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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1869)
0 X ; J. C. CIXX7XICIZ, Editor. i . rrtoVNVILLE, THURSDAY, J AX. 3,1SC3. ...-EX- & EX. K. A. fc R. H. . Ik-low we publish', hy I'-cniuiori, J kltcr from Pres. Davis of the abov named road, "which give a gt-otl show nig for an early eastern connection Matters arc all right cast of us, and oui p'uectiss now depeaiU upor ccrsclves AVith the vole of tbb county, as it now Btnnd, in faror of this project, and the Infrot -Mfdi the. counties WCSt should and do feci, it would bo re markable If we should by any possi liilifv lose our "crrin." It is ours be- yond preadventure ly the lay of the Lmd. and our representatives should w e i it that it is not tlescriminatcd egniuai ia the disposition of our fctate Landd. Canton. Mo, Ja, 20. 1 SOD. . J. W. Blackburn, Eeq.: Yours of f h 1-lih ins, art band. In rejrarnd to our EailroaJ, I am happy to inform mii Hint it is under contract to Memphis, GO miles, and the work (al though partially suspended for the M Inter,1) will go vigorously on iu early Ft) lie r. : The coctraet for ken -d rolling kxli, tt-ltbough not dorm), is vcrv vrtTl understood, and I may say, made. Tho C. B.&Q. ia tho-iiarty whose ability to push it on ia beyond fiucstion. Tutncm county takes a vote In February for $150,000. I hope you asul'the friends of Nebraska will work dp vour port o( tho enterprise. and during the year we must have the "whole line In tliapc to I ort Kearney. , Shall be pleased'. to. lieae frouLyoiu. ... Yours truly, . o.: ;.. h. Davis- ' ' From the Canton (Mo.) Fir. ' Vi'c gave publicity, last week, to a communication from " Lan raster," ad- virfvitinir it change in the route of the M. &. M. 1C. A. L. Ibulroad so as to di verge from. the present line at Lancas ter and connect witn mo lowa sysicm of railroads at Coatesville. In answer to the article referred to we now submit the following statement showing that no nuehcba-ageof rontecan be adopted un dor the present ohcrter, or In harmo ny -with the original design of this great enterprise. ;1. The charter requires tie road to go through the norm tier or eoonties in Missouri to the Missouri river, the ter minus not to be nearer to the Iowa line than fifteen miles, nor at. any point is the road to be over thirty miles from the Iowa line. Tlrcr preliminary survey, made in 1567. through Lancaster, approached too near the Iowa line for the liue west. . To go through Lancaster as that line runs compels the company to go too far north, hence the recent survey Bouth of that first line. 2. The counties through which the purvey of 1887 runs, have acted liberaly for the building of the road, and in Feb ruary Putnam county votes on $150,000 for the extension. i. At Brownvillc, the terminus of the road a company isorcaimed called the Urownville A Fort Kearney Railroad Company, who have raised considera ble funds to continue the road to Fort Kearney, which would give almost an uir-line from New York to the Pacitic. The Committee ou Internal Improve ment iu last Congress reported favor able on a bill granting to the Brown villc and Ft. Kearney Compan', 1, 1X0,000. Last, though not least, all the negotiations for buildiug, ironing, Hjuipiog and operating this road have lccn based upon the idea of a through road, and the present flattering pros-, tccts of a wealthy road taking hold of it are bxxxi upon this understanding. These, we think, are sufficient rea sons why the company should not run into Iowa at Coatsvillo or any other loiut. "Wc have been familiar with the doings and purposes of this company ; wc know they have acted com-fstent in all their eflorts to build a rosd'frxvra river to river through the north tier of Missouri counties, and nothing that they can control will bend them from their purpose. They will build as far west as the counties will give suffi cient aid. Lancaster will have a depot located in good faith, as agreed In ta king the vote In that county. X<orial Correspondence. : Lixcolx, January 19, 2S60, Lhave an opportunity of sending b a few lines by private conveyance. The excitement thus far attending the BcssioDv i -bating. The Senator-ship was decided last evening, on the 19th ballot. Four. ballots were had on last Thursday night;" thirteen ballots ou last faturdiiy night, and two on last evening. The wcra anx ious to crowd thematter to some ter mination. AH others feared the close combat, and rtre anxious to stave off' final, action. After, tho final ballot wui taken, every caraUdato, as he was called,' came forward and addressed the Assembled multitude;- pledging themselves to the support of: the sue-; ccgsful candidate. Harmony and god feeling characterized the entire asen bly.7-The members of Nemaha cn- tcrtaiu the kindest regards for the en- j tire body jof Legislators, and hope to laeot them again by their representa tives two years, hence, in these halls, for a fcimilar purpose, when they will take occasion to reciprocate the good offices of others. '.The Nemaha delegation toolc oeca-, Hon' yesterday to visit the Salt "Works of the State. They are situated north west of the town nbout two miles. There are about three hundred acres of Rat,' swanky, muddy ground, in mi oblong shai, on which notliing M'trai to gro"w,- iwar the salt works. The works consist of a well dug in the centre of this luvuidy. imd iiiarthy ground.. .Ditches-cut from several points of