Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 17, 1868, Image 3

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    Our Aatborlied Agent.
Wit Hatibt, at Nemaha City.
It. A. Hawlet, at Clifton.
Ono. G. tart, at AspinwalL
Our Advertising Agents.
finrriELD 4 Eaton. 124 Pine St., St. Louis.
J. s. William. V7 Chftnut tu, " -K.
M. rrrriKGiLL,-7 Park Eow, New lork.
JCLE KEACBI1EACI, sl Joseph, Mo.
Cook, Cobcks A ;o , Chlcaeo, 111.
Coo Counts 4 Taylor, Cincinnati, Ohio.
H. II. Par iw.Cincianatl. Ohio.
A. F. Jojiceu A. Co., Lesion. Mass.
Arrival and Departure of Mail.
Southern & Extern Arrives at 12 O'clock M
... . " ..imparts at U " ; -
Northern 4 Eastern Arrive at 4 o'clock P m
" Ijepartaat 8 AM
Ttulo, Arrives at 8 o'clock, a u
- iH-partsatS
Tern, Arrives at 12 " M
" IeparUatii " TM
Beatrice, Arrive Mondays, W ednesdayR and
Fridav, at 12 o'clock M
" Imparls" Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturday, at 1 o'clock PK
Grant Arrives Fridays at 1 o'clock P M
" Jiaru Thursdays at 8 o'clock a M
. Poet Ojlux Hours 1 o'cl:k AXtoTPK
Sunday From 10 to 0U a Jt.
A. D. MAlisII, Post Master.
Tim Table
Of the SU Joseph and Council Bluffs Rail
road, after November 23, 1KGS.
Leaves Bt- Jose ph nt - a
Arrives -at brownvllle P m
Arrive at Nelwka City .4:.5 p m
Arrive tU Countll lilatlji s:W p m
LeavetTst; Joseph at '. .....8:00 a in
Arrives at brown villa ......... 11:2:! a m
Arrives at Nebraska Uty ...... i:wa ni
Arrive at Council bluMs JiM p ni
Leaves Council Bluffs at a m
Arrives at Nebraska City V:l) a m
Arrives at Lruwuvllle 11:23 a m
Arrives at St. Joseph I m
, r.XPKEiiS.
Iorew Council PlnfTfc nt 11:00 a ra
Arrives at Netraska City - 1:0 p ra
Arrives, nt brownvllle .2:37 I" m
Arrive at Kt. Jotteph :W P m
Jacob Tvogers .Bass leaves brownvllle for
the Lv pot every day at o'clock a m and 12
o'clock, ra.
J. L CoLhapp, Editor.
Cranberries, I Vans, Homininy, eeL, at
6 WAX & BRO'd.
For a Ko. 1 article of Cider, go toW.
II. Valleau's, Holladay's old stand.
Full stock of Assorted Fancy Candles at
rillL. DEUSEH'8.
" ipiektls-ln Klts-at ' SWAN&BTIO'S.
California "W'lne, Tor Holidays, at W. II.
Valloau's, Holladay's old stand.
nts, Apples, Balslns, Dried and Canned
Fruits, at I'JIIL. DEUSEKS.
Gcuvne Chamber of Commerce Cigars at
50,000 Cigars, Just received by W. II.
Valleau, and will be sold at wholesale lower
than St. Joseph prices.
Do you wish nn Overcoat ? Go to Hetzel's,
2io. 70, McPherson's Hloek.
Raisins, Currants, Spices Citrons, etc, at
Want a Holiday Suit 1 Go to Hetzel's,
JJo. 70, McPherson's block.
Boots V Yes; well, wc can recommend
Hetzel's ns the best. No. 70, McPherson's
.A Flag Hat jtigt evit your shnpe! You
can get the nlcwt at Hctiel s. No. 70, McPber
son'i block.
Portland Grefn Corn, Tomatoes, Poach
os, and all kindti of can goods, at
Remember that the Industrial Plow
Is warranted In all respects.
R. TEARE & Co., Agents.
440 aeres of Lan J for sale by Jas. R. Dye.
Buffalo Robes. A few No. I, at Robert
Teare 4 Co's.
Boots &. Shoes arc selling unprecedentedly
low at Hetzel's.
Woolen Good, lrs Goods, Gent's Pieoe
Goods and Choice OroceTies at McGee &. Co's.
Jas. R. Dye will sell and deliver first class
Piano and Organs for Intern Retail Prices,
and warrant the same for five years. 7y
A full stock of Harness at Bauer's.
Sulces. A full Mck at the Red Store..
IV nt. II. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu
rance Apent, Is prepared to make out all pa
pers nifessary to the conveyance of Real Kw
Vatn. OiTloe Coiwt ltKn, Bruwnvillo.
Flour Spring and Fall Wheat, at McGee's,
at reduX'ed prlifs.
FeklnBreaklugPlowsKIT.&H. Smith
A Co's make, fur sale by J. C Denser.
- Tke fullest stock or Hardware Wost of the
Kissfesippi, at ShellenlxTferBro's.
$1X00 Dollars and Expenses I See ad-
-ert Iseuaeut of AmerUioitshiiHl Hewing JIa
rhlne In our advertising columns, '
CnolceFrult and Fancy Allen's
City Bakery.
Kxlraito A full supply kepk constantly on
hand for every machine sold by F. A. Tisdcl
Co: ' ;
For Bob Sleigh Shoes and Sleigh Cutter
IVood Work, go to the Pioneer Stove Store.
. II. O Lett, Land Agent, Brownvllle.
All Blinds of game wanted at the City
Moat "Market.
Itorrlcon Broadcast Seeders, for saleby
F. A. Tiadel Co.
Blondln Ankle Skate Support for Ladies
and Gentlemen of the latest styles at the
, i
Trade or Travel I wish to trade my town
property for agd farm. Geo Neely.
