V ;?Tte5tJi aartrfijstr. "V 4; -V r j.k.CKrmCB. J. 1- OOUttATT. T.C.HACKK. ' OHimGH, COLHAPP & CO., ' TnhXUner and rrrrletr. Onev;ti:irr. : . -i. first lii.crtliii Lac.'i utw-tt." ,.; 1 " rt inn - I;3s;n,s r, -.:. :'. v? i.iies or i . . , . . , . Eeh Ai !iti.,..l Line... 1 t) Vne Crjlnmn, one yt-r one Column. ix ui' iit:.- One (..Vilumn. thrw monTLii.. Half C'llamn, one year - , H:i!f rnlumn, s:x raonth Half Ctilnmn, three iiioniiu Kourt h Column, one year. Fourth Column, six mouths Fourth Column. thre months- " C) Ui l ) t' :ut r- U v ."-J fu it ( l ( TERMS. 2 AO Kive 12o;hk, on rear Tm (t. on yeAT 1-weuSj- LXtptot, one year. M 7 SO 00 hientri iilunn.onf Tear.. -.1 ii t 2 (Ml Eighth Colr.iim. six month.. BOOK WORK, Aral Plain and rwrr Job Wort, done In sood stylo Eisrtitb Column, thre)- months. Vol. 13. BROTTirVTLLE, ZTCBRASKA, TKITI3DA'5r, DEGEIJBEH, 17, 18C3. I7o. 10- Stray Xotic-s, (ooi hfotl i Tranlentadvertif:Taer.t-s payable !niUrice. - V WV V 1 ; V - ;. 7A. . ....... . S J - . ----- b crural pusinrss irr&s. Cards of five llnf or less, $." a year. additional llnflh Each ATTOUKTTS. PO TITER A T?ROW Offl(W in CVnrt Houh. with Frohatf Julge. TITTOX A IIFW'ETT, OSi-No. JO Mcl'tiernun block, up EUirB. THOMAS BliOADY. tfT-tat Uw SHel" n ChaeTi onie in lMBtri-t Court Itoom. H. M. RICH. JLMrr t lw and L-d ATnt. OSioe in (urt li.iusc, hrst dor, vt tiiae. TV ' i.l in SAN. Attorney and ( onnlt .t Law, 2s-brfuka City, Nhraska R F. TEKICINK. Attorney ad Counielor at Law, Teeumfteh, Johnson Co., Neh. CTTFXTFr. F. WF. Attaracyat Lawaad War Claim Ap-t, Pawnee City, l"awnee Co.. eb. .X. K. GUlfiOK. Attarr t Law A Real Ktat Arent, Heairloe, (Jnc- bounty, Xebrka. JAITD AGENTS r v. irrr.HKs. Raal Etae Acrent and Jn.llce of Feaee, OQm in Court Houe. Aral door, west Mdc BArtUKT LFTT, Xand Arent Av Land Warrant Brakera, No. 21 Main street. JTiU attend to jtayinfj Taiefor yon-rcudent-t. TYrMonai atlrulum pitcn to making Localum. Land, improved and unimproved, or tale on reasonable terms. WM. H. HOOVER, Heal Etate and Tax Paying A pent. irflice in liKtrict Court lUxmu Witt fftre prompt attention to the sate of Ileal Estate and Jtment of Taxes throughout Vie Nemaha Land jHstriet. JONAS HACKER. Collector for Uc City of BrownTllle, HW attend to the payment of Tares for J on Resident Land turners in Nemaha tXjunty. Xsrrespomience &olwitd. MOKFi TI. SYDENHAM, VOTARY PUBLIC 4fc LAJTD AGEXT, Furl Kearney. A'eiimska. nn local land for intending wttlers. and rive anv mformntion required concern ine the land's of outto-Westeru Nebraska. 12-4S PHYSICIANS. H. L. MATHEWS. PHYSICIAN AM) SCRGEOX. uSioe No.Ul Main Street. A. S. HOLUDAY. M. D.. Pnyalclan, anrieeon and Obatetriclan, lrhoe llolladay d: t k Lrue Store. Graduated in Ktl ; Located tu Jtroirnrille in lS.it). litis on hrmri complete set of Amputating, Jrephtmnimnd ttb.in-txicM Jiuttrumcnts. I'. ti.Sccial attention tpre-n to Obstetric and the diseases of Women and Children, C. F. STEWART. M. P.. PHYSICIAN AM) SVRtiEOX, vrttce No. 1 Main Str- t. Office Hours to tt A. M., and 1 U 2 ami 6)t to . 7U P. M. W. TI. KIMHERMX. M. P. PHYKIC1AA AM) 8CUGKOX, To the Nebraska Eye aud 1-jtr Inlirmry, will recommence practice at Browuvllle, . May Lst, lhost. MERCIIATfDISE. WM. T. HEX, Wholesale and Hii'i'l Jtealer in Ocneral Mrrcltandl.e, and (ommlinlon and Kor warding Jltrtu.ut, No. 6 Miiin street. Corn Planters, J'w, Attn Furniture, Ac, olwa.ut on liamL Jinilnxt tnarl ef priw paid for J lute, frits. Fur and ttiuntrj produce. O. M. HENDERSON, Tieoler in J-ureurn a'lii J unnestie DRY (iUUUN AM UROCKKIES, No. 5 3 Main Street, J. L. McGF.E CO. Dealer. In t-neral Blercliandi.e, No. J Mrl'herbon's lilin k. Main SU DRUG STORES. HOLLADAY CO., Wh4,leivtr o icrul iM-aier in Drnga, Aledlctnc, Paint., Oil., etc. No. 41 Umih Street, McC1;EEUY & N1CKELL, W hol4Ue nnd lictail lHaU-r in Orari, Beoki, Wallpaper 4t aialionery No. S'4 .Vlaau Mftfl. BOOTS AND SHOES. CHARLES II ELMER, BOOT AkU Uub UAU.EU, . ' Nu. 6 JtVaiXi Miet U Has on hand a superior slock of Louts and Shoes. Custom Work done u tUi mcyUmcm and mltrpatch. A. ROHINSOX, BOOT A Ail tiliOE 1UKEII, No. ( Main su-eeu J J as on hand a good jjutortmrnt of (rent's, Jjodte's, Misses' and Children's Hoots andblutes. Custom U ork dune rtA neatness and dxspatcii. Hepairxng done on short notice. HARDWARE. JOHN C. HEl'SER. Aealer In Stoves, Tinware, Pump., Ac No. 3 V Maui Mm-L KnELLEXBERGER liRO'H., Mannfaetarcra Av Ltealr r. In Tinware. No. 74 Alain su, ML-l'iienton'M lilock. fytoves, Hardware, Carpenter TooU, JJUtck tmtth's J-vrnuttungs, dc, constantly on hand. SADDLERY. john w. MiiaLirrox. UARXEas, BRIULKS, COLLARS, Etc. No. 64 Main Street. ITAtp and Lashes of every description, and Jlastertng Hair, kept on kaiuJL Cast jad for Jiide. J. H. LAUER, Mnnvfrirtiirer and J artier in xiarxess, Bridles, collars, Etc. No. 4 Main Street. Jdendmg dsme to order, iut.sactinn CHARLES BRIFGEL, "BEER HALL AND LVACU ROOM, - r r No. Hi Main tstreet. BERGER 4 ROBERTS. BILLIAltLI HALL AND SALOOX, Raaement, No. 4 Mam stm t. , The best h lies and Lvjuor kept constantly n fcand. - vli-n26. JOSLTH HrrlARD d: CO.. c . . fcALOOA, Xo. 47 Uuji Street. The beat Wlnen and Liquors kept on hand. eojjkty claim agents. ei. r. smtthT " r. S. WAR CLAIM ACEKT, R'Oiu HfAon City, It. Ci M 111 attend to the prosecution of claim be lora the lepiirtmeut in perwm, lor Additj.wiHl Bounty, linck liiy and Pensions, and all claims accruing aiutitt the Government du ring th lau m. " - RMITH. P. TUTTI.E. V 9. ASSISTANT ASSKSSOR. Office In District Court Room. .Votary J'ublie ami I niled Auaes M ar Claim Agent. U dj. attend to Vie prosecution of cltums il'izf for AddUional Bounty int iL'LiiZ?"'" CoUectiontf emmt-Annuat ljuemon iruunu. -'wr,",.!