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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1869)
Agricultural Department AGSICI3XTUHAX AGH1CTDXTUHAI ,nr ! F.d!td bv W FtMM. tO I tauacaiions oo Agrxuiiur. b awrta!. ar . nr ' -r the o.ritrol r, CX4. L. rrca tae Capitol. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 21, 1W. It ia cuite a task to write "from tbe Capitol" an Agricultural letter, Irfslature being In et-sion, of course repres section of the Ctstc Fair FrcisJtirra. y,'e t:e i-Ieasare n sayiS to those Interested that money ia sow la tbe treasury to pay all tl awarded at theUsi BUte Fair. Ar rangement have been made by v hlch .11 minm due in Otoe County ni v A hv Jndze O. P. Mason, at P,.a of amount: w ill i j " -nt-V A I , t .r.,1 Vpmaha County, chaix rotrxra, & ET MAIL, CCrS. 'l-- . . - v.-tt V rnrnaa.atUroWBViiie. vui- cntatives from ever, - -- r,remi. State, iam g.aau, H. Walker, Dears of emier Amcai . tuMK A'eJ at nntv, hh.kT. Crsra-on Coae, Mooaer.or latbodybtrawberms..,, otoeft representation or we Md... for an order, . f th,n to L. A. Walker, Treasurer, .the Legislature. The teute iu - nmiomas can be obtained by tbe application to the Secretary, i Aav r,r tA State Fair, to meet at uaj v Two dosea Ctrttlnrs of either tmB- brrj , or 106 Gray wmyir Cuttings . If you wish to pU&t this coming prlo,eadta you orders early, awl save TSEE PEDLKE'8 SXABGI3. A An stock of two few eld APPLE, PEAR, PLUM A5D CHERRY. P" J Also Shade Tm, EverjFreens, Ornamental Shruba. sua general Kursery StoeK COXIiTAHTLY 03f 7Tf TT - AT THE PROSPECT HXLL NTESERTES, Genesee-, ruiaoEs, X. & E-EICIDIOD, rrapTiatara. jjy Correspondence solicited. lag interior SAnata. marten f 9; iltre. nmah. Diploma - J S III 1 I 1 I I li Hi I - meeting neia meun- , , ; Hereafter or tne fcw.- ' r mM the last day this plac on tbe 13th of tnis mom c It met in the liaii 01 Cfaf " wDI please cony this, VV gfm"g' (Ce of th besutifol. rIW Krowins lemt iito? dry Uoo. On rtocon thr Victoria, IJnnlm, or Btrsw- tt I terry n rini, v"w i., all premiums will cSVKK2S ay of the fair and a. m. yuow Bpberrr Two 1wn Prlret Car Hedges, ain plsnts, r HJO cnmngs WO WO w J4-hn ... i.i-jt- Representatives, which was Kinuij tendered by the body for that purpose. There was not only a quorum, but a large number of the Board present, together with a well filled Hall of the friends of Agriculture from various or notice. AGRICTJLTTJXIAI A GESEBAL AS80ET3CEST OF Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum AND PERSIMMON TREES. Al Grape yi) G; Trrief Cr- 1869. WM. H. LYMAN'S 1609. parts of the State. r,s of the Board, all were invited to Illustrated Floral participate In any and all subjects asd pertaining to Agriculture. First, the CATALOGUE OF SEEDS AND PLANTS. ; subject of Forct and Fruit Tree ibuin . panting was disced. Hon. Jcc r GrifHn of Douglas county, AV . D. Scott wm be, the cratea . of Bichardson, Gov. baunders ox irrg poLLOCIL' Geranium 5 CTihilUii3 iucu tw-.ciii- - csjtt," fanner-like shape and various ' matters were talked of, consuming the entire afternoon. The Board ad . journed to meet again two days there- f;ir. and so on arrain. until four rants, Ble&lrTls,d o us AJMmvr a t snmrnuEiiY, AT MODERATE PRICES. Address W3LMAXWEIX, XAaeeCeM, Jofeasoa Oomatr. Kmss. f '! f J' 1 AGHIClTLTUIi-I GRAPE VCTE3I GRAPE VINES!! GKAPEVINES!! 