ACosd saaMfcUanta4e wb will aid his
nelhlxir who Is in distres;2ie who will give
if his bounty to aid maukd; or he wlko
Will do business auJ let his customer enjoy
theua (J UviHj wull ob atmall ixK-omtv-wTUis
doos tlu Itegu la tor.
If you want a Na 1 Set tKe.cond hand Har
tioss, for two horbes, ciujulre at . . . (.
: ' : R. TEARE & Co'.
" Do yon want to make your sweet heart,
yonr wife, youj ljuhtcr,or friend a nice Hol
iday ProsoutT Josrph Shall has a splendid
assortment or good Jewelry of all kinds
Clocks, Watches, etc.
A. Good Mirror is as nice a Christmas
Frecnt as you can make your wife. McF&ll
Co. keep all size.
"Why is Hftzel selling so many Overcoats T
Tle Vf ainj is'plajn io those wlto buy beyit;se
f Is 'iofls'Are'So. 1 ana he sells so reaAoi.'aUe
that people are sat b-fied . Oo and see them if
you uoed anything in that line.
.."Vow may talk of clp Boot and Shoes -
; -And blow as modi as you pUasc '
' ! --' Bnt the best In the trade,
, .. t All -Custom Made, .
Are found at Johnson A McGee. .
A. D. Marsh proposes to have on fcls
shelves a better lot of Christmas presents
than was ever before offered in Brownvllle.
Drop In and see for yourself.
Miss Mary Hamilton, residence corner of
Atlantic and 4th streets, is prepared to do all
kinds of Stitching, Braiding, Silk embroider
ing, etc on short notice and reasonable terms.
-.-Trjr'tUi Industrial FloW-Lf It don't
fill the entire bill, briug it back.
'"' ' - ' "R. TEA RE C
A new assortment of Toys, Just received,
Th Indsutrlal Plow Is pronounced by
all the best for Nebraska soil.
. R. TEARE A Co., Agents.
' '
Kmhn V Ilalne's premium Grain and
See.1 Drill, with W. H. Nauman's Improve
ment, for sale by F, A. Tisdel a Co.
' Rooms to RenU Enquire of 'W.S.Black
burn, i ,
. ' '
Th Finest Holiday Presents you can pos
lbly make your wife, daughter or young fe
male friend, Is a Yheelcr. fc V lison sewing
Machine, which can be nad at the Bazar.
Blankets and Shawls 1 Shawls and
Blankets; Blankets and Shawls; Shawls and
Blankets, cheap at " TEARE Co's.
Christmas and New Tears Presents.
As fine a lot of beautiful presents as was ever
congregated in one show case, can be found
at McCreery and Nickell's City Drug Store,
and sold as law as anywhere. 5 ;
A few pair of those best custom made
Shoes and Boots left and they are the best In
Brownvllle at TEARE & Co's.
Christmas and S'tw Tears Cakes made
to order, and a good assortment kept con
stantly on hand, at WM. ALLEY'S.
Our Sabbath Schools are all, we believe,
making active preparation for planting
Christinas Trees for the scholars, and have
got up a happy rivalry that promises to make
them all very pleasant anu accepiaoie anairs.
To "Ed. Smith, Messenger to th TJ. S. Sen
ate, wc are Indebted for a late number of the
Wishlntrton Chronicle. Ills facilities for at
tending to all claims against the government
or kiii as to ensure prompt and sure work
to all who entrust him with any business of
that kind. ;
Th Mite Societies meet so often, lately,
that we find It Impossible to keep rnn of
them. We can say, however, that they are
well attended and very enjoyable.
ManleFestlral. Nemaha Valley Lodge
No. 4, A F. fc A. M., of this" city, is nmking
preparations for a festival on the evening of
tho 26th Inst. The annual festival occurring
on Sunday, they have decided to hold on the
day before. Masons in good standing from
everywhere are invited. It will be a splendid
Tin Signs- Those splendid tin signs you
see all around-town are produced by Louis
WtUdtpr, sign, house and ornamental painter,
No. 15 Main street. ' They come cheap andare
admirably executed, as la all the work done
hyhlfii. -' vi ' v', i
Personal. D. II. McLaughlin has Just re
turned from his trip to Maryland. His perils
in the mountains being snowed in for three
days, with nothing to cat except jml Oysters
arc enough to almost make us advonturous
to be snowed In.' -
C. E. McPherson has Just returned. His
manners and hat, and we doubt not, his
mind, are considerably polished from his
course through the Commercial College. May
success attend his commercial career. ,
How o be Healthy. Always keep your
feet dry and warm; go to McGibbonsv Boot
and Shoe store and buy a good pair of Boots
for a very small amount of caonoy, and save
a big doctor bill.
For a Nice Holiday Present you will
find at McFall A Co s as fine Mirrors, as are in
the west; Hobby Horses, Bob Sleds, Gigs,
Carts, Rocking Chairs, Picture Frames, and
everything you may desire, tomakea lasting
and beautiful present.
tVe have no perfumery, 'no traps to ndorn
the person ; but when you come to the intel
lect, we have the presents for Christmas.
This reminds me that Santa Claus starts from
A. D. Marsh's News Depot.
Do you wish to make a lastlngand beau
tiful Christmas or New Years Present? Go
to Patch's Jewelry Shop, M-here you can see
as flue a lot of Jewelry or Silver Ware as is
west of the Missouri river, 1 selling them
very low for csudi;
A Nuisance. City Marshal, Attention.
If you tlo not see to having that old well, lie
fore Bedford's old stand, filled up or covered,
somebody's hog may fall In and get hurt; to
say nothing ol the dinger to some of the hu
man species. See to it. i
W. AV. Hackney is always prepared to
give his customers the lcneflt of his cash
purchases, in his truly well selected and com
prehensive assortment of choice-Dry Goods,
Notions t'.nd Groceries.' Go and see him.
