' - Oar Aattaortird ARtmlt. - . -"Wat. HaWXBT.at Nemaha City; : . It. A- liAWLF.Y, at Clifton. Oeo. U. START, sit Afl'inwa'u , v; ; i , pnr AdvertUlng Agents. (' FnrrTJxn F.ato, 1-24 llm-al., A. J. H. Wilujims, Jr7 Chestnut K. M. rETTiNiiLi :57 l'ark flow, N e w a orK. Jcue URAri;nF.Arx,Ht Jopli. Ma, Cvrw.'cowrjiN Tayhor, Cinciunati, Ohio. KIT. Vaiivin. Cincinnati, Ohio. A. F. I .ioox fc Co., Boston. Mnws. ; i Arrival an Departure of MsUla. fioJSTi-.U Arrive, at .goVtock NortberaA vr1"" t 'cl.?ck f , -, if"" Uearu at . a 3i Itulo,' Arrives at 8 o'clock, ax ; - lvparMalit rfju,Ariimtl2 p IatrlcArrlvr Mcmdnys,, WtKlnosdays and Fri.Uy, at 12o clock J Depart Tuelays, Thursdays and Saturday, at 1 o'clock r M Grant Arrive Fridays at 4 o'cl.x k r at 1 mparts Tnui iwlayn at 8 o clock A M Pott onlv Jlourt1 o -clock, a m to 1A 11 " rr'v D. .M Alls II, Tost Master. . St. Joarpb ndConncll Bluffaliailroad. TIM K CH EDULK No. I-1 . Going Xprth. " Ft. Joseph 8 Wa rn. Ainlrxma.- H il ' NoJawav , 8 42 Forbes 9 (V KortClty' J UieHovr la M Craljr JO 40 -Coming 11 04 rtw.-jjxi it j Wataon l2o.ip.rn. Itamhunr 12 :u doing South. Tlainburg ' 1 50 p.m. Wataon 2 15 Piielps 2 JO Corning 3 18 CralK 3 40 ' )U;ljW 4 W) Keren City 4 W) - Forties 5 15 No la way 5 3 Amazona . 6 ftl St. Jowph 6 lf LOCAL. MATTERS. " J". I Colliapp, Editor, BROWNVIUjK, THURSDAY, NOV. 19. 1K Snowed UcdrLocala. Tor your Roy's and Ladles Skates, go to the I'louee JMova Store. l Keep Yarm! Buck Giore, Heating Stove and Overshoes jtlvcn away it Wra. T. Den's rioncr Store, Oo and see him. Iadies rurtTAt Iini's. r . . .i - - r-1 Wm. II. Hoover, Ilfal Estate and Insu rance Agent, In prepared ,to make out all pa pers necessary to the conveyance of Real Es LnXe. .OflJeCourt Room. BrownvUle.- - .- ... i . : : . : . vi jIJI - r a ti J. 8. Church has not yet returned from Iowa Jjoat. On Saturday morning last, a Black Jet Rreast'ln, In the ahape t a cross, lor. tiered uitlf jroldt'witb a xearl 1ft the center. A li'oeral rtwad will be given the finder hy reWiraiufi IheVame to Mint, LHuruColiift. "Win. Small baa hia-new houso on r'Bird'a Point,- In this city, finished. -- ; Tbosa wishing Magazines, Papers, and Pc- rlodicalJTPISC9 will please remember now Is the time to Knbscrlbe, thereby receiving the benefit of Club Rates, and also the January numbers, as florae of the magazines ore pub lished a moath in aiTauce, A. D. MARSH. Jas. Dya given a iUiging exhibition at Mt. Zion Churcli, on Monday evening, 2T.rd Inst, JL Phisician whose skill -can be entirely relied ujoaia a blessing to any community. This isemlneully true of Doctor AVhittier, of XL Louis, who confines himself to the treat ment of tihronii and blhar-claw' of disease mentioned in his card, appearing In another eolumra . -. i"eroa' Xial l b-Jng plastered, and v.liea compU ted will beoijc of the finest lmjhe Lfa - a : - "Wintert with its cold seiffrhing winds nnd now, its stoppage of all out duor employ ments entirely, ayd Jn-door vork to a great extent, la upon us. Io our mid,st are some jersons who may suffer fnin want. Forget not that fortune's reverws bity drag theo down to A0t apd aow "reiuemlertlic poor." 7oodl VacuuHi Oil U gotnl for Harness, for Hoots and Shoes, Buggy Tops, etc. It Is good ! ! I For sale at J. W. M id JleUja's. Our Farmers are finding almost a homo market for their surplus corn to farmers in the itiierktr, who axe loll almost destitute by the drmrt h fcnd grasKhoppirs. A great many loads of corn changed hands on our streets within the pt week, being emptied out of ouo wagon Into anothci, and hauldd back into the interior. as II. Dye will sell and deliver flrsl c!;s Pianos and Organsin Southern Nebraska and Atchison County, Mo., for the Emilern Retail Price, and warrant the Mime for five years. "See the new advertisement of C. O. & G.W. Dorsey, Real Estate and Land Agents, in to day'jpaper. Their iM Ilitltai for the business engaged n are vnKurpassed bynnyflrjnon Uie Missouri river; and tlu-Lr names, m her ever known, are a aure guarantee for fair dealing. Thoi An waut of land, lots, orln formaLlou as (o hie lands iiYtlils District, can do no letter than address Ihom or, take the UcPherso&'s : Skating Rink is already quite attracllv to small boys, who kW.lc on U walk impunity, and dip up wrnie Limea. The ice is hardly stroug enough 5'at for heavy ekating. - o ? The bslas-t cmr tAty, aoiing tlie pres ent season now drawing toa close, we believe Is almont doulIe that of any former season. The cJXorhs of our mercliaubi to draw the trade naturally tributary to this K)tul, have been Ignalrynec'ssful, and mnst rontinue so, so loug as their present spirit of fajrnes to cus tomers continues. We believe ' the talk of goods sold in our city daring this season wlil double -that qT aay farrfjcf one, with fronts less than any year since' ci. Yet, in view of the permanent drift of trade hitlerward, all conclude that they have done well mui Uy havt. " ' Touni snrely think you're In the sky, . , , Oa such downy ted of wa . , Whtcb at McFall & Go's, you buy ; They cannot ia to plcaiic.' - - ..',T1 " ' Oodeyi Lady's Book. This tine old stan .dard periodical for December, is on Land, and is the best, in point of literary material and beautiful iliystnulons, that w have ever even. The ftmhlon plaies r.ro not only very elegant designs, but usually line specimen qff ertpart Vxlorlng. A chief excellence and attraotton of the Lady's Book consisU of the pure morality Inculcated by its replug mat .tcr. No s'iitenee is ever found in its pages that would bring a blush to the cheek of the ex for whota It is especially Intended, and ?-ery portion pf lis variey conveys a icsvm of morality thai Is calculated to teach iu readers the beauty of virtue and goodness, . Waated-AU i:e giwie lu Ue country, iicb as Ducks, Prairie Chickens, Qualla,' Tp.rkcy lUbbits, Sqnlrrrts, 12k., Xw and B.ualo,at the City Meat Market, wes the hhost inaa ket price in .cash will e paid.