n. v. fuiinas, editor, . To hom nil Communication on Agriculture fhouia iH'iuiiirwevi. , fWASTKDI wish to procure the services ofsornegood. practical. Industrious iwib'T Tjian,,vhQ understands .the cultivation, and trs r ' : ofv-iif Vines, Small Fruits, and Peaches. TouiJ. n itl will give a permanent mid lucra- tK ittlfcX Ad''rcsi ? AA. V n:- rrilXAf. Emtcnrille. Xeh. CW'ho wants tm Make a Fruit Farm f I have forty ucrea of what is known as "P.luff Lands." situate within one mile of Brown- vllle. which I wish improved by being planted In fm'ts. To any one who will prepare the ground ft.r. mi! t.i.ir t It In f.rnoes. readies, and Small Fruit. I will give half the land, when established In growing stock; and I will furnish all the stock to phtpt Uy "d .lumber to fence It The land Is most a .sinVi.J- ad)ptd to frn,t PXOW'mg. A man who Is d.I;kfc:ariyiiiiiisiji3g Limstir in fruit growing, with no othr capital than his labor, can have a chance by calling on, or addressing me by letter. The, best of references required. r III I i J:. If. ITSXA llr-rtrfte, Xrb. A Our Advertisements, h "Vc take great pleasure jn , calling attention to the advertisements in our department. To carry out a great de tire Ui&Vtrtck oi every description Fruit, Forest and Ornamental l-ctcdlLnihis prairie country, and to filrnish ttic-pcople- who desire -to en page In Buch enterprises information; trriirfi Jin, and at, wjiat prices they catrobtain uppliei, has beea ur ol ect. We have been successful in one point, and now we urge upon our peo ple to plant Any given sum, or time expended in planting trees, will pay n larger per cent, than anything else, but yfrdid not mean to write an arti cle onrtho importance of tree plant ing. 1 , ;. j , . The time to plant will soon be at hand. Look over our advertising col timns; see what you would like; where p'ou can get it, and at what pricqf and ioako out your order and semi in early; that you get choice e lcctfenf ; !Th6 motto with nurserymen aii'eccdsmen is first come, first served." "We intend to plant fifty acres the coming spring in fruits, for est trees and evergreens. Our orders are all now in the hands of those from vTr".rTvejurchase.' " - - ------ As we have before said, we will or der for any one, desiring, from our ad vcrtisers, without any charge for our trouble or labor. Ilcmembcr that time and propercare only can give you j an h fruit trees ; lo not tic-lay planting. Hardy Grapes. : At the meeting of the St. Joseph Horticultural Association held recent ly) Sir. I). M. Reichard made the fol loving report concerning the condi tion of Ihe following named varieties of grape vines near St. Joseph, one year old In the vineyards, as to their respective hardiness, through theprcs cut winter: Ives PocJIlng., . .TTn!nJurol llar.a w'Sllglitly injured 1 racl u'k Amber rnlnj ured I'nion Village .. Uninjured Honor's Hybrids, Nos. I, i, 0, 1-1, l!lrninjurel IVoger's Hybrids, No. or KtilemlTninjuml Onno... " n 1 1 1 j u red To Kalon. ..UniiiJure1 Can by ' A u p;ust V n 1 1 i j u ml Norton's Virginia... Uninjured Hartford I'ruiiac Unlnjuml Jk'la k re. -.Uninjured iIei'i- i.i'nt. t rtmi;g growth, but killed tothepronnd Ma x. it on n y Part (ally frozen lor. a:.... ..Hnlf the -wood killed Isutx?lla ...Miule ioor growth tut killed to the ground. Tlncar -. -t'n I n j u rl Jle!eett .....K111ih1 to the ground Allen's Hybrid . .KUlei hnlf w ay J 'ark in. Uu i n j ured Tn ylor s 1J u Uet............-.-. - U n 1 n j u red Martha ...... Green to the tips ( '.oneord..: -Uninjured Cutawba . Uninjured i . m m Nebraska for Grain. .. ,M. W. Iteynolds, Ksq., formerly ed itor of the Nebraska City AV?r, now of the ICansas State Journal, says of Nebraska as a grain growing State: I'NcbraKka stands peerless and unrivaled. It Is aomething to the glory of an young u State to stand in the eastorn mnrkeU at tlie liead of the best wheat growing dlstrli'ts in trUscountry. Thi is theenviable reputation Nebraska fins already achieved m a wheat growing region. The rejxirts of the Agricul tural bureau show that Nebraska grows a grcicr yield and n etterfiuality of wheat to the acre man any oiuer ruue in me c uion. . ' - . v. v j TJy a" regulation' of the Tost Office Department, Seeds, Cuttings, Uulbs, iic caa be mailed in packages notex t ceding four pounds in weight at the "kate of "two cents for each four ounces Jt r.fractlons thereof." By this arange tiTcn:xrson3 residing at a distance can ireadilj' procure any Seeds they may "dciiLrc, at a very trifling cot for trans portation. Most of our advertising patrons will send by mail. TIic Potato Fever. There appears to be a xrfect fever !n the subject of seedling potatoes, especially among our friends iu Ver ,'nonL According to the rejwrts of wIph and values it exceeds anything ;lf the kind before- known, and leaves rtho Jlohan speculation hopelessly in theshade. At the same rate of progress ;jt Will not be long ere the tulip mania .o thestoIidDuchmen will ceae to head the list-of tuberous speculations. Of 'the Latent acquisition in thepotatodiue 't,rnnniy tho Oreen Mountain farmers, yen rxchance savs: Sixteen specimens "so!i fortS-3; twelve for $815: one Torn leuw ; one for a&ilver tnouuted harness ; n i the ordinary quotation ' is "apiece. As a proof ot its productive ness, it is stated that a man who paid lat year $20 for one eye, raised from it ,thcpast season, potatoes for which he liiati realized $75U cash, and has three potatoes left. !, Yhile in New York, a few weeks iaeet we were assured by a gentleman, nmewhat ' interested in agricultural Circulations, that he had offered for ftuifj! jotatoc of a new varietj' originating in Vennotvt, four hundred ' dollar (4'Jv!!) lie intended to make .Uu'elf whole by propagating from -?'Jrs and selling -the plants in the "tM-iiic. The valuationof the owner of the ptato may be inferred when we add that the offer of our acquaintance was refused. ILt. The best gait ahorse ever hnd f r 'every day use, is a good walk. It is a gait not one in ten possesses. Colts jozc not trained to walk in all the East ern States. Young America wants more speed. Kentucky has more good wt-Ikh-rr horses than any other State, for there horseback traveling has long been in fashion for men and woman over a country, where muJdy roads at times render any otucr gaitlm possible, and so horses have been bred to the saddle and traiued to a walking gait. This is also the case in all the "Western StrJes. and nerhans might have been biiu New England, when ourgrand- u;t.hers rode to meeting on a pillion lK'?::r)d cur grandfathers. But one hone witgoivj have put horseback riding out of f.liion, and now a good walking hore is more raro thaa one that can trot a mile iu 2:10. Do vou wMi to try the Bcupperuong er the famous "Wild (loose Plum? Soo udvutL-cuicut of Nursery, luka, ML - Tnr. Brro-riNC.ToXf Nuhscriks, through their cr,ere"ctic agents in this section, J. K. Teft&Co., invite the patronage of the public through our agricultural columns. Mr. Teft has delivered an immense amount of stock in this section during the past two years, and has given general satisfac tion. IU'miiy be k en ' at any tine in thiscitv. and we aid vise all to order early. See adverli?einent. 