Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 14, 1869, Image 4
m r Agricultural Department. f Tr's TV-;.rttKt cfwr Mr' l T4itdhr r t ;; ' r t..- .).'.r4 .f Coi. iL W. Ft'hltA, to a-il ( v vaizn uiki. on Agriculture aiiouid jv aiwirewed. Put.dy & IIaxce," cf South Bend, Indiana, cCTcr through our columns, today, thtir rcrk on email fruit cul ts re, cr. 1 their large ttock of small frniti, to the public Their stock find Xriecs czn be ascertained by fending hz li- t'of lasts. Send. ' J. &-YL RicniioxD, of Prospect Hill 2 utztricn, Gencseo, 111., inviu-s public attention through our columns to-day tf their stock of Fruit and Ornamen ts Trees, Shrubs, Vines and general cry fctock. Their ttock Is exten sive r.r.d pood, and our people will "nd It to their advanLage to dead with ' them. . t , . Tr.rcs ! Tp.els ! ! Tuzes ! ! ! See the r. Ivcrii.-crncnt of T.'ilLur & Co., f;rand Rapids, Mich., and fend for " tot is Inimediattly, as the seed fchould be town, soon to insure their growing. No money can be better invested than . In planting trees, which axe both or rnamcntaland useful increasing yeur place in value and locks at one and the , name time -J. CocirsANE, of the Home Nursery, Ilavanna, lason County, Illinois, offers great inducements to the public in bis advertisement in to-day's pa lmer.' His stock of ornamental ehrub- bcry, vines,' bulbs, plants, seeds, etc, is verr.iarge, and he says, 'If articles , ui cui by me are not as represented, fend them back at my. crpemc, and I your money thail be refunded !" This ; urgucj confidence In his stock, and must induce confidence in the public Head the advertisement. In keeping with our fruit mania, ire ' thsll continue urging farmers In Ne- - braska to plant fruit trees, and to give til the evidence we can get hold of In favorof this enterprise: An cli friend and sehool-mate cf ours, Dr. 11. L. ,Uartesr ttlll residing in our native town, Troy, Ohio, made a vi-ut the past fall to Egypt Illinois, and writes homo to the paper of his town, the - IHama Union, from OJin, III., under ' date of December 21, 1SC3, a lengthy and interesting letter in regard to the country. The greater portion of his letter is devoted to giving an account of the . euccess and extent of fruit growing. "We copy that portion of It entire, hoping our readers will read it with as much pleasure and encourage ment J we did. The character of the country he describes as producing such mnrnlccnt results fa the same as that along the llissouri river in our State known as "Blalls." Trees planted her in this town twelve years ago, have given like returns. We have no hesitancy in predicting that now un cultivated, rough lands, as we term them, along the river, will eventually be the most valuable and productive, becausa cf their adaptability to fruit growing. The following is an extract from Dr. Harter's letter: "About forty miles north of Cairo a "chair, cf MIL" nearly sixteen miles wide runs from the Ohio xiver on the cast to tta Mississippi river on the wust. i nssenms are covered on eith er fide of the railroad with as thritfy growing and aa fine a variety of fruit trees ana grape vines as can be found in the Unitea States. AH the lands, hill and prairie, from Villa Itidge, twelve miles north of Cairo, to Cea tralia, one hundred and twelve miles on the Illinois Central are more or less planted in fruit trees and are produc ing annually Immense crops of ap ples, pears ,. peaches, grapes, raspber ries, currants and strawberries. The boil of the prairies is a rich black loam. That of the hills is a rich clay loam, resting on a drift deposit of light friable clay, rich with all the mineral constituent that support vegetable life. Fruit trees ana vines grow and mature with unparalleled rapidity, and produce large crops of fruit when young, ditltring in this reepect from til other localities. The healthfulnees cf the trees and-the perfection of the wood growth is remarkable and ac counts for their early bearing. For early