Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 25, 1869, Image 3
TIic Gcnuino Ilolino Plccr F. H Johnsoa & w,' last Monday. . . , . .-ofth Ar-VFRTTKC City Hook Wore. for sal by J. K. IleUel started east yeteTay i gooda. RamlSUr, or Vie 1 t brin- back for his bwilth, ad uuuUtleo nn0 choice lot of pooda. INDUSTRIAL PLOV. iX. MATTERS. Colh&TJ Editor. THURSDAY. FEB. 3, 1WS. johon of th firm of F. E. AB "1 Yard Thc-efore I have rented tlie lot on the . ifVt i nd W at er streets, where I . CiJ i Ti 'and every toniytnow-, or Ehad know. yj a. I . S 5 , E3sa ' ; 1'-- ' - ffi thaWn Lumber i far su,rior to f . 1 ; Zr , J. A ) ' v an v other LumbT. e- i Jl 3 iaB fl C" - : -i - "JY--J ' ' Odl and see rae before purchasing else- q j f -i M C, J fV - '-) ' 22si; ffiktift&rQBBriBSigi Pro?mois,i-,s0 THE MARKETS.- .h A h 4 j K-h 1 roTJ . B. Ft. Ii- . P. II- R. Cb, VP. 'Me !". v ' IP. 51 " , ". B r, g um. 4 ton lMr- 1 erf J. v .... :ti H n. i t filial I. It; oi ' of X ' iam - - imm Counsj, '. ''' M o! tw ncu i n n Dial n trm i ia 4 --'.; ar -t f e n ham a. l-m a trr l ent m mat MMitr a. 3f W uTE rof ti -in o( u at til lltier r reman. a. H irnu' tr li.uiiw'l 1.4, Tuv n. u to ir.vT. reby p mm touf. Ti-nistrmi . U.;y. r front dMr rwmty of thus f r r A C tit . U, ID WU -t.fiDt" ' ,.. tj. . 1 . 'JT. 2. . . r fwfc t . -:. , . 41: a.' 4, a unC S ,7: ami a 2. . 11 , cli in C r.d ICM" . t,;ocifc asm ''lrt r;(. I'l 'o f k ; pj v- . 11 in bi i in bi it.i-:.! tnd k8 ', f,:r ". l; unOt1' s.1 : t d T f ,? fS : ik b4 i a. i., h'" 7 in b" in 'i lu. 1-K ;ntstr" r Tth. l paper he ,m of IK- Advertrr offlj. :np,ruuice wiU core up for rrd at City Drug Store mrt Arnt, lirownvllle. . at rionegr Stove Store, fresh, at City Prug Store. Ing Plow UcuKcr"8 Store. i for ale by Klriman A Co. one of the r' ' T (1 h. Cone to menu, ana walt upon In tne ncaniifflcrru h ,.tr.--r at Prices very jqw io. Tiie Genuine Holine Flo vr. The Tnuik B.IIr.. 1 j, no nMx n-K" , VAVT tnost varied afrtnieni hand the ln:l and inwt ya" Ne,nHj,tt of fum.iar- and np within Land DiKtrirt, and th y t P mn the rch of all. It" a,1 TV rrH-t. nn; Plow ftt J. C. Pcufier . tm at Smau- A Bell's. , K Plow rioneer Tin Store . rid , at SWAT A T! KOT1I ERS. in;Pl -at J C Deuser . ;oui, at KXALL A BEtia. Ik-am Briklnx riow, at n.t rial Plow, at MM ALL A IJELI. a- Um breaking riow, at warrant Eooa .r,. nd XV.w.&n O-fHns Metanc c-. v- -v-, the FurnUnre line done ou ituort nouoe -- terms. '' ... Buy the Genuine Moline Plow. atera. h tint?"- Ujwn vovor. 1 nm r-u "- - - - g towns. county in im iaiiu ...w . . Rt or in any one v ih- well to cull upon Mr. 4-... tmrti KiiA or ......iii.l.lnnitfK. Will d ::. T " ... . :r.-nt Western Agency, over luum "M" ,rtsusO.V. , Ileal Instate Agent. ice to bur Tobacco Is at Swan .t SMALL A BEIA'S and Oranpef Juat received at V. lloriELLh. n lleam riow,at HolUlng- IIiDUSTRIALPLOV. r T Burltler 1 open 1 ne a much larper per ceuU less t nan INDUSTRIAL PLOW. THE COT- Ha J '- i S'5s . . r . ,,,ncn.flrVr.f PI V I Ml II I" ' . g5j U !! STAPLE A IT 3 X PA2ICT GHOCSniSS 3 (- i h .r i.-M s -- we are selling ai races ua; vi uw jr - 5 - rss m rtp Onlitv of oar GooSa WE DEFI COHPETTnOH. S.-J . 7T-- s . ..t- . .. I 1 Q , f T 758 .11 Kh I x . I 1 1 r I I T-tmrn nr tttp Tn?T i AP PI liKAJSJJS. a: , . ,TFS iV -.v,i iMt it mil .11 ill-1 I fijuun ur , ! t j b -. . r .' i 1 I - ... r I I J W j j fj W iJ llxjdLx.ib X Uiiun x: riuwjyi.ii.'", 1,1 " y .-ii-' i i i4b . . -3 I i ..r 7 s IS HS I 1 If. , l- ! ( o - vcc.m r- . Vvi . o "S nave received the . i " rj ?1 I . f S targest and Best Assonmc O. i 1 d ! n :"""r is y- k frrk ' i- f 7 Ba -3ri u s - 5 --f v.. r fi w 5 y .7.-1 i 1 I , " 1 k , 1 I - IlKll.l-.liA . I s. 1 V. S ia i i 1 rj ru : 225 1-, ... I v : - . y ' 700 JJIlrj a h' .rrr-iTTV TTT-.VIi: V b Gold rules at SI 81; Wheat, $120; 1Goof be market foreotton staples ISlef&W firm well supported. t ATTLE. 