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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1869)
. ' J. S. CIIUFvCir, Eli tor. EUOWNVILLE, THURSDAY, FEB. t, 1SOT. Editorial Correspondence. Lincoln, January 23, 1SC9. An Act appropriating $10,00) for the relief of the State Normal School, and one transferrins capitol square and building In Omaha to the city fur school rurnoscs. have passed both Houses,' and are awaiting the signa ture of the Governor. A caucus of both Houses met on last "Wednesday night to discuss informally the school interests of the State. They decided In favor of State and County Superintendents, to be elected by the people, and the independent district eyetcrn for schools. The bill for building five bridges over the Tlutte, and appropriating one hundred and twenty-five sections of laud, did not meet very favorable con sideration in the Committee of the Whole. ' -We notice that E. W. Thomas, a . Democrat, comes to the relief of our Republican District Judge, if the num ber of remonstrances against the transfer of the said Judge to another District, in the hand writing of said Thomas, arc any evidence of the fact. No one thinks of, or wishes to make any change of the kind, o far as we can hear. But the fact remains, that our Republican Judge cither can't command, or else contemptuously de cline, the aid of Republican lawyers in his own District; and, in order to maintain his position, avails himself of the services of a Democratic oppo nent. "We hear of no remonstrances in behalf of Judges Crounseand Lake at least none have been presented to either House. . TTherels the State otWebraskal By the Reavis bill introduced into the 'Senate granting lands to railroads, a stranger would suppose there was only one point in thin State and that . point Omaha. Tiro Nebraska Trunk is nominally a State road and yet it is only destined to feed Omaha; with St. Joseph' at one end and Omaha at the other, we have sonic curiosity to know if Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, Brownville and other good towns in the South Tlatto can hope to hold their present trade? The other great con tributor to Omaha's greatness is the Nemaha Valley and Omaha &. South western, Intersecting the Union Pa eifle at a suffici ent distance from any other town to force its trade and ship ping interests into the magnanimous city of Omaha. Does any one suppose for an instant that the road from Lin coln to intersect the Union Pacific at Columbus will be built so long as it is in the power of the Union Pacific and Omaha & South-western to force all westward bound freights to come to the main line at a point eighty miles east of Columbus. While we do not believe the design of Reavis' bill is to secure the bulldiny of a bingle mile of road, wo do not like to see all the lands of our State given in such man ner that one town only could receive the benefit, and have the privilege of building up at the expense of every farmer and town south of the Platte. Fremont Tribune, kZth. ,.This is sound talk, and Ihc sooner ur citizens see it in this light the better. So far no mention has been made in the debate before the Legisla ture which aims at the building of a road from the river in South Platte to the interior. "Every road leads to London," every road must feed Oma ha.. South Platte needs and must have a road west to the U. P. R. 11., and can. have without crippling any of the projected roads. Why cannot n bill be passed permitting any road by complying with certain fair con ditions to receive a certain amount of aid? Thus would the energy of the people decide their own destines and liot a clique in the Legislature, and a fctimulous le added to improvements that could not be reached in any other way. Name no company, but let the first four companies complying with certain conditions receive the aid, to the exclusion of the more tardy. Un fairness In deciding this matter will only result in disaster to the State, and a partial, if not an entire failure, of the object aimed at. Let us have a show to build .mother city in Nebraska Let's have no "road bed" swindles or partiality, but a fair deal open to the people to acquire and make improve ments where energy and capital will combine to push on the work to com--plction. Terrible Murder Jlurdcrcr Lynched. . From a correspondence in the Oma lia Republican we learn of one of the most horrible murders which it has ev er been our lot to read of. On Friday, the 22nd, a brute in human form liv ing in or near Glcnwood, Iowa, beat his wife in a shocking manner, so that her life was despaired of; after which he took his littlerxaughter and held her on the stove, smothering her cries J and fighting r"'t!ie mother until the Uiil gave up' Lj U- ; roy. TV. brute Was arrested, and as the child con tinued getting worse a vigilcnce com mittee waited until Saturday, when the child dying, the brute was taken out and hung. He should have been burned, piecemeal. Railroad Operations. Messers.' Z. T. Knight &, Co. evi dently mean buisiness, as they have commenced operations