Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 24, 1868, Image 3

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J. L. Colhapp, Editor.
,.an-B iUrntn took the First Premium
t otlote tonnty Fair. . v r $ ,
Und ul edly the greatest variety of Toilet
Articles raider any me roof in this city Is at
Lett's Drag Store, flSIcberson's Elock.
McFall says the next Call he'll make
to ail who d on t. call and ray all they owe hint
w ill be through a' Justice. That'll 1 ralso a
ItAuli & pUltxIuger, we learn, fctre dls
fjoiyoil.'rttrtaerBhlp, Mt-Uaulc retiring. Mr.
llttiil!i?f instill atthepld stand ready to
KVMMmcJLko his numerous customers.
Ktw Agricultural Advertisements.
Our second page, to-day, will show you a host
of Nurseries ail offering their choice stock at
lair rates. Eea4 and then stock your place.
Pr. Tlinrmanhascompleted and with Dr.
Tracy is ru.'W occupying his new office one
door vt.t of DoUHor s Tin Shop.' They Invite
the patronage of the public through our col
umns. 8ee their oard. '
The BerrylVakhlngtoiilaiis have rent
ed the old McPherson Hall, over Ralney &
Iewls" Mtore, where they meet regalarly every
Hundsy afternoon at 8 o'clock. They are In
earnest and are doing much good.
Excavating. Even us coM asthe weather
lniK been during the past few days workmen
amrtll digging away dirt from the lots op
posite this block, and also on the southwest
corner of Main and 2d, and depowltbig It up
on Ifc McPherson's lot corner of Water und
21.; Preparation for building In the Spring
inny be en oavery hand, and work jflll be
very plenty.
The TfW Bell for the M. E. Church of this
City.ri ivir Ia Friday," was hung Saturday
and Sunday jnornlng added its silvery tone
lo.lhe chxititlan appeal to sinners to aeeK a
refuge rnCIirIsU Tt Js an Amalgum Bell,
weighs 600 Bjs, is 36 incKV-s in diameter and cost
(1TO. This church has made many Improved
menta durJnz the Dat season and la In a
flourishing condition. ,J '
The Western Serenaders. This troupe,
orfiffti'.flTnppuroirj-. liave given entertaiu
m(4 i bonora",;Mo.,' "ecumseh. Pawnee
City, aDstyAa-a) and Pern, and have
Stnnrt ialisfacUou. They are all youug
cn, good musicians and vocalrMs and de
serving of success. They will give a grand
matinee In this city during the holidays, we
trust to a crowded house.
The Grand Ball of he Season will take
place at McPlkrson' Old Hall on Christmas
Night. It will be given by the Western .Ser
enaders,' who are determined to spare no
JTcrt to make .this the grundit bull every
held In this city. Prof. Smith's full orchestra
Bund, Usslsted by the best musical talent In
the west. rEverybody Is Invited. A good time
Is guarrantled. .
"Demorest's MontUIy." The Christmas
number of this admirably conducted maga
zine fa out, Ad is really a gem. The fashions
are profuse, the contents, literary and
tic, of the highest chins. There isa beautifully
Illustrated household department, music, and
ich worth the cost of the magazine. We do
not see how any lady can Afford to be with
out it. $1 per year, with a premium. Pub
lished at 173 Broadwat-, X. Y.
The High School, under the control of
1U niyetj Prineip;A, Prof. Oeo. li. Moor,
moxTn aTong to the satisfaction ami ad
miration of all. He has now on foot plans
by Which the School will soon be in posses
sion of a Cabinet Organ and a Library. In
hisvfl'arts for the advancement of his schol
ars and the interests of the School he Is ably
seconded by his assistant teachers vlrs. Moor,
Miss Johnson, Miss Morey and Miss Mc
Naughtou. Pern Items. Peru, as welearn, wns dur
ing the week past the kmip of an almost fatal
family quarrel. On tlio lGtb Nathau Mason,
for causes not known to us, went before a
Justice and swore his life against George Ma
bou, Ids son ; the trial wasset forthe 19th. On
the 1MU. Nathan M;won went again andswore
hii iife against George's wife; andontheeve
nlngof the same day George Mason took a
doseof Mryehnlne. Dr. Neal was called Jin
and when our Informant last heard from the
"seat of war," George was improving.
Wjn. Rossell Old Santa Clans has an as-
ftortirent of goods forthe Holidays from which
jvcfituue may tcct touithis fancy. Ills
toys are of the latest kinds and a full variety
from the idhipj tto the roost complicated,
'of almo! Weiy inateTial every used for that
lurrNo. . His new assortment of Fancy Can-
dk, Jat oceivel comprises everything In
that line, while In the way of Nuts, Apples
and Fruit his shelves are well stocked. He has
also vn hand a splendid assortment of Cukes
and Is piepared to furnish any sty la to order.
; Wm. SmaJi, of the Red Store, is mak
ing extensive preparations to expand his
bufriness. He 1 shelving op the room in the
rear of his store, which will double his pres-
oul rooiu, and wfil have on In a few days the
biggest ttuTltiost Thorough stock of Queens
ware and Glassware ever opened up in this
section. HehnsiVHi& engaged two vacant lots
on Main street for his lumlxr yard, and will
jsoon uave on hand iLo largest slo-k of Pine
Lumber in this Land District. Will is in
-earnest, and as tltoroab and true a business
man as you will find in a month of Sundays.
Teenmseh Items. From the GaztUe of
the I7th we extract the followhig :
A Swift was Captured near Tecumsch re
CT ntly ty Mr. Woodruff, the first known this
i-tir tle'rK"ef. ' -''
Tecumseh is exporting Coal to Nebraska
City. ' 1 .
The citizens of Spring Creek, Johnson Co.,
tire preparing for the erection of a church.
