Ijfcbnrs&jilclwrtistr. J. S. CHUnCII, Editor. lIROWy VILLE, THURSDAY. DEC. 17. 1SC8. Tho Soldiers are having a ro-union at Chicago this week. ! -mm The Rulo Register is afflicted with the Chicago "In'ards" on the outside. Tho Senate will rtject ho nomi tuvtlon of V. A. Smythe ta Minister to Russia. ",The break In the temporary Rail road bridge at Omaha has been repair ed xnd trains are cg&ln crossing, ' The Pacific House at Et. Joseph, llo. was brned on last Tuesday morning. . Loa estimated a $150,000; insured at tco.ooo. Tho citizens of the. western part of thia county axe anxious for a general Herd Law, and will petition the Leg islature to pass such an act. ' From the Arago Nebraskian we learn that the Hew Frry Boat at that place has been sunk. The owners are doing all In their power to raise her.. The Missouri river at Omaha Is fro- rca over so that teams heavily loaded pass over on the ice. The ferryboat at Brownville still makes regular trips . unobstructed by the Ice. The1ate Officers, with their books vouchers, furniture and other valua ties, hare in accordance with the proc lamation of the Governor, left Omaha and started for Lincoln the future capital of the State. The suits against Geo. F. Train, In England, has been withdrawn by the plaintiffs and Tram is now at large He commences suit against the plain tiCi for heavy damages for false im rnsonment, laying damages in one action at $100 ,000. He sails for Amcr . lea immediately. I The interior towns in Nebraska are nearly all becomiucr important Rail . road centers. Such is the great anx iety for Railroad communication throughout the State that all availablle capital could be easily directed into the cofiers of the first company tha will build the first road. At the letting of the State printing la Lincoln last week, St. A. Bal combo, of the Republican, was awar ded the printing of the journals and . laws of the ensuing session of the Leg islature, and C. H. Gere, of tho Lin coin Commonwealth, the blank work and incidental printing. G. W. Giick, President of the At chiton and Nebraska Railroad Com pain, on the 8th, closed a contract .with A. By ram A Co., of Atchison for the building of its road and a line of telegraph from Atchison to White Cloud a distance of forty miles. The work to commence at once and the xoad to be completed as u first class road in one year. . The llockjtort Journal says tha Home one attempted to et fire to Mr, Thompson's new dwelling house at Tbelpe City, three miles east of Brown vill, on last Tuesday night. The Fisher House in the same town came near burning up on the same evening caused by ashes in a wooden box in the bar room. The floor was in a blaze "when discovered. ( We see by the Nebarska City papers of last week, that a meeting was held in that city, at which .Ma. Strong ant Perkins, the Attorneys and Superin lendant of the Burlingtou fc Missouri River RtJilroad were present. A com inittee was appointed for the purpose of effecting a sale of the Midland Pa cine Railroad to the B. & M. R. Rail road Company, on condition the latter road should make Nebraska City the turminus of their road. .. It has been suggested that a meeting of proprietors of newspapers be called at Lincoln early In January. We would heartily recommend such i meeting, and hope the call will be is sued soon for a meeting not later than the 15th of January. There are many matters which noed supervision and more uniformity of action. And the old adage, "that In Union there Is (Etrength," holds good when applied to the Press as well as in other enterpri IfC". ' ; -. ' ' . A writer to the JSews. from cass county, states that the cultivated lands in that county now are double what they were one year aco. That .farmers are making preparations to t)lant larco proves of timber: that they have good School houses, (a fact which Is otherwise proved by her Re publican majority.) That the Increase cf population the past year is fifteen hundred, mainly farmers and their families, aud that the questions most agitating the people are a Herd Law, and a division of the county, the last of which is advocated by the west end and opposed by tho