upon the blufT above town and have a large force at work upon the old track, it being .found practicable to carry on the grade there when it is imposible to make any headway upon the low bottoms. The work of dressing up the old grade from here to Fai rmou n t is compa rati ve ly an easy task and being accomplished in part at this season of the year, will materially forward other operations ' during the summer season. We advise our western neighbors to keep their eyes open and cars erect, for ere long they will hear the shrill whistle of the locomotive and see its attendent train as it thunders along tho track on its far westward Might. Canton Press. am t . From the St. Joe Jlcarld we learn ' that Capt. Ford is at the head of an organized company to run a line of tteamers between St. Joe and and Sioux City, to connect with a through line from the latter city to Ft. Renton. Gov. Brownlow has determined to enroll militia and place twenty- five counties In Middle Tennessee, where the IIu Klux do most flourish, i:ndtr law. STATE ITEIilS. - A branch house of one of the lar gest paper-mills in the nation will be opened in Omaha at an enrly date. . W. H. Mann, of Sterling, IIL, is making arrangements to put up a grist mill at Bryson, niue miles above Tc cumsch, on the Nemaha. A party of soldiers passing through Fremont, "Denize Co., stole all Mrs. Wagoner's clothing off her line, and carried off every catible in the house. A large addition will le laid out next spring to the town of Fremont. The Library Association of Fre mont are in vigorous operation, and are going to build a library building in the spring. Mr. Norton, of Omaha, was last week run over and seriously Injured by a mule team. Capitol Correspondence. Lincoln, January 23, 1SG0. Editor Advertiser.- When the cau cus adjourned that re-nominated Mr. Tipton for tho Senate, the people rushed "Into the Representative Hall, and the successful, and the dlsap tttinted aspirants also, were called up on to address the multitude. When Gov. Butler's turn came, he ascended the speaker's stand, and as he faced the audience exclaimed: "How do look?" and tried to look as unconcerned as possible, which caused an uproarious burst of laughter, mingled with cheers. With your permission, I will try to show your readers how the members of the House, from the Nemaha Land District, "look to a man up a tree," or or rather up in the gallery. On the left hand side from the en trance,, the first member is Mr. Tisdel of Richard.on, and to his left in a row are his colleagues, Messrs. Jones, Hoile and Gardner. In front of the first named are Messrs. Crow and Church, while in front of them, sit Messrs. Shook and Stienman. On the same side, next to the speakers stand is Mr. Blakely of Gage, while to his left and left front are Messrs. Rhodes of John son, and Stewart of Pawnee. Eleven good and true men, who will at all times work together to advance the interests of their constituents, and the people of the State at large. Messrs. Tisdel, Hoile, Crow, Blake ly and Stewart, are old members, have experience in Legislative mat tcrs,' and an extensive acquaintance with prominent gentleman from all parts of the State, which gives them an advantage that they would not otherwise have. Messrs. Gardner, Church, Shook and Rhodes, are very prominent for new members, and their constituents should return them, as well as the five first named, to the next Legislature, juessrs. Jones ana bteinman are good members, but their modesty will prevent them from becoming conspic uous. I have long been of the opinion that a man to be a successful Legisla tor, must have a large amount of bras, as well as some brain. "Modesty adorns a woman," but it won't do for a member of the Nebraska Legislature. Your worthy chief is sadly afllictcd with Job's comforters, alias Boils. I suppose our Democratic friends would say that it is the Radical corruption woruing out, out mere is no purer man, morally and politically, than that same Jarvis S. Church. The people of Nemaha did a wise act when they elected him to represent them In the Legislature. He has brains enough, and is not deficient in brass. .W.A.P. 1TESTERW tfETFS. MoPjieuson Station, U. P. R. R. . Nebraska, Jan. 24, 1S09. J About thirty or forty Sioux came clown in sight! Twenty or twenty five of Burk'8 employees started in pursuit immediately. Word was sent to tho Fort (McPherson) two miles distant, and in an hour Major Norris. with two companies of the 2nd Caval ry, were in pursuit. I obtained this information from Lieut. Tipton. Co. G 2nd Cavalry, who was coming over here at the time. Three men came later about 4 P. M., saw some -of the troops coming back with part of the herd and some captured mustangs. They reiort four Indians killed, the fighting still progressing and the bluffs are full of Indians. Maj. Norris has 48 hours rations along. There are 1(A) men, (wood choppers) scattered through the cannons, and nothing is known of their fute yet. Just the time for Indians! They are simply complying with their treaty and ought not be disturbed. It reads (I think) that when they cannot get a living on their reservation, to come into some fort and get it. Part of this herd ta ken was intended to supply the Fort, and they only wish to kill it and issue it out to suit themselves. We expect thera down on our devo ted heads at this Station any time. We had a military protection f five men and a Corporal all winter and felt quite safe, but they were taken away three or four days ago. Cor. Omaha RcjniLUean. The Tucson Arizonianot the 2 Inst, is received. The last horseback mail from the Rio Grand was attacked by Indians In tiie Cienege de log Pitnas near what is knewn as the Mescal Ranch, the horse shot and the mail captured. The rider left the hnrwo and took to the brush, and succeeded in making good liis escape. Hostilities are anticipated in the neighborhood of Fort Dodge, Kansas, Spotted Horse, a prominent Cheyenne chief, was at the head of the hostile band, and is very bitter towards the settlers. There are five tunnels on the U. P. R. R. letween Omaha and the con nection with the Central Pacific; at St. Mary's Creek, lClfeet, on Sulphur Creek, 14;) feet, at the head of Echo Canon, 840 fett, and on Weber river, 4'JO and 800 feet respectively. A band of Chcvenncs are camped near Sherman Station on the U. P. R. R. A detachment of soldiers have been sent out to watch their move ments, j The CItciftain sa.vs tfie hay con tract recently let at Fort Lvon was awarded to Mr. Reynolds at per ton. We learn that the B. & M. R. R. Company reject the proposition of our County Commissioners, and express a desire to run the road where they please. Mr. llochstctler has asked them for a proposition. Press. Out at the end of tho Central Pa cific Railroad track they have a com plete blacksmith shop permanently fixed on a wagon. The Cheyenne Star fays that Gen. Sherman has given instructions to shoot any Indians south of the North Platte, according to treaty stipulations. They are off the bounds, and lawful prey. Tho Cheyenne Ariis says U. S. Marshal Litchfield was arrested on Tuesday in Laramie, by Sheriff Scars. Cause of arrest unknown. Tr.r" A Herd r.avr. We are Indebted to the Hon. Dan. S. Parraelee for atony of the bill introdu ced by him into the House of Reprcsen tatives to restrain stock from running nt l.irtre in the State. - The bill makes it unlawful for cattle, horses, mules, shecp.swine, and other stock to run at large at any season of the year. When any such are found on any other than their owner's prem ises, they shall be impounded ana their owners notified, bv a written notice delivered at his residence, and hcshali pay all damages and costs. If he and the taker up of the stock can not agree as to the amount, each shall choose a referee, and If these can not agree they shall choose a third man. anil a ma jority of the three shall determine the dam.iges: and from their decision there shall be no appeal. If the owner will not pay tho damages, then the taker up may sell the tresspassing stock, by posting up three written notices six days before the sale. The act shall not take effect in any precinct of the State except that a ma jority of the voters present at any gen oral or special election shall vote in its favor : and a special election for voting on it may be Killed by any six men of the precinct, who sua! I post up tnree written notices, signed by ail oi inem, six days prior to the day designated for the election. The judgesand clerks of elections shall hold such elections the same as all others, and shall file the result with thjp county clerk. The act to take effect from and after its passage. Omaha Republican. . Andy Johnson is undoubtedly seek ing a nomination for Governor of Ten nessee. He will never succeed. The majority in Minnessota for the Negro Suffrage Amendment to the State Constitution, as officially de clared, is 9,372. MAURI ED. By A. W. Morpan, at his residence, January 21th, Jamea Olnder and Barau. Alice Ferju eon. By the Ramp, at the residence of Mr. Tan ner, on the 21 li of January, John W. fcinltli and rtaehael Ann Glland, both of this city. On tho 2Ctli of January, lfi! at tho resi dence of the bride's father. Dr. C. R. Baker, hv the Hev. P. B. Buch. Mr. Andrew J. .Scott, of Afsrinxrall, Neb., and Miss Km ma A. Ba ker, or Muddy, Richardxon Co., Neb. IED " In this el ty, February 3d, 1S68, Harry Sher man, only tton of Geo. V. and Annie l)augh erty. Ajced 5 months and 28 days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TAXES! TAXES!! QTATE AND COUNTY TAXES U NOW DUE. Promptnesa will wive ex pense. All canuot get receipts on the luxt three dav of April. O. W. BKATTON, !- Treas. 31ason'8 and Odd Fellows BlilLDHt mull OP BROWNVILLE, NEB. - NOTICE, is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Stockholders of said Company, lit the Masonic Hall lu Brown ville, Kebrnxka, on Saturday, February JXh, If, at three o'clock p. m., to elect the Officers and Board of Managers for said Association, and attending to any other business pertaining to the auuln of the company. 