The Western Serenaders gave a Concert in
Tecumseh ontheilth, which was -vsrj well
attended and gave general satisfaction.
The High School EateHslamfntilioM
t the Si-hool rooms in this city on hist Friday
.and Saturday evenings werevfry pleta-lH-,;
and interesting to the public and gratifying
Aftitie patrons of the School. The music uu
3er Ihe leadership or Mrs. J. M. Graham was
very well executed, and many of the pieces
.erfarrrtca.. T! room was full t
?verft,owltigvaiid although " large and well
eeatd, t ill many awe vtiabietogain atrn
trance. An1 till t nee -ru Ukeu n l :
loor, for the benefit of the High .School LiUra
TyTund, and ST.SC 'was' colTeet'eV.tnd paid
oytr to the;Treasurer cf th-t soci-ty. The
object Is a laudable one, and we hope our eit--itens
will give this enterprise such encour
agement as m-ill meet the Jnst expectations of
ttoth teachers and scholars. '
- -
Christmas. To-morrow is Christmas and
6&.A!XSiy 3jsjid -we se pnejiarations tooele
.brate, to enjoy and to expand In generous
reeling nod action toward earn other. The
fatted Turkey has been killed, and many are
the prodigal sons wjio will feaM thereon. Our
hope is that there will Le left no hungry or
iraitatlsfled be tsg within the precincts X oor
. circulation on tho mrrow.
The preparations or the different Sabbath
Schools to please and entertain their scholars
is great. By invitation or CoL Furnas we
took a peep at the Christmas Tree now grow
ing for the 1st Presbyterian Sabbath School.
Iulho J t- three hys it has attained an al.
ttmae"6f slxtou feet atid Is at least twelve
feet In diaanoU-T, It Is already bearing fruit
IS erreat abundance and still grader variety,
-to Cheer the hesrts of the faithful seholnr
' The EidscopiJ Subbath School Is making
extensive preparations and will doubtless
have tree as large and well stocked as any.
The raptor, R.v, fi. R. Davis is noted for hu
:jnergyoa sucii oocaslons, and the youthful
members of his Cock may exiert a gntnd
sight ajxfnn jibundancs to take home.
The M. E. Church have a magnificent tree
in progress aau ctm ibci oautt uiuibuu
tho children to call, Friday, Christmas Even
ing, whn tby will show as fair a tree as ever
grew cealh the magio finger of kind and
roving hearta. May allenjoy themselves, and
2ace, gofl-wiIl and love feign over aU.
. . . J X. . n 4 C' . -.1 .... J
r .
IVood for sale by J. L. McOee A Co.
. T W " '
ObcVw beat Hoar at Bwaa dt Ero's.
Tas'b,Til tar urs; t M Main street.
Tbelett Stoneware at J. L. McGee d: Co's.
Go to the Kesolalor for Farniakin Goods !
dt Bro s.
Shot and Lead for sale at Swan
A Full line of Skates for Ladles and
Cents at Shellenberger Bro'a.
Fancy Shoes and Slippers at 8. S. Mc-
Gibbon's, No. 19 Main street, for the Holidays.
Fancy Candles In abundance at
.LETT'S, (W McPherson's Blockv
Hats, Caps, Euek-t;loves, Mitt and No
tions selling at cost at ;"
- . J. L. McGEE & CO'S.-
MeCreery . Klckcll Our enterprising
City Druggists have the finest assortment ol
Gold Pens ever brought to Erownville.
If yon wont California "Wine, Cham
paign, etc., for the Holiday s call at w. H.
Valleau's Wholesale Liquor House, Holiday's
old htand. ,..,,.
Friday next being Christmas day, there
will be morning service at the Episcopal
Church, and the administration of the Holy
Communion. Seats free.
Don't Spend Vonr Money In foolish
Jim-cracks and gewgaws that will wear out
In a short time but go to McFall fc Co's and
get something useful and lasting.
Our Steam Ferry Is still making regular
trips, while all points above and below am
blocked. Winter has only Just set in this sec
tion, as wild geese were seen flying south yes
terday.. -
t '
Leather and Shoemaker's Furnish
ings. Grant will receive within the week
a large stock of Leather and Shoemaker's
Furnishings, In which he offers the trade
great bargains.
Billy Va lie a n will set a splendid Lunch
at Tits Sample Room on Christmas day." ltoast
Turkey, Cranberry Sause, Baked Ham, Cold
Liver, Smoked Halibut, Cold Slaugh, etc, etc
Free to everybody. No Quail and 1 oast I
Remember the Grand Ball at McPher
son's Hall to-morrow night. Berkley's full
Orchestra Band will play for the occasion.
The Hall befhg now thoroughly finished tills
will be Its Grand Dedication. All arc Invited,
A. May, Price Regulator!
Ring Lostr A heavy plain Gold Ring was
lost at the School Lxulbitiou on Saturday
night last. It has engraved on the inside the
name "R. W. Furnas." It is valued more par
ticularly because of being a present. The
finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving
at the store of Robt. Teare A Co. ' .-:
Don't fail to drop Into A. May's Regulator and
look at 111 nice gucxu lur iue iioiiuays.
Removed. Roberts & Berger have remov
ed their SiUoon from the basement of Whit
ney's Block to the west half of the same build
ing one door east 0 the Tost Offloe, where
they are very neatly fixed up, and when they
get their two new Billiard Tables they will
have fine a room as their is In the city or,
almost anywhere else. 4
A ITappr (lirltmn to all, and f you wish
to enjoy u llraiy snd Prospermis New Ye.irdoyour
trading at A. May'i Iteirulator, No. 27. Main street,
w lio has undoubtedly the larufst snd best selection
of Dry Goods mid Clothing in the west.
I Dreed myself from top to toe,
And to the Big Ball I did go,
What everylxxly said must le so.
