Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 10, 1868, Image 2

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    gctafea ilwrfistr.
J, S. CHURCH, Editor.
From a report of the census of Chi
cago, completed October 1st, we take
the following: Population, 232,054;
valuation, $250,217,000; taxes levied
. . ... .
umaha City is boou to nave gas
After sinking about erventy thousand
dollars in the quicksands of the bot
tom, they are now erecting works on
the higher lauds, on 12th street
Ihiring the past year the public debt
has been decreased thirty-five millions
of dollars. A few years will relieve
the nation of what has been regarded
nn overwhelming burthen.
Homer Gear has done the readers o
the Gazette real service by noting the
irarrovercnta of the year In and Tecumseh. The record is
Valuable one, and the continuance of
the same from year to year will be an
item of much Interest to the old set-
On Friday the temporary railroad
bridere at Omaha cave way and the
entire structure, with the exception o
about one hundred feet on each side,
went down the river. The shifting
sand bottom loosened some of Its piles,
and the floating Ice soon completed the
wreck. A passenger train had crossed
the bridge but ten minutes previous to
the destruction.
A man came Into Judge Hewett's
Law Office one day last week and com
juenccd to draw up a deed. He star
ted off with, "Know one woman by
these presents." "Stop, says the
. Judge;" "you should write, "Know
all men by these presents." The
ttrancrer said "he could not see the
difference, for what one woman knew
all men soon find out."
We learu by the Blue Valley Record
that a new town has been laid out in
Jefferson County, In this State. It Is
epposite Jenkins' mills, on the west
side of the Little Blue. Quite a num
ber of buildings are In process of erec
tion and others contemplated. It Is
located on a tsautiful Gsran2 may
ere long become a place of some in
portauce; though the Record thinks
it too far south to ever be made the
county seat.
The Blue Valley Record of Decern
ber 5th, ways: Through the kindness
of Mr. J. D. McFarland we have been
furniohed the following exhibit of the
business transacted at the U. S. Land
Ofnce at that place from the opening
of the Office on tlie 11th of November
up to the 3rth, inclusive: Homestead
entries, 5952 acres ; cash entries, 7973
acres ; final homestead, 949 acres land
warrant entries, 10S0 acres; pre-emp
tions, 2720 ; making a total of 18,67
'. "As we go marching on" despottam
has been overthrown in Spain. The
Liberal party has triumphed In Eng
land, and now the Frussian Diet has
adopted a resolution in favor of entire
freedom of debate, and the same has
been approved by the Crown. Poor
France is back In the cold, and her
press nnder the Iron hell of despotism.
The Virginia of Europe will ere long
be liberated when she too ean Join the
glad refrain "As we go marching wv."
The world moves.
On Wednesday of last week Hon.
T. M. Marquette and Col. J. T. War
ner, two of the Presidential Electors
for Nebraska, met at Omaha, and Hon.
Louis Allge wah r, the third Elector,
being absent, Judge Clinton Briggs,
of that city, was chosen, as directed
by law, to fill the vacancy. The elec-
tors then proceeded to cast the vote of
Nebraska for Grant and Colfax for
president and Vice President of the
United States. Col. Warner was cho
sen messenger to transmit the vote to
Washington, and has gone to fulfill
his mission.
Thirty years ago Prentice owned the
Louisville Journal, and his Influence
for years thereafter was extensive In
public affairs. To-day his apprentice
of thirty year ago owns the Journal,
and Prentice is almost a perfect wreck,
caused by Intemperance, and Is em
ployed by the Journal at a nominal
salary, Incapable of work, and noth
ing is expecteg of him. Young men
should take warning. Outsida of the
paths of temperance and virtue there
Uno safety; while these vices lead
many of our brightest Intellects t
sure distraction.
The Nebraska City Newt of a late
date, urges the young men within the
Democratic fold to organize now for
the future political campaigns. It as
erU that herein consists the great
' strength of the Republican party, and
from this fact solely, It attributes the
unparelleled success of the party for
the past eight years. Taking for gran
ted the correctness of this position,
then we conclude that In sections of
our country where education and gen
eral Intelligence are the most diffused
among the people there, the Republi
can party is well organized, wLIle on
.the contrary in those sections where
ignorance, vice,, immorality and alow
. Ute of civilization, exists, there we find
the Republican party unorgaikiz&d.
Now, while we admit the t be
facts, we do not so readily conclude
that our success In these several sec
tions depends alone upon organization.
The Democratic leaders will not, or
can not comprehend the fact that a
large majority of American citizens
act from principle. They, from long
association with the stolid Ignorance
of the men they lead to the polls, and
by participation In the notorious
corruptions by which they succeed
Rmong those who congregate arouud
the einks of corruption and in
iquity, feign would believe that organ
izations alone can fioat any amount of
patronage and votes. Bo leng as De
mocracy will insist upon this rtew of
the aire, just so long must they expsct
to be ignominiously defeated, no mat
ter how well and effectually they may
! c organized.
Boutwell Introduced a bill making
all ftfcJecUIzetia over 21 years of age vo
ters for Presidential Electors, and-one
directing the Reconstruction Commit
tee to- examine into the condition of
public affairs in Virginia, Mississippi
and Texas, and report means necessa
ry to protect life, liberty and property.
Mr. Wood asks for instructions given
to Reverdy Johnson in settlement of
Alabama Claims. Mr. Moire II intro
duced a resolution of censure of Rev
erdy Johnson and requesting the
President to order his recall. Mr. Mc
Kee a bill to amend the naturalization
laws. Mr. Mullins a bill to declare the
members of the Ku Klux Klan out
laws and suppress the organization.
Mr. Archer, a bill to appropriate $50,
000 to reimburse the President for ex
penses in the impeachment trial
tabled. Mr. Lawrence, a bill to sell
gold to pay portions of the public debt.
Mr. Spalding, a bill providing for the
speedy resumption of specie payment.