east or river end of the county. Tho advocates propose to form a new county out of southern Cass and northern Otoe, with county seat at Wyoming, and some wish to cut off a strip from the west end and give it to Saunders county. . Rocjielle, III., Dec. 12, 'CS. J. ft. Church, Editor Jfcbnt Advertiser: . Dear Sir Please find enclosed $1.00 to pay for the Advertiser another six months. I am interested in Nebraska and must have the paper in order to keep posted In tho progress of that section of country. If I am not in Nebraska In the Spring I shall send another dollar. . Yours respectfully, E. P. Sexto x. " The above is but a sample of many a letter which we are receiving weekly from non-resident land owners. Every man who owns a quarter section of land In Southern Nebraska would be " glad to subscribe for the Advertiser If they jcould but see a sample copy. Those persons now here should send invar two or three sample copies to the cv. r"cr3 cf adjoining lands, if they are ret livjng thereon, and in this way they can -do more to advertise the re l?crurcc?of Nebraska and enhance the v2uo it their own property than in JIIV ('tflT. . " - Et. Louis and Nebraska Trcnli llallroad. The Stockholders of the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad Com pany, In compliance with notice, met at Nebraska City en the 11th and fully and completely organized by electing the following Directors and 023oers: DIKFATTOSS. Geo. R. Gruff an i S. 8, Caldwell, Douglas county. D. II. Wheeler, Casa county. O. II. Irish and J. A. Ware, Otoe county. R. W. Furnas, Nemaha county. W. D. Scott, Richardson county. The Boord of Directors immediately convened and adopted a temporary code of By-Laws, and elected the fol lowing officers: ' OFFICERS Geo. B. Graff, Omaha, President. O. II. Irish, Nebraska City, Vice President. J. Metcalf, Nebraska City, Sec. Aug. Kountr, Omaha, Treasurer. J.F. Kinney, Nebraska City, Attor ney. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. S. S. Caldwell, Omaha. J. A. Ware, Nebraska City. . R. W. Furnas, Brownville. FINAKCE COMMITTEE. J. A. Ware, Nebraska City. D. H. Wheeler, Plattsmouth. The office of the company, was for the present, located at Nebraska City, A committee was apointed,. con sis ung oi insn, uoi. j?urnas ana Ma. Wheeler, to ask of the coming Legislature such aid in the construe tion of this road, in the way of lands or the proceeds therefrom, as in its wisdom may seem best, and in pro portion as may be given similar enter prises. There were representatives present from St. Louis, New York and all the counties in Nibraska through which this road proposes to run. The meet ing was composed of business men who take hold of such, or other enter prises only with a view to business There was a general good feeling harmonious action, and an exhibition of favorable representation and enthu siasm, which indicate immediate and active efforts.. Mr. Graff, the Presi dent, is a man of enterprise and ener gy. He left immediately for St. Louis and Washington for confereuco pur poses. A corps of engineers will be put on the route as soon as practicable and all otner matters attended to as rapidly as circumstances will possibly admit. The B6ard of Directors meet again at Nebraska City on Tuesday, January 5, 1SG9. The President's message. We have not room nor Inclination to print in full this last Annual Mes sage of the President. He is again glad of the opportunity to remind Congress that he has contrived to keep the South disorganized, notwithstanding the re construction' laws. And for fear tha Concress has the advantage of him in a future contest In the preniiaea, he hopes that Congress will repeal its enactments, and thus end the struggle And to this end reads the National Legislator a long copperhead lecture upon the subject which, when read be' fore the two Houses, was treated with that contempt it so richly merited. He further says, that as Congress is already familiar with his views upon the Tenure of Office Bill, they there fore outrht to repeal it. He calls the attention of Congress to the financial condition of the country, and thinks it a shame that we have liberated 4.