Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 31, 1868, Image 3

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    '"1 P-s ,5;k",-"':-t
tWrasfca $flrtisrr.
J. L. Colhnpp, Editor. '
t. - -Le ale. very cheap for cash, a F ester
nS fMrimm J' I'"". Werni r.od lontt of wood
Su,V rpa n;l.e nave now an enure
ctrw ouUil, tiiid ueeo tUt r wni.
pecttv. The year Jest exp'.rinR
m the history of our city that
has been on
..m.vixUtviUt pride and congratu a-
Ucn -to everv citizen. It leaves u creauy
strenrtlu fced in ro5ilationand wea.tb, witu
a Thrr lully rwumeDsurau-vitti
tlud rucrottse. The ni.ia--r and rharrt.T of end other iwibipt em l UUr
outstrip any former ywr, except, 11",
last year, and even tbat is MirjiaiwJ in tho
ccamru-rof the new buildings : MmwiM
onr citizens we inliip latth In the future
Rreatnes oMHi ety, whiou 1 akne neces
iary to bring about It prosperity llUKiness
hat increased at least one-half, and the char
acter of the established Is one upon
which everv lover or the city may feel proud.
ComrflfT'lrr at tae low er end of Main tr-t,
iiorih side, we find thefollowiiijr new bouse.,
UDkuovn ciuilmr "67, now in iiouriMrig con
dition: N. M. Holtzinper. Wholesale and lie
tall Grocer; K. M. MeUihbona. lxiutrtnu Shoe
Htore; A. Mv, Wholesale ami I .eta i I dealer
In Clothing. Jjrv Goods and r ancy Notions;
McNeal a lHrsct, lSariM-rs; W. ii. Yulleau,
Wholesale Wine, Liquor and ToIhoo House :
Joseph Uuddurd.lviloon; W. K. Wilson. Gro
cer and Butcher; and Mrs. Karjr.-s, Lady's
Bazar corner Main nl Third StJHet. On the
outhBide we find Kilbourn, Jenkins A-Co.
have established a large and complete Lum
ber Yard tie! ween Third and Fourth streets;
and In the bloc, J. H. llelzel bus open.-d a
splendid 6l. fe of Clothing and Furnishing
Good, and Uanniford A Hughes nave opened
lan aul pieidid Mock t 1-nrnHure up
uSrSTandMra.F. A. Thiols, MUU iirst
fctreet! between Jlaln and Atlanta. 1 hee
arethen-w buKim-w opened in lt midst
daring t he yor s and not only d o tbe ie
cJlacter with the older houe. bul bar
canned the latter to bruh up coiihiaeraiue u
maintain themselves in the grand race fur
buin. in thin way alone hundreds of
t,r r,r nor,tru!letion has a corps of men alive to iu propritj ,,
or wlUi r.rmer Ftanding, financially, easw
They pav Tor their goods as they get thein,
and are afe and sound. The relijiiouscorn
munlty have pnjered, as is evKj'-ncea oy
the erection of two new churches. 1 ne t-pih-copalians
have now one of the most u bhUin
tlal and bt finlRbeU house ol "t'rb.u'n01
the city, the isaptiM denoinluat ion
rood nubstantial church eiihce lbeaulj'
list have creatly improved t'u-ir ho and
t iwl a new ; wt.Ue the r irat
nana are making many improvements--.
Rft.!innrftvi-iniit lia not cutirciy
m Ukbown by ibc irbeiwr condition '; ,'".'
Tiiw4ver -whatXucT vere lust year. i'-k .
vare aome of the chum for congratulation
which occur to us within the limit of our
cltv. and they are sueli aa to make each and
everr citizen proud of it. and eager to do all
in hia power to make the year iwa fcurpu
even 'tk The year 1J7 cW-d with a flat Uiat
doing the terrying at this point while now
we have a No. 1 fc-icam Ferry, under themau
tEcment of arellableandeuergetlecompany.
Vn irtT our citizens heard of a railroad; now
thewhiaLleol Uie C. H. Ji tit. Joe. luiil road
may be heard daily within two milt of our
city, and our merchants can get their goods
at arv eaon ol the year.
A glance ahead shows us many reasons ror
continued energy, and prosnoctjs flattering to
onr prosperity. Two railroads are aureiy
nioving upon this point one from the east
and one from Uie aoutlu The Mississippi and
Missouri Klver Air Line, laid out aud com
menced through the noftbcrutier of coun
ties of Missouri, aim at this point as it ter
mlnua on tfce Missouri river, to tAke advan
tage of the Hrownvil'c. Fort Kearney aud
Pacific road for a weatern rminectlon. t ony
miles of this road was gradi-d belore the war,
and elxtv miles more have nn put tinder
vouinxX, part ol the iron is tuiM laid, and
everv thing indicates that 1KT5 will see us in
direct eastern coiinectiou wun urc
i-. iu uuincv. 111. Tlie southern
connection will lie tn" me iruniv i w.u
lected and building now fn.m -Ate jnson in
' "fcansa. This a ill i ve u d;r-ct couuechon
St. Louis and trie uuu
!,ti,,n of this road is well assured to
wlU, within the next ten years naM- au
and weat and a north mid south eonriectlon
hr ,,noii vUt te second U
'be of good cheer." lor Hie oay 1""
wnty has fairly dawn, hI.
Chriatmaa TrtRnd,d a.11 th
.-Hattbath HUkwI Festivals held last week and
were much pleased at the general desire
evinced by ail to gladden the hearts ol the
eeod children in c ur city.
The first wo visited was the Episcopal Sab
bath School, wbere we lound a splendid tree,
and the church decorated in the most neat
and tastv manner. The tree was well loaded
with prent. iuid the children were ali well
rlfwsd and satC1!. .
The Presbvteriau Tree was our next object.
Which, aa vV said laitwe k, was well loaded
with prints. The church was literally
crammed with c;iger.expe tant children, who
leiore the close ol 11 evening, were RHlisIied
that the Christmas Tree was the lest institu
tion ever invented. .
The above htid their f.t!vals Chrisimas
Eve. Christmas night we visited tile 1'rec
1 the -M. L. Ciiun., and saw that they
seemed to have prolitted by the scenes of the
evening before, for although there seemed
notuiiur UciiUig in the previous festivals to
make the occasions pleasant, yet the Tree and
iu load, the crowd and general satislaction
at the M. L. Churcii were such as to be long
and pleasantly remem lered. The lricnds and
toachera oi our .Sabliath M liiala are doing
rod work, and deserve special commenda
tion for Uieir ell or 1 in the ginxi cause.
Pcraomal. Thompson and family re
turned to tills city ist week. The Colonel
WSone of the piontws of ibis auction, and
. -alood out during th roughest )oriin of
Brownvillc's intaney; but at last concluded
to try Pleasant Hill, Mo., awhile. As becomes
back to loentc we accept hbs verdict ol our
prospects and growth fj favorable. He was
amonjr the first to enlist from this point in
tie Pirat Nebraska, and did noV.le service.