Mr. Drake, a bill to regulate the filling
of vacancies in the rank of General,
Brevet General, Admiral and Vice
Admiral Mr. Ferry, a bill to remove
all political disabilities. Mr. Sumner,
a bill calling on the President for all
information cflection the relation of
the U. 8. with Paragua and Brazil.
The Gov. of Georgia sends a com
munication to Congress stating that
the law admitting that State to repre
sentation has not been fully executed
The director of the public schools o;
Omaha reports that during the past
year 2G6 males and 235 females atten
ded the public schools in that city
employing nine teacners in seven
schools, at the arereijate salary of
$4,327: expending for building, re-
nairs and Incidentals. $20,813: the
whole number of children in the city
between the ages of five and twenty-
one, is 2,19-3. Query : How does she
educate the 1.094 children not ac
counted for as being at school.
Mr. J. B. Johnson has Just complet
ed the Tax List of the City of Brown
ville. and by his permission we find
by examening the same that the valu
ation of Real and Personal Property
for 1SGS is $409,865.
General Tax Levied,
Total tax forCl ty purposes $6,581.00
The Electors of Iowa voted for or
against amending their constitution,
so as to allow of Negro Suffrage. Hen
ry Polite, a colored barber at Wapello,
was asked if he voted. "Yes," said
Henry, "that is not 'racily, I bought
a pint of whiskey for a Democrat and
he voted for the Amendment."
From the Qniney (III.) Journal.
SI. & JtX. K. A. I Railroad.
This much needed improvement, we
are pleased to know, is being pushed
forward as rapidly as possible, com
mencing at the west end of the rail
road bridge across the river at this
place, and thence to La Grange and
Canton, thence westward through the
northern tier of counties in Missouri
river, reaching it at a point not far
from Nebraska City probably Bt
Brownville, in Nemaha county. From
thence a road is in contemplation, and
indeed the company is organized to
build a road to tap the main trunk of
the Union racinc Railroad, about lou
miles west and a little northward of
its Missouri river terminus, and this
Nebraska extension of the line (at
least we term it so) passes within
mile of the new captiol of that younr
Btate at .Lincoln City.
This Is a matter of Interest to Quin-
cy, and In the M. & m. K. Air .Line
Kali road the city has subscribed lib
erally. It is an old project-at least
one nine years of age for in i860 i
contract was made by the Board of Di
rectors within a New York company
to build and equip the road through to
urownville. Nebraska, and tne worx
commenced on the 23d day of July
of the same year. During the year of
im) and '61 tne company bad nueen
miles of iron laid west of Canton,
twenty-five miles of Iron on the ground
and twenty-five miles of grading anc
brideine done, besides twenty-tnree
more partially rraded. The war come
on, and the rolling stock and iron al
ready in use were taken off, yet leav
ing tne company witn Its organization
tne same. Mr. 11. .Davis, or (Janton,
was the original President, and is to
day acting in the same capacity, inde
fatigable, untiring as ever, and gener
Jly beloved all along tne line or the
"coming road."
This road will be of vast benefit to
Quincy. It passes through as fine a
country as juissoun can uuast oi, aim
a irr i &- a. - - -
sufficiently near Iowa to take in the
trade of that rich and beautiful country
along the southern border counties of
that State. It is true, that country is
comparatively new, but It abound In
all those agricultural and mineral re-
sources which never rail to pay a road
or make the people of the country rich
bv its development. Betuers are now
rve!nr throntrh hpr rfailr hv hurt
ci eds, bound westward to some of the
counties along the side of the road.
The road is met by the Missouri Val-
ey. r Platte County lUIlroad, at
MarvviHe. in Nodaway county, one of
the finest enties, by the way, in tne
State as the road progresses north
ward toward Due Moines, the capital
of Iowa.
We shall take Treasure In sneaklnir
of the progress of this road, its pros
pects and tbe country through which
t passes, in a future article.
Brownvile, Neb. December 2, 185S
My first slay ride in year 1808 before
ChrUmas. The slay come to the school
house and it was Mr. Leach and his
lay And thair was Miss Mcnaughton
and ada morgaa and dellie Furlow
And Teresa And Mary H. McLaugh
lin, and several boys, in the slay when
we left the school house Mr. Leach
was taking Miss Mcnaughton home
first, and all went well Till we got by
Mr. Dens and the slay ran over a stick
And the slay Brofl and The children
were all thrown to tte left and to the
Right, and then miss Mcnaughton
walked hem the rest of the way, and
we were allot the ground an ft then
we got out and staid By the sled till
Mr. Leach fixed the sled and then we
got In and all weai well till we pot By
Mr. Teares and tbe a the eiay Broke
Down again he said never mind I will
take you home yet and with the assls
tence of Johny Sou we got home at
This accidence was In year 1SG3 Be
fore chrisnoas and the snow was a
Bout 6 inches deep.
Please Mr. Ed: tor give the driver
credit for hia service.
We children are your truly faithful
serve at.
We children would like to see this
in your next paper if you plasc.
VU"1! aV-W ( avajww
In a growing city like this it is the
duty of those in authoritv to look after
the interests and comforts not only of
its present inhabitants, but also of
those that are to follow. Among the
grab games that have been attempted
is vnv vi very large prupuruou, iJ tci.
possession of a tract of land immedi
ately in front of the city, partially
covered by water. It is just and right
that this property should belong to the
city as a whole, and the steps which
have been taken will probably secure
it for the benefit of the corporation.
The Immense advantage of this prop
erty appears not to have become thor
oughly known, but it cannot be over
estimated. Our river dockage is fast
being overcrowded, and the lake in
this place will be Just the locality for
an immense harbor. Now is the time
to lay the foundation fora magnificent
scheme of this description, ana once
for all shut out all private claims
Commercial prosperity is not the
only aim or object to be sought byjmen
trirguvj in vuiiuuig up laigc tnj.
Block upon block of masonry with no
break but the intervening streets, are
not conducive to public health. Now,
while real estate is cheap, is the time
to 8UDrlv parks and public resorts in
such abundance, that the generations
which are hereafter to inhabit Chicago
will not present a lean, cadaverous ap-
pearance, bus so enjoy inese oasises in
the desert, as to possess rosy cheeks,
broad shoulders and full chests.