the circumference of this ground, running in the direction of this well, conveying the eurface-water therctc There is a pump in this well, driven by a wind-mill, which foroes the water to the heighth of about thirty feet, into a trough running uout forty rod3 to the west bank, where tho water is deposited into a large open chstern! holding several Uiousiind barrels. From this cistern the water is forced up by similar ma tliinery about twenty-five feet in height!, to a trough leading to the kettles in the arch. In this arch there are about treaty kettles, each holding about thrru barrels of water. But the arch i? so badly constructed that but Uu Liittk-s have been inado to boil by the' hotter t f.res yet made from dry i'oo.i. h'alt has bet a made at this iu liLutln, but t a grer.t expense; and thus far the works are a failure. Still many have faith that it will yet prove a success. There is inneh difference of opinion as to the propriety in seed ing the whole to one company. To-day the tk-clion' tt a U. V. Sen ator was taken in the House, v hicb resulted in Mr. Tipt a receiving votes, and Chas. H. Brown of Omaha, C. Iu the Senate the vote fcr Tipton was 12, for Brown, 1. The twoHouses meet in joint session to-merrow, to declare the result. Jaxtabv 20. The joint session of the two houses was called to order, and the journals of the two houses read, so far as the same related to the elec tion of U. S. Senator; wbcreuiou the President of the Senate declared that Hon. TTs- W. Tipton was duly eleeln) as Senator from the State of Nebraska In the Congress of the United States, for six years from and after 1th day of March next. Thus endeth the great excitement of the session. January 22. Tho House and Sen ate adjourned over from to-day until Monday, and most of the members have left this afternoon for their homes. There is now a large amount of business in the hands of the stand ing committees. . Tho Hwe tfeus for Iarrefuecd to patronize the press In any shape. They refused to send for cither week lies ordailics. Several bills have been introduced to provide for the publica tion of the General Laws In some one or more of the newspapers of general circulation in the State, but all have betn voted down. To-day the House indefinitely postponed a bin to pub lisk the laws at a cost not to exceed fifty cents pr thousand ems of primer type, ou account of the expense. Such members demand that the press of the State shall work generally for the good of the public, and particularly for the success of the Representative, Senatorial and State ticket, when nominated; to print all tickets, noti ces, hand bills, editorials, and a large amount of other labor, for the success of the party and the candidates, and then refuse not only to pay their own bills for tickets, &c, but are over anx ious to hedge them in from all aven ues of patronage and support- Per haps the parties conducting papers may find it to their interest hereafter to support less illiberal men for office. Money can be appropriated for almost any other project, but when the peo ple demand to know what their ser vants arc doing, then politicians have retrenchment on tho brain. Several unimportant acts are before the House. One appropriating $10,000 for. the relief of the Stato Normal SchocHr n-t.v provide for. the publi cation, irr &eek-form, of the decision of the Supreme ConrJ,' awe- fcr 2gta eral Herd Law ; one to amend the Revenue Law; one to build five bridges over the PJattc ; one for aid ing the building of the Nebraska Trunk, the Nemeha Valley, the Oma ha. South-Western, and the Midland Pacific Railroads ; aad. hosts of other bills of minor importance.' The loby have nearly all left in dis gust at the hot-el accommodations, and the high prices demanded for inferior accommodati&. Senator Tipton Re-Ereetcd. TJe Republicans ef tlc Nebraska lA'gLihtture met in caucus hiit Monday night and on the second ballot nom inated Hon. T. AV Tipton, prcseut in cumbent, as Senator for six years, twra commencing March 4th lSGU. The contest for Mr. Tipton's seat was quite warm, numerous able and prominent gentlemen being anxious toserve their country in the halls of legislation, but Mr. Tipton's popularity and record were too ni uch to overcome, and he was triumphantly re-nominated. As a Senator Mr. Tipton has been a decided su(ess and we are glad to know that Nebraska has beenableto secure bis services for so long a term. Mr Tipton has abundantly shown that he will never court notoriety or popularity at the expense of right, and as a free, in dependent, end: fearjbss- champion of the rights of the people, he is well known. to every one.