- Wo would eiAl attention to the advertise ment of C. W. WkeeWr, Bridge P.uUdcraad Sole Agent fvr toith' I'atent Truss Bridge r Nebwinka and North Misaouri. U W. Wheeler has built five of the Smith Truss for our county t his year, and they arronouueed ly all who st4 tbia to lxt b; b.t hridye uomt ' 1r?i-. rhemaricerjn wh.kh Jhejposu and braoea are arrange eflectually i-revvnu them from spliUlng. thus giving the entire cohmlve 8trtngU of the full size of all the Unibers, w.loh renders to almost iuipoible for any of Uiem to-give way, the fibers of the XlinU hATing to bo separated Ixft.re they cam do n. Blng entirely of wood, exeer iiiclhroogb bolt, this bridge U -vrholly free from the ill efTecUof expansion and contrac tion It U the only bridge now in use that aas a perfect cross brace to prevent careening. ThU is a mat ter of great importance. It has the bU-l bottom latteral brace." This bridge has unequalled length, with much less material than U ordinarily used. This ren ders ii pracUcal.to era bridges of longer rpan than can be done ou any other plan. We believe thein to be the best wooden bridges built, and worthy of genera! adoption by all deeirlcg a cheep, aroBg, neat aadubeUntlal tructurf. ---- - . ssrss The beet Teas In the West, at Hill A Co , nour-prlng and FaUhoat, atIcGcc'a, at reduced priors. A. No 1 4 year old Her for' al&; En- quire at thJa office. . - . John Deere'a genuine Slollne Flows, JWO for sale by Xbeo. IHU A Co Gent's Piece Goods. Greatest variety In th market at Hill & Go's. c . t - Fekin Breaking Plows 200 T.'&U.'femitb i Co s make, for sale" by J. C. Deu9cr. The fulles stock of Hard axe "West .of the Mississippi, at Shcllenberger Ero'a. Bpring Wheat Flour Warran tod ood and satisfaction guaranteed, at the Red Store. 45 pieces Merrimack Tri nts and 30 pieces CocheoTt Pilnts ju6t ojiened at ; Tlito. mil a co's. . 4 ' fI200 aad All Expense Paid! $3e ad vertisement of American Shuttle Sewing Ma chine In our advertising columns, Chester 'WhitVPigs'.'-One pair pure Ches ter White Tigs, three months old ; price, 120. Apply to XL VT. FTIiNAS, Erownvllle; ' Llis iiarjr 'najUtonTresia'c'nce" corner of Atlantic and 4th Ktrec-tsTls- prepared to do all kinds of Stitching, Braiding, Silk embroider ing, etc., on short notice and rea-sonaljle terms. Our style of Job Work lawgiving very gen eral satisfaction, and encourages us to say that we can do nearly aa neat a Job as St. Louts or New York can turn out, and within an ace as cheap. 5000 Peach Trees.-1-!' have for -Sale 5000 one and two vear old Seedling Peach Trees, grown- from choice selected seed. Price, 510 per 100 or $90 per HWO. R. W. FURNAS, 4-2 , Brownvllie, Bee the advertisement in to-daya paper of "scaled prepoaals for printing," for the State of Nebraska. This is a big thing for large offices who can turn out work rapidly, but is severe on country ofileeacurtaUlcg tbopat. ronage that should fall to them 4y a great many dollars.. Its a uepuoucan move, aim we've nothing to-say. Ladies and Gent's Shawls at Den's. f - " FalIs Citt, Neb., Nov. 13th, 1SCS. trot' James R. Dye : - - - Dear Sih : I take much pleasure in saying that the Piano that I purchased from you re cently, of the "New York Union Co's" manu facture, has be'en thoroughly tested by eom- polaut mosiciAua, and has proved t be an Instrument of superior qualities.' I "have no hetdtation in recommending these Pianos to all persons who wish to buy musical Instru ments of this kind, as the best, cheapest, and most reliable of any sold in the western country. Verytruly.&c, " " 'IsriAM-KEAVIS.' ' ' -,. . v v ' , Do rou want a cood Mattress? Go to Mc- FallACo'B.' ----i-V7 J,r Why 6t save twenty-tl ve per cent, by hay ing vour Toilet articles and Fancy Notions at the City Drug glora, i . The Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at Albany, Kansas, on the night of the 10th .inst, .under the direction of James R. Dye, tf Browirvllie, Nebraska, vos a com plete success. Men, women and childrcu turned out from every direction, and were highly pleased with the entertainment. The proceeds were applied for the payment of a BurUelt Organ purchased for the Cougreja tional Church. The organ gavegencrat satis faction. G. W. BROWN. Geesaare Just now migrating frequently and in numerous quantities. Pillows, Comforts, Mattresses, and all kinds of Furniture in full assortment, at McFall & Cos. The National Debt. There are various .schemes and speculations in reference to Uie public debt, Let after all their figuring an i theorizing, this vast amount of revenue must be raised by taxation ; and we say to one and all, if you would be the better prepared to meet this heavy expense, purchase your Dry Goods at A. May's Price Regulator. He gives the best bargains Jn that line, and if the peo ple could do as well in proportion, with all their other purchases, M'e could congratulate them on soon being able to liquidate the na tional debt and never feel it, Pillows for sale at XcFall Co's. , , . . Boots & Shoes are selling unprecedentedly low at Hetzel's. ' . . This Is truly the "ageof progress," and the American people are, beyond , .doubt, far abcad.of all others. This Is itearly demon strated by the Sewing Machine which is, strictly speaking, an American invention. In this branch of manufacture the Empire Sewing Machine Co., office M6 Broadway, New York City, stands pre-eminent. Their Improved Manufacturing Machine" has no rival. It is built on sound mechanical prin ciples is simple in construction easily un derstood, and not Uable to get out of order. Its sewing qualities, particularly on cloth nnd leather, cannot be equalled: and as such we recommend it towit friends- aud the public generally. See advertisement. . Choice Fruit and Fany Candies, at Allen's City Bakery. . - !Extras. A full supply kept constantly on hand for every machine sold by F. A. Tisdel tCo. ,,.! , ".rv ; Extraordinary. This age is remarkable for extremes. The development of science and art Within The past few years Is a wonder lo the world; the great degree of enterprise anj fommercja! Improvement In our country is without a parallel ia history, and yet, with all of these marks of pre-eminence, there is nothing more gratifying and directly inter esting than to know that our city and vicin ity are blessed with the best Clothing store In the Wea vBt goods and at lowest pricus," is the lhotto of this' establishment," tmd all will know, without designating It, that of A. May's Regulator, i7 Main street' ' Verily" the world moves. . w. Sibenaa'Sauirrel and'ftfney Furs nrnill t Co's. 4- Hanniford &. Hughes' Fall stock of Fur- ldture has arrived, aud contains everything in that line. Go and sec 'em. Iwllbonru, Jrnklua Ce.