Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 03, 1868, Image 3

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Our Awthorltad Agents.
Try, IT atdt, tt aha city.
.2'- A. ILawlkt, ttGu-loa.
Ota. O. Sstaf.t, at Acpin Trail.
Oir Advertlslws; ActB
. r-rrTTto A Eatox. 12 Fine st, St. Louis.
J. s. v it.i.iA"s VT tWmotit, " -'
K 1.L ) rm.Gii S7 par jc Bow, Yore
I .kk xmtu A Co., Chicneo. 1U.
yoiL Counts A Tatior, Ci nclaoati, Chlo.
u i7VAEViN,Cinoiriri&tL, Gliio.
A. t I jx)I-s & Co, bob'.on, Mass.
Arrival and of Halls
Eootaern A Eastern Arrive at 12 o'clock if
- De;rt at 12 " M
Northern A Eastern Arrives at 4 o'clock P K
- " Imparts at 8 M A X
r.clo, Arrive at 8 o'c.ocic, a k
- I-r.arts at 8
Peru, Arrive at 12 " 1C
lx-parts at 2 fx
r-ea trice, Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, at 11 o'clock u
. Dcparu Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, at 1 o'clock T at
Grant Arr!va Krtuavs at 4 o'clock r u
- lvart Thursdays at 8 o'clock A X
Jxt v:oe IIovt$1 o'clock A KtoTP
6urvLu-i rom JO to iOU A H.
A. D. MAlusH, Post Master.
Time Table
Of ta St. Joseph and Council EluTs Kail
road, after November 23, 1S6S.
Leaves Bt. Joseph at , 40 a m
Arrive At Hrownvilie 2:37 p in
Arrives at Nebraska City ,
Arrive at CounUl BlutTa
..4:m p m
...4.D0 p m
lves St. Joseph at
..8:00 a m
An 1 Tea at Brownville ,
.11:23 am
Arrives at Nebraska City , a m
Arrive at Council iSJurla .
Leaves Council Bluffs at
5:39 a m
Arrives at Nebraska city
..9:10 am
Arrives at Hrownvilie - U:'.3 a m
Arrives at bt. Joseph p m
expkxss. .
lave CoancU Eluffa at 110 a m
Arrives at Nebraska City l.-0 p m
Arrives at Hrownvilie 2:37 p m
Arrive at bU Joseph WQ P m
Jacob Rogers' Boss leaves Brownvllle for
the Depot every day at 8 o'clock a m and 12
o'clock, BO.-
J". X CoUiarp, Editor.
A Delugo of Dun a. Why, what is the
matter ; every paper that we get Is filled with
dans. Printers must bo In a terrible fix. Ve
hare yet to find that dunning a man through
the paper pays. We have several times be
labored over a dun aimed to couch It in
terms at once to express oar greatest distress,
and to fall lightly yet effectively upon the
tender sensibilities of our debtors, yet always
with the same erect. In fact It has often
seemed to ns that people rather liked that
kind of reading relishing the idea that they
had lots of company In their tardiness in
paying the printer. Were It not for this we
might Insert a alight dun. But that our lit
tle faith In human honesty forbids, we might
unfold a tail of want that would make each
particular debtor clap his hands upon his
pocket book and rny atray from our ofilcefor
mtmOu to com. Yet, no; we'd rather have
them come and aee us, when, with smooth
avnd pleasant speech, we'd edge our way into
their confidence, and, perhaps. In a charitable
way, they'd dole ns out the sum they justly
owe ns. No, kind reader, though our need be
great, we are opposed to public donning ; but
call ad see ns do.
Cew Goods by every express for A. May.
.All Kinds of game wanted at the City
Heat Market.
Xl.olladsy's Drug Store has been removed
to the building formerly occupied by the U.
& Land Office.
Thanksgiving was generally observed in
oar city- iieligious worship was held at the
several churches, and the business houses
generally dosed.
Brownrille Chapter It. A. Masons meets
at Masonic Hall on Monday evening next.
Regular meetlDg. Companions will be prompt
t an early hour. R. T. Uaiset, Sec'y.
The finest Holiday Presents can be found
at the City Drug KWre.
The Western Serenaders made last Sat
urday night melodeous to many an ear, as
they serenaded many of our cillxens, and
among them ourself and family. Their mu
sic is good, and they have our thanks. We
laarn they are about to travel and go Into
atrange lands. We tpak for them a cordial
feeepUon, as they ate 'ieserving musicians.
Bugar Loaf Syrup A superior article, at
Xe have received a copy of Los&ing's Pic
terl History of the United State, from the
earliest period to the present date, and must
My that tt Is one of the most complete works
f 1U kiad m have ever seen. Its engrav-
Tor, its sates, aad the complete Index are
new features worthy of consideration. Mr.
Bartlett, the canvasser, will be around In this
county for several weeks yet, so that all may
have a ehaaae of reoarlng 1C
Drfclex Window Enades The best In nse,
lust received by McCREERY A NICKELL.
The Regulator Ahead Energy aad fair
dealing will win, the world over. New goods
Just received by express. A splendid lot of
new Dreas Goods and Trimmings, Woolen
nd R"fclie Goods. Overcoats, and all kinds of
Clothiag, of the latest styles and fashions.
Just received at A. MAY'S, Regulator.
A Tine Baggy, a Light Spring Wagon,
and a light Two-Horse Wagon for sale by
W. T. DEN,
and Dry Goods, svd Terytklng in my line,
given away.
Hacnaford A have a good stock
i of Furniture, and more coming.
George Morehead, Tenor Drorabrt of this
; cKyt went east recently In such haste that he
. omitted the usual compliments due his land
lord, and on being wet In St. Joseph by one
s of his acquaintances Xrons this city, the fol
'. lowing conversolioa essued: "Why. how
re yon, George; what are yoo doing down
herer "Wiry, our ferry tat, you know, has
o ber rmdder, and T e eotne down to get
model, and mlai great bMrry,' and he
lafL The Base DrusalKt, we learn, would like
to the jitodrl 1
Do you ed any kind of FarnltaxeT Go
to Mef all A Co 'a.