4 ... L, ' 'm t tn Ske the advertisement of Geo. A TVitr. the irreat experimental eecd farmer of Chamlersburg, Pcnn. Mr. I). enjoys a world-wide reputiition in that line, "and wilLfurnbh j'oil auy thing you want by mall; or, if large quantities are. wanted, by express at! snof-ijil raes.-: f ' " " - - c M 4 .: . ..- . - - t - . Isidok Bush & Son, Bus bbcrg. Mo, arc, making specialities of grapes and small fruibvand pfjer indueetaenfs to those in want. They advertise with usjo-day. Their long experience en ables them to ask with confidence a share cf public patronage. "''Tjioutson; llyi:iy &"t(j.''7Brb6k-J iidd, Mo., offer great inducements to fruit growers in this retrion of country. The idea of-uauuirga fut packing ami pre-paying freight is new, but impor tant. Send for their catalogue. Prepare Scetls for riaudng. Duringthe comparative leisure time of winter the farmer thould do every thing he can Xo shoiteiK.his work Li the spring; for then work will press upon him, and he will be tempted to do some tilings slightly. Procuring seeds is sometimes atten ded with diiUculty, and requires time that would hardly be missed now, but would be a' very serious loss in plant ing time. To illustrate: Your oats last year were mixed with foul seed, and at the county fair1 3'ou'saw sam ples of very fine oats exhibited by a man who "lives ten miles from, you, and who has seed to sell. Yoirueci- ded to buy your seed oats of hipi. With very little troublS j-ou can now get them, and have them ready against the time of sowing; but if you wait till that time your team must be taken from the field for a dajvthe roads may be almost impassable, and there is a chance that the oats will all be sold before you get there, and after all you will be compelled to go home and so"w yourown oats and weed seed.' "To avoid any such dilemma let all the seed needed for the coming season be secured at once. Care should be ex ercised in this matter, especially in selecting grass seed; look sharp for sorrel among clover seed ; get the pur est, if vwj hare to pay a high price for ft. . It is a good plan for farmers who live some miles apart, and on different kinds of soil, to exchange seed; es pecially is this true of potatoes y in some cases it makes a difference in the crop almost as marked as in crossing the breeds of animals. If you live far from a store you should supply every deficiency in your stock of garden seeds the first oppor tunity, and test the seed by sowing in a box prcjared for the purpose, and kept in the house. &t. Louis Journal of Agriculture Save the Native Osage Orange. During the time of the greatscarcity of the Texas Osage Orange seed, on account of the war, the Prairie Par mer suggested the feasibility of mak ing the most of the seed that grew upon Osage of our own part of the country. A great many people who lived in the neighborhood of neglected hedges, whose -plants had grown up into bearing trees, profited by the sug gestion and secured considerable seed that proved very valuable. This prac tice has been kept up in many locali ties, but still much seed goes to waste that might much better be made use of in these dajrs of hedge planting. It is an easy matter to gather the or anges, and not a great deal of trouble to get out and preserve the seed. If the oranges are subjected to freezing and thawing during winter, they be come 'soft,--and the seeds arei easily separated' by washing in water. Then, if not wanted for immediate planting, it should be properly dried without heatingor moulding, and is of as much value as that brotigh from the South, and some contend, some better. . In 1SG4 Mr. C. K. Overman wrote the Prairie Farmer: "It may relieve the anxiety of the prairie farmers to know that there is a fair prospect of having a sufficienej' of seed for the eouatjy, grown on prairie soil in a few years, at farthest. Had we known, on "its first introduc tion, that the . seed would, certainly mature, and especially could we have apprehended the present emergency, we should now have - have an abund ant supply of home grown seed, and the rebellion could not in anywise have interfered with the great enter prise of live feaeiiig. on the-prairies." Hoards ami Kalis for Fodder. Farmers are sometimes annoyed by their cattle gnawing boards, bones, &c. We do not prooose to rrind ud "boards and nails for fodder1' and give it to animals with such a perverted taste. We were thinking merely how much fodder might be saved iu many barns by a dose of boards and nails adminis tered, not to the cattle, but to the barn in which cows and other animals are kept. Not long since, while looking over tnc premises or a neat ano thoughtful farmer, and admiring his warux stable,' pig-pen' and slujdrfor manure, he remarked "that little funny --article in your paper .about boards saving hay, written- bj'dme ixKly ltuius JSutting, .sq., in Kan- dolph, Vermont, "was 'worth- a :yoti.tU subscription to- me. . It is strange." he continued, "tiiatso lew tanners in this cold: country provide a warm place for their stock. ' Those .wh6 read Mr. N.'s article will remember that he estimated that in many cases two dollars worth of boards and nails might save in expense of fodder, and by the Increase ot the milk oi say rive cows, nlty dollars in one xiuivurea winter days. Alter the ends and oacK tide of the stable were made f uCicienty tight, he recommended that" a few boards - be hinged on in