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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1868)
w1 O OHDEOH, COLHAP? 6 CO., rrcrrixrTcr3, Mcrbenon's Block, i Floor, Hill Entrance, - X3roTVxrrllle ' TSct. On eopy one ycf 100 t TS FIT ooploo one yemr. Id 00 80 00 Tweutj copies om yar And PtAiK axb Fakct Job Work, done In rW.tyle and t reasonable rates. Cards of five line or leu. 15 a year. Each ATTOiunrrs. rOHTEH A BROWN, Attrmer lw ad X.aad Ar t, Offloe In Court Honge, with Probate Judge. ' TIPTON, IIKWETT A CHURCH, Attarmcra am Calr at Law, OCoa No. TO McPheraon'i Block, up etalra. . THOMAS 4 BROADY, Office In DUtrlct Court Koom. . M. RICH. Attermar Law AC Office In Conrt.Hcmae, first door, weat tide. WM. H. McIXNNAN, Atlanta jr and Cammealar at Law, Nebraska City, Nebraska, B. F. PERKINS, Attaraey amd Camlar at Law, Teeumseh, Johnson Ctx, Nh rrrrsTFR F. NYE. Jitfruty at Law a ad War Claim A(t, . arv . 'V I- Pairnoe City, rawne ou., N. K. GRIGGS, Attarmty at Law XUal Estate Af tat, Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska. XJLKD AGENTS. R, V. HUGHES, Heal Estate Affemt aad Jaaties af Peaee, Office in Court House, first door, west side. BARRET & LETT, Lastd Afeats aV Lad Warrant Brekars. No. Jl Main Street. Will attend to paying Taxe$ for Non-resident. Personal attention given to making Looationt. Lands, improved and unimproved, or tale on reasonable term: WM. IL HOOVER, Heal Estate amd Tax Pajrlaa; Office in District Court Room. WiU give prompt attention to the tale of Real Frtale and payment of Taxes throughout the Nemaha Land District. JONAS HACKER, Celleeter for the City af BrawiiTllle, ma attend io the Payment of Taxes for Non Retident Land Owners in Nemaha County. Oarraspondence Solicited. .MOSES H. SYDENHAM, ROTARY PUBLIC A LAND AGEXT, Fort Kearney, Nebraska. WIU locate lands for Intending settlers, and rire any information required concerning tne lands of booth- Western Nebraska. 12-4? physicians. IL L MATHEWS, FnYIICIAH AND 8UBOCOX. Office No. a 1 Main Street. A. S. HOLLADAY. M. D., Physlclaa, Sorjeom and Obstetrician, Office Holladay 4 Co's Drug Store. Graduated in IK'A ; Located in BrownviUe in Hat on hand complete seU of Amputating, Trephining and Obstetrical Instruments. P. & Special attention git-en to Obstetric and the diseases of Women and Children. C F. STEWART, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,' Office No. 81 Main Street. Office Hours 1 to 9 A. M., and I to 2 and 6Jtf to 1i P. M. 1 W. IL KIMBERLIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, To the Nebraska Eye and Ear Infirmary, irill recommence practice at BrownviUe, May 1st, lsea. GEORGE MARION, Dealer in Dry Goad a, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ae. No. 9 Main Street. -WM. T. DEN. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, and Commlsslom amd Farwardlaf Mertbant, No. Main Street. fjpm planter t, jove, oiovew, z ihtwhit, i , eJwayt on hand. Highest mark et price paid for Hide, PelU, Pun and Country Produce. G. M. HENDERSON, . Dealer in Foreign and Domettie DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, No. 53 Main Street. J. L. MoGEE A CO. Dealers la Gaaeral Merchandise, No. TS McPberson's Block. Main St. CHUG STORES. HOLLADAY A CO., Whole tale and Retail Dealer$ in Oram Medicines, Paints, Oils, ate. No. 41 Main Street. McCREERY 4 NICKELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drags, Books, Wallpaper A Stationery No. 3 Main Street. BOOTS AND SHOES. ' CHARLES HELMER, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 69 Main Street. Hat on hand a superior stock of Hoots and Shoes. Custom Work done with neatness and tttrpntok, - A. ROBINSON. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Na 5 8 Main Street. Eat on hand a good assortment of Oenft, Ladte't, Misses' andChildren't Boots and Shoes. Cwto Work done with neatness and dispatch, Repairing done on short notice. HARDWARE, JOHN C. DEUSER, Da alar In Staves, Tinware, P P4e. Na T Main Street EHELLENBERGER BRO'S- Na 7 Main St, McPberson's Block. Stoves, Hardicare, Carpenter' t Tools, Black tmuA t tummttings, c.c constantly on hand. ADDIXRY . JOHN W. MIDDLETON, HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc Na S Main Street. Whips and Lathe of every description, and a nwrrwy iiur, itrjj vh nana, UHA paid or J. IL BAUER, Manufacturer and Dealer in 'HAXLX&SS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc. : Na eo' MaJn Street. itending done to order. Satisfaci ion guaranteed. - SALOOKS. " t CHARLE3 BRIEGEL, BEER HALL AND LUNCH ROOM, . Main Street. EERGER 4 ROBERTS, EILLIARP HALL AND SALOON, Easmcat, Na o Main Street. The best Wines and Liquors kept constantly sm nnna. TiZ-nai. JOSEPH HUDDARD 4 CO., . SALOON, ' ' ' No. 47 Main Street" The best Wines and Liquors kept on hand. BLISS 4 HUGHE, ,i criNERAL AUCTIOXSIIJL . WJ. attend to the sole of lial and Personal jfY,-,- r:- ti i w Land District, Terms riaevwj'.. Vol. 13. Cards of Ct8 lines or less, S5 a year. Each tvl ftUonaUlne, fl. HOTELS. PE?3YLVATOA KOTJSE. HEhi riMi-tropnetor. Good accoirmodatlons. Boarding by the day or week. The traveling public arelnvl ted to give bin a call. 1-tf STAR HOTEL. CROSS 4 WHITE, Proprietors. On Levee Street, between Main and Atlantic This House is convenient to the Steam Boat Landing, and tie business part of the City. The best accommodaiiont in the City. No pains will be snared in making ouestt coinfortahle. Good Stable and Corrall convenient to the House. Agents for K. 4 J. Str Co. - AMERICAN HOUSE. L. D. R0BI30N, Proprietor. Fcpnt SU, between Vain and Water. A oood reed and Hi cry Stable in connection with the House, - COKIXCTIONERTES GEORGE YAUNEY, Bakery and Confectionery, No 37 Main Street, AAn tn thn nnhlta at reduced rats a choloe stock of Groceries, Provisions, Confectioner ies, etc., eic WILLIAM ROSSELL, Bakery, Confectionery and Toy Store. Na 40 Main Street. Fresh Bread, Cakes, Oysters, Fruit, etc, on hand J. P. DEUSER, Dealer In Confectioneries, Toys, etc. Na 44 Main Street. NOTARTES E.E.EBRIGHT, Notary Pnblie and Conveyancer, And agent for the Equitable and American Tontine Life Insurance Companies. 