Santa Clans has Just arrived with the
largest assortment of new and ingenious
Toys ever opened In this city, at Wm. Rus
sell's, where may be found everything, from
tho smallest Toys to the finest Cake, that
may be needed for a thorough enjoyment of
the Holidays. Call and him.
Lett, of the Good Samaritan Drug Store,
in Mcpherson's Block, has a splendid lot of
Toilet articles. Perfumery, etc., which make
as idee and appropriate a present as can be
frjundlnUiccity.v.. .,1'. i v ...
Nelson g Baker, Poet Laureate of Ne
braska, is apun in our miO$t,and has now In
press a poem on the "Election and Christmas
and New Years Ad.lrcs," which abounds in
beautiful comparisons and striking figures.
Of all the mlghth Nations,
In the East or In the West,
' iflis glorious Yankee Nation
Is the greatest and the best; and 60 is
Hetzel's stock of Clothing and Furnishing
Goods, No. 70 McPherson's Block.
All, wishing tosubsorile for newspapers,
magazines, etc , at club rut's, will bear In
mind that the 20th of Decemljer is the extent
of time given. A. D. MARSH,
Gone ran News Agent for thetT.S.,the Can
adas, and some parts of Europe. . .. : -
Public, Attention I We never dun gen
tlemen, because a gentleman Is a person who
pays up; but those owing us must call and
settle their accounts on or before the 1st of
January, A.D. IStiP, for trouble will commence
from and after that date. We must have
what is due us. A word to the wise Is suffi
cient. McFALL A CO.
.. For Stoves of every variety, for Tinware
of all kinds, for Tools for all trades, for Black
smith's Iron, for ail styles Cutlery for Copper
Ware for Guns, Pistils and Amunition, for
Pumps, for Meat Cutters, for Hardware of
every kind, and particularly for thesaktof
oconomy, go to
Ilelmbold Not CrayNr, Helmbold is
as smc ns ever, and is still issuing his Buchu
to tho stricken of earth's children by the
millions of bottles. This we think it no
more than proper to say, as a parn-rsph is
going the rounds to the effect that L fs crazy
There is such "method Jn bis madness ' as
pays so well, we would we were thus aCiicted.
Sleighing During tho past week our
streets have been nladc gay by the almost
constant passage of beautiful sleighs filled
with the beauty and elite uf the city, all hearts
beating Co tire- mvrry Jingle of the sleigh
lells; but a thaw Incoming over thingswhhh
bids fair to strip our streets of their fleecy
covering, and destroy this pleasant exercise.
May's Ad. Have you noen it? If not, do
so. May is alive I May in the Itesulatior of
Prices!' May has broegh more trade to this
town than any man in it, during the present
season. The cry "Jew, .Tew," like the old cry
" Woli l Wolf I" .is piaj c-L Mo- is making as
honorable a record as ny merchant on the
Missouri slope. His business is straight; bis
stock is large; bis goo-Is are good; his prices
are lotf'; his heart isj i tlie right place; and
it will pay you to call and see him before pur
chasing elsewhere.
"BrownTlUe Chapter So.4,K. A. Mat
its regular meeting Monday evening the Tih
inst., elected the following ofileers to serve
tbe ensuing year; R. W. Furnas, M. I ' II. P
A. P. Cogswell; fc. K.; M. JM. Conner, E. fC;
iybt. Tre,C.lf.; H. T. IUIney, p. s.; IL M.
Atk'inson.'R. A. C.J J. K. rar, G. 2 L 1st V
Joa. Curtis, G. M. 2d V.; II. L. ; :,,thewE, G. IL
3d V.; Geo. R. Davis s, ry,- a. J. McFall,
Treas. ?Wc are -informed iLt lbs Chapter
dm tatMasooic Hall crry MondTevenir"
, Tht attention of our readers Is called to the
advertisement of Coe't Dyspepsia Cure In an
other part of this paper. This truly Valuable
Medicine Is recornended by all who use it.
Read the certificates.
Christmas BtlL-A number of our cltl
zens have determined to give a grand citizen's
Christmas ball at Mcpherson's Hall, In honor
of its completion and opening, thus dedica
ting it to the use of the public It Is not
aimed to make a pocket fall of money for any
one, but to have a happy time In the largest
hall In the State. The hall Is entirely finished
and presents a splendid appearance. ,.
Last Call, I must and will settle up. Per
sons knowing themselves indebted to me
must settle at once. Those having claims
against me will please present them.
10-2t A. P. COGSWELL.
A Physician whose skill can bo entirely
relied upon, is a blessing to any community,
This la eminently true of Doctor Whittler, of
St. Louis, who confines himself to the treat
ment of chronic and other classes of disease
mentioned in his card, appearing in another
column. The Doctor's reputation la Union
wide. "
Christmas Ere Ball at Nemaha City.
Levi Johnson will give a grand Christmas
Eve Ball at Johnson's nail, Nemaha Cltj
The- three Dye brother, James, Henry and
Nathan, being engaged to play, we can guar
antee satisfaction ifi the musia The prepa
ration for a grand good time are on an exten
sive scale, and everybody la invited.
Not t Cost! netzel wishes it distinctly
understood that he desires to make a living
profit on his goods, and cannot afford to sell
at cost or any other humbug. He desires to
stay right here, and cannot afford to deal In
empty phrases to coax trade, but Is prepared
to show ty comparison with eastern prices
that be Is doing a fair thing by his customers.
Call and see him at No. 70, McPherson's Block.
Christmas Et Ball at Sonora. The
Western Serenaders, by special request of the
citizens, have determined to give a grand
concert and ball at Sonora on Christmas Eve.
