. ' .". ' " 1 .'; v ! v ; J. . CHURCH, Edlto. - I! RQVTS VILLE, THURSDAY, DEC1 81, W68. Geo. Francis Train has arrived New York City frona Liverpool. , la Tt5 Public Debt ttaUrmeut for De rtrnbif trill show a decrease In the foil cf 3,000,000, for the quarter. The New York Herald la of the opinion that the Financial and Indian question will go on to the next adiaau Jstration. The Fremont Tribune desires the legislature te appropriate lauds for building a bridge over the Platte river at or near Fremont. M. B. Koxle, formerly of Des Moinea, and Marshallton, arid Special Agcn t In the I n ternal Re ven ue Servi ce Las removed to Lincoln,-Ntbraska, there to practice law m m A deputation ofcitizens in England, have informed Reverdy Johnson that they wish to found a colony in Ne braska, Johnson is understood as en encouraging the enterprise. Mr. Broomall'8 resolution in the House of Congress, declaring against ell forms of Repudiation received seven negative votes, all -Democrats, and one hundred andf fifty-four affir mative votes. The Commonwealth, at Lincoln, ad vocates calling constitutional con vention for the-purpo3G"of erecting mere Judicial District, giving larger salaries to State officers,- increasing the length of sessions of the Legisla ture, &c Gen. Butler, of Massachusetts, by the death-bed request of Thadeus Ste vens, now occupies the desk at which th great Pennsylvania commoner sat during bo many tventful years of his xassiorable life. ; JTbe Postmaster General has order ed that on and after the lstday of Jan uary next the registration fees upon registered letters or packets addressed to any cart or the united states or Territories, and to Panama, New Grenada, shall be fifteen cents instead of twenty cents, as at present. XIr. Johnson of Omaha, while at tempting to build a Are on last Thurs day morning, by throwing on "Kero eene oil from the can, got badly burn ed. ' Thfrfire followed the oil Into the can, when it exploded. The flames enveloped Mr. Johnson about the face and arms. He-is considered in a dan gerous condition by his physicians. , Mrs. Augustus N. Dickens, widow of Augustus N Dickens, a brother of Charles Dickens, the celebrated nov elist, committed suicide in Chicago on the 23 Inst., by taking an overdose of morphine. Mrs. Dickens has suffered much of late from poverty, being de pendent almost entirely upon her friends for the necessaries of life. It is asserted that Messrs. Be ward, McCulloch, and-Evarts urged the President to omit that part of hid last annual message which countenances repudiation. He rejected their advice and replied to his distinguished conn ectors that before three years had passed over their hoary heads it would be the most popular measure ia the country. ' ' 1 The drawing for lots . in the new town of Meridian on Littlo Blue, in Jefferson County, coma off last week. The Record says that the new town lias a splendid water-power already Improved, with - a substantial fctone dam and Baw Mill in operation, ami a Flouring Mill nearly completed,' The town la upon the Hue of the Atchison Railroad, and within thirty miles of its western terminus as now finished. , Tho recent unexampled cold wcath cr took the people in the western part of Kansas so by surprise, that most of what they haddepended upon for sub-j eistance taroagn the winter, was rro zen solid. It also caught many with out wood. Terrible suffering from cold and hunger has been the conse quence. Wood at so mo points is said tu bd worth $23 per cord, and at many houses cone at that. Charitable Asso ciations have been organized to send xtUct . We condense the following relating lo the killing of Early by Green, from the Et. Joe Herald: Jas. J. Early wrote a newspaper article to which T. A. Green replied in very abusive language.. On Wednesday last the .parties meeting. Early, demanded re traction of Green, which was refused, .whereupon, Early struck him, ith -the butt of a revolver, and repeatedly with his fist, and kicked him in the bowels and stomach. They were sep arated by parties standing near. Ear ly then picked up Green's cane and ttruck him with it threo or four times, calling him a liar and thief. Early was about to strike Green again, when Green drew his revolver and shot Ear ly in the left eide, from which he died in five minutes. Green Is now in jail Buffering considerably from wounds received ia the affray. The Haeonic Festival, held at the lUlLcn last Saturday evening, was a vtry pleasant gathering of all the ila eouio fraternity, their wives and ,dfJ-hUra, belonging to the Nemaha Valley Lode. The music furnished by the Dye Brothers was most excel kat and entertaining. They are ex celled but by few performers in this . ikpaxlmeni of the fine arts. The In et&U&tlaa of the officers was followed peri or rserit. It was highly spoken ;cf by all present, aRcr which was tpread before the waiting audience in lLe L&il, a euperb supper, consisting rf cvcrvthlcrr that xxuld temnt the IjaUta of the most luxuriously dined 'epicure. Ail being satisfied from this ; t -nt!.'-! eupply, the cloth was re Kovci. 3 "3 si-Iid fcocia- . .T..y si " -. : r I ''lx.'