1 '"f" "AJ" Hh o rood de- it T?, market closed wltn a K"ou ue- - The Reason Xanvch" Tot'aikedthl.seaon.U ur i"U Hirninst !,2'W last. ... &iS-Tte market Is firm, with an advance on suar. GROCER! A5D PUOBUCE SIAIUtET. FLOUR Winter ? sack hjirinz . a)UN ? buiihtjl, MEALV t'usnei .. uii'i iV TTams "39 ... ..,1 w. " Sides r1 1' t rrr f'jinutil f1 ... -1 1 . . v . - - , t. vii't w eta... " Suaar Iloutie Y gal COFFEE d avu y t 44 Ilrtll lh ... CHEESE New York Factory 'f . Oonntry E TEA Imperial in ise all who want groceries, HWAS A bftQTIlEiUi. a iitun riows, at IlolUlng- Wagaiiit sold and warrant- 11. Sugar and Tea at Swan A ;.t GrM at Lett s Drug oadcast treder, for saleby Potato, Onions, Ac at Swan i kinds of Game and Foultry rkct. heat Flour, and New York SHALL A liELL S r Corn Planters, Improved iberger l'.ro.. Agents. .IncPlow-2iT.A Il-Smlth r (uuc by J. C lX;uinr. NVIIcot A lS-tf ock Hogs hy Eli tomrrt Wsntrd by B. wnvilie Jialrymaiu B. Mess Robert Tf.are A Co Hrownville. ebraska. dustrial Flow of ln,r Ld er runnlun P ow - -mend when first pui i" i"e k it to the Farmers of 'MSTROXO. Kemaha Ca. Ave miles west oi ionuc.u. The Genuine IllePlor. wew Marble TardThls lnstltutlono iA,, in thiH peciiou. Siedby Clas: Neidhart A Co on Main K Sixth and Scxentli. Ihey bav" a "ahop already built.and will auk work in , El so le, .a amply shown by J on handTahd we already know their prices are very reasonable INDUSTRIAL PLOW- of " Tofl c last Saturday afternoon, and at ?irted a partial orgauitition by enroll ng tlTe nameTof freent, and owning the UksaUIo l-vday s Drugstore lor the stgna int Ti all who wish to become members is.Vs 1 he meeting aujuaiu -- at t'he (!oiirt H.x.m at 1 o clock, Saturday a- lernoou, March Uih. i;i!ickr," --- 1 1 W CANDLES-StarVR. ttt Dried 1? It) rn riiEs uni ? ro in IT ATO KS V bushel COAL OIL?. gaUon- KfHiS V dor. m'TTFK p fo HONEY V ft ONION V tuf-hel LIT MBElt Cotton wood per 1U0 2 w ' ftek, " w?lnut ."5 """"rr KX 2 OU SUlUl.r ' ' s o,kvt7 50 7 00 7 50 6 00 M 150 1 Flue LATH Cottonwood per 1000. Fine ; OOT Dry Hard per cord IIIDF-S Dry per ft " Ureen WTI EAT Fall per bushel " Spring WOOL per - 1 80(751 OK 3x325 ever brought to the city of BROWIN VILLE, consisting of Sofas, Folding Lounges, y DRY GOODS I GROCERIE S YANKEE NOTIONS SPECIAL 3f OTICES. TMnre to Tonne 3In. last nublLshed in a sealea enTeiopt. 1 1 1T1W S1A l-rnm. . f I iuiv trMtnienl. ana nu v" I llTOIUIlUtQ r.uiwiww. - J. . " itr. nnfl ImreciTnents K; ,-,; Mental ItOBKij?Tj: fHvtKWtlX, AU- nrovM fn.m h own expenem that he awful eA-nuem-e of j.r-b,ni5'l? 't1 Sn ... j J,ih.t mlicme. and without aan- CrocKen, asm m mi st. Josi:rn, "io. rfnim aurcical Kperations. boucies. v ...1.. ...intm.'nnt & nMKief n"'":'""."; .vr wilierr. no ceruun ana ri.wM... -v hjmw.(f rhTr v nrivnielv and mrtically. THMLirri" fauva a liooN tolHowiK a"i Thoi- f,AN I4- jk 1 . .nv .ddress. In plain sealed envelop on treeVipl of sU centor wu pose tamps. Alsu.I.W-erweu -.-a- l'x; Bflrr. New York, 1. O. j6. Secretaries and Bool Cases, OSce De&lis. "Waali Staada, i5ii:rs!!, HOSIERY AND WHITE GOODS. And ery olhr tlnd ot Good, kept In Store. which . wUl IM. ail I P IE Steel I uaij j,r:ct t 12-fy s H(ock of Groceries wn for cash. received rket price paid for wheat, oats, dlrd A Uandley. rtment of Itdy'a. MiseR' and ahm. cheap forratsh, at Den s. ,P Ylatgar, Factory Cliecse, jminy Jut reeeivd at Swan A .rdrn SeeAaWarranted au la the market, at the City Drug. -.-Hah Ale and Iublin Stout iu Yalleau's Wholesale A Itetail . F. Wllian'i New Meat Market Corn Fed iwf and Fork In Ne y. i Mow SU Icroln, on the2nth of double set of Itnpgy Harnetss. J. Fatteiwox. .11 storm struck a portion of our iay, only touchiug north of At- . 