Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 26, 1868, Image 3

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Oar Authorised Agents.
Vk. IIawxbt, at Nemaha City.
It. A. HiWLEY, at Clifton.
oeo. O. Start, at Applnwali.
Our Advertising Acents.
RTTrriELD A Eatox, 124 Pine st., St. Louis.
J k Williams, 07t -hftnut st.,
K M. Prrrwoiit, 87 Pork ltow ew 1 ork.
... . .......... w i v k niWjrn. I1L.
Cook! Oobcrx fc Taylor, Cincinnati, Ohio.
H. II. Parvin, Cincinnati, uu.
A. F. I jncoln A Co., Boston, Mass.
Arrival and Departure of Malls.
Southern & Eastern Arrives at 12 o'clock
- Departs at 12
Northern & Eastern Arrives at 4 o'clock r
lH'pnrtaat 8 A
Rulo. Arrives at 8 o'clock, A H
- Departs at 8 "
Peru. Arrives at 12 " M
1 W.rinr1 nt '2 " V M
Beatrice, Arrive Mondays, Wednesdays and
" IVrmrts'Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays, at 1 o'clock p M
Grant Arrives Fridays at 4 o'clock p m
Departs Thursdays at 8 o'clock a m
Post OJlce Hours 7 o'clock A M to 1 P M
tjun&uutYrom. JO to l(4 a m.
A. D. MAlt?ll, Tobt Master.
Time Table
Of the St. Joseph and Council Muffs llall
road, after ovember 23, lswi
Ieaves St. Jowph at ...
..8:40 a m
Arrives at Hrownvllle
Arrives at Nebraska City ...
Arrives at Count 11 blue ...
Jjcaves St Joseph at
Arrives ut Brownville .
A h-4 . -. . W.l.i-faKkn ( 'i t V
&:f7 p m
...4:V p in
....b;.u p ru
8:00 a m
11:23 a m
. i.-iu a m
Arrives at Council lilurfa
3:00 p m
Leaves Council IJlutTs at
Arrive at Nebraska City
Arrives at Brownville
Arrives at St Joseph -
...5:30 a m
..11:23 a m
...5:34 p m
Leaves Council Bluffs at 11:00 a m
Arrives at Nebraska City P m
Arrives at Hrownvllle p m
Arrives at SU Joseph 6:00 p m
Jacob Rogers' Buss leaves Brownville for
the Depot every day at 8 o'clock a m and 12
o'clock, m.
J. L Colhapp, Editor.
430 acres of Land for sale by J as. R. Dye.
Tfnflr Rohxn. A few No. 1. at Robert
Teare t Cos.
jLadies. attention 1 Madam Demorest's
favorite raasementerle, "utt received at May's
Tonne Man To retain your sweetheart,
keep out of scrapes and buy one of May's
Chinchilla Saquca.
Jas. R. Dye will sell and deliver first class
Pianos and Organs for Eastern Retail Trices,
and warrant the same for five years. y
Don't forget the sale of personal property
olR. 8. llannaford's on next Monday; also
lilt farm, which Is one of the best locations
In the county, at private terms.
Snow fell In our city last Monday night to
the depth of about four Inches; the biggest
enow of the season 60 far. A mild thaw ex
tended through Tuesday, and our pavements
and streets were disagreeably sloppy.
Festival. The ladies of the Episcopal
Church of this city, will give an entertain
ment and oyster supper on the evening of
December 1st, at the store house of Mr. James
Berry, on Main street. Admission 25 cts.
Public Invited to attend.
A full stock of Saddles at Bauer's.
Gen. Craig, President of the Hannibal &
Bt Joseph Railroad, Informs us that he has
been luxuriating for a few day past upon
Wild Turkey and Buffalo, presented to him
by the Price Dictator of Brownville W. T.
Den. There Is more meat In that same old
Den, you bet
Vacuum Oil For Boots, at MMdleton's.
Few persons who need furniture but like
to get it where they can have a choice out of
& large stock, com posed of everything in that
line. This can now be had at McFall A Go's,
who have Just received a rousing lot of
Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Sofas,
Mirrors, and in fact everything in their line,
on which they will not be undersold.
Our Steam Ferry Is still running regular.
We notice that Messrs. Pettlngell, Bates
A Co., are about to issue a weekly rural and
family psper, under the cognomen of "Hearth
and Home," under tlte editorial charge of Mr.
Donald a. Mitchell, while Its home and fire
aide department will lie subject to the super
vision of Mrs. Harriett Beecher Stowe. They
"will make it worthy a place In every house
hold In the land.
Epices. A full stock at the Red Store.
Uncertainty Versus a Sure Thing. Some
take the chances, not thinking that "all is
not gold that glitters," that there Is "many a
allp 'twlxt the cup and lip," while others
contend that nothing is certain but "death
find expenses;" but w ithout doubt or con
jecture, and with the facts fully demonstra
ted, you can rely with unerring safety that
the largest and best stock of Furniture Is at
McFall A Co's, and that they sell cheaper is a
iead sure Dung. ,
Oo see netxel's new lot of Overcoats.
Tha.ak.sglTlng.A Proclamation.