Month after month the problem
arises ; how shall the children be edu
cated? The most strenuous exertions
on the part of our School Board have
only succeeded in providing accom mo-
dations ioraooui nan me cniiuren oi
school asre. It was only a tew years
ago that it was consdered the hight of
extravagance to build a scnooi nouse
that would receive nine hundred chil
dren, now some five or six of these are
built every year and yet the supply
falls far short of tbe demand.
A mostcontemptable piece of extor
tion was perpetrated in some of our
schools recently, which may not be
amiss as I am on the school subject.
Small change was wrung from thcchil-
dren by means of threat and ridicule,
in sunicient quantities to buy a piano
This was ostensibly for the school, but
in one case it was transferred to the
teachers room. A well merited expo
sure was madeof this rascality, by one
of our wide-awake editors, who put a
damper on the proceeding and stopped
the demand for pennies.
The city papers have recently been
busy recalling some false impressions
In reference to a grain case ot iiAston
against Sherman, Hall & Pope. It wa3
quite widly circulated that Air. 1'ope
sold wheat for Easton at a higher price
than he reported. The House being
one of the oldest and most reliable in
the city, at once solicited an examina
tion by the lioard of Trade. The re
port of the Directors completely exon
erates Mr. rope and lis nrm irom an
blame and actually shows the sale to
one cent per bushel better than that of
any other firm having similar orders
irom tne same man. country corres-
ponaenis nave sucn irequeni, cause iot
complaint that it is desirable to prove
reproaches on respected ana respecia
ble firms, groundless and their charac
ter unimpeacbed. 'lhe competition
for trade is so keen that the less scru
pulous competitors are too willing to
repeat any story that they thine
will help them to divert the business
of another, especially if a portion of
its profits should find its way into then
co tiers, 'ibis nrm comes out exonera
ted from the injustice unwittingly
done them, shows them worthy of the
fullest confidence of all old and a host
of new friends,
Yesterday the electors In the several
States met and cast their votes for rres
ident and Vice President. Out of the
294 votes Gen. Grant and Mr. Colfax
received 214, leaving 80 votes for their
late opponents,
It is often amusinir and very fre
quently instructive to hear what oth
era say sbout us. The leading jour-
nals in the East have some lengthy
comments on the prospect opening up
prospect opening up
before this metropolis of the .North
west. With its network of railroads
and directly on tbe line of travel across
the continent, it cannot fail to be the
distributing point for twenty millions
of people, ror fear Chicago would
think too much of her advantages and
feel somewhat in the boasting mood,
St. Louis keeps up a cross-fire, and re
minds the inhabitants of this lake
shore village that it is no wonderful
town after all. 1 he burden of the last
growl from that source was a fling at
Chicago morals, ell, as a general
thing the morals of this city are not of
the very best, but viewing the city as
the receptacal of so many strangers,
-wv. -.f, 1" " "
transacted, our morals are almost
well attended to as those of the people
in that river town.
Until very recently we have enjoyed
almost perfect freedom from fires. The
ushering in of winter and tbe extra
coal and wood consumed in conse
quence, cannot fail to produce many
Albany, Dec. 7.
Gen. Geo. W. Cole has been acquit
ted of the charge of murder in killing
Xj. ii. mscocK, 101 seducing nis wile.
The jury stated that they found the
prisoner to be sane the moment after
the Rilling, but were in doubt as to his
sanity at the instant of the homicide.
The judge said they must give the
prisoner the benefit of the doubt, and
so instructed they returned a verdict
or acquittal.
Chicago, Dec 6.
The extreme trestle of the iron
bridge across the Fox River at Elgin,
Illinois, broke and fell into the river
to-day at noon. A drove of 100 cattle
and a heavy body of snow proved too
much for its capacity, it leaves .hJgin
n a bad predicameut for the winter.
as about equal portions of the city are
ocated on either side
London, Dec. 7.
Geo. Peabody made another dona
tion of 100,000 pounds to the poor of
The Observer gives the following as
the list of members of Mr. Gladstone's
Lord High Chancellor, Sir Wm.
acre wood : President of the Privy
Council, Lord Kimberly ; Lord of the
rivy Seal, Larl Russel; Chancellor
of the Exchecquer, Robert Lowe;
Irst Lord of the Admiralty. Mr.
Childers: Foreign Secretary, Lord
Clarenden; Home Secretary, Henry
A. itruce: Secretary of War, Mr.
Cardwell: Secretary to India, the
.DUKe of Argyle : Colonial secretary,
Earl of Gran ville Secretary of Ire
land, Chester Fortescue : President of
the Poor Law Board. Mr. Goshen:
resident of the Board of Trade. John
Bright; Post Master General, De
Uray; Chancellor of the Duchy of
Lancaster, Chaa. P. Villers; Lord
Ldeut. of Ireland, Earl of Spencer;
Lord Chancellor of Ireland, O. Hogan.
The London Times, in an art!o1 nn
whe Alabama claims, advises against
tne uovernment yielding to the new
uemana oi ir. reward mat the ques-1
uuu ui aQitJuaiiunaj law ue euDmuieu
to the Commissioners. The Timet Bays
m American Commissioner will coin
cide with the committees against Eng
land, and claims by national law that
the British Commissioner will be
driven to the opposite view. The
Timet regrets that Lord Stanley has
been robbed of the glory of tbe settle-
mentor these international uiilerences.
but is certain that Lord Clarendon, or
whatever Foreign Secretary that may
be appointed will pursue the same
Mr. Editor.- In your last Issue there
appeared a card over the signature of
A. w. uoniee, in wnicu he makes an
unnecessary and unprovoked attack
on my brother, accusing him of hav
ing written an article which gave him
so much offence. Such a motive can
onJy De conceived in a disordered
brain and narrow contracted mind. It
is well known to Conlee that I am now
and have been the business manager
of the Regulator since its establish
ment in this city. I write all the ad
vertisements for the house, .and in
nine cases out of ten Mr. May has
never seen them until they were pub
lished. The call to merchants to meet
at the Regulator, which apieared on
the 19th, was written by me; and
state here boldly, positively, and with
out fear of contradiction, .that Mr.
