Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 14, 1869, Image 3

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. Collmpp, Editor.
1 112 INTERS!
, very cheup tr wh, Fostpr
! W TKl (TIXXI flltltS Of WCMKI
from to 12 IV ; several
tairtl nd disj.lBT tyr ; B lan?e
Uule.Ouls. Kurninire, wikkI
b Tyi and liaUey liack. We
sin, wt have now n entire
a the ruom.
ry Sycamore and Elm Cord
Tobacco, for smoking at
dry Soap, full weight, b4
.q use, at
Swat; mo.
rn, Tomato, and a large
'.s, at
at the Bar. "Wheeler &
1 Sewlnj Machines. Call
ldcn will deliver his fare
. e Oration," at Mcrhcrson
)d and see him.
.ryant & Straiten' Book
.1 itetUof Montelth'B Geogra
. ed at A. D. Martdie'a.
orset fc McNeal have re
ber Shop to the corner of the
; zlnger's store, on Mala street.
i tisement of R. A. Brewart, In
.n, addressed to "Horsemen."
..ortanityto become lossessed
taken In exchange for sea-
etore good.
-Hetzel'a eurply of Overcoata
y full, and he is selling them
es for cash. Go and see Het
Pberson Block.
II. C. Lett, Land Agent, Fro wn vllle."
Frank HUltr't Harness Oil at Bauer's.
420 acrea of Land for Bile by Jaa. R. Dye.
Dictator wishes all a lwppv New Year.
V,r. T. Den. ; L
Goods selling at extremely low prices at
J. L. McGf A Co.'.
Horricon Broadcast Seeders, fot saleby
K A. Tlsdel A Co.
on Cosuitr Journal looks
t. It Is to an eight column1 -pa
; well for that county, from
. receive a liberal nurport.
hoc. & H. Mf-Glbbons, No.
i a very large stock of Boots
h he la selling at the lowest
eard of. Go and see them be-
nnty Teachers Assocla-
t at High Kchool Room, Friday
turday of this week. Del or
,., will address the Association
rial Plow was the same that
ilum at our late County Fair,
ork. Bee tbe advertisement In
, end then call on Teare & Co,
:on Block, who are authorized
s plow.
eeipt of a new daily paper pub
;1la,Ga.,the Press. It reaches
week after Its publication, and
:iot readlble exchanges. It is
publisher, a B. Uanlelter, and
:lch It is published.
ley, Dontlst, la now located at
ectionery. He is doing a big
t rtracting trou!deorae grinders,
s given general satisfaction, and
:.g anything In the lental line
;one, will secure an experienced
.ling on him.
1 Lie's prospects were never bright
present. More linpajvemeuts are
elation this spring than were ever
this season. No time during our
s there been such energy exhibited
son of the year In grading and get
y; and we have fair prospects far
iitg of several large hlwks, nd a
f residences early In the spring.
otcl. George Dougherty, who has
v year past kept tho best private
bouse In this city, has, we learn,
Ige Reynolds' new house Just be
r's Livery 8tahle, and will open up
tt class hotel. The building was
:r this purpose, and with a plenty
nd George to manage it, it must
ie a popular house.
Illustrated Catalogue and Flor
s bcTore us, and is certainly the
leti work of the kind extant- The
matlon could be obtained nowhere
nsed a form, or so thoroughly 11
Yick is one of the oldest and most
dsman in the United Ktates, and
atalogue and seeds any one can
wer Garden or a Kltcken Garden,
ectlonsand seeds are perfect.
Small, of the Red Store, has Jurt
e laiyet assortment of Queens-
Jlassware ever opened in this city,
rmlned that his customers shall
Meelot to select from. This is In
o his stock of choiee fancy and st
lea, which comprises cverytliing in
that may be called for or desired,
paring to do a basinets the coming
ond to no house in Nemaha county,
make it win.
jutliern NcbrVlan come to as
enlarged to a seven column pnpei,
Uig a better appearance than &cver
.ofore. It is well filled with reading
,nd altogether is a credit to the town
aty from which it eminates. C. L.
Its present editor, gives evidence of
:y to !lng ink which most win for
vorablejposition among Journalists,
pie of Richardson will most assured
ult their best Interests by giving the
'.ian a good support.
ttfy yonr Homes. We are glad to
at B. L. Easley, Corresponding Secre
' the Bureau of Imigration has perma-
located in Peru, and is going to plant
o nursery in ita vicinity. He is now
-ed to furnish the very best quality of
Fruit trees, Grape Ylnea, Small Fruits,
t will, we think, be to the interest of
ha County, to patronise Mr. Easley, as
aelplng to populate our county with a
and industrious ciass of imigrants.
rs, send stamp' to' B. L. Easley, Peru,
'or his inducements to patrons, tc.
tm llnt. The Brownville hunt--ty,
composed of Robert Dillon, Joshua
and A. Starry, and CnpU Brown, of
t k, on their reeeut hunt M-et of the
can river, killed and brought into
enty-six Eik. and disabled probably
y more; twenty-six Wolves ; fifteen
urkeya, and small game in proportion.