Mr. Editoe; Mr I notice lathe Democrat
of the 28th, an article vr the signature of
A. W.CojfLEK. As fares it reflection npon
Mr. May Is concerned, I will say that lam
responsible for the article referred to. I would
reler the gentleman to the fact that I aad as
ood a tight to call a meeting as be, "or any
otner naaa;" and also to the fact that, so far
the Regulator Is the on It
nythlng to the object that aeemed to He so
ear that genUeman's heart, and so far from
Is pocket. I tneaUu-.l .
nded no Qivt at any one; nor would I
ly this much If Hi. Ueula v,
ot assailed this Louie. I have a. right to
jaake my gifts as I please, and it la cinwl.
'- ngly strange that I eannot do what he only
"uggests, but toy busJ uos mist be ceJied into
question. He assails this house simply to get
to father the Idea which he had not grit to
Now, Mr. Editor. al I cdaim la "ixlr lav.
sad that I always grant; and If Um Rgnla-
fcorniaesihe light f business from the gen
tleman's Bta&ttr. all I hare to aav Is that Mr
Conlee does not better matters by assailing
vne only man who has given anything to the
vuamy ns so maceanioiausiy suggested.
"Vita charity to all, with malice toward
noat,n 1 will give hat I please, ia any man -aer
I please, and sell jay goods as low as I
Flcaae. whether it pleases others or not
. Your. Sou Stab.
Cetrsika Fear We were recently pre
sented with a Nebraska grown Pear raised by
4 rcrras. it was boycal description lus-c.'oas.
eccmlr j. Don't for-etto
examine the f plend-d assortment of goo-is at
City Drug Store
Eoott Custom rnadj, for Ecysand aten,
warranted good and as low for c i bb as can be
had any where J L tlcGEE A CO.
Improverfient.-F. A. Tlndel has now a
good plank road constructed from the pufcUo
well to his AgrlenltunJ Drpct That's bu
siness," this ntuddy season.
The weather la again delightful, balmy and
V7e notice workmen boring a hole Into tha
top of the cut on Atlantic street, to blast out
the dirt. Good, that hill l blasted nu isanee,
Preparins;. Tim McLaughlin Is excava
ting the lot this side of his store room, No. 99,
Intending to build an addition in the t prlng.
Honey, Beans, Fruits, etc at
The Episcopal Festival, Tuesday evening,
was a perfect success, and made a very favor
able sum for the Church. The excitement of
the evening was a raSe for a bed quilt, and
was won by Prof. Docker, who now offers It
and the doner to some fair lady. In the mat
rimonial lottery, the Processor Is a first class
Cranberries, Green Apples, Cheese, ect,
Juct received at SWAN & BIIO'8.
The Journal of last week give everyone
of its thousand subscribers notice that it is
going to Falls City, Richardson County, Neb.
We wish it pre-eminent success in its new
Apia and that its labors DOlltlcallr. particu
larly, may be crowned with imperishable
lustre. And "the indtferent gaze on with
Baddies- A few California and Sherman
gotten np in good style. Call and see before
Investing. J. W. MIDDLETON.
"VVm Valleau has already received quite a
lot of liquors, preparatory to opening a
wholesale liquor store at Dr. IXolladay's old
stand. '
HarkeU. See the Dry Goods and Clothing
markets In this Issue. This will be a perma
nent thing hereafter, and a good thing for
Amongst Atlantic Cables, steam nnglva
tlon and those progressions of science and
art that mark the nineteenth century, not
the least useful are Dr. Ayer's medicines.
They take rank among the benefactions of
mankind, from the rapidity and certainty
with which they cure. Try Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral on a cough and it la gone. What
skin diseases or Impurities of the blood with
stand Ayer's SarsapariUaf Ayer's Pills are
the perfection of a purgative every family
should have them as almost every family
does. Not a trifle to be thankful for are good
medicines and the knowledge how to nse
them for protection from disease. These Dr.
Ayer's preparations and publications furnish,
and we not hesitate to cemmend them. St.
Ixmit Leader.
Improvement. Dr. Thar man Is erecting
an oQce on Main Street, Just west of De user's
Discharge Paper Furnished. We have In
our possea&lon the discharge paper of Theo.
M. Hughes, found on our streets a few days
since, which he can nave by calling at this
The attention of out readers Is called to the
advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cnreln an
other part of this paper. This truly Valuable
Medicine' is recomended try all who use it.
Read the certificates.
Fringed Trimming is becoming terribly
In fashion with the eastern ladles. Yon can
scarcely see a fashion plate but illustrates Its
great use; and Wrru T. Den hns Just the arti
cle, .We know It, And, we say of our own
free will, he sells cheaper t han any other man
In this city.
The members of the Walnut Grove Ceme
tery Association, and all persons taxing an
interest In the Cemetery, are requested to
meet in the Court Room in this place on
Thursday evening next, at seven o'clock.
The ladies are particularly Invited to attend.
By order of the board of Trustees;
E. W. THOMAS, Sec'y.
430 acres of Land for sale by J as. R. Dye.
E offal o Robes. A few No. 1, at Robert
Tea. re A Co s.
Ladies, Attention ! Madam Demorest's
favorite Passementerie, Just received at May's
Jaa. XU Dyo will sell and deliver first class
Pianos and Organs for Eastern Retail Prices,
and warrant the same for five years. 7y
A full stock of Saddles at Bauer's.
Spices- A full stock at the Red Store.
Now is the Time to subscribe if yon wish
to avail yourself of Club rates ! Now Is the
accepted time. After the 20th of December
nothing less than the Publisher's lowest price
will pay for a Magazine or Newspaper. I offer
Club rates so my friends may be in time for
the J an nary number, which Is always pub
lished in advance of time.