May knew nothing whatever of the
matter until he saw it in the Adver
titer. Any assertion to the contrary
I brand as a falsehood, set afloat with
malicious intent The invitation to
merchants was intended in good faith,
and in the same 8pirit approved by
Mr. May, after he had seen it,
I will confess that I wroto the invi
tation, not having the fear of Conlee
(his master, neither lira ligh hand
bower,) before my eyes, whereupon he
waxeth angry and pouretb out the
vials of his mighty (?) wrath upon the
unoffending head of May, the world
renown-ed Regulator. The great of
fence that I am charged with by Mr.
so-said A. W. Conlee, seems t be in
differing in regard to the place of
holding the meeting; he designated
one place of holding the meeting, I
another; thus setting at naught the
wishes of the mighty "rtnee," who
egga to think a'ct for the fanninK
mmilnifvn.,rt5MIAriv. whrn-nncti.
tuted hirn dictator, as to what the far
mers shall orshall not do ? Tlmt class
of our citizens are intelligent, and able
to think and act to their own advan
tage ; and when they attach sufficient
importance to his opinions as to ask
him for it, he can gratify thera with
out obtruding himself upon the Dotice
of the public in a newspaper card
Let him rest assured that, despite the
puny ertorts or himself and others.
that the Regulator can. will and nhafl
continue to flourish, as it is one of the
brightest institutions of lirownville,
and Is located here tor the next ninety
nine years. I would recommend to
his Majesty a dose of Winslow's sooth
ine svrup, to calm his perturbed spirit.
and it may probably produce that state
of sympathy for our suffering farmer
that will induce him to give them ma
terial aid, instead of regaling them
with a newspaper card. Mr. Slay.
(that ungrateful! Price Regulator,) do
nated twelve pair of shoes let him go
and -do likewise : or let him forever
hold his peace.
Mr. Editor, my sole object in writing
this article was to refute the falsehood
that my brother wrote the article re
ferred to. Hereafter I shall not notice
anything coming from that source. I
can occupy my time to better advan
tage than writing compositions. I
have no time to compose pieces and
keep them ready: ami I advise Mr.
mniM to mnn rvmfHhi m ni
ment than siandertntr mew so much
superior to himself. Sam. Star.
The meeting of the stockholders in
the Nebraska and St. Louis Trunk R
R. at the Otoe County National Bank
adjourned to meet again on nextThurs
day in order to enable those of the
stockholders who were detained to
reach here. Among those present was
G. B. Demeron, of St. Louis. Mr.
Demeron was here at the meeting held
at the Court House last fall and is one
of the leading Railroad men of St.
Louis. He comes to us with strong
assurance of aid and sympathy from
the capitalists and business men of
that city. Xeb. City Press.
The loss by fire at Fort Lafayette is
estimated at S1U(),UU.. There were
destroyed 22 ten-inch Rodman guns
wit their carriages and dismounted
10 one hundred pound Parrot
guns and their carriages, and 12thirty
two hundred with wooden carnages
The new lumber that was destroyed,
was valued at $1830. The whole forti
fication is now such a perfect wreck,
that the officers who were in command
fairly express the opinion that it is ut
terly beyond the reach of repairs, and
an entirely new structure will be re
quired. MARRIED.
At the residence of Geo. Marlon, fn thfs city,
December ttj, by Judge A. W. Morgnu, Mr.
Samuel Craig to Miss Ruth Stephens.
Davenport, Iowa.
If you want a good article of Nursery Stock,
suca as
Grape Tinea, Currauti, Goosbcrrlea,
rtapberrle, Blackberries,
Strawberries, Cherry Trees, Peaeb
Trees, Evergreens, and
Dlscidaous Trees,
Send yout orders to
Davenport, Iowa.
Catalogue free. 13-9-y
List of Letters,
Remaining In the pout office at Brownville,
Neb , December 1st,
Butts John W
Meyer Habbe
Monroe Mixs Mollle
McCarmack Mrs
Mills Miss Nelly
MeWilllan M
OtTutte Miss Nannie
Orchet George M
Parsons D J
Parsons Mrs E G
Padeu Mrs Meliasa S
Penney Mary
Peck Miss Annie
Rowley Geo M
Rlekard Charles II
Robertson J W
Sharp Newel
Scott Moses
Strong C II
Smith Mrs S A
Smith Tllman
8 harp R N
Thistle Mrs Rose A
Walker C II
Brock Miss Nancy E
Collins Anderson
Collins John
Clark L F
Crane Mr O D
Dibble Mrs Maria
Doffner W A
Evans Mrs Marv
GrolT Franklin W
HotTn Samuel F
Hewlett Miss Mary J
Hefner H C
lluntlncton Jos W
Hart well Mrs Emma
Jones Thomas
Jackson George
Larson s Arieson
Iovett Asa C
Kelley Joseph Mai
Kilpatrick Henry C
Persons callinz for any of the above letters
will please say "advertised."
A. V. MAKSrt, i. M.
No. 31 Cor. Main & 1st Sts. (opposite City Drug Store.
WTT.T.IAT.T ATYT.r.rY, Proprietor.
PIes Calces, Fresh Dread,
Confectionery, 1.1 ?: Jit aud
Fancy Groceries
Constantly on Hand ! !
Fresh Bread Delivered Daily 1 !
First Close FamilyFlotir Warrantod.
Free Esprut Knnfor tht lentjtt of my Customer.
I have this day qold ray
tbe painting business to J.
entire interest in
K.Fretz. Thank-
ing my friends for the liberal patronage be
stowed on me for tbe past eleven years. I
hope tbey will continue tbe same to ray suc
cessor in business. s Mr. Fretz la an exneri.
enced painter, competent to perform all
work entrusted to him In a workmanlike
manner, and on reasonably reduced cash
All persons knowlnar themselves lndphfH
to me will please come and settle tlie wtrrsA
Angust 10th, 186S. LOUIS WALDTER, .