.i return our townsman, Capt. J. L.
, 'waylayed the party at Beatrice,
'.cipate in bti Oyster Supper, got
for the occasion, highly sensoued.
-lamed to their homes on the 7th, hav
en out Just twenty-one days. They
to travel on a big hunt most any hour
lay, for thy surely know the lick 'tis
A No. 1 Four Tear Old Mors for Bala.
Enquire at this olHoo.
Flour Spring and Fall Wheat, at McGee's,
at reduced prices.
Persona indebted to J. I McOee & Co. will
please call and settle pp.
Clotting out at cost. Shawls, Buck Gloves,
IIoois,etc. J. L. McOee & Co.
Pekin BrealilngProws-KOT.A IlSmith
& Co's make, for sale by J. C. Denser.
If I w anybody they will please present
the same and get their pay. W.T. Den.
Desks, Wardrobes, and all kinds of Cabi
net Work made to order by A. J. McFall fc Co.
If you wish to see Just what is the most
fashionable goods for Ladles' wear, goto A.
May'a Regulator.
$1200 Dollars and Expnf I See ad
vertisement of American Shut tie Sewing Ma
chine in our advertising columns
ICnhn Halne's rremium Grain and
Seed Drill, with W. if! Nauinan's Improve
ment, for sale by F. A. Tisdcl 4 Co.
Tht Best Maenine KxtantMieeler &
Wilson'a Sewing Machines for sixty-five dol
lars and upw ards, offered at the Bazar.
Now, all you that are indebted to me will
please call and pay cp, and don't ask nor
take any longer time, and oblige. W. T. Den.
Jaa. K. Dye will sell and deliver first class
rianos and Organs for Eastern Rtall Prices,
and warrant the same for five years. 7y
Farmers, now is the time to order your
Erown'a Illinois Corn Planter, and not be
humbugged with any other planter. W. T.
Den is Agent. . .. ..
Farmers, go for the celebrated Brown's
Illinois Corn Planter, Rock Island and Quin
cy Ploughs, they are the beet In the State.
W. T. Den, Agent.
Do you wish to purchase a fine, long, heavy.
Double Barrelled Deer and Goose Shot Gun ?
r-nii rn nooker. at Rolert Teare & Co.'s, and
he will accommodate you.
Vm.II. Hoover, Ileal Estate and Insu
ranee Agent, is prepared to make out all pa
pers necessary to the conveyance of Real Es
tate. Odce Court Room, Brownviue.
Miss Mary namilton, residence corner of
Atlantic and 4th streets, is prepared to do ail
kinds of Stitching, Braiding, Silk embroider
ing, etc., on short notice and reasonable terms,
Me Fall t Co., are making preparations to
bring on a larger stock of Furniture the com
ing season than has ever been brought to this
Land District. May they continue to flour
ish, for fairer men never lived.
and fifty cents, the tax which is hereby levied
upon them by the Council for the use of the
Henderson's Price List of Dry Goods.
Prints 2i to 10c. Brown Cotton IV,
Bleached 20c Striped Sheetings 25a Cam
bricks 15c. Tlcks25c. Denlmns25c Checks
25c, Cottonades 45e. All Wool Dellans 40c
Half Wool 20c. Crash Towllng 15c Flannels
40c. 13-2
The AYest ern Minstrels will givea grand
Concert this evening at McPherson's Hall.
As announced in their bill their programme
is entirely new, consisting of comic and sen
timental songs, and to conclude with the
laughable farce, "The Maequrade Ball, or the
Unfortunate Door-Keeper." No pains have
been spared to make this entertainment one
of the best ever given in the city, In which
we lielicve they will succeed. Let all turn out
and give them a rousing house for their fare
well concert in this city, as they start north
and wert on a concert tour in a few weeks.
Personal. Samuel Star has gone South on
important business connected with the Reg
Wm. T. Den is out on another hunt. Den
is an inveterate hunter, and generally gets
what he goes for.
Wm. H. Small left for St. Joseph yesterday.
He is making arrangemeutsfor a big business
in the spring.
Mr. Zech, of the firm of Ilauboldt Zech,
Merchant Tailors, has Just returned from the
east with a new Btock of goods.
Having Pure based Mills in the Pineries
of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet
Dry Pine Lumber on hand, it has compelled
me to procure larger grounds for my Lumber
Yard. Therefore I have rented the lots on the
corner of First and Water streets, where I
Bhall put one of the largest stocki of Lumber,
Doors, Blinds, Sash, etc, west of the Missis
sippi, and every body knows, or shall know,
that the Saginaw Lumber is far superior to
any other Lumber.
- Cull and see ma before purchasing else
, (One block from River.)
