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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1869)
ii N t 'n.c K We. ' Ni tbr. aihi ' lr t PTia, IT. ' ' T J ft It; a ;. TT"? ;',. 111. r, Th- I!.r iiita. ) tlatrfi I ' urn liurr 1 ' if-rk : i-n f m t.. i .'r-S! , e il;vw f i tf yt f Xtr2. jlvj. : t r Entatt J rn c, ' !' "il-U, f t L-r:: ( ..tic :: ' 'cTClf t r' 1 ' I'M. ft Ji t , ii! M I.! f... lu-l (io'.i r S T: 1 1 H V I . -., I lr Yi r )v v . re I' ' r i T S I r -.3 :i5lta SuvcVtiscv. TO PEIXTKttsf r khJp, very cIiprp for easli. a roster .!l IT"-. WVeTltl PIMKl folrts Ofwood I'yjK.- from (i to VI liiiis l'i-a; several mii'l rnnl arid display tyjie; n liirre i i" ItrniM l'.uie, t-. f'uriiirnrc, woo n Job TyX" nnd Uitlley J tuck.. V rmiw,'w Jive iww an entire t-eJ Die roouu . of (he Airr.RTtnR fity lkiok Nin'. Tar -" u '-' Buy the Genuine Ilclin Plow. Harness, Full stock ftt Baur's. Osage Sed, at fJty Driiir Store. , . , . fash paid for hides at Mi JJIeton's." Osage Seed, fresh, nt City Drug Store. XI. C. Lett, Land ARent, Erownville. Prank Miller's Harness Oil ftt Bauer's. VI, MATTERS. Colhapp, Editor. LE, THURSDAY, JAN 2S. LSfit). -A new lot J list rece ived at for sale by 120 it rs of Land for naif by Jas. R. Dye. City and Cuny Orders takeu fur goods at iJen'a store. Greely's Almanac News IHpot, for dale nt Marsh's ciiicnTiuiis." "ReanlwtoF TiuU ?!-. IirowuvUie, Jan. 6ih, 159. -Marsh ountry. lias ordered enough i r Com Plant era. Improved uerer lsros.. Agents. t Steel IUv-k Irfniid find si Clipper 1'lougliR, at V. T. rm in Nomrtlia County is in our ml rerilking columns Good nellinrrnt extremely low prices at J. L. McCJee & Co.'s. Ilorrieon Broadcast Seeders, for saleby F. A. Tinclei & Co. A No. 1 FonrYear Old Horse for Sale. Encjulre at this oflice. Flonr Spring and Fall Wheat, at MoGee's. at reduced prices. Persons Indebted to J. please call and settle up. I j. McGeetCo.wIIl Closing out at cost. Shawls. Buck Gloves, noops, etc, J. Ij. .Mctiec t o. Tlio Gcnuixio Holme Plow. res 1ms opened up a Kinall ver Cogswell's Livery stable. rknian. Teas for sale at SWAN' & BUOTIIEIVS. I is the len' of Hie store that S a new supply of Bedsteads. Cos. AVoodr I'or Dry Sycamore and Elm Cord Wood, gO tO illLlXI.NULK . Fall and fcprfnsr "WUeat Flonr, fit ' hWA.V b BltOTIllvUS. Ortalnly you con quit I t Miat til Mi 3- M-ctl, tobacco, by cry and Nickcll and (reeling I PrkJuHrcaUBcPIOTT- Jt Co'n make, for sulc by J. C. 300 T. AH. Smith Ieuser. 1 t it valuable information rela lirunniK and caitlvatins tne if so, to to Tt-are & .'s, and ic "Manual of the Vine." Xeir ArrlTal at tlie Ilaxar-Whecler Wilson Silent Feed bewlnj; Machines. Call and soc them. ivtlle DUtillery hasclianped n Sbalford assuminK proprio- .iaiiord is a younn nmri oi en- ake ttie thing move lively. A larce lot of Pin er Tobacco, condemned for ion-pnyment of revenue, for sarc-clmp at ) has boncM out C. W. An- ra.k.a GutfUe. at Tfcuiuseh. e energy, and will make the :ie bi-Ht Mtrxrs In the likterior. Buy the Gftnuine Moline Plow. Come all ye that boucht poor Boots that are worn out before the winter Is half past. and buv a pair that will last you one year, Teare 4. Co. has the best. J? PEC J AR NOT ICS S Good" News to the Affile red.' " " ' Five years men, awhile travdinpj tbrouph South America for my health, I disc-overt! a remedy which will permanently cure auy en of Spriuatorhea or Heminal weakness, chilscu it eii-tiue or sexual excesH In mature year, rt fntm two to five wet'k. It can be usu vrstlirut U.e knfiwlnct'o of anrv-one. N-nt st-i-iire! v st-alcd fnirii utmervation. and wirnwi-. ted toellect a tK-rniknent cure or money refunded. l'rice.-.i jht package Kiiilicit-nt to-cure UifriuoHl iii.! Vetera: case All letters of iaqucueerilyliBA-, swereu. Auurua l2-45y Johx W. WfLTOX, St. Louis, Mo. 'it i To the Colored reople. I have discovered: -a preparntioute strafehten the hair. I can nuivly Miaraatce ny preparation to Ktraik-liU'ii live inokt kiakev- tnroaaiLvpersorj.sos8 it will be ax straight as Uieluiif tif au Indian. Sum- bei-s have usel u with nuioti. arranto lopive eniinKsiktislactjoD, and to tlo what it sets forth in the alcove ta all case, hvmt post pa'd vwia nuiuirec- tions for use to auy a:drta tin recei'tof prieew One bottle for f 10, or two for ,". One hoMle will an swer for a iK-rson, mid keep the Jialr strnidht for ever. Address F, V, lNER, Chcuijst, 4CJ Olive St., hi. iXUlS, 10. It- ..... Wanted. Tencbers. Students, and other intelllerent Men and AVornen, In a business paMnif r nw to p per monin. Lombard Block, Chieaso, Hcconlins to ability, l or J. eh, McC'iruDY k Co., 111. Clipper Plows, AT - v "IicXIcubcrelcr Bi os. A. C.,' of B -ton, f!"cr In cohiiuini to-day, t-VO reward o tioodspoed's (lolden Foun- ,if It Is passible tQ mm the Mr. Stout forobtflininjr goods ense of Hank & I iolizi ngcr, stir yesterday; csjecially as i Imprisoned, and trained n ICnhn & Maine's Premium Grain and i Seed Drillv-wlth W. II. Natiman's Improve ment, for sale by k. a. lsdei A uo. The Best Machine Extant Wheeler &. Wltsoa's Kewttrtr Machines for Blxty-ti-e doj lare aiitl upwards, orfcri'd at tha liaJir, .' t t . City' Orders taken in exchange for sea soned v ooj or store gotxis. t - i . - f- . 