- mm ELACHS1HTHS. J. ILlASOXr RLvek mltkinfr and Iiore SUoelnc. bbop Nu. SO Maiu sire ' ui no JiUtckJtnititunv of aii kind. Makes Machine Uvrk a Aj-ccuiiau J. . a j. c. ;msox BLCUijillTUS, ' folop oa Flrsv, btiwu Main and Atlantic ratUeed, -- , wuuaMin eruar- JOHN FLORA, " ,LACKltMlTH, 6liop on V uu-t bi, fsouth of American House. Custom H ork uf ail kinds -tinted. nwa- JEWELERS. l.v.n pit Clocka, V at Jewelry, ate--t- No. a Main stretl rarer and Sver-I-uLLyt v. m-. -, .... tie. of bperxaeir ctaniiy on &ZZZa mmemuie n-atesif Lie. at sktirtmnLu J. . " mcc crai. horkurraiucL. Central Emsintss Qxxbs. Cards of five llns or-less. So a year. a.1 r.tioiil line. 1. Each HOTELS rr?rr:sTxv a rn a house. iir,.Mi KINiv; l'roprfc-tor. Good accommodations. Hoarding by the day or week. The traveling public are invi ted to give him a calL 1-tf STAR HOTEL.. CROKS A VHITE, Proprietors. On Ie-ee Htreet, ho:w-en iialn and Atlantic. Thix lloxue is conrmtciU to Vie gram Jioat Jjcmding, and Iff buxiwut part of the City. 1'he best accvmmHdatvnu in Ute CitSJ. ?' pa ins trill be reared m iiuUnnff fu-eU com fortable. Good Xtalle and Orrrrall convenient to the Jouxe. AifTitK for K. Sc Sture ( o. - "- T'"A.";i:;.ii'AV iarE. "L. 1). H UllsuN, fropritor. Front St.. letwecn Main and Water. A trood h'eed and Livery Stable in connection unili the JJ'jvm. COKTECTIONEIllXS. nvnfffir VJIFVET. Bakery and Confectionery, No. 37 Main street. Offers to the public at reduced raten a choice Ptock of Groceries, l'rovisions, Confectioner 18, etc.. etc. WILLIAM ROSS ELL. Bakery, Confectionery and Toy Store. No. 40 Main Street. fYesh Bread, Lukes, Oysters, Fruit, ctc.,onhand J. I. PEUSER, Dealer In Confectioneries, Toys, etc. No. 4 .Mam Street. JYARIXS TI T.. EBRIGHT, Rotary Pnbllc and Conttjrtattr, And acrent lor the Equitable and American Tontine Life Insurance Companies. 5-tf J. C. McXAUGHTOX, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office In J. L. Carson's Bank. Aoent for " Aalional Life" and "Hartford Live iSJocAr" Jnsvrcmce Clnnftanie. FAIRBROTHER 4 HACKER, Notary Pnbllc and Conveyancer, Oflice In County Court Room. G. W. FAIEBKOTHEK, JAMES K. HACKEE, Notary Public County Clerk. BARBERS. - J. L. ROY, -BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. No. 5 Main Street, JIut a splendid suit of Bath Booms. Alto a choice stock of Gentleman XottoH. GRAIN DEALERS GEO. G. START & BRO.. DEALERS l. URA1N, PRODUCE, Ac. Atjnmcau, .vtiraska. The hhrhest market price jmid for anythlne the Farmer cuu ruim;. e win uuy aua Ktui everything known to the market. WORTHING & WILCOX, Storage, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, And Dealers in ail ktiulx of Grain, for which thsypay Vie llnhcst Market ITict- in LXi-sh, TAILORING. HArBOT.PT A ZEC7T. MERCHANT TAILORS, Aa. dSV2 Main iXrtet, Have on hand a splendid stok of Goods, and w ill make them up in the latest styles, on short notice and reasonable terms. WAGON MAKERS. FRANZ II ELMER, YVaffon Maker and Repairer. riui ei ot durt Houmj. Waious, Jiujou s, Blows, Cultivators, ic, re paired on short notice, at low rates, and war ranted to give sal txj act ion. MUSIC. MRS. J. M. GRAHAM, TEACHER OF MIS1C. ICkiiii.s, M;iin, tcl itn A oth Sis. Lessons vivenun the Piano Organ, Melodeon Guitar and Vocalization Having had eight years exfirrtence as teacher of Music tn A cta 1 ork is confident aj giving satiJacuon. PAINTING. - (i. 1 BERKLEY, House, Carriage and Sign Painter. No. 66 Mum St., upstairs. Graining, Gudduig,Uiizing and Baper Hany ing doiw on short notice, favorable terms, and warranted. A. D. MARSH, Baok.eller and New. Dealer. City Book Store. No. 30 Main street, 1'ostomoe BuiMint;. A. STAFFORD, PHOTOtdlAPlUC ARTIST, Nu. 4". Wn ftUixl, up felairs. Jcrsons wishing Btchtrcs executed tn the latest style of the Art, will catt at my Art trallery. A. W. MORGAN, Probate Judge and Justice of the Peace Office iu Court House liuilding. J. K. BEAR, Agent for the M. V. Express Co., and W. V. Telegrapn Co. No. 7 McPiieison's Hlock. C. W. WHEELER, BRIDGE BUILDER, Sole agent lor K. W. smith's Patent Truss Bridge The strongest and best wooden bridge now in use. E. H. BURCHEH, Land.capo (ardrner A. Horticulturist. Wiii plant crojis tn Gardens, and cultivaet tame bu conlmci. ' KEIS WETTER & EIRSMAX, BrownvUJe City Bleat Market. No. 60 Main Street. Try? pny the highest market price for good Beef Cattle, Caliet, Hiierp and Hogs. BLISS HUGHES. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. Will mtteiut to Ute tale of Beat and Bcrsonal I'roperty tn Vie Nemaha Land District. Terms reasonable. . I. "-T-"- l.'I'W'l 1 " f l-"tlLOMl CLOCKS, "WATCHES, J" E "W" EL Jrl Y. Io.S9 Main Street. Brownville. JOSLU'U SLLUTZ, r ' n.as just opened and VIII constantly V5V keep on liai.d a lar:e and well assorted slock of genuine articles in his line. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, and Jew elry done on short notice ALL TTOA'Tr WAI2I2AX7TD. MISS MARY A. SIMPSON, MnilHES & DEE3S HAXEE, Second Street, bet. Alain and Wattr. BROVXVILLE, Welshes to inform the Ijsulii of BrowuvilU and vicinitv, tht she ha a Hrt class im.T.TTrsiiir SHOP, Where work will be done with gret taire and tieatnw, aud alter the latest Eastern styles, lileachiug none in the very latest styles, uua on snort notice Latest stylos of Ladles" and Clilldren'sila -and Bonnts constantly on hand Al lait. patterns of Ladies' Dre$ Gik.h1s, Ciouks, and Children's Clothing cut on short notice. JOHN L. CARSON. BJiO H'.V YILLE TBllAbKA Exchange Bought and Sold on all the prin cipal cities. Also dealer in Gold aud biivei Coin, Gold Imst and G0vxn?vi72inrrr boiibs. Dcjosits received, payable at sight. Inter est ald on time deposits by special ajrrire menU Taxes ;iid tor non-resiiients. Ail kind of V. S. 1 loads wanted. CITY BAHXRIT IKS coxfectio.neiiy: : Ko. 3 1 Cor. Main k 1st Su (rpoeiteOt j Drug Stinre. "VILLIAil ALLEN, Proprietor. - ries. Cakes, rresli Itread. Confrctloiif ry. Lirnt uud , .r'uxicy Groceries - Constantly on Hand ! ! PreEh Ereid Delivered Daily I Tirt Class raxllj-PlottrVaj-rajatod. lYcs Eipri. ruaa for tha bentSt of iny Cust aiacra. Agricultural Department. This Department of our paper1" Tl?iteT