I was the best dressed gent in thecounty, oh!
And I hereby certify to an admiring world
that these Christmas 'Store Clothes' were got
at Iletzel's and at such a reasonable price that
everybody can afford to dress up.
Holiday Notion In abundance snd of the best
quality ut A. May s Price Regulator, No. 27.
R. A. Hawley, Dentist, will lie In Brown
vllle for two weeks commencing on the first
Monday In January. Persons wishing teeth
extracted or filled will do well to call upon
him at Mr. Allen's opposite the City Drug
Store, or leave orders for attendenee at resi
dence or customers. Mr. Hawley ha had
an experience or twelve years in the business.
(lorhitic for the Million 'May has everything
ready to cloth just that many. And everybody is
wauling to be served tlrst.
The following persons will be enstalled
on next Saturday evening as officers of
Brown ville Lodge No. 4, or A F. & A. M.:
O. B. Hewett, W. M.
Jarvis S. Church, S. W.
R.T. Ralney, J. W.
R. Teare, Trras.
J. M. 1 lacker, Scy.
J. K. Bear, S. D.
Jacob Rogers, J. D.
F. Ta rker, Tyler.
. Fnrniililn Goods Thelareret assortment wet
ef the Missouri river ut A. May's Regulator, No. 17,
Main Street,
A Card. The members of the High School
Literary Association would hereby extend
their thank to the public for Its generous pa
tronage, whereby they are enabled to estab
lish a library. To the many friends who so
genercusly extended their aid and kindly fur
nished articles required, we extend our hearty
thanks. AVe Would "especially express our
gratitude to Mrs. Graham, our accomplished
Teacher of Music, for the valuable assistance
rendered. The musical part of thee-ntertain-inent
was the result of her efficient Instruc
tion and generous efforts. The Organ, one of
Spang's best, she also rurnished free of charge.
For these and all similar favors we extend our
hearty thanks. Peii OiibER.
1 1 m
A. May, the Price Urtiilnmr, at No. IT.lias
now on hand a fell rv;ck o: h.l kindsoi Hrr(;Kls,
litt stjyle. Tri-ntr'iiKs, I'W aks and Cloaking, and,
in fact, everytlihiS that a Lady can desire.
Personal. Atnong the Inahy newcomers
just now coming to this city, we cannot re
frain a particular and friendly mention of F.
M. Falrbrother brother of our worth Mayor
who, with his family, reached our city, from
Charitan, Iowa, last Friday. He has already
bought a residence and se ttled down. He isa
practical printer, and up to a short time pre
vious to immigrating to this city owned tlie
hliUiinJilriU.'.,'SY win a hlin success in
his new home. - - " -
Messrs, Nye, Rice ami Collins, of Pawnee
City, oallovl upou us lat Tuesday morning.
They report things prosperous in their sec
tion. . Jlou'. T. W.Tipton returned to thwcliy yes
terday. Rev. W. 11. .slaughter, of Om.iha, pr ached
at tbe M E. Church In this city on la-t Sab
laxh in the morning and evening. His tlis
cunrNe in the morning was rkh In thought,
instrnriVin and devotion, and his sermon in
the evening is well spoken of. He was down
U aUond the meeting of the Board of Eluca
tion tf the -State Normal School at Peru.
A Chinchilla Clonk !s certainly n ijood and fine
a MoliJ iy Pr.fnt us yon en jwissililv make your
W::p. VtMir liiili'! n nr vinir K,;tr nm) rlip ..!... In
luy the genuine article and at a reasouab.e price is
at A. May's rriee Krulator.
Kilbouru, Jenkins &. Co. Manufac
turers and Wi-i-iWale and Retail dealers in
all kinds of Pine Luinlier, ' Lath, Shingles,
Plcketvh',- Blinds,- D;ors, Battens, etc.
OIDoeaud LuuabiT Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri.
We manufacture our own material In tbe
Pineries or Oshkosh, Wis., w here we have
iu opt ration one of the largest manufactures
or everything made In Pine in the world.aud
obtaining our Lumber direct 'from the tret-,
as we do, we-Oiin sell at lover ratos than any
Lumber Yard In the West wbU h pays one
wholesale and one or two retail protits. We
shall always keep onu-iml a full supply ol
everj tlii'ug in our line, so that thoe in want
may always rely upon getting what they de
sire, Vtsirarryaj-k all to examine our ftock
and price before purchnsirigelsewhre, as m e
can ensure satisfaction In both.
Clothe fur the ITo'i 4th. You n?4 sot en
poorly drestno ma.Vf ;.at 19 your condition in
lite, lor the rncu HpuUnir tiason hatMj ii f largest.
bst,mir.lTni'i:te and cinmpst nuck at CUhuihx
ever .'iwnod iu Uih w. tuid nUim. ym
surely tud tbere Just wliat you wuaU
. The attention of our readers Is colled to the
advertlsemenf of Coes Dyspepsia Cure In an
other part of this paper. This truly Valuable '
medicine is recomndod ty ail who use it
Hee-3 the owtlflcates. .
Pori tranted at J.
Cranberries, Beans, Hommlay, ect at
. J.r . SWAN A BROS.
For a Ko. .V XU of Clde go to W.
H. Valleau's, Holladay'a old stand.
California AVlnei for Holidays, at W. H,
Valleau's, Holladay's old Btand.. .. .
50,000 Clears,' Just received ' by W. IL
Valletta, and will be sold at wholesale lower
than 8t. Joseph prices.
Do y em wish an Overcoat ? , Go to Eetzel's,
No. 70, McPherson's Block.; .' i :
i . .. . , .
Want a Holiday Snltt Go tblletzel's
No. 70, McPherson's Block.. ; ,
Boots t Yes;
netzel'a as the
welL we
best. No.
can recommend
70. McPherson's
Remember that the Industrial Plow
Is warranted In all respects. .