."h on the Babbath. Such re-V-icrs tre fcts for the soul, mind ' 'irdTtko body, making merry the old, c i more youthful the youns. Amnesty Delicately Ccnevred. The President's mercy towards the very chief of rebels has been fully ex emplified, and rfrt, forth !:. hU late proclamation, to be found u this issue. He handles the subject very delicately, not once mentioning but stated $0 generally tA tv in; IjideMhe- wIk"? Democratic party, 'and such cthers,f any there be, "who were engaged, or in any way participated in the late in surrection or rebellion," granting to all such, "full pardon and amnesty for the offense of treason against the Uni ted States, or of adhearing to their en emies during the late civil war," We suppose that during the remainder of his inglorious administration, he will devise the "waya and means" by which he may further proclaim a par don to thtso persons who "participa ted" and.thcso who "adhered", for causing the nation to go to such vast expense to prevent the "participa tion," and to circumvent the "adhere ing." The great mass of voters can't overlook this great crime in those two parties, and while they work and la bor to pay the enormous taxes thus made necessary by the wrong doing of these two parties, who, otherwise claim to be Democrats, they are con tinually reminded that, had they not "participated" and "adhered,", this enormrrus public 'debt would never have been contracted, nor these enor mous taxes levied. Perhaps a procla mation may wipe all this out of the minas or tne present, or succeeding generation of voters, so that future historians may not record what great political party it was that got up, , or carried cm, and gave aid and comfort to "the late insurrectionists," and thus made necessary the creation of so great a public debt for their suppress ion. Yes, Andy, another proclama tion is necessary. Democrats groan terribly under the odium fastened up on them by this debt, and a pardon is imperitively demanded. So let it come. The Christmas Festivities the Episcopal Church. or Ms. Editor: -1 seldom cross the threshold of any place of worship, but the remembrance of many by-gone Christmases hovered over my memory last Friday evening, and I could not, without feeling the writhings of a wronged conscience, absent myself from the crowds of worshipers who were hurrying to the different church es of the city. I set out alone, fori was a stranger, and sooil found myself in front of a neat brick edifice. The sound of children's voices, mingled with tho notes of an organ, welcomed me as I entered. w "Carol, Christmas Carol !" ' It might have been fancy that told ma then, but 1 thought I had heard the song in the days of my-boyhood, and my heart beat faster at the sweet recollection of the time when I too had sang before a Christmas Tree. The distribution or tne guts came next. ' Each child had something hanging from the green limbs for him or her no disappointed faces. Each came forward when named, and re ceived tho present with thet glow of delight which only passes over the face of a child.. The tree was soon stripped of its varied fruits, leaving nothing but the brilliant tapers. For a moment I - forgot that I was but a stranger nothing for me! As the last notes of the closing carol sank in to silence, 1 left tho church, with the feeliags-of one who has been forgot ten. -. Traveler Berry Washiwgtoni.in Hall, .Brownville, Dec27, lies. Jarvi S. Church: , Dear Sir I have the honor to send you the request of the Berry Wash ingtoniansof Brownville, that you de liver a lecture on the subject of Tem perence, before them In their Hall, on next Sunday at S o'clock P. Id. . If yon accept their invitation please no tify the public through thedi'erriser. I am, my dear sir, most respectfully yours, . W. H. Small, . . - . . . Pres. To W. II. 8m.aH, President of the Berry Wash- ingtoruan Astociatitn, iirowntuie; You can announce to the members of your association that I will be pres ent at their meeting on next Sunday, but am sorry to say, that owing to the shortness of the time, and tho many other duties claiming my attention on the eve of my departure for the Legislature, it will be without prepa? ration for the task assigned me. I am, most respectfully, your obe dient servant, . . ' - JabvisS. Church. The Rev. Geo. 8. Alexander, of Ne braska City, will deliver a Lecture up on the subject of2asonry in the chap el of the Normal School Building, at Peru, on the evening of January 18th, next Alexander is an able speaker, and his address on the occa sion will be well worth hearing. j The Central and Erie Railroad war has been adjusted, suits withdrawn, aud both companies secure and un broken connection with the west. The two roads by this arrangement be xme8 allies, both cjTeneive and de fensive. . The Council Blnffii &, St. Joe Rail road has purchased the right to run their cars over the river Into Omaha, where they are erecting a ware-house on the levee at the foot of Douglas street. Its dimensions arc 40x150 feet. The London Times says thati the Widow of Mr. Augustns Dickens lives in England, and has been supported by eharles'Dickens ever sinee Augus tus went to Chicago with the woman that lately committed suicide there. A Conference of the Great Powers of Europe will commence in Paris soon, and Turkey and Greece have been re quested to suspend hostilities until after the meeting. ' Jas. G, Bennett of New. York, and Mr. Asbury of London, are getting up an Ocean Yacht' race. Bennett with the yactDauntles3 proposes to beat Asbury .with his yacht Columbia . The Fef4ans of Omaha received Geo. F. Train at tho N. Western depot and conducted him to. the Cozens Hotel, where the reception speches'were made Report of the Secretary of the " Treasury. The Secretary favors an early return to specie payment. ' He believes with Daniel Webter, that nothing but gold au I silver can be a constitutional ten der in payment of debts. The rece ipts from customs for the year nuinji j ane 81), 1 -i... :ntt-mai revenue llattL..... Bank circulation . JAfiZ 1,774 i'fi.i'Ol 1,43K,512 .'IW..5G2 2,80,191 . . 