apples three varieties are culti vated with great profit, izz The Crrolina lied June, Bed Astrachan. and Early Harvest. The apple and pear orchards have been planted from ten to -fourteen "years. The peach, grape and strawberry from six to eight years. Now mor than five hundred acres sro planted in. strawberries The greatest fruit region in Egypt Is from Joncsboro to Carbondale. on the Illinois CentraL a distance of snarly tvt-aty miles. I will give you the amount of fruit shiped from a f&w stations In 1SGG, copied from the rail road iicnta books. Cobden -peaches, fix -hundred tons; strawberries, ae hundred and seventy tons, eighteen tons- in one clay, more than eight thou-fd't-ufheb. Ilapberrics, nine tons. Blackberries, two tons. To tell of one hundred and seventy tons of strawber ries shipped from one little station, is a "b'-r thins:", to ay of Egypt to the Eeople of Troy who measure berries y the quarts At MakanJa .station, six tons of peaches, four "hundred barrels of ap ples, one hundred and fifty bu&hels of pear, Un tons tf grapes, three thou- of raspberries. At Carbendalo, seven thousand boxes of peaches, one thou sand five, hundred ta.rjel3.0f apples, three hundred boxes cf pears, two thousand ; en hundred .bushels 'of strawberries, At Joneboro, forty-five tons cf etra wherries, thirty-one tons of pcachc.-- At South l'c. .i ten thou sand bushels of strawberries. Re member the above extraordinary amounts were all chipped during one Ha-n from a few points in close prox imity I I will give the statistics of the number of trees growing in the vicin itycf fcr.j of the stations. Cobden, one hundred and thirty-one thousand pea.vh -trees,' forty-one thousand pear tree, fifty-seven thousand apple trees. At Makanda station, one hundred and ixty thousand peach trees, two hun dred an d twelve thousand grapes. Of grapes, the Concord, Norton's Virgin ia, C!!r: ten, Catawba, Delaware, &c, ciue .to great perfection. During the long, dry, warm season, . peculiar to this locally, the grapes fully mature, and thorcugly riin be fore chilly nights or early fre- ii check their rrowth.. This accounts for the size, liie uuu - amount of suar and rii h r.rcir.a ot ihe grapes, j iTLa prcfcs.vion of xruit growing is refining as well as enrich lixg in a health-f'IrirT atmosphere, las mild gcniJi i-i-irrie. I am told that S GQ to will j'lint an acre cf strawberries, and $20 will cultivate it the first year. The next Frrir.T will yki i one hun dred In-hw 3' d berries. The second year v.-ni ? reduce two hundred bush- !-v v. Liili, c.a be bold rc-dily per li'h ' u in f. that one man, with a ,-Etor hn rrcper instruments, can ivf.te te-u ur; Cl.1 and Dunleith furnish a ready market for ail kinds of fruit3. Aa the fruits ripen here two weeks earlier than other places, they are sure of the highest prices for the first fruits of the rear-on. The Illinois Central rans an cxpre 3 "fruit train," with ventihlile i can, daily, 'from Cairo to Chicago. ' Daring the peach season a fruit train is loaded daily with reaches alone. I have given you the &ir side of fruit pro wi n in Egyp t. I will gi ve some of the difiicul ties and drawbacks. There has been one total failure of the peach and a partial one of the pear on the hills, while there waa a good crop on the prairies. Without ViOrmigh earhf cultivation, and litaxy mulching trilh strait, when the dry season comes they do not expect large crops. Sometimes late fpnng frosts nip the strawberry in bloom and the severe drought will injure the crop if not properly cultivated and protected with straw or saw dusL Band that could have been pur chased eight years since for$oto$10an acre is new telling at from $100 to per acre. Aside from the information as to the extent of fruit growing in the region referred to, the above letter contains some valuable points as to essential requisites, viz : The character of the soil, the manner of cultivating, and the variety of fruits. It is true that they now have market facilities