1 f" rli . ri"i Box 1'hilaUeli-hia. Fenn. Bny the Gp.nnnis Holine Plow. jk. Terrible Accldent-A terrible accident hap"ned u a l,iUe dauUw of Mr Wn intniscitv last Friday evening. W hile sne m gofngrdown into tne basement lorMme thiiic with a candle in her baud, her clothes r-iuKU T fire, winch she did not notice aiid w en out d!.r after w.kkL when tne hre he rn "tanned l v the wind at onceenveloped her in flames, sshe was terribly burned ere the tire could be extinguished; so much so that her recovery is dispairedoL INDUSTRIAL PLOW. HalrBfw-Ve again present our readers witn a new advertisement ol Ilali s Yegewhie Sicilian Hair Ket.ewer, that popu lar and meritorious article for restoring gray hair to ii original growth. The weiern a-encvisin the hands of Messrs. Cook, t burn A Co., Chicago, the jopuiar advertising . Tt, wholesale trade say the sales of Hair Hair Itenewer exceed that ot ati.y pro prietary art i"l which retails for As this is tlie sixth year it has been in use b our people, and tlie sales steulily increasing T .11 ai,.t .kii,.cirfn I Tlri C Sa Try lU u-siy Wasted. Teaohers StudenU. and other intell'srent Men and j ,J tf"-rK ii,. ravine to per mnth. 1 alalftrTfor- X-- nrilf mad Bridecroom. f.,r voiini tnen7n the interesting relations of t t. tr. Krkle in the institution of Jlarnajre. A Ouitle to the matrimonml Wieity. t nr riu n aiu . ... iiji pest i '-c h rtTT -Jr CTr.n Tin! j Whenever yos are in iowh tau duu oeo ua- Corner 3ialn and Second Streets, U il II Ul 66. ItlcPaerson's Klocfe, mrORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL D11VLER IN !-" Wason, Carriase and Hov Woodworks. Snrinsrs. Axes, Axel Tire Bolts, Nutts Saws. etc. Ciis irons. Skillets an i:i.ACIvS32ITII Hand Hammers, MTTTUTTivf j r;oT)S. Ox Ox Shoe nails, ShoYeis ana ricK,y. v. ,tuu- . . 1 Eagle MoYrers, nTen'. I lLormic b Kallers HoreCom Planters, Sulky Cora Cultivators, Hand Hy lSi et rairbank'. Standard ScAIw. s, Phove!,, fpadc .Fa. r .. " , - and Wa.cra.a.lS, iioje .j. . -."" , ?:t,,,And: ri,1?. 4 , -c v..t'. nr,i S.l Irons. d Lids, Stew pot. i -rrsrcand XlAlTl Knxx Tuyre Iron, &c. 1 urt .t. ii- f ' C. Hubs, biKjK cs and Bent- Keapern and Mowers. Slillera. Corn Inducements Bny'n" rrrv gools djrect from manuractnrers I offer gre:it sto Wholesale. Bxvjcraat Constable's Iron and Sf eel "iTarchouftJ la-uy ,1S6T. CANE EOCIvEES, Varse Rockers. Dining and Breakfast Tables VnvritArf Erf hu" Office, Tarlor and Dining Room Chairs, and evervtmng nsuiuiy iouhu m PURNITURE STORE! 12-l-ly To Phyalciaaa. ICew Y'okk, Aaguat lith a n. m a mil iron . . . . . - . . 1 . . i ix .I " ThWnt part areBuchu, lng Leaf, Cubete, Juniper llerries. .,-, M(i;ik or jku-jba"".'-"""- M 5 CO S B. A. TISBEI in vacuo. Ju- Cu- n'mr Hemes bv diMilation, to form a tine ko. Ju-r-rimLr ,v .iwoiurement bv liquor obtained I win 1 - . . ; . 1 .t.t -,..,. A Juniper Berriea. tt.iiuumnK rr 1 ""- i proportion of spirit, and more palatable than The active properties 1 it must possess which are claimed for it. Ua Eve and Ear Infirmary will March 1st, lvia. when lr. Kim- glal Ui uiM'l the afflicted. Uara and Exieee I See ad- of AruericanSliuttle Sewing Ma- advertising columns, Ilalne'a Trcmium Grain and sth W. 11. Nauman's lmprove- by F. A. Tisdel Vx. tved, at "VV. T. Den's, a fresh -aw CJtlf and Kip. sinule and loots. No. six to No. thirteen J r any lody. ifBU. The nronertv owners v between First and Second and .antic, are iiavlg aaid alley gra nd contractors ahould read the anient Tor cavalry horses. In to ilere is a good chance for a spec- Cantoa Clipper PIo-rts, AT Sbcllennercr Bros. r Is getting the lumber on the new building on Main street, be- mtid second, one door below ilc- .'urniture ahoji. riooTer, Ileal Estate and Insu .is prepared to make out all pn ,ry to tie conveyance of Ileal Es- t'ourt Iiootn, lirownville. r prepared to mnke contracts for .inds of Stone Masftn Work, on i and reaatHiable terms. Adver- k 11 in ruer snme as usunl. TIM McLAUGIILiy. r Blacksmith Shop, corner of Sixth 4 now in full blast ; and Mr. lrlce, or, invite the public to give him e believe him to be a thorough gen- Orcana. I will sell and deliver Fnrdett's voii.jmi tr-,r:iiiK. and Mason and Hamlin Met roiK.Htau orgaus. for the following prices, until lurther nonce is given: Nntionai v ai- ,i-..r. e.