0. B. ITkwxtt, Jonas Hack .n, T n n . It. V. JHoiikk, fTnis.I.O.O.KNo. 1 L. C. Lktt. Trustee A.F.A.M. No. 4. Jamks M. llACKtR, J. K. Bkar, Tiikoookk If ill, 1. KWIM 11 ML, J. MAUIlOJf, t.'Ko. W. i AIUHROTIIKK, H. W. BHATT4..V. 17-2t DIt. J. 11L.VKE, DENTIST, Would respoetfliHy i annoiuu-ethut he has located in Brownville and is now preoaml -i is - ,., i !-i jiianner, Ai.ii oner- Uf -Zs-gFr-ZS atlons i;ertalnln to the sciunce of Den tist n- OmY. Over City Drue Wore, iront room. ICtf THE .MARKETS. CLOTHING MARKET. Corrected Weekly for the Advertiser by MAY'S DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING REGULATOR. Ruslness Coats from $4(5 ?12. Rusinesa Suits, fS. vemats, ?a 50(,SJO. Cassimere Pants, s-t oOys.e.i,' ( Jassl net Pants, ?2t S3 iW. Vests, from 75 cts. to i. Overshlrts, best, S't. Overshlrts, sckhhkI best, $2. versliirts, from 75 cts. to Si 2-j. Undershirts, from 51) eta. to Si Drawers, from 50 cts. to Si in Gloves, best, S2 25. . Sheepskin Gloves, 50 cts. Sheeisklu Mitis, 50 cts. DRY GOODS MARKET. Corrected Weekly for tho Advertiser by MAY'S DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING REGULATOR. fallco, lest II cts. Second, 10 cts. Heavy Yard Wide Muslins, 18c. Mnsl In, second, 10c( 12c. Bleached Muslins, yard wide, 3j 10. Cotton Delaine, 2c All Wool Delaine, 40c. Shawls. 67-l:V, Plaid flannels, 45c. Plain Flannels, 8ocri0. Balmoral Skirts, $1 50. GROCERY AND PRODUCE MARKET. FLOUR Winter? sack...- Spring . CORN H bushel,. MEAL bushel J. BACON flams T B Shonlders fo..., S7 50 4 25 - 75rCHi) " Sides V ft LARD C'anned tt SYRUP Golden y pal Supar House v Kal...., Kio a ro - CHEESE New York Factory v " Country 'A ft TE.1 Imperial to juacK f it, Younp Hyson U CANDLE.S tarl lb " Tullow v n Ari'LES Dried "A Ih Green V bushel PEA CHIS Dried V Ih ruTATOras bushel. COAIj OHr- gallon y. n si f nos nUTTER '0 fi , HONEY V lb ONION V bushel... WAIT per Karrel IWK Wnluut , 5 00 SIIINGLlfS ('ottonwooil per iooii;.7l2 50(ft.S 00 Pino Ji 00di.7 fto LA Tn Cottonwood per 1WJ ' 7 00 WOOD Dry Hard per cord tW HIDES Dry isr lb is Green.. 8 WHEAT Fall per bushel 1 50 spring 801 jw WOOL per lb 223 piirncfinrnprn oliLLLCliULiiULli Ul Jlcrhcrson's Hlocli, -Sole Agents In Southern I7ebrasfcn Atchison and Holt County iio. lor the THE CEST ill TIIE VOHLQ I ! ALSO P. PLIFPEH H bAIITOH h ILOV3 THE REST PRO WNO W MADE I HMIHHW ' 1 0 3 20 1 50 1 5 25fr.'B 25 20 2 50 ... Z 2 ('' l.i " 20 l.Y18 4 iO imm,,,.,., X &l 84) 2.. I 25 4 50 100 2.002 25 l 'HI f-. '"' f - - "te I A CAP.D. FOR THE SPRING TRADE OF 1 O G D . -Mi xi JfrrchaiU tcho hair, in (hee cold Mutter duyt, amjte time to Vtok over tlirir gtoektandthrtr hook, and balance in their own mind how tnurh they are actually worth, trill, no doubt, tome to the conet't- Um that they tcant to tuake more, (tnH hart more of the "NEEDFUL," at the dote tf 19. To rlve vrclth U eminently proper, and he U the ablest tcho can do it, in the mott honorable manner, vHththcleatt expenditure, computation, vexirxg trouble m, and vntt infeare. 7b do Imtinet profitably and pleasantry, a Xerehant has to observe three rule. ' 1st. To buy the EIGHT GOODS ! At the EIGHT PBICES IJ .-'I' At the EIGHT TIME ill id. 3b meet hi obli&tiian punctually, "paying prompt" plead Joe the interest f that Jtereruint cUh the eloquence of a Daniel H'ebster. 3d. 7b cut dorn his crixnses. a "a dollar saved is a dollar earned," and it enable one to sell so much cheaper. . . . . II "e speak in praise of those rule, fur tor A are tried tftcm, and find them to be the only means to a luccesxful mercantile career. BF.HOLD! he are not occupying a grand op-town Brick, with shelve full of "Winter Stock, but are com fortable housed at 27 T.Tain Street, r IMwcen Ivee and First," PRICE REGTJJuATOR. Our tvojtoor are heavHy laden icith most desirable goods, consisting of Dress Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, N Embroideries, Whit Goods, Handkerchiefs, Shirt Fronts, Collars 4b Snspcnders Trimmings, Buttons, Zephyr Wool and) - Vln all Colors, Woolen Yarns, ) Corsets and Skirts, : Coat's and Clark's Threads, American Best Spool Cottons, of which we hare all numbers And colors, Sewing and Embroidery Silks, Wallets A Purses, , Raftings A Tape Trimmings, ; Star, Crochet & Bklrt Braids, ' lAlpaca Braids, and a full Una of . j Bilk, Milan and Alabama Braids. A FULL LTXX or, H0H1IBE ClOIIllllG AND FURNISHIXG GOODSr" jy FACT, everything fhes betongt e a first etas Cluthbtg, Hosiery, fancy Goods and Xotirm House, vhirh has been purchased for CASH, to the very best advantage, and wW be sold at a very small advance to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers, vhose patron ape tee respectfully solicit ; as it Is our cherished aim to make their transactions with us both profiUUAt and lAeasanU A. IIAT Cz CO.'S ClOTillliG A!1D DRY GOODS Price Ifc?fjiilator. No. 27 Main Street, Between Lerte and FinU BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ELD. ORDERS BY MAIL or otherwise will receive prompt attention, and are invoiced at the same price a if personally selected. 