that we have not. They, however, planted bf.fore they had market facilities, and you, farmers of Nebraska, will have abundant market facilities by the time your trees and vines will be in full bearing. Crab Apples. Fruit growers are just now paying considerable attention to Crab Apples. If we were asked to define a Crab Ap ple we should he much puzzled, as tne subject, both in pomolo$rieal books and in nurseries, Is "rather mixed." The term is applied to the wild state of our cultivated apple fyrxs jiaivs). to two Siberian epecies or vancues (J . pruni folia and P. baccata), end two native f pedes of ar pre ( ewonarid and P. anymtifolia.) More thaa this, some small apples of double origin. which may possibly be hybrids, are - - ,, - M - t aiso caueu craos. 1 ears uza wnen we had only the kind that bore small, waxen looking fru-t from which tn caylix dropped, there va? bo troub in GistinguLsaingauraa Ar t!?, 13 was the Small Siberian Crab (P. bac cata.) Then came the Barge Siberian, both red and yellow, which was like the other in roost respects, except tnattne fruit was larger ana the calyx remained. This is the Siberian Plmn- leaved Apple Tree (P. pruni folia.) Of th sorts more lately introduced, tne origin is uouotiui. leaving nom ologist to settle knotty points, we may say that those apples which have, so to speak, Siberian blood in them are hardy and productive, and though the fruit Is not always of the first qual ity it is generally good for cookinc. and the trees by their hardiness are especially suited to cold climates. 1-rom tne great beauty and rrofu- sion of the fruit the Crabs are worthy of cultivation as ornamental trees, while at the same time, the apples will be found excellent for preserves and jellies. We enumerate the most prominent varieties: Currant Crab. cultivated for ornament, it being showy both in fruit and flower. SmaU liea ana Small Yeuow Crab. These are tne Kinas reierred to above as dropping the calyx ; very showy in fruit. Large Pea and Larae Yellow Crab. These bear fruit about twice the size of the foregoing, do not drop the calyx, and the trees also have dif ferently shaped leaves. Transcendent Crab. Said to have been discovered on Long Island. A great bearer, with most beautiful fruit and withstands the severest cold of our northernmost localities. The fore going are ripe in September and Octo ber. We have now a winter crab, which is said to keep until spring, called the Marengo Winter Crab. This is very strongly advocated by the pro prietor, who brinjrs good testimony in favor of its quality. We have not seen tne mm. oowara vrao is anotner new rrti r t - t . t variety, which has been supposed to oe or xiussian origin, out nr. boulard, in the Gardeners Monthly for Julv last, gives its history; A thicket of native crab Apple trees near St. Louis, Mo., was cut down, and another croD of trees afterwards snruntr un. in which was found the variety now known aa the Soulard. He supposes it to be a hybrid between the Wild Crab (Pjrus coronaria) and the culti vated apple. Said to be very fine for cooking and with care to keen for two years. Our Wild Crabs, so beautiful In flower and foliage, bears a fruit of marked fragrance, but of little value. We learn that an improved seedling of it has been exhibited in Canada, but 110 particulars are given concern ing Its qualities. Twricai Agricul turist. ClippingsandJctfingsAgricuUural. A farmer ir nplawnro r-taiaA from Wilson Strawberry u.t fhA rata of nearly $1,000 per acre net profit - The Catherine urn! rirrinrr nf hh- mac leaves is a good business for the landless in the country. A boy r woman avn make a day at it. - Hard workintr, meal-fed horses will break fast unless they have a peck of carrots twice a week auk bran quite as often. In llassachtrsetta tber nrorjoea to svstematize their agricultural fairs. showing at county eeats the choice from eacu town, ana at tne btate exhi bition the pick of all tne county fairs. At a trial on the Pennsylvania Experimental Farm, Collins' cast-steel plow 0. 