1,0C3,C33 CXtAPE TINS CTTTINCS. Also s, lsS stock of Carrant Plants aad Cattlnss, nnn?? EBERRIES, ROSES, Haspbcrrica, Blueberries, Ilseaba.rb? Ete FOR SALE CHEAP. for Price Ut nd Esssya on Grape Dr. H. PCHBODER, Bloomingtou, U. fvnd stamp Culture, to 13-to 3 Pes of Plaisi IMrertlosM for Plssttlac al cultivating, ft family m urtf5 and marfcin all tmall Fruita. Written from 3 yrexpnpnee. and irlves all the Inform. ion of the Urt-t-r and morecosUy works, so as to pat new banners on wj'Jal foot in? with old fruit rro;ers. We b ire nuimreasoi iHimii. - tolJ-wtag from Ber. H- W. Bb a mple: -Trair directions for crowing btrawberrn.-S) ua Baspberries are the hmt I hare ever seen. jB-prico, 10eents.-s: Wholesale and retail lists of oox planUsent t7 I mail fres on application. botub Bead, Xaa. IS-rt n 1 alUitrodocSnt to tle IMblic my new Toma to, tbe st. tjoos co- Ma .000 Box Elder Seedling, from 8 Inches j fL 1 to Tt foot in heifrht, ft per M. il.Cm Hnrar Maples. iVt-X) Miami Black Cap Kaqerry Grape" f 4fflperK 12 00 per M 2S0pera - -rr rk'l'l'f? I wOJOOAsparacns Boots- TTJmaT;a'r nieanlsvlile P. P.. Iui, Co., Ko. . vanotr and Uie tT m '.T.V ' "J:r, . t t T A T rvOTTTCl KRTTK I meetings of this nature were held.- c O'KEETE, SOIT They were all well attended and gen- -wl;1 f riTUT fidTC nfQ trslly participated in , . - . have. It ta nnexceti ior eaiias more leading questions presented and Jlrl . . i.vmRftd Was the introduction Of TeX- iw fniit erenly, about ten days U-rore tl. EjriyJied. rasiety was oMt'r fW.m seeiln BM. In U ripil Its rrsut X i JJA x a oriorw iuc biDOOlb Ked. PRICE IN SEALED PACKETS, aSe.EACH. Tar Ulojitrated c;rrular, containln description. .-ecocamecdations, sc.t Address vm. n. irMAjr, Importer of Beed, Bulb, a! Plants, IyCTereU,M 1-Im GREAT WESTER! URSERIES Among the riKTK;M . ciscussed was tne introduction 01 kv iwrniiteremy . . 1 ni,. . I L'ndoubted necessiijr ut aj. ,111 . prohibiting. This question was very fully ventilated by Mr. Bbsel, an ex tensive stock dealer of Saunders Coun ty; Col. Ritchie, of Sarpy; Hon. Loveland, of Douglas ; lion. Kafsiger, ' of Dacotah ; W. D. Scott, of Richard eon ; Hon. Miller, of Cass, and others. A resolution, with various amend ' rnents, prohibiting and regulating the Introduction of these cattle into this State, after a Ienghy discussion, was Indefinitely postponed. The question of a general Herd Law was as equally and extensively discussed. The ex pressions were almost unanimously in favor of such a law. This I regard as pif Year. 203 ACTCS. one-, cf the most Important questions connected with the agricultural inter eiU of Nebraska. It would astonish most people to figure up the expense of fences, their rapid decay ; the per cent, of loss of stock permitted to roam at large ; the extent of crops destroyed by them. Such losses will more than pay for double the value of all stock in the State. A herd law would save it all, and result in the more rapid development of the State la all respects. Live fences would be planted everywhere. However, with all these facts beforethe Legislature, and a great majority of the people farmers of the State in favor of it, " there will be no general Herd Law passed. Chief Justice O. P. Mason, and Elder Young of Lancaster Coun ty, each made lengthy, detailed