- His many friends in this seotioon congratulate him on success and rejoice in' his- tri umph.. "We aroglad tosee him returned by suoKta-ooninlimcntary voto as he received;, and' bropo - soon to - givo our readers an account of his faithful stew artihip and friendship fcr onrBection. Wcfeel that in Mr. Tipton tho weaker ortions of our State will find a fast friend and earnest advocate. An Educational meeting took place at the Capitol on Saturday the 16th. at which the committees, on Education from, the two I lenses of the Legislature and the on appointed by the State Teachers' Association last summer, be sides many otlMjsrf fiends of the cause, were present. Proffessor Gere, of this citr, was called to the chair and Judgo lewett, of Urownville, from tho committee of the Teachei-s' Association, presented a bill drawu mostly by himself, after , conference with the friends of Educa tion now in-Lincoln, which was taken i consuleratioin. It is substantial , the Ohio School Law, the leading) changes beiag the mauner prescribed i for filling the oSIes f Stute and Coun- tv Superinteudent5h. It jwde that the Governor shall Hclecotse person from each Judicial Distrirt; witli the consent of the Senate, who together with himself and the Auditor shall constitute a State Board of Education, which shall select a Superintendent from any part of the Union, who shull receive a fair compensation for his servitfw aud ex ojfk-lo Secretary of. the Board. Lt provides for a County Su perintendenito bo appoint who fhall exercise the duties of Examiner.. This latter provision i from tho Missouri law. Otherwise the-bill is a copy of of the Ohio Law. precinct .kad sub-districts and idl. . A spirited dwt-usyon arose over the hub-district system, iu which Col. Irish, (Jen. lloweu, Hon.. A. JJ. FullerHou. A. F. Harvey, Hon. Mr. Furay, Hon. Mr. Cunningham, Judge Hewett aud others narticiiated, tlu result of which was the adoption of a-resolution asking the Legislature to-'adoptthe bill without material amendment-. It seems to be the opinion ef Uie uittjurity of Educational men herx; thatit isjust the system wewant, aiivi it contains several decided advan-tajrc-H I wuld mention but space for bids. ....... Senator Thaj'cr introduced a bill to grant ten alternate sections per mile on each side of the line to aid in the construction of a railroad from Sioux City, Iowa, to Columbus, Nebraska. ' Ben. "Wade is to have a eeat in the Cabinet. The Nebraska Legislature has demoralized Grant to give Gea. Thayer a teat in the Cabinet. . . Ja; H. Stockton has been elected U. 6. Senator from New Jersey. STATE ITE3IS. Oma'.i a Velocipede, ' Vn iKhtln l! vrin of Conl has orn found o? tUo fai w of i r, Jonc, In 4us county. "Who . V-ctel Tl r f m,". m-nm sih lmpn'r .,t . jetton in 'tl.rasi dry, a "who utrii. k l;.:!y ralierBon" Is everyvuer..) el T.5p Xetct Klops clean over, pvi-r It. -x. :Swt-ipcr tTiWoa 8cs:i abundant In Oumlin. 3ican, nlnt It? ; . k . ' ' ; Xll irr Mol.fn-'prf nof-e thfr return of l -it fmiir tlv t-anitahs u tliePKnaforlal plct t Ijincorn Is deacriUfd a very calm aner the storm. Tho J'frx coin s down henvy on tho At vcl House, at Lincoln. Poor fjol and bud munmrcmont. seem thnrnle. Another hotel for Lincoln ia In cJiiUniplntion. AV. 1. Smith, the Omaha skatist, 1uh Ac complished his 100 miles i a 100 connect! tlvc hours, averting icvcii minutes 10 vue iniic. FUher, of the Pawnee Tribnnr, conKratn- Iat Carl Sctiurz on nls election to I lie L . . Senate, and hojes to be able ck fcHesusne foritov. JJiuiur. , . . J. S. Morton delivered; a lertoro ou "BrnHs," at Nebraafca. City, fast Sfonday. - From the OwwUia RcpuMiran of th e 2nl we learn of a teyrfhtrsieektent. On the afternoon of the22J Mr. Howard wna working with a trrifcollue istovp. wlien tlic stove ex nlodea. rn velopii? her immediately in flame, and also settini fire to tho clothes of her mother, in aUemutln to extinguish the names. Some neighbors soon rushed in and extixKitisbed the fire, bnt not before Mm. Howard was burned almost to a crisp, from the vasto tip. lcavinz very little hoiKjoI her recovery. Hhc has since died. - . .1 A man by the name of IlerniMMVx has Just leen corivirtit in Omaha of nn atteiupt to murder his wife, and sentenced to tbartven years m the penitentiary ,. The contract !: th runfe-rn Rolo to rawnei! Citrr E"Ti'oi;cs to put- on a ,ln9 or stages.. A petffion fordTanj- mall service from tho river to IJeatrlce is in circulation In that city. It behooves Brownvlllo to nrge on the movement. . . Beatrice wlhes to bo Incorporated. - Capital Correspondence Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 21, 1SG9. Advertiser: The Senatorial contest is over, and Mr. Tipton of your place is re:eleeted. It is a glorious.vurtery ; oao over which he and. his frieads have reason to feel proud, not because his opponents were beateny for they were all good and true men:- but be cause Greeley's and Pcabody'a friends have been pleased to characterizc him as nn "accident," and.prophesied that our people wouid repudiate hictv He has beca; ndrsedf; arul tno- etsin of "accidency" wipctl out. The fight was a fafr, square stand up one, and so far as opponents wTere concerned, Mr. Tipton's success was "not because we loved Ceaser less; but that we loved Rome more." Gov. Butler and Mr. Marquette, really the only other com pctitors, Jfcsrvc tSe- gastf wiff of our people. Mr. Butler has made a model Governor, and the people have hand somely endorsed his official career. Mr. Marqustt is cb able and eloquent man, and made many friends during the late canvass, in whisli'So-ccoispic-uously participated. ' ' The "next thing in order" is the Kailroad question. This will be the most important question to be disposed of by the Legislature. Mr. Reavis, Senator from Nemaha, Richardson and Johnswi, has introduced a Bill providing for tlic disposition of k the pt;blJc lknr! to aid internal improve mcnts. It prorides for the contrac tion of Railroads, and iu its provisions Is equally applicable to any and all en terprises of that nature. The princi pal points are that it gives 2000 acres of land per mile, when ten consecu tive miles shall have been graded, bridged', culverted", and" tied", ready to lay down the iron ; that fifty