12, weighing sixty pounds, showed a uraii 01 zo pounds. Most plows offer a resistance of between 300 and 100 pounds. In laying tile, the best way is said to le to commence at thelo west point. and to. lt the wate r fiow back as the digging gocsoa, and to have a descent of fuur iachx-s xsx 10 j feet. . - . A grape-grower iaCahfemia states that he sent rourteen boxes or rifty rounds each, all choice fruit, to San Francisco, and he received for the lot only 57, while said fruit was sold at retail at iia a pound. -It is complained that the cram buyers of California have made ss much money, that they can control the finances, commerce, and. politics. 01 the btate, ana tne larmers are urired to comoine to snip ana seu their own grain. A correspondent cf the Practical Farmer, from Jacksonville, calls Flor Ida the poor man's paradise. lie says a $-QQ0 house there is as good as $2,600 at the North. No wood-rile.- no hav- mow to provide. Stock take care of them&elves. .Land sue an acre. There is some difference cf opin ioa among the most advanced farmers whether it paya to steam good hay. That steaming rn-akes Et&Iks. straw. and coarse hay, about as good as tim othy, la generally conceded. ' An eld stable builder in Baltimore says ha has ccm' ta the o a elusion, alter twenty-five years' trial, that a iwo-mcn white pine plan": floor. Ixi level, with a s ;:.nro iron 2x2 grctin j, so placed to receive the urine, is the bettarran-an-3cx.t fa;.ft,Lors3, Clzy, stones, cr concrete, ha rc ccts. The width cf ahorse still should be fotir feet nine inches. AGIUwUZTUTIAZm VICE'S FIJLXf GrrD23 FOS X869. V. VrY TJa ! ! V""' iin-l-f-X It rr-4,9l ,.f 1 -. bect:U: .; ptri4. wl boet ELEGANT CQLORED PLATE, X COQUETTE OF PIOWEE8. It b tt mo4 benUft!l. th mod in- rtrart.e FlonU Oaisle pablialied, &riatl plin tt4 Uxjevugb Clmctkm for uie - Caltvre f nwer ttni Vegetable. Tbt Tttirai Golde Is poWLnh! for tb be25t of my rvuftnrr. u wboca it M it fre witiaowt rpsa-t-,r,a, t ut ill b forward us H w-boanpl bj bomI, fbc 10 c(ili wiuclt im mm blf the exn. Address JAMK3 VTOT, r The moat durable timber : UusU hnndreds of rears. Tree of mpid grotrUi, aad very raJoatle for lum ber, !!, pouts, poles, railroad ties, Ac feeeds fthoold be owa la winter or early spring. US" Tot description of tree mod qualities, send Post Office Stamp. AH kinds of Tocng trees sent by express, and SEEDS of all kinds of trees and plant sent by man. If or dered early. H. WTLBCB A CO, Grand Ilap ids, 21icb. IMt HOSIE NTJRSERY. Apple, Fear. Plm, Ciierry, X3Terc;reeu TEE8,'AND Ornamental Shxulibery A LARGE VARIETY. Alo, Grape Vine, OnrranU, Oooweberries, Raflp- berneKaoi trawteines,oioice itos. creep ers, Vlnea. Tulips, IJlties, Peonies, XMeiytra, etc., AT TV RATES. Grounds 2d Block South of Coert House HAVANA, ILLINOIS. SPRING OUT 1800. I desire to call the especial attention of my former euKtomers and the public generally, to my stock and prices, especially to the qcuity of the stock now offered, and I mould solicit a continuance of your patronage and favors, to deseirs- wbicn my bent ef CorU will be directed. J-Packin and fShlppfnr ne in a careful man ner. All focn fell vervd at the Express Omce,KaU rowl or 8teamhoat Lan4ife free fif rharce. Vlntrtn and Seeds br Miiii. GrawvinB.Sfrsw- henies, Curranw. Kafpi)rr'elGmn4-rrie, Apar airw, Vinen and Cliinbers, Beading Plant. ikiltxxM HuoIk. tiarden. Flower and Tree tsewJa, will be sent bv nail any ditttance, securely packed la rutta-per cha siik, damp dmiks, c I send articles packed in this way in perfect safety to the mobl distant parts of the United States. Mfr If articles sent out by me are not as represen t, rn them back at my expense and your money, shall be refunded. Some of the leadinr articles will be farntKhwl at the following prions. lataiugiies aM uee cucular furnished on atmu- cation. t5oncord Grapes, $1 per do; 3 per hundred. Ive s Heedling,fl,.'jtpw doi 10 per hundred. Delaware, two years