Their concert last week at that place vas to
a crowded house, and give immense satisfac
tion, at which we do not wonder, as what they
play tfcey play well, and we recommend them
to the public everywhere.
Our 'Agricultural Department. We
cannot refrain from palling the attention of
all to our "Agricultural Department," under
the control of Col. Furnas. He is devoting
much time to it; making invaluable not only
to the fanner, but to all who have a town lot
or garden to cmbellsh jr make 'profitable.
His actual experience lu this section, in nearly
all matters npon which he 'writes, makes his
articles doubly valuable and reliable to all.
"You may cross the Rocky Mountains,
Or go to the Rio Grande,
Or to the sparkling fountain
V' That on Boston common stands.
Yet, the longer you lire, tho farther you
travel the moreyon'H find out that Hctzel
can sell you a better pair of Boots m for less
money than any man In Brownvllle;
. The "Boys and Girls," published weekly
by Frank Leslie, is one of the most agreeable
companions we ever met, nistory, poetry,
adventures, travels, stories, and miscellane
ous matter, are all carefully selected for its
columns, and illustrated 1c such a manner as
Is both pleasing and Instructive. It la one of
the most agreeable papers for the young peo
ple ever published. At $2 a year It Is within
the reach of alL
. v v.M.
A. JT. Ritter, the recently elected Commis
sioner, called at our office last week, at the
close of the Commissioner'8 Court. We were
in tho Court Room for a while- during the
session, and were truly pleased to see the fa
cility vrlth which Mr. Ritter took hold of Uk?
business, seeming to comprehend Immedi
ately what was necessary, and aiming to do
his work without unnecessary loss of time.
We believe his elect ion will be a benefit to
the county at lnrge ns well as to the district
he Is chosen from.
Ve have received from the publishers, the
"Star Spangled Banner" for January. With
this numlier it enters upon its seventh vol
ume, and Is enlarged and improved, giving
nearly double the former amount of matter.
It is a rich, rare and racy sheet of forty long
columns and eight large pages, illustrated,
and is really the cheapest paper in the coun
try. Its publishers present, .gratis," to every
FubscrilKT, a splendid -?r. craving, and the
price of all is only seventy-five eents. Spec
imens can be seen at this office, or will be
sent freby addressing "Star Spangled Ban
ner," Hinsdale, N. II.
Prof. Beall has evidently vamonsed; evi
dently absquatulated ; with the funds of his
scholars but half earned. Our town has been
sadly victimized, lately. A fiux of rascality
seems to have ata eked the west. Prof. Britton
prececded Beall went through the river
towns like n doze of,salts, and blew his
brains out. We will forgive Prof. Beall the
Si he owes us if lie will invest it In powder,
and cons id ;r that we have that mneh "bread
cast upon" t lie water." Our citizens should
remember thot "eternal vigilenre Igtheprice
of" greenbacks, now-a-dnrs.1 ,
Robt. Teare A Co. are sole agents for this
celebrated plow, and now have one hundred
on hand. To those farmers of this county
who attended the last f.tir, we say the Indus
trnl JHsiw is the one which took the First Pre
tfiiMH'hnd was pronounced by all 'who saw
and tested, superior to all others. It was
made expressly for Nebraska sol!, and we
warrant It as alnst any plow ln"the world,
in oil respects. If It does not give entire sat
isfaction, no sale. Call and see them. We
only ask that tliov be examined and tested,
Sell Goods at Cost ,Hmubugl Big Hum
bug 1 1-Why the Dictator will prove it so.
G(kx!s bought oneyear ago, and sell'n.c now
nt cost, is fifty per cent higher than W. T.
Den is selling goods fresh from market, say
Blankets, Flannels, Buck Gloves, Gauntlets,
Clothing Fur Japs, Ladies .Furs, Comforts,
Stoves, Furniture, etc., 20 per cent, cheaper at
W T. Den's t han any Cost-HOuse in Brown
vllle. . , . . .
Corn, Pork, Hides and Furs, taken in ex
change; but No Tick- i
No. 27.
'Tis cold and keen the winter wind
Blows through your clothes so thin.
With sleety blast and breath unkind
Cuts tothevery tikin. ' ' '
A s;ife retreat
In diwn.tlw street, .7 ;
At number twenty-seven;
' ' .' You can get a heap , ' '"
OCga Uciicap . .
You'll think that they are given.
The best of suits.
r.c : Without dispute,. .. -j
" .Cheap as In " " '
No men-there are, ,
- - Will treat you so fair
"" '"As the Regulator.
More New Type. During the "past week
we have again received from MacKallar,
Smiths A Jordan, of the Philadelphia Type
Foundry, about tfl'O worth of now typo-Ag-ate.
Brevier and display typo and must
suic that we never saw a better, ilnlsbfcd ar
Icio frajn &iry foundry in the world. Aasoon
Ls we can make the necestsary changes our
paper will be printed throughout upon en
tirely new type, ail from this foundry, when
we can defy competition to show us a better
f election of type, or a neater paper, west of
the Mississippi. : - LS " : i ' - r '
Kilbourn, Jenkins 4t Co. Manufac
turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in
all kinds of Pin? Ln-Vcr, Lath, Shinies,
Pickets, Sah, Bio i.s, !, Battens, etc.
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri,
We manufacture our own material in the
Pineries of Oshkcsh, Wis., where we have
In operation one of the largest manufactures
of everything mad inPIne in the world, and
obtaining ' our Lu m ber- direct' from the trw,
as we do, e can sell at lcwor rates than any
Lnmbr Yard In the West which pays one
wholesale and one or two retail profits. We
shall always keep on hand a full supply of
everything in our line, o that those in want
may always rely Upon gettlng'what they de
lre." Wc simply fu-k All ta-xafulneour6iock
and prices bofore parchasingelsewuereas we
can ensure satisfaction In both. ,
A No. 1 Four Tear 01J Horse for Sale-
Enoulre at this office - '
For the year ending December 5, 1868, Judge
Morgan has Issued forty-seven marriage li
censes to persons In Nemaha County.