1,259, 8,,:tt7 , L8H4.'i4 P.ank Deposits Jtank Capital Kail Roads ' Interest on railroad horui ,,,, iros reeeint of silron(u Insurance Companies Telegraph Companies i.xi'i-es-t companies.. ,.. lie ven ue stains .. . Proprietary stamps .. Legacies.. Income . Articles In schedule A .. JSpoctal taxes.... 1 U tail dealers- K'Ha U liquor dealers .... Wholesale dealers Wholesale liquer dealers................ Cotton . , Cigars ......... '. Tobacco.... Fermented liquids . ... Dlstillod npirlts.... -sBr&KiLijh Total Revenue Expenditure far same time..... 8,177 2,818,751 32,0-7,6! 0 U3U0o ' 15,!j,313 2,lti,6!2 3,22,915 l,",'i7 5!t2,0tj 22,5!X),!17 2,!v51,675 14,H47,107 r,(J8o,W I3,419T0i)2 871,(i-' $4(Ki,rKiO,OiO Surplus 31,09,71i Since the war closed there has been paid off and canceled, $30,000,000 of the public debt, and at the same time the taxes have been reduced by $157, 000,000 per annum. "' The pubiie debt on the first of July, 1SC8, amounted to: ' Del)tt)eiirlng interest In gold.-... $2,0?,0a"?,rai 44 ' " 44 currency 12H,22s,790 ' 44 44 no Interest - 4ui,447;4 Matured debt not prewented..... 20,527,3U2 Total... ....:......'.. $ftW.3C,0 Goldand currency in Treasury.. 13J ,ixxi,ii2 Debt less cash on hand. ....... ..' f 2,-j03,'200,517 Debt same time last year....;.... 3,522.06:, The expense of collecting the rev enue is $9,327,301, or nearly five per cent, of the amount collected. Week of Prayer. The following is the list of topics proposed by the Evangelical Alliance as suitable for jrayer and exortation on the successive days of the Week of Prayer. Sunday Jan. 3. Sermons- Subject: The intercession of the "High Priest over the House of God." the motive and model of united prayer. Heb x 19 22. Monday Jan. 4.. Confession of Sin and Thanksgiving, for special and general mercies during the past year, to Nations, Churches and b'amUies. Tuesday Jaiw 5. Nations: For their temporal, and spiritual prosper ity; edifying intercourse and the man tainance of Peace; for increased ope nings for the Gospel; for the removal of social evils; for the better observ ance of the Lord's day; and for Kings and all in authority. - . -, - Wednesday, Jan. 6.1 Families; for children of Christian Parents: for a blessing on home influence; ? for all Seminaries of Christian learning; Uni versities; Colleges; Schools; for Sun day Schools, and private instruction; for our Youth abaoad; and for a bless ing on christian literature. Thursday Jan. 7. The Church; For more knowledge of God's Word and increase of spiritual life; for sound aud faithful preaching adapted to rich and poor; growing love to Christ; a more earnest love toChristians of va ried name and of all nations; and for the sending forth of more Laborers in to the Harvest. "Friday Jan. ftMissions for the Conversion of the-Heathen and Mo hommedatisfor the growth of miss ionary zeal; for the removal of hind rances to preeching the Gospel among ail Nations; for recent converts; and for ali; who are suffering persecution for the truth. Saturday Jan. 9. General: For the Coversion of Israel; for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures; for Christian and Philanthropic Societies; and for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Christians and Christian Unurehes throughout the World. Sunday Jan. 10. Sermons. Sub ject: The duty of the Christian Church in relation to the religious Wants of the World. Arrangements for observing the Week of Prayer in connection with the Christians throughout the World will be made in Brownville and an nounced on next Sabbath. Report of the Executive Com mittee Relating: to Lectures tit the Several Districts ia the . County. ., Your Executive Committee would submit the following Programme of visitation of members of the Associa tion to" the various schools in-the county. ' Addresses to be delivered by the members named at the places speci fied, on such evenings as they may see proper. - Notice will be given the district of the time by the member assigned. Brownville F. M. Esterbrook. Nemaha City Prof. G. B. Moore and W. D. Blackburn. Peru Prof. Deniuny and Dr. Mc- Grew. London Prof. J. M. McKenzie and Miss A. Moorhead, ' Highland H. Roberts and Geo. H. Haywood. Lashe's Miss Illinois Tate aud Dr. McGrew. Glen Rock O. B. Hewett and J. S. Church. St. Deroin Prof. Moore and O. B. Hewett. ' i t Hillsdale W. S. Blackburn and J. 8. Church. ' Larkin's Prof. Moore and J. S. Church. Higgin sF. M. Deninny. Sherman P. O., Randall.s and Bed ford Care Of F. M. Deninny. Marlatte's and Fairview J. B. Church. -: " l W. P. Mclnlnck's O. B. Hewett. Svkes-W. D. Blackburn. ! Hlinois'. Mr. Black's and Phillip Starrs Care of Mr. Black. Steinmans' and Stovers' H. Rob erts and K- M. Williams. ' Harman's and Dundas' Prof. J. M. McKenzie. . The above is substantially the re port of the committee. The reason given by the Chairman of the committee for not publishing it, Is that the Association did not pass anv special resolutions to that effect, and his