-u iirtm r one st of reeils. wiui . imnvjnm sua: five octave, two sets, of ,.iw v.. Ktona. containing vox humanus. iiu. MetrotMditan. style A, imuioim-,i. Mt of reeds, with Tremulant, S1W, tiveoctave. two sets oireeus, ue Address JAMES R. m E, tf Lrownvllle, Neb. 1KDUSTR1AL PLOW. In olden ttmea, when the farmers plowed with acrK)ke.l piece of wood, they believed thev liad reached perieetion, "u nVhave lxen persuaded that any belt er ever 1.1 k.,tio ri!eblilltuink.inai ,, levels letter than any thins of the kind' that can be mmle The Improve ment in the manufacture of Flows is in pro portion as the Flows that have been soh! here lor the past live years is to the wooden plow I .iL T.wi,.Ktrini Flow to the Plows that have !een sold heretofore. Every one can le . i r tii ov v . 1 m lion convinu iuai im -j Tcare A Co., sole agents. Canton Clipper PIoyts, AT Shcllenberger Bros. Grand U our friend Geo. Empson we have d with a copy of the LincM. Jiui- amforti Mercury, England. It is a and interesting sheet, and gotten old English style. arday was as inclement a day as ! this aection for many a year; in vrdtoimaicinc anything In the way - more sol It "blew, snew, friz, xz.lel, mUxled, and was very cold. tel Grants vou will find a pood "thing. IiooIk and shoes, leather, k finaincK, dry goods and groce- Men are No. 1. and which he is ;or cash. Ciill and see. iMacnral Concert.. Thotisrh Gen. Grant requested tne post poneiueu 1 ui Inaueural lltillat Washington, he has manl r....i .iro t. lmvi other amusements stopwvl on the evenina of Inansmratjon day, and of this privlbtre tiie Western MinstM ...iii 1 1 tiimst lvii bv rlvintta urana ton- r' o,.i Kntertkiiiment on theeven- .r inn.i, atii Thev have for this oeca Froirrnmnie and wiUproduee orlsinal comodies ou that eveninsr. They tiave maoe uru mnwrnnitj as will lnsnre a fund of amuse- , a irmnd vocal and Instrnmental ill l,.vfr nf arood music and fun should attend. Canton Clipper Plcuns, AT trotn J KmAll anv now in itss. untie extracted. . . . .. ,a nr Buchu. as rrrparea ny jjtukisw "T dirk color. It it a plant mat enuu u. . Jtion of a ihune destroys th jinuirt.w pn"ci rle) leaving a dark and Klutno'is riecoetwn. Mine U 1 M r of inKrelient.s. The Bticfcu in mr prepa ration rredommutes: uie pnianw-. m"" other mcreuienLH are auoea. u picr... twin; upun inspection, u m ",u""."'". " Tincture. a Diade PliarmalKea. nor u it a Syrup land therefcre can lie used in cases ware"eror infliiinatifin exists, in uj e ot the iju.Ted.eutsan.lthe mode of preparation. Honins that y..u will favor it wn a a trial, and that utiou iiriiw-etiou ' W1U nieei mi jwn i'i" 1 am, verv r-iie-t!ullv, ' ft. T. IILLM'liOLrJ, s... j nf 11: Wan' Kiuerince in l'Uimdili.lua. and now located at hw l)niir and From the largest aianulacturing Chemist in the t . .m,n!ntnl with Mr. H. T. rfelmbold : he occp)''l tlie lruu' Store opptwite my resideuce. and was mihcessfut in coiiducliui; the business where i...i m t hn Miimllv mi before him, I tae been favorably ircpreM?,! with hia character and en Wll l.I AM WfJOHTMAX, Firm of Powers A Wcizhtman, ManutactnnBcr Chemist, Ninth and Itrown btrei-ts. Philadelphia. ,1 1.-, vtTBicr Bremr. for weak- nw nrisins from indisc retion. 1 he exhaustea pow -t-rs ofNaiure which are aoi-omrmnieil by ao many alarmuu; .iiptms, anions which which wiU be found. lunisKitin 10 bxcnwn, i" ui .ur..,. VkefuliiesK, Horror oi inseae. or rumKuo Kvil. in tact. I mversai uwiuiur,inii"'," inability to ent-r into the enjoyment of "MCI.,rtyr k Tuet.nBlitutiinonceiii. i"i ' nesH. requires the aiil of Mlienie to Ktrensrtben , aud BiK-hu invariably does. If no treatment is aubmit UJ to, C'insuniptiMn anfl insanity ensues. HFXMBOI.PS J-l-firi tlTRAfl lio-ni. " tious peenliar to fremaies. unPiraiw u. y"" pretuinition. as in Chlorosis, or Iteteution. Painliil Iiess or suppression of Customary Kvacnations, L 1 ceraied or si hirrus Stateof the Uterus, and all com plaint. incinent to the sex, wueiuer .11.. habit of dissipation, imprudence in,or tbedediue or chance of lire. ,.i. 11 K1.M1M11.I1S H.nil I.ITIA.T ,V . i,.V, F-aoVKD IvOE WASH Will rauHWii from the sysiem diseases arising from habits or ais- aip.tiou.athttieexia-nse no inconvenieuceorc-Mxi", .