The neatest Holiday Presents for girls or
ladle, can he had at the Bazar, for there Is no
better taste In such matters than is displayed
by Mrs. Bargls.
The Premium gtoreWehaveJustbo't
"the last of the Moguls," of W. T. Den, and
considering its size, the small quantity of
wood It uses, and the heat it gives out. It la
as good a stove as we ever had. It took the
premium at the late county fair, and we hope
this race of the "Moguls" may not become
extinct; in fact we believe Den has a few lit
tle "Moguls" left; If not, he has a splendid
assortment of others.
Wholesale and Retal Liquor Store.
Wm. H. Valleau has Just opened a Wholesale
and Retail Liouo-and Tobacco store, at No.
41 Main street, Holladay's old stand. His
stock Is full and complete, consisting of all
kinds of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, etc
He has purchased bo that he can do better
even than duplicates). Joseph bills. Buying
further east, with cash, he can offer to tha
trade such inducements as will pay all who
wish anything lji his line to call and buy of
Mm. In connection with his store he has
sample room and bar, fixed up In the neatest
style, to which he Invites his old friends.
"Wm. II. Small, of the Red Store, has con
stantly on band a large selection; of Pine
Lumber, consisting of ' - ' - :
DOORS, .'. I '
as good and as low as can be had anywhere.
A. D. Marsh Is up Inarms,
And meets our applause r r -
In keeping such a host of things
For darling Santa Clans. '
No perfumery or traps to deck .1
Th body; there you'll find
1. Choice food for the InteUct,
To feed the youthful mind. "- -Rnnt
Clans will have .enough , ; ,
For wherever he may go.
Hp makps his headquarters at ,
Marsh's News Depot.
Saturday Evening Post. To thos of
our readers who w?sh a city paper. In addi
tion to our own, we would recommend the
Jost, ot Philadelphia. It 1ms recently been
enlarged and beautified, and Its stories are
finely illustrated. It announces new novel
ets .by Mrs. Hosmer. Miss Amanda M. Doug
las, MissPreseott, Gustave Almard, and other
distlngu ished writers. The Post Is also the
cheapest of the first-class literary papers.
Specimen, numbers will bo sent gatis, by
writing to H. Peterson A Co.", 319 Walnut
street, Philadelphia. fl,50ayearln connec
tion with the Advertiser. -.
Godey for 1S69. The American people
have long ago become familiarized with the
merits of Godcy's Lady's Book. Although
making a specialty of the fashions and of
light literature, and this through a long peri
od in which no rivaTry was able to establish
Itself, Mr. Godey has constantly added such
other features to this magazine, and has so
excellently managed this, th4t It has circula
ted when fashions were a secondary consid
eration, and retained every advantage once
gained. The literary character' of the work
has been svt veneris, and so wisely adapted to
the. tastes of those for whom It catered, that
It has grown constantly, find always retained
tho good will of those who made Its acquaint
ance. Godey, although followed by numer
ous rivals and imitators, is still at the head.
The literary matter of furnished by Marion
Harland and a long list of entertaining and
agreeable writers, We are pleased to see such
abundant proofs of enterprise and good judg
ment in the old favorite, and feel assured
that it will thereby continue fts record, and
be green and lusty when sonic of lLs young
competitors are lb: gotten. -
Excitement at Brownrllle I AN Ikate
Pahext ix PvnsriT of a Suttoskd RrJfA
WAV DACGHTEit!! The crowd nt the party
ftiven last wcek"by Mr. llauk of this city, to
the Mite Society, was Immense, and the Wes
tern Serenaders covered themselves with
glory. Among those present was an old and
well known citizen, Mr.' , who accompa
nied his daughter, one. .of the most accom
plished young ladies of our city. There was
also present a young clerk of our city, who
had for quite a period of time been paying
his addresses to Miss . and who has been
a constant visitor to Mr. 's. While every
thing was passing off merrily, the departure
of the young couple was suddenly noticed by
a friend who immediately informed the par
ent thus; "Mr. , I fear your daughter is
running away!" "Where?" said he. "When?
How ?" "She- has just left with Mr. - -" re
plied his friend. Instantly calling acarriage,
the now Irate father followed and traced them
to A. May's famous Clothing and Dry Goods
Price Regulator, 27 Muln street, and suddenly
confronted the young couple with, "What
arc you doing here?"' ' "Why, papa," replied
the daughter, "I thought as the room was so
warm, I would just step down here a few mo
menls, and look over the nice Dress Goods
just received by Mr. May; and Mr. also
Wished to, examine his stuck of Clothing,
A hat are you do;Eg here?? '-Oil, I heard
that V Regulator had a fine stock of Over
coats, and I thought I would just step lu and
get one." And after making several purcha
se they left, the best pleased trio In the city.
i 11 11 iw is uiiwi mm 'i -np
.Corrected WaeklJ- for the Advertiser by
Business Coats from iK&Sli
liu-siues suirs.ji. , . : -
Overcoats,:?:! durttJS). - 'J -
CnssiinerePants, $.3 o0i35... : -Cassinel
Pants, 60.
Vests, from lu cts to$3. - -.
: Overshlrts. Iwst, $.'. .
Ovcrshirts, second best, Si
Oversliirts, from 75 cts. to fcl 25. '
Undershirts, from oO cts. to ii
Drawers, 1 rom : cts to
iUicKskin Gloves, Ikmi,2 Z5.
siiei-pskjn Gloves, .j cts.
Siivp.kiu Mit' s, .Viets. . . i
Corrected Weekly for tha Advert iser by
jiAVt, xiii uods AND CLOTHING
Calico, best II cts." S?(ond, M cts.