News Agent for the U. 8. and the Canada.
A new lot of Metailc Burial Cases, Jest re
ceived at McFall A Go's.
Wo. IT. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu
rance Agent, Is prepared to make out ail pa
per necessary to the conveyance of Real Es
tate. Office Court Room, Brown vllle.
llias Mary Hamilton, residence corner of
Atlantic and 4th streets, is prepared to do all
kinds of Stitching, Braiding, Silk embroider
lng, etc, on short notice and reasonable terms.
All kinds of Woolen Goods, most season
able at TeareACo's.
For B'tots and Shoes that will wear, and
at prices as low as any, go to Teare A Co's.
Flour Spring and Fall Wheat, at McGee's,
at reduced prices.
A No 1 4 year oil Horse tbr Sal. En
quire at this office
Pekin Breaking Plows 200 T. A H. Smith
A Co's make, for sale by J. C Denser.
The fulles stock of Hardware West of the
Kiss lssippi, at Shellenberger Bro's.
11200 and Ail Expenses Paidl-See ad
vertisement of American ShoUle Sewing Ma
chine in our advertising eoiu ran.
Choice Fruit and Faacy Oaadles, at Alien's
City Bakery.
T?TirA full innnlr Vent constantlron
band for every machine sold by F. A. The del
Tear A Ci. make it a snecialUr to keen a
full Stock of choice staple a.nd Fancy Gro
For Bob Sleigh Shoes and Slelgb Cutter
Wood Work, go to the Pioneer Stove Siore,
H C Lett, Land Agent, Brownvlile.
KUbaurn, Jenkins A, Co. Manufac
turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers In
all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Pickets, Sash, Blinds Doors. Battens, etc
Office and Lumber Yard, corner ith and Main
txeeu. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri.
V, e manufacture our own material In the
t-ineries of Oshkosh, Wis where we have
of evl? n f lhe lareet mnufacturies
of everythtng made In Pine in the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from thTtree
as we do. we ean sell at lower rates than any
Lumber Yard In the West wuleh pay. one
wholesale and one or two retail profits. We
shall always keep on hand a full gupp,y ol
everything In our line, so that those In want
may always rely upon gelling what they de
sire. We simply ask all to examine our stock
and nrloes before rmrrVtB'n.rn.-i -
vwjtujjicijcn ucre, as We
can ensure satisfaction In both.
Attention. Public! Wa nevr r,
tlemen, because a gentleman la
rays 128: but Close owing ca mart exll mr
settle their accounts on or before the 1st of
January. A.D. 1839. for trout. Le T1 comment
from and after that date. We must have
what is due us. A wcr4 to the wise is suri-
dent. IlcrALLACO.
The Holidays a;
Xitfrsry helices.
Yorsra AMTn:icA."ThisfATc-rlte jnTenile
peri.?. '.ii I ent?! vvorx 15 t'j-l yc.r, greatly
enlarged, In ;ravi.!. Ii Is dscl.'edly the
tnoft vf-'ed. pr L la riiunv rtsvjcts, the
befct ci all the i.veailes, and well repays the
investment cf te small sum required for Its
possession. A diagram containing a full
elxed pattern for cutting out the body of a
ChrSimas dill U cne of the attractions of the
present number, which Is, otherwise, full cf
txxl things. Subscribe for your coys ana
girls, tlO per annum, with a premium. Pub
lication OSlca, 4:3 Broftlway, N. Y.
Ls Tns I-idt's FarxsD, .or December,
their nolliday number, the publishers have
achieved a brilliant success. The beautiful
picture of "Robert Burns and Highland Ma
ry;" the charmingly unique and suggestive
frontispiece, "Una and the Lion;" the gay
and BTacefal fashion t!aie: the handsome
Pasha Lamp Mat; the Christmas Pudding;
the music, "Oh, Speak those Words Again,1
from Pyron, will please the young ladles;
and the literary matter is superior, even for
this magazine. The prospectus for the next
year coc tains'"" uu equalled Inducements to
new subfccrlbers, and we advise our readers to
send for a specimen number (which Is fur
nished gratis), and avail themselves of the
publishers' munificent .offers.. Mrs. Henry
Wood, the celebrated author of "EastLynne,"
Is also announced for a serial novel for next
year. Published by Deacon A Peterson 819
Walnut street, Philadelphia, at $2,50 a year
(which also Includes a large steel engraving.)
Four copies, $1 Eight (and one gratis), $12.
The Lady's Friend and, Saturday Evening
Post,$i. The Lad'y Friend and the Adverti-
er for 3,50.
Demorest's Monthly. The Christmas
number of this admirably conducted maga
zine is out, and is really a gem. The fashions
are profuse, the contents, literary and artis
tic, cf the highest class. There Is a beactl
fully illustrated Household department, mu
sic and each worth the cost of the magazine.
It has, moreover, none of the frivolity cf the
ordinary class of fashion magazines, but
much of the high tone, and sensible, practical
character of the best European Monthlies.
i per year, with a premium. Published at
473 Broadway, N. Y.
8t. Louis Hoke JocthtaI- This excellent
literary weeklyone of the most Interesting
and readable papers of the kind, has just
donned an attractive new dress, and made a
change in the time of issue, that will add to
the large meusure of favor it is receiving at
the hands of Western people. Hereafter there
will be Issued a Mall Edition on Thursday,
for subscribers living outside of St. Louis.
This edition will reach nearly all parts cf the
interior on or beforo the following Sunday,
the time when country readers prefer to re
ceive their paper. The Journal i-a western
Institution, the promoter of Western litera
ture, the friend and vindicator of western
genius, and the earnest advocate of a western
standard and style in letters. It deserves and
t deceive the support of western people,
si tot these reasons, but because It is
Irmly est&lill&hed. Is carefully conducted
. . .is is good a paper as those eastern week
Ilea that are taken In so many households.
