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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1868)
ji T ' -TrUJEST IT. i. . - "i'tor, Ii w,-.. to me that editors Oi t cvervUiing tiiey neet. Tli'- r f r-t t ie b:, and th best ' OI e cr'-' ' 'n' t 't p--0'", . ,. . . - A' -1 r ' 1 ' . ' - " i 1 t A ! ' I . "' WS; ! Ai ti t i I J -e is t ut I 7-.: ...v : ! "w .1 '.. V or t,.yirits .jirs. biuiui kLuw now To rawie it ve ry r.lee: . The larz.-Kt pumpkin, longest boct, A rid other parUen e tui; Js blown Into the sanctum by An ed.torlsl put! ; Tbe tipcat hut? vrhl pefik to them. No matter how th-y dres ; A shabby coat is nothing, if You own printing pre; At ladies' fai ra they re almoft bugged I;y pretty cirls, you know, . , TJit they nmj'criw-b up everything 'i he laJiot have to !iow; And tliUM they pt a Mow-out free, . At every porty feed ; . The ronton is because they write . And other people read. ? Hill -I'-.'alU iin-cni' TUcItcs. Oa Broadway, below Fourteenth 'Street, stood a church that at onetime was one of the most fashionable in the city. The congregation was wealthy and large, the minister eloquent and popular." Th b' lies of the t :ty, with the youn and the fashionable, crow ded the c hurch when the pastor filled . the pulnit. In the full Hush of his 7 hi rxpularityf when a pew could not be nrod at any price, when any salary , would have been paid to him that he demanded, the minister disappeared. ' iuite late on Saturday rJbt Lie vti try received a letter from t be rector, , dated otT Bandy Hoot. ' TheMeUer tendered the rector's resignation, and annenced that he had sailed that day at noon on one of the Cunard tteamers '. for Europe. Theparish were surprised and alarmed. The whole alTair was ' a painful mystery. Here was a minis ter, k ttled over a flourishing and lib trait barge, with a fine church and jiarsonage, a church crowded with the tlite of the city, with a salary equal to any. demands he might make, with the best singing In the city, and all the popular appliances, who had suddenly rrined, r?vi privately left.the coun t.y, i'j ..o :- wheti'. - I1? fcto v I . i ji: . mz. The cxr!a . j.atiCn c:..e iftcr the minister id completed hia European tour. At mid night the door bell of his parsonage was voilently rung. Going to the win dow, the minister eaw a man standing .n the door-tone, and he demanded his buincssJIe rnmcwith a messa -f , he said, from ad, ; . j v :; .1. Hasti ly dressing thinV..lf, tLe good n a came to the door and received the message. Just around the block was a poor woman, and she was dying, llcr only treasure was a babe. She could not die in peace unless her babe W3 baptized. If his reverence would come to her'yiag j "Mow, and admin ister taL.e;auen;., ii.a bk ir.g of a poor dying woman would be his re ward. It was much to ask, and at midnight too, but his great Master, who loved the poor, M ould not have denied such a request as this. IIH, humane f rvl. religious sympa t? - -(.; ttr':s. 1 th rrr.i.s; r I , t - c -in gcr. ik-r.:::a priiuciice would have said, "Take a policeman with you. Call up a friend, und get tdm to bear part in the cere mony'." But, dreaming of no peril, he went on his way to do, as he thought, his Master's will.- lie was f-o-'i jn. a diolute r- -v:ti, in a street i... .r for f.., unt.carneari. ..The m -c! r Icnovliwd .at a heavy gate, that closed up a narrow, dark alley. It opened immediately, and slammed behind the parties like a prison door. Through a long, narrow, and unwhole some entry, that seemed to be an alley .way covered, the parties took their way. They pts-i up a narrow stair case, I . lu n and :':kc h . Lewd wo men v i re i t -- J 1 1), - l?Ars. Dark fcrf ! and vi!!