12-tf Red Store,
XCilbourn, Jenkins 4c- Co. Manufac
turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in
all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City,"MIssouri.
e manufacture our own material in the
Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where we have
in operation one of the largest manufacturies
of everything made In Pine In the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree,
as we do, we can sell nt lower tastes than any
Lumber Yard lu the West Which pays one
wholesale and one or two retail profits. We
shall alwayBkeop on hand a full supply ol
everything in our line, so that those in want
may always rely upon cettingrhat thej' de
sire We simply ask all to examine our stock
and prices before purchasingelsewhere, as we
can ensure satisfaction in both.
lh rAT1 Hector Christ ChurvK
utile t-
Sis la compliance with a resolu
vsod at a ineflUy g of the "Barry-Wash-Associativa,"
lu-ld January 10th,
have tbe honor to request that you de
. sermon on temperance in your church
uch Sunday evening as may best suit
onveiilenee.' ' '
siting your reply, I am
' ' Very respectfully yours, '
wnville, Jan. 11, 1S09.
. Parsonage, Jan. 11, IS89.
IL Small, Esq., Prest. "Ji. If.
ak Sta Your note of to-day, requesting
o deliver a sermon tjn Temperance, before
"Berry Washir.gtoulan Sx.Iety," was duly
ved. I most willingly comply with your
jet, ana woud l plud to meet you
at Christ Church, on Sunday evening,
-uary 21th. '.'- '
remain your obedient servant, .- ,t .
am i? n'Ta"
&Uur Christ Church, lireum iUc, At 5.
Couxcil Chamber, scpt,2$lSi
Present Mayor Faitbrother: Couucilmen
Carson, Furnas, Stewart and McGee: Clerk.
J. C. McNaughton; Marshal, Wm.A. Polnck.
Mr. Oursou oSered tuo ioIlowlngreKolution:
"lif-toh-ed. That la theopinion of this Coun
cil, the lease fceretcfore granted by the city
for the ferry privilege to John C. Yantis.and
bv him assigned to Rufus Ford and Joseph
ard, and by them rr-nssiened toliichnrd F.
Barret., has been forfeited ly reason of non
compliance by them or cither of them, with
the conditions thereof."
Aves Carson, t tcwurt ana 1 uruas, McGee
not voting. Carried.
Mr. Barret mad' a tenuer or tne tond-for
ferry franchise to the Mayor. The Mayor re
fusM to receive them.
On motion, the "'; rshal was instructed to
call upon Mr. Tuttl.j, .Notary lub!ic, and get
thedijedof the city of Brownville to Mr. Bar
ret for the ferrv franc tiise.
On motion. Council took A recess until 2!
o clock P. M. to-nay. ;
Fliallbetho cotiJijrallori expressed In eald
" ttetolred. That the said McGee A Co. are
hereby 11 censed to run the Bteam ferry boat
Marry J. Arnohl. or sn othr boat of eoual
CBpacitv, n the route o the Brownviila I'er
ry until the said deed provided for in said
bond shail bn hn executed, or until the
conditions of ta.d boiul ihall Lai ti Lcen for
ft. i tort .
-iJchf"f,ThettherrsolnUonpnscdby this
Council f r t :-iit.r 11,' A.iJ. lfcifa, i-auiyin,
aaid sale be and Is hereby rescinded."
Curried, f !r() not. VfiUnir. . "
Mr. Carson oiired his resignation as Coun
cilman vhlrli iviLk Iniil nnon the table.
Messrs. I'uriiius and Worthing presented
the following account for cutting ami JUling
3.'i4 yard of tiuib. on l ouxth SUect, amounl
Ui to loo,iX. , . . '
ordered that an order be drawn on Bona
Fund for amount. '
Adjourned, . :
J. C. McNAUGHTON, Clerk.
November 2, lGS.
Present : Mayor Fairbrother: Councilmen
McGee, Kurnss, Stewart and Dorsey: Clerk,
J. C. McXaajrbton ; and Marshal l"olock.
I he account of McCreery k Nickel for lamp
and oil for use of Council Chamber, amount
ing to $2.90 allowed, and an order on Road
Fund ordered to be drawn for said amount.
M(ssr3. McOee, on behalf of the Ferry Com-
nanv. renresented to tne council tnai me
owners of the boat were ready to make pay
ment for the fern' franchise at once, and re
quested that the Mayor be authorized to make
a deed to tne same.
TVio ft .Una-tntr resolution was adopted :
Wttkrfas. This Council did. on the2Sth
day of September," IMS, authorize the Mayor
to execute a bond for a deed of the Brown
ville Ferrv Franchise to Messrs. McGee. Har-
"Renolved, that the Mayor be and is hereby
nnthorized to execute a deed to the said Mc
Gee, lltirrnan & Bail v, conveyingall the city's
rich t. title and int. re-t in said franchise, ern-
brarlmr all the stir ulatlons asneed upon be
twe;ii It. F. Barrett and the city, and upon
the same terms by the parties paying as
Report of the Marshal and Street Commis
sinner reoelved. examined and aonroved.
Ordered that an order be drawn on General
Fund for 100 in favor of William A. FolocK,
for six months salary as Marshal.