6-tf J. C. McNAUGHTON, Notary Pnbllc and Conveyancer. v Office in J. L. Carson's Bank. Agent for - National Life" and "Hartford Live Stock " Insurance Compmiet. FAIRBROTHER 4 HACKER Notary Pnblie and Conveyancer, Office in County Court Room. O. W. rAIBBROTHES, J AXES M. HACKER, Kotary lublic. bounty cierK. LAKSIITnS J. IL REASON, Blacksmlthlng- and Horse Shoeing-, Shop Na 80 Main Street, Will do Blackrmithina of all kinds. Makes Horse S hoeing. Ironing of Wagons and Sleighs, and Machine Work a &ccialag, J. W. 4 J. C. GIBSON, HLCKSMITIIS. Shop on First, between Main snd Atlantfc. All work done to order, and satisfaction guar- ranteed. JOHN FLORA, BLACKSMITH, Shop on Water St, South of American House. Custom Work of all kinds solicited. J. L. ROY, BAREER AND HAIR DRESSER. Na 55 Main Street, TTrLt a rolendid suit of Bath Rooms.- Alio a choice stock of Gentleman'! Notions. GRAIN DEALERS. GEO. G. START 4 BRO., DEALERS IS GRAIN, PRODUCE, die. Aspinwall, Nebraska. Th highest market Dricenaid for anything the Farmer can raise. We will buy and sell everything known to the market WORTHING 4 WILCOX, Storage, Forwarding and Commission jncrcusnii, Tknlrm tr, mil IrimAm of firain. for which they pay the Highest Market Price in Cash. TAILORING. nAUBOLDT 4 ZECH, MERCHANT TAILORS, Ac 5 8 Main Street, TTav on hand a Eclendid stock of Goods, and will make ihem up in the latest styles. on short notice and reaaonaoie terms. WAGOIJCIAKERS FRANZ HELMER, Wagon Maker and Repairer. Shop West of Court Housa TTnnrm Ilunrrie- PUm'S. Cultivators. frC re paired on short notice, at lout rales, and war ranted to give satisfaction. BOUNTY CLAIM AGENTS. ED. D. 8MITH, V. S. WAR CLAIM AGENT, Washington CJy, D. C Will a.ttnd to the nrosecutlon of claims be fore the Department in person, for Additional liountv. liaelc Pav and Pensions, and all claims accruing against the Government du ring tne late war. SMITH. P. TUTTLE, : U. S. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR. 1 Office in District Court Room. xvfikn. iM,HJi mtri fnitrtl tUilpj War Claim Agent. Will attend to the prosecution of claims L r..-... . t fn- A tlililinnsil flrytnlflt Back I'ay and I'rnsioM. Also the collection of Semi-Annual Duet on Pensions. J. V. D. PATCH, i Manufacturer and Dealer in Clocks, WatcaevweLTy,ete.f etc. Na 33 Main Street mit mr nni RUi er-Mated Ware, and all varie ties of Upectacles constantly on hand. Repairing done in the neatest style, at short notice. Charges moaerate. w otk uwrarueu. UJSIC METROPOLITAN BRASS BAND. ; BROWNVILLE, NEBltASKA. Is at all times prepared to play for the pub lic at any point witliin 150 miles of this city. on reasonaoie terms. . jvuaress, 41-3m D. CtsJtrrH, Leader, MRS. J. M. GRAHAM, l TEACHER OF MUSIC. Rooms, Main, bet 4th 4 5th Sts. L4KM oivtnon the Piano Organ, iSeloiton. Guitar td VoccJisetxon Having hud eight wears txiierienct ms teacher of Music in A'ew i'ork is conjiatnt a $ivnt satuj anion. PAINTING. G. P. BERKLEY, Haait, Carriage and Sign Painter. No. 66 Main St, up stairs. Graining, G wilding, Glazing and Paper Hang ing done on short notice, favorable terms, and warrantea. A. D. MARSH, - BookscUer and 3ewi Dealer. dig Book Store, , Na 50 Main btreet, PtxitoGlce Building. A. STAFFORD. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, - Na 41 Main fStreet up stairs. . Pertons wishing Picture executed in the latest style of the A rt, u-ul cati at my A rt Ualiery. Probate Jndgc and Jastica of the Peace . . a. j ' . ,f H..II Jl J. K. BEAR. Agent for tbe M. U. Express Cw, and w. Li aticiriuBie. No. 7 McPhernon Block. C W. WHEELER. . : . tnniDGE uciLoun. '' Role agpyit for IL W. smiths la tent Truss Ill A Il BLI UUjJKH U1U Ut.bL WOOUCn bridge ltow in use. F. II. LURCHES, MJtmm. srusv em a w u uti assy w 1 tfr; aVA. Vsri V WUi piaiU rropt in Garden ami cuititaei Mrnkt hit viw.rft - - . j KEISWFTTFH 4 F.U5SMAN, BrownviUe City Meat Market. WZ1 pry (ht hiphest vwrkrt price for good Bet Caede,i.Ktve)S,ifpcn4logt. Agricultural Department. This Department of our caper is Edited by, am a unaer tne contioi or vol. u. w. t cb jf as. to whom all Communications on "Agriculture" should be addressed. Plant Trees and Tines. In order to aid in planting and TpwIng trees and vines in Nebraska, we will receive and forward orders for those wishing, procuring them at the same price charged at the nursery, the party obtaining paying freight. "We will charge nothing for our trouble. To Presidents of County Ag ricultural Societies. A law. cf this State makes it the duty of the President of the State Board of Agriculture, to make an annual report to the Legislative Assembly, embrac ing the proceedings of the Board for the past year, and an abstract of the proceedings of the several subordinate societies. The same law requires county societies to report to the State Board annually. See section 3, chap ter 1, Revised Statutes of Nebraska. I am now preparing my annual report, and will be obliged to the Presidents of the county societies for their re ports us soon as possible. In some counties I am aware that annual fairs were not held this year. Give me the doings of the society, whatever that may have been, together with a report of the state of agriculture in the county. I desire to make a full and fair report of the condition of agricul ture In Nebraska. It. W. FURNAS, Prest. St. Bd. Ag. BrownviUe, Dec 10, 18G3. 