As a custom, the holding of a day for
thanksgiving and prayer for the great bless
ings showered upon the American people,
lias bec.i observed ever since its Introduction
by the Puritans; and in looking over the en
tire globe, we cannot refrain from the expres
sion that no people on the face of the earth
Lave greater occasion for giving thanks for
the manifold blessings they have enjoyed
lurlng the past year than the people of the
whole United States generally, and of Ne
maha County particularly. Gaze where we
may, we hear the dash of arms in war, or see
human, beings w rithing 'neatU the lrosv heal
of the tyrant blood and shacked woe and
misery. Tyrants are arming, and patriots
thirst for freedom; day by day the shack
els which bind the cnbjects are getting weak
er, and their dropping off will be but the
presage to a deluge of aristocratic blood. These !
we have not had, nor need dread ; but Instead !
a glorious step has been made toward the
freedom and equality before the law of all !
men. No flag Coats upon land or sea more
honored or respected than the Stars and
Stripes; no prince lives that Is superior to an
American freeman. Over the broad expanse
of our soil, upon every hand manufactories
are starting up, making the vales to echo
with the busy tiolse of the steam engine, or
the ctream lurtAI with the going of the
water wheel; adding wealth and strength to
the Nation. The Iron band has nearly
spanned the Nation from Ocean to oceanand
the Iron horse Is snorting In the Far West for
for the commerce of India; a hundred roads
are pushing their way Into plaoes that new
lhem not last year, and are peopling up and
making busy marta of trade where one short
year ago the "Indian maiden sported with the
spotted fawn." Hill and vale have given
forth such crops as the Nation has seldom
enjoyea; tne neia, tne orchard and the vine
Lave brought forth all tliat man could desire,
ana nave blessed him vUli auch an abund
anew that he must be a very churl if his heart
go not out to meet, his Lord and Creator in
thanksgiving to-day. Yea, ours has been
year that should provoke more than ordinary
Lord la with us, and has blessed us as a Na
tion so far beyond our deserts. And all this
ave the snort of the iron horse is applica-
ble to Nemaha County ; and of Brownville
atlll more may be aaid, for within Its precincts
has been opened one of the largest Clothing
and Dry Good Houses in the wet, which is
telling goods cheaper than any other, and Is
aepiDy A. MAY, Regulator.
iZ,000 worth cf New and Fashionable
Clolhingjust received by J. 8. HetzelatNa.
70, McPherson's Block, which will be sold to
. ail alike, on the one rrtee system.
Western Sanitary Association.
The merchants of Brownville are respect
fully requested to meet at May's Great Wes
tern Dry Goods and Clothing Regulator, to
form themselves Into a Sanitary Society, for
the sole purpose of taking active steps to re
lieve the distressed farmers, who are suffering
terribly from the consequences of the late
drouth. Having always entertained a mutu
al and beneficial feeling towards our fellow
beings, but most especially our farming com are therefore requested, one and
alL to co-orjerate with us, and meet on next
Sabbath afternoon, (Nov. 21,) at May's Regu
lator, for the purpose of fully effecting an or
ganization. MERCHANTS.
Ou lnsr to the inclemency of tho weather
and the bad state of the roads, but few mer
chants were present, and no donations were
made save by A. May, who donated twelve
doxen pair of childrens shoes. He requests
us to say that any person deslrlngto advance
the good cause by maKlng donations can do
bo by leaving them with the Regulator, who
will sec that they will be fairly distributed as
soon as the farmers in the distressed section
meet and appoint a committee to receive tho
Q. S. Beall's Writing and Book Keeping
School, In the nigh School Building, wcare
pleased to see, U being well extended. It Is
good thing for our young folks.
The past Inclement weather has not hln
dered David Campbell from working on the
excavation of IZill A Co's lot opposite the
Ouilded Humbugs to our merchants have
proved the traveling advertisers and Beekcrs
of Job work. Last summer they were bit by
a traveling envelope printer, who agreed to
put a great number of cards on one envelope,
charging fifteen dollars per thousand, which
we had frequently offered to do for much less.
He carried off over f200. Again : We had re
cently a "hotel register" man, who must have
carried off between 850 and $100. And this
week we have a gentlemen from Nebraska
City, very anxious to assist our merchants to
draw trade from Nebraska City by publish
ing a trade circular, at the rate of $11 for a
half page or, In other words, get, perhaps,
twelve pages at about $30 per page, ($240,) and
pay some printer $40 to do the work, and carry
away a neat little "plum" of $200 home out
of this city. This latter gentleman may not
have succeeded, yet the effect In the event of
success would be tne same, now, what we
want understood Is this: we always have
done work cheaper than my outsider that
ever came here to gull our merchants, and
can do any Job that can be done In Nebraska
outside of Omaha. And, as we are forced to
spend our money here, we want a fair chance
at the home work. If not a little preference.
A new lot of Metalic Burial Cases, Just re
ceived at McFall & Co's.
Ayers American Almanac, for 18G9, has
been received by McCreery fc Nickell, of this
city, for delivery gratis, to all who call for It
This number contains proofs to show that
some of the stars have existed for sixty mil
lions of years. We had not supposed euch
proof possible, but the Doctor gives it In a
shape which seems Indisputable. His wltti
clsms have long mado his book acceptable ;
his medical advise makes It Indispensable to
families, and now he adds the most startling
problems of abstract science to its attractions.
The Washington (D. C) Star, of the Hth
inst., contains the following relating to the
family of a brother of James Medford, Esq
of this city :
An Afflicted Family. On the 6th lnRt.
Charles and Amelia Medford. of this citv.
osiuu lnieresunecuna meir aauenter aiarv
1 heodosla ten years old. bv dlDtheria. On
tne morning of the 11th Inst., two more of
ineir children Charles Franklin and James
Frederick aged respectively seven and two
years, died of the same terrible disease; and
this morning the allicted parents mourn the
Ioks of yet another child Grant Medford
aged live years, who was stricken down by
ims ureaaiui scourge : makine lour deaths in
one family in little more than a week. The
afflicted parents have the sympathy of the
vuuuiiumijr iu meir oereaveineuu
By Rail from New York. Overcoats,
Pants, Hats, Boots, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
and everything in the Clothing line, latest
styles, well made, and sold reasonable, at
Hetzel s.