R. TEARE & Ccw Agents,
420 acres of Land for sale by Jas. R. Dye.
Buffalo Rohes-A few No. 1. at Robert
Teare fc Co's. .
The Industrial Plow Is pronounced by
all the best for Nebraska soli.
(', R. TE ARK & Co, Agents.
Knhn A. Halne's Premium Grain and
Seed. Drill, with W. H. Naumau's Improve
ment, for sale by F. A. TIsdel a Oo.
,' ; - '- :
! , The Finest Holiday Presents you can po
Ibly make your wife; daughter or young fe
male friend, is a Wheeler Jk Wilson Sewing
Machine, which can be had at the Bazar.
Blankets and. Shawls X fchawla and
Blankets; Blankets and Shawls ; Shawls and
Blankets, cheap at . ' TEARL & Co s.
a rw nalr of those custom made
Shoes and Boots leftand they are the best In
Brown ville at ' 'TEARE & Co's.
Christmas and. Kew.Years Cakes made
to order, and a good assortment kept con
stantly on hand, at WM. ALLEN'S.
How to be liealtuy-AIway keep ydur
feet dry and warm ; go to McGibbons Boot
and Shoe store and buy a good pair of Boots
for a very small amount of money, and save
a big doctor bUL . - - - r -
For a Nice Holiday Presenyou will
And at McFall & Co's as fine Mirrors as are In
the west; Hobby Horses," Bob Sleds, Gigs,
Carts, Rocking Chairs,- Picture Frames, and
everything you may desire, to make a lasting
and beautiful proseut. . .
IVe have no pcrlttmery, no iraps to adorn
the person ; but when yofj corrw to the Intel
lect, we have the presents for Christmas.
This reminds me that Santa Claus starts from
A. D. Marsh's News Depot.
Do you with to make a lasting and beau
tiful Christmas or New Years Present? Go
to Patch's Jewelry- Shop, wliere you can see
as fine a lot of Jewelry or Silver Ware as is
west of the Missouri river, Is selling them
very low for cash. .
W AV. Hackney is always prepared to
give his customers tho benefit of his cash
purchases,. in his truly veil selected and com
prehensive assortment of choice Dry Goods,
Notions and Groceries. Go and see him.
Of all the mlghth Nations,
Iu the Fast or in the West,
Ihls glorious Yankee Nation
Is the greatest and the best; and so is
Hetzel's stock of Clothing and Furnishing
Goods, No. 70 McPherson's Block.
All wishing to subscribe for newspapers,
magazines, etc , at club rates, will bear in
mind that the 20th or December is the extent
or time given. A. D. MARSH,
Generan News Agent for the U. S., the Can-
adas, and some parts or Europe.
Public, Attention I We never dun gen
tlemen, because a gentleman kfa person who
paj-s up; but those owing us mnst can ana
settle their accounts on or before the 1st of
January, A.D. lSiO, for trouble will commence
from and after that date. We must have
what is due us. A word to the wise is snlll
cient. McFALL & CO.
For Stoves of every variety. Tor Tinware
of all kinds, for Tools for all trades, for Black
smith's Iron, lor all styles Cutlery, for Copper
Ware, for Guns, Pistols and Amunition, for
Pumps, for Meat Cutters, for Hardware' of
every kind, and particularly for the sake of
economy, go to
If yon want a No. 1 Sett Second hand Har
ness, for two horses, enquire at
R. TEARE A Co's.
Do you want to make your sweet heart,
your wife, your daughter, or friend a nice Hol
iday Present? Joseph Shutz has a splendid
assortment of good Jewelry of all kinds
Clocks, Watches, etc.
A Good Mirror is as nice a Christmas
Present as you can make your wife. McFall
Jt Co. keep all sizes. -
. Why, Is Jlctzel selling so many Overcoats ?
The reason Is plain to those who buy because
Uils lioodsare No. 1 and he sells so reasonaUo
that people are satisfied. Go and see them if
you need anything in that line.
. You may talk or cheap Boots and SJioes
' rAnd blow as much as you please,'
' Rut the best in the trade, t-
"All Custom Made;, r !
l Arofbtjnd at Johnson A McGee .
A. D
Marsh proposes to have on his
a letter lot-or; Christmas presents
than was. ever
Drop I iv and m
before offered
e ft. r yourself.
in Brownville.
Miss Mary Hamilton, residence corner of
Atlaiitleiind 4th streets, is prepared to do all
kuidor Slitcjiuig,; Braiding, Silk embroider
ing, etc., 011 short not tee and reasonable terms.
Try the Indnstrial Plow. If It don't
Ml tlie entire bill, Lriugit btick. ,
" - - - It. TEARE 'Cr.
NoitMAL AcnooL BCiLPiKa, Nov. 27, 1H(;
Jas. K. 0ye wtllfell and deliver first yla-s
I'iwnoK and Drgans for Eastern Retail Prices,
and warrant the same for five years. ' 7y
Wm. ll. Hoover, Ileal Estate arid Insu
rance Agent, in- prepaied to make out all pa
per jirecssary to the conveyance of Real Es
tate. OiIict Court llooirt, Brownville.
Flour Spring and Fall Wheat, at McGee's,
lit reduced prices. " , , , ; '. .
PehlnDieaVlngPIow s 20")T.i II smith
A Co s inuku, ur J. C. Jeucr.
The fullest stock of Hardware West of the
M ijs::;ppi, at Shellenberger Bro's.
$1200 Dollars and Eiprnsn I See ad
vertisement of AinerieanShtittleSewIng Ma
chine in our advertising columns,
Choice Frnl t and Fancy Candies,at Allen's
City Bakery. '
Extras. A full supply kep constantly on
hand for every machine sold by Ir. A. Tisd. I
& Co.