- 000,000 of people from bondage to the slave driver, only to put them, and several times as many more, under new task masters in the shape of bond holders. He don't like the public debt, and especially the bonded portion of it, consequently recommends to the consideration of Congress tho subject of repudiation, as "the holders of our securities have already received upon their bonds, a larger amount than their original investment measured by a gold standard. Upon this statement of facts it-would seem but just and eq uitable that the tlx per cent, interest now paid by the Government, should be applied to the reduction of the prin clpal, thus liquidating the whole debt in sixteen and two-third years. The lesson of the past, admonish the lead era tnat it is not wen to oe over anx ious in exacting from the barrower, a rigid compliance with the letter of the bond." Thus it will be seen that our President tikes advance grounds upon the subject of repudiation. In this way he thinks the sjiecie payment may be resumed at an early day. That is, so Boon as we decide not to pay any of the just demands, then we may safely propose to pay all other indebt edness in specie. Surely our President Is making a national reputation as a wonderful financier.' Our relations with the world at large are very cordi al and satisfactory, except Paragua did not like our friendly interference n her intestine affairs, and nothing is said about Great Britain. The President purchased Alaska and tried to purchase the Islands of St John and St Thomas, and would be glad to purchase other continental and insular communities as speedily as possible ; still he desires to suppress all unlawful expeditions of fillibus- tering, as this is peculiarly a paroga- tive of tho executive. Tho President has now doae his duty, and hopes, but does not raucn expect that Congress will do theirs. The Democrat's Washington tele gram of the 12th, says : There is a good deal of talk here aboutCaleb Cushing's mission to Spain. He is reported to avo cone abroad within the present week, and everybody understands that hi3 business is at JUaand. beverai Senators and some persons in diploat ie circles say that he has gone with orders and authority to purchase Cuba Other persons say he U merely a con fidential bearer or a ii?p&cn to .min ister Hale, looking to the adjustment of relations with the new Spanish Governmeut. Mr. Seward is certain- favorable to the purchase of Cuba, arxt the President's recent message shows how he" squints in that direc tion ; hence most of trtot?e wno nave noticed Mr. Cushing's absence, say he las gone to Sp&in to buy the Island. The Supreme Court of tho United Slates aro about to declare the Legal rn 1 . '"a '.' Department Reports. -TOST master ge:ebal. From this report we observe that the expenditures during the last fiscal year haa been ' For Mall Service t.r.TO That the Revenue for tho same time 18,ow Expeneea exceed the Revenue by 6,137,902 The receipts thi3 year are six per cent, and the expenses eighteen per cent larger than last year. Fee on the money orders issued...- $124,503 Expense In ijsaulng 70,345 Net revenne.-.......... - 55,158 An Independent report will be made upon the subjectof connecting the pos tal servicewith the telegraph at an early day, and also a plan for reorgan izing thepost office department so as to make it more efficient. SECRETARY OF WAR. September 30th, the army numbered 48,081. January next it will be re duced to 43,000. All volunteer officers except one have been mustered out of service. Recommends that the term of tervice be increased to five years. Army expenses for the last fiscal year were $00,609,611. Arrangements are being made to close up the Freedman's Bureau on the first of January next Tbe total expenditures of the Bureau for the yar is $3,977,041. The total expenditures of the War Department for the year, $68,743,094. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. Receipts for the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1S68 &06,&3?,082 r.xpenai cures lor me same penocu aTT.sw.ai Crush la the Treasury 29,297,798 High School Entertainment. The Members of the High School Library Association met last Monday evening and perfected their organiza tion by electing the following officers: Geo. B. Moore, President. L'. M. May, Vice President Miss Fanny Arnold, Secretary and Treasurer. Prudential Committee: George B. Moore, A. W. Furnas, Bell Vangordan and Emma Alexander. The object of this Association is to secure a Free Library for the Public Schools of Brownville. The members have decided to give a series of enter tainments, for the purpose of raising funds to purchase books, etc. The first entertainment will be given Fri day evening, Dec. 18. The following is the Programme for the evening : Singing. Prayer. Singing. Declamation. Song. . n Dialogue: "Starting in Life." Song. Dialogue: "Cinderella." Tableaux. Song. Recitation: "Song of the Madman." Song. Dialogue: "The demon of the glass." Song. Declamation. Song. Tableaux. Song. leclaraation. Closing Song. . Admittance 25 cents. Tickets can be had of the Committee ; also, at 11. C. Lett's, at the Post Office, at Mc Creery & Nickell's and at the door. By Order Ex. Com. Washington, Dee. 9, 1SG8. The galleries of both Houses were crowded to-day with a large and bril liant audience, assembled to hear read the last annual Message of the present President of the United States. It was a disappointment, however, the paper being merely a communication on na tional affairs, containing many inde corous reflections upon thciegislative branch of the Government Its recep tion by the august bodies was such as might have been expected, and such as it was entitled to. The Senate re fused even to hear it read, adjourning before the Clerk had finished a half dozen pages; and tbe House, after lis tening with rare forbearence to its Insults, and dreary relish of the splen etic invective which has characterized various proceeding communications from the same source, voted that it be laid on the table, and that none of the publiemoney be expended in printing it for distribution. Gen. Sehenck gave voice to the general feelinsr of the House by characterizing it as "a cross. shameless, and most scarulous and im pertinent document," and despite the factious wranerling of Fernanao Wood and wnie of his fellow Democrats, the paper was not even nonorod with the usual reference to committee, but was laid on the table to keep comranv for all lime with the rubbish and odds and ends of petitions.tippeals, and the line, wnicn eome irom the four quar ters of the continent, from fools, and charlatans, to the Speaker's desk, and are never heard of again after the Clerk has on ce read their title aloud. In the Senate, Mr. Conness, in demanding that the readintr of the paper be stoo ped, describing it as "a tirade of abuse from beginning to end. and an inde cent attack upon tbe body," and "Mr- ilson said it is "the untruthful r vines or a bad. disannomtpfi man In fact, mortifying as it may be to ev ery American who would wish to see the Uhief Executive of his countrv held in respect by foreign .nations, the iasi annual measage oi Andrew John son; President of the United States. T - - . . . was so undignified, so ill-timed, and every way indecorous and ungentle manly a state paper, that it simrjlv ex. cited the contempt of both Houses of Congress, and was dismissed to the dusty archives without one moment's consideration being: clven to anv onp of the smallest of its recommendations. The Message has not been matched in offensive features by any written or oral communication from anv othpr President, nor by any from this one ' except that most wretched speech ini O . il.. . . i . . . . we ot-imu? on me iin oi juaren, iwo, when he took the oath of office in a way that ent a shudder through the" wnoie country, l nose who may have the patience to read the Message through will find among a mass of Mr. Johnson's usual denunciation of Congress euloeies of the Constitution and the glorifications of self, the bold est Lid that a demagogue ever made for the applause of the dangerous clas ses, in fact, no leta than the repudiation of the entire national debt. Pendleton and other more timorous politicians may trifle and dally on the outer edges