Stoves, Blankets, Shawls, Lady's Fashion
able Coats, Ballmorals, Skirts,' Fat Turkeys,
fairest Sugars, finest Coffees, best Teas, and
ten car loads of Furniture, with an ample
supply of Lady and Gent's Buck and Fur
Gloves, at the house of the Dictator of Prices
W. T. Den.
A Card ho sold the man his four pair
of Boots last Saturday evening T Why, W.T.
Den, and got his money.
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Woolen Goods
seasonable, and sold as low as any house in
the west by. J. L. McGee &. Co.
A Choice Present to your wife for the Ho!
Idays would be one of those nice setts of
Queensware at Small's Red Store.
Attention, Public! We never dun gen
tlemen, because a gentleman is a person who
pays us ; but those owing us must call and
settle their accounts on or before the 1st of
January, A.I). 1809, for trouble will commence
from and after that date. We must have
what Is due us. A word to the wise is 6uffl
cient McFALL & CO.
Honesty, thou art unquestionably a Jew
eL Humbug is a worn out phrase. Let those
misrepresent who may. Bold assertions hurt
not honesty but are good if properly sub
stantiated. White lies proceed from malice.
No man can dispute net Eel's honesty in deal
ing. Humbugs are not to be found in his
line. He makes the bold assertion that he
can and will tell anything in his line as cheap
as any reliable house In the west He buys
his goods of reliable houtet east He sells to
all alike. He does not anticipate four, three,
two, nor even one change in the firm this
year. He Is not selling goods fifty per cent
below cost as that system would butt him.
Goods have not declined 110 per cent this
year, nor does he think they will next Nor
does Hetzel 6ell his goods at cost His goods
are all new, and are worth what they cost in
New York City to-day. The people of Ne
braska do not ask anything unreasonable.
He has established himself firmly upon the
one price eyttrm, and all the powers can't
move him. He Is now establishing a trade
for peart to eome making Nehrslka his fu
ture home, her welfare Is his. He asks Ne
braska men to stop and think, as "all is not
gold that glitters," and he who huyi a horse at
$100 and sells him for $50, a id makes money.
Is a sharp fellow. There Is nothing Improba
ble in this fast age.
Call In, warm yourselves, and have a social
chat with Uetsol If you don't by a cents
Remember No. 70 McPherson's Block.
For your Boy's and Ladles Skates, go to the
rioneer Stove Store.
Ladies 1 Not a week passes but Hill A Co.,
are ordering and receiving something nice,
new and the latest styles for your benefit
You need but call aud look through their
stock to verify our word ; and at the same
time learn that you can there get plain or
fancy Dress Goods, Woolen Goods, Knit Goods
r urs, k ur Hoods, and In fact everything you
desire as reasonable and as good, if not a little
oetier, man at any other house in the eitv
Their goods are fresh and new, neither out of
date or shelf worn.
Halea Pattent Sausage Meat Cutter and
Staffer Is the best In use. For sale at Shel
lenberger Bro's.
"We are permanently established in this
city; we make no warrant but what we
make good; we defy any one to show us or
the public aay .ease in which we have devia
ted from this line; and we now say that we
can warrant our Boots and Shoes as good,
durable and cheap, as any like goods lathe
market TEAUE x CO.,
C McPherson's Block.
Ermine Fura At Hill A Co a.
Wanted All the game la the country,
such as , Geese, Ducks, rrairle Chicken'
Quails, Turkeys, Rabbits, Hqulrrcla. Elk,
Deer and Buffalo, at the City Meat Market
where the highest market price la cash will
be paid.
rsmu -Mawm J'li. .1 133-
Dry Goods and Clot hi so Price Regu
lator addresses the Public.
I have Inaugurated a redaction In the price
of Clothing, probably nnparalled in the his
tory of Nebraska, and In order that the pub
lic so long subject to the exhorbitant rates of
bard times, may thoroughly comprehend and
confide In my movement, I desire to say a
few practical words about It
In the first place It is an Indisputable, un
deniable act that at the house of the Great
Western Dry Goods and Clothing Price Regula
tor, the very best of clothing of all descrip
tions Is not' selling at cash prices. No con
niving comj'etltors can conceal or cancel tho
fact. Every citizen can practically authentl
cate it for himself by visiting the Great Wes
tern Regulator. Hundreds are now rejoicing
in Its truth, having practically proved it
The next question Is, why do I carry out
such gran d and wholesale reduction ? Read
er, the answer Is simple. Necessity modifies
and often abrogates all the laws of trade. I
have an Immense stoc of assorted clothing
on hand. In a little time an Important
change in my firm renders it absolutely nec
essary that I should dispose of this stoc.
aluable as it Is, thit must be done. The loss of
profit males no difference, we are bound to sell
our stock. To accomplish, this we Jrnow of no
better way than to offer it to the public at Its
original cost. This I can afford to do under
the circumstances, and this lam now doing.
Let no madly Jealous rival cry "humbug."
Let nobody suffer from a paralysis of aston
ishment. Phenomenal as may be the enter
prise In the business world, it is simple, plain,
unvarnished fact This splendid stoc of
clothing at Great Western Emporium Regu
lator is selling atcost. Every conceivable ar- J
tide of dress which a man or boy, rich or
poor, can need, may here be procured at the
bare cost of material and mating.
"Let no handsome bar-maids stare aa mute
as fishes.
And shallow waiters, frightened, drop their
The thing la a fact, and why it Is so we have
briefly explained.