-"" ---- - -hir those untiie-isanl and danireroua remedies, Lopa vi and Mercurj". hi all these diseases. Use HeimlKild s Fluid Extract Buchu In all duseas e of Uies onrans, whether existing in male or te male. from whatever cause originatinK. and no niat ter 01 now long standui. It is pleasant in taste and "immedisie" in action, and more strvnetueu- inc than anv 01 me prepnmiiows ui " - i r . .ntYrinff irtini broken-ilown or dehcate constitutions, prture the remedy at once The reader must --.r.--- mar be the attack o.' the above diseases. 11 is cenm $25 $25 THE AHER1CAH SHUTTLE SEWING 3X.VtL;ixArs-i- I, retailed at a price -thinthe reach of ,1 Tins Machine uses a straight needle, mnes tl.e Iakk Stftch ?alike on both sides,, has a self adjusting le sion and can do even: variety of sewing. It w ill aion, - - . oulit tuck. ru3;e and father: will work finally well on silk, linen woolen w cotton goods, with silk, hnen or cotton thread. THE AGSICULTUIIAL WifflOUSK THE LARGEST DEPOT OF E-ABaal i)li4la3riSa-Jaa i - IN Kf 333 33 13 3HS- - n a I James A. Jackson Co., W HOLESA LE STAPLE AND FAHC, GROCERS CommiMKion 31eroliniit, No. 107 North 2nd St., ST. LOFTS, MO. h..: ,t, f 'r.Mn'1--.- lrodueesf)HtltetI. i this branch of busi- r rum tun i -v - . ness.and by jtlvins it our we feel eontident we can mtiKe it to in terest of parties to glve-us their aiiipicn.a. 4-r-iy , , , Union Foundry and llachina Siop, AMERICAN SHUTTLE - S e YringMacbirie IS f Warranted for Five Years U .3 Our aeents will he scpplied with duplicate parts of the Machine. In euse of acri:i"f:t. It make-Precis y tue sine stiH-h made oy tne Miuter, i.-. v .... R.,ii.rme and Florence Machines. It has the under feed, l,ke the best 01 nntnpricniiinK.iiii".-"."-oulv low priced huttle niiM-liine in the market that i, ;.. lA v un- rnnliel to fcll a first class shuttle Machine at a very low price, on account of Its simplicity, ami consequent low cost of manufac turing, iu comparison wiiu m.u.u. AGENTS. TV. rici. tn nrmnire wilh Acents. male or female. to repiwnt the American Shuttle Srwins Machine in each State, County aud Town in the Viiiled stales and Ontario. Kxtra inducement to Experienced A (rents. For full particulars, as to salary or com mission, address. 3 ft Bnniside, Crowtter 6 Eogers, rKoritiEToiis , ... c- T.w-rli "ffV I Cor. 8tli an.l Jieswauie .--, - Elinttlo ftl 111 nim LnmnaP r M 3 fl Al HPHrtirPM A" a Family Sew in- Machine it 1 e OlDQ II LlldlliuOliiUUU uiiuuuiiuu cmllcil t0 OOI I TRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, llos. 2 & 3-21annIacturins Ml nf nil xin e OS. t no- I5ill Worlis Tn Prmiti made to or.lor on alio tice, and satisfactory to all p:irt --- T Also anent for Gardener i lUilrtson s Im prove. 1 1 'at en t Govern' r. 1 v JOH PISGEK 4 - """" PINGEK DO UGIVfe, Wholesale Dealers in xlmpiro Patented Feb, U, Td. 1. lU. r.ECErvnD Tin: Fin.sT rr.izi: AT TI1S Great Fair of the American Instituia In New Ycrk, Oct. 2, VCT, And IHshest Premium for Best HanTifactTiring Llachme At Tarls Exisisitiuxi, July, 1st. Jfo. 1 Family 3Iaenlne. This Machine Is oiK?rurt-I on a new princfrV of met l -.nism, iwaew.!H5 ftianv rare and lr. nie .i.,iii iii. i . x:.iii!H"'l v l(i nrtVii-ftt-s. o.i" pnlfoniKl exjHTt. and rrwoUfKid to be aimjmuty TUnTiow'.'ire princ.pul object- uri iriuiit nrwinij ma-l4iies : 1 .;Xcessve .'a:;i:e to the rrerator. " Liability to a-t oiit of nni. r. Hwn trouble, and hwa of tirr hi wxiirire. 4 Incnpacitv f. ew ever ctt-T ix.ou of nijlrri. ! iJisasrnsiuhle noise l.ile in operation. The Empire Sciriny 3n"hiii'l Exempt Jrvm all these Objection. - Ti I'-vs a Mr .i.'iit NS. IVrridimi!ar .etinn. mak-i the ln-k orshuttlest.ivh.whieh a "' rp nor ravel, aud is ahke on l-rth .sue-: pert-.m pertect xewina en every d-ufWMin af with cotton, linen or thread, from the coarsel to the finest numlier. It Hem.-. Fells, Hind, r.mias, lucas, Quilts, Plaits ana Outlier. -,m no aapertr. net Iniprov.! ; Maeiine Thev have been thoronehiy t-'.