Also, an order -n Road Fund for 6 10,10 in
favor of Wm. A. Poiocky ior fcJury. as Street
Also account of Joseph Cull en for work on
street, fself and team), 419,50, in accordance
with Street Comralsiouer s reportai lowed,
and an order directed to be drawn on Road
Fund for the amount.
Ordered that the monies collected by the
Marshal for Billiard Table License be paid
into Road Fend.
Petitions of Ct L Kaufman & Co., PCrger 4
Roberts, and Charlea Bricule,- for license to
sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, re
On motion it was resolved
"That C. M. Kaufman and W. Kaufman,
partners in business under the name of C. M.
Kaufman & Co.. and R. C Bereer andE. Rob
erts, partners in business under the name of
Berger fc Roberts, be allowed to sen man,
sniritous and vmou liouora at tlneir respec
tive saloons on Main Street,- in the City of
Brownville. Nebraska. lor tne term or six
months from and after the first day of No
vember, 1SG8, on their.paytng, respectively, to
the city Treasurer, the sum of twelve dollars
School Fund, under an in accordance with
the General Statutes of this State in suen ca
ses made and provided; and also the further
tax of Eighty-Seven Dollars and fifty cents
res nectivfclr. which ishereby levied upon said
parties for the use of said city of Brownville,
under and in accordance with the charter of
said city of Brownville, and upon their filing
bonds, with goixi and sufficient sureties, ap
proved by the Muyor, conditioned Hocordiug
to law, in tne penal sum oi one xnousauu
Dollars each.
"Iolvl, That Charles Bric gle be allowed
to Mil malt liquors at his place oi business on
Main Street, in Brownville, Nebraska, for the
term of six months, from and after Novem
ber 1st, 1S3, on his payment to the City
Treasurer the sum of Twelve Dollars and fifty
cents, the tax wnicn is nereoy levied upon
him by this Council for the use of the School
Fund, under and in accordance with the
General Statutes of this State in such case
made and provided, and the farther tax of
Twelve Dollars and fifty cents, which is here
by levied upon him for the use of said city of
Brownville, and also upon nia nnng a bona
with good and sufficient security, to be ap
proved by tbe Mayor, according to law, in the
penal sum of Five Hundred Dollars."
The following was adopted:
"Jiesoh-Uii,Thnt John McPhersou be allowed
the timber growing, standing, or being on
Water Street, from bixth Street to the west
ern limits of the city, on condition that he
cut down and clean off the said timber, and
all brush on said street within said limits,
under the direction and to the satisiaetion of
the Street Commissioner; and also that R.
W. Furnas be allowed the same privilege as
to Tenth Street, from Main to ater Street,
on the same conditions; end also that Nils
Miller be allowed the same privilege as to
Ninth Street, from Main to Water, on the
same conditions."
Ordered that an order be drawn on the Road
Fund in favor of Briegel & Schriner. for the
sum of Sixty-Five Dollars and ninety three
cents, in satisfaction of the judgment and
costs in their favor against the city of Brown
On Motion the Mayor was authorized and
directed to advertise for and receive bids for
opening t:p Sixth Street from Main Street to
the southern corporate limits to the lowest
bidder for cash.
On motion the Marshal was directed to fur
nish the Council Chamber with stove, wood.
and all necessary articles at the least possible
Messrs. Carsou and McGee were appointed
a committee to negotiate the sale of the brass
Instruments belon-rlnK to the city, and au
thorized to ay the claim of Mr. James R.
Dye out of the proceeds.
J. C. MO AL GHTON, Clerk.
" . " ' " - -December llth, lRtJS.
Present : Mayor Fairbrother: Councilmen
McGee. Dorsey. Carson and Stewart : Clerk.
J. C. McNaughton, and Marshal Polock. Small and others, for
opening First Street, from Main Street to
river, read and relerred to committee on
Streets and Alleys.
Petition" presented from Joseph Ilnddart
and William 11. Vallenu, asking lor lleenne to
sen malt, spiritous and vinous liquors. Read
ana iieense extended -to.- the fractional vear,
ending April 30, lsirj, at the rate of tXO per
annum, upon the same terms required of
other parties by resolution adopted at meet
ins: DecemlK't 11, istx.
Moved, that the Mayor be authorized to
contract tor the bulldinfi of a stone culvert
on Sixth Street, across the branch between
Main and Water. Ayes McGee, Dorsey and
Stewart. Nays Carson. Motion carried.
On motion, the Mayor was directed to re
ceive seaieu proposals for niline culvert on
Third Street, between Main and Water, and
ivirni next juetiin;. - . v
The followina aceouuts'Were r)l-sentl nl
lowed, and orders directed to be drawn on the
proper fund for respective amounts: ?
John Mcpherson, for -filling diet lii alley
Shellenbergo BxoSd, or sundries as jper bill.
Wm, A. Polock, for sundries as per bill
Wm, A. Polock, for salary as Marshal, (Nov.)
A. W . Morgan, Jristlec, for fees in case of
Conner vs. Polock, s3,0.". ; -
D. Plasters, Sheriff, for fees in case of Con
ner vs. Polock, $.'1,45.