bj;, and uniler the eonnol of Col. R W. Fck KAA, to whom all Communications on "iLgrlculture" should be addressed. Iyc's Seedling. A great deal is just now being said and written concerning the Ive's Seed ling Grape. A premium was recent ly awarded it as the best wine Grape in America. Dr. C. W. Spalding, of St. Louis, President of the "Cliff Cave Wine Compaq-," was a member of the awarding committee. We take the li!erty of publishing the following extract from a private letter received by us from the Doctor a few days since. His opinions are so frank and candid that we value them : "The Ives has not yet been fruited much in this State. It is not equal to Concord as a table grape, but it is su perior for wine. Vigorous, productive and hardy, it bids fair to become a leading variety for wine, but that has not yet been proved. I have, however, so much confidence in it that I have planted four acres, about one-half of which will come into bearing next season. I consider it a safe grape to plant, but there remains, of course, some uncertainty until it has been thoroughly tested. In my opinion no grape should be pronounced upon with certainty until it has been fruited five years. ALany varieties do well wnen young and afterwards fail. I do not expect to be disappointed in the Ives but I may be and therefore I opposed the award of the Longworth's Wine House Premium, giving to the Ives the first place for the whole country. For this I have been roundly abused by Jlr. E. A. Thompson, of Cincinuat ti, as you probably knew ; I, however, think I fihall- survive the attack and have the assurance that I am sustained by the honest and intelligent grape growers of the country. The' .Norton's Virginia is our best wine grape that is the best that has been fully tested, and that can be had vineyard prices. It fruits as does the Concord, the third season after planting. The ives fruits one year luUer. This lattei fact ap?ars to have been kept back by theOliioaus, and I only discovered it by trial. I find, however, on inquiring in Ohio, tHat it has always been Well known there." We have such faith in tht- Ives tliui we will pliiijt an acre liie coining spring. Fruit Tree Planting. We venture the assertion that there will be planted in Nebraska more fruit trees aud grape vines the coming sea sou than in all years combined hereto fore. Several parties we know of are going into fruit raising as a business. Dr. McPhersou, of this place, husibrl acres formerly timber adjoining tin city, which he ia preparing 101 iruit. He has been planting this fall, and is preparing lor still more extensive ope rations in the Spring. Judge Musou, near Nebraska City, who has already done much in Iruit planting, is en couraged to do Ptill more He is going extensively into grapes in the Spring. His grounds are admirably adapted and located, and are already surround ed by a line young grove of timber of his own planting. We shall extend our own operations in the Spring, and put out in various fruits and vines, sufficient to make, in addition to what we now have, fifty acres in all in fruits. We have planted enough of peach seed this fall to make a peach orchard of the county. We have no doubts as to fruit in this county, especially peaches and grapes. This one thing, however, must be re membered : do tchai you do right and welL " What is worth doing at all is worth doing ireW." This off-hand waj of doing anything pertaining to the cultivation of fruits, does more to dis courage in the end than all else com bined. See that your ground is well prepared ; that you have good plants ; that they are well put out, and well taken care of. These points observed, and we will guarantee fruit in Nebras ka to the hearts content. ' - ' - - To Gix. W. Campbell, Delaware, Ohio, we are indebted for his annual pamphlet for 1869 "Descriptive List of Hardy native grape vines, and Small Fruit." We have known Mr. Campbell bj correspondence for years. Like ourseif, he is troubled with "grape on the brain." He was the first extensive cultivator and dissemi nator, of the Delaware grujve. The first vine of this variety planted in this State, we 2urchased cf him ' eleven years ago. It has given entire -satis-laction in all resects, as many of our friends will bear us testimony. Mi. C, hke almost all extensive gioweis, etillhastt specialty" the - Martha,' he" reeomiueiius very highly. It is a white grai, seedling from the Con cord, umi is saiii to be equally hardy and prolific- Dr. Warder says of it, "that taknig its hardiness, healthy -ness, and all other good qualities into consideration, I regard it as of more value than all the rest of. the white native grapes put together." CeXTKL UXIOX AGRICULTURIST, and Missouri Vallly.Fakm-u the nana of a new agricultural napi published at .Omaha in this Slate. It is edk-ed by Jeremiah Behm. The -Agriculturist is the same. size, of the American Agricaliuristtuiii typograph ically gotten up in the same fctyle. Published monthly at t- a year. We are pleased -with the first number. It rttquirw nerve to 6tart out .with.su? a publication in this new country," and we heartily wish the enterprising pub lisiicrau ccess. Wine Properties or Ine Grape. The value, of grapes for wine mak ing depends'upoti the amount of sugar contained in the juice. ; Wine grapes under favorable' circumstances con tain on the average in 1,000 pounds -;-sugar,."4i) pounds acids, 6 pounds ; water, 754 pounds. The iuice or must as grape growers call "itA-is" tested by an instrument cailed asacitarometer, which will sink more or less in the liquid as it contains more or less sugar. In October last there Was a graje test ing at Hammondsport, New York, we learn fnr-u the A ; rirnuAricuU.uji.di Hon. M. P. Wilder as Chairman of the committee. The following was the results: Delaware as high as 103 saccharotn eter, 7 3-10 acid ; Israella 84 sacch., 5J acid ; Iona 101 sacch, 8 6-10 acid ; Catawba 80J eacch, 1 acid ; Walter, uy sacch. , 9 3-10 acid ; Diana 8S sacch 12 3-10 acid: Crevling. 