miles shall be completed and in running or der within three years from dato of passage of bill, under forfeiture of all lauds, property. and franchise; that no road shall receive over one hun dred thousand-acres of land from the State. The roads-namrd as being en titled to the provisions of the Bill will most likely be the St. Louis and. Nebraska-Trunk; Great Nbmaha-Val ley ; Omaha and Sioux, city ; Omaha and South-western; Sioux City and- Co lumbus and the Midland" Pacific. Let me say a word about the-Lincoln Hotel., Your Editor, Mr. Church, has had no. "experience"" at the At tvood .JIomeT and consequently can uot give you details' of facts concern ing It. The "Atwood? Heutse"'is the name, and . it is kept by one N. At wood. "Where he is from, "no one knows, no one cares.'" Tho house is one of the neatest, most convenient, and best constructed, good sized Hotel buildings I ever saw, and ought to be kept by some one who "knows how to keep a Hotel." But it is not, I am sorry to say, . at : present. , The table, comparatively speaking, has nothing on it,, aud what there is is miserably scrredi. The-landlord is a poking, dried up, stnrr,. cross old- chap who never has a pleasant' for ugliest. Half the time, he cau be found stuck down in a chair, close to the stove, chewing his cud, silently and nicdi tatingly, not saying a word to any one, while guests around are in want of scuts and attention. His charges are enormous, and fluctuating, some are charged, eight, twelve, fifteen and twenty dollars per week- Guests are charged for wear of carpets, floors and stairs, said to be occasioned by calling friends, not guests of the house. :" If any one' stops at the At wood while Atwood . keeps it, ', they will wish they-- had. gone to "the other hotel." Lined is a most thriving and beauti ful town; its inhabitants are enterpri sing ; it has a number one Hotel buil dirift, aud .ought to have a good land lord.. - v':",-: v l - - Lincoln, January ISG9.;'-'" " JBiUor ' Adt-crilgrr: T t-uppose Mr. Church keeps yoii informed of the progress of Legislation, and of all matters of interest in the" House of Representatives ;'but thiiiking that a few items from the Senate Chamber will not be amiss to your . readers, I seud. the following letter.' ' V The President, Coh E. B.Taylor, is I believe, not much known iu Nema ha countyr and. if tho Democratic pa pers are to be believed,' is a terrible man. Ho Is a gentleman in every sense of the word ; and is liberal in his views as a statesman, being in fa vor of the development of the resour ces of all parts of the State.' ' He h? a No-1 presiding pfiicer.; ,; Mr. Rcavis is so well known iu No-1 maha county, that useless to say anything more about liirn than that he iialways in his place, and atten tive to business.' 1 - ' Mr. Cunningham, of Richardson, is a young 'man, as well as new member. Is quiet and modest, seldom speaks, I nut wnen ne does, It is to the point; is very Industrious. His constituents have reason to feci proud bf their Sen ator. ' Mr. Porter, from the Northern Dis trict, is lr re. Has been very slciifd is not well yet. Comes ! theCScnatS, every day, but is not i ' lj to iak an active part in Legislate i. -f I lx. K nium, of Piatt?, is the only Deujoertt in the Senate. IIL seat was contested by Mr. Sydenham, of Kear ney ; but he failed to' make out l-'s cae, and Barnum retains his scatl He is an old member, and is highly respected, barring his po&iies. r' Mr. Gere, of Lancaster, and Mr. Hathaway, , Cass, areb&th editors; and bcth made thir' debiit us Legis lators "at the July session In 1SGG; They arc industriousv intelligent gen tlemen, and attend closely to the in terests of their constituents.' ' Mr. Chapin, of Cass, is an old mem ber, well versed in Parliamentary law, is very industrious,, arid a. mimj man in the Stat-. Messrs. Ashton and" Slephensoii, of of Otoe, arc personally a perfect con trast. Ashton is quiet and still, sel dom speaks, or moves in Tiis seat, while Stephenson takes a prominent part in all debates, and while others are speaking, he swings from side to side in his ciair all the chairs move on pivots, and nods his head in ap proval, or shakes it in disapproval of the speaker. They are both No. 1 men, and highly respected. Of Mr. Goodwill of Washington, I know but little. He i3 always In his place, and i3 very attentive Mr. Frost of Douglas, though one of the prominent men of Omaha, is, I be-1 lieve,' not much known in Nemaha. He takes an active part in Legislation, and is always on the right side-. ' .. .'. Last, but not least, is Mr. Majors of Nemaha. A young man, yet he . has a record that any man ; might feel proud of- ;Is very attentive t busi-ness-j tha'agto ho- eridont participates in the debates. . '' . Talio it all in all, the people of Ne braska should be well satisfied in the choice of Legislators. There is no rowdy members, and J. believe,, this is the first Legislature of Nebraska, that has been clear of that class of mem bers. ' , "w: a.p. TTcsterii IVcws. Advices from Fort Fettermaii con tradict the statement that any of the northern Indians have recently been depradating. All have abstained from hostile demonstrations since i Ited Cloud treaty. ''V ., . A bill has passed the Dakota Ter ritorial House of ltepresentatives. al lowing vrotteu to vote and hold oifice. The Indians of Utah, Arizona and Nevada, are rartning off alt th stek they can find. 1 - . ' ' : During the rtst