.iji-., 1 V Ht,'41
which Ls D l r'n-nr a j:; l.,r
certain (leI of tru-t li"r to
r- K,,.?,,r"
CYocisT n)W Ueeaied to JTuin Metuujf JIl!"
ii i mn rfi an.; .!a-itr.i.......j
rj tlm unitiiint of ri frirnrt . - . .. rri-
follows: ovemberS. f ,rty
iru-t Ut li. eeven and aoi lan ti
followin? ui.cnlHHl real e-tr.1. n-.h,., in NVmht
(Xainty. ehralievto-wit : Lots nnmhr thnn. !. .1,5
seven (7). of the nortlit frnrtiopni o-ar-r ', i , r.r
5cton inimber neven (7. in township nnn-W t,,l
H, -ofrnnse nnmbcr fifteen (l .i, c-w OI" th. I
principal l;ri.liiii, and dated 1st Attj-nt r. rr,
ci tinned tliat if the s;iii! sum of M ?'wr'nXi r-L'A
t-, )fW'nnn t Meutiiron the first fl.ivof A-nr't
lsrio, tise said Jul;ai .Mctenlf was aiitho'r'rod r il
theahve Kescriled !and, affep sivn? thirty d'ari
ii-". m i-. nii-T i-vnsvr n i,., iome p-irciiaer of all the
interest of said . Yorker th"r.':n, at the (late of na.ld
truM ct'cn or nior
.le. an.l 4,ut (, t!)A nroopNl. nar
ie priivjiral and iujerent timt micht bedaetaereoru
saltier wi:h tiie com of i'rect.i,in.'
.ow, unles-i ytu. tli;s.:d tle.entlAnts. plend an
swer or demur to Maid p nit ion on or before tb l-rth
day of April. a.i. -?), ihea-:t petition wili be takes
as true, aiidjudrient rendered aeeonlinzly
Zl-it liKALa fc VHU Alt "ynfurHf.
1 Pnrsnant to the reTtirementH of ttm
statute in sncli case prc-v;de;, Xtice is tertby sir
en to all whom it may concern, thit there has ba
oriranized and incorporatfl at llrownville, la :bm
County of 'err.aha aihi. Mate or ehrH.ska, a Joiot
Stock Company, nndep tlie name of "The Mason
and Gld 'ellowi Itoildu-? Awv!atloii, of Brown,
ville, Aebr-.tska." The place of basiuMi of Mid
Company in at Hrownvi!'., in said conn y of .V ema
il a, and S.ite of 'ebraskii. The said i'ompaii hs
beenfTrmed for the purine of erecting and owninr
a buildir to reirf fT 5!ir:ts purpose. nd to occu
py by the. said orders of II.ukiii.-i and id Feilow an
their Lode rooms, with an actual ratiitai atmaenh!
of Mix thoiwanddoilar.. witii authority to the 2oacJ
of .Managers to incre;i :a te st-x k bv further uo
scription to nine thousand, wtiu-h may further tx
increased by vt of the stock Holder to twenty
thorand; to be paUi in ioirjj'.l nients. im iwmmwI by
tbe Hoard of iiaiiiiifers. The corj-iratitm fommme
iinr ia January, and termimuin? upon the com
pletion of the hufldin?. and nntil other arrvnice
menta are made-for the manaxemeiit and care of
tbe property.
The b:B-hest amottr.f orLIabil:ty to which tl-.e ntitt
Cori-uration nr any time can be liable, ia tiled at
fonr thnn-iuncTdollar.
The affairs of suid Corporation lire to be conducted
by a Bourd of MaiiAKers, coonis-tin- of m Iriiieut.
Secretary, Treiwurer.and two 1). rector.
By iMrvIcr of Board of .'.jiBsen,
, U. B. llKWETT. President. .
J as. JJ. 1Ia Ky.H. .Vcir.-ai-y.
".Va IIai k tit, Ti e iwrfr.
51-lt (Jko. W. Boiwfy. tJirrrtorT-
EXKCUTOPi KAIE.-rursaant to
Tbe authority and direction of tbe a.t will ihI
testament of Kicbard 1 4v4.1ate of Hamilton county.
State of Ohio. rteco:i-eit. a ctiny of wiiico id
will, duly autLPnT'-fst-M, taiTfi'n Hied In th Pro
bate Court of Xcauihi cnu;.t-, t-iiue of i.OrHlt.
the undersisned. st!)f:or, niiaiin ited in!d wiil,
and duly conrirn'ed ty t r- per toil r-'y. will, on
Saturday the ttidy At'Marrn. A. I. tfl, to ("roct
of tbe ollice of (be County v;;erk. in Brownville, in
Xemaha county, and the State f Nt-bmka. at th
bour of two o clock,. i. M., of si-l day. oiter lor
at public vervlue, tin? fijlowiii 4 dr rdH.-i Bl.
tatf. situate in said count v of Ntm.uia. to wit: Tb
Swtb-east quarter C; of the Suutli-west quarter ( ').
of Section number twenty-aiue (id. in Townnbla
number tive-(5, orth in r.u:se nutnberixteen U'.