It la unnecessary to say ny more. If any
body desires to see our statements verified,
let him visit our establishment The busy
throng of customers present dally la the best
argument nobody can resist I Invite the
whole city within our halls. The freezing
breath of winter Is in the air, but we hold the
antidote. I desire to injure no man's trade
but I cannol undertake to be Influenced by
anything but my own Interest I announced
that my stock is selling atcost, and to prove it
I invite the inspection of all. It la impossible
to realize that I will be compelled to do the
same with my future stock. Let no person
stay away until It is too late. Now may the
"winter of discontent be made a glorious
summer" by the Great Western Dry Goods
and Clothing Price Regulator's living cash
prices. ' A. MAY, Proprietor.
Now is the Time to subscribe If yon wish
to avail yourself of Club rates ! Now Is the
accepted time. After the 20th of December
nothing less than the Publisher's lowest price
will pay for a Magazine or Newspaper. I offer
Club rates so my filends may be In time for
the January number, which Is always pub
lished in advance of time.
News Agent for the U. 8. and the Canadas.
School Books as well as other Books and
Magazines sold low as the lowest at A. D.
Marsh's Post Office News Depot
II. C. Lett has one of the best filled Show
Coses of Toilet Articles and Ferfumery in the
city, and that person must be very choice
Indeed who cannot here find a choice holiday
present for sweetheart or friend.
Wm. H. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu
rance Agent, Is prepared to make out all pa
pers necessary to the conveyance of Real Es
tate. Office Court Room. Brownville.
Ladies' Fura-At Hill's.
Mia Mary Hamilton, residence corner of
Atlantic and 4th streets, is prepared to do all
kinds of Stitching, Braiding, Silk embroider
ing, etc., on short not ice and reasonable terms.
Furs All kinds at Hill fc Co'b.
Tasty. Those Otter Hoods at Hill & Co.
Those wishing Magazines, Tapers, and Pe
riodicals for 1809 will please remember now Is
the time to subscribe, thereby receiving the
benefit of Club Rates, and also the January
numbers, as some of the magazines are pub
llshed a month in advance. A. D. MARSH.
Ladies' Furs. Mink and Fiteh, at Hill &
Latest Lady Washington Beaver Hoods,
at Hill & Co's.
Beautiful. Those Queen Elizabeth Beaver
Hoods, at Hill & Co's.
Seeds Tor Analyzing.
The Commissioner of Agriculture has made
application to me for specimens of Corn, Oats
and Wheat from Nebraska, for analysing pur
poses. If some of our farmers will be good
enough to furnish me with one or two pounds
each of the above named grains, it will be an
accommodation all around, and may result
In great good. Send or bring soon as possible.
Specimens from both upland and bottom
would be desirable. R. W. Fcknas,
Prest. St Bd. Ag.
All kinds of Woolen Goods, most season
able at Teare A Co's.
For B'Krta and Shoes that will wear, and
at prices as low as any, go to Teare A Co's.
The best Teas in the West, at Hill A Co's.
Flour Spring and Fall Wheat, at McGee's,
at reduced prices.
A No 1 4 year old Horse for Sale.
quire at this office.
John Deere'a genuine Moline Plows, 500
for sale by Theo. Hill A Co.
Gent's Piece Goods. Greatest variety in
the market at Hill & Co's.
Fekin Breaking Plows 200 T. A H. Smith
A Co's make, for sale by J. C. Deuser.
The fullea stock of Hardware West of the
Mississippi, at Shellenberger Bro's.
11200 and All Expenses Paid! See ad
vertisement of American Shuttle Sewing Ma
chine in our advertising columns,
Choioe Fruit and Fancy Candies, at Allen's
City Bakery.
Extras. A full supply kept constantly on
band for every machine sold by F. A. Tisdel
A Co.
Siberian Squirrel and Coney Furs at Hill
A Co's.
Tear & Co., make it a speciality to keep a
full Stock of choice staple and Fancy Gro
For Bob Sleigh Shoes and Sleigh Cutter
Wood Work, go to the Pioneer Stove Store.
A few of the choicest Groceries the sun
ever shone on, at Theo. Hill A Co's.
H C Irett Land Agent, Brownville.
Sugar Loaf Drips, the
finest article in
town, at Hill A Co's.
Kilbourn, Jenkins & Cau Manufac
turers and Wholesale' and Retail dealers In
all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
rickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens,- etc
Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4tjj and Main
streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri.
We manufacture our own material In the
Pineries of Oshkosh, Wls where we have
in operation one of the largest manufacturles
of everything made in Pine in the world, and
obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree,
as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any
Lumber Yard In the West which nava one
. .
wholesale and one or two retail profits. We
shall always keep on hand a full supply ot
everything in our line, so that those in want
may always rely upon getting what they de
sire. We simply ask all to examine our slock
and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we
tu ensure satisfaction in both.
r.rw01'1510. Cards. We are prepared to
fn i.ny.Bl.yle Citation Lithographic Cards
in neat style on short notice and fair term.
FLOURWinter sack... ,
44 Spring
CORN V bushel, old, .
" . bcw,.,. ,
$7 00
MEA-f DUEtiet
BACON Hams lb
44 Shoulders B
sides k
LARD Canned ib.
SYRUP Golden ? gal
" Sugar House V gal.,.
1 00
CUr r X4 J va
Kio n
New York Factory W lb
country b
TEA Imperial f lb
" Black v tb
2 25
1 75
2 00
" Young Hyson fi
CANDLES Ktr &...., ...
" Tallow V &
APPLES Dried lb ..
" Green V bushel..........
PEACHES Dried $ lb.
POTATOES New V bushel....