Heavy Yanl Wide Muslins', lsc. '
l us! in, second, I6c(lc.
Bleached Muslin.-, yard wide. 205.10 '"
Cotton Delaine, ic.
All Wool Delaine, tOc.
siiawls. () $0. , :
Plaid Flannels, 4oc.
I'lain Flannels. :6-:a.V).
Balmoral Skirts, $100. - -
MOXEYThe tendency of the money
t". V'l r1 -trlnsency. and
ilkitviii I f.-. t,. I... .1. .. - 1 lit;
.............. ...j iucKers lias been
large. Rates 01 intorest are very tirni at ten
por of-nt . nnd gold sells at VX 1 lul
V. " 1 'icmnrKet is active. Choice
per -lor. G.-ese and Turkevs at V) ,1 i 1 r? v
FVIvS The market rules quiet with fi'r
ro.H-ipu. ,a Mink and Rat. Mtnk U'l
7w ; Me,ver. l 2VS 7. fitter'-' '
DRY GOODS.-cv,uon ra'.ar'eting
RtJUMUt tlie pri;es of last year, when the raw
material was selling at ISe i-.w- -.t -,. ,r.
Yit1!i)KU: pl ilm tlirV . . . -"-
v.h'. r;i.S,Irapr?'e!l.'5ual!ty of stock
Kur.M 1 11c ai4xl i uiiuj last week. I'
t rice
air to goou; ana w 7ofi w for common.
o profit
ui .-oiiuu pmju- 1 le present price II the raw
material should tail to C ii pt Ls ulv duiP
st-ks mvumulating end holders anxiouTto
realize. Print- are quoted at 12 7 1. Bel ines
at -J. iV. f I ;ieeched Sheetings at VhX
ilrown at llLx;. . 0 uJJt
HOGS'. The market active and "buoVanf
r r.ix 73. for choic? to r. .-- r'
yXBEUf-vitth ther unsettled, nai
liratiou closed, and want of cars for transoor
tation. the trade has been merely nominal
GROCERIESS-With 1 nerelsed fright
from the sealx.ard, and at the high-rate of
gold Groceries have advanced. t, J-Lap and
candles are an exttpUlr, and dave,declined
with liie deeliu in the cjst of the raw mate
rial. : 1 '-' -
' - - . v fcT. LCCT3, Dec. iota, liC-i.
rLCva.-tr,jyy3,uJZ per bbl
Wheat Red faU i 6&S2 03 ; 8pring aofil S.
Cobit-?576c fbr taixed, choice white 80c.
Rn fl 2S1 30.
PRonsioNs-Mess Pork S2S 50 per bbl ; dry salt
bcuui3 imiiucno sides He, clear sides wsc
BACON'-Shoulders 14j, clear sides 17c, sugar-cured
nama 104.
Cattlk-2:-Sc gross for prime. "
. Hoes-f3 00 for felr to prime, & 60 fbr chcica.
FLOUR Winters sack
Snrin? . ..
f7 00
coRN-j bushel, oid,..:...::::::i::;:
MEAL $ bushel HIZZ
BACON Hams $ a ."..Z
Shoulders W & ''"
- " Sides .B... .. .
4 00
. 4 20
. 1 CO
1 25
, 25S33
LARD-Canned ft Z ZZZZl
SYRUP-Qolden v gaL ZIZ
. Sugar House eal
COFFEE-Jiva B...1H .
" Rio lb ..'
CHEESE New York Factory "ft
Countrv a fe
a 1
2 2.3
1 75
. 2 00
, 2 00
TEA Imperial $ lb
uiacK t ro
n Younz Hvsnn ti ff.
CANDLES ri tar 9:...JZZZZ '.
" Tallow t th
Green hushfi
PEACHES Dried 9.1b.. "
POTATOES New bushel"
..... 100
n 5
" r Sweet f, pound...
COAL OIL 9 gailonT..C.
ONION Ti bushel '....ZZZZZ
SALT per barrel
1 25
ber barrel 4 fiO
LUMBER Cottonwood per 100 2 002 25
Z Oak .... . 6 00
Walnut...- 8 00
' Pine 3 607 00
SHIN GLE3 Cottonwood per 1000 2 603 00
. " Pine ; ...5 Q07 50
LATH Cottonwood per 1060...... 7 00
" Pine w, 7 60
WOOD Dry Hard per cordr.L.r. . 6 00
HIDES Dry per lb 15
Green . .
WHEAT Fall per bushel 1 CO
Spring 60.151 00
WOOL per ft ;. r.025
. ' J. H. SHOOK & BROS.,
Manufacturers and Dealers In Native Lumber
of all kinds, lengths, breadths and thickness,
They own and run oneof the best Saw Mills
in. Ui mala, auo. will lux rush . -r--.
with a bill of Lumber of best quality,
short notice, at tho Lowest Market Price
Lath and Pickets
Always pn band for sale. - ,
They also sell cheap at their store in Hills
dale all staple Dry Goods and Groceries, and
suh articles as are in general use.
Remember the business, the men, and the
Horticultural Record.
$1,.50 per Annan, in Advance. '
m Caplcs, 20 cents. . .. -
To subscribers wishing to pay at the end of
the year, S2, if ordered by January 1, 18J9.
The Whillock Exposition and Ex
change Company,.
- j "213 Broadway, N. Y.
. The cheapest journal of the kind published,
and the only one giving the price list of trees,
vines and plants in "All Nurseries In One."
It also contains a list of the best implements
for farm. Garden and Household; audits
pages are tilled with articles from the best
horticultural and agricultural writers in the
world. As a special Inducement, we oiler to
send one plant of either of tiie following va
rieties of fi uits, to all who send In their naras
wlthl,50. ' - - .' .