The undersigned will continue
Ornamental Painting,
G sliding, Glazing, Paperhajtsrtng,
Wo. 15 Haixt Street,
(One door east of Hank 4 Jloltzingr'a;
Queens ware and Grocery store J
Madrid, Dec. 6.
The impartial newspapers urge the
concession or every Liberal Reform
to'Cuba and a speedy settlement of the
slavery question, but says that Span
ish honor demands the suppression,
at any price, of the insurrection which,
it declares, was incited and kept alive
by American nin ousters
T Consumptives.'
The advertiser, having been restored to
health In a few weeks by a very simnle rem
edy. after having suffered several years with
s severe lung aifection, and that dread dis
ease. Consumption Is anxious to make
known to bis fellow sufferers the means of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of
ttie prescription useu (iree or ciianre,) witn
the directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a tttre cure for
(jontumjuwn, jinnma, uruncjutis, te. The only
object of the advertiser in sending the Pres
cription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread
lniuriuanuu n uitu ue wucei ves 10 De invalu
able; and he hopes every snffererer will try
bis remedy, as it wiU cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please
165 South Second St., Williamsburgh,
13-9-y Kings County. N. Y.
Errors of Youth.
A gentleman who suffered for years from
Nerv ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
theenects of youthful Indiscretion, will for
the sake of suffering humanity, send free, to
all who need it, the reciie and directions lor
muKingme simple remedy by which he was
cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience can do so by addressing,
in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN.
U-y No. 42 Cedar street. New York.
Females owing to tbe peculiar and Important re
lation which Itiey aoMaiu, ILeii eculir organ
ization, and Hie vQ)ce ibey rrurni, are unbjecl to
many nuiteririKit. Kreloui fr tu ilie-e o.uiri buie
ill tturoiati ! el their ba;tiiie aiiit welfare,
lur D.tue cvb fceiiiiy Q ill N. I niy .,but
n one uf tbei' vri..u leiaaie co-: p aim can loug
be uft-ret: tn rna on without ,t.viving ibe general
he tb of the individual, ai d ere long produce per ma
ueui ai.ku0aui peniiiiture incline Norixi. pte-tr-
aui lo CoUBtilt a pi)iciau lir the re.ief of lhee
varioiu de ice aflectioim, tid oiilj upou lhe niii
urgetii mc'Mit wili a true Worn in so lai sjenflce
ber grt-awi! cLai uiaitodo tout, the ix will loeu
thank us for piecing In ihetr hand- simple -peciHe
which will be 'founj elUcaciona iu relieving and
cti'ing almost every oneof tuose troublesome cum
pisiuis peculiar Ui the sex.
HtLMBOLj) Extract or Bcchu. Handred
suffer o iu silence, and hundred oi otbeis apply
vain.jr to druRginU and doctors, who anker mere. 7
tama i.e them with the b .pe oi a cure or apply
remedies which make iheru worse. I wuld not
win to aert anything tt al w .uld do injustice t
the afflicted but 1 am obliged to aa that although it
may be procured from exee.ive exhauii a oi the
poweisof hie, by laborious employment, unwhol
esome air and fuud. profui-e uieuan uaiioii, ,ttie ute
of tea and coOee, and freqaeui childbirth, ii is far
ofieusr caused by direct irritation, applied to tbe
mucous membrane of the vaxina iuelf
We review the cau o- tbee distressing com
plaint, u is moat p.tiuful to contemplate tbe at
tendant evil tonteijiieut upon them. It is but sim
ple justice to lbs subject to eunmrrats a few of the
many additional case which so laigcly affect tbe
life, beaah, happinexs of woman in ail classe of
society, and wuich. Consequeut y, affect nioi or le
directly, the welfare of the entire human family.
The mania that exisu for prec .ciou e iucatlou and
Dtarige. cause the year that imtora deiig' ed for
corpoieal development to be wasted ami pei verted
in tbe lestrainis of dress, tbe ai ly c nanenieul of
cbool, ami especially in the nnheaitny axcueuient
ot tbo bali-room Tuna, with the b.dy h li-clotbed,
and tne mind unduly excited by pleasure, perver
ting m midnight revel the hours designed by nature
for sleep and rent, the wort of destruction is half
In counequence of this esrly strain upon her sys
tem, uunecesary effort is required bv tbe deliote
votaty to reiaiu her situation iu scbol at a later
day, tha aggravating tbe evil When one excite
ment is over, another in prospective eeps the mind
morbidly sensitive to inipi e.-sion, while the now
contact restraint of fashionable d e, absolutely
forbidding the exeicise indtspensibie lo the attain
ment aud retention of oigmc health and strength ;
tbe exposure to night air; the sudden change of
temperature jtbe comp'ete prostration produced by
excessive dancing, mutt, of necessity, produce their
legitimate eliect esriy marriaga caps
the climax ot misery, aud the unfortunate one,
hitherto so utterly regard ess of the plain dictates
and remonstrances of her dalicate nature, becomes
an unwiliina subject of medical treatment. This is
but a truthful picture or the experience of thou
sands of onr yonug women.