old, 10c each. Clinton, flperdos fSper hundred. My liKt of Lilies icciade the bmt of the Jar-an va. rieUes, and our old native favorites at low rates. Summer Bulbs. Glailolss. of Sword T.Ily. Therecent Improre- neni in me varieties or id is spienata nower renders it one of the n nent of aU "Flora's" jrlfts. J iy strx;k comprises over thirty rarietlce,Try iit In Drice from 10 cts. to f iJto bur bulb. Tirrida, or Mexican 14 1 y.An appropriate com- j. anion to vao aoovt, oi an easy cn.uvation, in cents each. . i AnniriiUs, r Jacobean Uly. Eare, 60 cents eath. '"' Tak Itooe. A fine stock and cheap, 25 cents each. Herbaceous, &. Chinese Feonle ea:h V cts (Yimn.. Hollyhock. JIerlaceois Spieras. w 25 73 -25 Chrysanthemums Yoca Filamentosa Aquiiegla Glanduloaa.. 14 ternia- M Aure. la a ' S3 2 S 6S 2 54 75 ZS M 2S 25 V, r ss 10 Kcumt... 8weet Secnte1! Violets. PtlymthaH (KnrlishX- 14'chness ;raiKii flora.. - v linear " 8carle4. Dicentra . Alba. rhlox (variety) lelphinlum Formosum. aray. Dianthus (variety). v inca, isnie. M Alba ... K own tain Daiaie lansies, large Green-EXouse & IlcddlngPIasit? A selection Of the most desirable, which space forbids to enumerate ; aiso. Plants for Va,- Vrns, Basket. Ac, such as MyrUe, Balm, Ivy tveraniom, Dew Plant, feaxifxag barmentosa, Moneywort, Ac, dtc. Also. Han ring Bankets sod Flower rots, with r without piauia, always on band. Address JU COCIIB.ANB Havana, MasoA Couniy, 111. tCTIJe particular to order early t L. I 4 4 IMll i PREMIUIT LIST. Horticultnral IXccord. SL50 per Annum, In Advance. Single Copies, 20 cents. To subscribers -wlshlaq to pay at the end of the year, t3, U ordered by January i, ku3. Aairtss;-' ; . ' --r; Tha Yhitlcck ExpositSca and Ex change CcmparjY, 2iS broad way, N. Y. AKDREW a. FULLER, Editok. The cheapest Journal of the kind published, and the only one elvlnp the price list of trees. Tines and plants fn A1 Nurseries in One." It Jso contains a last of the beet implements fa fxra. Garden and Household ; and its pot are ailed with articles from the best hoit$cuitural and asricultural writers in the world. Aa a special inducement, ws oC'cr to send one riant of either of the following va riei ios of fruits, to all who send in their naraa with i lQ. CUrke Rarpberry, Davison's Tornless Fat r t erry, l illsdale Raspberry, Mis-souri f aciactii LSakberry, Choice Gladiolus, Choiod J iLMy, Iona Grape Vine, or two I wly . i.., i L&ckberry, two JCittatinny Ljckberry, Or, to any one who w ill send 25 cents extra, ta pay poUace, we will send One found Jkr?y Jlcsi Tulatoe. The plants will be oarefaUy parked and gent by raaii, jot.pai4.-aeeurly In the Autumn, or iJprliig, as praciicable, AGmCHTLTtnLlL. - If yoo wteb to plar.t this eorainy s?rlB(, send ta yoar orders early, and savo TUBE PEDX.XItS M AH OIK A. f a stock of two J"ifcJ old APPLE, THAR. TLXTll AND CIIEBBY. Also b-de Trees, ETergrens, Ornamental Sirnbs, and a general oraery Stock COXSTAXTXT OS JIASD, . AT THE FEOSPECT Hill JTUESEnES, Geneseo, IUinota, J. & Hm EICIOIOXD, Proprietors. 3" Correspondence soUdted. I4-4n) 1 f f 1 39 Pae of Plata Dirertiena far Plasties trul rnltivaiinir. fiiMHmi!vas weiia market earden. and marketing ail fcniaii Fruits. Writ en from S9 years ex penei ice, and pives all the lnfrmatton of tne larger ana more cwmy woran. www pui oww iKnn.n tm tfixial ftxtuie with old fruit srrowers. Ve have huntireds of t-rtirnonials, ot which the fc!!fwinif from Ker. U. W. Bcher is a samples "Your directions for rrowing Strawberries and Baspbemes are toe owi i nave ever seen. iPri. 10rnta.