--Manufac torers' and' WWflcMile and Retail dealers in all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Picket. ch,. Blinds, Poors, Battens, etc. Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main at reel. Braaoii YajLitriirirs ..City,MIssKJii. We manufacture 'our'oWu liiauiial ill the l'inerius of (lOitU. Wis., where wc liave in operation one of the largest manufactures of every thtng made in Piue in the Morld.aud obtaining our Lumber direct from theUte, as we do, we can sell at lower rates lhan any LuiiiUt Yard in the West which pays one wholesale and one or two retail profits. We 6hall always keep on hand a full supply ot everything In our line, so that those in want muy always rely upon getting. what tlisy de sire. We simply ask alltoexamiaeourslodi aud prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we can ensure satisfaction in both. JJ C Lett, Land Agent, Brownville Sugar Loaf Drips, the finest article in town, at IliU & Co s. . The Noj'ewber nuMilxf of Teter'sU. S. Mu sical JJevbjw, contains the followiug choice new music: -A h-rt that beats only for thee , and -Wtwn I went home with Belle,'' two Jjewsongsby tleauthorof "Nora O'Neal" a siu'red nong by ' Bishop, entitled 1eek and ye shall find; "Pleawint Thoughts Mazurka," by Cha. KlnktLaad "Loves of tlie Augels," a beautiful Mu-ch hy Packer. Ths music is written especially for the Review, and is pub lished in sheet form at a cost of ji.40. In ad dition to the music, the followiug reading matter appears: Pwetry Autum Festivals, and Nellie; Soldiers' Music; Popular Son gs ; Early Years of Meyerbeer; What are the Bells Raying; Our Village Annals; Music in Pocrj; fL-tlkiTic Woman-; v Muf,lc; Re view, etc. making in all thirty-two largo bages. The Review is published ty J. L. Pe ters, 19J Broadway, New Tort, at tl per year. 8its3ple copi C5 cent". t JVlffi "Seeds, for AtialiiiagT . The Commibiicner ofgJloilturehas made application to iae for specimens of Corn, Oats, and Wheat from Nebraska, for analyzing pur poses. If some of our farmers will'W good enough to furnish me with one or two pounds each of the' above darned grains, it will te an accommodation all around, and may result in great good. Send or bring soon as possible. Specimens from both trpland and bottom would be desirable;- . R. W. Fcka . Prest.8t Bd. Ag. , ' t ' Furs All klnuat Iflll & Co's. ' A full etoclr rf Harness at Baner - i. ' Tasty. Thliose Otter noods at Iim !fc Co. Ladies' Furs. Mink and Fitch, at Hill & Co's. - . i I " J- A Splendid assortment of Albums cheap, Jutt received at City Drug Store, , t , t ..... . , Stoves are a very necessary article In every well regulated fonily, and the Sh'e'Jenberger ' S, J . We learn that A. S. Holladay is about to i-envive his Drug Store to the CULand Office Building, to make room in his building for a Wholesale Liquor Store., v t ,Y;, , i The Holaday'a are coming USot nice and appropriate presents go to A.Pkil2iLh's. Teare & Co., makejt a speciality to keep a full Stock of choice, staple and Fancy Gro ceries. ' ' - Prof. Docker The most polite and oblig ing gentleman in this city,, is now presiding at-tho counter of Teare & Co., which fact, warrants us in saying that there Is where you get your true accommodation. " I Mean Business, I Do. I am selling my splendid 'stock of Mufflers, Scarfs,-Gloves, Mitts, Ovrrshoes, etc, etc., right down and no mistake- Call and be convinced, at J. 8. Hetzel's, No TO McPherson'a Bloc! :. " , - ' '" v -'' . Ermine Fure At Hill Co's. Notice The Berry Washingtonlan Asso cWion will ieetiext Sunday. Nov. 22d, 1808, at S o'clock, over theold Land Office Building. Comfortable seats and good fires. All are in vited to attend ; especially new members with the necessary qualifications. W. II. SMALL, President. . p - , -. Latest Lady Washington jicayci Hoods, atlltll&Co's. . . iij 1; j Vr4 Ho, Stop! Stop!! Stop !1! Go and try netzel's Pulse Warmers, Scarfs, Waterproof Boots, Artie Over Siloes, Fur Caps, Fur Gloves Lamb' Wool Glovcs.Xaaib's.Wool .Mitts Lamb's Wool Undershirts andDrv!crs.; Th good -time has come. J. .S. HrtaoL No. 51 McPhoi son.s Block. t i u Beautiful. Those Queen Elizabeth Beaver Hoods, at Hill & Co's. - Gold Ears. Not a plcaanW.-thing, nwty. time; bat when the car isxpo&cd,to the plcaX winds of a Nebraska prairie they are liable to become frost-bit ten. Hetzel, at NoTO, Mc- Pherson's Blo:k, has a preventive consisting 01 jiumers matte or Heaver, otter, Alius and Coon Fiira. Scarfs frompure wool. Call and see.' v 1 I'.