and telling speeches, on this important eubject. The subject of further aid by the State to the State Board to enable j It to offer more liberal premiums, was j talked over, and a resolution Uliani- soil, arid guaranteed to be fully as goods repre- mousJy aaopiea oy me mass meeting asking the Legislature to increase the eum now given three hundred dol lars to one thousand dollars. Mr. Tisdel, member of the House from Richardson county, has already intro duced a bill to that effect. The discussion as to tree planting, bliowed that the people throughout the Ktate are Wide awake on that SUbi ect. Apple seeds, warranted fresh, tttO per busbel Fort trees by the million are being osajre seeds, " 15,00 planted in every portion of Nebraska, j rineossge plants, fs.oo per 1,000. The planting of fruit trees Is gaining Increased attention ; there is more fibiln fruit growing than ever be- jr JJJQ, , HUIiJIxlZ CO. fore. Senator Cunningham of Rich ardson county, has introduced a bill to encourage the growth of Forest and Fruit Trees, live fences, &c. Its pro visions are liberal, and its passage and enforcement will be of great benefit. The Senatorial contest, which until now Las been the absorbing question before the Legislature, being decided, the next great matter of importance is the appropriation of the State Lands given by the general Government for B County VuTZCvlcZ. lfcaU Ui AUbVlUUl A A-aJ'A V VUiVii VOs A AAV A W I 1 IIiiulXlHl.ea in 1850. Fruit Trees of all Hinds, CATALOGUE of SEEDS, AND GUIDE TO TUX FLOWER. AJTD VEGETABLE GARDEN FOB 1869. , t- r..iun tcvptv loTer of flowers wiThfM tbi new work, free of cbarpe. anoaia j ai- tnM immediately M. O KEEFE, WJ2i CU-, lua- i . Jk. suww'si BunrE. rujriirMri. a a I WBMCl lawj ' ! KOiSEniES oriT.r. ncitiES. DAYTON, OHIO. AN OLD ESTABLISHMENT WITH A NEW FEATURE. Erery Per caa Frtesw Tress km riMts At THioieale Prices, by orderto thronf n our Club Department, For prices and other Information, address W. F. IIEIKES, Daytoa, Ohio. 'IMra . HOIE NUESEEY. Apple, Pear, Pimm, Cherry, Evergreen TREES, AND OriiaxiLental Slarribbery. A LARGE VARIETY. A Inn. GntDS Vines. Currantv Gooseberries, HAsp- berriesaodStrawtemes,.Tioiceoses. creep ers, VlnCT. lunpo, iJiura, x v-uijico, Dielytra, etc., AT L.OTT RATES. Grotm& 2d Block South of Court House HAVANA, ILLINOIS. Sl?I2.rNGr OF 1809. I desire to call the especial attention of my former customers and the public generally, to my stocK ana t - - in OI'lLITT f II LAIC BMA,a UUW offered, and I would solicit a continuance otjjar fHUroeace ana ravers, w oeser e - 1 .rtm vi.lha ritvt ! npir!n7 and Khfnrilns done In a careful man ner All'iroods delivers! at tbe Express Office, Rail road or Steamboat Landing free of cbarjre. Plant d feed kr .liaiL Urarvinefi,: Wu titmi-m Ranobemesi. ( Kjoeeterries. j ! unu. Vine, and Climbers. IW-ddinr Piantt, Bulbous Acmi cruXi'x w AiAX - ? f I -lwl , jia .tt. imrs cOr FT AC -a A -a-T Cn Viae., tZrcZ?TiZ: J. 1 I rt -.4. W" w V!iM . F -Vmrry - T Sa.rV41 I B. a S w w We oner r . r---- for ex. Ornamental xrees, rr . ,e. a- ?oc-l as can pe, fo - teni.Tsxiy , vigor ana ... -- - f QHt. Md two year oiu. been surpassed- r.f.innB do11 K4) rae' Pr 10 Per 1 ono nii irticulars irrrea in u I .. S'."0 a a .'