May he find in his old home restand prosper
ity. -
BaltI.PTAK,nuslnefistansarTof the Reg-
tilator, left to-day lor SL Jisepli to spend tue
JNew ear among his old friends.
Wm. shall has been oast for a new stock
of roods. He designs making y uet-nswart;
and Glassware a ipeiaHy, and will bring on
ucb a sux;k as will not only surprise and
jilease the public, but secure him their good
' will and patronage, lie deserves success.
W. T. lii-scauiu.J!. Uie editor of the e
mahnJ'turnxii, is in town. He says the people
of lUchardaoti county are giving substantial
aid and encouragement in his newspaper ru
terprise at 1 alia City. - .
Pa. BLACtBrKif has rrtnrned, reinvigora
ted, from his trip to Pennsylvania,
Sons Graff, f the firm of Graff d Myers,
of Tecumach, called on us yeUTday.
A. W. Colex, of the firm of Oonlee &.
Hawkins, of salcm, was in our city yester
day, lie is sanguine of the greatness uf his
.chosen home,
Concert and Ball to-nlgftt.
Axwll line of Turkeys at HolUinger's.
; . XrfrUl sailing Coal Hl Lamps at St. Louis
" osU
Caatd Fjrmtts Spicoc and Jellies, at Holt
ingr's " '
A large and hoiee stock of Groceries just
received at W. l Wilson's.
Third Street !s bcltur made crossable tte
twoen Main and Water streets.
Go to the Matinee to-night,
Oornet Baad will be there.
The Silver
- W. W. Ha-kev, for .choir" stock, fair
-!eurgnd iow prices, is cnexccllcd. Give
him a call.
Wm. Small is creetinu a Lumber oCioe at
his new Lumber Yard, corner 1 irst and M a
ter street.
If ytra wish to see just what Is the most
fashionable goods for Ladies' wear, go to A,
itay s Regulator.
Barker Shop-sce the csird of McNeal ft
Dorset, liurtx rsand Hairdressers, In to-day's
issue. Give them a call.
Prof. D. D. Sheldon will deljver a Jleel-nd-Toe
"Oration" to-night, .t Mcpiiccson's
iiall. Go and see t'.rti-
. . ., w- . '.' t I - p" . . , . V
The Best Machine Extant Wheeler &
Wilson's sewing Machines for sixtv-five dol
lars and upwards, offered at the Bazar.
. ii . ...
Natural Bridpe The Ice tow across the
river f jrms a ro.i natural bnriiit above and
below, while it is opeu directly in front ol
the city.
. Thote owing me will plense walk tip to
.clerk's oCir-e and settle, as j. must soaure up
my boots by January 1st,
Six II n Merger Er, neod.'ng room for
Iheir comiag suLtck, are now sciiiuu liux and
Heating sutvet st Cost, Here is au otyportu
njty rarciy oficreJ, . ;
The lirgwlar BIrrtin of the Y'ounc
Men's Chriaiiao AsssOt iatioo will Ite next
jnonoay eveaiiiyai , i; x at the First Pre.
brterian Church, A'd ro-c inrifM tositend
- A. W. MORGAN. Pres.
?7Ts Remilatr la fait beeommir nm nf n..
t"- 'i-iar r-i u.. tms.."ttf toor a:v. H in. .
Mxtcii of Cl..tiiU.R, i-urL-sbuic (os.irv iJJ
oy'etc-t and oeus on Uie niosi raasoiiabie terms
thousands liave .ten aaaeu 10 ""
ihe dy, anu lis prospects assured bej on a
tLte point, and will, (Pmbtlcss, .1-e ooi.t uea
1 In time, to Omaha and Sioux t U.v. ith the
titate aid that tliese two roads should receive,
,. .......... imrw.rtn.nOe. lirOUIlVuK
u Ii n f if
Cltv is Il.e preat m, i" ,"-""-.,-
e In three of heme the lrPt',::"1
Missouri Vaii-y. Thu '.'
. and though nctl!ier.-i r'1", . 1 , ,
of a prophet, yet we t.;ipvt'' ,",..
........ i rtiir iu uutuuu io,
rniilinGSsTbe laixert nwtmeEt wett
of tue kLwun river ai A. iiay jUtuiator, io. X,
:"-" hrvA. .. - - . - -- - i
Valltav III 1. arpr i?id Lunch
.t ia toaropit iuxm -n lifWi :i . . 'ay. lioast
Turkey, Cranoerry h.utw:, iiani, Cokl
Liver, temoked. IlaLlMit, Cold blaugii, eic,etc.
i.'rotu everj" body. iu Uvatt!
Tfce atwntion of our readers is called to tlie
a-iverviwooeut ol Coo'b Couva KaUwci and
Cwea lynp.sia Curfe,inanoUier psatof UiiH
papr. Thi truly V'aiuabie iiedicine- is re-corn-;iidt-d
by ail who use it. ltead tUe cer
t in calt.
A Ilapry CUrixtn' la all. and T? you wl
ei.Miy iiHj j j- alio i 'miH-ruiW Jew 1 eardoyojr
traa.n;t A. iuy's I.tuIUj.', o. 'Z7. Main sir,
wbohaM unduuoiedly u.f uirgtmt and beat sciecuuu
61 J-T' Goods and CioUiiiig m uie wtu
All laikbted Uuh mukt call and settle im
mediate, v; and all of the aIkjvc, and all out
er;, will conler a lavor by not asking lor
credit iiereidier, ab we have quit that busi
ness, and liate the diiroiabie i&sX of
5. ' ' - t ,
Ilttzel Ik surelv wtnnln? the confldemse cf
the-eomBinnity as a luir ac-alinf? tneixuaiit,
and his bUK-k of Clothing, itoot. .Shoes,
Caps, Furnishins Goois, etcM is bucii toa.t all
uiay ibiitttU at tttuuemi prices. Call and
aoo him. .'
Clotben for tae IIr.lidaya.-You need not go
pooriy uiih-d n muier wnai w your ojuditiou ui
111, lor tne i'nee luxumlor luui 011 baud Uie laivt,
bet. nioslcoiajilele n:U ciiei.t bUx-a 01 Cloiaxug
everofK-uefl in me wes-U' ionl9eeuiext,roB aiui
aur&l" auu lu re jutt but you wtia. r ..
lmprovenent-Coghwellls improving in
epius ol cold wouther. He bus built an audi
tion tohih Liver?' Mable, corner ol Alain and
Levee, M bicn aives him one-bail more room
tuan berctolore. He i "old busmta" ium
tcli. Prof. Hoore, of the High School, hae
shown us a very Hie-like and well executed
ktcel engraving ol Gen. Grant and his lamily,
wbich accompaniea the Hidtool Uuy Yarttur,
publiAhed at I'niiadelpiiia, lor S1,2j per year,
ivery aubscriber geu one.