front,- so that in severe weather the stable may be entirely enclosed, or left open when the weather is milder. For closing crevices in underpining, &c, the Prairie farmer recommends a mortar of lime and sand or ashes, using hogs' bristles' instead of hair, to give it the greater tenacity, and fill tliis into the cracks with a trowel. But this is, as In other things, where there is a will there is a way, and those who believe that fodder can be saved and health promoted by Shelter and warmth, will find little trouble in securing them, by stopping the cracks Riid shutting out the cold, so that ma nure will not freeze where cattle lie. W. E. Farmer " Martin county, Iud., has a family named Cross, and the fact of Mrs. CrWs having given liirth to a daughter for the eleventh time, has made Mr. Cross unusually cross. . On the last occasion, Mr. Cross observed to his wife: "Amelia Jane, this is not to be borne !" "But it is born," , replied, hi wife, meekly. "Don't be cross, my love; wo all have our little crosses to bear." Mr. Cross groaned in bitterness of spirit. "Amelia Jane, this has been going on long enough; if you have any more little crosses to bear, I wen't blip you iiupiKjrl them." AC r.ICTJLTTJUAL. BLOOMINGTON irunsnniES, lO OllIilKlV HOUSES 4.G0 Acres-of Opc ii F.OLUI'a PRAIRIE. rrm1 with AppI: Tout. Cherry. Taoh an! SI bprian Crab Trees; liuinci-, ltasplx-rries, iiluckber- berri'-i. furrants. ;)fM Trus. NrawnerrieH ana (in ien; Garden Hoots, l'Z.nil, llout UrafU, iMocks fScniu..teeas ano lutung; una - - Deciduous & Ornamenta TREES AIID BHRUBS. RTiis,' Pnowballs. Kverbreens. Pnonles. Phloxes, Tu i.-, Hyacinrtui, uiadidlust;-lnWius, llirysan- thfi '. i, anil lltruy Uerluc- xm.l- lowering i'ifciitt ana Ua tenaouse ana lieauir t'ttuus. ' VSA OE JQIiAX(7E. FLA NTS, First Class, fl M ier-fc,: 1 5 0,0 00 Concord Grape Vines, two years old . i " 'jr '"nIe br X t P. O. BOX 109. DOl-JfVJUkF,Xli l?Im t.' L ONE POUND WILL IELD 3;tX)d POUNDS IF ONE SEASON, BY PLANTING TIIE GENUINE Early xlcse Potato! ' , BUY T1E GENUINE FROM 'G KO. A. DEITZ, (TheiGrt'af 8cd Wfeat Farroet.) ! i i i t'JfAMBERSBURO, PA, 1 Pound Knrly Ttosp nont bv Mall, postpaid, for ?l no 4 fwmrtaof f jirly by Mail, postpiud. for 3 00 1 Petit Kurly IUmw. delivered at Cbainbersbunr 6 ( 1 Peck Karlv Hiisp. ny Alan, pontpalU 7 00 4 Pounrt-i of Surprise Oats, by rpriaeOats. bv Mail, nostuaid 1 00 4 I'oumN New BruiwwLcJi Oats, by Mail ftr. 1 4 Founds Swedish Oats,eit by Mail ftir 1 00 4 I'ounds ISorwar OatAaent by Mail l(r 1 00 4 rounds hpring Barley, sent by Mad for 1 00 4 Founds i ellow Mnnituotli Corn, by Mull for, 1 00 4 PoiKirli Yllow Gutfrd Sotfdforn, by Mail lor. 1 00 4 PomiAi best three variFtU-snf'hwfet t'4rn 1 00 4 Pounds CbinaTt'aSpridfWlient by Mail, for. 1 00 4 Putinda Black Hen Sprir-sWIi pat by Mail, for. 1 00 4 Pounds Canada t'lub.prina' Wheat by Mail,. 1 oo 4 Pounds Jledtrrrow Spring Wheat bv Mail, for 1 00 4 Pound Kiliran(Jeiriii Wheat toy Mail, for 1 00 4 Pounds iscotch Fife Spring Wheat by Mail for 1 00 4 Pounds Mammoth Bearxled Spring Wheat, fur 1 00 4 Pounds Kmooth-headed Kpriiitf Wheat for.-.- I 00 4 Pouids White Hominy Corn for 1 00 4 Pounds of Harrison Potatoes, by JfaiT for. 1 00 4 Pounds Knrly Goodrich Potatoes, bv M:iil for, 1 00 4 Pounds Wbiie Peach Blow Potatoes, by Alaii, 1 oo 4 Pouikts of Iliue Graas Seed for. .. ...r. 1 00 4 Pounds of Italian Grass Seed tor .. .. 1 00 4 Pound of(haiGislelfor.....T.......:....... 1 00 4 Pounds of Herd Grass Seed for 1 oo 1 Pound of ALsike or Nweedish Clover Setnl for. 1 00 2 Pounds of Cow Gntss or tall Clover Seed for.- 1 00 4 Pounds of red Clover Seed for oo 1 Pound of Egyptian neveii-liended Wheat . 1 00 Best Fodder Cutter, nt Ch.lmbersburfj 35 00 1 Pair of Chester White Hogs, not alao, lieliv- ered at ChamiersburR. boxed 20 00 Trio of Brahma PootraFowls.delivered at Cham- bersbure, ooxel . 00 t r-subscribe for the EXPS;RIMKNTA1. FABM JOIKSAU Only i..w per year. B a"The uiouey, lu aU citses, to accompany the or der. A11 orders filled promnflv by GEO. A. DEITZ, Proprietor of the Great Sevii Wheat Kxperlmeutal Farm, Chambersburfr, Pa. Farmers can rely that all Seed. Stork and TnwW neut out by M r. Geo. A. Deitz, are true to name and pure oi me Kino. - - 17-lot - FRUIT GROWERS ' - ' OF I1EBRASKA AtiD KANSAS. We can make It to your Interest to buy your plant and trees of us. Why T Because we will nell you the best of stock at fair rates, box free of cost, and PR i: PAY the freight ourselves. By this means you know Just what your plunu cost. We oiler you Apple Trees of aU leadinp kinds, S to 5 feet, 2 and 3 years old, headed low, stockv prowth, at i.eents each ; fJU per luu The same varieties, but lartre trees, cents each. Ittnirf and .Standard Itar Trrejt.t and 3 years old lamest sixe 60 cents each ; $ai ier 10O. Thesame, but Diedium si j-.e, 40 cents each ; S per 10ft. iva-A Tnvt. All the leading varieties, 1 and 2 years, very fine, $1 2 per 100. CAo-ry Trten. Mostly Early Eichtnond, Gov. Wiod, Elton. Mon'llo, and the hanlier kindu, 1,2 nd 3 years old, stocky trees, and J 10 per 10O30 to SO cents each. GRA PEVIXXS. Omrvrd.l year, well rooted.-f 8 per 100, fV per 1000 j , do 2 do do ... 10 do 7o do do heavy layers for Iminediatefraitinir.iocts each, f5 per lout Cliitfoni year, fine and thrifty. 8 per 100. arfno 1 year, strong plants', ?7 per loo, 40 per 1000. Hartford Proliiiri and 2 years', 25 cents each. lH Uiu-nrrl and 2 years, same price. tr' .Srfdtuia 1 and 2 vears. 29 cents each. mriTwion lma, Ixrarln, Adriondnr, Iianu. and many otln-r new varieties, at market rate The Concord is tbe best of alL B L A CK B E II It IE 8. The Isncton, being always tender bere, have discon tinued it. - The Miftouti jrmnmnfh. After another season's trial with this berry, it has fullv sustained its repu tatioa as the best black berrv I'orthLsviiMnitv. Et. tra tine plan ts, with roots complete, j per dozen, i; per loo, Vj Pt J.0H0. i ittullnnjj.aoaiu m to laree. swwt. rich, and nf ttia oesi navor ; per uozen, tw per Kit. 0-v'"f White. Fruit larire. vellowisli white, almost transparent ; sweet and rich ; f2 per dot, 8 per loo. M'il-nvn Ettrtij. Feu I very l:irKe, a little longer than round, sweet and sood. but does not till well unless planted alternately with others; f4 per dozen, 10 dollars per hK Chocolate needling. On trial, fruit past season ; fl per dozen. 