-' X ,: '.:: ' i.h f f The attention of qur roaiera is caBed to the advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cnrein an other part of this paper. This truly Valuable Mediclue Is recOiru-riJed by ajl who Usot, tteau uie certincaies. I seen her at the window, ' " It was my dear Lucinda, . . r . She looked so sweet. . . . And dresseil so neat, i. C I'd gin my life to have been dah! Why? Becnu.se she buys. her dress goo d and trimmings at Teare & Co'. . All kinds of Woolen. Goods.uost se:ison able at Teare & Co's. G. S Beall, opens up this evening in our High School building, a temporary Business College, teaching Penmanship, all style. Book Keeping, etc. II U method iscsentudly his opu, mid possessed points of advhtittL'e whicla thijse desiring to improve tltc-Ir lidtnd vrite; b? 1-Jarn Book Keeping, should avail themselves of at once. The river is nearly closed at this point with mush ice, and running very slow. You have a desire to do well in this world as most people have, and desire of eoure to make your money buy you as good an article as the market affords at as low rates as possi ble. This can be done at the wholesale and retail dry goods store of Theo. Hill & Co., who keep nothing but what they can warrant, and can and do fell at as low rates as any house in the west. Our word for Jt, you will save money, by dealing willHhem. , "For Bob Sleigh Hhoca and Sleigh Cutter Wood Work, go to the rioneer Stove fctoi-e. ''Blow, blow thou wintry wind, . Thou art not so unkind "'" As friends rememU'red not ' And that man certainly ihis qwn greatest enemy who doth not cloth himself from that magnificent stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoenf-Mitts, Gloves, Rubber Goods, Muflers, Scarfs, Overshoes, etc., which is being told cheaper than thecheapest all on the eastern one price systrm, at No, 70, McPherson's Block . .. : . A few of the choicest Orocerhsy the sun ever shone on, nt Tlieo. Hill & Co's. . Hale's Patent Meat C'ltter and Staffer, for sale by Shellenbcrger Bro's, 'la the most complete thing of the kind ever invented. It works more toadiIy and- easily than other meatuttcrs, doing, with the same amount of povert four times the amount of v.urk ;'if custthc wicHt without, tearing if;' it ennjbc easily kept clean j the knife ia kept sharply the action of the rollers; with stufier attach ment it btufis with greater rapidity and uni formity than any .other stuffing, macldne.iu use, and the work of botli can.be done ut one operation! C For Bots and Shoes that will' wear, and at prions a Io as any, go tsiireare A Cq?. . .'. m , -T . I Will venture the assertion that no live man in America can sell No. 1 Clothing, Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes and Fur G'tods clieai-er than J S Hetzel, No 70 McPherson's Block He believes tljai ftoYtfirable competition Is healthy and therefore fists nooddVof any man, belleveimz that he louirlit as cheap asany one could buy in tha Je' Yoj k jTinricet fojr c'aili," he, .VfiJUofct v;irat pr blr, dcf.esfa'llV'iOVl-; nations orcoijipcUtionand hss Uid du Itj to etui yhere Uu-y inay non p mrotig.y d t-ntlre'stock free of eharg6.Boy where Tm can da the best, a,t J S Hctzen's, McPherson's Bkck iij l: r!. j n. Old Ladies, fluting a soft siMj.to fit over their corns nicely, will calf at' McUibbous" store, where they will find just the thing. They nre so nice, Final Restilt ! irt rex-elvedat the Red Store : Dry Beans, Hominy... , ., . Dry Apple, t ; Dry Peaches, Dry Currants, Dry Cherries, Raieus, ... . .. Citron, Pry Black berries, Dry ljucklberrles, Pearl Barley, Tapioca, Macaaroui, Cove Oysters, Can Peaches, .Can Strawberries j ' Can Black6Jrries," Can Teas, Can Corn, r Can Quinces,. . a ' Ciiri TomatoiV, Mustard in Jars, M ust ard i u glass bottles ' Mustard Dry, .' Black Pepper, White Tepper. f ' Itemoved. The Por?ry nfo shareTemov ed their Lund Office to McPhersoa'a Blotk v They net upon the frt.ntdooranalj CG A.'. Where softly phone the moon, .. And listeneil to the music that Catne from the benr saloon. His manly aria did rouud her twine, ,, Their lips In kisses met; , And when he asked, "Wilt fhoube mine?" She said, "I will, you bet " Arid as they heard theliitlodeOus call, - For lager beer and brelzelsf " ' Says h, You look so swutLatli ni L In those clothes you bought at Hetzcls." ' . - , , . . lrOXAl.l o -r -s :" Bmembcr, jonng man, ad yoa etrlve for love,1 ... . i rTo "Tt jthers make the ttrrytl JT.! So buy yor goods of IloUel, . -- : And yeu'U tlwaya be j rcerred. , FLOUUt-WI nerv sack-,..-., .SI.OO CORN iAiHikCv old, , 14 MEAI t1 ' s' 1 ....-...-- BACON i".. .?j:a...-.i.-...w' xi . " Siioulders V i, ' " Sides V-if --4, ,r, LARD Cauned Vti...... SYRUP Uolden . gal " 1 Su-r-jr House V cat... - COFFEE J i vav lt.. RIO?- ? CHEESE iew York f actory lb . Cuntrv -f. lb ... TEA Trnpt:1il J & " Black m - - " You ocr Hyson , It CA!N'DLr'tar V 4-5 S3 -2 23 . 1 ' , 2 W Tallow P. f.., APrLES-i-D.ed V fi " (j.reen'f' bushel PEACHES Dried r. I-OTATOES-New tmshel..V;...:. " ; bweet pounds. . COAL OIL 'f gallon ... 2 00 - 2i ?. 6 - TO "25 BUTTER V lb ...30&4O HONEY-? -ft - ONION V bushel SALT per barrel LUMBER Cottonwood per 1 25 .-. 4 30 ' ....2 W2.2 25 a 5 i0 ' . ...8 00 Oak .... AVnlnnt ....... I'ine :j..-.'...a. SLlIINOLES Cottonwood-per IO00.....2 w LATII- Cottonwood per 1.J0.J...,V - ' x Pine .' ,:.J Ml-OOD Irr Harl per cord..;...,. ' 6 " HID1 Dry per K1.fr .-Ti rrr;..r. : ...ft..r.r.n 1 j. ling WOOL per pr.;.::r..u.....?...f.r.v3!gVJ AND j :i.nv :K oj S y. No. 59 Main Street, Brownville. . ' JOSIl'II SIIUTZ, lias. tus--V.rvfenel, aud, will constantly la-nf"f ti h.-isi.l s larte and well aborted .tr.-lr oi' ir'iniiii n.i tJc.l.. in his liittH i : Repairingrof Cl-cks atelieaand Jew-J al y-1 rn f TAiV i rtV ar- - j.- - ALL, WORK V.' ATtRAKTF.fi. pin0Ceiling, in abundance ivEiawfrrTEt: & eIrsman Brownvllie City Meat Market. . " No. 60 Main Street. ' ' ': . TT77; pay the hirf Vr.i rket price for good Beef VoL"tr, vilvci, tShcrp nnd Hogs. - SPECIAL! NOTICE" Woman, FemaJe, owing t((be peculiar and laipnrtanj re Iatii4 uhlcVthey wiWaiiK" their pc!ia irn- IzatUiu, and theofflces tfcey perrorm, sreau'yecv t iuany suBerings." ffeeluin fri.m tfiee coi.trTbuTe in no small decree l th pit bapptnesa and welfare, for Done can be happy who pe iot "JJ ,bat no one of these various leuiaio coaipiaiuts can long be tuarei to run on without ir."olvicg xba geue.-a) health of the individual, ai d ere long produce perma nent sicknwa and permature decline- '"r is I. piei. aat tocutiKult a phyajclaa k"foTtili.reael dCthwcM s, ndnJj .uj.oa the inosi j various dedicate aQcctions, tirceDtnece.-sitv will a true won.in to tar sacnuce her greatest . chariiui to do tiiis. The tex wiinnen tlianlt p lor placing ii'i itie.rTiantl-, siniple .'pecifls whith v.-i!f be fuf.nl ertlcaci'.n's in reKt ving 'aiid rnr1n3 hTfr:?"fT ni n f .rB'.