-inoui-Iookinsr men tw,v ta crowd the plnco. With Lis pa"-ri r-ctmcnt pn hitirm, and hi3 book f I m rvicc in bU Lu !, the rain i.!?r :,vtJ5 uhercd fi dark and unwholesome-looking ioom. The door was closed behind him, and locked. A dim candle on the table revealed the outline cf a dozen "persons," male and female, rof thj most abandoned end ebpcratc cla?3. His inquiry for the fclcii y. u;uau, ,t.::d the child to be bnptized, was greeted by shouts of laughurr. .He knew he was a victim. 1J deniandesJ the reason for this out- r v i v.-as informed -that his i had" invitrvl him there ;. 1 iis staadirT and ' '.i known, lie was . m--: t r.-.r--rioufl houses in V : .; his i ' ;;. :.t visit to that j '. ' ?. v. well Aiio.i n, and could v :y l -j proved. If he paid one thou k. " ' --:, r.'l v I1 be well. If not, li is in. a was certain. Instead of defy irf !""V;1I-Jr. -, calh'ng on the pclie, cr t-ontuang in his congregation, he thourht be could hush the matter up. l 'i : ' !:t l ave knowa that it. would all come out, and that every dollar he aid would be used as evidence against iim, or as meaTr tr extort more. But Le wr 3 th; roughly f:i;--:.tened ; would ik, the thing ktiovvn for the Wcrl lCdiis hand was la the lion's mouth,-and he must draw it out as f v ,:y as ne could ; so he gave his ob- .a trj r.a;.th-? money prcruptly :h he did. rt noon the next day, whic r of-course new demands were made , f-om time to time. He was dodged in t. 5 tt.r' .1. . , S jp -'ous-looking men i -. - ?d to fpeak with him on the cor ; . !NV..riT-.r men rang his door t Ull. Myttv-rioua note", frei iji.orant, v low-brtd, and vicious persons, as the .f r-'Dirr r.r.d lartruage hlxowed, came t-j L L'aiuLs, aad into the hands of his f f ir-' !y. The pwrnsn wns nearly dis- ; tn. I. he p.v I ii'., . -.y ; is own r..:. r.r.wl L3rr;.vtd till his rc;ut-lioa suf- ' - -r Thn threat tf exposure hur? t i .r h!:a like an cmlr.ous swerd held I y a J.;Jr. la a momtnt of desperation ( .. (y to Jo-avo tin? country, which ; - . i. to tl.oiM-.Lhrncnt and regret i- 3 1 l.elidi. ( : i , ' rptnrn from Europe, the rc-c t r 1 ia !!- --"thu-ctt-i, over a t:na.i i uth Parish. He vi s jon traek- e to hiHi rountrv l;;',ie. liiaek-mail- icgwa renewed. His old terror came cv-ua him. Again he aeceued to the r tort ion. The pnli h of New York at h: .-th cr.r-.o to relief. . In eearch- ;-.-r ;h.-r va.-ae, they came upi rroof tlv.t tb tnfnl-ter was la the : : U pf LI-.- ::-mr;h;TS. l.rtttrswcre f..uii-l Cutitiitiing information of his -T.'h': fir:rr, . In.w tn t.-rri'r him, - ':.i.t todcr.i'.:;.l, tr. ! at what hit salary Wiks dec. He was re- ! 'vol fn'tn r'.. Th large ... irQ brk,L:j, r.!id he Lr.: r re r t I, a .chin "vrrfd . : rwf-'.t'.on. I saw e ia C .r.-a. lie ioa, and i t- ir.i k:l pr,ri i. lie xri! r i: iac:r. -( ..c-r.U-'lve IIc:don, fror.i North Cart .. 4 I i f r " t:.e . : tl;0 tl t i r T f r-:i. trrivc-1 1 reports that Cir-r.i'si t!,.:ica a wonderfal iiru? t.'ikci j !acc in all parts cf 'n. Ll,exrs it'.-,:i c-u:uri: n-.en who before od t! 3 cutrr."cs i.n r.nw tj; ri.. : ir. c- - s t'.itlr t -.t-! .T-eof r f 1.' d l.uvc L n . : 1 v. PU. 1 1 ? 1 rf n V. J.r;. ! n V- i fvi r t: ' -. j l: "Wif "C'r- M '1 lr ": 'i " ;r i tit', ncraco Crccly r.t 'ETaru. A writer in raclcrd,eZScn'Mele9 the following pen-and-ink portrait of one of the most distinguished editors, as seen In his private room, preparing .-.rt: Id for the rfr - I y y.r. r.recly'Rl ack M' a"! Is II : Ut:st:.-dot bistl -sk. ll.arii--' il .r;l over hia' writing, and his ieuu shoul derg are quite prominent. He is scrib bling rapidly. A quire of foolscap oc cupying the only clear spac-e on his desk, is melting beneath his pen. A glance at the manuscript reveals two dozen knotty figures. You m:iy be pure of a leader on the national ' :r, tc-mcrrow morning. The ti sd: i;-elf is a bean of confusion. lici t; is Grecly's straw hat, there is his hand kerchief. In front of him is a teck of newspaper clippings, not neatly roll ed up, but loosely sprawled over the desk. At his left a rickety pair of sellers catch ahurriH nap, u-.let