J. C, McNaughton, for stationery, $!.
Joseph Cullen, for work on streets, $6.
The following resolution was adopted:.
"Jietehed, That the Cltv Trousurer be in
stmcted to receive from McGee, llannan &
uany. nrst, au orders issued to K. V. Mulr bv
the city of Brownville, In payment for the
Brownville b erry Charter : and after all such
orders have been taken up and presented to
the Treasurer hv Lui.l tviriiiu: tlion Unit Dm
lreasurer receive the r;roaiuler of the pur
chase money of swldcbai Us from said McGee.
Harman r Hairr. In nhy indebtedness of the
city, ana inatwnen the whole amount of said
purchase money shall have leen paid into
the City Treasury bv said parties, the Mavor
be and he is hereby instructed to execute and
deliver to said parties, a conveyance of said
Charter. -
On motion, the Marshnl wns instructed to
so nx tne wenon Main Ktreet, below First, as
n prevent tu occurrence oi any accident.
On motion, the Mayor was authorized to
contract for Iilliner cuiverton Third Street, at
price not exceetunx ten cents yer vard.
On motion, the Mayor was directed toacnin
advertise for proposals for opening Main
Street to wet-tern limits of the city. . . -
. - . Itecnl.-1'or BsiJbHnr, V
rv n vuie, Jan. &m, l2).
The year 'jiist - closed has
teen to its art eventful one,
forduririg'its brief cycle we
made the attempt and have
succeededin establishing in
ihis city a, first class WJiple
sale and Retail Dry Goods
and -- Clothing zJlstablish
menti For this success we
sincerely thanfc our many
friends, several of .our ene
mies ana trie low -prices au
which we have been enabled
in ImiiivmiT tfoods. which
mir natrons have always
had the full benefit of. Our
Mouse is now permanenuy
in the future, as in thepast,
to relax no effort to make
the Regulator a blessing to
the community in which it
is pxtnblishcd. Our stock
now on hand we will posi
tively close out within the
next sixty days at first cost
in the city of New York, and
iij a have on hand a large
stock of Clothing, compris
in$ nearly everything new,
desirable or fashionable in
that line, well made and of
good material. Of (rent's
"Furnishing Goods our stock
is unsurpassed in 2 extent,
excellence or lowness of
vricel mm West Ta the
Ladies we offer a full line of
Dry Goods ot every descrip
tion .GQmrispig anything
and every tiling ttiey can ae
sire. especially -do we invite
the attention to our stock of
Chinchilla Cloaking and
other Winter and Spring
Goods, the latest styles,
which iv c offer absolutely at
cost. Our reason tor clos
ing out our present stock is
we are cramved for room
and must get this stock out
of the way before receiving
our oprino sivpmy wuci
shall exceed anything ever
ovened in Southern N ebras-
ka. both in extent and varie
ty of goods. Again thank
ing a generous aid appre
dative public for past Iwe-
ral.patronge, we hope by a
large stock, low cash prices
and fair dealing to merit a
continuance and increase
of the same, and invite all
to call and examine our
Goods and Prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
A. MA r $ CO.,
Price Regulator, 27 Main St.
12 v..- V'
1 1
w holes a l r:
l-Tl T J
will Win the
Corrected Weekly for the Advertiser by
Business Coats from $1$12.
Business Suits, $8.
Overcoats, t-'l oOS'JO.
Cassimere Pants, g3 iXKi S3.
Cassiuet Punts, 2(ii 50.
Vests, from.cts. to S3.
(Jvershirts, best, $3.
Ovcrshirts, second best, S2.
Overshirts, from 75 cts. to 81 25.
Undershirts, from 50 cts. to $2.
Drawers, from 50 cts. to Si
Buckskin Gloves, best, 2 25.
Sheepskin Gloves, 50 cts.
Sheepskin Mitts, 50 cts.
f m
X..J I
. n, -j ri "
. ' " ' . .it. . J
! -
w i
"V frmJ
-1 ,
; 1-
1 f
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k s i r a e j ii .j he - in,r rr''"
- i4 m. M rf Ki
M it
1 1
No. 107 North Z:.,
Cousiznmcuts r t Cc-. c tr
From our cxp r: no 1 j i.
nrs. and by civir-g U o'.ir
we Uxl cor.;'. - nt w ci'i
"?--9 "
. ..i t-rar ; f I
ft- r--: - . z.