respect for strict parliamenta ry law did not allow him to publish it without., nence I have taken the fearful responsibility to send It for publication without the authority of a resolution. J. M. McKexzie. The following persons will be in stalled on the second Saturday evening In January, as officer of Peru Lodge of A.' F. & A. M : Dan Cole, W. M. Wm. Basely, S. W. narlan Edmonson, J. W. John MUler, S. D. , Orsey Root, J. D. A. II. Gillette Tres., . . M. S, Perry, Sec. . David M. Reynolds, Tyler. J. A, Whitehead, clerk of the Union Pacific Railroad freight office, in Cheyenne, was robbed of $9,000 on the l-5th while on his way from the depot to the Express office. The robbery was perpetrated by three men, who held a pistol to Whitehead's head, walked himiialf a mile out on the prairie, tied, gagged and robbed him. The robbers were not disguised. They have nbt yet been caught. Amnesty Proclanmtf.. The f lowing is PresL ait John son's at . oesty proclamation. "-n Now, therefore, be it known that I, Andrew Johnson, President . of ,the United States, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, ly the Constitution, and in the name of the sovereign people of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare, un conditionally and without reaervntion, to all and every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebelion,- full pardon and amnesty for the otlense of treason against the United States, or of alter ing to their enemies during." tha lati civil war, with the restoration of all rights and privileges under the Con stitution and laws, whieji have b?en made in pursuance thereof." - A In testimony whereof I have signed these presents with my hand and have caused .the seal of the United States to be hereunto afiixed.' Done at the "city of Washington, this'tiOtlr day of December, in the year of our.Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Indepehdence of the United States of America, the ninty-third. Signed ) Andrew Johksox. By the President. F. W, Seward, Acting Secretary of State-. . . Grant and Xapoleon When Napoleon I, returned from Elba, nothing could exceed the con tempt and virulence' with which he was mentioned by the Moniteur, the liurbon organ in Paris.- -As he ad van ced, however, its tone gradually changed and when he entered .Paris it became even laudatory. Here is the way in which it veered; about : First . Announcement 4 March. 1815, . . ; The monster has escaped from the place ot his banishment ; he has run away from Elba." Second 44 The Corsican ogre has landed at Cape Juan.' Third 44 The ogre has arrived at Gap. The troops are advancing on all sides to arrest, ins progress, lie will con clude his miserable adventure by becoming a wanderer among- the mountains ; hecannot possibly escape, lourth ,4 The monster has really advanced as far as Grenoble ; we know not to what treachery to ascribe it feixth 44 The usurper has ventured to approach the capital within sixty hours' march." Seventh 4, Bona parte is advancing by forced marches. but it is impossible he can reach Paris." Jbightu Nafoleon will arrive un der the walls of Paris to-morrow.' .Ninth 14 The Emperor Napoleon feat Fountainbleau." Tenth 44 Yes terdaj' evening his Majesty the Em peror, made his public entry and ar rivea ar. me l unenes; nothing can exceed the universal joy." In a similar manner the democratic organs treated Grant during the re cent canvass. .They describe him as a sot, a fool, a liar and an imbecile Now they are trying to make out that is ji uumei Aeiuocrut, a sagacious Conservative, and lias all the virtues and talent that, can reasonably be called for in an American President -Dubuque Times. ". '' 'J From the Pawnee Tribune we take the following items: The Pawnee Coal Mining Company are aoout to commence work. The large Stone Store of Curtis & Peavy is finished and filled with goods.; ine Masonic Hall is also completed. The contract for building a Stone Court House in Pawnee City has been let to Messrs. Curtis & reavy, for $14, 0-30, to be completed by next . Sep tember. At a Railroad meetincr. held Decem ber 6th, in Pawnee .city, resolutions were passed, looking to raising by sel ling county bonds, thesum of $150,000. payable in twenty years," and give the saute tn-lhe tlrst railroad coining with in one half mile of Pawnee City. G M. Humphrey, D. R. Dungan and N.' II. Curtis were selected to go to Lin coln to secure to such a road, a just proportion of the State Lands, and de claring that it is not for the interest of the county to aid other roads. Alexander H. Stephens. Dur ing the contest between the Ameri can and Democratic parties, some years since, Colonel Andrew H. H. -Dawson, then a young lawvor. had the nerve to meet the great Georgia orator, Stephens. In reply to the earnest appeal of the great statesman that the South should support Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Dawson said i "My friends, we once had a great Whig party, and in this state Mr. Stephens was its great leader. The - Whig party has gone to Hades We have now the great Democratic party, and in tills stare Mr. Stephens is it3 great leader. If he will only land the Dem ocratic party where he led the Whig party I shall be perfectly satisfied 1" Harper's Magazine. ' ' The Springfield (Mass.) Republican says a highly important movement of the recognized kings of express com panies is going on. Among those