Clarke Raspberry, Davison's Thornless
Raspberry, Eltisdale Raspberry, Missouri
Mammoth Blackberry, Choice Gladiolus,
Choice Japan Lily, Ioua Grape Vine, or two
Early Wilson, Blackberry, two Kittatinny
Blackberry. Or, to any one who will send Mi
cents extra, to pay postage, we will send
' Oic Iiuivl 0 L'irlj Jlose Iilatoes.
' The plants will be carefully packed and sent
v mail, post-paid, ns early in the Autumn,
r Spring, as practicable. 8-12t
Scientific ! ;- Rational I Safe f
i t
Compound Extract of
Recommended by
-.-,"-.:. -
Remedy yet Discovered
T. - -
Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidney
. .. fB0SjSALIS vr
- .''--
Purifies the Blood,
In. proves th e A ppetile?. f . " ;
Aids Diction, " ' ' '
Corre?fs' the Secretions,
And Imparts TonefSiixngthgnd
Vivacity to theVho(e ISysicm,
So that persons u.-dng "it feel that they enjoy
an entire new !Le.-
Is Recommended by the
JJcKt I hysicians Everywhere.
Dk. F. Ohx DAS.NEtty, now of this City
Formerly lYoXcssor of Physiology and Path
ological Anatomy in the Middle Georgia
Medical College, Chief Surgeon StateofSouth
Carolina, during the war, Vice-President
Georgia Medical Association :
Mr, Lnvcrtmce: 1 have carefully examined
your' formula for the ROSADLIS, and recom
mended It to several of my patients. The
Combination is a happy one, and must prove
n potent remedy in all diseases requiring the
virtues of a great alterative medicine. I wish
you success.
Baltimore, April 2-J, ib&i.
Baltimore. Mo., March!, 1S6.
Ibellevq Dr. Lawrence s - 'ItOSADALIS".
to be the Bet Alterative In Use, and there
fore cheerfuliv recommend it a such.
Baitimo::f, Febuary l'tth lRS.
Dr. J. J. Iuwrt:nee. Dear Sir I take pleas
ure in recommending your ROSADALIS as
a very powerful alterative.
Yours truly, It. W. CARR, M. D.
We know Dr. Iiwrence's Rosadalis to be
a sate and reliable Alterative, Ac, and take
plc:i!are in recommending It to the profess
!;n and public.
J II Moore, M 1), E Barnes. M D,
L A smith, M D, R W Kinsr, M D., '
J II Winftcad, M D, H Woodward, M D,
R H Rarham, M D, W T Hrewer, M D,
W G Dngsraii, M D. ' -W J Bullock, M D,
Wilson, N. (,'., January 7th, 1S(S.
tKcr Testimonial of Rem arkablk Cubes
See "Rosadalis Almanac" lor this yeax.y
Prepared at the Laboratory of
Dr. J. J. Lawrence & Co.
214 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE
Gieneral Asrn's for the North Western
States, to whonnrdn should be addressed.
li- ". 'AND " ' - :
No. 59 Main Street, Brownvllle.
' Itas Just opened and will constantly
Vvn nn hnr?l a lairre and v'el! ftisc.rtput
sreck of genuine articles in his line.
Re-oalring ox ClocksWatchi, aod Jrw-
clrydonedrtsh6rt-riotlce.'' " '
srl Crx n.rrr-: v. n r
vvri'tJiULj Lii - -
2x co.srqrEr;ci:
- j:
11 f s . i r
1ST 0"-i7
, r 1
-.JM - -Tl - m.. a.
We haTe on hand a large
To u hich wc are making co
we are Belling at Prices as
the Mississippi.
In tho Quality, of our Goods:
12-40 eight sizi
til '
W It 1 1
Are now made by the
:xcelsiar Manufacturing Camp'y
I LA It COOKING SToVKS have len before ttn
:''li" since irl. Kscn iuccmiiiii? rear hu add'i
iir uoDuisritT. until the rnri; haa become f-
iliar in evcrv huuiK."iold ia tbe Went and Soulh.-
if demand for our
Vow Olsii i-ter" On.l
year wss greater than weculd suuply with th
I then n?ad?; anticipating a still greater d
and durinz tile prefwt jf ir. we have raade pat
nw for several adlitionl ize, ami ere prepared
mnuafioture ISO to 1150 '
' , ' per day, of . -
We gnsrantee the iteration of every stove w
lunufucture, snd oner a reiTmcc anv one of th
i.-tnr thniisandJ that h;ive lieen sold, wherevet
lev'rasv in- found. Xeithr labor or expanse has
-ea parul to make our NEW CHARTER OAK s
,t-.. ,.r r -t t.. t:, tr-,'p :is the REST COX.
I KC;TE1, -'.MiST DCKAr.LK and CNIFOiiJi
perating COOKING STuVE in the market. I
in addition tu our EX TENn E Sl'oVE BUS! 1
Ess rre prcj'ar-.-d t- o.Ti r to Stove Dealers (
insniirh' and others in tbe-me. the la7-yt and
rt cnnTiU-Tp aaaortioeut of Jlctal and '1 inners
"k in t!i West. jr arrar -r"TTi'nt Tritii the St.
' ni rniiii.insr Cnrnnanr enaMrs tis to rive litwrral .
C''nti to l.trsr bur-rs of t'RENCH ST.VMPED
ir-n.'Terr,r)r r-iitreH rTif of ail arthdesol
riMVN MANi'K.Vt IL'liU, e !)C.ifv dealers and
4. - rAv ill f.n 1 fr t th-?r interest to send
.!-'.iiea:id I'ru-e Li-it .and evamir.e our price
.;in ii:iji: rlifw iirre. AdilnS ,mm
Lonis, Misaouri. .