- -. - it t ; I
tercet of puTtici ta giv? ui
Ayer's Ciioit:
j -
For E:a.?3J cf thi 11. t -
rach Coughs, C I Ji,
Cc--b, Lrcnciu:', A::
rrobaUr revcr 1-efjre la the v-v
medicine, bo -yx'.-zz won w , '. - s
upon tbe con:; icn-e cf anni.". !,
rc:nel7 f-jr puisonary com Junu. 1
scries cfyt ir, ni amor; ir l ct t
mca it fc;n r.iea And L u ;
tioa. aa it t-M bet ome better cti
c!;aracter and po'ver to cure tns t-i.-v;:
of iSe lun rs su.l t' 1 .w !' t
5:lU pro tec;,-r s.-.t t;. ..). V.'! ..
niilder f jTzm cfii.-cac au J to you j j i.
at tJifl same tii:-.e t:.9 most e'xtu-l r. .t
ie given for io::-. con?u;u:. .
jrerous a.oct." uj of te tr .-jt a. U -vuion
aii;t s i'lJea s::.i' 3 ( t'r
bo kept n band ia every t'a:L..'7, tz 1 .
- f
i' i ' f v. .
t U
Uip-. ..
a- .-.
""s i t r--J
' :a
I- 3 - . l
..'if w
ire suriietaics aoi :eet t cu.i sn x c.
houM be provMcd w:ia tawow f-r : i.
Al'.'ioujt'i settled Consut yt i H C.:-: i Va.
cnralle, rreat nuin'crs ot'evo w . a d..
tae seemed "settiijd, hav beca c : . . ? c."-i,
and the patient restored to s-:nj L -a .J If u.
Cherry Pectoral. 5i ce.n:... ;& U f I B).vry
over ti.e disorders of v. Liu--? i 1 tal, v
the most o'js:i.aata of theia yind t .c , ica ? .-.
ic e;e could ref-a ihem, uaJer tia herir i ic
ium I they hubs'.Jii aod C a-r; ear.
'ivers ti iSii)t9 zvc-ikers rrcii j-;
tcct.t j frcin it.
curvd by it.
unmeUiiiS 13 rencra. r ci"! ty f.... V. l
,MTrj Pectoral n s'na.; a- t r. n r.t i ,4.
So p'Kern!!y are vs vutu kuo-n ut n asl
not publi-h il cert: ' -i: of tw..n he-. t
Viaa assure uo puU.o UjJ i.4 v-
Fcr Fevp ani . ra, I.-Vr-S rTr,
Chili I'arer. i.otn1f-"-t . i jr, H-t.
Au9. Pertoc'cal or Liou I jt, c
R:id uJj'i aU tZ9 alocucua w;-a a-.;
frota Eialirtoaa, laaria, cr cstj...a
As It name imvl it doJ Nr. aa 1 .mj .-.t
fail. Containinxoe-iier Arsenic, ti-'&.ae.tiiaiuta.
Zinc, nor any otiser ciLnertU or rii wu uu-:jT'd
whatever, it la nowia in; ire j a-v t. ",
number ani iinrtawe oi' m curf s ia t iss sn
tricts, are h:cri:;y Imvond account. n;i 1 wfi i e
without a parallel In the hi-tory of A uic:.:iiia.
Our pride is jrratied by t.'is a fcr.ou u-:;nn'
receive of tha radical cures e-'-iod ia -u :t
cases, and where other remedies had wholly u-el.
Ua!Vi'c'a.'TiH'eil person, either r!.;i-.t to, or
travelling t.'irouzh nu.! v,n-;i ; . s, ,.l be rrt
tf'od by tal-Jr, tSe .m xJ i:Cit: U-ly.
F;.r l.iei-r i otuuliiufM, ariasx !:-oin tor l!'.!y
of tiij Liver, it 1 sn exre.ii'nt, fci.
the Lircr into healthv acti
I'or L.!i)ii3 Ui.sorii.T3 ami Liver, Jt U
an exrellent reined producir r nanr tvx ry
Xn.irkable cures, vhcr other mcmraw ha 1 (Jj.
Prepared by Dk. J. C. &. Co., i'r:ucjl
ad Analytical Chemiota, Lywwll, ILui, aai Sv.4
ail round the wodd.
rxicr9ico rzz: ottzjz.
Sold by
CITY DXlt G sxori,
l3 ; in
! n f
ii u o uJ
1 rs.
The Immense suoeesa attending onr Lu.1
ness in BuSTuN" the pent live yrrs, Las in
duced us to establish a Branch store la Chi
cn?o. rendering It mere aeeesslLla to th
Western popif,'ftnd &Uo saving a Lirt: llx
pressase. Our goods are all new and received
direct from the Manuiiwt urer, cm.sltlai of
nearly every artk-!'j..UIreJ for finilly tuu,
Biich as Dry and fancy Ooods. Boou an
Shws, Jewelry, I'lated. Ware, etc., cts. Ail
articles sold for
Ono Dollar I-ach,
and not to be paid for until you know what
yon are to rt-eclve. CHUCKS, dscrlbiiu
jpods, sent at the rute of 10 cent. each, to vav
for postage, printing, ect. Piesenu from tl
too I1U0 sent Free to Asrents. Vv earoAsenU
for all the best Manufactories la the country.
Circulars sent fre,.. Agents wanri in every
biwn. Address FAflU & CO.,
St. Chicago. 111. p. o. Box 5V'J0. li-Llt
--. 1
f 1
i t
September 2 1 o'clock P.M. '
Council re-assembled pursuant to adjourn
ment Same members resent.