week eiirht men were shot and four hung inside of the twenty-live miles of Echo Canyon. Snow is six feet deen in Pahlcv's Canyon, just outside of Salt Lake, east. Tv7 men were killed recently bv the Cheyenne Indiarra,' near tho Smo ky Hills, in Colorado, while hunting. A number of Oregon capitafiVts have organized a company to con struct a canal around the Willamette Falls. Thrt Arizona Mlnrr of tho lf?Mi of Decemiitrsavs that the Wallanaia In dians have again broken faith with the whites, and arc now on the war path. Col. Price is after them, on the i'rescott and Mohave road. The mail service of Oregon and California, exclusive of iay ef post masters, is said to cost th; G!mern ment S1,(XV3,161 annually, while the receipts lor postage arc annually ?428,- R. R. Items. , Col'. Moulton. Chief Enirineer of the North Missouri Railroad, i)assed down to-day to Rulo to take the ini tiatory step? to locstb;r the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk RaHroad. The comuany are calling in installments upon the stock, and will soon be pre- fared to let contracts on the road in tichardson county; The work will go forward with reat vlgtr, and the roau win, oe compietcu a soon as men and money can do it. PraaJ2. Vliite Cloud has voted SoO.'OOO to aid the River Railroad. . : An Atchison: dlanatch savs "Col. G. W. Glick, President of tlxe Atch ison & IS euraska Railroad, htw been tn T.fnfrln TtKpnalri ami r,rffat&A arrangements by which that road vrill be extended to that city in a very short time." Also that "the Missouri Valley Road and the Atchison & Ne braska road are negotiating for a cont solidation." . . i i . Vim. Homes, editor of the Missouri, Itcjyublican, died- Tuesday, at New Haveav Corfu, ' . . ' ' A movement is oir'foctf'' to' ttfinel the Chicago river at the Adams street crossing. : " ' i -I i ' - -The postal money .order system- be tween the United States and the towns of North Germany goes into op eration on the first of February. In the House-,. bill was introduced to enable Chicago to eniargo lier: har bor; - - ; - ' .. !' - -' - A treaty between this country and Prussia is about befog formed ; for the benefit 'of Prussian emigrants. , . '..! . The . House . "committee on 1 T.bVt Roads still eentinue hraiiiig: persons intereBted m uniting tlio telegraph' with the Post Office department. ' -aji m i ' - - t A resolution .has been introduced into the vebraska Lsgiolature for. a cotwtitutional conventisn.. The object ia to amend it in uoine important re spect. ' '' . ' -'I- A bi?I has been introduced into the Legislature of the State for tlie aboli tion of capital punishment. . . 3; . A bill ia before tho. Senate donating tho old Capitol building to the eity of Omaha for school purposes. ' J. 1 ;: A gentleman just returned to tliU country from a tour in Kuronp w.ia asked how he liked the ruins of Pom peii. "Not verry well," was the rep-" "they are so much out of repair.". It U current amongthe artists that Mr A. T, Stewart has, ordered from M.-.Yoon, of Paris, a large picture ren- resenting the Emancipation of Ameri can Slavery. Figures not mentioued. All the world is a game of whist; nd the' men and woman merely playersv pome shuRie, wine cut, and one man ia, his time plays many games, and while many get rich by honors, more make lTionev hv trir-L-Q 1 . ii : jr..; : . . II f " ; The bill granting 10,000 tocomplcfe and furnish the State" Xornml ScbooT will doubtless bccomedTavi """ DIED. In Teru, January 15th. Puiuscea wm estbon of ilrs. Taylou, ed 12 t and montlii. lie was a student of the State rormol md i i ewlth . r School, po.sses.sin-.' amiable dispoltii the teachers and j f "Anothpr flower !u In I"arKdwe." ; p.erit in' 'set, .,ih5qlilni i.vro. tUrs school m;i Leen pluckp-l to p.coia a;,';- AD Kit' nsErENTS. " J. 15LAKK, DENTIST, Would roiet fully announce Unit lie has locntedin Urownville, r.d Is now r-reparwl to perform, in the best manner, ALL onemtiuiw pcrtainiiiif to the Store, irpxm; jictr THE BEST PARE IN NEMAHA COUNTY, EIGHT MILES FROM BKOWSVILLE TWO MILES FROM SIIEJtlDAST. COXTAIXIXO 1GO ACRES! All under cultivutlon. A livinfj HU?e Fcnc U anmniiU CT lils. Growing it in 40 acre lot, with living slock whIci- tta each 40. Uerire two years old tills spring Aisood Dwelling House, con taininK se-en rooms ; a good celler, well walled w nil stone; ftood stone- smoke-house; gooi barn aud atnblins for eight hort; com cnlw. etc. Also R good tenant-house on the place, and a. g(jod school house on tiie south-west 4tJ. I will sell the above I'arrn on reiwonnbl terms. For particulars enquire oi James McNaughton of Urownville, or r vnr0nVtieVreml. $500 BErAEB.!! FOlt A TKX EQUAL TO GOODSPEED'S GOLDE5N: FOUNTAIN, IX FLEXIBILITY, 'DURABILITY, NoncorcosiTeness and Economy ! ! IT W nTS".I OO . LI AT ONE DIP.-" AUwlifi use'thehi iiU uws-iio other. TTbey re eoimllv well adaptc-a to the wants of all writers, nd never "fail to Rive perfect satisfaction. 810 per day KUirrmXeed to ngonts to sell these ren and other usefur firtides we furnish.' Sample Boxes 25 cents by mail. Single samples, 10 cents. Circulars free. 3 Address .. : - It H.