-i Mnra tsrn i - rm i -s-ma i ' - . J ."r "'t Tv-criotlYC Cat- -Concord.yearJo.lnfr:: - - teSfoa. " ,. ,.. Hartiord aloeof Truits. '" P r V. i ! "run s.ixun. Lttks Sst Cnjs Grorer for "tie Et ?!x clusters cf FrcL't. HiTfnr Thirty Acr tt tbe SaLPv we it tfr fcarI:iisw. ear'-'Lf 'V rror,'.e ia txarinz. fri.nn frn, clrs3ff. aa-1 i "t'l i'jfia ouo.ty trfTT, "V and ua-st pr&i;uie oui-iixr Orap j iJ4 We ofr T?orfr rin. trrrrTi . Itoci of Mx. . t. Ecrs, as fclirnrt; reen 3XoT4free. No. t, DeacriptlTC Cat- it- so. 2. Ornamental inm House PUnts. No. 4, Wholaie List. ELLWANGE2 3c BAERT, . . 8.UO !. ll-6m Jit. Hope Nurseries, Pjcbester, N. V. hows iTunsiuiir OF -year, ... ...i Twiimri!. I-year. . 1 a,uc) lve-sseedi:ns.l-yer. o--nXT0 Iona. 1-year, o. 1 SUUJ I.-baa. Catawba andCIiuvon,. auu v- s , .ro-LP ftidsu of til t?s above Vtilaire, liebecca, tettleia, 2otwa 3 ir. others. sno.010 strawberry PIar,s stronj tiebtsorts. Fine ,3-yf . " Ap P Tres. 10.rJ Dwarf Ftar- "Sr Va. 5.w tand Pw 1 f. pel to ou) Cherry Trees, 4-year old, at t- per iwc , Tr PT-4CTI TRET. Pt-TTM TRrTFS, APEI- Together with a lsre stock of irvw!'- Pare, Plum and Cherry Seedlings; Cuttings, with Appl Grafts, funuahed to uriicr. Eatiifactloa Guaranteed. 'Pencil reeo Partis orderln? of us. can rely on Bavin thcr in ail rwpects, thoroughly packed o -LrrlL r ;-year old-1-year old.. Eroctoa P. O.. iiiUuA? 11-tra liyaUi.noiniii Ho rd, Illlaoii, Do a Isrtre W.i.-b bopirwa in R.y and SlAXi. TliKta. and itocL rsne, srHSEnTIIIL' and ATI the nary Fruits and Osb x-r . ituuif a nowtany. Jnd taaip ibi ijS any laTormaiioa requLret. to Q J. s. snEA2:m a:id FR1TIT 11122 FARM NUBSEEIES! QFCiCT, ILLINOIS. X. C. B1TSTOS, Proprietor. EsubUabed la 1S56. AH the most desirable varieties OKAFES AXD 83IALL FRUIT PLANTS coysTAjnxY os hasd. Of superior qualities, warranted true to name, at prices as iOW, II not imm jn"" v H ItycajB bepurchaBed elsewhere. Also- Fruit and Ornamental Trees, which my extensive aeqnaintanse with all the lead ing nurserymen enables me to furnish to my cus tomers on the most favorable terms. Durinr an experience of TWELVE TEAKS, to STOCKING LARGE FRUIT FARMS, I have tested many varieties. NEW ASD OLD, NATIVE AND tOKEION. and also learned to a SMALL FRUITS. SrSck tor their S - can" be b:ht from an. Pliable estaiiiiihiaent la tbe United e-uues. wru ?uTkah with order, or one-third cai'h, and balance on deiivery, or C. O. l. Those ordering will plea.- give p!ce County and Stat in foil. Trade List sent on appucauou- Address, . v . epT, , r;T-Fi aghictjlttjual vahtiiousz. i?. A. TISD3L Cl GO'S xosrsTCY k. now, irrtopitiETcix. Near New Braaswick, Nevr Jersey. One Ulle from Voorhee's Station, HULstone Railroad TTTESTY-FIVK TnOUSAri'D PEACH TBEES, One Tear Oiit Croa tUe Bad. First S!ae, thrity Btocty trees, 3'-.' to 5 feet high. SI er 100 1 $70 wr 1800. ! Second Size, thrifty stocky trees, 2 to Vi feet hlh. 87 ser 100 J S5 per 10K). List of TaHeties Haw oat Hand. J Early kinds ripening here in Aurust are Hale's Early, Troth's Early Bed. Large Early York or Honest John. Cooledge's Favorite, Eany xuiowon. Gut Mil THE LAP.GE3T DEPOT OF , j j -1. J J J J J -Lsil 111' IN 3?0" S3 j3 ZtvL -Sl 3 .rS- . prftt extent which nurrymn re reliable, m well r the yoartht Yellow Rareripe, Royal George, LYONS, CLINTON CO IOWA. Fruit tz. Ornamental Trees, Grnpo Tinos Scc, FOR 8FRISO 1800. We offer for next sprlnsr planting, a fine