8 Tli A WB ERR IE 8. HVon' Serdfing. Too well known to need any des cription ; fine plants 1 dollar ier loo, 4 dollars per HUM. Ti-iumph de ffanA. Very large, showy and good; 1 dollar per ion. Agriculturist. Imtnonse glower, large lYuIt, but not nBrcy, i rruuir jieri'JO. - , . Or cn l'rflitte.-One of the best grower. remnrkahlr rtsluctive; cm- dollar per loo, five dollars per loot) '.A new variety ; great bearer; one dollar per 100. ..... , . Ixiu-ner' lroliflc. TJpht scarlet, a stidy bearer; one dollar per 100, five dollars per 10" A- ' Xew Jrrtry tjcarlet. fine early , variety, of, good quality, one dollar per 100. ' - - Juntnda, or Knox't Too. A rxlatrnlflcent Hfrht scarlet iruit ; two uoiiars per i, Jen dollars ier lufw. Golden Queen. Light Golden, very productive; two dollars per 100; ten dollars per loua. Kramer iSntUinff. strong grower, and jfreat bearer. fu't . 1 1 lap. ... . , . .m in . .1.11.. . . 1 i Itr. A'icae. Haid to be of enormous size aud produc tive. Two dollars per down. Xicanor. Claimed to be very superior and produc tive une uoiinr per mo, Barnrt Mammoth. Hew, verr stronir, larpe and goork Oiwdollaper dozen, four doLars per loo. Lrnning't Hltife. White; larj;e siite, very showy, sweet and good. One dollar perdozeot tivedollars perJOO. , Cfuirlrt lJnrninp.r-Tvro dollsrs per dnz., ten per ion. Koymrns toredlina.A new, large variety, of great merit. Two dollars per dozen, ten dollars per 100. I'rak'M Einijcror. Very large size, single specimens often measuring overe'i inches In cireuniference. Three dollars per dozen, fifteen dollars per 100. Cblfar. First Iniroduced intotsouth Bend, Ind., by the Hon.KctraierCoiiax. f Two dollars er tfoaen, tea per himdrcJii j f - . j ii Dootittle'i RlaeJc Oi. Fruit large, bliick, sweet and Mood: eime slruiu; and hardy. One dollar per dozen, three dollars per 100, ten dollars per lout Mianut Jiiar.k Clip. Entirely ilistinct, very firm, sweet, hardy, immensely productive. Oue dollar perckKtea, twelve dollars iH-r tiiousand. Purple Onic An old, well known variety. ' One dollar per dozen; three dollars per hundred, ten dollars per thousand. Golden O'i. Ijarge yellow fruit, sweet, productive and good, tl 50 per dozen, eight dollars per loo. Jfinnrwrfo. Very strong growing Cup variety, per fectly hardy ; fruit very large. Three dollars per r!on twelve dollars per hundred. yVlUlfl'WI. IMS liit-SUUTGU !CTr. 1. ...1 nw u.s.. 'i'wvity cauls each," two Uullars per dozen, eiclit iloliari pi- bmidr'tS. ' . Elt'ffule. Fruit laTErt, r-Hindtsn, enmpnrt and very pood. Three dollars jier dorn, ten dollars per luo. CUirk: Highly valuable sort, which, baa proved perfectly hardy wiUi us. Two dollrrs jK-r dozt-n. jMn i(m''Tlfntlea.i(H a thorn on it. This alone ; Is suflicleut to make It very desirable iniieed. Black, and very sweet and fine flavored. Twenty cents ench. twodoilars jkt doz., ten dollars per Pw. Sejiecti Jllnrh Entirely distinct; rlavnr unsur- )KLssri; xtrniely late and-very proliflc. Two . dollars per doeu, ten riollars jer lOiV. hiniuAJ Cluster. Jeediing of the Mam! : black, 1 with a rich purplish bloom ; extremely lan'. , Chaa. Downing and Andrew 8. Fuller say, "The i largest black raspberry they ever saw." HurfHce firm, so much so, that they were sfa!ppel to the ew Yerk mark'-t, 3oo miles, this sw-sou, with tlie most satisfactory results. B-jsli very rank and hardy,-with but few thorns. Warranted not to winter kill In tbe most exposed siiustioas. D. 1). T. Moore nays, "It is the larcest and best Black Raspberry we ever saw." l'lunts three dollars ler d ji'.cu, twelve dollars per hundred. C VSR A X T8. Rett Dutrji. Well rooted, one dollar per dozen, seven dollars per bundled. White Itutrh.tun.e as nbove. White Urajx: ne dollar twenty-five cents per doz en ; eifcht dollars per hundivfi. Iai Ver'Ulc One dollar ami fifty cents per dozen. Block Xitjles. For Jellies, Wines, etc. One dollar per dozen, six dollars pcrbundred. btveral other kinds, at one dollar per dozen, seven dollars per lJu.sre mostly two years old. GOOSEBERRIES. Huuphton Seedling. Considered very reliable; does not mildew. One dollar and fifty cents per dozen, nine dollars per 100. Dooming. Large and' fine quality of fruit; same price. t 3Joutuin. HcoJZlng. Very bardy aud desirable ; same price. - t. BU&CJtMERr, SiaXTS,. litur. General assortment tf Tea, Moss, Bourbon, China, Uanluu wriunmtr. Hytired. Prriietnal ami -CUnibiug JUisea, at the ttrj kiu pr.ee oi cents each, tw o dollars per dor-en. im: ihittetnncklij, J.kiU3itu,-8nmtalU, and most of the hardy shrubs, at same price, ZMthJ in, ot more than hw splendid kinds, at X cents each, two dollar pr down. Chrymvxtticin Spiendldassortment of fine plants rt ulwve viKta. - s 1'hJitjrj. Larce assortment of this hardy perennial flowering plant, at same prices. IfrntsUnoMix. lieatttif ul showy tlower, hardy perea- niai, of many colors, at same price, fclJfJStock not enumerated. If wanted, we will pnsjure the same and furnish at resnilar rates. Where plants are- to.be boxed up and shipped at alwve pneea-if amount is over fiO no ctutrge.for boxinc, and we will pav cost of transportation by R. It. bpring is the best time to set out all plants and trees in this climate, after the ground Is fully settled and warm. TUOMl'HOX, X ) f- h'-i (i). l.-lt Brookntld, Mo. AGniCTJLTTOLAIi. T?ARLY ROSE POTATO, American A-i nnu orcitrn Jpnr!ff wnnvts, imtes, uar- lfF,Mfni, uiuxrmu, nnwi rr-rsi.. uin, s Bent Fodder Cntur- Send for thp ''Experimental Fa rti Journal," only 20 cents. Addresa 17-10t GEO. A. RElTZ.CliamberMbnnr.ra. EUSnHJCRG YISCI'ARD. - GRAPE VINES FOR SALE. Plants of Best Quality ! ! PRICES MODERATE. s; All the Leading Varieties, soch as CXJNf'OUD, (XIXTO, PTXAWABE. ITAP.T FOBD PKOL1F1C, IVKM, NOItTON'S l . VIRGINIA, Ac. . r . ' and many xkw and rare varieties. AUGHURICK, GYNTIIIXA, JSl- ANA, HAMBURG, MILES, MOTTLED, MARTIIA.atOGEIX'S HYBRID, &C A1J0, SHALL FRUITS, i Strawberrlcft, Raxpbrrrlcit) Blackberyicw 1 of the best Jlarket Varffties; . - k ' . . n- v , A'N D SEED, POTATOES, Early Goodrich, Harrison and "" : ' . Early llosc.t .-1 All the above of our own crnwlu: warranted genuine and of BKST QUALITY. Address I.siDOR BUSH 80N, Price JIslGmtL. 