-YOUNG & CO., l.V3m H3 Chambers St., Boyton. Mass. "QUIT QUICK." The use of Tobacco produces disorders of circula tion, indigestion, a marked taste for strong drink, impolency, and Anally insanity. "QUIT QUICK" cures all desire for TOBACCO. Tricc-SO cents. Sold by McCBEKRY & XICEEL, DRUGGISTS, 15-3t Urownville, Nebraska. Horsemen, 'Xalre Notice, I offer for sale for cash or young Stock, my FIXE BLOODED STALLIOX, PRINCE ALBERT. He Is a Dark Uay, Ulack Mane.TTail and Lcrs, stands Sixteen Hands hieh, and well proportioned. Will be live years old next sprini;. Is warranted Round, well broke, gentle, and Is considered by good judg-wthc best farm horse for all work in the coun ty. Address It. A. STEWART, i 1 Nt Sherman, Nemaha Co.. Nebraska. REARE fc CO;, AGENTS, Earn STREET, IIROWA'VILLiC, M-3m To Cbiitractors. ScaTpfi rrowsiil.s will he received ui lo February 1, lsi!t, for opening up Main street to western limits oi cuy, ana to pui the Xatno in a truvenn-i conawoii. U. w. J- aiki;ku i iir.j;, 10-8t Mayor City of Brown ville. FLORENCE LOCK STITCH UEVEItSIBLE FEED 5)flf".?Mr; Sewing UacLines AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE OJVJLVY OIVE tl)me ofSewlngln More thau one i Ulrtctlon.. r - . V- w ASD Fastening ail its own Seams, WlTUiiVT NTOPPIXO TIIK MACUIXE Vi l uiitSiJStj THE CLOTH. ItUSKS and WA'STI- IJR.S.S TIIRKAD titan any other, anil wtHcommeni-e nuram without holding the ends ol" Oiv tlueaJj . ". ' i .i Warranted ' to Se vr Heavy cr Fine ' GOODS lAlITALLY A8 WELL. ,....... ovek r;o,ooo MACUIXER SiOUD SINCE 18(51. St'lid Tor Report and Circulars. E. PI..1KT, General Agent, 613 SOUTn FOtllTII ST HT. LOUIS', MO. IVlVy COGST7ELL'S GRlLiT WESTERN Liver, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLES ! Corner Main and Levee Streets, BKrnyillc, ; rrebrrlio. fcuys, Atlls ami Exehaugcs" " STOCii, CITY FilOPECn, Has Lanrc PforK- ry Landing. Stable accoiiunodationa for cs. riages always on buna fur iile. Buggies andrr- l'J-Uiu J trf ill S 2 if ' I if gia iij in; till I i i fe m) fl III a s W Wk 0. BLOCH. 'ME iS IWIDIHIIID- 0 (! JIayo revive t 'and Desl r I :rp ever brought to the city of iiTl O WrST VILLE, consisting of Sofas, Toldins Lounges, Secretaries and Boot Cases, . Ofllce Desks. Wash Stand., BKISTEAIS CANE HOOKERS, Xarsc Kockers, Dining and P. rt-ak fast Tables OfJlce; Parlor aud Dining Roonv Chairs, and everything usualty- found lu a ; FURNITUHE "STORE ! 12-l-ly : - .- . . . J. A. riXEK. " TR. REYNOLDS. SOUTHESir HOTEL. PIX ER& RCSTX O LDS, Proprietors Eight street, two blocks from IL R. Depot, ST. 'JOSEPH, MO. 4-31y tJnionrouiidry ani Jlacliiiie Sliop IT. BurnsideVCroT7tIisr & Kogers, : r t FIIOrrjETORS. . i x Cor. 8th iind Afcssanle Kts., ,St Joseph, Mo. Steam En fines Hade Repaired Iron. and urass castings, : Mill Worlis of all Kinds. .Iron Fronts made to order on short no tice, and sutislaetory to all partws. Also aentfor i:vnIoucr V: Ilobertson's Im- proved 1'alent fiovornor. 41-ly SlieHenberger Eros ;: Ho. 74, .' It cIJcrsons JllocU, .. Dfakrs la Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, 50,000 Mites Fence Wire, ..50,009 Mites Fence Wire, r?rz- . 50,000 Jlu'cs.lzticc H ire Pittshury Iron aud Xaitx, Pittsburr Iron and Xaify Pittsburj Iron aud Naik, . Jfechanic's Tools, Jlechanic s loots, - Jleouinto's looU Charier Oak Sto. Charier Oak Stores, Charter Oak Stoves, Resides ujull assortment of everything kept - . in a lirst class IUDIUBE ID -STOVE STORE! 11 hieh leill be sold as low as tlie lowed FOKCASH! ' . Toall who favor vs with a cdl.. Af IIic Sign of the BIG BEB STEAD! Is the place to buy 11 UPHOLSTERY aXel-ALU, Sc Co., Keep constantly on hand a complete assort- . - . . . ment oi Soat, Beadateads. Wardrobtt, Bureau, Rockini Chaht, Sprinrj Bcdt, Wath Standi. What Nott. . - Ilat Rccka Kitchen t - .. Kitchen ana r-; rr . . and Parlor . : Parlor. laLb,e .CT MTAIII.a. Center Joppea , -. ! fu Tablet, Lounges - I Springt. i Swing Setteet.. .. mt-. Kit then VL ';? Sajet ,rot, Office Plain . zrs..'-," Standi l nairt, Comfortt, Tete-tetet, Idattrttset, Bed Springt. Childrer.'tJCabt and Giat -. j r . i . ' ; . i Sliteli, Fillowt, Pillow . . , . l . . O . . . i iiiptr tttetc -. - SHOW GASES & OFFICE WOEK MADE TO OEDEE! And anything and everything required to set .ujj x-uuu or liincy upu.-ioKeepiug ,3.11 oiltaiir -ware is either manufacture! or put up under .their ppecial superintendence, which en-iblts them to tell sound articles at smaller prices than Eastern manufactured goods. Oui Hearse 5V. V' 0.-3; v. 6m :: &.;t is at the senice of the pxjhVx nt anr tlmo if may be needed, and is gotten up inas finestvle as any farther east.' OfflllC 101 OSES f all size constantly oil hrui . A t, 1 a h t c rn l i V e a-t-iJV"We Aretlofii-? rHi-iine-ai on . . strictly cash pra:rciPi.E5 '' AT' A . . -f Small Profit - ??SLin bnrln nnd the Wantsoi lat to receive : .th j-ah ona-o of the pu the generally. blio ricrALL&co. iicPHBiiscirs t ao . , 'Ass f ir - 1 ... . V- 1- y f.u 1 1 Eft FUBHTDREAHD ' '' - ill Tiip. DEPOT OF :iUSIC P. X. EUYSTT(& SOir, Ncr. J Tourtlr Street, ST. JOSEPH, MUSIC PUBLISHERS, Vljolosale and Retail Dealers in PliliOS SOD mm, Chickering d Son's Pianos "Which were awarded the Cross cf tte LEGIOIJ of HONOR, and FIRST GOLD MEDAL AT PARIS EXrOSITIO.t, lfiCf. - , r . IL.ADE CO., H.IXLCT, DAVIS CO., NEW YOHKUHIONJCO. BURDSTT ! .-. . . 1 Nationalf Combination & Cabinet OEGAXS, Iason & Ilanilla'3- Cabinet, Portable, Metropolitan Organs. All orders .sboUlc? lie nrTdnsflrI to ' - JAMS5 It. DYS, ASet, lii-owuvillc, TS"el. 5-Cra Pem Livery Salable. C1IAIILES GEADE, Dealer in A.11 . IiiilM r &toilc. Horses Uousht, Sold, or Exchanged. Stock Boarded b the Bay or Week. JtY STAItr.I- an stocked wi!li ztnl IIorsaiid tion of .Nemaha I-ind District can be accumiuo tlated. Tiie . husr:i"s. I crsi.ns wisiunsr con vev uiie? to any por Pern &. Broimvillo Coacli Leaves my Stables every morning: nt 10 o'clock A. M. l'lisscnsifrs- or puokaKes sjJ'ely convvel. (r- tlers If it with tlic I'c-st miLjt will bo prcnnplly at leiuieu io i.