r.N ri;-h? a paste pot, a;u a half i rokca hex cf wafers arpcarlo have h:.d. a rouglk-and-tumble fight. An cld look ing paper-holder is j ust ready to tum bel on the fioor. An old fashioned sand box, looking like a dilapidated hour-class. Is half marten under slashed copy of the New York Ti'orW. Mr. Greely still stick to. wafers and sand, instead of using mm ilage and blotting paper. A small drawer filled with postage stamps and bright steel tens, has crawled out on the desk. Packages of folded missives are tucked in the pigeon holes, winking at us from the back of the desk, and scores of Half ppenei letters, mixed with seedy brown envelopes,' ficp : hzily about the table. Old papers he gashed and mangled about his chair, the deb ris of a literary battle field. A clean towel hangs on a rack at his right. A bound copy of the Tribune Almanac, from 1S3J to 1SG3, swing from a small chain fastened to a staple screwed into the side of his do-1; ; two o'her bo-md volumes on their feet In front 'of bis nose, and two more of the same kind, are fast asleep on the book rack in the corner. The rooom is kept scrupulously clean and neat. A waste pa per basket squats between Mr. Gree ley's logs, but cne-h?Jf of the trra en velopes and bosl.y- com rr.ani cations Cutter to -'the f'ocr,, cf being tossed into the b.-.kt t.-' l ea, ink, paper, scissors and envelops are in unfailing demand. The cry, "Mr. Greeley wants writing paper," creates a commotion in the counting-room, and Mr. Greeley gets paper quicker tb'm a hungry fisheraiaa -c' i skin Mr. Greeley can lay Virginia worm fences In Ink faster than any otner ea Itor in New York city, lie uses a fountain-pen. a present from some friend. He thinks a great deal of it ; but, during an experience of three years, has failed to leorn the simple principle of -suction without gettir his mouth full of ink, and Le generally uses it with an empty receiver. He makes a dash at the ink-lottle every twenty seconds, places the third finger and thumb of his left hand on bis pa per, and scratches away at the worm fence like oue possessed. He writes Euarvellnnsly fuff. Freer.: -rrllv tl. ? point. cf liU pen priJi through Lid sheet, for he writes a heavy haad, and a snap follows, spreading inky spots over the paper, resembling a wood-cut portraying the sparks from a black smith's hammer. Blots, like mashed spiders or huckelberries occasionally intervene : pui me oia veteran ssnes them with sand, leaving a swearing compositor to scratch oti Jie soil, &ad dig out the words underneath. Spirit oTlhc Southern Press. Some of the New York papers mention several suspensions of houses engaged In the gram trade, owing to the heavy decline in breadstuffs. We hope provisions may continue to de cline, and tfuit damned Yankees may continue to break. As will be seen ia our paper, Gov. Bullbcftl has issued a proclamation setting cpf:rt the i;th instant as a day of "Thanksgiving and Prayer." Will some one please o us the kindness to Inform us what we are to give thanks and prayer for t ; In Augusta, the Radical Sheriff of the city was shot and killed by some one unknown, and who it was has as yet not been - found out, and we hope t never win u was a gooa - aeca, na matter xcho did it it'a only to be re gretted that we haven't a few more such shooters, for this country must be "thinned out" before we will ever. again have any peace or prosperity. r Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. the writer of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," says ne wants to live long enough to write another book to correct the mistakes of "Uncle Tom," and show that the negro is fit only for slavery, and that great blunder was committed whea lavcry was abolished. Her twoyeara, residence in Florida, it seems, madts her all right on the nigger question.; nevertheless we wish she. and all other abolition strumpets had to live, cat and sleep with a big nigger buck the balance of their lives, and that; they may each live a thousand years, in order that they may get the full benefit" before starting on their ncii- wardtrip. - - . " ' j now is It that our merchants in this part of the country purchase their bills of flour from the IV.