A Chinchilla Cloak If rertaialy a good and cue
a lM.a.,v tpui u )ua cau , vuuiy iud ywir
Wi.e. viur duiciUM. or our Buu?r, aud Uie 10
buy u Kdiiuiue aruclt- avj. tU rewiiiH(e ira4 a
ai A iy JrT.cti HKiiUAMi-C.
Ktrau Ball-The Germans of this -city
will M.v-aioi at Mcpherson's Hall to-morrow
night. They are lainous lor iiaving a
gisal Ume, and will doubtless enjoy this oo
caaion. ilie MetropoliUnsiiiver cornet liand
navo been otijiageo. -
The Ball dedicating McPherson's Hall
last Chriaimas tught, was a grand attair, well
atu ndtxl, and every uung a eut oil as aiuooih
and noisv as a marriage bell. The music, by
lierkley s Orchestra ijaud, was a splendid
tieat, and George P. Berkley covered bimseii,
as a vioiinist, with imperisbable glory.
A. Mot, the Priee Kelator, atKo. r.has
no on imud a lull suck o. aii amil- oi irss ioou,
luie-1 styles. 1 riniiuiUKK, Ciuuks auid Cioafc me. and,
ui laci, everyuiiug tau a Lbd' can desire.
, , . . : . JL -r
Grtud Concert- Kemember the Weetern
Minstreis Eive t grand Concert lonigiit al
ersou s Hall. Tiiere eucces elsewhere
beei such as to warrant u in rmi-
mending them to the play going public. It is
lortiie benefit ol the iouug Men s Christian
The Alliambra Is now open for refresh
ments, and Willi Alestrs. Itoberts S Berger to
wait upon customers, bids lair to become one
of the most popular resorts in the city. They
will receive to-day or to-morrow two new and
splendid Brunswick Billiard Tables, which
w ill make tills aaioou Up-top in every respect.
Xew Millinery. To-day we Insert Mrs.
Tisdel's card, inviting the ladies of Browu
viiie aud vicinity to call and examine her
stock of goods. Hers is certainly a superior
stock of goods, coupled with the ability to
make it up in the modest and most iasnion
able style. Hon t lail to call on her. t
R. A. Ilawley, Dentist, will belnjrown
viiie lor two weks ootnmencijug on the first
Monday -in January. Persons wishing teeth
extracted or filled will do well to call upon
JUim -at Mr. Alien's opposite the City Hrug
Store, or leave orders lor attendence at resi
dence of customers. Mr. Hawley has hi-d
an experience ol twelve years in the businetA.
The BrownTlilt School. The Winter
terms of the public schools will commence
Aiouday, January -UJu, It i desirable thai ali
pupils ije present at the beginning of the
term. All will remember that the schools are
free to all scholars in the district. .Non-resident
pupils can attend the school by paying
to Jon n L. Carson, Treasurer, one term's tu-
Ution in advance.
Kew Y ears Etc Ball To night the Wes
tern Minstrtis mve a irrand Jiew Years Eve
Ball at McPnei son's Hall, and have made ex
tensive preparations to make this the ball of
the season. The evening will bt oiened with
a concert, after which the ball will begin. A
good supper will be set for the dancers at 11
o'ci'H.-k. The music w ill be by Prof. Smith's
orchestra Band, which cannot be excelled in
the west,
See tUf Card of Dissolution of the firm of
llauk & Holizinger. Mr. Holtzinger, who
retains the place and goods, is a man of ster
ling worth, and one whom we can recom
mend to the public He has on hand a good
stock of Groceries, and invites his old friends
and the public to give him a call, and at Uie
Fame tinw returns his sincere thanks for pust
iuvors. and hojes by strict attention to busi
ness to merit an increase of the same.
Qnartrrly Sittttnga of the M. E Church
for Uie it.biaska City nist r let wiU be held at
Peru, Jan. V-5; Brownviilc, t-10; Nemaha
City, l'i-17; St. Deroin. ; Ilulo. 30-31; Falu
City, f'eb. y-T - Table Hock, IMi ; l'awnee City
a-2l; Peatriet-and Cub Creek, i.7-2s; Lincoln,
March ti-7; Oak Cre-k, lu-11 ; 1'pper Blue, 13
11: Ut'iMjr cmalia, iil- : Tecumseh, 27-2S.
C. V. OII)DlGS, P. E.
Last week, while in our sanctum sitting,
- A solt rapping at trie aoor
feiruck our ear as ne'er before,
And our Im p went to the door. '
In there came a Maiden, fiiltingr, . "i
Bringing n;nslane nother kn-ttlr.g ;
la her la Jul a long petition , , i Jl '
Foi a woithy O'icheior,
And so cold and raw the weather
May tucy have succas tuyUJuT.
Farmer t William T. Ienis Agent for
JitwLu i.AiMMX IXtrn I'utiiier, if lie did go
liutlalo Hunting and will sell the farmers liie
only reliiioie t.ui i'ianter muse. Also, t lie
celebrated Is.k isiiui Clipix r and Breaking
Plows ; which Is houseuold conversation
with the larmers that Den's Rock island
Piows and Brown's Corn Planters are ahead
of iiii other Planters and Plows in the fciate.
Is tttil Agent,
A. D. Marnh is up inarms,
Aim met is our ajipiause
In kt'jung sui b a lnl of things
l or darling Santa Claus.
No penurucry or traits to deck
Tneltody; there you'll find
Choice IikmI i.,r tiie intellect.
To leed the youthtul mind,
fcanta Claus will have enough
l or wherever be may go.
He make. I. headquarters at
Marsh's iew Lepot.
Ko. 2T.
Tis cttld and keen the winter wind
Blows through your clothes so thin,
W ith sleety blust and breath unkind
Cuts to t tie very skin.
A sale retreat
Is down the street.
At numlter twent -seven;
You can get a heap
Of goetds so chrap
You'll think tluit they ae given.
Tlie btisl of suits, ,
Without dispute,
Cherrjt a in 'oi, - - - - - ;
io men there are
Will trert vou so fair .
4 l Aslfie Regu;ator. i '
IlavimirPwrchaavd 3IU1 in the Pineries
of M;u.liiuw. Miehiicau. wltn trwi MillionFeet
Dry Pi;ieLuBibjer.n hand, it has compeliod
me to pnicure larger grounds for my Lumlter
Yard. Therefore 1 have rented the lots on the
corner of r'lrst and Water street "where
Ehali pot one of the largest ?toek of Lnmber,
ltiKtrs. J3i:nta. tsasn. etc.. wesi oi tnr .-.iissis
eippl, and every btKiy knows, or sliail know,
tliattiie Saginaw Lumber is far superior to
any ot her Lumber.