2 00
" Sweet v pound-
COAL OIL t gallon
EGGS doz
ONION fi bushel
Stt.T-rvr VmrrpI
LUMBER Cottonwood per 100 .lij O02 25
Oak r- 5 00
44 Walnut v- 5 00
pine 3 50T 00
SHINGLES Cottonwood per 1000 2 50(?-3 60
" line ..........-o wtHf' w
LATH Cottonwood per 1000 ... 00
44 Pine 7 50
WOOD Dry Hard per cord . 00
HIDES Dry per ft la
4 tireen . o
"WHEAT Fall per bushol... 1 50
Spring -.801 00
WOOL per lb 2025
Females, owing to the peculiar and important re
lations which they sustain, tbelr peculiar organ
ization, and the offices they perform, are subject to
many safferiocs. freedom from tnese ouiriooie
in no small decree to their happiness and welfare.
for none can be happy who are ill. Not only so, but
no one of these various female complaints can long
be suffered to run on without involving the general
health of the Individual, and era long produce perma
neat sickness and permature decline. Nor is it pleas
ant to consult a physician for the relief of these
various delicate affections, and only upon tha most
argent necessity will a trne woman so far ssennce
her greatest charm m to do this. The eex will then
thank na for niacins in their hands simple specifics
which will be found efficacious In relieving and
curing almost every one of those troublesome com
olainta Decnllar to the sex.
EelmboLd's Extkact or BucHtr. Hundreds
suffer ou in silence, end hundreds of others apply
vainly to druggists and doctors, who either merely
tantalize them with .the hope or a care or appry
remedies which make them worse. I would not
wish to urt anvthiue that WuUld do injustice to
the afflicted but I am obliged tosay that although it
may be produced from excessive exhaustion oi the
poweisof in e. by laborious employment, unwhol
enome air sod food, profuse menstruation, Ithe use
of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, it la far
oftener caused by direct irritation, applied to the
mucous membrane of the vagina itself.
We review the caue or these distressing com
plaints, it ia most nainfal to contemplate the at'
tendant evils consequent upon them. It is but aim
pie justice to the subject to enumerate a few of the
many additional cases which ao largely airect iu
life, health, happiness of woman in all classes of
society, and which, consequently, affect more or ies
directly, the welfare of the entire human family.
The mania that exists for precocious eJucatlon and
maniaee. causae the years that nature designea ior
corporeal development to be wasted ana pervertea
in the restraints of dress, tha early confinement of
school, and especially in the unhealthy excitement
of tho ball-room. Thus, with the body b lr-cioinea,
and the mind nnduTy excited by pleasure, perver-
tine in midnight revel the boars designed by nature
for sleep and rest, the work of destruction is half
accomplished. - i
In consequence of this early strain upon her sys
tem, unaecesary effort is required by the delicate
votary to retain her situation in school at a later
dav. thus aggravating the evil. When one excite
ment Is over, another in prospective eeps the mind
morbidly sensitive to impression, while the now
contact restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely
forbidding the exercise indispentlbie to the attain'
ment and retention of organic health and strength ;
the exposure to night air ; the sudden cbsnge of
temperature the couip'ete prostration produced by
excessive danciug, mutt, of necessity, produce their
legitimate effect. At last, an early marriage caps
the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one.
hitherto so utterly regardless of the plain dictates
and remonstrances of her delicate nature, becomes
an unwilling subject of medical treatment. This ia
but a truthful picture of the experience of thou
sands of our young women.
Loi.g before the ability to exercise the functions
of the generative organs, they require am education
of their peculiar nervous system, cumiiosetf of what
is called the tissue, which is, in common with the
lemale breast and lips, evidently under the control
of mental emotions and associations at an early pe
riod of life; and, as we shall subsequently see.
these emotions, when excessive, lead, long before
poberlty, to bablls which sap the very life of their
victims ere nature has scir-compietea their aevel
For Female Wea ness and Debility, Whites or
Leucorihcea, Too Profuse Menstruation, Exhaustion,
Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapsus and
Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, we offer the
most perfect specific known : Helmbold's Com
pocnu Extract of Bcchc. Directions for use,
diet, and advice accompany.
Females in every peiiod of life, from infancy to
extreme old age, will and it a remedy to aid nature
in the dii-charge of its functions. Strength is the
glory of niaohood and womanhood. Helmbold's
Extract Bdchu is more strengthening than any
of the preparations of Bark or Iron' infinitely safer.
and more pleasant Helmbold s Extract Bu
chu, having received the indorsement of the mort
prominent physicians in the United States, is now
offered to afflicted humanity as a certain cure for
the following diseases and symptoms, from what'
ever cause originating : General Debility, Mental
and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination
of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria,
General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleepless
ness at Night, Absence of Muscular Efflcieocv, Loss
or Appe ue, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits,
uisorgamzauou or raraiysis of the Urgansof Gen'
eratioo, Palpitation ot tbe Heart, aud, In fact, all
the concomitants of a nervous and Debilitated state
of tbesystem. To insure the genuine, cut this out.
Ask for helmbold's. Take no other. Sold by
Druggists ai.d Dealers everywhere. Price $1,26
per bottle, or six bottles for $6,60. Delivered to
ony address Describe symptoms in all communi
cations. Addresa II. T UELMBOLD, Diug and
Chemical warehouse, t?4 B:oadway, New York.
none are genuine unless, done up in steel-engraved
wrapper, with fao-simile of my Chemical
warenouae, and signed H. T. HKLMBOJLD.
Lecture to Young Men.
fl7jl Jnt Published, in a Sealed Knvel-
ope. Price six cents.