14. V.lLllt, Xurth Star, ifo. '.'slerdav two teams hroke ni front of this city, heloiuj fiis and Nate Sedoras. The .Jed with corn for the cars at sins and wairons were saved, lost. - No lrHurane that we Irlirotlier has Eighty Acres - sale, lying withing three and Hrowhviiie, aul one and a f Nemaha City. Forty acres inc. co.l sprlntr.some Timbtr a;u of living water. .junnipg Wm. II. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu ranee Agent, is prepared to make out all pa tiers iicc-ssarj- to the conveyance of lteal Es tate, onice Court lioom, lirownvlllo. Tlie Gennino Ilolixxc Plow. The Concert hy tlie Dye Brothers was certainly tlie -richest treat in the musical line our citizens nave received for many a ycaf.". The sinking wastuperb. 'Mis.ies Nel son and Blackburn pObAi &a, as they exhibited that evening, rare talent, and l'rof. Docker came In on the "after-beat" to perfection. Tlie Dye Brothcs are about the best singers that ever struck these parts, and are bound to uive satisfaction wherever they may per form. e hope to be able soon to announce another performance by this troop. evens is rnttln! UD ouite a Messrs. F.rrisman and llob g and fllliusr a larce new Ice ..uvsell And 1'hlL Dcuser are ..ten lot for private ue. We BUj'plletl during tlie coming e, Drnil.t, from Tippecanoe, ed in th1 t-ity, as will seen n to-lay's paper. - He comes ictnledas a jierieet gentleman. In liis proirssion, and will le aciiulsiilon to our ablecorp i men. u:Ll-(; over City Drug or. Hon, Chief Enjlneer of the iri Bailroa t, passed up throimh Td.iv, on his way to NelH-aska .ha, taklnsr a frellm!unry view ir the Trunk i:tilrn:.. Thebot Brown ville seems tlie leist rlace . and the routa will probab'y of the rivej. be e's Friend for February, Is re nerit.s the i' murk us that : surpasel as a lady's Book, in the land should have it. Its the latest. Its reading matter general make up Is excellent in . Deacon tV Peterson, "lil Wal Ulladelphiu. Terms, $2 00 jer Clipper Plows, AT SlicIIciibqrsrr.nros. (ion of St. Joseph. Iwtilroii t the Star llou-l, in this city, Kx-liovej)ior .Si'Wart, of Mis llie ruling spirit. Their olj-ct e more lucid than tar to those 1 wi!h thorn, a. each sm-iued to a ditrerent 'idea. 'They were 'ived and attentively listened has put up the price of prop ount of their coming or iroi ng. r visit may be proluctive of will sell and deliver Bnrdett'B ns, anl Mason and Ilaiii'lin i t'niis, for tlie following prices, otice is civen : National Wat ctave. one set of reeds, with 416: five octave. Two sets of : ng vox huinanis, Jlctrn A, Walnut C-nse,!ieset of wsil.-t nr. J!0i: five octave, two sets of ;s, f ISi. . - JAMF.S nDYi; - lirowaville, Neb. :key was to have delivered a city week InTore iU By note learn that tho- rason -sjf his ice was caused by a nearly fatal ossInK the bridge nenr Mr. Web n the southern portion of this iiich his wife nearly losther life, t the brldjje hal no side or end and his watron slipping toward had to drive so lust that Mrs. Jolted out and thrown about -verely injuring her. Yet she is he agrees to deliver Ihe lecture .' can with safety leave her. Clipper Plows, AT "Sliellenbcrgcr tJros. ' m . ' I Ladles of Drownvllle. There etingof the liuliesof Brownville v, at Dr. McPherson s, on Fridav o i'clock, 1'. MM for the purpose of a society to supply clothing, Ac. utute of our eity and vicinity.! e onngany article that may lie 1 In this direction, as many clill pt out of Ixith Sunday and Coni s for want of sullicient clothing. Mils. L, Mks. T. W. Tiitox, Mas. J. S. IIftzel, MltS. U. W. EORSKY, ! Mks. Dr. McFhkrson. " 1 - sr , i eptlon at Senator Tipton's last - a verj' pleaKant atHtr, and gave toad who t artlcipated therelu, crta4nly did the honcrs with In ice, and stood the numerous hand id congratulations liko a liero ask. Thelailles tlld theirshare e guests with choice viands, and egay scene with haupv smiles. -Mits, noteworthynnd othervi.v The e1itor of t U Itrrnocrai took, i i went over to take notes, we ul one lively friend of the Schr iced to pass out three limes to liack and shake hands, "sich Is iy it oficn be repeaUxl in Brown- In olden t lines, when tlie farmers plowed with a crooked niece of wood, they believed thev hud reached perfection, and they could not have bceu pcrsuadou Uiut any belter evur wouUi le made. Some people still think that what tltcy have is liettcr than any thing of the kind that can la? made. 1 lie improve ment in the manufacture cf Plows is In pro portion as the Plows that have been sold here lor tlie past five years is to the wooden plow. so is the