-iiff rn'nh !P WBll. eTTni plaiui-ptf4-iii-t'v!46 s)u . -r- V . lietMcei iTJLaf jo. i-tcac-BjfcaJ'aJs sufler o iu siience, audiiiiuUicd otoUiei.s apyly vaimy to druj;pi.sts ni.d . ctors. who ei'lier niere.y taaiailie' tliwu wd's le tips' f6i 4urV rTajij renieoiei ..wnich loal.e ,11 o.-Trsei i jwpai.ru wiu tl .4ft anyWirf ilavv01l, 4 idjJdcJ t. the afflict(dT)ut I ahfuBneatosartTiat-hrnirjugn ir may be produced frm--'-es.-i exhauMl n 01 ihe 1 powcisof lite, b ia&utyon 'dnii'lovmpiit, uiiwhol CHouie air and food, profuse niensu uaiioii, jttio u.-e ot tea and Mllee.' aill fM'.jirteDKa.ridttrJ.'fi is tar of.eni-r capsf-d by direct irritatiop, applied to the uiutLUs uieuib.aue yf Afie i!ii-i:ial.oif ; We reviaw ihecau-e o'" tbse distre -Bing "coin- pUtfajtf," H lv must piiful ft toiHemp.iite lAtl at--) teudant evils fii,-Hxi p KUlieas.' Ii is but timy pie justice to tbe subject tu enumerate a few of the many addiIlol cases wh c4 so lalSKly afTect tha life, beuMli.t baj pmess of woawia tn au clHs-e f society, aud wj.itii Owns, yuimt y, aQect mote ot.!ec direciiy, the we.tare of ihe entire haiart f.imlly, Tbe mania tl.ar exis.s r,n prec -civ us eiucaiton and mar b?e cause-ihe y ar 11, ai nature designed t'iX t'rp4;al deve.op.'ienl ta bu ws.t'd and pe. verted in ihe e-t. aiu.s 0 d. es.,ibe ai ly i.tiiKnieui U Clluvl) anii pppecialiy in ih; uiibea.lj) axc.ie.uea l' 01 tbubal.-rvou) Tuu, w.ili .Te tt -dy b Jl-tio Urd-: and ts.p nniid iiud iiy exuied ly iIc,:ui e, pirvcr tiug a iM!n:gbi :vei tbeUi.uro ..e.Mg .id oy u.n. if tr sleep aud rest, the wui oi uenurucuuii is ba f accouipli,hed. in coneqnence of this esrly slrain op ii tie' system- uin-tces.-ary- eff ort is rt-qui ed bv the deiicn vi taito reiiin, lu-r fuuMi.m mfh t)T"at a later d'a4bust ati;rvaa4iig ih-vri AVut-a u eacite intiit is over, aii.j her in pnispective cfT" the mind ia.'i Liii.9 ct m-i JTe tu imp e i tt.e nov ci.uuti.ietrHiut of. r-i 'n e e)r, lately fen bidaii. the exe cise ind.tspttnsibie :o liie aitain ment and rt-teuln.n f v.-f pic health aud strei.g n ; the exposure 10 ngbtair; ti.e tuddeu chive f leniperatu: e ;tbe cuta.rete pruFtrnti- n prauced byi txce-sivc dai.tii g, UiU.t, i,f-aeentuy puMiuce tt.e. lepsli'lrtiCit vflott At iast. an :aro"u)arrlaj ai theiitij-.'l'inise:y. and the- i.nf- rui.iaie pte, hubtr.o m Utterly regard ts, of the p.ai 1 d.cletes ai.d rrm.riiMraf.ces of her dai.'cate alure. beo.nies an ui.wil ina mbject of mcdual treainivnt Ttns is but a tT-itr,ui -c.itfji of 4Ue experniiueo 1 h u-i-aud.-of 'u'r young VJuiiieu - I.01 g bef-.ie te abi.iiy t exercl-e l c functions i f the ;enei alive oigans ir.cy 1 eqnn 8 an eduoaiioii of their icuiiar nirv.iu- sjteni, c ui, osc of wh.it is called the iiisoe, wb.ch f, in coiauijii with the teuiale tronrt and lips, evident ly under the Control of menial etu-nloris and assoc atiuns -at an earjy ptf. nd of me; aud. as we s..a:l subseatiiuy see, tlifte em Hons, when excessive, leJ, long before pdii nty, to babils which sap the very life . f thetr. victims ete uaiuie u-s toif-coinpieted tbear dcvel- oitnent. " " 'or Female hps ness and Debility, whites 0? beacon bu-a Too Profuse ileusli ualioti Cxbausltonn Too Long Coiitimied reriods 1 for Proiapus and i aring ..wu. or i-roiapsua 1 ipn, w.o.ur tlie most perfect spec ttu kn..u : HtLMBOLU s to.vf- roiNu txmct OK KctHB. JJirev-.ious fur u e. diet, and ad ice ate jiiipaiiy - - Females 111 every pe.iou of life, from infatcy to ext. erne old ge, wil H.kI it a r jrueily 1j aid nature in the discharge f i luncijons. isireng b is the klry of niaobomi and. woman Uovd. i 11 E1..mdold'4 Kxtkact Beiliu. Is More stieDgiheiung than any cf ihe urepai aiiona of Bat t or Irtu' in Unit el v a:er:- and uiore i.tf a.. hut Hn.MRm.i.a tvnurr 1:11 cha- bavts received the indorse mi ni of the m.i. p.Tiiineot phf-Uiana in tbe Ctiiicd Btaies, is now uerifl to sBlicted human. ty as a certain Cure Io I'.e f. Mowing diseases at.d j mpioms, from wtiat fcer Cause r gmaiing; General Debility Mtuia; uarnysicai repression, imuetimy, DeLtuuiiiaUcn tt tia 0.1 to tae Uead,-kMv.ufe i.Jas, tUf.teT'ia General Irritability. lie?; lOssness aiid 6 eepie-S-ness at Nigut, Abetice of Muscular Htc euc, Loss of appe-jve, fHrsvfn, S'eticijiiiou Jw spirits, DlSor!aiaIlur or'earalysrs of-the ffganstif Gen eration, Palpilaliuk-vC. It e Jieatt, abd, in fact, all tbe concomitants of a nervous and Debi ilated state efi iheyu-ai. To insui ihe Ketiume, cut this ur. tor llEtMLD 1. Take no other. Sold by DiBfgtnta aial Vea.era eVf.ywtrere " Price $1 0 per 4o;li"e, fcr his buttles fov-,60. Delivered to ony addiec.v Describe ympioms:in all conimuni caUMi. Addre.- H. T 11 alUa ISOLD, Ding and Chemical W rehouse, IVt B.oadw&y. Ne 1'orh. Huiia are peuume utiles done oft iu ateei-en pravtd wrapper, with fac-anuile ut my tlwmical Warehouse, and sici.ed H T. HKLJfUOLD. A Lecture to Youug Meii,' .. Ar'S ojtv ri icot-h ceuis. , , A Lecture on the ' tfatnre. Treat ment aud Radi.-al Cui e ot Siermatvrrha-a or sema nal weaknets. luvoltintary K.i. 1st. lots, Sexural DehillryAautf linpe irments io Maniage generaiir ; Xerotstjen, Coueumptioii, alpilcpsy,. aud- Pita Afei.tal attd Physical ncaoa-iita resotin (torn Self. Abtise, lcc -J- ay KOBtHtT-J CCLTKRVi;i.a,-41 D.. Ailr-of the tirevalijok " &.e. " :. 'ibe-Worlrt re no w ii a J anihjr. ia this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from oia t-wu apt(rieuce that the awful eotiseqa,-nce or Se f Atimg may a eltHCtu .iy removed wi.nout tu0n.io,' ati4itrc odl aii(reaus urgital operat lojrsi.-.btuKi. inasrn nittitt, rmiiii, or cordia.s, pouitlnf ui a.tmsae of cure at Uc4 Tlii.ir,iin eflactaai, 'bywbich every caiieiei, uu iiuiui o. ui jukii 40W uiay he niav ly. privately,- and ' radically I LI, PHOVK A BOUN-tU TilUL'. Tina Ltfu km, ill rau K a BOUN-tu Tiluu SeM under eai,'t oi.y address, in a plain tea led ettvek.pft.orf the iectia:f siVceau, ariwo pwy tauip-. also DrtCulvrwelt'H' arriag OaVle i price -JiteLta. adi e . ful. twts 14 I. t-'.