of this crime, but he, the President of nation of honorable people, boldly plunges into the very abyss of nation al dishonor. Reports made to the Board of Man agers of the National Asylum for dis abled Volunteer Soldiers from the sev eral asylums show that only 4,000 dis abled soldiers were cared for during tbe past year. The Board made pro vision t to Increase its facilities so that all could hereafter be cared for at reg ular asylums, wnere they can have the advantages of larcre and beautiful grounds, schools, libraries printing offices and mechanical shops, in which to team new traces adapted to their peculiar disabilities.". -, ... . . . , - The Indian Curean Dill. Washington. Dec. 11. The bill for a separate depsrtmentof inaian Z Jairs, with a member cf the Cabinet at the head of it, introduced to-day by Senator Pomeroy, embraces the main views of the Indian Peace Commissioners and the Committee on Indian Affairs, which now has the House bill for transfer to the War De partment under consideration. The bill contemplates fixed Indian territories, and the abolition of the distinction of tribes and bands within each. It provides for one department, four agents and three inspectors for each. The agents are clothed with the power of magistrates, and the In dians are made competent witnesses. All of the officers are placed under heavy bonds, and speedy punishment is provided for neglect of duty. Super intendents are authorized to organize the Indian militia; to preserve peace and enable the Indians on application to become citizens, and contemplates the political organization of the Terri tories and the sending of a delegate to Congress. Also provides an entire new system of intercourse and trading, and prevents the whites from tres passing on Indian reservations. The bill strikes at one great evil by making half-bieeds and children legal heir Jto the property of their white fath"er. Peru, Dec. 15, 1863. There will be Christmas Tree Festi val held at the Normal School Buil ding on the evening of the 24th Inst, for the purpose of having a pleasant time and raising fund3 for theSabbath School Library. Admission at the door, fifty cents. The programme for the evening will consist of singing, addresses, distribu tion of presents, refreshments and a general social time. All are invited. - Joseph P. Maetin, 1 H. Burch, Committee. Sarah Swank. ) MARRIED. . By the Rev. Richard Bur-re, at Nemaha City, November 26, 1S0S. John Hawiby and Mary E.Day. - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To Contractors. Sealed proposal will be received tip to February 1, for openintc up Main street to western limits of city, and to put the wme in a traveling condition. O. W. FAIRBKOTHKR, 10-8t . . Mayor City of Brownville. STRAYED From the subscriber livlner In KrmmvRi morning of the Tlith, one Brown Horse Foney be tween t and 7 yers old, his lea eve is what is called agists eye : left hind feet white :" is dish faced ; baa a very heavy tnil for a poney and has collar marks very plainly visible; his lea hind shoe was off when be left. A suitable reward will be paid for there turn of the poney or a knowiedire of his whereabout CHRISTMAS BALL ! i s GRAND DEDICATION OF MCPHERSON'S HALL, WUl be given by the citizens of Brownville ITriclay, Dec. Jtli, 18G8 WEYERYBODY IS rXTITED.-E Provision made for Two Hundred Couple, this beinf the largest Hall In the State. TL TX s I O Berkley's Full Orchestral Band. BELL, 2,00. JBy Order of Committee, WM. If. SMALL., Secretary, VM. H. VALLEAU IMPORTER, and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wines & Liquors ! Keeps constantly oh hand a full stock of all kinds of Native and -Foreign "Wines BRANDY, WHISKY, ALF, ice. ALSO, full stock of II All of wtilrh he offers to the trade at rates low enough to suit all. To those wishing Ijquors and Saloon Fixtures He extend a special Invitation to call and see him, knowing that he has ail they want of the best goods m iue n tsi auu can Guarranty Entire Satisfaction I ! ! A SAMPLE KOOil 12 THE REAR, WITH A Rnpplted witk tbe choicest brands of Wines, Liquors 3-FREK LUM7I AT ALL HOCKS. "tit RIVERSIDE NURSERY