Industrial plow to the plows that have -en sold heretofore. . Every one can be convinced that this is true If they will call on 1 eure & Co., sole agents. , Buy the Genuine -Lloline Plow. Having Purchased Mill in the Pineries of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet Dry line Lumber on hand it has compelled me to procure larger grounds for my Lumlier Yard. Therefore I have routed the lots on the corner of First and Water streets, where I shall put one of the largest stocks of Lumber, Doors, Blinds, Nash, etc., west of the Missis sippi, and every lwxiy knows, or shall know, thai tlie Saginaw Lumber is far superior to any other Lumbar. Call and see me before purchasing else where. COne block from Itlver. BKLL, LOWELL & SMALL, 12-tf Bed Store. ICllbonru, Jenkins & Co. Manufac turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Pine Lumlier, Iath, Shingles, Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc. Gfllooftnd Lumtx-r Yard. corner 4th and Main si reels. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri. We manufacture our own material in the Pincrie of Ofckosh, Wis., where we have in operation one of tlie largest manufaeturies of everything made in Pine in the world, and obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree, as we do, we run sell at lower rates than any Lumber Yard in tlie West which pays one wholesale and one or two retail prorits." We shall always keep on hand a full supply of everything in our line, so that those in want may always rely upon getting what they de sire. We sim ply ask a 11 to examine our stock and prices before puvchasingelsewhere, as we can ensure satisiaction in bom. The year just closed has been taiis aTTevciitful one, f or durin g its'bricf cycle we made the attempt an a nave succeeded in establishing in th is citii a ft ?st class Wh olc- sale and Retail Dry Goods and Clothing Estavlish ??ient. For this success we sincerely thank our many friends, several of our ene mies and the low prices at which we have been enabled to lay in our goods, which our patrons have always h ad the full benefit of. Our House is now permanently established, and we promise in the future, as in the past, to relax no effort to make the Regulator a blessing to the communitii in which it . . . . i i n -i 'i y i t is cstavasnear uur szocic now on hand we will posi tively close out within the next sixty days at first cost in the city of New York, a nd we nave on nana a .large stock of Clothing :compris nig nearly everything new, desirable or fashionable in that line, well made and of good material. Of Gent's Bridegroom to Brw. -j- t , A tluide to the matr Furnishing Goods our stock byAmda. is unsurpassed in extent, excellen ce or town ess of price in the West. To the Ladies we offer a full line of Dry Goods of every descrip- mm - ti on, compnsi ng anytii ng Vii EiCchSmU omV; bO finds, mo. . liy and everything they can de sire, especially do we invite the attention to, our stock of Chniclnlla Cloaking and other Winter and Spring Goods, the latest styles, .v.iwr v-vW . .v-vvw the awful consequences of Self-abuse nw.v be effectu- pnef " f7T TPflirnij flT' PflR- I al'y removed without medicine, and without dan- - j i eerous surpical operations, oouBies. instruments. ing out our present stock is ice are crampea jor room and must get tins stock out of the way before receiving our shall exceed anything every'7 openedin Southern Jvebras ka, both in exten t and vari ty of goods Again thank ing a generous and avvre CiSfr3 111 1 V ' t i t-J w m i HONESTY AGAINST ALL HUi James A. Jackson : Co.,. W HOLE SALE staple m m mm A N D No. 107 North -2nd F;t.,KT. LOUIS, Mo. Consignments of Country Produce .!!? ;teI. Froui our experience i:t tiiis branch oi ti:- l"s. and bv tlving it our prs..p.iil att-'OSAin. IT"lr"T"J I I we fc- coo.'!. lent v .ui nuike it t the 1. J III' I I tcresf of pa; -tit-s to t,ive us their shipn,en!s. Jjuij I ! AVer's Cathartic Pills, tho purpose3 cf a roniir WILL WIN THE Scientific Wonder. Tells how to make all kinds of Patent Medieirves, Perfumer-, Toilet Articles, (Cosmetics, Wines, Cor dials. Soaps, Hair Dyes, Oils. Depulatenes, l'omstaes, Curliu lluids, llousehold Iteceipts, and hundreds of other articles lit daily demand, easily made. and sold at large profits. It contains all the latest dis coveries, secrets, arts. ifce. A most wonderful book Third edition. Kifty thousand already sold, .post paid to any address for 00 cents per copy, by OLIN iH'NAXE, 12-43y St. Louis ifo. Vau Solon's Phruteait Lotion. The greatest remedy ever discovered for thedis- eases ot tne skiji. it cures every Kina oi unsignuy W l '1 r ... UlTJtlVtT. IVLIIIIM C1. 11U plea, Frec-kels, Atoth Blotches, Comodines or Black Vi'ornis, Tan. etc.. and tin a beautilier it has no equal. For gentlemen, after shaving. It is invalua ble, uiuies, aner trying it, will use no other. Ia pulean Lotion" is the ouly reliable remedy for dis eases and blemishes of the Skin. Price $1. Pre pared only by s. Jj. as Souox, St. Louis, Mo. For sale by Druggists generally. L!