-i.a Wholesale and retail lists of our plaits sent try maQ tree oa application. Address PCRDY A HAXCE. , feouth Bend, Ind. 144m Y7crranted Garden Gcads. OUB3TEW . Descriptive Friee Catalse CnntalnSne descriptions of all the CHOICEST Y EliETALi, including tne inot esiraie S'ovelttes, sucirestions resarding culture, ic., to now being Hni, and will be duly mailed, to our customers, z r.x-. ; loiHacnvnmxiiivvi jvwuus. SEEDS BY MAIL, We furnish Garden Seeds in packages, post aom Fbek, to any post office in the United JStates, when ordered, at our regulrr prices, to any amount of fl or more. ED. J. EVAKS A CO, Jf rxSEBYXEX ASD SEEDSXCV, York, Penn. PEOPLE'S inJRSEIlIES. We have a large stock of the following articles, with many others, wnjenweoner vttt i iowiocan buyers. Warrants true to name, and GOOD IX Apples. Pears, Cfcerriea. Peaches, Plans, umsres, tirspen, itaspnerries. Straw tj' lark bcrri. Krerercens, (lrsamnt Tree ibraba, Flowrrn, i lvrerin hbrnbst &:c. We want a rood reliable man. who can come well recommended, to act as agvnt for us, in every county in ebraska, Kansas, Miaaourl ana iowa, to seu on Commission or Salary. B. L BOBB A CO., ll-m-tf Bloom in ?ton, HL Grape Tines Tor Sale. A few thousand Norton's Tlraieia and Cs rerd Layers, raised in My Vineyard, from ripe, bearing wood. Norton's Seedling- gTOO per 1OO0. Concord -60 per 1000. Also, a few thousand two-year old Plants of these varieties. 1200 Gallons Korton, Concord and Catawba Wines. HasconUh P. Bt. Clair Connty. IMm Illinois. imrER plitix The only Hardy, Productive and Satis factory nam In tne Aortnwest This extremely hardv and valuable Plum bids 4a- fiance to Curculio. cold' winters and other unhealthy influences. Chief Points orTalue: L It is perfectly hardy. 1 It Is not liable to injure from late Spring frosts. X- It grows rapidly while young. 4. It is free from every disease. 5. It fruits very early. 6. It bears a crop eyery year. 7. The fruit keens well and wHl bear transporta tion. 8. The fruit is of excellent flavor. 9. The ladies prefer it for preserving.' 10. It is never injured by the Curculio. 1L The fruit ripens about the last of September. when there is no other plum to be had. PRICES: Vino woll rrnwn treM- five feet hlzh and onwards. each tl ; per doz. 10 ; per hundred, fro, ? JOEL BAREEK, Lancaster, Wis. lJ-3m ruiiNiT uim. At IJie Elsrn of tlie 3BD STEAD! la the place to buy FURIHTUREAHD UPHOLSTERY XlcTTAJUL & Co., Kec-p constantly on hand a complete assort- Sofa, Bgmdtteadt, Wardrobet, Bureau, Rockiiur Chair t, Ktvrinm litdt Wak Standi. What Not, BU Rack, KUche f . and Parlor, Tablet, Center V.l! and Parlor Choir, c HZOTHt Tfiirnrd Standi, f Lonnue J Spring, String x Cribs, Jk I OJUt Chain, Com fori, Seiteet, Kitchen '-- 1 1 Plain Sland. M&ttreuet, Be Spring, Children' Cab and diet, Sheet, Pillow, Pillow Shpt, ete., etc SE0Y7 CASES 6 0ITI0E WOEK HADE TO ORDER! And anything and everything required to set up plain or fancy housekeeping All of their ware is either manufactured or put up under .their special "superintendence, which enables them to sell sound articles at smaller prices than Eastern manufactured goods. Our Hearse is at the serric of the pnbllo at any time it may be needed, and is gotten cp I a as Cae style aa any farther east. LHMIC OdnUL ' CASES of all sres constantly on hand. EastcrnJ?rico8 "We lire doing business on ethictly cash prarrciPLrs AT A Small Profit snd by attention to business and the wants ol the community, expect in the future asin the last to receive the patronage of the publie generally. lie FALL & CO. 7 me - - I. Gii afc vrmi GRAPE VINES!! GEAPE YX1TESH 25O.C03cft!::Cl:c:c::tC;::.r3Yh:3 OF ALL vAmrroii. Also a larse t'. xX of Csrrant Plants andXuttlajSj . G00SHCEr.riE3, i.qses STBAY'BEltRI323, Eneifcarb T.zr FOP. SALE CHI! AP. PmkS stamp for Price List and Iys on Grape Cuixore, to Bicbininglon, La. FAEM NURSERIES! QUECY, ILLEV0I3. D. C. DE2STO!, IToprletor. Estatli.aed U All the most desirable varieties GRAPES AND 83IALL FECIT PLANTS O0X3TAJSTLY ON HAXD, Of soperior qualities, warranted true to name, at prices as low, if not lower, than planu of same qual ity can be purchased elsew here. Also Fruit and Ornamental Trees, which my extensive acquaintance with all the lead ing nurserymen enables me to furnish to my cus tomers on tne most lavoraoie terms. Burlng an experience of TWELVE YEARS, ta STOCKING LAIIGE FEU IT FAIt3LS I have tested many varieties. TTEW A5D OLD. NATIVE AND KOREKJN, and also learned to a great extent which nurserymen are rellaoie, as weu as those who are not. Therefore our customers can kI. nn r t n I r n tr nil a i i , .1 1 r a mi M1TJtl4 lh. vexation attendant in the purchase of inferior stock. ILLUSTRATED AND PRICED CATALOGUES, with brief bat comprehensive instructions for Culti vation, mailed free to ail applicants. Address D, C. BENTON, Quincy, 111. 