The Home Journal Is furnished to subscribers,
In clubs of twenty, at SI 50 a year, which Is
but little more than one-half the lowest rate
the New York Ledger can be procured for. '.
Mex op Oca Dat. A peculiar feature of
republican society Is the rapid advancement
of men of talent and ability to positions of
trcut and responsibility. There are, at this,
many men prominently before the American
people whose career Is but partially known.
We read eagerly the words, of counsel and
cheer they speak, and catch glimpses of their
lives, only to wish for a more Intimate
knowledge of their character, and the steps
by which they have attained their present
pobltion. Dr. D. P. Broekett, the popular Bi
ographical editor of Apple ton's Cyclopedia,
has prepared concise and interesting biogra
phies of some fifty or more of these men. In
cluding all the more prominent Statesmen,
Generals, Financiers and Philanthropists of
the country. The work has Just Issued from
the press, and Is a model of the art of book
making. The position and reputation of the
author, is a guarantee of its strict and Impar
tial accuracy. The work Is written In a . clear,
tense and interesting style, and is interspersed
with incidents and anecdotes wherever they
can illustrate tU character or peculiarities of
the subject. We copy some extracts from the
press in various parts of the country: .
"The sketches are written with great ability
and vigor; there Is noramenets, no dullness
in them, but the diversity ot the experience1,
and the numerous and thrilling .incidents
interspersed, give the book a perpetual charm
which must uelight even the most ennuyed
"We welcome' this book most heartllyas
the only record of our public men which
makes any approach to completeness."
"There have been two or three attempts to
give the public some of these particulars, but
none which approached the present volume
in cornpietene or accuracy.'
"Here are nearly sixty sketches of men who
have won tbeinin-1 vt an hoaored name In
the anneU of our history. The Illustrations
are by tsartain and Walters, all being por
traits, and they are worthy of the hivrh repu
tation of those akilifulengravers. Tliepnnu
ing. paper and binding are of the best quality
ana ao nonor to i nuaueapnia manuiacture.
."The book is well printel, the pictures are
much better than is usual In volumes of this
class, the paper is good. Of the editorial
work It is ecough to say that it has been care'
ful, conscientious, and generally discrimina
ting. The difficulties to be overcome were
very great and they have been overcome. We
wish Uils book might fro into'every farm
house, and log -cube a, and palace in the land.'
"We never have received a book from pub
lishers that we could commend as heartily as
this. It is a book that cauiit ul to interest
every one, If we were iIum! wuat new book
we connider the most desiraoie lor the library
or parlor, we Glioma unhesitatingly say
-.wen oi uur uay,' uy ir. jl r. Broekett."
The work Is sold only by canvassers, and
intelligent men. and, women .are wanted in
every county, to whom the most liberal in-
ducemints are offered. Address Zelgler, Mo-
Curdy t Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111.
: , .
Uthogrsphlo Cardsi We are prepared to
print any style Imitation Lithographic Cards
In neat style on hort notice and fair terms
A Choice Present to your wife for the Hol
iday's would be one of those nice setts of
Queensware at Small's Red Store ' " i
Hale's Pattest Sausage
Stuffer is the beat in use,
lenberger Bro's. '
Meat Cutter and
For sale at Shel
Boots A Shoos are selling uhprecedentedly
1 . -J
NO, 99,
Corner Haln a&d 3d Streets,
Xlrs. II. E. Barcis,"
Dealer in
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Which she will sell at reasonable prices.
She is constantly in receipt of New and Ele
gant PaiLerus far - k.
Dress and Cloak Making,
to which she pays particular atteatIoix.x
Fluting, Stajaajiins, Stitching, Brala-
ing, done to order.
m s nnsoirs
Awarded the '
rmsT pnEmr2i
at all the prtac'.pla Fairs In the World. Ev
ery Machine warranted for three years. In
structions free.
T3 A
V 4 vfx
Corre.!s-. V
4.k!y fr U,a Alver-:r ly
Business Coats from : S 12.
Easiness Suits, S3.
Cter!. crc 1'ants, fc3 T .
Casfelaet Pants, $253 3.
Vests, from 75 cts. to ZX
, Overshlrts, best, iX .
! OvarsMrts, second best, $2.
i Overthirta, from 75 cts. to $1 35.
Undershirts, from 50 cts. to $2.
. Drawers, from CD cts. to Si .: .3
Buckskin Cloves, best, $2 25. ...
Sheepskin Gloves, 60 cts. ... - ,
Sheepskin Mitts, 50 cts. '
' Corrected Weekly for tha Advertiser by
Calloo, best 11 cts. Second, 10 cts.
Heavy Yard Wide Muslins, 15c
Muslin, second, 1Sc12c
' Bleached Muslins, yard wide, 233
Cotton Delaine, 22i , . '-
All Wool Delaine, 4Dc.
Shawls, 67-135, So. ; ' . . . .
Plaid Flannels, 45c. - V ' -,
Plain Flannels, 35cA . j '
. Balmoral Sklrta, $1 60. . f
FLOUB Winter V sack...
$7 00
4 00
" F!!rin
CORN bushcL old,
irEAIr-5 tusnei
BACON Eaais s B
". Kiullrsr) fi.n......
" SiU.' S
T. A TtT Cs n i; ed ft. .............
SYRUP Golden y, gal
" Sugar llouie gal.......M
" RloR,
CHEESE New York Factory B,
1 90
1 25
2 25
1 75
2 00
Country c.
TEA Imperial fi 2s. ........
" . Black m..
' i IT r-
CANDLES 8tar St) ...........
2 W
1 00
" Tallow r .....
APPLES-Driel 1 lt
, " . Greta bushel-. ,
VV A CTTF.S Dried V, & .,
POTATOES New bushel
" Bweei pounu...