17-tf t THE BEST FART1 IN NEMAHA COUNTY, ' EIGHT-MILES r"OMmo V5 TWO MILE& CONTAIN!. ( .on sir .ii: r'-lGO ACR All under cultivate . Al around it. Cros he thr witta living stock r on years old thi.s spring, i :iT: .14". ;, ' . I" : li , ;ier. v-t-J wu.; tainlng seven rooms ; a '-c tone: cood slone Miititte-i ;?-i,.;ie; ttixxl bar" eooU teiKiiit-uouNC on the place, and a good school V. ... tl,.w..iiih.U'.wt id 11 . . ; 7, .. .. i. , rMsnniihle terms. i. Will HVU U1C iliw c v. . r For particulars enquire of James ilcaughton oi lZ It. DILLON, on the Premises. FOIt A TEX KQCAL TO GOODSPEED'S GOLDES FOCSTAISi IS" FLEXIBILITY, DURABILITY, Honcorrcsiveness and Economy ! ! IT WRITES 100 LINES AT ONE DIP. , All who nse them will use no other. They are equally well adapted to the want of till writers, and never fail to (jive perfect satislaction. MO P' Jruarranteed to asenta to sell these pens and other ?...r..i i,i,.i,w furnish. Snniole Boxes S cents by mall, single samples. H C.,"i.91iJ:V i Address K. It. OL Xi&iX) ., lV3m D9 Chambers iSt., Boston. Mass. auir QUICK." ' The tise or Tobacco prrxluees disorders of clreola tion. Indiuestion, a niarkel taste for strong urlnK, linpoteucy, and tinully insanity. "quit qrica" cures all dosire .rorfTOHArCO, .rrlre-50 cent GILDES fc IIUli, rropricior, ) f I i MM McCBEEUY & AICKEt, ;:..-::...::..; i -druggisjs, 15.jt Brownville, Nebraska. , r t r 7 y T'" : i ; ' HorsenacaS Talieirotice. i i I offer, for saleor cash or jrpunStock, tny FIXE ixLOO DEO iJiTAELIOX, He Is a Dark Bar, Black Mane.rTall and Lejrs, stands Sixteen Hands hixh, and well proporuonea. Will be five years old next sprin. Is warranted xmnil hr..kf. crentle. and is considered by friMHl Judesthe best farm horse lor all work in thecoun- II. TEARE & CO., AGENTS, IJKCm'rSTILI.E, K E Oil AS It A To Contractors. SoRtcd proposals will be received np to February l, lor oiK'itiiiu up strtH'i to wewtcrn limit? of city, and to put the wmie In a traveling condition. 10-tt Mayor City of Browuville, FLORENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSIBLE FEED Sewing Ilacliiiies AWARDED TIIE HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBITED. TIIE OIVtY ONE Capable of S &wln$r In 7forc than one . Direction, Fastening- all its own Scams, WITHOUT STOPPING THE MACHINE Vlt TIIE CLOTH. It U8ES and WASTES LESS TnitKVP thnn any holding the ends of the thread. Warranted to Sew Heavy or Fine GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL. OVER 5 0,000 MACIIIXER SOLD SISCE 1861. -8enrt for Rpiwrts and Circular. YFM. E. PL iST, General Agent, 13 KOIITII FOUiTH ST., m.vX IIENDEKSOX, Brownville, STeb. COGSTTUL'S GREAT WESTERN Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLES ! Corner Mala and Levee Streets, EroTTnville, IJebraslia. Buys, Sells and Exchanges TOCK, COT PHOPERTY, LAIVDH, See, &c. Has Larse Stock Corrall c1om? to Steam Fer ry Landing. Stable accommodations fur Fifty. Horses. Single and Match Horsea. Rjicipa nni riages always on hand for sale. 40-6m Aeents Wanted for 2HGHT SCENES IN THE BIBLE, BY REV. DAXIEL MAKCH, D.D. orr.m, n-pe. flowins. clear, snsirkiinir .. piKT-iiu nyie; ior jMiMio geniiw; for beauty of . ..u..u uiu KJOiV'.ns iraa',':iu!iim; for nice an alysis of iiar;ici. r, f -.U,,: (. lineut.on nd rtre and happy illustrations, )ii.s work htot no e.iuaL Kuch enimeii(ljtioiis, an the nlMive, have bft r- wje rresM or ail lK-iKinmiiitions. Svnd lor Circulars eonUiifMuu'tlie same. A ten to are everywhere meet rfiJ1! i f "t"";ulfled huc-ct-w. It ta s most beauti fully illuxtrated and ejegaaUy bound book, and pieaHea everj-biKly. coMMiroxs ioo to tao peh Morrni. according to ability and energy. Address, 7tF(iT VT! ifrnrv m rilllilllclt'llla. Pi!.. CiflPiim'utr ( I . I'lilmcd .III m fit. Loub, ily. i. J - r-t ' gS O a I h -a SgS ' 4 f li Hs 34 I A I f 15s as si RSc, 1.1, I S.-g gag J; ,U im h a if y 1I0J6 III STREET, ncPHsncGirs rsxeczr. nunnimnn ft niira JTave mtirel t..o f' jt"; rget nml Best Asscr.mcnt : , nee atl ' ! v- e two t ' - 1 cco-- i I ... ; . and I - . r'. J I - 1 ( i afc ..! . . x L.. i ever brought to tao city of . . - . consisting of Gofnn,Po!clin Loun-ca, Secreifies 'arid Dook Cases . , , Oflce Deslis. Vash Stands, : 15 E I S T E A D S CANE ROCKERS, ; Nurse Ilockers, Din Ing and Breakfast Tables OfQee, I'arlor and Dining Room Chairs, and everything usually found In a FURNITURE ST0BE ! 12--ly - Shellenberger Bros 3Mo. 74, Mcriierson's Jllocli, ,':ri , ' " Dealers la Hardware, Stove, Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Hardicare, Stoves, Tinware, -: T 50.000 Miles Fence 50 000 Mile Fence 50,000 Mile Fence Pitlsbitrq Iron and Nail, Wire, Wire, Wire Pittsburg Iron and Nails, fiusourg iron una au$, . , - , . . Mechanic & Tools, ' " - " Mechanic Tool, Mechanic u Tool. Charter Oak Stove, Charter Oak Stove, Charter Oak Stove, Besides afull assortment of everything kept - inanrst claa 1BII1E H!!D STOVE STORE ! Which will be sold as low as the lowcai FOR CASH! To all who favor m with a call. At Ihc Sl?n ot the BIG BED STEAD ! is tho place to buy FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY McFALL. &; Co., Keep constantly on hand n completo assort meut of Sofas, Beadttead. Wardrobes, Bureaus, Rockino Chai't. Sprintj Beds, Wash Stand. What NotS, Kitchen -and Parlor Chairs, Hat Rock Kitchen end Parlor, Tables. Center Topped sianas, Lounges Tablet, Lounoe Settees. . 