II. C. Lett Iind Agent, Brownville.
All Kind of game wauled at the . City
Meat Market.
Ilorrlcou Broadcast Seeders," for sal?by
F. A. TIsdel & C5.
Blondln Ankle Skate Support for ladles
and Gentlemen of the latest styles at the
Bazar. . - -
Wholesale and Retal Llqnar Store,
Wm. II. Vallenu has just openeil a Wholesale
and Retail Liquor and Tobacco store, a No.
l Main street, Holladay's old stand. His
stock is full and complete, consisting of all
kinds of Wlnea, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, etc.
He has purchased so that lie can do better
even than duplicate St. Joseph bills. Buylr.g
further east, with cash, he can offer to tha
trade such Inducements aa will pay all who
wish anything In his line to call and buy of
him. In connection with his 6tore he has
sample room and bar, fixed up in the neatest
6tyle, lo which he Invites his old friends.
m 1 m a
A No. 1 Four Year Old Horse for Sale.
Enquire at this offloe.
For tho he st Tea,
- - and - -
. Sugar,.
.' Go to Swan fc Bro'a.
a. Choice lot of Groceries forthe Holl
days at Swan fc Bro'a.
- Farmers I William T. Den Is Agent for
Jirawn'M Illinois Corn Planter, if be did gO
B-rfTalo Hunting and will 611 the farmers the
nnlirrclUtilarnrn Planter in UBO. AlSO, th
celebrated Rock Island Cllpjer and Breaking
Plows: which Is a household conversation
with the farmers that Den'a Rock Island
Plows and Brown's Cora. Planters are ahead
of all other Planters and Plows In the State,
, WM. T. DEN,
1$ ftm Agent.
Quarterly Meetings of the M. E- Church
for the Nebraska City, District will be held at
Peru, Jan. 2-3; Brownville, t-10; Nemaha
City, 18-17 ; St. Deroin, 23-24 ; Rulo, 30-81 ; Falls
City, Feb. 6-7 ; Table Rock, 13-14 ; Pawnee City
20-21; Beatrice and CubCreek, 27-28; Xlncom,
March 6-7 1 Oak Creek, lo-ll ; Upper Blue, 13-
14 ; Upper Nemaha, 21-22; Tecumseh, 27-2. -C.
Salem, Neb-, Dec. 15th, '69.
Editort Advertiser: Having squatted at
Salem my first work was tonote the greatness
of the place. I found the city rapidly lmprov
i n g. I find a large and commodious Hall, be
Irnnlno' to Mai. ture-pnt. n. pommodiOUS Ho
tel, Mr. Howe, proprietor ; Messrs. Bay ne t
Carter and Lincoln & Ilrdt. iuthe mercantile
business; Mr. Wal Felter.the Saddler, Drug
Store by Dr. Brooke; Boois-and Shoe shop oy
Mr. Millen ; Grist Mill by Mr. Gistand black
smith and wagon shop. .. Insurance business
by Mai. Sarseut. F. A. Tisdel.fcr..haa asplen
did residence neurly completed. Lincoln C
Holt have a large store room fast approach.
ing completion. A flue Select School conduct.
eu by iiiss r nwer and airs. 1'ayno. A - good
Rrl.liru Qi'rmiS lha VpmiihoiiTtH ...i.O, ! t. L-o J
hear the cars and the whistle of the locomo
tive cominxup the valley of the Great Nema-
Not at Cost I Hetzei wishes It distinctly
understood that he desires to make a living
vrofit on his goods, and cannot afford to sell
at cost or any, other numoug. tie aesires 10
stay right here, and cannot afford to deal in
empty phrases to coax trade, out is preparea
to show by comparison with eastern prices
that he is doing a fair thins by his customers.
Call and see him at A o. 70, Aiornerson'g uioct.
m 1 f
The neatest Holiday Presents for girls or
ladies, can -e had at the Bazar, for there is Co
bettar taste in- sucn mauers man is tuspiayea
by Mrs. Bargis.
Wm. IL Small, or the Red Store, has eon
stantlv on hand a large selection or Pine
Lnmtxf, eonsistlng of - - - - --
CEILTNOr - '' , t '' '"-..''-FLOORING.
SHINGLES. . . . . ,
DOORS, ' ' " . -SASH,
rr "v . -.. - ; glapt. -
i ? . . ' PUTTY,
as good and aa low as can le had anywhere.
A I J. Marsh is up in arms, -
And meets our applause
In keeping such a host of things , .
For darling Santa Claus.
No perfumery or traps to deck
The body; there you'll find
Choice rood ror the intellect,
To feed the youthful mind.
Santa Claus will have enough
For wherever he may go.
He makes his headquarters at
Marsh's News Depot.
-r Sowwmd (Una 114K lftR
Prcietit Mavor Fairbrotlier: Councilmen Carson.
Wctvee. istewart ana rurnas.
Mr. t tirnas otiVred the ftdlowine resolution :
'rtosni.vKn. That this City Council hereby ratify
ill' rif rciuiorn iiiuiicim hi- irn.n-uiHK uiicu
of the Tirfiivnville Ferrv Ffimchise to Kichard F.
Barret : Provided, that the Council reserve the ri;ht
to forever reinilate auu control the raves of lerriuue.
R esol v ed. Tli at t h is City Cou ncil jo ves its consent
that those parties from whom the city derives Its
title to the charter of said Ferry Franchise, quit
claim to it. t . liarret an tueir line ana interest to
said charter."