COAL OIL H gallon
K( ' is dOE..v.
. 70
- 25
ONION t5 bushel.
4 90
SALT per barrel
LUMBER Cottonwood per 100, 2 002 25
" , Walnut. .... S 00
Pine -S 607 00
SHINGLES Cottonwood per 100Q..2 60 .a,3 00
- 'ine vjvi w
LATH Cottonwood per Kjd....m. 7 00
WOOD Drv Hard per coid . 8 00
HIDES Dry per & -
. 8
..801 00
WHEAT Fall per bufcl
WOOL-per ft
reraslw, owing t the peesliar tail itoporUct re
IsttoDt vhicb they snitsia, their pecailsr errsa
isatiun, sad the offices thsy psrforin, are ssbjsct m
msny nfferiDtf. iTreedoia irons uni coatrtoate
In bo until degree to thstr hcpptasM and wolfsre.
tor oons can bs happy who are ill. Mot only so, hut
no od of these Tariuos ismsle complaints caa loot
be iutTeretf to run on without involviDg the general
hsalth of the IndiTidual, a-4 ere long prooocs perns,
aant slckaeas and permatare decline. X or is li pleat
ant toeon.ultt pbyicia for the relief of these
various uaticata sffecuons, and only upoa the most
ariotit necemtT will a tree woman m far ancrlOca
her greatest charm a to do this. The sex will then
thaat as for placing to their hand simple apeciflcs
which wilt be found cmcacious in rslieviBg a&4
curing a 1 moot every one of those troublesome com
plaints peculiar to the sex.
uxLMSOLn's extract or jbitchw. naoareos
auffer ou in alisoce, and hundred or others apply
vainly todrucguu aiid doctors, who eiihsr msroiy
toniaiiis ttieiu with the h. pe tx a cure or apviy
remedies which make tbem wurse. I wuuld sot
wish to asaert anything wcnld da lnjaalice to
the afflicted bet 1 sat obliged toaay that although It
may be produced trvni exce.iv exbauctiun oi the
Duven ut lii a. br lhorloua euulormsnt. anwhol-
f . i r mnA f rsiA nrnftik. mflnalrniltnn tt h M ns.
of tea and coflee, and frequent childbirth, it is far
ofieDer caaaed by direct Irritation, sppiitd to the
mocotu membraus of the vagina luelf
wt rev in the cu-e or tbee ditrealng cora
pUjnia, it ia raoti puluf al to contemplate tut at
cenuaut evil, coai-equenl upuo them. It is hut aim
pie Jtuiic to the aubject tu auomtra s rew ut the
oiauy additional ce. wh ch Su lalgcly ffav tke
life. beuh, happmes uf wom.u in an claa.ea uf
uciety, and wLitb Cuutrqueut y, affect uiui or lia
dnectly, the w.irofbe enure bama family.
The ui.ui. tuat. exiaui foi preccioU! e jucailou and
uiai.Uge cau.e. ibey-r tuat uiLia deMg'.ed fur
curpuie.i deeiopuieui to be wasiedaud pattrerted
tu lbs ieliaiata of d:e, the rarly cliOuemeut of
tctioul, sou especially in ih uubeatt&y sjicitemeat
ol Ibo baii-ruuin Tbus, with the b-Mly h If-clotbed,
and ttielliiRd unduly excited by pleaaure, perver
ting in midnight rtral the hwura ue.igned by nature
fur sleep and re.t, the work of destruction is half
accompli, bed.
in coutequence of this early strain upon her sys
tem, uiikecet.ary effort is required by the delicwie
voti y to retain her situation in school at a later
day, bo aggravating the evil When one eiciie
uicut to over, no-ber in pruspectiva eepstb miud
moriHdty sensitive iw Hupe-sun while the now
c.oci re.tr4!M uf taehion.bie d e., abxiuVely
lutkuduing the exe-eiae iudiavvuatbie to the attaia
UMul and rtteuitn of oig oic health and ttreugth
the el'uule to uigbiair; iLe sodden change of
temperature ;the Comp ete proatrati,n produced by
excessive dauclug, uiiut, of aeceaUy, pradoca their
legitimate eflect At last, an eariy maiTiaga caps
the ciiaiax of misery, and tha aafoTtuaaie on.
hitherto so utterly regard ess of the plain dictates
and remountrauces of ber delicate nature, becomes
an UDW-.liiDx soUiect of medical treatmeot. This is
but a truthful picture of the experience of taou
sand of our youiig women.
Lo g berre tbt ability to exercUa the functions
of tbe generative organs, they require aa edocation
of their peculiar ncrvoua sy.tem, cumMMed of what
la called the tii-vae, which it, in common with tbe
em) trei and lip, evidently under the Control
of mental emotions and associations at aa early pe
riod of iif ( and, aa ws abatl subsequently aee.
these emotions, when excessive, lead, long -before
pubertty, to habits wnich aap tbe very lite of their
victim ere nature ns aeii-eompieted their devsl
rot female Wes ness and Debility, Whites or
Lt ncorrhaa, Too Profuse Menstruation. Sxhauaiioa,
Too Long Continued Periods, for and
Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, we offer the
most per Pec' (peciflc known : HtLaiOL&'i COM
roc5i Extract of bcchu. Directions fur ue,
diet, and advice' accompany.
yemales in every pe.iod of life, from infancy to
extreme old age, win Bud it a remedy to aid nature
in the-discharge of ita f auctions. Strength is tbe
glory uf manhood ana womanhood. Belvbolo'S
Extract Uvchv it mure strengthening man any
of the preparations of Bark or Iron' indmtely saier.