12-3m EDGAR BANDERS, F L 0R I S T. ESTABLISHED IN 1S57. is better prepared than ever to furnish ail kinds of clants. either to make the Gardens say in summer. or to furninh flowers for the OilEENHOL rtK, WINDOWS or BOQTJETS in winter. Devotlnir ten lanre Greenhooses to this business alone, be feels warranted in stating he has the largest stock west of New York in liOKlS VEKBENAR, GERANIUMS, H: DAHLIAS, PINKS HELIOTROPES, FUCHIAS, HARDY PLANTS, fii.AnroT.iTs Grown especially for shlppimr, he has a splendid stock. His twelve years experience in the west gives unrivalled opportunities to know what our westers people want, and how to send it them. A CATALOGUE. Descriptive, with prices, is issued annually, about the nrst of February, which will be sent to all my patrons of 1868 as soon as issued, and to all others, on application. Address EDGAR SANTEK, ln SfiaClarkKtreet.Chicairn.m. RIVERSIDE NURSERY Davenport, Iowa. If you want a good article of Nursery Stock, bucu as Grape Vines, Camntt, Ooosberrles. i.icriiri oiacaDcrritli Strawberries, Cherry Trees, Pencil Trees, KvercTfens, and Disciduous Trees, Send your orders to J. W. TEARMAN, r.avartru.t Taipo or R. W. FURNAS, Brown ville. vauiiogne tree. 13-9-y SIlELIilin ISO'S Ho. 74, - 3IcPliergon'8 DlocJi, Sole Agents In Southern Nebraska, At chi son and Holt tttunty, xao. lor th r . imAPim Aim iiotthh, thi chot rn Ti:iv;o:iD!! ALSO I'LIrrcI. A!3TC:i THE BEST PLO WXOW 3IADE! K 4 " T.liclcrnle and IXcfrJI. Ve oZtr f.r Sprixj pUe:!es a stcS cf Fruit aad Oreameatal Trees. Crapo Vines, wiua u tent, Taiiety, T-or and beaaty of growth hi never ten Ecrjass . r, . , mil particulars given in the fol.owics CJ-ognes u-i. sent rreoaJd on rect!; t of 13 cents each. for Nos. 1, 2 4 -No. 4 free. No. 1, Descriptive j Cat alogue of Pruita. No. 2, Ornamental irwffl. xx, Green Eoose Plants. No. 4, Wholesale List. ULLTTAXGIia & B1S2Y, Sit, Hope Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. ll-em JLAU' . OP AifD SMALL FRUITS. jjjEiitr ix. now, PRCPRIXTOIl. Near New Eranswlck, New Jersey. One line from Voorhee'a Station, 3Iillstone Railroad TTSTCXTY-riTi: TUCOATO 'PSACH THBIS3, One Tear Old fron tne Bad. First Size, thrifty stocky trees, ZJi to S feet high, 810 per 100: 70 per ICC 3. Second Size, thrifty stocky trees, J to' 3.' feet high. 87 per 100$ S58 per 1CC0. List of Varieties Sow on Hand. Early kinds ripening here in August are Hale's Early, Troth s Early Red, Large Early York or Honest John, Cooledge's Favorite, Early TlUotson, George the Fourth, Yellow Rareripe, Royal George, Crawford's Early Slelocotoa, and Moore's Favorite. The kinds ripening from the beginning to the end of September, are Old Mixon free, Mary's Choice, Morris White, Bergen's Yellow,. Reeve's Favorite, Susquehanna, Crawford's Late Melocoton, Druid HilL Old Mixon Cling, Prince's Red Rareripe and Orange Cling. Late varieties ripening In the end of September and beginning of October, are Stump the World, President, Late Admirable, Ward's Late Free, Free stone Heath, Smock's Late Free, Crocket's Late White Free, Carpenter's White and Late Heath Cling. ij.000 Lawton Blackberry Plants 815 per Tnoasmad. 