Ayes Carson. Stewart, jieuee ana Furnas. Car
ried. ,
Mr. Carson offered the following
Tw o Horses. Mules or Oxen and Wagon, loaded-?! 00
Kaon individual pair Horses. Mules or uxen
Kach Horse or Mule and BuKty... 50
Led lloie and Mule 20
liOONe Cuttle per head ................... 15
Sheep and Hogs ier head.....;. . S
Each fMt man . 10
Kach liWlhs freight 10
One M feet La mber, handled by ferry........... 2 00
One M feet Lumber, handled by owner........... 1 50
FjicIi unloaded w aon Horses, Mules or Oxen 75
fjvrh loaded Four Horse Wagon....;... 1 25
Kach unload " u I 00
Hk.soi.vf.1). That the above ratos are heivbv es-
ubuslifd as the rates of :erriaKe at the Brownville
Ferry, mid the same is hereby enjoined on tbe own
ers o; the .ranclnse, until further ordered.
Mr. Furnas offered the following:
"Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to pre
pare a deed of eonveyenee In accordance with the
Hoove resolution, t lie same 10 Designed ny nimseir as
Mayor, and oy the 1 lerK or this council; ana the
Mavor is furtiier autliori7.ed to deliver the same to
R. F. Barret, on his compliance with the terms here
tofore agreed upod."' Carried.
Adjourned to meet Monday evenlmr. September
14th, laM. GOK. V. FAHtBROTHEB.
September 14th, 136.
Present Mayor Falrbrother; Counrtlmen Stew
nrt, Carson and rciee ; Clerk, J. C. MO'aughton ;
Marshal. W. A. Poiock. . ...
On motion. ?U collected from concert was ordered
to 1)0 paid into the Road Fun'L
On motion, the biil 01 W. A. Ftlock, fi.To, W3S al
lowed, and an ordr ordered to be drawn on Road
Fund lor the amount.
The committee on Streets and Alleys submitted
the following report:
"The committee on Streets and Alleys present the
following reMrt in relation to work "done bv J. W.
Blackburn on Fourth, Fifth and Water streets:
II is contract calls lor toiD) yards to be removed. We
find by CitV Kngineer's measurement that 3797?,
yards have been I ukca oat, leaving a balance oa con
truct of -JiiC'2 yards.
The amount taken out Is .J1443 05
Bonds have been issued to the am't of. 10.VI 03
Leaving: am't due Mr. lHackburn. 389 02
We recommend that Mr. Blackburn be released
miii hs contract, and ua order drawn on the Bond
Fund lor balance due.
R. W. FURNAS, lrom
J.LuJlcGKK. 'Com.
The report was adopted, and order was directed to
be drawn on the Bond Fund lirWi 02, in accordance
with the committee's recommendation.
Moved, that hill of Culen and Polock, fbr Work on
f t reels, be allowed, and ordera drawn on Boud Fund.
Adjourded. - J. C. WcXArunTO, Clerk.
Lecture to Youn Men." ,'
Just published In a pealed envelope.
ou me ua-
cure of
arvKniissuiiiH.noznnl le.ii-
uy, ana impediments to Mammre irenerallv Ser
vousness. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental
and Physical incapacity.. jn-ultinff from Relf-ftbuse
c.-y ROBERT J. CULVEliWELb, M.D., Au
thor of the "Oreen Book" 4c
The world renowned author.ln this admirable Lec
ture, clearly proves from his own experience that
the awful consequences of Self-abuse mavbe effectu
ally removed without inedieine, aud without dan.
perous surgical operations, bougies, instruments,
rim, orcordials, pointingout a mxieof cure at once
certiuo and etrectual. by which verv sufferer, do
matier what his condition mavbe, mavcure himself
rhenplv. privatelj-. and radcally. This Lectueb
will I'kove a Boox to Thousands and Thou
sands. Sent under seal, to any address, In plain sealed
envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postace
stamps. .Also. Ir. t'ulverwell's-"Marriage Guide"
price cents. Address the publishers, 1
- Chis.J.1' k'i.iw(Vi
13-W-y 13 "Bowery, New York, P. O.'J50.
i , Dr. M hittier,
uas oeen loncer eneaf;ea m tbe treatment of
; ' ... - ," 'ciiiau diseases man any other
Physician ta'Kt.-Lui2s. - - . , ,
sn ii 1 i iM m a 11 i tu liuni. Gonorrhea, Gleet Stricture
On-lullis, i)ialetes. and all affections 01 the Urinary
and Sexual Organs, and treated with the ereatest
sucee-i!. - - - - . .
Spermatorrhnp, Sexual Debility and Impotencv as
the result 01 seli-abtise in youth, or sexual excess' in
nmturer years, w hich produce some of the icilinrinr
etiects. as biotcLes. debility, diTj-.iness. dimness of
.,..u.. uuu yit i'ai.fni irelHKliUKS. aversion
to soe.ety 01 ierj;e. loss of menw.- o.. . .'!" ,
enred"' re"deril1 n" iinproper-can be
Persons sufTerine from consumption, dyspepsia,
chrome d, trrhtA. Uytr tuplaiiauerniaruDturel
ji nn.. uu,ri tumiu: antci.on. may relv
cesviiiira ratMewirum .. ,
11 .t, .... . .
ujioa re-
t. 1 . , "'"''""K'ventoaii female complaints
Inilamation and l lceration of the Womb In
c rrnea. Chlorisi. Sterility, c M.ift c enn be
... ... ...... ... .,. .. ,ulIU iniervip'.v.and medicines
sent br mad or eM,r,. nred free Trom obva-
vnnif. iu.iut-i;e an-j mresjruaranteed.
.. '-""iv. wn iswpttai accommodatiors fortia
t ems, .No. (.17 St. Ciiarlj street, between ijeth aVid Louis. Mo. ' '"nn oixia ana
E ( rvbKly can t,n-t. in a sealed envelope rf v tlx
ory and treatiyent of Sexual and Crinary DKeaseT
contemner iu II svnii,).,.., .... .r'. -'seases.