and more pleasant hxubeolii s kxtsact du
Chu, having received the ludorcement of the mot
prominent pbyrlciana in the I cited States, is now
offered to afflicted humanity as a certain cure for
the fullowing diseases and symptoms, from what
ever cause originating : General Debility, Mental
and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determinatioa
of Blood to the Bead, Confused ideas, Hysteria,
General Irritability, aestissanees and Sleepless
aesa at Klgbt, Absence of Muscular Kfflcieocy, Lass
of Appetite. Dyspepsia, emaciation. Low Spirits,
Disorganisation or Paralysis of the Organs of Gen
eration, Palpitatioa of tbe Heart, and, in fact, all
the conrotnitante of s nervous and Debilitated state
uf tha system. To insure tbe genuine, cut this out
Ask tor liELMSOLO'S. Take no other. Sold by
Urcggiats sod Dealers everywhere. Pries 91,24
per bottle, or sis bottles for ft ,ao. Delivered to
ooy address ' Describe symptoms in all communi
cations. Address H. T HKLMBULD, Dtug and
Chemical Warehouse, ( a.oadway, Mew York.
None are geutrrae uniesa none up in. ateel-en
graved wrapi-er, with fac-atmils of my Chemical
Warehouse, and signed II. T. IIKLJa UOLD.
Lecture to Youxts; Mesu
Just Published, in a Sealed Snvel-
oi-e. Pnc aix cents. . . .,
- . A Lecture on
the Xatar, Treat-
mauv aad Kadical Cu e of Sirmatvrrhca or Sams-
nal Weakuuta. Involuntary Kinlssiona, SsxuraJ
Debility, and Impedimenta la M.rilagt seneralir
ftervouaness, consumption, apiiepsy, aad JTltsl
Mental and Physical lucapaalty, reuting from Self-
Abuae, etc y koukkx j oLLVKitWitLL, M. D..
Author of the Aireen Boo "He
Tha world renowned auiaor, in this admirable
Lecture, clearly prove frn cis own experience
that the awful conequencei ol ne f -Abuse may be
ffectu.iiy removed wniiout medicine, an with
out dangerous auigicai operation, bougie, inatra-
iu iu la rings, or Cordia.s, poiutlug int a mode of
cure at once crrtatu ami eneciual, by wbich every
suBerer, no matter hi bis Condi iou may be. may
enre bimeir cne-piy. privately, sua radically.
Sent under seat, to any aodress, in a plain sealed
envelope, ou tbe lecelpt ot six cents, or two poatagt
a tamp.. Alau.Dr.Culverweii's' Marriage enide,
price cents. Adrea the Pubiu-bers
40-ly U" Bowery, hew Turk, P. O ,.&
Good News to the ASUeted. .
Five years ago, while traveling thiough South
America fur my beakh I discovered a rtaedy which
win oermai.enny cureany case of 8isrnialorheor
nominal aeakneas, caued by se.f abuse or sexual
exce in aiature years, in fiom wo to five weeks.
It cn be usru without the kuowicige i any one.
beut aiscureiy realed from observation, and warran
ty! to eTect a nermaneut curs or niouey refunded.
Pice, M per package sucf-ien ticure ths mt lo
teterate cee. Alt letters of lnqurty cheerfully
aaawered. Addrea,
IS-ASly JUEK B. WILTUIi, a. LciQis, Mo.
To the Colored Pooyls.
I have discovered a preparation to straighten the
hair. I can safely guarantee my preparation to
straighten the most inkty hair en any person, so
ss it wiil be as atiaignt as ins t air or aa Indian,
numbe.i have ued tt with success. Warranted to
give entire istisfactlon auj to do wit it sets forth
in tbeatovs in su cases, nt post paid wtin mil
directions for nee to any address on receipt of pries.
GneboUlefor tl.60 or two fort 5. W. Onebottle
will answer for s persoa sod kep the hair strait
foi ever. Addreis If, y,IU'itJC.eaiiBt,;JOUif
St., 8t. Lonls Jfa. ,
C-r rr
15 O
f aw
CC3S uyryxmA rrT.
'.. COS'S XZ. -f'SIA CTT.3.
ccs's CT?zyiA crs-s.
, coi'S vYzutzix crss.
Tale werii reaowEed rsmedy for tie aua4iisg
ears ef ... ...
ac2j, RisJnsr cfi' ood, Ila
ts!c2cy, Ian": It a 2d,
7carinc:, ,
. '. Uonsac?, end '
&1S tJ: cr
. Cera cf
Is erred vpoa tbeattentioa ana trial ef s ararsrs
frosa this moat horrible ot all dl. fuses. DyrPls
shows its ravages ia a taocsul ei5rent forms,
nci as files BeaJache, Esartharn; Dtressii n, -;n-ersl
tense of uneMtasMbcd tseLng thatyoa ere
set wall. Food distress you, rises and tours en
yoar stomach.) breath i bad; thin sttlmeals Sasbsi
and tot; don't fl as' if you could tnovs or sur
sbost, and wont of all, Indi-satioa or CossUpation,
are nothing mare of ls thsa Dysptpcta. -sioa-
saada upoa thfatsada tuffsr sad die this way, and
neJUitr themaelv nor their pay tictaa know what
silt them, except that thty are surely dying.
Sesdtr, we r?t. it, this i all Dyspepsia. If
yo would have proof ef ent statement, if yon would
ssve yourselves and children from aa early grave, if
yea would fesve health an 4 entrgy aad strength,
sssia we hegyoa to try e& bcUle e
Ton will tee how toon It willdiepe! yt-rr had fe.
l3S and gloomy forsbodir-cs. slow sooa il trii:
chase awsy any specie ef Dyspepsia. Bow toon it
will give yen new lift and vigor, and how sees it
will make a wetl maa or woman of yos. For yonr
own take, for tbe take of everybody isrericgi we
beg, we euti est you to try tt.
For Zaircr Ces;:2l!t tna Ull
iocs Der&r jczacsilSa
It it a Soverelim ltemedy, while for Ftve? anl Ague,
and all those diseases which trs generated la a ssl-
asmatle euoste, it is s certaia y rt f atut a&d care.