1 Springs. j Swing Kitthen i,i , - r vrtas, "".,. OJlet Plat 4r r Chairs. blond. Comforts, Mattrttte. Tetc-tetes, Bti Springs, Childrer.'t Cabs and Gigs, ana nosewooa Moulding, Sheen. PUlouis, Pillow Slips, etc., etc SHOW CASES & 0ITI0E WORK HADE TO ORDEIi! And anything and everythlns reqnlrrd to set up puun or iuncy Housekeeping All of their w'are Is either manufactured c put up under .their special superintendence, winch enables them to Bell sound articles at smaller prices than Kastern manufactured good-i. Our Hearse Is at the serv ice of the public at any time It may be needed, and is gotten up inas ft ue style as any farther east. HEMIC BDBUL' USES of all sizes constaiiily on uTtiiit, It Eustern I r i c : We are doln business on STRICTLY CASH PFwINCIPLTS AT A Small Profit and by attention to business nndthe wants ol the community, expect in the future as in the iam io receive me jwiironae or the public generally. ZlcYAlil. & CO. CHICAGO DDLLAfl STORE. Tlie lmTTieroe snect-ss attending nnr hiit. neKS In l'.OSTON tlicnnxtflvn iroar. 1,.1U dueed ns to establish a 15raneh store'ln tlii- ee.RO, renderinjr it more accessible to the estern jeople, and also saving a lartre Ex pressaire Our goods are all new and received direct lrom the ilanafacturers, consisting of nearly every article desired for fnmlly us such as Dry and Fancy (ioods, Boots and Shoes. Jewelry. Plat! W.iro ete te. ,ti articles sold for Oao Dollar Eacli, and not to be paid for until vou know what you are to receive. CHECKS, deseribiui; goods, sent at the rate of 10 cents each, to pav for postage, printing, ect. Presents froni t3 too $! sent r"ree to Ajrents. We are Agents for all the best Manufactories In the country. Circulars ent frtv. Agents wanted in every town. Address FAR II fc CO , 13d Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. l'.O.Uox5!rJ). 8-12t A. PIXJCR. T. K. REYNOLDS. .COUTHEIlir HOTEL, , nrj 2: a & RET:; O S, Proprietors Eight street, two blocks from R. R. Depot, ST. JOSEPH, 10. 4oly JOB WORK of all kinds, neatlv sn.i painly cxccutciL douo at the Advertiser Job uoum;.. , - i t. . B k V u mm IIWIHI II 'Ill II I . -sr. r ".t i DEPOT OF MUSIC! p. i. irmrsTT cz go::, I"o. S Tov-rth. Street, ST. JOSEPH, 3IO. LIUSIC PUBLISHERS, VholesnV find retail Dealers la pias job r if V 1 On n i "o mm. Chickering & Son's Pianos iilch were awarded the Cross of the LEGION of HOITOS, and FIRST GOLD MEDAL AT PARIS EXPOSITION, 1SC7. ALSO TfSI, ILXADK & CO., nAIXET, DAVIS & CO., HEW Y0BK UNION GO. BURDETT lationalf Combination & Cabinet oriGA-2srs5 Cabinet, Portable, and Metropolitan Orgsns. All orders should be addressed to JAMES R. Agent, BroAViiville, I'el. 5-fim Pern livery Stable. CHARLES GEADE, I)euler In Horses Eonght, Sold, or HxchacgetL S tock Boarded by the Day or Week. MY STABLES are to-feeI wtth cood ITorsw anil butcir-s. IVrSon wishing conveyanrw to mny or- tioii or tnp Aemuna JUtJiu DiMnct cuu bo accuruaio- dated. The Pern z BroTvnvillo Coacli Iav"s mr Stables e-ery mnrnlnir at tOo'rlix-k A. M. lV-issemr'" or package aai'ely einv'yitl. Or der l-ft witij tlie Puctmimteni Avill be pnjiiintly at- tendeu to. lJl-4.m JACOB MAHOIIX, IIERCHAITT TAILOR, P r() ff r. jia in litrtet, opjiMte xaciriierson s BLOCK, Brownville, Nel. Dealer In READY HADE CLOTH XXG! Also Agent for .. j Singer Se"winff -IIACHHIE THE APPETITE FOR T03ACC0 DESTHOYED ! Leave otT Vsl n?r that Poisonous Weed, Tobacco. One box of De Witt's preparation Is wr.rrnnted to dcMiny the nppetite for tolutcrv in any pernm, no uniirr uuw pLiuiitf ii uuui, limy im. xj ii iiiiim hi ny chh the money wil be refunriwl. uii(in-i.s Imve iul it u ho are willing to bir witKt to tlse f:ct tlint DeWit'n l'rejmratioti ciniiiilitt'ly dotrnvM thepptite for toh:coanJ lruves tli M'inui rrommiy dirsirv fur it as before liecimiuienctHl iius. It U jH-rfcctly sale anJ harmlcw In all cases. The preparations acts rtirwtly upon theKieneulainln niul secretions aR'oeted by tobitcco, nni Uiroutrli there upon the lilood, thoroughly cluauint; the poiou ot t.cco from the system. No more haukerin af ter using DeWitt's Preiiuratioii. l:ecollect it U war ranted. RECO.IIJXEXDATIOXS. Th Mlowlnu are a few selected lrom the multi tude of recuinaieuUationo in our ps-vkui : I'rom C. A. Itodger, Sf.XouIs, 5f o, . St. Ioris, lit April 3, l'.s. I hereby certify thut I have nsii t,,i,. e..r ty yi'iin pnrit, and for the hixt ten yeajs I have iiHel two pound jr month. I have made nftemputo lesive nil at dnVerent tiuiea. I hve lo ntr n. at a time, hot nlway continui to hunker after it until I used I)eVitt Preparation, which ban com pletely tmred me of the apjietite for toiicc I would recommend all who are affected withthia ter rible hiUit to tiy the lrepuraU.)n. C A. ICOEEIiTM. From John Knlpe, St. Toon's, This fc, to eertifvthat T l.''J teen yenr: tried'mariv time