-.r-a Mills of Columbus," when' it is a 'well "known fact that the President of them, ll. Lu Mott, i3 a leading Jladicnl in the State, and also the Military Mayor of that city? We hope that no respectable merchant in South Western Georgia will reaa the Palace lills another order but if they do, then we pror that no true Southern man or woman will buy a sack or bar rel of it from them. Bias of flour can be purchased at the same if not lower figures, either in fcavannan or Atlanta, and bo laid down in this section at about the same cost of transportation But, no matter what It costs to get it here. eud anywhere before patrorsiz ing It. Li. Mott, President Palace Mills, Columbus he'a the dirtiest radical scamp in Georgia, r-ixl should not be patronized by us, even if we had to eat corn bread the balance of ou.r lives ncavcrs at 17ci -i . fur the Union clc It; illroud. J. II. Taina, brother of Gen. II. E, raiuc, one of the agents of the con fctruction department of the Union Pacific Railroad, writes from wvom infi, W. T.. that Dr. A., Jiuraham who has the contract for getting out tios'.and no.vdr.g them down the Lara mie river front the mountains to the t rati: at Wye nilnjr.owinstotHist.-ca a tci r t so low, found ;t" nii.etj' to build dams ct dilTi-rent points, intend ing soon to ho;t all tbo p-fites, thrcby crtatins; a Caml that would enable the ties to be gotten down without delay. Parties were set ta work erecting dams several, and when therfnen left their work at night, beavers com menced where they left oil", and con tinued working ca the fame through out the night, doing a vast amount of work in a satisfactory manner. - Not c-.!.- th'-, lut in two or thro 3 ir.efan c.s whtre breaks have occurred t!:0y have repaired then is the most work manlike manner. The amount cf fi ber rd ready performed bvthcru U worth hundre U of dcllars'to tlie con- tractor. 1 i e ivc r 1 pear tore m r.:;;,::9 oihe r irties to help the great work of build.ncr the Li:!:.ri 3'acic I!ircal tl2J-. men t'ie "strange dev.i, " oi 1 . s . 1 . . - cr.- - in uxe t;ouui wit a cr, hi takra.' . . ' ' ,v -- - -s- -j- i ( QU. - -J WVVV. - lL X LkJi. t' 1 J i i- r- (' .-"7, r. v .9j sJf :mk lr. M ; t a. ' ... , t J i-'T . ... -ij.-.- ' EK3 w rvo. Main tytrly1'. 1 - I V-'1. l-Jl' ' ' 5 j . .. t.- ,- .; ',... -f. : i -: h O l ' r j H t t t- f r - m . - , , - , "I f ' ) . ..:- i n -i: '-'"p, ! a . Is-'.- ' 1 : i; e i : x AGRI CULTUR A THE LARGEST ". - .ii( 1 ik :ot 1ST jHL -4 f i 1i or o 5C M U .9 e reduced P r r ft n r M 4.4, 4 - ii!T! 1 ilGiilSIITIIMLi j,M 1 E H 0USJ1 ! . j . i j-1-1' --f ji ' ' y V-u -i.- "' A SULKT' AND'WALKIN.G.QIJLTIVATORS! YICTOIIIOCS! A(T 3uAhcad of all In the r. . - r . 1 -f :i:rr uayuga gPCACHIEPtJRoppg 1 A 1IIIC 1 a r;.iirl.u J.QHSQN'S! Sirecpstakcs of the World! ICaen23 sIl'SslfrEalies to a WAGONS - AND jf,r-f ; jSTUDEBAKEZl": XTAGOZTS I f.. " I--, i , . i" it 1! te r v r r 7 "Vl -Xij ...THE. BEST WAGO.S MADE ! i1 I V' f Tr'Oi.:.i::rro Tiin r.KiDiira Samples Sowca Hand -of; .-l i " '- i 4. I r . - mm 2LCL -'"'V"! ".-1 , nox you lu: pc0,,J nTUICKS ! 1 buF y Machinery by the car load i.,,.e s in.ig.iu a m surjpjy or aii'KinUh of Farm Machinery In their season. ; : :A I I I, i v j,-. 5 - o f! 3 " -.- j WAREHOUGI DEIX)! OF J 'Ain X frrl ' 7 - - 'J - u" S3 nn . I racs!! ALL TAIITS! Fleia I .Prilej- Early J-, - , , . WvllUJ licuJ otiiiiA-4 r . , rt-.-j 1 antt:..biov?er. 1.1 -h 'En. 11 f ! . J $125.00. "5. SELF-E AEE. : : 1: Cuts Six Feet! ! Trial, macHne against HacMiis I 0f -- J . A. J i CCAEEIAGES,.- ww-o?c 1 -;-. 