-4oy J Snrperfluens Hair ... v v. ....... . .. . , . -... .. .. vy. titt t. I part of the body, in five minutes, without injury to the sk-nt, oy tne oriental itusma. warrantea. Jlailed for 81 by O. Vis ask. n-isy rc ixiius, sio. m Bride and Briderreom. Essas for young men on the interesting relations of I liriae m tne institution ot .Marriage. matrimonial lelieitv. ana true napi- ln seaiea letter envelopes, tree Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION. liox 1'., I'hilaaeiphla, I'emu l-uy 7 53 3 IN COKSEQVEXCII OP A CHANGE TO BE MADE IS THE -.Ni W W ' "2 - . . Attention, .Everybody? What is neater thdrt a smooth, cleas facVbr Then wmlTiw Kinerwlnfallabie Depilatory moving all supertiuous hair from the body without pain or injury to the sKin. rne most oDsunate cases cured in from ten to-fifteen -days. Thousands have used it with success. Price per package ?1,-HU, or two for Y1,'2, sent post paid to any address, with full di- rectaais for use, ou rweipt of price, , Aaaress . V. Lecture to Yoanc Men. Just published in a sealed envelope. Pricesix cents. A Jjectureon the na ture, treatment, and radical cure of ISpermatorrhfe or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sexual Debil ity, ana impeaiments to JUarnuge irenerally Jier vousness, t'onsumption, Kpilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical incapacity, resultihsr from Self-abuse. c.-By KOBKKT J. C'CLVKKWFXL, M.D., Au thor of the "Ureeu Bojk," c. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience that riniffl. or cordials, pointiniroutaniodeof cure at once certain and effectual, by which every suff'trer. no matter what bis condition maybe, may cure himself cheaply, privately,- ana radically. this LKtcre wirx tntovK a iJoox to .thousands and 'mor- HANDS. Sent under seal, to anv address, in plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage Also, vr. iiuverweu s aiarnnge uuiue,". g STOCK . OF CIOTHIHG" ; ATI cos T TY ... Vt v.. o i IS y I 1 1 3 Q XT 17 X TlCL Htnmm Vni.777 f7 OTiTtriln n In nit I price 25 cents. Address the publishem. jfJi i r oufzy , '"w Chas. j. C. Kline Co., Ii3 Bowery, New York, r. O. m Jr. AYiiittler, lias been longer encased in the treatment of ( hronic. Sexual ana t eiuule Diseases thau any other rnysician in sr. iouis. Svphilis in all its forms. Oonnrrhea. Gleet Strirture. orcniuis. jiiaoetes. ana ail anecnons oj tne Lruiarv and Sexual Organs, and treated ith the greatest success. permntorrho1. Sexual Bebility and Tmpotency, as or s-xnai excess lu Wait A WidiLd r,' dative vublic for vast libe tik-'rototeffi'buwtoyoutiK t . 4 i I m:iUireryeHrs,whichproiiice9omeof the following rai.JJairOUQC, U'C llOVeUll a etlect, as blotches, debility, di?.z(nesa, dimness of T T ' ' sitcni. couiusion oi ateas.evil loreooauiKS. aversion 77,ff9 TDPh, I mi OH ih. m1 VP? to socieiy of Itnnales, loss of memory tind. sexual i " " ' " f ' t power, ana jairaeatiiio to mem a continuance and. increase and invite all examine our Pieces before -I BBSSSKSfeMST of the same, to call and Goods and pit rchasin g elsewh ere. A. MAY CO., Price Regulator, '2.1 Main St. $1200 Dollars and Expenses t See ad vertisement of American ShuttleSewing Ma chine in our advertising columns, AVEEICLV REVIEW OP THE CAGO MARKETS. cm- The Genuine Moline Plow. THIS ZMAXIKETS. i CLOTHIXG MARKET. Corrected Weekly for tho Advertiser by MAYS DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING REG FLA TOR. Business Coats from S1&SI2. . Business Suits, $S. Overcoats, $1 oOS-0. Cnssimere Pants, ' 5X)((t?.!. Cussinet I'ants, J fyu$3 5U. - Vests, from 75cts. to ;3. Overshirts, best, r-er6hirts, second best, $2. Ovcrs.'iirts, fiom 73 cts. to ?1 2. Undershirts, cts. to 52. Drawers, from 50 cts. to 52. Buckskin Gloves, bi'st, 52 2.). Sheepskin tiloves, 50 cts. sheepskin Mltis, 50 cts. t v ,DUT GOODS JIABKET. Corrocted Weekly for UiA .Vdertiser by MAYS DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING , , , . REGUL.VTOK. . . Calico, best 11 cts. Second, 10 cts. Heavy Yard Wide Muslins, 18c. Muslin, second,- lUcfe! 2c. i Bleaciiel Muslins, yard wide, 20(a 10. Cotton Delaine, 22c. All Wool Delaine, 40c. Shawls, C7-liVi, S5. Plaid Flannels, 4-"ic. I'lain Flannels, 35cfi-.V). Balmoral Skirts, 51 50. GROCERY AND PRODUCE MARKET. i. e have this week to chronl m of all, or nearly alL of our Leg yists, and also the hero of the a single "iams duck" has so far nn tlie CnpltoL Messrs. McPher and Ilcwett returned WMnesdav lt wtwk ; and since then we r midst asrai n Mc'ssrs. Torter, Rich 'mm, and otherni. baiiKh was in the city this week i same hale,, hearty, and good' itlemsji he has for tlie past twelve fi. of the Itockport Journal, called ruesday. 