Kst. . -Terni
ofSale: One-half cah rrt rtc-r'nt of dee?.
and one-lnlf in one year, secured by note and mort
gage on tbe with Interest.
X Hereby iriven that Joseph W. l'.!arkbnrn hux
thi day made application t the lrftte tno-t ot
cmflUu county. brak. to he anDintelAftmii
Lstra'or of the Kt:teo( 4(iim K. ii:ti!rv. defend
ed, late of .said ciur.ry of Nemaha, and that the skl
Court bJiy ajipouilt d tbe Utlt cbiy f -Mvtk, ImJM. at
nine o'clock, A. M., to hear said and tv
appoint un Adnilnisf niter of said esi.u-e. The Law-
ln to tiiK? place Ht toe nuice 01 iTuaie jiKie, la
Browyivibe, Nebr;u-k;i. t ...,., 1
ijaten reoruary irri. 1
l!Kit A. W. JIOKNAX. Probate Jurfye.
f EGAL NOTICE In the District
Ll Court of Nemaha Count v. state of Ne
braska. J. X. Reynold. Administrator rte bonisntyr '
with the will annexe!, of the Mn.e of Willis Kill.
deoeu'd. vs. Abij,nk I tiis;:in i wido - -of ud U Urn
lull deccaMfd . t.rncy A. ard. a U-i isliter of Mia
Willis Hltl dcccHsi d, w b.o i:'tur:'--. -r.eil with on
Willinm Wani, who resides ia the .-;.,( of Indiana:
Klizahctb Colim-. a ('..mooter cf ba d Wiilin Hill de
ceased. w!io int;;-ioar:cd w.Uioue Thomaa Coiiinv;
Anna M. SecreKt. a iaii"i,ier of s.d Vilirn M.ildr-
if sun. oi i ie
to. Met "aft n Mca:.-. ?ati M .v u.-,st. 1.7.
ceased, who intcrmarritfd witb one Jacob Secrert: -
n llli-i IrvLo H:il. ut-id i.Ie"ii v rs. m sun :f m'j
Willis HiTl d-ce;t;ed; Iiura Louisa 1 li'.i. a (itiwntrr
of Wiilis H!:i dis-eae-J. azed mrli en vearx: Oii
Emnm Hal. a diiL-liler of nui! Willis Hill, de-
ce:icd. i'red twe've ye-irs. , All ti e abovtr mssvest
rt'.'i-Trlni.'is. except tinicv A.. Ward und WiilZaoi
Ward her bubund. are reidui in nui!:a Cuuaty,
in the Stte ot "ebrka..
Petifion tn st ll Ltrrirts toprry d.-V. nf 7V-r'-.u" Ertatc,
It appearing from tbe petition ou f-'e in this nuu
that there is no Personal J-tate in the bainUof Ina ,
said administrator to pay tlie d.-Ois ontstandmic and
due froui tlie K;t.ue of s:ud Vv-y -dept. nd t rx-
penses of the admiiiisrratioii tl.erof: and that it ia
neccs.iirv to sell some r!rt ot the Real F.-tte for
the payment of such delits. It is herev ordered
that tne alMive named de'Viuhwits, heirs' at lw of
the.said decciised. ami nil otiierj er-ons interested ia
tbisestHte. appear be ore the listrct Court of f
mn ha County. Mate ofXebniska. at LheCourt IIpum
in Browiivtlle. on tlie Utii (Liv of Marc'i. n i.vl 1
ten o'clock a.m.. or as soon tiiereaiter as Hie Loart
may be prepared to hear this mutter r.i
why a license should not he Krun;-. toaiO; Rdmm-
iKtrafor to sod so mucli of ttte real estate of a: J
ceased as may be necessary to pay the Indebled-
iif in s;i.u et;ue.
Ci.VcU under mv ' and the seal of nM rwif
this twenty-eiglilh tbiy of January. a.i. tva. "
Chief Jitice of Nebraska, and Jud'e of the 1st J
diclal I)itr:ct lA-it
1 ItKA Ia KSTATi-' N'ot ieo ia h.r..K-
en, tlmt by virtne of r.n order of the I;strict Court
if V , n-, . f .... n . .. -V- . V. ... I. . . . .
.H-iiiiwjumj. .N 'irnrv ,1, i, u.s AU;iiitiiIrtlur
(.trttfinus neni of rite K.;t,f h.,ni.ul i t.-;i -a
ceased, will, on the
Gth day of March, IS39, at 1 o'clock P.M.
expose and sell nt public vendue, at th front orr
of the Po-a );h'-e in !'irii. in na:il I vn.,: r
Nemaha, all tlie riirhf t!ii uml m:Ur.i r.t ...
d.s"e;i.sed. Ms widow, heirs iiiul 1.
tatlV. Ill ATI tn tl: ti,.V.T .. . r-.r' l ssIa
county, to-wit:
LAt 1, of section 35, To-arjiT. Ran ye t. en5t,cnsti
I HIT 52 70-11)11 IMTIN .Tiont 'Nt ....... ... .w .
side thereof. Also toe tollovrinr- loin nd hi.-v in
the town of IVru : Blocks Pi, 17, is. J?,-J7. a. .