-.ii-r,m JACOB MAPvOIIN, MERCHMT TAILOR, JCiin street, oppor-itt- McPh.erson'8 BLOCK, BrownvIIle, Neb. Dealer in HEADY HADE CXOTUIXG! Also Agent for I Singer Sewing i.iachii;e THE APPETITE FOR T93ACC0 DESTROYED ! Leave ofT Uslnsr that Poisonous IVccd, Tobacco. One box of DeWitt's preparation Li warrnrtixl in iletroy th Kiipetit-e for lobacuo mutter how wtron the habit may be. If it fuils In any ca.-e the money will tie refunded. Ilaii-lri-t have useii it who ar willini? to Imr u.-itf..- t .v. fact that De it' ITH'.anrtion rtimpleteiy detrf)-s theappetite for tonm-roand leaves tli person km free from any desire for it as before he commenced, iu use It is perfectly !vfe nnd harmless in all cuse The' preiatratious acu directly unon the.-meiriun.ia o.t M-cretions "Recteil hy t,l)acco. and through these npon the hlo-xl. thorouuhly cleuninz the poison ol t4jhacco from the svstem. No more hankerlne af ter iisin-j DeWitt s Preparation, lieeollect It is war- RECOMJIEXDATJOS. The followinz are a fv wlwlJ ,,nn, n... tude or reeoiuiueniLitions in our possession : Trota C. A. ItotlserJ. St tonis. Mo. ) ti.' u .I-ni'w.Mn., April 21, I. I hereby certify that I hiv. nUl.itnh., r..l ty yers past, nnd for the last ten yeam i hnre used two pounds p-r month. 1 bave-mmle uttemi.uto leave on M clnh-rrut times. I have- Ml oif oiw year at a time, but always eontiiiuei to hanker after it until J usel lie Witt's rrepanuioa, which has com pletely cured roe or the ap;:;e for toJxacco. I rihTi hTT". a!' who ifftrt wit uthw ter rible h;ib:t to try the Preparation. C.V-ItOSiniTS. From John Xnipe.Ht. IxmU, Jfo. . : This is to eertifv ,i,n, r Z'"J teen years: tril'm, i , ,'"''.1 Ruftered so much from a tli..iueK in my Ji-aVi and he tria A friend meto rourVrepur Uon, and it co-npietely Cnrel me repura- F rom VT. A. Snath. C'olumbtis. Oht 1 ' 1 hereby -rUfy that "?l "i.l "XL entirely removed all Lhe -Isi of tot '" From " m. I.spy. Scrin-rflcItL ?.ra 1 I used one box of vonr VTL 18ti- . Ujp - i n neureu I merely Kive thes aa n. Umr.. ;.r .. ' , A ceiviii-il-iitv iii..t. ' mre swereo. iTie-s of Prepiirntion, f i rcrbox. .ir't. i,. Bent by mad. i5 c-euu'nddiuo, vlU, -l i? ' ey sect by mail nt iny risk. " U" lM7-y CIlAliLiiS MW1T. ChemU St. Iui8, Mo. --''at Si Livery Feed and Sale. Stable ! Bex. Hogejis, PnoprwiiiTon. Now. 82 and 81 Main Street ' XEKKASICV. r,'" ,n ni! khu? f Hk. Horses bought, ,1eiProprito,r ha-J "tly crpet'ed an entire l lanje and coiuHMKleous tU, near the old LrownvUle IIouso. 11U i ail fi t-h fuid vtlitchs new. The putUo tun be wcoiu iatwlated at all hours, DAY Oli MGIIT. A stock eorrall, ir!i- nn abundant rupplv vl pure water, attaelic-a to s;;u4e. 1-i'v At THZC HILL & n. s" 1 1 f 1 : In T . District Court nf t m Pt- ! UNtri.-t of.-vr..-!va. . v- This in tn arv, I,'.), W.w out of the P'-r-i t rt w' Iiintrict of Vwinidk A. 1'litre. of -Ni-kik-ki niji.nui-J a iWir.Kropt -a h f,., ", pnytiiil of any ilfi.t hh4 th, ' L -. A. t tor lii.s , o4 (htr,Hi.-4:p(,f "''J.'-'' nt'thf t-rwLlor of ;a i'rk-,'"l "' ttu'ir d-bM. unrl to chi Rich, ., K-i-'Mlfr in IWnkrimt, T" -n the &-t It Uay of February a -i - -irEtr District Court of tlic Unitwl ?t it District of SHsan. !. "".i;, TliN is to ciy- r.otat. that on the-,,, nary. VurrTOt of lSunkn.,L ' ortliP District ronrt of tli I u', , , IMntrlct of X.,ruk, ":tint ) '' Fleming, of S-br-k C itv, i n,'"'y in -niil Distrct, !ii.-inl?'ri H-,'r,i-Xtiion: thj: tixr lUvnient (1f'."1'"r ilt-livcry ot'itny troo-rty wun"''n' ctf!)tor. to him or lot lii-i np-. , rop'rty ty hiiii. are 1'orbiildfn hr"' in-etin of th crnt;tor of s , prove th-ir h', uri.l t cwwJ'i ec? of hi.H etntf, will hpl.f T' mplcv to be li.);.!i-i: at fou-t i-"""' villi-!:. before s. f. u.,.;,. f.v, a . ruptcy for 8iil Dtrict, ou the h"T ry, A.D. lxjii, at i o'c!oc: a.m. . to i; f.-r T or to otlce iu nankrnjtP rt of the Uaii?d Su,t , 1 -1. District Cou In the niHttrot Walter Uiui, V District of ks. "' Th lis fs tu ive notice tlmt or. t , uary. Ns, U'arnint of i:,nmrj-". nt of the District Conrt of t;-.p .'? ' Iistrict of bnwika, aiiiasi t:, i.'il' 11. Ijimb. of Lincoln j,( the (i,uii!r in sai-l ij-tr:ct. (mIjuUmI a r.anijpi,''. t!t:ou: that t!i pavincnt of anv L" ftvery of nny property be!itin-: ,' tfrbtor, to him, or lor tiis ut.-. n. 1t,r : ' pro)rty by him. arl'or'j mf tins vf thecrt-u.torsof a..t b i-ncr..'5 1 r ; an'l to cho on, ;' Sitt, WiU 1)0 fiHUl mi f thfCourtlloi. . ' Nurnews of cls estait m-jR-j' tobe iio'.do: tidy, at W o :l(x.k, ' Tr.o LEGAL IJCTICIS. Aduiiui-itrator' Su!e. Notice is herrby gi vf-n t ur m!n:.-r.rinr of t;.e ef.t.ite of J ijn n ceMsed. will sell ut puljMc ven-l ip lr " 1 of the Court lh).e, in i;ri)viiv,;' " Nehntsta. tlif foilowin--1 5cr;!,,r.'., tel In fiitl cotmti-. Ti-wit : Iah m.. -'iZ'tL n! Y.'.ght - hi, in Hioclc nnmnwTwtT Mif ile Jimwnvillp. :!:(lsn;e to rr- Jatli day of February. i.!i, t "oi j"'j';v rumuoieuforouelour. mi-l nn:il Z ' ay- lliSJ.l'. tLshj i Thomas A lino d v, Att'y-. 'Un '''' u. o:r fir tai: lew: St-c. t.'nar;Tian S.ile of Iteal r.