'ey. of tlie rern Nnrserios callttl we'k. , tr;iv'iin ngont for the Nebraska , called m s resterdar. - o. L. Carson is in the city. " ... BaYAV'AsiMTAvrAN Hall, " January ITtU, lstiy. "lrOMA,, XWMrUks Xtft.' I i -iu are respectfully lnvitel. bv the AUingiouian Association, dc'liver H o uta on 1 em nera oc! or on nny ra! or Intellect tint snbj.criliat vou a nt on Sunday, January Sist, i still, arly a leriod as rmiy beet mit your 'pe- - i for a favoralde response, the Asso rcinains yours very trnlv. R, WALUVCE,tVcitetf.-; BnoM jevii.i.F Nebraska.! , ,. January U5tii, ibcii. acx, Esa., rrc-!J'iut if the Berry-Wasl-. -Hr: Your note of the 17lh inst., con- an invitation-' to leir !-, re tho Vafth i n c 1. 1 nl ans, has ju.-.t Is-ert hanih-l I eheeriully aj-ccjit Cic i-n vl tut ion, and Hire btiore the Association at tho ntinnliy you Son Uy, Jiinaary .: EV.TiiV.MA.-v FOUR Winter sack . " - Spring ... ...... O lRX liUBhel,.. MEAI "r bushel BACON Hams lb " - - Shoulders t ft...i " . Sides Ii M LARD Canned ft bYRUP iold n r' gal - " Sutrar House V gr.I COFFEE Java V tt .... liio it. .. CHEESE .New York i-uctory V " L'onnfrv v. lb.... TEA Imperial V E " Blacii ? K1 . Young Hyson V fo CVNDLIii-starv ' " Tallow lb..?. , APPLES-Dried t tb... . . TlT," (ireenv bushel PEACHES Dried . ... 1-OTATOES i bushel .!.'. v11 ea!lon ' E.K'S rios.. BETTER pi lb... HONEY "r1 lb ONION p bushel . '". SALT rw-r barrel LUMBER t '.otton wood ier I'M Oak " Walnut " Pino SHINGLES Cot tonwood per low)- line LATH OottAnwood per ldoo Pine ... WOOD Dry Hard ier cord... HIDES 1 iry per ib,...... " (irccn WHEATFall per bushel...i..... " Spring . ,WOOL per lb S7 (X) 4 2.5 4V.50 .75(2 85 20 ....... lti , 2t 151S 1 0 . 1 25 40 25 20 2 2. 7!?Z 2 fi 25 20 1.J?1G 2 00 20 1 (X) -7075 ;o 30 25 1 25 4 fu ...2 00 2 2 5 00 5 0) ...H fc' 7 00 2 -V :t 00 ...5 (n.i7 .vi 7tK) . 7 .50 . COO is (i ......... i : NWl (H -2-xi25 REVIEW CF THE ST. IXlt'IS MARKETS. Cotton Nominal at 27-,c for Mlddlliur. . llenip Nates drvssd at 1.1S; undressed t It, Fi"ur Super-line ftt s ZV(ii pi; exlr; fij "Vrii7o; double extra ixxa-eou: treble extra to laucy 37 (i 1 1. Wheat Fair to strictly prime f.dl sold at fl 50tf S Oo; SpriiiK?l 3B. t.Viru Sales at 70k 73c for mixed; 75c for choice white. ats Sales at Sfv"i Cc. - Iirley aies-i ?l 52ibr BtrlcOy-Tirlnje fanrv. l;ye Kates at 1 IV" 1 IT. Proviso! irv shoulder T'J' . l.V. rib sidw J Vi.r.Hear stdes !' -c. It.icon shoulders Uc ; clear - ijurd Se..inv m vfor tierce; ZUnZVc far keg. i 11( irm. s;i! at flOSTjj-i lti 7i t .iiv.c--?. 4 ai '1 & It w ir p. Fi.ot-11. Spring extras nt ?" (TV. ). Wu kat.No. t, f 1 1H';('.1 21 : No. 2, jl IV ;Y 1 V,. Corn Sab's Xo. '1, kiln-dried 07 ; new 54.'(0, Vi.'i ; closinif at .Vl.C for new. Oats .No. 2 4xV"k-iSJ.,'e. Bve No. 1 fl in': to 1 is; No 2, fl 1".. Barley No ?l 7W'" 1 81. Hijrhwincs Nominal at 93. Seeds Timothy selling at 73ft 3 00 j bushel. Clover ?s SiMli, ' Pork Dry saltel shoulders l.c ; TOUKh sides 11(3; 14 'i ; sliort rib la'-jCu 11c ; i;recn bams 13,'ac Ijird Sales at JikiL ji'c. Live Hotrs 10 7"(i 11 15 common to good shipping, f 11 I Va li "ii for medium to choice packinR. Catt'e Inill at Ma 3 50 lor cows and lipht steers, and 1 WKW.7 73 for Kood to choice slapping steers. Agents Wanted for NIGHT SCENES IN THE BIBLE, BY KEV. DANIEL MARCH, D.D. For full, free, flowinc, clear, sparkling, pure and praceful style; for poetic ftcnius: for beauty of thoucht and rich Klouinu imagination; for nice an alysis of character, praphic delineations and ripe scholarship ; for lile-like pictures, glowing words ami happy illustrations, this work has no equal. Such commendations, as the above, have been re ceived from Iiishop Simpson, ltev. Albert llarnes, Noah Porter, L.D., LL.1X, W. A. Stearns, D.I). Oeo. Dana Boardman, D.D., I. V. Wiley, D.D., Samuel W. Fisher, D.D., LL.D.. and leading Clergj-Tnen and the Press of all Denominations. Send for Circulars containing the saine. AfWf.s&jee.vervwhere meet in with unitaralleled suciTesa. It is a most beauti fully illustrated and elegantly bound book, and COMMISKIONS flOO to fSO PER MONTH. - according to ability and energy. Address, ZIEtlLER McUURDY CO., Philadelphia, Ta., Ciuciunati, O., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. . . . ., ll-am $25 -$2B T Lt E" AMERICAN SHUTTLE SiSAVlINTGr rrlACUXNli:. Is retailed st a price wltlilu tlie reach of alL ' Tfcts Machine uses a straitht needle, makes the Lock Stitch (alike on both sides), has a self adjusting ten sion, and caa dD every variety of sewing. It will hem, fell, bind, cord, braid, seam, quilt, tuck, ruflie and (rather; will work equally well on silk, linen, woolen or cottoiv goods, with, silk, Jinen or cottou thread. i i: T ii E AMERICAN SHUTTLE Sewina-MTacliiiie is. W arranted' for Five Years Our acents will be supplied with duplicate parts of Aim lime, III oi acvi'ienu Jii ihm h-v i-t-ij the same stitch made by the singer, Wheeler Wil son, Howe and Florence Machines. It has tfce under feed, like the of high priced machines, and is the only tow priced shuttle machine in the market that haa this iee,L e are euubled to iwn a urst class L-auttie Machine at a very low price, on account of its simplicity, and consequent low cost of manufac turing, iu comparison with complicated machines. A g e 'ts". p wish to armnim with . Ac cuts, male or female, to represent the American Shuttle. Sewing Machine in each suite, County slid Town in the United states and Ontario. Extra inducement to Bsperienced Agents. For full particulars, as to salary or Com luissiou, address. G. V. IT. Andrews, General Agoat, Detroit. 