49WU1 papers throughout the State aid the Board by copying the above. The American Journal of Hor ticulture and Florists Companion, we have no hesitancy in pronouncing the, very best work of its kind pub lished in the United States. It is ably edited, and besides most of the prom inent writers of the country are regu lar contributors to its columns. It contains sixty-four pages of reading matter, and is profusely illustrated with fine engravings of fruits, flowers, and vegetables. The third volume commences January 1st. We are making up a club for I8t;9, and would fbe pleased to receivenames. Eac h subscriber will, in addition to the pe riodical itself, receive two plants of the at present most popular strawberry "President Wilder11 and a colored illustration. Terms, $3. J.E.Tilton & Co., Boston, Mass. We are Indebted to that noted stock breeder of Kentucky, Col. R. W. Scott, for a copy of his annual pamphlet "Pedigrees, Descriptions and Testimonials of Short Horn Dur ham Cattle; 'Improved Kentucky' Sheep; Woburn and Irish Grazier Hogs ; and Cashmere Goats, bred by Robt. W. Scott, Frankfort, Ky." The pamphlet is a well gotten up book of forty pages, containing, besides the pedigrees and descriptions of his fine stock of the varieties above mentioned, a vast amount of useful information as to stock breeding. Col. Scott is one of the old and successful Ken tucky .breeders, with whom it will be well for those to confer who desire in formation, or desire to make purchases in his line. TnE American Entomologist, edited by Benj. D. Walsh and C. V. Riley, State Entomologists respect ively of Illinois and Missouri, and copiously illustrated, treats of all kinds of noxious and beneficial in sects. It will be found invaluable to every farmer, gardener and fruit grower, and to every one taking an interest in the fascinating study of Entomology. ... Terms, $1 per annum. Sample copies and prospectus sent on application. Address R. P. Studley & Co., St Louis, Mo. In conversation with a friend and farmer not long since, he expressed the opinion that we "run to fruit." We confessed then, as now, to a touch of "fruit on the brain." While we like and are interested in any and everything connected with the farm, we expect while we live to give a good share of attention to fruit growing; and while we have the privilege of writing, to write more or less about fruits and flowers. Of course grain growing and stock raising shall have their share of attention. A subscriber asks, "what docs the term Free Martin mean when used in speaking of cattle?" We answer by copying verbatum from Webster's Un abriged: "When a cow produces twins, one of them a male and the other apparently a female, the latter is most generally (but not invariably) barren ; and on dissection will be found to have some of the organs of each sex, but neither perfect. Such an an imal is called by the English free mar tins.11 We are indebted to H. O. Minick for specimens of wheat, corn and oats forlhe agricultural department; also to Wm. S. Hughs for Red China Tea and White Russian Wheat.' They have all been forwarded. Similar fa vors are solicited. Let Nebraska have a shelf in Prof. Glover's department, and let it be well filled. Will John Blacklaw send us a specimen of his premium wheat? We understand that MaJ. Brooks, who delivered the address before our State Fair, has prepared . lengthy "Notes on Nebraska" for publication, and that they are now, or soon will be ready for distribution. We will let our readers hear from them. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, Report of tbe Commissioner of Agriculture. The Washington correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat, under date of Nevember21, 18GS, among other items of news from the National Capitol, speaking of agricultural matters, says: "The annual report of the Agricul tural Department for 1867. is going through the prees, and will be ready for distribution about Christmas. Congress has ordered 225,000 copies of it, and it makes a volume of 540 pa ges, with 37 full page illustrations. It ought to have been got out last spring, but the preparation of it was hardly begun when Commissioner Capron came info the office last winter. The fact that it is soon to appear is regar ded as very certifying to those who know the circumstances under which it has been written and printed. "The public will probably look upon it as by far the best report made from the department. It contains, besides the renorts nroner of the commissioner and his heads of bureaus, about twen- ty-nve papers on ainerent sublets, prepared by writers living in different sections of the country. There are three on steam culture, in which Gen. Capron takes much interest, which will prove of value to general readers, as welj as to agriculturists. One is the history of inventions for farm use, with some consideration of the me chanical principles involved. An other gives the practical results of steam culture in Europe, as snown by hundreds of experiments, and the third relates to the introduction and working of steam plows in the United States. - "Another important article is upon ramie or China grass, giving a history of experimental tests in the British colonies, resulting from jealousy of this country, also an account of the efforts made by the Agricultural de partment in the same direction. There are also valuable and interesting ar. tides upon the government antelope of the Rocky Mountains, of which little is generally know, and upon the manufacture of government fleece for commercial purposes. "George Husman, of Missouri, has a long paper on wine and wine mak ing, and Edward A. Samuels, of Bos ton, one on the value of birds on farms. Mrs. Ellen S. Tupper, of Iowa, an enthusiastic worker with honey bees, has an article on bee keeping in winter and varieties of hardy fruits. One of the Department officers has a very readable article on .industrial col leges, agricultural societies, magazines and papers, and there are half a dozen on southern agriculture, rice culture, southern fruits, tobacco culture, orange and citron culture and similar topics not Heretofore common in the report. There are other articles on irrigation by citizens of Arizona; liquid manu facturing, from New