4 . isuaiiber-i. aio. i 17-3m Amateur Cultivator's Guide Kitchen and Flower Garden. TlieTwentv-thlrd Edition of this rwrwlnr and ns. fill work, which ban met with so great favor in the past, was Issued January 15, mwh eulargfsl and liu oroved. containine descriptive ILst.s of all Flower andGanlen SetLs worthy of cultivation, embracing over twenty-five hundred varieties ; ti which in ad ded all the hovelti- In Flowru and VegeUiblea for lsim, also two hundred varieties of the choicest French Hybrid (.iladiolus. Tbe work romwrise 1-t0 nnrea. -' Ta.tertill v bound In cloth, with two bmotifui Oolored I'lutaw, one nteel,kesid- one hundrerf other EnTHVinsts. Pric ou ctiiw, ixpiv-piiiu. i njwr trover, tiie i. oioreu 4Tiaic one Jlundrt ligravint's. tKwt-pHid.'ii cents, s ; Adores. . w ASitiiLKi : cu.. ,. . .. .. ... Horticaltiiil lUJi.lioaton, iLa . The I nrlvalled Prize Tomato "GENERAL GRANT." Wetnke pleasure in annnuncimrto the public that e have secured the entire stock of tliis Justly cele brated Tomato. It originated In the trarden of an Amateur, who, after growing It or a number of years in connection with all tbe leadinirsorts.be- came convinced that It was far superior to any otb- rr, unu uiufc u biiuuju uv wiueiy uisiuiriaieo ; auu or tins purpose it was nut into our hands, ineon ideration of the mauy disappointments experienced in the iotrodiiclion of new varieties, we huve eiven It a thoroujfli trial of two years: and It has far ex- ceeflod our xpecuujiois, evr attracting grmt atten tion wnere exmoitea. taKim: the hrst prize above all others at tbe Massachusetts Horticultural Soci ety s Juuiioition the past two years. CAUTION. On account of the Immense popularity of this variety, we find that parties are ofTerimr for sale a spurious seed, desiring to obtain large prices for the common sorts, we wouiu mereiore recommend parties purchasing only those sealed packets bear ing our name, as none others can be genuine, Price per packet, 2-i eta.; o packets, fl. .. Prices to WASHBURN ,fc OO. 17-: rn Horticultural Hall, BostonMass. THE WILD GOOSE PEU3I and A SCUPPEHXOXfi UltAPK. S-'ent free for (1 each : J9 per dozen ; f"i0 ier ion. Address Jit Its Kit Y, luka, Mississippi, 1889 1869. WJI. II. LYMAN'S Illustrated Floral Guide CATALOGUE OF SEEDS a'D rLAXTS Is now published, containing descriptions of over i,dw vanoiies oi flower rsieas ana plants. It is splendidly illustrated with about thirty elesrant wood engraviiiii and two beantiful colored plates, one Of wunu wjlix uu, me ceicoruieu - i "Jlrs. POttOCIL'' Geranium; colored from nature. In l will be found designs for arranging the bower gardeu; together with full di rections for Sowing t-' d. Transplanting, dtc This work will be sent me to alt mv Customers, and to all others, on receipt vf ten cents, which is not half me actual cost. I am also introducing to the Public my new Toma to, tbe LYJMAN MAMHIOTII CLUSTER. Dr. D. Bice, says: "Everybody sboul4 have It. This Tomato Is a cross between a French unknown variety and the Lester's PcrlecUsI, retaining the smooinness ana mjiiany or the latter, growing in clusters ; each stem bearing from six to twelve to matoes on it. It is perfectly smooth, and nearly round, alxjut the size of a Baldwin apple; color, of a rwij pmik,K:iu Keejia wen; soihi, uat out Iw seects, and is no doubt one of the best early varieties we nave, it is unexcelled for eating raw, and is deli- clous for cooking; being verv nigh flavored. In earlinessltexcellsthe "Keyes Tomato," and ripens its fruit evenly, about ten days before the Karlv Bed. t Undoubtedly tbe best market variety of Tomato ui existence. Thlw variety was obtained from seed In lafrl. In ISGi it rijiened Its fruit TKN UA YS before the Karlv Smooth Bed. PRICE IN SEALED FACKETS, 25e. EACH. For Illustrated circular, containing description, recommendations, tc. Address 1VM. 17. LTMAN, Importer of Seed, Bulb, and Plants, Ieverett, Mass. IMra rifth Year. , 200 Acres. T -ti.'H"i LY02TS, CLINTON CO IOWA. Fruit i OraaiaeataxTri-e Grape Vines, &e., fort SPRING ISO 9. We offer fof next spring planting, a fine assort ment or nursery stock, all grown on open prairie soil, and guaranteed to be fully as good as repre sented. For full partietrta'W, send, for out Catalogue, which ia- . MAILED FREE. Apple seeds, warranted fresh, f 13,00 per bushel. Osage seeds, " " 15,00 44 " Fine Osage Plants, $30 per 1,000. Dr. J1IO. E. EXJIIIS & CO. THE BEST I'LL HAVE, IF IT 1 COSTS A FARM ! ! Early Rose Potato. American andForeim Spring Wheats, Oats, Barley, Corn, Cloverseed, Orass Seeds, Hosrs, Fowls, best Fodder Cutter. Send for the "Experimental Farm Journal," only 2 cents. Address 17-Kt O tO. A. DU. I Z, Uiawbersburs, Pa. WESTERS HURSERIES AGItlCULTURAIi. 3 CENTJ..na to GEO. A. ni.'iT7 fhntv.hrnhiirir. l:i.. lor tne r.- PERIXEN TAB FAKM J V t RX AI 17'ltH 4 GRAPE VINES! ,G,R A P E I E S!J.j GRAPEVINES!! 250.000 of theChoicest Grape Vines OF ALL VARIETIES. Abo a larije stock of Currant Plants and Cuttlngrs, jGOOSEIiERRIES, ROSFSr - IlaspLcrric3, Dlacli"berries, . cTn lT.''lTr,lTTT.''Q -. . ' 'y FOR SALE CHEAP.;;-;, ;;- Rend stamp for Price IA1 and Ksys on Grape Culture, to ." .V crWniv-n ' ' " iiliKiniington, iu. 13-lm , Benton Connty-irtirseries. . ,t I'M.;'..'" - EHtawliHliotl in 1850. Fruit Trees of all Kinds, ADAPTED TO OUK TRYING CLIMATE. :1 AUSO, -.t-fl SMALL FRUITS, EVERGREENS, of an sizes ; HARDY SHRUBS, HEDGE PIVNTS, &C In large or small quantities, at LQ X EST HATES. Pblpments made at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ' Address, for prices. JOS.4 1. BTJDD A, CO.," Bbellsburg, Benton Co, Iowo. I? , ' 1 1 ' ' - ' 'i 5 '. SI T A Til TIIUITS, &c., ' BY MAIL. ' .' . T '.- ... . ' ' Fin the annexed prices I will send the following packages, post-paid and securely packed, in oil pa per, on receipt oi amount : Two Dozen, of either Agriculturist.. .Russell Dowucr s Prolitic, .Mammoulh Aliiiie, t ill- more, Shaker, Crimson Cone, Hooker, or Peabotly istrawDernes .... fl,00 .?- r '. fjt .1 i it Two dozen Cuttlntrs ef either the Dwarf. Khad- . oerry, or Dwarf Mountain Cherry . . 1w 100 Gray Willow Cuttings . 1,00 tune or the most Deautmu, rapid growing Forest Trees, It does best on One dozen either Victoria, Unnlns, or Straw- - lasrry l'le 11 am, (strong i-yes,.- a... l,fxi Ilalf dozen either lirple Cane, Mirldlan (yel- iowi,eil ii t'ontinay, rhilaaeipaia, Alianil or A. M. -Yellow lta.splerry .