21iclu V. B. For the benefit of our agents wehavear- ranpet with ourties who Iiave Oixsls suitable lor Sewing Machine AKnts to sell. We will send stock of samples and lull particulars on receiptor one red stamp. Address Ci. V. N. Andrews, Ucaeral Aeut, Detroit, Mica. - . - ir Tho :Erdwnvill9 Transfer Line, Under the managemeat of JACOB ' RO GEIIS, A Ii now Itnnning Bepnlar Onmibasses from Bro-arn ville to tho Railroad Terminus of me Council Bluffs tad Si. Joph Ballrod, At Ilorth. Star, 2Io., Two Miles from Brownville ani North Mar Terry ... ... . . - Lcnditt.- . . r... , ..o Good OraniDUsses. Clos Ccjaaestxoar J-tf Clears es Moderate. and rendering marriages iumrouer can be en rcn. Persons sufTering from consumption, dyspepsia. chronic diarrhea, liver complaint, hernia, rupture, J or any other chronic affection,' may rely upon re- ceivinga ruuicaicure. Particular attention given toall female complaints Inliamation and Ulceration of the Womb. In- I corrbea, Clilorist, Sterility, .re. Most cases can be properly treated without an mlerview.and medicines sent by mail or express, secured free from observa tion, consultation dv letter or at otliee kkdk. Charges moderate and cures irunranteeu. AtrOlUce, with hospiuil ncconimodations for pa tients. No. (il7 St. t'linrles street, between Sixth and seventh. St. Loins. Mo. Everybody can get, in a sealed envelope, mv the ory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Diseases, containing full symptom lists, fori postage stamps; also my paper relating to Chronic and Female Com plaints, lor a three cent stamp. l.-17-y - To Physicians. New York, August 15th, 1SC7. Allow me to call your attention to my PREPA RATION OF COMPOUND EXTRACT P.UCIIU. The coniponent parts are Buchu, Long Leaf, Cubebs, juniper i;erries. .iiuiii.: ok l'HEPAR.vTTON-. jiuciiu, in vacuo. Ju niper Berries, by distilation. to form a line gin. Cu bebs extracted by displacement by liquor obtained from J uniper Berries, containing very little sugar, a small proportion of spirit, and more palatable than any now in use. The active properties are by this mode extracted. Buchu. as prepared bv Druggists generally, is of a dark color. It is a plant that emits its fragrance; the action of a flame destroys this (its active princi ple), leaving a uarK anu glutinous aecoction. iuine is thecolor of ingredients. The Buchu in my prepa ration predominates; the smallest quantity of the otner ingredients are added, to prevent lermenta tion ; upon inspection, it will be found not to be a 1 picture, as made Fliarmacopiea, nor is it a Svrup and therefore can be used In case3 where fever or inhumation exists. In this, you have the knowledge of the ingredients and the mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, and that upon inspection it will meet with your approbation. With a feeling of confidence, 1 am, very respectfully, H. T. II ELM BOLD, Chemist and Druggist of Hi Years' Experience in Philadelphia, and now located at his Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 531 Broad wav. New York. From the largest Manufacturing Chemist in the . World. "I am acquainted with Mr. H. T. Ilelmbold ; he occupied this Drag Storeopiosjte my residence, and whs subceasful iu conducting- the bosineas where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably Impressed with hlseharacterand en terprise. W1J.I.IAM Weiuutmam, I-lrm of Powers & Weightman, Manufacturing Chemist, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. IIklmbold s Exteact BrcHu, for weak ness arising from indiscretion. Theexbausted pow ers of Nature which are accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which which will be found. lndisDosition to F.vertion Iw rtf romnv.. Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of, in laci, universal i,asynuae, l'rost ration, and intilnlity to enter into the enjoyment of societr. The Constitution once aft'ected with Organic Weak ness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Ifelmbold's Extract Buchu invariably does. If no treatment is submit ted to. Consumption and insanity ensues. Meluijoi.u'm Flcid Extract Hi-cur, in afTec tions peculiar to Females, Is unequaled by anv-other preparation, as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Painful ness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ul cerated or Sciiirrns state of the Uterus, and all com- Slainls incinent to the sex, whether arising from ubi ts of rt issipatiou, imprudence in, or tbedecllne or change of lil'e. Uh.kiwui'h Fi.riD Extract Brcitrf Kn Ic l'BiiVKD Roc;k Wash -will radically exterminate from the system diseases arising from babits of dis sipation, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience or exposure ; completely supersed ing those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copa via and Mercury, in ail these diseases. Use Helmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu in all diseas es of these organs, whether existing in male or fe male, from whatever cause originating, aud no mat ter of how long sUiuding. It u pleiuiant ia taste and cdor, ."imniedi:U'' inaction, aud uiGreetreugtheu ing than any of tlie of Bark or Iron. -. - Those suflrrlng from broken-dovm or delicate constitutions, procure Uie remedy at once. The reader must be awunt that, however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is certain to atTect ihrr iKslily health ami mental power. All the above diseases require the aid of a Diuret ic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu is the great Diuretic Sold by -Dnafirists. everywhere.- Price Jljix iiee bottle, Of'six-houlaslbr ;,.. le!iverel tb any ad drs.. aJk cwunuuicaUons Address IL '1 . JiJaikld, Dru and Cbeiidctd Warehouse, 5:d LruailwayN. Y. . j -1 t ij- None are IJitinine unless done up in steel-engraved w rapper, with fac-siuiile of my C'heuoical Warehouse, and signed . - 13-2nx . II. T. IIELMBOD. MAY cx GO'S. For all Perh.13 no ee rne.ll. cine is univers;.!! re quired bv everylKaly as a cathartic, u,vf'wt ever any be ion? so u!-eral-1 adopted iut. u, m ' ei-ervi-i.uairv.-uidmiKfii all c!.lses t i'-i l!d b'lt eX'H'iit prvtliv l'iit. The otivxn rv so'i is, tat it m a i. tore re hahle and f ir more eiwc re'Aly ttua ay other. 1 !iuo w h iit tried if, know that it cured taeto: tiar not, know that it cures tiieir ueijriiin-s juid i'iinds and nil know that what itlot- wi-e it does aU av that it never fails t!irou.:! any lault or ne-ii-tif its composition. We h.ivj tiiousamM nooa lmm sands oi certitk-ates of remarkable-rtire of tho followia roinpl.iiuts, but snch cure- are knovn ir every ncihlsi liwd, and we need not pubh-b Cictn. Aiiaptt'd t all nws and condaiom m uil ciiiins-js; coutuinin? neither calomel or any dc-leteriousdruir. Ihey may be taken with s-ifoty by snytswiy. Thru sugar costing preserves thin ever tVe-h aad rn ike them pleasant to takes while bcia pun'ly ve.retiilii no harm can ariso front Uicir u-c i t any unaawtT. Tiiev 0!)crate by their powei-f.d in:I itn.-e on tha mternal viscera to wuriiv tho Moot I and .-rinist it hito healU-.y action remove the obstna-ti at d stomach, bowels, liver, and othr ocrm of tno body, rcstwn t'u ir irregular action t nenlth. nnt by correctiag," wnerever tlicv exist, s?Kh Ujrai,-'- nier.ts as are the flrst oi of disease. Aiimtte ilirection are given i:i tho wrnnr ai the box, f r tho followtur comrloiuw. wLi tacsti i'illn r;ini.lly cure: . or Jr.ieiMi. or Xad!retlon. TJt!eto en, Laiiiir and mt Ap-tn uy should be taken moderately to BUimoata tha ach aud restore it hoalUiy tone and action. For tlvr CnninUini and Its imo r-nrv. totns, liilioa Urvntjkch. ck 1 1 pa d . c JTanadiCff or Jrr (iickavm. i:iiiu Colic and RiMont i'errrt, t:iev sh'ml.t bj Ju diciously fciken foreachco.tocon-ect Uiodisea-st action or removo tho obstraetions which cause p For Uyaenterr or Di.irrh nrj. hot nn t-i dose is irincrally require'l. For Il!ifumatl.n,,Gnt,Grarfl, Xa!M f Jtion f fh llert, lan in taa .i,lr. Back and tolas, they should coot uuof air taken, as require.), ta chants the dUo.ised artiunc tho system. With such ctursrr taos eorrr-u ..., Uiappctr. For Ororxy tmA nropJcal Sfrrlhar ter enouid be taken i t largrj and fi-eotteut doses to pro. tluce the effect of . drastic iu-t. For annnrenlna a l.rTdosahM K-Vpt as it produces the. desired eJTjct bv 7mr.fbv. As a VinH"f nil, ttka o:ie or two I'iUt t rro- moto digestion nnd relievo the si inofh. An occasional d-.xo timi!'!:ire t'm oi-.imaxh bowel3 into healthy action, restores tho noet!te, and invigorates tho system. Ilerx-e it t vanLlgeous wher- no serious liimnwmmt One who feels tolerably well, often Dn.U thnt dci of these Ii7j makes bun feel dtvide,i!y better, r-nrr their cleansing and rcnovatinT eifect on thd tive apparatus. DR. J. C. ATETi .C CO., TmrtU nl ChemUts, LOWELL. MAS?., C A, SoldLy ! II'CIISEIIY Iz incimix. CITY DKl'G STOHC, l'-T-y Erownvll. CH1DAGQ .DOLLAR STC?'