York ; farmers' clubs, from Wisconsin ; cross breeding and degeneration of plants, model farm building, butter, etc." v These annual reports of the Com missioner of Agriculture have alwaj-s been of great value, because princi pally of tneir correspondence, we look with interest for Gen. Capron's first repoat. Planting and Care or Trees. We have talked and written for years upon tni3 subject, leeiing that success in fruit growing so much de pends upon planting properly and giv ing attention thereafter. The follow ing short article is by F. K. Phoenix, of Bloomington, 111., the most exten sive and experienced nurseryman in the west. It tells the whole story, and we advise those who propose to grow trees and vines to commit it to memo ry, and then "cut it outandfpaste it in your hat" for frequent reference. If these rules are rigidly observed there will be no difficulty in growing fruit trees, and of having plenty of fruit: "Most planters are so careless! Friends, if you want trees to thrive, plant early, on dry, deeply plowed ground. Keep roots from sun, air and frost, burying in ground sgain as soon as possible. If shriveled, bury tops and all in moist ground for ten days. Thin out and shorten in tops before planting, to balance the loss of roots in digging. Dig large hofts, three feet arross and two deep, or better still, piow out very ueep rurrow, hiiing up with best soil, to that trees shall stand only as deep as in nursery. Straigh ten out all root in natural order, fill in with best, fine, moist earth, and then, tread down thoroughly, watering well if dry, before filling up. Then mulch that is, cover the earth two feet each way from stems with coarse manure or .straw, six inches deep. Always put corn or some hoed crop; never grat3 or grain among young trees. All trees and plants in grassy yards, and dwarf trees also, must have special care. Wash bodies of apple trees in spring with strong soap suds. Kill oil" the caterpillars and leaf rollers. Let fruit trees head low within three or four feet of, and evergreens from, the grjund. Let everybody plant trees, and then take care of them." Under the head "Evils of Land Monopoly11 Gen. Capron, U. S. Com missioner of Agriculture, in his monthly report of the Department of Agriculture for October, says r "The following just views of the cause of land monopoly occur in an address at the recent annual fairof the State Board of Agriculture of Nebras ka, delivered by Major II. F. Brooks, of Rochester, New York, and heartily endorsed by the actual settlers of Ne braska, and warmly seconded by the secretary of the board, C. H. Walker, in a communication enclosing the ad dress: . You have now in charge of your State b00,(XX) acres of land ; that land is worth more than all the railroads you can build in forty years. What ever you do with it, require that it be passed at a low price and in limited quantities int. the hands of actual settlers. Your strong point is cheap land. Every acre you pass over to speculators to be held for an advanced price is a clog on your prosperity. 'If you would route the speculators, and oner your lands to actual settlers under the provisions of the homestead act, or at ten shillings per acre, you would, within eight or ten years, have as dense a population as any agricul tural State in this blessed Union. God grant our legislators, State and national, wisdom to stop the whole system of land appropriation for pub lic and private purposes. Hold every acre, as a sacred trust from Heaven for landless whose needs are their title to it, and who from the proceeds of their industry can and will build roads and make every needed improvement in half the time required under the present system. " . . - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 18G8. AGRICULTURAL CORRESPOHDEKCL START RIGHT. The West especially the greater part lying between the Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains is emphat ically a new country. To fit it for the abode of civilized man, everything save the soil itself is to be made; and even that is to undergo a kind of preparation. How important, then, that all making their homes In the "GreatWest," start aright. Having selected your particular locality, the "favored spot" you are henceforth to call jby the endearing name of home, to it that all your plans and calcu lations, all your labors, shall tend to make this one spot so that there shall be "no place like" it, so attractive in all your recollections. Arrange every building and .field, set every vine, and shrub and tree, plant every seed whether for flower or fruit, shape if possible every surrounding, so that when tired with the labors of the day, you -can sit down and contemplate with cheerfulness, the work your hands have done. Or, when travel-worn and weary, you return from your wanderings, and come in sight of the farm, the field, the grove, the orchard, the garden, the yard where sweet scented flowers fill the air with perfume, you will cheerily exclaim "Th is, this is home. ' ' "Home home sweet sweet home ; there i3 no place like home." This is not the work of an hour, a day, or a year. -And yet each year, perhaps each day or hour, demands something at our hands that may contribute towards the grand result. It is truly suprising and yetnotmuch to be wondered at how much our happiness is made to depend on what we do ourselves. How important then that we start aright, and keep the eriu home and happiness in view. Country Joe. Out Here, Dec. L 185S. Clippings and Jottings Agricultural. It is said to be a great damage to land to raise two crops a year, and yet the poorest farmers do it. One crop is weeds. The Canadian' shore of Lake Erie promises to be a new grape region. An acre of Concords this year pro duced three tuns. Wheat is weeded by hand in Italy and also in England. Wherever such work is done the laboring people are ignorant, besotted, and poor. The best wine