ASr. Lester Scxovit a u kotaaU nsr
chant cf thirty years, in ITitwaukee
one of the most reliable and careful
men in the State, cys, vndcr date,
Messrs. C. O. Claxx, fc Co., Aw Haven, Cf.
Both myself and wtfe bavo etad Coo's Dyspepsia
Care, and it bat proved PfcRl KCTLX tatiaf actory at
a remedy. I bave '0 hesitation in faying that,we
tave received GiXAT H.NlflT from its uia.
Tory rispoetfuiiy,
LiiXa tSXTOX !
A Great Blessing."
From Rev. L. F. WARD Avon, Lor-
aine Co., O.
Xestrt. 8toso A AxMjmOxa,
Drogjliti, Clevelsnd, O.
Qttltmn : It give me great pleasure to tUtt
that my wife has derived great benefit from the use
of Coe's Dyspeptls Cure. 6b hat boen for a num.
ber of years greatly troubled with feyspopsia, ac
companied with violent paroxysms of coaatlpstion,
which soprostrsted her that be was all the while,
tor mouths, unable to do anything. She look st
your instance. Coo's Prfpp-la Care, snd has He
rived GREAT BSRIflT FROM IT, snd ia cow com
paratively well. &he regards this atdicise aa a
great blessing. - '
Traly yur.
It. W. WaAD.
"Extreme Case" Cured.
gheny, Pa.
Josxra FlxmIss, Dmgjlst,
f - r 804 Kargtt St., FlUntbrgh.
Sir .'I fake great pleasure in stating that, after
having suffered from Djspepsls for about fifteen
years, at some periods much more than-otbera, I
hsveheen entirely cured by th ese of Cot's Dys
pepsia Cure My friend koow that of late year
my case ha boon an extreme one. I bad great sui.
feting front eating sny kind: of food snd on an aver
age would vomit about onh-thlrd of my meals, ins
our indigestible mast. When th severe attacks
would come, 1 would lose sll strength and be vtterly
helpless- Sme of the attacks would bs to svre
that for days together I would net retain anything
on my stomach, save a little dry toast snd tea. For
yeara I kn w not what it wa to tasa a vt consoctivo
hour without Intense pain. From tb time toos
the first doae of this medicine I ceased vomiting,
gradually sll aorenes passed sway, and Cash and
strength returned, snd ever sine I have boen sblo
to eat any kind of food et upon the table. Six
month have now passed without sny symptom of
the return of th disease. My case ws considered
by sll, oven physicians, so msrvallou, that for a
time it wss feared it might b fictitious; but I am
noWso well convinced, that I have been not merely
relieved, but permanently cured, that I can ooa
cientlonaly rocemmend Coe'S Dyspepsia Cure to
sll victims of dyspepsia. -
Ltte Pastor of the leaver St. M. B Church,
Homo Testimony.
, i r 'Xcw Have, C?., Jsn 1,1SC7.
Meetrt. 0. t. CLaSK It Co. -
Otnli .' lng anxlcas, from th great benefit
derived to assist in spreading th fame of Coo'
Dyapop! Cure, I woul' state my cane. Some
thing avor a year tro. I had s violent attack of Di
arrhorc, which lasted sight wfc, during which
time I employed thro pbyslrians, but without re
lief, until t tried Coo's DyspepMa Cure. Tbe first
dose helped me; I took it tare times a day for a
woek and wa ntir;y cured; and I be'.!v to
day that it avKi my life. Being attacked in a sim
ilar wsy this season, I took on dose wnlch pur me
oil right. I would advise every family to keep it
on hand ready for icixedlste use, in case of Sam
mr or Bowel Complaint.
The above Mr. Dobb is In oar employ, snd wecsn
vouch for the above statement beinc tros
Will also he foam! Invaluable la alt caae f Diar
rrjct. Dysontery, Colic Summer Ccmplointa, GrV
ping. and In fact ovtry disordered condition of the
Sold by Druggist in city or country everywhere
at $1 per houie, or fey application te
C. O. Clark & Co.,
Sole Frbpriesor, iVew Haven, Ct.
i X I H
ImJ vy V Www
1 s i s
Li .1. S toaJ W aa!
II m I. rt
TT ha to on hand a large
To Thicli V6 tiro ranlsing 60
we er Esllisg at Fticca sj
th3 I.Tiardssippi
In the Quality cf our Goods
i ......
5D)sy -clo I
- " " T .' .-..',
Embracing all tia Novelties of the Season.
Also a large and well selected stock cf
Qnceiisrraro, HardTzare,
- Our Goods uxre bought of fret hands,
and we think tve can tjerrach induce
ment to purchasers as cannot fail to
suit those vUhinj Ubuj; Call aid see
for y ourselves. , . . :
All Iliztds of Freilass tal:e-a ia
C3ia far CoocLs. ' '-
T)in Celliag, ia abaniar at
JL ty IL a. SHALL' s.
Pne Shingles and Lath t
Pine noorics, fuiittocic, at
I I S.
44 V AaWB La J at- atwav a AJt-ft
iMJ:-i 'I I ll
j r A -
aft J iaV
a 1 1 la) i. !
t I 11 1 L. J
I !f j
aOfeaf 0
to A
vaal VaXaV9
and well assorted afock of
ncisiit dclditisss, and which,
low any Uoizzo west cf
PIIICE paid roil
SViVX 15 HO.
Shellenberger Bro.