Call and see me before purchasing else
(One block from Rivera
12-tf - . ' Red SLore,
Why Cry nwrabiasr. nnutaCi to the
public, and trv to make the Impression that
your neighbor ha nothing as good as your
self? W by. It Is all nonsense ! One man c;tn
buy gquds as cheap as "any oilier man.'' if 1m
lias the monev, and everv man ought to sell
ns cheap as Tc are d-t'o.. No. eti McPherson's
Block; t ut, judging from the nnmlwr of cus
tomers ttiat Uiron;; their store, and the rapid
disappearance of their goods, ms fast as thev
can order theiu. is proof that thev are sell-
in cheaper and lie tier g'xxls than anv other
house in Brownville. nd, as a farther proof
oi inear aeiermmation to turn ineir money
often, tlwiy oficr their large stock of Linsey
anu w inter iiress Ooous at cost, as it is tret
tiu-r late inXhetwiason, an dthv would rather
have the money to invest than keep unsea
sonable go.jvas. call and see tbem.
Kilbovrtsw Jenkins Co. Mancfac
turers Wholes-de" and Retail dealers in
all kinds of Pine Lircaber, Lath, Shingles,
Pickets, Sasli, Blla 1, Doors. Battens, etc
Office and Lumber YwdL corner 4th and Main
streets- Branc'a Yard &1 Pluelp City, Missouri.
We manufacture oir own calwIJ In the
Pineries of Oshkm a, Wh, where we have
in operation one of Uie largest manufactories
of everything made la Pine im the worll,and
obtaining our Lum"er -direct from the tree
as we ui, can seii at lower rates tuan any
Lumber Y"ard in the West which j sys one
wholeaole and one or two retail p r: its. . We
shall always keep :i hr..;l a full fcupjly cl
everything In our Lie, so v. incise in aat
may always rely m a gv rhsl tlvry de
sire, " We simply e k all to exunine our stock
indprk'cs before purdiaiiclsewl-ice,swe
can ensure Estisfuction la both.
A. 21y Trice BeruawrJ
Fork wanted at J. ti McGee A Co'.. i
Vood for eale tjl L McGee Co.
.JlnckvlitttFlovr at Bsaa H iiro's- . ,
T l e "be t S t oe -w are at J , L, ilcGee &. Co'S.
G to the Kemlator for Furalshin Gada !
II Cf Lett, Land Ageut, tiroTrnvlU.- v
!0 acre of Land for sale Jai. K. Dy.
n.i;. x"rian in abundance and of the beat
quauty a A 41 y a iTlc KeguOOor, . o. 27,
All ZClnda of game wanted at tie City
Meat Market.
Ilorricon Broadeaat Ser, for Baleby
. A. Tidei t Co.
A&'o. 1 FeorYtar Oldlleraefor Sale-
Entjuire at this office
Flor Spring anaFall'v'beat, atMcGee'e,
at reduced prices. .
Powder, Shot and Lead for aaleat Swan
& Ero'B.
Craabcrriea, Beans, Homminy, ect., at
" " - SWAJf UUO'S,
Peltln BraaUngFlowa-
& Cos make far Bale by J. C
. Deuser.
The f ulleat ttook of Hard ware West of the
liifcissippLstShelleabergerBro'a., ." . j '
$1200 Dollar and lxpcnae 1 See ad-
Tertisement of American bhutUe Sewing Ma
chine In our advertising column s
ChoieeFrnlt and Fancy Candlesit Allen's
City Bakery,
. L.J - - .
intra a, A fullouppP kepi couHtantly on
hand lor every machine sold by F. A. Tisdel
A Choice lot of Groceries for the Holi
days at Bwan & Bro s. ' r " . '." ;
Want a Holiday Suit 1
Ho. 70, McPherson's Block.
Go to netted',
I yoa wish an Overcoat? Go to Hetzel',
No. 70, McIJhersom's Block.
Clothinc for the Million !-May has everything
realty m c.wtag Just that uuiny. Aud sverybody is
wai.uxiguiebervedaxsb .
A Full line of Skates for Ladles and
Genu at einelleuberger Bro s. : i
Don't fall to drop Into A. May's Regulator and
look ai hat nice gooo lor the Holiday.
Bauer' Harness took the First Premium
at our late County l air. . j ; r, ; ";
t ; : - - 1
Hats, Caps, Buck -gloves, Mitt6 and No
tions selling at cost at
. . . J. L. McOEE &. CO'S.
Eahn 4a, Halne'a Premium Grain and
Weed Drill, With W." H. Nauman'B Improvd
metit, for sale by F. a. Tisdel A Co.
50,000 Cigars, just received by W. H.
Vailcau, and will be sold at wholesale lower
than St, Joseph prices. ,
Don't Spend -Toar Money is foolish
Jim-ciackJ and gewgaws Utut Will svear out
in a short time but go to McFall fc Go's and
get something useful and lasting. - j Dye win sell and deliver first class
Pianos and Organs for Eastern lie tail Prices,
and warrant the same for five years. 7y
"IV m. II. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu
rance Agent, is prepared to make out all pa
pers necessary to the conveyance of Real Es
tate. Office Court Room, Brownville,
For the best Tea,
Go to Swan & Bro's.
BIcFall say the next CaH .he'll make
to all who don't call and pay all they owe him
will be through a Justice. That'll raise a
Christmas and Sew Y ears Cakes made
to order, aud a good assortment kepi con
stantly on hand, at Wil. ALLEN'S.
We have no perlumeryt no traps to adorn
the person ; but when you come to the intel
lect, we have the presents for Christmas.
This reminds me that Santa Claus starts from
A, D. Marsh's News Depot.
All -wishing to subscribe ior newspapers,
magazines, etc., at ciuo ratea, win near in
mind that the I'uth of December is the extent
of time given. A. D. MARSH,
Generan News Agent for the U.S., the Can-
adas, and some parts of Europe,
Public, Attention i We never dun gen
tlemen, because a gentleman is a person who
pays up; fcut those owing us must call-and
settle their -accounts on or before the 1st of
January, A.D. ltititf, for trouble will commence
from and after that data We must have
what is due us. A word to the wise is suffi
cient. McFALL t CO.
Do you want to make your sweet heart,
your wile, your daughter, or friend a nice Hol
iday Present?. Joseph Shuts has a splendid-
assortment, of uood Jewelry of all kinds
Clocks, Watches, etc
Why is Heutel selling so many Overcoats?
The reason is piainio those who buy Because
bis coodg are No. 1 and he els so reasonable
that people are satisfied. Go and see them if
you need anything In thai haa ' .
A. D. Marsh - proposes to have on his
shelves a beiuTlct of Christmas presents
than was ever belore ollered in Brownville
Drop in and see for yourself.