is made from cranes growing nearest volcanoes, and to him who drinks it will be imparted some of the qualities of a volcano. A wool and woolen exposition of the United States will form a part of the display of the great fair of the American Institute, September next. In England, phosphorus is extrac ted from guano for making lucifer matches. Many American farmers have made light of guano for several years. Mayor Thomas of St. Louis rec ommends that the City Council re quire every property owner to plant at least one shade tree in -iront oi nis premises. There seems to be plenty of cheap and good land in Maine, covered with heavy timber, and there is the advan tage that while one i3 clearing his farm he can live on bears. Ten years ago, in the village of Union Springs, N.Y., a tree planting society was formed, and now there are more than 1,000 beautiful shade trees. Other enterprises havej followed. Luke x: 7. To be certain of eggs in winter, hens must be ten months old, well fed and housed, and any breed will an swer. Old heas will not lay until well feathered. Firot, feathers, sec ond, eggs. . It is with our thoughts as with our flowers those that are simple in ex Dression. carry their seed with them; those that are double through richness and pomp, charm the mind, but pro duce nothing. IF is sad to relate that when me chanics have land they generally give better cultivation than farmers; they have more grapes, pears, strawberries, and water-melons, and earlier potatoes and cucumbers. The English Journal of Horticul ture says that with regard to pruning very young pear trees, the object should be to encourage the growth of wood in proper directions, rather than the production of a few fruits at the expense of retarding the development of the trees. ' Mulberry trees are in great abun dance, the Xatural Wealth, of Cali fornia giving 4,000,000 of trees for 1867, and we may say at least o.OOO.OOO for next year's use. The production of eggs has kept pace with the means to supply food for the worms, for it has bceu stimulated by a full demand Trbm abroad. To clean cider barrels, the Scien tific American says, put lime water and a common trace chain into the barrel through the bung hole, first tying a strong twine to the chain to draw it out with. Shake the barrel about until the chain wears off the mould or pomace, then rinse well with water. . Gardening for Ladies: Make up your beds early in the morning; sew buttons on your husband's shirts ; do not rae up any grievences; protect the voung and tender branches of your family; plant a smile of good temper in your face; propagate the tendrils of affection whenever they appear ; and carefully root out all angry feel ings, and expect a good crop of happi ness. Every bushel plied to the corn of wood ashes ap crop, is worth one dollar. The truth of this assertion has been repeatedly demonstrated by the result of experiments accurately conducted. On all light soil3 the ac tion of ashes is highly energetic and salutary; they , exert a warming and invigorating inflnenee, and promote ?he rapid growth of almost every spe cies oi production. m Those who want the American Ag riculturist at $1 per annum, can pro cure it at that price by becoming a subscriber to our paper also. f . .11. ; V) i : . M :.' Sen. SLennan Bored by a Peripa tetic Correspondent. Ills VIctts Upon National Af fairs. ,i m From the New York Herald. Newark, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1SG8. We sat in the cosey library of John Sherman's house. There were the very heavy volumes of the chatter, more or less lively, that has gone on in Congress these many years, cover ing one part of the wall ; there was an ample collection of the great story of the war on another part, and between these and the window, looking out to the orchard in which the apples grew for the fine, clear cider, and beyond the orchard into the valley quietly hushed with the snow, and beyond valley to the rich expanse cf agricul tural xrountry stretching toward the Ohio river. . - - John Sherman was there qefore me, the effect of his tall figure relinquished for the nonce in-the lounging ease with which he lay in his great chair, but his face making him a man that any one would know by its striking resemblance to the familiar pictures of the great soldier, his brother. The beautiful blue-eyed baby played about the floor with the dainty vivacity of baby fan, keeping acertain chronicler in mortal fear for its little head against the sharp corners of the big book s that lay loose learning is so hard and baby heads are so tender and coming in through the open door from an even quieter part of the home wa3 the gen tle maternal voice, calling the baby to other delights. . - Altogether it was a scene of such do mestic purity and quiet as people do not associate with the life ot a public man, but which should be accepted as indicating the moral tone and sim plicity of character in one man holding high place in national councils. "Sir," John Sherman, "I have no opinions on public matters that you may not print ; no reasons to be reti cent. At the same time there is noth ing that at this moment I especially wish to communicate, If you will in dicate any points on which you wish my thoughts I will give them." "Well," I said, "it is part of the story to know what you would touch. In getting at the mind of the country it is first of all important to know to what subjects leading minds attach importance. If all men went to Wash ington with their heads full of recon struction, the country might again be torn on tho rack of extreme legisla tion ; while if they went regarding re construction as now of les3 conse quence than some other topic it would be very different. Perhaps I can ask 3'ou no question more to the purpose than the one that thus comes up what subject in our present circum stances do you regard as most impera tively requiring the national atten