Davenport, Iowa. If yon want a good article of Nursery Stock, sucu as f i . Raspberries, Blackberries Strawberries, Cherry Trees, Pearls Trees, Evergreens, and Diacldnous Trees Send your orders to . J. W. PEARMAN, Davenport, Iowa. Catalogue free. 13--y HOUSE.SIGN.CARRIAGE, Ornamental Paintins, Gallding, Glattng, Paperhanging, V. No. 15 Main Street, (One door east of Ilank fc HolUinger'a Queenswareand Grocery store,) BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. - LOUIS 7ALDTER. nio-tr CHICAGO 00 LlfiO STORE. The Immense, success attending our busi ness in BOSTON the past five years, haa In duced us to establish a Branch store- In Chl- Cflgo, rendering it more accessible lo the Western people, and also saving a large Ex rressnffe Our eoois are all new and received direct Irom the Manufacturers, consisting of nearly every article desired for family use, such as Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes, Jewelry, Tlated Ware, etc, etc. Ail articles sold for One Dollar Eacli, and not to be paid for until yon know what you are to receive. cuLLivS, describing goods, sent at the rate of 10 cents each, to pay for postage, printing ectv Present from $3 too $100 sent Free to Afrenta. We are Agents for all the best Manufactories in the country. Circulars sent free Agents wanted in every town Address FARR A -CO.; HA Dearborn ht. Chicago. III. P. O. Box 5P20. . 8-l2t CIGARS TOO cc TSevr and Fashionable stock of CLOTHING, (NO SHODDY), la now offered to the Public at J. S. HETZELS CLOTIUNG STORE, No. 70 Mala Street, who la a LI1TB to the Interest of the public ; and having par chased my CLOTHING, (made under my own supervision) exclusively for cash, I can sell as low, If not lower, than any ' . TJATJ In the Town or Connty. I beg to call your . aiienuon 10 my . LARGE AND 7ZLL elected stock of HATS, CAPS, BOO TS, SHOES, Gent's Furnishing Goods, as can be FOUND IN THE WEST. Here Is a chance for the best bargains, as I have no dead stock on hand, all being entirely new. Tha public are Invited to call and ex amine for themselves, KcPliersons's Ulacli, BHOTTinrHiIeS lband!.eTerytlllaa! ia tha Clothing line can be At I lie SiU of the BIG BED STSA3 ! Is the place to buy FURFIITUREAND upholstery IfilcJT ALU, Co., Kep constantly on hand a complete assort ' ' , ment of . - Sofas, Beadtead$ Wardrobe, 'Bureau, Rockina t'hai't. Sprinif Bed$, Wash Stands. What Not. Hat Rack Kitchen KUcnen sad -.- " and. Parlor, gpz. X"?- Parlor, MarVt fZr , 1 1 1 Center Tovpec Stand, f Longei k Settee V Kiti hen 1 . Lounge f Sarin? J Siring i ! r. ' t t-ribt, -S: ; 1X - Offict 4' ( rM' Chain, ' Comfort, Sajt Plain Stand Matlretse Tfte-tetet, Bed Spring Children' Cab and Gig, Hut ana KO'fvcoa Moulding, SA. PiUov. Pillow Slip ete. etc SHOW OASES & OFFICE WOKS HADE. TO ORDER! And anythinK and everything required to set up pluin or fancy housekeeping All of their ware Is either manufactured or put up under ttiilr special superintendence, which enables them to sell sound articles at smaller prices than Eastern manufactured goods. Our HE ears e is at the service of the public at any time it may be needed, and is gotten up lnas finestyle as any farther east, . JETSLIC 1S1II1L CSSES of all sizes constantly on hand, At Eastern Prices . j , "Ve are doing business on ' STRICTLY CASH PRINCIPLES AT A Small,' Profit and by attention to business and the wants oi the community, expect in the future as in the 1 ast to receive the patronage of the publie generally. McPALL & CO. HcPHERSOirS BLOCK. S HUGHES Have received the Largest and Best Assortment FUENITURE ever brought to the city of BROWNVILLE, consisting of Sofas, Folding Lounges, Secretaries and Book Cases, Office Eesis. Wash Stands, is e r .s rj? iz a. r , CANE ROCKERS, Narse Rockers, Dining and Breakfast Tables Office, Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, and everything usually found In a FURNITURE STORE! 