Brownville. Xebl
no Flooring, fullstock. at
7 - Hi
of a ciiaxgc to be madi:
tte orrrr. oin CTinc
1 1
and well assorted stock of
nstant additions, and which
low 03 any House wc3t of
.' Shelienberger Bros.r
'Ho. 74.
UlcPliersou's Clocks .
" . Dealers la
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware,
Ifarrhcarc, Stove, Tinware,
Hardware, Stovtz, Tinware,
50,000 'Miles Frncr, Wirz
. Min Fence Wire
50,0UU UUetEaice Wire
PitOtbtirrj Iron and Nzifji
Pittsburg Iron and Nail
Pittsburg Iron Nails,
Mechanic's Too?.
; ' ; ' . , Mechanic? Tools,
JIccJuinic'4 TuoU
Charter Oak Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Charter Oak Stove,
Besides afull assortment of everything kept
In atirt clas
. ' STORE!
t Which trill be sold az loic a$ Uia lowest
:: ron cash:
To all who jar v. with a call.
' v . vAUM UVUitt. Xi-JlGT iilUt
tn 1
fc , , Cc-Ur tjit Bna'5ee"at of '
Is now aouninff Ref ! 'mr Oaimbtmes trom
Erow-mrille to tho Railroad Terminus
! it the CooncjJ. Blaffiisnd Si. Joseph Railroad,
At liOTth Star, IIo.,
Two Kiis from Brownviii si(t Acnh Sit Farry
: 1 s j .-; . - , Lanaisg.-!- .. . . - . , .
Good Omsiatuf&s. Close Cca&crcfeosr
. yC0-tf Charge M9tlcrat.' " " " "
7 nnnn
r-i r
lJ I .
ix the nn;i dt
AT : COST 1 1
a? 2 - us: zi3 2 2
.ft no
UJ rm
ftMistTssssi MmwM
No. T4,
McPherson's Hloek,
Solo Accnts
In Southern Nebraska, Atchison and Holt
County, Ka,, for the
j V. -4
.r f
Reaper Ilower!
A. L a o .
it f M 7 - i-
.j, it -J Lli J iJ
I. ' . .- - JL -
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Tot Diseases of the Throa-t and Iuas,
such as Coughs. Colds, Whoepiag ,
Cough. .Bronchitis, Aatiuna,
and Consumption.
rfobaTy never before in the wboI history of
mediciaa,La any tiling won so widely and sodeply
Ul'Q, Hit- com'.ik-nce of inaakLud, a.-t ihw exceueat
ruledy for piiinr,oaary complaint. Througa a kivz
geriaa of years, and amonj moi-t of ih rcs o?
men it ha rien higher &nd huiicrla ecstn.
tion, as it ba become Letter kaowa. its OQilV.rni
character and poer to cure the various a'tX'Uoas
of the lungs and throat, have inaU it known as a re
liable protector agpiai liieai. Whij atispied to
milder form of diieae arul to young children, it U
at the ame time t.hq most eiTeciual remeiT uut csa
be given for incipient con-uinpti'ja, and the dan
porous affections f.f the throat and luog As s pro
vision agaunt sudden sttacasof Crp, it sboUt
be kept on band in evcrv family, and mdecd as s'l
are somctiinci subject r colli and cort?a, aj
, ehouM be provi i-d with this anudoie for Uiem.
"Allhongn e',:t!''t Vumption s tbou?: hv
curable, still gr?n' number? of ca-c where di
ea.e-cenicd cu;cd, have litn a cvJipkic'y cunsl.
ami the patient rcUrrd to sound health by th
Cherry l'rrtnrnl. Sr coirplete is i's niaitery
over the f'iorder of the Lnr?-j and Tiroat. U'a
the most obstinate of them yield to 1L tea eoto
irg c!c could rc ich them, under tha Cherry tf$c
toral they subside and tiiyappear.
fiirurmi ami 1'ubllc Speakers great pro
tection from it.
Asthtun u always relioFrcJ snd otea iriclly
cured by it.
lironchitia is genera" care-l by tailnjr th
Cher r if JXrtoral in snva;! sxui frequent dos.
so generally are iw viituc known that w need
not publuh th ccrtuicate of them hetr, or do mora
than assure the public UuS iu qu&ua art fjy
Ayer's Ague Cure,
For FeTr and Atuo, Intertr fttest Tvrtr,
Chill Fever. Xtemitt".t Fevr, Dumi
A-icie, Periodic?! or B-lious Ferer, Aa
and indeed, all the affections which ari
from naiinoos, marsh, or -"-niin-T
As It nrnrw implr , it d CtfT, snd rtoej not
fhii. Cwntainin? neither Arenic.Qnin me, Bmmuta,
Z'nc.nor any other m;ncral or poisonous substanc
whatever, it i norrisc rninres snv patient. Thi
number and imrortance of iti enre in the syne dis
trict;, are hterai:7 bcTond account, and o"icve
without a paraiiel ii fcntory of Aane rne.ine.
Oar prido i? gratnled by the 'iraow!e'jrmn-s w
rcceiv of tha radical tr.rc everted In Ahr.u
ana n nere ouier rorncdiei had wholly
. Unaiostcd persons, either resident
ra. or tnroQm nua-mnt-i- lo1,;'.?:, wi.l
b pro-
r rrpp ifi-!.
w.Ttist fiv taKi?ir ur,a Afil'
, "W""''. arising from tomvVt-
ctui.i Liver, it h au excellent remedy, auiauluiax
the Lsvcr into healthy actirirr.
For n.l n, DHor.-i-rs aa-i Lfver CompUiats, it U
lu T--r!icr.r rTm.-rty, prodacirr m.var tm'v r-ra.-knoie
orw, wner other modvin- h1 UAil.
Preoa-"d by. n. J. C. Ave & Co., Prewl
and Anah-rioaJ r heraist, Lowed. iUss., l rji
aii round Cie world.- . "-4v
Said by . , . ;