A Lecture on tbe Nature. Treat.
mem Bau Bauicai uure of spermatorrhea or Sema-
nai weatnets. Iuvolunlary Emissions, Sexural
Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally 5
a. oi fuusucn, vousumpiion, spnepsy, and Fits;
Mental and Physical locapasity, restri ting from Self
Author of the "Green Boo ," fcc.
Tbe world renowned author, in this admirable
Lecture, clearly prove from bis own experience
ttat the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be
rnwtiujijj removed without medicine, an with
out dangerous surgical operations, bougie, iostrn-
mcnia, rings, or cordiais, poiutlng out a mode of
cure at once certain and effectual, by which every
sufferer, no matter what his Condit ion may be. may
luiv uimseii coeapiy, privately, and radically
bent under seal, to uy address, In a plain sealed
envelope, on tbe receipt of six cents, or two postage
tamps. Aiw.ur. iuiverweit's carriage Guide,'
price 26 cents. Adresa the Publishers
0-Iy !27owery, New York, p. p 4,.t8i
Good IVewa to the Afflicted.
ive years ago, while traveling through South
America for my health, 1 discovered a remedy which
wm permanently cureany case of Spermatorhea or
Nemiual weakness, caused by self abuse or sexual
excess in mature years, in from 'wo to five weeks.
ii can do useu witbout the knowledge ot any one.
Sent tcureiy sealed from observation, and warrant
ted to effect a permanent cure or money refunded.
Pice, per package sufficient ta cure the most in
veterate case, ah tetters of inquiry cheerfully
12-4ftly JOHN B. WILTON, St. Louts, Mo.
To the Colored People.
1 have discovered a preparation to straighten the
hair. I can safely gutrantee my preparation to
straighten tbe most inkey hair on any person so
as it will be as st. sight aa the hair or an Indian,
numbe.a have used it with success. Warranted to
give entire satisfaction and to do what it ae'a forth
in tbe above in all cases. Sent post naid witt. r.i
uiittuuu, ior uso suauy aaaress on receipt of nrm
will answer for a person and keep the hair stra.gbt
fol ever. Address K. V.KlNER.ChemLt anor..
St., St. Louir Ho.
Bride and Bridegroom.
Essays for young men on the I
tint. llrlrf.nmnn. , ---- IIB-
...u v. vf.ultvu. u SIIUB IB ini tn. ...... I . I
Marriage. a Guide to the matrimonial fii,
lrn.l,.n..l,..u , i . . ' I
- "-kk "j in aeaiea lettor an.
velopes 'ree of charge. Addresa. how inn .oc
CIATION, Box P., Philadelphia. Pa.
Superfluous Hair
nviuuici Hum iu rornisui lir .IV..
part of the body, in five minutes, without Injury
In tho nt n. hv tha nrl.m.i d...' injury
Hailed for $1 by o. DUNANE
r J w.v.." Au.ina vw..n.Aj
12-43 ly
St. Louis, Ho.
Students, and other lntiHat
and Women
in a business paying tlOO to a 200 ner
month, according to ability.
For .
drs I EI. ER, HcCL'HDT & Co., Lombard Block,
Chicago, III. 12-21-ly
Attention, Everybody.
What is neater than a smooth clean f-
Then send for Riner's lnialishi iw;...
removing all auperfiuous hair from the body wiihort
pain or Injury to the skin. The most oh.t nI
fteen days Thousands
or two for $2,36, sent post paid to anyddrXT Vi'th
full directions for use on receipt of price Addresa
F. V. R1NEK, Cbemisi 409 Olive .
Scientific Wonder,
Tells how to ma eallinds of ptnt
Perfumery, Toil Articles. Cosmetics. Wlrl:'.
dials, Soap, Harr Dyes, Oils. Drwii.ti 1
madea. Curling Fluids, Household R..i. ' IZl
knnr. l nil... ..H.I.. . . . IiN
L, " , "luaiiy demand, easily
made, and sold at larye profits. It contain all tha
i.viraiuiKvtriicsf secrets,
arts. Ae a
tierfut fx o,
. Tt r lrl thousand .
Post paid to any address for 60 cent,
at. Leuis, Mo.
ready sold.
per copy, by
Er. Ilott'a Conception Prcvt(v
Ii ssed fcr ver tare hundred ibouiand ladiei of
taa AtUotic St'.e alone, sod by a large aGipber la
tat wit, who would not be without it for tea
times iti cot t. It is to this Preventive taat tne
motneM 9 those State owe their ia&mualtj from
Iwf tmiUe. It U bsolctel7 certain, conienient
tue sod wV.nslbeoeflcial tohealtn. Abortion is
erimlEsI, then oe meui perfectly moral knU
proper. Send stamp for pamphlet, con tj Riot
fall psriicaiars. Aaareai,
(P 0 Box S092) 719 ft. Charles itreet.
l-wi-iy ax. LOT711, Ho.
. . ,
Deafitessj Catarrh, Cofeswmptlon and
- ( . Cancer Cnrci.
A Treatlte on DeafaeM, Catarrh Conasmptlon
and Cancer f their csnaee, means of speedy relief
and ultimate care. Sr a Pupil of the Ajcademy of
Medicine, Pari. Sent to any addrm for 10 eenta.
Letter from Bob'tMcli ordr. D.D.. I.L.D.. Grand
Prelate of Grand Xocampment f C. SaadXdltor
of laa National Frtematon :
Kxw Yorx, Sept. 1T,1M7.
Dr. Stillwill wii in charie of Grace Chorea
Hospital, Alexandria, Ta., dcrlncthe war. I fre
quently, alnioat daily, for months, rit ited tola Hos
pital, and had erery means of knowing nil repnta
tlon for xrricixHCT and skill. It was of tha
meet creditable character, and hla snccesa la the
treatment of patients waa remar able.