4 and ride all the while all tlie Xachiitcs we Sell! k,3o ?Zo ! f. '& mi Cor. Ut & Atlantic fjte., Iiiorjc.1 ,..,.:; Livery, Feed and S2I3 Slab Bun. Hogeta Pr.crTLTcr. brownnille, t a f::a. Dealer !n 11 ktfld of rtork.- Ilr dllW rentlr rl an entire and vehicles new.- The rubLo can be accom modated at all hours-,- DAY OK NIGHT. A stock corrali, vlih on abun-' nt sg??7 of pure water, attache! to the t-.y COGGV , T ? GREAT WllSTKIiN Livery, SaleFeed and Exchange STALES! ,ki - corner ilaia and Levee Streets, BroiraviHc. Ic!;rasli. ... Buys, SclU and Exehnnses' sToc,ciTY mm, ice. II.i'lrsre Stock Corrali close to Steam Tor ry Laoiding. Stable accommodations for : ::iffcv Single and Match Horses. Buggies and Car rlagiis always on band for sale. . 40-Gm Peru liver 3? ClaMo. J;CI-S"gADE, ' i'.? . Dealer in -i . i 'All XCinds of" Gtoclr. IIor -Bought, Sold, or Excnar-sed, ocA; Boarded by the Day or Week. , - MI ST1.BI.K3 ABB 6T0CIED with (food Hortea au w.- - . portion of the Nea Land. District can be ccom- modated The Peru & BroT7Hvillo Coacli lesree M T 8TABLBS every ninrning at 10 o'clock, A. M. -Fasseneers or pacfn?s saieiy cou veyed. Ordsri left with tie postrnwter? will be promptly ttendel to. (.-cilSlSm) CoxinfrylTGrc f i-4 - i A W- J . DAIRYJIEN;- FAIIIXEIIS, & OTHEI13 - , : COKSI 0J TOTT ASHES, BEESWAX, . - beans, butti, EGGS, FLOUK, AND hi ;T;.: v; meal, plax, cot ton,, briebfiiuit, . ; GREEN FRUIT, Ut FURS AND SKINS, GRAIN AND V00, POULTRY, NAVAL - STORES, GINSENU, HOPS, FEATHERS, PROVISIONS, OILts. HEMP, TALLOW, LARD, TOBACCO. soRGUM Classes ' V. ': SEEDS,' GAIt5, ' ::',;".., -'.to ,r .. josiAH cAxipnrrci GenefalCdmniissIon Merchan! - 412, 444 & 448, WasU-ston St, N J V Y O R K C I T Y And receive his vicckly Price Currant of Produce and Groceries, the most ... complete Price Currant pub- , .... . .1 Wished in Ute United States. '. ".- )l. J 1 k -- J .- r Send for a Prico Currant Markiiig Plates & Cards Funiislied ii; ir h e e Liberal Advances 7.1 ado on Co : 1. -...;, ; menu. .... Established Mayr 1, 1868. First Cliu Ecference giveu wheu required. 24-ly THL APPETITE FDH TG3ACC0 Leave off Tslnr? that Poiscnous IVeed, Tobacco. One box of Bcwltt.' preparttioc i wsrrauted to desuoy the .ppeute for tobacu la any person. no iMtter how ttroDg the babit nir be. i it fail in any case the money tcu'i t refunded. Uuntl reOs have Daei it wbo are willing Kt bear witaeaa to the fact tiaat,,DeWiit'a : rrepaialioa completely destrcre tbe. appetite for tubacco awl leaves tbe yersoD aa tree jrotn- any aestra tor u as erore tt ocmmeDceti its use. His preectly safe aod barm less to ail cases. The prpparatioa acud.rcclly vp on tbe same giaads ai.a recreUocs aC..cied by to twKxo, and throutU theft vtou the bUxd. thurougb ly cieaiuag the poisoa of ioLacc irom the gystrm. XT.. V. ! a . . . c r . i . . ... . Vltl's prtparaiioa. ; itecoliect it warrraated. t , ! KECo?.i.ii:;ATror;s. Tb following t a few selected from the mnl tltude ef rc.nnmen1iiiins la onr poueslon; From A R1sers,- St Lonig, Mo.) ........ '.'St.-L0Tts'AprH2lst, 166. I berd&y certify that I have used tobacco for twen ty years past, and Tor the ladt ten years I-tare used two poonds per month. I havemae ai.- vie to leave off at different ttmai. I fcave left oa one year at time, but aiwaj-s continued to faauker aiteeitunuil u?d DeWitt's Preparation, which b completely cured me of the eppeilte for to bacco. 1 loid reccommend all who are affected witl thie terrible habit U try the Preparation. . .: . ti. , v .