To ConmmpflTfi.
t.-iiVkV- "V"k ' refftoml to
u. j.. v wit-Ks oy a very simple rem
edy, atier bavins Buffered several vears with
"""fJ1"0". that dVead disi
,.-...""?'Slry"'nu 'iniloil.l to make
.,": 1 W.u.:eiiow suirerers the means of
the I Z " "'."f,". a copy of
the direction, for p'reparing and ffig'the
same, which they wilt rind a ,ure ,rur r
oluectof .the advertiser ia sending the Prei.
caption w to benefit the aalietedVand spread
intortuation which he mn,i,PJ.?P??r?x
ible: and hebor ex l ,', i"7l2
his remedy, as it will cost them noti "ilni"
them nothing, and
may prove a niessitir.
Partie wishing the prescription wjn Die.ct
addrew REV. EDW ARD A VU.
nv " octxjihj sui wiiiiiunsburgh,
lo-t-y Kinirs Countv V v
Crron f Y..ik.
A rentlerann -who snffered for veara from
"SJ" Debility, Premature Decy and all
the effects or vouthfni iAiZI' "iV.1 'i
hu w no neea 11, the reeme ivt V.
'SSSS by which heV
in perrect confidence. JOHN ont.flnS'
io--y o. 42 Oiar eu-eet, New York.
Jlm iS I K rnce six ce w' a tecture
J? tu re, treatment, and radical
Spermatorth or Seminal W
r, : . . . no. 2t.
'-tU cold and kt&Z. tie winter wind
- - Blows through yoai clothes so thin,
With sleety blast and breath nnkind
Ccts to tbevery skla, :
, A safe retreat
Is down the streot
At number twenty-seven x
You can gst a heap
Of goods so cheap
v - You'll think that they are given.
The best of suits,
"Without dispute,.
Cheap as in '54, ,
No men there are
Vv'lil treat yon so lair
As the Regulator. -
Corrected Weekly for the Advertiser by
Easiness Coats from flS512-
Business Suits. $s.
Overerat8,:J 5t(4SC0.
CassimeT I'ants, $1 50fii5o "
Castiinet Pants, Si.uS.l 50-. ' .
Vests, from75cts. to
Overshirt8, best, S3.
Overshirtst second best, ?2.
Overshlrts, from 75 cts. to 81 25.
Undershirts, from 50 cts. to 8i
Drawers, from 50 cts. to S2.
Buckskin Gloves, best, S2 2S.
Sheepskin Gloves, 50 cts.
Sheepskin Mitts, 50 cts.
Corrected "Weekly ror tha Advertiser by
Calico, best 11 cts. Second, 10 cts.
Heavy Yard "VS kle Muslina, 18c.
Muslin, second, 16c12c.
Bleached Muslins, yard wlde,20W. '
, Cotton Delaine, 'Zzc.
i Ml Wool Delaine, 40c.
f Bliawls KT-1J5, $5.
riald Flannels, 4-0.
Plain Flannels, 85c50. --
Balmoral Skirts, SI 50.
Inne-r. The market Is oulet. Backers belnr the
chief applicants snd taking all the banks can spare
auer suouiyine other orancnesor n-aae. meomio
ci monev inio th e interior is immense, and the marie
will not be easier until the return flow which isex-
peeled in a week or ho. Gold is quoted at 13s. uov-
arnment Bonds are rulincr higher.
heat. So. 1 fepring selling at fl.25, xso. Z,i,lo.
Cra. Market active, jso. iseiaog ai sue, ao.
at.Vj. . .
E-s. Fresh are quote at 30.
Dry Good. fclauie cotton eoods are advancin
with tbe advance in lbs raw material. Bleechedam
Brown &heetinirs have adrauced S, cents.
t attle. Market active wiih a fair supply of eooa
beeves on baud. Htall ledSteersbrinKf'.uo.ftoodseo-
ond class and f-Vu.fil lor medium to fair grades.
Texas cattle were la eood supply and selling at ft for
. llaa. jMancei openeo onsK wiin nmay as-
maml at last weeks price, ranting at 7(a.j.aoiorconv
mon to choice srrades. The receipts of the week are
airainst Hi.OuO last week, or against lul,3uo same
period last year.
Lumber. Prices were nominal. t A lew cargo
ofierea but witiiorawn. 4 -
; t m ; ' :. - t
FLOUR Winter H sack
... $7 00
... 4 00
... 7
CORN 1 bushel, old,
MEAL f. bushel
BACON Hams Bt..M....m...
1 eo
1 23
" , , Shoulders u
M Sides? ft
LARD Canned a B)
SYRUP Golden gal
Sugar House V eal.
COFFEE Java lb
CaTTESJE-Ncw York Factory,! p.. 25
" Country a lb... .. 20
TEA Imperial lb 2 25
- - isiaeK t m 1 so
" Younz Hyson V lb 2 00
CANDLES star 1 ft 25
" Tallow V. ft 20
APPLES Dried ft 15
" Green V bushel 2 00
PEACHES Dried f ft 20
POTATOES New bushel 1 00
" Sweet pound 5
COAL OIL ? gallon. : 70
E(i(S -f doz 'j
BUTTER H ft 040
HONEY r ft 25
GNION '. bushel 125
SALT per barrel 4 50
LUMBER Cottonwood per 100 2 0) 2 25
oaK a ou
" Walnut 5 00
" Pine 3 50 7 00
SHINGLES Cottonwood per 1000.....2 50 3 00
rtne a xho,i on
LATH Cottonwood per 1000 7 00
P1ne. 7 50
WOOD Dry Hard per cord 6 00
HIDES Dry per ft a 15
Gien... 0
WHEAT Fall per bushel 1 50
spring Mtl
WOOL per ft 2iX?ij
and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Wines & Liquors!
Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of all kinds or
Native and Foreign Wines
ALE, &c.