08A!tIC VlHBATOa. It flti lnta th.r tmnt
yerctptible, rtmovti tinging noitet in ths head, and
eaaoiv aw pertoni to bear autinct ly at charch and
publicasmbUea. ThU instrument will often nro.
once resatia aimosi miracnions and indeed Incases
of long standing deafness. It wl 1 1 reliefs in a short
.time, ii may oe aajostea with the ease of tneo
D. 8T1U.WILI, will ha profasstenallT at
East Washington place. University Buildings, N
T., cany. io to, except Tuesdays, when ha wii
heat his rooms j03!i Pine Street, Philedeiplia, Pa
Dr. WMttler
Has been longer engaged in tha treatment of
Chronic, Sexual and Female Diseases than any
other rojsician in si. Louis.
Syphilis in all its forms. Gonorrhea. Gleet
Stricture, Orchitis, Diabetes, and all affections ef
tha Urinary and Sexual Organs, are treated with
tee greatest success.
Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debllitv and Impotency,
ae the result or seir-abusa in youth, or sexual ex
cesses in maturer years, which produce some of
the Knowing enects, aa Blotches, debility, oizsl
nets, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil
forebodings, aversion to society of females, less of
memory and sexual power, and reuderlng marriage
improper can be cured.
Persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia.
Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, Hernia, Rup
ture er any other chronic affection, may rely upon
receiving a radical cure.
Particular attention given to alt Femala Ceuv
pialnts; inflammation end Ulceration of Ue
womb, Leuoorrhea. Chlorisi, iteriiity, fee. Most
cases can be properly treated without an Interv te
acd medicine sent by mail or express, secure free
from observation. Consultation by I eiter or at office
race- Charges moderate and cures gnarranteed
r3"Off!ce, with hospital accommodations for pa
tleots. No. an at cbaries street, between Bixta
and Seventh, St. Louia, no.
Everybody can get, in a sealed anvelcrpe. Ay
theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Dis
eases containing fuil symptom lists, for two pos
tage stamps : also, my paper relating to Chronic
and Female Complaints, for a three cent stamp.
SI mill a Slmillbna Curantur,
Humphreys Homcepathic Specifics have proved.
front the most ample experience, an entire success)
aimpie, prompt, erncunt ana reliable. They are
the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular usa
a aimpie that mistaes can Dot be made ia usinc
them; ao harmless" as to be free from danger, and
ao efficient as to be always reliable- They have
raised the highest commendation from all. and wll
always render sausrsction.
Noi. . Cents
1 Cures Fevers, congestions, inffamation.MMM2S
5 eurte Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic .2
I cures Crying-colic or Teething of Infanta......M
4 cures Diarrhoea of children or adulta... M
6 cures Dysentery, Griping or Bullous colic JW
curus Cholera-morbua, Vomiting. 25
7 cures Coughs, colds, bronchitis ....26
8 cures Neuralgia, toothache, face ache 26
a cures Headache, sick headache, vortigo.mtm.25
10 cures Dyspepsia, bullous stomach... 26
U cures Suppressed, or painful periods..........S8
12 cures Whites, too profuse periods ............2
13 cures Croup, cough, difficult breathing............25
1 i cures Salt rhume, erysipelas, eruptions.MM..MM26
15 cures Bheumatism, rheumatic pains,.............26
16 cures Fever and ague, chill fever,
17 cures Files, blind or bleeding 60
18 cures Opthalmy, and sore or weak eyes- ..60
19 cures Catarh, accute or chronic lnfluenza.....60
20 cures Whooping-cough, violent coughs............60
21 cures Asthma, oppressod breathing 60
22 cures Ear discharges, impaired hearing. .....60
23 cures Scrofula, enlarged glands, swelliDgs..60
24 cures General debility, physical weakneM......60
26 cures Dropsy, and scanty secretions .50
28 cures Sea-sickness, sickness from riding.. ....60
27 cures Kidney-diseases, Gravel 60
28 cures Nervous debility, seminal euiuawu.-t, lu-
voluntary discharges. oo
29 cures Sore mouth, canker. ...............r......60
30 cures Urinary weakness wetting bcis 60
31 cures Painful periods, with spasms.... 60
32 cures Sufferings at chance of life......... I go
93 cures Epilepsy, spasms, St. Vitus dance........! 00
34 cures Diptherla, ulcerated sore throaty. ....l AO
Family cases of 36 to 70 large vials, mo
rocco or rosewood case, containing a
specific for every ordinary disease a
family is subject to, and books of di
rections, fronli..-.j -$10 to $36
Smaller Fsmiiyand Traveling Cases, with
20 to 28 vials, from-... $6 to $9
Specifics for all Private Diseases, both for
Curinir and Preventive Treatment, in
vials and pocket Cases..'. 92 to $5
Pond's Extract cures Burns, Bruises, Lameness,
Soreness. Sore Throat, Sprains, Toothache, Earache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism,'. Lumbago, Piles, Bolls,
Stinga, Sore Eyes, Bleeding of tbe Lungs, Nose,
Stomach, or of Pileaj Corns, Ulcers, OldSores
JSJf-Price ou cis. to mt ;io.-jn
These Remedies, except Poud's Extract, by the
case or single box, are sent to any part Of the coun
try, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt or
the pi ice.
Address Humphrey's specific
Homeopathic Medicine Co.,"
Office and Depot No. 661 Broadway, N. T.
Dr. Humphrey is consulted daily at his office, per
sonal lv or bv letter, as above, for all forms of dis
ease. For sale by
15-y Brownville, Neb.