en gaged in it are the managers of the late American Express Company, R. L. Johnson, f Albany ; W. N. Melcher, of Boston, and Col. J, M. Thompson, the original proprietor of Thompson's Express. . It is understood this combination with their associates meet at the solic itation of a large number of the' busi nessmen, not only of New England, but of the entire West, to establish express facilities throughout the terri tory now occupied by the American Merchants'" Union Express Company. In his speech atj the banquet at Philadelphia on Saturday night, Speaker Colfax said, relative to the incoming - administration, that the most searching retrenchment, honesty efficiency, and high character in all connected with -the public 'service,-' a rigid guardianship of the; treasury against unwise and extravagant schemes, and a financial policy which shall maintain our credit untarnished, appreciate our currency, and place us on the firm rock of specie payments, would oe the policy. Altitudes. The highest point on the Central Pacific Railroad is the summit of the Sierra Nevada, it being 7,042 feet above the level or the sea. and the next highest is 1'epuop Pass, 6,180 alove the level of the ocean, and 541 mile3 east of Sacramento, iu the Goose Creek : range of mountains. The highest points on the Union Pa cific are Green River, 6,145 feet above the level of the sea ; Benton, 6,605 ; Laramie, 7,175 ; Sherman, 8,424 : and Cheyenne, 7,040. ' ' ' : The Sublime Port refuses to partic ipate in the projected conference if the Cretan question, is to be discussed. , COGSWELL'S GREAT WESTERN Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLES ! Corner Main and Levee Streets, Brownville, IJebraslxtu Buys, Sells and Exchanges STOCK, CITY PHOPERTY, Has Large Stock Corrall close to Steam Fer ry Landing. Stable accommodations, for CO Single and Match Horses, Buggies aid Car riage always on hand for eale. 40-ai By R.eV. Hughes, J., P. Dec 2ft Carles Keiswetter aud Catharine- Schrin . , -olU of this city. i Charley hot sore lHg g"'art Ere er el j'i.g&.runc :i hot That is : . , ' , s He was so Ion 1 n getting f!!ss S K!ss S !;riner, ' wtl i find I t. That we thought he ne'er 1! NEW Al VEI.TISl-IEr.iS. MRS. F. A. TISDEL, 31ILL1XEII AND DRESS JIAKEE, Shop on First t.,tct. Main and Atlantic, ----- (0VCTF.A.Tfcdet'sAgTiromriStOT.) . Has constaatiy on hand a full assortaientof &U liuidf and Tar.'-U'S"of Zephyrs, fen' her Braid. Star Braid. Sinn's Down, Litdir Mohair Ceils and Curls, . liatiihu, TriBiminics,. etc Dresses iuZ Cloaks made in Uie latest st yie. The public areir.vittd tottU, - , 13-12-y - McNEAL & DORSET,- BARBERS AN I) JIAIR DRESSERS, No. 29 ilain Street, .i Are prrard to Art H tin df HJ.rre?RBjr'for Gents ud Lathes. As Iiaiburstlieyarei;o.l. Aim old clothes renovated on reasonable terms ; -boo W blacked at all hours; and washing and ironing done e shen Botie '- -. '! n-lL-y otice of Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership herMofore existing between Co lumbus B. lla-uk t-.nd N. M. Holtaimrer in the 'Whole sale and Retail Uroo Vy hnni uass it Uii.tay diMved bv mutual cottsent, N. M. Htrftzinser purcliaMine the ehtii-e ii.teres.tof Columbus B. liauk in the stocit and accounts of said lirni. The business will bcoo-tmut-d t the old Miil iw N. iS. Httltuinrer. All persons indebted to the late firm areinvited to square their account, and those having bills UKain-st said tirm are .requested to present the same lor settle in ent. COLT7MBCS B. HATJK, I. M. HOLTZlJNUR. Brownrille, Neb., Dec. lath, ll-3t Acents Wanted for NIGHT SCENES IN THE BIBLE, BY KEV. DANIEL MARCH, D.D. For full, free, fiowinit, clear, sparkling, pure and gracefal stvle; for poetic genius: for beauty of thought and rich plowing imagination; for nice an alysis of character, graphic delineations and ripe, scholarship; lor life-like pictures, glowing word and happy illustrations, tiiis work has no equal. Suoh commendations, as the above, have been re ceived from Bishop Simpson, Rev. Albert Barnes, Noah Porter. D.D., LL.D., W. A. 8tearns, D.D. Geo. Duna Boardman, D.D., I. W. Wiley, D.D., Samuel W. Fisher, D.D.,LL.1., and leading Clergymen and the Press of ail Denomination. Send for Circulars containing the same. Agents areeverywhere meet ing with unparalleled success. It is a most beauti fully illustrated and elegantly bound book, and pleases everybody!, . r - . r .-- - - COMMISSIONS 100 to t$0 PEH MONTH, according to ab ility an d energy. Address, - , . . . ZIIXJLER. McCTJKDY 4 CO., -miiladelphia. Pa., UncipuaU, O., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. - - ' - - - 11-Bn To Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received up to February 1, lw, for opening up Main street to western limits of city, and to put the same in a traveling coedtsion.- Gh W. FAIRBKOTHER, 10-8t Mayor City of Brownville. PREMIUM LIST. WHITLOCIT3 Horticultural Record. f 1,50 per Annum, in Advance. Single Copies. 