Mis Marv Hamilton. residence corner of
Atlantic and JUi streets, is prepared to ao an
kinds of Stitching, Braiding, Silk embroider
ing, etc, on short notice and reasonable terms.
Lee tare to Yeans Men.
Just published in a sealed envelope.
Price six cents-. A Lecture on the na
ture, treatment, and radical cure of
Suerrfl atnrr aw or semi na 1 eak n ew
1 nrrihiTiLaj-v Kmissinns. 3i"frxu&l labil
ity, and Impedimeots to "Marriage ireneraiiy Iier-
vou-JTiess, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits : Menial
ntl PhvK'rjil irf.ifijwtrv. rsultinc from Sl iabuse.
c.-Bv Iti BB'i" J. CTLVliKVl ELL. M.D.. Aa-
Uitf ef the'ireeaUook." Ac - -
1 be world renowueuMior. In this admirable iec-
turs, dearly proves I torn his own experience tbat
the awlul consequences ol sell-abuse may be efiecto
aily nniovrd without moiictne. mid without daa-
frerous sunrical operntions. doueics. instruments.
rines. or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at onfre
ceruun aud ettectual. bv whiob every sufierer. no
aift-iur wtiat bwcoadiQon may be, may cure aimaeif
cheaply, pnvatelv. and radically. Ihis JLectcrjc
Sent tinder veal, to anv oddren. 1n triam sealod
en velojte, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage
FtTri. AiMU. JJr. oitverweii "-Mamage utuae,
price seenis. Aaorefwinepuuiipricrs.
LiiAS. J. V,. iwU.NET CO.,
n-Vy " KS Bowery, Kew Y'ork, P.O. 4586.
Dr. Wkittler,
Han been lancer enrajred in the treatment of
Chronic Sexual and Female Disease thaa any other
ravsician in st- lxtuis.
p-vnWiis in ail Its torms. wnatTDea,t"leCT Stnctnre.
Orci.iilis. Liinbetes. and all after! ions oi the Crlnan-
nd Sexual Organs, and treatod with Uie greatest
Sitermtorrfi. Sexual uetoiiity ana lmpotency, as
the result oi sen-bouse ta voulu. or hexuai excess m
mn!urer vears. wiiich cr td ucre some ot the followin
erlects. as blotches, debib.ty diiainess, dimness of
sight, confusion of Heas. eril toreboamirs. aversion
to sjuciely oi ten.jjU's, kww oi mfnrory ana sexual
power, and rendering marriages improper can toe
cn-ed. v ;
IVrsons sufTennsr from coosumpuoa. ayspepsia.
chronic diarrhea, liver comphtrat, hernia, rupture.
or any other cirrooic aiiectioa, may rely upon re
ceiviii'ca radical cure.
Particular attention (riven to all female compiaiats
lntlamanon and Ulceration of the Womb. jLen
corrhea, Chlorisi. Sterility. Ac. Most cawes can e
proprl v treated without an interview 41 nd tnedieiines
sent bv'ma.l or express, recured free Irora observa
tion. tVinsultatioa bv letter or ai oiiice s-sejE.
Phirro. mloii' artd tnir sruanintei.
a-vXTioe. wiui bispitai acoomnKxiatiDns for p-
Hrant)i. K1 Lnnis. Ho. - . '
Everybodv can get. in a sealed envelope, mythe-
or- and treatment of Sexnal a:.a t rinary 1 'weaves
riuiu'nia full tvKDtom !ls"j. 1it "- pHiuee KtiinM
im mt paper relatm-r trChreEic and Female lm-
To CamtamptlTts.
The stdvertiscr, having been, restored to
health in a few weeks by a very simple rem
edy, utter having suffered several years with
a severe lung affection, and that dread dis
ease. Consumption is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means of
To all who desire It, he will end a copy of
the prescription used tfrec of charge,) with
the directions for preparing "and usins? the
same, which they wii! find a ture cure (ar
O 'Vt-m, AnLixnia. JJronchiti. A:c. The only
object of the advertiser In sending the Pres
cription Is to 'benefit th afflicted, and spread
inlonnatton which he conceives to be Invalu
able: and be hopes every sftjCererer will try
his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing. . . .
Parties wishing the prescription will please
addresa - K.KV. EDWARD A. WILSON, ,
1G5 South Second St., WilIUmslai-gh,
13-0-y Kings County, N. Y.
ir' ...
- - -THE -MARKETS. -
Cc- ctei l-ekJ for the Advertlarr fey
Business Coats from
Business Suits, Si
fn-ercoats?3 ou"20.
Cassimere I'ants. $3 GOSS
1 Cassinet Pants, Si
Vests, from 75 cis. to ,
Overshirts, beet,
Overshirts, second best. Si
0 ershirts, from 75 cis. to Si a.
Undershirts, from 50 cts. to 4,.
Drawers, from cts. to 82.
Buckskin Gloves, bret,rj
Hiiecpskin Gloves, cis. .
biieepsiin Mitts, iJ cts.
-"Corrected Weekly for tha Advertised W
. . KEG L'LATOli. v
" Calico, best II cts. Sex-ond, lOet--
Heavy Yard Wide Muslins, lsc
.J.Juslin..second, 16ciiul2c. '
..Bleached .MilSm3, yard wlde1CA..;')v ,
Ditton Delaine, ilx;,
AU Wool Delaine, 40c, ; : x j: il i
Shawls, 67-135, 15.
Plaid Flannels, 45c.
t Tlain Flannels, 35c50.
Balmoral Skirts, 1 50 -
m m -X
. -i f
blooey. Twrnand prwiiw and activs. Lr?
stuounis hv gone into t ne iatrr to naov i..e
b(crop. which makes collect! in Uit eouatry m
fivor oi citv creditors easier. Gold 1 wotfed at 1 .
Business man wUl be cautious in making invest
ments unUl lite financial pohij Of Cgngreas i more
Vheat.-PTieei have largely deriTerffttwl in all
priides. No. 1 Spring; has ntben trom tl.J of lat
wetic to $1.15 tins, and ouier grades aav.e decuned ui
the same ratio. - , ' r.' - V,
' 'orn Has ruled moderahelwactiveM t.j0 cents.
Umt9Ar! dull al SjhsvJU for jfresh pickled
and liaied.
llntier-lf active at y.' Tot prime -vlry,S,5,36
rnrr kIwiik firlTi and J.'ua.- ia trood. -
Poultry aad Game. stock bijrge and prices d&-
prwssea. ,
scripuons. lbtsehtromjU(ft,u.ianafL--.iAAiu
forbeavy. , .