A L80 a full stock or
AH of wblch he-ofTersto the trade at rates low
enough to suit all. TO those wishing Liquors and
falcon Fixtures
He extends special invitation to call and see him,
knowing that he has all they want of the best goods
ia the West aad can -
Guarranty Entire Satisfaction ! ! J
8upplled with the chok-est branda of Wines, Liquor
NO 99,
r Corner llaXn and 3d Streets,
Mrs. II. E. Bargis,
Dealer in
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Which fche will sell at reasonable nriees
She is constantly in receipt of New and Ele
gant Patterns lor
- . t
Dress and .Cloak Making,
to which she pays particular attention.
Fluting, Stamping, Stitching, Braid
ing, &c, done to order.
Awarded the .. ... "
at all the principle Fairs in the World. Ev
ery Machine warranted for three years. In
structions free.
t r i Mf
J1 J! U tLA' f
1ST Q mJVm X
r n n
( UK )
"We have on liand a large
To v hich we are making eo
we are selling at Prices aa
tne Mississippi
In tli8 Quality of our Goods
, " A new line of
WARE, suitable alike for
And take pleasnfe jn Callirlir the attention
ol Move, Hardware and frenerul di-:ilfr to file
many det-irable qualities ot this NEW WA I.K,
. not only as an article of trade, but ,1 L"1 11.1
T k". ombininj a it doe, NEATNESS, tON
of utensils t'at are in eterv (lav use, ia th
mot impor.act of all HO'USEIOLI DE
PARTMENTS. We desire and reoiwt ert-ry
honspkcfprr to see our TEA KETTLES,
PASS, a we aie sure ther have only to
iu tolc appreciated.
Maar of U articles are made entirely of one
iic" of wroug-ht iron which, during the pro
cess cf nianitfrtcfure, receifeg c'-ral coiit
ini of block tin; this leaves a surl':ic, when
fluiahel. inrrlectly smootli, -a.i!y ktMt clean
ami entirely protected against rust. The cost
i but little more thud common tinware, and
every article will do ten times the service.
The shape roubles us to pack the farious sizes
in nesu so as to occupy but little s;ace, aud
being but a little heavier th&'i tinware, the
et of transportation ia very email . At pres
ent tur &.-wti-tment eonsists in part of
rem Kettlct, i'nmp HettI-,
Hf lanK Dlh Pnnx, Snnre
Paan, liinii Kettle, Fry Hn
tjidle. Dippers f.
We are now preparing a new Catlsrue and
ric List. Hnd believe Stove and llrxlware
ealers vrill tiud it to their latervat to s-nd
ir a copy of -each before purchasing else
where. Addrs
Excelsior namifacturinc Co.,
8T. LOU13, MO.
snELT.TrDznGEit sri03.,
-J Brownville, Arc6.
Pine Flooring, fnllstoclcat
WM. H. SMALL' 3.
SB "2 O TJ
and well assorted atock of
nstant additions, and which
low as any House west of
AirnoVEt) Brands.
Shellenberger Bros
No. 74,
Mcriicrson'M Hlock,
Dealers la
Hardware, Stoics, Tinware,
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware,
Hardware, Stove, Tinwarei
50,000 Miles Frnre Wire.
50,000 Mifci Fence Wire,
, 50,000 MUcs Fence Wire
Pittsburg Iron and XaUt,
ntUburg Iron and A
PitUbury Iron and JS'aUs,
AfcehanWa Tools,
Mechanic's Tools.
JfccJantc's Tools
Charter Oak Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Besides afull assortment of everything kept
iu a first clam
Which will le sold as low as the lowest
To all who favor ns with a ealU
all, aboard:"
The Brownville Transfer Line,
under th maaajemcnt ol
Is now S.'aaoiDg Bssalar Omaibosses from
7TtramvUl to the Railroad Tarminm
of tbe Coancll Bluff's tod St. Josepa ailia4.
At irorth Star, Ho.,
Two Miles from Browcnils sod Xoith 5isr Ttnj
Good Oxnnibnsses. Close Con&toixr
S0-tf Cltarff Uederatv.
i J
S! !
1 - n ' rf n
No. 74,
McPlierson' LMock,
Sole Agents
In Southern ffebraafca, Atchison and Ilolt
. County Alo.i for the.
Eeaper & IIo ner!
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Gray Hair lo
its rwlural Yitalily and Color.
A tlrcssic; which
h at onca Agreeable,
i.caiiiiji', uuu tueciuai
for . preserving 'tl;o
hair Faded or ycy
liair ; it . toon restored
to its ' original color
.1 . .
freshness of youth.
Tiia hair is thick-
falling hair
checked, and lald-
ne.?3 often.
not alwar?, cured
vj ji use. i.-ioiiijng can restore 1110
Lair where the follicles are destroyed,
cf tho glands atrophied and decayed.
But such as remain can La saved for
usefulness by thi'3 application.1 Instead
of fouling 'the hair with a pasty edi
ment, it will keep it clean, and vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gr&y rrf falling- cD", ami
consequent! . prer-ct: baldness. I'rco
from those deiteri0U3 substances which
maice some '.rfparations tUsjeioua and
injurious to th, hair, th Vigor can,
only b00fit but not haria it. If wanted
for a .'. ,
nothing el?o pau be fotind po desirable.
Containing neither 'ror dye, it'does
not soil while eaiuliic, and" jet lasts
long ou il.o iitir, giviiig ii a rich glosj
lustre and a grateful f erfumo.
1 : x , 1 .
Prepared by Dr. J. C, Ajer- & Co.,
Practical axd Axalyiical Cueistj,
LowrxL, r.iAsa, .
raicB $1.00, ;:
SoMhy . ' ( ' .
r it "u 1 1 t 5 t fi s 7
LJ . -!-..!, g. i I i lZJ L-.1 I 1-
3 --.J'