12-4-ly it ELEPHANT Livery, Peed and Sale Stable ! Ben. Rogers, Proprietor. Nos. 82 and 84 Main Street BROWNNILLE, NEBRASKA. Dealer In all kinds of stock. Horses bousrht. sold and exchanged. Stock, boarded bv the day or week. The Propritor has recently erected an entire new. larze and eommodeoua Stable, near the oia urovnvine House, ins stoeK is all fresh ana vehicles new. ihe public can be accom modated at all hours, DAY Oil IVIGIIT. A stoc co'rrall. with an nhnndnnt simntv vt. jiuib water, uuacueti io lae sialic. 4-ly . ., . .. -r-j COGSWELL'S GREAT WESTERN Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLES ! Corner Main and Levee Streets, Brownville, Nebraska Buys, Soils and Exchanges stock, cin P00PI)TY, LAADS, &c.9 &c. Has Larce Stock Corrall close to Steam Fer ry Landing.. Stable accommodations for Fifty Hrscs LIS Single and Match Horses. Bu; ;ies and Car-4)-4m rlages always on hand for sale. Peru Livery Stable. CHARLES GEADE, Dealer In All KinclH or Stock. Ioi-ses BousM, Sold, or iacnaasea. Stock Hoarded by the Day or. Week. MY STABLES ftr woeked with jrofxi Horses and buccies Persons wl-hiiiS ennvt-j anew w uny por tion of the Nemaha Lil District caa ixi acoomjiw da. led. Tlie Peru & Brownville Coach Leaves toy Ptable-j every morning at 10 o'clock A. M. Pajweocers r pa-JkiuJes saie'y coneyM. r if.n tea wall tlie IV-ttnottfs will be proirit!y at- mm?: 3 i r tn1el to. . . - w i CTTAE.I.ES C. DOE3SY. OEOEGS W. IXZ3ZT AU'y at Law. C. C. is O. TT. TOIISEY, REAL ESTATE-AGENTS A5D Jj calcra in ILr.nd TTarrants. Rut and Sell Krai Estate and Lantl TTarrants. Select 6 Locate Gcvonient Lands. ATTF.XI) TO CONTESTED CASES IN THE U. a LAND OFFICE, AND PAYTAXES. A laree Quantity of First Class Lands for sale in Xemaha. Richardson. Pawnee. John- Bon and Gaze Counties. Nebraska, to which the attention of purchasers is specially invi ted. ' - OSce-BEOWNYILLE, NEB. Branch OHce BEATRICE, NEU. 13-6-tf ID X itil.- NO. 99, Corner Ualn and Cd Street, BROWNVILLE.. .NEBRASKA. Ilrs. II, JZm Earsis, - Dealer In Fancy Goods and Notions, Which she will sell at reasonable prieea. She is constantly In receipt of New aud Ele- gani rauerns for Dress and Cloak Making, to which he pays particular attention. Fluting, Stamping;, StlUhincErald- ing, &c, done to order. D1EEUB 6 IISOII'S LOCK STICII SEWING MACHINE ! Awarded the FIRST TRCMini at all the principle Fairs In the World, ry Machine warranted for three years. 6tructlons free. Ev- In OFFICEAT THE BAZAR. 3-tf VORTII OF & i rl OF THE Latest Styles! Just Received by THEO.HILL&Co. AT No 76. No. 76, SITIicrson's Block Dealers In B GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ladie's, Gents & Childrens' E00TS AUD SHOES, QUEENSWAHE, , GLASSWARE, : Hats and Caps, IIXP1YR? TTmT3, NOTIONS, AND CABPET8, ' Forming, perhaps, the Ucst Complete j , ISO j Extensive StocltL ' offered to Wtolesal8 or Eetail PURCHASERS, West of the Missouri River Never bavins been out done for extent of Stock oi Fair dealing, they merit the confidence and patronage oi No 76. S Oar Goods were all . Bougbt for Cash And we are prepared On tbe Casb Sys tern To give the Public sush bargains as will DEFY CO Li PETIT 1 0 From any Bourse Call and Examine A7i DRY 000 Goods Prices 15 BASKntrxcT. JN District of NVt .rPJXTXt:r. Brownville, thalUa uy LlkJvZlT'1? otfrni r.r r? Hetitiy of Ouuiha. hmjL. W'tlrara l' i-i hi id upon hM own petition hr t ,?v Vt' t rn.-...r "0n' tu District Court istrict Court 3-.it WILLI AHLKOOYEIL Aaain LEGAL NOTICE. Probate Notice. Estate cf Richard Moor lard. Vr-row. Nemaha ('oun;y, Xt-hraska. rx aoix.ii-t .i . j!r day of June. th IJth d ly of Ju:y. Rn.l thh'diVifr si, A. JJ. 1 y.;(. th tiii! !i,r hri.ijj r' aicainxt Die tt:nc of U:char'i V'vxj.xrti !m nf J county of Nemaha, cN-rea-ved. The hraHni tni... plare at tbe Court itoom in Sf. rcvilk. l-a kjh county. All claims not presemrt bv the Lust day above appointed, nhrvil be forever barred. UHim xiecemctT l ). l " Calvin R. Baklk. Alniijiij.trator. iMt ESTUAT NOTICES. . ; Esfray NMlce. Taken bt on the farm of the miNwrftxr. thrao miles nortii-west of Brown Ttlle, Biwmwr k i., one last spring while hi:ef cait. w u hiiu.-ki.stj r, neck and legs. la-i JI. p. MA..N LNci. IJSTAA Y NOTICE.--Takn u bv the suh-' ll BcrUer. on bin farm on t? ltttl NeKiaha river.in Lafayette township, Neia.iha county. neorn.oKa, one ormtii tyv niftre. witn wnit right hind foot aud tniail tar in fcrehead. and about tiirea years of aa. Theowner, by provlnz property anl paying efianr, ran have possession. 