20 cents. To subscribers wishing tTtay at the end of the year, S-', if ordered by January 1, Istid. Address, " 1 - The Whitlock Exposition and Ex " change Company, . - - 2io Broadway,;, Y. ANDREW S. FULLER, EdITob. The cheapest Journal of the kind published, and the only Due giving the price list of trees, vines and plants m "All .Nurseries in Oae." It also contains a list of the betrt implementa tor farm. Garden ani liouselio Id; aal its pages are tilled with articles from the best horticultural and agricultural writers in the world. As a special inducement, we otter to send one plant of either of the following va rieties of lrults, to all whosendin their liains with Sly50. . Clarke Raspberry, Davison's Thornless Ka.splK.Try, . Ellisdale Raip!erry, Missouri Miuuruoth liiackberry. Clioice Gladiolus. Choice Japan Lily, lorut Grape Vine, or two Jr.ariy Wilson JiiacK-berry. two Kittatinny liiackberry. Or, to any one who will send ii cents extra, to pay postage, we will send ' J OAA lmliid of Edrly Rose Potatoes. : ! The plants will le carefully packed and sent by mail, post-paid, as early in the Autumn, ui -cpiiug, lis piuciicauie. t-ll. Chicago DOLLAR ST0RE- The- immense success aitending oar busi ness in HUSTON the past Ave years, h;is in duced us to establish a Branch store In Chi cago, rendering it more accessible to the Western people, and also saving a large Ex prcssiige Our goods are all newand received direct from the Manufacturers, consisting of nearly every article desired for family use, such as Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes, Jewelry, Plated Ware, etc., etc. All articles sold for Ouo Dollar Hach, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to receive. CHECKN, describing goods, sent at the rate of 10 eents each, to pay for postage, printing, ect. Presents froru $3 too i00 sent Free to Agents. We are Agertts for ail the best Manufactories In the countryi Circulars sent free Agents wanted in every town. Address FARR & iXr., 158 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. P. O. Box SiTJO. 8-12t : CHAKLES O. BOIiSEY. GEOKQK W. DOBSEY. Atfy atLaw. . , r, ,i C. O. & O. W. DORSEY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND!.! - 1 I- Dealers in Iitiiid "Warrants. Ruy and Sell Real Estate and ' " Land Warrants. Select & Locate Government Lands. ATTEND TO CONTESTED CASES' IN THE U. S. LAND OFFICE, AND PAYTAXES. A large quantity of First Class Lands for sale in-2C6otah, lUcbardson, Pawnee, John son and Gage Counties, Nebraska, to which the attention of purchasers Is specially invi ted. - , - ..' Office--BKOWrTniLE, NEB. Branch. OSce EEATRICE, NEB. 13-6-tf - f- - - 7 J. H. SHOOKj & BROS., Manufacturers and Dealers In Native Lumber of all kinds, length, breadths aud thickness, HILLSDALE, NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA. They own and run one of the best Saw Mills In the State, and will furnish , , , with a bill of Lumber of best quality, on short notice, at the Lowest Market Price. Lath and. Pickets. ": . : ! Always on hand tar fjide, - They also sell chens tiiefr store In Hills dale alVstapre Dry iooda ami Groceries, and sucli articles as are in general use. Remember tho business, the men, and the place. ' - 1-Iy ' ' " JOHN L.' CARSON, BRO WS VILLE...-. NEBRASKA Exchahere Boucht and Sold on all the prin cipal cities. Also dealer in Gold and Silver Coin, Gold Dust and GOVE2RX3TIEET. BOITDS. Deposits received. t)arable atelffht. Interi- est paid on time d-poUs by spec-iaj agree ment. Taxes paid for non-residents.'' All kiniis of IJ. 8. liouds wanted. CITY BAKERY AND CONrECTIOAERY ! I Ko. 3 1 Cvr. ltin i 1st Sts. (. positeCit y Prug Store. WILLIAM ALXEN, Proprietor. ' Pics, Cakes, Fresh ' Hread, Confectionery, I,l?!it and Fancy Groceries Constantly von - 'Hand 1 ! Tresa" Bread Delivered Daily 1 1 ! First CIam FauBilylloaLr "W'arranted. Fre E ress rans for the benefit of my Customers. 7 MISS MARY A.' SIMPS ON,' MILLINER & DEESSjIIAKER, Second Street, bet. Main and Water. BRO WN VILLE, ' Wlhes to'Jnform the tadles of Brownville And vicinity, that she has a first class niLLniEIiY shop! Where work will be done with great care and neatness, and after the latest Eastern style. Beaching done in the very latest styles, aud on short notice. . Latest styles of Ladles and Children's Hats and Bonnets constantly on hand. Also latest patterns of Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, and Cnudnm'a Clothing cut on h?rt Bottee. HSDICASm s M ; - -' ' ' . . i C: H'S'COlGIi UA"',-3AZ :. COE'S CO CGI! IJ.IXSA3I. -; A STOE KE3TEUT FOK . .. 11 Colds, Cou?!i. Croup, Influcn- AND WILIr RELIEVE- cbiistTiiPTivi cbtf gh. For years -1 "km beea bous.?Uald mwiiclne and mothers, anxious for the safety of their children, and ail who sutler rom any disease of the throat, litest aiid4anta,.-imtot aCurd so b alihoot lu ia addition to tne ordinary (our ounce so lonjr in the market, we now furnish our mammoth family siza bottles, wak'lt wdl, in- conu&ut wiUt tae Jier aiza, be found at all Drug b torus. For Croup, The Balsam will' be found invalu&bl. and may 1 way be relied upon to th most extfem ca . . ,f ! vie.;, i'.T 1.3 " f ' TFlioopIn Coagli ; ' The testimony of all who have used It for this ter rible disease during the last ten years, is, that it in variably relieves and cures ik Sore Throat. Keep your throat wet with the Balsam taking little and oiten and you will very soon find raiief. Hard Cold and Couglisr Yield at once to m steady use of this great remedy. It will succeed in giving relief where all other ram dies have foiled. 