-i on"'" '3 rriptiim of Cloth and U-.ber Work., nuinmj by hteaxu Tower at the rale of 1 ,200 Stitches er utc. IYodnHnjr more than d.Hible the work of anr Oliv er lumle Machine now in ose: the t-u-h s t sf.l. uniform and tieauf. ul : they are n;ih- iu 'r': ,..iersixl. and n.t 'V ha-'ne to e-.t -u ..r r;:M tt-rt.t and r" Ofwnaratively niMrl For T.irni or U uiirf-r Win k wedaiai that i only k"iu1. bnt nucti mi- u.o lout ever oeeu ui.t 2-- :er nv otaer . 1 nf 1 machine taai un c ri -tu - QUEEKSWARE, GLASSVIAREjireSeTriiigllarih. Co &C.AC No. ".Fonrth street. , r WELLS r.ICIIAEI HEDUCHD PRICES! G. V. IT. Andrews, General Agent, Detroit. Mien to afTect the bodily health and me nul powers. j 11 t alinve Oisenses reooire iircmn. of a IMuret- Helndiold a Extract Ihicnu ia uipcrem 1. 1 41 ir S.ill by linunnsut (verjum-. " ' '..'l.L ''V botOe, or aix rwiUles for v-i. Jeie ""-"- Warehouse. 5:H Bnad way, . ,,Ij t--. . -V" . . . .a Iinmna llTtlaaiK Ci; III- l . ill mtt;i-ii r r .r-" , - luminal rravea wraniier, uu n-uuuc j Warehouse, and signed ,rTIfVr. X B. For the benefit of our agent we have TUci with nnrties who have (ioods suitable . ..... u.iili.e Aleuts to selL We will send atock r mmniM nnd full narticulars on receipt of one red stamp. Adoreai Ui V. 2Ji Audrews, General Aent, lletruit. Mich. FL0EENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSIBLE FEED FURST Sl - BHABLBIT'S SULKY AND WALKING CULTIVATORS! efor vlCTOIHOlJS AT ALL FAIRS. ST. JOSEPH. MO. -'! v tVhead of all in tlie Field ! Order Early Ugar IMPRtTVED CAYUGA CHIEF liar Imilrn 1 'r Sheilenlcr?er Eros. Armliape'a New Store is the your KriMvries, fruit, drieil aiul woolen ware. Their goods are t in with cash, and tunm thewe Liwl of them low. Call aud see Idinjr Stonee Weareiow pre- lsh K'Hxi tiuilviiuu stone, in any .ls. Step Ston"s, 1.AK.-R for Mon arab SUineK, Water Tablea, etc.. :i short notice and reasonable IiOUANCI-: VlLSEV. - larsT" amount of Iind and r aale in Chss. E. Mcpherson "a Column. He mesna busin.-ss; .o cither wish to purchase or a ll :ter than r him, as he advertl- ty left with him for sale. ad Odd Fell-awa' IlaUe-Tliere lonser tie a itouht that these so sd erecting a commodious Hall -ly In the prine. They Imveae h"t on Miiiu striH-t, let ween ThiH and will erect a bui Mine that will nd ornament to our city. atlTa.l. The ladies of theM.E. : give a prand Festival In Ms 1. on Tuesdav evening, March 3d, .t of Iv. D. IL May. The eiti- 4-nviileaJid vicinity are respect- i to attend. Tickets at the door. rr. The lee In the river blocked ' lay evening:, and remained closed erdav morninz. The fnrr taiax -ai trips Monday and was runninsr -terdav. as the ice broke looae and ehan'nel in fnmt of eur city last r our ettjr can lie seen heap of of brick and lnmler,etcfor bulhl Ma, Jnd!atltia; the Intention of o eroot buildinirs tm soon as the openv In eoln-r the ronnda this we eoanted ae-cnteen such pros nd are sure tli 'liieJl was not shown iaturdav Evenlnn JVf, published by -son & Co FbiUilelphia, comes to ns is. with a new leadlnir story, entitled , or the Tide of Ente," iy Amanda M. ,1 This paper is certainly ntaktr.!; a efton ta piensj; the pnUic sikI we with sueoesa, It is utieTCtM-ned for ;uteiwfung reading matter, t- Aeeitlenle A nearlv fatal accident hap- ncrifsl 10 two of the children of J. M. Hacker, rnr CrtuniT- Ph-rk. nfiar Nemaha City, last Frldnv. Thev were driving team of horses. w-hin the Kent on which they were .H.ivl niw!nit:ilin!T one. a rxiv of allOUt twelve vearsof aire, in l'k of the horses and 1. The horses took frisht. ,,rr. l-i..L-imr ihAfhild on thft head, and the waron wheels passinc over his che?t. The otiier Ikiv was considerably bmiRe.1 up. tint Kfins toendanirer nis me. ncn uie two were lound, the latter had eome to the ss.sistance of his broth t. and was sittinu up supjiortliia; his hesid. We are pleased to learn that there is hopes that nolliing tital vrUl grow out of the accident. H0USE,S1GN,CARRIAGE, Ornamental painting;, Gtillding, Glazing, Papernanging, Ho. 15 Hain Streat," (One door esist of