8-5t JoilN DKLAY. EXTRA Y yOTTE. Taken tip ty the8u fiersint. iivlp- tr miles north wpt ft Drew ii v lUo, ru llii; i'lh of Hocmr-r, a reti helfi-r rulf, with a leather strap around la netk wlitn taken ur. Is imnrlcH or -rHnLL 8-ot-pd tJ. FKANKLIN. JfSTIiAY NOTirr.-Tr.kon cppytfc?un I J d-rsUncl, on the "J tii .l;iv of November l-', living about three mill s wrst of Iam) ! Bri.le, a sorrel Alley, two yeurs o!d past. So-rnark-s or brand notirtub'.e. Nov. 1Mb. l.Ni. e-.-A.fMi JOTTN i.CjSCT. E STRAY .VOTcr.-Taken up by the cn derslirned, livipi; two an l a lialf mlU-a West Of Urowiivillf, October J"th. thre heifer calves; one a li-rht re!, with four white feet, a star in th forehead, nnit a bit of wntt ir der the b-lly ; one a red cijf. wIUi a few white spots on tliebfliy; brti rr-vinr caiveal The other is a yearling rel calf with white face a little white on the belly. -3tpd GKOKOr! E?.fPSONi ' . TTr.vOrCEL-Tuken up by tha nn J dersisned. at Slierm Nebraska, on the 2;th d.w r,f iwnt.r iVs one Kel Cow, with crp ort of Nth ears! " Also, at thesanio tininn.t nl ire tu-nh.t Pprlnsr Calves, both heif), nnl both sMt la ineiertear. t- ,t R. a. stky'aut nonets All person indebted to Ui ite iirin ot Atkinsou A Co.. eitlicr by note or account, will ulciise rail ami iuiv thMuum tr. Luther iloadiey, and save cont-i. - - ATKINSON A CO. - 17ESTER.Y DEPOT OF MUSIC! P. X. HTJYETT & so:r, .; . ..Jto. 9 Fourti Street. , . . ST. JO.SJSIII, 3XO. MUSIC PUBLISHERS, Wholesale and Ketail IHmlem In PililOS HID OMIS, Chickering fTSon's Pianos "Which were awarded tho Cross of the LEGION of H0N0E, and FIRST GOLD MEDAL AT TARIS EXTOyiTION, ISST. ALSO liX.lIJC &, CO., JJILLKT, DAVIS &. CO., NEW YORK UNION CO, . " t : 3URDETT National. Ccinbinatian&CabrRet Zlasozi Si, Ilamllnj 3 4ib. c Cabinet, Portable, .if- and Metropolitan Organs. , . i AU orders bhould.be ad.lrf-.-p.! t , : , : JATIES R. DYS, Ant, ; 7 Hrownvillc, IVfelj. 3-Cm THE APPETITE FQ TOBACCO DSSTROYE0! Leave oOTsIny that Polsenocj Weed, Tobacco. . One box of IVWKtV rrnnration hi wrrnt4 to dtri)V the aptitt? for totiw-is In ny ipin. do matter hw strona tlie Lai bit nmv h. If iniiHin hiv? iiwfi .1 who m i.uP.kiiiiritii'N(i f;u.-t V.imC Ve'Xlfi l'rei rl ill corr.; Xtt'.f.f i!troy tlieappt-IUk for tuhuccun.-nl ;nvn lue pt-hjii afr frvm anydiiirtr furilaM ItfUit hvctnumiul it" It pvrlm-.-Sy .-a.e a;'i h;Mnult.H la -l nw. Th prfpHrnth.fi- rt l.rt!y n;--n t,1eiii!Pifian(W ana upon the tixj. tiiorfMnrrilv detains th P"io oi 1 !) -cii ir,rir thf HVHteni. N'l BH-re hnknr af. I ter utj.uj lA)V'iil' i'rk-itrul uu. Jiii.t a M rauUxi. It L C O.M U E I IT I O X S. Tlie fiI!fwin an ft.wli,4 trfnti tha multi tude of recutuicujtiatioiia in uur .hm-m.siimi ; . From C A. lUnlgenSt. Lout. Mo. St firn. Wo.. April ?J, rH. I herpfjT e-rtifr f hsit I hvi u-1 'ilnyo fur twru- tv rvHnt imnt. and for the kift .' I hav uwi two potnuir) pT month. 1 liawe ml MftmpcaM lv? otl at rtii!er-ut uimn. 1 liave iit oif w yaar until I nfi TeWtrt ' Prvrnr-f -.n, tiicti hucum- pletfiy curl di of b Mpii -r luiw-ro. I oiii'i rwomrnrtfl a:t nu nrrr.erei wna lata ter rible hubit to try tLe I'rt-paratioji. ! Kroai John Kniyv, St. Loia, Mo. t. I !, june is. in This It to certify that I have usl tc.inn) for etzh- tn Twr; tr:1 mnnv tiiri to ive oft", hut h.v sufTerwi w nii-r from a d irin-w In n. hni ao4 inawms at n;y st. miwh t."iat I l.ave ,h nvcii up tne trial. A frternl .iri.-u-i mt to iim ;ur preparar tion, ami It compiu:jr cirati me From W. A, Smith, Cotumtxm. Oiiio. Iliprt-hy cprliTv that one bui of yrmr Fretjaxauoa eniirely reuioveU Bui the of tofwu--o. - w. A. S3IITH. From Wm. nrr. Springfield, JT.. Ilvd one box of your Prtrnratkin. -.".i t ne. . WM. IPY. I merelT rive tr nn anirnf ht I m.m pphrirat d.-iHy. All lftop of In i'iirv i-brfiMy an- wrL Frip Oi 1'wa.iuim. II u-rlw.i. If tn sent by niaU. Zi cwiLs atkhuonal fir Mtage. Muu ey.aent by ui at my risk-. A.I lr- t ilAiU.S 1 1, Chemist, 2-1' T t. Lo.iui.Ma, . A. W VflRfUN ProbatJd; and Jnctle of the Peae .'rn"c in (.iMirtifo'ie lUfinjiitj. 9