- x tr-v iithntiu. On most makes of brfn ana
bitched ShetiHK8 and Prints the prices r f -in at
k.c advance oalast weeks quotations. Brown Miees
incs are quoted at biu,i&c ; liifaobed 13a.l7c; Pru-is
Li- ,14c: , ,
( -attlo. Sli are ror a ngni reaucuon on rT -
ou rnte. f-iwi for common ; s.-aoa.. a ior uicu ,
an iawj7.5i tar good to extra smooth lor shipping-
II osa. ISO marcei openeu mui uiucuocu
niiun.nt t h('tijr tinnfl riinfrsrur at t".3o"f7."5
for common, for good and 3,60i&s.7o Uit
FLOURr Winter f sack..
17 oO
" spring
4 00
CORN p bushel, old,....
" -" new,..
MEAL? bushel
BACON Hams f B
1 HO
1 25
" Shoulders V
M Sides V id
TJtSI Canned fii,..
SYItCP tiolden . gal .
- tsugar iiouso gai,..T.,4
rf uFPT'.K .Tnva ft) .
- ' ; Rao 11 a 253a
CHEESE New York Factory ft)-.. 2.t
. .VinTitTV Jb 20
TEA Imperial $ 2 25
" Blacken).- 1 10
" Y oung Hyson f. lb r 2 00
CANDLES Star ? lb. j
" 'l auow r1, n m
APPLES Dried E .
" Green v nusaei - vf
PEA CITES Dried ? tt)
POTATOES New f bushel 1 w
sweet r pouna . o
COAL OIL gallon
V.GGW -W doz SO
BETTER"? lb .
ONIJ- ItUtthel.,,; -
SALT per -barrel.
4 50
R Cotton wood per 100. 2 002 25
Oak....: .....;.. 5 00
Walnut 5 W
Pine -.3 50 7 00
SHINGLES Cottonwood per 1000 2 00
rue....'...ji-j9 00
LATH Cottonwood per hjua.. . , .... 00
Pine 7 50
WOOD Drv Hard per cord 6 00
HIDES Dry per lb 15
" Green 0
WHEAT Fall per bushel 1 50
Spring oei us
WOOL per lb Ms,&
Error of Youth.
A gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous iHibllity, Premature Decay, and all
the effect of vouthful Indiscretion, win ior
the sake of suffering humanity, send free, to
all who need it, the recipe and directions for
making the simple remedy oy wnicn ne was
cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience can do so by addressing,
in erf ect confidence. JOHN li. OGDEN,
i:j-l'-y : o. 4:i ueaar si reet, i ew 1 or a.
1 '
- i
and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Wine s & Li
Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of all kinds of
Native and Foreign "Wines
ALE, &c.
4i ''-:!' : : : ";
ALSO, a full stock of
r - . tr- r t rt ff-- e --- r
AH of which he offers to fhe Wade at rates, low
enough to suit ah. To those wishing Liquors and
Saloon Fziattires
He extends a special lnvltatlcwto-oall and see him.
knowine that be has ail thepvaatiOf the best goods
in the v est ana can
Guanaiity Entire 5a.tisfactionM I
Supplied with the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors
sc, C
- NO. 99,-
Corner Main and 3d Stroets,
. ' '. ' . .
- . s : ;
jS .
IHrs. EL E. Bargis,
s . .JO'jileria'i. v'l
Fancy Goods and notions,
Which she will kcU at reasonable cHe6.
She is constantly in receipt of New and Ele
gant Patterns ior
DressTand CloaH MaMiig,
to irlach she pays particular attention.
V , - , . ,
--, -' v 1 ' - .
Flutixts, Stamping, Stitching, Braii-
"-iit, .c, done to order.
Ii AwarJofl the " ;
at all the principle Fairs in the World. Ev-
erxiy-lne wan-an?far thxe years. ln-
sti-trclirjns 'free; " ' - .
All neronna rAiyaA trv th
late firm xst AUlnson t Co.,
either by note or acconut. will
OleajW rail yn nN,. tn
Lcther iioaUiey, aa d sar , .
7tit AIINS0NC0.
rl .-j"n ...
if; )
-- i -J: I 1 I t f f. ..X'
. - KmmmJhM V Sfct Eimimi swn3
?! n n
1 1
-.A ?A ' - 1 A U
We have on hand a large
To v kich we are making co
we are Belling at Prices as
the Mississippi.
In tlie Quality of -iar Goods
12-40 ';..--- t? 1.- ?
fWLM'l'-ElGUT S1Z1
- - or THE CELLBfeATED f
Are now made by the
"Acefsior Manufacturing; Ccmp'y
I LA It COOKIN'Ni STOVfTSiiave ben before th
.he eiaee 1SS2. L ''-tag year bss adW
tlwir popttisrtt.v. tiuni t -ni has btcome fa
.iliiiir in everv reaojiJ in uie West and South
lit (itTUlilu iur Olil
isr r?ar WiU tr cater than wejeutl ri
ium ripplr with thJ
s still greater de J
i.f thrn anticitstirig
mnJ liurisg tire i-rese-nt yeau we Kavcaatte pa:
jrmfjr ecvtral ail-litioiiai : 'cituu aiirrepared
nuaiiafactiire mOio Jli " '
per day, of
We guarantee-the operation of every stove iw
idiiufiioture, anl eflrr as restrrence anv one of th
urnr ifaiiusa.u4M that have hfa sold, whererei
r'niav Ik- fouud. Neither labor or exrxnse kas
en sired to make our NEtV CHASTER OAKs
nd we oTer it to t.Je trade na the BEST
(eratirisr COOKIXu STOVE in the market,
la . addition ur EXTENSIVE STOVE BUEI
- rr Firvuart-'J to o;..-r to Stove Dealers
uija;th-i and CTiiei-e in the trad. ftie larrt and
v5 c n .i 1 ! r t. ai V r-NB &t ojLLeUu3 ana Aiiner8r
lt-L- 11. th West. Oar arrainrenjent the St.
.i-.ii -taHH-insr t'oruiianr enaldt tn trire liberal
J cf.aats n liirrfl)trrerof rrT-'ai STAMPED
; K1 "lUnNVAlifc" and l.iisrs' supplies.
v iir v riii rtie. price, of all Jirticles ot
i-tV.vN M 4SVf"ACTL'lti we lattisnre cttralers n
-i k f 'tr- will tiiid it to their interest to seed
aJ- aud iTiCe LisJ.acJ suvr.'fMsmmmfYifm
(U, Louija, AlUaomC
..... . .. . ..... - b
BrovcnviUe, jVe5
pine Flooring, Moca&
mii m .-1 . j- i
? ill
- - - i
' 1 .f. I'l'-r 1,-PMlTt' I
" - I j . .. j
. i ' ' 9 1
(i -!- ! " " J T T
, f. ,.,.j.f. if ..U.ii j
) .
" " ! -,r-rs" "r-T,""' "r C "
r rr' . t-. J rl.
; -
"gw A.ta BROTHER.
1 1'- I'wrlca !