-y CHAS.'Ji KLINE i CO 40-ly "'l?lBoMfPK r. -tVIp O 4, 586 . t t- -. Good Kcitt (o the AfflUcfied ,A 'Five 'years' an-, while travel: thtut,Ss..afrf Arencx lor my halih 1 His-Mvered a r. med.Vwh ch win penna' tr.tiy cure any 'rase of 8;,erm io"rlea fniuiaf,wcaktfeH, Cain-ed by se;f kbwe' or sexual excess m -mature jeais, in firm wo t . weess It can c usu wttbout the know e .pe t ai-y one. bent .stcjre.y seaied tr.m oiiservat:ou. 'ttnd warran .ed to effcci a permanent cure or money refunded Pice, ft ve Packaija surtiwciH. if, cure the mL in- veteiaie case Air leiters of inuanV f.eirfiiir atiswttied.. Addie- 12 4-.lv Juli.V N B. W1LTUX, S' Louis Mo. . To tho Colored. People. I have discovered a preparation to straiiibteT the u... i sue. Lu.r.mffl my preparation sir.iFLjMi U-emost inkr i,a,r ou anj person f0 as it win Lf as si an;bt as the tair of an Indi-in, nnners have used it wiih u.ves- Wa-raated to gire et-ti-e naiisf act aa o a what u iu be above m ail ase.-N ,!-fi,i m ,)aiJ uh iu-i dire ti, us fur ut t..at.y aAJraog te..p. f Dr c. )ne.bott efr. iJ1.5o or tw.. f...r$Jf-o. Oneb-itle wij;. aiw.wef h " a 1 arsoj, ut -etT-lg Tf Rf,i f.. ever A.loess . . V. KLSEa',heanl7 9 O.ive a 'u-z-f .Bridoend Urtdegr.om. 'f Esays for y. unij m. n cm th inierest ir.rila ti.v,Vf Brtfenr.: .. Bn4 in tne ins-jrHfj-.n . f Mh nce a i.uide to the niatriinoiiial felicity aud true happi ess. sent by inu m f,,.d "1"!" ee of ehrvv Ad et. IIOWaSU asso CIATIOX, B x P., PUiiadeh-bia, Pa - , u" . . . ," i . Snperftaoaa HaH HmoVc.i ;f6'A I'j Face, Fo ehead. or any other part of ihe body, in Ct m nut., wi!hout iniu'r p.tbe.tiu, by U-e Oiieoal Kusma. Warranted 12-43 ly - St. bonis, Mo. ' . WASTED, Student.' and other f r- ' . - -Tea diem. In:ei1i7nt aad. Wumas aad- Wumau- i.n basiaess pai inj $1 t.. 8200 per montb., acaJia to ab..itr.Fr pari.ec!-id. Ck. 111.- " . . . .-.rL, cfst ! Til e h iw o ti.dj. e H Id of Pa;r.t Medlclces Ptrfumery, Teile, - ,!, C, - ..Wiif s, tv dial. Soap?, Hair lives. Gu's. D'u.J:r!s; Po made, CurljtiTlOI'ts. Hiif-Sotd Perc5pt. nd httndreds ofi art' Jr- !'.riii!y "Ufl; eartly . niaiie, aodel at prui'. s. It ca all -jbe derful V'O o. Tbin rd i.i.Uuu. F.f'V tU..ujnd 1- ready tola. 12-43-ly Pcs: paid to ary a.llresi InrfiOcsuU St . 1 tna, 114.1 DWTWWtt's Conception Preventive . 1i fwKl by over three hutt'lrti il"09isi!adja cf the AUojeKute6 alone, an.) t. a larse a .raber in Hie rvV "tn would not be wuho-H it Tvr ten tiroes It cast. It is to tbls Preven'ive iiat . tlia biotb tbose Sl'k owe their tmrnnntty from JirFSiauiUies. It tsaholotoly certain, c .nrpnient lo oe a" J withal benpacial t.t Lea th. a l,rtfji is cnniina- then oe'meanj perevt!y ui.rsl and proper-" Send (tamp lor cgmplilet. coutalaitij rBllrrt,;Vu,r. Address bR. i. G. ' WILBER, . . (P O Io"509i) JU at. Charles street. St. I ons, Ma. Dai?? Catarrli, Conanntption and Cancer Cured. A ffHffij on DernP, Caiarrli, Consumption and Janrwf their .-causa. uieinf pedy relief and uUr'e cure. Uy a Pupil of the Academy ot MeiJi.-inejE'arl-; fU'.n to gi;y adf res lor 10 cents. Letter from Rob't MciFily, I) O-, LL.O.tGi aja. Preike'tJSrand Eucampment o C, 3,, ami Jiuiior ot the Sa.tional Free naon ; -:. 1.. New Yohs. S?pt. 17, 1E67 Drf iyL5iL was :i, charge of Grace Church Hosi4l. AixiidriaVa , duriuavka war. lit ueul y,aldtH.Jldai!',.r ii! whs, Tisiled-Uifs fiu"-. lital, and had every m-wans j wii g his rapuu tioa ivr 5Frici.scyiiid skill. It vu of ibe iiio ''cie2Ti'at:e char.jteriHiid bis aucce4 In tLs tf eatmeut of patieutS"- is r.; mr hie. i i i k max acvfR.'arv. i pertej't ioU,muvei tinging nouet in f he htad, euaoiesdeaf persuus thfardL,Mrirt!y atchurchand putnc,aseaibjies. This totruu:)C wiiref taa pr ducer('?W afrftost niiracu Wus and "Tricjl.-ia ase of loogltaufflrtti death (?., i Will relieve in a hort time. It muy be adjjitted'- 'Httf-tije t apec til! be profeTsfonalry at 81 East Watibington place, Univeriijr-Mu;Jdiupst K. I., aanj, iu to 4, except Tuesdays." Wliru be wi , Vi .xt-jf-.pm - v. ' - I i 1 m ' - - r Atfann Vxr 1.1 ttiuoi.th clean face or arm ? yhefffntf Rj. eCs lr.fali.,t ie Depi atory tor removing all KperrlBu hair f rum the body ithort pain or injury to iue skin. The most ibstitiate casec1jy:e.ti)i,ir"Ui tP to flfieen days Thuusa-Is hava'jfcjimuth sifcoess. Price per package $110 or tvv.j tur i2,23, sent vost p.iid to any ad!.-e-s with full directions for uaaou receipt of price Address F- 'iiOitoSbenitft 4i:9 Olive St. St. Louis Mo. Dr. tVIiittler i Has been fcpfef .eBgaietrTn tho treatment of Chronic, 8;4aJ wid li-'ci'u Disease Uiaa an; o'aiit.MaMia .. - . syptnrrrTn att it - frrms. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stn-ture, OrchiiiiY'thKbrrMTMiii ait atJeotiinB of the Urinary andtjexeai tngati, are treated with the ifTeaiir eTjwea.- - - - - - -. -, Spermatborrhea, Se-yja.1 ncbij.iiy and Imprdeocy, the result of teir-iud ini youth, f exuai ex tesses in maturer years, 'rtiirh proltce-8oni the tolli-wing eriect, as blotches, debility, dizzi- w. .1 ..t jcrlii ii&i'uj.ii.n .1.1 iil- -mvl fi.f etidlnf-.aei4ioitt society uf emaie, lossof Dlmrf anfsexdaf jiower, apd rendering aiarriage receiving a radical cure. j Particular attenticn given to all Feitisle C di piaints; lullaninjalion aud L'lreratuii ot tho Womb, Leucorrhea, Chlorisi. Stwri ity, &.c. Most eatetxattfre MEp?riy trp d.aTtattutacu ureriew, at:d m jlcirtes wnt by cije r txpreso, securU free from observt;on. Cc"i.julti;a nylotierartUotBce rREE j. Ctiu-gss msdaraua a!:dctM"e.-jaiaxruxeed.. 53Of1ce, witli hospital accommodation lor pa tiouis. Xo. 617 ii Cnar.es street, beieeu Sixth and Sevonlh, St. Louis, ilo. i Kverybody can pet, in a sealed envelope, my tbcorj uudt.eaent ol-fao. a:iti-V4;iary Dis eases, coritainipp rtiil syrn.'.tfrd lists, for two po jase 8taus;"a"l?'o7tfty t'apPrTrtatinf"fo Ctronli and Kc-inalC Complaints, for a three cent stamp. 12al7 ly . . j Slmllla Slinilibu Curaniur. i numphreys II tiia p.ith c Speciiics have proved, from the lu.-sf aiupie expui u-nce, an entire siirce.