Mr. Furnas offered tha followinf preamble
and resolutions?
'w"f-kas, lttchard F. Bnrret, not hsvin;
....u nun xrte conditions of th
sale of the Brownville Ferry Franchise
V tfae Prcceedin)? Council to said Ilich
nn i.retlaJld having faile.1 to provide a
r..mi.n ron,lls! Lcrcre made to this
Council, therefore.
That the roTntion
mis v-juiicu rse
pasel by
PTOTIllltl 1 Ik lvi'J . is..!..
said sale, Ik RTid U Iwrebv rcinded B
"lintzl'tft, lht tbe Mnvor of tha Citvif
Brownville be and is herebV ant horized to" ex-
I crry I ranebiseto J. L. McGee, Georce W.
llannsn snd Benson M. Bailv; the oondil
tions of sai l Mnd to be thstuV mid I McGee
Hsrmon & l,a;ly pay to tne citv ot Brown
ville the sum of Uiroe thousand dollars wit h
in the period of five years, with inte rest nt tlio
it- i j.yi it-111. ptr aiiuum. naviililon.
S unpaid;
nually on all of ttp.idsura retnuft'.fr,
ana inai me sau .McGee & Co. are further
bound in said bond to ran a ster.m ferrv boat
(the Mary J. Arnold, or a boat of like nd
equal cap;icity, in strict conformltv wiih ti e
statutes of the State of Nebraska rrfnktin,.
the ferry franchise of said State, and th"m...
nln? of ferry boats.
pro Ue that the ri
tvtid bona to further
i lit to retrll In ta 1 bft t
lerrinc bercorvel tuthe K.ii,i ritrr v-,
. ( la nn 4
conditions t.t forth ln
''o. provide that th
tne oonrj than be en
Ernua in 10 ana he as part of the deed, to ba
ucnin-irji.j muresai l on tne par
tne tum oi three Ihoua,
ment of
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable !
Ben. Rogers, Proprietor.
Nos. 82 and 81 Main Street
Dealer In all kinds of stock.
Horses lought.
StocUi boarded by the
f;iv or'w :k
Tlie Tropritor has recently erect d an entire
new; liutre and crmmodeous Stable, near t tie
old Brownville House. His stock is all fresh
and vehicles new. The public can be accom
modated at all hours,
A stock corrall, -with an abundant surply
of puru water, attaohetl to the stable.
Corrected Weekly for tha Advertiser by
Calico, best 11 cts. Second, 10 cts.
Heavy Yard Wide Muslins, ISc
Muslin, second, 16c3 12c. ,
Bleached Muslins, yard wide, 20(5 10.
Cotton Delaine, llie, - i
All Wool Delaice, 40c. . .
Shawls, 67-li5, So. -Plaid
Flannels, 4"e. '
Plain Flannels, 3.rcrH.V).
Balmoral Sklrta, Jl 60. . 1.
Money. There has been less stringency since
last week. Gold ruled strongerr anglng froia 134
KV. Bonds ruled higher and stronger than last
Flovr. Spring, extra, ffi,50a?7.
rme. n,xi-(n,6. uite winter,
Winter. 7.i.
Whkat. No. 1 Prring Wheat, ttl,2S: Com
mon to medium, fl.l'iWi.iij.
(XtRX. Old, fJc; Lew in demand at 52(2 55c
Oats. 17c, . t .
. BuTTKK..-Choic, thr table use, 30v3,35c
Wook-duvJ tleotv in frood condition, quoted at
10.0. loc.. No. 1 WesU-ni and Ohio, 47(iv00c.
Chkkbk. New York Factory, ia.'ic .'
Cattle. Ooinmou stock cattie, in decent flesh,
4i 5,'- ; medium steers for city slaughter. $io0(a,t3 :
fair to good $G.5ti$'.7.! ' '
Iloua. Common, $S,058,30; medium, S8,75(g,9 33 :
ChnkretOROod.f'iAx.t.lO. " '
1)ET &XIW.-11.1W COtton 27VC. r nn u1nnior
2c. This will etlect a correst)ohding rise in cottmu
t?7. Ppring, ruper
S0(2rl0(L;; ed
for tiih:
flEO sionE
IS p. -liJ, 3Xii I ix Stieet,
FLOUR Winter Back .
CORN ImfiheL
M KA Li , Dusnel
BACON Hams V lb ,
Shoulders ft to........
Sidea V. lb
LARD Canned B ft
SYRUP Golden V pal......:....
'" r Sax House ' gal,
COFFEE Java !). .?.
rtio va n, .
CHEESE New York Factory V "to"'..!l
TEA Imperial fi
liiacK nv.
Youuz Hyson ii ib..
CA N DLESStar . lb
Tallow PD...
IITJJESDrled tb........
f ; t Urccn mihliel
$7 00
. 4 00
- 7o
- ' 20
1 75
,2 00
'EACTI'iH lriedtb I I T -. "
COAL OIL f gallon -
i:;c.s doz
BUTTER V ft , '.