tion?" "Not reconstruction. That is setled by the election of Grant, which secures the honest, firm, but kind enforcement of existing laws. The laws already made are enough. They cover all the poin ts sufficiently. The necessity was that they should be carried out in their proper spirit and not administered by an Executive intent on -defeating the purpose f r which they were.made. Jt was the national will that there should be no more chaffering over the laws, but that they should be put iu force. Grant's election was an expression of this will, and secures the desired re sult. In any further discussion of re construction, I would myself favor the utmost liberality toward the South, woupl relieve it of all forms of disabil ity, provided only, it gives protection to the people within its limits; but if murder for political opinion is to go on ! as it has, if the spirit of disaffection to , laws properly made is to prevail there, the only safety is in the other course. But as I have said, the subject is not likely to be brought up. Grant's elec- j tion i3 a resting place." , "And in the state of tho nation, as viewed from this resting place, some other subject is of more importance ?" "I think so ; but the particular sub- i ject to which any man would attach importance woufd be determined bv the peculiar direction of his studies. 1 regard the national finances as most important of all." . THE FINANCES SPECIE PAYMENT. "And you favor the speediest pos sible return to specie payment?" "With certain qualifications and re strictions I would answer yes. .Specie payment is the thought of all others in our financial feature. By this I do not mean that we should rush heed lessly toward it, without regard to the cost, for such a couse would precipi tate upon the country greater evils than any it suffers from paper money. I mean that specie payment should be the first objective point of all financial manceyrcs to be approached with due consideration of the means and.of every step taken, but still to be held in view, with deliberate persistency, for this reason that once to reach it once to occupy that ground is to solve all our financial problems the currency, the bank system and the debt. All . that we can do with these in the meantime is to palliate the evils they caus; for our. financial difficulties arc not duo to material poverty nor to defective sys tem, but to th fact that we have pa per where it was expected when tbe laws were made that we would by this time have gold." "How would you restore specie pay ments?" . "Not by contraction. It can be done in that way; but to do it would be to ruin the debtor class,, to arrest. the hand of enterprise and to destroy any party that tried it. Resumption must be reached by quite other ways. They are mainly these: We must satisfy the people that in no events will there be any increase in the currency. This will be the first step in the apprecia tion of the paper, and will accomplish all that an increase in the currency could do, because it will increase its representative value. If we make greenbacks worth ten cents more on a dollar it has the same effect on the money market as if we added a tenth to the volume of the currency. Next we must adopt every, other means of giving to the outstanding currency a higher value. Thus, if the gold, re ceipts of the Government are in excess of the gold interest it has to pay there must be no accumulations and subse quent speculative. Treasury sales ; but instead of this the Government must receive a portion of the customs In currency. Beside this We must allow tbe notes to be converted into bonds say the ten-forty bonds. The green back is the nation's note already due. The bond is the nation's note not yet due. It i3 not quite fair dealing for a Government toletita note that i3 ac tually duo fall in value below its note not due. The only excu.sij that could be made is presentinability to pay the note that is pa.t due, and the nation or the individual iu this position must simply ask an extension that is, it must give for the note- actually due No. 9. another note, to fall due at a future time, If it does not it repudiates to the exact degree that the note dif fers in value from the other. In ad dition to these measures for Increasing the value of the paper, I would require the National, Banks to keen their re serves in legal tender and also to keep these reserves out of the speculations of Wall street." THE GREENBACK QUTSTION. "The absolute limitation of crcen backs would kill the Pendleton the ory. 'Yes, that 13 tho point in the so- called greenback questson which the Democrats threw into politics. The nation U positively pledged not to go beyond a certain limit in the. issue of these not?s, and that pledge is as sac red as any other rt-Iating to the debt. Oruthe present vof itne of currency of cou rse tae jjc i j i oc r ;. j.u h eory co tfld n o t be carried out, an J we cannot increase the volume without violating one of ther conditions o?i which our bonds were sold. ; By th?. legal tender act of 1SG2, under which thu first greenbacks and five-twenty bonds were made, the amount of currency Was limited $150,000,000. With, that limitation th bonds did not soil at all, for men did not yet see all the conditions. The currency was increased to $300,000 00, and still the bonds would not sell. The amount wa? thon raised to -54000,000,-000, with a reserve of -0, 000,000 and a stipulant not to exceed that amount. Then the bonds sold. Thu3 the known and pledged amount of the greenback currency wa3 very prominently an el ement of the sale. When the bonds were sold, Mr. Cook and Gov. Chase held out the idea that they would be paid in gold, but this was because they assumed that greenbacks would be as good as gold when the time for pay ment came. They did not pretend to tell the people that made the law the bonds could not be paid in greenbacks. As to the moral aspect