-... 1 flo Two dozen Privet for Hedges, smidl plautsy or ' IkAJ V.UUlUgTJ.. . I J,IW : A GENKRAL ASSORTMENT OF Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum .; : , , AND PERSIMMON TREES. Alao Grape Vine, Gooseberries, Car- ' rauts, Blackberries, and ORxA3IEXTAL SIIUUOI1EXIY, AT MODERATE PRICES. Address - . . 1V3I. MAXWELL, Lanesfield, Johnson County. Kansas. 15-It CATALOGUES FREE! M. O'KBEFE, SOU & CO'S CATALOGUE of SEEDS, AXD GUIDE TO TUB FLOIV'EH AND VEGETABLE GARDEN FOR 1809. (Published in January.) Kvery lover of flowers wishing this new work, free of charere. should ad dress immediately M. O'KEKFK, W)N A CO., Kll- wanger t Barry's Block, ltochester, N. Y. 15-im NURSERIES OF W. F. IIEIILES, DAYTON, OHIO. OLD EHTAliLISIIIENT WITH A NEW FEATURE. AN Erery Person can Procure Trees and PInnts "At Wholesale Prices, by ordering through our Club Department. Fof prices and other information, address Vf. F, 1IEIKES, Davton. Ohio. 13-m llania Raspberry Plants : ;:!:; FOR SALE. LARGEST, BEST AND MOST PRODUCTIVE BLACK CAP GROWN, and as'mach superior to the Doolittle Black Cap as tbe hardiest Peach Is to the common seedling. jfWBend for circular. ... W, S. COMBS, :uftr 5 i COLUNSyLLE. , : t - I -!ti i Madison Co., 111. Warranted Garden Seads. OUR NEW Descriptive Price Catalogue, I finrfllnlnff ill. n e .1 rirtT.M. VIXJKTABLEM. Includin? the- irrert durable liOVClties. sinrirostlous rr"rri1?m' -nlfni- -. now being 1-wtied. and will he dniv m;tfld tn nr uniumcu, r xijct ; 10 others on receipt or 10 cents. SEEDS BY MAIL. e ftirfifrR'TTardcil" fteeT.r TiTTwfltf:iivfrTft TnT.lt, to any rsxit ollice In the I nitwl stitn u-l.o.i ordered, at our regulrr prices, to any amount of $1 or I , ED. J. FA'ANS A CO., NcnsEHYni: and Sekpsmkx t "rrr Pann 13-3m . ' , EIUS . COMMERCIAL MURSEEIEST , ERIE, ERIE CO,t PENN. I. A. Plattman c Sprasue, Proprietors., 1,000,000 native Grape Tines For sale, of tbe best leading kinds, pintranteed true to name, as good as can be found in the United States, of one and two year old. Samples sent by uuu iu iuu rates PerlOO Per 1.000 .ooo.ono concord. 1-venr. fo. 1 .ou iiO.OW Concord, J-rear,Xo.l. strong 7,00 10,0(0 Hartford Proline, 1-year, 'o. 1 8,iW 50,1)0 ,70,ai W),00 IHI.UO 70,(10 60,U) 80,(.) 1KJ.U0 -,iu jianiora tTouic, z-year, jvo. l.iu.iw 10.UJO Delaware. 1-vear. No. 1 lo.ini 3U,iW liiaua, 1-vear. 'o. 1 aw) ao,(j Ive's Seedling, 1-year, No. 1 s,uo IO.ooo Iona, 1-year, No. l.......... lo.oj S.0il Israel la mm 60,000 Isnlella, Catawba and Clinton, 2 and 3-year, strong 5.00 30,00 ..Also, a larsre lot of 2-vear olds, of all tho nW kind, together with a larue lot of Adirondack Crevellng, Allen's Hybrid, Roger's Hybrids, Union Village, liebecea, Salem, jS'orton's Virginia, and others. - - Soo,ui Strawberry Plants strong, ofall the best sorts. M.kiO Itaspberries and Blackberries. 10.IWJ Currants and (ioosberries. ao,uuO Fine 3-year old Apple Trees, best leading , kinds, at 12 per 100, ?luo per 1,000. 10.000 Dwarf Pears, 1-year, f J) per loo. 5JH0 Stand Pisar, 1-year, at fii per loo. 1000 Cherry Trees, 1-year old, at per 1,00a ALSO PEACH TP.EES, PLUM TREFJS, APBI COTS AND QUINCJB EUSIliii. ' Together with a large stock of Apple Seedlings: Pare, Plum and Cherry Seedlings; Apple Seed and Pear Seeds prime; Grape Cuttings, with Apple Grails, furnished to order. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Parties ordering of ns, can rely on having their orders nhed promptly, and receiving first clans stock In all resjecU, thoroughly packed so it will arrive In good oroer. We pledge ourselves to furnish as go(Mitock for thelrage as can be bought from any reliable establishment in the United Slates. TERMSrash with order, or one-third cash, and balance on delivery, or C U. D. Those ordering will please give place. County and Bute In full. Trade list sent on application. . Address, L A. rLATTMA"N fe FPRAGUE. -H-ota Erie, Eric Co.. Pvnn. AGIllCULTTJIlAi. ; T2TEI2 II,ATEn3. . ,. If you wlMh to plant thlj roming spring, sofid iu your orders early, and sava TBEE PEDI.EirS 7JAIIGIN. ' A f!n stock of tT.vo year old . ArFIiE, FEAR, TLUir AND CHERRY. Also Shade Trees, l;rpr'rcens, Ornamental ShruJw, and a general "upery Stock CONSTANTLY. ON HAND, . 1 AT THE PROSPECT IIIIX ILT-SKniES, ' Geneseo, ininote, ' ' ' I ''J. tt E. KIC1OI0ND, Proprietor!.. Correspondence solicited. lMlll J 30 Tngex f Plain DIrecIon- for rinnfln and cull i vat inc. for laiuiijas wc.las market garden. nml muriitinLi ail jsniuil Fruits. Written from 'J) vears rapera-nee. and irises all the information oi thelarserand more costly works, so as to put new befrinoer.-" on enial footing with old trtut growers. We have bnndreds ff t.-stimonials, of which the .fcillnwiiif? from Kev. If. Kchir Ls a sample: "Your directions for irrowins str.iwberrie and Raspberries are thfb-!-t I have evr seen.: A-lrire. 10 cenls.-s-tt Wbolenale and retail lusts of our plants sent malirrewou appiKfttvut..:. j Address' - - PUP.DY HANCK. l v . .1 1. 1 ' .Sulb Rend, Ind. lf-3m !: ; HOME NUESERY. Apple, Pear, Plnni, Clierry Evergreen ' ' ' TREES, AND ; Ornamental Slimbbery. ;-'A-. LARGE VARIETY. Also, f Irape Vlne, Currants, Oooseberrles. Rasp. oerriesana Mtrawoerr:es,cnoice fences, creep ers, Vines, Tuli-s, Lillies, Peonies, Dlelj-tra, etc.7" AT LOTT 'RATES. Grounds 2d Block Booth, of Court House ' HAVANA, ILLINOIS. SPRING OF I860. I de? Ire to call the especial attention of mt former ! eustouu;rs ana the pu one generally, to my stock and prices, especially to the or ality of the stock now offered, and I would solicit a continuance of your patronage ana tnvors, to ueserve wmcn my oest el forts will be directeil. 4aPacking and shipping done In a careful man ner. AU goods delivered at the Express Ollice.Rail- rona or sieaniDoat lmuing rree ot charire. Plants and Seeds by 3lail. (.irapevmes. Straw berries. Currants, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Aspar agus, Vines and Climbers, Heeding Plants, Bulbous 1 Hoots, uaraen, lower ana i ree tweets, will ne sent by mail any distance, securely packed in gutta-pcr- cua suk, uamp moss, vrc, l sena articles packed in this way in perfect safety to the most distant parts of the L'liiteu States. IfiTlt articles sent out by me are not as represen tee, setiu tuem dbck at my expense ana your money snail w luuuueu. Pome of the leading articles will be furnished at the following prices. Catalogues and Seed Circular furnished on appli cation. Concord drapes, ?1 per doz.; ?? per hundred. Ive s Seedling, $1.."k) ier iloz.; flu perhnndred. IHdaware, two yeara ol4, Zie ewrh. Clinton.fl per doz.: s?H per hundred. My list of Lilies include the best of tbe Japan va rieties, ana our oia native lavorttes at low rates. Summer II nibs. C.larilolu. or word Lily.