Loig before the ability to exercise the functions
of tbe genet ative organs they require an education
of their peculiar neivou system, comi-oe4 of what
is called the tissue, which is, in common with the
temaie breast aud lips, evidently under the control
of mental emotions and association at an early pe
riod of me; ana as we snail subsequently see
these emotions, when excessive, lead, mng before
puberity, to habits which sap the very lite of thei
victims ere nature has self-completed their devei
rr Female Wea ness snd Debility, Whites or
Leucoribcea, Too Profuse Menstruation, Exhaustion
Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapsus and
bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, we offer tbe
most perfect spec Qc known : Hilhbold'i Com
found Kxtract of Bvchc. fireciious for u. e
diet, aud advice' accompany
females in every pe-ioo of life, from infancy to
extreme old age, win dud it a ramedy to aid nature
in the discbnrge of its functions, direngih is the
fclury of manhood aud womanhood. BtLMBOLD'i
Extract Buchu is more strengthening any
of the prepai alions of Bark or Iron' infinitely r
anu more plea-ant Uelmbold g KxrRACTBU
chv having received the lod rseuunt of the mo
piomlnent phy-uians in the United 8taies, Is now
uflertd to afflicted human. ty as a certaiu core for
ibe fallowing diseases and symptoms, from what
ever cause or giuaiit g : General Debility Meulal
and Phy.-ical Depression Imbecility Determination
oi Blood to the Head. C i. fused Ideas, Hyteria
ueueral Irritability Restlessness and S'Cepie-s
ness at N.gbt, Absence of Mu-cular Efflc encv, Loss
or Appe he, Dyspepsia, Emaciation tow Spirits,
Disorganisation or Paralysis of ibe Organs of Gen
eration, PalpitalioL of tt e fleart, and. In fact, all
lhe concomitants of a nervous and Debilitated state
of the system. To insure thegenuine, cut this out
Ask lor UtUlBOLD s. Take no other. Sold by
U-uggists and De.e eveiywbere Price $1.25
per iiottle. or six buttles for $6 6. Delivered to
ony aldiess Descm e symptoms in ail conminn
cations Addres H. T HELM HOLD. Diug and
Chemical Warehouse. 694 B oadway New fork.
None are enuu.e u.. less ools ap lu steei-en
graved wrappei, with fat-siniiie -f my Chamical
Waiehouse. and signed H T. HKJLMBOLD
Lecture to Young Men.
Jfffl Just Published, iu a Seated KuvU
1 3
oie. Price sis teat.
A Lecture od tue Xature, Treat
uieui a u a Budics! Cu'S t Spermatorrhoea or Sema-
rial Weakuets. It-voluntary KiiiUriuua, Xexural
Debility, and Iiuiie limnt to Mariiage generally
Nervouopa. Couaumotion. Kpilepir. and Pits:
Jteutai and Pbymcai lucapasity, reu tine from Slf-
Afroi-e, fcc y KOBEUT J CL L.VEH.WKUL, M. D..
aaibMi of the "Green Boo " fee.
tbe world renowned author, in this admirable
Lecture, clearly pove from bis own experience
that the awful cunxequmces of Se f-Abuse may be
effwtu .Hy removed without medicine, aud with
out dangerous surgical operations, bougis, iastru
menu, riocs, or, pointing put a m.Kie of
cure at once certain and effectual, by which every
sufferer, nomniter what his oDdi'ion may be, may
cure bimelf cheaply, privately, and radically
Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed
envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage
stamp. Also,Dr. Culverweli's-Msrriage euide,
price 35 ceuts. Adress the Pubii-hers
40-ly 127 Bowery, New York, P. O , 686
Good Kwi te tlie Afflicted.
Vive years axo, while traveling tb tough South
America for my health. I discovered a nuiedy which
win permaDeniiy cure any case of Spermatorhea or
aemiual weakness, caue4 by seti abuse or sexual
excess in mature years, ib from ' wo to five weeks,
It can be used without the kuowledge oi any one,
Sent sacureiy sealed from observation, and warran
ted to effect permanent cure or money refunded.
Pice, t,5 per package sufficient ti cure the must in
veterate ease. All letters ot inquiry cheerfully
answered. Address,
12-iAly JOHN B. WILTON, St. Louis, Mo.
To the Colored People,
I Have discovered a preparation to strsighten the
hair. I ran safely guarantee my preparation to
straighten the most inkty hair on any person, so
as it will be as sti sight as the bair of an Indian,
nnmbe.s bsve nsed it with success. WVraated to
give entire satisfaction and to do what it se's forth
to tbe above in all cases. Sent post paid with fml
directions for use to any address on receipt of price.
One bottle for 81 60 or two for $2.60. One buttle
will answer foreperson and k-ep the hair straight
fol ever. Adoresa K. T. KIN EX, Chemist, 4u9 Olive
St., St. AiOUlr so.
Teachers, Students, and ether intelligent Ken
snd Women, in a business paying $100 to $200 per
month, according to abilitr. For particulars ad
dress ZBICt X&, JtcCCftDT &, Co., Lombard Blck,
Chicago, lil. -- 13-21-ly
Attention, Ererylody.
What is neater than a smooth clean face or arm 7
Then send for Kiner's Infaliabie Depilatory for
removing ail superfluous hair from the body wiihort
pain or injury to the skin. The most obstinate
eases enred la from ten to flfteeu days Thousands
have nsed it with success Price per cackagesl V
or two for $2,23, sent tost paid to sny addre-s wiib
foil directions for use on receipt of price Address
r. T. BINKft, Chemist i9 Olive St St. Louis Mo.
Selentlfle Wonder.
Tells hew to ma a Hinds of Patent Medicines.
Perfumery, Toilet Articles Cosmetics, Wines, Cor
dials. Soaps, Bair Dyei Oils. Depuiatcrirs, Po
mades. Curling Fluids, Household Receipt, and
hundreds of other articles in daily demand. easiy
niad-, end hold at iarre profits. It contains all the
latest discoveries, secrets, arts, fcc A most won
derful boo. Third Sdltion. Pif y thousand al
ready sold Post paid le any add res for 60 cents
pero py, by ou
lJ-4-ijr t- Louis, Mo.
Tan Solon's Papmlean Lotion.
The greatest remedy ever discovered fr tnedi?-
eaesof ti.s Sita. Cures every una of
nptions of tbe face, semove,
Pimple: Frtckel Moth VlotcM. i,oMne vr
Block Worm Tea Ire., and as a beauUfler it has
no equal For geai'emen arter shaving it is inval
uable LacUes. after trying it, will ue no other.