nod 31 ; and lots 1, 2, a. -, . 7. s, 1 1, iz in biocit E :
and lots , i 1, s, 9, M. li and 1.'. in block i.o4
blocks W and 42 ; and lots and in block 41 ; and
lots 1, J ., t and S 111 block .Vi ; and lots 1, . 5 and 12
in block and bits s, and 12 in b!ock ?7: and lota
. n and II m ii.w,.l- 1 . . . . -
and U in blo-k 5-: nnd lots 11 and 1 in hii-k
and lots 3 nnd 4 in bhw-k 1,1 Mind hi .nrf f i.
block ; and lots 1 and "
11 and VI in hlnrk Ki Mini U.r- 1 -,. A ,n ki w J
and lots 4 and 1 in bl.x Hs-j; aud lois 1 and 9 in block
h,: and lots 1. 4. z tit 1 1 umi r v. -1, . .
Band IZin b!.-k nnd lots U m-.d P.) in bi.K-t 7
k! ,J 1' ' , -'a Biortc 7; aiKl lots ft. and 10 ia
hi ,.T;"" ,J m olocko;and
1. t1" oii "n.l,v' I 2- 11 0,1,1 block P.O: .n4
lots 1.5. 11 and ! In h -.l- i . , .
? ,1? UJ: ."n.' lo,"- :,I S. . ' . i. 11 and 11 in block
-7 .1 , ., ",;n o-ock 1I : and lota 1. Sand
a in b ock lie: and lots 1. 8 and 9 in block 117:
nnd lots 4. .5 and Id in block Us; and
Iota 1.6 and. in block li: and lots d n in block
M 1 . . a n rS ft si . j t l .
i i k .i! n"'C and lot 7. aud.
11 in bloc 1 !7 a nil l.,r 11 i ki . At . .
... ,., . , . . "is i i.ia; nuu 1011 11
1 K,n, i,'"-1"-; a:,u 1rt 11 und i i"
and tits 12 5. 6. , .3and 10 in block Hi; ai:d lot 5
in bhK-k 112: and lot 1 in block " 1H; and lot 12 ia
blockHl: and lots s. 'land 12 m block iv.; and loo.
h.t, 11 and 12 m block 1: and I.h.h Hnd 7 in bio-k
1 ' "o ia otcck I ; and aluo tha fet-
lOWtn-' l:ilitlSirM.i.lirkffl... r .t ...
in said county : lot 7 in bl.-ck 2; lots rt. I t. 1, 17. r
and 211 in blot-k 3: lots I, 2, 3. S, 6, 7, 8. 10. 11. 12. 13.
?' iV V iLi l4vsl K- VJ H"'1 'M '1 : nd Iota
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. rt. 7. Sf n Id it i n ti t--i.. a , o .
ai in blH-iv 6: and lots 1. 2. :i 1 n 11 : 11 1-. 1 i
i' "1: '-M;r '- HPii bh-n-k 7: and 'the whole or
blocks ..1. :t2. 40. in 11 ! i t i -. ... ...
24, aj, 27 a. ? . x,. m. '71:; i
- ' ?T T ,1rt-"i: nl loU - 7 "' block 1 :
and o .s J, 4, ...8, 9. 10, li, 12. i t, 1 and is in block
and ots 1, 4. 5. s. . i, ii. iX u, u and 15 in block ;'
ftTa, d'V !;I i 1 ,ud 7' 1U- 12
. - 'i'. iwi L-i mill uuiuic
one bour lrom and u.-ter the time above mentioned.
Sia'd Sllle Will hn lield nnor. r. Kl.l. r a J. I-
Tm?fs of sa l r. c. t ur.
"WILLIAM S. HOIiX, Ad miniatrator-
Thomas 5t BaoAOKy, Att ys for I:ate. 17-itl
Stray Notice. -
TAKEN UP By the Subscriber, Ifv-
inz at Nenia'ia Citv. D,-mhpr 7th. lm
one white yearlins te:ir, red ears, and red mark
on neck and feet. 17-Ot J. R 1TWX.
Eight street, two Mx-ks from R. K. Depot,
ST. JOSEPH, MO. swljr
And Dealers in.
Book, Stationery, Paper
No. 12, 2 1 St., St. Joseph. Met.
Commission Llcrchants,
No. 2 City Euiklinjcs, St. L.oal, 3I
rccontl National I'.ank St. Louis, lT(K
Allen, Cop pOc Nisi ict St. Ixuis,iiOk,
...... .v.. - -It., A..4ifx ' ' A 7 , . .. . ...A.'. 1 ' V ' , ' ,
Johnsion it llacon, Lankcrs Ft.rdadi.on, la.
T . . . . . . . ,. in
ii.!f .corn c oc 1 ., in'ii.iu,
lilalr & AtwcxxJ Mton. 111.
Oinamenta.1 Painting:,
Gnlldlng, Glazing, Paperhiuing, Ac.
No. 15 Slain Street,
(One door east of Hank A Holtzfnzer'a
Ciueenswarcand (Jrocerj- atore.)