-The recent Improve ments in the varieties of this splendid tlower renders it one of the hnest of all "Flora s' gifts. Jly stock coniprises over thirty varieties, vary- nK ui prictr iruiu xu ci. u ei.ou per DillD. Tiaridn, or Mexican Lily. Aunppropriatecom- lanion to the above, of an easy cultivation, 10 c-eiM. emru. Amarillis, or Jacobean Lily. Bare, SO cents eacn. Tube ltoe. A fiuestock and cheap, 25 cents each. Herbaceous, &c., &c. Chinese Peonies Crimson . Hollyhock Herbaceous Spieras Chrysantheniunis . Yuca Filanientowi Aiiuileglatilnnduloxa ...... A 11m .... " Cerula " A urea " Ilosea 8weet Sx-ented Violets .. l'olyanthns ( Kngl ish ). Lychneas (iraiuiillora......... " Viiscaria ........... Scarlet DIeentra Alba Phlox (variety) Delphinium Fnrruosuni. Feverfew Hardy....... Diantbus (variety) ... Vinca, Hlue....... " Alba Mountain Daisios.......... Pansics, large..........., ...each 2." eta " 50 .. " S .. 44 50 Z " 75 a 25 2" 25 SO to 25 2.5 75 25 50 25 25 25 10 Grcen-IIoii3e& Redding Plants a iteiecxion oi ine most aesiraoie, which space Baskets. Ac. such as Myrtle. Halm. Iw Dew Plant, Saxifraga Sarmentosa, Moneywort, Stc., Also, Hanging Baskets and Flower Pots, with or j Address J. COCIIK.ANE, Havana, Mason County, 111. SHrBe particular to order earlv. 14-am EL'ROPEAST tARCII. The most durable timber; lasts bnndreds of years. Tree of rapid growth, and very valuable for lum i ber, rails, posts, poles, railroad ties, Ac. Seeds should be sown la winter or early spring. ; . ; ' i i ' S" Eor description of trees srnd qualities, send 1 Post Office Stamp. All kinds of young trees sent by 'express, and SEEDS ' of all kinds of trees and plants sent by mall. If or dered early. II. WILBUR & CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. 14-flt PSOPLE'S I7URSSUIZS. We nave APIC. Ouiiices, ?ra pernm t': TTr P HtraMbernes, liiar Wherries, KverKreens, Ornnmental Treex. Shrtib, Flowers, Flowerina fihrttb, &c. We want a rhk! reliable man, who can come well recommended, to act as sgent for us.inevery county In Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa, to sell oil Commission or Salary. . , B. L. BOBB A CO.. IMm-tf liloomington'. 111. Grape Tines for Sale. A few thousand Norton's Virginia and Con- f " jrrw, riueu m iy v meyard, trom ripe. Norton's Seedling Concord SI 00 per 1000. -830 per 1000. Also, a few thoasand two-year old Plants of these 12,000 Gallons Norton, Concord and Catawba Wines. Tlif:n.T;f!vivi-v Mascoutaa P. O., St. Clair County. Illinois. ll-4m IIH7EXI PLUIJ. . The only Hardy, ProInetlre and Satis, factory Plum In the Northwest. This extremely h.rdy and valuable Plum bids de fiance to Curculio, cold winters and other unhealthy lunuences. CJiIerPoinis of Value: 1. It Is perfectly hardv. 2. It is not liable to injure from late Spring frosts. 3. It Krmws rnpir.ly while young. 4. It is free-from every disease. 5. It fruits very early. B. It bears a crop every year. 7. The fruit keeiis well and will bear transporta tion. s. Tbe frn't Is of excellent flavor. 9. The ladies prefer it for preserving. 1'). It is neverfnjured by the Curculio. IL The fmit rip ns about the last of September when there la no other plum to be had. " PRICES: Fine well grown trees, five feet high and upwards each 1 ; per doa. 10 ; per hundred. 70. joel barber, 1Mb" Lancaster, Wis. iu 1 i. . . y i M if j vv e nave a large stock of tbe following articles ft manv others, which weoffer VEU V low to cash iiVEBY MESPECT1'110 ' n'1Re, fluiUOOIJ N AGICULTUnAX.- VI riTaTO-N.NS'.v-JErEY, , nic Scacli Tree? r.:sd:aall Trull A SPECIALITY. - 100,000 Agr!c'j!nirfKt and i i.er l.'J; ' Wi'sf'n Ftrawberry, : 0 ft-r lnJuU. tn.ixio Wilson's i-iir'y l'"u , rry, at f - pt-r Peach Treea-Iiit ilil) W; f-Or LC; 2nd . ...... x.; V ' .i-i.vrr f:..t ( "ii :r.r r, ?T r Kittatlnnr. 7i cw. per -t ir ,"J": Pe AT.O A LAWJE A'onr.TrENT OF nas i5b er ry , C lac !i b e r ry,S t raiv- Lcrry, and oticr I'lants ' " AT LOW RATES. V. : ir.-lmOiVniHm' hiisillCv the paiion of my life. procured my ux:iioiily ... S,A m.at.fl.M.nd f.n e"t;i,:,- wftnt they .. . ....I trr nn;,! v in pvirv re-tei,t. i ,.i,,t4i tn rnrrv In irrjou i r"n j . .-- - - . ...... . .i i.... i .. n...'.i.nil luiml t ativ instance, uxi'l unn trrvu i iwi.u.ni '" -i,;, w nt.-r which tliev ure at purcn;uer tt riK. 4 -h.su' or satisfactory relerejicea. mast ax:oa.icy "S von.r orders enrly, ad thev b prompt lr att.-'Klcd io. For i'nee n-i mm r?iru.-irs, Adre ' CUAK BLACK. r 18.3m - :' n - ' liigUtntowo, . J. r 2? I LIT HILL by j FARM NURSEEIES! QIINCY, ILLI0I3. D. C. DLrVTO-V, Proprietor. U' Established Jn 'V5 .". V. v'. ' v. v nv- ".hVa AU tbe most desirable varietk VV K AFE3 AM) SMALL FRUIT VLAXTH ; ; v.! . . .. 1 1 V CONSTANTLY ON. Hand, . :-- ! : -- ..s -.-: . . . - Of superior nnallties. warranted true to name, prices as low, if not ivwer, than plants of same qual ity can be purchased eijte where,. Also . ,., , '. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, which my extensive artuiaintanie with all tie ?ul ing nurserymen enables Yne tiy furnish to my cus tomers on tne most tavorame terms. During an experience of TWELVE YEARS, In STOCKING LARGE FRUIT FARMS, (.: . I hsve tested msny varfetie. NKW AND OLD, NAT1VK AIJ FOREIGN, aud also learned to great extent which nurserymen are reliable, as wtil i those who are not.. 1 lierefore our iiatomers ran reiy on receiving an articles genuine ana avonl the vexation attendant in the purchase of inferior stock ILLrSTRATED AND PRICED CATALOGUES with brief but comprehensive Instnirtiotjs for Culti vation, mailed free to all applicants. Address D. C. BEXTON, Qotnry. 111. 