assort- nifiit of nnnK-ry atxk, all srown on open prairie For full particulars, send for our Catalogus, which is PS AILED FREE. SXloma Hasp berry Plants FOR SALE. LARGEST, BEST AND MOOT PRODUCTIVE BLACK CAP GROW!?, and as rooch superior to tbe Ialittle Blark Cap as the hardiest Feach is to the comtuon seedling. O-fiend for circular. W. 8. COMBS, COLLIN8VILLE, Madieon Co-11!, I toots. Garden, Flower and Tree heeds, will be sent by mail any oistance, securely pacaeu iu nuiurii rU mi ,lr damn miM. Ac I send articles packed in this wsy in perfect saiety to tne most tusiaui puna nf th T nlted Stat. a-If articles sent out by me are not as reprcsen- : ted, sena tnem dsck at my ejperarcairu jour muirj shall be refunded. Rome of tbe leading articles wiil be furnished at tbe following prices. Catalogues and Heed Ciroular furnished on appu- cation. . . , , Concord Grapes, fi per arriA per nunorea. ive's seedling, l,i0 prdox.; 10 per hundred. Delaware, two years old. Sic each. 1 1 1n lem. tl ier Aat SS oer hundred. My list of Lilies include tbe bt of the Japan va rieties, and our old native favorites at low rates. gammer Halls. fm 4I1bm. nr Hd Lilv. The recent Improve ments in tbe varieties of this splendid flower renders it one of the finest of all "Flora's" gifts. My stock comprises over thirty varieties, vary- tnr In rirlr-e from 10 cts. to tlJM Der bulb. Tirida,r3Iexiraa laiy.-AnapproprUtecom- panion to tne aoove, 01 an easy tuiimuuu, uj cents eacn. Amariills, ar Jacobean LI!y.-Bare. 50 cents taVCfl Tabc Rose. A fine stock and cheap, 25 cents each. Herbaceous, &c, &c. m thou, vtxi am nnt Therefor our customers can rely on receiving all articles genuine, and avoid the vexation attendant In the purchase of inferior stock. ILLUSTRATED AND PRICED CATALOGUES, with brief but comprehensive Instructions ltr Culti vation, mailed free to all applicants. Address D. C. BENTON, Qu'ncy, 111. Chinese Peonies.... Crimson.... each 25 cts "50 Crawford's Early Melocoton, and ii wo re's Favorite The kinds ripening from the beginning to the end of September, are Old Mixon free, Mary's Choice, Morris White. Bergen's YeUow, Reeve s Favorite, Susquehanna, Crawford's Late Melocoton, Drukl HIII, Old Mixon Cling, Prince's Red Rareripe and Orange Cling. Late varieties ripening in the end of September ! and beginning of October, are Stamp the World, President, Late Admirable, Ward's Late Free, Free stone Ilea tli. Smock's Late Free, p "rocket s Late White Free, Carpenter's White aud Late Heath Cling. 25,000 Lawton Blackberry riant S15 per Thousand. 20,000 Wilson's Albany Strawberry Plants 9a per Thousand. JLH 000 Russell's Proline Strawberry rianta &3 per Thousand. IXEXHY K. now, . New Brucswlck, N. J. . i ... , mm, n at r" rl 3 aV " 1 ' " "... I REDUCED PRICES! Hollyhocks. Herbaceous Spteras Clirysantbemums.. Yuca 1'llamentosa., A'luilcgUGliuidulosa.. C'erula - A urea. Rosen.. Bweet Scented Violets.. Polyanthus (EnKiisb), Lychness Grandiflora- " Vliscaria " fecarle Dlcentra . Alba., IVlphlrsium t'ormcwum.. Feverfew Hardy Irtan thus (variety) Vlnca, iilne.. Alba Mountain Daisies.. 