! -Llx'J 9.11 x!-:
" I
V f . I '.
f Vr m jr 9 "
W T . I
't '
t ,
r-rv, tt tf"T
. J i: .IvJ 'i
r 5.
1 a S W
1 .
tii. -rf-j,r li i. , .U i ' 1 1
V- a
r " -.T r . efc fs ku
1 - T -
f,r n " fi 1 a
! rr
arijrell assorted stock cf
ie".r ;: , r A " !
nstant additions, and wiiich
iow.E3 .ar7 Uoiise -wesrei
j I
4 i
1 U :
Shellenbcrger Bro?
o. i O
1 -.-.
:'3 Ulcc-i,
:r-.5 3 a
" ..f '
Hardware? Stove. Tinware,
JIixrdaxrKJiAtcisinitnrc, rv
. i i ' f ' ' .
w 50.)50 3 files Feme Wtre,
t -i. 50.0 0 0 Jfilcijlcnce Wire.
Pitisburg Iron aud Sail,
JHttsburff Iron and Sailn, , - j -
fc Mechanic1 Tools,
T Mechanic's Took,
. - . '3fcc Tanic, 2'ooU
Charter Oak'Sicac i
Charter OaJt Stoics,
Charter Oak Stoves, , .
Heddes ayuH a-ssoftment of enstjt!vg, )t?pt
..v v n inAirj-.cjLS8 .
Which tt ie ; "I cw otf as 7i lowest
7b aZ'uho favor vs with a calL
The BfOTTLTilla Transfer Ike,
Cnder the manatataeij : ot
Is fwwmsaaioa- JM-falar Otntufensses Iroa
DrewavtUe to lie Ilroa JXerirdnna
of tie Ct encil BIcTs and Si. J jth Eailiosd.
' '' ""At'irortb, Ctar,.IIo:-s T;
Iwo Kii.frm BrawuviUatf.JIrt-Aae.-5riT
Good Omnibiuses. Close CcnJkctionf
5-tf Cirs?ee Zledente.
1 1
)i fl 1
v - - - "'
. i
14 1
. I.. '-.
t ' f
, iij f
' 21
" At :hf! Si?n ol the
is the pliiceto buy
Keep constancy on hand a complete assort
ment Of '
t . So fat, Beadite4$ Wendrabfi, "''
Rmrtdu, . Roc.kina iini-t,
"Sorina Bedt. ' ' . ii'ati Si and i.
't What Sott, - Eat R.ickt
I luicAr - " KUthen
j f ' Tab'ts.
, ? 1 t"etr
AUt -e f
1 .Vii,
' ' Chain,
' -Cumftrtl,
JJattrtste. t
iied 5prt7. f Auarca't Ca! sa tty,
Ciif cntt Roevood 'Moulding,
. . . AS'at ttt..ttc , -
And anything and everyth'.ns required to set
, up plaia or fancy liOO.eKf.-j.'ing
AU of tnelr.ware I cither ufactararl or
put up under their speciaj snperintendii-aco.
which cn'VLles them to sell sounj articles at
smaller prices than Laatcm rnan-ifactured
goods. " ,
Our Hearse
, if . "-Jr
V 1
is at the aervlos of t?je jwbllc . any Uaie It
rnay be needed, an 4 is got bin up 1 n as fi ae style
as any fartheteast ' ' '
' " of a!l sizes constantly ou hand,
A.t Eastern Price'h
We are doing rrasrnesa on :
::,; ;'. at a
Small jProfit
and hy attention to busings and tlie wanNo
the couimunify. etpej in the futnreain tli
last to receive the patronage, of the puld.r
seneraUy. UcrAil & CO.
j-- T-r. ?:r .Ti.-'" ' . -
" -. ,
I r- r j JO I m II 1
ivp.rv. rfip.n anlNB Man b
J' - T'
. Noa. Si ax-d. 84 ilaiu fctnev . -
t)calcTincilkind3of stocS. TIonesbouj"ht,
sold and exchanged, HlocZ. toanied by the
davorweek. ; -
thBtrcpritor has recutlv erected aia entlro
nw 1-irse arl c rnmo-ic-'.-as SiaLIe, a-?ar tho
old iirow-nvillc IIou!e. Hi tocit: all fref-h
&nd vetiicles new. The pacile can be aoccm-
iuoJ-AteU iu. fai hoars, .- -.; ,
xa.y oix - rvri gut.
A stock corrall, with an abundant eupprr-f
CI pure wster, simcnvu s.o uie siaot-. 4-iy
x T"" " " ' 1 ' -' J
- ' '.m? 4 -S
'! " . i
cp" ' .
.;. SLEPin AIuT "
In Eoutiem I.'ebT v-.-
on 11 pi
? t 'lis
4 U L'wuJ
mr best Fiovrjxo ir irArn
' - -1ND "'
Io. S3 Uain' trert, ErrrTli:
':' ' JCSEPII SHUTZ, . '
5 kacjj on haiui a lan:- snti w:l .rioi
t T. lj:-.iiL cf g-,u.aii ar,.3S.ia ti kA,
HpaixtoC of Clocks, Witches, end Jaw
elry done on saort txotice.
. . all worjz wamj:ixtzzl :
Compound Extract of
r.omaen5csi ty .
yet DicoTcrt.l
diseases el tL Ulcod Xirer, "
' ' ... AI A3 A . -I
1 4 '!.
ncx Iiapuriz Tone, Strength arid
So that 'persona usir.-; ft f tLat cny
an entire rew i;;c
Rccorrrm'nded ly Ac.
iyeii; d'hjuitiani Svrryvtcre.
De. F. Ot.ix Paxei-t t, now
of ihm City .
I ormeny t r ssor ot i';.v
o!'i,:i.'i,.l Atiut'-'inv in t!'-
v sua i'tHii"
.i U-orgws
Medicul Coll-Vf.
(.aralii.j. Ouii;
r i.jr w :, V u-fc-jTcsiucnl
.V ' 'i i. r
-1 WV cn-.-f'l'fv C.T!l)l,.ST.,"d
y.jur ft.rniul 1 .ru. l.uALu. and rei-m-iiit-riuMi
u to vcr.ii 01 ifiy pititut. Tto
cuna-uiaii jii u l:aj ; y jij. uui raust 1 rove
a p'jti."!.: r- ;:ih!v in ml ds-si.-t.-N f.-,uirlnr th
virtues of a srreataiter&tiVezat-iiciue. 1 wi.sii
you iuccts.5.
.r. clin x.'wN:;elly.