Tan Solon's Papulestn Lotion.
The zreatest remedy ever discovered for the dl
eases of tbe Skin. Cures every kind of unaigntiy
notion f tbe face. Bemoves. without fail.
Pimvlet. FreekeU. Moth Blotches, Comodintt or
mack Worms. Jan, re, ana as a oeauuuor it um
no equal. For gentlemen arter snavmg ii is mvai
n.hia i .hi.. rtr trvine it. will use no other.
Pspulean Lotion" la the only reliable remedy
for disease and blemishes of the Skin. Price one
dollar. Prepared only by
For sale bv Druggists generally. 12-45-ly
NO. 99,
Corner Main and 3d Streets,
Mrs. II. Z. Barkis,
Dealer In
Fancy Goods and Notions,
ri will sell at reasonable prices.
She is constantly In receipt of Newmnd Ele
gant Patterns for
Dress and Cloak Making,
to which she pays particular attention.
Fluting, Stamping, Stitching, Braid-
ins, &c, done to order.
. suss aei
Awarded the
at all the principle Fairs In the World,
ery Machine warranted for three years,
structlons free.
Haia Street, opposite
Brownville, Neb.
Dealer in
I Also Agent for
t Singer S8winr
J" If "I
-. If Ii I ( !r f f 1 1 S i I
Wa have on hand a large
To xvhich tto are making co
we are selling at Prices as
the Mississippi.
In the Quality of our Goods
nun s
&roceries I Provisions
No. 49,
EMbraclBg all the Novelties of the Season.
Also a large and well selected stock of
Qneensrware, Hardwaro,
Oor Goods were bought offirtt hands
and we think tot can cjfertuch induce
ments to purchasers as rcnnol fail to
suit those wishing to fay. Call and tee
for yourselves
All Kin 3 mt Prodmo taea i r
Cnjuij fr Gs
Pn Ceiling, In abundant, at
Tlne Shingles and Lath nt
jplne Froorlng, fulLitocit
sw IB awaesjawwafc
at. I a
or jl cxiVsGS to di; nuszi
mJ iailal H si
and well assorted stock bt
FAircir ghoceries
fistant additicna, and which
low as any House west of
Shellenberger Bros
ITo. 74,
EXcFXierson's Hlotli,
Dealers fa
Hardware Siovcs ; Timcare
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware
Hardware, Stotcs,- Tintvare,-
50,000 Mlt Fence IHre,
6O 000 Miles Fence W'el
50,000 Miles Fence fori.
Pittsburg Iron and Nails
Pittsburg Iron and JVui&'
Pittsburg Iron and. Kdili;
Mechanic's Tods,
Mechanic's Tools,
, Mechanic's, Tools,
Choker Oak Stoves,
Cnarter Oak Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Be&ldcsaU assortment or everytalrtft kept
Which trill be sold as low as the lowest
To all who favor us ttith a call.
Tht BrOrtiiYilla Transfer Line,
CdT tha nanxgemeat of
Is acnr XaBftiQg Ketlar Oaaibuaas Im
Crown-rill to tlu Hilroa4.TrmLaua
tk Covscil Blnffa and St. JaMb aUilr4,
At UcvQi Gtar, IIo
Two KlUs fno BrwnTllJa and Van a f tar ran?
Good OaualTfBisot. C1m Csas.ta9ar
30-tf CLarSM Ilssivrata.
' fT-W'
i'r "J
n the rir.:i bt
2 t
ill i-M t 4 M))
Ai tlie Sign ot tlic
ia the place to buy
3IcirAX,:L. Co.,
Keep' constantly on hand a complete assort
ment of
Sofas, Btadsttads, Wardrobes,
Sprine Beds,
What Sots,
Yat Stands.
Hat Racks,
Parlor f
Topped ,r
Stands, -4L
Lonnqei i - '
Settees. v
I Springs.
) Swine
l Crias
Sajet. ,
. - c . I I I t. . . J . '
Gilt and Rotevood Moulding,
Sheet, Pillows, PilUm
Sitps, ttt., tte
show oases a ornoE woes
And anything and everything required to set
up plain or fancy houftekeeplng
All of theiriware U cltherinanafactured.or
put up under their Kpeclal superlntenJce,
which enable them to aell sound articles at
smaller pjk-es than Eastern ma&nXarl
Our Hearse
Is at the service of the pubUc at any time It
may be needed, and Is gotten up laas " - sty ta
as any Urthercoat.
ot all sizes constantly on hand.
At EaHtorn PriooNi
We are doing business on
and by attention to business and thvatot
the community, expect in the futujasln th
1 ast to receive the patronage of the pobila
genarally. He FALL, & CO.
JOHN 1 cATtsorr,
'Excbange Bonuht and Sold on all the prtn
cXGoldbnltd lQ aDdSiiiVeC
JTlU roived', I,ayatle t sight. later
est pnl.l 0,1 time deposits by rrWal azreo-
menW T,,xfs for tion-renKiJnta.
AU kiuds of U. 8. BonUs wanted. '
$00 a J?-Vrj7 '-Remember, It Is so.
V,M' AKent can make it. Farm era-eoniL
A m 'nc: lchlnp, the best ever made!
hr W7,hem' tuc. braid and em
Droiaer.aiiidoall woridone by highly priced
machl.ea. costs only $W; tWnktf that be
aiae 5V i j: one a?ent wanted for every county.
Sample machine at lees than regular pric to
one agent. Sample of work, terms, Ac, free.
This is a new thin?. Send and ee samples.
Address, f
6I'2m Hlnskiaid. . IX.
Glassware, a splendid
and tor nlca
a??otrant tn ntrrn