2ansies, large 50 2S 75 23 a 23 SO M 2S J5 75 Zi 50 25 2S 25 25 25 10 12-3m lft-Srn ere "an hundred and one" Bchemes ca foot, all demanding Land. F. I T7cxranted Garden Scads. OUR NEW Descriptive Price' Catatorae, Cwtslnln descriDttons of aU the CHOICEST I VEGETABLES, Including the most desirable Novelties, suKpeetions regarding culture, c, u now iwinir fmiiHt. and will be duly mailed, to our customers, FllKE ; to others on receipt of 10 cents. SEEDS BY MALL. Ws furnish Garden Seeds in packages, fostao . r xr n .nv Mat nffloo n the Cnlud Htates. when ordered, at our regulrr prices, to any amount of fl or more. HIT. 4. JliVAO NCBSSSTaEM AfD SXKDSX, York, Perm. Green-House &Deddingr Plants A selection of tbe most desirable, which space forbids to enumerate : also, Plants for ases, I rns. Baskets, Ac., such as Myrtle, ann, ivy utouiuiu, Dew Plant, Saxiftaga Barmentosa, Moneywort, Ac, A Tv. with tvm Also, Hanging uasaeia mu xwv. v. without plants, always ou wbw. Address J. COCHRANE, Havana, Mason County, DX A3" Bo particular to order early. 14-Sm ADAPTED TO OURTRTLNO CLIMATE ALSO of aU siifs ; HARDY B1IRUBS, IIEIK3E PLANTS, Ac." I in large or small quantities, at Jfeiv Advertisements. Wm. ilAXWELL, Lanesf.eld, John eon county, Kansas, oilers to send small fruits lv mail, and also induce ments to purchase every variety of SMALL FRUITS, EVERGREENS, nursery ttock. Mr. M. Is near us, and enjoys a good reputation as a cultiva tor and dealer. Charles Black, High tstown, New Jersey. Feach, and small fruits a ipeciality. Mr. Black is an old and reliable dealer. His peach trees enjoy LOYTESE a wcna-wiae repuiauuii. ct uis uu vertlsement. WM. II. Lysian, Leverett, Mass., will furnish you with all the btandard and rare seeds, bulbs and plants, and at reduced prices. His mammoth cluster tomato is offered as "the best market variety' You can obtain from him by mail. Jos. L. Budd & Co., Shclls-burg, 13-)ra PZOPUTS inmSERIES. We have a larjre stock of the following articles. with many others, which weoffer VERY lowtocah buyers. Warranted true to name, and GOOD IN Apples, Pear, Cherries Peaebes, Plants, Btrawberrie, Black berrlea, Evercrecaa, limanf .! Tree. Warah, m wwtn, it iweria fearai rabts bsrAtc. We want a rood reliable man. whs can come well recommended, to act as agent for us, in every county in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa, to seU on Commission or Salary. Bkipmenta made at Codar Bapl&s, Iowa. ? , Address, fur prices, JOS. L. BUDD A COV fchcllsburg, BcntoD Co. lowo. 14 3io A rPm I The most durable Umber ; lasts buadreds of years. ' - . . . , Tras ex rapia growtn, ana very vaiuaou mx lum ber, rails, posts, poles, railroad ties, Ac Seeds should be sown in winter or early spring. tr For descrfpUoa of trees and qualities, send Post OiEBes Stamp. ; : " AU kinds of young trees sent by express, and SEED i of all kinds of trees and plants sent by mail. If or- deredearty - . XL WILBUR A CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. lMtn-tf R L. ROBB A CO.. Bloomingtoa, I1L Grapo Tines for Sale. A few thousand Nartartt Vlraiaia an4 Caa rtrr Layers, raised in lAy Vineyard, from ripe. Nartaa- 8vatllias... Cncard" 100 ar 1000. 