-s) simple, prompt, eu H' ut ad reliable. "Tl.ey 'ire the only iuc.1 cu.es iPrl'eetiy adafTpd to'TT-jAiArti?r' so s;inpieihal m .-l.iKes cai'iu-i be uiadi; iu using tum; so harmless as-to be-4 ee lr. m duge 6 .rpoiTito atwajs' rmKbie. . lLey bave rjs' '&-f b ' e i-iiii.-ii iatiu ttoai ai., and Wil afwayf'uaiVt sUt.sfLctioa: '- -' ' " ----s Cents. 1 CiiresVerrrs, Congestions, Inflimstion 25 2 cures Worms, Wiru Kvrr. Worm C..1.0 -J" 'i cures UrymR-co.ic or Tetjiii.of o: lui.iiij 2 j 4.cu.es 1' rsrrho-o! chiidrepor adl s ,..5 ft cures lysi..taryiripiiig or UiiiK.us co.ic.;....26 Scuruslh l ra-Vii roij Voniiliag...., ;.aft ? ture. CouAsc.Us. Lrinctutui , ...K5 b cures Neu. aV'ii,' looibachf,-' face che 25 JCcu t s ncudj.ii). ;Cii beai'U-'l Idwcures l.y.-pep.i, Hi lions s4..e heai'U'he, vertigo.... 5 liLcu.res ly.-pep-,i, Hi lions s4..cuch. If cuics iii presiie" or pa'inlai perwdi.; 25 1:5 25 w6 ......60 ......6u ,....6l 10 50 6J 50 lcures Whites Wkj prol use periods ljxures Croup, c ti.k, difficult bi eatUing.... H-curea Salt ihuuie, t-rjtipelaj, crnptious... 16 cures Khcuniatisa, rhifuuialic .kiis, lt-:u'es Kevcr and aue,. chil I fcVcM , airut.. 17 cures Pi.es blind i.r hjecdir.ir .7........'.. lS.cuie.s Uptbaiiny. ail.! Siite or we.ilt eye 19 cures Cataih. accute irba :c iuilu..t.za... ittcures vt boopiiig-CjDsi. vjleut e-.,i:ghs iTcures AslLma pprt-ss. iUUi.eatliiiig.....J... "i sures Kar d.scbai fit's. in4.rou it-ai ing. ...... vd cuies crolUia, eu.a. gedi :uds, sweiUogs .60 21 cures (ieuerai tieui Itr .hjs.caj weakness 60 25 cures Dropsy, ai.r! pii.iy secreiniis... .6d 2curcSea-o:ilir -s, S:Cfcne.-s from riUluj ......60 22 cutes K.ntne.. -diseases. tiraeI.,i-........-.....:.fttf 2S cures NtrroUa dcbiiny, seminal ennssioUs, in voluntary discha. ges 1 00 29 cures sne mouth, tanner 50 30 Circs L'nnaiy wcakuxss welling btd 50 3 cures Painful periods, with spa-ins 50 ii cures biiHei it ts at chance of life 1 00 AS cures Kpiiei sy spasms, fat Vuusdai.ee loo J cures Dip.hena, u:triltlrMM' tLroaL... ....., L.50 toiiiny cses of a5 to U targe vials.- on.i- Kcc- or losewo. dTSsf rentafrtTi ? sceciiU- for every ordinary disease a rVifisTi .i....V......t..,..i....,.-$oto$3d SmaHer Fihl.y'i..rr'rae.fi.'CasC?, with ' - 20 toiri via!.-, from 9 to S3 Speciiics for an Pnyaie U.sp.is-s . both lor Curing and Pre enttye 4'reatateut, Iu. j via ;s and packet cases $2 to $5 1 Pond'i lUtracl cures Bm us. Hi uises. bamene.-s, Soreness, Sore Taroal. Sprains, Toothachf", Karaclie, Keura:?ia, Itlieumatism, Lumbapo, Piles, Boi.s, $uua..ii4tre Jiyvs liietduii of the Lungs, Nose, Stoiiuch, or of Piles; t'onis, Ulcers, oidaores. AtT Price 5d els lo $1,75." l . . These Remedies, except Po..d's Extralf by the case or single box, are sent to any pan or tSe coun try, ty mail or express, tree if charge, on receipt of th.- liMce. r Ad:3isTI1Mtji'eT,s spryprrcs-i v- rr f ' u ti ii ;' a iasc iitimtNatca . 4 Office and Depot N". oiii Bmadway, . Y ! Dr. Hunu hrev is cousuitid dai.y at his s oilice, per-I j .o Sonally or Ly letter, as above, for ,! .im For sale by -'. AicCynAS a CO., ' j.y J BrotvuviJe, 'eb".' Van Solon' Papulehn Lotiou. Tbe greatest remedy ever discovered fur1he dif eascsof ti.e Skin, t.urcs eveiv kiud ot unsightly e uptions of tl.e fat e. 4oin ves,. wiibout. fail, Pimplit. Freckel. Moth JiUtches, Comodine or Wack ivorms Tan. 4c, and as a fcear.liuer it baa n-j i qual . For pent 'eincn after shaving it is inval Oab e Ladies, alter trying it, will use dj otiier. Papuican Loiioii" is the only re iabia retuedy for di ee.itVlem:s!ies of the SJtui P. ice one dollar. Prepared uu'y by 5r V.IJ COI.t7., Ol. LUIII', Jill. For Bale by Diug?i-ts gene'ally. 12-45-ly r" r .tk.tr ' i Corner Main and 3d Street, t BROWNVILLE .y-f - -..NEBRASKA. Sirs Fancy Gbod-S aifcITJolIons, V.'iiich ehe will sill nt reaonr.flo prices. .-".'i-. is ii.ntan!if in recti rt oi -m;v. una y.tut Patterns for -. -'. . DiesT and Cloak Making, tovhich she peys'purticular attention. V-f : Flutins, 5 ' : 'ibis's Stitcltins, Eraid tic, doaa t order. iiitsoirs TIC1I . 4 ... ... ' t at all the principle Fairs in ihe World, ery Machine warranted for three years, strtrfttons free. ; - 1 ; ' - - - Et-In- 0FFICE-AT THE-BAZAR. 3-tf injprarir anf. eticearj rf , ( SI ; feii,i?u!'9!B4;rtc,ai C-'Usetr ptfi.ti yspepsia, CUrolMilJlaiilA iift A.l!;.aio-J Uetru,iiiup tue or 4 ny other chr6nlialfecrlo'n,"U'Ta,reiy upon jf t . " l -l- i i vr.-" BHEE B f 4 -"- 4 8 0 0 DS cf tho absst a Just Received by Ivlrs i ui a 3i?Plj ci son's JUock Iva!er3 In Iiiooiis; CIlOCZRXIIS. lajdie's, G'.n'.t"A Cldldrens' E00I3 AND SHOES; QUErirSWAHE, ' GLASSWARE, ' At irrlPLEMEIJTS. IT S 1 GAB?ST3,; v ' Forming, perhaps, the i Most Complete j ii ;r:xtciiiic stock j offered to Wioleaale-or- Retail PURCliASERS," "j Yv'est of.the Missouri River.' Never having hem out-; done for extent of stock or Fair Uacalimc, thwiment the coufidoiiee a.'id palronr.goof AL L ! No Our C'X)ls wer nil Ai:d wean prepared On tlie Casli Sys fcein , To give the-Public sush bargains as will D EF? CO 1 PETIT! 0 From any sotirse I Call and Examine 'ices eliiDer - ' Cuntilfting of - - SIDING, j.. CSILIMG, FLOOEIIi G, FINISHING, SHINGLES, T. A T TT w t DOORS, -. i SASH, Glass, Putty and Cement, iofflce r-1 HED ST0BE. p " V" of. TBE itlkh!.VTED i f r . - J s.. . . : . " T7 Arc n'T made by the , i f- P 1 1 P ! ST. TJ.OXJI. ziiiyr. vrrt r-known a: I LA K CO 'KlNvi alOVF..S havo h-r-u before ti -. in- since lssi. acfl fUi-oreiiin)f vear has ad.tet ' toe ir p.iilantv, until thu n:i.".- litis b-CfR.e la .iii.ir in every household ia ti.e West and ."-otita lie tSi-niiiinl f'.r oi:r Vow Olin.-1'tei Osil ist ve;ir t'veatt-r than weeii!'l s"ip!'Jy with th tt-s t:i n DW.it!j antieiiMiriaj; srul j?rer de i-iiidiai"i2 5ttj pres'-nt vear, we b:iv; mH pat r.is fr sf .-.-r:il a.'. l;ti.n.l si-s, an-i are prejiaretl i tn.intii:M-t.ii-e l'20to i:U HAftTER OAK STOVES. n!V day, of T W IZNT Y-KI 1 1 r 1 I r FEIt ENT S 1 Z F.S. V'e jruavantie the operation of every stove w j la.i'ifit.