7 sacch.. 10 acid; Alvey, 83 sacch., 121 acid; Clinton, 85 sacch., 10 acid ; Concord, 7AO cur.fh 11 a-A fTrrtr TW caAh V OtttVAlff U CbLiU V SJk WJj t OttVVAitf 12 5-10 acid ; Issabella, 76 sacch., 12J acid ; Scuppernong, 60 sacch., J acid. The "Eumelan" Grape is another of Dr. Grant's new varieties. The Doctor was the originator of the Iona and Israella. ' We have the "Eume lan" circular with a fine illustration of the fruit. 'It is an accidental variety that sprang up on the premises of a Mr. Thome, Fishkill Dock, New York. Dr. Grant discovered its good qualities and has tried it, he says, thoroughly, and offers it to the public with his hearty endorsement. This grape is a "good Black grape, as its name implies," savs the Doctor "not simply good without defects, or high excellence like the Chasselas, and best only in early ripening, but best also in the highest excellence of flavor. Dr. C. W. Grant is the proprietor of the Iona Nurseries, near Peekshill, Westchester county, New Y'ork. The American Naturalist is a popular illustrated monthly magazine of natural history, published by the Peabody Academy of Science, Salem, Muss. Since .the.Jtirst issue -of tins magazine the literary and scientific press throughout the country have riven the most generous praise to the undertaking, calling especial attention to the fitness of its articles, and to its mechanical execution. The first vol ume contained 0 leading articles, uim nearly nuO notes in botany, zoology, geology aud reviews ; sixteen full page plates, containing one hundred aud thirty-lour figures. Also one hundred and sixtv one illustrations in the text. Terms, -.-year,- or ii-i -etiiits single number. We are pleaded to know that our old friend li. A. Terry, E.u., well known to ilie eaiiier readers of the Ai(t rtit , is still among the fruits and flowers.. We had lost run of him lor years, lie used to be one of our reg ular and reliable conespondeiitsof the Stbratku tanner. We hote he will furnish us an occasional article lor our 'Agricultural Department." We have Iteiore us Mr. Terry's "Catalogue aud Price List jof Flora Garden and Nur sery, lSb-J, Crescent City, lowi." He .-hows a tine Jktf everything hi: his lin,e; aud as ouly the Missouri river separate hici iromNtlriska, hiifelock will do well with us. We will vouch for Mr. Terry as a tradesman. The "Walter" Grape. Fersis & Cay wood, of the Dutchess Nurseries, Poughkeepsie, New York, have sent us their circular "Description and Tes timonials" of their, at present, noted grate. The "Walter" is a cross of the Delaware and Diana, and is the result of eighteen years labor on the part of Mr. Caywood, say the proprietors. All that can-jytliiio-said of a grape is said of Uliei"iValter' If half is true, it is a valuable acquisition. The illustration shows an admi rable looking cluster. It is said to be a Raisin Grape. Many grape growers give evidence in its favor. Mr. Ed. Burgess says : "I know of no variety, the flavor of which I so much admire." The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste, is now about entering on its twenty-third an nual volumej- It is a first class peri odical devoted to Horticulture, Agri culture md Architecture.' The Hor ticulturist was established 'bj A.' J. Downing, a pioneer and noted writer on all subjects connected with agricul ture. We have taken and read it at tentively for thirteen years, and cheer fully recommend it to our readers. It is published monthly by F. W. Wood ward, 37 Park Row New Y'ork, at $2, jO a year; 10 copies Slo. Gardi:xi:u's Monthly. This val uable periodical, published at Phila delphia, is just now about to enter ilHiii its eleventh year. It is edited by Thomas Meehan, a practical florist nurseryman, botanist and gardener. The publishers promise improvements the conn ii" ytar. which i he ('ominytar which bi.wacran y the satisiaetory patronage of the iat year. The Gardener's Afont.'ifi is published monthly by Brinchloe A Marot, 23 X. Hih St.! Philadelphia. Terms J mn-ni. The Journal or Agriculture fa published weekly bv L. D. Morse & 'vU:iEiir&t vl-u 3 v3p7, at S2l-r annum. The J urnai-Tyoung. vigorous, up to the times, and" deter mined to excel already circulates in nearly all the States, and fa valued by its readers. The editor has had large experience in agricultural affairs, and is aided by writers of acknowledged ability ,"who haT-made'ifTerelrf ' FSWWtu and horns, ture a speciality, sand Jottings Agricultural. Twelve thousand cans of sweet corn are daily sealed at one factory ia Maine. In three years a farmer on the Isle of Man raised seven bushels of barley from a single grain. ' An English dairvman Kiivs that the material for butter tubs should be well soaked in boiling water before be ing manufactured. About thrity-five thousand aares of public lands were disposed ot iq Kansas and Nebraska, during October, t'Carly all for actual settlers, - - A 4-year-old Colt trotted a mile In 2:33 at Seacaucus course, in N. J., the fastest time on record for a four-vear oia, 5iu,uuo were retused lor him. It is said that Bonner feeds his horses from a box sitting on the floor, as he believes it is natural for them to take their food from a level with their feet. , . ; The editor of the Dallas, Iowa Ga zette, has received a turnip 30 inches in circumference; and the editor of the Gate City, at Keokuk, has an apple weighing 22 ounces. A strawberry grower in Pennsyl vania has come to the conclusion that the. ground usually devoted to this crop is made too rich for a profitable production of it. , The fund of half a million, left by the late Mr. McConough, of New Or leans, for the endowment of an agri cultural school of a high . order, is about to be rendered effective. To Secure Seed Corn. A stout wire stretched in the garret of the house or other loft, is one of the best things to hang seed corn on, as it can be easily aaraigned so as too keep