50 per 1000. EDGAR SANDERS, F L OEI S T. ESTABLISHED IS 1857. Begs leave to inform his friends generally, that he la better oreDared than ever to furnish Ail kinds ot plants, either to make tbe Gardens gay in summer, or to furnish tiowers for the WINDOWS or BOQUETS In winter. Devoting ten large Greenhouses to this busine alone, he feels warranted In stating he has ' ths lancet stock west of New York in KOrr-v VERBENAS. GERANIUMS, DAHLIAS, PINKS HELIOTROPES, FUCHIAS, HARDY PLANTS, GLADIOLI'S. Grown especially for shlppiug, he has a splendid stock. His twelve years experience in the west gives unrivalled opportunities to know what our western people want, and how to send it them. A CATALOGUE, TaOaUVfTf (Wtt aHth vlAoa Ca laanal annoallw the first of February, which will be sen to ail my patrons or l as soon as issued, and to an oiatrs. on application, aoarass EDGAR SANDERS, 13-Snv 66 8. Clark Street. Chicago. TIL RIVERSIDE NURSERY Davenport, Ionra. If you want a good article of Nursery Stock, such as Grape Tines, Carrantf, Gaaafeerrles, ltaspoerries, Ulaekbcrriet, Strawberries, Cherry Trees, Peach Trees, Kverfrreems, and Diseldnaws Trees, Send your orders to J. W. PEARMAN, Davenport. Iowa. or R. W. FURNAS, Brown ville. iat&iogue ireo. i3--y iOELLEQDEOGEO BHO'S 11 .1m MIGUTSTOWN.NEW JERSEY. I'eacU Trees and fraall Frnlls A SPECIALITY. 100.UX) AgrktiJturlst and Wilson Strawberry, at 4 rr fW per W.OWX 10.0U) W0aoii Lriy L k herr, ai fS per 100 ; f ,a jr i,oi Benton County, Iowa, will furnish VIXIaAGE IftJIlSIIIlaTsfL fruit trees of all kinds, evergreen, shrubs, and hedgo plant, "atredueed rates." His location is good. Try him. Dr. Jko.E. Ennis & Co., Lyons, Clinton County, Iowa, have an ex tensive nursery of two hundred acres, and can fill catalogue and Richard Berry & Co., Elleards ville, fit. Louis County, Mo. ILis maple and box elder seedlings are something our people need, The pri ces are low, as will be seen by refer ence to his advertisement. I i-st I Yh... ,.W " .I.,, A 1 1 ! u-i . A.a a ATA. a Jt I , , ) - .i J CTs,aa A ivW ' baavc, v j , e w jfr irVWi U. BAAJ. I Cii Ul UtlO. I JIZ 1V1 a-AAAa I f W T I' W V It T I I A 11 A .A. t I WW" AMi J A-iaval I J , MWf K UiVliKA,ffl 11 AUUk I VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1869. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Cai p h e r ry , C IscEib c r r j,SlratT- uerry, an a ctiier I'luim, AT LOW RATES. ITa viiiir road- the Nursery bRlDe the anla nrm. pnuon oi ciy Mi-, ana procured nay woclt only from reiiiiijle fKi:rr--s, tiiore tto mT 1-4 v or nm niiii their orders may dooend on ret lri' to tiDie. and hrat onahi v i Trwi amd pian pa ked to carrv In r.wut any tSmtanoa, ann aehveid to RaUn'iad Be free of cUhtvh, a. i.r a b i they are at purchaser rink. v B-.u, ui n'-m.iu.'Kjry rreacs taust aooompany fir4 edition of One Bondred Thousand of l.nwirMwi tjataiomie or rvpn ml nnM.ii, the flower Garden is now txihiiHixxt it n.Li. work of lifjres. beaati sully illiwtratod, with uoout x-M v. oou roigravutgs or t lowers and Vegct- tatM nuu asAA ELEGANT COLORED PLATE, A BOQUETTE OF FLOWERS. Also, a few thoasandtwe-year aid Plants of these varieties U,00OGaUons Norton, Concord and Chtawba Wises. THKO. ENGELMANN, Miaieautali V. O St flair t w,n, H-m Illiuias. imrEii pltjii. The only Hardy, Praduetlra and Satis. laetory Jt'lam tn the Northwest. Tills ertremrty hardy and valuable Plum bids dtv fiance to Curcullo. rxtXA winter anri nt).,.,.iu.ii.. ii.ri,,x.. """""V Calef Points of Yaltxe: L It Is nerffvIlT haritv 2. It is not liable to injure from late Spring frosts, i It grows rapidly while voune. 1 6 4. It is free from every disease. ' &. It fruits very early. . - .., ' . . ,. . 