PaDUlean Lotion" is the eoly re table remedy
for diaeasesand biem'sbes of the Skin. Trie one
dollar. Prepared only by
Tor isle ey DTog;lu generally. 13-tJ-ly
Exchanjre Eoczht and Sold on all the prin
cipal citiew. Also dealer In Gold and Silver
Loio, Gold Dust and
Deposits received, parable at slzbt. Inter
est jaid on time deposits by gjecial agree
ment. Taxos paid for non-resiuents.
Ail kinds of U. 8. Bonds wanted.
At the Sl?n of the
is the place to buy
3IeXJLH, &, Co.,
Keep constantly on hand a complete assort
ment or
Scfm, Wardrobe,
Bureau. Rockint I'kai't,
Spring Bed. ' ' Wah Standi.
What Not,
Hat Rack,
Chair, fr.
Stand, t.
Lounge i
Settee m
Kit- hen i
'- I ablet,
f rtn
i Swing
Bed Spring Children' Cab and Gig,
Gilt and Rotewood Moulding,
Sheet. Pillow. Pillow
' slip ete. etc
And anything and everythlnsr required to set
up plain or fancy nouseKeeping
All of tnelr ware is either manufactured or
put up under their superintendence,
which enables them to sell sound articles al
smaller prices than Eastern manufactured
Our Hearse
is at the service of the public at any time It I
may be needed, and is gotten up Inasflnestyla
as any farther east
of all sizes constantly on hand.
A. t Eastorn Prices
We are doing business on
Small. Profit
and by attention to business and the wants oi
the community, expect in the future as in the
1 ast to receive the patronage of the public-l
generally. McFALL & CO.
Have received the
largest and Best Assortment!
i i t i
ever brought to the city of
consisting of
Sofas. Folding Lounges,
Secretaries and Bool Cases
OfSce Desks. Wash Stands,
Narse Rockers, Dining and Breakfast Tables
Ofnce, Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, and
everything usually fonnd In a
Empire Shuttle Machine.
Patented Feb. II, 1S60, & Sept. 1, 186C
Great Fair of the American Institute
In New York, Oct. 28, 1807,
And Highest Premium for Best
Manufacturing Machine
At Paris Exposition, July, 1867.
No. 1 Family machine.
This Machine l contracted on a new principle
uf lnecbanipra, iofxesin? many rare and raluibie
improve meets, having been examined br 'he nvgt ,
prfoiin'l aiperta, and prunounced to beSIMFUClTT
Tte fallowing, are the principal objections nrged
agaioat Sewing Machines:
1. Excessive ratigue to the operator.
X. Liability to get oat of order.
. Kxpeose, trouble and lo of time in repairing.
4. Incpa ityto tew every de-e iptioo of material.
a Diaagreeiible noise wbiie ia operai ioo.
The Umpire Sewing Mach ine is Exempt
from all these Objections.
It has a trmbt Xeed'e, Perpendicular Action,
make the LOCK or SHCTTUB STITCH, wblcb will
NEITHER BIP nor RAVEL, nd it alike on both
aides; perform perfect tewing on every desc- ipd oa
of material, with cottn. Iin?n or tilk thread, from
tbe coarteat to tbe Baet number.
It Hemg, Fells, Bimls. Braids, Tucks,
Quilts, Flaits and uatners.
At a Family Setting Machintitha no Superior.
Special attention ia eabed tc oar N'ew Improved
No. 2 & 3 UajittctTirLa2 Slachlnea
They have been thoronshly tested on every de
scription of Cloth ai d Leatiier Work, ranniflg by
steam Power aa:he rate of
1,200 Stitches per Minute.
Producing mure than double tbe work of any otber
Shuttle Machine iow in sse; tbe atitcb ia titbt,
naifurm and beaniifnl: tbey are simple in cor.ttruc- I
tion, eiiy Qi-dem toud. and ma liable to cet eat of
orar, run liKbt and are c moaranvelr n. ioeleta.
For Tailoring or Leather Work we claim that thei
are not oo I y eqnai. but mach tnperior to any other
macnioetoat has ever been offered to tbe public
Empire SewingHachins Co., N. Y.
St. Joseph, if o.
General Agenta N. "W. States and Territories.
J.S.Schencli, Agent,
-Brown ville,
imioiiroriD & hughes
iJ m
AU'y ct Law.
c. o. & g. T7. Dorjsrr,
Dealers in !Land TTcrranta.
Hut and Sell Real tsuieaaa
Land uarrai".
Select 6 Locata GoTcmment Lands.
A large quantity of First Cass Lands for
sale In Nemaha, Richardson, fawnee, John
mn unit r.iurs Ponnties. NebrssKa. to which
the attention of purchasers Is specially lnvi
M A h If?
NO. 9$,
Corner Ilain stud Si Streets,
I Irs. IX E. Barjxis,
Dealer in
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Which she' will sell at reasonable price.
I She la constantly In receipt of New and Ele
gant ratter na ior
Dress and Cloak Making.
to which she pays particular attention.
; Fluting, StampLnz, S tit chins:, Braid
ing, &oM don to order.
j Awarded the
at all the principle Fairs In the World,
ery Machine warranted for three years,
structions free
jp a J . U U U
Latest Styles!
Just Received by
i No
! No. 70,
MTherson's DIock
I Dealers In
Ladle's, Gents' & Childrens'
Hats and. Caps,
' Forming, perhaps, tha
Host Complete
Extensive Stack
offered to
Wholesale cr Eetail
West of the Missouri River..
N'pvpr hartnsr been rmt-!
done for extent of Htork or
Fair rteallnfr, tbey merit tbej
confluence and patronagB vi
1 ALL!
Oar Goods were 11
lit for Cash
And we are prepared
On tli o Cash System
: Xo give the Public sash bargains as win
From any sourae I
Call and Ezanxine
Goods Prices
X Court, District of Nebraska.
United States DUrict
may concern:
io wcoia It
Take not!