-. Ia pursuance of an Ordt r of tli Lut- Ac theCouatyof N'emnbit ami ti-e StatrfvJ f'l-o xeciitel ntbe day of Jmvxr. lii-r t oner iorrn.ei p'iOilcnnct u.iiuu KJion-a on t.;t-duv ni .t;iu-. a 1-. " VyiLI.i.VV H"T: tu:u TV Forrest Porter. Attrrn..y lor s iti 4 ''"'.! J !mvfli uLUmnil t jHniairr.t. Ann Kliza Coll.iu vs. i'.- hprt (.' .H-Tt It- In the Distric! T1 a. il. is-c. ' i.o-i- U-r? t oJlin. Ox-.inLiiif. mn-Tt p"'i Klizn. oluns, 4!t. mi tl. .Mv . l-a.!. file tier ftit.on tn tbe e:l,-enf::iHil,.T, Coirt in vat furuiU C(,ui:t hm- I)r .'-ra.'.ka, iliar'in Mia ..V.eti.!iit il. Oh' with ;t. -.iu, -xr.- e rru-!:v ty.vml 7 'i to pro id( iiitMl.!e miiintMhcti-rc f,,r r1"' i tou erfjssiy, wtwitoiily. un.l mii'llr U;i ur , '-dt.jdoM,; n.l K.U.-.hZ tililt .sl.e'aiUT bit-!T'V'- irn the Mid H'-h'Tt;n. " ' p You. Hubert ColiiiiM !h u?)-.-re-iiilri rr, jbtr p-i.ti(.n on or- N.f..T. tt.n it tl.iy ut )Ui D. 1.34', orti.0 :winie be inkw ( iw. t'c , v , .. ... AX lXIii.0l.r- w. i.r iioius, . th14 J;inur- l rr ?i . 1nO. Notice of a u:ir.Iian'.-i .ale oKenl Ijtii'.- In pnrsuan- of an orcl.-r of V T'.lvr c,s, r the comity ofXcrou on. nnd -'!.! Oi Y-A-a-i iC tl at I hf St-pt.'iiiiipr I.T!ii of mi i' u? 1 A. 1). !. ni cf.mirniel t the n!'.'.-r!Ml m the Mimeheid in Ieceniher A. It (--. i ... t hi1 Ht pnNie nncti-n or v-i i oif.v oi r riiruary. A. l. f-i'hool llofE-.-. fieiir th. -''. at 1 Ciix-k. ft t , : pr-rri--s. in .,.d .... .. omit v. the toil in the county of Wi, -vh.ian.I .-ntte of :Vu.- 1 wit: Tlie sootn balfoftlie it-ri!i-w.t vi-r-Hon Z Township !'i,nr, r:i.-i-(! ", psf. j..-. -ver ; down, the hn,;nn-ein on?, iv-o fir.ri ttirv r nut ; ten per -ent interest. f. H. IX M r. nnn (Juarrfiun of Ceor-vS. Kbij.s ali:is Ut-f.ri-M ' La JISTIIAYS. . E.itray fair. ' Taken nt bv the unIers!L'nHl. r'! n'i j west of Jlrownvilie, 'eo., on the t"t il.,rai4 ' nrv. lst, -one white tf-r ci-if: w ill tj tye r- trjeu next Hi ring; ears tiarked lv u-iu - irn!l;t ) l,i-.,t JAM i M W. ( f.I.t.X. .mtnI : Ntray Notice. wfj Ta'en up by the uniers;;'i-!, siv'r.2 tiiav. halt miles soi.ih-wc-t or Amiiu uI. ia .(Hur county a, on the -. .i.,-.- of J-.r-r.rr v. , to be three years old xi r i.. r..f. .n"- j iioi.-.- ijomv. ourn mn'ie ami f:i::."""- .... . i-rty ; oranti.f noticeable. tntf 8trny .Nii-e. Taken op by the uailerxi-ned, Iirins .-' Or miles south of l.Ie-i ll-:k.n the i I of J. mil Nat: h.ack pony, a!xttt ti v years old. wiU; pwoeJi-Met a ht.tle white-on of riUt liiad lOoL, sfl int! ronnd, no marSs or bran-Ls. t,,? i"-"t cir.rx T?. REi!;! .:l - , .f J. ?'trnr or:cr. the u.i Ti-r -!, res-. ,0'il ;-ic Taken' up hy south ol Peru, on H m.-v ...i r;.fi:i cemher, ts;, one Bim-K "Yiiirl'ni lleilVr. cr?r,,ft left ear and umk-rbit iu the r -i t it-'-t n. oL-vw tf Stray "Nat Ice. " Taken upon my farm, in rrn pre-trif Dk JMt lsiiM. tinee miles uor'h-woit of Peru one tir frMi rel Imil. with some white on tei'y bruu.W UMn -V and cross on left hip, left cr-i ,: ' :,y br ace I 1--'t " JUHx 'ci.KMi: er Strny Notice. cou It I t)W rr a -te, , . i J. ... T"ts, pr.lnts nf hfir:wls,m. iy in rttht. -Snniion-t Co i--'t ii. :aafjM..111';' viup on ic'x ear. c)i or nine ycu oiO. Smpiro Simttlo llacilCz Patc-nte-il Feb. 1 , lw, i HejX. i. ; IlKCEIVED THE l-lllsj VV.17.Z " ' Great Faircf the American Instil . In New York, Oct. 2' 5, MoT. tx And lli-hest Prerainm for Manufacturing PJacH 5.1 - ; . i r" At Parh flxposition. Julv, m No. 1 Family Machine. This machine Ii mechanism, many ran- and : provements. tavmi,' ijeu erartur-e.! rr h " proionnd e.netLs nn.i 1. tu 1--tiiiiP-- and perf-Ttion oinNi-ied- T Hie. lo.Uiwiinr n-u thp i.r!i !i,al ob'c-CtiaS EJ Vr! 1. K.x'-eKlv.fatimitotl:ooeritor. Mr. - I.iaoihty to jfet out or orfer. '.Ii-: '. f-1!""'-- tr.-H.-ih-. nn.i lo-w of tinic in "T1' J- Ineoei:y to w everv dns-riit:o ofiuW a. Li.-;isreTa(iifr nuLe he m uorai;on. ' The Empire ScteinaMaehinc U Excvr- . ip . t ' . r'"" jutn tut irtcse jojcciioiis. tr It h;is a strAiL-ht Tpi'-p I'l.rr.i.n.lliciiri''1:" muke the.frfir or .-.;; - , ,i ii. r. . a wi.l " rip nor ruv-l. nn- Ls n .Ue rn hrh M-te-: X'' ' witiicotj.n. i;nm (r tun, urom ' to thti ti Il.-i-S ni;mhcT. It Hfins, Iiin.fs, II raids Tuc j Qiult, Plaiti and Gathers Ai Eiiaily ewir.s JT.u hiae It' h;w no ",r i" '. Special atteu!:ori ts caUed to our new impio J n,ey have thortmvhJy tested oa "-'erT " Ir'u " cnption of Cloth io i-i!ii..r- Woric, ruua v Steam Power at the raU; of : . 1'K) Stitches-per Minute. t: y..;- P-odii( iiit.'uiorithaii J.uijle the work of L " er Sinuue Mai:!i; uow iu u.-; tlieiich -O" uniform it'id be;!utt.'ul ; tto-v on- sinipie in '"pl't' I' tion, e.Lsily nri'l"!rstoMt. :s.l not L- ible toson of order, run l:;bt ana are rj.nji.arat'veiy i"1' ? For Tailoring or Leather Work we claim ti'1 " (- are not or.lye ; i.U. buf murt -!-vr!or iDii'!" , macuiiw ilmt ever bom c.if-ii Uj '.lie l.tjC-f Empire SeTrinUciiina Co., Kj' " VF.LLS & r.ICITAnLSON. " Tj -- '-St JoseM General Apents X. V. States and Territon- l . : . 7. rr"!- rn r-lr. Azt-lit. I ' v 12-31-L-iai " :' ' i!ro',v'i-f' Wholtsnle Valor iu HARDWARE, CUTLERY. JIttrncsx, Sklrtl.ry and iulLU'-'"' SADDLERS LEATHER & HARDYA t 1 1 , J V '-Ak..-iUs f--r TV---"-' C;r--!'-r SaVS ' ilAI'.Vi:, '3 bAt'-J- t. AO. fi, SoaUi TLurii, bet. ll:s liuoiai ' I'l?' trie Jstrtay ot January, i;;,, Ht , ,1; - ' ' door or t!te Conrt Iimi ir. xaA , . "n the foliowinK Ue-criiHl rl mtu ", ''.' .,' lean County of jSemiiain the State of NNrl L No. U in-rtioclc No. !i.; in tr.Pv: , Ct with the 8r!iirU-nao-ii t;rvtn . : . nf t. jo.-'i:rir,.MO. l.i t or . i in