Hank & Holtzlnper's Quevnswareand Grocery store,) BR0VNVILLE, NEBRASKA. LOUIS T7AU5TER. rnicc J. Pfeiffers1 il n 11 I 1. J1U 11 mT?NFH GthandST. CHARLES Sts. W""m ST. JOSEPH, MO. . Also Dealer In LILIE, HAIR, CEI.1EHT, PLASTER WHITE SAND, FIRE ERlCK, Ae- Ac Ac., ir. ll-Fdy 1 -ON. . St. Jospft. Mo. General Asen!s N. VT. states and Territories. J.5.SchcncIi, Agent, vl2-Sl-l5m f:r nvi..e. Ayer's Cathartic Piib, Por aU da purposes of a Xaxz-t ji w. CO. jre -T, frf. $125.00. nlO-tf AVe have heard nlrtsadv some electioneer Ins alsmt a new fitv Council. The "outs want "in," and the cry lis theold funcil lacks enersr-. It mav have seemed that way "to n man up a tre, " but to those who read their proeeedinirs it. will 1 aptarent that they did aitinttieir power 10 have eon tracts let. tJ&- pecially has this been done for opening Main street. ant slsnauy failed. ow.theon!v way In winch any rradiii2 e:in leaccompUshe1 is not necessarily by ousting the old Council and -e know of no meralier thereof but h:il rat her bo excused from serving anot her term wt bv actinc in siwh a wav aa to give peo ple faith in the bonds! Iet merchants mrree to Invest in them to a certain extent, take in a certain amount for ?ok1 and cease trrnmle lins.tiiat will acri'.miiiih the work. Faith in the lknds will do more, than a New Council or grumbling! xTnrir-R OF DISSOLUTION. l Vntiw i herebv eivett that the firm of J. L.Mdiee A Co., composed pi J. MC,,elm! Homer Johnson, has been mis iuj u... e,..r.L These indebted to us will comer a favor bvcaiUtiK anu stiiiii)? mt r a"" r" books must be squared immeujtteiy. We bereoy tender to our friend and the public our sincere thanks ft part favors, and ref jieciuiiy continuance ot the same w me Vi ir IlOMidi JUU.Mio-''. BrownvUle, Feb. 16th, ISfii. TTavimr assumed control of the poods and busi ness of the firm of J. L. McGeeCo.. "erequesi h-M frwiuituf the house and the public jrenr- . c. mjrsniwnc to keep up in every reflect the fame of taut urm fur fair dealing EorTing Llacliines AWARDED THE Cuts Six reel! -A; HIGHEST. PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBITED. 15-3t Bny th.B Gsnnhs llclino Plow. ICIlbonrn, Jenkrna & Co. Manufac turers and Wholesale and Retail dialers In all fcinds if line 1 .urn tier. Lath, shingles. Pickets-, Sh. Blinds, Doors, liattens, etc OSiceand Lumlier Yard corner 4ih and Main streets. Branch Yardat rheipsCity.MissourL We manufacture our own material in the Fineries of Oshkosh. Wis,, when? we have in cieratlon otre of thelnnrest mannf;ic1uria of evervtlilnz made in Fine iu the world. and obliilnitrj our Laml-er direct irom the tree, es we do, we can sell at lower rau-s than any Lumber Yard in tle Wot which jay one wiiolesjileand one or two retail promts. YVe shall alwaya keep on hand a full sn-r 'y ol everythins In our line, so that those in want mav alwoys rely npon cettirnr wliat they de sire. We id m ply ajt aU t-oexamine our stock and prices U'Lue purch;isingcl.sewh4;re,rS we ciiu iri'.ii.'.ctxan ta butlu TSSni.ITTION NOTICE. Notice la herebv elven that the firm Knnw b . ....i,ei fnr tin. oornose OI il- d.K-tinsthe Stir Hotel, in this city, has been this day ftvisoived by mutual consent. D Feb, 16th, 18. I. O. CTriS. C, i:0. WiUTE, THE ONLY ONE Camable of Srwlns In More than eat Direction, A5D Fastening all its own Seams, vrrmouT STOPriyo the macuixl Oil TUJiSLXU TIIE VL0T1I. It USES and WASTES LESS THREAD than any other, and will commence a seam without holding the ends of the thread. JOHNSTON'S SELF-RAKE. sweistalies of the World ! I Ohallexige all Self-Eakes to a Trial, machine against HacHne I m m ."a t .... . ' i jjji li tj ik. -i.v M. WYETII & Wholesale Denier In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Harness, Skirting and aH kinds of SADDLERS LEATHER & HARDWARE, SADDLES, BRIDLES, ante l to &.i ."e- cmih, j4f: lUinin? ncit-ter cai-wl or any .ieicw uas dro-. y mav he with -eifety by anj bo... .-t.e 7 '.-T;7q ThehwwwlllheTftlmdiirt rt TJenTTtr or Pi' -no son it Cross. Mr. Stevenson mi, nitf jHiamn. 