-tiHf, and o.ler as ri-ii-rence any one oi inc ijt.- Ui .n-a'.i'U that have been sold, uherevet rv'n.av !. io.iii l Nelth-r labor r-r expanse has eii stinr.-lt.i:.:-.i.e war NEW C1IAUTEB OAK VKKFiCT CO0ltI.tt STOTE, ,1 rv oSVr it t tli- trade rs the DEST CON rnr.TKi, MOS'I" DL'l!i!LK and CXliOUil i.eitift CUKIiAji- l'iVK in t.'ie mark. t I-, ., ..i.tio.i t . ir K Yri.N-l K IU K BLSI "5S re ure pre -art.. i fit.Jer to Stve Dealer atiaoiUlh nd irs.in Us, trade, thclarci: and enip.t'i' t- a .s-.il'iieut t" Metals an i lmuers' j.J.iWaipW 'i.tii;-;:n v'vr.:ii'.e n t.rive liljeml .... iX ...fverj of i'KKN'CH fcl-VSirEDl 'INt:: liMN'iVAUK aiH Iiat-rs' supplies.! ivtn-x i"-.-:-)'::V.- r-'-.Tii --1 "he pri -t oftS articles oil trir.VV SI Ni'K (. IL'UK, webciiev-iteaiersaDd ! .:-ei-e:-.wi:i nl it to ii-it.. ia'Teit to send "Ca.i-.jue .ia i i'.-ve l.ls' .a:i K ourpricea . -.iiv!..-i.!-r e:i-ni h- ft. A';;-i ;j : t i:iigii sjAXUFi cp., . ... tt. Louis, liissjuri. SHELLENBERGER BROS., Brvv-'nvUl'?, y:h. worth oi Stiles iTlieo. Ill & Co., m .x e -n. ,ir . AT jj. T8. liooas ciri Ten ii . tt rdr--A a. MAirs colu2H7. . ; . . - - - - V HO, m21. i AT HOME" To all old Friends and Customers and he Pnblic generally, fur all ' . time to come. IejiodeIIiti goods HEADQUARTERS FOR ft s HEADQUARTERS FOR WE WILL V'OT DK UNDERSOLD On any article ia our line. We will sell for ca..b to anybody. On Credit to Nobody. ' We buy forcasii. and we .stall sell for ensh. Aud , bsving no bad tlebts, we j.r. p sf Xi give our customers the benefit arising frr-m THE GASH SYSTEM In Low prices and Sect Goods. DRY G We shall keep a fu'I a-nortmini. of sta fancy Go-ids. Nolion. etc., and while e sh S'aplesas low ss any hou.e in the c--un(rf , all fell not char? 25 per cent, more for II. sery, we ihaU it;., than they are worth, to "averag? pr.tiiNoiions, TOR TiIE T2I1Z REGULATOR Haa on exhibition Uie greatest variety cf Fancy and Staple Dry Goods CLOT II I SI G l p . c a e j? le t s . Ot sayhooaeia tl.e trade, and Mi arrangetnetiU ; " ar.suchtbatbere-.-eit.et . j NOVELTIES as tfcry rrr JTeTTork a'asost Jai'.y. DODS FILL MAI SheHenberrer Ercs 3!cXhrrso:i;?. Illotl, Ira'.ri ia llctrdirrfrc A':"' "., J';' " C.re, " f'tnre P(-!l?,vr.j 1 wtd X'.d-, ntfslmrtf .-on .-: Sxi's, mtsbur-j Iron im! Xtt:!, Meet-, ante's trzr. Wire, Wire, Tools, Tool,' ! Charter Oax F'evc;, Charter Oo.k stores, Charter Mk r.'"8.'dt a'fal! .T;sor1mf nt f every lulu; .' in a ;:r4 do. . . ! lioili;L.,:iii iiiiU UlUli. STOBE! . ' Which tv ill Ir. ',: r-j loi? a the laved FOU CASIIt To a'l u-Iioji:'-r va ivlih a call. No, 4D, . i ttAt rxn is ' st a pzj: a .y . i yc i DRY GOODS! Embraclii idl tlio Ncveltlcs of tae CEftI. Also ft l;irs."- -tn I v. r: sr !-vVl ito-Ii of CLOTHING-!' BOOTS AX D SHOES, HAT3 AIJJD CAPS, GHOCE RiES, Quccr.jV.'r.rc, Hardrraro, SALT, LI Mi: AXD dhir Onntli vcrr lv rht of f rat hand, and it e third; (': cr:'.i t-JJ'cr uc? induce mcnU lo j: v, cr s "? cv.rnot fail to mil iho-r :.: , ij Call and see. for' 0t'y'.!:r - All KlniTu c-. Prodnca taliea in Ex CLAiir;? for"GooJ3. .11 tlie Szn ol tlie BIG BED STEAD ! ii V.a .i-X"0 to b'tv FURHiTUnEHD UPHOLSTERY K.v -p otir.st.-tut: . o: h ,-.; 1 y. emnpl.-to a-jjort- l:.-.l .'.' Snfe., 2l .'. i: i '-r It'itr.trcj V.', H-irfi:i, i'.ocki t'hixi-t, W.'i.it -Vo.'j. JUt Ractt. KiUlen - ...w. Kitchett a.:d t. """ ani Pari r ' , '. . . Parlor, ikal'r, . ' Tattle. Tc; r. Vs.--rT .;'? Tablu, Standi, '; s . . .. ' Iamhj t" ' "ti . " ' 1 .. Ln-m-jiZ , - . . t i"tn. K.t.hm . ' ' - " " Crib.-, Pl.i::l If, Ctldirt. l.lnds VJ - fomCnrft. Standi. scr - Cornfurtt, Muttrr'-.-j. Titr-ttttt, B. i Si -l i- 'i Vi ;'.'.'. '. C'"'' c-.-f 6'tji, . (j'lf ix.J--VJ.'J ':"I-.UJ, S.:;-f. r.'o',-:. t'Utcuf SHOW-CASES 6 OFFICE WOEK JIAI2 TO ORDER! Aud f. tliii'L; i.n 1 ( vfi.vlhiii ryi nire-J to SoJ up 1 Im.i .it.-;. I.. t..- kci-jfiti All cf Hi. '.c .vi I.- i i .- it; i"";.i:i:iuf.cturel of I pat u; ui. ti.t ; : . -.A .-..erlntendeneo, wiileh eii'tl.l. s: t!.v: - U s .r.nd nrtlt-Ic-s at riiiaKr r p.kv.s th:.:: I';; .'.vi u luau'ifactutcd, , poikR , Ouv ILearso " - A , f'- ..... .'. 1 '- -r 1. ii'. the s.Tvi -L- of t!u.- nny tttne It mnylieti'-e'li- l.tutd ;.;- tt. tM'p Intu fluestyl a.i any Lutht r L- t. BfflLIC MM CASES . . of u!! hi'.-s cor. :t:i:.t!y h.-ittd, ' t 11 tV t ii V tl 1 i'ittt'Hf ,. W :.rt- .! ii:: t ' i'.sin v o.i ' stiuctly ca:;;i rni:;ciPLE3 a r a ' Si vi u 1. 1 Profit;'' aril iy ;ittT-.ii t 1 - w.-,l tlicwonN,f tin: o, ,!;;, .u :.-y. . x ;,t t ,;i i-a'sr.ijk. in U. " I a-t to r.-c: iv- t!.u l ;.!r ,u,-.o t.t t.'.c pu'ilia gr;nr.rnlly. JIrALI, ft CO. V w . . J , , nnowyviLL!: yi:r.;:ASKA. F.xehtit'-e i: .uu'-.t iv..-i s..: ! i.t, v. A th o .rln-'il-i-l it . -. A: ., :..,. iu U4-I bdwt Coin, Co:-! 1".: i GOVEHKLZZIT I3CHD3. Peps't.-, r.-- ; . . !'. ut -U'.f. Ir.t-o- i-rst pnid ti to ; .s ii.H lv s .;i,'il ajree-ru.-ut. T ., -. ; ; i , .,-1, m,;i Hi s. A!! J: r t r. i-n. S vt.-.). I have thi.j -L:vs ,;i ,-. ,- ,.,,-in, iu,..-tla the j.air.r i"..:'-:! , . T. .'.V'r. 1. Thank- ' ' Inii iv n;- u,r V.-'-r-A i-i'ror-aire N. tui.A o;i rie t;..s --at t!cv. u y.-ar. I .' ltops t .' ' i... ". i . i " r : ., j .,ir:i: to my suc et'.s.sr.r in h.isn:'-., : '..ir. i .itz is nn c x p-r-rnv .1 p::r.r.r, -r.,.-.-.t-rjt t r.f-rf-.m nil work c :tr.;.i'.'-i ti i.'i.i in a w.i kmaaliko nir.un.T, ui.i i.it iv;.,:ia;:y redm.-l c:iii t.-'P !.-. Alt f n ...-,.., v,.. rTr.tAvt- IrArtAtd .:iastl.;,;( I-,,-,. !.'-. i.'i., V.'AEUTEitj HOUSE, 55Gr,,CARRIAGE, Crjir.miirJ, Painting. Guildi, Glatln?, Pape rlianliig, ,. 17c. 15 Zliia Street, tO:..k. ..-t, ' fir .t IT..-!?zI:izt.T -- ii'if-h" .-nro i:i l (jr-vtry .store.) ! buow:: vi lli;, :;j;i)r.ASKA. t. iv. iiri yry:. rJ Ntf Ttini;iv, Tbti . rrwvruyilb Transfer Lins, JACOB HOGEHS, 1 r;":"6;;1" Btov-.t-siileto iie RailiOsidTcrminn ' of tbo C.-'trte.l 0 uinis . J.-?eph Baiirosd At Ilortll Star, TIo., iwoJti,ei!icra3io..-.:l.j.i xwft.i SiarVeny ! Gorrl Oaiiiiljassci. Clo,. C junction i . 1!