20,000 Wilson's Albany Strawberry Plants 5 per Thousand. W 000 Russell's Proline Strawberry Plants &$ per Thousand. mzniY K. HOY7, New Brunswick, N. J. llm T. C. 2LIASWEIX & rUlO- OLD CASTLE HURSERIES . CENETA, ONTARIO CO-, N. Y. Invite the attention of Western Xnrserymen, Dealers and Planters, to their extensive and reliable assortment of CHOICE DOOM STOCK AT WHOLESALE, including Frait Trees8tAndard and Dwarf; OrmRmental Trees and Shrubs Deciduous and vergreen ; Small Fraits Grapevines All varieties; Rases, Greea Iloase andBeddlaa- Flants, Ball a, &c. PsrUeswlshlngSELECTNURSEIIY STOCK, either for their own planting or to seil again, are re quested to give us a call or write for particulars, enclosing stamps for catalognes as fellows : Descriptive Catalogue of Fruits three red stamps. Descriptive Catalogue of Ornamentals three red stamps. Wholesale Trade List one red stamp. Address, T. C MAX WE'LL Si BROS, Geneva, Ontario, Co., ST. Y. U-y XTE'3 SrEBLrTa GRAPE KOOTS. The best Grape for general estivation in this country. As so decided by a committee of five of the most noted Grape- Growers and Wine Hakers In the United StUes. Price so low that all who will may plant them. We are now selling them at 50 perlCOO; 57 per 100. One dozen sent my aiail, securely packed, post aga paid, fct 1,50. Ad&tes, McCXLLOrGII, DHAILE & CO., "-an Box 07, SharrstHirg, Ohio. Proprietor.. 2,CCD,C0O Native Crape TIacs ? V.:: :-. riir.n'jwl . : iii t .e Vi. -i sanities sent by tree to r-.ri a f-'l" Ha..-, ofoue aii ro yearoiJ laaU at i.0 rauau Per TO IVr t fv ftiv Concord, 1-year. No. 1 io .") tv.ncfrJ.2-yer. N. l.str--sr... . 7 : i.i...) Far;f ilT".. ; C,l- ear. jV.ti Ka.ti'urd Pro1;;ic2-yer,..o. v, J .vre. 1-year. No. I.-ia.ta. i-yr. No. 1 - ,., lye ,-.l-yeax. No. l i ) luna. 1-year, t 1 11 it . .. ' " and a-ye-fcr.sirons 5,00 ij- o lot of 2-vear (.' ?. of all te (wMrV.AUen-s Hvbrid, l;u-er's Hybrid tnion Vt;;3re,''i.itoecca, n, Norwc-s irguu, and others. j-o nr) ctrawberrvPUTits strorff. of all the best sorta. o iia!po-rr and Black b-rr:e. I.i' Oirmnwaodtiowaerr;-; kin-H, at U per i " Pr 1 lfi.ft) Daarf Ft-ar, 1-year. ) P-r 1 J. UsuuO Cherry Trees, 1 er oi l, at r- Pr 1,000. ALSOPFCTI TREES. PLOtTllKra, APRI CU1S AN1 Ut'XNCJi LlsiiiJ. Together a large stock of Apple Beed:;nCT; Par-. PlaraandCh'nTyPdncgs: Ar-I" .-i an-t Pear ti.-TT'axel'?Ft Cuttings, with Apple oraTjmurnhed to order. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Partis orderintj of us, can rely on bsvinac their orders tilled promptly, and receiving nmc.a st. In all rvpect. pacKe-1 so it 1 arrive In 2-)od vT'ier. S e i onr-' !v"s in fjniish as gorl wck for their a..-- as can b- r-.rmnt froaiaay reUabie establisiuaetit in the United siatn. Cash with order, or one-third ca.-h. and balance on deuvery, or C O. D. m - ninu. rixra r.lor rvtuntr and guu in fuiL Trade hat sent on application. AddrWt APUTTiiAN A PPR-HiUK. HBxn line, Erie ix, I'enn. ACIIICTJLTUIIAI. TAmniOUS ' IT. A. TISBZZi GO'S ABB COT THE LAEGEST DEPOT OP . 3 : M mum REDUCED PKICES1 mSST cs SULKY AND WALKING CULTIVATOR; T1CTOHIOUS AT ALL FAIRS: 3Ahead of all la the Field I Order Early lar IMPROVED fflUGS CHIEF MPEI1 S',10 .10'JfD. gjVBCJOHJEFBBoppsr, PRICE JOHNSTON'S S weepstalies or tHe TForld ! " I Challenge all Self-Eakes to a WAGONS AND CAEEIAGES STU3S3AIII3H T7AGOIT3. i 1 THE BEST tt7o:.ii::t eo the biitdkig Samples Xow on liana of Oo: And see if I cannot suit yon In goods and PRICES ! I bny my Machinery by the car thus saving freight. A fu supply of all kinds of Farm Machinery la their sea" P. A. Tisdel L Co., Job T7crli of all Kinds, dono at tlio ADYERTIOEP. &Jh Laie Shore Grsje Crwe- . fir "the Zt Six clanm of r--t r irvrr TV-r Aw f we coii..-r i f'r ha.nw-' 'v p-,ti,--t ta ir".'. fr..,m frw c.--r. and f - j'.-sv.-n Si,.t, We C.'-Vr V" '.r-.r., ,-'.r.,, tr f svxk of ilr. a- iers, as iXn 1-2 er 0x1 6,ju V j T. L TTA?."0:. 1 r ' it u o Hi.') 3H.00 ll-4ra Ilocliford, IIIIbo T a ti rr- wM b!:-:nes in y-y T and sI-CALL lill-i-, and stock jaj' .' xrnsciiyjiiis arm " A:!!IT-rFr:,i snd Crsl) mie a p-f-,ii.:y. t-n1 iarup iuf " any i.c. n:uL.a r; rd, to J. s. li-tra - , AL Will f i 4 si J J mJ I INT la mm J fc j W w 3BABL3YS' SELF-RAKE. Culs Six jtf Trial, nacMno asainst Hrli? MS I. TTAGOXS 3IAIE ! ana iudb all tus vth all the JSIacnJnes iTe SeM 3 Xid.e! . Cor. 1st & Atlantic SDrownT st ft i j C A! A5 r- t. i