t. ,..v 'k.,, Kiiawin'K at my iotiiii-i1-tjL..hniSMM Jtt ' ' , ,, lite trim. A rnend advised me to use your vreiwra lion, and it eomuleteiy curc-l me JOHN KXIPE. From VT. A. Sinitli, Columbus, Ohio.1 I hereby certify that one box r ...... C.,i..,:,. entirely removed aU the use of tob,-co. " V. A. SMITIf. From VTm. Espy, Springfield, - , . , Spfixofiei.p, August i, I used one Jx)X of your Preparation, tun! it cured ie. u-ai i.vii I merely triv these aa a sample of what fani e eelvintrdi.lly. All Utter, of inquiry eheerfuiiv Jn- "" 1 r- n' rniriuin,l p r box. If to be ent by mail, 2T. cents additional for WesUfe Mool ey sent by mail nt my riK. AI Ire " ' i:-47-: t-JtAULiS UilWIT, Chemist ii Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ! Em. TnrjT,r: T-, 1tT,, Xc. 82 and 8 1 Main Street BKOWNXILLE, NEBRASKA. rpa!cr In a!! k Inri j f .i,.i. Tr. Rr.i.l j v '-. iiursfStionint, Roid tuid exchan-tid. sto-k,!i KV"ti,J day or week. mcxliUed at all hours,' day orj rsioiiT. A f;to.k eorrall. w-f'i ... i of I1U'C v at, attavlKd to the stable. l-ly !i; neweHPrir has rw"-erected an entire okHWni foniinodu stle, near the Hi At th: l!an!irBpt Nofir. In the T'xtr!ct Omrt of the rn';I la the matter of Ch& Matthews, u" . U. S. DMHicr Cor,T r, T'J l7 iii.'V Omerrn.. ' We,' i.;ru..M:i:ary?. ttri.i ti , fihtx anil fl i n'fcl.T rna Tff.T-t.i f tliitt t!i 'I I h ilnvi I. UK... ' ' "r HOk . R.1I1.. at te of s. .f 1 JU-uiters in Ttankrnpter for na rJ"1- ? viUelafcKid Distru t, U the thn ud for tlie heHrins of the fiunip- '''. may ur.te!id, nv.'i siio-x cmisr t. ii.i . the prayer of the:i:t ' "m:.i netiri The wcoiid Slid VAvl mee'!nir nr'.i 'n fluid liaiiknipt wiil be t (I n P . pi net' J-.'t cf I.- r r- CTerkcf r. S. I,i.vt ConrfC. Notice la Bankruptcy IHstrict Court of the United states t. In the macter ot Chnrles A. I DWtrk-t of ehrrika. us. ""-B-lJ4 Thus i to iv i!ot..- that on the-y.v uary, it. a Warrant of Jin!krm't;,, .i:t of the I'rricK ourt of :!, (,, . 7 ; lnsfriet t.f ' e gainst tl i. (J,"1'. A. flace. of .XfornsK j t it v. (.'tooJT ailju!irei a iaiiknipt on his own p r"-..un their debts, and to CiDmp una . " 1,Wir. his estntp, w:!l he held at Coiirt ,.r ie lioini-n ar Krnifii vil.'e in altl L'i,n Kich, )., Krister in liankriiou-T f, on the day of Jr'corunrv. 4 tl :r . a.m. r.farhj'an'' at Notice ia ltBkraptrr jt. DWriit Court fthel"nited stato. fA ,, . . , ( Xririwk. lnit,nkr,pf V I)!strirt of .el)nwsk. sk. r.-ir- This is to irive notice t!iRt on theT-s i ry,:.K a Warrant of rnkniMiyw r of ti.e ULsfrlct Court of the Vu J .m. C ; JMstriet of '.-hraka. a.'aint n, !. ' lln Fleniin?, nf Nebraska C ity, rt tb J., i'.i tiir in; ineni or Inj L delivery I'nnyprniierty beione'n . ikukti, niiiuu p tut m.i u.e. anil iut rat., t 1 Vine. J.rt)., l-lireM. jr. l:c!: F., niptcy for said 1'istrict, on the it t) , .v.iy. i.-wi, at in o a JJ1. X-.S. Marshal .i? ' U 1 f c . Notice ia Eaukraptcr. l ; , hvt . uisjriet Lourr or tne l n:tej Sfjr j.. . t .v. ofXrtrv, In a,nkriirr In the nm'terot W alter h. LmSi i District of Nebraska. This is to j:ive notice that on the -fc.i.. . uary is, 9 a Warrant of iiankni,,,, out of the restrict Court of tlie Cn, Lj si., ' PrV. ." District of Nebraska, " .ii:i-hii in iue ccprr m ' in i;.l f 'istri.t, !KU'"i-i-d a Isinkriri," tuion; that tlie pnytueitt .-fanr , ' livery of any property belun-u,. urt v li. li'ipii, ot;cili, In (he rirfT - debtor, to him, or pro;erty by him H fl:.t. i. : -J l , HI iiieetin;of the crt-duors of .said biilcniniw!'! " ' prove their dehts. and to cioe one nrt-M'v sit'liees of his estate, will he held atV r-"- ,; nipU-y.folM''iioinamt'iw' rorasKa. ownr- M. iu tl. .,., :stor-.i. ruplcy fur said district, on n. m i, .1 A.D. i2, at io o clock, a.m. ' " . 11 " ' Adnilnittratr mC Heal R-. NOTICE LS HEREBY cniV That hv virtno ir m. ?.,... . , trlct Court of XomnhaConrtr. .Visimyki I .ILii-.ii niinistrat-.iri-' h,,ui r t:; i. .i . Daily, deieascd, will, on the Glh day of March, ISo!), at I o'clock! ? ' and urn nt public vendue. -at the IW, ,'.'" of the Court House in lwl,vi!Ie. i SuTf Nemah-i. nil the rsht. titli-ir,.! hiferi .rf 1 ,,V',r disKsi, hw widow.,d tatives. In an to the loilow ne r-al c mjic. i J ': : 'o : r Utt I. of Swtioti a;,Toivn:. R-in-eHr IHC .VJ ,0-IH( Hcres. .ii,! -ii .... si-ie thereof. Also tho ;o!!oini: U ,'4 X. " So-nt ' . "' ioi.i i. z, 4, 4. .j. s. 7 m i " and lots I. ' .1. I. s m it ,,, i .'i,.'i," , TV, 2'"' ,t-:.I:fi lots'. an.Ki.-iWij In bIo-k .";: and lots a. unit 'r- i.'. i.i.t . 4 anil III liiwir .v. - un.l i... i i . i; and r. i7i bliK k :u; and lof n and C ib Iii and lot Sand 4 in bli-cic i ...,t i.u,u- block ami lots l and i in bliit ci:'iul- 11 and 11 hi !)!i.-k ftt; Hn.l i.Ki.k. and lots 4 and 7 in lilocfc ' n,i !, i 1 . . ; arul lots . 4. .-, pj. U ,! lz in i,:iMrk M. t:mi 9a"1! ll' k v.tand l.-w nnd iu in li. a iu lor.s ,,11113,1 J.' m h)iu - K. i,y lota 1,:. H and -in btn ic 111; and I.'. u block lit: and lots i :i. .,, . 