off mice and rats. ' The editor of WMe'e Spirit of the Times, gives the following recipe as a sure remedy for scratches : Sulphat of zinc, one drachm; glyc erine, two ounces ; apply every morn ing. - - ' ' At a sale of Short-horns in Eng land, Moses Ilore, a famous cow, but somewhat aged, sold for 4)0 guineas. Two others, Princess, 2d and 3d, brought 030 guineas ; o'j cows averaged over JE67, aud 10 bulls averaged G4. A Maine editor says a pumpkin in that State grew so large that eight men could stand around it, which statement was only equalled by that old Hoosierwho saw a flock of pigeons fly so low that he could shake a stick atlhem. s The towrs along the river Ama zon in outn America, in tne niuiat oi the? most productive country in the world, get meat, flour aud dried fruits, from North America and Europe, be cause the people are too lazy to work. Dr. Trumble says he once saw a cypress tree. in the Dismal Swamp, V irginia, which was cut down and the rings showed it was 1,100 years old. And this tree wtis growing over anoth er tree which was much larger. A correspondent of the Rural New Yorker says no grape should be coun ted as even approaching perfect ripe ness when the stem does not exhibit a deadened and shriveled, blackened character, at least three fourths of an inch from its connection with the brauch on which it grew. The Spanish vintage, according to the Madrid, pajers, bids fair to be ex traordinarily plentiful thfa year. The fines' are 'literally weighed down by the profusion of grapes, and it fa feared that the price of wine will fall so low as hardly to compensate the expenses of the viiiyar J exxenses. Wool is so cheap and old sheep so plentiful on the River Platte, in South America, that many sheep are being "fried out for greese." As they can be bought at from twenty-five cents to one dollars per head, b making a very good business at the present time, yielding something like 100 per cent profit. Charcoal for Swine. In every hog-pen there should be a trough, in Wii ich there should lx? deposited week ly a quantity of charcoal. The hog eage rly devoars this substance, and is greatly benefited and strengthened by its constant use. It prevent many unpleasant diseases, and contributes largely to the fatty secretions. The. report of the committee on swine at the Hubbardston, Mass. town cattle show, was as follows : "No swine to-dar, not even one. We know not what it means: WV hope that those who slight these shows . Wiil get no pork and Jeajte ! Xo swine to-day. oh what a pity '' And five old men on the committee. Horticulturists in Switzerland and Germany make a practice of boring in to the ground among the roots of fruit trees with-an. instrument made for the purpose, and pouring in liquid manure to stimulate the growth and productiveness of the trees, and also to .-enable . them to resist drouth A crow-bar driven down among the roots will make a. hole large enough to re ceire andjdfatribute several gaIous of liquid manure. . - ' Milk Experiments. A dairyman, Hank I. Clark of New Y'ork, has instituted a course of exje rimwits in regard to milk, and com municates the results to the American Agriculturist. They are as follows : "1. The quality of milk differs al most if not quite as much as in quan tity. 2. li buying a cow, get asample o the milk if possible. 3. A cow gives richer milk when fat than poor. 4." A cow gives poorer milk with her first calf than afterward, o. The older th cow the richer the milk, until her constitution logins to fail. (i. The louger the eriod .which has elapsed since calving, tfie richer the milk. 7. The richness of the milk varies with the quality ot feed. S. The ri.-hness of. the cream varies that from the riehwit milk making the mst butter. 8. A tow should be in first rate condi tion when she calves: all the fat goes into the milk pail. . 10. Stripping: or iasT milk lis from five M nine times nrherthan first taken. 11. A cow must Ite in good health to give rich aud wholesome milk. 12. Milk should be skimmed when forty-eight hours old, and sweeL" Charles Reemeux, of Cincinnati, says one of our Agricultural exchan ges, 'has written a new work "The Vine Dje-eer's Manual,", a manual "written to bring information to the household, rather than the wine- shop." - We have known the oathor for yea years as a practical vinej-ardist, I with" a clear .'thorough knowledge of, Clipping his subject. Closing Exercises oftlie Fourth Term of the rvebraslia State formal School. PrRC, December 10, 1S83. The closing exercises of fourth term of the Nebraska State Normal School took place on the 7th, 8th and 9th of the present month. And as examin ing committee we beg leave to make the following report: The examinations commenced on the afternoon of The classes in the . ty, the 7th inst. A Department were first brought f. rc.. This de partment ha-j been t, :ht by mem bers of the Nomial Dep,.; t:nent, under the eye of the Principal, us far as pos sible. It is here the teachers g6t the practice that they may test the theory given them, bv actual experiment. This we consider one of the best fea tures of the school. The ciasses in this department con sisted of students of all grades of ad vancement, from the alphabet to prac tical arithmetic, &c. Manv cf the teachers in this department showed an aptness to teach truly worthy of com mendation, and the pupils undtr their L !l ?i J . 