Ho. 7r
31cP2iergoas Rloclia
Dealers irs
Hardware, tfovct, Tinware,
Hardware, S'oves, Tinware, "
Hardware, S:ovt8, Tinware,
5ft,f$00 'Miles Fence IVire,
: O,0nt) HUes Fence Wire,
50,0 0 0 2JU.cs Ince Wire
Pittsburg Irc. and Nails,
Pittsburg Iron and NaXs,
Pitiaburg Iron end Nails, ' ' :
Mechanic Tools,
' ' Mechanic's Tool,
Mechantii's Tools
Charter Oak Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Besides aCfall assortment of everything Wept
in a first class
mm Wmi
Which tcill be sold as lota as the lowest
FOR CAHl ; '
To all who favor us with a call.
Under t59 mifwgemeBt of . ; .
TAC'33 rioG-iunn, : '
Is now JlaaiHig Eer'.iiar Otnajbasae Jryta
rraiynvllla U tid rallrosirerslaas
of &e Council 31afs sad St. Jo?;b Esilrosd,
Two Uiiet frca Frowsriiis sc4 Korti Ferry
. Laa-Ucc . ..
CocICziui'btiaiia. dosa Coaatticn7
5-tf diamei Usifrate.
O U "al!? I
: ,' . --1'
- I (
44- alh, aSB.a.' -ia. av L.
0" - - f
- . ! I S
1 i
"1 a;
v 7
Ho. 7A,
2lcPIierxoa? Hlzz'i,
Sob Acsnts
la Southern IT ehrMV,Atch!ras2iIT?:
County HLo.j fT
Seaper Cz Uorjcrl
bAflTCIJ h
1 1 c ':
Ayer's Cathartic PiHr,
Tor ta
Ci9 jrarpescs ci
S?r!i3ps a one
J tbe ia iuuver?. r
a ci;"Jirc, nor f
say b. jds t-i u. . ; i
It aiortl in:j caj, it
eVerycou.-,.JT7'" ' t
aJi c:ass, tx t r
l 't e r ' T
soti i, &s.t it U a rjsar re
. hi,'.e arnt far
- fci.vl rv t -i try
-amm ).;,.-. 1 w.a !4t
tried It, irsow that it etrred t-.eia 1 Case w'-- civ
Eot, know tiiit it cure tbcir n!:.-"svxr- so -4
and sil know tr a what it doo un.:e IS Sao a. eyt
that it never f. thro-j1! any fuit or- sj'. 'iaf
ita eorf!ro3:t:oa. We htve tiiom-v.'4.! ra ;
sand of cortuioatM of tir ren-i: t e---c; -.-s
foiiowie eorarlaiatt, bvt sach circs ar t "a ia
every ne-bv aool, aad wo nvi act i. ' . i . -i.
Adapted to ad ar;s and it 4 t..r :t;
emtiun;n? neither calomel or a."y do.-.-'. .- -ii - ,
thev may 'be token w;u safety by anyt,,v.y. r
tu.rar coitlt x rrescrv Uirn eve fra.-.-t aid m -" -a
them pleiu&nS t-i tnte,wb;l8 bein? purely ver"
no harm ca:t arise from their two i i aay qiA;y.
Tbey operate by their powerful iii.i iwe on t!i
internal vi;r t- purify Use blood and stirnulota 13
into boaiyiy action remove Uie obtractioas ef .'
etomaeb, bowel-', livfr, and ov,?r o-rin of t.
body, retortaj t-.eir irr-;ur action to h.t:'h. sn 1
ty correcunr, wh'-rever t-".y exit, saci ij
rats a are the first or' s of li.MMt.
IXlcats iLrctioni are sirzi ii the wvv"'T ea
(he box, far the foUowlaj coc-liais, wl--
I ills moidly cars:
for Hrmti or lTllyftf a, 2drC"
ets, I.b ruor and JLx of Ar't'SM;?
should be t-uen modately to stimu.ara tr.e .
ach ani rewre its healthy tone an-1 act: on.
For Liter Csp!aiat as 1 i-vroo
t?Tns, I ' ; Slow i 1 a ..' -ck Haw ' - - .',
anire enr brfe &!,.-;, 4
Colic aad Hiitott. STevera, tztr -v i
tiioioiisiy taken for each c S3e, corfi i. w.--et
U".on rt remove the ohraction w.'. i eace A.
For Uyetry or X; '.attThs t- cjj ili
5oe is trBnerai!y rerj'tireJ.
For lliaantaria.. fmel, I"-aa
t vtiosi mr tin iir art, am! fa t o t
2iack and JLoi k, t.:ey shoul I be cor. 3" ;.
ticn,aa require , tocfiitasre Uo d -esued nc :
me systera. aca ciiasi tiose eom;
: Fr lvtry ul J5rr!r1 Svr"!?-i Csr
shottlJ be t-ikea in Lirr sad frrient Cdxe toxra
dne the e'wt of adra.-t'o Bur;.
For tapTrp.l,ft a Lir'- dse shon!d be t. -Tl
as it prr! ice c df-sired e-?ct by sym-.'iv.
. As a Vinttfr n?l, tak on or two I'Ut to pre
moto ti!?cstioa and relieve th storrtac.
Aa oecasi-oiial doso stimulate' V; fsaacS s4
bowels i:-.M heal'fry action, report-" t"! s
arid inv;.-orates the syrm. i!er-9 it wc .. n ai
V5i;:.' 't,m where no serious !.;ra-r""""".t e - -ta.
Cwe w.i !! tolerably wn'A, ottet t --t t at -
of th.o--e rut mait tan feel wjc: : y tt"f. f
t.ieir c'.ean-int aad reao7a,-j c..-c ci ir.i j;4
tvs apparatus.
DJ2. J. C. CO., JYa:-aI D; -' . ?,
ZOtrrLL. HASS.t V. S, A.
Sold by
C'1iasswrB, afj-Iealld av.-'-rt--t fn-
J and for as, h-2J il i .'lAlL J
. n f 1 r
Sti IP Sin-, il il- i-' ' aLex-a aw 1 4
"ll It "af''
. . v
neensware, larzsst aasor' " r t evr It tv.ij
iff -t f.'ir