-- Tli Immense success attending our Lnsi ni'ss In Bt )STON tho pat Ave yers, has ln duced us to establish u Branch starwin ChU cniirt, rendering it moro accessible -to the Western js'ople, and alw savin? a !arg F.t picssago. Cur goods areall iiewaad rwive.1 direct from the Mnnubicturers, consist lmc of nearly every artic le d-dret for family use such us Iiry aud Fanev ;xts, B.iots and Shoes. Jewelry, Plated Ware, ttc etc. All articled sold for One Dollar Each, and not to be paid foruntlt you know what you are to receive. ClfKCKS, Uescrlbin!? KOsls, sent at the rate of IU cfutsench, to pay for postage, printing, ect. lTeeub from ii too Jiiid s nt Free to Agents. We are AgnU for all the host M.-umf.-u-torles In the country. Circulars sent free. Agents wanted tn vry town. Address KAt'AJi & CO., iiJ Dearborn St. Chicago, III. I. o. liox 5JJ). 8-1.1 a. . ti feJaJ a" "Jt'J M n DEALER IN To C oils unipt Ives. , Th advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by a verv simple rem edy, al ter bavin Riifti red" several y,rs vlth t siivere iung ction, aitd thai ilceavl 1Ik easn 1 1 nsumptioii hi. nrKfioua !t mpke Itnown lfy his ftlf jw 'smficrers meTiieaiis of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copv of tho prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for jrepriring and using the same, which IheyAvill find a ire cure frr Consumption, A s'hma, JlronchUi. itc. The on ly object of tlie advertiser in sending the Pres cription Is to hrtieUt tboafilictexi, tvl spread information which he conceives to he Invalu able; aud he hopes every suliererer will try his remedy, as it will cost tliem nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre.-.eription will please Address 1U;V. KI WARD A. WII,S0N, 10.J South Second su Williamshurgh. 13-9-y ICings County. N. Y. aMjfr- 0 3Waa , .; ErroT of Yonth, -"-' - A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Bel)ilit3-f lTematnre Decav and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of sulleriug humanity, send free, to all who need it, the recipe: atid directions for making the simple remedy bv which h tut.a curcn. rMi iierers wisniriar to r.rofit Iiv th o.i. vertisor's cxperirnrc can lo sohj-artdressln--in perfect coii ft. Ion .-e. JOHN B. fxiDFX -1-j-P-y- ' - No.JJ street. New York. pfun-n cho!c. B- JOB WOUK of all kinds, neatly and pvinly executed, done ut the Advertiser Job : Uoonis;-: : - j. , HOUSE,SIGU,CARRIAGE, No. 15i llain Street, (One door east of Han' & Ilolfzinger's ciucrrisw&rt.i.4 Crocery store,) tj i5RoVy vi lleV xEuraTi: a, ? y p! rott Tins tj S'l) A 02 GENEIIAL 0 JSo. -43, 3Xain Sti-cot, e a S o o p A on a Ul u o tA o a o o o o o a o w p. e y o I- 1 TOi'ns'tD'r-p'tTi BARE & CO., IN -.-,3 DMGOOMiSiuWIuS NOTIONS, Y A N K E;E Mm, Glassware il Ms, HOSIERY AND "WHITE GOODS. And every other kind of Goods kept in a AVestern Store, which wc will T?fr l"3 'M "VTY ; s 5 w itMf- Whenever yon are in Town Call and See Us! : Corner 3Ialn ajstl Second Streets n .iiU u T I:-z ' r Groceries We have on hand a large ' o i i STAPLE A 17 D To uhich we are making co we are selling at Prices as the Mississippi In the Quality cf our Goods FLOUR OP' THE MOST! HIGHEST IIAIiKET PEA EE IIS IN ProTisiois GO and well assorted stock of FAITClf GROCSRmj nstant additions, and whicn low as any Ilonse west cf WE DEFY COMPETITION, AFPHOVED I.ILVDS. pkici: paid ron 12-40 o EH.OI3UCS SWAN c v: s , tST. JOSEPH, 51 0. IMPORTER AND VIIOO:SAEE AND LET AIL DILVLER IN ri Steel il Mm Mm, AVaon, Carriage ar.l Plow AVoodworkn. AGRICULT UJ J.VT 11 ixi : 3 1 1 : r s , Sprincr?, Axes, Axel, Shovels, Spade, Files, Ilaps, Chain, Cariwe and 'Urr3Jr.Rrf, Ntitta and Washer, NaiLs, Ilorse Nail, liorso and Mule Shot-, Sav-vetc; Onwtijijj? antl Ilollowovsire, Sv.2;ar Kettle And irons, Skillet and Lid, Stew pot, Halve oven, Fruit kettles and Sad Iron.' IJL,ACIi.S?JITII'S TOOLS, Anvil, Stock and Die, Bellow, Sledge and Hand Hammers, Vice, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knive, Tuyre Iron, &e. OUTFITINQ GOODS. Ox Yoke. Axle Grea.-e. Ox chain. AVarron Jack.-.' Ox Shoe nail, Shovel and lick. Gold Pan, etc. Hub. Siokes and lient- stuflV 1.000 celebrated 3Xolino Plow. Eagle Mowers, ?r&VJ M'Cormicfs Corn Shelter, Kailers Horse Corn Planters, Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Hay Rake, etc., etc. Fairbank's Standard Scales. . Buying my goods direct from manufacturers I offer great Inducements to Wholesale Buyers at Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse! UNDERIIILL & EATON, . Commission Ilercliaiits, No. 2 City Euillinss St.I.aui3, 3I. . EEFFERENCE.S: Second National IUtnk.........St. IjOuss, Mo. Allen, C'orp& Nislet St. Iyonitt.Mi. lininch State i'.unk of Jowiv. .lM-hnonc. Johnston vt Baron .Eankens Et.M.iclion, 1. Isvsie Sennit &('o - Mton. !'l. Ijiair At"A'iHxI.-.i...-...'.jltoii, lil. I fr r i i--i . . .. i '-VJilil J. Pfeiffers nnrule i il; rflcPItcrson's - IlJoc!, 151i OWNMLLE, SJJIUJZ ASK A. WOOIAVORTH & COLT, BOOK BII7DEHS, . And Dcu-ci-s in Boo!:, . Stationery, Paper . ... . HANGINGS, AND - PltirS'XllS' STOCK. -' -No. 12, St. Joseph. Mo. -CASH PAID foi: i:aos-' Gill and ST. CHARLES Sts. . JOSEPH, MO. ! vo Dealer ta Plaster, Wiit-- (IF