1 1 1 uu n m.uuj ui iiuu interest in the aauie. " ALL V130A.XtX: The BrownYille Transfer Line, Under tbe management of JAC0B IIOGIHIS, It now KuQuir-s Kepalar Ouroibusses from -Erow-nville to tie Railroad Terminn of Ui ElutTs and Si. Jomtph Bal Iroad, At ITcrtn Star, lip., Two lilie froni Brownvilia sod Xort Star Ferry Landing. Good Omnibus. Close Coni.ectiC.Sir -tf C2iarcs Xlotlerate. GOODS EQUALLY -YS WELL. OY Eli SO, OOO MA CHIN ER SOLD SINCE 1SCL jfcg-Send for Beports and Orcaiars. . VfTL E. PLA5T, General Agent, 613 KOItTII FOURTH ST ST. LOUIS, 210. J. Tt IIEXDEKSON, Drowntlll, 3f o ivy . ... J W Ui4klVr'U 1 ents f'-r Ditson's Circular Saws and MAIlVIfl'S bAfhi. No. 6, South Third, bet. Felix 4 Edmond Sts. T JOSEPn.IO. 4-31 y SOElU'ilBKB IIo. 74, 3Icriicrson8 Clock, Sole Agents In Sen them Nebraska, Atchison and Holt Uounty Xio. lor STUDEBAKER - WAGONS. BEST WAGON IX USE, la V'J i e ! : " I !- 1 1. n.r U f . ' - -J - -n - M S' fc-le TWO LIEU DO THE BINDIIIG and RIDE ALL THE T7XHL2 Samples Sow on Hand of all tlie lacliines xve Sell! lOTTl i4;--.VwL iO at And see if I cannot suit yon In goods and FRICE9 ! I buy my Machinery by the ear load thus saving freight. A fa snrply of all kinds of Farm Machinery in their season. P.. JL Tisdel d Co., Cor. lit JL Atlantic SU., Erownville. WV :"s-'-- . '-V:'. IHLlPUn, AIID HQT7ZH. THE DEST HI THE WOULD !! ALSO pL!rr2:n LA! Lli.u Perhaps no one mev-cin-j is o ua.veralty re quired lv eiryimT a a r.Th-irt!.-, nr wad wrer iiy !i.rv iri.T?rvj ly ai 't" I hit" ue. ia every rti wry and .itooc. all ci.v.-'e. a Uiia mi ..4 but tlS-teut panriijT j"i.'f. Tiw ebviou rea son U, tut U i more ro- haoJs ad f-'.r inre eiTco- 'rjiil ru.ncdr than ;her. T"ne woo hi tried it. know Vn.t it enrwl liieii: ff wtv ba not, know that it cure uieir Bei.-imu " ..d all know that what a doe wk :t itiw aiway. that it never Lul Uinuh. a:iy tu-t or i.if it co.-noosition. we nave i.wni' srnd of cert Jcarr. o Uiew reiairsv.. u. u. foUowin? eomUi;it, but stt-.-h cures jr M.raiii CTerv ncihb.irhoo'L.-nxt we ne n-t jay .i-a cont eoaiiiis preserves e-?r i. e .1 an uc tlwtn pleasant tn ttke,wf)i:-j ixsin-r purely Tta- no harm can arise from Uuiir n in any rtai.ry. Thev 0!er.its by tiicir jowct;ui ir... ic-sc oa i-oj internal vi4er. U pnnfy the W.kkS au. win :. A into healthy a-tioa retaovc tm o'eru- t: n rf t-a stomach, bowels hver, an t ouier o.a oi bor'r, ret-"rincr t:."rr Kterrtlar action to he:ih, and by correctir.s, wl5erv'rr tiey ei-t,s-ici mcnta a? am th? lir-ft orii ofiliMjwe. ilmxiie diret-ti"! are siven in tlm nwr on the box, fir the fA jwLij coraploina, wca Ue Jifij nrul)y enre: lor Byiepii or Fd-r-tl. I.ltl ro. Un.-aor and f AppetitNirr ftbouid betaken roo.krtte'.y to ma;-,.c tae i.Jn ah aril restore I he.Vi: v t ir.e wl :;. I've Hver Complaint ac t it vtnon .y-r. fonn, JiilioH llii-!aciie. hick IIei4cl. Janadici or jir.-a Jicliie. iii ! Colie ai-: Tliliou Fever, tnev .fioui I be jts ;ciou j!v t,.ke!i f r each ca.-e, to corre fi.i;.-M action or rcniova L'ie o"nru -jii. which caue i. For Dreatrrr or Iiarrloea, but one ej4 tlO'e is rr',;icr:i 1 1 pj':;irei!. JlJenuiiiti-w, ot. Grarfl. Tw1ie ration of I tie- ilert, laia t Xie Side, j;d(k ar.d X.oia, thev shi.M bj eontinuotie.-r taken, as nrinoU to'ra ta th.siwd arj.n, of t-. svsf.'m. Wu such cu:m.:3 tb,o?e eoojiiwu3i th".;)!!. .r. For IJrorT and Trncul SweTIi-ra U.rr ahould be taSen irt Lirpj and Le.-ueiit djse pr dTte the cT.?it of .1 drus:.: 1 a-rre. For Jm vpression a kir ! -e ho-."d " Uira 3 it pro---fe- tli" 'esrre.l c.:"rt he -iiw-t. rr-APA i''(.,.'ifl'i f?v rrJ.frf" t V- lir:vi" bowels t!it Iseuri-y s-rm, re-to-e thf a".rT', an I invvjrates pe fsvf.-m. I !-! :t io.."- .11-ant3--e wnere iio's..mow derurr-ment e"t. (Mo who iW-U tdorsMv wr.;t. ofte;i 5n I t"!i a ! of the-e;-ii feel da aic iiy her- .. rm-a their eeimtns and rcnovaSaS eJ--ct on ta w,e live a';a"":ita. 13 J. C. -irr JJ X CO., rrrtrHml CUerisis, zorrrLi.. mass., v. s. jl. Sold by TIIE BEST PLOW NOW :IAD, CITY V 7-y a m w- T ww 111