of the case, by the law the five-twenty bonds were sold with an express stipulation that they might be paid when due in law ful money ; and I have no doubt that by the terms of the con tract t he Un ited States might if it chose, apply the notes to tbe payment of matured debt as well as to payment of salaries and and debts for supplies. The law made no distinction between public and pri vate debts the caso of the public creditor wa3 no better and nj worse than that of every other creditor. What he could complain of K, that the United States did not Male its lawful money range in value with tho actual money of the world. Thus the thing might be done and be just enough so far as we could go with it, but that would be only a little way.s from the enforced limitation of thes'e notes." "Would you favor the application of surplus greenbacks to the payment of any of these bonds?" "This question ha? often been asked me. -I do'not think I would for this reason public sentiment at heme and abroad would regard this as, a violation of public faith. We cannot afford even to lie under suspicion in that; above all, not for what we. would gain by this measure." '! "What would we gain ?" "Tho whole amount we could apply on the payment of the public debt would not exceed ?30, 000,000 per an num, and all that would be saved to the Government in a year would be tho difference between the market value of $30,000 .000 in greenbacks and $10,000,000 in bonds. He does not rightly appreciate public. credit who would shock it for such an amount." "You regard Pcndleton'3 theories, then, as altogether wrong ?" "They art repudiation in its worst form. Pendleton wouhl violate the law or pledge that limits the national note and flood the country with irre deemable paper. And to what end? If he issued greenbacks to pay the debt and made no provision for the payment of the greenbacks, he would merely defraud the creditor; while if he made provisions for the payment of the greenbacks, what would he gain by his plan ?' ' THE NATIONAL, RANKS "As to tho National Banks,. Mr. Sherman ?" - . - . "lam a friend of the system. Banks are a necessity, and I am utterly op posed to States controlling the curren cy of tho nation or a rc-tuni t- the old system of notes, worthless beyond a certain territorial line. The National Bank circulation is safe if anything is safe. Specie payment is here, too, the great point, and, this supplied, the system will be nearly perfect. . Repu diation is theonlyrestraiutonabank. If it is compelled to redeem in gold on demand lot it issue all the. notes it wishes. , Undue profits also will dis appear under the necessities of - re demption. Get to this aud it will be easy enough to supply the South and West with currency ; and in the mean time gross inequalities might be cor rected within the present Jaws." "The inequalities in the distribution of his money. was, great cry with the Democrats in the canvass," - . "Yts; aud I.', said the Senator, "was mueh amused, especially. by U-iv. Seymour's -lament for the West, for the want qf it3 share of bank circula tion. Whoso fault is it if the West has less than it needs ? In the original act it was directed tbat the circulation should be distributed according to pop ulation and business resources. This was found to bear heavily on some Eastern banks that wanted to come into the system with their. circulation, and a great pressure for the relaxation of the rule camafrasi Gov, Seymour's State. There was a petition .of the New York bankers, and I think, a memorial irom the New York Assem bly, and on the motions of Senator Harris-, of New .York; the rule was temporarily set a-ide in favor of exi ting banks, mainly in New York and New England: Thus the inequality that Governor Seymour mourns over is simply an inequality continued down from the old State system over which he never mourned. The act with the distribution as it ougnt to be was made In January, 1SS3. The re laxation in favor of old banks mads in June, 1334, and the first law was re stored to it3 full effact In March, 1S35. Complaint at the result of a relaxation made in fkvor of New. York, cornea very strangely from the mouth of one of her prominent men speaking as a volun&er champion of tho West. . ' ' toe taxes. ? . ' "Would you make any change in regard to taxation ?" v ''Our present system is founded on the experience of England and France. It is good, as it taxes mainly luxuries and imported articles, and A3 it - is cheaply collected, for it costs less pro portionately to gather it than any State or city tax, or than tho customs duties. Air efficient tax depends on i the honesty of tho agents, and this,' I hope, will begreater under Grant than it has teen. I would make taxation touclve xcl usl vc ly , if possible, im ported articles and luxuries, and not the ne I of life. I would rather apply i f rate3 or ADvrr.T: Oce?:ir. (ID llni-fi.) frst Insr Each R'K-ffiunnt Insertion Bnlns t'f.r''., i.".ve lines or l-s t;on.... f 1 " ,. w . SCI . 1 CO I-Aca A'lilitioritti Line . . On Ciu:nn, one year .. m t'oiuran. p'.x month Or." rot;r;in., threo months Half Cf.'Iutan, t rie yesir Half Coiuma, s'x month Half Column, tiiree m-.ntris Fourth Olumn, one year .., FourtU Column, lx mnfh.... Fourth Olumn, three month.. Fihth: Colitmn, one yfT.r , F.inth Coiuran, month Eighth Coiumn, thre months.. M CM ."."."I".-'- 5) CT (." :im a . 