'V Soreness of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Do not delay procuring and Immediately takfnf Coe's Cou)?h Balsam, when troubled with rtr of to above named difliculties. Thev are all premonitory symptoms of Consumption, and If not arrested, will sooner or later sweep you away into the yalley of shadows from which none can ever reture. In Consumption, Many a care-worn suffe rer has found relief and to day rejoices that her liie has been made ay anil prolongedby the use of Goe s Cough Balsam. Among the IHny Testimonials la nr Posaeision, we have only room - - - for the following i New Haven, Conn, Oct. 17. 1860. Messrs. C. O. CXark A Co.: Oe.vtlsmss,-I feel it a duty and pleasure to glva you the benefit or my experience in the nse of (Joe's CouKliTJalwim. From taking heavy cold, I was taken down with the congestion of thelunes. and continue to fail, under the- best care until! wna to die. There seemed nothing but strangulation anJ aeam oeiore me. l was tola that rurther medical at tendance unit medicine was useless, and f was re signed to death, wtien a friend, who-had been preatly neiineu uy usinR ine Daisom.orouKntmea bottle. This was al ter I hal done with the doctor and medi cine, ana i continued to improve, until my cough Stopped, and my lungs healed, and got wU. I used ten Dotues. J. remain, gents, wah treat respect, ' Your Obt serv't, JOHN WELLS, -''' ' 2W Washington St., New Haven, Ct ; " In Short, The people know the article, and it needs no com ment from us. It is for sale by every Druggist and xretuera 111 jueuiciues in uie uniiea ouiiei. THE C. G. CLARK. CO., ' Sole Proprietors, New Haven, CL READ ! READ!! READ!!! THE ATTENTION OF THE PURLIC WORLD'S GREAT REMEDY COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE, TTi f q rtrruKr..!ri fa m-nnnnn nsrT it Tin m m r-T i i n the only known remedy that will surely cure that aggravating and fatal malady. F or years it swepl jxii if tarl'i 1 1 tiJo famvin KuTomi ft- m. grave, ita millioas of sufferers. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure ha come - to the Rescue. t Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sourness or Acidity of Stmach, Rising of Food, Flatutency, Lassitude, Wea rinetaJlnaiZi terrains- 'i - i ting- in Dead, - Are as sorely cured by this potent remedy, as the patient takes it. Althoueh but rive years before the peopie, what is the verdict of the musses? Hear what Lester Beiton, of atilwaofcee, says : - Frem Lester Btttes, f MttwaidcecJ itrxwiuxri, Jaa. 21, UTS. Messrs. C. 6. Clark d: Co.: Both myself and wife have wed Gee's Dywrp'a Cure, and it has rroved Mrfectlv satafacterv aa a remedy. I have no herniation in wyinc that we have receivea great oenent irom its use. Very respectfully, '"'A Great III ess In 5. From Rev. L. F. Ward, Avon, Lorain Co., O.J Messrs. Strong fc A rmstrong. Druggists, Cleveland: GrxTLKsr It gives me preat pleasure to itate thftt my wiie bas derived j?ret benefit frm theune of Coe s Dyspepsia Cure. she has beea for a number of years greatly troubled with Dyspepsia, accompa nied with violent paroxysms of connlipatiori, which so prostrate her that she wan all the while, for months, unable to do anything. She took, at your Instance, Cfx's Iypespia Cure, and has derived GREAT BENEFIT FROM IT, and to now compar atively well, bfie regarcls this medicine as a great blessing. Truly yours, . Jau. lh, 1668. L. F. WARD. Clergymen. The Rev, Isaac Aixtv, of Allocaany. UtMm that it has eured him, alter all othsrrtuxuedies had failed. ' 21 .Druggists. Any drurrtrt In the country will teU yea, If ytfc take the trouble to enquire, that every on that buys a bottle of Coe's Dvspepsia Cure rrem them, "peaks In tl mod aiuuliued praise of its great madicinal virtues. . - .i." I 1 .: Coe's Djupeysia Cure Will aWbe found Invaluable ia all cae of Dlarrbsa Dysentery, Colic, Hummer Com plain t, oripia?. aad in fact every disordered condition of thesuma:h. Sold bv Dnipgists in city or country -iywhsre. at l par'bottla, or by application to , THE C. C CXAJiK CO, 13-W4 BntePmi'ilcteia. Kew Hsvea. Ct. ;p CiOTT'I""". V.: A i'Vevr &sd Taslilanable stock of! CLOTHING, (NO SIIODDT), U now oCcred to the Pablle at J. S. HETZEL S CLOTHING STORE, Mb. TO Ilaia Street, who I to the interest of the pnbllc ; and having pur chased my CLOTHING, (made under my own supervision) exclusively for cash, I can sell as Jor, If not lower, than any UAIT In the Town or Comify. I beg. to call your attention to say LAUGE A1TD WELL selected stock or HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Gent's Furnishing Goods, as can be EOTJIID IN THE WE3T. Here Is a chance for the best bargain, as I have no dead stock on hand, all being; entfrely new. The pubiie are Invited to oall aad ex amine for themaelvee. JlcPbereontfs Block, BOTTITVIXXS, wherfi werytlilas la the (Sotting Ilae can be foan(L , r J. 0. HETZZL. 51-tf trail, sorter . Cvardlaa of Heal I'tara. Ia pnrs'iaflce of n Or'1'r of the XAMrf Conrt of tLe County of mh anl me s-tave of Xfric exeou?d on th day ef Ljec-iuhwr. ad. 144. J thect.y of i rowriviii. 111 t.ie d.i.- i;rMf' l. ( w.; oiler fof sale t public auction or ven'!uon 1 iZTimr the ilMt C y f Jnury, a. a. i-i. at t o'cfoclt, at the d'Xr of Ui fjourt Ii'u.e ia mh1 Nemaoa County tho followmjr decr;bl Tal e'a' s.tiis' in tho Couny .rTin in the ..ie of N -hrsn. vsn' IxitNo. it inliHX-li N. Uv in lite vii..aeof Peru wiUttUo appurtei-anc tnre'o belonjsiLjt Teraii made know n oa t;i uy ' n -WljLLIAlt nTJTTO!T (innrl :in of IrraUouir T)eForret Porter. Attormy iVr '.i.utiian. lijt Frobate Ntice Elat4 of Richard W'tyliirfi. TnxrrJ ... Notice i heby iven turtt the PvnRt." Cnnrt of Kemaha County, Nrbrankit, ha ar-nointwl Ui ins y of Jan. the l.th (i.y of July, and tht.i Dar of Alijr t, A. l. 1t, a-( the Ikiwh f,,r htmnne clairr. a?int the owtfUe of Richart W.xhirl, iw 0f mh'j MiHrty ef Nwmha, dufinwi, Th in-r"j totair piace at tlm Ourt tum ia Rrwniu' n , a county. All rt w n..t prnte.f hv the' Uwt div above ar'xNnti. shall b forever barred. Dated icember is, isx , A.W. MOWAX Probate Jcdsr CaLVTM K. BaKkr, Adiv)!iitrtr. ESTHAY NOTICES. Strayed La. Aacastt Trom the nndersfOT. one Roan Hef: rCs'f tit la the left ettr, crp orf of rxht ear, line bm k' or year old. Tne finder or- anv person known',? 