-: ;.. .. ,(, 0-A. ROBERTS. . From John Enipe, St Louis, Mo.) ST, LUCI3. June, lb, 1S63. ThlsU t certify that I bare; used tobacco for eighteen .years tried many time to leave aff, but bae anffered much from a diixio in my bead and gnawing at my stomach that I have soon fiven op the trail. A frierd adrised me to use jor Preparation, and it ompletely cured me ''''.'' ' JOHN KNiPS. . i. From W. Smith Columbus, Ohio.) - i - . - Columbus, July loih, stl. I hereby certify that one box cf your Preparation entirely removed all the e of tobacco. ' ' r ' ' W. A. SMITH. : . - rron Wra. Bspy, SprinEfiel, ats SiPHisoriELD, Auguftoth, 15C3. InsedoQ hex cf your Preparation and it cured me... r. , .. . f. , , . -jj. Kspy, I merely give these as a sample cf what I era receiving iiy. All letters to inquiry cheerful lv answered. Price cf Preparation, $1 per box. If " vj uiaii cents aaattional for postage ocey sent by mail at my risk. Address r- ., . . C.ELi3 CSWITT, Chemi BT-r ........ .. . St. Unit. Jfo. ; ' Kiss iiap.y a. sinpccrr, H1XLINEF. & DEES3 IIAEUE, Second Street, bet. .Main and Water. . uxorrxriLLE, Wish to Inform tho Ladies of Erownvllle ana vicira;y, tual stie feus a first cla , .L iinxiiTrir chop, 'Wlu re work win bo Ione wltb zroaf care nn.I rpatripsfi, an-l after tho hit. 'ft Intern Ptylrs. Lk-ai-hln? i'nc ia tli-i Very Lit:st btvlr.s, uni On s.ior', no; U-e JUtft styles cf Ladles' nn-1 CillJrn'slTats ettfi 110tm ts COnstantlv on han-l. AU.-T..t..w J..1,., pi I'os' un ss i, CI on ka. and I CniiJrcn CloUiios fut on thm noti-.-e. ' f " . 4 wij j..wi Y A N K E E, jiMW.dlu ait UiUuiLulh 05IEBY AH3D XX Ana every other kioa of GooJs kept n 'FOBCilSH! W&'eneyer yon are in Town Call and ; See Us! , " ".' Corner JIaIn and Second Streets, 2IcFerson7s jLiiot;, ST. JOSEPH, 3IO. IMPORTETi AND WHOLESALE AND IlETAIL DEALER IN Iron '"Vyton, CarrIag-3 and AGRICULTUKAli Sprint, Axes, Axcb, Shovel?,' Ppades, File3, Hasps, Chains, Carria-e and Tire Bolts, Nuto and Washers. Kails, Horse Naib, Hore aud Mule ihoe3, Saws, etc. Cant in fjs and Hollow-ware, b'uqar Kettles And irons, Skillets and Lid, Stew pots. Bake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. I2Xj4CZLS3IITII'S TOOLS, Anvils, Stocks and Dies, Bellows, SleJ-eand Hand Hammers, Vices, Pincers, Hasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyre Iron, &c. OUTFITLNG GOODS. Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chain?, Wagon Jacks, Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Picks, Gold Pans, etc. Hubs, Spokes and Bent stuff. 1,000 celebrated 3Xolino Plows. - Eagle Mowers, SnSLS ." I .M'CormicIi's r-Sw1ind " ICalrs Horse Corn Planters, Sulky Corn 'Cultivators, Hand Corn Shellers, Hay Rakes, ete., etc. Fail band's Standard Scales. Bjiog lay gootls direct from manufacturers I otTtr groat Inducements to Wholesale Buy era at Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ! Union Fonndi rx ai IlacMne S"ioj". ; j i '-3 ? 9 i t v i Bumside, Crowther & Bcgers, PROPRIETORS. Cor. 8tb and Afessanie Sta St. Joseph, Mo. Steam Enghtes Made & Repaired IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, Hill "Works o all Hinds. Iron Front made to order ca elioit no tice, and satisfactory to all parties. Also aerent for Gardener & Robertson's Im proved Patent Goveroor. It-ly ' J. Pfeiffers' CORIIEH 6th and ST. CHARLES Sts. . , ' ST. JOSEPH, MO. . A1ji Dealer in LILIE, HAIR, CEHEHT, Plaster, .Whits Sand, Fire Bricb v &c.f Ac, tc. ll-4oly "W. M. WYETH & CO., "WTiolesale Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ' Harness, Skirting and all kinds of SADDLERS LEATHER HARDWARE, saddles.:bridles, &e. J-Agents for Pitson's Circnlr Saws and JV1I ii BAil'ii. No. 6, South Third, bet. Felix & Edinond Sts. T. JOSEPHjlIO. . , 451y WOOLWORTH & COLT, BOOK BI1TDSES And Dealers In Book, Stationery, Paper HANGINGS, AND PRINTERS' STOCK. No. 12, 2d St, St Joseph. Mo. CASH PAID FOP BAGS! iirG2n c ouGrs; Wholesale Dealers In QUEEilSWARE, GLASSWARE, &c, &c No. 7, Fourth street, ST. JOSEPH. MO. 451y UNDERIIILL & EATON, Commission Ilcrchants, No. 2 City Buildings, St. Louis, Mo. EEFFERENCES: Second National Bank St Iouls, Mo. Allen, OrpNlsbet .St Louts, Mo. Branch State Bank of Iowa Debuque. Johnston A Bacon, Bankers Ft-Ma-lison, la. Iaac SoaiTit&Co., ......A.un, 111 Flair A Atwood . Alton. 