1 . r care exnioueu a uegree or pronciency in the studies pursued that spoke well for their own and their teacher's ef forts. Tuesday morning classes in Algebra and Practical Arithmetic were exam ined. The method of examination was altogether topical. Topics were written on slips of pajer and, students drew their topics. A topic was then called for by the teacher, or some member of the committee, and the pupil holding the topic arose to his feet and read over his topic, and pro ceeded at once to discuss it. Nothing of the parrot-like memoriter Ftyle of recitation was allowed ; but a thor ough, clear, concise and rigid demon stration of every principle was re quired. No leading questions were asked to aid the students in recalling the subject before him. It was either a prompt response, or the next pupil answered the question for him. During the day on Tuesday classes in Grammar, Analjsis, Higher Ar ithmetic, History, Penmanship. Read ing, Spelling, Descriptive and Physi cal Geography, Geometry and Latin were examined. We cannot speak of them all in detail, but will mention especially the Readingand Geography classes. We would be pleased if some of our teachers who are now engaged in teaching could but listen a few times to the recitation of the reading class. We are confident the' would return to their school with very dif ferent views of the subject ; and be aUe to make their classes worth, a hundred per cent, more than they are now. ine great central ide;vot every member of the class as he rises to read is 1 must express the true thought and feeling contained in the book, and to do that I must first un derstand it thoroughly myself, hence the reading lesson becomes a deep study to every scholar ; and the inter est manifested showed -ijow intcnjiily in earnest was each one. Everything in connexion with the class was criti cised position, manner of holding book, tones, emphasis, inflection, ar ticulation, etymology of words, etc In fact, the object was to do what was done, just exactly right. True but little ground could be gone over during each recitation ; but what was gone over during, was done in such a man ner as to make a deep impression on the mind of the students. The Geography classes also showed the great distinctive features in the school. In place of the old question aud answer method' the students had studied entirely by topic, and had drawn maps of different countries studied, locating themountains, river3, lakes, gulfs, baj's, etc., with a precis ion that showed atonce that a picture of the whole tiling under considera tion was indellibly fixed on the mind. Maps were sketched on the black boards during the examination, by members of the class, that were highly ereditable to them. The class in Physical Geography exhibited a thor oughness highly creditable to both teacher and scholar. On Wednesday forenoon the exami nation of the Normal class proper took place. This class consisted of about twenty young iadies and gentlemen, in course of preparation for the active duties of teaching. The examination of thfa class was to show, as far as pos sible, the manner in which the various branches had been gone over during the term. Firt, a chart exhibiting a classification of all the arts and sci ences was presented, and explained. The chart was to show the proper lo cality of each branch studied, and at the same time give the students an idea oftheextentof human knowledge. The subject of orthography was taken up and located as a branch of gram mar, which belonged to the depart ment of science called Phonics. A word, was then written on the black board tand a perfect exhaustive, ana lysis was gone . through with, and pvery thing was told about the word as a whole; each syllable and each separate letter that could be told, and this maj- serve as an illustration of all the diHerent branches taught in our common schools. A perfect systemat ic classification of all the branches was gone over during the term, and lec tures on the theory aud practice were delivered as far as possible- by the Principal during the term before the class. And the readiness conceived by the members of the class in ans wering the inquiries of the committee on questions - of school discipline, plainly showed that their training had not been in vain. As a whole, we vcxtc highly gratified with the con duet of the school. The whole course of trainin z showed a depth and thorough ness that cannot fail to make good scholars. We were especially jdeased with the good order and system man ifested in the change of classes, and the style of passing to and from recitation. At nearly every change of classes the students all march to their several recitation rooms to suitable muio, and gymnastic exercises are also per formed to music. The school can no longer be regar ded as an experiment. It has every elemeut of success, and only needs the fostering care of the State and a liber al patronage to make it what every true friend of the institution can de sire. But while we rejoice in. the suc cess of the school,' and commend the ability and untiring energy of the teachers, we cannot overlook the fact that they labor under many disadvan tages. The building is not yet wholly com pleted. The grounds arc unpriced, and there is bat little library or appa ratus, and the btrildlng very deficient in furniture. These deficiencies ought at once to be supplied, and we hope the State Legislature, soon to assem ble, will make a liberal appropriation for thfa purpose. It"i3 a necessity. Without it the school cannct accom- phsn what it should. It 13 the duty & TnoIl&lkT provision for the education of toach- ers for our common schools. Let the State Normal School be placed upon a firm basis. Let the building be fiin fahed, the grounds fenced and orna mented, a library and apparatus fur nished, and let the school be amply endowed with land, cr.d we shail then have an institution that will compare favorably with the Normal Schools of other States, and be at once a blessing and an honor to our own. F. M. Estesbrook, 1 Examining Committee. li. BURGH, C. B. Saxtees, Charles Snraner. Thtrei no oratnria Ameriqa, "Wen dell Phillips excepted, whose career is more fruitful of splendid examples, or more flattering to the character of the nation, and especially cf the State he has honored by a flawless publio life, than the greatest advocate of equal rights who ever sat in the United States. It fa needless to name him; for the Senate has never given us more than one man who has never