.-e herrby, that a petition has ben
to-wit, on
IStiS. filed in taiil
wii .njay oi November. A Ii
iuttk-t Court by Andrew
ha county, in aj district-
who hAs t?en hereiofnre 1 Sir declarrd a'h'k'
Act to establish a uniform system of Bank,
ruptey throthwit Vtn UnitU stniL
proved March , lw". f-r adiiH-harge and rr
tlflcate thereof, from all hi.,T'T?r
claims provable nmler said Art and that thl
lath day of December, A. I). KtWlSk
A.M., at ; .hectare of s. M. Rich fin a fSS
rug aebts ami
wwrininRrnpieyln ad for Paid District,
at Brownville in said Instrtcl. U the time
and plaeo a.-sijned fVx- r-,rini r ,v!
same: and when and w.ere you ma? attend
ana snow raose. if anv von hi
prayer of said petition shonld ot ix-Vanted-and
that tbe swxnd and third meeting of
the ore. 11 tors of Haid Un krupt will be heid at
the same time and pla.,
Clert TT. H. Dist. Ci.urt f,,r a.u.i r
District of Nebraska, as. At tt.e Clt r of
Brownville. the ltith ,iv If ' S
IfUj ' J "UTHUITl ,
The undersigned hereby ,rivcs notice of nfa
appo ntment as A.siZnee of WlllUm R.
i-iinj', vi umn, rse:iraih;a, within a&i.i
District, who has ten mii,,,!,, . t,"'
XI IA.JC.V. That thai Prnhaf. r'...,.t
mahn County, Nein-k ha apVna
lots day of Decrm hr .ttu . .."?
, - -"u,"j . intr unip nrm rM, of hMr.
lnjr then, wtttPment of ii.o.MIniek Ad
ministrator de bnrvi. , .K."..?.A".
Goor-eLewU .Won.! " ol
7--a a. W. .VURUAN. rroUte Judge.
DixsoLunax or partnership
Notice Is hereby (tlven that tiie rrwprt
W. Dorsev. Luther Howtu- o t-v..
poriw-y. under the nrm "name o Ionierl
lioadley ft Ca, has this lay dissolved by mi-
nwMtuusem. ui-.iikwp; W. LX)ISKY
I.I'THV'H Uinni vv
ESTI1AY oticzs.
IJSTRA Y XOTICE.-Tken up by the sub
J scriber. on his farm on th littl N ma hsi Lafayette township, Nemahacoon.y
Nebraska, one bright bar nun. wirs
rieht hind foot and smsill nmr in rirah...i
and about three year of asff. Tbe owner, by
proving; property and psyfacr: ehaTPs, can,
have possession. 3-5t Jturv nui .v
ESTRA Y .VorCfi-Taken- up by the un
uersianod. living tlircrt ni5i. north
of Brownville, on tiie JJth ot November.
a rea neirer cair, with a leather strap around
Its neck when taken up. No marks or brands.
u-a. a . . ... ..... --
up by the n-
J deralarned, on the nh day
of November.
1 living a t , I. . . . ; I . . . . .
Bridire. a sorrel flllev. two veara o!J nat. Sc
marks or brnnda notWa.Sie.
Nov. 2sth. W. S5t-pd JOHN IX)NO.
np by the nn
All uersiKned, livinsx two and a half mil
west of Brownville. tJctober Lljth. thra h.ifi
calves; one a light red, with four white fee,
a star in the forehead, and a bit of white nn
der the belly; one a red calf, with a few whito
spots on the belly; both spring calvenl The
other is a yearling red calf with white face
a little white on the belly.
p-'P" umikue EMPsoy.
IfSTRA Y NOTICE. Taken np by the- en
J dersitrned, at Sherman, Nemaha countvr
Nebraska, on th LMth d iv of vtnhr
eno Red Cow, with crop orTof both earn.
Also, at thesatno time and rlace.. two lafc
Sprinz Calves, both heifer, and bhlit la-
1 it'it i
IfSTRA Y NOTICE Taken up by the ttn
J dersiened. livlni four mtlps N'orth-wt,
of Brownville, on the 2d day of October, I iV
a hut ncirw i ony, suppled to be two year
old lat sprlne, thirteen bsimN bitrh, with
three white feet. 5 B. V. CIIAI'MAN.
ESTRA Y NO! ICE Taken up by the sub
scriber, on his farm la Glen Rutic Pre
cinct, one two year old RM Heifer, a slit In1
ion ear, a little white on back and t elly.
er .... . . r .
E STRAY NOTICE up by the un
dersiiined. living In Glen Rock JTecinrt
; a Brown or Bnw k il.ire Ponv. siiDrHised to h
one year old, star in forehead ; was taken up
on the b of this month.
The Immense success attendinsr our himi.
ness In I5UTON the nnut five veiim h.nln.
duced us to establish o ISranch afore in Cbl
cnuo, rendering it more accessible to the
Western peor !e, and also snvinn a lare Ex
pressae Our (tootlit areiUl new and received
direct Irom the Manufacturers, consist ins; of
nearly every article desired for famiir- uu
such as Iry and Fancy Ooods, Koots and
Shoes. Jewelry. Plated Ware. etc.. etr. ah.
articles sold for
One Dollar Eacn.
and not to be paid for until you know what
you are to receive. CHECKS, describing
?;oods, sent at the rate of lu cents eai-h to pay
or postatte. ririntiriz. ect. I'resentx from
to S1U0 sent Fro to Aic-nU. We are Agents
or ail tlie best .Manufactories In the pnunir.
Circulars snt free Apents wanteil in every
town. Address EARU i CO, Dear bora
St. Cbicazo. III. P. o. iiox iWJO. a-12t
P. X. HUYETT Iz. SOir,
No. 9 Fourth Str.t,
ST. JOSEril, 3IO.
Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in
Chickering & Son's Pianos
Which were awarded the
Cross of the LEGIOH cf HOUOS,
at PAiiis Exrosmox, isct.
Hatidhal. CoinbiriaUdh&Cablnst
JIason & Hamlin's
Catinot, Portable,
Metropolitan Organs.
" All orders iliouIJ be avJiirseJ U '
JAUE3 R. DTE, jLZznt,
.,. Uioviiv Illo, r" et.
8-6m - "