2i M .............. i W 21 CO 15 X 1) If) 3 &j lein advance. Stray ouops, (er.cri firnu- Transient : divert. somenf i raJ"f-- a surplus to tha payment cf the debt than reduce the taxes ; for the tax can be better borne now than by asd by, when they will bo paid in cold. I be lieve in so shaping taxation that it 3hall, to a a certain deprec protect do mestic industry. It would be ur.wbo to reduce the duties on impcrtcdgood3 that can be made here. Protection should, however, enly be used aa heal thv stimulus. To diversify the lndu"- try of our people is a great motive. If (protection creates undue competition, at home it goes too far ; cut the doc trine of protection i3 now out of view revenue is what is before ua." FUNDING THE BEET. "You have had some experienca with a fundirv? bill, sir." - "Yes; the original bill as it passed the Senate Committee of Finance waa aq-ood measure. The I ill as it parsed biih Ileuses was a hninbu .' a bri Jgo to get ever the election. The attempt to reduce Interest to four per cent, in this count ay will fail." A funding bill must have more in it than a new priv ilege to the bondholder. We want a comprehensive measure, providing for, first, funding the greenbacks; second, the reduction cf the debf; third, the redemption of the five-twenty bonds when thy five years are out, by sale of bonds bearing a lower rata of interest." "Wou'd you tax tho bonds?" "Taxing the bonds is impossible. The courts have settled the question against State taxation, and common honesty will prevent the nation levy ing any tax on iU own bonds, save such as it puts on other bonds, which takes the form of an income tax." THE RAILP.OADS. "There is much discussion hre in the West about a peculiar topic of tha future the removal of the national capital." "Yes; it is a matter cf railroads. Washington is inaccessible through the action of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which is a'closo monopoly. It is inconvenient and sometimea dangerous to get there, and unless tho arrangement that enables the Balti more and Ohio Railroad to mako Washington a mere suburb of Balti more is broken un, the capital will bo removed within five years. .ly own opinion is that Congress has power to reirulate railroad lines ar-ove all Mato power. It is In the power given over commerce. 'Congress shall have pow er to reirufate commerce with foreign nations and anion;: the several.' This is an important power, for tiia railroads are to bo a wonderful ele ment in our development. Already the value of the railroads in the United States is $1,GW,0WX0 sixteen hun dred millious but little less than the national debt, and their receipts are threa times the interest or the debt. Any one of the four leading railroads transports property woith $1-j0, 000,000 per year, it it is aouutiui wneiner Congress has the power to build new roads, it3 authority to regulate, thoso already built is clear. In taking hold of matters like this wc must move cau tiously and with irood precedent in view, though the tendency of tho times is to a strong central nationality. Unless Congress ha3 thi3 power thero will be trouble about it by-aud-by. -l-by. Ohio Suppose, for instance, that should do what New Jersey actually does declare that only one railroad shall cross her territory she could dissolve the Lnion with this power, for all communication between the East and the West lies across her ter-. ritory; to the South you must go to Keutuek', where there is a range of mountains that cannot be passed by a railroad, and to the North you must go to the lakes and take tho chances of the water. This is too much power fur any State to possess." UNIVERSAL SUFFPvAOE. "We must," said the Senator, "havo universal suffrage as a foundation stone over the whole country, and Congress oueht to submit an amend ment to the States with that idea." Slolst with llicir own Petard. The democracy cf Madison county, Iowa, attempted to be severe at the late, election by nominating a colored man, named Toby Edwards, to tho position of Justice ofthe Peace. Th negro suffrage- amendment to tho State Constitution made Mr. Edwards eligible. Th? joke recoiled on their own heads, and thev began to ask, "What shall we do about it?" Mr. Edwards, appreciating their feeling3, declined in the following letter: To the Democratic Party of MadUorx County, Iwa: Gentlemen: I am compelled to decline accepting the trust which you have, by your votes, desired mo to re ceive. A proper regard for my cwn charac ter, .prevents me from becoming an olllce holder in the democratic party. I am a poor man ; my reputation 13 all that I-possess, and I csnnct afford to fling it away by accepting ollicial po sition at your hands. ' My education, aho, is defective, and although I will probably he able to read and write'Sconcr than a majority of tho democracy, ftilhas lnnranco wthe only democratic qualification for office which I possess,! cannot think it quite fair to give mo the only pl.ico at your disposal, to the exclusion of so many members of the party who pos sess tht qualification to a greater ex tent than I do myself. - "Again, the unfortunate color of toy skin will prevent my acquiring a dem ocratic nooe, and thu3 destroy ail hopo of a renomication. Adding to the above my natural re pugnance to associate with "low wfcite trash," and you have the causes which compel me to exclaim, in the language of the late Horatio Seymour, your candidate I cannot be." Tost Edwapj3. Daniel VFehster and Elisor Ulllz. Slgnor Blitx, ths genial ventrilo quia, glvc3 th9 following anusii ac count of an Interview c? once held with Daniel Webster: When Web ster wa3 Secretary cf State, the Signer wa3 in 'Washington endeavoring to collect a bill from a man who held a lucrative position in the Treasury De partment. A9 he was intimate with Webster. Blits called upon him and asked his advice on the subject. After learning that he could not attach th salary of a government ofScer, the sig ner said to Mr. Webster, "I think I would like to hold a government po sition." "Well, what would yoa want?" inquired Webster. "I would like to be a government magician. ' "Why so?" nke'J Webster. "Be cause," said ti e Sijrnor, "after you had carefully counted over a bundle of one hundivd bunk notes several times, I could count them over after you and there would be only seventy five." "Nonsense!" said" WcUter, "we have men in the Treasury now! who can give you twentv-iive and then beat vout'