once equivocated, or faltered, or bent the knee to the American Baal of political expediency ; and everybody knows that thfa solitary senatorial Cato of our days is the illustrious Republican ora tor of Massachusetts. Charles Sumner fa the most success ful politician in 'America. His sena torial career has been one unbroken and continuous triumph : and there is every probability that, if his life shall be spared, it will be quoted in time to come as the longest ua well as the most unsullied career. How has he achieved thfa wonderful successi ? N'ot by flattery of the people, either personal or political. To those wno know him well he is an unas suming and genial friend; open-minded, free in sjeaking of every motive that has governed him, always ready- to give freely aud fully of. the vast treasures of knowledge he has gath ered up, without reservations in des cribing hfa associates in frank but kindly terms; a man in whom there is no deceit, no love of deep strategy, no shadow of a shade of belief that it is even unsafe or unwise to dare to en act the highest conceptions of justice and truth. His political strategy is like the military strategy of Grant. Mv idea or strategy," said the leader of our armies, "fa to got as pear the enemy as you can, and then fight him." Sumner has .fought his long campaign against iolitieal injustice on this theory, and he will tight it out on this line if it should take him ail hfa lifetime. But while to hfa friends to men who not onlv sympathize with his po litical ideas, but whose love of letters enables them to call forth and enjoy his literary Btore he is thus a famil iar companion, there is nothing of the hail-fellow-well-met in hfa manners toward them or others; nor does he know how to make a friend for life, as Henry Clay did, by a magnetic re ception of a common vfaator: there :? a certain coiJaess ana preoccupation in his style, entirely involuntary, which sometimes rather chills than cheers his casual acquaintances. This does not arise from any aristocratic spirit ; it is mainly owing, wo thaik. to his scholastic habits, and to several generations of Njjw England training which he has inherited, and which sel dom fails to put this distinctive mark on the Yankee to the manner born. Hundreds of men have reached a high round on the ladder of official life simply by their popular personal man ners. Charles Sumner owes nothing to thfa means. Thousands have gone up higher than they ought by diving lower than they should in the turbid stream of flattery of the people and their prejudices. Charles Sumner never courted his own party even, and never equivocated in the presence of either friend or foe. He owes hfa greatness to fidelity to his own soul. Among a huge mob of fawners and Democratic courtiers, the people saw in this orator a max. They soon found that if they applaud ed him, he received their good-will in good part ; but that, if they hesitated to sanction his bold course, he still marched onward to hfa goal, without hesitation and without rest. He has never "engineered" hfa own electioos; and yet he has never failed of an elec tion whenever his name has been put in nomination. He has never even lifted hfa little finger to procure the highest honor that hfa State can be stow; and yet there fa no oflice in her gift which he cannot command. Two incidents of his career illus trate hfa inflexible adherence to the doctrine that the oflice should seek the man, and not the man the oflice. When hfa office wa jending before the legislature for the first time, it needed only a single vote to decide his fate. He was importuned to give pri vate assurances that he would act in the main with the majority of the par ty. The only answer they received was that he stood by every word of every speech he had made on the ques tion of slavery. Again, he was a.-ked simply to.go tip to the State House one morning, and shake hands pleasantly with one "bhakey" legislator, wham this trifling courtesy would have won to his side. Not a step would he move. Again, after the assult of Brooks, his election was pend ng, and it was desired to make it unanimous. A Democrat called on him one morn ing, and tol l him he had often said, in private life, that, after this outrage, although he wa- opposed to Mr. Sum ner in politics, if ever he bad u chance to vote for him, he would assuredly do so, as a rebuke to the barbarism of sla very. "Now," said the Democrat, "I am a member of the legislature; I can vote for you ; but my party are very hostile to you. Mr. Sumner, what would you recommend me to do?" The Senator did not coax this waver ing legislator to abide by hfa decision ; he only answered: "Sir, your case reminds me of a line in Wordsworth: " 'The soul may reach a hight it can not keep!'" Never was there a public servant in ducted into oflice who so little cultiva ted the arts of popularity. Appealing always and everywhere to the con science of the people, hfa career fa a triumph of the moral element in our politics, and should serve as an assur ance that the best way to win endu ring public favor is faithfully to serve the higher nature of one's constituents. Next to hfa integrity of cliaracter and loyalty to principle, Mr. Sumner owes most of his suecess to hfa indom itable and tireless industry. He is an amazing worker. Late and early he fa at work, with all the enthusiasm of hfa youth. Aided by a memory which never fails to keep whatever lie once hears or reads, he always brings to whatever topic ha deals with, a variety and aptness cf .historical iliostraUna which, makes him an almost indispen sable authority in every debate. He has proballyEi5.de more speeches of the character .termed by the 1 rench sans rez'ique speeches, like hfa fa mous Kans33 oration, nnansweratls ted fact. than any cth:r member cf either house of Coi.grei-s. Again, he fa fiivrays a! hb s.pp-cJi:!cd post always where a statesman C"ht to le in t he-van of the r-rtJi f-.