0t the whereabonfs of the seaie wi.1 be si!'aMy r waHed by lettmc me know : er, I win prr-ve tha taker op 1 he don't advertise nr bnn tn'f '--tf d. it. i; Ca i ( ; k inr. Stray Notloe. ' TXen up on my fhrn fn r rj ptveinct, Pe. 3Cth, three rmlt-s north-woMt uf pen.'nne fl ve rwroid red bull, with some white in r.i!v. branded" wita a c-t joii; CT, Stray Notice. Taken upon the pfem'ses, one mile west of Enm Jilie, on oralxMit the l.Hh of l)ecemfr. one Rd B-'l 0w, me white spt. poinw of hrrn awtt riT. Crop oiTieitear, elip in ritrht &ffwwi in Neicht or nine years old. IS-04 M. Md t)MA. Stray Notice. Onlastrprinrwftfteculf, red ear and neck, U kn up November Ui, Iji-s on mv fami in lxm;!iia qrecinct 11-6-pd DANIiX BBJKDA.N'. Estrmy Notice. Takes trp on th srm rf the unbscriher, tir mileji nortft-wwt of Brownvtrie, Vi -r, r-r l.tt. L f, with Mwk!n oars. II . P MA.I.U. aoi'k and lorn. I0-6 ESTRA r NOTICE. Taken up by the sub scriber, on his farm on Uie httlt) Nemaha river, in Lafayette township, Nemaha -ount v Nebraska, one Lritcht buy mare, with white right hind foot aud small star la forehead, and ahnut three years of ana. Theowner by proving property and paying chants, can. have ponmKii-rt. - -ot JuIlN DKLAY. ' I7STRAT NOTICE Taken up by the on J deigned, llvintr thrfe miles north vrt of Brownville, on the ah of November, a red heifer cif, with a leather trav around Its neck when to en up. No mark or brands. a-"t-pd O. W. ilUNKU.N. I7ISTRAT NOTICE-T&ken npbvthenn J derslKned, on the )th day of November l?o8, living aboat three miles went of Lob? s Brldae, a sorrel rllley. two years old past. No marks or brands not h-enbie. Nov.2Mh,ltiS. 8-5t-pi JOIIN'LOVO. ESTRA T AOrC;-Taken up by the on derlnt'd, livins? two and a half mvn west of Brownville, October J'th, three heifer calve ; one a lisrht red. with foar white fcet, a star In the forehead, and a bit of white a der the beUy ; one a red calf, with s few whtta spots on the belly; both sprint? calvesl The other is a yearlins? red calf wiih white laee a 1 itt 1 white on tne bel 1 v. 8-6tpd GEORGE EMFS05T. ITESTER.? DEPOT OF MUSIC! p. i HtrvirrT l. soir, - - - . - Ko. 9 Fourth Street, ST. JOSEPII, 31 0, H0SIC PUBLISHERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In HMOS AUD OBffl, Chickering & Son's Pianos "CTLlch were- awarded the Cress of the LEGION of HONOB, and FIRST GOLD MEDAL AT PARIS EXPOSITION, 1X7, -f- ' - Ataar TY3X. IISADC & CO., IIALLET, DAVIS & CO NEW YORK UNION CO. BUHDZTT National. Combination & CabinBi - r ORGANS, JIason & Kanilln'i Cabinet, Portable, and. Metropolitan Organs. All orders should be addressed to JAITES II. D1TE, A?ent. Iirovvnvili', TSc, 5-6a THE APPETITE F0.1 TC3ACC0 DESTROYED ! Leave ofT Coin? I hat Poisenom - seei, Tobacco. One box of De Witt's prppsratfon Is warranted to destroy the appeut ft r t.;jucx-o in any pcmrn. no cnaiter how strong the tabtt mv h. it it fi:s in any eatw ch niooey will rfnntt, HaiMrMls have iHfti it who are wi'.lina to hear witn-w to Uia fact that IeWit I'rewirnt on romptertv drtTmi Uieapptit for toiuMX-oanrl leaves t.j pri!i as f-i from any d-sire fr itan oe.'ore becumnieaoxi :w rae. it is priwily witt and harmiwi in aiicaws. 1 bo preparations a-t.s il.r-jctly ukou tiiesiueitiands and secretions ar'W-tt-1 by t(.?)i-ro, and thrf,MK!i thwm opoo the biixKl. thomuhiy cleantnsr th. !.ison ot 4mrr from ba inwin. No mnm haotcnn af ter umng iMsWiU s I'revaraiiuu. iU.-coIiect it is war. ran led. . . RCC03I3IC.0.4.TIO.Sf The folio wirir are a ftsvr Bel:tad from th. mnlti. tude 0 ricoiutaeuditt.oxM iu our pjnseabiLu ; From C. A. Rodgerst. Louis, Mo. fT. Uji i, Io., April V., 16. I her(-by certify that I have u.-a-i L,.hx,-i-i. w.r tu,n. ty yars pat, and for the l.t ten yfjus I have uxd imj'uiu. moarn. I J!ive mai at'j?n:ptBto leave rff at tiflrwm tuna. I hr inrt. of .11. at a time, but always rnt1uud to hanker afier 16 until I used iJeWiu Preparation, wbu-h him com- piewir curtd me of tiie ai (-:.- for ti-hai-vo. I would re-)Uiaieni! all u tui a.; ai'.w!! -.:a-.ij ter rible habit to try Ui ivparaiiun. From John Jtalp, St. Lon.'a. Mo.1 .. , . r. w. June t. IX. This is to cert fT that T hva r.,s-.-.. (.., - -H- ten m): tnel mji v LknM l., lv. ,.rT k.., kh suderel m i:jori from a dizzimm tn my bt-a.1 and guawuiai 01 v niomtu-h thutl have. n fiven up Li nti vnur r.rct M.-a lion, and it coxnjletey cured sue fFrom W. A. Smith. Columbus. Ohio. 1 hereby certify that one box of yixir Pxr-arauoa entirely rvinovwl aU ua u tobe-co. W.A.S1LITIL From VTio.Ipy,Spr;agneM,i:i5s.J . . I need One BOX Ct TOUT I'miiaxaiion and it ram 1 merely rive ttwwa as aiwrnnle of whi I m c4T!B diiy. W-i:n of in-kry ,t!rV,iy aa- - - . rjjir-'uri, per ,x. u to be sent by mad. 35 cents i Liiin.i f,.r pjtjra. Mas ey seal by mad mr rt. a-! Cil AX.I.iA V XT. ruafEtet. -