HONEY-, ft .......... """"
t )NION -f bilsel.i.....':.'.....-..--
SA LT per barrel
LUMBER Cottonwood tht ljo.7 . 2 00
......,, .r. .......
S alnut.:.........:....;:........;.-.
. . a ;xj
mii.MjLU Cottonwood per looo 2 5if73 00
1 inc. .- .3 00(7 50
LATH Cot t on wood per 1W0, 7 m
I'ine . t rj
HIDES Dry ptr 18 1 ;
Green .,
WnEAT-fall rtr bushel ZZl 1 M
rliiir - tut?. 1 ac
1 M
1 2.5
4 50
2 25
5 m
5 00
7 Ott
3 -
rn :
- XJ1
i . t) bSS 3 . v 7ft
? r
8 1
AVe have on hand a large
To "which-xre aro making co
we ara, calling at Prices aa
tha IJiissippi.
In the Quality of our. Goods
and t!l MJ-soi led stuck of
tov7 C3 any Ucnz2 xrczt oi
ArrnoviiD ep-ds.
, . ' 4 ' r-
st. josurxi, 710.
t I 4
Y A K K E i
IN 0 T.I 0 N S
) 010
AtfBin Wanted fur
For full. Ope, 11.
' Wholesalo Healers in ; "
: ' ST. JOSEPH. 310. , .4olV
r JOB IVOIIK of all klnd3, neatly and
plainly executed, done at the Advertiser Jot
Rooms. .......
win:', clear, spartlin?, pure and
r tx.vtic ktium: for Vuntw t.t
I!1m! r;nut inn . fr n .....
i:bip; f.r uiVl.lte pictures, glowing words
v l.i'!'r.i::,.w (;..s W(irv .;ul n.. ,,-1
Sttcii c.,uuii;i4ii;.ii'. tm ihe rove, havetKn re-
.Vorih irtrr i.U, i hi,.- W. A. fMMrrai. DAK- Go.
1 !! Br'tir.Alvk I.J).f IrAW W iifcT. lux, bjQUtl
W. Kilier,l).n. LK1). anl leadincf Clerejttun and
lie ?rf of ? XeDon)iiation. hmS f-r C!rea)rs
i-iiuur.. t auii. rae-t-ln?
wan unixtruiieifd Huece. It fci u inoft beauti
fully illustrated aad i.gaiiiy bound book, and
COilillIO f Wto r PER MOTiL v
according tiiii)llltynd-eeigyj Address,
And every other kind of Goods kept ia a Weetexu Store, which w will
t HI
' 1
tfifil id w Ira
"Waon, Carriage and Plow Wutnlworlii.'
pnnsrs. Axe., Axel., Shovels, Fpadcs, Files, R:pm, Chains. Carri-- ed-J
Tlrr Unit. Tntfu cKn, Vt.ii 'tr, 1 -.V r.
.. , v... mu.ih.ij, nans, uui ;c iUi-i. IiOr nrsci MnU.
Saw,, etc. -diMtin-M IloIUVfllr gj Ki":
?r i 1 r 111 11 xT9S Anvil, .Stock and Dies, Pellows, tilse and
Hand aianimew, ( .icvt Paiccw, Pufctu, lnier.-? Jlnivts, Tuyre Irua
OIJTF1TIXO fiOOnS.Ot VoVph A rlf, if W .. t. .. - -.x-. .
Ox bhw nails, Shovel and Picks, Gold Fans, etc Whi ?ri"NV-,nv'
etuir. 1.000 celebnited 3roliii'Ti ' ' Ou.cs d Lcat-
: Eagle IJo wersTOJiS. . Ll'Corraick s
tr r, , CVJ 1 .,UIUurs' CUiH-v oni t:ulUvat.or, Hand CornFr1'"-.
ni Lul :i va lo r. Hand
StuuduiU Scales. :
j - j uwr-u uum lUHnnmcturvrs 1 oner great
Inducements to Wholesale Lvycrs ut ivndo.UCi I
irvii an
ileel Wurthoiuc !
W&enever . yon aro in Town : Call and See Us!:
Corner .llnin and Second Streets,
H i.u.'s.ii1.
I - .1. x -
r .
1 1 uui
'Icriierson's BIocU,
Commission IJcrcIiants,
Xo. 2 City Buildings, St. Lonlt, ?ic.
Second Natlonl Eack ..St. I-onls, Mo.
AUcB.UTPANisbet ........St. Louis.ilo.
Iranca &;ate Laaic of Iowa- imu.-.i
Johnston & iiacr-u, E.inkfrs Ft.fH r'
-. Ahon.'m.
AllO'i, 111
wise Mcarri t & '.V
lilair & Atwood..
And dealers la
Bool:, Stationery, Paper
. . ' . ?ro. 12, 2d St., st. Joseph. Jio.
J. Tfeiffers
ethardST. CHAF.tES Sts.
.ilt Uculcr !:i
Li.iE, hair, cznznr,
Piaster, White
.7 :