-' iesly, clearly and eloquently urgizT the duty of the hour. The blind Las ers who love to prophecy ?mcctii things the Fessendens, for example, and theTrjmhiills and the fafae-Llzr- ted men who set-k to betray tueir prj tv the Johnsons, for exam j if, and the Doolitrles can readily be pointed out by one unfailing token a venom ous hatred of Charts Sumner, All the triramera and ail the triors ti- test him. Our space dcs r ot permit rs t tr--"2 tutmanrrimiif lessons wiu... ti.i iJ of Senator Sumner affords. Nor is It necessary. For, after all, thy are ail summoned up in the first lessen, an.4 the most conspicuous: Bekavfi'i.! - - James I2cdjat7it in Independent, .. I. Teachers Association. .-' Kvemai School Build :yo, Xov. , is:s Tho Nemaha County Teachers As sociation met pursuant to adjourn meet ; called to order by the President. The evening exercises opened with singing by the Normal cla3, and prayer bv'Rev. D. Hart, followed by music. The minutes of the prevlrua meeting were read and adopted. Tho President then entertained the mem bers' with an interesting address ; after which. Prof. Moore, of Brownviile, favored the audience with an interes ting address. "Music" The Associa tion then adjourned to meet morning, 9 o'clock A. M. d-y SATURDAY MOKXTXG The Association met according to adjournment. Exercises opened with singing by the Normal class, and prayer by Rev. F. M. Esterbrooir. Roil call and the appointment of ft critic. The regular programme was then taken up. A clas recitation be ing first on the programme, was defer ed and the subject of "School Disci' pline was taken up and dfacussed Uy quite a number of . the -members pre ent. On motion the subject wa3 laid over. aifd a class recitation in reading was introduced and conducted by Prcf. McKenzie, which was followed' bv an interesting dfaoussion on tho s; of reading. The Executive Committee then sub mitted a report of the- appointments cf person to deliver addresses at thodif-' ferent districts in the county, Report received and committee discharged. On motion, the Association adjourn, ed to meet at 1 o'clock P M. AFTERXOQX SESSIOX. The Association met pursuant to a4- journment. The audience was inter ested for a short time by experiments with Galvanio Battery 'by Dr. S. 21. MKJrew. Music. ' On motion, the report of the Execu tive Committee was addopted with the amendment that the persons to wbor iut'"' wore assigned Jvu tha 1 - iKuituients to speak a tho i!il.rcnt places appointed. It was moved and adopted that the next regular meeting of the Association be held at Brown viile, commencing on the third Friday evening in January, 1500, and hold over Saturday. On motion the subject of school dfa cipliu was taken up for one hour. It was moved and adopted that the President appoint a committee of three . to answer any questions Jhat may b presented by any member of the Asso ciation. The committee consisted of Rev. D. Hart, F. M. Estcrbrouk and. Mrs. C, B. McKenzie. On motion, i'rof. Moore and Judge Hewctt, of Brownviile, were appoin- . ted to procure a Lecturer for the iixt regular meeting. The Executive Committee submit- ' ted the following programme which was received ; Friday evening music, prayer an4 lecture. Saturday, 9 A. M. Roll call, music, and class recitation in arithmetic. Discussion, best method of cenduo ting a class in elementry arithmetic. P. M. Session Music, unfinished business, volunteer declamations, es says, songs, sentimenU, fec. Your committee will rely upon tho member? of the A-ociation In Brown- ville to procure suitable music. Critic report received. On motion, the following resolution wan adopted : Resolved, That the hearty thanks of the Association are due and hereby tendered to the people of Peru fcr the kind and literal manner in which they entertained the members during the present session. Music... The Association then adjourned to meet at the above time and place spec ified. ISAAC BLACK, Pres. W. F. Williams. Sec. Scene at the Death lied oTFrcs-. ltlent Lincoln. At Carlisle, Pa., recently, the Pres byterian Synods of the old. and new schools beiug in fess:on at the same ' place, the two bodies met in commun ion wih great harmony. Ev. Dr. Gurley, put'r of the church irs Wash ington which President Lincoln n-m-ally attended, in a steech. at tho tabid gave tho following narrative, whbdi has never before been made public: "When summoned on that ad night to the death-ted of President Lincoia, I entered tiie room fifteen cr twenty minutes before his departure. All present were anxiously gathered around him, watching to -catch hia last breath. The physician, with cue hand on the pufae of the dying man ' and the other hand laid upon Lis heart, was intent watching for the moment when life should cease." "He lingered longer than we Lad expected. At last the physician said; 'He is gone he is dead.' " Then I solemnly believe that for four or five minutes there was not the slighcst noise or movement in that awful presence. We all stood trans fixed to our positions, ti-eechless, breathless, around the dead body of that great and good man. At length the Secretary of War, who was standing at my left, broke the silence and said, "Doctor, will you say anvthing?" I replied, I will speak, to God. Said he, "Do it just now." And there, by the side of our fellow chief. God put "it into my heart to ut ter this petition, that from that hour we and tho whole nation might be come more than ever firm in our devo tion to the cause cf cur beloved imr-. lied country. When I ceased, there arose from the lips cf the entire company a fervid and spontaneous "Amen.' And has not the whol-j heart cf the . cation responded "Amen." VV- no; that prayer, tiers offered, responded to In a most rtmirkabla manner? When, in cur hiry, have the people of thfa land been found, more eloasly bound together pur pose and heart that when th tele graphic wires tore all over thd coua try the sad tidin. 0 1 tn . -TT y f. ' 4 s--i T 1