11L LEMON, IIOSEA & CO., Wholesale and Ketail Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, CiotLinrr, Etc., ! Ko. 5 Fourth Streef, ST. JOSL1II. ' A large stock always on hand. Crders st Ucited. fcatisfactloa guaranteed. 45-ly jr. a. pi - ' ' ',' t. E. r; n-soLns. COUTHEILIT HOTEL. PX P. Zi. KTA OLD3, Prr priclors Eight street, two blocks from R. H, Depot. - ST.- JOSEPH, MO. - . 431y Pine rinlshlr g Lumber n nx.u. s:iall- la e worts, J - .- . . ' SOTIO N S , THITE GOODS. ia a Western Store, wLIch we iU 0 -3 , 11(111 ii til Q "5 Plow Woodworks. IXXLXIIJrV Tsi, - . .. St. JcSCpll, Ho." 9- DA2TI riiAi:CI3 & Co. Steam 3Xoiiiiiiieixtal IXlIlBLE V OIIILS ! ' ST. LOUIS, 310. Keeps constantly on hand a large assortiiient Plain & Ornamental Monurnen! The Trade supplied with Elock.aud Slabs. Sawing Done to Order. 31. F. I20YO, Agent, 21-ly Erownville, Nebraska. James A. Jackson Co., W IT O la E S ALE ' STAPLE A!!D FANCY GROCERS AND Commission .3Xercliaiits, No, 107 North 2nd St., ST. LOUIS, MO. Consignments of Country Produce soli tl ted. From our espfrit nre in this branch of busi ness and by giving it our personal attention, we feel eonftJer t we can make it to the in terest of parties to give us their shipments. 4"-ly $25 THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWIXG SLVClnXE. Is retailed at price within th frhr .it This Machine a 8tra:pht rpe't'e, wakes the rn rjoin iies), b self- adjusting tension, antf can do every variety of sewiDf?. It will hem. fell hind ,wi. ....... qnllt, tk, loCie ad gather ; win wurkeqnally .TL '""" w'-oiea or cotton ftooda, wita ilk, linen, or cotton UireaJ. THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE S ewingMacliine - -. . 18 . Warranted for Five Years Onr Aents wl'.i be anpp'.ied with dnpllcate parta of Ihe Machine, in ce of accident. It makes p-e-ciselj the mid titctt made by th Siniter, Wheeled WtlUon. Howe, and Florence II acbinea. It has the CnJer-feed, like bo bestcf high-priced Ma chine, and ia the only low-priced Shuttle Machine in me market Hatha this feed We r enhi. to sell a nrst-clas SiltTTLE MAClilN S at a very low pried, on accoaut of Its Simplicity, and conse qaent low cost cf Mauufaoiuring. ia comparison with Complicated amines. i. Cr i iv rr s, .. w e wish to arrange with Agents, male or fecial e, torepreent the American Shuttle Seeing Machine . sco iaie, county, and Town in tfc United States and Ontario. Extra inducements to Exper ienced ARenis. - tor run particulars, a to Salary or iomou.iiiioD. adresi G. V. IJ". Andrews, . General Aseat, ' Detroit. IIic, It. B. For the benefit of onr Agentg we have ar raneea wud parties wno nave Gocris snsinbln for &eing crne Aitenis to sell. We will send BOCK. Or SAMPLES ana full particulars on receipt pi one ra stanp. Aaress U. V. h . ANDREWS General Agent, t'etroit ilich. 1$ 2-ly JACOB MAHOIIX, IIERCIIAIIT TAIL OH, P V! ft !- aia Street. oppoate VV '' 0 IlcPherson's 1: i Dealer In :. READY HADE ; Also Agent fc-r w iiUtliJ iAcnnrz: 7 S V ,1, $ U r.,X clry .r...: oa b .- .t r A T l 5 J - j - a4ii. .X . - . - - , Tt:,?- oven cr 1 r-.i ' ' ''" f tV o It SaT lf iDtnet:.UJ,a:.JwUl.:::.a . 7IEc:ia:v:cj a:.:? r:rii3r.3. with a HI! r.f !.: 1 r r f - k .":7, Ca short notice, at t:.e i.- v-. : i'r-.vo. Always on Lar, 1 f:r sale. Tbev a!o ?cl cl:e;'pat tli-A? In I!- dale ail staple Dry C- m 1 ti.-'.cri, tl su-ti articlt-: ns ar in -i v-. ' llemembor tad bUffliit.-, t.e men, and the place. l-lj . AT KroTsrnvlUe, r;cl)ra'!i. The rownvJIl.' Ferry Cr:r.;.ir.y tvd running tt.-fAf.ii .ijlj.l li., .1..) AND ' tie new and comrnrx!i"ius -i.a Xrry' This 1.4 entirely rev, wiih rxwerfin l csriacity to cross everything tat xaay ccm?, in hcv weather. For"croisini Cattle Into offnt r t?';i-?-District this is the test point. This boat epe-i.iUy Cttel up to ensure sa'.tyin cro lnsc stc-k, and lare cattle pers are a!roady erected at the St. Joe. C. 15. Depot at I City. We ean tn?:jr th tnivv! rT r"' , t that all In our power sha.'I te C letn'tniie' this the xaost relh-t'!ecrrsir cn tr.