Bait! mere, Arril i- 1". ;
r.Ai.TiM'nn, Mr... Marcii. 1-X
I UUev" ir. Lv-ttoi'v.- l.-.-.-jAliAUS
to . the ftst Altenifiv i T"t a:vi t:iiri
foxe cheerfully rei-omntc-ii-i V t'aucb. - -Ia1j
A.. J . Lu X LIN, M. XL
BAtTiitonr, Fchnary l.h V-'L
,ZT. J'. J f-ii -.i'rmrf : L.-ar -V.r 1 ta ii J .- ..)-
ure in r!couninid:n yoar lUbAXAJUi aa
u ycr v powriul iCw-i ati ve.
- our truly, I-. W. CAP.?., JI. D.
"Ve know Ir. Liwr'ncf' IU'--l.i t )
a sale and rcihtMe Alu-raMy's, tiu-.l t-ie
r it-aarin r--uic:r.5:n-r It to txie jioicaa
1' n anil pnt'li'". a - -
J XI .VTH,re, ii l, . E Psrrs-i, 11 D,
L A ,-r-Li:.. M D. '. - - T. v Kii.i:. il . '
.1 ri .v in-'. i, .- tn j i . i j.
" W T.IIrr-Wtf, ;i Li, i
W - I'llHiflU. .d k. V J i Ju
.-u, il i,
v. -n. v,.. j aury ,,...
.Vor Testimonial h?M,u'.s isti Crits
bee "itosadalis AlmuiBA" !-r i. yearcy
Preiirod at the Lahoratxjfy cf .
Dr. J. J.'Lavi-ciicc ft Co.,
' S 2?c!a'vre ztrfrt. 'BALTTXClLt ; ,
OeneTft!' As-nts for th- North iVenrrm
states, to wee -n orders should kw addraadL
n-ii Mini ;
Ayers - Cathartic PEb,
For sill ti.9 pirpoa-s cf T-aratire
Ilsdicia. - - - -
""1 nil 1 r ' ' - t
( -- ' - ,M.J ' . - 1
1 T"T
n- :'.;.riI??Hn
rerlu-. N) no o taedi-'
einc i b sauT'-r-xai.'T n -
, q-arod try ever) udy a
s c.ithar Vr, nar ws-, err
any bc;ore ao tmirer-Mi-ly
djvi' i"v r?e, in
t .erve.j ui'THfJ aionr
.':! c!.l M 4 iua
l.'tt ci. k( r tati
JUl. 'I1i w rr-S-n
!,;,: :i ..I r.
S. Pa'.fi ,-,1 fir Tore eli-c-
V A - '
,. . -"!? OLiA any
J'" la hat
tried it, Lni' t':. ii etircj ';: a turo
not, kiw t.!iit .tcr1-! tAw." 91 s!l tnj.ii
JUi-t all suovt wISa. it ioes oic :t doe ilwara
Uut U la. u-.srfi-aiiy i-vvlt er pe-ecif
li. cn.n,-)sll:'"i. Yt"i,' j Li- U u. -. U"-
biTiii f csrti ! ST fcnr rrm-.iriai!i! c cf ue
f.jI.S'Yiajj eomr.ljiiia, hot sauh ear art knows n
tvr f -u ii.' wA, lad wf tkhmI a.C p'.s ' : taciu.
A ! . t.-,l t a". uid coTvhi.aa ki all r.-Jia.f ;
ocn: atiiT'n :. -"rr "ai ncl any d-;i-Hert'".aj Urcx.
tay way be tii-'i wirti naictj bV anyuolr. Itaur
a"-1" ''iii ". ;'!" ,.rt e acra evT f .ttsh a;i make
tii-.- a t-L'.i-.' !t'".i t ik-;, w'.'di hcinr purely r-taU
tio i-ir:B can. t'lf:-)?! tiicirc" !t ffM'jiJty.
Tl.ev o ..-r.i"ii bvt!i'-f coTfrr::! u.--osa.-jS !!
I iatcj"ii;il vivtrt to purify tr.e lloji aad maaiat is
j j:..N Le ill. iv .1 :L' ia rethe ui (iaAts".t4ua4 of
fto-njti, barrel", liver, ;ij n:fi'v "?uij of t
body, rnt vror t.j:r irrer;iratr ta ftei'th. aol
Lv A.rre,:urji", wacrever i.n-y wist, snia israart-A
niet.t-i a &r2 l.j cr:.-. i!.:ca.-.
Minn- d.-"t." i' a-q vca in tae will '.'t o-
tb txjx, for Ij.j r'.... ;nj eoa:rhuii'i, tiUt the
I i'U! r-i jwdly care: .
I tor IricpkUi r-;" ;iIixrtiuH Ulstl.
1 nest. Linear 1 1U of .1 i-t, ta -y
noid oe tAAn rr'!k-'--ue! to w.;iiutS' 4-ie AUJiry.
awi nod re-.t-re its hd'.y vms sad aruaa.
For Civer Coit'tlwaiKt iTi--jki hvtotw
t""i-. i:t?iou lira iut ac Jc3 Uf-' ickt,
j4Rii:ilN-Nfi or t.rcn Hit-:ltL
Colic an l JtiHou K'cvcm, Uicy saoo.d be ja
dis.: Jibiv taken far cjii cj., ".j CNi-:t trie uijem
actJH rrrc"2 t-.-j r A--: :' :n wti :h it.
Jfjr SyiiTry or I ) Kirr tsora, but oaa nijl
do'-j 1$ reaen..;y r .. "re !.
Iu: i:iJ"(.jiiiN-!t. tOTTt. CJrwvT. ?4lnU
t-.;r'tui oT TTif Ilp.irf, I.; 'a Mid
12m ck and A.oin, t sh-viLl t-s eosr.auooaif
tdxea, as msn rre I, u cr-iayr f dijcaed action of
tae systsau V j ea-h -a.u)j Uu ccmiaiiij
"!,-. '
o.- Iry it'l l Jirorwira? ATve!?rr r th--p
wo-ii 1 o? 1 :.."i 111 tarss ad J.eTisaEi hs& 10 r,r
da til's ei rt of a tlr.-:ivr ou?.
t u.i n." til "I ij. .1 u'n. !C IHJ"T.
j I or pjirM.ioa a la.-; r 9 tsif
1 siit pro j.t-.e t- -.!- t c.r-t v - -v-
i b-r
For SBiiiireoioa .i ;
An;;t;-vHi:0 H;n'.:. u -v-jf!i 1
...INF ;i ?v a-Trn, r r - r et;.
sad hit 1- irare, ua sy-t-nn. H-je.- w t . ad!
T:iaia;.sMii utk nn gcrr'na t'r r.)rff,
Oi- v:.-.o i.-.N, ' M jiadi
tae I'ff micjM htm jvom
tae:rr.leaas: iy aai rnovaha tZxi'on uL-t.
tive ao'wnuuji. - , .
JS-NJrC,irrJ3 i- CO.,JVsrfke! Ournts's.
4 iOTTXiX. iTX.tJ., T. 5. . "
fc-" rt -1 - " -n-a