8. It bears a crop every year. 7. The fruit keeps well and will luttr tr.r. Ho. 74, BlcPaerscn's Block, Sole Agents la Southern Nebraska, Atchison and Holt county, lio., zor tne T. C. IIAXWELX & BHOM OLD CASTLE NURSERIES GENEVA, ONTARIO CO., N.T. Invite the attention of Western Nurserymen, Dealers-and Planters, to their extensive and reliable assortment of CHOICE l!U STOCK AT WHOLESALE, laclutUng Frait Trees Standard and Dwarf; Oraamental Trees mmd Shraba Deciduous and Evergreen ; Satall Fruits Grapevines All varieties; liases, Greea Ilaase and Bedding Flaata, Bulbs, Sic Parties wishingSELECTNCRSERYSTOCK, either for their own planting or to sell again, are re quested to give us a caU or write for particulars. enclosing stamps for catalogues as follows : Descriptive Catalogue of Fruits three red a! amps. Descriptive Catalogue of Ornamentala three red stamps. Wholesale Trade List one red stamp. Address, T. C MAXWELL Hi BHOS, Geneva, Ontario, Co., N. Y. ii-y a" -J AT T -a W dW ? ' i 1- lion S. Tlie fruit is of excellent flavor . The ladies prefer it for preserving. aim urvrt uijuicu uy me ItircuUo. 11. The truit ripeus about the last nt 7HTL No man, whose name doesen't com mence wi;h F, can be Mayor of Chelsea, Msaenrhncptts:. 1 Xr-r fnnr Inst. Hfovnra 1 rrti-rs. have pec n named Fay, Fitz, Frost and iZT nUAPHIl AITD HOT mT lvor me wlta I 't 1 the most beHUftilT as well as the most In- I ll- rjt1' Jrv,it ripeus about the last of Seotcmber I mm ... - nsl a ult.y order ru.ive Fl.rl Guide pubUtU glvine nijfd wheu ere nu to be hd Keptcmter' Tf' "! T-QT !?1 Tf' 'T"? Fl I I iu every reepoct. thoroush dimaions for the j ll. L J I l.i i,M kjL.UJS ALSO P.. fLlrrEH bA!ITC:i I ITirS SEEDXJlG G Xt A. I H2 ROOTS. The best Grape for general cultivation ia this country. As so decided by a committee of five of the most noted Grape Growers and Wine Makers in the United Stales. Price so low that all who will may plant them. We are now selling them at 30 per ICC Oj per ICO. PRICESs ine wen grown trees, five fet hieh and upwards. Cfcltare ef Flowers aa Yeareta&lea. The Floral Ocide is rubllshed for the luTiAft Arm. I each tl: nerdoa.iiQ: nr hnmiro.! i ,i Cttstotaers. to whom it is swrtt free without arrolk-a. I "".JT l", but ill be forwaToed to allwho aroiT JOEL BARBER, o cents, wnich la aot half the cost. Adiress JAMES VICB", Lancaster, Wis. i iU.s U 1 lU kiO n 1 1 nvm One dozen sent my mail, securely packed, post age paid, for 5X,3. SULKY AND WALKING GULTiYATOE VICTOIIIOI'S AT ILL FAIRS! ta.head of all In the Field ! Order Early Uf t IMPROVED CAYUGA CHIEF OEFEO HOD 0B1I. 1 AvX' PRICE JOHNSTON'S SELF-RAKE. SweepstaliesorilieTroria! Cuts SU'f I Challenge all Self-Bakes to a Trial, nachins against WAGONS AND STUDSBAK CAERIAGB TZAGOI'TS. .' I f. J THE BEST TTACOS 2IADE! T5T A 1 TwTA TWO LIEII DO THE BITJDIITG and niDH ALL THE Samples Sow on Hand of all tae Jlacnlnes we St11'- Com a,nd See Te And see if I ennnot suit yoa in goods and PRICES ! I bny my Machinery by ta Uias saving freight. A fa supply of all kinds of Farm Machinery in their sc P. A. Tisdel & Co., Cor. 1st A Atlant 1c Sts Crol Job T7orIi of rJl Hindi, deno at ADTERTI SSH tio At! .);: AtJ At 1 l x- j',. 1 4S" c. Address, McCTXLOUCn, DRAKE & CO., "" 1337,eistrrburs,CLlo. . j : . IwchcstsrN.Y. I l3ra TUB BEST PLOW NO W If ABB I a-Z,T in