-. ill.-'- -"iri r'iVli2-ly Urownviile Texrj Co.- . UiuiJbJ I .-v.- I .. t.i Dr. .VWKNCE-3 r: a, Compound Extract of : "3 03 DA 7 "q l Heconirnendotl Ly . SCIENTIFIC ZIZN EVJZ2 YTTUZlRn - A3 TII2 BfST Heine yet Diccorcrc ' ran Diseases c f te looil, liver, IHlaey AJfI AS A G EX ERA L II E A L Til EJZi TQJZZR ! ROSADALXS Pi irftcs tic Dlcort, Imj'rcccs the Apjc'lic, , B lias Uiytition, Corrects the S'ccrcflop.s, And Imparts Tunc, Stream ih und , . Vivacity to the Whole System So that persons nsln? It fe! that they enjoy . y an entire new lire. . IiOSADALIo ' . Is P.ecommend d by the - Pest Physicians Everywhere ! BEAD TUB FOIXOWrNG FT.OK " - Dr. F. Pansfxly, now r,f this Cty Formerly Proiissor of i'iiysiolirv and Path-' oloical Anntcmy in the MH I Oeorela Mln-a! Collese, Chief Surzeon state of Soi t aixilina.- tlnrins the -war, Yicq-lYesidenti Georgia M"d:cal Association: Mr, Lairri'iw; I hn ve cart-full V evralned your formula trhe Itos aDLJ.s. nni recom mended It to .ifiverai oi mv p.-ttienw. Tlie combination js a hu;vy one, ajid ni't prove a potent reinely In alfdNn.i- ruirin the' virtues of a great alterative medicine. 1 wit you success. . . K. VT.U DAXLLY. Baltimore, April 22, lvw.- Baltimore, Md., firchi, 1?. I believe lr. Iwren'e's "IK is f i A r.m" to be the IVst Alterative in U. an I there-' fore ciuieri'ully recomrnfnd it s pmi-(i. . llWilAS J. Il'JYKlJS", ii. D." Haltimor?:, Fehnary lot hi I5"?.. Er. J. J. Lnit rmrp .- IiearS'r I t iker i.-fis-' ore in recommending your I'.Oh.vpa f.i as a very powerful alterative. ' i ours truly, 1.. V. CAT.P ZL. D. , We know Tr. La-wrenrp- Rcadalls to ht a safe and reliable Alrcrar ivo, &c, and tak pieaare ia reconimenumy i. to ue l roics lon and public. J IT Moore, Jf P, T. P .m.-s. f D I A Smith, MP, " It W Kir:,-. M f) . ; ' J II Winstead, M D, H V,Hi'.vrd .'. p 14 ii narnam, .M i, w T Urcwpr I p W G Dusgan, M P. W J L;a:i.v 1c. M f). . Wilsos, X. January TilJvO, "5,For Testimonial cf Rfmarsaele CI" RES ee."itosattati Almanac ' J'.-r thi-i yvaxEt Prepared at the Laboratory of Dr. J. J. Lawrence & Co., 244 Ea'tiinore Sfreef, EALTI2IQEE. SIIXTH DT7Y, K WHOLES A LE DP UG GISTS, ' CHICAGO, . General Arrents for the North Weiiern States, to whom order should be addressed. nw-tim nYiLMY -EIGnT SIZEi OF TUZ CELr.riATSD ' " ' -71 Are. not &d by the icelsiorManyfacluriRi Cenip'f. ST. LOUIS. rHESIi TEI.t.-K0VN AND Vh?.Y POH I.Ai: CooivIMiii'uVK- bee a bfve t ,il.lif! since K'.2. Facn '.fC'?v'::.:4 ti.& S't1 their popularity, unt:l tno nfuii- L.i hscora if iiiiar in every lioUBoli ia e West eaJ 5vui lie ilemaud ftr our N"o w 01inrtox Oalf t yer fi jrreter than wecuJJ srvrly vfita izes then made; anUci; a s'.J ;irii land darin? Ui i.p-ent rvtr, we 1. r.x'.c put inu fur several nlhn'n i! :v-3, an I are irtprs manufacture lO to l:JO CHARTER OA3C STOVES. i r djy, ot TWEXTY-EIGllT2irFr-i:XT SIXES- We p!fcrante the ovrMfi,o cf evpry stove iUioturw, and 3er rrirTvaa - v o:ie of tJ way tn'unriU th hsvp b n oi I, wrr?vf1 ley mv be found . Nei:':-r l.:-r r "-ii 'n spared to niaie our Ni-.W CUAUlL.t H' pcr.FECT coo:n.r; STorr, d.I we or it t- tb rr- te as the l-f -T IRl'irrKli, Most Or : aalLMFoXiJ' iiernUn? OX'KiNo s l't L i n -r'.'t. f : Ji t u:;-.n t our tXTi-.-at ttjVSr- '! we air irfired t o -r tt Ixraw, .ra;trii an.l o;., rs ia u.o tr '.s. t lar. nt tMiiih!-' a'TortiiWi.: cf ict.a -i ' I 1 ;aaer ..icW l: t;t- W.--T. O .r arr : .; '5 !' .om STari't'!-!i C'-nr.ianv tn-.. t- e:ve !!H t. l-nr .ivri of t Uh.NcU il.lit" ISM.I lU'iS.VAi.r. (i 5.-.r-1!r!J; !v rf ." r-- I :--! ' - ; r i c-t ( iH sr"i- rJ urtJVVN M .rr t. 1 1 ni.rvu-. inHi-Stf-fHT w,:! :i i.t it s r. ' fv-rr j i . i- .mt wtt. A - .:"- cLsioi: ;mmtk co., it. L', - .11 br 1 ' V-.': ,-' ,! . y J TI" 'r, A '