7 M 1, . ,, in blw k liG; and l.,fi 1. a,i a 111 b, U 1 and loU 4. a and 10 i bloclc ll lots I.nnd7i;j Mock Hi; and lots anj j I ..; and lots , ilanU 1- in bl-M-k 1.; an-Loo: !' II 111 liliM kl iT; imd lot 11 in block l: Mr.d ' Hill r'-': ar5 1"M 11 ""! I'- o block I it : and lots H. ;i und 12 in block 1 tf: 6. 7. 11 and l-ii. bi.H k li: and lots n.l 7... !K 1 ... . i.m. i.mi una n ttu-iic if,- ami a;. lowing lands .situated in the towu..f .Mwini V ini.l wti:ifv: lut 7 i;i blm-k 1: !-.ts b. and In bl.K-k :t: p,ts j. - 4, 7 , ? i 'nV'i V.",,,M:'nn,,i'1 h; : Hn.i l.. -,rV-,:V,''-.!',-"',::',:5.. 1.:.K " ! ',:.B'"1 lot 1, z. x 1. 1 11, ii 11. i 1 P. Ii J I'XJ'- c- ' 'A 1 1 . ir, is. i. 3 : tv : -J? - ' , ". i. '!7, :?, :ei, 41. tt. a., trail ri".-' ,a,!(1-": - 7and.iiiiui ? " f' '" 'i 1 !- "! " "wo I and lot I :. ,l,rk i ; and lot I, 2, A, 7, , , " ' lb and is ni bl.K-k X "!r,! Said soJe will . ,e!d op.-n for bids fr-r'am? Ik,".' one hour from and aiter ti:e time abov ol1U' TKEXS' C.IMC. WTLIJAJI S. irortX. AdmiiiBtn n lHof.i ,t Bkihukv, Alt y lor iiiH: AdnriniMfmrne!. la Xotfce Is brreby si ven that the nnteri 0 mm intra tor of the .-,.ir r i,.h ii-"1" cea.sei!, will e!I nt puli'lc vendue, st the fn ' r" : of the Court How, In l.m-iivu. .1-nialiC",-o' el a. the ioliowinif decrihed I eic.t ,e", ,',..""dcofint.r. to-w it: Iits iijinwr Mi !" . in l:iocfc Diiir. TMy-fwir 1 0 Middle liniwiivilla. S.....I -..i- ... ...... . l'Kh ih.y of Keln.ry. l-xj.. at Jo cli k. n.n.u mam ooeu for ono lnuir ....i .., .1 . .. ..i.- . day. k i v 1 1.' 1 i-n li iH Thom.w it ITiu . f! T, A t t'j-. Aduiiaf w !;. I.Fi.MI AOTIfF. Ann K.iza Collin va. J,!-rt fVillini. In the District Court of the 1st Ja.tVLd l-" 1 a. d!rij) U1Kl lor -"""ic.rtij.ty. Oiut''j liobcrt Cnliliis 1? St:ite of Xebnwka. f.'n.IaRt, a m.n-rid"!t tb " Khz Collin- aid on L , . .V " !V: . ' . l'orJ,',',:?:,'n theoitlceoftheil-r." f. . r.iV-i t a!;l"'"F!l tet.dant is or suiting- 'i'f i r 'u:Ui';?n'i"tnan e fr r" I" ed tfl.Tt'y' w""t"'i'. d cnieiiy fu.ie4.w 'Ii! fl;.l i ",'V. 1 -"l-'n "re hertbv r-riiilnni tno,'' u., ortne .same wul be tak-n as tme ,,r J. X. rtevTtoMs. Atty. J'liiiiiirv j:at, -,, C.lrt .rtvi w , T Stray Notice. V A KEN UP Uv the Subsrri!r, in? at Nemaha City. Decemtrr TTh. oaewhiteyearling Mear, r.-d ear.nd r"I .I.i's on neck ami f.-et. i7-,t J.UiT ". " uv! I -arrny C'mlfi t:'. Taken tip by the utuiersiciied. r"ii ltitiv "'wnviile, .Nel..,on the I. day ry. i.v,n( ,,e white steer culf; will r ' ' nest.apruig; ennt market bv ben t..ra. fr.-e7iog. lKit j V3I s W. t !.. f r . , I',: Stray Notice. h. . , r I . I I. count v 'ebr.Hka, on tiio .li u;iy oi i-,;T" l:i:ht uy horse potev, d.irlt nuiieaml , to lie three yenr. old'; Mar iu loreties l : tui n"-'k, ne bmiiil.-. noticeable. Ji 'HN lJli; Stmy Not Ire. T.iken pp by the un.!ers!-rel, liv'nK s11, mile south or Cli n V.,H-'. on tae 11 of JanuatV i black pntiy.alMMit ftv yearn old. with roacfc" a little white on ia.sid of riUt liiud fowt. . rfMind. no marks or bnind-s. - 1 e-'t (ilT.F." It. BEEx..-i " ' v Strny Notiee. ,isc Taken in by the nndenicned. Hvfn twr e Boot ft of IVru. oil Itoriev on the2' b eetnbcr. l-. one ;:.u k' Yeaf!iH lln'.er. left ear and underbit in the riuiit. l-''t W'.O (ilA si;r'ti 1 IBSDERni To Consnmptlrr. The advertiser, havln-r leen ct'1', health fn few weeks bv a vcrv xia:!ne ' , ctly, afley bavin;; stirien-il several yea". asoverelanj a:iction, and that t! n" , etuse, C"rDstitniti(iii i- anxious to jw known to his fellow suXl'erers tae n"1,!: cure. -ij To all who desire it, lie will wnJ , M the prescription nsed (free of ch:. i the directions for preparir? and us-,., Kaiue, which, they will rind surec Vr. mptims, A sthntet, liro itch it is. ce. ? fx. otyes-t of tfie advert iser in senimi ty'.w eriptionlsto bene at the a;aivtttl.w ';! . Iniorination which he conceiv.s to ni : able; and he hopes every sv.Ci'iTre,,,. his reinc-dy, as it will cost thtnt nollo Tt. may prove a M.-.sfx..r. ... .z Forties wihln- the nrfiTl ntlon V a,s luidress UK V. Km.Iti A. 'II'-j, s li South Second st.f Willi.-tn'T'v" 13-9-y KliisH County. ,- t Error f Youth. t: A trent'eman who 5utTfre..i tnr . , ,rti sr. T-vvlV. . meeiiecis oi yoaunui ijihi iv.-"-. , the sake of 8u;:Vr:5 humanity, "' ..,ln' al who ne'ii ir. t'i.' recip and direri-- ,-, makinpt the ;J;l't.!.' remedy by t,!,''". cured. Sui:vr rs wi.shtptr to profit '''j vertiser's ex neru-nci; can do by '., v In per.W-tco'"'f.;cnc. JOHN 1?. .' 1 K-y N'j. i: Cedar btr-.s. t, 1 0. Hill e- rte. rrAKE NOTICE IIEUEPv ret it ion h.i. to-n, to-wit ' 7. T of Jai!"i:iry.A.n. I-'-", fiU in .i I " iwe .i.i!;uf. ot mah VmZx?rir'j in s:.!.t i.;.-lrct. who Im. h.' riarttl JUuxru,t vitUt tiij ArtV.;"'" tiU'i "An Act to lt;.',ia V !'o- oi' Uankrurtcy Throiium the i r' 2 nnproveil iXarch '1, 1,7. and erty neiongins to su. ii Ilankruut d f for his ue. inl ti trRs!r of any "-, ' !n:rto h:m areforolildt'ti bv law 'r" of the ereditor of wittil IJn n It r,', r,' li :)ili. 1'""!' J "7 mill, loroillllcn hy law. ' inert ii;r of the creditors of said Einkw' prove their der,'s. an1 to choose on.,r " ees of his estate. wUl be held at ' w ; roptcy to ho hoi-I-n nt rhe fmrt ht -ft i: inf