13-.Tm EDGAIt SANDERS, F L 0 Jl I S T. . ESTABHSHKa LN Iis. , Besrs leave to inform his friends eenerallv. that he v ociier prrparea man ever lo Iiirnih all kinds ot plants, either to make the Hardens imv in imuwner or to furnish (lowers for the U liKEN II t ) L S E, WINDOWS or UOOrETM In winter. Pevotinsr ten larsre fireenhousrs to thin businesa alone, be feels warrantel in staiipg he htm , the largest stx:k west of New York l VEItREN.S. .' GE11AN IUMsT, DAHLIAS, PINKS, lIElJOTnoriSV ' FUl'HIAS, II A UI) Y PLANTS. (iLADKlf.rs Grown eipKcIally for shipping, he has a splendid stock, llrs twelve- years experience in the west gives unrivalled opportunities to know what ouf western peopie want, and how to send It tbeou- A CATALOGUE, Descriptive, with prlc. Is' Issued annually, abont the tirstof February, which- will be ent to all my patrons of Wis as s.vin as Issued, and lo all mhrr. on ,,nlt,.jH,.M 4 ,.( " . KDOAU SANDERS. 13-3m , MS. Clark Street, Chicago, I1U RIVERSIDE NURSERY Davenport, Iowa Ifyoa want a good article) of Nursery- Stock, Grape Tinea," Currtt(,"GooberrIes, uaapberrles, Silackberries. Stravherrles, Cherry Trees, Pctcb l ri, Lit ertrr tut, and Dlaclduous Tree, Send your orders to ' ' " " ' " J. V . FEARMAs, l)aveiirort Inorn or IL Y. FLT.NAS, Bwvnvlllc cuiaiogue iree. . 13-9-r : VICK'B , FLORAL GUIDE FOR I860. The first edition ofOiw TTnnrir4 ni r VIck'sllliistraieUCamlotniBOf .-eds and tiuide la tbe flower Garden is now uuhlLshl it n.i,- . ?2Tr 100 r"B' beautifully illustrated, with about 1 30 f me W ood Engravings of Flowers and Veeet 1 abies, and aa . . ELEGANT COLORED PLATE, BOQUETTE OF FLOWERS,. It Is the most beautiful, aa -n i. structive Floral (inide published, giving plain and thorough directions for the . Culture of Flower and Vegetables. Tbe Floral Guide is pnbhVhed for the benefit nf mv customers, to whom it is sent free without apuli-- iion, out will re lorw arded to all who apply by mail for 10 cents, which Is not half the cost. ' Adtlreas . JAMFM VICK. OAIiIAD A'l'RStY. , , 8T. LtJUIS CO., MO. 1 00.000 I5ox EMor Seccllliig, from 6 Inches I to 1 loot in beisht. il per M. :,m Sugar Monies ' S 4 0(1 Tier V ,Wi Miami BlHCk Can Haunter r i in l'Xi.OOO Asiiarasiu Boom . 2 ol per M Grape Vines of all the leading vtirt"t!s. IS-nm Elleardsviile P. O.. St. IinU Vn PREMIUM LIST. AVIIITLOCK'S Eorticultiiral He cord. ; SI.50 per Annum, In Advance. Single Copies, 20 ceuU. To subscriljers tvishins to twiv at t'10. n,i nt the year, ii, II ordertxl by January 1. Isti3. Address, The Yhitlock ExDOsiticn and Ex- . changa Company, .. - ; "213 Broadway, N. Y. ANDREW S. FULLER," Rditor. and vl is. uiso contains a list or the Ltt implements for farm. Garden and Household ; and its rases are tilled with articles from the best horticultural and agricultural writers In the world. As a special inducement, we otter to send one plant of either of the following va rieties of fruits, to all whosend in their nama with $1,50. Clarke Raspberry, Pavison's Thornles Rasp'oerry, KUisdaie ' lsriberry, Missouri Mammoth Blackberry, Choice Gladiolus, Choice .Tupan Lily, Iona Grape Vine, or two Kariy "Wilson Blackberry, two Kittatlnnv Blackberry. Or, to any oue who will send 5 cents extra, to pay postage, we will send On round of Early Rose TiAatoet. The plants will be carefully packed and sent by mail, post-paid, as early in the Autumn, or fcpriuij, as practicable. a-l-t The cheapest journal of the It! lid tmh;isTi.(t the only one eivlii ' the rriclixt rr tmV ticn and plants In "All Nnrsr!e In 1 m ' 1 . - i. Crape Viaes, tc.,forj: size, .v.-.4t,r,rf.)rf,r,r,,1Tr,an,,n? Ornamental Trees, orape Vine, 1K tent, vart-ty, v! -,r ami beantv v: ?!'). W.000 - been surpax.-l. i uu partit-oiiirs given !n ths raed, s-;;t prepuid cn r''f l,J.ft3--o.4fre. Xa'i r , or FruiU. . No. OnuuJf just Lssnei, s for Nos. aiogne or i ruiu. . o. Ornac OiCT fr.-n ( ; reea House Plants. Xo. Wh0i' ct - ler ELL WAN (; ER Ru oriler . as ll-m OF Pencil 3? AND . SMALL1 PRUljj IIEMtY IC. 1I0 A PROPRIETOR. Near Newr Brvnswtck, Nw 1 - .4 -A r One Mile from Voorhee's Station, X. T1TK2VTY-FIVE Tncrj4 One YrOItl CroaU4 First SiTse, UuUly stocky tree,a,t 810 per ICQ; $70 per 1331 At' .... Second Plre-. thrlty stocky trw, f err at - " tt perlOO; SJerl0i List of . Varieties N.w Zarly kinds ripening kere in iora Early, Troth' Early P.ed. Lr? Honest John, Cooledge's Favcte, Er!r Georse the Fourth, Yellow Rarer:;, Crawford's Early Melocoton, and J jwi The kinds ripening from the beg'na.'.Toi of September, are Old anion ti jfir,j Morris White, Bergen's Yellow, E 1 1 , Susquehanna, Crawford' Late ileictr nill. Old MUon Cling, Prince'i Pxl Orange Cling. Late varieties ripening In the r.J a's and beginning of October, are btumj Si President, Late Admirable, Wrd' Lit? stone Heath, Sn-.ock's Late Ftee, J'rorw White Free, Carpeuter't White atd Cling. Ait Xa' r 25,000 Lawtoa Blkberry Plants 20,00a WIIs..n' Alba: y Strawberry fir.a- WrftrM 10 COO RtSfsell's Prolific Strawberry Tju!- SJperTVi 11 -.1m OLD CASTLE ilURoU GENEVA, ONTAIi 10 CO 5.1 Invite the attentiou cf r I 10 V Testcrn rvurscrymca, Dealers and riu to their extensive and reliable awots . ,' 2' AT WHOLESxVLE Including Fralt Tree Standard and Dwarf: Ornamental Tree and Mimbe- and Evergreen ; S all Frlt Grapevines-A-V ' lleHea, Green Heose ani Plasts, Balt Ac. . Parties wUhlngMELECTTR?EIlT either far their own planting or to sell m1 O quested to give us a call or write for p enclosing stamps for catalogue aj tollo : f Descriptive Catalogue of Fruita tbr- J Descrlptlve Catalogue of OrnaoiDl-' . stAmps. Wholesale Trade List oue red stamp. Address, - T. C. MAXWELL A- B i-y . ' IYCS SEEDL1SG grape" ltOOl Tbe beat Grap for general cuIHt country. ' " As so decided by a committee of l"11 m noted Graje Grower Wine a " United States. Price so low that all who will may? We are now selling them at $30 per 1000 ; $T Pr L C One dozen sent ray mall, iecurtiy ge paid, for SljSO. Address, - - j JJIcCULLOiGH, 'DttAKK U-3m Bo 37. tfn" THE SALEM. j Tlrst Premium awaroVi W K Lake hore Gmpe Grower for "the Bet Six clusters of Fruit, Q - t- 1 t Having TUfrty Acres of tbe Y we consider it for har'linws. er; "' ,. romise in b-Hrine. oif: ml must pro:iuLle uufr-lor UrP 111 fW!S a block of Mr. Jr S. lUigers, aa follo: 5 Fjrh. rr . S-year oil 1-year old T. L. HARRIS B, Eroctoa P. 0 CbauuW IHra IORTHVESTERII WB?-sS - XlocUford. Ilila01 - - , !- w ii in VS and SMALL Titii, and sloik gr"r XrRSEnYMEA' and -1 ltll',iTTJ..lrm;ia kr'lt CTb made a soeci.Uty. Srnd in:p aay inforuiatioa required, u , 11-3UI